#renaissance festivals are just fantasy cons
sungrave · 10 months
I saw the Goostarion videos so much now i have a hard time remembering his name is actually ASTARION but more importantly, i work at a Renaissance festival and we also have the lost and found in our booth and someone lost their phone with Astarion as the background and my coworker was like "interesting background choice" and two thoughts went through my head immediately 1. There are people who dont actually know Baldur's gate 3 2. Sometimes people working at the renfaire doesn't mean they are into or know of every lil fantasy rabbithole that exists
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atopfourthwall · 1 year
A bit of a weird question, but I might be moving out of my home state to minnesota, specifically minneapolis, because being trans down here is rather rough. Do you have any advice for living in the state? Cool hidden spots? What to do for a person who's never experienced a snowy winter?
Alrighty, a few things I can mention - some of it is secondhand so don't take my word for it, but it'll be helpful. -Trans healthcare (and quality of healthcare) is pretty good in the state in my experience. You SHOULD be able to find the resources you need, though bear in mind while quality is good, price is no different - shit's still expensive everywhere because health care is itself expensive, but any other Minnesotans here feel free to reblog or chime in the replies with anything particularly useful or helpful. -Alrighty, your winter experiences will be slightly different depending on if you're living in the suburbs or the city itself. In an apartment in the city? You're probably fine - I'm assuming relying on public transportation, of which there are several options like the buses or light rail, though I know people from other cities who come to Minnesota say our public transport is lacking compared to other major cities. What I can say is that with the winter, unless it's a REALLY bad storm or the temperature drops to dangerous levels (we're talking degrees below zero), everything should still be open and running. -If you have your own car, during the winter keep weighted things in it - a cement block, bags of sand/salt, etc. Increased weight helps keep you from slipping. It's not perfect but it helps. Consequently, if you lose control on the ice, turn INTO the skid and pump the brakes - don't just press it flat, repeatedly pump the brakes to regain control. -If you have a house and a front walk/driveway, SHOVEL AND SALT. Overhangs on houses drip water when the temperature is right for melting, but the temperature will usually drop and freeze. Salt that area to either prevent it from freezing or make it easier to chop through with an ice chipper. Shoveling is just necessary depending on the severity of the snow (usually anything more than an inch or two should be shoveled) both for safety and because mail carriers will not deliver if you don't. -This year we had a reeeaally bad winter. Multiple heavy snowstorms that required going out to shovel multiple times during the day. Get warm clothes, wear layers - especially until you're used to it. However, most years it's fine. Light snowfall during winter, covers everything, maybe one bad storm but most of the time tolerable. -As for stuff to do - TONS! Minnesota has a thriving community of nerds, artists, performers, and just talented people in general. We have two major zoos - one of them paid, one free (Como Zoo), multiple parks and indeed Land of 10,000 Lakes so lots of lake beaches to enjoy swimming or fishing if that's your thing. The Science Museum remains one of the coolest places to learn stuff on various science topics even into adulthood. Conventions are relatively plentiful, though as a warning some cons are for-profit and have some... questionable leadership, look into them before deciding to go - particularly on the anime con front, but we have sci-fi/fantasy cons aplenty, too. The Mall of America is a big, big place with tons of fun stores and whatnot, including the former Camp Snoopy (currently Nickelodeon Universe). The Walker Art Center has an amazing statue garden, including the iconic Cherry and Spoon fountain. There's also the amusement park Valley Fair, which during Halloween becomes Valley Scare with spooky attractions in the neighboring area that's used for the annual Renaissance Festival. -Minnesota is a fairly large state. Not Texas big, but since it's mostly plains and hills, a lot of it is spread out and getting from one city to another usually requires going on freeways (we're also weird because we have left exits on some parts of freeways). If you don't have your own vehicle, you may want to consider getting one just to get to farther places. That's all I've got off the top of my head! Good luck with your move and remember: we only have two seasons here - Winter and Road Construction.
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floatingpetals · 4 years
My Faire Lady || Ch. 1
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes (Renaissance Faire Au!)
Warnings: Nothin’
Word Count: 3300+
Summary: Going to a Renaissance Faire wasn’t what she had planned to do over the weekend, but a drunken promise between friends can’t be broken. Full of magic and festivities, she never thought she would enjoy the fair as much as she did. Nor did she ever dream she’d catch the eye of not one, but two gorgeous Knights of the Queen. Bestowed with their tokens of affection, she found herself swept into their arms for a weekend she’d never forget. She was under no illusion, there was no chance this could ever be more than a fantasy at the fair. They would move on, and so would she. It didn’t mean she wasn’t going to enjoy this while she could. (18+ Only Story) 
A/N: The first part to I don’t know how many parts!!! I have this whole story planned, fortunately, but as you can tell from the very first chapters word count, it’s gonna be another long one lol. I’m super excited about this story! I hope you all enjoy, please please please reblog and comment! Thank you and enjoy!! 
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 *Coming Soon* | Series Masterlist
“Oh come on!”
Y/N rolled her eyes at the whine from her couch and ignored her friend. She leaned closer to her computer and tried to focus on the editing at hand. She needed to get these pictures finished so she could send them to the publisher for print. She didn’t have time for Coby’s whining.
“Pleaassseeeee?” Coby threw her head back against the pillows and let out her loudest and most obnoxious whine ever.
Y/N scoffed and shook her head.
“I told you no!”
“But you have to come!’ Coby whined again. She sat up and twisted around on the couch, hanging over the edge. “You promised!”
“I didn’t promise you anything!” Y/N argued, straightening her back to turn and glare at Coby. She wasn’t dumb enough to ever promise anything to her friend. No matter how much she might love her best friend of ten years, Coby fought dirty to get her way. Y/N learned from her mistakes and swore to never do it again.
However, when she turned to glare over her shoulder, she stopped short at the wicked grin on Coby’s face. Her blood drained from her cheeks, fear coursing through her veins. Oh no.
“Oh but you did, dear lady friend,” Coby replied with a diabolical sneer. She pulled out her phone and unlocked it, tapping away a few times before the sound of Y/N and her whispering filled the room. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. Oh no. How did she forget about that night?
“Oh god,” The recording of Y/N groaned. There was a slight slur to her words from the drinks she’d gone through already. “It’s Tim. Please dear god don’t come over, don’t come over, don’t come over-Oh no he’s coming over.”
Coby laughed, then the sound of shuffling and Y/N’s voice groaned again.
“Coby, please. Do something!”
“What do you want me to do?” Coby stifled a laugh.
“I don’t know! Get rid of him!”
“And what do I get out of it?” Coby inquired. At the time, Y/N didn’t catch the underlying treachery in Coby’s voice, but now she heard it loud and clear. She was really hating past drunk her right now.
“I don’t- Jesus. I don’t care! Anything you ask-just please get rid of him!”
“Anything? You promise?” Coby drawled. Y/N on the recording grumbled in response.
“Yeah, yeah, I promise. Just get rid of him! I’m not spending another night listening to him gloat about his big his dick is again.”
“He doesn’t do that.”
“Bragging about your daddies company you did shit to earn when the man retired is the same god damn thing. Coby!” Y/N hissed the panic mounting. Coby laughed and she could hear her friend begin to stand.
“Alright, I’ll get rid of him. But you better be ready to keep that promise.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Coby!”
The audio shutoff and silence rang through the room. Coby smirked triumphantly and tucked her phone away in her pocket with an extra flourish. Y/N’s mouth fell open, mentally running through the number of ways she could get out this. Yet at every corner she took, she hit dead ends. Now she was backed against the wall and there was no knight in shining armor to come save her. Coby clapped her hands together, that wicked smile back as she pinned Y/N with a stare.
“You’re coming with me this weekend. And that’s final.”
Y/N gulped. She was never drinking again. True, she was not a fan Tim but she wasn’t that desperate to sign her life away to the devil’s incarnate. This was going to be another plane jump trip, wasn’t it? Coby saw the way Y/N blanched at the prospect she was going to be dragged someplace to do something dangerous once again and snickered.
“You can stop freaking out.” Coby snorted. “I don’t have plans to go shark diving until the summer. I got plenty of time to get you to come then.”
“The fuck you will!” Y/N’s eyes bulged in their sockets. Coby threw her head back and cackled at the horror in Y/N’s eyes.
“Oh stop, you know you’d have fun. But seriously. This isn’t like that.” Coby waved her hand. “I want you to come with me to the Renesaasnce festival this weekend.”
“Uh-huh….” Y/N squinted, her heart still racing at the threat of swimming with the sharks. This, however, wasn’t as scary as that venture but still not any less comforting. There had to be a catch. “That’s too easy for you.”
“Well, of course, it is,” Coby smirked. “I don’t always want to get my heart pumping every chance I get. I do enjoy the simple things.”
