#renault service near me
renaultmechanic · 2 months
The importance of computer-generated diagnostic testing for your Renault vehicle
Keeping your Renault in optimal condition has become relatively easier with the help of advanced computer-generated diagnostics. This advanced technology helps mechanics identify and fix issues with your car quickly and accurately. Your Renault has an OBD-II port, which is usually found under the dashboard. Connecting a diagnostic scanner to this port lets our mechanics read diagnostic trouble…
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autocarrepairblogs · 2 years
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Cars are an important part of our daily lives as they provide the comfort and convenience of transportation. It has become easier to purchase cars with a wide variety of options available in the market. Auto Car Repair is a multi-brand car service center that provides car services to reduce fuel consumption. These services help in improving the car performance, durability, and fuel efficiency.
Fuel economy refers to the efficiency with which a vehicle uses fuel to travel a certain distance. It is usually measured in liters per 100 kilometers (L/100km). The higher the fuel economy, the more kilometers a vehicle can travel using a given amount of fuel. The tips to improve your fuel economy are
Keep your tires properly inflated
Use the right motor oil
Replace air filters regularly
Remove excess weight from your car
Use cruise control
Avoid excessive idling
Avoid aggressive driving
Keep your car well-maintained
Use the right fuel
Plan your trips
For more information visit our website at https://autocarrepair.in/
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harrygoeswest · 1 year
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Trigger Warnings: sexual content (yeeeaaahhhhhh!), sweary sweary language
Word count: 15,357
Chapters nine, ten & eleven
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On Friday afternoon, the handsome but rather irritating ‘Darren’ was called to pick up his car. I’d done exceptionally well in avoiding having anything to do with it, too. Zara wasn’t even the one that serviced it - Dad did it for me, and called him straight afterwards. I hadn’t told him about Darren and his rather forward behaviour with me the other day - I’d rather him see it for himself. If Darren was anything like Frank, he wouldn’t peacock when another man was around.
It was a sticky kind of hot today. I was uncomfortable working and most interactions with people had irritated me, so I was doing my best to keep conversation to a minimal. I hated the humidity like this. Part of me wanted to close but I couldn’t afford to lose a day’s work like that - not after buying that unassuming puppy.
Bongo seemed to be struggling more than I was. I’d locked him in the office with two fans to make sure he didn’t overheat. Either me or Dad were also constantly topping up his water because he was drinking it so quickly. I didn’t really know what else to do. It was better than leaving him in the car.
I was eyeing up the hosepipe on the forecourt while I downed an entire bottle of water when Darren turned up. I didn’t realise who it was at first, mostly because it was so bright outside that I couldn’t see. I was squinting a lot.
He wasn’t wearing a suit today - instead a pair of bright Hawaiian board shorts, flip flops and a gaping vest. He might as well not have been wearing a vest. He looked ridiculous.
“It’s hot, innit?” He asked with a weirdly smug grin.
He was a fine one to talk. He wasn’t the one wearing overalls as well as a t-shirt.
I didn’t answer him, instead wandering inside to find his key and the invoice for him so I could get rid of him as quickly as possible. He lingered outside of the office while I did so, and I ignored the fact that I could feel him staring at me.
“Sweat looks good on you.” He commented as I handed him the invoice and the key.
I chose not to answer that. “You need to be careful with your clutch.”
Darren blinked and looked down at the form. “Is there something wrong with it?”
“Not yet. But it’s obvious you ride it more than you need to and if you continue to do so it’ll overheat and you’ll need to replace it.”
“Ride it”? He giggled.
I inhaled a subtle breath. “Coasting. Or sitting in traffic for too long without releasing it.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“You’d know if I was flirting with you.” I said sharply. “I’m sure you’ll be right back down here in a panic when you start to smell burning, and I’d really like to try and avoid that. So ease up.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He smirked. “Devastated I didn’t get to see you all over my baby.”
My expression was flat. “I haven’t been near your baby.”
“Who has, then?”
“Floss,” Dad called from nearby, and when I looked over my shoulder he appeared from underneath an old Renault Clio, “¿donde esta el trinquete de ocho pulgadas?” Where is the 8-inch ratchet?
“​​En tu caja de herramientas donde la dejaste.” In your toolbox where you left it.
My dad looked around himself for his toolbox, and nodded to himself when he found what he was looking for. He then noticed who I was talking to and cocked his head. “¿Es ese el dueño de Lamborghini?” Is that the Lamborghini owner?
“You need to be careful with your clutch, mate. That thing is only a few miles off overheating.”
I felt incredibly smug.
Darren lifted his head slightly. “Thanks. Glad someone picked up on it, I never would’ve known.”
“Do you drive it a lot?”
“Every day.”
“Makes sense. They’re not really made for daily use so just try to keep it in neutral when you’re in stop-start traffic. And don’t coast - it’ll screw you right up.”
“Got it. Cheers, mate.”
It was difficult not to show my pride as I handed Darren the card machine to pay with. Even though he’d never said it in so many words, I knew he hadn’t entirely trusted my judgement when I told him to be careful with his clutch. Of course he never batted an eyelid when another man told him the same thing. Misogyny prevailed once again.
“Your English accent is very good.” He commented as he punched his PIN into the machine.
“That’s because I’m English.”
Darren stilled, for once reluctant to look me in the eye. “I’m making a real dick of myself, aren’t I?”
“Okay… So a date would be off the cards?”
“Not a chance in hell.”
He nodded curtly and handed the machine and the invoice back. “Well then, all I shall say is that I found that whole interaction very sexy and it’s a shame I won’t get to hear it again.”
“Goodbye, Darren.”
I watched the idiot leave as I stood in the office refilling Bongo’s water bowl, shaking my head to myself. At least he’d learned when it was a good time to call it a day. I’ve had to be much more aggressive than that before, but again it might’ve helped that there was another male in the near vicinity. Not that that should be a reason at all.
I wandered back to where my dad was finishing off the Clio, making it the last job of the day before we closed. The owner’s arrival was imminent.
“Was he flirting with you?” Dad asked.
I grunted. “Yeah. He was gonna ask me on a date but he’d already ruined it before he could ask.”
Dad laughed, and I could feel his warm gaze on me. “You could do better than that, Floss. He might have enough money to buy a Lambo but he’s too far up his own arse. You need someone a bit more down to Earth.”
“I don’t need anyone, I’m fine.”
“Maybe. I just meant generally, if you did ever decide you wanted a partner again, it wouldn’t do you good to be with a prick like that.”
I hummed, “Gracias, papi.”
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It had taken Bongo all week to settle down at night. I’d spent two nights on the sofa because I couldn’t have him in bed with me or Ruby again, and finally on Friday night he slept the night through without any crying or disturbances.
Ruby said I was cruel for leaving him downstairs on his own, but it was more a disciplinary tactic than anything else. I couldn’t have him thinking he was allowed on every surface in the house, it would be carnage when he was fully grown. I tried to tell her this, but she still didn’t like it.
Because I was so distracted by Bongo, I didn’t have any arrangements for my Friday night without Ruby, so I spent it on the sofa with a movie marathon, a pizza and a bottle of wine. Since there were no pizza takeaways close enough to deliver, I had a frozen one out of the freezer and the wine cost me £4 in Tesco. It was horrible, too, but I was surprised by the lack of a hangover in the morning.
I decided to eat breakfast before I took Bongo on his morning walk, so I fumbled my way out of bed and downstairs to get a bowl of cereal and feed the puppy.
“Oh, fuck,” I muttered, halting in the living room doorway.
Bongo had ripped his bed completely to shreds. There was fluff and fabric everywhere - not just in his penn but also somehow across the room. He was still safely inside - he hadn’t escaped and he was awake, sitting upright looking at me with a cocked head.
“Bongo, what did you do?”
He ruffed at me quietly and stood up, tail wagging ferociously.
As I walked closer I realised something else, not just from the obvious smell but by the wet patch on the carpet in the corner of his penn.
“Oh dear,” I sighed, stroking over the top of his soft head. “Did we have a little accident in the night, mate?”
He was licking my hand and arm in response.
“I’m sure it’s only the first.”
I let Bongo eat while I cleaned up the mess in the living room, and heavily sprayed the carpet with disinfectant and fabric spray. He ate faster than I cleaned so he was back to sniffing around me long before I was finished. I found a blanket for him to sleep on for now, but whatever Ruby and I decided to do today, it would involve going to buy a new bed for the puppy.
After my breakfast I dressed in a another of my t-shirts (this one was white, had a red drawing of the sun with a face and legs, and the words ‘I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I GOT HERE’ written on the front) and some leggings, brushed my hair, put my work boots on and took the dog out for his morning walk in the sun. We did a big loop around the village - cutting through the field behind the house and past Mum and Dad’s, then over the river towards Arlington Row, but slipping back across the river again by Harry and Oscar’s house so I could stop in the shop next to the post office to buy some more milk.
As we walked over the bridge I noticed movement in Harry’s front window. I couldn’t decide whether it would be better for me to sneak past unseen or at least try and wave just in case he had seen me.
Of course, a convoy of traffic came cruising past just when I needed to cross the road, so I stood waiting for a while in plain sight. When I finally managed to get the dog across the road safely, Harry was already outside on the gravel.
I felt uncomfortably obvious.
“Morning!” He called across his driveway.
I wandered onto the gravel with an apprehensive feeling, but only the same kind of apprehension I always felt around Harry. “Hi,”
“Barely recognised you with your hair down.” He commented as he fussed the puppy playing around his legs.
“Oh,” I dragged my fingers through my hair without thinking, “yeah.”
“S’really long.”
I blinked at him. Why was he stating the obvious? “Yeah,”
“Anyway, I was actually gonna text you.” He said, completely at ease.
“What’s Lodge Park like?”
His question made my mind drift.
Lodge Park was another one of the stately homes built on the Sherborne Estate. It wasn’t the best kept one but it was a beautiful building from what I could remember. I hadn’t been for a long time.
“It’s alright?” I shrugged. “It’s on the big Sherborne Estate - very pretty.”
“I saw a poster for a summer fete or something and thought about taking Oscar.”
“Oh that’d be nice. The fetes are usually massive - like, as big as a car boot sale.”
“Oh, really?” He smiled. His dimple sank and his eyes crinkled. He was so pretty it made me feel sick.
“Yeah, you’ll have plenty to do. I think they do a bouncy castle and lawn games and stuff too.”
“Sweet.” His smile widened. “Are you and Ruby busy? I know Oscar’d love having someone to piss around with.”
I was amused by his choice of words, but at the same time his question seemed to trap me. I didn’t know how to answer that.
I liked Harry. Career aside, he was handsome and pleasant and surprisingly easy to talk to for someone who still managed to unintentionally intimidate me. It should have been so easy for me to just say yes. It would be a good day out for Ruby - it was a nice day again, there were so many things that would keep her occupied.
But the idea of spending near an entire day with the sexy dentist still put me on edge. How many times could I embarrass myself in front of him? There were ample ways to - a fete with endless tables full of trinkets and handmade niceties, food, drinks, I could go on. I could lose my balance and knock one over, which would knock the next one over, and then the one after that. Like dominos of shame. I could talk about things that made absolutely no sense. I could say words that didn’t exist and say other words that did exist but used in completely the wrong context.
As much as I wanted to take Ruby on a nice day out, I wasn’t willing to put myself in that position with the dentist again.
“Oh, I don’t think we can.”
“That’s okay,” he shook his head, still smiling but he was obviously disheartened. “If you’ve got other plans that’s completely fine. Maybe next time.”
“Yeah, we’re just, um…” What? What are we doing? “Mum and Dad are taking us out for the day to Stow.”
He tipped his head like Bongo did. “Where?”
He clicked and pointed at me “I know it. Well, I hope you all have a nice day.”
“And you, Harry.”
“See you later.” He smiled, gave a limp wave, and then turned away to disappear back into his house.
As I walked out of the drive and carried on a few doors down to the village shop, I didn’t feel good about myself. I felt guilty for lying. I was impressed at how easy it had been, and that it was even believable. But I knew I was being stupid to some degree. I just wasn’t ready for that level of friendship with Harry yet.
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Before I knew it, Whitsun Week had arrived and it was time for me to send Ruby and Bongo off for their holiday in Cornwall with Mum and Dad.
I had a bit of a sombre day at work while I was thinking about it. Part of me was excited to have some real time to myself for the first time in 7 years, but it also felt really strange knowing that Ruby wouldn’t be in the house, or even a ten minute walk down the road for the next week.
When I finished work I drove straight to the school. I had her suitcase and all of Bongo’s things in the boot of my car. Ruby had been upset that morning that she couldn’t take her suitcase or the dog into school with her, so I reminded her that she would have both of those things for the rest of the week without any kind of separation.
Mum and Dad were already waiting in the car park when I pulled in. Dad was sitting against the bonnet of his car while Mum was across the playground talking to Harry. I felt a weird pain in my stomach at that.
“Cómo estás, querida?” Dad asked how I was. He met me at my car, opening the door for me.
“Estoy bien.” I shrugged. “Ha sido un día extraño.” It’s been a weird day.
My dad simply nodded, and helped me unload everything out of my car to move it all over to his. There wasn’t as much as I thought there was this morning when I did it alone, so it didn’t take us very long.
Mum was still talking to Harry, and would probably continue to do so until the children appeared. I caught his gaze at one point, so I gave a small smile and a limp wave, but he didn’t return it.
