#rem hazelnut
raetreaderarts · 9 months
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It’s been a while since I updated you guys on the progress I’ve been making on R.E.M. Estates. The game is still being updated, I just haven’t had the motivation to work on it again for the past few months. But here are the new characters I created for it, you can find all of them in The City. I also added area-specific music, some new dialogue for old characters, and speaking of old characters I made new sprites for a couple of them which I’ll show in another post. In order there’s Dr. Hanahaki (he/him) Grandma Hazelnut (she/her) Pearl Peppercorn (she/her) and Pewter Peppercorn (he/him).
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Hug Over Coffee
Note: Inspired by this story by @partialdignity. Carim, before you say anything, hear me out. The writing muse grabbed me pretty hard and I’ve been feeling a bit more rested, so no need to worry. I’ll just let this bit of fluff speak for itself. :)
Takes place in an AU where Rem and Vy coexisted together as fellow Masters of Chaldea. I was listening to Pray from Nana Mizuki when writing this.
Waking up in the middle of the night wasn’t exactly fun. Vy hated those moments, because her brain already had a mental clock that didn’t allow her to oversleep. Waking up when it was still dark, though? It was one of those few moments that left her frustrated.
Thus, Vy ended up grabbing a pillow to hug to herself while slowly making her way to the Novum Chaldea Dining Hall for a glass of water, in a nightgown and slippers and all. Inwardly, she could already imagine the dismayed reactions of the other Servants at her actions, because unintentionally overworking was enough of a personal trend-setter as is. Wandering through the halls at night in an attempt to fall back asleep would probably give some folk a heart attack. Or earn her a lecture.
Vy could already imagine Archer EMIYA and Ruler Martha in particular being hard on her about it, just because they were her first Gold Archer and Ruler Servants respectfully. It was sweet they worried about her, but there was only so much she could take before she just wanted to hide in a corner from the internal shame.
It didn’t stop Vy from blinking when noticing the light being on the Dining Hall, and peeking in made her heart drop to the bottom of her stomach.
Rem didn’t look up from her steaming cup of coffee, only sipping at it before nodding towards Vy with a raised eyebrow. With the lights on, Vy could easily see the dark eyebags on Rem’s features. “Hey,” she said after a moment, cup still in her hands as Vy slowly approached. “What are you doing up, Vy?”
“I-I woke up for some reason and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I came here for a glass of water,” Vy admitted, letting go of her pillow with one hand to play with her hair. Maybe she should’ve brushed it before visiting the Dining Hall, because if Rem’s sparkle in her eyes was any indication, Rem had definitely noticed how tussled it was. “What about you? What are you doing up, Rem-san?”
Are you okay, lingered on Vy’s mind, but she knew she couldn’t voice it just yet.
Rem still returned her worried stare with a subdued shrug, a wry smile on her lips as she brought her coffee mug close to her face. “It’s just past midnight, Vy,” she said after a moment, taking a small sip from the steaming brew. A glance at the cup’s contents was enough to make Vy flinch, because it looked like plain bitter black coffee. It was hard enough for Vy to have coffee without hazelnut coffee creamer or condensed milk, simply because Vietnamese iced coffee, cà phê đá, used those two condiments too much to where she couldn’t drink anything else. Mom and Di Thuy’s brews were the best for Vy.
For Rem to have plain black coffee, this late at night, though—
Can I do something?
“I’ll be okay, Vy,” Rem said before Vy could open her mouth. She raised her head past her coffee cup’s rims to smile. “Go get your water and go back to sleep. It’s another day farming tomorrow.”
“I-I know that, but…” Vy took a small breath. “R-Rem-san, could I do something really quick?”
Rem blinked slowly at her. “Sure…?”
Vy felt a small smile of her own start to form on her lips. “You have every right to push me away if you don’t like it.”
“What do you—”
Vy put her pillow aside on a nearby table before dropping to her knees to reach Rem’s sitting height, wrapping her arms around her fellow Master’s neck in a hug. Rem tensed almost immediately, a silent gasp of sorts echoing into Vy’s ear, before a hand gently pressed against the top of her head. “…Vy?”
I should’ve done this sooner.
“Y-You looked like you needed a hug, Rem-san,” Vy whispered, shaking her head and squeezing her friend a bit tighter. “A-And I know when I had trouble sleeping, I’d hug someone I care about.”
Vy waited a few seconds before pulling away, feeling a shy giggle leave her lips. “Sorry if I did something that made you uncomfy, but if you need anything at all, Rem-san, just let me know. We’re friends first, Masters second. Okay?”
Rem stared at her for what felt like a long time.
Vy blinked back at her before adding in a smaller voice, “I won’t leave if you want me to stay up with you instead.”
Finally, Rem shook her head, and a hand reached out to rest on top of Vy’s head instead. “…Go to sleep, Vy,” she said quietly, shaking her head. “We’ll talk about it in the morning.”
A truer smile formed on Vy’s lips as she nodded, standing back up to grab her pillow. “That’s a promise, Rem-san.”
Rem’s lips quirked upwards in a mix of a frown and a wry smile. “As long as you don’t push yourself.”
“The same to you, Rem-san.”
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heavenly-roman · 5 years
31 AND LOSLEEP ~argo
send me requests!!!
(i got carried away with this one too so it’ll be under the cut)
((also hi child i love u))
if you liked this, consider buying me a coffee?
Logan usually wasn’t one to be anxious for class to end, but when he got a text ten minutes ago from Remy saying “we’re getting coffee when you’re done class, on me ;)” he couldn’t help but grow antsy.
“-and I will see you all next week,” said his professor, and Logan was out the door before all of the hustle and bustle of students could stop him. Slinging his bag over one shoulder, he took out his phone to text his friend when he bumped into someone.
“Got somewhere to be, babes?” Remy asked, holding the shorter man’s arms so he didn’t fall. Logan felt his face flush and started into his friend’s gorgeous green eyes. Roman’s voice danced in the back of his mind, teasing him about his crush, but he ignored it in favour of replying to Remy.
“I’ve got to meet my friend, you know the one, tall, cocky-”
“Impossibly handsome?”
“I was going to say reckless and annoying, but whatever floats your boat, Rem,” Logan scoffed and pushed himself out of Remy’s grasp. “Found a new shop to go to?”
“My brother told me about one just off of 42nd street, said they make the best croissants in town, and I couldn’t help but think, don’t I know a nerd who loves a good croissant and loves spending time with me?” Remy gestured dramatically as he led Logan through a shortcut through campus.
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do, and his name is Logan Berry, and- hey! Stop walking away from me, I’m right!” he jogged after Logan and grabbed his arm, pulling him the correct way again. “As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted…”
Logan let his mind wander while Remy rambled on about anything and everything, absentmindedly acknowledging that his arm was still in Remy’s grip.
“-gan? Logan!” Remy waved his hand in front of Logan. He pouted, “You’re not paying attention to me.”
“Huh? Oh, uh, sorry Rem,” Logan stammered. He looked up and realized they were stopped in front of the coffee shop. Sugar and Spice Cafe, read the sign, and Logan smiled. Remy pushed open the door, the smell of fresh coffee hitting the both of them as the melodic jingle alerted the staff of their presence.
“Good afternoon, what can I get for you?” asked the cheery barista. His blonde curls fell in his freckled face, and round glasses framed his blue eyes. In another life, Logan would’ve been interested in him. 
Remy smiled and waltzed up to the counter, “I’ll have a vanilla latte with an extra shot of espresso, and a chocolate hazelnut croissant, and my beautiful, boring, bootylicious-”
“-Best friend will have a boring black coffee, and a boring plain croissant.”
The barista giggled and nodded, “Alright, that’s gonna be $6.30, you can take a seat and Virgil will bring it out to you.”
Remy paid and the two sat down, idly chatting while they waited. Not too long after, a man with faded purple hair and a nose ring - Virgil, Logan presumed - brought out their drinks and snacks. They thanked him, and to Logan’s surprise, he winked.
“Someone likes you, huh?” Remy teased, sipping his latte. “You gonna ask him for his number?”
Logan quickly shook his head, ripping part of his croissant into bite-sized pieces, “No, he’s not really my type.”
“And what is your type?” Remy leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table and resting his chin in his hands.
Logan flushed and didn’t answer, instead saying, “Have you tried your croissant? I think your brother was right.” 
“I think I see something tastier,” Remy mumbled, waving it off when Logan asked about it. He chuckled, pointing at Logan’s mouth, “You’ve got something on your lip. No, no, there. No Logan, there. No, Lo- oh nevermind. Here, let me.”
As Logan started to protest - he did not need Remy so close to his face - Remy leaned across the table and cradled his face in his hand. He swiped his lips with his thumb, and Logan once again felt all the blood rush to his cheeks. “You’re blushing,” Remy commented.
“Remy, I….” Logan trailed off, his eyes momentarily flicking to Remy’s lips. 
In a flash, Remy moved towards Logan and kissed him, startling the flustered man. Almost immediately, Logan kissed back, placing his hands on the back of Remy‘s neck. They broke apart, resting their foreheads against each other. 
“I, um, I’ll be right back,” Logan bound from his chair and into the washroom to text Roman. 
To: Roman!!
          I might have found a new favourite coffee shop.
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thexuntamed · 5 years
scratch that. ALL the prime numbers for Mamy
Development questions for Mammon. Its like 25 questions so its quite long. 
002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday?
       Mamy doesn’t actually know when her birthday is exactly. Her brothers will give her gifts and usually they will have an elaborate dinner made by her brother Py. She just likes to spend time with her brothers, nothing too special. She never asks for anything specific, but they almost always know exactly what she wants for her birthday that year. 
003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea?       Mamy prefers coffee to tea. The more bitter taste appeals to her more, though she does enjoy mixing different flavors into her coffee every morning. Hazelnut is her favorite. 
005. Are they in good health?       Physically yes. Mentally, she has her moments of self-doubt and self-deprecation because of her past. But it is also just part of her personality some times. 007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist?        Mamy is an optimist, she would prefer to see the good in people but she knows that is very rarely the case.  011. How would your character court the person of their dreams?
