#rep tour manchester
nevergavein · 1 year
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Favourite Taylor Swift Tour Outfits: (5/?)
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rachlou86 · 1 year
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It’s exactly five years since my first rep shows in Manchester! When I made this sign I had no idea how true it would be. Holding on to those tour memories was the only thing that got me through the pandemic
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tswift · 1 year
I have it updated now... forever regretting not being able to see the red tour
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jakeperalta · 2 years
boyfriend and I have decided we’re going to try get tickets for two shows (most likely london + manchester) and go for lower bowl for one and just the cheapest option for the other :)
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jokeroutsubs · 9 months
ENG translation: "We are advocates of the fact that it is possible to create in our language"
An interview with Bojan Cvjetićanin and Kris Guštin in Slovenian magazine Reporter Magazin, originally published December 2023
Original article written by Katarina Keček for Reporter Magazin; photos by Primož Lavre and Urša Premik; English translation by @kurooscoffee and another Joker Out Subs member, proofread by IG GBoleyn123.
Also available in audio version on Spotify, read by IG GBoleyn123:
If you repost quotes from the interview, please link back to this post!
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After a fantastic recent concert season with the currently most popular Slovenian music group Joker Out, who have already broken all boundaries at home, the boys are now ready to conquer the world's music stages. European first, said the band's two members, guitarist Kris Guštin and singer Bojan Cvjetićanin, modestly, when we met in their rehearsal room, "Then we'll think ahead." A few days after our conversation, Joker Out embarked on a new tour, which will include 13 European countries, including France, Belgium and Italy. Among others, they will be playing at some of the world's most iconic venues, such as the O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire in London and the Academy 2 in Manchester. A musical success that has no comparison here.
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I'm sure you have given hundreds of interviews over the years? How do you cope with them?
Kris: If the questions are good, the interview is also good.
Bojan: During Eurovision we had about 40 interviews a day. Let's say two of them were a little different in terms of questions.
What kind of questions don't you like?
Both: Where did our name come from? When was the band formed? The kind of thing that everybody can find on Google.
Eurovision was a big breakthrough for you abroad, but you also said that you would not do a competition like that again.
Kris: We didn't say that.
Bojan: We have another one in January. We're playing at a festival in the Netherlands, it's a kind of show where you present yourself. It's a competition in a sense, but it's not very specific like Eurovision.
But these music competitions can't be real competitions. They are about the taste of the listener, just as art is about the taste of the observer. How are you going to evaluate a quality, a song?
Bojan: Eurovision is a really interesting experience and has a very specific concept. It's a three-minute spectacle contest, there are tangible standards, but on the other hand there are not. This spectacle may be different from what any of us would think of as "spectacle", let's say a lot of fire, explosions, and fireworks, but if the story is properly told in the flood of all these fires and explosions, just one deep silence can make the performance spectacular. For us, the competition was more about whether or not we would make that breakthrough. A contest against ourselves.
When you were at Eurovision, did you have in mind the country you were representing, or did you, first and foremost, see yourself in this contest? As an opportunity for the group to present itself?
Bojan: It was absolutely important for us to sing in Slovenian at this festival because we are advocates and representatives of the fact that it is possible to create in our language and that it is right to create in our language. It's right to speak it and it's right for the language to develop. The younger generations of Slovenians are also gaining an appreciation for the Slovenian language and an understanding of what it can be used for. The aim was to show ourselves. In the end, it is true that a country wins, let's say Sweden won, or Finland won, but the most important thing for us was that when someone says, "Do you remember Slovenia in 2023?" that it will be a positive image and a positive memory. We managed to do that, which is a big enough victory as far as we are concerned. At the same time, we did everything we could to represent ourselves and Slovenia in the best possible way.
Despite all this, we welcomed you home with great joy, we did not blame you for your result in the competition, because we saw that you gave your all.
Bojan: I was honestly happy to see the positive reaction, even though objectively speaking we had a pretty poor placement.
Kris: After a long time, us Eurovision performers also had the same kind of support of the nation at home that our athletes have.
It's interesting that you hold on to the Slovenian language so lovingly and don't give in to the prejudices that claim that Slovenian is not a poetic and melodic language. You write songs in various languages, but mostly in Slovenian.
Bojan: For me, it is most natural to write songs in Slovenian. My thought process, during my subconscious existence, is in the Slovenian language.
Your parents are not of Slovenian nationality, they both came from Bosnia during the war in 1991, with the last Unprofor convoy. Kris's mother is also Dutch, and you both love the Slovenian language.
