#remus’s gender is Butch tbh
sayingyournames · 2 years
thinking about transfem remus a lot recently. thoughts? opinions? hcs?
here is a link to my giant list of trans wolfstar hc!
but also - the more i think about it, the more i think remus would 100% be butch. maybe she spent the first couple of years after she came out dressing as hyper femme as possible, expensive makeup and growing her hair, long nails and short skirts. fast-forward like six months into hrt and she starts wearing briefs and cuts her hair into a mullet, and stops wearing bras when her tits start to grow - shaves her face and chest but not her legs.
she never got to be a tomboy as a kid, and masculinity felt dangerous when it was something that was expected of her. then she came out and the pendulum swung in the opposite direction and she just -doesn’t want to think about it anymore. stops measuring her womanhood by cis people’s standards and finds other lesbians who get her and everything fits together, then.
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my marauders hcs because I need to get my opinions out there:
James: Pansexual King, questioned his gender twice, both times at midnight and decided that he was just A Guy™
Sirius: Gay gay homosexual gay. Also genderfluid, he uses he/him pronouns almost all days, but he does drag and sometimes she'll switch up to she/her
Peter: oriented homosexual aroace. I just think it's neat. Also he/they pronouns
Remus: Bi king and a trans guy, he/him pronouns
Lily: Bi queen, she/they pronouns, Demigirl
Marlene: Lesbiannnn, she/her but also likes being called a boyfriend cus she's a butch king
Dorcas: lesbian femme queen, she/her
Mary: She/her, Demigirl, bonded with marlene and lily about feeling weird about her gender a lot. Also bi
Pandora: Pansexual nonbinary pangender queen, they/she pronouns
Evan: homosexual male, questioned his gender once but settled on being gnc
Barty: homosexuality incarnate, kinda wants to do drag but is scared to
Regulus: Trans guy, gay because why not, he/him pronouns (I also sometimes headcanon him as ace in some universes)
Emmeline: ace lesbian, she/he pronouns, never really labeled his gender
Alice: she/her, bisexual and proud
Narcissa: saw someone say they hc her as a transwoman and omg yes, she's pan also, she/her pronouns
Frank: he/him, pan but tbh he doesn't rlly give a fuck about his sexuality, will punch people who misgender his friends
I'll add to this if i think of anything!
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transfemlogan · 1 year
HELLO i have came w queer headcanons . also w neurodivergent/mental disorder headcanons cause not a single one of the sides (or thomas) are neurotypical
remus prolly has aspd (antisocial personality disorder) ? idk since i need to rewatch sasi so im not just going off of Vibes (unlike my queer hcs, which are based off of Vibes n Vibes alone) but from what i remember about remus' personality he does fit certain symptoms (the ones i can think of off the top of my head are: disregard for other's safety {has hit roman on the head, rendering him unconscious, has pulled logan's teeth directly out his mouth n up his nose}, lack of remorse {he didnt feel bad about either of those previously mentioned things} n i believe impulsivity + irresponsible {i guess u can interpret his actions as impulsive n irresponsible ?}
remus gives off transmasc mspec ace lesbian vibes, idk why but he does, he prolly uses neos but idk which ones ? prolly duke + violence related ones, also i think it would be funny if the side who had a sexual nature was someone who has a total of 0 sexual attraction
logan ,, prolly has autism + adhd ? again, i have to rewatch sasi but the way he acts when talking about his interests definitely feels like an autistic person talking about their special interests ? idk, but it does, he also doesnt understand social interactions n takes things literally
logan ,, prolly a lesboy tbh, definitely also mspec but doesnt feel like specifying which mspec label he uses, hes prolly also transmasc ? but i can see transfem ngl, also uses neos n uses all space neos !! prolly throw some doctor who related neos in there as well
patton prolly has autism + hyperempathy, from what i remember, patton, like logan, occasionally takes things literally, he also struggles w black n white thinking n thinks things are one or the other, he gets sensitive n cares v deeply about other ppl's emotions, but as i said multiple times already, i need to rewatch sasi so im not just going off of Vibes
u already know that i like this hc since i mentioned it the last time i sent u a queer sides ask so: transmasc hesbian patton, prolly even throw in butch + aro in there as well <3, he doesnt care about gender conformity n patton loves making ppl confused when says that hes a lesbian, he mostly just sticks to he/him but he wouldnt correct someone if they used they/them on him
Wait 2 million yrs until my autistic logan essay. He does have autism trust me believe me . He has SO MANY AUTISM TRAITS ITS INSANE.
