#reminded me of steve
steviesnailbat · 2 years
Steve quietly unlocked his front door and stumbled inside, letting it swing shut behind him.  He was honestly amazed he’d managed to get home at all.  Everything ached after the ass whooping Billy had given him and he was seeing double.  He needed to patch himself up, then he could go to bed and pass out for a week.
He’d only gone a few steps before he froze, the millionth wave of dread for the night washing over him.  The kitchen light was on.  He knew for a fact he’d turned it off last night, and he hadn’t needed it during the day with the sun coming in through the windows, so that could only mean one thing.
Damn it.
He glanced at the clock.  4 am.
He looked at the small mirror on the wall and saw the state of his face.
Maybe he could just sneak upstairs. 
He had a foot on the bottom step when his mother’s voice rang through the house.  “Steven, come in here.”
Steve closed his eyes and forced himself not to sigh.  Why now?  Why tonight?  He’d already dealt with enough.
Steve flinched at his father’s sharp tone and opened his eyes again, removing his foot from the bottom step and heading into the kitchen instead.  Ignoring them or keeping them waiting was only going to make things worse.
His parents were on opposite sides of the kitchen, his father leaning against the counter next to the sink and his mother sitting on a stool at the island.  It still amazed Steve how they managed to present such a simultaneously united and divided front.  Divided in their marriage, united in how they felt about their son.
There was silence while his parents stared at him standing in the doorway, shocked by his battered appearance, and for a brief moment, the childish hope that maybe he’d receive some concern flared to life in his chest.  He knew better by now, but that repressed little desire betrayed him every time.
The spell of the moment was broken when his father cleared his throat.  “Are you aware of what time it is?”
“Yes, sir.”  Steve couldn’t help the sarcasm that slipped in.  He’d lost patience with his parents years ago, and while talking - and sometimes yelling - back always did more harm than good, his anger and pride would never let him just stand there and take it.  He had to push back first.
“Watch your tone with me, young man.  Where have you been?”
“Robbing a bank.”
His father’s expression darkened.  “You will take this discussion seriously, or -”
“Or what?”  Steve stepped up to the other side of the island between them, on the opposite end from his mother, leaning forward with his hands splayed on the marble.  “You’ll ground me?  What could you possibly threaten me with that has any teeth?”
His father was silent, rage twisting his features and his hands clenching into fists.  Steve noticed and he laughed.  He honest to god laughed. He felt insane.  It was like the weight of the night was all coming down on him at once and he was fracturing under the pressure.
“What?  You gonna hit me?  Maybe you didn’t notice, but someone already beat you to it.”
His father snapped.  “Shut up!”
“Don’t yell at my son.” Steve’s mother broke in for the first time.
“You shut up too!”
“Oh yeah, assert your dominance!” Steve mocked.  “Yell, scream, throw your weight around!  You’re like a toddler throwing a fit!”
“I will not be spoken to this way in my own house!  This is your fault!”  Steve’s father jabbed a finger at his wife.  “He learned this blatant disrespect from you -”
“Oh, that’s ridiculous!” she snapped back.  “He’d be respectful of you if you earned it!”
“I don’t need to earn his respect, or yours!  I’m the man of this house and I am owed respect!”
Steve’s parents had never seemed more childish to him than they did at this moment.  “You think you’re owed respect?  The world doesn’t owe you shit!  And it sure as hell isn’t going to give it to you!”
“What do you know about life and the world?  You stay here in Hawkins, whoring around with your friends and getting in fights until all hours of the night, imagine what everyone thinks -”
“Oh, there it fucking is!”  That was what it always came down to with his parents.  They didn’t really care what Steve did.  They didn’t care if he hurt people or if he got hurt.  They only cared what other people thought of their family.
His mother sighed.  “Steven, please, we don’t want to have this discussion again.”
“Well, I don’t want to have the discussion we’ve been having, and yet, here we are.”
“I just feel like you don’t understand how important this is to us.  Image matters, especially with the life we lead, and you’re our son, so you’re a part of that.”
“I’m not your son.  To you, I’m just another possession you can trot out and show off when it’s convenient and then ignore.”
The kitchen was silent.  It was finally out there.  They all knew it was true, they’d known for a long time, but none of them had ever said it.  Steve felt like a weight had been lifted off of him.  At least now they all knew where they stood.
