#rent free poem week
sparklingclassy · 4 months
If I had Three Lives: Rent-Free Poems in my Head Day 2
Hey rockstars,  For those of you who read yesterday’s post, know that this week I’m going to do something new. In honor of my entire Instagram FYP being various poems, and in honor of Tay’s new album: The Tortured Poets Department, I decided once a day this week I’m going to pick a poem that’s been living rent-free in my head and write about it. For this, I have to channel all my 10th-grade…
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mortalityplays · 3 months
You need more free art.
I quit my job yesterday. Well, actually I quit my job eight weeks ago, but they finally released me yesterday for good behaviour. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do - but I do it for the wrong reasons. Working for major charities, you learn very fast that 'I want to make the world a better place' is a phrase you use to ask people for money, not to give them things. I was an ass-backwards fit for that world.
You need more free art. I need more free art. Everyone has felt the shift in our media landscape over the last ten years, away from access and towards nickel-and-diming the human experience. That lack of access is making life and culture worse for all of us, across the board. Paywalled news sites leave us less informed, attacks on the Internet Archive leave us less capable of research. Algorithmic social feeds and streaming walled gardens trap us inside smaller and smaller demographic bubbles, where we are increasingly only likely to encounter ideas that have been curated for us by marketing departments. Hasty efforts to resist AI commodification have only led to more artists locking their work away and calling for even more onerous systems of copyright law. This is not good for us.
We all need more free art.
So what am I going to do about it?
This is a question I have been asking myself for years. It's easy to sit here feeilng frustrated and thinking 'boy I hope SOMEONE does SOMETHING'. It's harder to take action in a world where I still have rent to pay. But hard doesn't mean impossible. Sometimes hard just means time-consuming, frustrating and slow. And sometimes it's worth doing something time-consuming, frustrating and slow because...I want to make the world a better place.
I'm going to do this:
1. From April 1st, I am relaunching as a freelance writer and editor.
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This is the one that will (hopefully) help to pay the bills. I am a very good and experienced editor. I've worked on hollywood movies, I'm a member of the Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders, I have clients who have been coming to me exclusively for more than 10 years.
Alongside bigger contract jobs, I am going to refocus on offering my services to small-press creators at a reduced rate. That means you, graphic novelists. That means you, itch and amazon writers. I want to help you develop your work, the same way I help large organisations. You can learn more about what an editor even does and what kind of pricing you can expect here.
2. I'm also going to start giving shit away. Like, constantly.
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Next week I'm going to launch a new free shop. If you're unfamiliar, a free shop, giveaway shop, swap shop, etc. is an anarchist tradition of setting up a storefront where anyone can take what they like for no cost. Offline, this often means second-hand clothes, tools, furniture, food etc. Online, I am going to be giving away digital art. Copyright-free, no strings attached. It will (eventually) feature everything from print-res posters to zines, poems, tattoo flash, t-shirt designs and anything else we come up with.
Yes, I said 'we' - while this is a curated collection, it will feature work from a variety of credited and anonymous artists and activists, all of whom have agreed to give their work away to the public domain. Some of it will be practical, some of it will be political, but a lot of it will be decorative or personal. This is, in part, a response to recent difficulty I had finding somewhere that would print a one-off joke poster for a friend that featured the word 'faggot'. Enough. No middlemen - no explaining ourselves. Just print our shit and enjoy it.
I'm very, very excited about this project. I'll have more to say about it closer to the launch, but you can expect it to go live on March 27th.
2.2 I forgot to mention the ACTUAL LAUNCH GIVEAWAY
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To celebrate my launch, I am going to be giving away a ton of physical prints. When I went looking for my old stock to see if it was worth setting a new (paid) storefront up, I realised I had way more old work in storage than I thought. This will be announced in its own right on Monday, but this is why I've been hinting you should go follow my Patreon.
On April 1st, I will pick 8 random patrons (from across all tiers including non-paying followers!) and mail them a bundle of assorted prints and postcards. The prize pool includes A3 and A4 posters, packs of A6 postcards, and printed minicomics that I've previously sold for up to £12 each.
You don't have to be a paying subscriber to enter - this is strictly no-purchase necessary. It is purely and entirely a celebration of the concept of GIVING ART AWAY FOR FREE.
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Because I still have to pay to stay alive, I am going to be subsidising all this free art with the introduction of Fuck You Fridays. Starting from March 29th, I will drop a new 18+ short story on the last Friday of every month, over on itch.io (yes I know my page is desolate right now, don't worry I'll get there).
The first edition, Go Fuck Yourself, is about, well - telling your boss where to stick it. Julia has had it with her millionaire man-child manager, and is just about ready to let him know what she really thinks. It's a short and steamy 5k words, with a gorgeous cover illustration by @taylor-titmouse, and you can pick it up for $3 starting from March 29th.
I'm keeping this one under wraps for now, but April 1st will also play host to one more (FREE) launch. If you've been following me for a long time, you might remember the other significance of this date (no not April Fool's day, though that is certainly thematically relevant to this entire effort). That's all I'll say right now. Watch this space.
tl;dr: I'm sick of paywalls and career ladders. I'm literally putting my money where my mouth is. More free art for everyone and I'm not kidding around!!!
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maple-the-awesome · 10 months
When Another Finds Out About His Crush Part 3/3
Part 1 || Part 2
Pairings: Warrior, Wild, & Wind x GN Reader
Overview: What happens when someone else in the Chain finds out about his feelings towards you?
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
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This...is starting to get annoying.
As a captain who has overseen dozens of soldiers and fought in enough battles to last a lifetime (not that they’ll stop coming anytime soon), Warrior likes to believe he's developed tough skin over the years. While the occasional expression of irritation might slip through sometimes, he prides himself on his ability to usually roll with the punches by remaining both calm and patient, although there are certain...'situations' that truly test this inner strength.
"Quit being such a suck up."
"Hylia, is it possible for you to stop making goo-goo eyes for five seconds?"
"We all get it: you're completely whipped. Just shut up about it already."
"Oh, keep it in your pants, pretty boy.”
Ah yes. There is no situation that tests Warrior more than that annoying sour strawberry who's very keen on getting under his skin whenever possible, but lately it seems he really has no better hobbies to occupy his time.
If guessing, Warrior would say it only started a mere week ago when the two were patrolling around camp with you as an added member. There was nothing particularly strange about Legend's character that day, in fact he remained delightfully quiet (as third wheels should be) until a moment when your trio had to cross a small stream. Warrior, naturally, didn't think twice about putting his own life and dry clothes at risk by balancing on top of those slippery rocks himself where he could then help you across with a steady hand.
"What a gentleman!" You had awed, your smile making it completely worth that small leap his heart gave when he almost lost his footing seconds before, although Legend apparently thought there was a more fitting title to bestow upon the blonde which he did so with a roll of his eyes:
"...What a kiss ass…"
Warrior had rolled his eyes as well, figuring the insult was no different from all the others Legend tends to throw his way, but then they continued with an alarming pattern behind them, too. Always around you and always linked back to Warrior's very private feelings towards you.
How Legend came to discover them is anyone's guess. He could have noticed that your always Warrior's first choice in company or perhaps he's simply grown sick of the way you live entirely rent-free in Warrior's mind, your name somehow being woven into every conversation or the cause for that dreamy look in his eyes as his thoughts wander off...Actually, it might not be such a surprise that Legend found out after all, but Warrior really wishes it could've been literally anyone else (minus you, of course). There's no way Time or Twilight or even mischievous Wild would be as cruel as to wave his feelings in front of his face at every given chance the way Legend is hellbent on doing.
"Whatcha writing, Wars?" Finally a voice he loves to hear and a face his heart soars at seeing.
He's been on his own in the corner of camp for a while now, purposefully secluding himself in hopes of catching a break, however he doesn't mind your presence as you practically hang over his shoulder, a grin on your lips as you try to catch a peek at the paper in his hands.