That actually didn’t surprise me. Ever since I declined to go to Lodge Park with him, he’d kept his distance. I couldn’t figure out why - he believed me on the day. I hadn’t really had a chance to put my foot in anything else since then. When he came to collect Oscar the following Monday he was much less chatty and seemed almost desperate to go home. The same thing happened on Wednesday and Thursday when I picked Ruby up from his.
I tried not to let it bother me too much. It could’ve been any number of reasons - it might not have been me at all. Maybe he had a new girlfriend and he was just trying to keep his distance. Maybe he was going through a rough time and working out what I was doing all the time wasn’t a priority anymore. I hoped it was one of those two.
When the children finally started to appear, Mum left Harry alone and came back to us.
“Floss, si no tienes prisa y arrebatar a ese, alguien mas lo hara.” If you don’t hurry up and snatch that dentist, someone else will.
I rolled my eyes. “No estoy arrebatando a nadie.” I’m not snatching anyone.
“¡¿Por qué?!”
“¡Porque no quiero!” Because I don’t want to!
I was starting to get really tired of everyone telling me that I needed to find a man. Namely, the sexy dentist. I didn’t need to find anything. Everything I needed had already been found.
My mother shook her head at me, but immediately returned the hug she was receiving from my daughter. “Hola, dulce niña,”
“We’re going on holiday!” Ruby squealed.
“We are, are you excited?”
“So excited!”
“Rubes, do you want to give me your school bag and we’ll go and get Bongo?” I asked, nodding towards the car.
“Okay!” She grinned.
I took her hand and we walked the short distance to the car together. She threw her bag into the back seat, and then took Bongo’s lead off me once he was out of the car. He was looking a little too excitable for my liking.
“Hold onto him extra tight, muffin. Looks like he wants to shoot off any second.” I said as I stroked over her hair.
“I got him.”
We loaded the puppy into the back of Dad’s car where a blanket had been laid out for him, and as soon as the door was shut his head appeared in the back window, panting away.
I rubbed my finger over the window where his wet nose was smearing all over the glass. “Bye, mate.”
Even though he was Ruby’s puppy, I was going to miss the little thing a lot.
“Right, Ruby, can I have a hug, please?”
I crouched down so that I was basically shorter than her, and waited for her to wrap her arms around me. When she did I squeezed her to me as tightly as possible and buried my face into the small crook of her neck.
“I’m gonna miss you, Mummy.”
I sighed as I pulled away, placing both hands on the side of her face. “I’ll miss you too, poppet. You make sure you have lots of fun and look after Grandma and Grandad, alright?”
“I will, I promise.”
“Buena niña.” I whispered, pecking her cheek. “Te quiero mucho.”
Ruby smiled at me and kissed my cheek in return. “Te quiero más.” I love you more.
“Aye,” I was filled with joy, “my smart girl. Go on, then. Or we’ll be here forever and you’ll never have a holiday.”
“Are you sure you can’t come with us?” She pouted.
“I’m sure, darlin’. I’m sorry.” I said with a matching look as I stood up again. “But you’ll have a brilliant time whether I’m there or not.”
She let out a heavy sigh, staring at the floor. “Wait,”
I watched with a startled look as she ran off towards the car. She opened the back door, wrestled with the dog for a little bit, and then trotted him over to me.
She handed me the lead with a determined look. “You should have Bongo here with you. So you’re not lonely.”
I felt like crying. “Oh, are you sure, muffin? He was looking forward to his holiday with you.”
“I’m sure. He loves you and he’ll miss you.”
I stroked over her cheek, a no doubt warm look radiating from me. “Thank you, baby.”
I finally said goodbye to my parents and put Ruby in the back seat, and I waited for them to set off before I put Bongo in the front passenger seat. I realised as they were driving away that everything I needed for Bongo was now on its way to Cornwall.
Feeling slightly deflated I took Bongo home and fed him with some emergency puppy food from the shop, then myself with the addition of a bottle of wine. I watched TV for all of an hour before I decided to call it a night.
Even though I never had Ruby at home on a Friday night, it was strange knowing that she wasn’t at least five minutes down the road. I stood on the landing staring between my bedroom and hers for an embarrassing amount of time before I decided to sleep in her room. I wept a little as I tucked myself into her bed, and I was asleep before I could even count to five.
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While Ruby was away with Mum and Dad I had a constant fear of being alone in the house. I had the puppy which wasn’t necessarily a terrible thing, but not having my miniature zipping around the house every evening made me sad. I missed her a lot more than I’d expected to and I really couldn’t wait for her to come home.
I ended up taking Bongo on more walks than he needed. Like on Tuesday - I took him for his morning walk before I went to work, and for his afternoon walk when I got home. And then in the late evening - way later than I should’ve been out walking alone, I took him for a third walk out to the field behind the house and let him run riot for as long as he wanted. I threw stick after stick for him, ran him around the field until I was exhausted, and then waited for him to tire. I ended up carrying the poor sod home.
Even though the weather had been wonderful, while I was carrying the puppy back to the house, it wasn’t hard to miss the especially dark cloud coming in from Cheltenham-way. And it was grossly warm out. I ran the last five minutes home to avoid us both getting wet.
I decided the best thing to do was have an early night, so I had a shower and began to put Bongo away in his penn for the night. While I was fussing with him the thunder started. I stood up and wandered over to the back door, watching the heavy rain soak the dying grass in the back garden. Lightning struck in a wild flash, and moments later the thunder rolled over again.
Bongo started crying.
“It’s alright, mate.” I cooed at him, rejoining him on the floor. “Just a bit of thunder, it can’t hurt you in here.”
The puppy whimpered, crawling into my lap like a dollop. I shushed him while I stroked him, and decided to take him with me back to the window to watch it. He was much better in my arms; he started crying any time I tried to put him back down again.
All I could do now was wait for the storm to stop, but I was standing there for a good hour and nothing changed. I tried to fuss him as much as I could, but my arms grew tired and I eventually had to sit down. I let him curl up on the sofa next to me.
I nodded off for a while, always comforted by the sound of rain and thunder. The only thing that woke me up was my phone vibrating where I’d left it on the dining table. I groaned and stood up, Bongo following me without hesitation.
REDIRECT FROM: Garage Maybe: Oscar’s Dad
I frowned at my phone. Why would Harry be calling the garage?
I answered the call before it rang out, “Harry?”
There was a pause on the other end of the line. “Er…”
“It’s Floss.”
“Oh, shit,” he muttered, “I thought I’d called the breakdown number.”
“You did, it redirects to my phone after five o’clock. Are you alright?”
He coughed. Wherever he was I could hear the rain from his end as well as mine. “No, I’ve er, broken down.”
Dur. I was so stupid sometimes. So much for my early night.
“Where are you?” I asked, moving towards the hall to put some shoes on.
“I don’t know, somewhere this side of Cheltenham.”
“Can you ping me your location from your phone? I’ll come and get you.”
“With what?”
Was that a serious question? “The breakdown van…”
“Oh no, Florence I’ll just call the AA or something, you don’t have to come all the way out here.”
“Harry, it’s literally my job.”
“I realise that, but it’s late and the weather is shit and I don’t want you doing that.”
“I’ve already left the house,” I hadn’t, “so just drop your location to my number and I’ll come and find you.”
He sighed, a rather petulant sound. “Alright. Thank you.”
“No problem.”
I found Bongo’s lead and hooked it to his collar, fiercely stroking his head while he tried to lick my hand.
“Who’s a lucky boy, aye? Four outings in one day!”
I took the keys for the rescue van off the hook on the wall by the front door, locked the house up, and ran out to where it was waiting on the driveway with Bongo in tow. He curled up on the seat next to me and went straight to sleep, while I set the sat-nav on my phone to the pin Harry had sent me like I’d asked him to. He looked to be on a single track road the other side of Withington - one of the villages around halfway between Cheltenham and Bibury.
I started the van and drove out into the rain, the windscreen wipers not doing much for visibility. I needed to get them replaced. While I knew the roads around the village fairly well, doing it practically blind and in the dark didn’t make it easy for me. I drove much slower than I normally would.
It took me 40 minutes to find the dentist, when it should’ve only taken half that. When I did find him, he was sitting in the driver’s seat of his Range Rover with the cab light on, hazards flashing. I pulled the van in behind him so that they were rear to rear and it would be easier to load the car on.
He opened his door as I did, except he never got out. I left the sleeping puppy in the van and hurried over to the car with the hood on my parka pulled up. Harry was sitting sideways now, his feet resting on the step of the door. Telling by the state of his wet, dripping hair, he’d already been outside.
“Are you okay?” I asked, louder than usual because the rain was so damn noisy.
His expression was flat and his jaw was already clenched. “Fucking marvellous, Florence.”
I gave him a sympathetic smile. “Sorry. This won’t take me long, I just need you to reverse it onto the van and then you can go sit in the cab with the dog.”
He lifted his head, but he didn’t give a verbal response. He just stepped out of the car into the pouring rain and around to the front.
Together we pushed the Range Rover onto the back of the van, with Harry pushing at the bonnet and me at the side, using the steering wheel to guide it. It wasn’t the easiest car I’d had to load - being so big and so heavy, and with the rain it kept rolling forwards on the metal planks. I ended up having to secure the back of the car to the cab with the winch before I could fasten the tyres down, but I didn’t make Harry help me with that.
It was about half an hour later when we finally started making our way home.
I kept looking in Harry's direction to see if he was alright, but he was like Ruby - always looking out the window with his chin in his palm. It was obvious he was pissed off about something, whether it be the car or something else, or multiple things, but I hadn’t ever seen him like it. It was unnerving. I didn’t know if trying to talk to him would make it better or worse, but I decided not to try.
I didn’t have to, anyway.
“Did you leave Ruby at home?”
I glanced at him, but not for very long. He still wasn’t looking at me. “No, she’s away with my parents. Did you leave Oscar at home?”
“No, he’s with my mum in Cheshire.”
“I see… What were you doing all the way out here, then? If you don’t mind me asking.”
He sighed and turned to look out the windscreen instead. “I had to go to this convention thing in Cheltenham. I didn’t actually want to go at all but I didn’t have a choice. I thought because it was so close I’d drive there and back both days. Apparently I’m not allowed to do that.” Then he looked at me. “Why didn’t you go away with your mum and dad?”
“Stuff like this.”
“Knew I was gonna break down, did ya?”
I laughed. “I knew you’d break down at some point. I didn’t know it was gonna be today.”
“Let me guess - hedges?”
“Bushes.” I giggled, and I was relieved to hear him laughing too. “But yes.”
“Serves me right, I guess.”
I shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. It’s a lot of money to fork out on a car, sometimes we just can’t afford it. But it does serve you right for getting a Range Rover.”
“This coming from a car mechanic who drives a bright orange Ford Focus.”
“Hey, it was the only thing I could afford at the time, and it has done me well this far so there’s no point in changing it.”
“My Range Rover had done me well until now.” He retorted.
“Had it? Really?”
“It actually had!”
“Alright, if you say so Mr Dentist Man.”
“That’s Doctor Dentist Man, thank you very much.”
“I knew you were gonna say that.” I scoffed.
When I didn’t get a response from him, I quickly looked his way to find him smirking at me.
“What?” I demanded.
“Nothing.” He looked away from me. “How are you getting on without Ruby at home?”
I swallowed and took a deep breath. “I hate it.”
“Yep. I hadn’t realised until she left but I’ve never not had her at home. I mean, she stays at Mum and Dad’s every Friday night, but this is day four and it’s getting a bit shit. I’ve learned that I’m not very good at being on my own. I actually get really lonely.”
“I get that.” Harry said, his voice much softer. “I’m kinda the same - I’m not used to being in the house alone. Even though Oscar always spends a holiday with a grandparent somewhere, I’d never been alone with it until now. This is the first time I’ve not gone with him and still not had anyone at home either.”
I thought about that for a moment. “It’s crazy to think that we, as grown adults, depend on our children like that. Like we need them, just like they need us. It’s not supposed to be like that, is it?”
“Not really, no. But things would have been very different if I didn’t have Oscar. He saved my life in one way.”
I felt the seconds tick away before I answered. “I was just selfish with Ruby. I fell pregnant when I least expected it and I just didn’t want to give her up.”
“Do you… do you know where her dad is, if you don’t mind me asking?”
His question made me laugh, because it sounded as if he was asking if I’d lost him - like we’d got separated one day and I just never found him again. I had this image in my head of Federico wandering aimlessly around a big field.
“What’s funny?”
I shook my head. “Nothing, I had a daft thought. Um, I do know where he is, yeah. I met him through a friend but he wasn’t local, he was just studying here. We had a kind of… whirlwind romance, if you like, and then he went back home. When I found out I was pregnant I wrote to him and just said, I want to keep her, and if you want to be involved then great, but if you don’t I completely get it. I was keeping her either way, that was my choice.”
“So I guess he didn’t want to know?”
“I guess not. He’s never met her, but I get like a small amount of money come in every month, and a bit more on her birthday.”
“I suppose that’s… something. Does Ruby know?”
I shook my head. “Nope. Maybe one day I’ll tell her, and if she asked me I’d never not tell her. But she’s said to me before that she doesn’t care that she’s not got a daddy and she likes that it’s just the two of us. Hopefully that means I’m doing something right.”
“I mean,” I heard his thick swallow, “there’s no denying you’re a good mum, Floss. Lorraine can say whatever the fuck she wants about you and me, but I know you do what’s best for Ruby, and so does everyone else who isn’t poisoned by that stupid woman running the kid’s club.”
“Well, thanks, Harry. I appreciate that.”