His mother started crying.  “How could you say that?  You’re my son, how do you think it makes me feel to hear you say that?”
“How do you think it makes me feel to know that it’s true?”  Steve had long since stopped taking his mother’s tears seriously.  The way she approached him was different from his father.  She would pretend to be on his side when really she just liked using him against his father, and she loved crying and talking about being his mother to make him feel guilty and get her way.  It had worked when Steve was younger, but he knew better now.
“Go to your room.”  His father walked around the counter to stand in front of him, asserting physical dominance.  “We can’t deal with you right now.”
Steve scoffed.  “Oh, sure, when you want to bitch me out, you can deal with me, but the minute we get to something that I want to talk about -”
His father cut him off with a sharp slap and Steve stumbled, bringing a hand up to his throbbing face.  “I said go to your room.”
Steve turned and left the kitchen without a word.
He cursed himself as he went up the stairs.  He was all bark and no bite with his parents and he knew it.  He would talk back and yell and tell harsh truths until his father eventually slapped him for his disrespect, and just like that, it was over.  Something snapped inside of him and he was eight years old again, shaking and terrified of punishment.  He hated that part of himself with everything he had.
He listened to his parents scream at each other while he sat on the edge of the bathtub and did his best to tend to his own injuries.  The two of them were always fighting about something.  He’d be more worried if he couldn’t hear them tearing each other’s heads off, honestly.
Before long, they moved the argument to ‘their’ room, yelling right up until they settled down to sleep, his mother going across the hall to the guest room.
Steve stayed where he was long after he was finished and the house had gone quiet.  He was tired and in pain, and he was just so sick of arguing with his parents, of his parents arguing with each other.  It was exhausting enough on its own even without all of the other shit he had to deal with.  Something needed to change or he was going to have some kind of mental break.
Eventually he did get up, but he didn’t go back to his room.  He just wandered the dark, silent house, letting himself pretend that he was the only one home.  Normally he hated being alone, but it was better than having his parents there.  When he was younger, he would wish they were home, but that was back when he’d held onto the hope that maybe he could earn their affection, that maybe if he was just a little bit better, they would stay and they would love him.  But he knew better now.  He’d known better for a long time, and at this point, he just wanted them to go on their trips and stay gone.
He ended up in the garage.  He was almost never in there, no one parked their cars inside.  The entire space was devoted to his father’s Ferrari.
The 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California.  Only fifty-six had ever been made.  It was his father’s pride and joy.  He’d gotten it when Steve was young, and any time he was at home for several years after was spent in the garage with the car.  He’d worked on it, loved it, bragged about it.  He cared about what happened to it.  All the things he should’ve felt and done for his son, he’d done for a car.
Steve wasn’t prepared for the burst of hateful disgust that suddenly tore through him.  A car.  A fucking car.  He’d spent years jealous of a fucking car.
Before he knew what he was doing, he’d opened the garage door, grabbed his nail bat from his car, and was approaching the Ferrari.  The anger, bitterness, and resentment he carried was overflowing, too much for him to contain anymore.  It was all just too much.  Too much, too much, too much -
The bat slammed down on the car, denting it, the nails scratching off paint and digging in.  It was loud, but he didn’t care if he was heard.  He wouldn’t need long.
Steve brought the bat down over and over again, destroying the hood and the grill, shattering the windshield.  It was like everything was pouring out of him at once, the years of neglect and loneliness and disapproval, full of icy silences, cruel words, and stinging slaps.  The guilt of the damage he himself had done, the pain of thinking that Nancy loved him and learning that it had always been a lie, of never being good enough for anyone.  The memories of monsters and flickering lights and terror and danger and losses he could’ve prevented, pain and blood and darkness and death.  Always death.
Steve screamed as he beat the car, letting all of the agony twisted up inside him loose on this one thing.
Eventually he stumbled back, breathing heavily, the bat still clutched in his hands. For the first time in years, he didn’t feel like he was being suffocated, even if it was just for a few minutes.  The front of the vehicle was unrecognizable, and he smiled in spiteful satisfaction.  If his father couldn’t sort out his priorities, then Steve would sort them out for him.
He could hear his parents footsteps moving through the house as they came to investigate the noise.  Good.  He wanted them to come and see and know what he’d done.  They couldn’t deal with him?  Well, now they’d have to.  They’d have to face their decisions and their son and deal with the consequences.  And this time, Steve wasn’t going to back down.