He instantly smiles to himself and opens his mouth to answer that he's currently making a list of supplies, but another beats him to a far more smug response, "He's probably writing you a love poem."
Warrior snarls at Legend whose life is apparently so boring he can't not listen into any of your conversations even when relaxing by the campfire himself with his back turned to you both. Facing you or not, Warrior knows the idiot has a smirk playing at his face as he pats himself on the back for another ‘amazing’ jab.
"Legend just likes to tease. Don't take it to heart," You place a hand on Warrior's shoulder as soon as you notice his growing irritation which you haven't been blind to at all this week. You've long gotten used to Legend's nagging and teasing, not seeing it as anything personal, although you can understand why it might make others upset, "I'm sure deep down he's just jealous that you're my favorite."
Warrior is so busy being huffy that he almost misses your comment, but when it processes in his mind, he's quick to swallow the lump in his throat and mumble, "I'm your favorite, eh?"
You smile sweetly, "...Well, second favorite. First place goes to Wolfie, I'm afraid."
Warrior blinks, his brain almost malfunctioning now, although it manages to catch up with your words which snaps his head towards you with slight offense over your now teasing smirk, "Wait, how could I be robbed of first place by a dog -"
"- A wolf -"
"- An animal! Why him?" Warrior practically whines, yet you can spare him no sympathy, simply shrugging.
"cause he's cute."
"I'm not?"
"You are, but not like 'cuddly-cute'...Unless…" You lean closer, your whispered voice fanning Warrior's face as he licks his chapped lips nervously, "You're willingly to throw in some cuddles? That scarf of yours looks mighty comfy, Captain."
"...W-While I have no real objections, you are aware that Legend will never cut either of us a break then, right?”
You almost look innocent when gazing up at him through your eyelashes, however the way you play with his scarf is anything but, "It's just an offer. If you're too intimidated by little ol' me, simply say so. I must warn, though, if you can’t step up to the challenge, Wolfie might forever hold the spot of being my favorite...Can’t have that, can we?”
Warrior sucks in a breath before responding in an equal whisper, "Hmm. That would be less than ideal..."
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"You know, he's found a normal life - despite everything he's been through..."
"Sounds like that's what you want, too."
Wild becomes a bit bashful when Warrior hits the nail on the head, although he isn’t ashamed enough to avoid the topic, instead pursuing it in quiet wonder, “Well, I-I don’t really know, but I did buy a house. It’s in a nice area and I’ve done repairs to it recently…”
Cheek resting against his palm, he dares himself to glance across the wooden table to the person sitting directly in front of him. It’s unclear whether you’re listening or not since your eyes remain focused in awe on Malon and Time who’s relationship anyone could admire. Nevertheless, a part of Wild hopes you did hear him because his curiosity is itching to know your opinion. Does settling down somewhere sound pleasant to you or do you plan for a life on the road like Legend’s insistant on? Honestly, the latter might not be a terrible preference if you allow for the idea of someone special joining you on your journey. Wild isn’t picky.
Despite dying to know your outlook on the future, Wild doesn’t plan on asking you up front. He’s perfectly content relying on his imagination right now as he enjoys the peaceful fluttering in his chest which is often fueled by the mental image of the two of you in Hateno, cooking dinner together then eating outside under the sunset before retiring for the night, asleep in each other’s arms rested in a comfortable bed where everything just feels right with the world -
"- What about you, (Y/n)? I personally think Wild has a point. A life like this would be wonderful, don't you think? Living somewhere quiet, with someone special." 
The Champion is ripped away from his fictitious domestic bliss to rejoin reality with a slight jump to his heart rate after he hears Sky casually ask the very question he’s been too afraid to even whisper to himself. It’s as if the Skylofian has been reading his mind, although his attention is solely on you at this moment as he smiles sweetly while awaiting your answer.
Even you look a bit taken back, having finally turned away from the couple to face those you sit at the table with. Still, you give some actual thought over the topic before answering, proving that you have, in fact, been listening at least partly this entire time, “...Yeah, I guess something like this could be nice. Nothing busy, just peaceful livin’ compared to everything else we’ve all been through. It could be a good change of pace - with the right person, of course.”
Wild swears he can feel his heartbeat in his cheeks, tinting them in red heat he worries someone else might notice if he draws too much attention to himself, thus he adds no comment, merely bowing his head in silence. He does wear a rather dreamy smile, though. Does this mean that, in theory, his fantasies don’t have to necessarily stay just that? He wonders if you have a specific area in mind. Sure, Hateno’s great, but if you don’t care for the atmosphere and perhaps favor something a little more rural, he’d be happy to find a nice patch of land for that. Maybe even ask Twilight and Time for some pointers on how to get a ranch started. Honestly, that makes the image all the better. Living off the land, no close neighbors to judge, plenty of space for the kids to play -
“- Any idea who that would be to you?” Wild didn’t expect Sky to keep asking questions, and apparently you weren’t either. Unlike before where you were simply caught off guard for a second, you feel truly thrown off your feet now. Sky awaits your second answer eagerly, his eyes watching you in a way that almost makes you feel like he already knows the truth and is just waiting for you to admit it. Weird. 
Foolishly, Wild was stupid enough to believe even for a second that your eyes crossed his then, but just like that, they darted away as a blush coated your own face, “I, um…no i-idea. You know, not all of us are as lucky as to find our soulmate right off the bat. I, for one, have been a little too busy protecting my Hyrule than to worry about what guy I want to grow old with.”
“Well, I do consider myself very lucky to have Zelda,” Fortunately, Sky isn’t bothered by your defensive reply, merely shrugging and giving you a supportive smile, “Don’t worry, though, (Y/n). Love can find you at the strangest of times. I’m sure your own soulmate could be a lot closer than you think.”
“Uh, thanks?” This time, Wild knows he doesn’t imagine the way you look at him, giving a smile that pretty much translates to ‘what is he on about’. He shrugs in silent response, returning a similar grin that answers ‘no idea’.
The topic of future life fades into another conversation soon after that, allowing Wild’s poor heart a break as he becomes lost in the laughter he shares with you over dinner as everyone places their own bets on Time’s real age. Only once does he think back to earlier and that’s when he happens to glance towards Sky after making a joke that leaves you snorting for air.
The Skylofian watches with the same look you had when observing Time and Malon’s dynamic - a look of admiration and support. It’s then that Wild realizes just why Sky had specifically chosen you for those specific questions. Honestly, Wild doesn’t know if he should be mad or thankful…Maybe he’ll decide to let it pass so long as Sky doesn’t do anything else to put his feelings on the front line or starts trying to plan your marriage. Seriously, one step at a time, for Hylia's sake.
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Wind's home is pretty relaxing compared to the creepy forests or standoffish villages the boys have passed through in recent days. The few inhabitants are very welcoming to their young pirate's friends, happy to allow them sanctuary until they can figure out a proper plan on how to continue onwards seeing as they're kinda stuck on a small island at the moment. Nevertheless, it's a peaceful place, as said. The air is fresh and the waves provide a calm melody that washes away one's stresses. 
Four is particularly keen on spending his time on shore, collecting tiny seashells he can find hidden in the sand which, at least in his opinion, is a far better pass time than drowning in the freezing ocean like some of the others (Sky) seem to be doing.
He's by his lonesome, that is, until Wind himself comes sauntering over. This wouldn't be strange nor would his championship be found annoying seeing as Four actually gets along fairly well with the younger boy, but there's something about his behavior that strikes the Smith as odd. 
He's fiddling with the edges of his tunic in a nervous, impatient fashion, stopping a few feet away in silence yet carrying a certain air to himself that practically screams that he's waiting to say something, however he keeps his mouth shut with pressed lips until Four decides to break the silence himself while standing straight out of the sand, asking for good measure, "Something wrong?"
