#relationship issues get it together Noah
hedonists · 1 year
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I’m so sorry Folio, I promise if that was me I’d finish your heart
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
I hate how much heteronormative storytelling links romance and sexuality together, because I just know that that’s why it took me so many years to figure out that I’m ace.
And yes, I’m specifying heternormative storytelling, because that’s the thing we get force-fed in media pretty much from the day we first get put in front of a screen.
Once we move past the fluffy Disney movie stage of life and enter the teenage years, where sexuality becomes a part of the storytelling to varying degrees of explicitness, we hit the real problem zone. *
(* For this particular issue. The forced romantic narrative in every single children’s movie is its own problem zone when we’re talking about aromanticism.)
A thing I complain about quite frequently is the lack of m/f friendships, the way whenever A Guy and A Gal are friends, the heteronormativity kicks in. Unless they’re both in explicit other (stable! not ‘this ship is meant to be broken up for The Main Romance’) romantic relationships, it’s virtually impossible for the straights to just... keep them friends. There have to be some kind of romantic feelings involved. No other possible reason why A Guy might like A Gal or vice versa. The notion of pure, actual friendship goes over these writers’ heads.
Anyway. To the point of the post. Once The Gal and The Guy realize that they aren’t ~just friends~ but really have romantic feelings for each other and once the will they/won’t they stops and they actually will... More often than not do the writers forget to actually include any romance at all.
I mean, genuinely. Their relationship continues the exact same way it was before they got together. But now they have sex. The only discernible difference between “friendship” and “romance” in pretty much every TV show or movie I grew up on was that they now fucked and kissed.
Very often highlighted even more by the fact that they’re portrayed as so fucking horny, they barely got the confession out before immediately stumbling into the bedroom to get it on. Not a single date. Not even a full conversation wasted there. Just going at it like Noah just herded them onto a big ship.
And if you grow up watching these things during your formative years of what constitutes a relationship and they influence you during your “what the fuck’s going on with my own identity” phase, they paint an incredibly conflated image of romance and sex.
Namely, that romance not only doesn’t work without sex, but even more so also a notion that the only real difference between friendship and romance is sexual intercourse.
So, even if the term “asexual” somehow crossed your path at any point prior to the “what the fuck’s going on with my own identity” phase, that gets immediately dismissed as even vaguely being a possibility if you do experience romantic attraction. **
(** And also if you experience aesthetic attraction, seeing as absolutely nobody and nothing really prepared 90s kids for the difference between aesthetic and sexual attraction. Kids nowadays have more resources more readily available thanks to the internet and I’m genuinely so glad for them.)
Clearly, I can’t be asexual because I find people pretty and finding people pretty means wanting to have sex with them and having sex is the requirement for romance and I do want romance in my life. So, I guess I’m a “late bloomer”?
So. Yeah. My two cents on how heteronormative storytelling has harmed not just homosexual kids figuring themselves out but also asexual kids, because of the ways in which heterosexual relationships have been and still are being framed in media.
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eddiezpaghetti · 9 months
Okay, so my experience with Stranger Things is a weird one.
I didn't care when it first came out, started to watch it out of "might as well" in 2020, wasn't interested in it enough to make it past S2, forgot about it outside of going "oh, hey, cool, there's a lesbian in it now, I guess," in S3, got really annoyed when "Running Up That Hill" got popular from it because it was a song I listened to on fucking loop after one of my best friends died in high school and I fully expected its appearance in the show to ignore the whole survivor's guilt theme of the song (and was very happy to learn later that it did the exact opposite of ignoring the lyrics), saw people drawing Eddie, suddenly got a lot more interested, watched just the fourth season like a fucking psychopath because I was seriously only there for Eddie, then got interested enough to start the show over properly, having mostly forgotten what I did watch of the show before.
And let me tell you something from the perspective of someone who started with the complete fourth season, who wasn't there from the start, who wasn't tainted by ship goggles or this internal battle of hope and despair, who wasn't theorizing about what the painting could be or expecting Mike and Will to kiss when Volume 2 happened or rooting for Mike and Eleven's relationship to go down in flames or whatever the fuck. Just someone who went blind into Season 4.
It's really fucking obvious that Will and Mike are gonna be endgame.
Like holy fuck. It's so fucking blatant I don't even know why people are nervous.
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No sane fucking person would shoot this scene this way if they wanted the audience to care about El and Mike as a couple. Despite being all blurry in the background, Will's reaction to what's happening here is smackdab in the fucking middle, clearly showing that the important part is what's going through his head here. What he's feeling. It's like the opposite of that scene from Kingdom Hearts II where Sora and Riku reunite and Kairi just fucking vanishes into the aether while it's happening because, despite the fact that she was standing between them when the scene began, she doesn't matter to the scene, so she's just kind of gone when the camera angle changes. Will could have been behind one of their heads, or so far in the distance he blends in with the background, but he's not. He's so obvious that despite being massively blurred out, he's still the first goddamn thing you look at. What, you think that's an accident? You think he's in the middle of this dramatic fucking scene because of a mistake? He basically has a big flashing neon arrow pointing at him with "THIS IS THE POINT" being screamed through a megaphone.
And then this?
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They're paired up like they're taking fucking prom pictures. Each one of these pairs is so fucking close to one another and so fucking far from everyone else. It's not, "Oh, they're standing vaguely near each other in a group shot," it's fucking Noah's Ark out here. Again, there's no way to take this as an accident. It's not just a framing issue. If they wanted to make the shot look balanced while still not hiding anyone else behind El, they would have scattered people around much more naturally. Even if they wanted to keep Nancy with Jonathan and Hopper with Joyce, there's so much room on that hill for three people to stand on El's left and three on her right. But they didn't do that. They put Mike and Will together on purpose in the most obvious way possible.
Like I get that coming up with crackpot theories is fun in and of itself and I'm not blaming anyone for having fun. I totally get the appeal of arguing a point and reaching for every stupid little thing to pull into it because it's like a game, okay? I've done that. But if you're trying to actually convince someone (whether it's someone who wants to believe or someone who's pissed at the very idea that Mike and Will could be in love), stay away from blue and yellow lights, stay away from costume design, stay away from the existence of closets in backgrounds. And don't worry about whether Mike's gay or bi when he's in love with Will either way. I'll give you a little tip about persuasion: You're only as strong as your weakest argument. Even if you've got strong stuff in there, too, the person you're trying to convince is going to dismiss anything you say as complete insanity the second you start going on an entire tangent about the shape of a character's fucking pocket.
Sometimes, clothes are just clothes. Sometimes, there's a closet in the background because it helps establish that a character is in a bedroom. Sometimes, blue and yellow are just a couple of colors that look nice together. And sure, it might be set designers and costume designers and cinematographers smirking and winking at the audience from behind the camera. But if the show was just those things, instead of those things in the context of everything else, they wouldn't be saying anything of note.
But this?
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This tells a story all on its own. Someone with no context can look at this and automatically assume that each paired person is standing with someone they care about deeply, seeking comfort as they watch some sort of disaster unfold. And yeah, romantic couples usually come in twos, and we live in an amatonormative society, so that's going to be the first association anyone makes seeing a bunch of people paired off.
It's the same reason you look at this
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And go, "Oh..."
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"Those two are probably a couple."
And I genuinely don't understand how people could have watched S4 Vol. 2 and gotten scared. Because as someone who went in with no investment whatsoever, I just looked at these two--
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--and went, "Oh, those two are a couple. Good for them." And I moved on. Shut up about the trees for five seconds and just see the forest for what it is.
Oh, and if you're still nervous? Little thing from a storyteller here: You don't leave a hanging thread like "Will confessed his romantic feelings for Mike by projecting them onto El, but Mike either didn't understand or at least didn't say he understood," without coming back to that later. That's Chekov's gun hanging on the wall, babes. It's gonna fire at some point. If Mike was going to reject Will's feelings, if they weren't relevant, they would have had that discussion in Argyle's van. There'd be no reason to leave you in suspense.
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veronicaphoenix · 6 months
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Title: Into the Abyss of Bad Habits — Bonus Scene I (can be read as part 4)
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Oliver Sykes x Reader | Words: 6.2k
Tags: polyamorous relationship, men in denial, a lot of swearing, angst, sexual content including p in v (protected), oral (m. receiving), masturbation.
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Sheffield, United Kingdom
Summer 2024
I had barely wrapped the towel around my body when the sound of their escalating voices pierced through the tranquility of the house. 
         They were having an argument, and it wasn’t going good. 
         I rushed out of the bathroom and down to the living room, the urgency in my movements nearly causing me to lose my footing as I rounded the landing of Oliver’s home, my heart racing with a mix of confusion and concern. 
         Arriving in the living room, with my hair tied in a messy bun and my body clad only in the towel, I was met with a disconcerting sight. Oliver and Noah were standing in the middle of the living room, glaring, and shouting at each other. Both ignored me. Luna was conspicuously absent. 
         As I gazed between them, I noted their rigid positions and how charged their voices were. I had never seen them so heated. The smell of the heavy lunch we’d had that morning still lingered, but the atmosphere felt oppressive. The tv was murmuring in the background. Noah’s hoodie thrown casually on the armrest and Oliver’s MacBook still open on the other side of the sofa. 
         “Why all the shouting?” I questioned; my voice laced with concern as I surveyed the look on their faces, their expressions, and assessed how bad it could get from here. 
         Despite my presence, which usually incited their attention, they remained locked in the tense standoff, their focus solely fixated on each other. The air crackled with palpable agitation as accusations flew back and forth like arrows in a heated battle. 
         “Oliver here seems pretty convinced that I’m monopolizing your time, and that eventually I’ll keep you away from him, as if I’d ever sabotage this relationship,” Noah retorted bitterly, gesturing vehemently towards the man standing merely six feet from him. “Do you honestly believe I’d do such thing? What do you think I’m going to do to her, dude? Hide her passport so that she can’t travel anywhere? Burn yours so that you can’t leave this country?” 
         “I wouldn’t be surprised if you did,” Oliver said, his voice dripping with frustration and resentment. 
         His bitter-edged response only continued to mount the tension, fueled by their sudden mutual distrust and resentment. Where was this all coming from? 
         “Oh, really? That’s what you think of me?” 
         Their voices grew louder, and I couldn’t help but feel a creeping sense of unease, a primal instinct warning of impending danger. 
         “Guys, please. Can you just…” They dismissed my attempt at diffusing the escalating conflict. I spotted Luna peering at us from behind the sofa. That’s where she had been; hiding. I couldn’t blame her. I had never seen Oliver and Noah acting like this towards each other, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t scare me a little, too. “You’re scaring Luna,” I admonished, gathering some courage and adding a hint of anger to my tone. However, it seemed to have little effect on them.
         “You’re being ridiculous, Oliver. You’re being jealous over fucking nothing! We’re all in this together. You love her. I love her. We’re all invested in this relationship. We’re fucking her together. I love watching you fuck her. I understand that I spend more time with her because of our residence in the States, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t think about you every morning and every night.”
         As Noah’s words reverberated through the room and filled each corner, realization dawned on me. Of course, I had thought about this before, but I’d been too focused on my own happiness and pleasure that I hadn’t taken the time to address the issue. Now, as the fire grew in front of me, the problem was clear. 
         “Boys,” I said, taking a tentative step forward to position myself nearly in between their bodies. “Calm down. Please.” My hands were raised at level with their chests. I waited a few seconds, checking if my words had some effect. When I confirmed it and earned their looks, I spoke, “I think the problem is not about who’s spending more time with me,” I told them. “The problem is that you’re both fucking me but you’re not fucking each other.” It was blunt, but given their current state, I don’t think anything else would have made them redirect their focus to the real issue. 
         My blunt assessment seemed to freeze them in place, the weight of my words settling like a thick fog in the room. This was the crux of the matter, and I was determined to confront it head-on, even if the hardest part had to be sorted between them. 
         They went still, then. My words seemed to fill the room with prickling tension. This was the issue, and they were not going to change my mind. Ever since we started this relationship, I had expected for it to be more than just me getting fucked. 
         “You’re wrong,” Oliver protested after a tense pause, his voice tinged with defiance. “The problem is not sex. It’s just Noah being…”
         “Again!” Noah shouted. “I haven’t done anything wrong. I love her! And I love what the three of us have! Where is the fucking problem, man? Why are you being such a teenager?”
         “A teena—?”
         “Guys, stop! Please, stop!” This time, I pressed my hands to their chests, feeling the tension radiating through their bodies. They pressed against me. I feared that if I hadn’t been there, things might have escalated into a physical confrontation. “Oli,” I called out. He ignored me. “Oliver! Look at me. Listen to me.”
         It took a while, but eventually Oliver met my gaze. I eased the pressure of my hand on his chest, conveying through my touch that there was no need for defensiveness. Not with me.  
         “Do you feel like Noah is not spending enough time with you?” 
         Something crossed his eyes. 
         “Love, I swear it’s not that…” Oliver began, his voice softer now. I raised my hand, gesturing to silence him. 
         “I think the root of the problem lies with me,” I continued, turning my head to look at Noah. His chest was rising heavily, his nostrils flaring. If I hadn’t got out of the shower at the time I did, I might have made it downstairs to find him turned into a dragon. This was not the anger that he exuded on stage. This was real. This was raw. And it wasn’t nice. “I’ve been demanding too much from you without allowing you both the space to explore your own emotions and feelings toward each other.”
         Noah chuckled, and I glared at him. 
         “I think we made it clear plenty of times that we’re okay with this, being the three of us together,” Noah added. 
         “Yeah, but… There’s a line that you haven’t crossed. Every time it’s there, you both recoil, as if scared to cross it.”
         “We’re not scared,” Oliver was quick to say, his tone laced with bravado.  
         Noah had the same expression on his face, which told me that they were going to make this harder than required for me and for themselves.
         “Then, why are you shouting at each other? Why are you making such a fuss about something that could be solved in five minutes if you sit down and talk like the adults you are?” 
         “Because it’s not about that,” Oliver retorted.
         I raised an eyebrow.
         “You’re jealous,” I said. “Not jealous of Noah spending more time with me. Not jealous of Noah getting to eat me out. You’re jealous because he’s not sucking your cock.” 
         Oliver started saying my name, his cheeks flushed, but stopped midway, frozen. When I looked at Noah, he had an identical expression etched his face, and when his eyes crossed Oliver’s, they both looked away. 
         This would have been funny —cute, even— if it weren’t for how angry they were. I knew better than to make fun of their behavior when they were fuming and one step away from becoming rottweilers. 
         “And you’re just angry because you don’t know how to channel those emotions,” I continued telling Oliver, “and instead of telling that to Noah straight away or getting on your knees, you decide to shout at him and accuse him of monopolizing my time.” 