       Mamy is extremely shy and cautious when it comes to acting on romantic feelings. She has been badly burned in the past and would rather not reenact that experience if at all possible. Knowing the signs of abuse and recognizing them in her own relationship took her well over ten thousand years. 
     Now, Creation willing, she did feel strongly enough to court someone, she would be very slow about it. They would most likely start off as friends and stay that way for a long length of time. Eventually her feelings would take over and she would either kiss them out of the blue one day or ask them on an official date, depending on the person. The courtship/relationship would progress naturally from there, but mostly likely at a slow pace, again depending on the person. But they can expect sex from the start. Demons are very sexual and that is often the first sign that they want a relationship with a partner, if they have repeated sexual encounters with them. Especially for Mamy. 
013. Have they ever been bullied or teased?
       She is teased by her brothers but not in a bad way, more siblings razzing than anything. She has been more abused than bullied by her ex-mate, but it was mostly verbal, so it could be consider bullying. 017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved?
        Both actually. Demons belief in might makes right and survival of the fittest. Being a female demon prince makes it difficult to fit that persona so Mamy has always had to be stronger than one would think, even if her brothers are over protective of her. Violence is a means to an end in the demon community, more often than not a way to end arguments or disrupts quickly and without outside casualties.019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?
       Mamy always somewhat wished that she had control over water, just because it was always seen as a more feminine element. She was always a bit envious of mer and nymphs, though she wouldn’t say it aloud. 023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically?
        Mamy knows that she is beautiful in the sense that she is a demon and they have an inherent beauty. But her acolytes always make a point of complimenting her and admiring her beauty, so its a moot point if she thought she was ugly. She knew that they could be lying but they would still say she was beautiful because they are her followers. In a relationship, her insecurity makes it hard to compliment her because she will blush and deflect or deny it. 029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have?
       The demon princes as a family have a very sarcastic, droll and slap stick humor with a nonchalant air about it. Mamy is no exception but she will hide her laugh more if she thinks it will hurt someone’s feelings that isn’t used to their humor. Collectively, they are insane and almost always laughing at something, even if it is inappropriate at the time. 
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
        Demons aren’t very superstitious in general, though when Mamy first heard the human adage about stepping on a crack and break mother’s back, she was very very careful of cracks. 
037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do?
        Mamy would return it. 
041. Are they comfortable with technology?
        More comfortable than some of her brothers but pretty much only uses her cellphone. She likes to look up recipes and show Abbie how to use instagram to see pictures. 043. What will they stand up for?        Mamy will stand up for her brothers and friends, along with those weaker than her that cannot up for themselves (children mainly). 047. What was the last medical problem your character had?
       Just general wounds from fights. 053. What is your character’s greatest strength?
         Mamy is fierce and protective. She is physically strong and has immense control, but she is very determined to protect what she deems is important (family). 
059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up?
       “You can have your cake and eat it too. I made enough for everyone!” Baking joke. 
        “You’re barking up the wrong tree. Rem is over there.” She loves that saying and will tease her brother Merihem with it because his true form is a giant tree ent type demon. 
        “Cup of Joe”, calls her coffee in the morning “Joe” and always says “Good morning, Joe!” as if Joe is an actual person. 061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security?
        Mamy definitely safety and security. The demon princes’ lives are often too riddled with strife and violence to ask for more adventure or trouble. 
067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny?
        Almost all supernatural beings believe in fate/destiny because it is strongly known that Creation runs the show and the Fates were created to keep up with the demand after Creation got bored of the daily to-do.
071. How kind is your character?
        Mamy is inherently kind and compassionate. She goes out of her way to help people that deserve it and she will almost always give people the benefit of the doubt. But one wrong step or abuse of her kindness, that people is on their ass faster than they can blink. 073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.)
       Sidekick most likely. Mamy doesn’t like the limelight but she always manages to be there when someone needs her. Though she wouldn’t get kidnapped very easily to be used against the “hero” figure. She would most likely be doing the rescuing. 
079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others?
       Mamy is very empathetic with others but some times she wants to see the good too much and misjudges some one’s intentions. It has happened more often than she would like to admit and she has been taken advantage of quite a bit. 083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up?
         She sits up and stretches, goes to make her coffee and sits outside in her little garden in her bathrobe. Often an early riser. Hardly sleeps some nights. 
089. How vocally expressive is your character?
        Not too outright but she will say what she wants and what she means. Often she will stay quiet if she doesn’t know a person because she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings or have them judge her. 
097. How well do they adapt to change?
        It takes Mamy a bit of time to adjust, some times longer than is good. 
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labrat-king · 6 years
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A fragrance for anyone with unique taste and rebellious style, Sassy by Calvin Klein has notes of hazelnut, rose, spices, musk and leather. Contemporary fashion and old-school rock ’n’ roll combine in a memorable scent for someone unafraid to speak their mind, especially if it’s something no one’s ever heard before... 
I was scrolling through Rem’s insta because I was bored and a little sad, and I happened across this: 
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He made this joke almost a year ago now, but you know me: I can’t resist a good opportunity for a bad meme. 
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axgmented · 6 years
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE.             REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG, with the information of your muse,  including headcanons,  etc.  if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some others of your own!
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name          :          Rem nicknames          :          Remmy, Remstein, Starfox.  alias(es)          :          She’s a self proclaimed “statement-maker” of Shinra. age          :      25. species          :         experiment. gender         :         female. orientation          :         pansexual. zodiac         :        capricorn. moral    alignment          :      Chaotic Neutral. abilities      /      powers          :        rem is an augmented turk; above average speed, strength, stamina. she’s intelligent (but certainly doesn’t like to boast about it) and happens to love hand to hand combat. it isn’t hat she has special powers, but she’s stronger and faster than the average turk (except for reno; he’s fast af). interests          :         fighting & fucking.. spoken    languages         :         common tongue, a bit of wutian, and slum speech. profession         :         turk. height          ;      5 ″4 colors          :       grey. fruits          :          ALL OF THEM.. drinks          :       sparkling water, hazelnut coffee, energy drinks. alcoholic    beverages          :         vegas bombs, bourbon, wine  smokes          :       like a freight train drugs          :       medically distributed mako shots. she’s been known to dabble in whatever is out there in the streets. pot.. drivers    license          :   she has one, but she rarely drives.. ever    been    arrested          :     yes.
TAGGED    BY      :      @stonedeafdog TAGGING      :  you guys know the drill! 
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whatshehassaid · 6 years
Favorite Things
I’m bored out of my mind at.... hell, I don’t even know what time it is. 
Food and Drink
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant? 
Umm, it really depends. I like Chinese/Asian type foods and pizza and a lot of things, so... I can’t really choose one? I really love Thai Express though.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
It’s a toss up between pistachio and mint chocolate chip. Chocolate chip cookie dough is really good too
Favorite Chocolate Candy?
Ferrero Rocher or anything with a chocolate/hazelnut mix
Favorite Fruity Candy?
Sour Skittles or wine gums
Favorite Flavor Starburst?
Either the pink or the red
Favorite dish at Olive Garden?
I’ve actually never been to Olive Garden.
Favorite kind of sushi?
Uramaki (California rolls)... I also like maki.. (oh boy, now I’m craving sushi)
Favorite Asian dish?
I’ve really only had Westernized type Asian food, so.. I love spring rolls, sushi (see above), chow mein...
Favorite Italian Dish?
There’s a lot to choose from there as half my extended family is from Calabria... so...  chicken parmigiana or angel hair primavera
Favorite food of all time?
There’s a lot to choose from there... I really love steak though. Like, a little too much. 
Favorite way to cook a steak?
Medium, sometimes medium well
Favorite pasta dish?
Angel hair primavera
Favorite cookie?
White chocolate macadamia nut
Favorite fast food french fries?
Favorite cereal?
Raisin Bran. Don’t @ me
Favorite breakfast food?
Mmmm, omlettes. 
Favorite pizza toppings?
Pepperoni, green pepper, sometimes pineapple.... sometimes olives.
Favorite fruit?
It’s a tie between strawberries, cherries and pomegranates. 
Favorite vegetable?
Favorite dessert? 
White chocolate cheesecake.
Favorite comfort food?
Homemade chicken soup
Favorite way to eat bacon?
On its own, honestly.
Favorite thing at a buffet?
I don’t really go to buffets..... 
Favorite pumpkin flavored treat?
Pumpkin spiced lattes........................ don’t start with me
Favorite dish at Thanksgiving?
Favorite cake?
Strawberry shortcake... or angel cake w/ strawberries.
Favorite ice cream sundae toppings?
Hot fudge, maraschino cherries and whipped cream
Favorite thing to cook?
I love making pizza..
Favorite soda?
Cherry coke.
Favorite alcoholic drink?
Vodka coke.
Favorite drink at Starbucks?
Skinny cinnamon dolce latte
Favorite flavor coffee?
I just.... coffee? and espresso... I love espresso.
Television & Movies
Favorite 80′s movie?
Um, toss up between ET, the Indiana Jones movies (Last Crusade has always been my fave), and The Shining.
Favorite Harry Potter movie?
Toss up between Prisoner of Azkaban and Half Blood Prince in the HP series... Crimes of Grindelwald (so far) in the Fantastic Beasts series.
Favorite Hobbit from Lord of the Rings?
Favorite Simpson’s character? 
Favorite cartoon cat?
Felix the cat. 
Favorite TV sitcom?
I Love Lucy. Does that count as a sitcom?
Favorite cartoon?
Peanuts (does that count?) or Looney Tunes
Favorite scary movie?
I’ve watched a LOT of horror movies, but Halloween (1978) hands down.
Favorite funny movie?
Hmmm... I don’t watch many comedic movies, honestly.. Bridesmaids? I don’t know..
Favorite celebrity?
Y’all really gonna ask this? We all know it’s Jude Law.
Favorite South Park character?
I never really got into South Park, tbh.
Favorite chick flick?
Um, The Holiday and maybe Confessions of a Shopaholic....