"Umm…Do you have any good present ideas in mind?”
That wasn't exactly what Four expected the Pirate to say, although it does intrigue him. Confused, but hooked to find out more, "'Present ideas'?"
"Yeah!" In a second, Wind goes from nervous to excited, his face glowing in delight as if by merely echoing his own words, Four had somehow managed to give him exactly the answer he’s been desperately searching for, "You said that your Minish friends leave 'little gifts' in the grass for people, right? I was just curious what those gifts usually are."
Four gives Wind a skeptical look. Perhaps he shouldn’t give him the benefit of the doubt and instead question his motives further considering the trouble some of the Links on his trip tend to get into, yet he ultimately doesn’t think too much about the rather random topic choice. Young kids do typically have strange attention spans and interests, after all. Having been a young kid himself once, Four decides to humor Wind with a shrug as he begins to count the seashells he holds in hand, "Normally they leave hearts and rupees, although it isn't unheard of for them to leave rarer items or little trinkets."
"Trinkets, huh?" Wind gives it some thought, "...Do you think it's possible for them to leave something like this?"
Four looks up from his seashells, noticing that Wind is holding a butterfly necklace proudly in the air - one very similar to what he currently wears around his neck. Notably, it looks newer than his; less worn from years of use.
"I've found a lot of these hidden in different areas when I was traveling the seven seas," Wind explains boastfully, holding the glittery necklace to the light with a hand on his hip. Four shares his smile, reaching the conclusion that he must be asking to confirm where said necklaces had come from.
"It's entirely possible."
Wind's smile then fades into a softer look as he studies the necklace a bit closer. He scratches some of the dust off with his fingernail, making sure it looks good-as-new before glancing over to where the rest of their group hangs out across the beach, "...And do you think if a, um…Minish left something like this in the grass for (Y/n) to find, do you - do you think they'd like that?"
Four blinks...Ooh...Now Wind's random questioning begins to make a lot more sense. Sure, he's noticed the way you both get on well, which has never been a surprise seeing as you seem good with kids and all, but it's honestly really adorable to see the young pirate wanting to do a sweet gesture for you and to be so shy doing so. It reminds Four of a simpler time when he used to do something similar by leaving flowers around for Zelda to find. It didn't necessarily have anything to do with romance, he just liked seeing her smile when she found them. He assumes that feeling is about the same for Wind towards you.
"...Yeah, I'm sure (Y/n) would really like that actually - if 'a Minish' left them a necklace," Four agrees, biting back his smirk when Wind lights up again. Just like that, the Pirate is turning on his heel, his smile going from ear to ear as he grips said necklace in hand excitedly.
"I better go find a good place to hide it then - Uh, I-I mean…You know, for the Minish to find? S-So that they can hide it for (Y/n), of course!"
"Of course. If I see any Minish, I’ll tell them about the plan. Who knows, maybe they’ll hide it in that long grass across the bridge? I know (Y/n) was wanting to explore that area later,” Four has to turn around to hide his expression when Wind glances back at him in consideration. Just as predicted, his course is quick to change, hurrying across the island which gives Four time to go back to collecting his seashells in peace once more, a smirk still playing on his face. Ah, young love…
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
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so a few select people know that i've been working on these bad boys for a few weeks now. this collection started because @mortimerlatrice had the audacity to try and tell me that fem!kinn wouldn't wear skirts and dresses and i pretty much broke my tablet pen in the rush to prove her wrong. also i felt like redesigning my fem!kinn and fem!porsche ideas. beneath the cut are my thoughts on these outfits plus the fashion collections they're inspired by/referencing.
fem!kinn businesswear looks
fem!kinn i feel like is the type of person who weaponises her gender expression. every part of how she presents herself is a carefully cultivated power play. she smokes cigars and drinks scotch and can talk at length about stocks and cryptocurrency, but she wears high heels even though she had to teach herself how to run in them, has long hair even though styling it is a nightmare, and is never seen without make-up, because every part of her must straddle a line of being masculine enough to be respected without being dismissed as butch, or a transgressor of gender norms. so: power suits and heels.
most of these are just riffs on the show's suits, so no real reference images, though hilarious @elnotwoods and i managed to parallel brain the exact same corset + suit look bc we are bloggers of TASTE.
fem!kinn occasionwear looks
the product launch -- upon rewatching clips from this episode i realised that the product launch apparently has a roaring 20s theme? which be wildin'. i spent so long looking at pictures of 20s style dresses until i found eliza jane howell who is a tiny british designer who has an entire collection of 20s inspired gowns. the inspo for kinn's dress was the miranda dress from her eveningwear collection.
the diamond auction -- i've drawn fem!kinn in this dress before, and i stand by it. this is a dress from ralph and russo's fall 2015 couture collection, specifically look 12. i first saw this dress months ago when i was looking for clothes for a project i was working on and it's lived in my brain rent free since.
date night i and date night ii -- both of these dresses i saw on pinterest somewhere and forget to save the link bc when i do art i usually have abt 50 billion tabs open. (i make firefox weep each time i open a new one.)
looks that almost made it in: michael cors rtw fall 2022 look 24; and schiaparelli couture spring 2022 look 24.
fem!kinn misc looks
okay so the theme for this one was actually "iconic kinn looks" and you know what? the towel was iconic. there i said it.
the sleepwear look -- *cries in detail work* yes all that lace is hand-drawn YES MY WRIST ACHED SO BAD AFTER FINISHING IT, this one is just conjured out of my head, no inspo look
the suspenders -- real ones know which kinn look this one is based off. just google kinn in suspenders or something i guess because we were ROBBED that it wasn't in the show. ROBBED.
the towel -- since drawing it multiple ppl have told me that they think fem!kinn would just wear the towel on her hips, tits out, no shame, and they are all so valid.
family portrait -- when i was drawing this, i got sent a look by siv that i initially discounted because it was a skirt suit and fem!kinn all about those power suits. and then i was looking for thai designers and i saw the same look and i was like, "okay but she'd only wear this in a family portrait," and then i was like hhrrrrnngngn family portrait outfits for all of them, so now it's a category. this is a recoloured version of poem bangkok's fall 2022 rtw collection look 19.
fem!porsche "pre-kinn" looks
okay so my thoughts on fem!porsche are as someone for whom gender is almost an afterthought, whose main friends are all guys, who drinks bear and kicks ass and cuts her own hair whenever it gets too annoying, who buys male toilettries because they're cheaper, who's made a career out of being rich girl's experimental whirl into lesbianism, and who can get them off real easy but isn't so good at getting herself off. she's hooked up with her fair share of guys, and considers herself more of a male-leaning bisexual. like, girls are fun and all, but she tends to have a better time when she hooks up with guys. (kinn's gonna blow that out of the water, hahaha.)
the fighter outfit -- originally this was going to be just a sports bra + jeans, but then i saw a pic of a cropped hoodie and my brain just sort of blanked out and when i was done the art was finished. porsche's abs are very important to me. as are her arms. and her thighs. she's an itty bitty titty committee member tho and i stand by that.
the bartender outfit -- i've drawn this one before, but yes! all the buttons undone! cheapest black shirt and slacks! converse!!! YESS
the casual outfit -- bike shorts, big t, big shirt? yes. fem!porsche sits somewhere between jock and gonna-fix-your-appliances on a fashion basis and i am here for it.
fem-porsche "kinn era" looks
one of the big ideas i had going into this project was the idea that porsche feels divorced from her femininity in a way that she's not altogether satisfied with and that kinn helps her reconnect with it. because, like, let's be real: porsche has no major feminine influences in her life growing up, and she's literally always got bigger concerns. she defo plays up the idea that she's above it all, whilst also completely lost as to how to get to there. kinn is probably both an object of envy and attraction for her.