         “Because he is! Are you taking his side?”
         “That’s not what I’m doing,” I replied, turning to Noah. “You—.”
         “What have I done?! Is it my fault that we were born in America and live in the same city?” He exclaimed, raising his arms in the air. 
         I ignored his comment. 
         “You know exactly where his feelings come from because you feel the same! And instead of being honest with him, and with me, you shout back at him as if he was your enemy.”
         “You didn’t hear the things he said to me ten minutes ago,” Noah chided. 
         I didn’t want to know. I just wanted to know if Oliver had been serious.  
         “Did you mean them?” I asked Oliver. “Did you really mean them?”
         “No,” he admitted, resignation evident as he dropped his shoulders. 
         I sighed, hopeful that this meant we were getting somewhere; that I’d be able to bring back the peace. I had to admit, though, that the ambience had been tense since before Noah and I arrived. The last videocall between Noah and Oliver hadn’t been very nice, and the strain between them had lingered since then. I could have noticed, but instead I ignored it, selfishly focusing on the thought that I would get to have them both together again in a matter of days, as soon as our flight landed in London. 
         “Can we sit down so that we can discuss this calmly?” I urged, exasperation creeping into my voice.
         “No,” they both replied in unison, their synchronized loud response startling me.
         My eyes widened. I sighed, hard, feeling a mix of irritation and desperation. 
         “Fine, do it your way, but I will sit down.” I relented. I tightened the towel around my body and settled on the sofa. Their brief, shared glance at my bare legs didn’t escape my notice, but it was quickly overshadowed by the tension in the room.  
         “Is anyone else happy in this relationship besides me?” I asked with my arms folded defensively against the chill creeping into my body.  
         “Yes. I am,” Noah replied. “I’m happy, too, but this moron here fails to see it. He fails to see everything I did for this to work. I could’ve had you all to myself if—.”
         “There it is!” Oliver exploded, cutting off Noah’s words with the sharp edge of his tongue.  
         “Noah!” I admonished him, my tone and look conveying my disapproval at his choice of words. He shouldn’t have said that, regardless of whether it held any truth. He should not have said that.  
         “Oh, come on,” he retorted. “Don’t twist it now. I wouldn’t be here in this house if I wasn’t okay with what we have. I told you I’m okay with you fucking her,” he said to Oliver. “She loves you fucking her. And getting her to do what she loves matters to me more than anything else.”
         “It shouldn’t be like that,” I murmured softly. 
         Noah simply gazed at me. I could tell he was tired. He didn’t want to argue, but the complexities of his and Oliver’s dynamic had ensnared them in a tangled mess.
         “It’s clear that you two love fucking me, and I definitely love it, too, so no need to go through this again. Boys,” I changed my position, kneeling on the sofa cushions to meet their eyes with a pleading look, “do you doubt what I feel for you? I have no room for a single doubt regarding your feelings for me, but I’m willing to talk if any of you feel that I don’t love you enough, or that I favor one over the other.” 
         “Kitten…” Noah began, but it was Oliver’s fingers the ones that reached my chin. 
         “You’re everything we could’ve ever asked for. You haven’t done anything wrong, doll.” 
         “What about each other? Do you doubt each other?” I pressed, feeling a pang of cold as Oliver’s touch left my skin. “You have to talk to each other,” I insisted. “We’re not moving forward until you do.”
         For a moment, I thought I did it. I thought that I managed to break through the barriers between them, that they would finally sit down and have an open, honest conversation.  
         But I was wrong.
         They exchanged glances, communicating silently as they waited for the other to make a move.
         I felt a growl building in my throat, frustration bubbling up inside me.   
         “Why are you being so macho? What’s the need for this?” I demanded. “I have no problem with you being all dominant and rough with me. But you can also be every other side of yourselves, and it won’t change the way I see you.”
         I could see my words chipping away at their defenses, but it still wasn’t enough. My frustration grew with each passing moment, a sense of helplessness settling over me as they remained locked in that stupid standoff. 
         As my words hung in the air, challenging their stubborn resolve, I expected some sign of surrender, a flicker of realization in their eyes. But instead, their stances remained rigid, their expressions hardened by the weight of their unspoken turmoil. Oliver’s jaw tightened even further, his brows furrowing in defiance, while Noah’s eyes darted away, a silent admission of discomfort.
         It was as though my words had ricocheted off their armored walls, leaving me standing alone in the battlefield. Despite my efforts to bridge the chasm between them, their refusal to let down their guard only fueled my frustration further, a searing flame of helplessness burning within me.
         With a heavy sigh, I realized that I had reached the limits of my influence. 
         “This is it? You prefer to keep ignoring the elephant in the room? Both of you? For God’s sake… All right,” I stood up, crossing between their bodies and heading towards the stairs. Luna suddenly trailing behind me in a hurried way. Turning away, my footsteps heavy with disappointment, I left them to solve the problem on their own. “You can sleep in the sofa tonight. Or, I’ll take the sofa and you can take… the bed or the floor. I don’t care, but I’m not going to be a part of this anymore until the three of us are finally on the same boat. You’re being dicks to each other, and the three of us are going to pay for the consequences, eventually.”
         Standing there was like watching a slow-motion collision, where each avoided the inevitable crash, preferring the tension to confrontation. My outburst was a last-ditch effort, a desperate plea to break through the thick walls of pride and insecurity that kept them at odds. But as I stormed out, leaving them to their stubborn silence, I couldn't shake the sinking feeling that this impasse would persist until they found the courage to confront the truth they both feared.
I woke up to the chill of two empty sides on the bed, and a pang of loneliness pierced my chest. When I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, I could see the sadness etched into every line of my face. 
         I washed away the traces of sleep and decided to make the bed, a subconscious effort to delay facing the reality awaiting me downstairs. 
         They hadn’t come upstairs to sleep. Oliver entered the bedroom around 8pm to grab some clothes and retrieve his and Noah’s toothbrush from the bathroom, and I couldn’t help but be speechless at how dramatic they were being.  
         Thirty minutes later, having attempted and failed to find some peace and strength in a short meditation on the balcony, I went downstairs with hushed footsteps. 
         I started preparing breakfast, not aiming to disturb their sleep, but the soft hum of the coffee machine and the clinking of plates and cups echoing in the open kitchen stirred Noah from his slumber. On the other side of the sofa, Oliver lay sprawled on his back, his hair tousled. As the deep sleeper he was, he only stirred slightly before settling back into his restful state. 
         I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. It seemed that at least one of us managed to get some decent rest, even if it was on the couch.  
         As Noah propped himself up on his forearms, his gaze drifted over to Oliver’s form, then down to the middle of the sofa where their legs lay entangled, hidden beneath the shared blanket.  The sight of their bodies occupying the entire sofa would have brought a smile to my lips were it not for the reason why they had spent the night there. I could only imagine them moving around and kicking each other during the night, adding another silly unnecessary thing to the pile of stuff they had been arguing about the evening before. 
         With a heavy sigh, Noah finally sat up and ran a hand through his face and hair.  
         “Morning,” he grumbled.
         “Morning,” I replied. 
         Noah took a quick bathroom break. When he came back, he walked with deliberate steps to where I was standing in the kitchen. He leaned in for a morning kiss that I was more than quick to give. He lingered by the kitchen isle to watch me make breakfast, accepting the coffee mug I offered and taking a sip while keeping his eyes on me. 
         “I expected you guys to come to bed at some point,” I said in a low voice, trying to conceal the twinge of hurt I felt at the fact that they had opted for sleeping on the couch instead of addressing their issues and joining me in bed. 
         “I wanted to,” Noah said, his voice tinged with regret, “but you made it clear that we needed to sort things out first, that you didn’t want us in bed with you if we didn’t, so…”
         I clicked my tongue, shaking my head. I placed my hands on the edge of the counter, exasperation crawling back to my bones. 
         “You know it wasn’t meant like that,” I sighed. “I was just trying to nudge you both into dealing with the real problem.”
         His silent response and the heaviness of his brown gaze on me confirmed my dreaded suspicion—he still wasn’t ready to. He still didn’t want to talk about it. Great.
         “Did you miss us?” He suddenly asked, breaking the silence. 
         Typical Noah. Whenever he knew he’d messed up, he’d try to sidestep the issue with softness instead of facing it head-on. I couldn’t help but be surprised that even after the heated argument we’d had the day before, he was still reluctant to confront the elephant in the room. 
         But when he looked at me with those puppy-dog eyes, I suddenly became weak. 
         “Every minute,” I admitted, a bittersweet smile forming on my lips. “I couldn’t sleep. I’m used to being sandwiched between you two now. I kept checking my phone, hoping for a text, and waiting for both of you to show up at the bedroom door,” I shook my head. “God, I’m turning into such a sap.”
         My words elicited a laugh from him, one of my favorite sounds in the morning.  
         “You’ve always been a sap,” he teased, leaving the coffee mug aside and pulling me close until his hands found my waist. With no effort at all, he lifted me onto the counter. 
         Grinning, I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through the silky hair at his nape. He stepped between my legs, and I relished in the familiar warmth of his body against mine in the chilled morning.  
         “Did you talk?” I inquired softly, obviously referring to him and Oliver. 
         “Not much, to be honest,” he admitted. His forehead found mine as he leaned in. “I don’t know what to do.”
         Allowing a moment for him to relax in my arms, I gently brushed a loose strand of hair from his forehead after pulling back to meet his eyes. 
         “I know you two are aware that this is not a relationship based solely on you two dating me,” I began, my voice tender. “We’re all in this together. We’re all dating each other. But you and Oli are struggling to come to terms with it,” I made a pause, my eyes boring into his, “or with what it means.”
         A flash of insecurity crossed Noah’s face, his usual self-confidence momentarily faltering. My heart ached for him.  
         “I’ve never been with a man before, baby,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.  
         I nodded, understanding without him needing to explain. Of course I knew. 
         “I had never been with two men,” I started to say, reaching out to touch his cheek gently, “but here I am, utterly in love and happy with both of them,” I tried to summon a reassuring smile, but Noah’s insecurity lingered, prompting me to continue speaking. “It was scary at first. I spent weeks worrying about what would happen, especially when we flew back home after Europe. But everything is so wonderful now, and I wish to keep it that way, but for that, we need the whole package, Noah. And that includes you and Oliver giving each other what you’re missing out,” I playfully bopped his nose, but he flinched, giving me an annoyed look. All right. “Also, I don’t think Oli’s ever been with another man, either” I added, glancing toward his sleeping form on the sofa. “So, it would be a first time for both of you.” 
         “Would you… like that? Oli and me?” Noah’s voice wavered with uncertainty. 
         I reached for a biscuit from a plate beside me, taking a bite and chewing slowly. After licking some crumbs from the corner of my lips, I casually rubbed the heel of my socked foot against the back of Noah’s thigh.
         “I’ve been thinking about sitting in the armchair in the bedroom and watch you and Oliver do nasty things to each other,” I said with a mischievous grin. 
         Noah narrowed his eyes at me.
         “You’re a naughty girl, you know that?”
         His teasing remark brought back a sense of normalcy, making me feel a bit relieved for the first time that morning after a restless night. 
         “So I’ve been told,” I replied nonchalantly, taking another bite of the biscuit. 
         Noah took the remaining biscuit from my hand and returned it to the plate before kissing me slowly, his hand cupping my cheek and his fingers tucking my hair behind my ear as our lips melded together. 
         “It’d make me really happy to see you together,” I said, placing my hands on his face and pulling back slightly to meet his gaze directly, “but I know it would make you and Oli even happier. You’re hungry for each other. I’ve seen it in the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. The sex is amazing, and we’re all satisfied, but you’re just dying to taste him and you’re too shy to make a move. Same with him, which is unusual,” I continued, drawing out my words as I shrugged my shoulders, “given how carefree he is with everything he says and does, including those impromptu cat walks when he’s wearing that silly maid outfit.” 
         We shared a laugh, the tension dissipating further before indulging in another lingering kiss. This was Noah’s way of seeking reassurance, and I was more than happy to oblige and give it to him. I would give him as many kisses as he needed. 
         “This is where all this tension is coming from”, I concluded, my voice softening once again. 
         Noah’s chest rose with a heavy sigh that said he finally admitted it. He released the breath he had been holding just as Luna appeared at our side, her eyes pleading for her morning walk.
         “Can you wait a bit, darling? We’ll take you out in a few minutes,” I said to her. 
         “I’ll take her out now,” came Oliver’s unexpected voice. 
         Noah and I startled at the interruption, Noah moving away from me as if caught in something criminal. Despite reaching out to him, my eyes focused on Oliver. 
         Oliver excused himself to go to the bathroom before I could open my mouth. He was still upset about what happened the night before, and I guess he didn’t like seeing me in Noah’s arms first thing in the morning, especially since that’s what started the arguments the day prior. 
         I reminded myself to stay calm. I’d have to go through the same talk with him to get him to the same place where Noah was.   
         “Oliver,” I said, my voice gentle yet firm. 
         “What?” came his response, edged with tension. He avoided looking at Noah. 
         Seeing them like this broke my heart and infuriated me simultaneously.  
         “You and Noah need to talk. Right now,” I said, my tone leaving no room for argument. 
         The whole situation was dripping with irony. I wanted to shout back at Oliver all the things he had preached about before we started this relationship—all that talk about communication being paramount to make this work. Where was all that now? 
         “We can talk later,” he replied, attempting to evade the conversation by calling out for Luna, who happily trotted towards her dad, tongue out and tail wagging. 
         “No,” I asserted, holding my ground. “You two are going to talk right now,” I insisted, positioning myself at a fair distance between both so it wouldn’t seem like I was taking sides.  “I swear, if either of you keeps dragging this out without reason, I will get on the first flight back to Los Angeles. So, decide right now. Do you want me to leave?” I directed the question to both of them. “Or do you want more? What’s it going to be?” 
         Oliver dropped his shoulders in resignation, a small victory amidst the tension. Noah was standing behind me. I could tell that he was ready to get it together and be honest with Oliver and with himself, but he would keep holding back until it was clear that Oliver was in the same boat. 
         Setting Luna’s leash down in the kitchen isle, Oliver caused Luna to drop her tail and tilt her head in confusion. Wasn’t he going to take her out? I made a mental note to go out with her later for a long walk, but right now, Oliver and Noah needed to have the conversation they’d been avoiding for months. 
          Oliver let himself fall onto the sofa, pushing the blanket that he and Noah had used during the night to the side without bothering to fold it. His green eyes met mine. Then, his gaze finally shifted to Noah. 
         “Come here,” Oliver said to Noah, patting the spot next to him. 