Favorite Pixar movie?
I’d have to choose three ‘cause I can’t choose one... Ratatouille, Coco, and Toy Story
Favorite Family Guy character?
Don’t really watch it. I watched the first season. Stewie, I guess?
Favorite Leonardo Dicaprio movie?
Aw, you gotta do this to me? Top 3: Titanic, The Great Gatsby and Shutter Island.
Favorite Actress over 50?
Do people who are dead count? ‘Cause I’d choose Marilyn Monroe in a heartbeat.
Favorite Marvel movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Favorite TV Show?
A tie between Hannibal and Twin Peaks.
Favorite cancelled TV series?
Hannibal. Definitely Hannibal.
Favorite show on the Discovery Channel?
I don’t really watch it all that much.... can I use a show from the History Channel instead? (Hunting Hitler)
Favorite classic movie?
Niagara (1953) or Dracula (1931)
Favorite Beatles song?
Golden Slumbers
Favorite string instrument?
Acoustic guitar
Favorite instrument?
Favorite band or music artist?
I have too many so, Neutral Milk Hotel, Nirvana and Lana Del Rey.
Favorite music genre?
Indie, alternative, whatever.
Favorite style of dance?
I love the way swing dancing looks.
Favorite boy band?
Oof, ya outtin’ me. NSYNC.
Favorite disco song?
Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson or Night Fever - Bee Gees
Favorite 80′s song?
I love a LOT of 80′s music so... I can give you a few (I can’t choose one, that’s impossible): Call Me - Blondie, Take on Me - Aha, Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler, You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) - Dead or Alive, A Criminal Mind - Gowan, Maneater - Hall & Oates, Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson (THERE ARE A LOT MORE)
Favorite cover song?
Byaginc’s version of Losing My Religion - REM and I also really like Lo-Fang’s version of You’re the One That I Want.
Favorite one hit wonder?
Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground
Favorite song you’re embarrassed to like?
Ummmmm.. if I have to pick one.. Irresistible by Jessica Simpson (also the version with Lil Bow Wow is a banger?)
Favorite foreign band/artist?
Catatonia (does that count, I mean, I’m not Welsh.. so). I also like Pink Floyd.
Travel & Recreation
Favorite state you’ve visited?
I’ve only visited one state in the US and it was Florida.
Favorite country you want to visit?
Italy or England
Favorite thing about America?
If you’re referencing the US, I live in Canada, so... I don’t know?
Favorite kind of vacation?
I love beaches... but I also love art and architecture so *shrug*
Favorite car?
1950′s VW Beetle. 
Favorite road to drive on?
I don’t drive.
Favorite way to travel?
Car, I hate planes.
Favorite beach?
I haven’t been to many honestly.
Favorite place to go with family?
Favorite vacation you’ve taken?
The first one I ever went on to Universal Studios in Orlando.
Favorite fictional place you’d want to visit?
Hogwarts, let’s be real.
Favorite ride at a carnival?
Those swing carousel things.
Favorite thing to do at the beach?
Favorite rollercoaster?
I do nOT do rollercoasters.
Favorite theme park?
Favorite thing about traveling?
I love nice hotels, I don’t know why that’s my fave part, but it is.
Nature & Animals
Favorite dinosaur?
Um, I’ve never really thought about that? T-Rex, I guess?
Favorite breed of dog?
Favorite season?
Favorite flower?
Favorite animal at the zoo?
Elephants... if they have them or pandas
Favorite type of bear?
Panda bears
Favorite natural disaster?
....what kind of question is that?
Favorite reptile?
I love snakes.
Favorite animal?
Tie between cats and sloths.
Favorite bird?
Favorite thing in the sky?
The moon.
Favorite thing about a rainy day?
Hearing rain on the roof.
Favorite sea creature?
Can I say the Loch Ness Monster? (haha) Jellyfish.
Favorite color rose?
Light pink or dark red.
Favorite small mammal?
Favorite big cat?
I love snow leopards. 
Favorite thing about spring?
Favorite wild animal you’d like as a pet?
A sloth.
Favorite sport?
Favorite extreme sport you're too scared to do?
Does snowboarding count?
Favorite Olympic sport?
Figure skating.
Favorite football team?
Don’t watch American football.
Favorite basketball team?
Don’t really watch that either.
Favorite hockey team?
I know I’m Canadian, but I’m honestly not that invested. I’d choose the Maple Leafs ‘cause I’m from TO, but they’re.... aw f ul.
Favorite baseball team?
Blue Jays
Favorite sport to play?
Favorite winter sport?
I do not do winter sports. I’m a klutz as it is.
Favorite sport you wish you were a pro at?
Figure skating would be AMAZING.
Favorite professional athlete?
Serena Williams, Evgenia Medvedeva
Favorite sport to watch in person?
Favorite nursery rhyme?
Didn’t really have a favorite.
Favorite childhood memory?
My grandfather. 
Favorite board game?
Monopoly or Scrabble
Favorite children’s show?
I looooooved Looney Tunes. I still do, honestly.
Favorite toy as a child?
I had a Barney the Dinosaur plush (I had Barney everything)
Favorite teacher?
My sixth grade teacher was a pretty cool dude.
Favorite thing about school?
Art class.
Favorite age?
Don’t really have one, maybe 4 or 5?
Favorite Christmas present?
My mom bought me a N64.
Favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Green Eggs & Ham
Favorite Halloween costume you've worn?
Technically I wore it as a teen, but the Silk Spectre II costume I wore when I was 17.
Favorite lunchbox snack?
Favorite Winnie the Pooh character?
Pooh & Eeyore. 
Favorite thing to do during recess?
Favorite superhero?
Wonder Woman.
Favorite video game?
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Favorite color Power Ranger?
Favorite fairy tale?
Does Beauty and the Beast count?
Favorite game to play outside?
Catch the flag.
Fashion & Beauty
Favorite department store?
Does Sephora count as a department store?
Favorite place to shop?
There’s a lot of places I love to shop. Mostly bookstores though.
Favorite store in the mall?
Indigo/Chapters (I love my books)
Favorite perfume/cologne?
YSL Black Opium or Chanel’s Coco Mademoiselle
Favorite hair color?
On me? A mix of auburn and dark brown
Favorite makeup you can't live without?
Eyebrow pencil 
Favorite shoes?
My thigh high dark brown suede go-go boots. ;)
Favorite occasion to dress up for?
I’ll honestly dress up for anything. I love dressing up.
Favorite hairstyle?
Anything wavy/curly with or without braids.
Favorite outfit you have?
Right now I have a super cute wrap dress that I like.
Favorite soap scent?
I like the smell of Dove soap, is that weird?
Favorite article of clothing?
I love high waist mini skirts.
Favorite place for a piercing?
Upper ear.
Favorite piece of jewelry?
Right now I’m a dork for the replica pendant from Crimes of Grindelwald. I also love this bracelet/ring/hand jewelry thing I have.
Favorite thing to wear to bed?
Sometimes lace and silk stuff ;) Sometimes just huge t-shirts
Favorite luxury brand?
Favorite candle scent?
I love coconut scents.
Favorite extracurricular activity?
.....reading? (again)
Favorite day of the week?
Favorite holiday?
Does Halloween count as a holiday?
Favorite website?
Well, I’m on Tumblr QUITE a bit...
Favorite way to communicate?
Usually face to face.. I hate talking on the phone. Text message is a close second.
Favorite Youtube video?
I love this dork. [x]
Favorite kind of house?
Favorite car color?
Favorite baby boy name?
I don’t know...
Favorite baby girl name?
Charlie, Evelyn
Favorite thing to do when you’re sick?
It’s an odd habit of mine to watch The Mummy or HP or Spice World for some reason
Favorite person you’ve never met?
Famous? Bryan Fuller Person in my life? MY THREE BEST FRIENDS!
Favorite question you’ve answered so far?
I don’t know...........
Favorite thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours?
I literally slept most of the day. Don’t judge me.
Favorite place to meet up with friends?
Kitty Cafes and.... cafes in general.
Favorite hobby?
Reading, making art.... listening to music
Favorite way to cheer you up?
Anything to do with Jude Law usually does the trick, bahaha
Favorite thing to look forward to?
Leaving this god awful small city to go explore other places.
Favorite kind of gift to receive?
Things that are heartfelt... things that people make whether it be handmade or... whatever... it’s really sweet.
Favorite crafty thing to make?
Does sketching count? Funny story, I used to get in trouble in art class in high school for sketching human anatomy (hands, collarbones etc) instead of reviewing art history notes, which I also loved by the way.
Favorite way to relax?
Reading, bubble baths.... other ways ;)
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raitrolling · 6 years
💝 Random chocolates for Nancor!
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=> The fortune-telling booth is crowded with people, as expected for Quadrants’ Day. While Nancor’s fortunes aren’t about whether one would will be lucky to get a date tonight or if a new relationship will last, the reassurance that neither you or your partner’s lives will be cut short is just as important. As you diligently wait in line, you watch those who received good fortunes happily skip off to their next arrangement without any worries, and quietly listen in on couples becoming nervous as a potential beleaguered ex-lover appears in their future. Nancor’s soft reassurance that a bad future is not the end of the world and the two can grow stronger as they work together to avoid it really warms your heart, even if he is not speaking directly to you.
=> As you reach the front of the line, he greets you and invites you to sit down, saying the usual spiel that a fortune will cost twenty caegars and that you’ll receive your money back if there is no misfortune in your future. You agree, but then add that this time you have an extra form of payment, pushing a box of chocolates across the table until they bump into his hands.
= Oh! = 
=> He says in surprise, lifting up his bandana just a little bit so he can peek at the box. 
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= Are these chocolates? Why, how thoughtful! t s not often receve gfts lke these, but suppose Quadrants’ Day s a tme of gvng after all! =
= Thank you very much! Now do hope that you wll receve a good fortune n return, t would be awful f my return gft was nothng but a remnder of one’s untmely demse, wouldn’t want to tarnsh your memory of ths day. =
=> He chuckles softly. It’s a morbid joke, but he says it in a way that feels almost good-natured in a weird sense. 
