#remus sanders in skirt
fedoraphe · 2 years
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gaslight, gatekeep, grilboss
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glacierruler · 1 year
Soooooo, just checked and I've reached 50 followers!
Now for the special, I will make one Sanders Sides themed skirt!
And you get to choose!
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I love calling the twins and Janus "The Drama Trio".
I don't think an elaboration is necessary. Pffft. :,D
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
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updated this!
my collecting nature is just THRIVING, like those batman collector cards you used to get in cereal boxes, I am so happy rn lol
look at em! our boisss all our bois lookin so pret
anyhoo casual!Janus enters the chat
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This one's a prompt from @anxious-mess19 over on the Big Bang discord hehe
Some dukexiety fluff, they got boba and are now chilling by the river!
I actually did a proper background this time :D
Anyone is still welcome to send me prompts n stuff!
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I think when Remus first saw Virgil in his skirt he just UGHed/pos
Virgil: so how’s it look babe? (Prolly anxious bout what he thinks💔)
Virgil: rere-?
Virgil: :)
- Vee 💜
That chaotic Duke A W O O G Aed S O hard the moment the Emo even walked downstairs wearing it and honestly I do not blame him
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tssdresses · 9 months
Remus the First: A Draft
So, I'm sorry for the lack of progress photos, I ended up making this in the spring of 2023 as a project for an art class, and it got a little bit. hectic. But I learned a lot while making this and I'm excited to give it a second try soon! How soon? No idea.
Now, I've had the plan for Remus' dress in my head for a while. The idea is to make a dress with three layers that both mirrors Roman's Disney aesthetics and speaks to Remus'... Remusness.
Going from innermost to outermost, the layers are:
The (fake) leather: The goal of this layer was to cover as little as I could get away with. I made it by having one pattern piece, which I joined at the shoulder seam, and then used a grommet to add a lace-up feature to the sides. My regret is that I actually made it too big, and therefore you couldn't really see the lace-up feature.
The chicken wire: I wanted to give this a Cinderella-ish silhouette, and I did this by cutting panels of chicken wire and 'sewing' them up with more wire. I also added 'hip bumps' to the sides.
The tulle: This had so much tulle, which I affixed directly to the chickenwire. It was so fun to gather and add. I loved it so much.
These were the results (featuring the old dorm bathroom):
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I didn't get many work-in-progress photos, but here are some of them. I have a recurring wrist injury that flares up, so that's what the brace is for, just ignore it, all's fine.
And here's another post with some pictures from my class critique!
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Here's what I would change:
While the chicken wire made a pretty cool silhouette, I want more volume. I think I'd go with a hoop skirt, which I could make much wider, much more easily (in theory). I liked being able to see bits of the chicken wire, so I might still incorporate it, somehow.
I sort of incorporated the sash, but it's backwards-- not really ideal. I think I'd like to make it less... poof, and more folded, pleated, and steamed to hold it in place.
It needs more black lace. The amount of black lace I had was 0. More is needed.
I already touched on the leather piece-- I made it too large, so it didn't fit my form as well as I'd want it to. I also want to deconstruct it more (see this dress) and add more lace-up elements. I just think it's cool. The handmade/lace-up vibes do stray into Virgil territory a good bit, but...
It would have been cool to add a silver element across the neckline.
More! Lace! More! Volume!
Also Indy says I should make it ass-less, so there's that.
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jessie-tries · 7 months
I need Remus in his skirt and Roman in his dress kissing
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hyperfixated-homo · 2 years
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finally! 6/6 sides :) remus gets to be kinda punk and have a ponytail because i SAID SO
Roman's skirt/dress | Virgil's skirt/dress | Patton's skirt/dress | Janus' skirt/dress | Logan's skirt/dress
unshaded under the cut
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igotthit · 2 years
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Dukexietyweek2022 Day 7: Fashion
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I love that sanders sides thing where it's like "draw the sides in clothes you own but the colours have to match with the colours of the sides"
because I literally buy clothes and accessories simply because they remind me of any of the sides.
like did I NEED an expensive golden snake necklace that I never wear? No. but did it remind me of Janus? it sure fucking did and so here I am with a snake necklace.
now if only I could draw
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remus skirt look giving gender
@thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @someguyiguess @genuine-possum @blueskiesandstarrynights @shreksthiccgreencock (lemme know if you want to be added or removed)
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eyeexe · 1 year
the urge to redesign the cardinal sins that are remus and virgils’ skirt looks is eating my brain one cell at a time
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Okay so this is a random question but I’m curious. If the sanders sides gymrat au had pride outfits, what would they look like? You can go into much detail as you want. This is just something that popped into my head
Good question (especially since I'm not actually the most fashion oriented, pffft)... hmmm.
