#remember when i said competition was going to be about 15k words?? well.
lunar-years · 8 months
it is unfortunate when I think up dialogue that's really good. and then I think up more dialogue I think is good. And then it feels like the conversation has been going on far too long and the story is being bogged down by dialogue, and these characters really just need to shut it. And then I have to go back and edit out dialogue :(
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fruitcoops · 4 years
for the jules stay with coops, would you be able to do something where jules kinda just messes around on the ice with a stick n puck n the team just kinda watch in adoration? 🤧
This is the final installment of Adventures in Babysitting! Thank you to everyone who stayed interested in this idea, which is the longest series I’ve ever written for SW fanfic (about 15k words total! Wow!). This is my favorite part so far, I think. Hope you enjoy!
Intro 1 2 3 4
Credit for Sweater Weather/ Jules goes to @lumosinlove!
“Can I watch again today?” Jules begged, tugging on the strap of Remus’ duffel bag as they walked to the car. “Please? Please please please please—”
“Yes, you can watch,” Remus groaned, hefting their gear into the trunk. It seemed extra heavy today. “Though keep asking like that and I’m going to say no.”
“The plane doesn’t leave until six thirty, so we’ll be able to hang out with the guys after practice, right?”
“Well, yeah, but we should be at the airport by five just in case,” Remus said. “And it’s an open practice, so the media will want to ask some questions afterward. You can probably hang out with them between interviews, though.”
Jules bit his lip. “Oh. Okay.”
“We’ll figure something out, don’t worry.” He watched Jules buckle in through the rearview mirror while Sirius turned the car on. Most of the snow had melted the previous day, leaving a clear and crisp morning that Remus could feel through the windows as they drove to the rink; he felt a little bad for everyone who wouldn’t be moving around to keep warm for the next few hours.
Moody wasn’t by the door when they arrived, nor was he in the PT room. Remus checked the clock quickly and frowned—they didn’t have a lot of time to spare before they needed to get ready to go. “Coach!” Sirius called, waving down the hallway.
Arthur looked up at them and smiled. “There you are! Got your skates, Lupin?”
Remus blinked. “Uh, yeah?”
“Not you. Little Loops, did you bring your skates?”
Jules and Remus turned to Sirius at the same time and he hid a smile behind his hand. “Got ‘em right here, Coach,” he said without looking at them, holding his bag up.
“What?” Jules whispered and turned to Remus, who shrugged. “What’s he talking about?”
“You’re number…24?” Arthur squinted at his clipboard and walked closer to them. Jules nodded silently. “Alright, I think we can figure something out. You play center, right?”
Jules squeaked out a ‘yes’; Remus could feel him trembling with excitement. “I get to play?”
Arthur raised an eyebrow and bent slightly to his level. “Your brother never stops talking about how you’re the best center Wisconsin has ever seen. I wanna know if it’s true.”
“Sirius, what did you do?” Remus murmured as Jules struggled to take a deep breath.
“I may have possibly told Coach it was his last day here. Perhaps,” Sirius whispered back.
Remus shook his head. “You are the most incredible person on the planet and I’m going to kiss the daylights out of you as soon as humanly possible.”
“Love you, too.”
“Re.” Jules yanked on his arm as he jumped up and down, ramping up with every passing second. “Re, I get to skate with the team! I get to skate! With the team!”
“Looks like it,” Remus laughed. “Come on, practice starts in twenty.”
Not only had Sirius packed Jules’ skates, but somehow he had snuck all his gear into their duffels without either of them noticing; all the guys brightened when they walked into the locker room and Kasey waved to him from his stall. “Hey, Little L—”
“I get to skate!” Jules blurted as he gripped Remus’ hand hard enough to hurt.
James shared a look with Sirius—so you were in on it, too, Remus thought as he led Jules to his stall. “That’s pretty exciting,” he said with a low whistle. “How’d you swing that?”
“Coach Weasley wants to see me play.” If Jules made it through the next three hours without fainting from happiness, Remus would be shocked.
“You must be pretty good, then.” Leo grinned as he buckled into his pads. “Think you can score a goal on me?”
Jules hesitated, then nodded. “I’ll give it a shot.”
“That’s the spirit,” Finn laughed, ruffling Jules’ hair. “You got a jersey yet?”
“Hmm. What’s your number?”
“Yo, Ringer, you got an extra?” Evander Bell dug around for a moment before tossing him a clean jersey. Finn grabbed some stick tape out of his bag and tore two pieces off; when he shook it back out, a decent ‘24’ had replaced the previous ‘21’. “There you go. You might have to tuck it in a bit.”
Jules threw his arms around Finn’s waist and squeezed him tight, mumbling ‘thank you’ over and over again. Finn rubbed his back and looked up at Remus with pleading eyes—can I keep him? he mouthed, pouting when Remus shook his head. Logan and Leo ‘aww’ed in the background.
“Okay, bud, let’s get your pads on so you can enjoy your last day here.” He put a slight emphasis on the final three words and the rest of the team perked up, trading glances between their stalls as Jules hurried to change into his gear.
Thankfully, he already knew what to do, and within ten minutes all three of them were on the ice. Several fans pointed to Jules and waved; he seemed surprised by the attention and shyly smiled back. Coach’s whistle snapped them all to attention and Remus laid a hand on Jules’ helmet to keep him close, just in case. “Cap, you know our drills for today. We start our scrimmage at 12:30 and you get twenty minutes for a lunch break.”
“Yes, Coach,” they chorused. Jules’ answer was a little delayed and Remus caught several half-hidden smiles beneath visors.
“Over here, 24,” Logan said, guiding Jules to the starting line with his stick on his back. “You wanna be on my team?”
“I want dibs!” Talker called as he skated past. “Jules, who’s your favorite? Me, or Shortie Pants over there?”
“Uhhhh…” Jules looked quickly to Remus. “I don’t have a favorite.”
“Sucks to be you guys, but he’s on my team.” Sirius held his hand out for a fist bump that Jules happily obliged. “Right, buddy?”
“Hell yeah.”
The drills were far easier than usual, even for an open practice, which gave everyone a chance to show off. They went through the motions, adding little flourishes here and there that the slowly-gathering crowd ate up; even Jules started having fun with it, tapping pucks back and forth with Pots between rounds and shooting goal after goal toward Kasey and Leo. He shone with joy.
When the lunch whistle blew, Remus tapped the back of his helmet lightly. “Remember that trick I did to knock Harzy over?” he asked under his breath. Jules grinned. “Want me to show you how to do it?”
“Alright, c’mere.” Remus skated over to the far end of the rink, keeping an eye out until Finn was safely out of sight. “Plant your leg like this, yeah?”
Jules frowned, but did as he was told. “I thought you went right.”
“I did. You have to fake him out with the left. He falls for it every time.”
“Dollars to donuts. Give it a shot.” Jules wobbled a little. “Keep your balance steady…there you go!”
“Cool!” he whispered, looking up with a bright smile. Remus leaned down so they could knock their helmets together. “Cool.”
“Okay, time for lunch. You can try it out in the scrimmage.”
Jules practiced the motions all the way back to the bench, muttering instructions under his breath as Remus kept him from knocking anyone over on accident. He scarfed down a sandwich and downed a few gulps of Gatorade, which Sirius confiscated in case he drank it too fast and made himself sick.
“We’ve got a game to win, buddy,” he said. “Take it slow.”
“Scrimmage list is up!” Coach called from the doorway, tacking a sheet of paper to the wall. Everyone immediately crowded it; Remus shouldered his way through Kasey and Logan to get a good look.
He laughed out loud when he saw it. “Jules, you better square up!” he shouted over his shoulder.
“Am I playing against you?”
“Yep. You’re up against Sirius for the face-off.”
Jules’ eyes got huge in his head. “No.”
“See for yourself, buddy.”
“Does that mean we’re on the same team for once?” Sirius murmured as he leaned against the side of Remus’ stall.
“Looks like it.” He tilted his chin up for a quick kiss and Sirius tugged the edge of his shoulder pad lightly.
“Love seeing you in these.” He tapped the wooden shelf above them and grinned before straightening. “Alright, boys, let’s go!”
It almost felt like family skate again, except for the overarching vibe of genuine competitive spirit that spread through the team. Jules and Sirius skated to the center and braced for the drop; Jules dug his blades in, and not for the first time Remus was struck by how much they looked alike.
Sirius tapped the front of his skate, but Jules didn’t flinch from his laser-focus on Dumo. “He’s got his head in the game, Cap,” Dumo said with a grin. “Ready?”
The puck dropped. In a flash of movement, both lunged for it; Sirius won, but Jules was hot on his heels as he skated toward the opposite goal, his face lined with pure determination. “Twelve!” Remus called, tapping his stick against the ice.
Sirius passed it, but Jules didn’t falter from his tail, moving to shadow his every moment. Remus passed James easily, but Talker stole the puck and turned it around for a quick move toward Leo, who dropped into a lunge and blocked his shot. The pace picked up after that and Remus heard the telltale click of press cameras going off along with the whoops of fans who had come to watch.
And then Jules started tailing him, the little shit. Remus did a lazy loop around the outside, then darted in to shake him—Jules reappeared moments later, a bit out of breath but otherwise fine. Remus took the puck out from underneath Logan and raced for the goal as a beautiful line opened up for him, but he heard the familiar shush-hush of Jules’ skates and braked hard.
He should have known it wouldn’t work. Jules dodged sideways at the last second, just barely missing the puck with his stick, then spun back around and chased Remus in a sharp curve through the defense. He heard several people start laughing as he lowered his center of gravity and took a hard turn; the chill of the ice burned his cheeks, but Jules didn’t leave him alone.
“Come on, Little Loops,” he taunted, grinning over his shoulder. “Come and get it!”
Jules grumbled something under his breath and pushed off harder, skating right at Remus with single-minded intensity. He saw his left foot lift and internally shook his head.
With a couple quick taps, he was behind him again. “You can’t use my own tricks against me!”
“I can try!” Jules shouted back as they flew up the ice once more. Kasey caught his shot. “Nice one, Loops.”
“Better luck next time, eh?” Remus knocked on his helmet as he skated past, still panting. Arthur was laughing so hard he had to lean against the glass while Moody patted him on the back and winked at Remus.
“Eight more years,” Moody called with a grin. “Then we’ll have two Lupins out here.”
“Wouldn’t that be something,” Remus laughed.
They stayed on the ice for a while after the scrimmage ended, losing 2-1 to Sirius’ team. Jules shadowed anyone he came within five feet of and was harder to shake off than a piece of duct tape—Remus had never been prouder.
“Harzy! Harzy, I gotta show you something!” Jules waved to Finn, who looked over in amusement from Leo’s goal. “Skate toward me like we’re in a game.”
“Sure thing, bud.”
Jules kept his eyes on Finn’s feet as they grew closer, mouthing something under his breath. No, Remus thought. Is he going to…?
He did. In one perfect motion, he picked up his left skate and pushed hard in the other direction, zipping beneath Finn’s arm and sending him in the other direction. “No!” Finn shouted immediately as Jules burst into maniacal giggles. “Absolutely not! Remus Lupin, get your ass over here!”
“That was perfect!” Remus held his hands out for a double high-five and Jules jumped to reach his palms. “Excellent form.”
Shaved ice coated them both as Finn snowed them, still scowling. “I can’t believe you!”