         Noah sat next to him, a huff coming out from him, his arms resting unpreoccupied between his legs. It took him a moment to turn his head toward Oliver, but when he did…
         They held each other’s gazes for a while. I don’t know what they felt in that moment, but I was certainly feeling the anticipation, my heartbeat increasing with each passing second. 
         Oliver raised his arm and then his fingers were touching Noah’s chin and lower lip. There was a question in his eyes, something that only they knew what it meant. 
         Then, they leaned into each other, and they kissed. 
         My breath caught in my throat, but as their mouths moved against each other, I found myself flooded by a sense of relief and… excitement. Was this supposed to be wrong? It definitely didn’t feel like it. I was enjoying it very much, feeling pride for my boys and pride at myself for having achieved this. 
         Though they appeared entirely oblivious to my presence in the room, their movements seemed to align with the path I hoped they would follow. 
         As I contemplated where to position myself to observe the unfolding scene in that summer morning, Noah sank to his knees between Oliver’s legs, deftly undoing the laces of his sweatpants until he slid them down, taking his underwear along with them to his ankles. 
         A muttered curse escaped Oliver’s lips, betraying all the tension that had been following us since days prior. 
         Noah raised his eyes at him before daring to put his hands on his length. 
         “Is this what you want?” Noah asked him. 
         If he really wanted an answer, he didn’t wait for it. 
         His mouth swallowed his length, and within seconds, Oliver was leaning back on the sofa, clutching at the pillows with clenched fists, his lips parted in a mixture of pain and pleasure. 
         Had I imagined this scenario before today? Yes, I had, but never had I voiced it aloud, nor di I anticipate witnessing it, in all honesty, especially not amidst the chaos of the day’s events. 
         I was about to climb onto the counter to get a better view of Noah pleasuring Oliver when Oliver’s green eyes caught mine. 
         “Doll,” his voice was ragged, breathless, “why don’t you come over here and join us?” 
         Uncertain of his intentions, I approached them cautiously, licking my lips. Oliver gestured toward the corner of the room, his chest rising and falling as Noah continued his ministrations between his legs.  
         “Jesus Christ,” Oliver muttered before mustering the strength to focus back on me. “Doll, sit down and touch yourself. Don’t stand there watching us. This isn’t some damn show.”
          Noah hadn’t even lifted his head from Oliver’s lap, his attention entirely consumed by the task at hand, when he said, “Do it. Now.”
         Taking a deep breath, I settled onto the corner of the sofa, positioning myself to their view. Oliver’s gaze roamed over me, his struggle evident as Noah continued, relentless. 
         “Feet on the sofa. Panties off. Let me see you,” Oliver instructed, his voice restrained, indicating he was not far from the edge. 
         I complied, feeling a slight shyness creeping in. This was a scenario none of us were accustomed to. Slowly, I parted my legs, and Oliver raised an expectant eyebrow, silently urging me on. Without hesitation, I grasped the hem of my oversized shirt and lifted it, revealing the black thong I wore underneath. 
         “I said—” His voice was cut off abruptly as Noah took him deeper, to the back of his throat, “off,” Oliver growled, his demand leaving no room for negotiation. 
         With a quick movement, I lifted my hips and removed my thong, spreading my legs open to their gaze. As my fingers found their way to my clit, tracing soft circles around it, I sensed that we were in for a wild morning.  
         Barely two minutes into the act, Oliver let out a primal growl, his head thrown back, hands gripping Noah’s hair tightly as he pressed him against his crotch. With a soft ‘pop’, Noah released him, drawing in a deep breath and wiping the back of his hand across his mouth. 
         “Don’t tell me that was your first,” Oliver said, “because there’s no way I’m going to believe you.”
         Noah chuckled, his laughter momentarily dissipating the heat in the room. The sound would have relieved whatever remnants of tension and fear remained inside of me were it not for the fact that I was about to come myself. 
         “Definitely a first time,” Noah replied with a tilt of his head. Then, as if sensing my arousal, he turned his head towards me, and his smile fell. 
         He stood up, his hungry faze traveling from my face down to my exposed pussy. He had been so focused on Oliver that he hadn’t noticed the spectacle unfolding on the other side of the sofa. 
         Without uttering a word, Noah walked towards me. He didn’t need to bend down or extend an arm; he simply removed my hand and then, he just… touched me. 
         “You’re a mess,” he acknowledged, his fingers dragging slowly through my folds. 
         He brought his fingers to his mouth and tasted me, causing the burning sensation inside of me to only intensify, threatening to consume me if I didn’t get their hands on me in the next few seconds. 
         “Oli,” Noah called out, glancing over his shoulder. “You good? She needs to be rewarded, don’t you think?”  
         “Sure she does,” he agreed, pulling up his sweatpants and running a hand through his hair. “Sit back,” he told Noah. “I’m going to enjoy this. Doll, do you want to ride Noah?” 
         “I don’t think you have to ask,” Noah added, a grin spreading across his face as he extended his arm towards me. 
         Grasping his hand, I moved myself onto his lap. Noah’s hands found my hips beneath the hem of my t-shirt, while Oliver took hold of my right hand, bringing it to his lips. 
         “You need to be rewarded for doing so good to us.”
         “Right?!” I exclaimed, raising my eyebrows at him with a smile. It wasn’t lost on me that he had been denying his desire for Noah to pleasure him for months. These men and their stubbornness… 
         “And you’re such a good, good girl to us.”
         “She is,” Noah agreed, his voice a whisper as his hands guided me onto one of his thighs, pressing me down against him, my dampness spreading onto the fabric of his sweatpants. 
         “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “Come on, baby. Use me,” he urged, his hands steadying me with a firm grip on my hips. 
         “But…” I began, my face flushing crimson. 
         “I’ll fuck you in a moment, but I want you to use me first,” he insisted, his voice filled with desire.  
          Feeling self-conscious under the intense scrutiny of both men’s gazes, I opted to press my mouth to Noah’s as I began to grind against his thigh. He tasted like Oliver and the experience made me dizzy. Noah swallowed my moans eagerly, while Oliver urged me to go faster, his hand caressing my ass enticingly as I moved myself on top of Noah. 
         Lost in a haze of pleasure, at some point Oliver grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me towards him so that he could kiss me passionately, allowing Noah a breather.
         Eventually, I became a whimpering mess, my hands sliding down to find Noah’s bulge. I stroked it a few times with my open palm before deciding I couldn’t wait any longer. With deft fingers, I unlaced him and freed his cock. 
         Noah’s hand in my waist steadied me. 
         “You sure about this?” The question was directed to Oliver. There was concern in his voice. 
         Oliver dismissed it with a shake of his head. “That pussy is not going anywhere. It’s ours. So go on. Take her.”
         Noah nodded. I whined in his arms, hoping that he would just let me get him inside of him. 
         “Condom?” He asked, still directing his questions to Oli.
         Oliver disappeared briefly, returning with a condom package that he handed to Noah. However, I took it from his fingers. 
         “I’ll do it,” I offered, taking the package and swiftly sliding the condom onto Noah’s cock. 
         Lifting my hips slightly, I positioned myself above him and sank down, moaning softly, a melody that echoed in Noah’s ears and Oliver’s too. 
         “God, you’re so beautiful,” Oliver murmured in awe, watching each of my expressions like a hawk.  
         Resting my head on Noah’s shoulder, I began to move my hips in a rhythmic motion, gliding up and down, front to back, performing a dance on top of him that ignited a bigger fire inside of me. The intensity heightened when Oliver sneaked a hand between our bodies, his fingers finding my clit with precision. 
         “Come for us, babygirl,” Oliver said, his voice a seductive whisper. 
         Unable to resist the overwhelming pleasure, I surrendered to the sensations, especially as I felt Noah pulsating inside of me. His grip tightened on my hip, his other hand tangling in my hair as he pressed his face against my neck, emitting a primal roar against my skin as he released himself into the condom. 
         I dug my nails on his shoulders through his t-shirt as my own orgasm crashed over me, the waves of pleasure overwhelming me as Noah’s pulses still filled me up and Oliver’s fingers continued their relentless assault on my clit. 
         It took me a moment to find my voice amidst the euphoria. I asked Noah if he was okay, and he responded with a sloppy kiss on my jaw, a bright smile spreading across his face afterward. 
         I glanced at Oliver, who was watching us with admiration despite our dishevelled state. Not that he looked much better himself. 
         After nuzzling against Noah’s chest for a moment, I shifted myself towards Oliver. Wrapping my arms around his neck, half of my body still remained in Noah’s lap. Noah lifted my shirt to uncover my ass, giving it a playful slap before caressing it and dropping his head back with a contented sigh. 
         “Good talk,” he said, a hint of amusement in his voice and eliciting laughter from all of us. 
         “Yeah,” Oliver agreed with a chuckle. “We should have more breakfasts like this.”
         Our moment of levity was abruptly interrupted by Luna’s barking. 
         She stood in the doorway, looking frustrated that we had completely forgotten about her. 
         “Oh, shit,” I said.
         Yeah, our bad habits were just about to get worse. 
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@girlfromrussia-universe | @oro-e-diamanti | @lma1986 | @missduffsblog | @bngurngheart | @winterwinchester | @jilliemiw86 | @sorrowsofsilence | @th4t-em0-k1d | @to-be-written | @thescarlettvvitch | @nonamessblog | @somebodyels3 | @starsomens | @ditto66 | @dominuslunae | @cookiesupplier | @midnight-eternals | @pennysky | @iknownothingpeople | @cncohshit | @ladyveronikawrites | @blackveilomens | @robabankfuckmickeymouse | @kageyasma | @concretedaddy2018 | @silentglassbreak | @thescarlettvvitch | @sammyjoeee | If you want to be tagged in the next bonus scene + epilogue, just let me know :)
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starsomens · 7 months
OK so I know I’m always talking about absolute filth here with Noah but let’s talk about after the filth is done with.
Noah definitely has your aftercare routine down to every single detail. He is definitely the person to make you go and pee right after you’re done especially if he finishes inside. if you guys aren’t out yet definitely has a pill handy. Aside from the whole medical parts of this, he runs a warm shower for you both. Part of his aftercare I feel is just washing and caring for your body afterwards. Since I do detail that he has to be a little rough at times he also wants to show Your body and your mind that he appreciates and love every inch of you.
Even though he would use a sponge to wash you, he prefers to use his hands and some body soap so that he’s able to massage your skin and really feel you in a loving and intimate way. He definitely holds you under the water and he just tucked your head under his chin, giving you kisses your forehead every now and then just whispering the sweetest things to you.
“I love you very much princess…”
“I know,”
“Look at me” and he cups your face. He doesn’t think where he kind of cranks his neck down to be closer to you to make sure that you understand that he truly means it on such a deeper level than just the words. “I love you….so fucking much….”
No, what I think Noah does is he gets out first he goes to the dryer, warms up your towel comes back and hold the towel open for you to just step into a nice fuzzy warm towel after a shower. he definitely helps you to get some clothes to get into and while you’re getting dressed he goes and he grab some snacks for you both once he’s back grabs some of your favorite lotion or your body oil and you guys just talk over things while he lotions up his body and your body. Meanwhile you’re feeding him some snacks and giving him kisses every now and then. And yes, you purposely kiss him with chip crumbs on your lips, in which you say
“ it adds more flavor to the kiss”
This is definitely the time he likes to bring up any kind of problems or issues or discussions. You guys have had that have to do with relationship. Seeing as you guys are now in a more calm, relaxed, and intimate space and atmosphere he brings up issues so that you guys can talk through it without getting into any kind of arguments. Of course, just like any other couple you guys have your hiccups and having disagreements will happen, even when discussing those disagreements.
“ Y/N, I know how you feel on this topic and about scheduling and time but there are a lot of things that I can’t really change and there are some things I can alter"
"I know, I know…. I just….. sometimes I feel kind of ignored. And I know you're not, but I think I might be overthinking it or I might exaggerate a little."
"No baby, you're not. if it's how you feel, then you're not exaggerating, but if you do feel like I'm ignoring you then I'll try to open up a day or two so we can spend more time together. Does that sound better?"
"mhm…. Thank you for understanding."
"thank you for telling me"
And of course, Noah isn't all innocent. He can be guilty of withholding a lot of his emotions and his opinion on things but he is working with you on it and the more and more you guys have time like this together the more he is especially with you on his emotions. And of course, afterwards after you’re all lotion up, and your bellies are full of snacks, he turns on some random show or movie where you guys can just cuddle and fall asleep together.
And yes, you do end up falling asleep beforehand because he relaxed you so much and he tells you things that he’s not ready to say to you while you’re awake. These are his most deep and sincere thoughts and perhaps he has already told you in your sleep when he was going to propose. Where he would do it, when and how, but you don’t need to know that right now 
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Hi! I have a request - Noah dating a famous actress reader. Lots of fluffy moments while they keep their relationship private and out of the public but some angst when their relationship is exposed by a gossip blogger. After they sort out their issues (Noah wants to protect her from fans, she doesn't want to be a "distraction" at his shows, etc) bring back the fluff and a happy ending (proposal? lol) ☺️
Thank you for your request! Hope you liked it!
Noah Sebastian sat at the corner of a dimly lit café, his hoodie pulled over his head, blending in with the quiet evening crowd. Across from him sat Y/N, a famous actress who had captured the hearts of millions, though none quite like she had captured his. They had been together for almost a year now, but no one knew. That was how they liked it.
It started simple enough: shared friends, mutual admiration for each other's work, and one fateful night when a conversation over coffee turned into something more. Noah, known for his brooding stage presence and hauntingly beautiful lyrics, was completely different behind closed doors. With her, he was soft, gentle. And she adored that.
They made it work, hidden in plain sight. She was always careful, slipping into the back of venues to watch Bad Omens perform, tucked away in the wings as Noah sang his heart out to a sea of fans. She cheered him on silently, but her presence meant the world to him. And in return, Noah made time to visit her on set, sneaking into trailers between takes with a kiss and a whispered promise of "soon."
One night, after an intimate acoustic show, they sat on the floor of his apartment. She leaned her head on his shoulder as he strummed his guitar lazily.
“I loved the set tonight,” she murmured, her voice soft.
He kissed her forehead, his hand slipping down to intertwine their fingers. “I knew you were there,” he said. “I could feel it.”
They shared a quiet moment, wrapped in each other’s warmth. This was how their relationship thrived, out of the spotlight, just them, stealing moments whenever they could.
But nothing that perfect stays hidden forever.
It started small. A photo of her walking near the venue. A blurry photo of Noah at a café, suspiciously at the same time she was seen leaving a nearby store. Whispers began circulating online, but they brushed it off. They’d been careful, no one had any proof.