“You’re welcome.” He grinned at me. “I am available for pep talks and motivational speeches at any time.”
I took Harry home first considering he’d had such a naff day and it was getting so late. He gave Bongo a chin scratch as he stood outside with the door open, apparently not bothered by the rain anymore.
“Thank you for saving my arse, Florence. Floss,” He corrected himself again with a little eye roll.
“Any time.”
“What do I owe you for the,” He waved his hand vaguely, “service?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just let me know tomorrow what you want me to do with the car.”
“Oh, I want it fixed.” He laughed, still stroking the puppy. “Just fix it, I’m over it.”
“Alright. I will fix her.”
“Dulces sueños, señorita.”
My expression fell at the Spanish words coming out of his mouth. Sweet dreams, miss. My laugh was nervous, “Buenas noches, pollito.”
He pressed his lips together, holding onto the side of the door. “Don’t know that one yet.”
“Okay, well I’ll leave you to work that one out.” I’d called him a small chicken.
“Bye. Bongo, come over here.”
He finally shut the door once the puppy had come to me, and ran across the gravel to his house, key at the ready.
I decided to take the car to the garage in the morning rather than straight away like I normally would. I was too tired and too wet to want to do anything else other than go to bed.
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I’d been alone in the garage for half the day. Zara had been in for the morning but went home at lunchtime to start her holiday early. She was going to Greece for a week with Mickey, and I was going to be alone in the garage for two and a half days. Alone again. Perhaps I’d shot myself in the foot by not going away with Mum and Dad, but I had to earn money somehow.
Luckily it was a quiet day. I hadn’t seen anyone since this morning when clients came to collect their cars, and no one had brought one in to me. The phone hadn’t even rang. The weather was nice again today; the storm passed. Everything was still wet and it was much cooler temperature-wise, but it was sunny and bright. Like a mid-spring morning.
It left me to work on the dentist’s car without interruption. Well, Bongo was in the office in his bed and barked occasionally when I left him for too long without reminding him I was still there. I’d turned the music up louder than I normally would, with my entire music library on shuffle. Some would call it messy. I certainly did.
I didn’t realise the time while I was fixing the Range Rover. It was a larger task to do alone than I’d anticipated, and by the time I’d pulled my head out of the bonnet it looked to be getting late.
When I looked out onto the forecourt I saw Harry eyeing up an old BMW M3 someone had sold me earlier in the week. It needed a bit of a clean up before it could be marketed, but that was usually Zara’s job.
Harry was wearing a rainbow-dyed crew neck t-shirt and wide-leg jeans with white vans. He looked a lot cleaner than he had done last night. I knew I couldn’t say the same for myself. He turned away from the old beamer and looked into the garage where I was watching him.
I turned the music down. No one needed to hear Oasis at that volume. “Hi,” I said calmly, wiping my hands on a cloth.
“Hi,” He returned with a smile, briefly looking over his car. “I, er, tried to call you a couple of times but… well, yeah.”
“Sorry. I left my phone in the office - you should’ve tried the garage number.”
“I did.”
“Oh,” I laughed once, “my bad.”
“Thought it was a bit weird you hadn’t called me with an update.”
“Yeah, I’ve been alone most of today so it’s taken a bit longer than usual.”
“It’s alright, was a bit worried, that’s all.”
I tipped my head slightly. Did he mean he was worried about me or about his car? “Well, she’s all fixed up now, so nothing to worry about. I think, anyway. I haven’t tried starting it yet.”
He fought a smile. “I didn’t mean the car, Florence.”
I stared at him for a moment, unsure what to say. He was painfully pretty up this close. He still hadn’t shaved so he looked a bit dirty around the cheeks and mouth, but it looked good on him. It aged him well. His hair was fluffy and a little unruly. I thought if I patted my hand to it, it would just bounce right back. His lips looked especially pink. There was a dimple in his left cheek appearing and I wanted to poke it. Or kiss it. I wanted to do lots of things in that moment, actually. And I did none of them.
He never took his eyes off me, either. I felt like I was stuck inside a prison, and my own personal cell was just his gaze. It was a crime to look at someone the way he was looking at me. It was unfair.
Harry blinked, gaze dropping less than an inch. His lips upturned. “You’ve got, um, a bit of grease on your nose.”
My cheeks started burning. “Oh,” I wiped my nose with the side of my hand, looking at the floor. How embarrassing.
When I met his gaze again he giggled and shook his head. “No, um,”
“What?” I asked, trying to see my reflection in the window of his car.
“I’ve made it worse, haven’t I?”
“L’il bit, yeah.”
“Shit,” I sighed, about to wipe it again.
In the next breath he rested the pads of his fingertips under my jaw and wiped his thumb over the width of my nose. I was paralysed for that pocket of time, my skin tingling where he touched me but completely unable to do anything about it. I was dizzy when he met my gaze again, and I didn’t miss the way he wet his lips with his tongue.
Suddenly, Bongo barked.
Harry pulled his hand away, and I jumped at the sound.
I turned around to see the puppy standing at the back of the room staring between the two of us. My heart was hammering in my chest.
“What are you barking for, you daft dog?” I said as I marched up to him. “Come on, in the office.”
Bongo followed me into the small fishbowl office and padded onto his bed. I crouched down and stroked him over a few times, and pecked his snout.
“You are a good boy, aren’t you?” I whispered. “We’ll go walkies in a minute, yeah?”
He gave me a little ruff as if to say he understood.
Before I shut him in the office again I found Harry’s keys and the paperwork for the car.
“You know, I didn’t sleep very well last night.” He said once I was standing before him again.
I left the paperwork on the bonnet of the car with the key on top, waiting for him to carry on.
“Was thinkin’ about what you said - about hating being alone.”
I blinked, confused. “What about it?”
He gave a weird shake of his head. “I didn’t like it.”
“Well, it’s kind of my own fault, so-,”
“No, that’s not what I mean. I know you said you stayed home because of work and whatever, but I still felt… I didn’t want you to be alone. ‘S kinda why I came to find you today, ‘cause I didn’t want you to feel that way.”
“I was just whining. I’m a big girl, Harry. It’s only a few more days - I’ll survive.”
His face did this weird thing where he seemed frustrated but he didn’t want to show it. “Why do you do that?”
I was confused. “Do what?”
“That thing. You did it the first day you walked into the practice - look for an excuse to… I don’t know. ‘S like you’re scared of me.”
I was scared of him. I felt like a peasant talking to a king, or plankton in the presence of a shark. I was insignificant in comparison. I didn’t know what to say to him, either. I thought admitting to him that he terrified me would make it worse.
I don’t know how long I was silent for but in the end he gave up.
“Alright, just… tell me if you want me to fuck off and I’ll leave you alone.”
I frowned. “No.”
Harry gawked at me, and then laughed. “No, what?”
“No, I’m not going to say that to you.”
His eyes widened. “You are the most confusing woman I’ve ever met.”
“I can assure you, I am actually just the most confused woman on the planet at all times.”
He stared at me, face utterly bewildered. “What must it be like inside your brain?”
“There’s not much there.” I shrugged.
He took a step closer as he spoke. “I’d love to know.”
“No, you wouldn’t.”
“Oh, I really would.” He insisted, smiling again. He moved another step closer.
“It’s really very empty up there.”
“I don’t believe you.”
At this point there was barely an inch of space between the two of us, and I felt very hot.
He took my hand in both of his and brought it up to his chest, placing it, palm flat, over his heart. “Feel that?”
I could feel it. I felt it the same way I could feel my own heartbeat, and they were perfectly in sync - completely erratic and thunderous. I nodded.
“Hasn’t done that for a very long time.”
“Who knew the thought of an empty brain could do such a thing to a man.”
He made another face, this time quite clearly desperate not to laugh. ���I don’t know where the fuck you came from, but I’m so glad you came to me.”
“How so?”
He looked up and took a deep breath, “I don’t know how I can make it any more explicitly clear that I want you.”
“Oh…” I mumbled, unable to look away from him. “Okay.”
Harry cocked his head, smirking. “Okay? Okay? Is it okay?”
“Yeah,” I giggled.
He lowered his head. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Better tell me, ‘cause there’s no turning back.”
“Stop talking and get on-,”
Harry dropped his head and pushed his lips firmly against mine.
I’d actually surrendered to him about five minutes ago, but with his kiss I was next-level surrendering, if such a thing existed. I was in the palm of his hand; swept with his tide; a single ember in his burning fire.
I was too startled to do anything but let him lead. And boy did he lead. He was everywhere - all I could feel was him. He was messy and needy and physical and I loved it.
He was greedy with his kisses - mouth open and tongue travelling the inside of my mouth like an explorer stuck in a foreign land. Except he wasn’t trying to find his way out, he was happy to get more and more lost.
His nose dug into my face, not necessarily painful because it was just fuelled by eagerness and want. He was breathing heavily and little grunts were coming out of him as if this was the first time he was experiencing a kiss. Did I care? Absolutely not. It was driving me crazy and I just wanted more.
His hands travelled, leaving my hand on his heart while he felt me up in other places, from my hips to my bum to my back to my breasts. For however long we stood there, all I thought about was him, because he made it so. Quite honestly he made it difficult to think about anything else. How could I when this man that I’d been calling sexy for however many months suddenly decided he wanted to make me feel like the only person to ever exist?
“You smell like oil and metal.” He said into my mouth.
“You don’t smell like mint.”
He laughed darkly. “That’s because I didn’t go to work today.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” he started, but sucked on my lower lip before he continued, “my stupid car broke down and the woman I fancy had to come and save me.”
“She sounds really cool.”
“She’s cool and more.”
I was delighted. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and let my fingers sink into his hair. He was feeling up my front, his hands gliding up and down over my breasts. I didn’t wear a bra to work and the friction against my nipples was doing wonders for me. I was the one making noise now.
He found the zip on my boiler suit and started pulling it down. My mind was running riot with possible outcomes and I was struggling to concentrate. He did what he was doing before - rubbed his palms over my nipples while his kisses grew more and more salacious.
“Can we take this off?” He asked, voice just a deep rumble as he pulled at the fabric of my coveralls.
Without answering and without any hesitation, I took my hands from around his shoulders and shimmied my way out of the garment, never letting my mouth detach from his. I kicked the boiler suit off my ankles and away, because knowing my luck I would probably trip over it.
Harry pushed the paperwork and the key to the other side of the bonnet, before he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up to sit me on top of the car.
I sunk my fingers back into his hair, but now his kisses travelled. He left a peck to my lips, before he dragged his wet kisses down my throat and chest. Without taking my t-shirt off, he held me at the sides and licked my nipple over the cotton. While he did, I massaged my fingers into his scalp. Neither of us could stop moaning.
He smoothed his hand up and down my thigh for a minute or so, but eventually he stretched his thumb out and started teasing me there between my legs.
“Fóllame,” I heaved.
Harry peered up at me, pupils completely blown out. “What does that one mean?”
I dragged out a slow, somewhat embarrassed laugh and pushed my hand through his hair. “The literal translation is ‘fuck me’.”
He pressed his mouth back to mine, now rubbing me between the legs with two fingers. “Am I to take your literal translation literally?”
“If you want to.”
He growled, forcing his tongue into my mouth again while he worked me up at the core. Not that he needed to - I’d been worked up down there from the moment he shut me up with his kisses. We snogged while he pulled my leggings and my knickers down to my knees, and then he pulled away to wet his fingers with his mouth.
He used his fingers to spread his spit around my clit, and started tactically rubbing away at me, like a burrowing rabbit. I kept my mouth on his to keep my noise levels to a minimum, but it was pointless. He made me feel like I was transcending.
He was practically purring at me as my legs started to quiver. “Are you always this wet?”
I groaned into his mouth. “No.”
I could feel the upturn of his lips, and a second later he was pushing his long middle finger into my heat.
“Haces la agonía mejor que el cielo.” You make agony better than heaven.
“I don’t know what you’re saying but please say more.”
My laughter was breathy and fell straight into his mouth. “Te hablaría así todo el día si te agradara.” I would talk to you like this all day if it pleased you.
I was vocal during sex anyway usually, but not in Spanish. I think I had a lot that I wanted to say to Harry but was too scared to say it. I could say it in Spanish and feel relief but not really give too much away.
He was still smiling as his kisses became more and more desperate. He did wonders for my body and my ego with a finger alone, and I loved just how attached he was to me.
Harry was persistent with his pleasure, slipping his index finger inside of me as well, and now with a more vigorous pace. His thumb played with my clit simultaneously, and I concentrated on both of these things alone while I kissed him like my life depended on it. My body was tingling with anticipation, my centre so hot it might fry an egg.
I found his free hand and guided it under my t-shirt to my boobs. He wasn’t stupid - he wrapped his hand around my right breast and and started playing with my nipple.
“Dios mío, pinchas,” I grunted, holding myself closer to him.
I shuddered, my body seizing up as my orgasm took me captive like a sailor on a pirate ship. I was awash with heat and pleasure, basking in it as if on a beach in a hot country. I hadn’t felt like this for a very long time, and it was bliss.
Harry had also calmed, his free hand stroking up and down my side while he left delicate and soft pecks to my lips. “You’re a marvel.” He said once I’d calmed.
I watched him as he took his hand away from my centre, which I didn’t fail to jolt from the feeling, and cleaned his fingers. “I don’t like superhero movies.”
He laughed, loudly and hysterically. “Alright, Florence. Floss. Noted for future reference.”
“You can stop correcting yourself.” I said, helpless in wiping my thumb over his puffy lips. “Quite like it when you call me Florence.”