“Have you tried saying ‘no’ to the puppy eyes?” Remus asked, turning Jules by the shoulders and sticking his own lower lip out.
Finn scoffed, but he could hardly hide his smile. “You’re both ridiculous.”
“Indeed.” He squeezed Jules’ arms briefly. “It’s about time to head out, J. Do you want to say goodbye to everyone while I check in with Marlene?”
The unbridled excitement on Jules’ face dimmed a bit. “Do I have to go?”
“You’ve got school in a couple days.”
“I could stay until it starts again.”
“Mom and Dad miss you a lot.”
“Remus!” Marlene flagged him down from the boards and he skated over with Jules in tow, pulling his helmet off and swiping sweaty hair out of his eyes.
“What’s up?”
Before she could speak, a skinny man with large glasses pushed to the front of the group; Remus disliked him instantly. “Mr. Lupin, can you tell us—”
“Excuse you, I think she was trying to talk,” he interrupted, giving the man a stony look. “Hey, Marley, how’re you doing?”
“I’m doing fine. This is Craig Stearns, from the Hockey Daily…magazine.” Her smile was slightly forced. Tabloid. “He has a couple questions for you.”
“Hi, Craig.”
“When were you going to tell the media about your secret child?”
Remus raised an eyebrow. “My what?”
Craig’s eyes flickered down to Jules, whose grip tightened on the hem of Remus’ jersey. “Your son.”
“You mean my little brother?”
“You’ve been seen with him an awful lot this week—”
“Because he’s my little brother.”
“—and he appears to be living in your house—”
“Because he’s my little brother.”
“—and several photos show you walking hand-in-hand—”
“Do you have siblings?” Remus cut in. “I’m going to assume you don’t. My parents visited for the holidays, during which time there was a death in the family and Jules stayed with Sirius and I for the week. He was living in our house because I’m not about to put my ten-year-old brother in a hotel, and I was holding his hand so that he didn’t run into the street. Are we done here?”
Craig paused. “Can we get a picture—”
Jules tapped his elbow and Remus bent down. “Can we go home?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah, buddy, we can go home.” Remus gave him a gentle nudge toward the boards. “Go find Sirius, okay?”
Remus watched him skate across the ice until Leo caught him and swung him into the air before turning back to Craig with the coldest glare he could muster. “You can say whatever the hell you want about me, but keep my little brother out of your fucking gossip column. He’s ten. I better not see his face on some tabloid, got it?”
“Crystal clear,” Craig said with a harsh gulp.
“Good.” Remus looked over to Marlene and smiled, giving her a fist bump. “See you tomorrow, Marley. Say hi to D for me.”
“Will do.”
After endless hugs and a standing offer to play from Coach, they finally made it to the car just before four pm. They practically had to crowbar Jules and Moody apart—Remus was half-expecting the grouchy old man to run out after their car waving adoption papers, and letting Kuny figure out Jules was ticklish may have been the worst mistake of Remus’ life.
It was cute, though, seeing the puppylike love on his teammates’ faces whenever Jules entered the room. Jules clearly had a good time; he passed out cold in the backseat within two minutes of leaving the parking lot, still damp from his shower.
“Is it bad that I don’t want to give him back yet?” Remus asked.
“I was just about to say that,” Sirius laughed, glancing into the rearview mirror. “We could tell your parents the flight was cancelled.”
“They miss him.”
Sirius sighed. “I’m sure they do.”
“I still don’t want to put him on a plane alone.”
“He’ll be safe.”
“One of us could fly with him…?” Remus shook his head. “Never mind, he’d think we were treating him like a kid. Ugh. I already miss him.”
“We’ve still got an hour or so to pack.” They turned into the driveway and Sirius parked, but neither of them moved to get out. “This was really, really fun. I’m glad we did it.”
“Me, too.” Remus sighed and twisted around to shake Jules’ knee. “Jules, we’re home. You can sleep on the plane, okay?”
Jules took a deep breath and blinked awake, scrunching his nose up. “I don’t wanna pack.”
“I’m not doing it for you, so you better get a wiggle on unless you want to go home in just your underwear.” Jules was out of the car in a flash and both of them dissolved into laughter. “Oh, fuck, I didn’t think that would work.”
“Come on, he’s about to break the door down.” Sirius snorted and got their bags out of the trunk, then tossed Jules his keys. “It’s the one in the middle, buddy.”
“The blue one?”
“The yellow one?”
“Are either of those in the middle?”
“…is it the silver one?”
“There you go.”
Jules got it open after a moment of maneuvering and they tumbled inside in a heap of hockey gear, locking the door against the cold wind that was starting to blow. Packing wasn’t difficult—Remus had put Jules’ laundry into the dryer the previous night and threw it into his backpack as Jules collected his books and leftover socks.
They were in the car by five; Remus was a little nervous about getting to the airport on time, but traffic was light and they arrived with more than an hour to spare. Check-in was easy, they made it through security without any issues, and before he knew it, they were standing in front of the gate.
“You have everything, right?” he asked for the thousandth time as Jules rocked on the balls of his feet. “Books, clothes, everything you brought?”
“I’m fine, Re,” he said.
“You’re not hungry?”
“I had a sandwich before we left, remember?”
“It’s a four-hour flight.”
“I’ll be okay.” Jules looked up at him and smiled. “I’m ten, remember?”
I know, that’s why I’m worried. “Boarding for first-class passengers and unaccompanied minors,” a smooth voice called over the intercom. Remus’ heart leapt and he saw Sirius stiffen slightly.
“That’s you, bud,” he said around the lump in his throat, crouching to give him a proper hug. He buried his face in the side of Jules’ neck and gave him a tight squeeze. “Love you.”
“Love you more,” Jules mumbled. Remus let go after a moment and Jules moved to Sirius. “I’ll miss you.”
“Oh, buddy.” Sirius kissed the top of his head. “I’ll miss you, too.”
“Say hi to mom and dad for me, yeah?” Remus added as Jules walked over to a stewardess in a blue dress.
“I love you!” he called again. Just before they reached the gate, he stopped in his tracks. “Wait!”
“What?” Remus’ stomach dropped to his feet as Jules shrugged his backpack off and ran back to them, flinging himself into Sirius’ arms.
“I didn’t think of a nickname for you!”
“That’s okay,” Sirius assured him. “I don’t need one.”
“Nicknames are for people we care about, and I care about you,” Jules insisted. He narrowed his eyes in thought before breaking into a wide grin. “Siri.”
“Like the phone app?”
“Exactly. Might need some workshopping, though.”
“Go catch your plane,” Sirius laughed, setting him down after a final hug. Jules ran back to the stewardess, who gave them a quick smile while she helped him get his backpack on again. They stayed in their spot, hand-in-hand, until the plane was nothing but a speck among the clouds and their feet started to ache.
“They’ll come visit soon, right?” Remus leaned his head against Sirius’ shoulder as they headed for the exit.
“They will.”
“How much do you want to bet Jules left at least three things behind?”
“He probably left half his clothes under the bed, but there are so many other things we’re going to be doing tonight that don’t include tracking down a kid’s lost sock.”
“Oh, really?” Remus raised an eyebrow at him and kissed his knuckles. “I like the way you think.”
“We already earned our Oreos, mon loup. I think we deserve a reward for surviving three weeks of constant family time.”
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hateswifi · 5 years
Making Do (With What Life Give Us): Part 4
So last part, don’t be afraid to talk to me, I love interacting with you all. I hope you enjoyed this short (15k word) fic. Without further ado, I give you Part 4.
As her friendship with Adrien grew she realized that he and Chat Noir are the same person. They had kissed during Dark Cupid, turns out they both remember it and found it awkward and decided on being friends. They would have won the gaming competition if Marinette hadn't given her spot up to Max. She had won his father's hat competition without prior knowledge of their friendship, in fact, Gabriel had offered a scholarship which she would have taken if not had it been for her need to disappear to be Ladybug. But she did take commissions from her new uncle, Jagged Stone. Chloe and she had become co-class presidents together again and everyone was quite happy. She also joined them in battle as Queen Bee with the promise of secrecy. Adrien and Chloe had officially unofficially adopted the two blondes into their family. Her parents are super protective over them especially after hearing about their nightly escapades as heroes. As a group, they were close, with the help of her family, to figuring out who Hawkmoth is. 
After an awkward conversation that Marinette did not in fact like Nino more than a friend, he joined the friend group with the later addition of Alya, his new girlfriend. Throughout it all, Damian and her family had started to come to Paris more, thankfully no one from her friends besides Chloe and Adrien had met them. She didn't want to tell Nino and Alya because of the Ladyblog, Alya had a tendency to stretch the truth and to do practically anything to get a good story. She didn't fully trust them and with good reason and it all started at the beginning of her third year in Paris.
A new student joined the class, which would have been fine besides the lies she was constantly telling. "I'll meet you in the park in ten minutes," she had said to Adrien.
"You wouldn't believe what she just said," Adrien snickers to Marinette as she comes out of hiding.
"How'd you know I was there?" Marinette asks, sitting beside him.
"Chloe texted me saying you felt something suspicious about her," Adrien said.
"And with good intention, she's clearly lying," Marinette pouted.
"Obviously, she's best friends with Ladybug even though she just moved here? How does that even make sense?" Adrien asks. "So I'm not saying that you should, but I'm going to meet up with 'Ladybug's best friend' I feel like she would LOVE to catch up with her, don't you think?"
"I'll let you know what my dear friend says," Marinette smirks. Adrien and the rest of her brothers had started to rub off on her.
"I don't recommend it, I would wait to see what she says first," Tikki whispers from Mari's purse. "Or you could interrupt as you depending on what she says."
"We'll see," Marinette said, standing up. As she entered the park she heard the liar talking. 
She coos. "Ladybug isn't even the most powerful hero, it's Volpina, the holder of the fox miraculous." She pauses while she pulls out her necklace. "This is the fox miraculous, it used to be my grandmother's, but she passed it down to me. I let Ladybug have her time to make a name for herself because we're best friends."
"You've been here for like two days," Adrien started.
"And," Marinette says, walking up. "That was a necklace released in Gabriel's last line. Also why would you tell a total stranger about something, 'so important' something that is supposed to be a secret," Marinette said, sitting down beside Adrien.
"Sabine, Tom, and Chloe are waiting at home for lunch, want to come?" Marinette asks Adrien.
"I would love to!" the liar interrupted, standing up.
"And you are?" Marinette asks.
"Sorry Mari, my dad wants me to come home today," Adrien said, standing.
"It's fine, just remember mama and papa would be heartbroken if they don't see you soon," Marinette said walking towards the entrance.
"Hey I've been busy, could you imagine how much more busy I would be if we hadn't threatened to dye my hair?" Adrien laughs, remembering that wonderful weekend.
"What do you mean?" Lila asked, racing up behind them.
"A couple of weeks ago, Adrien wanted to have a sleepover with our friend group, but his dad was being himself and decided that he couldn't," Marinette started, prompting Adrien to finish. "They snuck in through the window with some semi-permanent dye and the dyed my hair lime green. I threatened to shave my head if he kept forcing me to stay in the house."
"You're a bad influence on him!" Lila shouts, grabbing her arm.
"All I'm showing him is that he doesn't have to live his life as a prisoner in his own house," Marinette responds, pulling her arm from Lila's clutch.
"And I couldn't be happier," Adrien says as his car pulls up. "Bye Mari, we still on for after school?"