Also. Totally not biased (sarcasm). But he 100% is transfem. Obviously not biased & nothing abt my blog would let u know i enjoy transfem logan, but hes transfem.
Also aspd remus :) nothing 2 add . ... i just like aspd remus.
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t4t-apexeclipse · 2 years
should i make a gender sides au sjjddjkdkf
like the sides have so many pronouns and various genders,,,, i love gender so much i wanna give the sides gender
logan: she/her, demigirl maybe? idk about sexuality. dresses fem but it’s like business casual. queen of the pencil skirt
patton: any pronouns with a preference for she/her, aromantic demisexual, and she’s just as confused about gender as i am (totally not projecting at all). butch queen <3
roman: he/him and she/her, aromantic abrosexual, bigender and butch as hell. doesn’t care what side of the gender spectrum she dresses as so long as he looks extra as hell. jewelry for days
remus: every pronoun, asexual and ???romantic (they don’t know), they don’t like labels for gender and describe his as “some sort of non-newtonian fluid… with glitter”. could not care less about gender tbh
janus: pronouns change from he/him to they/them depending on preference, idk about sexuality, genderfluid. they present feminine but don’t really identify with feminine gender. gnc snake <3
virgil: they/them and it/its, aromantic asexual, agender. goth queen, loves to wear victorian clothing (mostly to mess with roman and fluster her <3)
idk what to do with this au i just really wanted to gender up the sides sjdjdjfkfk
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thevagueambition · 4 years
Tonks, Lan Xichen and my darling boy Bossuet, please sir :3
I shall provide! :P thanks for asking!
Sexuality Headcanon: Mostly she's just vibing but she tends to date girls. Not super concerned with labeling anything, but will casually refer to herself as gay.
Gender Headcanon: A vague hand gesture followed by a shrug. She prefers a butch aesthetic and her bio would say "any pronouns"
A ship I have with said character: I don't super ship her with anyone tbh
A BROTP I have with said character: Mad-Eye as her mentor is super funny to me and she herself makes a good gay mentor for Ginny lol. I also want to see her make friends with Sirius and Remus
A NOTP I have with said character: Not as notp as some notps I have but due to the history of their relationship being used to crush gay readings of either character involved, Tonks/Remus. I really respect when people write that as very queer in and of itself but on a personal level I can't really get over 1) the intent it was likely written with 2) the way it's written in canon.
A random headcanon: She's involved with 90s zine culture
General Opinion over said character: I am extremely fond of her. Along with Remus, she's the most queercoded character in HP.
Lan Xichen (I probably have some unpopular opinions here lol)
Sexuality Headcanon: hmm so this is complicated by the psudo-historical context because... I see LXC as someone whose primary concern (or at least one of them) is living up to the ideal of a man of his status as defined by his society and I think what the setting is emulating is a society where a marriage to a woman is part of that and romantic sentiments aren't really considered abnormal in male-male friendships. And I see him as someone who is satisfied within that system. So if being "straight" is having a sexuality that is not at odds with societal norms, that is what I see him as. True, he doesn't show much interest in women, but frankly homosocial relationships were often the most emotionally significant relationships people had in heavily gender stratified societies like all of MDZS and particularly the Cloud Recess is, regardless of the presence of any sexual attraction. Idk. Like I genuinely feel like I'd need to read a great deal more about sexuality in the period of Chinese history MDZS draws its inspiration from to give an actual answer lol
Gender Headcanon: He seems pretty normatively cis male and indeed concerned with living up to his duties as a highborn man specifically.