His genuine smile came in an instant without a thought. “Yeah?”
He wrapped his hand around my wrist and pressed a kiss to the palm of my hand. He then helped me get off the bonnet of his car. “Guess you want me to pay you now?” He asked as he reached over the front to pull the form back.
I cleared my throat and put my clothes back on properly. “Feels a bit weird asking you to pay me after we just did that.”
“I’ll write it clearly on there for you. ‘For the manual labour, not the other thing’.” He joked.
“Please don’t.” I cringed. “I’m not the only one that looks at these forms and it invites too many questions to HMRC.”
“I would pay to see you try and explain that to HMRC.”
I gave him a dead look. “Just fill the bloody form out, doctor.”
He smirked at me, and I left him to it while I started closing everything up. I collected my coveralls from off the floor and put them back on their hook. When Harry had finished filling his form out I went to put it back in the office and collect the puppy.
“Oh, shit.”
“What?” Harry asked, appearing behind me. “Oh…”
Bongo was lying on his belly with his head on his paws facing the door, surrounded by mounds of fluff from his ripped up bed.
“I think this is maybe bed number five?”
“Oh dear…”
I sighed, left the form on the desk and picked up the puppy’s lead. “Come here, you idiot.”
Bongo stood with a little grunt and waited for me to clip his lead to his collar.
I locked the office door and looked at Harry. “I’ll clean it in the morning.”
He lifted his head with a smirk. “Alright. I bet he needs a walk, doesn’t he?”
“He needed a walk three hours ago.”
Harry pressed his lips together. “Whoops.”
I looked at him for a moment, noting how perfectly at ease he was. “Do you want to come with me?”
“You didn’t even have to ask.”
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“Can I ask you something?”
After I’d locked the garage up, Harry had followed me in his car to my house, and we’d left straight from there to take Bongo for his walk without even going inside.
The grass in the field was still wet from the previous night’s rain, and Harry definitely wasn’t wearing the right shoes for it, but he never complained. The air was noticeably cooler still, not cold enough for a coat but I was glad I bought a thin jacket. Again, Harry did not have something of the sort with him.
I gave him a curious look, “Sure.”
“Well,” He smiled at the floor, “I actually have about a hundred things I want to ask you, but this one is the most recent thing that’s been bugging me.”
Now I was scared. “Okay…”
“Why did you lie about coming to Lodge Park the other week?”
My stomach twisted into a giant knot, and I screwed my face up as if it might hide my red complexion. “Oh, God…”
He giggled through a closed mouth and it made me feel less shitty about what I’d done. “I’m not mad. Well, not anymore. I was mad for a while.”
“I thought you were, but I was hoping I’d got away with it and you were upset about something else.”
“No, I was mad about that. And you had got away with it for about three hours, and then I saw your mum and dad there even though you said they were taking you and Ruby to Stow.”
I snorted and smacked my hand against my face. “Fucking… sociable parents.”
“So why did you lie?”
I bit my lip, refusing to look at him. “Er…” My voice had gone unusually high and squeaky.
“Florence, you can tell me the truth - I’m a big boy.”
I glanced at him again and he was looking at me, but I quickly averted my gaze back to the grass below us. “Alright, I’ll be honest. Spending, like, a whole day with you and Oscar kind of terrified me a little bit.”
“Why?” He was laughing.
“I don’t know! Because you’re a dentist? Because you’re so… charming and good-looking and nice, and I’m an idiot. Like, I’m so thick people try to take advantage of it. And I embarrass myself in front of you all the time anyway and if I spent a whole fucking day with you just imagine how many times I’d make a fool of myself. I’d really like to not do that just once. And I’ve got people in my ear all the fucking time telling me I need to make a move otherwise you’ll be snatched up by some other… person, and going out with you for the day would just, you know, make it worse.”
When I looked back at Harry he was wide-eyed, but his lips were twitching in that annoying way and he was obviously trying not to flare his nostrils.
“So… I lied.” I concluded.
“Right,” His chest heaved quickly with a laugh. “So it wasn’t because you hate me?”
“No. It’s practically impossible to hate you. It’s really annoying, actually.”
He kicked something with his foot as he smiled down at me. He crouched down and collected the branch he’d knocked, turning it over in his grip. “Can I throw this?”
“Yeah, sure.”
I unclipped the lead from Bongo’s collar, and he made a break for it as soon as the stick was launched across the wide field.
“Good throw.” I commented.
“Thank you.” He was smug, it was obvious. “Can I ask you something else?”
I took a deep breath. “Alright…”
He giggled again, but he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and shook me. His grip at the top of my arm felt really hot, and it was strong. “Why are you so scared of dentists?”
“No.” I shook my head.
“We’re not talking about that.”
“Why not?”
“Because.” I stood still and turned to face him. “That conversation is off limits.”
“Floss, come on.” He chuckled.
“No, I’m being serious. No one knows that story apart from my parents, because they were there. If I had it my way they wouldn’t know, either.”
Bongo brought the stick back, so Harry threw it again.
“No. I have embarrassed myself once for you today, we’re not doing it again.”
He frowned. “I’ll just keep pestering you about it until you cave.”
“I’ll never cave.”
He narrowed his eyes at me. “I’ll crack you like an egg.”
My face screwed up again, but in a different way. “That’s a really weird thing to say.” I whispered.
Harry snorted. “You’re right, that was a bit weird. But I stand by it. One day I will find out what makes you so terrified of dentists.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” I said, and turned away to carry on walking.
It was so quiet in the middle of the field like that. In the distance I could hear cars on the road, and the rustle of the trees when the wind blew. In another field nearby the scent of freshly cut grass lifted into the air and wafted towards us, and the air was so clean I could almost taste it. For a moment I felt weightless.
“You’re not thick, you know.”
Harry’s comment made me wince and I don’t know why. “Other people would disagree.”
“Other people don’t matter.” He insisted. “Who are they to say what you are? I think you’re really clever.”
I barked a laugh. “Okay, Harry.”
“I mean it! You’re multi-lingual, for fuck’s sake! And you know way more about cars than most people.”
“My mother is Colombian and I’m a mechanic.” I said in a flat tone.
“You’re missing the point.”
That’s because I’m thick. “Harry, you don’t need to do this. I’ve accepted what I am and, to be honest, I’m okay with it.”
“And that’s fine. But you don’t need to let other people define you. Only you’re allowed to do that. Just because other people say you’re something, doesn’t mean that you are.”
I paused again, allowing his words to sink in. He was right to an extent. Perhaps I had based my acceptance of myself around what other people had told me I was when I shouldn’t have. But it didn’t matter to me. One of my greatest strengths was not caring what others thought of me. Well, apart from dentists. Apparently I was always worried about what dentists thought of me.
Bongo brought the branch back again, looking a bit worse for wear in comparison to when we’d found it. I threw it this time, and it barely made it 10 yards. I laughed at my attempt and dropped my head.
“Now I know why I was never accepted for the rounders team at school.”
Harry giggled. “I can’t really imagine you on any kind of sports team, to be honest.”
“I hated P.E so much.” I admitted.
“I think that’s fair enough.”
Bongo returned with the stick, and I let Harry throw it again - more for the dog’s sake than his.
As I stood there watching my daughter’s yampy dog jump around amongst the tall grass, Harry slipped his hand into mine and held onto it. I looked up to him blankly, head empty and words lost.
“I do really like you, Florence.” He said in earnest. “I’m sure you find that hard to believe,” I laughed and so did he, “but it’s the truth.”
“You must be as crazy as me.”
He shrugged, smiling into his shoulder, and it was so childlike that I had a similar feeling wash over me to the one I’d had that day in the school car park when we’d talked about being single parents. It grounded him again. He was just a person like I was.
“Maybe I am. Imagine the chaos we’d cause.”
I cringed. “I don’t want to.”
“Yeah, you do.” He smirked.
I continued watching him, expression fond, as he placed himself directly in front of me and cupped my face, his thumb stroking my cheek while his eyes looked over every feature of my face.
I felt giddy inside all over again. It was inhumane to be this close to someone so beautiful; to be able to see every follicle of skin and every shape of their face. The field and the village and the world around us had slowly dropped away from existence until it was just me and him, and my puppy with a stick. All I could see was Harry. All I wanted to feel right then was Harry.
“Can I kiss you?”
His question was pertinent. Why would anyone ever say no?
Joy spread across his face in the most obvious way, and then he dropped his head to meet my lips. It was tender compared to the last one. He was cautious but not overly so - he wanted to take his time, and to be honest I wanted the same thing.
I almost fell into him. As his lips brushed and sponged their way over mine he stroked my cheek, and he released the hand holding mine to wrap around my back. I reached my hands up and my arms draped across his shoulders. I stroked the back of his neck and pushed my fingertips through his soft hair.
I could feel Harry’s hands spread across my back, warm and large. I wanted to feel them on my bare skin. I wanted him to stroke down my spine from my neck to my hips and back again, repeating it over and over. But he didn’t - not in the middle of this wide open field. He gently squeezed the parts of me that he had a grip on, just to silently tell me he was there.
I was very much obsessed with it all. It made me feel incredibly good - not just about myself but about everything. His touch made me tingle, in all places, not exclusively to those that your mind is immediately taking you to.
I was tantalised.
Harry’s hand moved slightly lower, feeling for the bottom of my t-shirt. My breathing got heavier as he slid his hand up the back of my t-shirt, palm gliding over my skin. I reached up onto my tiptoes, holding him closer to me. There was barely a part of me that wasn’t touching him and I wanted more.
I opened my mouth, hoping he’d do the same. He did after a second, and I allowed my tongue to search for his.
He suddenly pulled away, a wry smile on his face.
“What are you doing?” I demanded.
“I asked if I could kiss you.”
“Yeah, that’s what we were doing.”
“That’s what I was doing.” He retorted. “You were going for something else.”
Bloody hell.
My face was on fire.
It was true - I’d have probably let him lie me down in the middle of the field and shag me every which way until the sun went down. I didn’t think that he might not have been entirely open to that, which I should have.
“We can do that.” He carried on, taking both of my hands in his. “Just not in this wet field.”
My laughter was broken and whiny. “Jesus Christ, I’m sorry.”
“Aye, no.” He pulled me closer to him again. “I’m flattered. I’d love to do that with you one day, when it’s dry.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
Harry giggled and pecked my lips. “Take me back to your house and I’ll do whatever you want me to.”
“Fucking hell,” I don’t know why, but that turned me on a lot more than it should’ve. I felt… well, wet. I dropped my forehead against his front and pulled at his t-shirt.
“You can’t say shit like that to me.”
“Y la gente me llama estúpida.” And people call me stupid, I muttered.
There was a moment of silence while I digressed, and Harry’s hand smoothed up and down my side.
“Right,” he said eventually, “let’s get the dog and get you home.”
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At the house, I let Bongo off his lead and he ran straight into the living room. I yanked my boots off and left them on the rack, and then I turned to find Harry.
He’d closed the front door, and he had one hand planted firmly against the wall while he pulled his Vans off with the other. Once he was done, his hand fell away and he stood watching me with a calm expression.
I suddenly didn’t know what to say.
Harry tipped his head slightly. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I said quickly, shaking my head.
I took a step closer to him, now well into his personal space. He kept his gaze right on me while I let my eyes wander over him. I smoothed my hands up his front, over his pectorals and back down again. I gripped the bottom of his t-shirt at the front and gently tugged on it as I took a step backwards. His lips upturned, following me into the living room without hesitation.
He cupped my cheek again and immediately leaned down to kiss me, this time without asking. I didn’t need him to ask. I met his lips with avidity, hoping to carry on where he’d stopped. Just like he wanted me, I wanted him in return in the rawest and most carnal sense possible. From the moment our lips locked his tongue was in my mouth, and I was greedily in his.
“Fóllame de todas las formas posibles.” Fuck me in every way possible.
Harry groaned, dropping both hands to my hips to pull me against him. “Tell me,”
I smiled against him, but admittedly I was shy to give him the translation. “I don’t want to.”
“Florence,” He whined, and sucked fervently on my lower lip, “please.”
I was pooling in my knickers. I clung to him with everything I had - my hands gripping fists of his hair, my front pressed to his. “No.”
He grunted, the noise frustrated. His hands smoothed up and down my sides under my t-shirt, his palms soft but his touch eager. “You’re so mean.”
His frankly childish response amused me and I ended up giggling into his mouth. We were moving around the room as we kissed, but I wasn’t really paying attention to where we were going - I was letting him lead. Eventually I found myself against a wall with Harry pressing almost his entire weight onto me. It wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest, in fact I wanted to feel more.
His hands found my boobs under my t-shirt, massaging into them while his crotch began to grind against mine.
I gasped at the sensation, but a little whine escaped as well. I was so turned on it was almost embarrassing. He did it again, no doubt on purpose, and my response was exactly the same.
“Dios mío,” I panted. “If you keep doing that this will all be over before it’s even started.” I warned him.
He gave a dark laugh, and then he bit my lip. I grunted and pulled his hair a little, and he began sucking on my lip instead.
I kept one hand in his hair while our tangled kisses resumed, but dragged my other one out and let it wander his body, from his shoulder and smoothing down his chest to his crotch. My back against the wall felt pressured as he leaned more onto me, a shunted grunt leaving him when I began feeling around for his partially hard cock.
His kisses became greedier; messier; hungrier as I stroked over his stressed tent. He was open-mouthed and breathing heavily, his hands gripping my sides just under my breasts. If he pushed me any further the wall would collapse.