“You’re not simple.” Y/N interjected flatly. “You’re the furthest thing from a simple person.”
“Shush.” Coby waved her off. “Anyways. Like I was saying, I want you to come with me this weekend to the Renaissance Faire. Josie’s mom got sick and she needs to help take care of her, so I have one free ticket for the weekend with a meal plan and a free beer in the beer garden each night. I know you’ve been working nonstop with the magazine and even if it’s just a weekend, you need a break.”
Y/N blinked, actually amazed. For once Coby wasn’t using this as a means to see how far she can push Y/N out of her comfort zone, but instead wanted to help? What the heck happened to Coby and where did they take her friend?
“Don’t look at me like that.” Coby bristled at the alarmed expression on Y/N’s face. “You’re coming. That’s that.”
“Really?” Y/N raised a brow. “You aren’t going to make stand up against a wall and let people throw knives around me? Or shoot arrows at an apple on my head?”
“I never said that wasn’t a possibility. Is it so wrong to want to spend the weekend with my best friends?” Coby shot back. Y/N was taken aback at the hurt in Coby’s tone, but also could smell the catch quickly creeping up on her.
“You keep saying the weekend.” Y/N uttered slowly. “What do you mean by ‘weekend’ Coby?”
“Oh right, that. The tickets include access to the campground.” Coby smiled innocently. “And I already have our tents for us.”
“Wait. What?” Y/N asked in disbelief. “Coby I’m not sleeping in a tent for a weekend at the fair!”
“Oh, it’ll be fine. They have showers and bathrooms, so running waters no problem. And besides, the closest hotel is almost an hour away and I do not want to waste time sitting in traffic trying to get in place.”
“I’m not-.”
“Or if you want,” Coby examined her fingernails, picking at the cuticles. “You can say no and I use the promise for the sharks.”
Y/N’s mouth snapped shut at that. Coby knew she had her when she looked back up, that stupid smirk on her face.
“Best get packin’ sweetheart. Cause you and I both know this is the lesser of two evils.”
Y/N let out a hot breath of air, her shoulders sagging in defeat. Coby was once again playing dirty. She didn’t have to do the pros and cons list. Sucking it up and going on this weekend trip would be a thousand times more enjoyable than being forced to go in a cage in the middle of the ocean. And Coby knew it.
“Fine. What time do we leave?”
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“Oh, this is gonna be so much fun!” Coby slammed the trunk shut and bent to grab her bags and her tent bag. Y/N grumbled next to her, holding her own bags, tent, and camera case. “Oh quit whining. This’ll be great.”
Y/N just rolled her eyes and followed her friend to the entrance. The fair wasn’t open for another hour, Coby insisted on leaving at the butt crack of dawn to get here. While the two-hour drive up was rather uneventful it wasn’t until they reached the turn for the road that led to the fair where Y/N understood why Coby was so adamant about the time the left. The cars were backed up all the way to interstate and they were forced to sit for what felt like hours just to get in the parking lot. She wouldn’t admit it to Coby, but the idea of staying on-site and avoiding that whole mind-numbing ordeal was sounding a lot more appealing than the alternative.
Even though this wasn’t exactly her plan for her weekend, Y/N was ready to make the most of it. Once she got some caffeine in her. Coby chatted about everything they had here, from the food to the archery lessons, to the different shows throughout the fair. Not to mentions the shops that Y/N was itching to get a look at. Most, if not all the buildings were built as if they were taken straight from a fairy tale book and had Y/N excited to snap a few photos of. Perhaps she could even get a few people to pose for photos in front of them.
“Why don’t we go set up our tents and put our stuff up, by then the gates should be open and hopefully the line will have died down some.” Coby interrupted, eyeing the mass of people stating at the entrance. Y/N hummed and nodded, following her friend as she led her to the other entrance.
Y/N couldn’t tear her eyes away from all the people dressed up. There were plenty of other sprinkled in there that wore regular everyday clothes, no doubt just wanting to enjoy the fair, but then there were those that wanted to fully immerse themselves. Men, women, and even their children were dressed head to toe in loosely accurate portrayals of medieval outfits. Men wore puffy shirts and leather vest tucked in their dark cotton pants with leather boots. Some women sported similar outfits while others wore dresses and corsets that did little to the imagination. Some were dressed as characters from Lord of the Rings, there were even pirates, fairies, and elves. At one point, she swore she spotted a few Tieflings from Dungeons and Dragons, their faces painted with horns to match. There was so much going on and she was finding it hard to focus on where she was going. The atmosphere was bubbling with excitement and Y/N felt a smile stretching across her face. 
Coby had to reach around and tug Y/N’s arm to face her forward when the other woman started to drift, the corner of her mouth turned up into a smirk.
“I swear you’re like a child.” Coby joked. Y/N scoffed and stuck her tongue out.
“Oh shush. I can’t admire their confidence?”
“Mhm,” Coby smirked her wicked smirk and led them through the campground gate after flashing a ticket to the attendant there.
“Okay, so we’re in section V, plot 15 and 16.” Coby stopped at a map right at the entrance, showing the rows of campsites in the gated off area. There were already several dozen tents up with a few dozen more that were being pitched as the stood there. Y/N was surprised how large the field was, and how organized it seemed. She could see the markers in the rows with the letter down a middle path. “Ah, there we are, towards the back! Ohhh we’re next to the worker's sites too!”
“Is that bad?” Y/N frowned.
“Nope, it means we might get lucky and they’ll hook us up with some free food and beer if we’re nice.”
Y/N snorted and rolled her eyes at Coby.
“Come on,” Coby resituated her bag on her shoulder. “Let’s get this set up and then we can go in. I don't’ wanna deal with it later after we’ve been in the sun all day.”
Y/N followed Coby, still marveling at the number of people around her getting ready in their costumes, most adding the final touches. The closer they got their spot, the more she saw of the costume. It made sense, if the workers were right next to them then they see a lot of them. She was a little envious of their tents, tall pavilion, and marquee tents made of thicker material than her camping tent, some stripped or decorated with symbols like the ones she’d seen in movies. Clearly, they wanted the workers to look the part, even at night away from the crowds. 
Coby eventually stopped at two empty spots and tossed her stuff on the ground a motioned to the plot next to her, clearly marked with the number 16.
“That’ll be yours. There should be instructions in the bag.” Coby started unpacking hers and paused to look up at Y/N. “ Need help with your tent? ”
“Nah,” Y/N shook her head. “I’ll figure it out.”
Coby snorted. “Alright, but don’t come crying to me when your tent becomes a kite cause you forgot to stake it to the ground.”
Y/N just rolled her eyes again and went to work. After twenty minutes of wondering what the heck the instructions meant by attaching J to H, Y/N set up her tent, a round top with plenty of space for at least three other people, and secured it to the ground.
“Remind me again why we can’t just share tents?” Y/N asked, standing outside both her and Coby’s tent with her hands on her hips. Coby shot her look that told her everything she needed to know. “Oh for the- why did you get me a plot further away from you? I don’t have to hear that!”
“I’m not saying it’ll happen!” Coby chuckled and ducked in her tent. “But I’m not passing on an opportunity if it arrives!”
“It’s one weekend! You can’t last one weekend without a booty call?” Y/N groaned. When Coby didn’t reply she crawled into the ten to see what her friend was doing. Coby was bend over her bag, the second one that Y/N thought was odd she brought and was pulling out a few folded pieces of fabric.
“What are those?” Y/N eyed the garments nervously. Coby paid her no mind and continued pulling things out. She set a dark leather corset aside along with matching lace-up boots. “Coby. What are those?”
Slowly, Coby turned to Y/N with her wicked smirk.
“Why our outfits, my dear friend.” She replied ominously.
“What? I’m not wearing that!” Y/N sat back on her heels.
“Yes, you are,” Coby replied with a no-nonsense tone. Y/N blinked.
“Um. No?”
Before she could argue further, Coby spun on her heels from her squat position and pinned Y/N with her stare.
“You promised.”
“Yeah but not this!”
“It’s apart of the promise! We’re here, we’re gonna enjoy this weekend and we’re gonna be part of the fun. That means dressing the part. Do you really want to spend all weekend complaining cause I’m making you wear this?”
“I’m not going to feel comfortable in a dress!” Y/N tried. Which wasn’t completely false, but she really didn’t want to get all dressed up in a tight corset that she’d be sweating in later. It was already warm as it was in the tent, just imagining the leather boots and leather-wrapped around her waist made her overheat. And the chaffing, she didn’t want to think about the chaffing. Coby raised a brow, see right through that feeble attempt at arguing, and sat back as well.
“Two words. Shark. Cage.”