A ship I have with said character: I somewhat ship him with Jin Guangyao but only along the lines of "acceptable" romantic sentiments because personally i really prefer that LWJ's homosexuality is uniquely transgressive within his immediate surroundings. if you see WWX as gay, which I think makes as much sense as seeing him as bi, then ofc once they get together it's not unique in that WWX is also being openly gay, but what I mean is the ways in which eg LWJ openly declares his love for WWX to LXC in the backstory, doesn't mind people assuming he's fucking Mo Xuanyu, etc
A BROTP I have with said character: Jin Guangyao as well, LWJ ofc (the literal bro B) )
A NOTP I have with said character: I REALLY don't want to see him with WWX lol
A random headcanon: In some ways he acted as LWJs parent due to the situation with their parents. Their uncle stepped in to do a lot or parenting, yes, but I think LXC is the type of older sibling who has a very parental relation to their younger sibling due to elements of how they grew up combined with general personality
General Opinion over said character: He's really great. The absolute gap moe of how calm he usually is contrasted with his reaction to the JGY reveal.... fantastic. Also every time he teases LWJ is so valid lol. Truly he is great Older Brother Rep lol
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual in the exact manner a lot of historical men who have sex with men were lol
Gender Headcanon: Cis male, albeit complicated by his sexuality, as it always would have been at the time
A ship I have with said character: Both Joly/Bossuet on their own and power triad Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta
A BROTP I have with said character: Bossuet and Grantaire have such great canon interactions! They're clearly close and imo Bossuet is one of the few people Grantaire sometimes listens to because Bossuet bothering to argue with him in Back Room of the Café Musain is exactly because they're good enough friends that he feels he can say it and should be the one to do so, as well that he has some experience of sometimes halting Grantaire in his Grantaire-ing
A NOTP I have with said character: Hmm nothing comes to mind really
A random headcanon: In some ways he's who Grantaire could be if he wasn't so deep in a pit of mental illness and self pity and Bossuet's aware of that to some extent, understands that who Grantaire is is not that far from who he could be if he lost his belief in Progress and didn't have Joly. IMO Bossuet is incredibly observant, particularly emotionally.
General Opinion over said character: Imagine acidentially giving up your spot at uni to another student because you got so annoyed with the professor that you began trolling him but it backfired and then telling this to the guy who you gave up your spot for but in a way where you frame it as if you did it completely intentionally and indeed you're thankful to him because now you don't have to go to law school all because you don't want him to feel bad about it and also it's funnier Bossuet Is That Dude
Honestly, he's one of my absolute favourites
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ptomlins · 8 years
Get to Know You Better
I was tagged by @tejoxys​ c:
Blog: largely fandom based, no organization, i hardly even tag things anymore, but it is a Part of Me, and also I have cool mutuals (nick)Name(s): I don’t really have...any? My given name really doesn’t lend itself to nicknames. And like, I go by pt on here, but does it really count as a nickname if you gave it to yourself? Preferred Gender: soft butch, hard femme, she/her pronouns Star Sign: libra Height: on the tall side of 5′9″ Sexual Orientation: queer / demi / poly Hogwarts House: ravenclawwwww Favourite Colour: all of them Favourite Animal: octopuses are pretty cool Cat or Dog person: mostly both, but slightly more cat Favourite Fictional Characters: I’ve literally had this sitting open for two days because I don’t want to answer this question. I’m going to forget someone and have to leave out other someones and I’m just going to feel so terrible about the whole thing. But here goes. Remus Lupin, E. Aster Bunnymund, Ronan Lynch, Veralidaine Sarrasri, Natasha Romanoff, Pearl from Steven Universe, Spock, Elizabeth Swann, Jack Zimmermann. Woefully inadequate, but it will do.  Number of blankets I sleep with: sheet and a comforter when its cold, just a sheet when its warm, sometimes various layers of 1-3 blankets if its somewhere in between Favourite Singer/Band:  I’m gonna be That Person and say Ke$ha, because she speaks to my soul, and I can’t choose between any of the others.  Dream Trip: something that involves both Disneyland and hiking NorCal Dream Job: writer. and/or creative writing professor. or a park ranger, idk, I like my job, but I’m starting to realize I really really don’t want to work in a windowless box for the rest of my career When was this blog created: July 2011, holy god What made you create this blog: tbh I was looking at different blogging platforms because I had this grand idea to make a writing blog and do daily writing exercises and of course we all see how well that’s turned out :) 
tagging @chanduril, @bookishgina, @cawtchlin, @kaitybgood, @definitely2sexual, @referencedyke, @obytheby, @torrence-with-an-e, @thereisacuriousparadox
(no pressure)
(if you wanna)
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amorremanet · 8 years
10, 23, 37, 42
asks for fanfic writers.
10. how do you do your researches?
Depends on what I’m researching, but usually, it starts with Google and/or Wikipedia, unless I have other sources that are immediately on-hand, or that have pointed me to places I should be looking. Sometimes, I’ll go use my grad student access to various academic databases for something that is actually useful.
Then, I filter through the stuff to find contradictions I should look at, find the pieces that are unreliable (e.g., gossip journalism with no demonstrable basis in fact, history about POC that was written by white people, LGBTIQ history written by straight people, things that might have been questionably translated, etc.). And then I sorta have to play it by ear, because this is about when it starts getting more variable, based on what I’m researching and what I’ve found or not.