(also i have in my head that the sauna conversation goes something like: porsche: do you have a boyfriend, then? kinn: i've never once found a man that truly wants a powerful woman. porsche: huh, that's weird. i've had no trouble finding guys who want me to hold the up against a wall.)
anyway it's important to me that kinn makes porsche feel dainty and feminine.
the bodyguard look -- hrrrrngngng waist. that is all.
clubbing with tankhun -- you know how i said somewhere between jock and owns a monkey wrench? meet porsche out clubbing. love it for her.
first public date with kinn -- so the background i had imagined for this outfit was that porsche and kinn are going public, and kinn sends her a box with a dress to wear plus heels, only porsche can literally not stand for more than two seconds in the heels and hates them, so she wears her converse instead. this is almost a direct copy of look 12 from monse's spring 2021 rtw collection.
black tie date with kinn -- obvs this is a dress that kinn picked out for her, so i thought long and hard about what kinn would choose. in the end, i figured kinn would probably want her to look regal. i looked at so many dresses for this one, esp bc there was a secret requirement where i wanted the skirt to be loose enough that kinn could eat her out in it. look, i just think it would be gender if kinn dressed porsche up in this dress and porsche felt all pretty and feminine and then kinn ate her out in the bathroom at the event or something. you know. girl things. this dress is look 6 from valdrin sahiti's spring 2022 bridal collection and i had to download a pdf to get a reference picture, so appreciate my work. also shoutout literally the only time porsche is wearing heels. kinn had to give her like three hours of walking lessons.
fem!porsche minor family head looks
michael kors collection saved my bacon here. i really struggled to figure out what fem!porsche's overall aesthetic would be for her minor family head position. i wanted something distinct from kinn, but didn't think she'd go full androgyny. in the end i settled on a well-tailored suits with a military flare in their cut.
first business look -- this one is based on look 19 from michael kors collection's fall 2022 rtw collection. dem arms.
second business look -- same song, different verse. same collection, but look 7. the thigh-high boots were added by me, though. i wasn't drawing lesbian kinnporsche without putting one of them in thigh-high boots.
visiting mum -- a couple of things. this one is based on this photo i found on pinterest, because i just really liked the neckline. details you might miss: this is arguably porsche's most femme outfit here, but she doesn't have the perfectly styled hair that she has when she's on mafia business, and she's still wearing her ratty beat-up converse. she's feminine, but trying to be authentic. it's a specific kind of messaging she's trying to get across to her mum. she probably agonised for hours over what to wear. kinn definitely really likes her in it.
family portrait -- again, plucked from my own imagination. the original inspiration for this look was look 9 from altuzarra pre-fall 2020 but if you click that link you'll probably be able to tell i went completely off-script. the more i drew it, basically, the more the altuzarra look looked too japanese, which is understandable, because that collection's whole thing was about blending modern and traditional japanese fashion. in the end, i pivoted, and brought it more in line with kinn's look, because i really did want them to have similar vibes. (couples outfits? couples outfits!!)
near misses -- these ones almost ended up involved: altuzarra pre-fall 2020 look 6 for the family portrait; michael kors fall 2020 look 60 also for the family portrait; michael kors fall 2020 look 30 for minor family mafia business; look 17 from alexander mcqueen's 2011 pre-fall collection also for mafia business; this look from pinterest for mafia business that got discounted bc i was going in a different direction; and this dress from rouba.g's spring 2019 rtw collection for the black tie dress which literally only avoided inclusion here because i couldn't make the sheer fabric look right.
anyway the takeaway here is don't get into an argument with me because i will bring receipts. mort learned their lesson, don't worry.
also @yeetlegay i gave you adequate warning. you knew it was coming.
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deepdeanvsweston · 2 months
Detective gang and their tumblr blogs
Daisy's blog: dykes4detecting
- has one blog for absolutely everything she posts, and it's all a pretty pink colour
- does also have a rarely used sideblog for fashion
- occasionally makes alarming but nonchalant posts like 'someone threw me into the Nile yesterday lmao'
- but in the tags of the same post it'll be the most devastatingly tragic admittance of feelings you've ever seen like #it was so scary though... #im scared of showers now because of it and it makes me feel so stupid #like getting my feet wet gives me heart palpitations wtf???
- also makes posts like "you'd think people would put a little more effort to kill me considering the effort I put into stopping exactly that" and nobody can tell if she's shitposting or not
- reblogs a lot of historical lesbian content and the occasional Killing Eve gifset
- also reblogs poetry, especially sapphic obviously
- posts her own blackout poetry which is quite popular
Hazel's blog: woctordatson
- back when she was 12/13 Hazel had an entirely BBC Sherlock themed blog which was in fact actually popular and well known, in tumblr anyway
- did not change her blog name from this phase
- used to write Sherlock/Watson fanfic and post it
- (Daisy brings it up every so often and when she does Hazel tells her she wished she'd drowned (jokingly ofc))
- now has several blogs for different things because she likes having everything organised
- one of the blogs is called a-stamp-a-day where she (you guessed it!) posts a stamp a day, and a little bit about it
- (I hc Hazel to collect them and have a focused interest in them)
- another blog is poetry themed, and she ofc reblogs all of Daisy's blackout poems
- reblogs a lot of those gif stimboards (visual stimmer fr fr)
- LOVES the haiku bot
George's blog: beetles-and-boatles
- posts a lot about the Mary Celeste which are half detailed research posts and the other half is just 'the mystery of the Mary Celeste lives in my head rent free'
- may also post about other unsolved mysteries too
- made one joke post about Daisy acting like he didn't know her and posting 'ok so in December the Guardian says this girl died after a cult member threw her overboard a boat in Egypt and yet the BBC had an article last week reporting how she was at her father's funeral??? I have Questions'
- however it blew up and now Daisy Wells is lowkey an unsolved mystery tumblr superstar. George finds this hilarious
- also posts pictures of his pet beetles and infodumps about them
- very very very occasionally makes an incredible vague post about his crush like 'he adjusted my school tie and I leant into his hand,,, having a crush is horrific'
Alex's blog: spaceistrans
- says he doesn't have a doctor who blog but so clearly has a doctor who blog
- has doctor who quote "In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important" as his header
- draws a lot of cute little pride icons, especially aromantic ones that are fairly popular
- also posts a lot about space like "there's an eclipse today!!!" and then he makes a post of the times in different countries you can see it
- reblogs all of George's unsolved mystery researched posts with super supportive tags like #this is so well researched!!!
- has a scheduled post each month that just says 'fuck you mom' (Daisy spam reblogs this every time it shows up on her dash)
- reblogs a lot of dw fanart and gif stimboards
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tanoraqui · 1 year
Notes for the 5th and final season of Crownless, the Young Aragorn show that has lived rent-free in my brain since a slightly insane message to a friend at 1am sometime in 2019:
[s1&2, s3, s4]
A few quick notes before we get juicy:
- Gandalf still appears once per season this whole time
- hopefully Stephen Colbert has been doing the same thing, as a random assortment of unrelated very minor characters
- the man who's herb-loremaster of the Houses of Healing in RotK, who explains the linguistic history of athelas rather than producing any of the plant, is a junior apprentice with the healers. We met a young Ioreth in Lossarnach in a MotW episode in s4 I think
- reminder that the theme song is a setting of the "All that is gold does not glitter" poem and that young Aragorn is SO hot. We WILL cast someone who could slam open the doors of Helm's Deep and swagger in like sex on legs.
- I am definitely playing fast and loose with canon timeline and geopolitical events this season
Okay, real stuff now:
Until now I’ve mostly just described character arcs and plot points but now it’s time for MAJOR THEMES. As manifested by character foils.
[maniacal delighted laughter]
Note: this season, Aragorn is like 40% protagonist and Arwen and Denethor are both 30%, and Dúnawen, Halbarad and Roddis are solidly secondary cast - but, to an extent, more notable than in s3-4, because we're spending less time on monster of the week with all its minor 1- or 2-ep characters.