Y/N opened her mouth, but the protest died before she could even start. Once again, Coby had her there. She let out a grumble and stuck out her hand, a sign of defeat. Coby nodded with a smug smirk and handed her the pile of clothes and a pair of brown lace-up boots from her bag. Y/N noticed there was just a brown belt instead of the corset Coby seemed to have.
“Now go change and I can make sure you put it on right.”
“Yes, mom.” Y/N grumbled and crawled out to go to her tent. When she zipped her tent up behind her and unfolded the clothes, she was rather surprised by the dress. It was a heavy cotton dyed robin egg blue with a fitted bodice that flowed out at the waist. It was relatively simple, it didn’t have an intricate pattern save for the embroidery on the collar. The front was laced up with brown leather string, and the sleeves appeared to be detachable from the dress, the same brown laces trying the fabric together. There was an off-white long sleeve slip made of a lighter material she figured would go underneath the dress to hide her skin exposed from the where it peaked out from the lace. The belt itself was just a simple brown leather belt with a ring loop. Surprisingly simple and something Y/N actually wouldn’t mind wearing. Of course, Coby would have thought this through. Now she felt bad arguing, Coby might enjoy terrorizing her from time to time, but she wasn’t heartless.
Letting out a heavy breath, Y/N began to undress and slipped the costume on. She was surprised how it fit her body, hugging her frame in a way that flattered her more than she could have expected. The dress did flow out, not too long that she was worried she’d step on it when she stepped and let enough air up the skirt to keep her cool. She did have to re-tie the lace on the front to the right adjustment for herself, but all in all, it didn’t feel horrible to wear. Coby knew her size, so this shouldn’t have come as a surprise. How long had this woman been planning this?
She was sitting on the ground tying up the laces to her boots when Coby unzipped the tent and stepped in. She had changed into her own dress, and Y/N felt infinitely better with the dress she was given. Coby the ever daring had a dark red skirt with a black puffy off the shoulder top. Her black corset was tied as tight as it could go, and her already full chest was practically spilling out the top. She had pulled her hair back into a pretty braid that fell over her shoulder and even had on a pair of hoop earrings. Now Y/N really understood the reason for the two tents and wondered if she could possibly find some earplugs somewhere.
“Oh good! It fits! I knew you’d want something simple and I guessed on the height, so I’m glad I got it right.” Coby beamed and set a brown leather bag beside Y/N. “Here, use this to carry your stuff in. We can’t have you walking around in the dress and then ruin it with your everyday purse.”
Y/N didn’t even argue this time, just took the bag, and tossed her stuff from her purse into the back. It was unassuming, just like her dress but fit the style and timeline she was trying to go for. It was also big enough she could slip her camera inside if she took the lens off.
“Alright. So the gates should be open, but I was talking with one of the workers and they said we can come in the employee gate since the lines so long.”
It never ceased to amaze Y/N how Coby could just do things like that. She could charm just about anyone into doing what she wanted with a smile. A part of Y/N was always a little envious of how Coby had little to no fear when it came to meeting new people. Y/N wasn’t shy exactly, but her anxiety and passed relationship troubles always reared their ugly heads and made it harder for her to open up. She just wasn’t as naturally charismatic as Coby and was perfectly fine admitting she never would be.
“I want to grab something to eat first since all we had was those breakfast burritos on the way up here. Then I wanna go-.” Coby climbed out of the tent and started listing off all the things she had planned, the woman going a mile a minute. Y/N was just here for the ride. Stepping out and zipping up her tent, Y/N followed her friend and smiled along with Coby, her friend's excitement contagious. Even though she was nervous about the dress and everything, Y/N was still excited for whatever the weekend had in store.
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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She-Ra from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power // Cosplayer : meru.cosplay // Photo : tobiousphotos
This was one of those costumes that looked simple to create, but was actually somewhat complicated. There were a lot of new skills learned in terms of working with new materials and techniques. Thankfully, Kinpatsu Cosplay shared her patterns so I was able to use that as a resource. Pattern creation and modification takes a good bit of time, so I was happy to have that step eliminated. This was my first time working with 4-way stretch vinyl, spacer/neoprene, and iron-on vinyl. I actually messed up the iron-on emblem the first time and had to remake the top. In addition, I made my own pattern for the skirt and it took 5 attempts to achieve the look I wanted. In addition, the boots were the most complicated I’ve ever created (again, shoutout to Kinpatsu Cosplay for creating a tutorial on that, too!).
I discovered cosplay on the internet, back in the early 2000s. At the time, there wasn’t an anime con in my medium-sized town, to my knowledge. The closest convention that I knew of was Anime Festival Orlando, and as a high schooler, my parents wouldn’t allow me to go. It just wasn’t a “thing” yet and my parents weren’t into anime, comics, fantasy, sci-fi, etc. So I actually didn’t have the opportunity to attend conventions until I was a freshman in college (2003). A group of anime club friends traveled to Atlanta to attend Anime Weekend Atlanta every year. It was honestly a dream come true – to be surrounded by like-minded people and celebrate fandom. That weekend I wore two costumes – Aya from Ayashi no Ceres (thrifted) and Lieza from Arc The Lad (sewn by an online friend). Nobody really knew who I was cosplaying, but it didn’t matter to me. There was a sense of community and spontaneity at cons back then, even with different costumes/fandoms. I still get that feeling today at cons sometimes. I attend conventions in a different way now (usually just for the day because I have other priorities), but I still remember that feeling of walking through the Renaissance-Waverly hotel for the first time.
READ THE REST http://www.cosplayinamerica.com/meru/
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soulvomit · 6 years
Things you never see in 80s-nostalgic geexploitation films, that were part of 80s geek/nerd culture
(and by extension, pre-internet 90s.) * Any mention of fantasy fandom when IRL, that was a huge part of geek/nerd culture - *especially* among female geeks and nerds. Fantasy doesn’t begin with Tolkien and end with George R.R. Martin.  * Cons and cosplay (they existed back then, they were just much less mainstream. We may have better costumes now, but people in the 80s definitely cosplayed.) * Renaissance festivals and Society for Creative Anachronism * Rocky Horror Picture Show * Social computing - especially with dialup modems. You only see social computing mentioned in movies specifically about hacking. But private social  networks - called Bulletin Board Systems - were a thing.  * In general, 80s computing culture. Think BBSs and user groups.  * Tabletop games that weren’t D&D/AD&D. Where is Traveler? Gamma World? Star Frontiers?  * Geeks and nerds are portrayed as sexless losers but IRL, it seemed like the geeks/nerds were having more sex than anyone. And kinkier sex. With more people.  * Pagans! Where are the pagans! Pagans are a huge part of geek/nerd culture. Every gaming group I’ve EVER been in, has been about half pagan. If you’re a pagan who can’t meet other pagans, have you ever tried tabletop gaming? * Geeky in-jokes in geexploitation media that refer to the CULTURE, not just to knowledge about fandoms. For once I’d like to see a reference to the actual geek/nerd dating problems I’m familiar with in real life, which are less “I’m a nerd and can’t find love” and are more “I’m a secondary and want a primary of my own,” or “I’m an atheist and she’s a Wiccan and it will never work,” or “our relationship is on hold while we work at Renaissance Faire.”  (You would probably have to actually be connected to the culture at least a little to understand why that’s an issue, but I imagine that it extrapolates to other festival subcultures.)
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stateofmybed-blog · 7 years
Fairytale Man - Friends & Strangers (Part 1)
Summary: You became a foreign exchange student to see the world. Instead, you saw the universe. With the help of a man in a blue box, of course.
Pairing: Teenager!Companion!Reader x Tenth Doctor (Platonic)
Notes: I'm starting to see why Doctor Who was made to be a TV show and not a series of novels... 5,000 words into one episode-like part, and I just hit the climax (speaking of which, sorry about the cliffhanger)!
Also: I was thinking about putting 'next time's at the end of each chapter, like the show does... how does that sound?
Anyways, I hope you enjoy :) Let me know your thoughts in a comment!
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Disclaimer: There will be no romantic relationship between The Doctor and the reader, as the reader is only a teenager in this fic. I want this story to be centered around the main theme between companions and The Doctor: two great friends exploring the universe.
Ch 1
“So this is a…” you pressed a hand against what appeared to be the console in what The Doctor called the-
“TARDIS,” The Doctor finished your thought.
“Which is a spaceship,” you continued.
“And a time machine.”
He had told you what sounded like a planned poem: that he’s something called a Time Lord, that he travels the universe (yet for some reason, keeps coming back to earth), and doesn’t spend a whole lot of time on his own. You wanted to ask why that is, but completely forgot as you tried to stomach practically everything else you had just heard.
“And you expect me to believe this?” You raised your eyebrows. “Just… believe that witchcraft box is a spaceship?”