=> After going through the process of fortune telling (thankfully, you’re safe for another perigee) and as you’re about to leave, Nancor tells you to wait just a second.
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= Actually, do have more than just a slly lttle fortune to gve n return, hope you don’t mnd. t mght be a lttle strange-lookng, but can assure you they taste just as nce as regular Quadrants’ Day chocolates. f you choose to accept a gft from someone else, of course, don’t want to pressure people nto takng gfts on ths partcular day. =
=> With a hint of bashfulness, he hands you a box of chocolates.
=> You obtained: Dark Chocolate Skulls!↳ (Surprisingly, not a leftover from Halloween. This box contains a dozen dark chocolates in the shape of bird skulls, with a soft hazelnut chocolate cream centre. They’re very tasty once you get past their unsettling appearance.)
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cutewarmachine · 7 years
Hey Rems! This is gonna sound wild (because it is) but Sav has requested some of Gray's nut for her hazelNUT tea so I was wondering if Gray is willing to donate for Sav's cause?
Gray blinked, looking at the pen that was idly twirling in Rems hand and back at you. “One, I would highly doubt that because I’m uncomfortable with it and I would assume she would be as well, therefore no, two, I don’t want to die an extremely painful death by Rems, who is in fact, worse than The Author. So again, No.”
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ellymackay · 5 years
How Eating Vegetarian (and Vegan) Affects Your Sleep
The post How Eating Vegetarian (and Vegan) Affects Your Sleep was first seen on www.ellymackay.com
This is not medical advice. It is information you can use as a conversation starter with your physician or nutritionist.
With plant-based diets exploding in popularity, this seems like a good time to talk about how vegan and vegetarian diets interact with sleep. These diets hold potential benefits for sleep—and they also may create complications for sleep, depending on the specific make up of one’s individual diet.
Vegetarianism and veganism, with their focus on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil and coconut oil, have a lot going for them, in terms of being sleep friendly and sleep promoting. But like any diet, it can be tricky to find the right balance of a spectrum of nutrients that come together to support sleep. First, I’ll talk about some specific issues vegans and vegetarians may encounter in how their diets relate to sleep. Then, I’ll highlight a few of the natural strengths these plant-based diets have for sleep.
4 sleep-specific nutrient issues for vegans and vegetarians:  
Being short on the all-purpose sleep vitamin, Vitamin D 
I’ve talked before about the importance of Vitamin D for sleep.
Vitamin D affects both sleep quality and sleep quantity. Research has linked Vitamin D deficiency to short sleep duration. And the relationship between insufficient sleep and a Vitamin D shortage may be a particular issue for adults age 50 and older, according to studies.
Vitamin D appears to function in keeping the timing of our bio clocks in sync,  by helping to activate two circadian clock genes that effect your 24-hour circadian rhythms.
Low Vitamin D is also connected to a higher risk of sleep apnea, and to more  severe sleep apnea. On the positive side, use of CPAP, the most common treatment for sleep apnea, has been connected to a big jump in Vitamin D levels, along with significant improvements to sleep apnea symptoms. 
Everyone is at risk for Vitamin D deficiency. It’s estimated that more than half the US population is lacking in Vitamin D. But vegans in particular may have a greater chance of deficiency in this sleep-promoting vitamin, by not getting the requisite amounts in their diet. Vitamin D is found in eggs and dairy products, as well as fatty fish and fish oils consumed by pescatarians and omnivores.
But the best way to increase your levels of Vitamin D isn’t through diet at all. It’s by getting exposure to sunlight, which triggers the body to make its own Vitamin D. Vitamin D is also a commonly used supplement, particularly for people in northern climates.
Not getting enough of the sleep-regulator Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 plays a role in regulating sleep-wake cycles, by working to keep circadian rhythms aligned. There is mixed evidence about how the Vitamin B12 directly influences sleep. Some research has shown a connection between low Vitamin B12 and insomnia. In other studies, high levels of Vitamin B12 are associated with restless sleep and lower sleep amounts.
Studies have shown that both vegans and vegetarians are at greater risk for Vitamin B12 deficiency than omnivores are—and that deficiency could contribute to less robust circadian cycles and more disrupted sleep.
Many vegan and vegetarian friendly foods are fortified with B12, including nut and soy milks, whole grain cereals, and nutritional yeast. Often, people adhering to plant-only diets take a B12 supplement.
Lacking certain sleep-promoting Omega 3s
Omega 3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids. They have been shown to increase sleep amounts and to improve sleep quality, and to help people fall asleep more quickly. One omega 3, known as DHA, is involved in melatonin production. Research shows low levels of the  DHA are linked to melatonin deficiency, increasing DHA causes melatonin levels to rise.
A lack of sufficient DHA is also linked to with greater severity of OSA. Research has shown that increasing levels of DHA may reduce the risk of severe sleep apnea. There’s some early evidence that omega 3 deficiency may contribute to the onset of obstructive sleep apnea.
There are three main kinds of omega 3s:
EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid
DHA, docosahexaenoic acid
AHA, alpha-linolenic acid
EPA and DHA are found mostly in fish. AHA is found in nuts, seeds and vegetable oils and in some leafy green vegetables as well grass-fed beef and other grass-fed animal products. AHA can convert to EPA and DHA in the body, but the body produces much less of what it needs of EPA and DHA through this conversion. For this reason, vegetarians and vegans often don’t get the amounts of EPA and DHA they need for sleep and health. Studies suggest that vegans and vegetarians have significantly lower levels of EPA and DHA than omnivores do. Eating ALA-rich foods can help optimize EPA and DHA levels in vegetarians. So can limiting consumption of omega-6 fatty acids found in corn, sunflower, and canola oils. Certain algae supplements are designed to deliver these important fatty acids.
Going without enough essential sleep-fortifying minerals, including zinc, calcium and iron
Both calcium and zinc help to regulate sleep-wake cycles. Calcium deficiency is associated with a lack of REM sleep. Calcium has a calming effect on the central nervous system. Calcium also helps the brain to produce melatonin, and calcium activity in the brain may have a direct influence over how long we sleep. A lack of iron can interfere with sound, restful sleep, creating sleep that feels less refreshing and restorative.
Vegetarians–and particularly vegans–may be at greater risk for lower than optimal calcium, zinc and iron levels. In addition to supplements, targeting these minerals in a plant-based diet can help you elevate your mineral levels. Zinc is found in many vegan and vegetarian friendly foods, including grains, nuts, seeds, beans and tofu. Calcium is often fortified in plant milks, and is found naturally in dark leafy greens. The type of iron found in plants (known as “non-heme” iron) is less effectively absorbed by the body than the heme iron found in animal products. Iron is sometimes fortified in plant milks, and it’s found naturally in broccoli, peas, and beans.
4 naturally sleep-promoting elements of vegan and vegetarian diets:
Plenty of the sleep- and brain-protective Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps cells function properly and protects against cell damage. Vitamin E’s antioxidant capabilities appear to help with sleep and sleep-related health problems. 
Because of its antioxidant abilities, Vitamin E offers important protection for the health and function of the brain. Studies show that Vitamin E may deliver specific protection against the memory impairment from sleep loss. Sleep is an important time for the brain to process memories and recent learning. Lack of sleep can inhibit our ability to store, and later recall, memories.  A recent study found that Vitamin E reduced memory loss in sleep-deprived rats. Scientists found that Vitamin E protects the function of the hippocampus, an area of the brain plays an important role in memory consolidation.
Higher levels of Vitamin E can also  improve nighttime breathing and sleep quality in people with obstructive sleep apnea. 
Popular foods with vegans and vegetarians are rich in Vitamin E. They include almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds, as well as spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, wheat germ oil, corn and soybean oils.
Lots of sleep-friendly Vitamin C
Another antioxidant powerhouse, C supports immunity, cardiovascular health, and healthy bones, teeth and skin. Vitamin C’s health-promoting powers also affect sleep. 
Well balanced, whole-food vegan and vegetarian diets can be abundant in Vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, green and red chilis, strawberries, and kiwi.
Like its fellow antioxidant Vitamin E, Vitamin C may help protect the brain against the memory losses associated with sleep deprivation. 
Vitamin C may improve the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, used on its own and with other antioxidants. Research has shown that a combination of Vitamin C (100 mg) and Vitamin E (400 IU) taken twice daily reduced episodes of apnea, the breathing pauses that are associated with sleep apnea. This C and E combination also improved sleep quality and decreased daytime sleepiness. For people with OSA, Vitamin C may offer some protection against the stress that sleep apnea exerts on heart. To be clear: you cannot just take Vitamin C and fix your apnea, but it may be helpful.
A supply of the sleep hormone producer Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 helps the body make melatonin and serotonin, two hormones that are essential for healthy sleep. A deficiency of B6 is associated with insomnia symptoms, and with depression. In studies of older adults, higher intake of Vitamin B6 has been connected to lower risk for depression.  
For people interested in improving their dream recall, Vitamin B6 may help.  A 2018 study at Australia’s University of Adelaide found that Vitamin B6 may help people increase their ability to remember their dreams. (Interested in learning more about controlling and directing your dreams? Check out my latest on lucid dreaming.)
Bananas, carrots, spinach, potatoes and whole grains are great sources of B6, for both vegans and vegetarians. Vegetarians can also acquire B6 through milk, eggs and cheese.
A NOTE ABOUT VITAMIN B6: It’s always important to talk about your supplement use with your doctor. That’s especially true for Vitamin B6. High levels of Vitamin B6 can be toxic. And excessive levels of B6 have also been linked to insomnia. If you’re considering a B6 supplement, it’s important to work with your doctor to find the right dose.
Benefits of soy for plentiful, restful sleep routine
Not all vegans and vegetarians consume soy, but many do. For these eaters, soy is among a select group of plant proteins that contain all the essential amino acids the body needs to function optimally.
Studies show that higher soy consumption is linked to longer sleep amounts and also to higher sleep quality. Eating soy regularly has also been associated with a low risk for long sleep duration, and with a low risk for falling asleep during the daytime.
