#and remus as their butch boyfriend
sayingyournames · 2 years
thinking about transfem remus a lot recently. thoughts? opinions? hcs?
here is a link to my giant list of trans wolfstar hc!
but also - the more i think about it, the more i think remus would 100% be butch. maybe she spent the first couple of years after she came out dressing as hyper femme as possible, expensive makeup and growing her hair, long nails and short skirts. fast-forward like six months into hrt and she starts wearing briefs and cuts her hair into a mullet, and stops wearing bras when her tits start to grow - shaves her face and chest but not her legs.
she never got to be a tomboy as a kid, and masculinity felt dangerous when it was something that was expected of her. then she came out and the pendulum swung in the opposite direction and she just -doesn’t want to think about it anymore. stops measuring her womanhood by cis people’s standards and finds other lesbians who get her and everything fits together, then.
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So I know this is going back w bit but fuck it. Virgil finds a good recording of American Idiot the musical and he seduces Remus into watching with him (read: offers to cuddle with him without the hoodie like a harlot /j)
And obviously Remus agrees, to watch his boyfriend watching the Green Day musical. Because cute. He does not expect this edgy spider to go apeshit in the middle of it. Why? Because guess who plays St. Jimmy? Billy Joe Armstrong, Green Day's bi lead singer, oft mistaken for a butch lesbian.
Remus is confused but he's more than happy if Virgil is happy
The Emo knows exactly what he's doing when he bribes the chaotic Duke with being held and having a peek of those B U F F arms (He of course would agree even without it but it's a bonus XD) I'm fucking cackling at the thought of that moment happening and Vee just starts aggressively shaking Ree around being hyped as fuck like "Babe it's Billy!!! Babe it's fucking Billy L O O K!!!" while Ree internally is just like "I don't know what the fuck is going on but he's happy and I love it :}D" XD
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my marauders hcs because I need to get my opinions out there:
James: Pansexual King, questioned his gender twice, both times at midnight and decided that he was just A Guy™
Sirius: Gay gay homosexual gay. Also genderfluid, he uses he/him pronouns almost all days, but he does drag and sometimes she'll switch up to she/her
Peter: oriented homosexual aroace. I just think it's neat. Also he/they pronouns
Remus: Bi king and a trans guy, he/him pronouns
Lily: Bi queen, she/they pronouns, Demigirl
Marlene: Lesbiannnn, she/her but also likes being called a boyfriend cus she's a butch king
Dorcas: lesbian femme queen, she/her
Mary: She/her, Demigirl, bonded with marlene and lily about feeling weird about her gender a lot. Also bi
Pandora: Pansexual nonbinary pangender queen, they/she pronouns
Evan: homosexual male, questioned his gender once but settled on being gnc
Barty: homosexuality incarnate, kinda wants to do drag but is scared to
Regulus: Trans guy, gay because why not, he/him pronouns (I also sometimes headcanon him as ace in some universes)
Emmeline: ace lesbian, she/he pronouns, never really labeled his gender
Alice: she/her, bisexual and proud
Narcissa: saw someone say they hc her as a transwoman and omg yes, she's pan also, she/her pronouns
Frank: he/him, pan but tbh he doesn't rlly give a fuck about his sexuality, will punch people who misgender his friends
I'll add to this if i think of anything!
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quillkiller · 10 months
Tumblr media
jegulus sucks and marylily is unbearably boring yall will feminize all male characters but are terrified of butch lesbians and by butch i do not fucking mean boyfriend jeans and baggy shirts i mean butch dykes and also this top dom alpha james is weird as all fucking hell and honestly and maryjames is better than jily and lesbian regulus is The regulus and lily should cheat on james in any universe also james/the sun is so fucking boring i swear to god like i love my optimistic little boy as much as the next person but like imagine if he had some duality to his characterization also walburga is not the fucking villain like yeah there’s no excuse for her abuse but she is not The Culprit like bro this is the 70s she did not have a lot of choice in her life and probably not in who she married and her abuse is allowed because her husband allows it (still not an excuse) and i cannot fathom how an outright abusive mother frightens people more than the patriarchal system that sits back and allows it lilyrosekiller is a great ship and i especially love it for lily and if i ever see remus lupin called a casanova ever again i will simply kill myself like it almost borders on ableism ??? like it just feels like people project that ono him BECAUSE of his disadvantages in a weird attempt to be inclusive like even if he is hot (and i believe he is) hes still a wet blanket that wouldnt believe that about himself and if he was a SLUT (which im not opposed to) it would not be because hes a casanova who can bag anyone it would be because hes a slag for any sort of attention and also reg in jegulus almost always feels like a self insert and gives him no character hmmmmmmmmmm tiktok has the absolute worst characterization of pandora
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dyke-remy · 4 years
Remy has been gone for 25 days!