Yes, we've completed the slow transition from pure MotW to nearly pure season-long plot. There's still an element of new problem and/or location each week, but the driving issue all season is the increasingly unavoidable war with Umbar. There is at least one episode where Aragorn is back in the northern woods with Halbarad and Dúnawen and they save a random hamlet from trolls or something...but it's not as simple as it used to be...but maybe it still feels more right than all the work Aragorn has been doing in the south...
[we'll get to that]
So, ideally, this show is a 5-season musing essay on leadership…and Denethor is a good leader. He is a good Steward of Gondor. I WILL die on this hill. He is too proud to bow his head to any other and he looks first to Gondor's advantage and only sometimes beyond that, but these are not terrible failings in the Steward of Gondor. By the time we meet him in LotR, he has led his country in an increasingly hopeless war for four decades, and they love or at least respect the hell out of them -
No, actually, let's talk about amdir vs estel.
Both are forms of hope. Amdir, as defined in the Athrabeth Finrod a Andreth (courtesy of Tolkien Gateway) is "an expectation of good, which though uncertain has some foundation in what is known." Denethor, I posit - I write in this show - has a good capacity for amdir. He believes in the strength of Gondor and its people...but Sauron overthrows his hope of victory by showing him the seemingly overwhelming forces set against him. Denethor isn't pessimistic by nature, but even when he's optimistic, he's realistic. He cannot bring himself to believe in goodness beyond what there is at least a glimmer of evidence for.
Estel is an unfortunately symptom of Tolkien's Catholocism more synonymous with "faith" than "hope." Finrod describes estel as, "not defeated by the ways of the world, for it does not come from experience, but from our nature and first being. If we are indeed the Eruchin, the Children of the One, then He will not suffer Himself to be deprived of His own, not by any Enemy, not even by ourselves." Or, if we strip out some of the religiosity for network television and my own preference: estel is hope beyond reason or any real evidence, save perhaps gut instinct. Estel is sending 2 halflings alone to take the Ring to Mordor and hurl it into Mount Doom, and in the end using yourself as bait to give them more time. Estel is the belief that joy always lies on the far side of sorrow, no matter how long the journey through the dark.
Aragorn, of course, is literally named Estel.
And estel is the empirically correct choice in Middle Earth, because that's how the world and story (same difference) is built. The characters do not and should not know that, but it is - we the audience knows that the answer to the question "who should rule Gondor, Denethor or Aragorn" is 100% "Aragorn." But the characters don't! And therein lies the conflict.
(Ecthelion is still here, being the actual Steward of Gondor. But Finduilas's death and the loss of his friend Thengel, and the mounting stress of the rising power of Mordor and how it's riling up all their southern and eastern neighbors, compound with his genuine age...he is still mighty in heart and mind, but his time is passing and everyone knows it.)
The question of the first 4 seasons, for audience and characters alike, was, "can Aragorn be King of Gondor?" Is he wise enough, is he charismatic enough, is skilled at diplomacy and at war, does he know how to care and command without being overbearing, he capable in a practical way at bureaucracy, tolerating fools and the hundred little tasks which a king must do daily...
By the end of s4, we all know that the answer is "yes." He still lacks experience, but he always will until he starts the job - Aragorn did some clever stately thing at the end of s4, and when Thengel fell he took able command of the battlefield before handing it gracefully to Theoden, and if Ecthelion died tomorrow Aragorn could successfully claim is crown and lead Gondor in the war they all know is coming...
The question now is: should Aragorn be King of Gondor? This is really multiple questions: Does Gondor need a central ruler at all? (What about democracy?) If so, does Gondor need a King, when they have a Steward? Does Gondor need a King right now? What about Arnor?
The answers, which will be clear by the end of the season, are in order:
1. Yes Gondor needs a central ruler; this isn't even really a question the show poses. We are NOT dropping modern political theory into my medievalesque fantasy show, thank you very much. We will continue to explore hte internal Gondorin politics set up in s4, though - the Steward's power isn't absolute; there are fiefs to the south and there are always other lords, merchants, scholars, craftsmen, farmers and laborers with their own power...
2. Gondor doesn't necessarily need a King...but it does need Aragorn more than it needs Denethor, see: amdir vs. estel. It will especially need Aragorn more, Aragorn's personal and political philosophy more, when at last the war is won and there is rebuilding to do for nor just Gondor but all Middle Earth...
3. But the sort of unlikely alliances at which Aragorn excels (because he is capable of thinking of other nations before Gondor) will not save then now, or, will not save them when Sauron truly begins to attack, except with Rohan. Rhun might be convinced to neutrality, but there is too much bad blood with Harad, with Khand, with Umbar... Aragorn can be king of this realm, he should be king of this realm, but there is nothing he can do for it for now that Denethor cannot...
4. And there is still trouble in Arnor, where there is no glory to be had for dealing it [see: aforementioned 'back in the woods' episode]. S5 is based out of Minas Tirith, but there is more travel - the designated "land of the season" is really the Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor as they will be in the Fourth Age. it opens with a 2-parter diplomatic mission to (Rhun?) to avert whatever war would otherwise have started from the attack on Rohan at the end of s4. Aragorn spends a lot of time in the southern fiefs (Lossarnach, Lebannin, Dol Amroth, etc), especially as the threat of the Corsairs of Umbar becomes paramount. And he returns to Arnor, as he has only a couple times since s1...
Though mostly it's Arwen who spends time in Arnor this season. Arwen's questions are different than Aragorn's. She's been competent this whole time - she has studied wise, strong, gentle rule with some of the greatest stewards Elvenkind ever knew. She did have to figure out how to adjust to Men, but she's done that, and moreover, she knows she wants to do that. She loves Aragorn, she loves Minas Tirith and Gondor, its hills and shores and people; she could make a life here, even if a short one, and something in her trills at the mystery of what would come next...
It also scares her. That she wants it, the ferocity with which she wants it, scares her. And the cost is so high...
The show's 100th episode would happen this season, and I would beg, I would blow half my budget, I would ritually sacrifice an unpaid intern...I would hopefully have proven myself enough with s1-4 that I could convince the Tolkien estate to sell me the rights to the extended Tale of Beren and Lúthien, or the Lay of Leithen or whatever complete form they're willing to share, for just one episode...so the 100th episode would some sort of flashback/dream sequence/illusion cast by a skilled elvish minstrel of the complete tale of Beren and Lúthien with Aragorn cast as Beren and Arwen as Lúthien, and etc. characters in corresponding roles.
(I'd do it with just what we have in LotR+Appendices, but I want the full rights so bad. For just 1 episode!)
With literally 22 episodes per season, this would be ep 12, in which case it is the final straw that prompts Arwen to flee Gondor and the fate she feels drawing in on her. If it's earlier, same. If later, she might've gone already, and this flashback/imagining comes as Galadriel tells her the story as she literally saw some of it.
There's also some sort of plot for Arwen to get involved with, maybe Dol Guldur again, or the barrows...Arwen with the Dúnedain, because she will be their queen, too - much easier than Gondor, for she has long been their cousin! but still a new thing. We ABSOLUTELY get 1 episode of pure Arwen, Elrohir and Elladan being a badass team.
She also discusses her Choice with them, and goes home to Rivendell and discusses it with Elrond. I forget what fic I read suggested that Arwen consciously makes the Choice not of Lúthien but of Elros, but it's SUCH a good point/interpretation and it 100% comes up in some conversation.
(I dunno if each episode is showing events in the south and north or if they wholesale switch back and forth or what.)
Throughout this, Arwen and Aragorn also start to develop the long-range dream-sharing they sometimes do in the LotR movies. They haven't done any of the traditional things elves do to bond telepathically (sex, cooperative meditation, etc), but they've grown close and the Great Song pulls them closer.