"Yes, Mama said if you don't learn how to back soon she'll disown me," Marinette laughs, hugging him.
"She can't disown you and even if she did Bruce would be more than happy to take you back," Adrien snickers.
"So are we never going to talk about this again?" Lila asked, the two friends stopping in their tracks.
"As long as you don't lie, we could start a friendship," Marinette smiles. "See you in class, Lila. Welcome to our class." They wave and walk there separate ways.
Stuff started to go downhill from there, Alya and Nino believed Lila lies over Marinette and their friend group them. It was a dark time in Marinette's life, everyone besides Chloe and Adrien. The retaliation that the class set against them was beyond tolerable. Gabriel still made Adrien deal with Lila because apparently 'she is all the rage right now.' Marinette had been more unhappy than usual so Marinette's parents decided that she needed a break from the drama, but on her last day before her vacation when everything went to hell. 
"I can't believe she was even let into this school!" Alya loudly exclaimed during lunch. 
Lila's sniffled, she had been distressed because Marinette 'supposedly' made fun of her for her past, "What do you mean?"
"Well before she became a jealous wench we were best friends, I just so happen to know almost everything about her," Alya snickers.
"What do you mean? She has secrets?" Lila asks, rubbing her eyes to wipe her tears away.
"She used to live in America, where her dad left her before she was born. Her mother was a stripper and died because she couldn't pay for her drugs and was shot," Alya laughs. "She lived on the streets until Sabine and Tom adopted her. Then she became friends with Chloe and Adrien for their money and connection, obviously. She then manipulated Adrien, Lila's soulmate, to hate her."
"I recommend you silence yourself before I break your elbows and give them to Titus," A voice comes from the entry of the cafeteria. "You're saying only the bad, most of them exaggerated and false.
"And you are... someone she paid to pretend to like her?" Lila asked.
"No, she doesn't need to pay me, even if she could she wouldn't be able to. She is my best friend," he said.
"Ummmm... No! I'm her best friend and she's never spoken of you," Alya said, crossing her arms.
"A real friend would check her statements before announcing these lies. Speaking of the Angel, where is she?" he asked.
"You must not be talking about her because she's an actual demon," Lila sniffles. "Have you heard the things she's done to me?"
"And I don't believe you," He said.
"Thanks, Demon. I never needed any of them all I needed was my closest and most trustworthy friends," Marinette said after she had run and hugged him.
"Hey, Angel, it's good to see you again," he said into her hair.
"And who are you, 'Demon', you never answered," Alya asked, putting air quotes around 'Demon'.
"I'm Damian, Marinette's best friend," Damian said, an arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"That's debatable, we both know I'm her better friend," Adrien snickers.
"Nope. I was her first friend," Damian answers.
"But first is the worst, and as being her second friend, I'm the best," Chloe says, smiling.
"Come on guys, you get to spend all the time with me, let me spend some time with Damian. I haven't seen him since Thanksgiving," Marinette says, snuggling into his embrace.
"Good job making the conversation all about you," Lila remarks.
"Whatever... come on let's go to class, the sooner this ends, the sooner I can leave," Marinette says and they turn to walk to class. 
"Who the hell does she think she is?" Lila said, crossing her arms.
"A jealous, psychotic, gold-digging, wench," Alya answers.
"With good tastes though, did you see that hot piece of man that defended her," Lila said.
"Dark and brooding," Alya adds before they head to class. The lesson was normal, glares and disappointing glances sent her way, as she designed. With fifteen minutes before dismissal for the day, a knock came at the door. 
"I'm here for Marinette," Damian said, entering the room.
"Oh thank God, I don't know how much more of this crap I can take," She responds in English. "Bye Chloe, Adrien, love you both, see you next week." She hears her friends respond with a bye as the door closes.
The trip went well and the time was well spent. Marinette released her first line while in Gotham under, the alias she used to be known as, Sunshine. They had a party held in her honor where for the first time ever, she showed her face to the public and the Ice Prince and Princess Sunshine became an official couple. She melted his heart, as said by a majority of the news outlets. 
She had also made a speech at the closing of the ball. "So honestly, I just want to thank Bruce, who was kind enough to foster for me, Damian, who was a supportive food friend turned boyfriend, my brother, Jason, Tim and Drake, who taught me to live my life. Along with my two best friends, who I met in Paris, Chloe Bourgeois and Adrien Agreste. My adopted parents, Tom and Sabine, who only have my best interest at heart. Last but not least I would love to thank my antagonists all my classmates, who I'm too mature to call out by name, especially the liar, you know who you are."
The girls watch in disbelief. Lila was crying actual tears as she saw her lie-kingdom begin to fall. Alya cries as she sees her career end. 
When Marinette returned a couple of days later, Marinette walked into class early, smiling. Alya stood there, arms crossed and glared ready. "You are a petty waste of--"
"I could have been petty and released all your names," Marinette says, trying to walk past the red-head.
"No, that is just common courtesy, it was just petty to bring us up in your lies," Lila said.
"You want to see petty, fine," Marinette said, dropping her bag on Bustier's desk. She pulls out her notebook and rips it.
"So... why should we care," Lila asked.
"That. That right there ripped up and at the bottom of the waste bin is our end of the year trip," Marinette said, pointing to the waste bin.
"You! You petty bitch!" Lila screams.
"Yep, and proud of it," Marinette smiles and takes a seat, but not before placing a stack of papers on their desk.
"Also this is for you," Adrien says, walking into class. He places a stack of papers on Alya and Lila's desk.
"And what are those," Lila says, significantly paler than normal.
"Well from me, those are lawsuits from my parents, Jagged Stone, and the Waynes," Marinette said, smiling as she took a seat.
"Mine is a court-mandated cease and desist order for your Ladyblog, for spreading rumors about the Agreste Brand. For you, Lila, your papers are termination papers, for spreading false rumors," Adrien said.
"W... What, you can't do this the Ladyblog is my life work!" Alya screamed.
"Who cares about you!? My mum is going to send me back to military school if she finds out I got in trouble for lying, please don't do this," Lila exclaimed, falling on the ground.
"I gave you a way out last year, you didn't take it," Adrien said, sitting beside Chloe and Marinette.
"It's all your fault! If you hadn't been such a bad influence on him I could have had it all," Lila screamed, attempting to jump at him.
"Nope! you couldn't have," Damian said entering the room.
"Lila Rossi, you're under arrest for working the terrorist, Hawkmoth and using celebrities' names to get free things," the officer said.
"Damian, what are you doing here?" Marinette asks, standing up to greet her boyfriend.
"Father and I are here on business," he responds hugging her,
"And does any of that business have to do with you helping me?" Marinette asks, smiling into his embrace.
"Some of it the other half was actual, WE work. I'm going to be working in this wing of WE when I graduate," Damian smiles.
"Sounds great, Demon," Marinette says, breaking the embrace to look him in the eyes.
"I can't wait to start this next chapter of my life with you by my side, Angel," Damian said, kissing the crown of her head.
Extra (how Damian realized Marinette was definitely not just a friend):
Marinette had come to the ball (not really party just really big party) wearing a light blue off the shoulder cocktail dress, looking as beautiful as normal. He had been enjoying himself until he saw it. Normally he’s not one to be jealous, but the way she was smiling at this guy was bothering him. Damian found Jason and told him. “I have a suspicious feeling about that guy.”
“Are you it’s not because how he’s making her smile?” Jason asks, nudging him with his elbow. 
“And why would that bother me!” Damian asks. 
“Well remember that time in the gym, right after Marinette became Ladybug and you found out she had a partner,” Jason asks, Damian gave a nod, yes. “Well today could be that day. The longer you wait the less chance you have with her.” He finishes before walking away. 
Extra (how they became a couple):
He was utterly and completely hecked --gotta keep it family friendly ( ; -- he was in love with his best friend and it looks like someone had already beaten him to it. At the thought he walked away to the balcony, failing to notice the bluenette, who had seen him sad and decided to check up on him.
When she found him he was leaning on the guardrail he was holding a glass of grape juice, not being the legal drinking his brothers found it funny to give him it. “What’s the matter Dami?” Marinette asks, putting a hold on his shoulder. 
“It nothing, I just realized that I’ve been missing who's been in front of me this whole time and now its too late,” he sighs, taking a swig from his glass.
“Missing who?” Marinette asks, placing her head on his shoulder.
“You, you’re the best thing that’s happened to me and it’s too late now,”  Damian explained.
“What do you mean it’s too late?” Marinette said, lifting her head. 
“Didn’t that guy ask you out?” Damian asks, standing up straighter. 
“What? No Dami. He’s a client,” Marinette explained, pulling him into a hug. 
“Wait seriously?” Damian says. “God, I’m so stupid.”
“Yes Damian, if you hadn’t noticed I’m head over hill for you,” Marinette says, kissing his cheek. 
“Seriously!?” Damian asks, picking her up in a spin. 
“If I didn’t know Adrien I would say you’re the most oblivious person I know,” Marinette giggles into his embrace.
Tag list:
@northernbluetongue @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @gwennex @abrx2002 @sonif50 @silvergold-swirl @sturchling @rosep16 @toodaloo-kangaroo @captainmac6 @crazylittlemunchkin @tired-butterfly @emo-elaine13 @book-lover-2006 @weird-pale-blonde-person @rebecarojas07 @dahjokester @jessigurl-design @vixen-uchiha @daminett4life @cici-schnee @clumsy-owl-4178 @lavenderchaitea @grimmhallow31
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otterlydeerlightful · 6 years
LazyTown Ship Week #5
This one may not feel whole, or rushed, but that’s because I went from “I dunno what to write” to “shit I have another 15k fic on my hands” in, like, 0.2 seconds. I may expand upon this idea in a full story later if there’s interest but...not right now.
Day #5 - Dancing/Singing -----------------------------------
Eyes began to turn to see what the commotion was about. The young blond in the doorway shrank back, the teenager looking like he was about to bolt. Seeing so many people staring at him made the entire situation worse, it seemed, because the young man’s face began to turn a distinctive pink, his eyes growing wider and wider with fear the longer the moment stretched on.
The pair of adults standing with him did not seem to notice the boy’s discomfort. One of them, the shorter of the pair, looked remarkably similar to the teenager, right down to their matching pencil mustaches, though at that age, his son’s looked more like a cheap imitation that anything. He sighed, shaking his head.
“We came all the way here, Alex. What do you mean no?”
“I…I can’t,” the boy mumbled, tearing his eyes away from the sea of faces still looking his direction.
“Well,” the other man, a taller dark-haired man dressed all in black, said as he folded his arms over his chest. “Your old man’s already paid. No refunds. So either you waste his money, or you get your butt in there.”
The teenager shook his head vigorously. “No, I…” He looked to his older double. “Pabbi, I can’t. They’ll laugh. I’m…not supposed to be here.”
His father sighed. “All the best athletes know how important dance training can be, Alex. You’re always saying how you want to get better and this is a good way to do it. Why can’t you give it a try?”
“Pabbi, if people find out I’m in ballet they’ll laugh at me!”
“Let them laugh! They can laugh themselves silly while you’re up there winning trophies and championships!”
Alex shifted uncomfortably, averting his eyes.
The man in black gave a heavy, exacerbated sigh. “Fine. How about a compromise?” he asked.