“Te deseo,” I whispered, rubbing my nose against his.
“¿Qué?” He asked loudly, and squeezed my sides.
My laughter was delighted and it confused me. His question had the quality of an old Latino pensioner and I knew he’d done it to mock me in a weird way, but I enjoyed it.
“Dije que te quiero.” I matched his volume, and I was still stroking over his clothed length.
“Tell me what it means.” He begged, resting his forehead against mine.
I giggled at his despairing, and placed both of my hands at the top of his chest. “I said I want you.”
He lolled his head back and groaned, “That’s so sexy. Say it again.”
I rolled my eyes, but my mouth was smiling. “I want you.”
“No, in Spanish,” he laughed.
“Oh,” I felt my cheeks warm, “te deseo.”
He tilted his head mockingly as if he were listening, “Again?”
I lightly pulled the neck of his t-shirt, “Te,” and I pulled it again, “deseo.”
He looked at me with an oddly precious smile. His mouth was tightly closed but his eyes were light and glittery. “Te… deseo…” he repeated slowly.
“Bello,” I praised him, but gave him a patronising pat to the cheek.
He held my hand there as he pressed his lips back to mine, trying to regain the momentum we had before our impromptu Spanish lesson.
We found our way around one another’s bodies with sensual and eager touches, our kisses sloppy and hot. I could feel Harry’s breath fan across my skin at irregular moments but it was titillated and nefarious.
I took him out of his shirt and in turn he took me out of mine. He then pulled me away from the wall and lifted me up by the arse with a frankly impressive strength. The motion was smooth yet it almost knocked the wind out of me. Still I clung to him as tightly as possible and refused to take my tongue out of his mouth.
“Have you got a condom?” He asked breathily.
I hummed into his mouth as I pushed my fingers through his hair. “Upstairs in my bedside table.”
“Good, ‘cause I came unprepared.” He laughed.
“Llevame a la cama, Harry,” I said quietly as I stole small kisses from his lips.
“I don’t know what you just said, but I heard my name so we’ll go with it.” He laughed, moving with ease towards the staircase.
“I said take me to bed.”
He gave a pained sigh, and he held me tighter. “I’m trying.”
I laughed loudly and kissed the tip of his nose. “Maybe if you put me down-,”
“-No. I will carry you to bed.” He said determinately.
“Alright, fine.”
Harry navigated the stairs with an insufferable ease, but as much as I wanted to smother his face with my mouth because of it I decided to patiently wait until we were at the top. He looked around himself at the selection of rooms, and I realised he’d probably never been up here.
“Furthest away on the left,” I mumbled, looking over my shoulder.
Harry smirked, and wandered towards the partially-closed door. “In here?” He pointed at it, and then rested his large palm against the painted wood.
He pushed the door open until it hit the wall, and then he walked me to the bed and set me down.
I didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or not over the fact that I hadn’t made my bed up this morning before I left.
His mouth immediately reattached as he climbed over me, knees down and hands planted by either side of me by my head as I lay backwards.
I started unbuttoning his jeans as we returned to yet more heavy snogging, and pushed them down his legs until he could just kick them off. He sat back to help me out of my leggings, and it was then I noticed them.
He caught me staring, apparently. “What?”
I met his gaze and blinked. “What?”
“Why are you staring?” He laughed, lifting his head a fraction.
“I don’t know, I’m just… I guess I’m surprised by your choice of underwear.”
He looked down at himself, face fattening as he did, and then barked a laugh. “Not a fan of the white y-fronts?”
“I don’t mind them. I just thought you’d be more of a tight boxers kinda bloke.”
He snorted. “No. Too snug around the sensitive goods.”
I cringed a little but I was laughing. “Okay.”
He grinned, and then went looking for the aforementioned condoms. He pointed at the closest bedside table and leaned towards it, “They in here?”
“Not that one.” I said panicked, reaching forward to stop him.
He looked at me with a smile charged with humour. “What’s in there, then? That your… you know, special drawer?”
“It might be.” I said in a childish retort. It was.
I leaned across the bed to the other table and pulled the drawer open, digging around for the box which appeared to be buried somewhere. It had obviously been a while since I last needed one.
“Bloody hell,” Harry muttered.
When I turned back to him again he was staring inside the drawer I’d told him not to look in, and his eyes were wide with terror almost.
I kissed my teeth and smacked his hand away, closing it again. “No seas entrometido.” Don’t be nosey.
“That thing is huge.”
“I know, I don’t use it.” I said curtly, and ripped the foil packet open.
“That’s a relief, ‘cause you’d be disappointed.”
I giggled, meeting his gaze as I tossed the wrapper aside. “Zara and Geri bought it for me ages ago as a weird joke because they think I don’t have sex anymore.”
“Right,” Harry chuckled. “Have you tried using it?”
I gave him a flat look. “I’m a single mother of one and haven’t had a boyfriend for 8 years. Of course I’ve tried it.”
“Not a fan then.” He drew his own conclusion.
“No. It’s too big.”
I placed my hand at the back of his frankly deliciously hairy thigh and urged him closer to me. He leant down and pressed a fairly innocent kiss to my lips, taking his pants off at the same time.
I reached out and delicately took his dick into my hand, now slightly limp thanks to the conversation we’d just had about the jumbo-sized dildo stashed in my bedside table. I caressed it over and over until it roused, eating Harry’s moans as they fell into my mouth. I hadn’t given it any kind of proper look, but it felt big in my hand.
I rolled the rubber down his length in one smooth movement until it could go any further.
“You’ve done that before.”
I hummed. “Problem?”
“Absolutely not. Quite like it.”
I grinned against his lips and pulled him down so that his body weight was once again pressed onto me. I liked feeling him that way - knowing that he was there and that he wanted me the same way I wanted him.
His hands travelled my bare skin as we deepened and messied our kisses again, smoothing over my breasts and my stomach down to my middle. As he fumbled with the waistband on my knickers my breathing grew heavier. I was ready for him and we were moments away from that feeling - that ecstasy that only came from one very specific thing.
I pushed my fingers through his hair while he found a comfortable position, still with his mouth on mine.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked, pushing his nose into mine as he dragged his lips along my cheek.
“Mhmm,” I nodded.
“Alright,” I could feel his smile against my cheek, and I wanted it stamped there for the rest of eternity.
I stroked through his curls and scratched his back, and I had to hold my breath as he lined himself up at my hot entrance. He teased me for a second, moving the tip up and down over my clit like it was a fucking paintbrush.
I turned my head slightly so that my mouth was closer to his ear, and whispered the same thing I’d said earlier on, “Fóllame de todas las formas posibles.”
He whined, “What does it mean?”
I giggled at the frustrated delivery of his question, massaging my fingertips into his scalp, “Fuck me in every way possible.”
There was a pause, a single breath, and then I felt him like a boat mooring. He was back out sooner than he was in, only to return and do the same again, and again and again until he completely filled me.
Harry’s outward groan was long and slow and filled with a tantric relief. “Bloody hell,” he heaved, “you’re so warm.”
My responding moan was slightly dislocated and irrelevant. I slid my hand up and down his back as he began to move his hips, feeling his muscles and his spine ripple beneath my fingertips. His skin was so soft and smooth it made me want to dissolve into it.
He began to move in and out of me with ease given I was so wet, but each thrust felt better and better. Not only was his pace picking up but so was his strength.
His hands juxtaposed one another. His right remained planted into position - holding strong and keeping him steady; his left hand travelled my body in any and all reachable places. My mind was obsessed with it - I wanted to follow his hand and the places it visited on my body until the end of time. He touched me with this intense tenderness that only enunciated the measured and forceful movements of his hips.
His mouth met mine - open and hungry. He didn’t hold back. His tongue was looking for mine and I wasn’t one to keep it from him. I wanted him just as much as he wanted me. I was quickly becoming besotted with the man.
“Talk to me,” he mumbled, dropping onto his forearms but so that the backs of his fingers could stroke my cheek.
“About what?” I breathed.
He began to kiss me in other places, like my cheeks and my chin and my jaw.
“Anything. Tell me things that make you happy.”
My legs spread wider and he reached down to grip the back of my thigh. He squeezed it tightly, released it, and then squeezed it again. I clenched around his length and he grunted, then fucked into me harder.
“This makes me happy.” I admitted. “Even though you make me nervous I still like being around you.”
Harry buried his face into the crook of my jaw and sucked a kiss into my neck. His one hand was still kneading into the back of my thigh and the other now had a hold of my face, his thumb still stroking my cheek.
I rested my cheek against his head, my fingers making a tangled mess of his hair. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”
He laughed and pulled his face out of my neck again to look at me. “Before today I’d get so giddy being anywhere near you. Had like a proper school boy crush.”
“Stop it.” I scoffed.
“It’s true!”
I shook my head and looked away, but I was still playing with his hair. He began sponging kisses over my skin, first on my lips and then my chin, my throat and my collarbones and then my chest. They were wet and warm, but I shivered the moment a breath left him and fanned over me.
I couldn’t help but watch him while he fondled my boobs with his mouth, the two of them glistening with his spit. He looked up at me as he began thrusting into me harder again, and I started to trace the sharp lines of his face with my fingertips. I smoothed my index and middle finger over his lips, and I became hypnotised when he took them into his mouth.
I sat up then, greedy for him in that instant, and claimed his mouth with a heavy kiss.
We rolled over at my behest, so he was on his back and I was on top of him. I ate his mouth like it was my forgotten dinner. I rolled my hips over him like I’d never experienced this kind of ecstasy before. I was addicted to all of it and I wanted more and more.
I was moving at a fast pace, his long and girthy length inside of me very well received. He felt sensational and for now it was all for me.
Harry had fully locked his arms around my back, forcing my body against his. My hands were now lost somewhere in all of my bedsheets just desperate for something to hold onto. I was hot. I was sweaty. I was exerting way more energy than I had done in a very long time, and it made my skin tacky to the touch.
“You’re incredible.” Harry managed to say amongst my plaguing of his mouth.
“No, I’m just very, very turned on.”
“I can tell.” He chuckled.
His arms loosened, and he reached both hands down to squeeze into my arse. He smoothed his palm over both cheeks and smacked one with a light touch.
I groaned with desperation. “Haz eso de nuevo.”
“Do that again. Please.”
I pressed my nose into his cheek and bit down on my lip as he slapped my bum again, squeaking around it.
Harry searched for my mouth with his own, and I gave it to him without hesitation. I held his face as we kissed, and he continued to smack and squeeze my arse for the next however long.
I was drowning in him and I wanted him to drown in me.
I smiled into his lips, delighted to hear my name on his tongue, “Can I sit on your face?”
“Fuck yes.” He said, and gave my bum another squeeze. “Ask me in Spanish?”
I laughed. “Er. ¿Puedo sentarme en tu cara?”
I snogged him for a little longer while maintaining my rhythm, and then I slowly lifted my bum up and took Harry’s cock out of me. He held onto me with a cautious smile as I shuffled my way up his body, and then he kept a careful grip on my thighs as I lowered myself towards his face.
“Is that alright?” I asked, placing my hands on the bed for support.
“Yeah.” He laughed once. “You’re really fucking wet, Floss.”
“Yeah, okay, I get it.” I huffed.
He placed his hands on my arse again and pulled me down lower until I could feel his face between my thighs. And from there, he began to eat me out like he’d never had a meal before.
“Jesus Christ,” I breathed, covering my mouth for fear of embarrassing myself.
Harry’s tongue was everywhere. I don’t know how, but it was. His erratic licks of my clit made me want to squeal at the top of my voice, and then the way he forced his tongue into my heat felt like the biggest sin on the planet but in the best way imaginable. It was insatiable - I felt like I was transcending.
I moaned and squeaked and grunted and huffed while he worked his way around my middle anatomy like he was the one that designed it. I was on another planet. Or in heaven. I couldn’t decide which one, but it was perfect and I was on a ridiculous high.
“Shake your arse a bit,” he said in a deep voice, and his warm breath against my clit made me even more wet. It vibrated through me like a subway train next to a poorly constructed building.
“Fuck me,” I whispered, but I did as he said.
I knew what he meant when he said shake your arse. He meant drop my cunt on his face, so that’s what I did. Over and over again I basically twerked over him while he caressed my bum and ate me out. It sounded comical put that way but I was thriving, and also somehow writhing.
Harry made it his mission to finish me off in this position. He ate and ate until I was trembling over him. I pulled his hair, at least what of it I could reach. I thought I was suffocating him at one point, but when I tried to pull away he didn’t let me move, he kept a vice-like grip on my arse and tried to shove his face further in.
I had to say I could admire a man who was committed to the cause.
I’d been massaging his length to keep it hard in the meantime so we wouldn’t have to lose any momentum when I reached my tether. He was softly grunting away, and every so often I heard that disgusting lapping noise that was an odd turn-on.
His nose was rubbing against my clit while his mouth did the real work, and eventually, I finally snapped. I yelled and grunted out over my orgasm, which washed through me like tides gushing through a cave.
He watched me as I came, his head tilted back at a funny angle, and his face covered in, well, me. He stroked the backs of my legs and gave the insides of my thighs gentle kisses while I waited for my orgasm to subside, but it took a while.
“I enjoyed that.” He commented wryly.
“So did I.” I joked, and moved away so he could sit up. “You’re not done.”
He shook his head as he looked at me over his shoulder. “No.”
I sat on my knees and rested my elbows against the bed, pecking his shoulder. “What do you want to do?”