Kris: My mother moved to Slovenia before Slovenia joined the EU and, as she explained to me, it was very difficult for her at that time too. All the bureaucratic stuff dragged on, just like it would for someone who came from Bosnia.
Bojan: I never had any problems with my parents being from Bosnia. I was at a school where there were quite a lot of children who had parents from the former Yugoslavia and we had no problems with that. I coped with the Slovenian language quite well from a very young age. However, this does not change the fact that the living conditions of many children at our school were of a lower standard. I don't know what was going on in their homes, because I know that for many it was not so rosy at home, but we children did not feel any revolt or hatred from our classmates at that time.
Your parents are both doctors, and they have made a new home in Slovenia. Do you still go to Bosnia?
Bojan: Yes, more and more often. I feel very Slovenian, I think and speak in this language, but on the other hand I am immensely proud of my roots and I also feel Bosnian, Serbian, at my core, and it seems to me that the fans from the former Yugoslav countries have now taken us very much as their own because of that.
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You had very successful concerts in Zagreb and Belgrade. Interestingly, the visitors knew all your songs by heart, and what's more, they sang them with you in Slovenian. We haven't been used to that since the days of Lačni Franz* and Videoseks.*
*(The only two groups prior to Joker Out who succeeded in ex-Yugoslavia region enough to have the audience sing their songs in Slovenian)
Kris: Isn't it interesting that we find it bizarre that Serbs are singing in Slovenian, because before it was always the other way around?
Bojan: I also never understood before that Croatians or Serbs didn't understand us. As in, is the difference in languages really so big that you don't understand us? We can understand you. The fact is that Slovenians have been in contact with the Serbo-Croatian language in one way or another since we were very young, we all go to the seaside in Croatia, and we also listen to music from those parts en masse.
But the young people of your generation speak to the locals on the Croatian coast in English because they no longer understand their language.
Both: Yes, that's also true.
How come these Balkan languages don't cause you any problems?
Bojan: It's my mother tongue anyway, so I don't have any problems.
Kris: It seems very stupid to me that Slavs should communicate in Germanic languages. Even with the Czechs at Eurovision we communicated in both languages and it worked. It seems to me very inauthentic to speak English, but on the other hand I understand, because young people in Slovenia today are surrounded by English, maybe even more than Slovenian, and it is much more natural to them than to struggle in their own language or in a language that is supposed to be related to their own. It would be interesting if "interslavic" was introduced in all countries with Slavic languages as a second or third language. This is a mixture of all the Slavic languages, which is supposedly understood by all the members of the Slavic peoples. A language that is similar in its own way to all of us.
Esperanto, invented in the late 1980s as a counterbalance to the overuse of English, was a similar project. I do not know how many people still use it today.
Kris: Introducing a new language is not the easiest cultural process.
You have a big tour coming up, actually the first tour of European capitals.
Kris: Yes, first we're going to Skopje, then Munich, The Hague, Amsterdam, Madrid and Barcelona. On the 11th of December we're going back to Slovenia for a week, when we're planning to record some more in the studio, and then we're going to do concerts until the end of the year in Slovenia, in Celje, Maribor, Novo mesto and Ljubljana.
These tours must be exhausting. Every day travelling, buses, different cities, masses of people wanting something from you.
Kris: We have six concerts coming up now.
Bojan: We've just played nine concerts in fourteen days, we were in Lithuania, Poland, Czechia and Croatia.
Do fans in other countries remember you only from Eurovision or do they know your other songs as well?
Bojan: The most fascinating thing is that they have learned all the songs from the past too. We actually managed to break that barrier with just one song, but people learned two hours of material in another language. I don't know how many hours they had to devote to it, but they did.
Are you surprised by such enthusiasm? None of you could have planned this.
Kris: We went to Eurovision with this intention, so we can't say that we were completely surprised by the success. The ultimate goal all along was to make a breakthrough abroad. But we were absolutely surprised by the scope of the response. It could have been that Carpe Diem would have been very successful abroad, but the other songs would not have caught on. But we get to the concert and there is no feeling of waiting for this greatest hit, from the first minute people are "in it" and singing.
Bojan: If we sometimes dropped a song from our repertoire that we didn't want to play in Slovenia anymore, one of them being "Proti toku" because it was totally getting on our nerves, there were revolts on the internet and people were carrying banners at concerts saying "Play Proti toku!"
Kris: When we released New Wave with Elvis Costello, we thought that foreigners would prefer to listen to the song in English, but somehow everyone demanded it in Slovenian.
