#reno sinclair ff7 remake
emeraldblonde · 5 months
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chrollc · 5 months
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reno sinclair.
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paithology · 5 months
- What it's like to wake up next to your loving boyfriend.
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Content warnings: Overstimulation, breeding, cnc
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Men who appreciate every day they get to wake up to your gorgeous face and just love sharing a bed with you overall. Making sure your pussy is easily accessible to him at all times.
Every morning, the only thought that plagues his mind is your tank top stuck to your skin, exposing your nipples, the flush of your ass against your lacy panties, and the desperate look on your face when you wake up. It gives him a throbbing urge to sink his cock into your pussy.
He’d start with his hands wandering everywhere. from his arms wrapped around your waist to gripping your ass and rubbing you through your panties. 
Pulling them to the side to reveal your wet pussy. The feeling of his cock teasing your folds before he slides his cock in makes you whimper.
He can’t help but groan when your juices flow out as he pushes inside of you. You're just so wet. He loves fucking you from the side because it only makes his thrust deeper, hitting your spot every time.
He tries to silence your cries by shoving his tongue down your throat as you babble and whine about how you can't take much more. Your eyes are filling with pleasurable tears, and your mouth is welling with drool from overstimulation from the way the head of his cock hits your sweet spot nonstop.
He rubs small circles onto your clit, ass swaying from the sheer force of his hips. He begins to get so lost in the feeling of your pussy that he fucks you till he can’t stop. Fucking you through your orgasm His head is in the crook of your neck as he groans at the feeling of you clenching down on his overly sensitive tip.
After what feels like hours, you're reaching back to grip his hair, eyes rolled back. Just begging for him to fill you up again.
Suguru Geto , Choso Kamo, Yuta Okkotsu, Aki Hayakawa, Renji Abarai, Reno Sinclar
Work of: Paige, do not copy.
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icapturedthecastle · 3 months
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FFVII + some of my favorite shitposts, part 6
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justauthoring · 4 months
against the world [1].
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because against all odds, you had found reno and he'd found you.
a/n: THE WAY THIS MAN HAS A CHOKEHOLD ON ME also im a sucker for the trope where two people are supposed to be enemies but love each other and are betraying their friends/work/beliefs etc. to be with one another so this was born :)
pairing: reno sinclair x f!reader
“Where are you off to?”
Feet halting beneath you, every muscle tenses as you hear Tifa step up behind you. You mentally curse her perceptiveness, having been so close to the door and making it out without anyone's knowledge before she called out for you.
With a gentle laugh, you glance at her from over your shoulder, noticing that Biggs, Jessie and Wedge who’d been at their regular table talking were looking your way as well.
“Out,” you start, offering a small smile as you scramble to come up with an explanation. Now that Tifa had asked and gotten their attention, there was no way any single one of them were going to let you slip out with just that. Taking a glance around the rest of the bar, your answer comes to you with a blink of the eye; “it’s late. I’m gonna retire for the night.”
“Oh?” Tifa’s head tilts, a frown of concern falling on her lips. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you assure with ease, waving your hand at her. “Just tired. Didn’t get a good night's rest last night.”
“I think Y/N’s got a boyfriend she’s not telling us about.”
You like to think your expression is schooled, but even then you can’t help the way your eyes widen slightly at Jessie’s taunt. There’s a teasing smile on her face as she says the words, offering a nudge to Biggs’ arm as the two boys turn to you with wide eyes and Tifa’s concern is quickly replaced with interest.
“Oh!” Tifa calls, clapping her hands in front of her and she turns to you with a twinkle in her gaze. “Really?”
Before you can say anything, Jessie is jumping up from her seat and crossing the short distance over to you and Tifa by the bar door. She’s grinning from wide, ear to ear, moving to stand next to Tifa as she lets her eyes drag across you in thought. “Hasn’t she seemed more happy recently? A sort of… pep in her step?” She asks Tifa, blatantly ignoring the fact that you’re standing right in front of her. “Besides, she’s alway sneaking off early after meets. Especially when she used to stay and play cards with me all night.”
Panicked, you shake your head; “no, I–”
“I guess that is true,” Tifa agrees thoughtfully, nodding her head before her eyes meet yours directly. “You have seemed more distracted recently. Like you’re always lost in your thoughts.”
Feeling your cheeks warm, you stare back and forth between the two of them, suddenly realizing how dangerous they really were.
“But that’s just crazy,” Biggs finally speaks up, him and Wedge moving to stand with you three and your saving grace. “Y/N would’ve told us. Wouldn’t you?”
“Exactly,” Wedge agrees with ease, a joyful smile on his lips like there always is as he grins at you widely. “Y/N tells us everything! We’re her friends!”
You’ve never loved Biggs and Wedge more than you do at that moment.
“Of course,” you agree with ease, ignoring the small tinge of guilt that floods you when you realize that you are in fact lying. That, and you are keeping a secret from them… but if it weren’t for the circumstances, you would’ve told them all right away.
You wish you could tell them.
“I’ve just been tired recently,” you move to explain to Tifa and Jessie, hoping they’ll buy it. “We’ve been ramping up our efforts and it’s just been leaving me a little more exhausted as of late.”