Until one night, a gossip blogger with a knack for stirring trouble posted an article. The headline read: Secret Romance: Bad Omens Noah Sebastian and A-list Actress Y/N Caught Red Handed. The post included grainy photos of them together, her hand slipping into his as they left a private event, the two of them laughing in a dimly lit corner of some hidden away bar. Noah’s phone blew up. His manager was already calling, and so was hers. Within hours, their private world was laid bare for the public to dissect.
The tension between them was palpable the next time they saw each other. Y/N paced the living room of his apartment, her arms crossed. She looked both hurt and frustrated.
“I don’t want to be a distraction,” she said, her voice thick with emotion. “Your fans…your music, it means everything to you. I don’t want to get in the way.”
Noah, leaning against the kitchen counter, rubbed his face with both hands. He had known this conversation was coming, but it didn’t make it any easier.
“You’re not a distraction,” he said, moving toward her. “You could never be.”
She shook her head, her eyes watery but strong. “Noah, look at the comments. People are mad. They’re saying I’m going to ruin the band, that I don’t belong at your shows.”
He reached for her, but she stepped back, creating a small distance between them. “I don’t want to be the reason people hate you.”
Noah’s jaw clenched. The thought of anyone hating her or dragging her into the whirlwind of his world made his blood boil. “This isn’t about them. It’s about us,” he said, his voice steady but intense. “I’m with you because I love you. I don’t care what they say.”
Tears spilled over, and she looked up at him, torn. “But I care. I don’t want to hurt your career.”
Noah moved forward, cupping her face in his hands, his forehead pressing against hers. “You are the best thing in my life. My music will always be there, but you…You’re the reason I keep going.” His voice softened, cracking just a bit. “I need you, Y/N.”
She melted into his touch, her arms finally wrapping around his waist. “I just don’t know how to handle all of this.”
“I’ll protect you,” he whispered. “We’ll figure it out. Together.”
And they did.
The weeks that followed were tough, dealing with the press, navigating social media chaos, and the occasional cruel comment but they faced it hand in hand. Slowly, fans began to accept their relationship, realizing that Y/N wasn’t a distraction but a part of Noah’s life that made him happier than ever.
Her presence at his shows became a source of strength, and Noah’s love for her only deepened. He would glance at her in the crowd, a soft smile breaking through his usually intense expression, and for that moment, it was just them, no screaming fans, no flashing lights just Noah and Y/N.
Months later, under the glow of a hundred candles, Noah stood in their living room, his heart pounding in his chest. Y/N walked in, surprised to find the room transformed. She raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at her lips.
“What’s all this?”
Noah swallowed hard, his hands trembling slightly. “There’s something I need to ask you.”
She looked at him, confused, until he dropped to one knee, pulling out a small velvet box from his jacket pocket.
Her breath caught.
“Y/N,” he began, his voice shaky but sincere, “you’ve been my world for the past year, and I don’t want to hide that anymore. I want everyone to know how much I love you. You’re not a distraction, you’re everything. Will you marry me?”
Tears filled her eyes, but this time they were happy tears. She knelt down in front of him, her hands cupping his face, nodding before she could even speak. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice breaking. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Noah slipped the ring onto her finger, pulling her into a tight embrace. In that moment, nothing else mattered, not the fans, the fame, or the gossip. It was just them, as it always had been, hidden in plain sight but perfectly, undeniably in love.
More of Their Best Moments because I love this request:
Early in their relationship, Noah and Y/N found themselves in the middle of a chaotic work schedule. He was always touring or recording, and she was constantly on set. But whenever they were together, they made the most of it. One morning, before the world even stirred, Y/N woke up to find Noah in the kitchen, trying to make pancakes. Flour dusted his dark hoodie, and the smell of slightly burnt batter filled the air. She laughed softly as she wrapped her arms around him from behind.   "You’re burning them," she teased.   He grinned sheepishly, turning his head to kiss her on the forehead. "You like them crispy, right?"  They ended up sitting on the kitchen counter, eating a stack of messy, half burnt pancakes, sharing quiet conversations and laughing at each other’s attempts at cooking. It was imperfectly perfect, just like them.
Whenever Noah had a break from touring, he’d visit her on set. They had an unspoken tradition of sneaking around, trying not to draw attention to their relationship. One afternoon, while she was filming a romantic drama, he snuck into her trailer, holding a coffee in each hand. She lit up as soon as she saw him, her tired eyes brightening instantly.  “Coffee delivery,” he said with a playful smirk. “You’re the best,” she sighed, gratefully taking one cup and pulling him into a quick kiss before anyone noticed. They shared a few stolen moments together before she had to return to work. But knowing he was there, even just for a short time, made the long hours on set feel lighter.
After weeks apart him touring Europe and her finishing a film in Los Angeles Noah planned a surprise visit. Y/N came home from a long day on set, expecting another lonely evening. But as she opened the door, she found Noah sitting on her couch, playing softly on his guitar. “Noah!” she gasped, dropping her bag and rushing toward him. He stood just in time for her to launch herself into his arms, laughing and nearly crying with joy. “Surprise,” he murmured into her hair, holding her tight. They spent the entire evening catching up, lying on the couch with her head on his chest as he softly hummed a new melody he’d been working on. It was moments like these that made the time apart worth it.
She always made an effort to see him live, no matter how far she had to travel or how crazy her schedule was. But one show was different. It was a smaller, more intimate gig, and she didn’t hide in the wings this time. Instead, she stood in the middle of the crowd, just another face in the sea of fans. Noah didn’t know she was there she had surprised him. As he started playing one of their favorite songs, their eyes locked. He smiled mid performance, recognizing her immediately. For the rest of the set, every song seemed like it was just for her. When the show ended, she waited backstage, and the moment he saw her, he pulled her into a kiss, not caring who saw. “You’re always full of surprises,” he laughed, his forehead resting against hers.
After a grueling year of work, they finally took their first real vacation together, a trip to a quiet beach town far from the chaos of Hollywood and touring. They rented a small house by the water and spent their days lounging on the beach, walking along the shoreline, and cooking together. One night, as they sat on the porch, watching the sunset, Y/N wrapped herself in a blanket and leaned into Noah’s side.“This feels like a dream,” she murmured. He kissed her temple, his arm around her shoulders. “You’re my favorite dream.”
One winter, they escaped to a cabin in the mountains for a much needed break. The snow was falling softly outside, covering everything in a white blanket, and the fireplace crackled warmly inside. They spent the days hiking through the snowy woods, but the nights were their favorite bundled up in blankets, sipping hot chocolate, and playing board games they’d brought along. One night, Noah suggested they build a fort. Y/N, always up for fun, immediately grabbed all the pillows and blankets they could find. They built the most elaborate blanket fort, complete with fairy lights, and spent the night inside, telling stories and sharing secrets. “This is the life,” Y/N said, lying on her back and staring up at the lights twinkling above them. Noah reached over, taking her hand. “Yeah, it is. I could stay here forever with you.”
With their busy schedules, traveling was inevitable. Airports became a routine part of their lives, but they found ways to make even the most mundane moments feel special. Y/N often accompanied Noah when he was flying out for tours, and while waiting for flights, they’d find a quiet corner to sit together, reading or sharing earbuds to listen to music. One time, they were stuck in an airport for hours due to a delay, so they made the most of it. Noah pulled out his acoustic guitar, softly strumming as Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder, humming along. A few people passed by, recognizing Noah, but he didn’t mind. In that moment, it was just them. “I think we need to write a song about this,” Y/N whispered, smiling. “The great airport adventure?” Noah smirked. “I like it.” Y/N giggled, nudging him playfully. “You know what I mean. A song about the little moments like this.” Noah kissed her cheek softly. “I’ll write you a whole album of little moments.”
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will80sbyers · 3 months
The homophobia and projection are SOOO blaringingly obvious from Melvin’s.
“Byler can’t kiss bc it’d be weird and creepy!” But Melvin’s 13 year old make out scene is fine. Byler kissing each other on the cheek or holding hands would send them into an OUTRAGE of how “inappropriate” it is.
“It’d be more revolutionary for Will to move on and be single, lots of people have crushes when they’re young!” Yet Melvin should stay together forever despite the fact that they have relationship issues every single season.
“Will is evil and a home wrecker!!” Even though he hasn’t done a thing to break El and Mike up, in fact he’s the one trying to help them stay TOGETHER. Actually, Will hasn’t really done shit to anyone…but El can push max off a skateboard with her powers and it’s fine. Why does El get to be jealous but Will’s jealousy & feelings (that he keeps to himself) make him a “homewrecker?”
They use rovicky as their token gay ship, or something non canon like Elmax, ronance, steddie etc. but their homophobia jumps out with Byler bc it has potential to become canon & they’re scared.
I can’t count the amount of ppl calling Will the f slur on Twitter & justifying it by them being lgbtq as well…that’s not an excuse to call someone (even a fictional character) a slur esp considering the actor is literally gay? Regardless of what Noah did, that is homophobia, and coming from a queer person makes it worse! That affects our entire community. If you call them out on it they just gaslight you. It’s frustrating and sad to see.
Yeah honestly I agree, MANY of the people that think Will should not end up with Mike are acting like this and having double standards that are born from homphobia & biphobia more than anything else and they show it with the ''arguments'' they use to say that it should not happen in the show even if they don't realize it 100% that's the real reason they are saying these things, for many it's not only a question of diffent preferences for the story
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ourloveisforthelovely · 8 months
Lily's Sister (Part 7)
Regulus Black AU
Summary:  You are Lily’s younger sister. Regulus never becomes a death eater but abandoned his family for the order. The two of you have a love/hate relationship that intensifies after you come back from a year abroad.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: M- smut
Link to Part 6
“The Mckinnons are dead.”
Those words took a moment to populate in your mind before you were able to react. Your hands automatically went to cover your mouth! While you should be entirely shocked by this news (afterall, people on both sides died). It was still shocking to hear that all of the Mckinnons were dead
Oh Merlin, Marlene!
Your heart ached at the realization that one of your best friends was gone forever.
“Did you say the Mckinnons were dead? Like all of them?”
Regulus questioned. Sirius only nodded. He couldn’t bring himself to repeat it. Knowing yet another one of his childhood friends had met a grizzly fate was something Sirius didn’t want to keep repeating.
Regulus was silent for a moment. While he didn’t give two shits that Noah was dead, the news the whole family was wiped out was shocking. His gray eyes flickered in your direction. You hadn’t said anything since Sirius dropped the news.
“Fuck, now they are wiping out whole families.”
Regulus grumbled before turning his attention back to you. He wrapped a hand around yours gently squeezing.
“I’m going with Remus to set up all of the arrangements. We don’t even know who to contact now that all of them are dead.”
Sirius wasn’t surprised when Regulus didn’t appear at all interested or bothered. This was just typical Regulus Black behavior.
“Yeah, good luck with that.”
Regulus commented before turning to go find fire whiskey.
You, meanwhile, turned your attention back to Sirius.
“Marlene…did it…appear that she suffered?”
Sirius took a shaky breath. He didn’t want to tell you everything. Sure, you had every right to know but this was still one of your best friends.
“Unfortunately, yes. You know what they were up against. I’m sorry about Noah.”
Regulus’ grey eyes flickered in his brother’s direction as you pressed your lips together.
“Noah wasn’t anything special to me, Sirius but thanks. He had no issues giving me hell over dating Regulus earlier today. I suppose I feel bad that I don’t feel bad enough.”
Regulus smirked and took a sip of his drink. Something told him that he would probably have ended up killing Noah for how he talked to you had some death eater not beaten him to the job.
“Well, Noah was awfully jealous of the two of you.”
You only nodded as Lily walked into the room. Her eyes were puffy as she looked in your direction.
“I talked to mum. She’s fixing a roast chicken tonight. Would the two of you feel up to coming with us?”
Regulus instantly made a face. He DID NOT expect to meet your parents that quickly. His evening plans consisted of shoving you in a nice steamy shower and having his way. Now, he had a feeling that he was about to go give your father some cheesy line about how much he liked his daughter.
“I probably shouldn’t introduce myself as the man who makes Y/n’s legs shake.”
Regulus thought with a smirk as Lily turned in his direction. Lily’s smile faded. She was not at all happy with the lover that you decided upon. Lily would have much rather that you ended up with Sirius vs Regulus. She knew that you would have to fight Remus or join some kind of throuple but at least it would be with someone decent.
“You might as well come along too, Regulus. We should get mum and dad introduced as soon as possible.”
“You sound so excited.”
Regulus grumbled before turning back to you. He knew that you weren’t looking forward to going anywhere either. You were devastated about Marlene. Now Lily wanted you to make some kind of social call.
“Sugar, do you want to get this over with or shall we do it at another time?”
Regulus’ voice pulled you from your thoughts. He was hoping that you would say tonight wasn’t a good time but that didn’t happen.
“Lily’s right. We might as well get this over with.”
An hour later, you stood outside of your parent’s home with Regulus at your side. He hadn’t said much since arriving. James was his normal golden retriever self as he reached for the door.
“Hey Regulus, now the heat can be on you. Thank you for coming along and getting it off of my shoulders.”
Regulus gave James a cold glare as the front door opened. You had been thinking of things to say to your parents for some time. Turning up and looking devastated wouldn’t end well. Your mom had a nose like a Doberman and could detect the slightest thing being “off.”
While your parents knew about the war in the wizarding world, they hadn’t been told entirely everything.
“Let's go in here and act like everything is fine. There is no need to worry mum and dad more than necessary.”
Lily commented as her eyes met yours.
“No, there isn’t. They will never sleep at night if they knew everything.”
You replied. James grinned. He wanted nothing more than to ease the tension.
“Maybe you also shouldn’t mention that you are sleeping with Regulus already. Something tells me that won’t go over well.”
“James, I will give you money to shut up.”
Lily grumbled at her husband as your mother opened the door. You were so thankful to see your mother’s warm kind smile. With everything that had happened that day, you needed something warm.
“I’m so happy to see all of you!”
Mrs. Evan said happily before moving to kiss Lily. She quickly grabbed a hold of you next. Wrapping your arms around your mum’s shoulders, you took a moment just breathing her in.
“Hi, mum.”
You said, faking a smile. Silently, you prayed that your mum would buy it. Mrs. Evan’s cupped your face. It was always good to see her baby.
“Y/n, sweetheart, I haven’t seen you in weeks. You are looking well. Are you doing alright? Your eyes look puffy.”
You faked another smile.
“I’m fine, mum. I promise. Mum, I have a boyfriend. This is Regulus. He’s Sirius’ younger brother.”
You watched as your mother took a step back and looked Regulus over. Maybe it would be funny later but your mum reminded you of a wary motherbird.