(I’ve written about the potential health hazards associated with sleeping too much, here.)
The best soy consumption, nutritionists say, is with whole and minimally processed soy foods, including tofu, soy milk, edamame, and miso, rather than highly processed soy foods, such as textured vegetable protein.
Vegans and vegetarians who focus on a balance of whole foods, and who take initiative to ensure they’re getting the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, can expect to have their plant-based diet reinforce and support a healthy routine of sleep.  
Sweet Dreams,
Michael J. Breus, PhD
The Sleep Doctor
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Alzoubi, Karem H. et al. (2016). The neuroprotective effect of vitamin E on chronic sleep deprivation-induced memory impairment: The role of oxidative stress. Behavioural Brain Research, 226(1): 205-210. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166432811006863
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Breus, Michael J. (2018, March 20). For Better Sleep, Eat More Fish. Retrieved from: https://thesleepdoctor.com/2018/03/20/better-sleep-with-omega-3-fatty-acids/
Breus, Michael J. (2019, October 11). What is a Lucid Dream and How they Happen. Retrieved from: https://thesleepdoctor.com/2019/10/11/what-is-a-lucid-dream-and-how-they-happen/
Breus, Michael J. (2018, July 16). Yes You Can Sleep Too Much—Here’s Why Oversleeping is a Problem. Retrieved from: https://thesleepdoctor.com/2018/07/16/yes-you-can-sleep-too-much-heres-why-oversleeping-is-a-problem/
Cao, Y. et al. (2017). Soy Isoflavone Intake and Sleep Parameters over 5 Years among Chinese Adults: Longitudinal Analysis from the Jiangsu Nutrition Study. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(4): 536-544e2. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27956174
Charesse, Yoan and Yoshihiro Urade. (2017). Dietary zinc acts as a sleep modulator. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(11): 2334. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5713303/
Chaudary, Aliya, N. et al. (2003). Indices of Pyridoxine Levels on Symptoms Associated with Toxicity: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 18(2). Retrieved from:http://orthomolecular.org/library/jom/2003/pdf/2003-v18n02-p065.pdf
Cui, Yufei, et al. Relationship between daily isoflavone intake and sleep in Japanese adults: a cross-sectional study. Nutrition Journal, 14: 127. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4696198/
Gougeon, L. et al. (2016). Intakes of folate, vitamin B6 and B12 and risk of depression in community-dwelling older adults: the Quebec Longitudinal Study on Nutrition and Aging. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70(3): 380-5. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26648330
Harvard Health Letter. (2018, March). Confused about eating soy? Retrieved from: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/confused-about-eating-soy
Hunter, Will. (2014, September 28). New research finds activated Vitamin D regulates genes involved in circadian rhythms. Retrieved from: https://www.vitamindcouncil.org/new-research-finds-activated-vitamin-d-regulates-genes-involved-in-the-circadian-rhythm/#.XcquBC2ZPox
Kerley, C.P. et al. (2016). Serum Vitamin D Is Significantly Inversely Associated with Disease Severity in Caucasian Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Sleep, 39(2): 293-300. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26414899
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Lee, Dorothy S. (2009). Progressive augmentation and ventilatory long-term facilitation are enhanced in sleep apnoea patients and are mitigated by antioxidant administration. The Journal of Physiology, 587(Pt.22): 5451-5467. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2793876/
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Mete, T. et al. (2013). Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and its association with vitamin D deficiency. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 36(9): 681-5. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23558409
Mhaidat, NM, et al. (2015). Exploring the effect of vitamin C on sleep deprivation induced memory impairment. Brain Research Bulletin, Apr: 113-41. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25724146
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Piovezan, RD et al. (2017). Obstructive sleep apnea and objective short sleep duration are independently associated with the risk of serum vitamin D deficiency. PLoS One, (12)7: e0180901. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28686746
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Scorza, Fulvio et al. (2014). Sleep Apnea and Inflammation – Getting a Good Night’s Sleep with Omega-3 Supplementation. Frontiers in Neurology, 4: 193. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3848082/
Singh, TD et al. (2009). Oxidative stress and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences, 51(4): 217-24. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20073373
  The post How Eating Vegetarian (and Vegan) Affects Your Sleep appeared first on Your Guide to Better Sleep.
from Your Guide to Better Sleep https://thesleepdoctor.com/2019/11/12/how-eating-vegetarian-affects-your-sleep/
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2019/11/13/how-eating-vegetarian-and-vegan-affects-your-sleep/
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modernart2012 · 8 years
1 & 11
You couldn’t ask the easy ones?
1. If you actually wanted to understand me, read Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, and Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Hilariously, one is very much like the way I think, and has gotten me through the low points in my life. (Aside, my copy is falling apart noooooooooo). I just love the way it's a slow descent into madness, but laden with symbolism and double meanings and this dark, self depreciating humor you never fully grasp until the end? It also reminds me of several key points: Snowden's Secret is everyone's secret, 'Oh well what the hell' will get you disappeared into a cloud, and everyone should jump for Sweden. (If you have no idea what I mean... first, yikes, second, I will buy and send you a copy of Catch 22.) Similarly, P&P is my ultimate satire and ultimate love story, but also super relevant to my life? I love that it’s about redemption and two sided, but also a giant middle finger to the Done Thing ™, as well as a story where love is mutual respect and admiration and growing together, not apart. Because both the main characters are flawed, but whole on their own, yet together they are a bit better, and isn’t that what a relationship should be? Being better together, but always based on a mutual respect and admiration? (Also, I have been told on first impression I am Mr. Darcy? >> I see myself as more of a Mary or Kitty, but the comparison is flattering?)(These are the two books I took with me to college, and also in every trip I ever take away from the house for any long stretch of time.)
11. My ideal day? Oh man.So it starts with waking up, seeing the clock, and deciding that a REM cycle more won't kill me. Then a coffee. Ideally brewed with Godiva Hazelnut or Caramel Coffee Grounds, and with half a cup of 2% milk and a teaspoon of sugar. This will be carefully nursed throughout the day, as I go about shopping for dinner (because cooking is my guilty pleasure). Then after grocery shopping (all the good deals are before noon, plus the freshest produce!!!), I will sunbathe and scroll tumblr/discord/ ao3 and just chill. If it's cold, I'll have a comforter or blanket, but either way a fucking nest of pillows. At least three. Four preferred. I may even nap. Then I'll get up around 3 and start cooking. No one will interrupt me in my kitchen. No one. I will take hours to prepare a meal, three course. Then the fam will come home and eat and enjoy and then someone else will clean the kitchen and I will go upstairs to my room and just laze about, watching anime. That's it. That's my ideal day.
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Simple Things
"And that," Rem shook off the excess liquid from her hands once the cheesecloth had been carefully set aside for disposal, "is how you make horchata. Not very hard, but some people don't like how time consuming it can be."
Vy blinked, peering inquisitively at the pitcher of strained rice milk. After being put through the kitchen's standing blender several times and strained through layers of cheesecloth, it looked similar to a thick milkshake. The freezer hissed in the otherwise quiet room as Rem dug around for the ice cubes, gently plopping them into glasses she'd grabbed from the cabinet.
"It's more of a summer drink to most people," Rem added, putting each glass down on the counter where Vy could see and reached for the pitcher after closing the freezer. "But it's just as good year around if you want something light."
"It does look refreshing." Vy mused as the other woman filled their glasses. Her brows rose when Rem set the pitcher back down and tugged a bowl of milk chocolate towards herself, stopping only to grab one of the fruit peelers from a drawer. "...does it normally require chocolate?"
"No, you can add whatever you want when making it." Rem admitted, slowly peeling off tiny shavings of chocolate into the larger glass. "Cinnamon's the most common thing to be added, but you can top it with fruit or add alcohol if that's your thing. I went light on the cinnamon in case you don't like it. But sometimes chocolate adds a little something nice to it. Want some?"
"Just a little bit?" Vy answered after a moment of consideration, tugging on the forest green cloak around her shoulders until it bundled around her like a pair of embracing arms. "Just to try, I mean. Is it sweet?"
"Mhm." Rem carefully added a few curls of chocolate to Vy's glass, then gently nudged it towards her. "Not too sweet. The base recipe uses a cup of sugar, so I don't usually add more beyond that. The milk mellows everything out once you let it sit after mixing. But if it needs adjusting, there's the sugar bowl." She inclined her head towards the arrangement of sugar and creamer typically left out for those who wanted coffee late in the day. "I use brown sugar in mine, so I don't know how it will affect the taste for you."
"That's okay." Vy assured, lifting her glass and cradling it in her palms for a moment. The thin curls of chocolate bobbed in her drink, and the delicate sweet scent of warmed milk and cinnamon teased her nose. She sipped on it slowly, glancing up to see Rem doing much the same with a contented expression on her face.
After a moment they each lowered their glasses and Rem let out a sigh, refilling her glass and swirling it to mix it up.
"It's good." Vy said quietly, a tired smile softening her features. "A little more sugar might be needed though." She added carefully, relaxing when Rem shrugged.
"Everyone's different. Help yourself. I think Emiya got his hands on some hazelnut syrup if you want to try mixing it." Rem set her glass down, beginning to clean up the kitchen as Vy added a spoonful of sugar to her drink and stirred it up. The smaller woman let out a sigh of her own once she was done, looking a little less wrung out as she savored her drink.
"Thankie for sharing this with me, Rem," Vy began softly once they'd both settled down and Rem had offered to refill her glass. "I think I needed a break like this."
"No problem." Rem tapped the side of her glass thoughtfully, propping her cheek on a loosely curled hand. "That's part of the reason I asked you to come. Thought we could both use the break, since it's about to get busy again."
Vy let out an affirmative sound, sinking into her cloak a little. "I appreciate it. It helps a lot, honestly."
"It does, doesn't it?" Rem hummed, helping herself to a few more slivers of chocolate. "Maybe once the holidays pass we can ask Beni-Enma to let us vacation at the Enma-tei this time. You could go with Shiki and Ereshkigal, spend some time with them. Goredolf owes us, so he can't complain too much."