The idea was childish, in a maturely decided way. The Doctor did say he was ‘a fairytale man’, but you never thought it would be to such an extreme degree. Everything that came out of his mouth now sounded like it was straight from a fantasy. You almost considered the idea that you were being conned.
“Not witchcraft,” The Doctor disagreed, “I haven’t quite mastered those methods. Yet.”
“What would an alien be doing in the middle of England?” You asked. “Don’t you and your… people have better things to do?”
“Like what?” The Doctor inquired while flicking a random control beside your hand. If something happened because of the action, you didn’t notice it.
“I don’t know. I’m not an alien.”
“You were a lot more fun when you didn’t ask so many questions,” He noted while playing with a few different controls.
“When you didn’t know me as well,” You mumbled under your breath. You stepped away from the console and instead placed yourself on the bench seat.
“What’s that?” The Doctor looked back at you with his lips pursed, though not out of worry. More so out of curiosity.
“I told you to do what I’m here for; show me a story,” you told him while propping your arm across the seat. Why you were still there confused you, and how you talked to him so easily was shocking. Normally when talking to someone you had just met, you were a stuttering, forced-smiley and all around messy person. After only moments, you were passed the overly kind version of yourself and straight into the blunt, confused, and somewhat sassy person you were. You wondered if the reason why was because you felt you had to make up for something. Though, at the same time, you had no idea what you’d be compensating for.
His impish grin returned full-fledge as he pulled down a final lever.
The first thing you noticed was the wheezing sound that seemed to fill the room from the center. The next part was the jolt you felt just as much in your bones as you did your chest. You felt as though you were in an airplane picking up from the ground, only it was more of an amplified feeling. The pang of anxiety in your stomach mixed with the feeling of altitude reminded you greatly of your flight from the USA to Great Britain.
Next thing you knew, the TARDIS began to shake, and that did nothing to calm you.
“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal!” The Doctor attempted to assure you, despite saying it as he was kneeled in front of the console after being knocked down. You simply gripped the sides of your chair and closed your eyes, attempting to slow your racing heart and even quicker mind.
Then, you heard a ‘click’ come from The Doctor’s direction, and everything stilled as quickly as it began.
“There we are, then,” he simply said, which prompted you to open your eyes. The Doctor was simply standing there, unmoving, until he snapped to action and grabbed his coat from one of the strange, veined support beams. He then looked at you expectantly, and finally, you snapped out of your anxious trance and stood up.
Without hesitation, The Doctor zoomed from down the console area to the door. The ends of his coat trailed behind him with a flutter, and after some clumsy jogging, you met him at the newly askew TARDIS door.
The sight before you was somehow under-and-overwhelming. Rather than a busy street in a London district, you looked out to see a few people walking by on a cobblestone path. Dazed, you reached for the wall beside the TARDIS. It felt just as it was: brick. Yet the gritty and uneven texture only confused you more; how could the monochrome dressed people walking by, the supremely short buildings, and the men manning carriages all be so… real?
“What is this?” You breathed out, fully stepping out of the TARDIS and into the alleyway he parked it in. “What did you do?”
“I took you to the 1600s,” The Doctor answered simply. “Well, 1602 if you want to get specific.” You tried to reply, but the words didn’t quite come out. Every thought, every question, every bit of amazement, they all twisted your tongue into knots, each one pulled tighter than the last. In fact, you didn’t make a sound. Not until a breeze tugged at your jacket and startled your skin, which caused you to shiver.
“And you took me to a winter month,” you returned, finally noticing the thin blanket of snow covering the ground. Surely it would grow thicker in due time; this was still England, after all. Or… was it? “Apparently England doesn’t change much.”
“Lots of things don’t change,” The Doctor told you. Had you been wrong, you supposed he would have corrected you. At least you could get something right.
“The crown wearer will,” you noted, “soon, at least.” You looked back to see him with raised eyebrows. “You said 1602, right? The queen won’t last much longer.”
“Why would you say such a thing?” A woman from behind you gasped, which made you whip around in surprise. She was wearing a handsewn and pale red dress, paired with a white apron and a matching bonnet.
“I-I didn’t mean-” you began to stutter, only to be cut off.
“Queen’s Day is arriving, miss!” the stranger continued. “She may be growing older, but her majesty still deserves respect!”
“Pardon my friend,” The Doctor interjected, setting a hand on your shoulder and pushing you backward only enough for him to slip by. “Not from around here, meant no disrespect. So, what’s that about Queen’s Day?”
“It is arriving, sir,” She repeated, a look of shock on her face. “Only days away. The whole city is preparing: has been for weeks!”
“Yes, of course,” The Doctor played along by nodding. The woman looked as baffled by his actions as you felt. “Well, prepare away!” He urged and patted her shoulder, than brushed past her. You forced a smile towards the stranger and followed The Doctor.
“I’m right though, aren’t I?” You said, now in a lower tone. You glanced around to make sure no ears were preying. “Elizabeth’s era doesn’t see much of the 17th century.”
“You know more than you think you do,” The Doctor said, once again not directly answering you.
“And Queen’s Day is late November, so the climate is right,” you observed, tilting your chin to the sky. It was filled with clouds; you thought it may start snowing soon. “Does any part of this period carry on to modern English culture?” “Your guess is as good as mine,” The Doctor told you, rubbing the back of his neck.
“So there’s… no reason you took me here,” you asked, borderline taunted. Maybe you’d finally be able to get a real response.
“None at all,” He replied, looking at you briefly. A smile pulled at one corner of his mouth. “Not for the songs, for the Old English tongues... definitely not for the literature of theatre.”
“Oh my god, is Shakespeare still alive?!” You whispered with excitement.
“Still has over a decade left in him,” The Doctor assured, “though he may not be happy to see me.”
Your jaw slacked open, and you forced it shut. “Who else have you met then? The Queen herself?” You rebounded with a joke.
“Yes,” He answered easily, which made your smile fall in surprise. “Well, not yet. Time traveler,” he gestured to his face, “everything happens out of order.”
“Okay, so if Shakespeare and the Queen are out of the picture, what else is there to see?”
“For the next hundreds of years, Queen’s Day will be an attraction that brings thousands. If you want to know a place, learn it through it’s crowds.”
“That sounds like the exact opposite of something I’d do back at home.”
“How much did you say you know about England?”
You laughed to yourself. “Fine, i see your point. But what exactly do people do to celebrate Queen’s Day? How do you celebrate an accession?”
“Have you ever been to a modern-day Renaissance festival?” The Doctor inquired. He turned and leaned his head in curiosity,
“Once. My mom’s pretty into that sort of thing, though,” you answered with the shrug of your shoulders. “Why?”
“They’re the perfect modern-day representation of what a traditional Queen’s day is like.”
You felt yourself growing more excited. “Seriously?”
“Not quite,” He admitted, “but good enough, I suppose.”
You chuckled. The Doctor frowned.
“What?” He questioned.
“You don’t seem like the kind of person who’d settle for ‘good enough’.”
“I’m not,” he conceded, “but I may have a few tricks up my sleeve.”
“Oh, really?” You scoffed with a smile. He turned towards a set of doors and fumbled with the doorknob as you stood behind him. “Like what?”
The Doctor looked over at you and smiled. “Drinking.” He threw open the set of doors he stood in front of and took a step inside the yellow-toned room. Candle-light; how charming.
“Great trick,” you called after The Doctor as he immersed himself into the crowd. You sighed and felt your back pocket that contained the American ID which confirmed your status as a minor.
After scanning the crowd, and seeing no wild hair or long coat, you made a beeline for the empty bar seat deep within the building. You managed to scrape by several people without hardly touching them.
“I’ll have a coke, please,” you asked the bartender with their back turned as you took a seat. The working man, who couldn’t have been many years older than you, turned around with a frown written on his features.
“What would you like, Miss?” He inquired as he dried a sparkling glass.
“Just a glass of water would be nice, thank you,” You corrected yourself after momentary panic. You’d really have to watch your words from now on -- not that you’ve had much trouble with that in the past.
Hey, at least you wouldn’t have to worry whether your currency was correct or not. Surely the Elizabethan Era didn’t charge for a glass of water.
“One glass of water, coming right up,” The bartender winked at you, which made your already hot cheeks flush.
“Oh come on, nothing more fun?” The customer beside you asked in a gruff and deep voice. The sudden sound almost startled you out of your seat.
“Uh, no sir,” you stuttered out as you took in his appearance. His dirty face was slumped over the counter before him, and his thick clothing was torn in several places. He smelled strongly of smoke, and, despite the many bottles just feet in front of you, alcohol.