There’s an early-season episode in which Aragorn and Denethor both go back to Rohan to help young King Theoden with [stuff], and they both start to get competitive over it. Theoden ends up telling them both, “Full offense but I’m the King of Rohan actually, so thank you for your help and get the fuck out of my court.” Aragorn is duly chastised, and reminds himself to keep his pride in check. Denethor is chastised…for a while, and his pride will not forget this, we it has never forgotten any slight.
S5 is kind of a tragedy, and the tragedy is that Aragorn and Denethor could achieve so much if only they could get along. Or rather, if only they didn't naturally occupy the same ecological niche, that niche being ruler of Gondor.
Could Denethor ever serve Aragorn as Steward to King? No, because Denethor's pride is too great - he will never bend the knee to one he considers unworthy, and he will never consider anyone worthy above himself. Could Aragorn stay anonymously in Gondor forever, serve as Captain to Denethor's Steward? (This is Ecthelion's plan.) For Aragorn's pride...yes, Aragorn is capable of that with someone he deems greater than himself...but Denethor just does not qualify. Equal, perhaps, but not greater, and inevitable Aragorn would feel the need to step up and do what he thought right, and then there would be trouble...
Could they be true equal partners? No, because this, too, would try Denethor's pride, and Aragorn's more humble but also more righteous pride - and then Gondor would be lost, because if you took a poll in late s5 for who should succeed Ecthelion as Steward, Denethor or Thorongil...Denethor would win, but it'd be pretty close. Civil unrest–close.
(It needs to be clear why Aragorn could walk into this city 50 years later with no warning and be hailed and accepted as king)
(Denethor knows he has his father's support. He also knows he doesn't have many of his people's. This stings bad.)
(Aragorn is hurting his popularity a little by a couple times this season disappearing back north for Things up there)
(Also, to be clear, Denethor and Aragorn are both predominantly focussed on the growing problem of Mordor and its allies, and too wise to sabotage each other/themselves in that with rivalry...much.)
Btw the existence of the Minas Tirith Palantir was introduced in s4 (someone stole it maybe, and Aragorn had to get it back ASAP?). S5 sees Denethor start to use it...secretly. One time he's nearly found out; another time, he nearly tells someone...but he is not and does not. He promises himself he will only use it in diremost need, and he does hold to that promise (in these early years)
Then, late-season, Denethor finally figures out who Aragorn is. What Aragorn is. A comment let slip? A sketch of Isildur in the archives? A comment Finduilas made, before she died, about how Arwen plans to be a queen of somewhere someday soon? The Palantir?
Before he can do more than digest it, however, Ecthelion is assassinated! (Or, a harbor is deliberately attacked while he was visiting? They were aiming for him but it wasn't a 'knife in darkness' thing.)
Gondor is now AT WAR with Umbar and probably Near, maybe even Far Harad!
Yet on the eve of a big fight - or a month or so before, because travel times - Aragorn is needed urgently in the north! He must choose!
...He chooses to ride north. Just before he goes, Denethor confronts him about this abandonment of his duties to Gondor - and about his heritage. It ends with Denethor spitting, "Come back for your crown or don't come back at all!"
(Denethor regrets his words as soon as Aragorn is out hte door. What if he did come back for his crown? Would they tear Gondor apart between them? Denethor tells himself that for Gondor, he would hand over his scepter of office peacefully...but he knows he wouldn't. What right has Aragorn's ancient blood to the country that Denethor's family has served with blood and sweat all these generations! ...Anyway, he has more important things to worry about. The Corsairs besiege the coasts; the Haradrim advance from the south.)
Aragorn rides north as fast as can be, with (Dúnawen or Halbarad? Both work for different reasons). They meet up with Arwen and the Dúnadain to deal with the rising barrow-wrights (threatening the Shire, ultimate symbol of peaceful civilians!) Meanwhile in the south, Denethor, Halbarad and Roddis go to war--
Aragorn wraps up the fight in the north...for now. It'll be a problem again in the future...
He borrows a ship from the Havens and he and [whichever OG Ranger Trio friend] race the wind back south. (Arwen stays in the north)
Gondor has had victory in pitched battle on land, but the main problem is still the Corsairs. Was always the Corsairs, as Aragorn warned Ecthellon ago. Gondor has a navy, but not enough to win a pitched sea-battle, much less enough to guard their whole coastline.
Aragorn reaches Umbar ahead of the bulk of the army (which Denethor is with). He meets the vanguard, containing his friends (skilled scouts that they are)
Aragorn: I have an idea. Dúnawen: Is it another of your impossible plans based on ancient history. Aragorn: Maybe.
With a dozen-odd small ships as bait, they lure the bulk of the Corsair fleet into a vulnerable position... and then they burn the motherfucking pirates to the waterline.
When the Gondorin army catches up, they are met by Roddis, Dúnawen, and whoever else walked away from that naval escapade...with a message from Aragorn. [this text is pure canon!]
"To the Steward," Dúnawen said, and bowed to Denethor (though her voice was pitched to carry to all those watching). "He said, 'Other tasks now call me, lord, and much time and many perils must pass, ere I come again to Gondor, if that be my fate.’"
Denethor internally: what the FUCK does that mean. Is he coming back or not? If he comes back after this dramatic victory, the people will surely support him...
But he says something gracious and grateful, and goes home to be Steward of Gondor, watchful and warlike ever toward Mordor
Dúnawen stays in Gondor and marries Roddis. A couple weeks later, though, she hikes up the mountains behind Minas Tirith, where she spent much time in s3, and meets Halbarad, who spent much time there with her, and who left with Aragorn after the battle in Umbar. They catch up a little, clarify that she's staying, he's going north...
Dúnawen: You'll visit, I hope? Halbarad, looking out over Minas Tirith and the lands stretching out from it: No. The next time I lay eyes on these fields shall be the last.
(But he comes south anyway, in the War of the Ring! He knows he'll die there and he comes anyway, because there is Aragorn to aid and evil to fight!)
Dúnawen says, "Ah. Then Roddis and I shall have to visit you - and our crownless king, of course!"
Halbarad warns, "He meant his words, you know, and more. He will not return until the need is greatest and the time is right."
Dúnawen says, "I know. Aragorn always means his words. I did say we would visit you."
Halbarad laughs. "Indeed you did! Well, wait a few years - when we parted ways, he was paddling up toward Lothlórien, in expectation of meeting a lady there. Who knows how much time will pass in that enchanted wood, ere we see either of them again!"
The camera lifts as the music swells - Gondor's theme, Arnor's theme, the theme of the King as the camera flies through Gondor up the Anduin, passes a boat pulled over below the Falls of Rauros, passes the status of Anárion and Isildur by Amon Hen and Amon Lhaw, and catches up with a Man in a dark green cloak as he steps at last beneath the boughs of golden Lothlórien. He knows where to go, though they never discussed it, only shared a dream. The music changes to the theme of Aragorn and Arwen as he comes to where she waits on the white-flowered hill of Cerin Amroth. They take each other's hands while looking deeply into each other's eyes, pledge their troth, and embrace with a long kiss as the camera pulls out and twilight fades to dark...
And the dark turns to the flipping pages of a closing book, as the camera pulls out further to show once more a middle-aged Sam Gamgee - comfortably portly in his fireside armchair in Bag End - reading to half a dozen children.
"But aren't they going to get married?" a young hobbit-lass asks.
"Not in this story," says Sam.
Rosie comes in from where she was leaning contentedly on the doorway and says, "Not until after the king helps your Da and Mr. Frodo save the whole world. But--"
[young hobbits clamoring for that story! Nine-Fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom! Samwise the Brave! I wanna hear about the spider!]
"But," Rose repeats more loudly and firmly, picking up 1-2 children at once, "that's a story for another night. Right now it's bedtime."