Bojan: They learned the Slovenian version and that's what they want.
I could say that you are kind of the pioneers of a new wave of Slovenian music, one for which Slovenia is obviously too small. None of the previous Slovenian Eurovision representatives have impressed Europe so much.
Bojan: I really don't remember us having any artist like that before. When Sestre went to Eurovision, they rode the wave at the time too, they were doing a lot of international shows too. I mean, it was a different concept, it was a project, but it still worked. Mostly because they actually had a vision, a plan and also a background behind them, there has to be some kind of support mechanism in the process. We didn't have performers in the sense of, okay, you showed up at Eurovision, now do a one-hour concert for me. Most of the performers couldn't do that because they didn't even have enough songs.
Kris: It's not only a problem in Slovenia, you find it everywhere, even among foreign artists. The Norwegian representative was fifth in Eurovision this year, she's very popular, but she only had one song on the market after the contest was over. Now she is going to release an album, but she hasn't had enough material so far.
Have you been preparing on your own to go abroad or do you maybe have some very professional agencies behind you to promote you and push you forward?
Bojan: With the people who are with us, we are our own management. We've never had someone above us who was our boss. We have always been our own bosses. We have our own people around us, but we have reached a level of performing in Slovenia that requires you to have a big team around you. We have about 30 people accompanying us on a regular basis, including the driver. When this success story happened, this breakthrough abroad, we were able to channel our system in a new direction, to at least somehow "patch up" the line up abroad for this year.
Do you cultivate a system of democracy in the band? How do you agree on certain things? By raising your hands?
Bojan: There hasn't been a need for that so far.
Kris: Usually the majority wins, within reasonable limits, of course.
Where do you find yourself more, live performances, making music, travelling, mingling with fans?
Kris: It really depends on the time period. It has to alternate. Solely playing infinite concerts is really fun for a while, but then it becomes tiring. The number of concerts we have played now is just about on the borderline for us to go back to the studio again for some time. On the other hand, spending infinite time in the studio isn't good either. During Covid, we were locked in for two years and we were just making music the entire time, and somewhere in there we kind of lost motivation. In the studio you also realise why you love the stage.
Are you tired after concerts, after a few hours of jumping around the stage?
Kris: The concert itself tires you out much less than the travelling. If you're lucky enough to be able to afford a private bus that takes you from concert to concert, then it's a lot easier. You get into it after the concert, fall asleep, and wake up in another city. The tour that is ahead of us, however, is made up entirely of flying, and that is the worst. Hotels, rushing, packing, taxis, airports, the atmosphere in airports is really unpleasant, no one is happy there, the hours drag on... that is the harder part. The concert itself doesn't tire me out that much. Most of all, we could play two concerts in a row if the atmosphere is right.
All that requires psychological and physical fitness as well. Do you practice any sports?
Kris: I used to be a more sporty person, I regularly played tennis, but ever since Eurovision, I can't find the right time to go back to something regular. I also used to play football recreationally every week, that's gone too. When on tour, I can only afford to run or to go to the hotel gym. But I haven't gotten to the point where I could make peace with that yet.
Bojan: I currently don't exercise at all. I used to train judo for a long time, but now, unfortunately, I haven't yet forced myself to go to the gym or go running when I have a free day. I'd like to start doing that, but I'm the type of person who needs a companion to pull me along and motivate me every day. I'm most drawn to football, martial arts, or extreme sports, but now I don't dare to do anything anymore because of injuries. Lately I've been going horse riding when I'm home. I find that horses calm me down.
Do you follow politics, are you interested in what's going on in Slovenian society?
Kris: Even a year ago, I was a lot more interested than I am now. Not just because we had a different government, but because I had time to think about it. I studied international relations for a while, I'm currently doing my master's. Otherwise I'm a chemical engineering graduate who switched to another university. I used to follow Slovenian politics a lot, but now I don't know if I feel like a fully qualified citizen of Slovenia anymore, since we've spent more than half a year outside of it. When I walk through our city now, I see it with different eyes. I see it almost as if it was any other city in the world, I pay attention to things like architecture or the atmosphere people create. Before, I used to walk through Ljubljana, it was my city, but I didn't pay attention to what was around me. Now I feel like half a stranger, which is weird in a way.
Bojan: For me, Ljubljana has now become a kind of base, a safe haven. I also see it differently than before. I agree with Kris that there are plenty of things that I didn't notice at all and I only see them now. I always perceived Ljubljana in a kind of romantic way, pretty much only the centre, even though I didn't live there from a young age. Only now that we've travelled around countries like Poland, Lithuania, or Finland, I see a lot of architectural similarities, but it has started to bother me that Ljubljana is so diverse in this aspect.