Cis Man
Aromantic (Bellusromantic) Gay
Probably the most flaming of the group - but it’s stiff competition with his brother and Janus. So. Much. (Food-safe/bio-degradable/hypoallergenic) Glitter. In fact the three make that part of things an actual competition, things get as hilariously heated as one may expect. Also can be seen with a rainbow ball gag on his person, sometimes wearing it, courtesy of Jan. Of course.
Transmasc Nonbinary (AFAB)
Polyamorous Gay (Bellusexual) Ace
He will look like he crawled out of a waste bin a bunch of unicorns threw up inside. He will look like the most genderfucked punk he possibly can. He will be the most disgusting about the PDA with Virgil possible (up for interpretation there, but it will also be kinky.)
Genderfluid (AMAB)
Aroflux Pan
Would probably have to hope he’s saved up a lot spoons, but damn it. They will go all out and be the most extravagant femme domme at the scene. Yes, they will parade Roman around with at least a collar. Thank fuck they’re rich enough to afford make-up artists who can work with their skin sensitivities. (Why yes, I’m still completely not over that Dimitrescu-inspired photo shoot, glad you asked.)
Gender-Questioning (AMAB)
Polyamorous Biromantic Demi
He's kinda stealth about it. His favorite color scheme is purple anyways. He’s more out and proud in selective situations (the gym crew, queer-friendly joints like the gym they go to, and Pride events.) It’s more because security in numbers and his baseline anxiety issues under other circumstances (doesn’t want to get harassed at the Wendy’s over it). He does get those butterflies hanging out with Remus during these events.
Cis Man
Panromantic Gay
He'd probably be a bit over the top with the "wearing your faith on your sleeve" spiel. Esp given how much of the queer community has trauma from the Christian apparatus... but he will LOUDLY roast the likes of a certain Baptist Church that starts with a W and ends with an O. So he tries to rep the parts of [the] religion that isn't Completely Awful. (And given his past as a combat medic - he also regularly signs on as one of the medical volunteer staff at events/protests.)
Trans Man
Polyamorous Aroace
I think he'd be the most understated about it, wearing his usual attire with a few pins on his shirt (like the sketch I drew of the guy.) He's proud but just isn't "in your face" about it. (More just his mode of comfortable expression than pulling respectability nonsense over it. He is a software and infosec specialist... he has his ways of doing The Activism.)
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candied-peach · 5 months
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i did two of my giftee's wishes this year for @sanderssidesgiftxchange ! analogical making a snowman and an intrulogical soulmate au, where the first words they say are written on each other's arms! happy holidays, @artisticallygay !
[image description: the first image is marker art of logan and virgil sanders on either side of a snowman, they're putting it together, logan is wearing a blue sweater, grey pants, and a constellation-studded tie, with a blue hat, while virgil is wearing a purple-blue plaid hat, a purple-blue sweater with a storm cloud on the front, and light grey pants
the second image is marker art of logan and remus sanders holding hands, logan is wearing a light blue sweater with an orange planet on it and a grey pinstripe skirt, on his arm in green is written 'hey nerd!', remus is wearing a dark grey sweater with a green tentacle wrapping around the front and a green multi-layered tulle skirt, on his arm in blue is written 'watch out!']
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egret-orchids · 7 months
a few sanders sides gender identity headcanons & explanations bc me & sawyer (@veronica-sawyer2, sorry for the tag) were discussing them
roman: he/him mostly, genderqueer. would use they/them or sometimes she/her but he's the prince and obviously princes don't wear make up or dress/skirts or say that today they're feeling more like a 'she' or a 'they', do they? guy's probably got some repression issues tbh. plays into the stereotypical 'hero/prince' role bc of this. eventually just uses he/they most of the time though.
janus: he/they/she, genderfluid. similar to roman except he's completely open to expression & expressing femininity.
virgil: transmasc, he/him. mainly because i'm projecting and i saw a post abt it once and it's engrained into my brain. patton has to remind him how to self-care btw.
patton: honestly feels nonbinary to me, so they/them or he/him. again probably because i've read fanfics with that and its rlly fitting. adores masc titles though.
remus: he/it/they. probably some obscure neopronouns too. not really a reason to this one either buts he probably afab. not sure why, but i think it's funny to think that roman is basically incapable of growing facial hair (disregarding like. the fact that they all look like thomas anw.) yet remus is and hes not even cis.
logan: he/him, hasn't really thought about it. probably he/she at some point. has also experimented with gender expression & is pretty comfortable w his masculinity
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