#rep tour ireland
swiftie4life25 · 4 months
Swifties strike again!
Swiftie #1: Swifites! it's our year! Swiftie #2: What do you mean? Swifties #3: They're right! 1989 + 13 + 22 = 2024! Swiftie #1: And also TTPD- Swiftie #2: TTPD backward is CAIL, and CAIL in Irish means Reputation! Swiftie #3: And her Ireland show is on June 27! Swiftie #4: So, Rep TV is coming on June 27! Swiftie #1: How did you know that? Swiftie #4: Oh, I get it from swiftie4life25!SHE'S THE BEST!
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sophplanetoflove · 4 months
@taylorswift @taylornation HELPPPPPP u should like totally do it on opening night 💪💪💪 itd be so freqkin funny HAHAHAHAHAJJAEEEE-
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@taylorswift pls 🙏🙏🙏 have i'd lie somewhere in the setlist even just for the first night
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lizlet · 9 months
2023, in bullet points
I find myself consumed by an assortment of random thoughts, as we reach the end of the year, and as the sun aims downward for one last sunset, I'm going to try sharing them... in the form of bullet points!
In January of 2023, I got to interview John Darnielle of The Mountain Goats, because he guest-starred on an episode of Poker Face and one of the cool things about working for a publication that's largely focused on music is that all I had to do to get his reps' info was ask a colleague. It was a good, fun interview, and he gave me his direct phone number in case I needed to ask him any follow-ups, and I actually did have something I needed to clarify. So I called him a second time, and during that second call, I told him the thing that I'd held back during that first interview, because I'm always on the fence about how much to say to people about how much I love their work: I told him how much I love the song "This Year," how I blast it every New Year's Eve and scream along in triumph, because it's so much easier to sing "I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me" on December 31st. I don't have a transcript of that second call, but I remember he took the compliment with practiced grace, saying something along the lines of "Thank you for saying that, because it means I know I did at least one thing with my time on this earth that helps people."
That's often what I think about, when measuring my accomplishments for the year — what are the things I did that made the world a slightly better place, on a big or large level?
I know I wrote a lot. Wrote stuff I was very proud of and wrote stuff I was less proud of, but sometimes that's what happens. Got into a good groove with Wren Graves at Consequence, who became my default editor early in the year and has proven to be annoyingly good at noticing when a piece could be better and pointing that out. It's good to have an editor who is a lovely and generous person and who also knows your flaws (like, for example, the fact that I maybe repeat words a little too often; if Wren were editing this, he'd send me back this paragraph with the word "good" in bold three times, and he would be right to do so).
Did a lot of interviews, even with the double strike shutting down a lot of opportunities, and checked a few people off the ol' bucket list. (I don't know why John Cho has eluded me for years, but achievement unlocked, thanks to The Afterparty Season 2.) It is still a bit baffling to the awkward-ass adolescent who lurks inside me that a significant part of my job is talking to famous people, and that I may be pretty good at it. (Sorry Wren.)
Hit my second anniversary at Consequence, an outlet that lets me get weird when the occasion calls for it and always offers up new challenges. (Got a couple of big challenges already in the works for January, which I'm doing my best not to think about until January 2nd.) It's a small but mighty team, and I'm happy to be working with them all.
Got elected to the position of secretary on the Television Critics Association board, which has also presented a wild new array of challenges, but the other board members are great and Winter Press Tour is on! ::knocks on any available wood nearby::
I tried as much as possible to be a person who says yes to things, especially if they might lead to wild new experiences. Saw more friends and more theater and live comedy than I have in years past, which makes me happy. (Especially when I can combine the friends WITH the theater and live comedy.)
Also got to spend a good amount of time with my family, who are cool people that I just genuinely enjoy spending time with. Even went on a gosh-darned vacation with them, to Ireland and Scotland, which was overall pretty magical. It's funny how when you're a kid, going on a bus trip to look at pretty scenery sounds very boring, and yet when you're an adult, that's just a really wonderful time.
Continued two streaks of approximately equal length: sobriety and daily usage of Duo Lingo. Both have been rewarding in their own unique ways.