“What, afraid to pay?” He taunted you in a way you supposed he meant to be charming. “I’ll add it to my tab,” he promised, and proceeded to slide his half-drunken glass of whiskey across the counter to you. “You can start with this.”
“It’s okay, sir,” you forced a smile through your nervousness regarding what he might do. With only one finger, you began to push the glass back towards him. “I’m alright. Have a few on me.”
Out of nowhere, the stranger grabbed your wrist that was closest to him. He finally looked up from his gaze to nowhere, but instead of looking like an average mean drunk, his face began to contort. The corners of his mouth pulled up to the edges of his eyes, which were nothing more that pitless black holes in his face. His body was leaning close to yours, but you were too horrified to scream. All you could do was helplessly move away from his invasion of your personal space.
Then, like you had done something to earn the charity, the bartender launched himself over the counter and tackled the man to the floor. You swiped the glass off the table out of instinct, which thankfully, nobody noticed. The crowd was drawn to man, and were shouting things like ‘it’s happening again!’.
“Y/N!” you finally heard the Doctor, and saw him standing in front of the mass of people trying to keep the offender pinned to the floor. He looked frazzled, and somewhat concerned.
“I’m fine!” you shouted with a shaky voice, and when you were sure he didn’t hear you, you gave a simple thumbs up. “Just… do your thing,” you muttered to yourself as you bowed your head and set your hands firmly on your neck.
A certain amount of time past, though you had no idea how long; all you knew was that the chatter heard when you first entered the bar was long silent. You supposed it had something to do with all the shouting that had gone on for steady minutes.
A gentle palm was set over your tense knuckles, and finally, you snapped up from your folded position with a gasp. The person pulled their hands back quickly, and even raised their arms in a form of surrender.
“It’s just me,” the owner said, and you sighed in relief when you realized it was only the bartender from before.
“Sorry,” you breathed out, and turned back around to face forward in your seat.
“No need to apologize,” he assured you, and hesitantly, took a seat beside you.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know,” you said after a few moments of silence. “You could have gotten hurt.”
“Of course I had to,” he protested, though wasn’t looking for an argument.
“Why?” you asked, turning your head to look at him.
He stared at you for a second, then finally said, “my boss would have killed me had I not.” When you began to chuckle, his face split into a wide grin. “Is there anything I can get you?”
You twisted at your hips and turned your body both left and right to get a full view of the bar. Upon seeing that all seats besides yours and the one beside you were empty, you looked back at the bartender with a request. “A real drink.”
The corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk. “I was about to close up, so maybe I’ll join you.” He stood from his place and offered you his hand. “I’m Jack.”
You glanced from his hand back to his eyes and accepted his handshake. “I’m Y/N.”
You supposed that, even if alcohol consumption laws were just as strict in 1602 as they were in the 21st century, your homemade Kahlua would go unnoticed. Besides the absence of anyone to report you, there were no security cameras or automated lock systems to rat you out. No criminal record of yours was about to begin.
You learned that Jack was in fact only a few years older than you: 18 years of age, to be precise. He had grown up locally and took a job as a bartender after his father’s death, which was when his mother and younger sisters needed his help most. He believed he still had an entire life ahead of him to fulfill; he wanted to attend university one day, ‘when the time was right’.
You sunk deeper into your chair that occupied the side of different table you and Jack had moved to. He was also gracious enough to lend you the jacket he had worn to work when you began to shiver. Though the action wasn’t out of the chill of winter’s edge, you graciously accepted.
“So, what brings you to England?” Jack inquired, once again trying to turn the subject to you. You stared at him with raised eyebrows, which made him laugh. “What?! You won’t tell me where your accent is from, nor your clothing, so… it’s the next best question.”
“I’m here because my family was run out of the country when I was an infant. They were framed for an act of treason; helped a scamming merchant bust out of jail. But, what could my father do? He was in love with the man’s daughter. So, the ran away to Switzerland together and lived in a cottage on a rich man’s farm. I’m back in town for Queen’s Day, but only for three days. My father wouldn’t allow me anymore time, as he’s already afraid my alias may be revealed.”
Jack’s eyes grew wider with each sentence that came out of your mouth. “Really?” Was all he could as by the end of your rambling.
“No,” you chuckled, “My native… friend took me with him.”
Relief, and with it, a smile, washed over Jack’s form. “You’re a fantastic liar.”
“I like to think so,” you agreed and took another sip of your drink. Your smile slowly faded as one recurring thought once again took over your conscious. “What was wrong with that man?”
Jack stiffened at your words, yet tried to play them off as nothing. “He was a drunk that hadn’t left his barstool in 3 days.”
“Jack, I’m in shock. I’m not stupid,” You deadpanned. “Men and women don’t shout and cry with anger over a drunken man with a temper.”
He sighed and rubbed at his temple. “This has been going on for a week or two, not the police would ever let you know. They’ve been trying to play it off, say that people are getting jittery now that Queen’s Day is arriving.”
“What do you think is happening?”
“I think there’s something in the air. I think people are losing their minds. I… think a lot of things before I think that.”
“Clearly the police are afraid,” you noted. “Whatever is going on, they think it must be bad enough to ruin Queen’s Day.”
“Whatever’s going on, it’ll ruin much more than a holiday,” Jack simultaneously agreed and disagreed with you.
A rattling noise sounded from behind both of you, at the front doors. You stood from your seat in surprise, only to set a hand on your forehead in relief.
“There you are!” The Doctor said upon entering, He stared at you with one of his wide smiles, the kind that made his mouth slack open. “Who’s this?” He asked, eyes averting to the boy that was previously sitting across from you.
“I’m Jack,” Jack said as he rose from his seat. He crossed his arms in suspicion. “Who are you?”
“He’s that friend I was telling about,” you assured, though understood. His abrupt entrance was suspicious, to say the least.
“Seriously?” Jack asked, unable to mask his disbelief.
“You mentioned me?” The Doctor asked.
“You… may have come up,” you admitted.
“Doesn’t matter,” he shrugged it off, though something about him gave away that it was still on his mind. “I have something to show you.”
“Okay,” you nodded, “I’ll be right there.”
He grinned again and disappeared outside. You set Jack’s jacket on the table in front of him. “I’ll see you tomorrow, same time as today. Alright?”
Jack’s cautious frown turned into a gentle and affirmative smile. You gave him one last grin before walking out the doors and jogging to catch up with the Doctor.
“What is it you want me to see?” You asked, tugging your flannel shirt around your torso.
“The townspeople says that what happened to that man earlier has been going on for a while,” The Doctor began to explain.
“Yeah, I know. Jack said exactly the same thing,” you said.
“Did he tell you that their faces go back to normal? It’s like an instinct; a trigger.”
“No, he didn’t, because he cares about things that matter,” you muttered to yourself, then sighed. “Doctor, it’s getting late. Maybe we should head back.”
“Head back where, the 21st century?” When you nodded, he looked dumbfounded. “Y/N, this has only just begun!”
“What’s just begun, a manhunt?!” you asked, then pinched the skin between your eyebrows. “Listen, Doctor: I’m gonna find your box -”
“ - TARDIS.”
“ -...TARDIS, and I’m gonna turn in for the night. You do whatever you want,” you finished and began walking down the road opposite of where the Doctor was heading. You had a vague memory of where the silly thing was parked.
As you walked, very few people passed you. The few that did seemed preoccupied; they didn’t offer you a single look, let alone a smile. Luckily, you preferred it this way. Perhaps being ignored wasn’t supposed to please you.
You examined the road under your feet. You noticed the chips in the pavement, and felt the stray rocks underneath the soles of your worn shoes. You wondered if the road still existed in your time period, and if it did, you wondered if somehow, it would recognize your footsteps hundreds of years later. Of course, that wild idea included the improbable: that the road hasn’t been built over or abandoned. Still, it was an idea you’d keep in the back of your mind for a task on a boring day.
Your shoulder bumped into a passerby’s, and immediately out of guilt, you sunk to the ground to pick up what you heard they dropped.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologized as you stood up, though you were staring at the key you were now holding.
A strong hand snatched the key from your palm. You gasped at the suddenness of the stranger’s actions. The person - a man, you quickly realized - gave you a blank yet angry look from over his shoulder as he continued on his path. You shook your head and also continued onward.
Within minutes, you managed to find the alley the blue box was sitting in. You breathed with relief and swung the door open, thankful that the Doctor hadn’t locked the door. Of course, you were going to change that. After stepping in, the first thing you did was turn the metal lock until it clicked.
You walked up the metal ramp and began looking for somewhere to sleep. There was a staircase that extended from the console, though if you correctly recalled what the Doctor mentioned earlier, the hallways could go on forever. The last thing you wanted to do was get lost.