He grinned. He rolled onto his front and smacked his messy mouth to mine. “Can I do you from behind?”
I smirked, and wiped my hand across his mouth. “Yes.”
He sighed happily and raised onto his knees, pulling at his length to keep it up. “Alright, move up the bed a bit, then.”
I did as he told me to and crawled up the bed slightly, resting my arms on my pillows. He stroked his hands over my arse and up my back, then down my sides to my hips.
Harry guided his length back into my heat and immediately started thrusting. I was still sensitive and couldn’t help the little squeak I gave, but it still felt good. Really good.
I swapped between hanging my head low and looking at him over my shoulder, but every time I did he was looking down at where his knob was moving in and out of me. He was obviously trying to finish, but I didn’t mind so much.
He smacked my bum again a couple of times and I moaned with each of them which always seemed to spur him on a little bit.
After a while he fell forward, wrapping his arms around my middle. He pulled me up so we were both on our knees, and he was kneading my breasts and leaving sloppy kisses along my shoulder.
I took one of his hands and wrapped my mouth around his fingers, licking around them and sucking on them. He took them out of my mouth and moved his hand down to my centre to play with my clit.
I lifted my hand back to his hair as gentle illicit moans left my lips. I brought his mouth to mine, pairing my kisses with massaging his head.
“Estoy enamorada de ti.” I am besotted with you, I whispered to him.
“Tell me,” He pleaded.
I smiled and kissed him again, deeper this time. “No. It’s a secret.”
He whined but continued with our deep kiss, his thrusting becoming harder and his other hand moving up to rest at my throat. “Do you mind this?”
He got greedy again, his kisses wide and wanton as he applied a slight pressure to my throat. I moaned, and so did he, and it became very hot very quickly. The energy around us changed; it became charged and electric.
“You’re close.” I deduced.
“So close.” He admitted. “I want to finish in your mouth.”
I salivated at the thought of it. All I could do was nod.
Harry released all grip on me and I very quickly turned around. I sank as low as I possibly could and took his length in my hand, then I took it in my mouth. I held onto him at the tops of his thighs while he stroked over my hair and gripped my messy bun into his fist.
I sucked him off for the shortest moment just to hear the little noises that he made - soft grunts and whines. Then I took as much of him in my mouth as I possibly could until it made me gag.
He jolted and his face contorted, and his grip on my hair became painful. My eyes were watering and I gagged again, so I pulled back a little and he finally came.
Spurts of warmth filled my mouth, and while he worked his way through his orgasm, I smoothed my hands up and down his sides. When he stopped coming, I took him out of my mouth and swallowed the load.
Harry stroked my cheek with the backs of his fingers, and then collapsed onto his back. He pulled me towards him, wrapping his arms around my middle, and he pressed a chaste kiss to my forehead.
My stomach growled. “Oh fuck, we haven’t eaten.”
There was a moment of silence before Harry spoke. “I don’t know what you mean, I ate loads.”
“Oh,” I smacked his arm and he laughed, “shut up.”
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Chapters fifteen, sixteen & seventeen
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gaddizo34658 · 1 year
Now Choose The Best Renault Car Service Provider In Gurgaon
Many Renault car service providers claim to offer best-in-class care services in Gurgaon, but most of them are costly, so we can't rely on them. You can see a lot of commitment by Renault car service providers, but it's ended up with below par service. As a Renault car user, if you don't have the idea about Renault car service and their spares and ended up trusting anyone. Where you can get the best Renault car service in Gurgaon is still a mind-boggling thing, there is Gaadizo, which offers best in class Renault car services across Gurgaon.
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renaultworkshp · 4 years
Renault Workshop
Prime Auto is the authorized Renault car workshop situated in South Delhi, which provides all Renault cars services at market price. Websit : https://renault-workshop-moti-nagar-south-delhi.business.site/ 
Phone Number: 074283 98376
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renaultmechanic · 6 months
The Ultimate Guide to Routine Car Maintenance for Renault Owners
Owning a Renault car is an exciting experience, but regular maintenance is key to keeping it running smoothly for years. Whether you're a new Renault owner or have been driving one for years, this guide to routine car maintenance will help you understand the essential tasks needed to keep your Renault in top condition. From basic checks to professional servicing, we'll cover it all in simple language so you can keep your Renault running like a dream.
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Regular Oil Changes: One of the most crucial aspects of routine maintenance is ensuring your Renault has clean oil. Regular oil changes help lubricate the engine, reduce friction, and prevent wear and tear. Make sure to schedule oil changes at your nearest Renault workshop to keep your engine running smoothly. Search for "Renault car servicing near me" to find the closest service centre for your convenience.
Checking Fluid Levels: Your Renault relies on various fluids, including coolant, brake fluid, and transmission fluid, to function correctly. Regularly check these fluid levels and top them up as needed. Low fluid levels can lead to overheating, brake failure, or transmission issues, so keeping them topped up is essential.
Inspecting tyres: Proper tyre maintenance is vital for both safety and performance. Check tyre pressure regularly and ensure it matches the recommended levels in your Renault's manual. Additionally, inspect the tread depth and look for signs of wear or damage. If you notice uneven wear, it might be time for a wheel alignment. Your local Renault workshop can assist with tyre inspections and replacements.
Battery Health: Your Renault battery is essential for starting the engine and powering various electrical components. Inspect the battery terminals for corrosion and ensure they're securely connected. If your battery is more than three years old, consider having it tested or replaced to prevent unexpected breakdowns.
Brake System Maintenance: Your safety depends on reliable brakes, so it's crucial to maintain them regularly. Check brake pads and rotors for wear and tear and replace them if necessary. Additionally, have your brake fluid flushed according to your Renault's maintenance schedule to ensure optimal braking performance.
Addressing Warning Lights: Modern Renault vehicles have various warning lights to alert you to potential issues. Pay attention to these warnings; address them promptly by visiting your nearest Renault workshop for diagnostics and repairs. Ignoring warning lights could lead to more significant problems down the road.
Professional Servicing: While basic maintenance tasks can be performed at home, scheduling professional servicing at regular intervals is essential. A qualified technician at your Renault workshop can conduct comprehensive inspections and address any underlying issues before they escalate. Regular servicing ensures your Renault's longevity and maintains its warranty validity.
Routine car maintenance is the key to ensuring your Renault performs reliably for years. By following this ultimate guide and staying proactive with your maintenance tasks, you can enjoy a smooth and trouble-free driving experience. Remember to search for "Renault car servicing near me" to find your nearest service centre and schedule regular servicing to keep your Renault in top condition.
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autocarrepairblogs · 2 years
6 reasons to visit ACR for Car repair
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Excellent Car Servicing - Auto Car Repair is committed to providing excellent services to its customers. The multi-brand workshop provides high-quality and reliable car services. The center employs the right people and tools to fulfill its commitment. The mechanics ensure enhanced performance, safety, and reliability of the car. The car owner can be assured of the best services at the center.
Experienced certified technicians - Auto Car Repair employs experienced certified technicians to ensure the delivery of quality services. The mechanics are highly trained and have expertise in cars and car services. They can detect any flaws in the car and recommend appropriate solutions. The multi-car service center assures quality and reliability in all aspects of servicing.
Latest Technology and Equipment's - Auto Car Repair uses only genuine OEM spare parts for car servicing. The multi-brand car service center sources all the parts from the manufacturer. Genuine parts are identical to original parts and therefore, fit and function similarly. Genuine parts ensure reliability, safety, and durability.
One stop shop for car repair and Maintenance - Auto Car Repair provides all kinds of car repair and maintenance services. It is a one-stop shop for all car requirements. From basic car scanning to detailing and beautification services, the center caters to all. The car owner can get all car solutions under one roof. Get comprehensive car services from experts at Auto Car Repair.
Peace of Mind - Auto Car Repair provides peace of mind to car owners by ensuring reliable services. The car owner can be assured that his car will be well taken care of by expert technicians. The service center uses original products and parts to ensure safety and durability. It delivers high-quality and reliable services. Drive worry free by availing best car service. for more information visit our website at autocarrepair.in or you can directly visit us at our Multibrand service centre.
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carpolishinginthane · 3 years
VK Auto Shine is a professional Car Detailing Service provider in Thane. It is the most affordable and best service station available for Car Wash and Car Interior Cleaning in Thane.
We at VK Auto Shine will give your car the perfect shine. We offer professional Car Interior Cleaning & Exterior Car Wash & Car Polishing in Thane West.
We are one of the Top Rated Car Detailing Company in Thane as per Google Ranks. Advanced tools and equipment along with cleaning skills help us achieve the best results in our work. We are truly focused on providing superior quality car detailing services in Thane. 100% customer satisfaction is very important for us.
Exterior Pressure Wash Tar, Bugs, Hardwater Spots Removal Minor Scratches Removal, Logo Cleaning Machine Polish Premium Wax Coating Engine Cleaning & Polish Exterior Fiber Parts Polish Tyre Cleaning & Polish Interior Vacuuming Deep Interior Cleaning with Cleaner & Brush Interior Polish Mats Cleaning & Polish Glass Cleaning Cabin Deodorizing
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anncanta · 3 years
Veduta of Venice
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Fandom: Dracula (2020)
Characters: Count Dracula, Zoe Van Helsing, Agatha Van Helsing
Relationship: Dracula/Zoe Van Helsing, Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Rating: Explicit
Veduta (Italian veduta - seen, view, picture, point of view) is a genre of Western European painting and graphics, especially popular in Venice of the 18th century.
@alma37 @hopipollahorror @ravenathantum @flutteringphalanges @ladyhaley28​ @dragatha @khyruma​
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The hotel was damp and cold, but the view was magnificent. Rising from the chair, Zoe wrapped herself tighter in a wide woolen scarf and went out onto a tiny balcony made of openwork stone.
As far as the eye could see, there was water ahead – pinkish, blue, green. Zoe had never seen so much water before. The water has never been so close. Leaning over the balcony railing, Zoe stared down at the low waves intersecting at odd angles.
Such a strange city. When she bought a tour at the agency, she was offered a choice – Verona or Venice. Zoe rejected Verona at once. And she looked at the glamorous, deliberately beautiful photos of Venice for a long time as if looking for something – either a crack in the ideal porcelain world captured on the image or ugly everyday flaws. In the end, she decided – she has nothing to lose.
The flight never seemed to end. The large iron bird seemed to hang in the sky forever, spreading its immovable wings and holding the half-asleep Zoe either in its paws or in a steel silver beak. When, to her surprise, the bird let her go, Zoe still had to get from mainland Italy deep into the archipelago. So she arrived at the hotel completely exhausted.
She burst into a spacious room that smelled of rain and prickly nights, dropped her suitcase on the floor, and stretched out on an obscenely wide bed.
And when she woke up, the sun, mother-of-pearl gray skies, and water looked out of her windows.
Zoe wasn't going to take a vacation. She worked hard and monotonously, with stubborn, dull dedication, unlike many of her workaholic colleagues – not for the sake of her own reputation and career, and not at all for show. The fact is that there was really nothing more in her life.
Zoe didn’t realize it right away. She just worked, day after day, not even always overtime. Like everyone else, she played bowling on Thursdays and had fun in pubs on Fridays. But when her friends and colleagues hurried home to their families at the end of a stormy evening Zoe, starting her old Renault, every time fought the temptation to return to the laboratory.
This went on for a long time. Months. Years. Until one day, on the eve of her fortieth birthday, Zoe realized that the desire to go back to work after a party with friends was her only temptation.
For some reason, this understanding frightened her so much that the next morning she was already sitting in the office of the head of the medical research center in which she worked, with an application for a vacation, and a week later – on a plane on her way to Italy.
Zoe straightened and looked at the bright scarlet sun sinking into the bay. Self-pity is not the best feeling to approach the second half of your life, she thought. Well, in general, she had nothing to feel sorry for herself. She was lonely – but she always had more or less enough of her own company, with the rare addition of a friend or two to chat with over the weekend. She did not have an impressive career – although many of her colleagues at the center, who discussed at tea the young doctor, who had managed to make several breakthrough discoveries by the age of thirty-five, could argue with this. Success in science is an unpopular success. Nothing to brag about. Zoe chuckled out of the corner of her mouth. And she had absolutely no idea what to do next, and for that matter – why all this was needed.
On the other hand, why not?
Would she have died of some kind of blood cancer, she would have made a sort of a romantic heroine, Zoe thought irritably as she closed the balcony.
At the foot of the building, somewhere far, far away, muddy water was rustling and foaming.
Zoe bought a complete tour, which included a full package of services, so she did not choose a hotel. Maybe if she did, she would spend time looking for something more comfortable and not so boring, she mused as she walked down to the restaurant for lunch. During the week and a half that Zoe spent here, nothing happened in the hotel that could conditionally pass for entertainment. Don't consider the other guests as such, she chuckled mentally. On the stairs and in the corridors, there were mostly gloomy gray-haired couples and girls of dubious appearance. Sometimes a jazz band played in the lobby in the evenings.
There wasn`t a soul to be seen in the bright and quiet hall – except for a tall man in black, sitting in the far corner at the piano. Leaning over the keyboard, the man absentmindedly fingered the keys, pulling out the notes one at a time. Zoe smiled at the metaphor that crossed her mind and turned around and headed there instead of the restaurant.
In the niche in which the piano was hidden, only one small lamp burned, giving a soft yellow-orange light. Falling obliquely on the keyboard and the lid, it snatched out of the half-light a man's back and shoulder, tightened in a classic black suit, the outlines of the profile and hands with large fingers.