Thanks in part to Duo Lingo, I learned how to type é and ü characters on a keyboard, which isn't a huge deal necessarily, but I have been typing on computers for nearly the entire span of my life (started around three or four years old) and so learning a new trick, after all this time, was pretty exciting. You go around thinking you know everything there is to know, and then you learn a new thing, and it makes you excited to find out what else there is to learn.
That's the energy I try to bring to every year, even a year like 2023, which on a global level was undeniably pretty garbage, especially the way it set the stage for 2024 being potentially worse. I donate money to big and small causes and take public transit whenever I can and only spend time on Elon Musk's Twitter when it's absolutely essential (someone has posted a link to an adorable cat video). I know I could be doing more. I hope I'm doing enough, and try to exceed "enough" when I can.
I had to take a break from writing this just now because I'm in the middle of my second-favorite New Year's Eve tradition: Doing laundry, so that when I get home after a casual hang tonight, I can curl up in my nice clean sheets and wake up like a big toasty cinnamon bun. Best way to start a new year, in my opinion.
While handling laundry, I've been watching The O.C., and it feels like a true portent of good things that my rewatch has brought me to the New Year's Eve episode, even though this means the arrival of Oliver, who I recall being Bad News.
Still, this reminds me to mention that the book I can't stop recommending to people right now is Ben McKenzie's Easy Money, a surprisingly fun read that left me almost feeling like I understand crypto (and definitely makes me think I understand the grotesque human cost of it).
That last bullet point also strongly indicates that I should try to read more books in 2024.
I'm writing this, like I write pretty much everything, in Evernote, and out of laziness I'm going to post it to Tumblr because that should be relatively easy, but I do want to write more personal stuff in the new year, and might look into setting up a new blog or (non-Substack) newsletter for such a purpose.
But I'm also continuing to work on novels — 500 words or so a day, every day I can, until it starts to add up to something. I've developed a lot of daily practices over the last two and a half years: I journal every morning, go running every other day, write my 500 words in the evenings after logging off work, and keep my Wordle and Duo Lingo streaks alive, amongst other things. And they all contribute to me feeling saner and stronger than I remember feeling during the worst periods of my life to date. Worse days may be coming. But I'm glad to be starting the new year with... well, with clean sheets, at the very least.
And before I go out for the night, I may jump around the apartment and sing.
Auld Lang Syne, bitches. Good luck to us all in 2024.
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fun fact about me: when the rep tour was happening we had already purchased tickets a year in advance to go to Iceland, London, Ireland, and Amsterdam. We also missed a friends wedding for that trip 🥲 but then with Lover and covid, Eras tour was my first time seeing her live 🖤
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displayheartcode · 1 year
Mid-Year Book Freakout 2023
Tagged by @libraryleopard because she knows that I’m always reading something :-) And that I’m also procrastinating with my TBR list…
Tagging: @lavenderfables, @breha, @hauntedmoors, @pociondeodio, @folatefangirl , @longsightmyth, and @oswlld
Best book you’ve read so far this year
One of the best books I’ve read this year has been The Secret Summer Promise by Keah Brown. It’s about Andrea, recovering from a round of cerebral palsy-related surgeries, who makes a bucket list for the best summer ever. Except for one tiny snag about the girl she has crush on… I’m loving contemporary YA so much these days because of books like this! Andrea’s family dynamic is wonderful, and the disability rep is causally everywhere.
Best sequel you’ve read so far this q
Painted Devils by Margaret Owen! The first book was such a fantastic retelling of The Goose Girl that I had no clue how the sequel would exceed my expectations. AND THEN OH MY GOD WHAT A RIDE. I was jet-lagged from Ireland and just stayed in my room, so absorbed in the book that I almost forgot to eat.
New release you haven’t read yet
I’ve been told Lone Women by Victor LaValle is very much for me. If the reviews of his novellas are a sign, then I’m going to love this book.
Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
A Shot in the Dark by Victoria Lee! I love their horror/fantasy novels, so I’m very excited to read their romance debut. A copy has been pre-ordered and the book tour ticket has been bought.
Biggest disappointment
A Crown of Ivy and Glass by Claire Legrand was just okay. The ending felt too similar to Sawkill Girls, and the whole book was like three different ones smushed together for EXTRA PLOT. At least the prose was pretty.
Biggest surprise
Pretty much everything about Yellowface by RF Kunag. You have a white woman on a one-way spiral of utter failure and a system that encourages her to make these choices. It’s a wild ride of a book. I cannot stress how accurate of a satire it is, too.