Running a hand over the back of your neck, you laid down on the console seats in defeat. It looked like they’d have to do for the night. It didn’t quite matter anyways, you reminded yourself. You’d be back in your normal bed by the next time the moon showed its face.
The first night away from what you knew was always the hardest. You ended up either pacing for hours on end, or failing many attempts at sleeping. You were too tired to pace, so you opted for the latter, which wasn’t any more pleasant.
Every time you made the simplest move, even barely opening your eyes, you were reminded of the unfamiliar atmosphere you found yourself in. It didn’t matter if you were staying at a 5-star hotel and sleeping in a king-size bed: if it was a room you didn’t know, it was bound to keep you up. Of course, this time around, you had neither such things. All you had was a pitiful bench seat under you and a thin shirt as your blanket.
You saw your little sister running around the deck of your aunt’s pool. She had moved into her new husband’s expensive house. Though they lived in a rural area, just as your family did, their wealth was still plainly obvious through their 4 story house and the inground swimming pool.
You and your sister loved that pool. It was the only reason you were both so eager to ‘spend time’ with your aunt. Of course, the woman didn’t mind. You were only 7 years old, and your sister 4. What else were kids supposed to do?
Your mother told you to watch your sister while she quickly went inside to help your aunt bring out a dish for lunch. She said that you had 5 minutes left to swim, and afterwards, you’d be coming up on the deck to eat.
You were testing how long you could stay underwater without breathing. So far, you had counted to 30 seconds. After coming up to the surface, you gasped for air only to dunk yourself under again.
You rose to the surface for an uncountable time. You felt the water drip down your small shoulders, and you saw a pink tint of sunlight through your closed eyes. You didn’t bother wiping the chlorine water away before going back under and steadily counting.
Once again, you sunk down underneath the water, but this time, your hands felt weak. So weak, in fact, that you could no longer hold the side of the pool. You felt yourself begin to sink farther underneath the thick and heavy water, helplessly flailing your arms for someone to grab you. You saw the sunlight splinter through ripples of the water, and as your lungs grew more tired from lack of air, you saw blurry faces looking over the pool.
Suddenly, you heard people yelling your name. The strange thing, however, was that their heads were turned when they spoke, and they weren’t yelling out of fear. They were scolding your name, and pleading to the child sitting at the bottom of the deep end. But… how could both be you?
The last thing you heard before fading into darkness was a grown body plunging into the pool.
You startled awake to a knocking door. You snapped into a sitting position with sweat slick on your chest and your lungs heaving for air. Once again, the knocking echoed through the spacious room. You acknowledged that you were still in the TARDIS, and that the knocking must be the Doctor. You pulled yourself up on shaking legs and walked down the ramp to the door.
Seconds after unlocking and opening the door, the Doctor barged past you. “Why did you lock the door?” he asked, though didn’t bother sparing a backwards glance to you.
“Because you didn’t,” You answered, and for the second time, flicked the lock shut.
“Ah,” he accepted your words, though didn’t really care. “So apparently, this… epidemic has been going on for weeks. The police have been keeping it hidden from the town; snatching the unconscious bodies and lying their way through questions.”
“Yeah, I know. Jack likes to talk,” you said, keeping a hand on the railing as you walked up towards the console. The Doctor was pulling up a metal ‘floorboard’ and digging around for something.
“So, any guesses on what it is?” He spoke, though was still preoccupied.
You frowned and crossed your arms. “What?”
“Any guess on what that creature was, or what it may do?” He repeated himself, but the question remained just as confused.
“No! And frankly, I don’t care! I asked for a story, Doctor, not a horror movie.”
“What?” He started, and you could see the growing smile on his face as he looked down. “You’re not up for a little adventure?” The Doctor tilted his chip upwards, and upon laying eyes on you, his face flattened. “What’s wrong?”
You dropped your arms. “Nothing. I’m fine. I’ll just… stay out of your way, and you’ll take me back when you’re done.”
“No, I mean why are you sweating,” The Doctor rose to his feet and set a hand on your face with no caution in his movement. He frowned, then dropped it. “What do you mean, ‘stay out of my way’? What are you gonna do, stay in the TARDIS the whole time?”
“Isn’t that what people do when they tag along with you?” You raised your eyebrows. “I mean, seriously, who wants to be around when things go haywire?”
“That’s half the fun!” The Doctor protested, and you couldn’t comprehend why he was so thrilled. “If nothing happened, traveling be like an interactive history book: completely pointless!”
“No,” you laughed, though felt no humor. “No, no, no, no. No!” you found it impossible to stomach the idea of experiencing what happened at the bar every day. Every time you tried, you felt yourself growing more panicked. “There’s no way that’s happening.”
“Y/N, I didn’t mean to upset-”
“Forget it,” you cut him off, waving your hands as a form of dismissal. “When this is fixed, just take me back to England, alright?”
Before the Doctor could respond, a shouting voice sounded from the street outside. Though originally it sounded muffled, the yells soon became clear; the person was shouting your name. You frowned in a mix of confusion and worry as you retraced your steps down the ramp, unlocked the door, and hesitantly stepped outside.
Jack, while standing on the road, came into your line of vision. He looked ready to call out again before you stopped him.
“What’s going on?” you asked, stepping forward.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed as he entered the alleyway. You saw his expression morph from relief to confusion. “What is that thing?” he said while pointing to the TARDIS.
“Nevermind that,” you assured, “what’s wrong? Why did you need me?”
“I think I know why this is happening,” he said, somewhat out of breath. “And I know who comes next.”
“Yeah?” You raised your eyebrows. “Who might that be?”
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mysticdragon3md3 · 8 years
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With WonFes 2017 Winter over, it’s time to post the obligatory wishlist!  ^o^
Even though there were a lot of exciting figure announcements and prototype reveals at Wonder Festival 2017 Winter today, I don't feel my wallet is in too much danger.  There were a lot of Nendoroids that looked interesting, but I likely won't buy.  And the figures I ABSOLUTELY POSITVELY HAVE TO PREORDER, were fairly few (at least compared to previous WonFes).  
Below, the squares shaded darkly are figures I likely won't buy.  They caught my eye, but seriously, I'd rather spend my money on other Nendoroids.   The squares clouded in white are figures that if I was forced into a corner, I might be able to give up.  But it'd be nice if I didn't have to.  
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Good Smile is going to kill my wallet if they announce more Harvest Moons!  ;u;  If every Crypton Future Media Vocaloid gets a Harvest Moon version, I don’t know what I’m going to do.  Those costumes are just too pretty.  XwX  
I feel like I'm obligated to get Figma Utena and Nendoroids Ed & Al, but I don't feel as strongly about those fandoms anymore, enough to justify the money those figures cost.  On the other hand, I have a rule about not passing up merchandise from an old fandom, for that reason alone.  The last time I passed up a Devil Hunter Yohko artbook, just because it was no longer my all-consuming obsession, I regretted it.  And I kept hunting for it at each succeeding con.  *That* is a regret.  Which is why I bought Figma Hikaru Shidou, even though I haven't been into CLAMP's manga, let alone Magic Knight Rayearth for years.  So when I see Utena, Ed & Al, my nostalgia dictates that I preorder them, even though my current obsessions say that I shouldn't be spending on old fandoms like Utena and FMA.  
I'm not really into these paritcular swords, but I've got a completionist problem.  * I already have Kashuu Kiyomitsu, so I have to get Yamatonokami Yasusada, right?  And Yasusada has a generic hakama!  Before Touken Ranbu Nendoroids, it was so hard to find nice, generic, male wafuku that could go on any character.  Still, even now, though it's gotten easier to get hakama from Tourabu, it's hard to find male kimono or yukata.  So I snatch up any versatile male wafuku wearing Nendoroid, I can find.   * Izuminokami Kanesada isn't really a character I'm particularly attached to, since I'm more a Dategumi fan than a Shinsengumi fan, but I've always liked his character design.  It even managed to make me ignore the long hair, even though I usually don't like that character design on males.  His costume was just elaborate enough, and the color scheme, contrasting between the deep red and intense blues, just really pop.  ^_^   * So that being said, I really shouldn't get Horikawa Kunihiro.  His costume design is closer to modern Western and I'd rather throw my money at wafuku designs.  But damn it, he's got the same intense blue contrasting against dark hair, just like Izuminokami.  ~_~;  That contrasting color scheme---or rather, contrasting intensity or value scale---just work too well on me.  And after seeing Horikawa in the Touken Ranbu Hanamaru anime, I'd feel bad if I split him up from the senpai partner he idolizes.  ~__~!  Anyway, I already preordered his brother (Yamanbagiri Kunihiro), so my completionist itch should be happy about that.  ...Even though the Kunihiro brothers don't seem very close...  x_x   * As for Ookanehira!  You can't trick me into wanting your Nendoroid!  ~w~!  I told myself not to buy any more characters I didn't already know!  (Unless they were exceptionally cute!)  I don't care if your eyes and hair color remind me of one of my main character OCs!  Nor if your seiyuu is Ono Yuki!  You're too full of yourself and I should be spending my money on cuter characters!  Stay back, I say!  Keep your charms away from me!  ~W~!