Approaching, Zoe leaned on the piano and for a while, just stood listening to the music. Now, being near, she could finally understand what was wrong with this music – the stranger played skillfully and cleanly, but the melody, its very fabric, seemed... vulnerable and fragile as if the pianist was painfully remembering it or composing it on the go. Zoe watched as his hands gently touch the keys as if asking about something – and finding no answer.
‘You haven't played for a long time,’ she said softly.
‘Very long,’ he raised his head. For a moment, his face – beautiful, pale, with dark eyes and well-defined lips – remained relaxed. Then he brushed aside a straight strand of black hair that had fallen on his forehead and looked at Zoe. And then a strange expression appeared in his gaze – bewildered, amazed... looking. This happens with those who have met someone whom they have long lost hope of seeing. Zoe could bet that he was about to say something, but at the last moment, he resisted. He turned away again and continued to play.
‘My… teacher was pretty good,’ an ironic note slipped through his low voice, ‘but I'm afraid I’m lacking in practice. What do you think?’ The stranger again raised his eyes to Zoe.
‘I like your manner,’ she said carefully. ‘Have you just arrived?’ she asked for some unknown reason.
‘Yes, yesterday,’ said the man. ‘Always wanted to go to Venice,’ he added slowly. ‘To this... city of dreams.’
Zoe smiled involuntarily. Looking at his hands, which were still on the keyboard, she suddenly imagined with amazing clarity how fingers stroking the keys touch her skin. Imagined how they touch her neck, shoulders, pass along the shoulder blades, move to the waist, barely noticeable, but confidently increasing the pressure. Turning away, Zoe blinked.
The momentary rush of embarrassment, however, disappeared as quickly as it had arisen. What are you here for, Zoe, she asked herself. Not to sit in the room in the evenings with a glass of Tokaj and picture suffering, are you? Take a look at this piece of masculine beauty and make the most of what he promises. If he promises, of course.
‘ – at dinner tonight?’ Zoe woke up and looked at her interlocutor. Judging by his look, he was perfectly aware of what she was thinking and did not seem to mind. ‘If I understood correctly, there will be dances after dinner.’
Zoe nodded.
‘It's always like this here on Fridays. If you're looking for entertainment, there is hardly a better case,’ she said, looking him in the eye. ‘The season has just ended.’
The man silently shook his head.
‘I’ll come,’ he answered, standing up. He bowed graciously, intending to leave, and suddenly turned around. ‘What is your name?’
Again this strange seeking expression, a poignant mixture of despair and hope. And mockery – not at her, at himself.
‘Zoe Van Helsing,’ she said. Amazement flashed in his dark eyes but then disappeared.
‘Count Dracula,’ he said, shaking her outstretched hand. ‘See you at dinner, Zoe Van Helsing.’
For the upcoming evening, Zoe prepared carefully. After scrapping several spectacularly low-cut dresses, she settled on blue jeans and a light blue blouse. ‘If he is a real Count,’ her pride chuckled, ‘you will hardly be able to surprise him.’ Well, she didn't intend to.
‘I want to have a good time,’ Zoe muttered, glancing at herself in the mirror of an antique carved dressing table. She washed off the mascara from her eyelashes, which she diligently dyed five minutes ago, then, after short thinking, wiped a thin layer of lipstick from her lips. Zoe used makeup a little and only on special occasions, but it was not a lack of habit or awkwardness that made her get rid of it now. She could not explain to herself why, but she was sure that the best choice for meeting the Count was naturalness.
The hotel restaurant was unusually full: probably dancing inspired not only her, moving to one of the few free tables – at the exit to the terrace – Zoe thought. Sitting at the table and ordering a glass of Chianti, she turned her face to the light wind blowing from the ajar doors.
The bay shone in shades of blue, pink, and dove. Small waves broke up, catching the lighted lanterns. Zoe heard how music was born and tried its power in the hall. The wind became a little cooler. The waiter brought her Chianti.
She could have sat like that all evening, Zoe thought after the third or fifth sip. The music became louder and a little braver. Zoe decided that she might need more wine.
‘You promised me a dance.’
‘When did I?’ Zoe turned around.
‘One hundred twenty-three years ago.’
She chuckled.
‘What a precision. And what a tactlessness!’
‘I beg your pardon?’
He was dressed in the same classic black suit as when they first met, and just like when they first met, she wanted this suit off him immediately. Zoe nodded to his questioning glance in the direction of the chair opposite and said, putting down her glass:
‘You just hinted at my age?’
‘No way,’ Dracula responded with mock horror. His eyes flashed with a mixture of irony and melancholy. ‘Never mind, this is... a personal joke.’
The orchestra fell silent behind them. One by one, the instruments stopped playing, as if they were disappearing into the shadows, yielding to the only remaining violin.
Zoe finished her wine. She felt like crying. Determination and frivolity vanished, and anger with herself remained.
‘I –’ she began, but Dracula interrupted her.
‘You promised me a dance.’
She watched him get up and walk over to her. Taking his hand, she rose and allowed him to lead her to a small dance floor in the opposite corner. She saw him making a sign to the musicians, heard the first chords sounded, then he pulled her to him and velvetly ran his hand along her back.
Everything floated somewhere: Venice, the damp smell of canals, a shade of raw plaster, which seemed to cover everything and everyone in this city, a draft coming from everywhere; pink-blue sky. Closed, sharply defined lips and dark, demanding eyes.
Music came from somewhere with dry clicks, crumbling on them beat by beat and measuring their steps. Piano – thunderstorm, monotonous rain, wet asphalt, water on San Marco. Pigeons flutter out from under her feet. Fractional flashes of droplets gather in puddles, a violin steps carefully over them, creeps in, displaces other sounds, and again remains alone. Freezes, kissing her forehead. And everything freezes with it.
...They took the elevator for ages. Squeezing his hand, Zoe watched the numbers change on the scoreboard on the wall. When the number three finally lit upon it, it seemed to her: a little more, and she simply could not stand it. They got to the room, and holding the key card to the door, she was surprised – it does not open until it dawned on her: not her suit. The door opened, closed behind her. Zoe leaned back on it, lifted her head.
Dracula leaned over to her and took her face in his hands. Zoe stood silently, motionless. Closing her eyes, she held her breath, feeling the touch of his lips, then – the tongue. Snuggling up to him, she grabbed him by the neck. He ran his hands over her body, finding, squeezed the nipples through the fabric. He pulled her blouse from the belt and ducked under it with his palm. Exactly how she fantasized... a long time ago... yes, this... afternoon. Twitching impatiently, Zoe swung her hips, her jeans button digging into his stomach. He pulled away, turning her, pressed her to the door again, tore off the button, zipper, and put his hand into her panties. Zoe buried her forehead against the door with a groan. His fingers caressed her harshly and roughly, without ceremony, tormenting her, not allowing her to escape. Zoe finished, breathing out a soundless scream.
Grasping her from behind, Dracula waited until she calmed down, turned her around, ran his fingers over her cheeks, erasing the lines of tears. He pulled her into the room, along with him, to the bed.
Lying on her back, Zoe listened to the disturbed world rebuilding within her body. She smiled at Dracula, who had time to put his clothes somewhere and bent over her. Now his touch was gentle, fleetingly teasing as if he was asking for forgiveness for the recent explosion. Zoe lifted herself up and slid into his arms – and gasped as he rolled onto his back, swapping them.
Zoe loved sex and found partners easily. Many of them were passionate and skillful. But she never really wanted to be on top. She shifted in embarrassment. She wasn't even sure she understood how...
She did not have time to think out the thought: grabbing her by the waist, Dracula slowly lowered her onto himself. And it was so good and... accurately, that Zoe bit her lip with acute pleasure. Dracula waited a couple more moments, lifted her, froze. Zoe frowned in bewilderment. He smiled and moved his hips. Once, twice. The third – slower, then faster, and in the same order – again. Arching, she trembled – and when his fingers found her clitoris, everything became unimportant, there were only moans and sighs in the darkness.
‘Would you like some coffee?’ Zoe asked. Dracula, hugging her with both arms and absentmindedly running his fingers over her stomach, shook his head.
‘I don’t drink... coffee,’ he replied, and there was distant anxiety in his voice. Zoe nodded nonchalantly as she climbed out of bed, wrapped her dressing gown, and walked over to the table.
‘It's cold,’ she said, looking into the coffee pot. Well, the coffee was brought in yesterday. She turned to Dracula, who was sitting on the bed. He was disheveled and looked at her in a strange way. ‘I'll order a new one.’ Stepping to the balcony, Zoe opened the glass door and breathed in the morning air.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Dracula get up and approach her.
The sky was still gray, but somewhere in the distance birds were already awakening. Zoe turned to Dracula – and froze, bumping into a sharp, focused gaze.
He stood naked in front of her, and there was something very familiar about it – not because of last night, but different.
He grabbed her with lightning speed, so that she did not have time to recoil or cry out, hugged her again – and something happened.
Zoe felt herself trembling and swaying, slipping and falling into an unknown direction. Everything blurred, and before her eyes flashed pictures – an iron grate, a torch thrown to the ground, the smell of burnt wool, a nun's dress, and blood. Swaying, salty air, captain at the helm, shouts, shadows on the deck, and another fire. An explosion, the smell of fresh gunpowder tickling her nostrils, a man's face distorted by rage bending over her.
Agatha recoiled, gasping for air, and finally screamed when she realized what he was doing.
‘Agatha, it`s over!’ Reality fell on her and struck from all sides at once, stunning. ‘That's all, Agatha!’ Dracula hugged her, holding her. She struggled, trembling, bursting into sobs. ‘Sorry,’ he repeated when she was exhausted and quieted down. ‘Sorry, I had to make sure.’
He let her go, and she, moving away, climbed onto the bed, huddled like a wounded animal. She wrapped herself tighter in her dressing gown, which miraculously still remained on her. She leaned back on the pillow and cried softly. Dracula silently sat down on the other side of the bed.
‘You survived,’ Agatha said without looking at him.
‘I did,’ said Dracula. ‘I just slept for a hundred and twenty years. Then I woke up and saw around... all this. But I liked it, you know.’
Agatha didn't answer. She didn't want details. She wanted to close her eyes and not open them for another hundred years.
‘How many have you eaten?’ she said dismissively.
‘Agatha, you worked at the research medical center,’ Dracula's voice sounded annoyed. ‘Do you know who the donors are? These are special people who donate blood, eggs, and sperm.’ He paused. ‘And there is Tinder, besides.’
Agatha felt her head begin to throb heavily.
‘How is this possible?’ she asked hoarsely. Turning, she looked at Dracula. Dracula didn't answer. ‘It’s the twenty-seventh of October two thousand and twenty,’ Agatha said with an effort. ‘I ate toast for breakfast. My blood type is the first negative. I don't like grapes and I love bananas. Last year I went to Islamabad. I remember the life of Zoe Van Helsing!’ she shouted; her voice rang out again.
Dracula was silent, and somehow that silence helped calm the storm that was raging inside her. Agatha looked around the room, looked at the bed, and at Dracula. She breathed in without a sound. Her body was still agitated, still keenly aware of what they were doing together. How could she do this – with him?
‘You remember the life of Zoe Van Helsing because you were her,’ she heard Dracula's voice. Agatha looked at him incredulously. ‘Her life was real. From the very first day. And at the same time, from the very first day, it was you.’
Getting up, Agatha walked to the balcony and leaned against the glass of the door. She frowned at Dracula.
‘It is believed that reincarnation,’ he said, ‘is always a new personality. In rebirth, a person begins a completely different life. And in most cases, apparently, it is. But it happens... it happens very rarely that the former personality turns out to be so strong that it displaces or does not let the new one in, and a conflict arises between them. I heard about this maybe two hundred years ago from some Arab doctor.
Agatha listened in silence.
‘The problem is,’ Dracula continued, ‘that two consciousnesses cannot get along in one human body. Such a split cannot last forever.’ He made a pause. ‘Have you ever been diagnosed with... what is it called now... cancer?’
‘Some years ago. I was in the hospital. Suspicion of leukemia,’ Agatha said in surprise. ‘Not confirmed. Zoe... I've seen the tests. But Z... I'm not an oncologist. I figured it was just a mistake. Someone confused the tubes.’
Dracula stared at her wordlessly.
‘Now, yes, that's a mistake,’ he said and stood up. In the split second after his words, something changed in his face and gaze, and in the room. Standing in place, Agatha watched him approach, stretches out his hands to her, opens her dressing gown. Already when he is very close, holding her between himself and the glass, raises her hips, and enters, she remembers that he is still naked.
Looking into her eyes, he pushes into her body, hard, rough, and deep. She has nowhere to go, not to hide, she should be disgusted and ashamed, she should be hurt, in the end, but she only moans and, shuddering, leans back.
The despair in his movements melts, smears out, he gets out of her, carries her to the bed. He enters again, leaning on his hands, continues, at the only point in contact with her. Agatha cums from this alone, and sweet spasms are still poured in her – while he lets her go, while he searches for his things, finds them, while dresses and, buttoned-up, walks to the door.
Agatha is unable to move, she feels at the same time heavy and light, but her thoughts and feelings are more clear than ever. She turns and holds out her hand.
‘Don't go.’