Favorite new author (debut or new to you)
GennaRose Nethercott! Thistlefoot was a delight! So much of my digital copy of highlighted because of how beautiful I find the narrative voice.
Newest fictional crush/newest favorite character
Agent Fatma el-Shara’awi (from A Master of Djinn), I am free at seven.
Book that made you cry
I didn’t exactly cry, but There Flies the Witch by Mayonn Paasewe-Valchev made me misty-eyed. Only middle grade books have this power over me.
Book that made you happy
The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston had me downright giggling in public. New favorite twist on the second chance romance trope!
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whorrorgrl · 1 year
What I Watched in July
What didn't I watch this month?
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I was going to do my usual thing of just listing off every, single movie I watched within the month. They're usually short of ten, which is good since I'm only able to upload ten pictures at a time on here. But I had a very, very long leave. 31 days exactly. I was bored out of my mind, broke so there's not much I can do, and a natural homebody anyway. I watched a total of 20 movies, and that's only counting new ones. I watched all eleven seasons of Modern Family and then circled back halfway. I watched The Bear, which was pretty good! I'm a sucker for corny sitcoms so I polished off American Housewife. Rewatched some episodes of iZombie. Rewatched a few comfort movies, and decided to go down the horrors of the 80's.
I had a rule and that rule was to watch as many new movies as I could. I'm so prone to sticking to my comfort zones in many sectors of my life. It's why I'm a home-body, it's why I have three good friends, and it's also why hitting failure in the gym's a challenge - my 10-12 reps of moderate weights that only begin to challenge me on the last three is enough.
My favorite era of horror is the 2000's for two good reasons. It gave us gems like Wrong Turn, Texas Chainsaw (2006), Triangle, The Ring, Shutter, Dead Silence, etc. There's a style in storylines, tropes, camera angles, and just general ambiance that bookmarks it as the 2000's. Final girls running through the woods in a classic white tank and blue daisy shorts; A roofless Jeep barreling down a detoured road with teenagers/YA; an entity terrifying a protagonist and the library scene of them researching connections to their harrowing situations. The second reason is, of course, nostalgia. Kind of hard to beat. I grew up on these movies. They're so comforting. I've managed to stick to mostly 2000's and 2010's movies, but I know there are gems I'm missing out on. Few I'm already acquainted with are Misery, Death Becomes Her, The Craft, the Scream franchise, the Sixth Sense, etc. However, these movies are only a few years to a decade shy of the 2000's, which obviously took its influence from its predecessors. But two generations away? The 80's seemed far fetched. I convinced myself that I wouldn't like it or maybe I was too used to other horrors to find the syrupy, gooey looking blood and corny jumpscares scary enough, much less enjoyable. Granted, I did watch Nightmare on Elm Street, Child's Play, and Halloween, but I was only afraid of Child's Play because I watched it as a literal child. Nightmare and Halloween I'd watched a lot older and I don't like them at all. They're actually overrated to me.
So that was the goal this month. Watch some old shit. And that I did.
1. Shrooms (2007, Paddy Breathnach)
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A group of American teenagers head to Ireland to get high in the woods. With the help of a local tour guide, the group sets up camp for a trip of a lifetime. However, things take a turn when a deadly mushroom gives Tara the ability to see which of her friends will be killed off, as a mysterious murderer lurks close by.
I had to start with a new 2000's just to grease my way in.
This movie is not one to take seriously. It's a horror movie involving shrooms where there's a scene of a talking cow, so calm the think pieces on this one. It gives you a decent storyline and there are psychological aspects as one would guess, but nothing much different from any other YA slasher. It honestly requires nostalgia for me to love above a normal degree. Since I don't have that, it's a nice one and done watch. For some reason, though, I still bought the DVD. Maybe I'll watch it on my own trip.
One surprise is the hillbillies the teens run into that remind me of Tucker and Dale. They have absolutely nothing to do with the mess going on outside but are the easier targets to blame. Random, but it's so funny seeing hill billies outside of America. Growing up in another country where you watch all these American movies, you get these stereotypes in your head of what it all is. School lockers, Disney World, and Hillbillies in some state like West Virginia or Kentucky. Seeing an Aussie in the sticks is so funny to me.