Is this diversity not a good thing?
Bojan: I don't know. Ljubljana smells nice to me, when I was walking around yesterday, I felt like Ljubljana was the last stage of a place. It's hard to say that this is a city, let alone a capital city of a country. Last night I was walking around the capital city of Slovenia at half past nine, and it was literally like I was in a "zombie land". There was no one anywhere. Incredibly weird, but on the other hand, nice.
Kris: That's pretty weird.
Bojan: Everything is getting more rigid, people are locking themselves up in their homes more and more.
Where can young people of your age go out in Ljubljana?
Kris: I'm facing this problem too.
Bojan: I think that in Ljubljana, we have quite a lot of choice when it comes to the number of places meant for parties. When they are open is another problem. We have a number of high quality clubs: K4, Cirkus, Orto, Shooter... for such a small place, we have a lot of clubs. The problem for me is that Ljubljana is a completely dead city in the summer. You can't go anywhere in the summer because everything closes down except Metelkova. For a tourist who's 20 or 25 years old and comes to Ljubljana in the summer, when it's wonderful, it's the most beautiful in the summer, it's a city where they have nothing to do.
Kris: There are plenty of places to hang out, but none of them appeal to me. I used to like going to K4, not anymore now, the last club I visited was Gala hala. It was awesome there.
When you come home nowadays, do you want to go to parties, go around the town?
Bojan: No, not at all. We're not really enthused about going out. When we come back home, we find other ways to relax. When I'm home, it suits me to be able to rest. Otherwise, what I like best is going to a concert.
Kris: That's what I like best too.
The band members constantly stick together, you even go on holidays together?
Kris: We already went together, it was awesome, we function great. The only concern is that we're constantly together. It's not good to be together all the time, each of us has his own life and things to do.
But, Bojan, you even went on holiday with your parents this year? How come?
Bojan: Yes, after eight years, we went on holiday together again. I was supposed to go to Thailand with the band, after the concert in Stožice. I got tonsillitis on the day of departure, so I avoided the long journey. When I felt a little better, I went to my grandma in Banja Luka, and after that, I went on holiday with my parents for five days.
Do they look at you differently in Banja Luka than in Slovenia?
Bojan: They don't recognise me on the street there nearly as much as it happens in Slovenia, it has only happened to me a few times.
Kris: The level at which I get recognised on the street is still okay for me. Bojan is more exposed and definitely has a different perspective. Maybe the most annoying thing is that you are expected to constantly be smiling and ready to take photos. We really are like that most of the time, but there are days when you're not in the mood to socialise, but you still have a concert. Afterwards, a lot of listeners are waiting and would like to hang out with you. I'd like to tell them that I am very grateful that they're there, but that I really don't have a never-ending social battery to be able to talk to all of them.
Bojan: It is ungrateful to talk about recognisability as something negative, because it's simply a consequence of everything we have and it's an expected side product. If I'm in a public place, I know that everyone around me is listening to what I'm talking to someone about. It has become uncomfortable to talk about anything personal with anyone, because you always feel like someone is eavesdropping.
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What's your favourite thing to do when you finish a gig?
Kris: The first thing I do is to take a shower. I hang out a little with the team, with the band members, sometimes we go out to take photos, but otherwise, as soon as possible I drink a glass of water and go directly to bed.
Bojan: I'm such a good boy. I always take at least one hour for taking photos with fans.
I haven't yet come across you getting caught drunk or high on various substances, which isn't rare in the music world, it's more like a rule.
Bojan: I view all these extreme excesses as filling a void. For 99 percent of these performers who are said to do this, the roots of those voids are very clear. They come from personal trauma, mostly from childhood. Thankfully all five of us in the band come from very stable and happy families, none of us lacked for anything, quite the opposite, we all had everything endlessly. We have maximum support from all the people around us. We don't feel the need to rebel against anything, because we actually have nothing to rebel against. All these bands that did a lot of drugs and alcohol actually mostly broke up very quickly.
Bojan, you appear to be very energetic on stage, you're spontaneous and charismatic, you have the public eating our of your hand. Do you unleash your alter ego on the stage? Is that a different Bojan?
Bojan: You'd have to ask the guys from the band who spend the most time with me. As far as I know from the stories from people who have known me since I was little, I have always been loud and very talkative. I always liked performing and I wouldn't say that I put on an act on stage. On stage, I let myself go to the max, I think that I really mould myself into what I think belongs on stage. It's not a different Bojan on the stage, he just does some things that belong on stage.