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crystalracing · 3 years
Archive: How unflappable rookie Raikkonen took F1 by stormBy:
Jonathan Noble
Sep 26, 2021, 12:25 PM
Kimi Raikkonen is officially on his Formula 1 farewell tour, having announced his retirement at the end of this season. It will bring down the curtain on F1's longest career, currently standing at 341 race starts, a feat few could have imagined when he sat down with Autosport to discuss his rookie season for the 16 August 2001 magazine
Early January. The sun has already set at Ferrari’s test track. Darkness is descending very quickly, but Kimi Raikkonen still wants to get his first taste of the 2001 Sauber. The team put in enough fuel for 10 laps, although with visibility disappearing rapidly there is no way he will be able to complete them all.
The Petronas-badged Ferrari engine is fired up, and the young Finn exits the pits, disappearing into the darkness for his first experience with the new car. The wail of the screaming V10 is heard coming under the bridge near the pits as Raikkonen flies past, flat-out, before again disappearing into the darkness of the first corner. He cannot be seen until the braking zone, when the flames from the exhaust briefly light up the darkness.
After a handful of laps, he is within tenths of the time set by Nick Heidfeld earlier in the day, then he radios to the pits to say he cannot see enough to continue driving. There is incredulity at his performance.
The ease with which he is so instantly on the limit leaves smiles across the faces of all the Sauber people present. But the finishing touch to Raikkonen’s night run only became evident when he returned to the pits. He had been so fearless, so quick and so committed wearing a dark-tinted visor on his helmet.
The manner of that first test has continued throughout his debut season, when solid performances have singled him out as a huge future star. When it first became apparent that he was being courted by the Sauber boss late last year, he was not even expected to get a superlicence. Now Raikkonen has become the man of the moment.
At almost every track this year, but especially the ones at which teams do not test, he is invariably among the top five during the first few laps on Friday. That shows a man able to get himself and his car on the limit very quickly – something that Michael Schumacher does with aplomb. Yes, Juan Pablo Montoya has grabbed more headlines, but the young, slim, blond Finn has got more tongues wagging.
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Raikkonen immediately got on with the business of impressing in his rookie year
Photo by: Motorsport Images
Despite the plaudits, Raikkonen remains something of an enigma. If people thought they had a difficult time enticing words out of Mika Hakkinen during his early F1 career, then they have yet to meet the new boy at Sauber. He is renowned for his one-word answers, his lack of charisma in press conferences and his reluctance to mix it with the other drivers.
But he does not care. As far as he is concerned, he was put on earth to drive racing cars very quickly. When asked what he thinks about life in the paddock, meeting fans, signing autographs and speaking to all the F1 journalists, his answer is swift and to the point.
“It is a bit boring,” he says. “I don’t like the paddock. I just want to get on with my work.”
"Sometimes I think things have happened too quickly, but at the end of the day I was in the right place at the right time with the right people behind me" Kimi Raikkonen
Raikkonen really does like nothing more than being in the car. He is the ultimate efficient racing driver – all speed, no talk. He is as happy testing as he is getting results, and he has been completely unfazed by all the attention around him. He has been mentioned no end of times as the eventual successor to Michael Schumacher at Ferrari, but he has let none of the comments go to his head.
PLUS: Why the time is right for Raikkonen to hang up his F1 helmet
He even admits that he does sit back sometimes and feel amazed at how he has gone from Formula Renault front-runner to one of F1’s biggest stars in just 12 months.
“Sometimes I think things have happened too quickly, but at the end of the day I was in the right place at the right time with the right people behind me,” he says. “I would never have thought last year that I would be in F1 now.”
Despite Raikkonen’s cool exterior, things have not been so easy for him this year. He may not want to explain how tough the adaption to F1 has been, but he does not pretend that his achievements have been a walk in the park.
“It has been hard, especially because I didn’t really have any expectations this year,” he says. “There is not really one thing that has surprised me, because everything has been hard. There is not one things I have learned specifically, because I’ve had to learn everything. But it is quite a bit like I expected.
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“For sure, for the first three or four races it was difficult in qualifying, and I didn’t really get the best out of the car. That was really the most difficult thing. But the season has been better than I was hoping for. I think the team has been surprised. It’s good.”
Circumstances have certainly helped Raikkonen in his jump to F1 with Sauber. Not only has the team enjoyed something of a renaissance this year, but the family atmosphere and the lack of driver politics have made it much easier for him to make his mark.
His set-up is similar to that of his team-mate, Heidfeld. The telemetry traces show Raikkonen sometimes has an advantage in the quick corners, but that Heidfeld is more consistent in the slow stuff.
“It has helped being here with Nick, because it is better than having to do it all by myself,” he admits. “it has been easier being here, with a family team, than go to a bigger team. Here the people are nicer, and that helps.”
But the real test for Raikkonen will come next year. Jacques Villeneuve said recently that it was very easy for a new driver to maintain performance in the first year of F1, when all the newness gives a racer lots of energy and carries them through. The problem comes in the second year, when it is much harder to improve - but expectations are so much higher. Ask Raikkonen if he is worried about the Jenson Button syndrome and he is at his most candid.
“No, not really. I think for him [Jenson] it is more difficult because he was with one the top teams, and now he is not. It is more difficult because if the car is not right then you need to do more with the car.
“I am not worried about it. For sure I have enough energy to keep pushing, and next year I’ll be stronger because I’ll have some experience. I know from this year what I need to do, and it will be easier because I will know what is happening.”
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Raikkonen was heavily linked with a move to Ferrari, although it seemed he would have to bide his time a while longer at Sauber
Photo by: Motorsport Images
Speculation links Raikkonen with Ferrari in the long term – although it is almost certain he will stay at Sauber until the end of 2003, when his current contract ends. But ask Raikkonen about Ferrari and he claims there is no attraction other than the fact that it is the most competitive team at the moment. He does not care where he gets to drive in the future, as long as it is with a winning team.
“It is nice to hear Ferrari stories, but I don’t really follow that,” he says. “I would be happy in one of the top teams, and I don’t really mind which it is. I guess it doesn’t matter if it is McLaren, Williams or Ferrari. It is where you have the best chance to win.
Rinland remembers vividly the Finn’s first test in the Sauber at Mugello in Italy last September. His lap times were not that spectacular, but it was clear from the way he got down to work with the car that he was something special
“You never know if Ferrari are going to go down the order, or who is going to come up and who will win. Maybe it just won’t be those three teams in the future, because we have seen how Williams have moved down and then come back up again.”
Raikkonen’s long-term future is open, and the fight for his services when his Sauber contract ends will be fascinating. Anyone who has seen him drive at close quarters knows all about his abilities.
Top 10: Kimi Raikkonen’s greatest F1 races ranked
Sauber’s former chief designer, Sergio Rinland, left the team at the start of the year, and he does not mind admitting that his biggest loss in the move is not being able to work with young Raikkonen.
Rinland remembers vividly the Finn’s first test in the Sauber at Mugello in Italy last September. His lap times were not that spectacular, but it was clear from the way he got down to work with the car that he was something special.
“It was just amazing,” remembers Rinland. “You could see it in his eyes that he was the man. He probably didn’t do a very quick lap time, but in sectors of the track you could see the difference between a good driver and someone who was trying very hard. The telemetry showed that in some sectors he was right on it.”
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Willingness to push from the off impressed engineer Rinland
Photo by: Motorsport Images
Rinland remembers going out to the back of the Mugello circuit during the test to stand on the banking and observe Raikkonen in action. Michael Schumacher joined him and was instantly impressed by the style and speed of the young Finn.
Schumacher rarely compliments other drivers, but there was no doubting his feelings then. The world champion said: “I observed him, and I evaluated his lap times, and I could see he could be a champion.”
Is this young talents Ferrari’s next champion? Maybe. Is he a future champion? Almost certainly.
Raikkonen got his chance in a top car sooner than expected, when he replaced Hakkinen at McLaren for 2002
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Photo by: Motorsport Images
What happened next?
Just one month later, Raikkonen's future was decided - and in that moment, he couldn't have been further away from Ferrari.
With double world champion Hakkinen losing motivation and on course to retire - his so-called 'sabbatical' would become a permanent one, barring a comeback test at Barcelona in 2007 - McLaren was in the market for a replacement.
Heidfeld, who had won the International F3000 title as a McLaren-supported driver in 1999, was widely expected to be the man who took the seat, while McLaren tester Alex Wurz was also in the frame.
PLUS: How Raikkonen's rapid rise stalled his team-mate's F1 career climb
But the man McLaren boss Ron Dennis wanted was Raikkonen. Dennis negotiated the Finn's exit from his deal at Hinwil - the severance package allowing the team to build a state-of-the-art windtunnel - and he duly lined up alongside David Coulthard for the 2002 season, coming close to a maiden win at Magny-Cours until slipping wide on oil to allow Schumacher through.
The breakthrough win duly came at Malaysia the following year as Raikkonen almost won the 2003 title with a year-old car, but his two-point deficit to Schumacher would be the closest he'd get to title success at McLaren. The team produced F1's fastest car in 2005, but poor reliability handed the title to the more consistent Fernando Alonso.
And so it was to Ferrari that Raikkonen eventually headed for 2007, fulfilling the prophesy in 2001 that he would take up Schumacher's mantle. The seven-time world champion was effectively forced aside to make space for the Finn, who won the title at the first time of asking in one of F1's most legendary comebacks against the McLarens of Alonso and Lewis Hamilton.
Archive: The ups and downs of Raikkonen's 2007 F1 title triumph
Forced out after two disappointing seasons in 2008 and 2009 to make room for Alonso, Raikkonen took a two-year sabbatical in the World Rally Championship before making a winning return with Lotus in 2012. That parlayed into a remarkable Ferrari return for 2014.
Only one more win would come, in the 2018 US GP, before he was replaced for 2019 by Charles Leclerc to see out the remainder of his career in the midfield - back where it all began at the Alfa Romeo-branded Sauber team.
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renaultmechanic · 7 months
The Importance of Fleet Car Maintenance Renault
Hey there, fleet managers and car lovers! Ever wondered why giving your fleet some extra care is a big deal? Let's talk about Renault car Maintenance. Buckle up for a smooth ride into the world of happy and healthy fleets!
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Logbook and Scheduled Servicing:
Imagine a diary for your fleet! The logbook is like keeping track of your cars' health. Regular check-ups and services, like changing oils, keep your fleet feeling fantastic.
Fleet Repairs and Maintenance:
Just like us, cars need a little love too. Regular check-ups,  routine Fleet service and quick fixes make sure your fleet stays in tip-top shape, ready to tackle any journey.
Routine Maintenance:
It's like brushing your teeth for your cars! Regular checks, from tires to fluids, keep everything running smoothly. Small steps now mean big smiles on the road later.
Major and Minor Engine Overhauls:
Your fleet's heart is its engine. Whether it's a big or small overhaul, it's like a spa day for Major Engine Repairs, making sure they're strong and ready for the long road ahead.
Cooling System Service and Repair:
Think of it as a refreshing drink for your cars. Taking care of the cooling system ensures your fleet stays cool, even on the hottest days.
Clutch and Brake Repairs:
Clutch and Brake Services are very important. Clutch and brakes are like the shoes of your fleet. Keeping them in top shape means your cars can stop and go smoothly, making every trip a breeze.
Fuel System Servicing and Repairs:
It's all about keeping the fuel flowing. Regular service and fixes ensure your fleet's engines get the right fuel, keeping them efficient and ready to hit the road.
Transmission Repairs (Manual and Automatic):
Transmissions are like the talkers of your cars. Repairs, whether manual or automatic, keep your fleet speaking the language of smooth rides. Renault specialist Melbourne can help you.
Auto Electrical Diagnosis and Repair:
Cars can have electrical hiccups too! Skilled diagnosis and repairs keep the lights on and make sure your fleet stays charged and ready to roll.
Accident Repairs and Panel Beating:
Oops, accidents happen! Skilled hands can fix bumps and dings, making your fleet look good as new.
Pre-Purchase, Safety, and Roadworthy Inspections:
Before welcoming a new member to the fleet, it's like a first date. Pre-purchase checks ensure you're getting a keeper, while safety and roadworthy inspections make sure your cars are good to go. Renault service centre melbourne will give you the best service with experts.
Keeping your fleet happy is like having a team of superheroes. For fleet maintenance service consult a Renault car service Melbourne for safety checks, each step ensures your cars are ready for any adventure. So, keep up the good work, schedule those check-ups, and let your fleet shine on the open road!
For more: https://www.renaultmechanic.com.au/services/
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fixmyridedubai · 3 years
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#fixmyridedubai #dubai Phone / WhatsApp 0558712199 https:// FixMyRideDubai.com Fix My Ride Auto Repairing Garage Dubai Near me Al Quoz 2 Open 24 hours Renault repair service centre. Renault specialist mechanic shop dubai. FixMyRide helps you maintain your Renault car in the long run by proper Renault maintenance and diagnostics. We are a leading Renault Garage in Dubai having a wide range of services which includes Renault General Maintenance, Renault Engine Repair, Renault Major and Minor Services, Renault Body Work and Renault Interior Work. https://www.instagram.com/p/CWxxSVPvAdq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Renault Key Card Replacement Service Near Me
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The Renault key card replacement must match the correct model, we are experienced and will be able to advise you on the required remote key for or key card to suit your vehicle. Electrical windows and sunroofs might be closed at the bit of a button, and for convertibles, the hood might be lowered or raised by remote. Citroen remote keys, Ford remotes, Vauxhall remote keys, Renault Key Card Replacement Service Near Me, the list became unending as manufacturers competed with one another to offer customers a lot of and a lot of potential functions triggered by their keys. We know how to repair or replace all types of car key phases and Renault key cards.
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