Here is some character info about the Pact AU (The au I talked about yesterday)
The mains:
Remus Kayk. 16. He/him + a ton of neopronouns. Nonbinary transmasc. Being a functioning person? He hasn’t heard of it. Very lonely. Very traumatized. Has p-ocd and delusions and goes between being sex repulsed and hypersexual. Doesn't like foxes, hounds or vipers. Still feral gremlin tho.
Logan Lyon. 16. He/him. Gay punk. Chooses to be alone until he finally reaches out to Rem. Most in class sees him as a bully just bc he looks intimidating even tho he’s never bullied anyone. He skips most classes and yet somehow has straight A???? How??? Has no chill. Will ramble about science and space at every chance.
Side characters:
Rowan Kayk. 16. She/her. Femme bi. Most popular girl in class bc she’s just a very nice person. Protective of her twin. Can and will stab someone in the eye with her heels if they dare insult her girlfriend. Cheerleader captain!!
Virgil Coen. 16. She/her. Butch lesbian (hence choosing to go by a male name). Rowan’s girlfriend. She was bullied before Rowan stepped in and threatened them over and over until they stopped. Actual ray of sunshine x introverted calm.
Remy Siest. 24. They/them. The school counselor Remus goes to. They introduced him to neopronouns. They hoard boyfriends like a dragon hoards treasure (in a consensual poly way). Just vibing bro.
Patton Kayk. 42. He/him. Gay and aro. Didnt want a relationship but wanted kids so he adopted Rowan and Remus. Bestest dad ever. Trying and doing his best.
Janus Siest. 23. He/him. Logan's older brother. Ran away when he was 16 after an..... Accident and hasn't seen Lo since. Happens to be Remy's boyfriend. They're not married he just took their last name.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Ooh, ghost cookies! *takes one, remembers manners, proceeds to be too awkward to actually ask for it and so silently puts it back* I'm glad you're okay. Now do talk to us about your crushes Remus, gush!
"Oh please. Take as many cookies as you'd like. You best believe that if you don't leave here feeling full and satisfied it will feel like you've slapped me in my beautiful face with my beautifully manicured sword!" Rowan exclaimed while Remus nodded along.
"I'll shove the sword down your throat if you don't shove those cookies down" He half joked.
Rowan poked at his paper "Are you gonna talk about your crushes or are you just gonna draw them like a shy little loser"
"Don't touch my paper! I'll gnaw your toes off in your sleep!"
She continued poking the paper while smiling at him. He bit the air while making gnawing noises in return.
He looked down at the paper where he'd doodled some sideway looks of his crushes' heads. A small smile played on his lips as his cheeks went just a bit red.
"I just think it's nice how whenever I blurt out some over the top murder idea or anything like that Janus always adds onto an even more extra idea. And I know Remy dislikes horror movies and gore and animal biology, they've told me that a lot, but they're still willing to watch nature documentaries and old school horror films with me- as long as I pay for their starbucks heh"
"Ah yes. The good old extortion technique. Very familiar with that" Rowan nodded along.
"Yeah! But they! They just! I! Sometimes when it's just me and Remy I'll look over to them and catch them like glancing at me! And they just! Sometimes during those moments they just! They will smile or just look at me and- and I just know they only smile like that at very very few special people and it just makes me feel so!!! Like a bunch of maggots will burst out of my bones! The look in their eyes is just!!! It makes me wanna uhm ehm maybe uh throw a live heart at them or something! I can't explain it!"
"I get you dukey!! It's the special soft gay eyes!!"