The movie encompasses all that I like: dumb teens being killed off but in another country. Indigenous (2014), Hostel (2005), The Green Inferno (2013), As Above So Below (2014), and Turistas (2006) aren't shaking in their boots though. I for some reason don't want to talk about the ending. It's good. I just feel like this review is getting too long for how I really feel about this movie. A decent 5/10
2. Frankenhooker (1990, Frank Henenlotter)
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After a horrific accident butchers his wife Elizabeth, a pseudo-scientist Jeffrey gauges up a plan to rebuild his wife and bring her back to life piece by piece.
I found this one on Amazon Prime....which I thought I unsubscribed from. Not that this connects, but they are currently being sued for a few class action lawsuits, one being making it difficult to unsubscribe from their membership. But anyway, I had Prime. While simultaneously going through my bank statements, I was checking out their horror options. The ones that were free were obscure. Frankenhooker was among them.
The accident that murdered his wife Elizabeth was a lawnmower that Jeffrey himself created. It ran her over and tore her to bits. Aside from her head, a hand, and some miscellaneous limbs, he didn't get much from his dearly departed before her other parts were cleaned up. He concocts a plan to revive her with the upcoming lightning storm that should help reanimate her back into one piece. Only, he needs parts. So he shops for hookers downtown.
I outright laughed with this movie because it's so ridiculous. The scene of the hookers blowing up was so campy. When you can see the split second they replaced the actress with a dummy, oh my god. So goofy, but I actually respected. When you can see the amount of time that went into something so silly, it's actually fun. Practical effects show effort. I was imagining them making head molds out of the actresses and spending hours getting them right just to blow them up. Or painting those limbs; a dislocated foot, an arm, an entire thigh. It was all so much. The burbling purple liquid...so odd.
I would watch this one drunk with a group of friends. It's just camp, that's all I can say. That scene of the reanimated left over body parts? The ending?! The ridiculousness of it all. 9/10. I don't care. I just skimmed the director's other works and I'm adding them all to my lift if they're even close to Frankenhooker. A fun watch.
3. Christine (1983, dir. John Carpenter)
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17-year old, Arnie, buys and restores a rusty 1958 Nlumouyh Fury automobile. Unbeknownst to him, the car is possessed by a murderous entity.
I ain't even gon' hold you. I thought this movie would be stupid. In my head, it's only so thin the line can be to tread with a villain like this. A car....
I was wrong. I am completely surprised by this and I understand why it is a classic. I even bought the DVD. We're officially in 80's territory, bordering on the 70's so the characters and their mannerisms were very uncanny valley for me but not too bad. This is my second John Carpenter movie alongside Halloween (1978). I've only watched The Fog (2005), but I've added 1980's to my list. I actually tried to start it but fell asleep and gave up. Not sure why, but anything other than Freaky Friday that has Jamie Lee Curtis as the final girl makes me sleepy.
I liked how there's no backstory as to why there's an entity in this car. From the day it was made, my girl Christine was killing. Didn't crawl out of hell and run into a conveyer belt, no Charles Lee Ray business; just made bad. She's regenerative, vengeful, and even jealous when Arnie, her new owner, gets a girlfriend. Arnie isn't the most popular guy in school and is constantly bullied, even with the help of his friend. Christine makes it her mission to rid Arnie of those who harm him. Later, she'll rid him of those who try to get between them. It was just such a good plot that was executed perfectly. I thought this was going to be some mess, but 10/10
4. Psycho II (1983, dir. Richard Franklin)
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After the murders in his hotel, Norman Bates is back in town on a clean slate. He goes back to Bates Motel where mother awaits.
In Scream 4, Kirby Reed made a comment about Psycho II being underrated. It stuck in my head for a while until I finally decided to watch it. I can 100% agree. Listen I'll find any reason to hate on Alfred Hitchcock like I would any abusive, misogynistic director in Hollywood, but Psycho II is better than its predecessor. Anthony Perkins reprises his role two decades later as the movie follows the same time frame. Norman has been hospitalized, diagnosed with BPD, and is released 20 years later following the incidents. Not all are on board, especially a persistent Lila Crane, but Emma Spool vouches for him so that he can get a job at a diner. He meets Mary Loomis (with apparent relations to Billy Loomis) and a new set of killing starts.