Kris: Bojan on stage is in a higher gear. It's the same for the whole band.
Bojan: People can feel other people. Everything that happened to us is also in large part a consequence of people actually feeling that we are the same people on stage as we are when we come off the stage. We're real here, there's no acting, we also don't think that we're any better than them. We're all friends, they're below the stage, we're on the stage, and we have fun together.
Kris: It's also true that I feel more free on stage. We're allowed more. I enjoy the fact that our concert is a sort of a valve, even though I hate that word.
Like every ordinary woman, I can't skip past your fantastic stage clothes. All my female friends want to wear them.
Bojan: I would also like to wear them in my private life, but I already have a closet full of clothes that have piled up throughout my life, and they aren't like the ones we wear at gigs. But I would like to walk out of my room every day dressed in a way that made me look like I'm in Miami in the 80s, or like a mix between a "drug dealer" and a "drug cop".
Kris: My sister has already looted my closet. I looted my dad's.
Bojan: I have looted the closets of my parents and my sister.
Kris, your dad is a famous musician. Did he help you at the start, what kind of advice does he give you?
Kris: My dad only helped me in the sense that I sometimes showed him what I had written or what we had recorded in the studio, and he gave his opinion. But that hasn't happened in a year now, ever since I moved out. Before that, he could hear me through the walls when I was playing.
Bojan: I've also become independent. Although now when we come back from a tour, I still like going back home the best.
What does independence look like?
Kris: I like it. I can't imagine going back home anymore, even though I love my family immensely. But us not living together anymore has only made our relationships better. I like having my own peace, but I also like coming back home for lunch.
BIOGRAPHY In 2017, five friends started a band called Joker Out. They had all been musically active before, but they achieved the first big success as a band as the winning group of Špil liga in Kino Šiška in Ljubljana. After this victory, the boys became sought-after on all Slovenian musical stages. They released two albums, Umazane misli in 2021 and Demoni a year later. In those two years, they also received two 'Zlata piščal' ('Golden Flute') awards, in 2020 for newcomers of the year, and again next year for artists of the year. This spring, RTV Slovenia sent Joker Out and their song Carpe Diem to Eurovision where, despite a lot of attention from fans, they ended in a modest 21st place. Despite that, European music enthusiasts have welcomed them as their own, their popularity is growing quickly. Joker Out are currently filling the biggest European concert stages, which no Slovenian musician has managed before.
If you repost quotes from the interview, please link back to this post!
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foxes-that-run · 11 months
2018 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024..
1 January - Harry in Palm Springs, Saturn jumper. Karlie Kloss posts swish swish basketball (Katy Perry Taylor diss track)
4 January - reports camille met Harry's family. KK posts Swish Swish
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11 January - End Game video released - Haylor references galore. Joe in Italy.
14 January - Joe at Prada fashion show in Milan no Taylor
17 January - Harry gym in LA
13-22 January - Harry wrote Fine line: "Fine Line" I wrote [during] a gap in the tour. It was January 2018 and I was at my friend Tom's house. Harry was seen in la in the last 2 weeks.
22 January - Harry in LA with Camille from 13th to 29th
21 January - Taylor in Italy, Harry in NYC 25th
24 January - Harry NY
25 January - Harry London
26 January - Harry performs at Fleetwood Mac person of year, Xander there
27 January - Taylor and Cara in Milan possibly with Joe
9 February - End Game BTS with text Scrabble game with 'him'
18 February - Taylor in LA Repu-hersal,
20 February - Taylor in Big Sur
18 - 24 February - Harry in on 18th and 24th London
3 March - Harry london gym
4 March - Harry shot the Gucci Campaign with the chicken in St Albans, England
7 March - Taylor and Joe hike with Joe in dark jeans and Nikes in Malibu. Blind staged.
11 March - Live on tour starts again in Switzerland, Anna and Medicine played live for the first time and added to the rest of the tour setlist.
12 March -Delicate MV released
10 April Harry in London
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13 April - Taylor releases Earth, Wind, Fire cover with 28 September. It accompanied Delicate vertical video the original release said is ““Taylor says that she chose ‘September’ for sentimental reasons. She’s always loved the classic tune by Earth, Wind & Fire, and notes that the month of September is especially meaningful to one of her relationships.” - Spotify” the ‘one of relationships’ part is later edited out of the Spotify press release!