"...maybe." Vy mused, gently turning her glass around on the counter. "We'll see, I suppose."
"Happy holidays." Rem offered after a moment, breaking the comfortable quiet. She raised her glass in a mock toast, making Vy giggle softly.
"Happy holidays to you too, Rem."
I'm blessed to have you as a friend, Carim, and it's good seeing Rem again. This story is lovely, more so because I have had horchata on occasion thanks to my parents liking Mexican food, so I can taste the drink a bit now from this.
Thankie, friend. Thankie.
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lenakrruger · 6 years
Recipes for Realtors: Make it a burger event
When the season is right (any time of year) and the grilling urge strikes, try my selection of gourmet burgers. Some might be a first for some REM readers. It’s easy for agents to multitask since much can be prepared ahead of time.
Prepare your favourite generous burger, but the difference is how you serve it. Your favourite could be ground lamb, pork, veal, chicken, goat or even venison.
Don’t overcook the burger. It will continue to cook in its own heat. Choose your favourite bun; maybe try a brioche.
Drizzle the bread with just a little ghee (clarified butter) and grill quickly – only a minute, you don’t want the bun to be crunchy.
Place a couple of softened marinated Celebrity brand wonderful creamy Canadian goat cheese pucks from your marinating jar, on each top and bottom grilled bun.
Add a dollop of WildlyDelicious Beet and Red Onion Marmalade or my tomato butter on each half on top of the cheese. Or if you want something really different, use my kumquat marmalade.
Top the marmalade with a teaspoon of Petite Maison White Truffle Dijon. Spritz with Black Maple Magic Balsamic Vinegar, add a generous amount of fresh watercress, and position your burger between the two bun pieces.
Make plenty. There won’t be leftovers.
You could add crumbled crispy bacon just before you serve. (Not store-bought bacon bits.)
A good pairing: Stella Belgian beer, or Molson Export Ale. Both act as a purposeful palate cleanser between delicious bites. Overseas, people prefer to drink their beer at room temperature, but this side of the ocean it’s preferred cold. Never put ice in beer, but it is said real beer drinkers add a pinch of salt to the empty cold glass before pouring.
Norwegian Steelhead Burger 
Grill both halves of a brioche bun. Spritz with extra light virgin olive oil. Smear each side with my warm blue cheese dressing. Place a beautiful large hydroponic Boston Bibb lettuce leaf on each half. Add a tablespoon of my shredded green apple (unpeeled) fennel slaw to each half. Then add a generous mound of paper-thin Norwegian frozen/thawed steelhead smoked salmon napkins. (This product sounds expensive and it is, but it feeds dozens of people, dozens of times. It thaws very quickly so it is handy always to have on hand, so you can gourmet many things in just minutes. Well-wrapped, double-wrapped in plastic wrap, it keeps for ages in the freezer. I cut the very long package in half to position easier in the freezer, and only take out half at a time to work with.)
On top of the Norwegian salmon mound, add a few very thin slices of Norwegian light Jarlsberg cheese. This wonderful cheese is almost sweet. It has holes in it like we typically see in Swiss Cheese. This cheese is nothing short of excellent. Ask the deli to slice it very thin, if not already prepared that way. Next, slice paper-thin raw red onion and add a generous amount to finish this wonderful treat. The smoked salmon loves red onion.
This is likely a burger like you’ve never had before. There’s a good chance you will make it often.
Serve with a cheese board of mixed cheeses you might not normally indulge in, giving guests an opportunity to try something unusual like Celebrity brand Sartori raspberry delicious shards, and perhaps their Espresso cheese.
Pairs wonderfully with unoaked shiraz or with my old standby, Winzertanz.
A fish burger? Maybe a fishwich 
It’s another fishy thing! Build a burger using a mound of freshly made breaded fish nuggets topped with my amazing Caesar salad dressing. Yes. You read it right. (Now, if you really want a spectacular “seawich”, go completely overboard and use once over-lightly, butter-seared scallops – not the tiny bay scallops, for a spectacular treat.)
Position a juicy split brandy marinated black mission fig on top of the dressing. And add shredded romaine lettuce and sprinkle with fresh grated Parmesan. Amazing! Want to get a little over the top? Use pre-cooked lobster claw meat as an alternate to the nuggets… Or my lobster tails.
A side dish of my special Waldorf Salad rounds out the meal.
Super crabby burger
Grill both halves of buttered brioche. Prepare crab meat, leaving large chunks visible, adding finely chopped celery, a tiny pinch of minced onion, salt, pepper, sweet paprika and a little white truffle Dijon, stirred into mashed cream cheese. Fold in a tablespoon of full fat sour cream.
Mound the crab meat mixture on loads of crispy ordinary iceberg lettuce leaves (or shredded) on the grilled, buttered, brioche bun.
If you enjoy heat, drizzle a little of your favourite hot sauce onto the crab mix. Sprinkle with sweet paprika and/or cayenne. Drizzle with my warm blue cheese dressing, to which you have added a pinch of mashed homemade roasted garlic. If you enjoy horseradish, a tiny bit of homemade horseradish cream is a nice completer, or add a dollop of my Hazelnut Pesto
for a different experience. Crispy arugula added at the last minute makes this a delightful burger.
My remoulade sauce for shrimp po’boy burger 
In a blender, start with three whole eggs. Add two coarsely chopped white garlic cloves, a tablespoon of white truffle Dijon, zest of a half lemon and fresh squeezed half lemon juice.
Add a teaspoon of freshly grated raw horseradish. Add a generous raw shallot, split in four, and a half teaspoon of raw onion. Two large fresh basil leaves zip up the flavours.
Add a teaspoon of sweet paprika and a sprinkle of cayenne, salt, “garlic scape sea salt” and a teaspoon of ground chili powder. Add very high-quality fresh ground pepper and a half teaspoon of Sambul (the East Indian islands spice) and whir the blender to combine.
From your pantry citrus jar, chop a quarter cup of mixed candied citrus rind. Add to blender ingredients. Cover and pulse to mince. Add a quarter cup of the best-quality thick maple syrup.  Drizzle in Mazola Corn Oil just gradually while machine is running, until the consistency is that of thick mayonnaise,
Serve as a dipping sauce for butterflied batter-fried shrimp that you have filled a grilled split ghee-spritzed baguette with.
You can drizzle my remoulade onto the po’’oy burger, but only just when you are ready to eat, so you don’t make the breaded shrimp soggy.
No words to say how good this hot sauce is. You could use it with any of the burgers if you like a memorable hot Cajun mouth-watering experience. (Not for serving to children.)
© “From Lady Ralston’s Kitchen: A Canadian Contessa Cooks” Turning everyday meal making into a Gourmet Experience
The post Recipes for Realtors: Make it a burger event appeared first on REM | Real Estate Magazine.
Recipes for Realtors: Make it a burger event published first on https://grandeurparkcondo.tumblr.com/
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felishasheats · 6 years
Recipes for Realtors: Make it a burger event
When the season is right (any time of year) and the grilling urge strikes, try my selection of gourmet burgers. Some might be a first for some REM readers. It’s easy for agents to multitask since much can be prepared ahead of time.
Prepare your favourite generous burger, but the difference is how you serve it. Your favourite could be ground lamb, pork, veal, chicken, goat or even venison.
Don’t overcook the burger. It will continue to cook in its own heat. Choose your favourite bun; maybe try a brioche.
Drizzle the bread with just a little ghee (clarified butter) and grill quickly – only a minute, you don’t want the bun to be crunchy.
Place a couple of softened marinated Celebrity brand wonderful creamy Canadian goat cheese pucks from your marinating jar, on each top and bottom grilled bun.
Add a dollop of WildlyDelicious Beet and Red Onion Marmalade or my tomato butter on each half on top of the cheese. Or if you want something really different, use my kumquat marmalade.
Top the marmalade with a teaspoon of Petite Maison White Truffle Dijon. Spritz with Black Maple Magic Balsamic Vinegar, add a generous amount of fresh watercress, and position your burger between the two bun pieces.
Make plenty. There won’t be leftovers.
You could add crumbled crispy bacon just before you serve. (Not store-bought bacon bits.)
A good pairing: Stella Belgian beer, or Molson Export Ale. Both act as a purposeful palate cleanser between delicious bites. Overseas, people prefer to drink their beer at room temperature, but this side of the ocean it’s preferred cold. Never put ice in beer, but it is said real beer drinkers add a pinch of salt to the empty cold glass before pouring.
Norwegian Steelhead Burger 
Grill both halves of a brioche bun. Spritz with extra light virgin olive oil. Smear each side with my warm blue cheese dressing. Place a beautiful large hydroponic Boston Bibb lettuce leaf on each half. Add a tablespoon of my shredded green apple (unpeeled) fennel slaw to each half. Then add a generous mound of paper-thin Norwegian frozen/thawed steelhead smoked salmon napkins. (This product sounds expensive and it is, but it feeds dozens of people, dozens of times. It thaws very quickly so it is handy always to have on hand, so you can gourmet many things in just minutes. Well-wrapped, double-wrapped in plastic wrap, it keeps for ages in the freezer. I cut the very long package in half to position easier in the freezer, and only take out half at a time to work with.)
On top of the Norwegian salmon mound, add a few very thin slices of Norwegian light Jarlsberg cheese. This wonderful cheese is almost sweet. It has holes in it like we typically see in Swiss Cheese. This cheese is nothing short of excellent. Ask the deli to slice it very thin, if not already prepared that way. Next, slice paper-thin raw red onion and add a generous amount to finish this wonderful treat. The smoked salmon loves red onion.
This is likely a burger like you’ve never had before. There’s a good chance you will make it often.
Serve with a cheese board of mixed cheeses you might not normally indulge in, giving guests an opportunity to try something unusual like Celebrity brand Sartori raspberry delicious shards, and perhaps their Espresso cheese.
Pairs wonderfully with unoaked shiraz or with my old standby, Winzertanz.