Before I even start, there are two Tillys? I was casually stalking the actors and realized that the actress for Mary is Jennifer Tilly's sister, Meg Tilly. I couldn't believe how small a'world we live in. Now I have to watch Body Snatchers (1993) and anything else Meg is in.
I loved the plot twist of this movie and how it all ended. Norman is really an unwell character so you find yourself sympathizing with the man. He's awful, but you watch as this man fails to discern reality from his own madness and how mother is incorporated into it. She is a mysterious woman. We don't see much of her, sort of like The Woman in Black. She is this big entity in the movie even though you know she isn't real. This movie is the peak of mommy issues. The ending where a real, flesh and blood option is open to Norman to have a mother but he's only interested in the twisted, evil version that haunts his head is fantastic. 10/10
5. Psycho III (1986)
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Bates Motel is still in business, and Norman is still free. He's fallen in love once more, this time to a fallen nun. But will his past be behind him, or will it all unravel in this third addition to the world of Norman Bates.
It only made sense to watch the third installment. You see more of the look of the 80's that it's so known for, especially slashers. This is where the infamous scene from Scream (1996) comes in when Billy Loomis says, "We all go a little mad sometimes."
The parts I liked were of course mother. She continues to be this looming, bigger than life figure tormenting those around Norman. I liked the slasher-like scene of the young partygoers dying at the hands of "mother." Maureen replaces Mary as a potential love interest as Norman provides her shelter in his motel. They fall in love, despite her knowing his past. The ice machine scene, the bathroom scene, even the showdown in room 12. Again, you really begin to feel sorry for Norman and the cards he was dealt. Not that a serial killing, mentally unwell white man needs it, but mother is really a prison of his own making. The scene of the cop sucking on that bloody ice cube turned by stomach more than my laxative pills ever could. 8/10
6. Psycho IV (1990)
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Released again, Norman Bates calls in on a radio show to retell his life as a young boy. Much to everyone's horror, when the show ends he has one last murder to commit to end it all.
I'm conflicted with this movie.
It's not bad...but 90% unnecessary. Aside from the ending where he finally burns down the house where it all started, I kind of didn't like that we got to meet mother. I've watched and loved Bates Motel (2013), so I'm aware that Norman and Norma always have incest - more so on Norman's part than Norma. In Bates Motel, Norma was creeped out but ignored it or tried to gently transition from Norman's weird attachment. In Psych IV, Norma punishes him harshly. She's severely abusive, negligent, and just awful. She blames Norman for everything, including his existence.
While it's interesting to watch his origin story and how he came to be, I kind of liked not really meeting Norma. I liked her being a decayed, fried out corpse in a chair. I liked meeting her only through Norman's unreliable retelling and untreated borderline personality. She was an entity..smoke and mirrors. Now that I've met her...I wanna kiss her.
She's hot.
Why would they make her hot? Plus she was a hypocrite. She would shame and abuse these women for being whores and sluts while she paraded around in no panties with a man she wasn't betroth to. I always pictured her as this uber-anal, only-have-sex-to-reproduce, stiff, old hag. When you build up a character that's existence is reliant on a character's retelling or the audience to fill in the blanks, it's so easy to ruin them by making them flesh and blood.
I want to pretend this movie doesn't exist.
Aside from the disappointment in meeting my hero, I liked the movie. The ending was solid. It's hopeful...and opens the door for more movies for Norman's spawn. 6/10. I really liked the movie. It can't be 100% a stand alone but it'd be a 8/10 if it was. I'd watch it as one and pretend it didn't ruin three other movies for me.
7. Black Christmas (2006)
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A murdering sociopath escapes prison and returns to his childhood home. However, he finds out that his house has been converted into a sorority house and begins killing the students living there.
The casting is amazing, for one. They pulled Lacey Chabert fresh off the set of Mean Girls. May Elizabeth Winstead had just wrapped up making history with Final Destination 3 (2006), lugging Crystal Lowe on set with her. Katie Cassidy had just finished getting slaughtered on When A Stranger Calls (2006). We practically grew up with Michelle Trachtenberg. It's like Do Revenge: drag the pop girls and boys from popular shows/movies and you'll have a cast people will be excited to see before even considering the plot.
Because this story sucked.
Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm the problem. This has everything I ever asked for in a 2000's movie. What else could I need? Am I ungrateful?
I have tried countless times to get into this movie. I'll cut the shit, like three times. And every time I have zoned out. I'm burnt out with this movie. It takes too much effort to be fully engaged and I don't know why. I love Sorority Row (2009), which has a similar premise, and Scream 2 with that sorority scene was amazing. I eat it up every time I watch it. Slashers with predominantly women casted is one of my bread and butters. But Black Xmas is just....I don't know. I don't know! I can't get into her. 3/10
8. The Thing (2011)
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Kate Lloyed, a paleontologist, is recruited to Antartica by a team of scientists when they discover an alien buried in the ice. However, when the alien escapes, the team fights to figure out who they can trust as the alien could be any one of them, mimicking their dead crew.
This is such a good movie to watch when it's grey, raining, or ice cold. I love Mary Elizabeth Winstead and she is one of my favorite horror girls. Plus I get to see Kristofer Hivju, who I drooled over in Game of Thrones. This creature feature has a good creature reveal that doesn't completely ruin it. If anything, it enhances it. That one scene of the alien merging too people together and then crawling around on all fours was amazing. They don't make it an easy alien movie where you can pinpoint the creature. It can turn itself into one of the crew members, mimicking everything except inorganic materials like teeth. You get this claustrophobic feeling since there's limited places to run. They're stuck in the cold, unforgiving land of Antartica with a town miles away. The ending was a nice addition. I immediately bought the DVD and it is now added to my collection. It would've been better to watch the original John Carpenter movie, but this one popped up on my Netflix header and I immediately clicked on it. 9/10
9. The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
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When her parents go out of town, high school senior Trish decides to throw a slumber party. But things go downhill when an escaped killer wielding a power drill is loose in the neighborhood.
This movie seems derivative of Black Christmas (1974) and also came out the same year as the original The House on Sorority Row. Escaped convicts hacking up young girls were just on trend.
This one is kind of like Black Christmas (2006) for me. No matter how many times I watched it, it's like I never did. This is a rewatch, but not really because I didn't pay much attention the first time. It really brings nothing new for me. A movie doesn't necessarily need to be groundbreaking and fresh plot wise for me to like it, but it sure does need allure...some type of glue that keeps me watching. The Slumber Party Massacre didn't really have that for me. I watched it and immediately forget all that I just finished watching. As I watch these 80's movies, you really realize how nude obsessed this generation was. Pluto in Scorpio, sure, but these movies are just filled with boobs and bush, bush, bush. 5/10
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nessa007 · 1 year
How is it decided who gets a presale fan code and who doesn’t???
if you register for the eras tour through ticketmaster you’re actually not guaranteed a presale code, unfortunately. it’s just the luck of the draw i think.
however since i pre-ordered midnight’s through taylor’s uk/ireland store i’m going through a slightly different process/presale because those who pre-ordered the album are actually guaranteed a code. i’ve gotten presale codes through the uk/ireland store for both the 1989 and rep tour this way and managed to get tickets.
here’s the email i got:
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thelasttime · 1 year
when was the last time she went to latam idr her going there for rep
she had an extremely limited amount of international dates for her reputation tour (like .. australia, japan, england, ireland, canada, new zealand)
she's never been to latin america at all for an official tour. she was at rio de janeiro for a showcase she did in 2012, but that consisted of 6-7 songs
interestingly (i'm on the wikipedia) i had no idea she did this, she performed on a cruise ship that was in cozumel, mexico
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This day in history
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I’m coming to the HowTheLightGetsIn festival in HAY-ON-WYE with my novel Red Team Blues:
Sun (May 28), 1130h: The AI Enigma
Mon (May 29), 12h: Danger and Desire at the Frontier
I’m at OXFORD’s Blackwell’s on May 29 at 7:30PM with Tim Harford.
Then it’s Nottingham, Manchester, London, Edinburgh, and Berlin!