16 April - Camille at Harry’s Dublin Show, last time seen together till June.
20 April - Babe released
21 April - Taylor posts video thanking fans for responding to Babe, she wore the Evil Eye ring that appeared in Rep.
23 April - Taylor has Robbie Williams on Rep and plays Angels.
5 May - Harry played a mystery melody before Two Ghosts
7 May- Joe and Taylor post photos with a cactus, kiwi vibes.
May - Harry GQ Australia Article with "There's a good story about Winston's wife bumping into a very naked, very blonde, very famous pop star making toast downstairs one morning if you ever get a chance to ask" It starts and ends with folklore.
8 May - November Reputation tour, Joe at opening night
30 May - Joe and Taylor papped getting lunch
31 May - Blind that Joe and Taylor trouble with attention
9 June Taylor plays Manchester the. Is not seen till the 16th, Joe and family there
15 June - Xander, his parents and Anne at Harry’s Phili show.
16 June - Harry was full of beans in Toronto and wore a pink jacket with snakes and cats with wings embroidered on. Taylor played HYGTG in Dublin, only time on Rep tour.
19 June - Taylor posts Meredith, Joe heard in background
22 June - 2 days after a year since Robin passed Harry emotional performing Sweet Creature in New York.  Taylor has Niall as guest in Wembley the same night, Niall wore a NYC shirt. Joe was this show. Harry performed Shania Twain's Still the One. Taylor referenced this suit in the Me! Video. Harry invested in the Calm App. Harry photographed with Max and Xander, he looks really sad. Rumour he was staying with Xander. Xander, Jeff, Maxwell, Tommy at show. Camille flew to attend, had not been seen with Harry for some time.
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24 June - Harry performed in Washington, he seemed flat, dropped a flag at the end of kiwi. He later talked to Stern (at the start in 2022) as his voice being dehydrated and it being his least favourite show, thought to be this one. He was not wearing the rose ring.
28 June - Taylor performs Reputation secret session for AT&T in Chicago. When introducing new year day talks about 2 NYEs ago jumping into an icy pool, the version Taylor Nation had posted has only this speech cut out from the full video.  (24:38) Harry unseen
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30 June - Harry has a show in Chicago! Taylor unseen! This suit is one referenced in Me!
1 July - Harry energetic in St Paul, the Medicine recording and sang “running with you” not wolves in MMITH. Last Heart kiss till 2021 in Only Angel
3-4 July - People reports Taylor and Joe 'frolic' in Turks and Caicos
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7 July - Harry golfing in Idaho
8 July - Joe and Taylor pap photos in Daily Mail
9 July - Trailer for Joe's new movie, The Favorite drops
12 July - Harry leaves garage in yellow Ferrari Dino in Beverly Hills. Taylor likes a Tumblr quote “For what it’s worth: It’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you find the strength to start over.” - F Scott Fitzgerald
14 July Taylor’s delicate basket malfunctioned and she played Wildest Dreams a cappella. Harry wore the “whos Jeff azanoff” shirt backstage, Xander there also. Camille at last Harry show she attended, not seen together gain
18 July- live on tour ends
21 July - Taylor played Clean, first time since 2015. Rain show.
22 July - Joe & Family at Rep
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31 July - Harry and Camille break up. Harry pictured with Karlie Kloss on Yacht in Italy with Sunflowers.
1 August - Harry driving Maserati in Italy
3 August - Harry gym London sweaty
4 August - only time CBBH played before 2023, never on red or 1989 tours, this 1 on rep and 2 Eras shows.
7 August - Nick posts photo of Harry to IG, then tweets about a couple and is photographed with a fan near Harry’s house. The fan was pictured with Louis wearing the same shirt a week earlier. 8 August Harry Toronto
13 August- blind Taylor controlled Joe's social media accounts
14 August - Reputation show in Tampa filmed for Miss Americana which shows Joe, he is only seen at this and the first show.
17, 18 August - Harry Mexico James Corden's birthday
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22 August - Joe Taylor double date. Joe looks angry walking with Taylor in London
26 August - Karlie attends rep, posts photo, Taylor doesn't like it
2 September - Golden maybe recorded, Harry told rolling stone The first song written for Fine Line, on the second day of the sessions at Shangri-La Studios in Malibu. Photographed in yellow pants. At 41 mins in of the Zane interview he describes writing it as his favourite memory of making fine line.
15 September - Harry Eagles Concert LA
21 September - blind that Joe was ‘picked for role of BF’ by professor, Joe does interview saying he wants to keep relationship private
28 September - Taylor went to Favorite NYC premiere with Joe. Harry at dinner in London. Both wore red. Taylor played Wonderland as the Surprise song, one of 6 ever plays.