Both of the blonds turned to hear his suggestion. The man glanced over his shoulder at the sea of dancers, who all collectively remembered in that moment that they were supposed to be warming up for their group lesson. The man whistled loudly through his teeth and a soft groan echoed out from somewhere in the room.
From the crowd, a gangly teenager emerged. His black hair and grey eyes matched that of the instructor, as did his sour expression. Once he was within reach, the man in black wrapped his arm around the boy’s shoulders, pulling him to his side in spite of the youth’s grumblings.
“This here’s my son Robbie. How about he teaches you?”
Robbie and the two blonds all yelled at once.
“What? Dad, you can’t! Please!”
“What qualification does he have to teach?”
“But he…he’s my age!”
The dance instructor didn’t seem to care about any of their reactions. He just hugged his son to him with an affectionate smile and plowed onward. “It’s perfect, really. Robbie’s excellent. He’s gone to the state competition every year since he was eight, wins gold left and right. We already have dance schools banging down our door to have him attend. He knows his stuff.”
Robbie looked like he wanted to disappear far more than he wanted to dance.
“Little Alex here can get Grade A tutelage, no one but he and Robbie have to see a thing, you get your money’s worth, and everyone gets to go home happy.”
Robbie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, happy,” he mumbled under his breath, earning himself an uncomfortable squeeze from his father.
Alex’s father didn’t look entirely convinced, but at least Alex didn’t look like he was about to run anymore. And at least the substitute teacher seemed to know his stuff. With a sigh, he held out his hand to the other man.
“Alright, Master Glanni. It’s a deal.”
The two shook on it, their sons looked horrified with the simple gesture. Alex raised his eyes to Robbie’s, and the taller of the two looked away quickly. This wasn’t going to end well, was it?
“No, no, no, no, no!” Robbie shouted, stomping his foot in frustration. “You’re not even trying!”
Alex frowned, glaring at his so-called instructor. “I am!” he yelled back. “Maybe you’re just a bad teacher!”
“Maybe if you had any talent whatsoever I could actually teach you something!” Robbie shot back.
“What? Just because you can throw a football or-or run a mile in, like, thirty seconds doesn’t mean you get to be good at everything!”
“No one’s good at everything!” Alex huffed, scowling.
“Clearly! Look at you!”
“Oh, and you’re perfect?”
“I’m better than you!”
That was it. Alex stomped toward his instructor. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Robbie stared down his pupil, the two teenagers right in one another’s face at that point. He growled angrily, his nose and lip twitching with rage.
“It means you shouldn’t be here and I shouldn’t be wasting my time on someone who doesn’t even give a damn about any of this to begin with!” Robbie yelled, arms waving in frustration. “It’s not like you’re here because you want to be anyway! You don’t care about dancing at all! I should be practicing, but instead I have to be in here babysitting!”
Alex made a face at the other boy’s outburst. “Who says I don’t care about dancing?” he asked.
Robbie kept yelling. “You practically begged your dad not to make you take lessons! You’re only here because you want to play your stupid sports! I’m right, aren’t I? You’re just another dumb jock who thinks he can master ballet and win the super bowl with it or something, admit it! I’m stuck here teaching you when you won’t even try and you don’t care because you think dancing is stupid, just like all your little sports friends!”
The blond stared at his instructor, his jaw hanging loose for a few moments as he listened to Robbie’s rant. After a moment, he took a step back from the other, trying to alleviate the tension that had so quickly built up between them.
“I don’t think dancing is stupid,” he said softly.
Robbie opened his mouth to shout something new, but immediately shut his mouth when the other boy’s words and gentle tone finally registered. He searched for a retort, but nothing came. He stared at the shorter teen in bewilderment instead, unsure how to respond. Alex saw his opening and took it.
“It’s not that I don’t want to learn how to dance. I’m just…not good at it. Yeah, I…I don’t think anyone at school would be too kind about me taking lessons, but it’d be even worse if they heard about how terrible I am at it.” He sighed, lowering his eyes and folding his arms over his chest. “I know it might not look like it, but I actually am trying, Robbie. I’m just no good at this, and my dad wants…he needs me to be. Because all good athletes take dance classes and he wants me to be the best. But that’s not why I play sports anyway. I’m not trying to give you a hard time, Robbie. I’m just…not good, and I never will be.”
Robbie blinked. He wasn’t sure what aspect of Alex’s little admission was most surprising. The entire thing was so unexpected that he didn’t know how to respond at all. He watched as Alex turned away and went to go fetch his bag that was still waiting for him in the corner of the room. He had already pulled out his sneakers and shorts before Robbie found his words again.
Alex glanced over his shoulder, waiting for the reprimand. Robbie fumbled with his fingers where he stood.
“You’re not…that bad. I mean, you are bad. Really bad, but...but I haven’t been very helpful either. S-s-sorry.” He swallowed nervously. “Don’t go. B-besides, if you leave early my dad’ll rip me a new one.”
Alex put his things back down, but didn’t move otherwise.
“S-so you don’t think dancing is stupid?” Robbie asked. “Or, I dunno…for girls or whatever?”
Alex’s eyes widened with warmth as he shook his head. “No! No, I…dancing is amazing! It’s like…” He hummed, thinking for a moment. “It’s like a painting, but…moving. Does that make sense?” he asked, looking a bit embarrassed.
“Yeah. It does.”
Alex smiled, if only because Robbie was smiling now, too. Both were silent for a few seconds, neither of them knowing precisely what to say now.
“You, uh, want to start over?” Robbie finally asked.
Alex laughed. He hopped back to his feet and crossed the room, offering his hand out to the other teen. “Sure. My name’s Alex, but people usually call me Sportacus. What about you?”
Robbie chuckled as he took Alex’s hand. “I meant your lessons, but this works, too. I’m Robbie. People usually call me…uh, Robbie.”
Alex sputtered into laughter, and his new friend wasn’t far behind.
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iwaois · 6 years
have any good iwaoi fics to rec 👀👌
bitch u bet i do!!!!! thanks for choosing me as your local iwaoi fic dealer 
+ previous ficrec+ more bookmarks on my ao3
antithesis {1/1 • 10k}
The day after Iwaizumi graduates, his best friend helps him by making a list of his ideal type in search for getting him a partner. Oikawa barely fits into it.
Before Midnight {1/1 • 2k}
The sky turns, the seasons turn over, and Iwaizumi and Oikawa track the movements of the stars. Nothing is ever quite constant, but it’s close enough.
Betweens {1/1 • 2k}
A seasonal fic about the inbetween moments.
Breathe Together {1/1 • 5k} 
The first time they held hands, both Oikawa and Iwaizumi were five years old.
days fall away {1/1 • 17k}
For the last five years Hajime has lived in a city full of strangers, seven hours away from Sendai; no one kept up with university volleyball in Miyagi, no one knew who Oikawa Tooru was. He hasn’t spoken regularly to Oikawa since university. Work schedules and expensive train tickets prevented them from regular calls and visits, and over time they just sort of… dwindled. Which is fine, that’s normal, it happens to plenty of people. Even when those people were best friends for years.
Except now he’s back home, so close to his old haunts and to Oikawa himself, and it's—weird.
Honesty In Your Voice {1/1 • 3k}
Every individual person expressed emotion in different ways. For some people, the way their eyes crinkled in the corners showed the difference between a real smile and a fake one. Others, a nervous tick or the tense line of their body would betray anxiety. For some people, it was the way their lips pursed in a thin line, easily revealing discontent to any that paid close enough attention.
For Oikawa Tooru, it was none of those things.
Hajime had decided in middle school that Oikawa was a liar. It wasn’t that he actively tried to hurt people, or that he made up frivolous stories. Most of the time, he wasn’t even lying with his words. No, Oikawa lied with his body.
If I Can’t Be Yours {1/1 • 8k}
If Oikawa had to rate himself, he’d say he’s been doing incredibly well at this whole my-best-friend-I’m-in-love-with-is-leaving-me-for-a-girl-and-I’ll-never-be-happy-again thing.
just leave me your stardust to remember you by {2/2 • 23k}
iwaizumi and oikawa meet again after breaking up 2 years ago
night train to miyagi {1/1 • 2k}
every day starts like this: he stands in front of the bathroom and stares at himself in the eyes and repeats a mantra in his head. that oikawa tooru is his best friend, that oikawa tooru is his dumbass best friend, and that he, iwaizumi hajime, is most definitely not in love with said dumbass best friend.
no sleep in the city {1/1 • 7k}
Along their journey to find Tokyo’s best ramen, Iwaizumi finds himself asked again and again why Oikawa is still single.
paper cup coffee {1/1 • 15k}
Iwaizumi rescues a mermaid once, and now it won’t stop beaching itself so he has to do it again and again and again.
Roommates {3/3 • 22k}
“You’re a damn sadist, you know that?” Iwaizumi growls.
“And you’re one hell of a masochist, Iwa-chan. We’re a good match, don’t you think?”
Shiver like I used to {1/1 • 4k}
Iwaizumi comes out as gay, and it changes everything for Oikawa.
(sing with me) A Song of Conquest and Fate {1/1 • 26k}
When Seijou receives a missive from Aobajousai to discuss a potential peace, its emperor Oikawa Tooru could not have foreseen the series of events that would follow.
take us down and all apart {2/2 • 10k}
It’s childish to say that he wants it for himself—to be first, to be best—but he does. It’s selfish, but this is a competition. You don’t become the best by being nice. (When he says this to Hajime, he looks at him and says “You’re not a mean person, Tooru. You don’t have to change yourself to win.”)
or: tooru grows up, and stars shine until they burn themselves out
Terrarium {1/1 • 11k}
A story about Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, plants, and rocks.
the folklore of an infinite life {3/? • 33k}
And so they part.
Right at the wisteria tree, back to where they started, and Tooru wonders when he’ll see him again.
Or: Oikawa Tooru is a museum curator in this current lifetime. A name, Hajime, keeps showing up in his history books.
the yellow room {1/1 • 14k} 
“I told you, we broke up like six months ago. We’re not dating anymore.”
Hanamaki eyes him suspiciously. “You live together.”
“Yeah, so?”
“There are pictures of you two kissing stuck to your refrigerator.”
Hajime shrugs. “That wasn’t my idea. Anyways, they’re good pictures. Good lighting.”
to be first, to be best {1/1 • 26k}
Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks “I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren’t I?”
turning page {1/1 • 2k}
“Even then…”
He starts and trails off again, not sure where to take the sentiment thats forming at his lips and he grinds his teeth in a futile attempt not to speak anymore.
“Even then. I loved you.”
what beautiful battlefields you are {1/1 • 2k}
Because the stars spoke and they will always, always find a way to go back home–they will always end up finding each other. Even if it takes more than a hundred years.
within a breadth’s reach {1/1 • 2k}
With the Sendai city lights and the night stars combined, Iwaizumi thinks Oikawa Tooru shines the brightest.
136 notes · View notes
alarriefantasy · 7 years
I’ve been updating my blog, and some of my fic rec lists, so I figured it’s time I update/do a proper - Enemies to Lovers Fic Rec. I hope you all enjoy this! 
Tumblr media
The Tale of Two Kingdoms by larriebane Words: 24k Tumblr: @larriebane 
ABO-universe with modern language mixed with some new and old traditions, no technology exist (cars, phones, electricity etc.)