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scoobit9 · 9 months
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stupid things i made
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie filming a tiktok before one of the soccer meets (maybe like day long blitz tournament) in a cheerleader outfit. Phone set up before he came downstairs, catching Steve scrolling on his phone, filling his water, checking the time and reminding Eddie they had to leave. And Eddie’s like, pretending it’s normal while Steve is just blinking at him.
He threatened to do it, and they all assumed he had forgotten but no, Eddie’s middle names are ‘committed to the bit’ (family name)
I think it’s infinitely funnier if Steve doesn’t notice that he’s wearing a cheerleading uniform for like, a while.
Eddie sets the camera up in the kitchen since Steve spends the majority of his time before a game in there pacing, and then he just stands there in the middle of the room. And waits. And Steve does not notice. It’s like:
Eddie: *standing in the middle of the kitchen in a red and gold cheerleading uniform*
Steve: *walks pass to double check the schedule on the fridge to make sure he has the time right*
Steve: *walks pass while putting on his jersey*
Steve: *walks pass to fill their cooler with drinks and sandwiches*
Steve: *walks pass to refill his water bottle*
Steve: *walks pass to triple check the schedule*
Steve: *walks pass looking at his phone*
Steve: *walks pass while texting Robin*
Steve: *walks pass to look at the schedule again*
Steve: *walks pass while reminding Eddie that they need to leave in fifteen minutes*
Steve: *stops right next to Eddie to read an article about Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner*
Eddie: Babe, do these shoes match my outfit?
Steve, looking away from his phone and directly at Eddie’s shoes: If you’re going to have your legs out then you need to put sunscreen on them because you… *finally notices*
Eddie: 2,4,6,8 who do you appreciate?
Steve: …This outfit
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steddiealltheway · 7 months
Something that is canon in my mind that I forget to tell people:
The reason why Steve can’t get bitches in his Scoops Ahoy era is because there’s a rumor going around that he’s gay (probably because someone caught him hooking up with Eddie)
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ambrozjas · 7 months
HII!! i saw in your bio that your requests are closed but i also see you responding to asks??? so i'm sosososo sorry if i wasn't supposed to ask but i just needed the gang (separate) x super energetic n positive reader (so like pinkie pie irl !) :3 again im sorry if i confused things with your requests!!!
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the gang with an energetic!reader ꨄ︎
✧˖*°࿐ notes 🧸ᰔᩚ
this is actually a great question and i thank you for asking it ^-^!! the reqs i’m responding to are just requests that are stacked up in my inbox, so when i have them closed, it just means i’m trying to catch up on asks and that i don’t prefer asks at that time :) i did LOVE writing this though, so thank you for asking about that i appreciate you trying to respect it !! ^_^ 🫶
✧˖*°࿐ warnings ᰔᩚ
let me know if there r any i need to add!!
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
“you had fun today?” came DARRY’s voice from the left of you as he sat in the driver’s seat, taking you home. you guys had decided to take johnny, sodapop, and ponyboy to the oklahoma state fair, which would explain the sleepiness that laced his tone. you, though, would practically be vibrating in your seat if it wasn’t for darry’s hand resting on your thigh.
still pumped up from the crazy rides at the fair, your eyes roamed across all the bright lights littering the city as you looked out of the car window.
“so much.” you responded, beaming at your boyfriend next to you before taking a look in the rearview mirror and spotting the boys asleep in the backseat.
“you think they did, too?” you asked darry, lips pouting dramatically at how cute the boys looked, even when soda was practically drooling on pony.
darry gave you a small ‘mhm’, a tiny smile growing on his face when he looked back at them too. “y’sure you’re not tired?”
“i’m so awake right now, dare.” you chuckled a bit, turning back around and resting your head against the car seat’s headrest.
you gave a few quiet ‘ooh’s as you both were still exiting oklahoma city, even if you guys were still a long way from tulsa, looking at all the bright lights and arrows urging future customers to visit the fair.
darry scoffed as he saw the pile of cars across the way, lining up in one big traffic jam. then he turned his head to look at you, he wondered how you could always be so optimistic. he smiled fondly to himself as he watched you, head held in your hands as the exotic lights bounced off your irises, reflecting all sorts of neon pinks and blues in your eyes as you didnt take them off the noisy attractions.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“be careful now darlin’, you’ll slip!” SODAPOP laughs as you two come down from the intense food fight you just had in the kitchen.
it all started with you accidentally dusting the counters a bit too hard when some flour landed on sodapop’s open plaid shirt. now you two were both covered in various ingredients, you’re sure the yolk would take about an hour to rinse out of your hair properly. the baking you guys were doing was forgotten in the background as the batter had probably already somewhat hardened during sodapop’s sugar assault on your favorite top.
you laughed as he held your waist, the both of you looking down at where your foot was just about to fall on the slippery remainder of egg yolk and milk on the kitchen floor. “that’s your mess!”