1 October - Harry lunch in La Xander
9 October - Harry arrived in Japan looking like jagger and japan Dec 18 - Jan 19
8 October - Harry’s lion ring first seen in Tokyo
14-30 October - Harry LA Nobu LA, 17 Studio LA
19 October - Taylor doesn’t go to Kk wedding
17-28 October - Harry in LA on 15 and la 26th
19 November - Taylor signs with republic records and posts about it
21 November - last rep show which is in Tokyo. Plays emotional set of surprise songs are wildest dreams (1 of 3 times she played it on the Rep tour) and So it goes (one of 8 times it has ever been played live), dancing with our hands tied and I know places. Harry writes little freak in Tokyo and leaked ophelia (I feel ya) that refers to staring at her in Tokyo missing her and fantasising. Taylor posts about finishing tour, her last big machine records commitment
11 December - Taylor goes to goes joes movie premiere then next seen back in NY with Joe. Harry in LA 12th
25 December - Taylor spent christmas in a castle in Ireland
Continue in 2019
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This day in history
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TODAY (Apr 10) at UCLA, then Chicago (Apr 17), Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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#20yrsago Implicit ideology in video games https://reason.com/2004/04/01/free-play-2/
#20yrsago BBC tries DRM-free distribution https://web.archive.org/web/20040422090025/https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/reith2004/mp3.shtml
#15yrsago Statebook: how UK gov’t spooks see the Internet http://www.statebook.co.uk
#15yrsago Manchester’s streets to be patrolled by CCTV cars that film you picking your nose at the wheel and then send you a fine http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/manchester/7994449.stm
#10yrsago Copy Me: a new critical animation series about copying, culture and copyright https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62-UT84-fXM
#10yrsago Everything is a Remix vs Patent Trolls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il9nXHoprsU
#5yrsago Foxconn’s inconsistent, chaotic behavior in Wisconsin looks awfully grifty https://www.theverge.com/2019/4/10/18296793/foxconn-wisconsin-location-factory-innovation-centers-technology-hub-no-news
#5yrsago Victory! House of Reps passes legislation to restore Net Neutrality https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/04/victory-house-representatives-passes-net-neutrality-protections
#5yrsago Chicago is demanding that children on bail wear private-sector ankle-cuffs with mics that can record them without their consent https://theappeal.org/chicago-electronic-monitoring-wiretapping-juveniles/
#5yrsago Security keys are “transformative” and “revolutionary” for information security https://mrisher.medium.com/phishing-and-security-keys-b5c8e8e26931
#1yrago Alissa Quart's 'Bootstrapped: Liberating Ourselves from the American Dream' https://pluralistic.net/2023/04/10/declaration-of-interdependence/#solidarity-forever
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dancefloor · 1 month
maybe we should all take a second and be glad no one died instead of bitching about what taylor could’ve done better. we know how these things can go because we saw what happened in manchester. let’s be grateful that the european leg of the tour was wrapped up safely and we can worry about rep tv or some stupid shit instead of people losing their lives
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magxit · 2 months
TNT will be in the news a lot when the NFL season begins. Apparently his ex shot a reality show in Manchester a few weeks ago (she 100% got that spot bc of tnt lbr here), travis hosted his quiz show thing will air, taylor going to the games. And then ofc the election. Travis already has MAGA allegations but MAGA hates him bc of pzifer ad. It’s gonna be a media circus
Let's be for real for a moment. The whole I was not seen for a year thing was a lie. At best she was not 'seen' for about 4-5 months but still papped. I think we didn't see her after the rep tour ended for a couple months too. Taylor has found a way to live her life the way she wants to and that includes date nights with Travis, out and about with her friends, and writing and recording music and releasing it whenever she wants to. Add in the fact that her weekends are booked Sept - Feb for the next 2 years she isn't going away any time soon. Even if she were to 'step back' she really wouldn't be stepping back. It would be more of the same thing she has been doing since she dumped Joe. The only wild factor would be her child which she has the money and resources to make sure they are well protected. Hell Meghan and Harry have lived in the USA for 3 plus years and their kids have been seen like 3 times. Meghan and Harry live their lives exactly like Taylor does.