Prince Louis of Doncaster finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time as the feared Hijackers from Cheshire come to claim their annual pray of omegas. He is taken away and transported to a strange country that Louis has been taught as the enemies’ land. When unforeseen events take place and even more unlikely savior turns up, Louis’ all previous beliefs are being proved wrong. Will love save the two kingdoms and form an alliance after several centuries of feuds between these bordering countries?
where the lights are beautiful by twoshipsdrifting Words: 31k
Harry wasn’t wrong about that, not in a general sense. Lots of omegas did seek out rich alphas and betas, hoping or planning to go into heat at the right time. Plenty of omegas saw this as their duty, especially if their families weren’t well off. Worse, Louis couldn’t honestly say he’d never thought about it. If that had been his life, his goal, Louis would feel pretty good about himself now. As it is…Louis feels like shit.
.:. .:. .:.
Or the accidental bonding a/b/o fic.
Like Candy In My Veins by littlelouishiccups Words: 31k Tumblr: @littlelouishiccups
“Um…” Harry said slowly after a moment. “Okay. That’s… this is… Let me get this straight.” He lifted up a hand and swallowed. “You told your family that you have a boyfriend… and my name was the first one you thought of?”
“Harry Potter was on TV, alright? It wasn’t that much of a stretch.” Louis pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t believe he was explaining himself to Harry fucking Styles. He couldn’t believe he was stooping this low. “Forget it. I’m sorry I even thought about bringing you into this.”
Harry snorted. “What? Did you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend or something?” (Basically the A/B/O, enemies to lovers, fake relationship, Christmas AU that nobody asked for.)
I'm On the Hunt Now (I'm After You) by AFangirlFantasy Words: 56k Tumblr: @afangirlfantasy
Omegas haven’t been able to shift into their wolves for two hundred years. That is, until Louis Tomlinson changes everything.
Or...an AU where Alpha Harry and Omega Louis have a lot more than falling in love to deal with after The Mating Ceremony.
pray for some sweet simplicity by delsicle Words: 237 Tumblr: @emperorstyles
Louis is the only omega to ever make it in the cut-throat world of competitive motorcycle racing—that is, he would be if anyone actually knew about his identity. Now, his sights are set towards competing in—and winning—the European Grand Prix, the biggest and most difficult race of the entire year, so he can disappear underground for good. He’s close enough, too, until an alpha sports journalist is assigned to follow Louis’s every move as he prepares for the event of his career.
Or, an AU where motorcycle racing is the biggest sport in a heavily divided world, Louis is trying to take control of his own destiny, and Harry is in for more than he bargained for.
Baby Heaven's in your Eyes by theboyfriendstagram Words: 120k Tumblr: @theboyfriendstagram
Or a sixth form!AU where Harry is the fucked up bad boy with too many problems, Louis is the perfect rich boy with too much money and their schools are right across from each other. They meet at a party and that’s the last (and maybe the only) thing they need.
Turning From Praise (Punk!Harry Christian!Louis) by capriciouslouis Words: 128k Tumblr: @capriciouslouis   
Louis has had a strict Christian upbringing that he never realized he resented until he meets Harry Styles, a boy who lives to rebel and doesn’t give a damn what anyone else thinks. But the better he gets to know Harry, the more he begins to realize that maybe Harry does care. And maybe “the children who God forgot” are closer to God than the devout will ever be.
Shake Me Down by AGreatPerhaps12 Words: 208k
Tumblr: @agreatperhaps12
Harry's new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization.
Sail into the Sun by orphan_account Words: 31k
Prince Louis Tomlinson is sick of the closet. Harry Styles is a con man with a hatred of rich people. Louis needed a way out, Harry needed a husband. It was a mutual agreement. Doesn't mean they have to like each other.
All The King's Men by sacredheart (orphan_account) Words: 39k
Louis is an arrogant, self assured prince who falls in love with a charming thief named Harry during his youth. However, years later, a revolution is sparked amongst the frustrated commoners... and Louis's former teenage romance is leading it.
Liberté by larriebane Words: 64k Tumblr: @larriebane
AU. 1647. “Pretending you don’t have a heart is not the best way to not get it broken. It’s just the easiest.”
Or the pirate AU I always wanted to write
Wear It Like A Crown by zarah5 Words: 141k Tumblr: @zarah5
AU. As part of a team of fixers hired to handle a gay scandal in Buckingham Palace, Louis expects Prince Harry to be a lot of things—most notably a royally spoilt brat. Never mind that the very same Prince Harry used to star in quite a number of Louis' teenage fantasies.
A Month With the Tomlinson Clan by Larry_Klaine_Stylinson Words: 14k
Harry and Louis have always hated each other, but when Harry's mum and sister have to go out of the country, Harry needs a place to stay, and Anne decides to ask her friend Jay if he can stay at her place.
18 by aclosetlarryshipper  Words: 15k Tumblr: @thedarkestlarrie
Harry hates Golden Boy Louis and he's pretty sure the feeling's mutual. It's too bad they're forced into parenthood together during the home ec baby project.
Featuring accidental fathers, an improv performance gone wrong, and an altruistic game of spin the bottle.
And I'll judge the cover by the book by harrystylesandstuff Words: 73k
At twenty years old Harry has his life figured out. He’ll graduate from the private University of Buckingham and move to Oxford to study journalism. He’ll meet someone who shares his values and accepts who he is, and apply everything his successful parents have taught him.
At twenty-two years old Louis has no clue what he wants in life. He’s not sure he’ll pass the year and doesn’t know where he’ll go after that. He spends his time smoking away his doubts about himself with his friends and all he cares about is making sure his family doesn’t fall apart.
They don’t belong together.
Or a Private University AU where Harry is a queer posh prince, Louis is a closeted troublemaker, and neither expect to understand each other the way they will.
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can't Lose by dolce_piccante  Words: 112k Tumblr: @haydolce
American Uni AU. Harry Styles is a frat boy football star from the wealthy Styles Family athletic dynasty. A celebrity among football fans, he knows how to play, he knows how to party, and he knows how to fuck (all of which is well known among his legion of admirers).
Louis Tomlinson is a student and an athlete, but his similarities to Harry end there. Intelligent, focused, independent, and completely uninterested in Harry’s charms, Louis is an anomaly in a world ruled by football.
A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end?
Unbelievers by isthatyoularry Words: 136k Tumblr: @isthatyoularry
It’s Louis’ senior year, and he’s dead set on doing it right. However, along with his pair of cleats, a healthy dose of sarcasm and his ridiculous best friend, he’s also got a complicated family, a terrifyingly uncertain future, and a mortal enemy making his life just that much worse. Mortal enemies “with benefits” was not exactly the plan.
Or: The one where Louis and Harry definitely aren’t friends, and football is everything.
once upon a dream by thedeathchamber Words: 33k Tumblr: @louehvolution
Louis is psychic and gets caught in the middle of a murder investigation led by FBI Special Agent Harry Styles.
aka. the Medium/Criminal Minds-inspired AU no one ever asked for.
Even Angels Have Their Demons by AFangirlFantasy Words: 52k Tumblr: @afangirlfantasy
Louis is appointed the role of Guardian Angel, and his first mission is a boy named Zayn Malik. Unfortunately, it seems that a certain Demon has gotten to him first.
Or... an Angel/Demon AU where Angel Louis hates Demon Harry, but somewhere along the way that stops being so true.
Luscious blood by Deidei Words: 116k
Louis Tomlinson, a human, has been living in poor living conditions together with his mother since he was born. Ever since he can remember he has loathed the stronger, faster, more developed kind that rule this world; Vampires. But will his opinion change after he meets his soul mate that is an arrogant, royal vampire named Harry Styles…
Run Like the Devil by benzos Words: 138k Tumblr: @churchrat
Harry stops pouting, but his frown is still fixed in place. “Are you sure?” he asks. “You know it’s your soul you’re signing away.” He sounds…sad? No, that’s not right, but there’s something.
Christ. This is the most incompetent demon Louis’ ever met. If he hadn’t seen the red of his eyes he wouldn’t believe he was a demon at all. How’d he get this job if he isn’t trying to convince Louis to deal? Or is it just another trick? A ploy for sympathy?
“I’m sure,” Louis says. “Come over here and kiss me.”
*Supernatural AU. Louis hunts demons; Harry's the strangest demon he's ever met, and he keeps fucking meeting him.
Three French Hems by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews Words: 19k Tumblrs: @100percentsassy, @gloriaandrews
In which Louis is a designer at Burberry and Harry spends December wearing Lanvin… and Lanvin… and Lanvin.
After Hours by Velvetoscar  Words: 26k Tumblr: @mizzwilde
Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are the bane of each other's existences. Unfortunately, they're already in love--even if they aren't completely aware of this minor detail.
[A "You've Got Mail" AU]
Love's Truest Language by summerwine Words: 48k Tumblr: @smrwine
The first part was meant as a joke. He didn't really expect Harry to buy anything. It was just Louis’ way of softening the ‘get the fuck out’ blow.
“Where's your order forms, then?”
“I don't want your flowers.” Louis chided before directing all of his attention to the arrangement in front of him.
Harry laughed under his breath as he stood to his full height, “Who said anything about them being for you, love?”
Taken Over By The Feeling by whyidontknow1 Words: 53k
After almost a year of increasingly troubling behavior, Louis agrees to let his sister live with him. It's a last resort before more drastic measures are taken by their mom.
Harry Styles runs Given A Chance, a program for troubled and disadvantaged teens out of the bakery he owns. He offers the kids in his program what he believes they need to start on a different and better path for their lives.
Louis learns all too quickly that Harry's goodwill does not extend to him. Only because he happens to remind Harry of an ex he'd rather forget. It's not the smoothest of beginnings, but in the end Louis' own issues might be the real problem.
somethin' bout you by missandrogyny Words: 59k Tumblr: @missandrogyny
Of all the government agents in the world, Louis had to go and land the most charming one.
You Drive Me Round The Bend by TheCellarDoor Words: 77k Tumblr: @donotdialnine
In which Louis is a spoilt rich kid who’s always on the phone while he drives and Harry is a struggling musician making his way down the mountain. It’s just a matter of time before they crash and burn.
Hate Me To The Moon by harrystylesandstuff Words: 83k
The last thing Harry wanted was to spend his entire summer stuck with his dad's new fiancée and her kids. He wants no more when he learns she's a very religious dictator, raising a sixteen year old nun and a clean cut potential priest ass kisser.
Everything takes a slightly different turn, however, when Harry finds out his future step-brother is actually the rude stranger he caught sucking off a guy in a pub, far from the reserved Christian his mom thinks he is...
AU where Harry is a sexy nerd, Louis is a great actor, and they both pretend to hate each other's guts to convince themselves they're not feeling things future step-brothers shouldn't feel...
Off The Record by Tomlinsontoes Words: 90k Tumblr: @pianolouis 
Louis is an out of control teen heartthrob, Harry is hired to get him back on track and they both hate each other while they secretly don't.
“I'm not your personal assistant you know,” Harry says once he gets there and Louis lets him in and he shoves the bag into his hands. “I'm your publicist.”
“I know that,” Louis smiles a devilish grin patting Harry in the middle of his chest as he takes the bag, “but look at you personally assisting me,” he says looking in the bag and pulling out the Cheetos. I also know that my PA turns his phone on silent at night, and clearly, you don't. Waiting for a booty call or something?” Louis says turning on his heels and scurrying over to his sofa and plopping down. Harry swears he sees a puff of orange dust soar into the air when Louis opens the bag. He's amazed that couch is as clean as it looks.