A fish burger? Maybe a fishwich 
It’s another fishy thing! Build a burger using a mound of freshly made breaded fish nuggets topped with my amazing Caesar salad dressing. Yes. You read it right. (Now, if you really want a spectacular “seawich”, go completely overboard and use once over-lightly, butter-seared scallops – not the tiny bay scallops, for a spectacular treat.)
Position a juicy split brandy marinated black mission fig on top of the dressing. And add shredded romaine lettuce and sprinkle with fresh grated Parmesan. Amazing! Want to get a little over the top? Use pre-cooked lobster claw meat as an alternate to the nuggets… Or my lobster tails.
A side dish of my special Waldorf Salad rounds out the meal.
Super crabby burger
Grill both halves of buttered brioche. Prepare crab meat, leaving large chunks visible, adding finely chopped celery, a tiny pinch of minced onion, salt, pepper, sweet paprika and a little white truffle Dijon, stirred into mashed cream cheese. Fold in a tablespoon of full fat sour cream.
Mound the crab meat mixture on loads of crispy ordinary iceberg lettuce leaves (or shredded) on the grilled, buttered, brioche bun.
If you enjoy heat, drizzle a little of your favourite hot sauce onto the crab mix. Sprinkle with sweet paprika and/or cayenne. Drizzle with my warm blue cheese dressing, to which you have added a pinch of mashed homemade roasted garlic. If you enjoy horseradish, a tiny bit of homemade horseradish cream is a nice completer, or add a dollop of my Hazelnut Pesto
for a different experience. Crispy arugula added at the last minute makes this a delightful burger.
My remoulade sauce for shrimp po’boy burger 
In a blender, start with three whole eggs. Add two coarsely chopped white garlic cloves, a tablespoon of white truffle Dijon, zest of a half lemon and fresh squeezed half lemon juice.
Add a teaspoon of freshly grated raw horseradish. Add a generous raw shallot, split in four, and a half teaspoon of raw onion. Two large fresh basil leaves zip up the flavours.
Add a teaspoon of sweet paprika and a sprinkle of cayenne, salt, “garlic scape sea salt” and a teaspoon of ground chili powder. Add very high-quality fresh ground pepper and a half teaspoon of Sambul (the East Indian islands spice) and whir the blender to combine.
From your pantry citrus jar, chop a quarter cup of mixed candied citrus rind. Add to blender ingredients. Cover and pulse to mince. Add a quarter cup of the best-quality thick maple syrup.  Drizzle in Mazola Corn Oil just gradually while machine is running, until the consistency is that of thick mayonnaise,
Serve as a dipping sauce for butterflied batter-fried shrimp that you have filled a grilled split ghee-spritzed baguette with.
You can drizzle my remoulade onto the po’’oy burger, but only just when you are ready to eat, so you don’t make the breaded shrimp soggy.
No words to say how good this hot sauce is. You could use it with any of the burgers if you like a memorable hot Cajun mouth-watering experience. (Not for serving to children.)
© “From Lady Ralston’s Kitchen: A Canadian Contessa Cooks” Turning everyday meal making into a Gourmet Experience
The post Recipes for Realtors: Make it a burger event appeared first on REM | Real Estate Magazine.
Recipes for Realtors: Make it a burger event published first on https://oicrealestate.tumblr.com/
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ellymackay · 6 years
5 Vitamin Deficiencies that Can Affect Your Sleep
The blog post 5 Vitamin Deficiencies that Can Affect Your Sleep Read more on: https://www.ellymackay.com
We know that diet and sleep are deeply connected. But the truth is, we don’t know nearly enough yet about how individual nutrients impact our sleep. Here, I look at 5 vitamins that appear to play a role in how much sleep we get and how restful and high-quality that sleep is. As you’ll see, several of these vitamins may affect our risk of sleep disorders, including insomnia and sleep apnea. And at least two of them appear to play a role in regulating our circadian rhythms, the 24-hour bio rhythms that control our sleep-wake cycles.
I’m a big believer in leveraging a healthy diet to improve sleep. Often, diet alone doesn’t give us all the nutrients we need. Supplements can play an important role in filling those gaps. (I wrote recently about 10 of the most effective supplements for sleep.)
But before you run out and add the vitamins below to your supplement list, I encourage you to do two things. Look for ways to improve your vitamin intake through your diet. And talk to your doctor. Getting the dosing—and the timing—of supplement intake is critical to success, when it comes to sleep.
Always consult your doctor before you begin taking a supplement or make any changes to your existing medication and supplement routine. This is not medical advice, but it is information you can use as a conversation-starter with your physician at your next appointment.
Vitamin D
Many of us know Vitamin D for its role in bone health. It’s also important for regulating mood, supporting immune function, and helping to control inflammation. Vitamin D is catching a lot of interest for its potential benefits for sleep—and for the sleep consequences that accompany Vitamin D deficiencies. I’ve written before about the relationship between Vitamin D and sleep. There’s new research that is adding to our understanding of how this vitamin—and a lack of it—may affect our nightly rest.
For sleep quality and sleep quantity … There’s a growing body of research showing Vitamin D affects both how much sleep we get and how well we sleep. A recent study found Vitamin D deficiency linked to short sleep duration. This study found the links between insufficient sleep and lack of Vitamin D to be especially strong in adults age 50 and older. More than half of the people included in this study were deficient in Vitamin D. That aligns with other research that shows a majority of Americans may be lacking in Vitamin D. In 2018, scientists at China’s Qingdao University analyzed the findings of several studies that looked at Vitamin D’s role in sleep. Their analysis identified significant connections between low levels of Vitamin D and a lack of sleep. They also found low levels of Vitamin D were connected to poor sleep quality.
For sleep apnea … Several recent studies have shown a connection between Vitamin D deficiency and risk of sleep apnea. A lack of Vitamin D may also affect the severity of sleep apnea, with lower D levels linked to more severe cases of OSA in several recent studies. Some good news on the sleep apnea front: research investigating the standard treatment for sleep apnea—CPAP, or continuous, positive airway pressure—has found that long-term CPAP use is connected to a significant increase in Vitamin D levels, along with significant improvements to sleep apnea symptoms.
For bio-clock timing: Vitamin D may influence sleep at least in part by helping to regulate our circadian clocks. That’s the takeaway from some recent research, which shows that Vitamin D may activate two circadian clock genes, which in turn control our 24-hour circadian rhythms. Light and darkness, we know, are the primary regulators of our internal bio clocks. Sunlight is also our single best source of Vitamin D. It looks as though Vitamin D may be a part of the mechanism by which sunlight keep our bio clocks—and our daily sleep cycles—running in sync.
Where to find Vitamin D in your diet … Sunlight, not diet, is the number one source of Vitamin D. The body produces its own Vitamin D, in response to exposure to sunlight. For this reason, Vitamin D isn’t actually considered a vitamin at all, but rather is classified as a hormone. Beyond sun exposure, people also receive Vitamin D through foods—fatty fish and fish oils, egg yolks, as well as fortified foods like dairy and juice.
Vitamin E
A powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E helps maintain healthy cell function and protect cells from damage. It also supports immune health. Vitamin E’s antioxidant capabilities may also help sleep and sleep-related health problems.
For sleep-related memory protection…. One effect of sleep deprivation is trouble with memory. During sleep, including both slow-wave sleep and REM sleep, the brain processes memories and our newly acquired learning. When we’re short on sleep, we can encounter problems with both short and long-term memory recall. Thanks to its antioxidant capabilities, Vitamin E offers protection for the health and function of the brain. And research indicates this vitamin might offer specific protection against the memory impairment from sleep loss. A 2012 study found that Vitamin E reduced memory loss in sleep-deprived rats. Vitamin E appears to work by protecting the function of the hippocampus, an area of the brain that is critical to memory consolidation. Research has shown sleep deprivation is highly disruptive to activity of the hippocampus.
For sleep apnea…People with sleep apnea often have low levels of Vitamin E. Elevating levels of this vitamin may help to improve Studies have shown that Vitamin E, in combination with Vitamin C and other antioxidants, can improve nighttime breathing and sleep quality in people with obstructive sleep apnea.
For sleep-related hormone protection…. Maintaining healthy levels of Vitamin E may protect testosterone production from the effects of sleep deprivation. A lack of sleep has been linked to lower testosterone levels.
Where to find Vitamin E in your diet…Foods containing higher amounts of Vitamin E include many nuts and seeds, including almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds, as well as spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, wheat germ oil, corn and soybean oils.
Vitamin C
Another antioxidant powerhouse, C is the vitamin many of us associate most strongly with immune health. It’s also important for cardiovascular health, and necessary for the body to make collagen, which is critical for healthy bones, teeth and skin. Vitamin C’s health-promoting abilities may also extend to sleep.
For sleep apnea and related health risks… On its own and in combination with other antioxidants, Vitamin C has been shown to improve the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. This 2009 study showed that a combination of Vitamin C (100 mg) and Vitamin E (400 IU) taken twice daily reduced episodes of apnea, the interrupted breathing that is the hallmark symptom of OSA. This C and E combination also improved sleep quality and decreased daytime sleepiness.
One of the major risks linked to sleep apnea is cardiovascular disease. People with untreated OSA are more likely to have high blood pressure, metabolic problems including obesity, arrhythmias and other cardiovascular issues. OSA is linked to problems with the lining of blood vessels (what’s known as the endothelial lining), which helps maintain healthy circulation. Research indicates that Vitamin C may improve endothelial function in people with OSA, potentially relieving some of the stress that this sleep disorder puts on the cardiovascular system.
To increase sleep amounts and sleep quality… Low intake of Vitamin C has been connected to shorter sleep amounts. This 2013 study by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania found that short sleepers—people who slept less than 6 hours a night—consumed less Vitamin C than people who consumed more of the vitamin. Lower levels of Vitamin C as measured in blood were also linked to more nightly sleep disturbance and a greater risk for sleep disorders.
For memory protection… Similar to vitamin E, Vitamin C has been shown to offer protection for the brain against the memory losses associated with sleep deprivation.