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#15yrsago UK set to deport Master’s student whose Master’s degree research led him to look up Al Qaeda info — ratted out by University of Nottingham https://www.theguardian.com/education/2008/may/24/highereducation.uk
#15yrsago Frequently Awkward Questions for the Canadian Minister who’s planning to bring down a Canadian DMCA https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2008/05/ten-more-questions-for-prentice-post/
#10yrsago Little Mermaid’s Ursula does the Haunted Mansion narration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwoTHwJmyCg
#10yrsago US entertainment industry to Congress: make it legal for us to deploy rootkits, spyware, ransomware and trojans to attack pirates! https://lauren.vortex.com/archive/001034.html
#10yrsago Triple-nested Klein bottle https://web.archive.org/web/20080605031208/https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/images/I065/10328078.aspx
#5yrsago Ireland’s referendum results: legalised abortion projected to win “by a landslide” https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/irish-times-exit-poll-projects-ireland-has-voted-by-landslide-to-repeal-eighth-amendment-1.3508861
#5yrsago Congressional staffers for Rep. Tom Garrett [R-VA] say they were used as “personal servants” https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/25/tom-garrett-staff-servants-608665
#1yrago Attacking machine learning training by re-ordering data https://pluralistic.net/2022/05/26/initialization-bias/#beyond-data
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Hay-on-Wye, Oxford, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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jentlemahae · 4 months
yep. I haven't seen Taylor live since 2015. that's also the only time I ever saw her live bcs I couldn't afford to travel to England or Ireland for the red or reputation tours. I live in North Macedonia. let's be real, Taylor will never perform here fdksfsjfksjf so in order to see her live I have to travel to and stay in another country. my closest show is Vienna but I couldn't get tickets. next closest is Milan but Italy is too expensive for me. so I have to go to Munich instead. I went to Germany to see her for 1989 too and I had to drive through 8 countries to get there. idk if you know anything about North Macedonia but we're not exactly a rich country so I don't have a lot of money to spend on things like this, so seeing people from one of the richest countries in the world saying how they're flying to Europe to see Taylor bcs it's cheaper for them really makes my blood boil. it's so out of touch and ignorant and I can't believe they really think they're being fair and normal about this
yeppp !!!! i only attended the rep tour because i happened to be near the us at the time because had i been in europe i would not have been able to afford travelling to the uk :| like tickets may be less expensive here but travelling across europe can actually be very very expensive, even within continental europe 🙃 im sure it’s also not cheap and is time-consuming in the states but comparing travelling across states to travelling across COUNTRIES is honestly ridiculous……
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I get to see @taylorswift twice this weekend in Dublin with my best friend and I couldn’t be happier.
We’ve been to so many of Taylor’s shows together over the years and I love that my mum is just as stoked as I am to see her again.
Here’s our costume post: x
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swiftsheenagh-blog · 6 years
tonight! I made a trailer for the rep tour. @taylorswift I’m so excited for this tour. I hope this makes you excited too! <3 @taylornation
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averytswiftie · 6 years
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In honor of Taylor being in Ireland, I wanted to post some pictures from my recent study abroad experience there, and I wish I was still there to be at the rep tour this weekend!
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blessmysoulswift · 6 years
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it's me (Valentina) and Nicole here!
We will fly from ITALY only to see you and your magnificent show in Dublin.
let me tell you a little piece of our history as bffs:
We met in middle school and we became inseparable in high school.
Like you, she has always been there for me, even in the worst moments. When everyone else turned their backs on me, when I thought I couldn’t make it, she was there, you were there.
I would do anything for her and she would do anything for me, even make 1,800 miles to make my biggest dream come true. 
After 7 years of unconditional love ad support the time has finally come for me to see you. I can’t believe it's really happening, I get emotional and I cry just at the thought that I'll finally see you live and not from a stupid screen. I will finally be able to show you all the love you have given me over these years.
I love you so much Taylor, you have changed my life and you save me every single day. 
Please, never think that I could ever abandon you. I love you so much. I could never.
I'll see you in a few days. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART.
You can find us:
June 15th: Section LOW328, Row TT, seats 24-25.
June 16th: Section LOW330, Row AA, seats 5-6.
❤️ @taylorswift @taylornation ❤️
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a-smurf · 6 years
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Yes @taylorswift you really did that! Ending the UK and Ireland leg of the Reputation Stadium tour with Robbie Williams singing Angels and now you have sung Babe live with Sugarland to end the US leg of tour! 😭😭 You’re really breaking me down now Taylor! Thank you Taylor for making the entire tour so special for all of us! I love you! 💞💞
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