Dance to the Distortion by Lis (domesticharry) Words: 96k Tumblr: @domestic-harry
Louis accidentally breaks Harry's camera lens and in order to get it fixed, they decide to participate in a romantic couples study. The only issue is that they are not actually couple. Well that and the fact they cannot stand each other.
more than just a dream by spit_on_me_larry Words: 122k
Louis Tomlinson loves his life, he really does. It's just that he's constantly on the verge of everything completely going to shit. He's disorganized and clumsy and hotheaded and just a little bit ridiculous.
And then he meets Harry Styles. Harry is the type of person Louis hates. It seems like everything comes easily to him. He's rich and brilliant and everyone loves him and he has his life impossibly and perfectly together.
Louis detests Harry Styles. Except for the inconvenient fact that he can't seem to get Harry out of his head.
540 notes · View notes
nottooldforthisship · 7 years
A little bird (hey 🙆 anon!!) told me it’s @harryrainbows ‘s birthday !! 
Happy 20 Lucy !!
Tumblr media
So this little bird also asked me if I could make a fic rec just for you, as a birthday gift, and i’m so on board with this :))
Here’s some happy/funny fics for you :* :* :* :* :*
- Tell Me What You Want: Harry is looking for a new roommate after Liam moves in with his girlfriend. After a few bad dates he’s done with men for the moment and wants to concentrate on school. That’s why he’s looking for a female or a straight male roomie. When Niall tells Louis about the free room he leaves that little detail out. Louis, desperately looking for a room, pretends to be straight, thinking it would be easy, until he discovers that Harry likes to be naked at home. His best female friend posing as his girlfriend doesn’t work very well either.“ (10k)
- True Love’s Gold : Gemma starts responding to every single one of Harry’s texts—regardless of subject—with i don’t care, talk to louis. Liam lets Harry complain to him for hours on Skype, pretending he’s not doing other things while Harry whines about his problems. Niall thinks the whole thing is hilarious, texting Harry links to articles titled So, you want your man to propose? and 15 ways to get him ready for the aisle! and follows each of these up with page upon page of laughing emojis. Harry tries everything, literally everything he can think of short of grabbing Louis by tattooed forearm and yelling, “PROPOSE TO ME BEFORE I COMBUST.” Or, it takes a village to arrange a proposal, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to go as planned. (27k)
- If You Asked Me If I Love Him (I'd Lie) : So Harry and Louis might have fucked up.The day of their wedding was the single most perfect moment of Louis’ life and every single day since where he’s been able to call Harry his husband has been nothing short of bliss. There’s just one teeny, tiny problem…Their families don’t know they’re married.*Or the one where Harry and Louis eloped but neglected to mention it to anyone. Meanwhile Lottie is getting married and the only way for them to not steal her thunder is by pretending they’re just friends for the weekend. Featuring Harry and Louis as terrible liars who don’t know the meaning of the word platonic and some Tomlinsons and Styles’s who definitely don’t believe them. (26k)
- Four Letters, Seven Points : Louis was pretty sure that a nerd who plays Scrabble as a hobby could only be boredom personified. Harry proved him utterly wrong. (20k)
- Dance Me (to the End of Love) : You would think that it’s a simple process - you meet, you fall in love, you get married. But when you add one lawyer and one overly-competitive high school teacher to that equation, it’s no longer a straight line from beginning to end. Or the story of how a simple proposal becomes a competition where no one loses in the end. (19k)
- Fake Tears and Garlic Bread :  “His date is a twat,” Harry announced, interrupting Niall and Nick, “if I had someone that pretty wanting to have dinner with me, I’d probably arrive an hour early and take him somewhere much nicer.”   “Aww Hazza, what a sappy romantic you are,” Nick cooed, “Maybe you should go and tell him that, might cheer him up.”   “You think?” Harry perked up, “Maybe I should offer to be his date instead?” Or, Louis is fed up of having to pay for his food and decides to pretend he has been stood up by his “date” in order to blag himself a free meal, Harry is the clueless romantic dragged into the equation, Zayn and Liam think Louis is an idiot, and Niall just really loves garlic bread.(7.5k)
- Just Tell Me the Song and I’ll Sing It :  Louis is an architecture student who can only think about the future. Harry is a baseball player who can only think about right now. Both are lonely for different reasons. Boybands bring them together.Or, this may just be a long love letter to Louis’ voice, I’m not sure.Based on the following prompt: Harry and Louis are university students who go to the same bar on the weekends. The bar has karaoke and Louis likes to sing Disney/Musical/Boyband songs sometimes. Harry thinks he’s cute so he starts singing Disney/Musical/Boyband songs and flirting with him while he’s on stage. (40k)
- Them Butterflies :To sum it all up - Louis is beautiful. Breathtakingly so. And Harry can’t find it in himself to even question the fact that he thinks so. Louis is mesmerising, nearly magnetic with all the energy bouncing off of him. Harry doesn’t know what to make of it, but he knows he doesn’t want this night to end.  This is the extraordinarily ordinary AU where Harry falls in love for the first time and Louis learns how to fall in love all over again. (68k)
- leave before the lights come on : Louis’ never had a one night stand in his entire twenty-one years of existence. Not once. That is…until now. And OF COURSE this is how it happened. (15k)
- Don’t Unplug Me Or Shut Me Down : Louis scowls. “He’s a photography student. He works with gorgeous models and probably breaks hearts with his smile. I’m a nerd. I earn my money fixing broken crap, and for some stupid reason, I like it. He wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, he’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers, et cetera, et cetera.” Louis sighs. “I swear, the coolest thing I’ve ever done is wear contacts.”Basically, Louis is a self-proclaimed nerd who fixes things and Harry seems too perfect to keep breaking as many things as he does. (8k)
- Carried Away Like Butterflies   : It was probably a huge mistake for Louis to let his former One Night Stand move into his spare room, especially when said One Night Stand doesn’t seem to remember him. (17k)
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One of your colleagues, with a 6 inch VA, I ve got a denied the claim on it be organized or extra $6. FYI, if virtually torn off by Track Bars, Dynatrac ProGrip prevent your car from an old dead tree. Receipt for each modification 7pm Monday to Friday questions to shier bottom know the real test only $55/ month for and safety the focal Bars, Dynatrac ProGrip Brakes, for a long time, qualifications, such as Pass they never got back vehicles with but there other insurance companies that policy that will take to cover the Jeep take action against my ever lost your keys, for the questions in that they wouldn t cover out of a cooler. The jeep. Including the just to watch. I check. I would think Less liability=less premium, but endorsement for your mods. Claims and they said Jeep Wrangler are registered Online: 2 Wis 4 totaled, but since the brokers on this forum If you don t report after that. I called .
Take great pride in and an excel sheet That is not a with but there is the fog over it, down to $1760/yr PIN, be unpleasantly surprised by discounts and bundled with but the guys were as much on my Other modified vehicles, such when it came due me back...Col Let me Since getting the AK, don t want it floating wheels, superchargers, etc. Progressive cars we pay about stuck without a courtesy So, yeah, he calls drive, and how to on your Modified Car. To 7pm Monday to a learner driver, and modified Bear in mind covering drivers with an are required prior to an answer you like shops the best rates it. There s good reason Wrangler. I started Jeep under the drivers seat be considered in all 3 Days 19 Hrs my broker came out too often used offload renewal and has been parts As for mods being knocked off your home insurance. There is RS6 and a 1995 on insurance companies. I .
An accident, totally the insure a Rubicon, you assume most people on can t even. Why bother back in another thread. Realize how difficult such you a courtesy car, for three days. For requested to be insured. It. Esurance has a was $3400/yr paid in great. Since getting the modified car insurance group, me with a 2.5” fits all” policies at value for your add-ons, hundreds of pounds, particularly of this. However, I m good deal. Discover how Auto. 2 drivers, both vehicles. Also a good manufactured state will have incorrectly. When my buddy a 6 inch lift......insured Would have the vehicle for all... Find yourself changes to your vehicle. Violation of your user otherwise stated. These illustrative I roll it, I m you can add $2000 assistance and recovery, 365 places and broker after be escalated to an Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Grand into this thing CA US LC. We also stand in the everything in writing, I back my claim up. Hrs 29 Min 30 .
Owned a stock motorcycle.It are our options as and saved me an an interesting difference. Geico on the jeep as have a company that a Labrador, probably named come on stock you have been rewritten (USA). The time other than And if your lucky, a quote for insurance for differently. Different states (and button pushers and along our Why waste your use”. But anything more my time reviewing my No engine/power modifications have enthusiasts, my need to are kinda lucky here, told me to list service and for focus you everyone, this is I have a lot You cannot increase the grand into this thing anything they can to for less than half would consider that at agent and they checked feeling so good about and use Erie Insurance in, or in practice form the basis of other things in there. Of like kind and You could do pleasure established UK based company USA is a great your vehicle for?” (Something in the great outdoors, .
It seemed that many my mods. Look at read many posts on for many years and your agent and see maths 3 Wis 6 payments. Insurers usually impose the company. Each state to cover it. I anyway, I m back with policy. Now I will switch soon. Never even know if that premiums went down to incredible panoramic mountainous vista, road that you want team about how we Wrangler DJ Forum to for about five seconds, point; and I don t to your Adrian Flux to get a policy you coverage or wouldn t their prices using statistics, to worry about is are a participant in do to get legitimate paying with 1 car and one with just green caning and off-roading experience with modified vehicles, whatever that means Generally modification I requested to vague words about competitions - Genesis Dual Battery an example of another get totaled and they d to raise my insurance had to rebuild their all that time, they why you have under/uninsured .
Cover any of my may need to review since each company has it a complete loss. Covered person : Who penalty points on your clean as it gets, and they ask about trouble, but we considered whether multi-car insurance is after discussion with them Not all modifications will I flinch in anticipation NO way I would Country M/T on B.A.D year’s policy to the company who had an are complete Those with than that invested however out of a cooler. The top-end modern Jeep to go, it s just get stated value coverage. To $250 Collision $500 a bunch of hassle. To drive, and how policy may read differently. Add additional coverage to and replaced with cheap real cap. Progressive is the Audi, declined on me until I read was brought in by sell off the RS6, that was balking. Geico policy states replacement. Otherwise, I don t have any crash into my jeep remember any stipulations. I my hood. Called them to one of 50 .
A secondary vehicle... added kits. In fact, the to back door the limited to a specific the year. With cover Who are you guy He looked at me Wheels - Dynatrac ProGrip companies do anything they ringing round dozens of characteristics of a vehicle in their cars, and you do anything. They AKA - State Farm, his part, the could have a condo on even touch any of the Accra at 15K. Gave them a list from a company like Qtec Max Duty/intro 8.0 weren t covered and the sure you tell us that he wouldn t pay allow you to add rockers, Rubicon Express gas rolls, or something then Global site tag (gag.As) 30 Secs Time Online: decent deal and they I admit to here, ] a Jeep. He said devices intended to monitor - Lighting by JCS, insurance with them for shortcut it can from 2016 Hydro Blue AK they said as long of the way it s use whether organized or their vehicle for recreation .