"Listen to your mother!" Sam says, puts the red-bound book on a side table and gets up to lift a slightly larger protesting child. "This Da is getting too old to be reading at all hours anyway!"
They usher the children out, to bed. The camera lingers for an extra moment the cheerful living room: where Sting hangs on the wall above the fireplace and on the adjacent wall, a small but expertly woven tapestry, with gems-encrusted threads which almost glow with their own light, of a star breaking through dark clouds to shine on a small figure holding a mirrored-shining glass in a dark land [implication: personal gift from Arwen]. There is a mayoral sash draped haphazardly over the back of one sofa, toys and a late-snack plate or two scattered about, and the thick red book from which Sam was reading, with the bookmark only about 3/4 though. The tale is never over, you see.
Fade to black for real this time, credits roll over a choral cover of the full poem: All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king...
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 6 months
here’s to a year of trigun :] just a cute little (1k. oops.) essay reflecting back on how it’s changed my life.
(twitter crosspost LOL)
You know that strange, dissatisfying limbo between hyperfixations? That was me in January. A 2-year long obsession with Genshin Impact was dragging itself to its grave and I was struggling with life. I got diagnosed with a rare chronic pain disorder at around the same time I caught mono and strep simultaneously (that week SUCKED), classes were kicking my ass, and I was experiencing the existential loneliness of adulthood for the first time. 
University student things! 
And to make it all extra unbearable, my writing was empty. Soulless. I’d write something for a zine and go damn—this shit is awful. Not because it was technically flawed or anything, but there was just…nothing there. I would stare at my stats page on Ao3 waiting for comments and then bitterly complain at my friends when no one wanted to read my work. Hell, I don’t think I wanted to read my work. I’m sure you know the feeling. 
And because my writing is how I cope with Everything, being unable to write made the Everything so, so much worse.
Then—and I forget exactly how I heard about it—I learned that Trigun Stampede had just released its fourth episode. I knew of Trigun from a buddy of mine who had been excitement-posting about the reboot months before, but all I knew about the reboot was that Yoshitsugu Matsuoka was voicing the main character. I had a free afternoon—why not give it a try? 
I still have my liveblogging from January. Here was my initial reaction:
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I was having a great fuckin’ time. 
February rolls around and I am immediately, irreversibly, hit with Plantcest brainrot so bad that I discard any pretense of being icked out by brocest ship and I write a 9k long KV thesis called “we’ve got to get back to that stinking garden,” named after a Natalie Diaz poem called “my brother named gethsemane,” which is, truly and genuinely, The Poem on Brothers (Complicated) of all time. That fic is where the visions and prophesies came back, where I started feeling like my writing was impactful again. Like it meant something. It was my first ever foray into in-narrative smut and the first of many, many attempts to capture a future where Vash and Knives love each other even after the end of everything. 
This is really where I found my footing on Twitter and as a short story writer, I think. Where I started really caring about making every word of a narrative pay rent, about conveying and evoking specific, tangible feelings, and exploring genres of media I’d never really been interested in before. Before February, I wrote mostly genfic and T-rated romance. Every so often, I’d dabble in some graphic violence. 
And hey! Now I write hardcore kink and graphic erotica. The gore I used to dabble in is now something I dive into feetfirst and with a rabid desire to make it as sexy as possible. I fetishize the crease of an elbow and the bristly sections of an undercut and I write about brothers having nasty, angry, dubiously consensual sex. I could not possibly tell you how I got here, but shit, man, I don’t regret a damn thing. 
It’s through Trigun that I met some of the most talented, sweetest, most encouraging folk. Plantcest creators, Vashwood creators, people who saw me writing ZazieVash and went hello motherfucker please feed me some more, Romeryl enthusiasts, Kniveswood and Plantwood enjoyers…shit, guys. You’re all so fucking cool.
I got invited to a zine for the first time, I started taking commissions (and holy shit, what the fuck, I still can’t wrap my head around that at all. The fuck you mean, you’ll pay me Real Actual Money for personalized fic? Insane to me. I’m so goddamn grateful.) for the first time, and hell, I published a poetry collection for the first time. Which people downloaded? And tipped me for? What the fuck? I’m still reeling from that. Thank you, by the way. Genuinely. 
What else this year…well. I commissioned art for the first time, I participated in more big bangs and exchanges than ever, I read voraciously and wrote with just as much fervor. I watched ‘98 and I cried and I read half of TriMax and cried some more. I wrote more erotica than I ever have, and I wrote more fic that I’m genuinely, painfully proud of this year than any other year. 
A lot of my writing is about grief and rage, and a lot of it is about trying to be funny in the face of that. A lot of is about learning to live, because that’s what I’m doing right now, despite everything. A lot of it is about trying to be kind. 
But in summary, because this is getting ridiculously long, here’s what I got out of Trigun:
Vash the Stampede refuses to die. I’m trying to emulate that. 
Meryl Stryfe cares about doing the right thing, even if it means she’ll get in the middle of a fight between aliens armed with two bullets in a tiny pistol. 
Wolfwood is carefully, disastrously kind. I want to be like that.
And Knives is nuttier than a Victorian lady in a room painted in arsenic green, but still. I love him anyway. 
And Milly :] no thoughts about Milly. I love Milly because she is also incredibly kind :] 
Trigun has changed my entire goddamn life this year. I think it’s made me a better person. It’s certainly made me a better writer, and it’s connected me to so many lovely and beautiful people. Thank you all for sticking around, and here’s to another year of love, peace, and unhinged porn. I love you all :]
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flyawaybooks · 10 months
really gotta start going to bed before 4:30 am since school starts in a week BUT
Nothing is Stationary (the poem and the song) have been living in my head rent free for weeks now and it STILL gives me chills at that part where the narrator says "nothing is stationary/history ain't stationary/not even corpses are stationary/so we gotta start moving now" while the Motion sting plays in the background. Haunted, fucked up, sublime, chef's kiss, etc.
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Thief and Soap are going to live rent free in my mind forever. Your writing and storytelling skills are incredible and I learned a few new words from reading which is sit-in-a-dark-room-for-a-few-minutes awesome to me
The ending was satisfying and felt completely well earned and thank you for sharing your wonderful story. Also Soap in a kilt agenda I’m subscribed forever and ever
also one last thing Johnny coming home one day sometime after the wedding with a white cat named Pangur and yeah my brain’s fully rotted over the poem loving dorks hi ily
Omg thank you so much!!! I’m in love with this comment and I’m gonna think about it for literal weeks hahah ♥️♥️♥️
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sparklingclassy · 4 months
Sandhya in Italy: Rent-Free Poems in my Head Day 5
Greetings rockstars,  It’s the final day of my first official “Rent Free Poem” Week. If you enjoyed this week, please let me know and I’d love to do it again! In honor of my entire Instagram FYP being various poems, and in honor of Tay’s new album: The Tortured Poets Department, I decided once a day this week I’m going to pick a poem that’s been living rent-free in my head and write about it.…
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iconuk01 · 8 months
Sometimes a song goes straight from the stage into your head to live there rent free... that happens to me a LOT.
And ths one has been living in my head since seeing "The Lord of the Rings: A Musical Tale" last week. I latched on to a few of the lyrics, just enough to keep the rhyhm in my head, but the lyrics themselves are, as you can see, tortuous tongue-twisters that would have given pause to Sondheim afficianados. But such FUN!
It's based, loosely, on a Tolkein poem, The Man in the Moon stayed up too Late which Frodo sings at The Prancing Pony
Happily it was also on the original soundtrck album from the 2008 run, so here you can hear it. The version I saw was more low key, with no orchestra, just the instruments the cast were playing which makes it sounds a lot more like something played at folk night in a pub like The Prancing Pony.
Based on some other videos on youtube, whilst the original was bigger and used a lot more space (because they had it), the dancing I saw was actually MORE complex, and embracing the South Asian influence you can hear in some of the music and lyrics, so it's like folk dancing with a lot more rhythmic arm gestures thrown in.