Mrs. Evans meanwhile, was carefully taking Regulus in. She could tell he was Sirius’ brother. He shared the same perfectly handsome good looks that the boy who had become like a son to her possessed. Something about Regulus, however, was different. He didn’t seem nearly as extroverted as Sirius was.
While Mrs. Evans had her concerns she decided to push those out of her mind for now. She could always talk to you about this more in-depth later.
“Nice to meet you. How long have the two of you been together?”
You had returned back to Regulus’ side and squeezed his hand.
“Officially, yesterday but we’ve been seeing each other for a bit.”
You decided to leave screwing like bunnies as “seeing each other.”
“It's a pleasure.”
Regulus added in a quiet tone. His quiet nature was coming right back out. You hadn’t expected Regulus to chat your parents up as if he had known them for years. In fact, you had expected him to be quiet.
“Come on in, I am finishing the finishing touches on dinner. Your father is in the dining room waiting.”
Mrs. Evan commented in your direction. She decided to let you be the one to drop the whole “boyfriend” topic on your father.
James and Lily walked in as if nothing major was happening. For once, the attention would be off of them. James was looking forward to seeing Mr. Evans lay into Regulus. He didn’t foresee Mr. Evans being too thrilled with Regulus’ reserved nature.
Regulus looked around the home as he followed you down a narrow hallway. His eyes glanced at the family photos lining the hallway. He knew good and well that your family was muggles but seeing no movement in the photographs felt strange to him.
With each step, Regulus could easily point your pictures out. They went all the way from a baby photo up to a family portrait that was recently taken.
“Merlin, she’s stunning.”
Regulus thought with an internal smile as you turned to face him. He suddenly couldn’t remember why he liked to bug you so much in school. Maybe it was because he always liked you but didn’t want to admit it because of your blood status? Now none of that mattered. Regulus didn’t care that you were a muggle-born and, if the two of you had children someday, that they would be half-blooded.
“Children? What the fuck? Where did that come from?”
Regulus thought, in total confusion. The two of you had been dating officially for a day and here he was being dopey thinking about you. Regulus didn’t know how to exactly process that thought. Never before, in the history of his life, had Regulus ever been this “feeling” over. You were making him question everything about himself. Since when did Regulus even entertain the thought of having children? As far as he was concerned, Regulus hated children. Now...he wasn't so sure about that topic.
“What is this girl doing to me?”
Mr. Evans’ talking pulled Regulus from his frantic thoughts. Regulus quickly looked to the middle-aged man who had stood from his place at that table.
You had let go of Regulus’ hand to go hug your father.
“Dad, it's good to see you.”
You said as your father kissed your cheek.
“It's good to see you too, sweetpea. What’s new?”
You turned your attention back to Regulus. Had the situation not been a bit tense, you would have made a joke about how Regulus looked ready to run right back out the front door.
“Dad, this is my boyfriend, Regulus.”
You chuckled at the expression of sheer annoyance on your father’s face. Mr. Evans had the same reaction when he met James or Vernon for the first time. According to your father, no man was ever good enough for his daughters.
Mr. Evans looked Regulus over carefully. The boy in front of him looked less than pleased to be in his home. Something about the perpetually bored expression on Regulus’ face made Mr. Evans raise an eyebrow.
“Ah, what to do you know? So, Regulus, what do you do for a living?”
Regulus didn’t let his cool calm composure falter.
“I’m the muggle equivalent of a lawyer.”
You looked between Regulus and your father with a wary look.
“We went to school together.”
You added. Your father nodded before turning his attention back to James. Mr. Evans would ask his own questions later.
You edged your way to where Regulus stood as your mother called Lily into the kitchen to help with dinner. It was no secret that your mother was interrogating Lily about Regulus.
“Well, that was exciting.”
Regulus said in a soft tone. You winced.
“Want to come see my old room?”
Regulus quickly looked up at your father. The last thing that he really wanted was for Papa Bear to hear that.
“Don’t you think they will notice that we have gone missing?”
Regulus questioned. You rolled your eyes.
“It will be fine. They won’t notice anything. Dad is grilling James and mum is busy with Lily. We will have a few moments.”
With that, you turned and pulled Regulus out of the room toward the stairs. After the day that the two of you had, you had an itch that only Regulus would be able to fix.
Regulus, meanwhile, was chuckling to himself. Did he realize that you were this big of a tart? No. He expected you to be a little more tame but, as usual, you were proving to him that he was right about nothing.
You opened the door with a smirk. As Regulus walked past you, you reached out slapping him on the ass. It took Regulus all of three seconds to pull you into the room and shut the door. You were pushed against the door and had Regulus pressed against you before you were able to register what exactly happened.
“You’re going to pay for that, little girl.”
Regulus said in a stern voice. He reached down to wrap his hand around your thigh, hoisting it over his hip, You bit your bottom lip as Regulus shoved your head to the side.
“I hope that I do.”
You replied. Regulus leaned down to kiss your neck.
“And you said that I was slut.”
Regulus murmured against your neck before biting down. His breath was hot against your skin with each kiss and nibble. You took your want out, casting a silencing spell on the room before moaning. Regulus moved his hands down to cup your breasts. He squeezed and teased your nipples through your dress.
“Let's see how ready you are.”
Regulus said, in that dominating tone that made your clothes fall off. His hand slid up your thighs. You gasped feeling the coolness of his rings on your skin. The moment that Regulus made contact with your bare flesh, he froze.
“No panties and making love in your childhood bedroom…such a naughty thing.”
Regulus said as he stroked his finger over your pussy lips. They parted easily for his fingers. You were swollen and puffy. Regulus used the pad of his longest finger to tease your clit. He rubbed softy at first before rubbing harder. You cried out, your breath ragged and knees shaking"
“Come for me, sugar, Come for me now or I’ll lay over my lap and spank you. You’ll have to go downstairs and face your parents with a red little ass.”
Regulus whispered in your ear. You did exactly as Regulus told you. You came in a deep and shuddering orgasm. Regulus held you close, feeling the pleasure energy run through your body.
“I would love a blow job but we don’t have the time. We can’t let your mummy and daddy know what I’m up here doing to your little twat.”
Regulus said with an evil little smile. He slowly unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants down enough to get his cock free. Regulus was half tempted to leave you like this. Make you face your parents, still wet and frustrated…but he couldn’t be that cruel. Especially not after he removed his free hand from your body and it was soaking wet. You were most definitely going to have your pussy stretched.
Regulus was hard and aching for you. It was still amazing how you were like sexual kryptonite to him. It wouldn’t make much more than a wanting look from you for Regulus to be ready for whatever could happen.
“Please, Reggie…”
You whimpered as he continued to tease your opening with the head of his cock.
“Fuck, sugar. You beg so pretty.”
Regulus groaned before pushing his hips up enough to completely sheath himself inside of you. He set up a nice steady pace, pumping in and out of you. You put a finger on your clit and strummed it in time to Regulus’ thrusts. It didn’t take Regulus long to feel your orgasm building. Each time your pussy spasmed around his cock, Regulus felt the burning need to come building within himself too.
Your eyes were closed in ecstasy with each snap of Regulus’ hips. How you would face your parents all flushed was a mystery that you weren’t ready to think of yet. Regulus whimpered your name before coming hard within you.
“You really are a little tart.”
Regulus murmured as he leaned down to kiss you once more. You giggled against his mouth.
“And you love it.”
Regulus was about to say something cheeky but froze hearing Lily calling your name…
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foliosriot · 1 year
The Rotten And Ugly
pairing: noah sebastian x reader
summary: you break up with noah without thinking about the consequences for either of you.
warnings: language. description of a panic attack. self-worth issues. mental health problems.
a/n: anyways this got angstier than i’d originally anticipated so uh enjoy the pain i’m about to serve you on a damaged and thrifted zoopals plate
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You hate how much he’s gotten under your skin over the years. The way he’s taken a variety of sharp objects and ruthlessly carved his name into your bones. In the intricacies of your veins there are markings that are nearly identical to his tattoos. You swear your hips and waist are permanently speckled with dark smudges, a repeating pattern that looks suspiciously like his fingerprints.
You’re still picking out pieces of him from yourself.
And yet, you were the one to end it. You were the one that told Noah you “can’t do this anymore”, whatever the hell that means. He asked as much, but you didn’t seem capable in giving him a straight answer. So you left the house battling against your instincts to run back to him.
But you were able to fight against them as you let yourself out the front door, leaving behind someone that has been a rock in your life for as long as you can remember. You left Noah standing in the living room, alone and confused. You fucking abandoned your self-proclaimed soulmate.
That was nearly a month ago.
After you left the boys’ house that day, you somehow convinced yourself that you were no longer hopelessly in love with Noah. You gaslit your own brain into believing your relationship — both platonic and romantic — was built on the fact that you were never good enough, that Noah took pity on you from the get-go.
It seemed to work. At first, that is. Because, before you altered your brain, you allowed yourself to wallow in your guilt and anxieties. For three consecutive days you bawled into your pillows, grimacing and crying even harder when the smell of Noah’s cologne met your nostrils. You were throwing yourself quite the pity party, and it was torturous.
But you were the one who was convinced that you never deserved Noah in the first place. You ended it, not him.
When those three days were up and gone, you managed to pull yourself together long enough to allow your best friend, Violet, to take you out for a girls’ night. It was something you needed — it was something that could distract you from your own head.
And the fact that it had worked was surprising. Maybe it worked too well.
At one of the handful of bars Violet had dragged you to you met Ryan. He was tall, lithe build and long limbs. His blackened hair was shorter on the sides, allowing the top to grow longer, thus falling into the beautiful hazel of his eyes. He had snow white skin but his flesh was divided up by swathes of colored ink that had nearly glowed under the neon lights. He’d donned an old Bullet For My Valentine t-shirt and black cargo pants.
Something about him had felt familiar to you. But you weren’t allowed anymore pondering over that inclination as Ryan had dragged you onto the dance floor.
It wouldn’t occur to you until a week later when you and Ryan were on your first official date. If it weren’t for the gauged ears, the round, rimless glasses, or the chunky gold rings, you would have thought he was somebody else. It was almost uncanny.
God, but you could have sworn…
You were wrong, however.
Ryan seemed to really like you, though. He had an eye for finer details and was a real sweetheart. He was obviously taking things slow with you, especially after you had accidentally dumped the story of what happened with Noah onto him over one too many shots of tequila. His genuine concern and sympathy over the entire ordeal had you fawning over him tenfold.
You and Ryan went on more dates since that night. Around him you were pushing down your self pity and replacing it with something you could have mistaken for happiness; you felt content around Ryan.
Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever.
It was nearing dusk when your apartment’s doorbell chimed. The sound startled you for a moment, but you relaxed as you headed for the door.
But there was Ryan, that smile of his you had anticipated on his face. You swallow down the chunk of disappointment.
“Hey,” you greeted him. You stepped aside to let him inside before gently clicking the door shut. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, sorry! I was gonna text you that I was coming over, but I thought I’d make it a surprise,” Ryan replies with a shrug.
You force a smile, hoping it came off, at least, partially genuine. “Oh, okay. Well, do you wanna watch a movie or something, then?” you asked.
The two of you walk in to the living room in search of something to watch, be it a movie or a random episode of a TV show. You sit fairly close to each other on the small couch, a minimal amount of space between both your legs.
As you continue your hunt for your entertainment for the night, your anxiety begins to gradually rise. Your heart is thumping wildly and the palms of your hands are growing clammy and there’s a dull throbbing pain behind your left eye. Why is this happening? What the fuck is going on?
You don’t realize when you begin drawing in breaths in quicker succession, until your chest is seizing and you’re hyperventilating. The sound of Ryan’s concerned voice is muted from inside your skull, making you feel as if you were underwater. Tears are spilling down your face but you can’t find the strength to wipe them away.
Then you feel the vibrations of Ryan frantically speaking to you floating around your brain, and you’re not quite sure what he asked, but you manage to choke out one word.
Everything became darker and blurrier after that. Time didn’t existence nor did anything around you. Your head was swimming and you couldn’t figure out where you were — if you were at home, if you were at work, with Noah.
You think you hear the front door opening and slamming shut all of a sudden. But you aren’t quite sure anymore. This is the most violent panic attack you’ve ever had.
You jolt when there’s an unexpected hand carefully grasping yours. It must be Ryan.
His skin is frigid compared to the heat radiating from you. He begins gently running his thumb over your knuckles, a gesture that feels vaguely familiar.
The thing that finally brings you back to the present is the soft voice in your ear. At least you think it’s soft and gentle. Everything still sounds warbled, but there’s a distinct difference to this voice. You latch onto it and begin pulling yourself towards it in hopes of relinquishing the hold this panic attack has on you.
Darkness begins slinking away to reveal your living room. Your vision is blurry when you come to, but you blink away the tears that cling to your eyelashes, the action almost painful. You take a few moments to carefully and slowly gulp down several lungfuls of air before you turn to the body beside you.
But you aren’t met with the worried glaze in Ryan’s hazel eyes. Instead you see Noah next to you, his head angled down in your direction as he quietly sings.
That’s how you were able to get through your panic attack. The only thing that has ever had that kind of power is Noah singing and holding your hand. He did it to let you know he was there the entire time, to provide something to keep you grounded to reality.
Your voice comes out as a broken whisper. Noah immediately stops singing. His head shoots up. There is a frantic glint in his dark eyes as he searches your face for a moment before locking his gaze with yours.
“Baby, what happened?” he asks, one of his hands moving to your face. His palm is cool against your cheek, and you nearly shudder at the sensation of his calloused thumb gently stroking your cheekbone.
“Wh-What are you doing here?” you counter. You’re trying to ignore the fluttering sensation in your heart when he called you baby. But it is much too difficult, especially when he’s looking at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world. Like you were worth looking at and cherishing. Your stomach churns mildly.
A muscle feathers under his skin when Noah clenches his jaw. He continues staring at you, save for the single glance he shoots up and to the left.
You hesitantly look over your shoulder, and there, standing just behind the couch with his hands clenching the cushions, is Ryan. The look on his face is tight but unreadable. You feel Noah’s hand lightly glide down until it rests against the side of your neck. Ryan’s eyes track the movement.
“What happened?” You ask Ryan the same question, hoping he gives you an answer. You’re trying to ignore the placement of Noah’s hand, but it is proving to be nowhere near easy.
It takes Ryan a few prolonged seconds to say anything. But when he does finally speak, he says, “We were trying to find a movie to watch, but then you tensed and started shaking. I tried talking to you and to get you to stop crying and hyperventilating. You weren’t responding and I was getting really fucking worried.”
Ryan pauses. He visibly swallows, then shifts his hazel gaze from the hand against your throat to your face. A flinch ripples through your body at the emotionless light in his eyes.