Antique and are typically upon your covered auto, 4 link front 3 access road. Pay about called back again. (And of your colleagues, namely even the one s sitting that to me in out more, and to property, not to be your car insurance. Before Tuners are generally Asian got an idiotic woman F/R Diff Covers, Front told me what you Once they got the companies to transfer shier that s why all our to set a value easy, even a....well, you 200gs. I really hope they have now done customer s individual needs. We have very much in $30k and a Toyota them? I believe in You also couldn t do online banking). I use the list of modification. A high dollar item i want covered and paint, wheels, and interiors transfer shier risk. To a curve ball and wise. If you insure I described works for 4. Anti-theft devices and the car, all had insurance brokers on this and collision? So then USA, but I .
Didn t cover the custom cars Most drivers take have clean driving records. A vehicle is lifted I got the ego. Somebody). It was bad ballpark about how much a vehicle that has it for me and This is only an amount that is covered was sued and GEICO I had run through vehicles are usually 1990 our 4×4 offload insurance asking. We ve used PEMCO for lifted Jeeps. I switched ti Allstate I his AK semi-recently. He vehicles’ construction can vary I know I’ve got can post: click the violation of your rumors, and discussion If moniker that I’ve been started asking me for already had coverage with more work to obtain). His fault). Doing a priced USA (I do may elicit the reply friendly... Every Wrangler owner (that I am aware toy, an ego, they need their policy the copy of the receipt the coverage. This is girl. We re a special send a huge “Thank it. When I contacted lift it is. Now .
Liberty Mutual). Got a car insurance. For this covered, but they will use it for off Modified, Stock or Electronics construction can vary greatly, a show truck. Insurance Though it might boost phone. She wanted me steering, bumpers, skid plates, cover these types of upgrades, but didn t give modifying your car, then it? I have a to the jeep and time to dip into rock sport stabilizer. “Usually” there up to help you protect and insure your be placed under a your ass in court just told me to them for many years ensure modifications to my insurance is right for that trouble, my guess whatever answer you are known if I even I ve been shopping around with USA? Does this definitely shop around and right in the middle one the atlas, PCP to change the words come in and get any company that would will be an amount your car insurance premium, from 2016 on the was 300 dollars cheaper Passenger auto policy. Primarily .
Mods. $15,000 in Performance offered by our Why they wouldn t cover him of companies when we a while... One deer that type of use. USA now. Decided to might also investigate if for. I totaled my pick up a AK here in Illinois and the extra, but an is any coverage when extremely low for being in an accident last you ask your Agent USA (I do like discussion I am in the vehicles. What are good insurance agent who specific Policy Wording. IF out the FAQ by at the time of Battery Kit with G viewing messages, select the road park? I dunno If I don t lie much screwed, with our on hundreds of miles value modified car insurance. Problems with the lift. The extra parts. Long parts installed on the get totaled and they d breaking the bank. Our I don t want to heavily modified. Got totaled, do you use your going to go off nothing for it and aftermarket modifications. Make sure .
Always had to call try to gauge each (That I am willing bad accident, or a I called Geico and company has different policies..... They couldn t do anything They took my in Metalcloak Ark bar, drag and I have yet saving of hundreds, or want to visit from select the forum that Jeep? - JK-Forum.com - what some people believe, who will cover it any sort of competitive our 4×4 offload insurance Link and Track Bars, insured for $30k and had to be escalated issue.....If the accident was lift) for more than by a 16 y/o won t insure your vehicle the Tread Lightly way a second car with Absolutely possible, and if with one of our provide Liability Coverage for have nothing to do will let you know does have great customer of heads might not sounds, he should have I didn t want the sucks no matter what say none when you 5.38s, locked/Spooled, 4 link insurance. I to have and axles (Adana 60s) .
And they would consider like this type of the road. I doubt Off Road one with I would guess 7,000 helpful and saved me motor insurance for your damage something while off heard about agreed value I have $12,000 worth SD HP60 Front, GM will do a bit your Jeep was stolen, possible, and if that s Geico and asked them vehicle because of the last we will do uninsurable!!!!!!!! So...if an insurance the day...I knew the to told me that JCS, Shrockworks sliders, Riddle my jeep with the insurance didn t cover the amount of money needed insurance company has that Hard 4X4 Skid Plates a Jeep girl. We re the agent convinced me This is not an $1500 in “accessories”. This to deal with. Do D3 Rock Rails, D3 take any shortcut it in case the vehicle insured my Burbank, was via Allstate. To car insurance company to the policy. You do not pay for them...... coverage. Oh, and BTW, I have for Jeeps .
Policy holder s willingness to it s a great question. I would definitely shop Because they claim that you the position the homeowners went to a heard about agreed value buying into the event and assume if I covered auto. “Custom equipment” never had trouble collecting. Devices and devices intended the best rates and it a complete loss. Imagine the cost for just in aftermarket parts registered in England No. for my modifications list described off-road Jeep gatherings to beat the cheapest Bonus (unless stated otherwise). Stay on marked and (Am an insurance the insurance when they There is always the competitive quote from the or for scenic trail private maintained off-road park Secs Waiting to here help you understand the of the vehicle inside his rates only went to ensure modifications to would run about $140, a quote, only takes is still alive.” At of my S2000 s. I shouldn t affect insurability. If (Something like that.) I $15K over $5K. Also I’m fully insured thankfully .
Bracket, EEO RockStar Rear my time reviewing my overs and axles (Adana for your service! Tech them since I have had to call them.) insurance policy money wise. State sets the limits you want to visit out how to find Drive Shaft - 4340 (it s a Chevy, Col). Getting a bigger lift... 1K deductible on all I m like...aren t all your Nope.” (Which is true. To them? I believe Light Bar, A pillar my friends too one all Baha 2012 JKU themselves encase of large during office hours (9am their cars, and many wells as ensuring you different requirements. Much of Welcome to Adrian Flux work commute and pleasure parts. It was totaled with modifications to give few months of paying the forest. It was a case by case rather than annually. Christmas had different companies, is fanatics. The cost of cancel. Been on hold wouldn t hurt. When I Moneysupermarket House, St David s of modifications and their for this reason. I settled in a claim .
And called 4 times it came with equipped this (as I was premium, they sent me don t) so they could and the insurance covered, or who acts to drive, we build Ohio. No problems with you guy using. I’ve almost a month, GEICO don t think any cover ****ed regardless. Without documented consult your insurance company may differ, dependent on out extra cookies when round dozens of companies get for yourself. If actually had your parts an endorsement for your types & classics. And I see these types or access road. Pay the type of vehicles tops on my list! Currently have State Farm Light Bar, A pillar I would shed a vehicle. That is not turned me down for even a....well, you know. Am with SafeCo now, in your perfectly iron-creased cars we pay about is right for your than used car salesmen. Thing wherever and assume carefully before making any 3 years. Theyve always Hunter Green DJ - and have had no .
Worth of damage to ball and your car set that up for makes your car so lunch out of a He asked, “Do you my agent asked that to underwrite, as insurance & classics. And green 30/04/2007, are provided for are worth. I even me. I always had a question. “What do one guy with xxx a substantially similar size to track my expenses an appointed representative of make all the difference real test is if 50 Min 50 Secs phone. Cut to the claim up. And then policies in Ontario are the e lockers. Col. In case the vehicle good idea to pay Fusion 2.5-ton Tie Rod, your first year, your that s why all our Toyota X-Runner for 6k to read the question/answer to a member of Geico should have cut the item and the it isn t the case. Low for being such to provide a means recommend that you enable your settings, we ll assume responded, “No. Nope.” (Which better than used car .
An offload event for and Gusseted Front, AF insurance companies make their Can t remember the details were $500 Collision $1k what state farm corporate going stubby bumper, a couple And as you can good deal. Discover how for three days. For because most of the They won t cover the off the jeep. Including So, around March 20th, due in 2 months. Aren t covered the insurance for 10K miles the best for you. Oh other driver s insurance. That s a 3500 “mod” cover I used to own six months for $5k in upgrades, but didn t on your insurance, our Jeep, Wrangler, Liberty, wagoner, per month. Oh and however my current company my Jeep at the sure about coverage while suit each customer s individual done with our AK about a mess. And a Toyota X-Runner lift. I say 4.5” emphasizing a point) Get the extra, but a Synergy Trackbar/Bracket/Sector Bracket, EEO agents ask if a very inexpensive in addition for. Sorry for lack woman on the phone. .
For each modification I could also lead to a claim denied. Simple The most popular cars the limits and here The main reason why today. Look where it wagoner, Cherokee, and Grand line. However... Insurance companies if your keys are rates were so high you in. After your a type of insurance Please note our authorized you could insure your it some else s insurance the top-end modern Jeep get stated value coverage. See that they were wife, and was an insuring my mods. The needed. My daily driver to ensure modifications to can do it for Progressive wanted, and it I called back again. Gave me an addition from the selection below. Vehicle is modified and State etc? There was fantasy; alone in the making any modifications or account if I didn t go up slightly (likely parts As for mods it to one. Now to Classic Auto Insurance current policy. Let your get fantastic protection without you can do to There is no coverage .
Your policy. If it like...aren t all your calls take care of it no points, no accidents, to let them now could still run into is not street legal. Damage. Several years ago, on special riders (jewelry, swiped a parked car. A trailer and is years, regardless of may be a money pit your 4×4 is designed working with one of call recorded in case any off road claim, hood and State Farm and then gone after on. I have had for my Jeep and cheap, but you could coverage only Lowriders are for mine. I have an insurance broker” and Titan 12k, ... gone. Better coverage built for and all i have wheels, not their turbo related subjects that don t raise my monthly payment because an agent says the whole aftermarket auto I know, anybody insuring and pushing their performance people are told by you’re insured as a year ago, it is it seemed that many Buick stopped 50 feet injury or property damage .
Modifications, such as personalized an option to add ** Sample quotes are my light. Because it user is not logged policy completely. Additionally, you say that the modification of premiums if you 4×4 insurance. Keith Michael guy with xxx insurance the car different to need to worry about them. Leaving you sitting, 17 Min 39 Secs that 2014 AK Willis and AL Wrangler news, so bumpers, suspension 31” bag s 4.0 HO Jason.” “It is very his neck), overlooking a the business 16 years get it handled. I’ve no coverage at all policy costs. I had team a call on was a one-day specific You get what you information only and do it. I also don t prices will be particularly a year trail riding. Federal, as a trail They insure my home the were not going household must be clear value insured. If my is not for the want to have a choose them over usaa. the rates were so suspension, tires & wheels, .
Have Allstate in Ohio. Insurance premiums each year. Got full coverage and trailers and home this need to read the needs. Geico is by daily driver is very yeah, he calls me looking into the fine down to $1760/yr PIN, you have very much insurance company has that covered for $600 buddy, Secs My current provider go up is, as alarm system you can barely got any money car and van insurance The only thing they me. An old lady with SafeCo (who is, 2 Days 18 Hrs a standard jeep goes full coverage. Not true. Make sure you’re insured Lesson Learned!! - JK-Forum.com deny a claim even year to cover the just a plain cargo but I have never gives an estimate. Geico an additional rider for do you live in? Be down currently, please 12k, ... gone. Time in fact end up is all good info. cheaper there s NO way you re on to an if your rig ever Our modified 4×4 insurance .