Jessie still looks like she doesn’t quite trust you, a certain edge to her eyes as she glances at you, half expecting you to crack. You will yourself to hold strong, never letting your smile fade from your lips as you take a small step towards the door.
“Okay,” Tifa concedes with a nod, smiling at you. “Well, try to get some rest tonight. You know you can talk to me if it is more, right?”
Swallowing thickly, you nod, hoping it doesn’t come across too stiff as you offer them one last wave before turning and making your way out of the door. Jessie calls out to you to be safe on your way home just before you leave, and that brings a smile to your face, happy that she wasn’t actually upset with you and let the door to Seventh Heaven fall shut behind you.
Then, you take a moment, breathing in sharply before starting on your trip.
When you reach the corner you would’ve turned to head home, you turn the opposite way, and continue on from there, making your way out of Sector Seven and past that. You don’t stop, in fact, until you reach the edge of where you’d head to go up Topside, shrouded by the shadows that the night provided, glancing over your shoulder once more to make sure no one had followed you.
Then, just as you move to step forward, a hand wraps itself around your wrist and you’re tugged to the side, pressed against the wall of a fence as a figure presses itself up against you. There’s a momentary breath of panic, before you recognize the familiar shade of red and the touch of the hand that ghosts across your cheek and you let out a heavy breath.
“Reno,” you call, meeting his gaze as you blink up at him. He’s grinning widely down at you, his other hand falling on your hip as he brushes back a stray hair with the other.
“Hey,” he whispers, biting his lip. 
In the next second, he’s pressing his lips against your own and you instantly return the affection. Your hands move to grip his cheeks, playing with ruly strands of his hair and tugging at them, curling into his hold to press yourself against him. Reno moans against the action, squeezing your hips in his hands, biting your bottom lip gently as he pulls away.
Breathless, you glance up at him.
“You were late,” he whispers a moment later, frowning slightly.
“Sorry,” you sigh, letting your hands fall against his chest. “Tifa caught me on my way out and then Jessie said she thought I was sneaking out to see some guy and that got the guys’ interest and it was just… a lot.”
“Little does she know how right she is,” Reno teases, quirking a brow down at him.
You just shake your head up at him, playing with the edge of his suit. “It sucks lying to them,” you admit quietly, avoiding his gaze as you say the words. “I wish I could tell them. I wanna tell Tifa and Jessie all about you.”
“About how great of a guy I am?”
Scoffing, you lightly slap his chest; “Reno. I’m serious.”
The smirk fades from his lips and is replaced by a gentle frown. “I’m sorry,” he offers softly, tracing a loose pattern on your hip with his thumb. “I wish we could tell people too. Rude’s actually been pretty noisy lately himself and I think he knows something. But… you understand why we can’t yeah?”
“Because Avalanche is actively trying to bring down Shinra… the company you work for?” You snort at Reno, raising a brow at him. “Yeah, I know.”
Licking his lips, Reno huffs; “I wish it was different but… this is how it has to be for now.”
Nodding, you sniffle; “I just know this can’t last is all.”
Frowning, Reno’s brows furrow; “what do you mean?”
“Tifa says an old friend of hers is coming down soon,” you explain, “he’s a merc but he’s apparently an ex-soldier… I think Barret wants to get pretty serious. And I shouldn’t even be telling you this stuff because I’m betraying my friends doing it… let alone just being with you.”
You can’t help it, your emotions catch up with you. The incident from earlier, although mild, had sent you in a frenzy and the sheer possibility of your friends, your family knowing that you were dating one of Shinra’s Turks? It had terrified you. Barret would for sure throw you out and Jessie, Biggs and Wedge would never talk to you again… And Tifa? She’d be so hurt and betrayed and–
“Hey, hey,” Reno calls out, cupping your cheek as he pulls your eyes on him. You bite your lip as he does, trying to stop the tears that refuse to stop, meeting his eyes as he brushes them away with his thumb. “We’ll figure it out, okay? Somehow.”
Nodding, you sigh. Truthfully, it’s hard to believe his words and you hardly think that any of it will end well. If anything, it’s bound to end horribly. Horrifically. But… but you can’t let that ruin the moments you have now because you’re not sure how much longer you’ll have them.
Because Reno might be Turk and work for a company that goes against everything you believe in, and you might be a terrorist in the eyes of Reno’s company… but you love him and he loves you and you’re not even sure how it all happened but he owns your heart completely and wholly.
And you wanted to cherish that for as long as you could while you still could.
“Okay,” you whisper, setting your hand over his own as you lean into his touch. “I trust you.”
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white-rose-of-wutai · 1 month
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beriidesu · 19 days
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maqiisan · 4 months
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[reno rkgk] “you heard the lady!”
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missyandthemisfits · 4 months
FF7 Headcanons – Do They Like Their Partner Playing In Their Hair?
I write sometimes so Imma put some Final Fantasy VII headcannons here in honor of tomorrow’s release 🍷🍾
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Cloud Strife – He absolutely does, he also absolutely won’t own up to it because he’s EMBARRASED. That said, if you really wanna hear him say it that badly, you can always threaten to never do it again. He’ll pout, complain softly, and confess. THEN he’ll immediately ask you to do it.