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womanexile · 1 year
There was a rumor that both met in Chicago in early June 2018 after the Chicago date for Rep tour, which kinda checks out since there was a 6 day break for both that week before she went to Manchester and he began North American dates. Idk if it’s true but IWYW felt sus
You know I’ve always had suspicions they were meeting up in the summer 2018. When Taylor brought Niall out at her show at Wembley on June 24th he had on a shirt that said New York City
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Harry was performing at MSG that same day. This was the show him and kacey mustgraves sang Still the One where she changed the line to “they’re still together” instead of “we’re still together” and Harry gives this little smirk. Larries have been claiming this moment since it happened. I’ve just always thought it was odd for Niall to wear a NYC shirt In London.
Then at the end of July we get this pic of Harry with karlie in Italy
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If you zoom in on the reflection in the glass the person looks like Taylor.
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Maybe her and joe were on a break? Since they broke up it’s come out that this wasn’t the first time they had problems.
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everythingtaylor13 · 4 months
It’s 6 years since rep tour manchester today 🥹
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nevergavein · 1 year
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preraphaeliteknight · 2 years
I’d like to think Joe got a new hat for tour. Did he wear the black one for each stop in 2018??
Black hat for Glendale and Manchester
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No hat for London N1&2 and MetLife
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You know what would really knock people’s socks off? If he wore the Rep hat 😂
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brandnewdress · 2 years
sometimes I think about Taylor’s speech before the surprise song manchester night 1 on the rep tour she was like ‘you might not know this one’…it was ikywt
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miashyperfixations · 1 year
19.06.2023 @ The Sunflower Lounge, Birmingham (120 Capacity)
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Written June 2023
I first saw Beth play when she opened for Emlyn back in March and absolutely loved her set then, so I booked tickets for this show afterwards. 
I reached out to her via instagram around a month before the show and managed to secure work experience as she let me come and attend soundcheck to watch/observe because this is what I want to go onto in the future. I arrived at the venue a few hours before doors & by that time, they’d already set/mic’d up the drumkit but were in the process of doing everything else. This meant that I was able to watch them soundcheck to see how things operate at a small gig. I met both Beth & her drummer/MT, Michael who was her only other team member for this small tour. There was also a rep from LiveNation who was running most of it as well as the in-house sound engineer who I was able to talk to briefly.  They even had the same sound desk as the one at the college I attend so I was able to easily understand what he was saying. It gave me a lot of insight into how intimate some operations in the industry are & how simple the process can be. I was also able to help out setting up some LED lighting on stage in Beth’s signature colour, pink, & set up the merch desk in the bar above the venue, taking a stock check too. Due to my involvement in the proceedings of the day, I was given an AAA pass that was a sticker. I didn't take the back adhesive off it though, & just carried it in my pocket so I was able to keep it as a souvenir. 
One of beth’s more emotional songs is called ‘she gets the flowers’ & when we saw her in Manchester opening for Emlyn, an audience member gave her a singular flower during it & I took inspiration from this by making by making her a small bouquet of pink paper flowers in a little glass bottle with a label that had the date, venue & its size alongside a small message. I placed it in the small room at the back of the venue next to the items of her rider. When Beth noticed it right before the show, she absolutely loved it & said she was gonna keep it forever. 
Before the show, I went up into the bar above the venue to meet up with my sister & say hi to some of the audience members as they were all having drinks & mingling before doors opened. A week before the show, Beth had set up a group chat on instagram for all 3 shows & we’d all been talking for most of the week. It was cool to meet these people face to face & have a chance to talk to them before the show. The gig itself was absolutely amazing & I loved every second. The venue was so small that both Beth & her openers, Car Park, had to make their way through the crowd from the back of the room to get to the stage, but this also meant that it felt so much more intimate & set a relaxed feel. We were all able to enjoy ourselves without crushing each other & overall have a great time. Beth has plans to release songs that follow her journey of self-discovery to build up to an EP that’ll be released at the end.Starting with ‘What do you call it?’ in March, followed by ‘She’s Pretty’ in June. This meant that we were able to hear some unreleased songs, and not just the ones we heard at the Deaf Institute as ‘She’s pretty’ was one of those. After the gig, everyone went back up to the bar to continue to hang out & Beth also came up to talk to everyone & get pictures. She knew a few people that had reached out online or followed her for a while before this gig & took the time to talk to us all one by one - not just a photo & go.
This gig was even more enjoyable than most as I knew what had gone into it to make it happen & overall, the day was a fun experience as I was able to see how a gig runs & gain some more insight into all of the future career paths I'm considering. I love Beth's music and her current artistic direction so I look forward to the EP coming out soon!
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oohiremember · 1 year
honestly. the worst thing Taylor’s ever personally done to me is play IKYWT as her surprise song at the rep tour in Manchester
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