"I swear a butch will give me a one of those looks and I am already ready to buy a cat with her!"
"But you're allergic to cats!"
"E X A C T L Y!"
Remus scribbled around with the pen, really just drawing random shapes to stim while continuing "And uh Janus he uh my intrusive thoughts still get really bad like all the time especially when I have panic attacks and stuff like that but he's always so calm and ready to help. Even before I told them I'm prone to freak out like some braindead goose! They don't even think my reasons for freaking out are stupid! Ever! He just- he's just ready to help me! Willingly!!! Like he cares about me or something!!! Like some dumb slut!!!"
"Aww. I think he seems like a nice slut"
The scribbling went over into him full on just stabbing the paper with the pencil, leaving sharp dots of black on the paper "And they're both so pretty!! I'm uh I'm afraid of cuddling with them but I- I do daydream about it. Sometimes it feels like my eyes will melt out of my skull when I look at Jannie. Because y'know. It's a joke about how they're hot okay. They're all soft and perfect to cuddle as well! And warm!!!"
Rowan nodded along even harder now "I getya! It's the same with me and tiddies! Nothing beats tiddy pillows! Except maybe thigh pillows depending on how cozy the bed is"
"Yeah!!! Tit pillow! Oh if only my brain wasn't made up of a bunch neurotic little rats constantly having a crisis, I could be having the best sleep ever. And uh Remy just looks so perfect all the time. Even when I've seen them all messy right after waking up they still look so gorgeous and glimmering and uh perfect. No matter what they're wearing. They're just- they're just like that???? I guess??? Maybe the sold their soul to the devil who knows"
"They definitely did. I can sense it"
He let out a long sigh "Would be nice if they didn't have a boyfriend. But oh well Virgil seems to be a good boyfriend so I can't take Remy from him"
"You can murder him" Rowan suggested immediately.
"I can't!!! He's a good one!!! though i have made up 13 murder plans for him so far. But I'm not going through with them!!! Because he's good!!!"
"WHat else are you supposed to do with a boyfriend if not kill them???? Or husbands for that matter???"
"Not all of us are lesbians RoRo!!"
"Not yet!"
She laughed at her own joke. Remus grimaced a bit. Not at the joke. He was just thinking.
Remus looked over to her. His voice went a bit quieter "Do...Do you think they find me pretty?" He had that look in his eyes so she knew exactly what he was Really talking about "They're both gay"
"Come on dukey. You know how many pre-e trans women I've found pretty. Jan and Remy are good eggs I'm sure they find you- well they probably think you're a bit of a gremlin- but a pretty one! We have the same face after all so they must think you're quite gorgeous"
"...I hope so.." He bonked his forehead against the table "It's just so frustrating. They're both so different from Os. Obviously since they're all different people and not like a hivemind. But I still expect them to act just like him! All the time! Whatever we're doing! Not- not that he was bad or whatever you think!!! Just that...Ugh you know!!! I just wish my brain would like calm the fuck down"
"Isn't that what the meds are there to do?" She asked with a half smile, just to annoy him.
"My brain is still a pack of nervous rats RoRo!! I just wanna not be nervous around my crushes. Or I mean be nervous in the normal gross lovey dovey way! Not the rat way!!!" He pouted "I wanna be with them even if I get anxious....Be with them....." His eyes went huge "RORO IT'S HALLOWEEN TODAY! IT'S THE FUCKING HALLOWEEN PARTY! HOLY SHIT WHAT'S THE TIME??? WE GOTTA GET READY!"
"We're going? I thought maybe you didn't wanna go right after having a psychotic episode. There's gonna be a lot of drunk and high people there y'know"
Remus had gotten up from his seat and was looking around the room like a stressed out chipmunk who had forgotten where it had put all of it's food.
"It's halloween!!!" He exclaimed "I'm not gonna let some brain rats ruin the bestest time of the year okay! I achieve my maximal amount of power on halloween!! I can do this! I can function! I will not die! And Jan and Remy will be there so I gotta be there too!"