23. least favorite story you’ve ever written
Do you want me to go chronologically or alphabetically? That being said:
* A lot of my old school, “I wrote this when I was fifteen and so deeply closeted that I was Katniss Everdeen levels of, ‘Everybody seems to know my secrets before I know them myself’ before Katniss was even a character who existed, and I really, really thought I was straight for like a minute. A really extended minute” Wolfstar fics are capital-B BAD.
Like, they’re OOC as fuck, they buy into all of the heterosexist and misogynistic top/bottom bullshit that fandom is still so fond of, I forced myself to write a bunch of fluff that I hated and that is absolutely disgusting to me because it’s: 1. overly derivative of “The Shoebox Project” but with absolutely no nuance or depth (so like, the fanon version of TSBP), because, like every other Wolfstar shipper at the time, I loved it and unfortunately, I subsequently emulated it way too much in my own writing, because I was fifteen and thought the only way to find any kind of a place or friends in fandom was to do the popular thing
Pro-tip, kids at home: this is an absolutely bullshit way to try and find a place or friends in fandom. It just straight up DOES NOT WORK.
All of the happy feels that resemble friendship you get will be totally surface-level at best, and unless you are really socially competent — which I was and still am not — you won’t be able to translate it into any meaningful connections with anyone else, because they won’t really be accepting YOU.
They will be giving you attention and appreciation, but you’ll be more or less the same as everyone else who’s doing The Popular Thing Of The Moment, especially if you’re creating content for a huge ship, like Wolfstar was at the time — or for newer examples, like K*laine, like S*terek, like V*iktuuri, like Skittles after a certain point, like [insert literally any popular dudeslash otp here] — but they won’t be accepting YOU, YOURSELF.
If what you are legitimately into happens to be The Popular Thing, then disregard this and keep doing your thing because you’re doing it in earnest and that means that you actually ARE sharing yourself with people through the content you make, and have an actual chance of finding a fannish place for yourself and finding friends in fandom who actually value you as a person, and not just as a creator of The Popular Thing.
But for everybody who’s just doing The Popular Thing because it happens to be The Popular Thing? No. Stop that. You are better and you deserve so much better than that.
Find what really makes you happy. This is a deceptively simple idea, because finding your bliss as a content creator — or the thing that gives you the most sense of purpose as a content creator, since tbh, finding happiness as a content creator is often going to feel pretty impossible — it’s hard. It takes time. It takes a lot of trial and error, it takes soul-searching, it might very well take skydiving and seeing what flashes through your mind (it didn’t for me but I wouldn’t be very surprised if it did for someone)
—but whatever it takes? Find what kind of content it REALLY makes you happy to create, and then do that. It won’t always be The Popular Thing, and yes, let’s be honest, it will fucking suck to put your heart and soul into something, only to feel like people are just totally ignoring it.
But it’s also more likely to help you find people who genuinely share your interests and who are more likely to click with you (especially out in Rarepair Hell; there aren’t enough of us, so we sometimes end up bonding more tightly), and in the end?
Artistic integrity and truly making something that you can be proud of? That’s worth more than how many kudos or followers you can get by doing The Popular Thing when your heart isn’t actually in it.
This has been the most pretentious, “you’re a star, baby, just be yourself” PSA ever, and now back to our regularly scheduled self-deprecation!
and 2. Those old Wolfstar fluff pieces I wrote are gross to me now because they are so fucking emotionally dishonest — both to how Sirius and Remus are as characters, and to how I felt at the time, which was, “meh, varying degrees of miserable but with no functional idea why this is and even less of an idea of how to articulate it” — because I was so desperate to be accepted somewhere and get validation in the form of people on FF.net liking my terrible fanfic.
Like, every sin you can commit as a writer, I probably committed it with those fics and as such, they’re all completely atrocious. Even the “angsty” ones aren’t worth shit because I copped out and gave most of them either pasted-on happy endings or, “lol i am using canon as an excuse to not do a happy ending but i’m still not actually exploring everything as much as it deserves la la laaaaaa~ (somebody please please love me)” endings. They are all hooooooorrible, period, end of discussion.
There’s exactly one (1) that I wouldn’t burn if it were an actual printed book, and it’s the one that has ‘vaguely genderfluid but I didn’t have that word in my vocabulary in 2005’!Sirius having gender and presentation feels about wearing pretty skirts, and a parallel Hermione/Luna story about soft dapper butch!Hermione having gender and presentation feels about wanting to wear suits that were Totally Not Inspired By The Pics from And Fanart of Tipping The Velvet That I’d Seen Online, Nuh Uh, Nope (except that they totally were).