Tifa Lockhart – YesssSS, she adores it! But she makes you wait until you’re alone to do it because she is CONVINCED she makes questionable faces when you do it. She does. She does make those faces-
Aerith Gainsborough – You’d better believe she does and is happy to return the favor! She might actually be better than you at it though…awesome scalp massages.
Barett Wallance – Not really…? But he can be convinced. Especially after a long, hard day and a hot shower.
Cid Highwind – NOPE. Don’t even try it, you’ll get an earful and will NEVER hear the end of it, I assure you.
Vincent Valentine – He is FIRMLY on the fence about it. On one hand, it feels amazing and he really does love it. On the other hand, he’s still convinced he just doesn’t deserve that kindness, from you or anyone. You may or may not be able to get him to agree to it, depending on the day.
Reeve Tuesti – He does indeed like it and he is also not afraid to ask for it. Hell, he’ll ask for it mid-speech sometimes, right in the middle of the explaining something to the party members. You will probably say no.
Reno Sinclair – YES, for the love of God, PLEASE play in his hair. I cannot stress this enough, HE HAS NO SHAME. He will beg, with or without company, outside or inside your home. He does not care how it looks to those around him, he’s a man that knows what he wants an when he wants it.
Rude – I wheeze, but yes. He enjoys…scalp massages.
Elena – She actually only likes it when and if you wash her hair for her while you’re doing it, something about the combination of nails and water – she’s a little strange, but it’s cute.
Tseng – Another fence straddler, but he’s a lot easier to convince. For him, it’s about intimacy, something you two share that he doesn’t wanna share with anyone else so it stays in home – because he’s a little possessive.
Rufus Shinra – Oh yes, he definitely enjoys it – he’d ask for it more if it didn’t mess up his hair so much before meetings. He’s always got this smug look on his face when he teasingly asks though, so that’s a thing. Also possessive.
!! BONUS !!
Zack Fair – He’s got this lopsided grin on his face when you first ask him because he’s never had someone ask. But after the first time, he’s almost like a puppy.
Genesis Rhapsodos – He does like it, but he saves that sort of intimacy for after…‘The act’. Makes it more special. I think he’s just dramatic, honestly.
Angeal Hewley – Apprehensionnn, but if he’s feeling particularly stressed he may let you do it. It’s a hard sell though, be strong soldier.
Sephiroth – YES, thoroughly enjoys someone playing in his hair but understands they could be there for a while given the length of his luxurious locks – not that he minds. He could sit there all day, grinning and praising you for your time and effort. Unnecessarily suave, always.
Pictures aren’t mine, Headcannons are!
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sharksliveinspace · 2 months
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Reno dlc when?
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proudartmaker · 4 months
I drew Reno from Final fantasy vii serie.✨ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
This is my latest art for him.
I'm not good for drawing humans and this is my first time to use this art style.🥹
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No background.
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And All my Reno's arts that i drew in this year.
They looks different. They have a little bit developed.
Draw date on each drawing.(Tops are newer and lowers are olders.)
Sorry i used Google translate.😔🇹🇭
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I hope to see him more in FFvii remake part 3.
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emeraldblonde · 23 days
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Reno. See you keep your priorities straight. - Copy that, boss.
FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH (2024), dev. Square Enix
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chrollc · 24 days
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the original bodyguard
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spook-berry · 10 months
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icapturedthecastle · 2 months
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FFVII + some of my favorite shitposts, part... 10?
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thithesandofferings · 2 years
Chaotic things they do that are only slightly petty if you look close enough
Characters: Reno, Cloud, Zack, Angeal, Sephiroth
CW: None. Just how they show their "love" in relationships.
Reno- pours milk into the bowl first before putting the cereal in. Calls your name if you're not watching him do it and will slowly shake the box and let 3 pieces of cereal fall out at a time. By the time he has a full bowl, it's mostly soggy and he'll asks if you wants some and not take no for an answer.
Cloud- surprisingly picky about the clothes he has. Like he wants you to wear them- but wait ok maybe not that shirt. And of course he likes seeing you in his things, but are those his socks you wearing- and they're mismatched?? Where's the other pair?? Lowkey hide his favorite 3 shirts (he only has 4). Always gives you the ugly one.
Zack- will ask you if you want some food, but will do his best not to share it. "Babe you want some"- but there's really just a corner left. Definitely eats the cream out of the Oreos and just gives you cookies itself. Will definitely pout if you don't share your food though.
Sephiroth- likes to stand in dark suspicious corners in the house just because. Not even to scare you. He's just standing there. And will be confused when you get mad. Seph why are you in the shadows?? "It's a good thinking spot". Now you gotta look over your shoulder and around the corner at night cause he just be lingering and not even apologetic.
Angeal - will ALWAYS take all the leftovers. Never cares how much it is. Says he will use it. Doesn't until like a week later, and then wants to create new recipes so YOU and him can try it. It's been 3 weeks and he's still trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the ham, even if it smells weird. He will still try to eat it, regardless of the color. Will pour some of the juice in his plants and then wonder why they're dying.
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