Rowan clasped her hands together and stood up "Okay then. Lucky for the party goers since if I wasn't there the whole party would have been much more ugly. Literally" She poked his shoulder "Though you have to promise you will tell me if you start feeling panicky. Even just a little. I am not letting you have a panic attack at the gay bar you freaking onka stompa"
He sighed "I promise" He was vibrating from excitement "Now get the costumes!!"
"Only if you help me on with my corset!"
"Only if you help me on with my binder!!"
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subloganrights · 5 years
I keep thinking about the lesbeans. Here's another idea that came to mind Femme Dee and her gfs, trans butch Lucy, and Rose (Remus) who dresses however she damn well pleases ~💙
ooooooooooooooooooooo fuck me I Am Gay for this idea (also Rose for Ree? I die) but consider: Dee and Lu passing as your typical lesbian couple (you know, femme/butch) both look like stone cold bitches in their own ways then Rose just bursting between them a mess of crop tops, obscenely ripped boyfriend jeans, flips flops, and a bandanna tying half her hair up w/ obvs smudged last nights makeup (oof wish I could draw)
but hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gimmie more of lesbean intruloceit 
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littleandroidwrites · 8 years
Send “ ✉ ” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
[Penn → THE DEVIL]: it’s weird, being back in the same town as you again. every time i see your face, it’s like i forget for a second. what you did. i guess i tried not to look at you after we broke up. i got rid of all the pictures, i ignored you in the hallways. all of the times when i’ve really looked at you, it was when i loved you. just love. nothing else. and for a second when i see you, that’s all there is. and then i talk myself out of it, remind myself what happened between us. that’s why i hate seeing you so much. i feel like i’ve had my fucking heart cut out ten times a minute just looking at you [unsent]
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
[Penn → THE DEVIL]: i never tolkd you but ji kyept one of your rings. you must havve left ti at my house before jwe broke up. i dfound it when i was moving out, a couple years later. i should have thrown it out.
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
[Penn → THE DEVIL]: can you just stay out of my life? the last thing i need is some low life drug dealer kicking around the bakery and scaring away all the customers. don’t ruin my life a second time.
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text.
[Remus → j]: no fcking joke i jst locked samson and delilah inside the house with my key you need to come home immediately before they burn the place down jael NOW
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
[Remus → j]: calm down. i saved you a slice of pizza.
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
[Remus → j]: delilah just broke up with her piece of shit boyfriend over the phone i am so proud of her
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
[Axel → ice ice baby too cold 😈]: i didn’t want you to go. admitting that to you was so hard. i spent so much time trying to convince myself i didn’t need you anymore. it never worked, ice. ever. you’re a part of me. you’re the best part of me. i know i’m getting married tomorrow. but i just wanted you to know that. i love you.
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
[Axel → ice ice baby too cold 😈]: are you really seeing reeve again?
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[Aladdin → regina george]: that’s ridiculous, snow. of course i don’t like her. she’s a fucking succubus in a cheerleading skirt. i’m smarter than that
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
[Aladdin → regina george]: listen, you’re awful. but you’re not bad. at all. you’re funny. maybe you’re not all that sweet, but i know the core of you is good. i kind of observe people as a hobby, punz. and i like that way you are. you’re not cold, not completely. you’re just not willing to let everybody in. even if i’m not one of the people you want behind your walls, i just want you to know... i don’t think anything bad about you. not really. and i liked spending time with you.
[Aladdin → regina george]: i hope you delete that text and pretend i never sent it
Send “✆” for a MORNING text.
[Cooper → 8via]: I’ve been trying to figure out how to send this text without sounding like a fuckboy for about half an hour, but I don’t think there’s a way so I’ll just come right out and say it: Your bra is in my pocket. You must’ve forgot it and I thought probably I shouldn’t leave it behind when the place was opening soooo... I’m just hoping there’s no random pat downs in my immediate future.
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
[Cooper → 8via]: I’d like the FUCK out of the picture you just posted if we weren’t sworn enemies.
[Cooper → 8via]: Guess I’ll just have to show my appreciation for it in person?  💐 😘
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
[Cooper → 8via]: You’re not at the clubhouse, right?
[Cooper → 8via]: Tavia, go home. Butch is in one of his moods and the rest are following.
[Cooper → 8via]: Everybody’s real hyped up, go home
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