“you started it!”
“it was an accident, soda—!” sodapop placed a chaste kiss against your lips, licking his own after he pulled away. he made a small hum sound as his eyes trailed upward when he pretended to try to guess the flavor. “hm, strawberry.”
“gross.” you rolled your eyes, the two of you laughing uncontrollably as soda eventually did slip on the exact same piece of yolk he had warned you from stepping on. that is, until you heard the strong footsteps of his older brother make his way from the front door to the kitchen.
both of your heads shot up as darry cleared his throat, crossing his arms and tilting his head. it was like he had no words for the both of you, until he shook his head once and grumbled angrily.
“y’all better clean that up.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“so i was just tellin’ her about it and y’know what this lady does?” you ranted to PONYBOY as he sat across from you at the lunch table, his fingers fiddling with the holes in the metal mesh patterned seat.
he held his chin in his palm as his eyes flickered between you and the table, watching as you rambled about something a counselor had reprimanded you for or something, all he could really focus on was you. the way your eyes lit up when you were passionate about something, the way talked with your hands a lot, or the way you bounced in your seat at just the thought of your favorite song.
pure energy always radiated off of you, not even dallas winston could resist your charm. and ponyboy curtis certainly couldn’t either.
“pony-y!” you dragged out the ‘y’ in his name as you tried to get his attention, waving a hand in front of his face. he blinked and furrowed his brows as he muttered out a quick, “huh?”
“are you even listenin’ to me?”
“‘course i am.”
“what was i talking about then?” you batted your eyelashes as you inquired in a ‘matter-of-fact’ tone, leaning forward as ponyboy averted your gaze.
his face got hot while he stammered, mouth gaping open and closed like a fish before you waved a hand at him and flashed a big grin.
“my counselor.” came your sing-song tone of voice from in front of him.
“right! just.. tell me more?”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“JOHNNY, wait up!” you called after him, jogging up and gripping onto the straps of your backpack as it moved with your every step.
you saw him, head hung low as he looked so small compared to the towering figure of dallas winston right next to him. he turned around, that same puppy dog look in his eyes as usual before he looked up at dallas. dally gave johnny a quick wink before nodding his head towards me and saying his goodbyes while he walked off only god knows where—probably to stir up some more trouble.
johnny looked back at you, muttering your name as you finally caught up to him. “hey—! you goin’ home?” you asked, shifting your weight from your hands to your knees as you hunched over and caught your breath. johnny just nodded as he watched you regain composure quickly, already back and energized.
you circled around him with a flurry of questions, questions like how his day was or if he ate today. johnny always wondered why you asked him these questions, whether you cared or not was really his main concern although he’d never dare ask.
once you guys had arrived to johnny’s house though, came a ruckus from inside. the noise traveling outside the house through a sliver of open window as you both saw two figures screaming at each other.
you saw as the corners of johnny’s mouth twitched downwards as he winced at the sound of glass breaking.
then, almost like an miracle came your voice from beside him.
“wanna go to the lot?”
once he had looked at you, it was like an instant mood lifter. you had a boyish grin on your face with your hands shoved in your pockets as your eyes crinkled with how big of a smile you had glued to your face, as usual.
how could johnny deny you?
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“are you always like this?” DALLAS said as he leaned against the doorway to the kitchen, watching as you danced around and made a mess with the baking supplies.