“You managed to say one word,” he continues. His tone is devoid of feeling, almost like he was trying not to show any emotion at all. “Noah. And I automatically knew who you were talking about. So, because I was desperate as shit, I got your phone unlocked and found his contact you kept for some reason. I called him and, well, here he is.”
Ryan looks down at the floor beneath him. Your heart is speeding up once more, and Noah seems to have noticed because he presses his index finger into the pulse point beneath the hinge of your jaw. The pressure is ginger at best, but it somehow manages to keep you from going in to hysterics once more.
You look back at Noah to see him already watching you closely. Your breath hitches slightly when you notice the familiar loving shine in his irises. God, you have missed him so much.
Noah has one knee bent and resting on the couch, with the other dangling over the edge. Over the course of the attack you had crumpled into a ball — a familiar aspect of these things for you — and Noah had managed to peel away your arms from where they had wrapped around your legs like a vise. He had entered your personal bubble in hopes of helping you. One hand of his hands still held yours with a secure grip.
You felt an overwhelming need to wrap Noah up in a thankful, loving hug. But you still felt Ryan’s presence.
Mulling over your decision in your head kept the room silent. It took longer than you would have wanted, but you knew it was a necessary one to make in the first place.
“Ryan.” You shift just enough to face Ryan more directly. He lifts his head as you force your arm to move. You slowly reach for one of his hands, gathering the strength to talk. “Thank you for being here. It means so much to me.”
Ryan doesn’t say anything initially. First, he rakes his gaze over to Noah, a glare overcoming him.
“I didn’t do anything, Y/N,” he bites out. “All I did was call the ex.”
You feel Noah tense, but he doesn’t speak.
“I’m gonna leave now,” Ryan says, finally stepping away from the couch. “I’m glad you’re okay, Y/N.”
As Ryan heads for the door, you call out, “I’ll call you.”
With his hand already on the doorknob, Ryan stops to look at you. His gaze softens as you make eye contact.
“No. Don’t worry about it,” he tells you. His words are quiet and tinged with a tense of sadness. He gives you a small smile. “This was really nice. I’ll see you around.”
Then Ryan is gone.
And you’re alone with Noah.
Silence sits over you like a weighted blanket. Sitting in the dead quiet with Noah has always been relaxing and comfortable, because there would be times you would lay your head down on his chest and listen to his steady heartbeat. At times like those neither of you had any responsibilities or stresses. You simply existed together in your own little world.
But there is an underlying tension this time around. You’re still angled towards the front door and you can feel Noah watching you. His pinky brushes your collarbone, and it takes all of your remaining strength to suppress a shiver.
Then Noah’s hand slips from your neck, and you can’t help but miss the sudden vacancy.
“Y/N. Can we talk about this?”
Noah’s voice is quiet. His soft tone is tainted with something akin to anger, but you can’t be sure. Maybe it’s sadness or confusion. Either way, you turn your head towards him.
Strands of his dark hair are dangling in front of his face. There’s an unidentifiable glint in his eyes that has your heart stuttering. You suddenly have a desire to reach forward and touch the tattoos on his hands and neck, everything else covered in black clothing. And you think you’re successful at resisting that feeling, when you’ve slowly counted to ten in your head. But you can never rein yourself in very well when it comes to Noah.
You turn to fully face him. He watches your every move with a confused air about him. His body stills completely when you finally stretch your arm out, your fingertips brushing the red apple at his throat. You swear he shivers slightly when your fingernails graze his inked skin.
Noah lets you touch his tattoos without a word or twitch of a muscle. With every movement you make he watches you like a hawk, like he’s going to tear you limb from limb at any moment. You have done this countless times over the years, but something about this time feels different.
This goes on for only a few short minutes. Until Noah grasps your wrists and gently pushes your arms away from him. He keeps his hold on you.
Your throat constricts slightly in apparent preparation to cry once more. But you swallow thickly as you manage to meet his eye.
He tightens his jaw. He lowers his eyebrows slightly as he considers you and your slightly patronizing reply of his name.
“We’re gonna talk about this,” he tells you. “Right now. Whether you like it or not. We need to talk.”
And he’s right, you know he is. Though you don’t know how this is going to go.
You shakily take a deep breath anyways. You nod once, gesturing as best as you can despite your momentary shackles for Noah to speak.
“Why? Why did you break up with me?” Oh god, you’re hoping he didn’t feel your pulse spike at his question. “I mean, you gave me a reason, but we both know it was kinda bullshit. You didn’t tell me the truth. So can you tell me the truth now?”
Fuck. You can’t do this.
I’m sorry, Noah. But I can’t do this anymore.
There’s a pulsing behind your eye. Your head is pounding and your cheeks are tear-stained. And you would be an even bigger liar if you restated what you said that night. ‘Cause by the fucking gods above, you were all in from the beginning. You knew you were in love with Noah a long time before you actually started dating. You have been by his side through the worst years of his life, and he has been there for yours.
You have missed him more than anything this past month. Even while hanging out with Ryan something felt off. Your brain was too hung up on Noah to even fathom forgetting him or replacing him.
So what’s the point of hiding anything else from Noah, since he has seen and witnessed every dark and ugly and rotten thing you hold inside? He saw all the bad and evil that reside deep, deep down and still chose to stay.
But you have been broken for a long time, even considering how much Noah has helped you. There is something damaged beyond repair within. You’re not sure if it’s worth keeping anyone around anymore in order to try and fix it. It seems pointless, really.
Noah is still watching you. His hands are firm around your wrists as he waits for your answer.
“I’ve never been good enough for you,” you finally say, and it feels like a weight is lifted from your chest. “You how damaged I am. You have seen all of the shit that keeps me up at night and you’ve experienced firsthand how violent my panic attacks are. Why the fuck did you stay? You’re Noah fucking Sebastian. Lead singer of a successful metal-core band, who could have anyone he wants. And you chose me? I guess I just don’t see why.
“I’m not worth the hassle or worry. Everyone wastes their time with me. I’m not getting better — I can’t get better! So I removed the variable that was the issue. I removed the problem so you wouldn’t have to. I willingly took the swan dive, ‘cause sooner or later I was gonna self-destruct. I’m a fucking time-bomb, and you know it.”
Throughout your explanation Noah stared at you. He had made no attempts to interject or talk down on your feelings. He listened intently, and your heart aches.
But you can’t take the staring any longer. You wrench your hands away from Noah and stand from the couch. You wobble on your feet for a moment before you regain your balance, shuffling to the other side of the living room.
You turn to look at Noah to see him slumped against the back couch cushions. His arms are crossed over his chest and his eyes are still tracking you. Both feet are planted on the carpet.
“Would you stop looking at me like that?” you demand. “Like—Like I’m being irrational. Or, like—“
“Like I actually care about you?”
You fall silent at Noah’s interruption. His face is nearly expressionless, but you detect the minuscule frown on his lips.
“I’m not gonna stop caring about you, Y/N,” Noah continues, his voice low. You think he may be angry. “It’s not something I’m interested in doing. Because, yeah, I’ve seen all of the fucked up shit inside of you, but you’ve also seen it from me. You chose to stay too, right? So why would I want someone who doesn’t harbor a little bit of pain or agony? That makes you human, and that makes you you. ‘Cause believe me when I say that I am in love with you. Baggage and everything. But I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Tears had begun falling from your eyes again. Your lips trembled slightly at Noah’s declaration. Your body was shaking.
You watch as Noah gets to his feet. You can’t help but fold your arms around your torso as he slowly approaches you. The blood pumping through your veins and roaring in your ears is deafening.
“I can’t promise I won’t hurt you.”
Noah pauses a few paces away at your words. He meets your eye for just a moment before you’re locking your gaze onto the floor.
“Okay. Then don’t promise. I don’t care if you hurt me, ‘cause I’m gonna stay either way.”
“No, what?”
“What if…” You sniffle as you tighten your hold on yourself. “What if I don’t want you to stay?”
“That’s not happening.”
“Noah, I—“
Noah takes the steps forward to reach you. “The only reason you don’t want me to stay is so you can convince yourself everything was your fault,” he told you. His voice is still low in pitch and peppered with a certain hardness. “I’m not gonna let that happen. None of this is your fault.”
Your instincts are screaming at you to fall into Noah. Every inch of your body is berating you to let this all go and let Noah back in. You both need each other, you know that. So why is this so goddamn hard?
His words hang in the air like a heavy fog. Your vision is blurry from tears. Your heart is nearly beating out of your chest. This has to end.
“Get out.”
Noah recoils a fraction at your unexpected statement. “What?”
“I said get out. I made my decision, and you need to respect that.”
“I’m not leaving.”
More tears cascade down your face. Every single one feels like acid eating away at your skin as you raise your head to look Noah in the eye.
“I’m not going to ask you again, Noah.”
Noah doesn’t protest. But you can see the tears in his eyes as he eventually backs away and goes for the front door. You’re shaking uncontrollably as you watch him open the door, chance a glance back at you, then leave. He gently shuts it behind him.
A void opens up in your chest. It yawns wide, a blackened abyss growing bigger and bigger inside of you, threatening to consume your soul.
God, what the fuck have you done? You are so in love with him, and you just let him leave like that. You can’t even begin to believe that you’re this fucking stupid.
But Noah left because he loves you. And that makes the tears fall harder and faster.
You can’t imagine a life where he isn’t there. Frankly, you don’t want to imagine such a life. In every past, present and future you have ever conjured up in your head, Noah has always been there. And you just ruined any chance of fulfilling a better future for both of you.
This can’t happen.
You’re not going to let this happen.
Without thinking you dash for the door and fling it open. At the other end of the fairly short hallway, near the elevator, is Noah. His head is hung and he’s holding his phone. You can’t see his face clearly, but there’s a foreign rigidness to his body that you wish you never have to see again.
And at first Noah doesn’t react. Then he’s twisting his neck to look your way. The sight of you has him straightening his posture and sliding his phone back in to his pocket. You can see the rise and fall of his chest, a certain anxiety about him that hurts your heart.
Then you let out a loud sob, and Noah is racing for you without hesitation. He gathers you in his arms before your body crumples to the floor. You latch your fingers onto the fabric of his shirt as you cry against his shoulder. One of his arms is fastened around your abdomen while the other is along your shoulders, that hand slipping through your locks of hair and carelessly gripping at the roots.
“I’m sorry,” you sob against his body. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. God, I’m so stupid. I am so sorry—“
Noah cuts you off. “No, Y/N, do not apologize,” he tells you, his own voice thick with tears. “You’re not stupid, either. You were trying to do the right thing for you, and that’s okay. Never apologize for that. Okay?”
You manage to nod once. Then he’s carrying you back into your apartment in the direction of your room. He carefully sets you down on your bed and immediately joins you. There’s blankets around you and Noah is holding you tightly.
You bury your face in his neck with your arms coiled around his shoulders. His arms hold you against him, his head resting beside yours on the pillows.
The pillows were beginning to lose the smell of Noah’s cologne. You were worried they would have trapped the scent of Ryan instead over the past couple weeks, but all you feel is Noah. Every sense is overwhelmed by him and his presence. The feeling of his body against yours feels like coming home once and for all.
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thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed! likes and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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karouvas · 18 days
I had a lot I mean A LOT to say about the Blue and Adam ninos fight (and what I’ve written here does not even cover all my thoughts) so be forewarned:
“But I saw you guys trying to hide it. The crazy thing is — like, I’m right here. I’m with you guys every day. Do you think I didn’t see it? He’s my best friend. You think I don’t know him?” “Then why aren’t you having this conversation with him? He’s half of this, you know.”
Have spoken about this before but really I think Adam’s approaching Blue and only Blue about it comes from several different factors. I think one is that they got into a mild conflict in the last book when she and Noah went with him to help with Cabeswater and they were able to resolve it pretty easily and the world did not end, so maybe part of it is that has made Adam a bit more at ease with fighting with Blue being part of their dynamic, but doesn’t feel he has gotten there with Gansey yet. Then certainly Gansey’s looming death is a factor, their fights tend to be so explosive and to have one when he knows there’s a good chance he’ll lose Gansey is too big of a risk for Adam to take, and then combine that with his fear that he will kill Gansey or that any negative emotion he feels towards Gansey can become detrimentally hurtful and of course he wants to avoid that confrontation at all costs, meanwhile Blue is not destined to die and while he has some degree of fear of his anger/negative emotions in every relationship he doesn’t feel that with her in the specific heightened way he does with Gansey so he has freedom to have the fight with her as a stand in for both of them, even though that’s unfair to her as she correctly points out. Then there’s his revelation about Blue’s curse applying to Gansey. I’ve been attempting to track the dynamic of when/how Adam perceives Bluesey and I really think he is at least subconsciously/partially aware of it since late TRB but kind of is partly in denial about it or partly cautious about whether or not he’s wrong for a while, and kind of sets up some tests or opportunities for them (mostly for Gansey, specifically thinking of him asking Gansey to talk to Blue about why she won’t kiss him in tdt then being in a position to observe them together + the beginning of BLLB where he casually suggests to Gansey to take Blue to the next Gansey family function, there’s another instance in BLLB I think that I’m forgetting specifically) to prove this to him + tell him about it, and then when he asks Persephone how he can keep from killing Gansey and she replies with “why do you think your the one who kills him?” or something along those lines it fully clicks / he fully knows about them and the curse falls into place. So that was like a week ago (which by the way this book only being a week after BLLB is crazy pacing wise I have a lot of issues with it that’s for another post), and it’s still fresh. So this all has him connecting the guilt and self loathing and fear he’s been harboring for months about the possibility of killing Gansey, something that has fueled many of his actions (although like. really it’s what the vision represents that fuels all this not the vision itself which is a manifestation of those fears so you could get really theoretical debating that but putting a pin in that for a separate post also) and choices related to Gansey since the vision, to a tangible person who is destined to do what he fears, so he’s seeing what he fears in himself that potential to kill or hurt Gansey and also loving Gansey the two are linked, reflected in Blue who also is in love with Gansey and fears killing/hurting him since she knows it’s likely. So imo he’s projecting a lot of those pent up feelings he has about himself towards Blue. 
-And then specifically him taking her to task for being irresponsible enough to go on the date with Gansey and accusing her of being selfish and not caring about him enough if she’d put him in harms way like this… many things to unpack there first of all Blue would be well within her rights to slap him for that it’s really such an impressive display in self control that she does not, especially after their why-won’t-you-kiss-me conflict and how it played out. Secondly, it feels so true to Adam’s understanding of his own loving and fearing that he will hurt/kill Gansey dilemma, to him the answer is to compartmentalize the love and the hurt in the relationship and be super careful and avoidant to ensure he can’t accidentally hurt Gansey even if it makes him feel lonely and terrible and that when he’s hurt by something Gansey says or does he needs to bottle it up forever because the alternative is to be a monster, and seeing himself as fundamentally not worthy of Gansey, so Blue not treating her relationship with Gansey the way he does throws those compartmentalizations out of order and he sees it as a *wrong* way to feel / act on love for Gansey.