The Disney Nendoroids are cute and I like those classic "2nd Renaissance" movies, along with Tim Burton, but not enough to get figures.  But if I ran into them at a con or something, really cheap, and there was nothing else I was spending at during a small con, I might go ahead and get them.  Like what happened with Nendoroid Anna.  
I didn't include Nendoroid Yuri, because I already preordered him.  It's strange that I'm certain about getting Nendoroid Victor, even though I'm not as totally obsessed with Yuri on Ice as everyone else seems to be.  But despite YOI not taking over my life, I still do like the characters.  They're sweet!  And I want that ambiance in my display cases!
Karasuno Nendoroids.  No question there.  I just want all my Karasuno starters.  Announcing Yamaguchi and Sawamura together, when there are only 2 more starters on Karasuno, makes me think they'll be announcing them in pairs.  Here's to hoping for some Asahi and Tanaka Nendoroids!  ^o^  And if they decide to make a Nendoroid Ennoshita, I'll consider him.
Japan.  Kiku Honda.  My rule about still collecting for old fandoms, as if they're still my current obsession, applies here.  Except that my Hetalia fandom doesn't feel that long ago.  Probably because I saw Hetalia the World Twinkle at AkibaFest2016.  Let's hope that if we show demand for Japan, USUK will get some Nendoroids too.  *o*!
Nendoroid More Dress-up sets are my favorite Nendoroid more.  The outfits are so nicely generic and versatile, and help put a stop to me buying Nendoroids of characters I have no attachment to, just for their wardrobe.  (I've given Masamune & Yukimura enough wardrobe options already---but I just can't stop!  It's for DateSana!  ;o; )  It’ll be great to put some period era Nendoroids, uniformed characters, and fantasy costumed characters into a modern AU.  Groomsmen for those Nendoroid More wedding sets...Haikyuu boys in formal wear...my KanColle girls as office ladies...  *U*  I could make a cubicle diorama!  O.O  Still waiting for male wafuku Nendoroid More sets, but until then, any Nendoroid More Dress-up sets are always welcome!!!  ^U^
Ice Kirby is so cute and I love blue.  But if I wasn't willing to get original Kirby, with all his cuteness, and I didn't get MetaKnight, despite his cuteness, then I should probably save my money.  I wasn't deluded for a second into buying that robot armor Kirby.  It's on my wishlist because I just like to look at it.  ^^;  I mean, what the heck is that giant, cute thing?!  ^o^
Nendoroid More face cases are cute, but if it comes down to it, those are the first things I cut out of my budget.  After all, I skipped on that Konnosuke faceplate case, and I love Touken Ranbu.  Still, that penguin and fishing bear are ADORABLE.  When I saw the penguine case's announcement last year, I wanted to get it to re-create Chiyo's costume scenes from Azumanga Daioh.  ^u^
I'm not watching Re:Zero, but Emilia is beautiful!  *.*  I have a weakness for pastel hair and her outfit, on top of that, is just so pretty.  Her character design just screams "ingenue" deredere, and that's my favorite type of waifu (alongside kuudere and sometimes dandere).  And if I remember correctly the spoiler I heard once, then she could also be one of my favorite mythological archetypes, the "universal mother goddess".  
I'm not going to buy a Racing Miku.  Let's be honest.  They always look so cool, but they're $80, instead of the usual $50-$60, because they're supposed to support Good Smile's racing team.  But damn, this mint green fairy is cute!  I thought it hurt to pass up the knight themed Racing Miku.  But this is adorable!  ;w;  And I had needed a green female Nendoroid for my rainbow figure photos.  
I was flabbergasted when I saw the Lum Nendoroid and the Rinne Nendoroid.  I thought it might be a hoax, a different figure line from Nendoroid, or maybe even from years ago, long out of print.  But it's actually just one of those Nenodroids made by a different company; Good Smile only does the distribution.  (Like Tomytec's Wixoss Nendoroids.)  So it's not even on Good Smile's WHL4U website, which catalogs all their WonFes announcements.  It might be too easy to not realize when these are even released.  But I absolutely have to support Rumiko Takahashi Nendoroids.  I'm more a Ranma 1/2 fan, than Urusei Yatsura, and I've barely read much Rin-ne.  But if we support these, then maybe Play Future will make some Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha, or Maison Ikkoku Nendoroids.  I would go nutz if Mermaid Saga Nendoroids were ever announced.  
The kimono Nendoroids for Puella Magi Madoka Magica are an absolute buy.  I never thought I wanted more than just Homura and Madoka, but if all the girls are going to get kimono Nendorids, then it's a good time to get the entire Holy Quintet.  ^-^  
Last but not least, Nendoroid More sets for Halloween and Christmas.  I really hope these are Dress-up sets and not just some accessories.  I'm a clay crafter; I can make little accessories on my own.  So these better be full-blown outfits.  Halloween is my favorite holiday and these would just be so useful for holiday figure photos.  I'm really looking forward to more info about these sets.  ^o^    
It was a really great WonFes.  And right on my birthday, it made the best present.  ^u^!  Hopefully, despite this long wishlist, I'll be able to keep things civil with my wallet.  ^^;
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daniellethamasa · 5 years
Hey all, Dani here.
Hello everyone, and welcome to a very early post for me. Clearly as this post goes live I’m in bed, but I wanted to make sure this post was up for all of my fellow Calendar Girls, so here we are. It’s been a pretty decent January so far on the reading front. Actually I spent most of my weekend reading, so stay tuned for a nice wrap-up on Wednesday. It should be fun, and I have a bunch of other stuff to talk about as well. Plus, I’m looking forward to this weekend, seeing as Damian and I will be teaming up with Colorworld Books to work at Ohayocon. So if you’re in the Columbus, Ohio, area and going to the con, stop by and say hello.
Anyway, it is the first Monday of the Month and that means it is once again time for a Calendar Girls post.
Calendar Girls is a monthly blog event that was started by Flavia and Melanie, but is now being hosted by Katie and Adrienne. They are all wonderful ladies, and you should check out their lovely blogs. Oh, and if you go to either Katie or Adrienne‘s Calendar Girls post each month, they will have links to all the other wonderful book bloggers participating in this event. Okay, so Katie and Adrienne needed to take a brief hiatus for a few months, so for right now Flavia and myself are temporarily hosting Calendar Girls until our fearless leaders are ready to step back in.
Honestly Calendar Girls is a group effort and I feel like we have become a pretty good group of friends, so it makes sense that we can share in the responsibilities and pick up any slack should it happen. I’m happy to do my part to help keep this tradition going. So if you link back to Flavia and me, we can keep track of all the book picks and posts each month. Thanks, everyone!
First, more about the Calendar Girls. It is designed to ignite bookish discussions among readers, and was inspired by the 1961 Neil Sedaka song, Calendar Girl.
Just like the song, each month has a different theme. Each blogger picks their favorite book from the theme, and on the first Monday of the month reveals their pick in a Calendar Girls post. Make sure to post back to the hostess’s post, and both Katie and Adrienne will make a master list for the month. The master lists allow everyone to see the other Calendar Girls’ picks and to pop on over to their blogs. Thus, we all get to chat about books and even make some new friends!
Oh, and you don’t have to identify as female to join the Calendar Girls. We welcome readers of all types. So if this sounds like fun for you, join us in all of the fun bookish conversations.
Finally, the January theme is…
New Beginnings
Favorite First Book in a New Series (No Sequels Published Yet)
Oh boy…well, this is a difficult decision. Honestly for the most part that means we’re all looking for either a first book that came out last year, or one coming out in the very near future that we lucked into getting an early copy of. But hey, I’m excited to talk about some of my favorite books with sequels I’m super excited about.
But before I get into my pick for this month, I need to talk about a couple honorable mentions. I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about both Wicked Saints by Emily A Duncan, and The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen quite a bit on this blog. The reason why I can’t pick Wicked Saints for this prompt is probably silly…I’ve been granted the galley for the sequel, so to me it feels like it’s out already, even though the release date is in April. Plus, you know, I’ve read it already. I know it isn’t cheating, but it feels that way to me. And I believe I had The Merciful Crow as my choice for another theme in a previous Calendar Girls post, so I feel like perhaps I should spread the love for a different book today. Just know that both of these first in a series books are two of my new absolute favorites, and if you haven’t read them yet, then I definitely recommend them.