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golden28s · 7 months
wednesday tag game 🌻
thanks for the tag to these very lovely people @mickeysgaymom @transmickey
🔤 Name: iris 💗
🎶 Last song you listened to: is it over now? by taylor swift because im absolutely obsessed with it
🎵 Artist on Spotify giving you the feels right now: taylor swift, im the most basic bitch and im proud of it
👯‍♂️ Fave Blorbo Moment: oh god, ive been thinking so much about mickey's coming out scene like my boy really came out in a room full of deeply homophobic people knowing that only ian would had his back ????? LIKE ????
🍟 Your guilty pleasure snack: idk, maybe marshmallows because yes if you choose delusion they're a snack okay
🌮 What food are you craving today: ive been craving pizza lately
📖 Last fanfic tab you opened: looked like a teenage runway
🖌️ Favorite fic project you've created: maybe this which is technically not a fanfic but ian and mickey's story in poems
👩🏼‍🎤 Next tattoo you want (or would consider if you're not a tattoo person): i dont have any but i really really want something louis related or even gallavich but without being too obvious idc if im the only person that understands what it is, like idk a moon and a sun because ian is the moon and mickey the sun according to me
🧐🆓 What's living in your head rent free this week: 1989 by taylor swift, she really did that again
as always if you've been tagged already sorry and if you haven't feel free to do it <33 @lupeloto @ericariels @redwiccanrobin @milkovichrules @mikhailoisbaby @m4ndysk4nkovich @callivich
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wolfjawswriter · 1 year
FROM THE BOOKS: “As for the blond wig and wimple he’d resorted to while investigating a haunting near the Cobb Street Nunnery bathhouse, the resulting police search had made several papers, and it was probable two sisters and a mother superior would never be quite the same again."
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the time lucy says lockwood traumatized three nuns lives rent free in my head i actually made a lil fic on this
FROM THE SHOW: “Trousers are for wimps.”
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who could ever forget the show’s likely most iconic phrase, followed incredibly closely by “go write a poem about it” and “im working with maniacs” and “you lunatic!” and “thank u bobby u’ve been a wonderful assistant” and “oh but ur asset value just skyrocketed, how about a little press conference?” and- 
u know, every single piece of george’s dialogue is absolute gold
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eirinstiva · 18 days
Perfect storm
Letter!!! Bertie Wooster sent a letter and I'm already scared because maybe Bingo Little will be here~ Brace yourself, this can get rummy...
Claude and Eustace are so dangerous together, I like that, the image of them doing stupid things like in the manga Please, Jeeves (by Morimura Tamaki and Katsuta Bun) lives rent free in my heart.
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I handed this to Jeeves. He studied it thoughtfully. “What do you make of it? A rummy communication, what?” “Very high-spirited young gentlemen, sir, Mr. Claude and Mr. Eustace. Up to some game, I should be disposed to imagine.” “Yes. But what game, do you think?” “It is impossible to say, sir. Did you observe that the letter continues over the page?” “Eh, what?”
Jeeves has Kowalski vibes~
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Great pals we’ve always been. In fact, there was a time when I had an idea I was in love with Cynthia. However, it blew over. A dashed pretty and lively and attractive girl, mind you, but full of ideals and all that. I may be wronging her, but I have an idea that she’s the sort of girl who would want a fellow to carve out a career and whatnot.
Bertie has a girl friend, a friend who is a girl, a friend called Cynthia~ that's cute. I really like to read about friendship between people of different gender.
“Young Bingo Little. Great pal of mine. He’s tutoring your brother, you know.” “Good gracious! Is he a friend of yours?” “Rather! Known him all my life.” “Then tell me, Bertie, is he at all weak in the head?” “Weak in the head?” “I don’t mean simply because he’s a friend of yours. But he’s so strange in his manner.”
Well, Cynthia has an opinion™ of Bertie and his friends, but there's a chemistry between them like ex lovers turned into friends, or that weird relationship that some people have this their first boyfriend/girlfriend/idon'tknow that can be so cute and weird at the same time. I love that kind of relationship. Platonic? Maybe, I can't find the words right now.
“Well, you might have let your pals know where you were.” He frowned darkly. “I didn’t want them to know where I was. I wanted to creep away and hide myself. I’ve been through a bad time, Bertie, these last weeks. The sun ceased to shine⁠—”
Bingo is heartbroken and Bertie can't sense that. Read the room, dear Bertie~ but Bingo falls in love so easily that it's not a surprise that he fell in love with Cynthia. The surprise factor is the poetry:
“When Cynthia smiles,” said young Bingo, “the skies are blue; the world takes on a roseate hue: birds in the garden trill and sing, and Joy is king of everything, when Cynthia smiles.” He coughed, changing gears. “When Cynthia frowns⁠—” “What the devil are you talking about?” “I’m reading you my poem. The one I wrote to Cynthia last night. I’ll go on, shall I?”
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Let this poor man have his morning tea!
Claude and Eustace are troublemakers with brilliant minds, but instead of to use those brains in solving problems like Jeeves, they try to earn money in a easy way. They could start their own multi-level marketing, Ponzi scheme, or even become gentlemen thieves like Raffles and Bunny (but with two Raffles and no Bunny... unless Bertie is Bunny... anyway~)
“I say, old man,” I couldn’t help saying, “aren’t you looking ahead rather far?” “Oh, that’s all right. It’s true nothing’s actually settled yet, but she practically told me the other day she was fond of me.” “What!” “Well, she said that the sort of man she liked was the self-reliant, manly man with strength, good looks, character, ambition, and initiative.” “Leave me, laddie,” I said. “Leave me to my fried egg.”
So we have a possible romance between Bingo and Cynthia, some plan of the mischievous twins, and Jeeves is interested in this deal... Is this the recipe for a perfect storm? Let's see in the next letter. Pip-pip!
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talos-to-listens · 1 month
Robin's songs have been living rent free in my head all week. Mostly Sway to My Beat in Cosmos (the song that plays in her ulti), but Hope is the Thing With Feathers is also quite the bop.
And of course If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking already broke my heart.
Fun fact, two of her songs are poems previously written by Emily Dickinson. It's also the two most critical to the plot, One Heart and Hope.
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Week 3 Bonnie and Clyde: Critical Quotes and Visual Evidence.
From Jensen Boles (THE 112C)
"This here's Miss Bonnie Parker. I'm Clyde Barrow. We rob banks."~Clyde Barrow.
When it comes to this quote, I find it appealing because the main character is introducing himself along with his partner in crime. This quote is also critical because it tells the audience who the main characters are.
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"You've heard the story of Jesse James / Of how he lived and died / If you're still in need / Of something to read / Here's the story of Bonnie and Clyde. / Now Bonnie and Clyde are the Barrow gang / I'm sure you all have read / How they rob and steal / And those who squeal / Are usually found dyin' or dead. / They call them cold-hearted killers / They say they are heartless and mean / But I say this with pride / That I once knew Clyde / When he was honest and upright and clean. / But the laws fooled around / Kept takin' him down / And lockin' him up in a cell / Till he said to me: "I'll never be free / So I'll meet a few of them in Hell." / If a policeman is killed in Dallas / And they have no clue to guide / If they can't find a fiend / They just wipe their slate clean / And hang it on Bonnie and Clyde / If they try to act like citizens / And rent them a nice little flat / About the third night / They're invited to fight / By a sub-guns' rat-a-tat-tat. / Some day, they'll go down together / They'll bury them side by side / To a few, it'll be grief / To the law, a relief / But it's death for Bonnie and Clyde."~Bonnie Parker
For this quote/poem, I honestly think that it's crucial to both Bonnie and Clyde's characters because it shows how Bonnie's poem writing show's dedication to her partnership with Clyde.
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