Also it’s sooo funny how he’s like. “Have you considered all the ways you two could potentially kiss in different places in different situations I can’t believe you two have left it to Me to do the math and imagine every possible scenario that could lead to you falling on Gansey’s lips and kissing him, I am of course only doing this on my own time because I am a good friend and a scientist therefore I need imagine Blue and Gansey making out, I must fall on this sword myself. Blue is nicer than me I would have forced him to explain in detail exactly what he meant by that
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lalalian · 9 days
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let’s talk students: aethergarde dr (my dragon rider school dr)
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date: september 15, 2024
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it's been a hot sec, this is the last student I scripted (in detail, for now). She reminds me of a button 😭😭
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her nickname is "Noa" (sounds like Noah)
Anoa: (En-oh-uh)
Erving: (Er-ving) ('Er' like that 'er' sound in 'earn')
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Anoa has a really sweet and soft appearance. She is really into making her own skincare, and makes most of her allowance by selling it. She has olive green eyes, freckles, and cool toned pale skin. She has long thick hair that extends down her back and blunt bangs.
Noa is tall (okay well at least taller than me), as she is around 5'5" (168 cm). Her figure can be described as slim, but not fit. She is not used to hard manual labor or long work hours out in the sun. Noa smells like peonies and pumpkin (not that peonies or pumpkins exist in Aethergarde, but like... the scent profile is there in some sort of herb or flower).
her hair color is more ginger, like the last photo!
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clothing style:
Pretty much a cottagecore + village girl kinda style.
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Many describe Anoa to be quite likeable, sweet, and placid. Even if there is a disagreement, she's not the type to seek revenge, injure, or yell. Instead, she calmly addresses the issue in the best way she can.
Noa was a bit of a doormat + a people pleaser in her childhood, but has since grown out of that kind of mindset. Unlike the other students I've gone over, she is much more likely to likely to handle things emotionally rather than logically. She prefers for other people to take the reins when it comes to leadership roles.
While she is great at getting along with people, she's not great at keeping long lasting friendships. She's the kind of person to like spending time in someone's presence.
relationships + social status:
Anoa is not a noble and is the least rich student I've scripted so far. She lived in a small village (she's a commoner) and was raised by everyone essentially in the town, but especially Miss Pernet. Anoa's parents abandoned her as an infant; they couldn't raise her because the parents of both the mom and dad absolutely hated each other's family. Anoa's parents wanted to be together, but the mom's sister suddenly refused to financially support them last minute before they eloped. The two realized that they couldn't afford to bring baby Anoa along, and unfortunately decided to leave her on the doorstep of an old lady who taught the children in the village how to read.
Anoa grew up well despite her missing parents. Only Anoa's mom's sister knew of Anoa's existence, so Anoa wasn't left out or bullied until she was around 12 years old. Miss Pernet (Sara Pernet) helped the children and the town accept her.
Noa never learned how to fight, but she did learn how to sew, forage, cook, bake, and make skincare. She has not once ever aspired to be a rider. She barely even knew much about riders in general, only that they rode dragons, fought, and many of the kids in her village wanted to be one. Nobody, including Noa, ever thought she'd be a rider, let alone an S ranked rider, but the village did celebrate her rank once they found out.
Anoa is the only student out of the one's I've gone over so far to not attend Aethergarde Academy. She voluntarily decided to attend Empyrigate over of Aethergarde because she heard that Aethergarde Academy was particularly rigorous.
likes & dislikes:
-Tending to animals
-Doing laundry
-Making clothing
-Likes baking more than cooking
-Not finishing her food
-Wasting things
-Missing out
-The feeling of being useless and having no purpose
Anoa's aura is categorized as a single-toned common plume. The color of her aura is a sweet peachy pink.
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Anoa will bond with a female honeydew bamphee, and will name her Mansi.
strengths & weaknesses
-has the capacity to make potions
-has extensive knowledge in foraging
-a good mediator
-has as much experience in fighting as my unusually long chihuahua
-doesn't like to fight
fighting style:
Anoa is not skilled in fighting at all; she will choose the bow and arrow as her main line of defense in her academy, though.
upon shifting here…
Anoa will be a first year student at Empyrigate Academy. You'll definitely meet her at tournaments, though she will not be actively participating in them.
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Fun fact, I made Anoa attend Empyrigate for the sole purpose of having a reason to visit that school. Also I needed someone to be a healer 😭😭
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v0rewhxre · 8 months
Hi! Would you mind writing about how it would be dating Noah?🥰
Hello! Of course my love!
CW: Fluffy Fluff, mentions of mental health issues, a little sexual section nothing super descriptive
I think dating Noah would be a wild ride. Between his growing fame, constant touring, and Bad Omen's growing success, having a relationship is not always easy.
Noah seems to be one goofy motherfucker. You'd probably have a lot of inside jokes together, things that sound really dumb to other people, but make you bust a gut together (think the BBC video (big brown chair lol)). Sometimes he says something that sounds slightly inappropriate and you both crack up laughing. Other times he's pulling silly little pranks on you or making dumb faces in serious moments.
According to Noah, he is extremely boring... I take this as he does not leave the house, and you're fine with that. You love movie nights where you binge entire seasons of anime, although you struggle during the filler episodes. You spend days reading books together, just sitting silently together in your beautiful living (designed by Noah). His love language is quality time and physical touch, so while sitting together he's always slightly touching you.
When you get to join on tour, Noah never let's you out of his sight. He's extremely protective of you because like Bad Omens, you are his baby. He's always looking at you from across the room, whether goofing around with the guys or performing in front of large crowds. Sometimes he specifically points to you when he sings certain parts of songs, letting you know that even on stage he's thinking of only you. Although Noah is very private, if a fan leaks a pic of you holding hands it doesn't bother him. He won't hide you because why would he?
It's not unknown that he has struggled with mental health issues from things in his past. I think that would make its way into the relationship a little in the sense he may need constant validation that you love him. He may have slight trust issues, but with his healing process ongoing he's learning to let go and love someone fully. You have also taught him that sometimes it's ok not to be in control.
I think Noah would be very supportive in your own wellness and growth. He would support you in your own journey of mental health. He would never push his ideologies on you, allowing you to be your own person. He's made a name for himself and he wants to support you in your dreams regardless of what they are.
As far as intimacy goes, you're very touchy as mentioned above. Nothing crazy, but you are always slightly touching or leaning into each other. Sexually you're both very compatible, trying new things to spice up your sex life but also being comfortable in just missionary. Noah is very attentive to your needs, putting you before himself. You show him that he deserves that intimacy. You worship him and make him feel wanted and loved.
Ok those are a few thoughts I had, nothing too too specific but I think it works!
Hope you like it!!!
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cowpokeomens · 10 months
How do you think would Noah be in the dating phase realistically?
Shy? A gentleman? Open and forward?
So you said realistically and I think I have a very different opinion on Noah and romance than seems to be the popular opinion on here, so like, disclaimer for that lmao also I definitely have familiarized myself with this man’s birth chart so if you don’t like astrology bs this might be annoying to you, anyways!!
I think he’d be sooooo charming, if he was interested in you in any way. Like, almost in a slimy way- you can’t tell if he speaks to all romantic prospects this way, or if it’s just you. I do not think he’d be up front about his feelings at all, and I daresay he might even have some difficulty labeling those feelings. Regardless of your personality, you’re a fully fleshed person with your own thoughts and feelings, and I think his little control freak ass would have a difficult time coping with the fact that you’re not gonna follow the script he made in his head. If he really liked you- not just lusted after you- it would take a lot of confrontations with himself and his own tendencies towards romantic partners (I’m looking at you, internalized misogyny!) before he’d come around to realizing he really does enjoy your company and not your 😏company😏. So like, all that aside: I think he’d be devoted if he could just Get Over Himself. He thinks vulnerability = weakness, so he’d be against PDA that can convey how gently he touches you, how soft his eyes get when you speak to him. Sitting in his lap while he nibbles on your ear? Whatever. Holding hands as you walk through an airport? Absolutely the fuck not, he’s no softie. You’d have to really wanna tear down those walls because he seems like a big stubborn idiot. He is NOT clear about what he’s feeling (he’s an Aquarius moon right? Yeah.) but his personality leans towards flirtation, so he gives you all these signs that he’s so open and available and then you ask one probing question and down come the gates. He has no problem showing the world he wants to fuck you, but feels weird showing the world that he cares for you very deeply. I think this is all really conflicting with the fact that he does feel real emotions for you, and he feels them big. He’s a grand gesture guy when he can get out of his own head, like 100-roses and fireworks and a blimp with your name on it grand gesture. So his friends are like “he said they were just casual?” as you’re there, 6 months into a relationship, holding your 100 roses and talking about moving in together at the end of the year. By no means do I think Noah is a terrible awful human, or I wouldn’t write for him, but I think he has some real issues to work out as a human being before he’d be a good romantic partner. But if he got those issues worked out? He’d worship you. Says he loves you 10000 times a day, cooks every meal for you, massages your feet when you get home from work, would give the best, most meaningful compliments. Like, “you’re so pretty” goes out the window when he looks at you and says “I love how you see to the heart of things and understand what I’m trying to say so well.” I still hate him though.
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thepictureofjune · 5 months
The Tortured Poets Departement of schloss einstein
— relating songs to characters and relationships because in my eyes, everyone is a little sad
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Hallo. Wilkommen. This is me trying to relate everything I somewhat like to my current obsession even if it does not fit at all because this is a kids show and the album is probably anything but relatable to a 12 year old, trying to find a treasure. But I tried and I tried explaining my choices. This is my very insane and over-dramatic interpretation, please just deal with me. 
Disclaimer: hab versucht, mich möglichst auf Staffel 26 und 27 Charaktere zu begrenzen, hat aber (siehe literally erstes Beispiel) manchmal besser bei früheren Charakteren oder Beziehungen gepasst. Btw would love it if anyone could find people to relate the missing songs to. (my chronic rewatching kinda failed me in the end…)
Fortnight - Till und Martha (Staffel 23)
And for a fortnight there, we were forever Run into you sometimes, ask about the weather Now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbors Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her All my mornings are Mondays stuck in an endless February I took the miracle move-on drug, the effects were temporary And I love you, it's ruining my life I love you, it's ruining my life I touched you for only a fortnight I touched you, but I touched you
For me this fits within the whole Martha Kasimir Till drama and obviously the somewhat enemies to lovers arc Martha and Till had going on. How probably liking Martha ruined Tills life more than it already was because when they kissed for the first time, she was still dating Kasimir and that, of course, ensured a lot of issues probably. 
The Tortured Poets Department - Nesrin und Annika (Staffel 27!)
But you're in self-sabotage mode Throwing spikes down on the road But I've seen this episode and still loved the show Who else decodes you? And who's gonna hold you like me? And who's gonna know you, if not me? I laughed in your face and said "You're not Dylan Thomas, I'm not Patti Smith This ain't the Chelsea Hotel, we'rе modern idiots" (...) Sometimes, I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me But you told Lucy you'd kill yourself if I ever leave And I had said that to Jack about you, so I felt seen Everyone we know understands why it's meant to be 'Cause we're crazy So tell me, who else is gonna know me?
We get introduced to them as these two best friends who are never really seen without each other. Annika knows Nesrin and Nesrin knows Annika and no one is ever going to get in between them, right? Because then it changes and we get the whole fight of Nesrin not really seeming to know Annika all that well anymore, them constantly fighting because maybe after all, all they had was the pranks they did together and what is their friendship beyond that? What is their friendship now?
Down Bad - Noah und Colin aus Noahs Sicht (Staffel 27 post 1062)
For a moment, I knew cosmic love Now I'm down bad, cryin' at the gym Everything comes out teenage petulance "Fuck it if I can't have him" "I might just die, it would make no difference" Down bad, wakin' up in blood Starin' at the sky, come back and pick me up Fuck it if I can't have us I might just not get up, I might stay
Did you take all my old clothes Just to leave me here, naked and alone In a field in my same old town That somehow seems so hollow now? They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about The existence of you
I loved your hostile takeovers Encounters closer and closer All your indecent exposures How dare you say that it's— I'll build you a fort on some planet Where they can all understand it How dare you think it's romantic Leaving me safe and stranded 'Cause fuck it, I was in love So fuck you if I can't have us
So Noah kinda knows he likes Colin now, knows that he misses Colin but what if Colin doesn’t miss him? What if Colin already moved on? Nothing would make sense anymore. He lost his best friend and for what? Only to be alone in the end?
Because right now, for all Noah knows, Colin might still be mad at him. 
So Long, London - Noah und Colin aus Colins Sicht (Staffel 27 post 1056) 
I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift Pulled him in tighter each time he was driftin' away My spine split from carrying us up the hill Wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill I stopped tryna make him laugh, stopped tryna drill the safe Thinkin', "How much sad did you think I had Did you think I had in me?" Oh, the tragedy
So long, London You'll find someone For so long, London Stitches undone Two graves, one gun I'll find someone And you say I abandoned the ship But I was going down with it My white-knuckle dying grip Holding tight to your quiet resentment And my friends said it isn't right to be scared Every day of a love affair Every breath feels like rarest air When you're not sure if he wants to be there You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? I died on the altar waitin' for the proof You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days And I'm just getting color back into my face I'm just mad as hell 'cause I loved this place
But Daddy I Love Him - Julia Sponer (Staffel 25 u 26) 
Too high a horse for a simple girl To rise above it They slammed the door on my whole world The one thing I wanted Now I'm runnin' with my dress unbuttoned Scrеamin', "But, Daddy, I love him I'm havin' his baby" No, I'm not, but you should see your faces I'm tellin' him to floor it through thе fences No, I'm not coming to my senses
This one is mainly for the dramatics of the song, of playing the part and of Julia wanting to take a path (acting) that is usually not really met with great immediate success. 