Where to find Vitamin C in your diet… Citrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamin C, as are broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, green and red chilis, strawberries, and kiwi.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is involved in many functions in the body. It supports immune health, and aids in cognitive development and function. There’s evidence that B6 also aids sleep—and affects our dreams.
For dream recall… I wrote recently about lucid dreams, a form of dreaming in which the sleeper has awareness of being in a dream, and in some cases can control the action of their dreams. There’s always a lot of interest in lucid dreams—people are particularly interested in finding ways to induce lucid dreaming. (You can read my latest on lucid dreaming, here.) A 2018 study at Australia’s University of Adelaide found that Vitamin B6 may help people increase their ability to remember their dreams. People with stronger dream recall are more likely to have lucid dream experiences.
For melatonin and serotonin production… A lack of Vitamin B6 has been linked to symptoms of insomnia and depression. Vitamin B6 aids in the production of the hormones serotonin and melatonin, both of which are important to sound, restful sleep, and also to mood. There’s a strong correlation between depression and sleep problems. Among people with depression, 75 percent or more also have symptoms of insomnia. (Not everyone with depression experiences insomnia or short sleep. A smaller number of people sleep excessively, a disorder known as hypersomnia. Hypersomnia is particularly common in teenagers and young adults with depression.) In studies of older adults, higher intake of Vitamin B6 been connected to lower risk for depression.  
Where to find Vitamin B6 in your diet … Bananas, carrots, spinach, potatoes are great sources of B6, as are milk, eggs, cheese, fish, and whole grains.
A NOTE ABOUT VITAMIN B6: It’s always important to talk about your supplement use with your doctor. That’s especially true for Vitamin B6. High levels of Vitamin B6 can be toxic. And excessive levels of B6 have also been linked to insomnia. If you’re considering a B6 supplement, it’s important to work with your doctor to find the right dose.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is important for brain function, supporting cardiovascular health including red blood cell formation, and in supporting DNA activity. Here’s what we know about its effects on sleep.
As a sleep-wake regulator… The role of Vitamin B12 is interesting. Several studies have demonstrated that this vitamin is involved in regulating sleep-wake cycles by helping to keep circadian rhythms in sync. At the same time, the influence of B12 directly on sleep isn’t clear. Some studies show a connection between low Vitamin B12 and insomnia, while other studies show higher levels of Vitamin B12 are linked to sleep disruption and shorter sleep times. (The mixed results of Vitamin B12 are a prime example of why we need a lot more scientific attention paid to ways nutrients affect sleep!)
Higher levels of Vitamin B12 have been connected to a lower risk of depression. Circadian rhythm disruptions are a significant underlying factor for depression. In addition to other issues with sleep, with depression are often unable to sleep on a routine schedule. It may be that Vitamin B12 is specifically useful for people with sleep-wake disruptions, including in people who also have symptoms of depression. But we need more research to better understand how Vitamin B12 influences sleep.
Where to find Vitamin B12 in your diet … Vitamin B12 is found in animal protein dietary sources, including dairy, eggs, meat, fish and shellfish.
The closer we stick to a diet of diverse, whole, unprocessed foods, the more of these vitamins we’ll pick up naturally. (And don’t forget to get out in the sun for your vitamin D fix!) These are some of the simplest, most important sleep habits we can adopt.
Sweet Dreams,
Michael J. Breus, PhD, DABSM
The Sleep Doctor
The post 5 Vitamin Deficiencies that Can Affect Your Sleep appeared first on Your Guide to Better Sleep.
from Your Guide to Better Sleep https://thesleepdoctor.com/2019/02/12/5-vitamin-deficiencies-that-can-affect-your-sleep/
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2019/02/12/5-vitamin-deficiencies-that-can-affect-your-sleep/
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lenakrruger · 6 years
Recipes for Realtors: Make it a burger event
When the season is right (any time of year) and the grilling urge strikes, try my selection of gourmet burgers. Some might be a first for some REM readers. It’s easy for agents to multitask since much can be prepared ahead of time.
Prepare your favourite generous burger, but the difference is how you serve it. Your favourite could be ground lamb, pork, veal, chicken, goat or even venison.
Don’t overcook the burger. It will continue to cook in its own heat. Choose your favourite bun; maybe try a brioche.
Drizzle the bread with just a little ghee (clarified butter) and grill quickly – only a minute, you don’t want the bun to be crunchy.
Place a couple of softened marinated Celebrity brand wonderful creamy Canadian goat cheese pucks from your marinating jar, on each top and bottom grilled bun.
Add a dollop of WildlyDelicious Beet and Red Onion Marmalade or my tomato butter on each half on top of the cheese. Or if you want something really different, use my kumquat marmalade.
Top the marmalade with a teaspoon of Petite Maison White Truffle Dijon. Spritz with Black Maple Magic Balsamic Vinegar, add a generous amount of fresh watercress, and position your burger between the two bun pieces.
Make plenty. There won’t be leftovers.
You could add crumbled crispy bacon just before you serve. (Not store-bought bacon bits.)
A good pairing: Stella Belgian beer, or Molson Export Ale. Both act as a purposeful palate cleanser between delicious bites. Overseas, people prefer to drink their beer at room temperature, but this side of the ocean it’s preferred cold. Never put ice in beer, but it is said real beer drinkers add a pinch of salt to the empty cold glass before pouring.
Norwegian Steelhead Burger 
Grill both halves of a brioche bun. Spritz with extra light virgin olive oil. Smear each side with my warm blue cheese dressing. Place a beautiful large hydroponic Boston Bibb lettuce leaf on each half. Add a tablespoon of my shredded green apple (unpeeled) fennel slaw to each half. Then add a generous mound of paper-thin Norwegian frozen/thawed steelhead smoked salmon napkins. (This product sounds expensive and it is, but it feeds dozens of people, dozens of times. It thaws very quickly so it is handy always to have on hand, so you can gourmet many things in just minutes. Well-wrapped, double-wrapped in plastic wrap, it keeps for ages in the freezer. I cut the very long package in half to position easier in the freezer, and only take out half at a time to work with.)
On top of the Norwegian salmon mound, add a few very thin slices of Norwegian light Jarlsberg cheese. This wonderful cheese is almost sweet. It has holes in it like we typically see in Swiss Cheese. This cheese is nothing short of excellent. Ask the deli to slice it very thin, if not already prepared that way. Next, slice paper-thin raw red onion and add a generous amount to finish this wonderful treat. The smoked salmon loves red onion.
This is likely a burger like you’ve never had before. There’s a good chance you will make it often.
Serve with a cheese board of mixed cheeses you might not normally indulge in, giving guests an opportunity to try something unusual like Celebrity brand Sartori raspberry delicious shards, and perhaps their Espresso cheese.
Pairs wonderfully with unoaked shiraz or with my old standby, Winzertanz.
A fish burger? Maybe a fishwich 
It’s another fishy thing! Build a burger using a mound of freshly made breaded fish nuggets topped with my amazing Caesar salad dressing. Yes. You read it right. (Now, if you really want a spectacular “seawich”, go completely overboard and use once over-lightly, butter-seared scallops – not the tiny bay scallops, for a spectacular treat.)
Position a juicy split brandy marinated black mission fig on top of the dressing. And add shredded romaine lettuce and sprinkle with fresh grated Parmesan. Amazing! Want to get a little over the top? Use pre-cooked lobster claw meat as an alternate to the nuggets… Or my lobster tails.
A side dish of my special Waldorf Salad rounds out the meal.
Super crabby burger
Grill both halves of buttered brioche. Prepare crab meat, leaving large chunks visible, adding finely chopped celery, a tiny pinch of minced onion, salt, pepper, sweet paprika and a little white truffle Dijon, stirred into mashed cream cheese. Fold in a tablespoon of full fat sour cream.
Mound the crab meat mixture on loads of crispy ordinary iceberg lettuce leaves (or shredded) on the grilled, buttered, brioche bun.
If you enjoy heat, drizzle a little of your favourite hot sauce onto the crab mix. Sprinkle with sweet paprika and/or cayenne. Drizzle with my warm blue cheese dressing, to which you have added a pinch of mashed homemade roasted garlic. If you enjoy horseradish, a tiny bit of homemade horseradish cream is a nice completer, or add a dollop of my Hazelnut Pesto
for a different experience. Crispy arugula added at the last minute makes this a delightful burger.
My remoulade sauce for shrimp po’boy burger 
In a blender, start with three whole eggs. Add two coarsely chopped white garlic cloves, a tablespoon of white truffle Dijon, zest of a half lemon and fresh squeezed half lemon juice.
Add a teaspoon of freshly grated raw horseradish. Add a generous raw shallot, split in four, and a half teaspoon of raw onion. Two large fresh basil leaves zip up the flavours.
Add a teaspoon of sweet paprika and a sprinkle of cayenne, salt, “garlic scape sea salt” and a teaspoon of ground chili powder. Add very high-quality fresh ground pepper and a half teaspoon of Sambul (the East Indian islands spice) and whir the blender to combine.
From your pantry citrus jar, chop a quarter cup of mixed candied citrus rind. Add to blender ingredients. Cover and pulse to mince. Add a quarter cup of the best-quality thick maple syrup.  Drizzle in Mazola Corn Oil just gradually while machine is running, until the consistency is that of thick mayonnaise,
Serve as a dipping sauce for butterflied batter-fried shrimp that you have filled a grilled split ghee-spritzed baguette with.
You can drizzle my remoulade onto the po’’oy burger, but only just when you are ready to eat, so you don’t make the breaded shrimp soggy.
No words to say how good this hot sauce is. You could use it with any of the burgers if you like a memorable hot Cajun mouth-watering experience. (Not for serving to children.)
© “From Lady Ralston’s Kitchen: A Canadian Contessa Cooks” Turning everyday meal making into a Gourmet Experience
The post Recipes for Realtors: Make it a burger event appeared first on REM | Real Estate Magazine.
Recipes for Realtors: Make it a burger event published first on https://grandeurparkcondo.tumblr.com/
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