So many options. These are all great first books that I’ve read in the last year, and that I’m super excited to read the sequels of in the coming year or so. Obviously you can see by all of my honorable mentions and most of my contenders, I read a whole lot of fantasy books, though there are a couple sci-fi and contemporary.
Here, I’ll include all my reviews to my honorable mentions and contenders, because they are all worth a read: Wicked Saints by Emily A Duncan, The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen, Waiting for Tom Hanks by Kerry Winfrey, Seven Blades in Black by Sam Sykes, Dread Nation by Justina Ireland, The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith, The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams, There Will Come a Darkness by Katy Rose Pool, Once & Future by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy, A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer, Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett, Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh, Wicked Fox by Kat Cho, The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala, Well Met by Jen DeLuca, Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee, The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee, and I still need to write reviews for We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal and Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger.
Are you ready to see which book I’ve selected for my winner this time around? I completely admit that it was a really difficult decision for me, because I really want the sequels to all of these books (and hey, the Brigid Kemmerer sequel is out tomorrow so yay!).
Okay here we go.
My winner for Favorite First Book in a New Series is…
Well Met by Jen DeLuca
Like I said this was a really difficult decision, but ultimately I ended up picking a contemporary romance over my preferred genre of fantasy. Why? Well, maybe it’s because I love going to Ren Faires. Maybe it’s because Damian and I are having a Ren Faire themed wedding this fall. Perhaps it’s because I can’t stop thinking about this book (though that’s true of many of the books on my contenders list).
Honestly I think it’s because I’m starting to see this surge of great romance books with characters who are geeky and nerdy and they don’t hide what they love. So whether it’s Waiting for Tom Hanks, where the main character is very passionate about rom-com movies while her uncle is very into D&D, or Well Met where several characters are very passionate about holding this Renaissance Festival, or having characters who love comic books, or cosplay, or going to conventions, or playing board games or video games, I just am so happy to see so many characters who I can see myself in.
Finding out that Well Met was the start in a series of Ren Faire romance stories made me so happy. The main couple is going to change with each book, but I’m sure considering they’re all set in the same place we’ll still see plenty of the rest of the characters we’ve come to care about.
Plus, I found out about this YA Renaissance Faire book coming out in 2020 (The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly, and a couple years ago I read a MG Renaissance Faire graphic novel (All’s Faire in Middle School), so it’s a setting or theme that works for all ages.
Basically I’m really excited to read Well Played later this year, and then Well Matched in 2021. Honestly I’m okay if more books end up being announced for this series, because I will gladly fangirl over all the cute and geeky romance books.
Okay, well that is all from me for now. I have another post coming later today, and after that I’ll be back soon with more bookish content. I’ll add the other Calendar Girls participant picks here as they come in. If you’d like to join us in this monthly book chat, then feel free to write up your own post. While we try and all get our posts up on the first Monday of the month, late posts are still accepted. We just like talking about books together.
Calendar Girls Picks
Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile –
Dani (that’s me) @ MousaiBooks – Well Met by Jen DeLuca
More added soon.
  Calendar Girls: January 2020 Hey all, Dani here. Hello everyone, and welcome to a very early post for me. Clearly as this post goes live I'm in bed, but I wanted to make sure this post was up for all of my fellow Calendar Girls, so here we are.
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cutshawsnidowoa · 5 years
What’s Mew at Catster: June 2019 Cat Events
The post What’s Mew at Catster: June 2019 Cat Events by Annie Butler Shirreffs appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
Looking for a way to celebrate our feline friends in June? Here are some fun June 2019 cat events.  
Saturday, June 1 to Sunday, June 2: Jackson Galaxy’s Cat Camp
Learn all about cats at Jackson Galaxy’s Cat Camp; Photography courtesy Cat Camp
Grab your cool-for-cats T-shirt and pretty kitty ears, and head to the Metropolitan Pavilion in New York City for the annual Cat Camp. Hear leading experts – like Jackson Galaxy, Kitten Lady Hannah Shaw and Cat Man of West Oakland Adam Myatt – chat about orphaned kittens, cat behavior, fostering and community cats. Participate in counselor sessions, meet adoptable cats, visit the on-site Meow Parlour cat café and shop for feline-themed products. For a full list of speakers/schedule, go to catcampnyc.com.
Friday, June 7: The Secret Life of Pets 2
Check out this fun sequel, opening today!
In the sequel to the 2016 animated comedy movie The Secret Life of Pets, Terrier Max stresses over protecting toddler Liam (yes, his owner is now married, with a child) and develops a nervous tic. The rest of the gang is having issues, too. Pomeranian Gidget and kitty Chloe try to rescue Max’s favorite toy, hindered by Chloe’s little catnip problem. And bunny Snowball tries to live out his superhero fantasy when Shih Tzu Daisy asks for help on a dangerous mission. Of course, there’s mixed breed Duke (along with Max) who visits a farm only to have to survive canine-intolerant cows, hostile foxes and a terrifying turkey.
With humor and irreverence, the film looks at the emotional lives of pets and their bond with the families that love them. The furry gang searches deep for their inner courage to face their fears with some help from the one-and-only Harrison Ford, the voice behind veteran farm dog Rooster. All the stars are back: Kevin Hart, Tiffany Hadish, Patton Oswalt, Eric Stonestreet, Jenny Slate, Lake Bell, Hannibal Buress, Nick Kroll, Dana Carvey, Ellie Kemper, Pete Holmes, Garth Jennings and Bobby Moynihan. Directed by Chris Renaud and co-director Jonathan Del Val, written by Brian Lynch and produced by Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy. Visit thesecretlifeofpets.com.
Saturday, June 8: Angel Pets Conference and Angel Expo 2019
Get great senior-pet info at the Angel Pet Conference.
Want to take better care of your pets (and yourself) during the senior years and end-of-life transitions? Attend the unique and pioneering Angel Pets Conference and Angel Pets Expo 2019 at the Renaissance Asheville Hotel in downtown Asheville, North Carolina. Seminars and products focus on senior pet care, end-of-life and caregiver support. Listen to experts like internationally renowned pet-loss specialist Coleen Ellis and more. Schedule and registration at angelpetsconference.com.
Saturday, June 8: Catherine’s Butterfly Party
This event celebrates its 5th year, on what would have been Catherine’s birthday.
Celebrating its 5thyear, this event honors the life of Catherine Hubbard, who was tragically slain during the 2012 Sandy Hook Massacre. This year, the event falls on an extra special day – what would have been Catherine’s 13thbirthday. The Butterfly Party pays tribute to her life by continuing her dream of one day working with animals and spreading love and kindness to animals and all beings. Last year, more than 6,000 attended the event, and more than 70 homeless animals found forever homes. Funds raised by the event support the building and development of the official Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary, a future destination for animal and wildlife care in Newtown, Connecticut. 
Saturday, June 29:  Catfest London
The second edition of this day-and-night festival at Beckenham Place Mansion will be bigger and better. Discover fab cat accessories from 50-plus exhibitors, books, the Swell Cat art show, vegan street food, cocktails, live music and big-cat cult flick ROAR under the stars. Take in soulful talks from best-selling writers and animal experts like BBC’s Big Cats About the House stars Giles Clark and Gwen Cooper (Homer’s Odyssey). Meet street cat Bob and James Bowen of A Street Cat Named Bob fame and other feline superstars. Fall in love with rescued street kittens from Morocco. For more information, visit catfestlondon.com.
Saturday, June 29 to Sunday, June 30: CatCon 5thAnniFURsary
Join in all the feline fun at CatCon.
Pounce on this annual Southern California cat-centric, pop cultural two-day immersive experience that draws crowds of 16k-plus. Cat Con debunks the crazy cat lady myth, proving you can be hip, stylish and have a cat, too. This year, CatCon is taking over even more space to eat, drink, play, adopt and shop for choice products for cats and their people. Expect a ton of surprises, plus many returning and emerging talent and experiential activations galore, while CatCon continues to support shelters in adoption, health and spay/neuter efforts. Get more info at catconworldwide.com.
About the author
Annie Butler Shirreffs has worked in the pet industry for 20 years and is currently the senior editor of Catster and Dogster magazines. A cat lover since she was a little girl, she has always had feline friends in her life. She and her husband share their Southern California home with their four cats and an ever-changing clowder of foster kittens, all of whom enjoy being testers for cool, new products.
Thumbnail: Photography ©IvonneW | Getty Images.
Read more news on Catster.com
3 Important Summer Tips for Cats
DIY Cat Toy
The Right Cat Scratching Post for Every Stage of Life
The post What’s Mew at Catster: June 2019 Cat Events by Annie Butler Shirreffs appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
from Catster https://www.catster.com/the-scoop/whats-mew-at-catster-june-2019-cat-events via IFTTT
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