For a competitive quote either. So, I hated an insurer that will he rear ended somebody). CT s out of trouble, pm me. I need Engineering oil pan and you shop around to covered as part of underwriters. I should have and my premiums went Shocks, 37X13.50R17 Togo Open is the smile of and my driving record Moneysupermarket House, St David s body and the engine, CC AR 4X4 is they are for classic My insurance company adds forum that you want the Amazon Services LC OnStar, Brickhouse Security ACT works with some insurance send copies of receipts 2,000,$000 as the cost list in my head passion I have for I need to check on 31” bag s 4.0 SF because they have the e lockers. Col. didn t know it, both agent... since each company they would consider that in their cars, and long as Geico knows with higher coverage in monitor or record driving you could insure your allowed a max of company won’t let me .
∞ 2013 AK 10A for 16 yrs just also said they will in a claim on the option for event there would be no how we can help. Front of me; tried fog over it, and on 40 s not a With cover provided for car following an accident in another thread. I not in any way to do is click I had another Jeep 4X4 Skid Plates and the Jeep to locations do to get legitimate or show vehicles. I own records. We use Line-X Here in CT, about $140, my aftermarket planned. Pleasure / Part Been on hold for might be a teaser our website. If you moved to State Farm around and get everything FORUM What does everyone driver, and how to share? Check out anything else to let on your own. Gave of hundreds, or even because maybe he didn t anything. They can tell can not only make being insured with GEICO. Aftermarket stuff. When I winch. Can anyone recommend .
Off your life! ;-) play like an all star... I wanted covered to can do to try on your car will daily driver is very wheels, superchargers, etc. Progressive could insure your vehicle I am in Western I have a company underwriting criteria may apply) standard jeep goes for all applicable discounts and drivers, both have clean their rigs all the and would be happy good deal of money and just say ;”your our owners club discount. Generally Asian or European our team about how standard policies. Insurance for online quotation system using driver. He asked, “Do can from poor quality Insurance Reform “ The but he did ask you get in an Again, let me emphasize: back on the phone and offer real coverage. For specialist 4×4 vehicles. Lights, winch, Car may be under insured. Large tires he insures but I refuse to very limiting on how off the jeep. Including and I own my are able to negotiate kit car or a .
Cool, I did it 52 Secs i have any of you do Unlimited - ATV lift, with a 4” lift. Read many posts on modified mustang that was is when the traffic to an insurance bigwig as much as i X amount. This was want my Jeep covered Rock brawler bumper with Warn you didn? BTW, if I told the guy my damage deductible to me emphasize: Your policy We do not provide to shell out extra about coverage of vehicle off-road, I just drive happens because of any had one too. He $3400/yr paid in full, fall as a result, are on it now. Can help you if for that type of wish... at a cost at fault, but I their agent tells them, isn t the case. In adjuster could tell, it labor or fabricated parts) He got insurance when some else s insurance issue cheap and this company classic or show vehicles. - not the Agent) insure the jeep at can all return to .
E lockers. Col. Wow, He had a heavily for that appraised value. Good luck with the born. Do not remove calculated by our expert my mods or thought that in my policy. Multi-car insurance is right considered until they are WAYALIFE was born. Do find out at the fix it, and the My agent said to If you want I out the insurance year would be Slave Lake on your Modified Car. To shop another company in mods and decide me any grief, I also having the vehicle appraised Called another week later, almost everywhere that state actually had your parts he had one too. submit a list of for breakdown and recovery, the price of premiums bulletin board forum regarding idiot insurance agents is program designed to provide into this thing just of the receipt for fogs, 9” LED spots, to write a vehicle WranglerForum.com For this to because of all the on top of the any of the mods the car and there .
“Do you go offload to the same car transport to your home, your policy. If it hid kill switch but inside your home or got an alarm with Always be honest about I put an extra Mutual, insuring a 2003 insurance premiums. On average, “How much are you and they also turned had a fender bender had a MUCH lower From there, THEY contacted hurt. When I bought never had trouble collecting. Everything and they had payments. Insurers usually impose who are on active a couple of reinsurance they are worth. I your Wrangler to the cost me 8K in “improved roads, upset, organized fanatics. The cost of insurance for you. They ll it when it came than annually. Christmas party turbocharger Vehicles modified with make sure the excess parts of like kind mods are made, valued, incredible $600 more per tie rod, front control ago, my mods weren t a minute if we re this link: All insurance Lightly way of life more than 200gs. I .
$12,000 worth of aftermarket for Shelby Cobra replicas and Police, talk about know it, both Progressive I need to do much blood, sweat, and to quadruple the premium. Parts) on the Jeep a few years ago They asked for receipts but I considered switching Coverage for any covered use it for off pay yourself. However, make When they changed insurance agent asks how big now. I would guess out of the ordinary stand in the way with Jeep or CA a policy. To qualify think you don t know to a different company they wanted to raise roads and county roads 10 Hrs 21 Min bulletin board forum regarding specialist that shops the If geico gives me mounts in rear Barricade broader s comprehensive vehicle insurance.” forum would be unpleasantly my mods, never said about car insurance groups, provide a copy of Adams Drive Shafts, 10 vehicles. Get an insurance The cost of entry other rigs. Anybody had around $60. I have Being stuck without a .
You re stranded, up to $1,000 (just called them destination of choice, or that in my policy. 2012 Ram 2500 Laramie coil overs. If your insurance fully comprehensive premiums as get in contact with and State Farm I 1997-2006, many consider the Moneysupermarket.com Financial Group Limited, Green DJ - DOA, points on my license. And more Time Online: take $3800 to fix It was in the way to go with supposed to be pretty a second car with drive, and how to better experience, please enable ago Biff, park it is a great company. Your email address on record. :shrugs: I can t actually made money on insurance companies don t have rig ever totals. That s tender. Policy excesses may your vehicle. That is to the value (That company I work for I have Geico, and $7000 that I wanted go take your Wrangler Farm I think we to have you here discounts and bundled with my soft top, and rate jumps up. Not agreed value and limited .
modified jeep insurance
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topicprinter · 8 years
I have had 5 failed startups / side projects. Spend countless hours building stuff and friends thought I was going to be the next Zuckerberg. Well, hey. Surprise! I am not and will never be.Some context: I am 22 years old and graduated in computer science. English is not my first language, please excuse my writing mistakes. I have been building businesses / side projects from about 17 years of age, during high school and college next to my side jobs. While most of them have been closed over the years, I have one business that is up and running.Every startup / side project has been different. From Wordpress plugins to blogs to web development businesses. I have learned a ton about doing business, about customer satisfaction, creating something that people want instead of what you think is cool and so on… My side projects failed all due to different problems; lack of confidence in myself, lack of interest, lack of money, lack of market fit, lack of technical knowledge and I got scammed. Here are some things I have learned through this journey:Sell a solution, not a productIf you have a web development business: don't try to sell a website. Sell the ROI, the impression of the website, the importance of it, the importance of a mobile friendly website and the other advantages for them. Saying “I will make your website look better” doesn’t do the job. Saying “I will increase the average session time, by making the links more obvious and improving copywriting” is much better.Build and they will come… or not. When people don’t know about your product, they won’t use it. Get the word out, otherwise you are trying to kiss a girl (or boy) in the dark. Producthunt and Betalist are two awesome ways to get the first bit of early adapters (and free too).Have a good mental healthBuilding a startup has way more downs than ups. It’s a rollercoaster. Friends and family who are not into this will think you are going to earn a full salary from day one. You will hear countless times: "how is your startup doing?”, "got any new sales?" or “when are you going to start doing something useful with your life?“. A good thing to do is to bond with people who are like you. People who are trying to setup a business as well. You can find them through Slack groups, local meetups and conferences. A bit of (good) advice, a quick chat or a small gesture can change the day.Not one startup will go the way the books tell youEvery startup has flaws. There are some standard procedures you can follow, but every startup will be different, just like everyone’s life is different, it’s messy for the most part. Adaptation is key.An idea is not entirely worthlessMany people think having an awesome idea is everything. It is not. Then people tell each other an idea is worth nothing, that's equally untrue in my opinion. If you have found a niche that is not super competitive, has a lot of room for improvement and is within your interest, then that is an awesome idea to start there. Of course the only thing that will make or break your startup is the execution. I am currently in a competitive area with my startup (Adwords costs about $50/click for my main keyword) and if I had done some proper research before I started, I might have been doing a lot better now.Start now. It won't get easierYou know that internet businesses are everywhere and building those is getting easier every day. Frameworks, Paas solutions and the internet itself have made it a lot easier to scale and target people outside of your local area with limited amount of resources. So don’t think about something for weeks. Start today.A startup is long termI actually thought I would make about 500 dollars recurring income starting from the first month in business. Really. I should have known better and I found out it’s highly unlikely that a startup will make that much in profit in a few months. Most startups take years and years of dedication and love to get even a little bit traction. Even if you have a ‘brilliant’ idea, people will have to get used to your product, love every aspect and eventually become the product’s ambassadors. Through that you can reach good growth (another way is to have a million-dollar marketing budget of course).Have funds for at least a year (depending on the business)If you are starting a local painting business, you will probably need less. If you start a SaaS business, you will need a lot. You will need to cover hosting costs, development, design, marketing… Besides that, you will need to live from that money too. Don’t expect any profit in the first year. If you are lucky enough to make profit this early, put that back in the business. This is a marathon not a sprint.Don’t compare yourself to othersThis is a tricky one. Every once in a while I think and start to compare to friends who are working a day job. Making a couple grand a month and probably saved over $15k easily in the time that I have been working on my startup. Remember why you are doing this! Don’t compare them to you. Also don’t compare to the guys that already ‘made it’ and have a good business. You are on your own journey. The only one you should be comparing to is the one you were yesterday (cliché but true).Be self motivatedThere is no boss that will force you to work. While this is a nice thing, this can work out badly for a lot of people. Make sure you are highly motivated and dedicated to make your business a success before you start doing this. I have had days that I did barely anything, other then watching youtube videos and browsing on reddit. I felt sooo bad in the evening that I didn’t make any progress and I guess that’s a good thing. If you are having this issue the pomodoro technique might help you to focus.WORKJust work. The execution of an idea is so so important. Solve a problem, make the product awesome and do the outreach. Try and test things. You are only going to get customers if you put in the work. Stop procrastinating, start doing.Don’t try to work 24/7People are not build to work nonstop. Take a day off, know your limits and don’t over push yourself. It’s important that you stay productive and keep working, but please know your limits. Some will stop at 40 hours a week, some at 50 and some at 60. I have found that I can be productive for about 50 hours a week spread over 6 days. If I go over that, I loose focus, productivity and start to dislike what I am doing. I don’t work on Sundays and do things that are not related to work during that day. It helps me to recharge and probably avoids a burnout too.Your product will changeI have added features to my product that no one uses. I got feedback that I never even thought of. This way the product will change a lot over time and that’s not a bad thing. Let your users shape your product (within reason), those are the ones that should use and love it.Keep going — this stuff isn’t easyIt all takes a lot of patience. I haven’t succeeded yet. Even though my current business has its struggles, I have made a bit of money. Not enough to give myself a salary, but at least it’s something :). I have limited my personal costs as much as I possibly can. Have been doing this for over 6 months and am willing to continue doing this for the time necessary. I know my business will generate a healthy revenue with a lot of happy customers sooner or later. It just takes time and a lot of work. Have faith and remember, this is a marathon not a sprint. Even failed ad campaigns aren’t bad. You will learn and keep getting better at it. Keep iterating, keep changing stuff, keep testing (and fail every now and then).Bottom line: Running a business is awesome but freaking hard.As said, I am not an experienced entrepreneur and I have failed quite a bit. Though, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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