“like what?” your voice, jubilant as ever, rung out in dally’s ears. he always played it off as if he hated how joyous it was, but if he was being honest, the way the syllables rolled so quickly off your tongue was satisfying to him. he’d never admit it obviously. being dallas winston was a tough job to keep up.
you twirled around, reaching on your tippy toes to grab something off the fridge before spinning back around to pour milk in the mixing bowl, hips swaying to the faint music that you turned down to hear dallas over.
dallas scoffed, shaking his head amusedly while he lit a cigarette, eyes flickering up at you every once in awhile. “nothin’.” he muttered, words muffled around his cigarette.
he looked at you, his eyes were empty enough that anybody else would mistake his expression for annoyance, but you knew better. you knew dallas winston better than anybody. and as you danced so freely around the kitchen, like no one was watching you, dallas admired you. you were yourself, in this moment socs and greasers didn’t matter, nothing did. the only thing that mattered to you was getting these ingredients right, and you couldn’t do that with a little dancing.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“woah, darlin’! someone had a li’l too much sugar, huh?” TWO-BIT laughed as you bounced around. you were like a candle waiting to be blown out, flowing in place but still moving. you were definitely still moving.
you practically vibrated in place, your feet kicked in your seat as you giggled, talking about your day to two-bit. his grey eyes watched you with intent, his own grin painted on his face. sometimes he didn’t pay attention, other times he asked questions just at the right times. even if it was just pure luck, you appreciated his responses even if they were just ‘huh’s or ‘oh!’s.
“what do you think?” you finally stopped ranting, taking a break to ask two-bit once again what he thought.
he paused, taking a second to sip on his can of beer before looking off to the side in thought. then, as quick as it left, his smile returned as he finally laughed.
“i think you need a nap, babydoll.”
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“so what happened next?” STEVE asked, licking the spoon as he sat across from you in the diner as he watched you take a break from talking to devour a milkshake.
you smacked your lips as you swallowed and immediately put up your hand to express yourself further. “she cussed her out!”
steve raised his eyebrows as he broke off another piece of the diner’s famous cake—which he claimed was never better than darry’s yet he was still destroying it.
what you always appreciated about steve was his blind loyalty to you. even if he didn’t understand, his heart was in the right place. he gasped at anything dramatic, but he just loved gossip in general. him and sodapop were like kids around a campfire as they always circled around you while you explained to them the gossip going on around school.
steve watched as you rambled on and on, twirling your hair at certain parts and jumping up in your seat at important ones. by the time you both finished that conversation, your bill was racked up with how long you had took, and the waitresses were rolling your eyes at every “but, did you hear..”
that didn’t matter to you two, though. you just cared about talking to steve, and steve was too busy admiring you to care about anything else.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ my favs r fluttershy n rarity but tell me why i’m literally rainbow dash irl
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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unspecifiedfigure · 1 year
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i’m such a fool for you 🌇💫
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stevie-petey · 8 months
steve harrington is the type of boyfriend who always, always, always holds your neck while kissing. he doesnt do it in a sexual manner (although he does love that), he does it in a manner of subtle intimacy, the kind that steadies him.
he does it with one hand, the other around your waist or your arm or wherever else he can reach. hes got you right where he wants you. he'll stroke the dip between your collarbone and neck as you kiss, play with the hair on the back of your neck, anything.
and you cannot get enough of it.
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anakindoodles · 3 months
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Happy Pride month! Have a Steve
as usual plz click for better quality and reblog to help artists <3
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 10 months
TOW they're both clueless
Steve struck out again, and he's not sure where he went wrong. He was leaning against Eddie's kitchen counter, frowning.
"Oh, man, did you tell her about the six kids thing?" Eddie asked from where he was sitting on the counter.
"Yeah, I mean, I told her I wanted to adopt and that I would happily be a stay at home dad," Steve said.
"Maybe they think it's a line. It's probably hard to believe that a guy actually wants to do that. I mean, I would happily do it too," Eddie said.
"I don't think she liked the hand grazing the thigh thing," Steve pouted.
"What? She's crazy. I loved it when you showed it to me," Eddie said. "Maybe you got nervous and did it wrong that time? Show it to me again, big boy."
Steve sighed and stepped in between his open legs. He took his hand and ran it gently up Eddie's thigh. Eddie sighed and bit his lip.
"Well?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, she's crazy. That was good. If I was a girl, I'd totally be into it," he replied. "Maybe you're a terrible kisser."
"What? No! Every girl I've ever kissed always told me that I was a really good kisser," he said defensively.
"Maybe it's because they think you're so handsome that they just don't have the heart to tell you that you're bad," Eddie said.
"Well, then how the hell am I supposed to find out?" Steve asked.