It’s still pretty, “meh” because I wrote it when I was fifteen, and if I were to rewrite it now, I’d do a looooot of things differently but still. It’s about the only not-horrible thing I ever wrote.
oh wait, actually? There are two (2) that I wouldn’t burn.
The other one, I wrote right after we first got HBP and found out that Remus had been out with the werewolves, on Top Seekrit Spy Missions!!! — it had Albus (who was still assumed by most of us to probably be having it off in secret with McGoogles because DH hadn’t happened yet and brought us G*rindeldore For Real Though) going to his office after handling shit with Harry and the kids and all of the Order members who got injured at the battle at the end of OOTP
Because it was a Wolfstar fic, Remus is naturally in said office.
It’s, like, dawn or getting close to it, and Albus is like, “well fuck shit dammit, how am i supposed to have this conversation with Remus when he’s probably going to clam up and emotionally retreat and try to say that he isn’t hurting about losing Sirius, and i can’t entirely call him on it without invalidating him — which i am especially sensitive to at the moment because Harry just almost called me out on it lol — and it’s not like his and Sirius’s relationship was ever simple like fuck, they have one of the most complicated relationships i’ve ever seen, crap fuck dammit, remus make this easy on both of us and let me comfort you okay”
And Remus is just like, “no, fuck that, dnw”
“i don’t suppose that i can ask what you’re planning to do”
“well i’m homeless again but it’s nbd”
“the order still has headquarters—”
“i’m just saying—”
“please just give me some pasted-on condolences and then give me a mission so i don’t have to think about anything”
“that sounds like one of the most emotionally unhealthy ideas that you have ever had this week”
“hey, so, you need somebody to go do reconnaissance/outreach with the werewolves, right”
“um i think that can wait—”
“…………*dumble-sighs* remus, will you please go underground to do information gathering and outreach with the werewolves :/”
“yes. thank you, professor. i absolutely will.”
“this is still one of your worst ideas ever, jsyk”
“la la la can’t hear you over the sound of you giving me permission to do it la la la”
this is, at best, a really sketchy recreation of it that isn’t historically accurate on the grounds that i’m writing the sketch with the view of canon that i have now — minus the obvious omission of the Truth of Grindeldore — but that’s the basic outline of things
if I were to rewrite the thing now, I would do a lot of things differently
but the original fic isn’t completely without its merits, even if it could be a lot better
* “Close Enough For Rock and Roll” — Absolutely terrible, forever abandoned WIP because it’s absolutely terrible. It’s completely bogus D*estiel cis mpreg that has no reason to exist because it’s TERRIBLE. I cringe so hard whenever I get any FF.net emails about people liking it because…… ew. no. why would you even. I don’t even know you but plz. Love yourself and read something better, you deserve that.
* It is a closely-guarded secret of mine — by which I mean that it’s on my FF.net account — that once upon a time, I wrote D*rarry not once, but twice. They’re patently horrible fics, and there’s a reason for that. Namely: I don’t ship it, I have never shipped it, I have never for the life of me understood why it is A Thing, and I am never, ever GOING to ship it — usually, this would be shooting myself in the foot but it’s been 16+ years and I still don’t ship it, so I think I’m in the clear — but the girl I was in love with at the time dared me to write it, just to see if I could. She had a beautiful smile, but I refused to lose.
The fics are garbage and the only reason I don’t regret them is that nah nah nah nah nah nah, I won.
* It is a less closely-guarded secret of mine — by which I mean that it is up on my AO3 — that I wrote NC-17 S*terek once. I hate it a bit less than everything else I’ve listed here, because it’s not completely awful and I wrote it for a friend who’d been having a shitty time of things, and hey, it made her happy so mission accomplished — but it’s still pretty bad. It has a Derek who’s a darker shade of morally gray than he usually is and unnecessarily special!Stiles and consent that is at best highly questionable (though at least I acknowledge it and tagged it as such).
But mostly I hate it because I don’t actually ship that and have so many better fics but ugh, of course the garbage, poorly-written porn for the fandom’s favorite OTP is one of my most popular fics on AO3. UGGGGGGGGGGGGH.
37. canon or AU?
*shrugs* Both are good, it depends on how I feel today.
42. do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
………Can I just say, “yes” and leave it at that, like??? Sometimes one, sometimes the other, but usually, it’s a mix of both?
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