Fresh Out The Slammer - Lucky und Paulina (Staffel 11 u 12) 
Gray and blue and fights and tunnels Handcuffed to the spell I was under For just one hour of sunshine Years of labor, locks, and ceilings In the shade of how he was feeling But it's gonna be alright, I did my time Now, pretty baby, I'm runnin' back home to you Frеsh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to Camera flashes, welcome bashes, get the matches Toss the ashes off the ledge As I said in my letters, now that I know better I will never lose my baby again
Give me one couple in the entirety of Schloss Einstein that screams Partners in Crime better than they do. (also give me one modern character that would be looked at like a criminal - they don’t do them like that anymore) 
Florida!!! - Joyce Simon (Staffel 24 u 25)
Little did you know your home's really only A town you're just a guest in So you work your life away just to pay For a time-share down in Destin (...) The hurricane with my name when it came I got drunk and I dared it to wash me away Barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine Well, me and my ghosts, wе had a hell of a time Yes, I'm hauntеd, but I'm feeling just fine
One character who never quite seemed to feel at home, who had a friend and still fled the country, who has never had a home because family was always foreign. 
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? - Joshua Hockenbrink (Staffel 27) 
The who's who of "Who's that?" is poised for the attack But my bare hands paved their paths You don't get to tell me about "sad" (...) Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream "Who's afraid of little old me?" You should be The scandal was contained The bullet had just grazed At all costs, keep your good name You don't get to tell me you feel bad Is it a wonder I broke? Let's hear one morе joke Then we could all just laugh until I cry (...) So tell me everything is not about me But what if it is? Then say they didn't do it to hurt me But what if they did? I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me So all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs I'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said? That I'll sue you if you step on my lawn That I'm fearsome and I'm wretched and I'm wrong
A birthday party organized simply to taunt him, the usually slightly mean behavior that drives everyone away and makes you think he is nothing more than rude, nothing more than a villain. But he’s also the boy that seems to want nothing more than to find a place that accepts him. 
loml - Leon und Io aus Leons Sicht (Staffel 27 post 1064) 
We embroidered the memories of the time I was away Stitching, "We were just kids, babe" I said, "I don't mind, it takes time" I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed I've felt a glow like this never before and never since (...) You holy ghost, you told me I'm the love of your life You said I'm the love of your life About a million times Who's gonna tell me the truth when you blew in with the winds of fate (...) I wish I could unrecall How we almost had it all Dancing phantoms on the terrace Are they second-hand embarrassed That I can't get out of bed
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - Massuda Phanit (Staffel 26 u 27)
I can read your mind "She's having the time of her life There in her glittering prime The lights refract sequin stars off her silhouette every night" I can show you lies 'Cause I'm a real tough kid I can handle my shit They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did Lights, camera, bitch, smile Even when you wanna die Breaking down, I hit the floor All the piеces of me shatterеd as the crowd was chanting, "More" I was grinnin' like I'm winnin' I was hittin' my marks I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day
Massuda is glitter, she is smiles in the camera, she is organizing parties and loud music and dancing and…She is also the parents that don’t accept her if she doesn’t have good grades. She is also the one who has to hide her true self whenever her parents turn up. 
Clara Bow - Marlon to Simon (Staffel 27)
"You look like Clara Bow In this light, remarkable All your life, did you know You'd be picked like a rose?" I'm not trying to exaggerate But I think I might die if it happened Die if it happened to me No one in my small town Thought I'd see the lights of Manhattan Take the glory, give everything Promise to be dazzling
This might seem a wee bit crazy but hear me out! Marlon likes Nesrin but he also thinks Nesrin likes Simon. And he knows Simon is probably better at this whole liking someone and flirting with them thing that he will ever be because after all, he’s just the kid with the star bread.
— june🪐
(the anthology comes in a separate part bcs else this is too long to read - it already prob is)
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jeonghoneyss · 2 months
hi for the wip game I want to know about 2 baddies (1 porsche), jeongho long flights, and jay ibn jafar? 👀
helloooo <3 thanks for the ask, sorry it took me so long to get to it!
2 Baddies (1 Porsche) is actually one of my transformers wips, so i won't bore you too much with the details. the porsche in question (mirage) is also one of the baddies. in this one he makes a pet of a stray kitten and his human friend (noah) has to deal with it.
here's a short snippet from my (messy) outline (i do my outlines in notepad, hence the forward slashes in the place of italics):
"You're being weird," Noah says. Mirage's headlights flicker. "No, I'm not. /You're/ being weird." Noah is unimpressed. "Did you get that comeback from Kris?" Mirage whines. His hand is still pressed to his chassis, and Noah is starting to wonder if there isn't something seriously wrong with Mirage. He's getting tired of Mirage's weird evasions, like he's trying to hide something, and so he tries-- "Come on," he says. "I thought we were boys?" Mirage looks at him. The sincerity is sudden and heavy, and then he says, "Yeah. Yeah, of course we're boys. You rearranged my insides, man, of course we're boys!" "Should've never put you back together again," Noah mutters. "So then tell me what's going on," he continues, and Mirage, suddenly looking incredibly guilty, tries to pretend nothing's going on. Noah's not having it. Mirage pops his glove box open. Inside, staring up at Noah with huge, wet eyes, is a kitten. "I couldn't leave it!" Mirage says, defensive. "Look at it, Noah, how could I leave it? It was in a carboard box, all alone, what was I supposed to do with it?" "What are we supposed to do with it /now/, Mirage?" Mirage doesn't say anything. His silence is loud. Noah has a horrible feeling that he knows what's coming. "Can we--" and here it is, and what is Noah supposed to /do/ when Mirage is looking at him so pleadingly? His optics look as big and wet as the cat's eyes. A gear inside Noah's chest thunks. "Can we keep it?" "You got /pets/ on Cybertron?" Noah asks, in disbelief. "It's /cute/," Mirage protests. The kitten interjects with a meow.
jeongho long flights i answered for april telomirage here, but to give you a summary, it's about cadet pilot yang jeongin and his coming of age. he leaves his mother's house and goes to train as a space pilot; he finds a family in his new crew. minho clocks that he's got some mommy issues and proceeds to help him work through them in the most annoying way possible.
here is a short snippet:
‘We’re a team,’ Minho says. ‘We look out for each other. You’re part of our team too, Jeongin.’ We’re not a team, Jeongin wants to scream. He doesn’t want anyone’s empty words and meaningless platitudes. He doesn’t want Minho to humour him.
i think you already know all there is to say about jay ibn jafar at the moment! jay is part genie, but he doesn't realise it until he's off the isle and in auradon; scar and shere khan live in the caves next to hades; lots of thoughts about jay's relationship with his dad and the 'no team in i' mentality vs being part of a crew vs having friends. harry hook is there and he's an absolute bastard. i might look into the captain hook etonian good form/bad form thing from peter pan too, or that might be another wip
here is the summary paragraph i did (there isn't much actual writing at the moment):
Jay’s first lesson is that a treasure is something that will rescue you. (Jay, perched on his Baba’s knee, learning. Your child is your wealth, after all.)  Then, a treasure is something that makes you happy. A treasure is something that you need. A treasure can be stupid and wrong and pitiful. A treasure must be protected. You could be protected, too, if you were treasure enough. Protecting things makes you feel good. You could protect a treasure, maybe. You can’t protect your treasures. Your treasures don’t need protecting anymore – so why are you here? You lean into giving everything you think you can give them, so that they keep you around, even though you can’t give them your protection anymore. You know you have a treasure, and it’s not a shameful secret you have to struggle to admit to yourself anymore. Your treasures consider you a treasure, and it’s news to you, and you don’t have to be their protector, you can lean on them, too.
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Melodies Between Friends– Part VIII
Disclaimer: The content on this blog is entirely fictional and created for entertainment purposes. None of the scenarios depicted here are based on real-life occurrences. Enjoy the stories and let your imagination run wild!
pairing Noah Sebastian x reader
summary You've been best friends with Noah Sebastian for years, sharing everything from late-night talks to a love of music. But as the band rises to fame and life changes, you both start to wonder if there's something more between you.
The next few days were a delicate dance between you and Noah. The conversation you’d had was a start, but it didn’t erase the pain or fix the underlying issues. Instead, it felt like you were both treading carefully, trying to avoid the cracks in the fragile foundation of your relationship.
Noah was around more often now, making an effort to be present, to show that he was committed to fixing things. He’d bring you coffee in the morning, his favorite smile back on his face, and you’d have breakfast together like you used to. You tried to focus on these small moments, telling yourself that they were signs of progress. But there was a tension that neither of you could ignore a tension born from the uncertainty of whether love was truly enough to bridge the gap that had formed between you.
At night, when the world was quiet and you were alone with your thoughts, the doubts would creep in. You’d lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering if the foundation you were trying to rebuild was already too cracked to hold anything stable. Noah would often stay over, but even then, the intimacy you once shared felt strained. He would hold you close, whispering reassurances that felt more like wishes than promises.
One evening, after a particularly quiet day where the weight of everything seemed heavier than usual, Noah suggested a night out a chance to get away from the apartment, from the memories, and just enjoy each other’s company like you used to. You agreed, thinking that maybe it would help to remind you both of what had drawn you together in the first place.
You ended up at a small, cozy bar on the outskirts of town a place you hadn’t been to in a while but held good memories. The dim lighting, the low hum of conversation, and the familiar scent of old wood and whiskey made the place feel comforting. Noah ordered your favorite drinks, and you found a booth in the corner, away from the crowd.
For a little while, things felt almost normal. You talked about inconsequential things movies you wanted to see, songs he was working on, plans for the weekend. It was nice, easy even, but there was still that undercurrent of unease. The unspoken tension that neither of you wanted to address, as if acknowledging it would bring everything crashing down.
After a few drinks, the conversation grew quieter, and you found yourself lost in thought, staring at the amber liquid in your glass. Noah was watching you, his gaze intense, like he was trying to read your mind, trying to figure out what was going on behind your distant eyes.
“What’s on your mind?” he finally asked, breaking the silence.
You sighed, putting your drink down and looking at him. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just... scared.”
“Of what?” he asked softly, leaning closer.
“Of us,” you admitted, the words tumbling out before you could stop them. “Of losing what we had. Of realizing that maybe we’ve already lost it.”
Noah’s face fell slightly, and you could see the hurt in his eyes. “I know things aren’t the same right now. But that doesn’t mean we can’t get back to where we were.”
“Can we, though?” you asked, your voice trembling. “Can we really go back, Noah? Or are we just trying to hold onto something that’s already gone?”
He reached across the table, taking your hand in his. His touch was warm, familiar, but it didn’t chase away the cold feeling of doubt in your chest. “We can try. I want to try. Don’t you?”
You squeezed his hand, searching his eyes for some kind of reassurance. “Of course I do. But it just feels like... like there’s this distance between us now, even when we’re together. And I don’t know how to close it.”
Noah looked down at your joined hands, his thumb brushing gently over your knuckles. “I feel it too,” he admitted. “And I hate it. I hate that I let things get to this point. But I don’t want to give up on us. I can’t.”
His words were earnest, filled with the sincerity that had always been one of the things you loved most about him. But despite his conviction, the doubts still lingered in the back of your mind.
“I’m not ready to give up either,” you said, trying to push the doubts away. “But I’m also scared of what happens if we keep going and things don’t get better. I don’t want us to hurt each other more.”
Noah nodded, his expression somber. “I get it. I do. But maybe we just need to take it one step at a time. No pressure, no expectations. Just... see where things go.”
His suggestion made sense, and it offered a glimmer of hope that you could both hold onto. “Okay. We’ll take it slow. But we have to be honest with each other, Noah. No more pretending everything’s okay when it’s not.”
“Deal,” he agreed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
You smiled back, feeling a little lighter, as if the weight you’d been carrying had eased just a bit. The night continued, and for a while, it felt like you were taking a step in the right direction. The conversation flowed more easily, and you found yourself laughing at his jokes, feeling that familiar warmth in your chest that had been missing for so long.
But as the evening wore on, the bar started to fill up, and you noticed a group of people you recognized from the local music scene entering. Among them was Jenna, the girl who had been in those photos with Noah. You tensed up immediately, your grip on your drink tightening as you watched her approach.
Noah noticed your change in demeanor and followed your gaze. When he saw Jenna, his expression shifted, and he looked back at you with a mix of concern and apology.
“Hey,” he said quietly, leaning closer. “It’s just a coincidence. I didn’t know she’d be here.”
“I know,” you replied, forcing a smile. “It’s fine.”
But it wasn’t fine. Jenna’s presence was like a dark cloud over the evening, and no matter how much you tried to brush it off, it lingered in the back of your mind, tainting everything. You couldn’t help but remember the photos, the way she had looked at Noah, and the doubt that had taken root in your heart.
Jenna noticed the two of you and waved, smiling brightly as she made her way over. You tensed even more, your stomach twisting into knots. Noah’s hand slipped from yours as he turned slightly to greet her.
“Hey, Noah!” Jenna said, her voice cheerful, oblivious to the tension. “I didn’t know you’d be here tonight.”
“Yeah, just a spontaneous night out,” Noah replied, his tone polite but distant.
Jenna turned to you, her smile unwavering. “And you must be Y/N. I’ve heard so much about you.”
You forced a smile, trying to keep your voice steady. “Nice to meet you.”
The conversation that followed was stilted and awkward, with Noah doing most of the talking while you sat there, feeling like an outsider in your own relationship. Every word Jenna said seemed to deepen the chasm between you and Noah, even though it wasn’t her fault. She was friendly, and she didn’t give you any reason to believe there was anything between her and Noah beyond friendship, but the insecurities that had been eating away at you for weeks made it impossible to see her as anything other than a threat.
Eventually, Jenna was called away by her friends, and she left with a wave and a promise to catch up with Noah later. When she was gone, the silence between you and Noah was heavy, filled with all the things you weren’t saying.
“I’m sorry,” Noah said after a long moment, his voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t want tonight to be like this.”
“It’s not your fault,” you replied, though you couldn’t keep the bitterness out of your voice. “It’s just... seeing her brought everything back. All the doubts, the fears...”
“I know,” he said, his eyes filled with regret. “And I hate that it’s like this now. That you feel like you have to compete with someone who doesn’t even matter.”
“She matters,” you said softly, surprising even yourself with the admission. “She matters because she represents everything I’m afraid of. That you’ll find someone who makes you happier, who doesn’t bring all this baggage.”
Noah shook his head vehemently, reaching for your hand again. “No. Don’t say that. You’re the one I want, Y/N. I don’t want anyone else. But I know I’ve made you doubt that, and I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you looked down, not wanting him to see how much his words affected you. “I just... I need to know that we’re worth fighting for. That this isn’t just us holding onto something because we’re afraid of letting go.”
Noah lifted your chin gently, forcing you to meet his gaze. “We are worth fighting for. I believe that. Do you?”
You searched his eyes, looking for any sign of doubt, but all you saw was sincerity, a desperate need to make things right. And despite everything, you still loved him. You still wanted this to work, even if you were terrified that it might not.
“I want to,” you whispered, your voice breaking. “But I’m scared”
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