"Kiss a friend who you know is going to tell you the truth," Eddie said.
"I don't think Robin is going to want to help me with that, and I'm not sure I'd want her to," Steve said, scrunching up his nose.
"Kiss me, man, like you did with the hand on my thigh," Eddie said. "I'll be brutally honest."
Steve nodded and moved closer to him. Steve cupped his cheek and pressed his lips softly to Eddie's. It was gentle at first until he slowly sped it up, moving his lips against Eddie's as Eddie started to do the same thing. It was weird. He didn't need to imagine Eddie as a girl. All he was thinking about was Eddie and his tongue slipping into his own mouth. Eddie deepened the kiss for a moment before breaking away, breathing heavily.
"Okay, yeah, no. That was fucking good. If I were a girl. . .," Eddie said.
"Yeah, right, if you were a girl," Steve said, blushing.
They stared at each other for a moment, not saying anything.
"What are you like when you fuck?" Eddie asked.
"What? You have to know, right?"
Several sweaty naked moments later. . .
"Okay, so it's not that," Eddie said as he stared at his ceiling. "If I was a girl. . ."
"Do not! We just had sex, Eddie!" Steve exclaimed.
"Right!" Eddie blushed.
Steve sighed and rolled out of bed. He pulled on his boxers and one of Eddie's shirts.
"After I sleep with someone, I usually make us some food like breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It's dinner time, what do you want?" Steve asked.
"Jesus, how are these girls still rejecting you?" Eddie asked, rolling out of bed and pulling on his own boxers. "You're the perfect man!"
"I don't know, maybe it's because I talk too much about the kids or about Robin or. . . Oh," Steve said softly.
"What?" Eddie asked.
"It's because I talk too much about you," Steve said.
Eddie stared at him for him for a moment before laughing. He hopped over to Steve and pulled him in for a seering kiss.
"We're both idiots," Eddie said.
"Yeah," Steve agreed with a crooked smile.
"You should know, though, that we both can't be stay at home dads. Someone is going to have to work," Eddie said.
Steve laughed and kissed him so hard they fell back onto the bed.
"You owe me a date, Harrington."
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farraigenafeile · 2 years
you've heard of the fruity four™
now get ready for the
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lefthandarm-man · 2 months
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Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
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mechanicalinfection · 10 months
Daily reminder for you all!
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From your lovely boy, Springtrap ♡
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thranduel · 2 years
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie’s live-streaming in the middle of the afternoon one day, strumming on his guitar in his studio when he hears the door at the top of the stairs open and then slam shut. There’s a lot of fast and heavy steps, and then there’s Steve standing in the room, out of breath and wide eyed.
They just stare at each other for a second before Steve asks with barely concealed excitement, “You got the job?”
Eddie’s face breaks out into a big smile and confirms, “I got the job.”
“You got the job!!” Steve says excited and mimes playing a trumpet. Eddie’s just barely sat his guitar to the side before he’s got a lap full of Steve. “I’m so proud of you.”
Eddie smiles into the kiss he gets and looks soft when Steve rambles excitedly about how he knew he’d get it, but Eddie also remembers he’s live-streaming so he says, “Careful, babe. You’re the only one who knows, not allowed to tell anybody yet.”
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mouldycakes · 15 days
9 seasons of 'te quiero' ('I love you') and in the last episode they just hit me with 'te amo' (the stronger?deeper? form of saying 'I love you'). Whoever was in charge of the Latino dub, you have my thanks; I really appreciate they didn't go the way they always did previously with 'I love you, buddy/my friend/man' or the canon English version but just went for it with 'I love you, Danny' ;_; I'm just gonna... quietly lose my mind here...
Steve: It's going to be okay, buddy. You know that, don't you?
Danny: I don't feel it's going to be okay. I feel like my best friend is going to leave me... that's... what will happen.
Steve: It's not a forever goodbye.
Danny: If it wasn't a forever goodbye, why would you say that?
Steve: You have a phone, right?
Steve: Come. Come here.
Danny: You're going to make me get up?
Steve: Yes. Up. Come on.
Steve: Hey. I love you, Danny.
Danny: I love you too.
Danny: Don't make me come looking for you.
And only now I notice Danny was looking at Steve at the end and quickly turned his head when he noticed Steve looked back asdfghjklñ ;_;
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ellies-enrichment · 15 days
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