#request 1330
lostdrarryfics · 2 years
Hi! Sorry sorry I didn't know about the only one fic per ask rule!
This was the first fic: soulmates AU and iirc you got two names written on you, one was your soulmate and the other was like your nemesis, but you didn't know who was who, and Harry had both Draco and Tom riddles names, I remember there was also a tag for Harry Potter/Tom Riddle romance in it too, but endgame Drarry
Thanks for your help!
We believe you’re looking for Never Enough ('Cause the World Won't Understand) by @intheshadowsofao3 (125k, E)
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
My King
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Aegon Targaryen Couple - Aegon X Reader Reader - Y/n Targaryen (Aegons Wife) Rating - Sweet + Smut Word Count - 1330
Requested - I submitted a request/idea like this to another writer but I will not keep this like head canon idea type thing to myself........ Aegon is 100% the type to love his girl breastfeeding him... him being all stressed and angry or sad from the council not listening to him and Alicent being cruel and everything and he just wants to lay his head in her lap and latch his mouth onto her nipple and drink in her sweet milk... it makes him feel at peace... makes him feel wanted and loved and special
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Writers Notes - I actually loved this idea so much I made two versions of it, cause I couldn't decide which angle I liked better so this is Version one a second will be coming soon.
Y/n sat in the royal chambers, perched softly on the ottoman beside the fire. Wearing her sweet soft green cotton gown with long off-shoulder sleeves. The twilight of the hour cascades purple and gold across the floor and tapestry-lined walls. Maids and guards long since sent away leaving only gentle sounds behind, The sound of the fire's soft crackles and pops, the sounds of gentle sucking, and of sweet heavenly humming.
Y/n hums softly to the baby in her arms, his little body cradled so sweetly and gently as the new prince feeds from his mother's breast.
“There we are, all done my little prince,” She cooed as she pulled the baby from her breast, wiped his lips, kissed his forehead and stroked her fingers softly over his Targaryen silver hair, She chuckled slightly at the baby's milk drunk little face, eyes droopy and sleepy.
“Fuck those cunts!” Erupted from the door as Aegon forced his way into the chamber throwing open the doors, letting them smack into the stone walls to their sides. He turned and slammed the doors in the faces of the guards who followed him, screaming to the ceiling like his own dragon,
Y/n, blinked a few times before she set the baby in the crib, “Is… everything alright my king?” She cooed,
He ran his hand through his silver hair and took a breath, “I wish to burn this infernal castle to the ground.”
“I see.” She nodded, “May I ask why?”
“Everything is why!” He yelled, “My mother is being a pretentious little bitch! Gives me all the power in the world and then forbids me to do anything! My brother is being a self-initiated little prick! Anyone think he thought he was king! This council constantly going round and round in bloody circles! Undermining My AUTHORITY!” He paced,
“I understand Aegon,” She nodded,
“W-what?” He froze up a moment,
“I understand, that must be very hard. Very conflicting emotionally and politically. I’m sorry you have to feel this way,” She cooed,
He scoffed a moment, “How is it… that you are… as angelic as you are?” he leaned his arms on the back of the chair, “You know just what I need.”
“Years of practice,” She chuckled,
He let a laugh slip, “I was expecting you to tell me how foolish I am, for feeling this way.”
“You are not foolish for feeling this way, your feelings are never foolish.” she affirmed, “It is a complicated time, but you have every right to feel disheartened and upset as everyone else does.”
“You’re too sweet. For a man like me.”
“Perhaps that's why you need me,”
“Perhaps it is,” He chuckled finally his eyes meeting his wife, He smiled at her a moment letting out a rather happy and content sigh, but his eyes flicked down to her bare breast and his teeth caught his bottom lip,
“Ohh! Forgive me, my king, I was feeding the prince.” She blushed pulling her dress back up and tying the small ribbon,
“You have no need to apologise Y/n,” He cooed, “How is he? Baby Baelor?” he asked coming to the crib to loom over his son,
“He’s fine, sleeping well.”
“Thank the gods,” He nodded, “And you?”
“I am very well my king,”
He chuckled and sat down in the chair beside her ottoman, “You have no need to still call me that,”
“I know, I just like to,” she smiled,
“You are far too sweet, for me, for Kings Landing … for Westeros,” He said pressing his forehead to hers and caressing her cheek, “Must you love me so strongly?”
“I must,” She nodded,
“Hum…” He smiled rubbing his thumb on her cheek before softly pressing his lips to capture her own,
The two shared a soft and loving kiss for a few moments before he pulled back,
“Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” she asked,
His eyes trailed down from her lips, down her neck and lingered on her cleavage, he licked his lip and captured it once more in his teeth, “Mhm,” He growled,
Y/n blushed a moment, “Yes my king,” she nodded moving her hands to unlace the top of her dress tugging the dress down and holding it at her waist exposing both of her bare breasts to him,
He smirked a low growl in his throat as he took his time, looking at her. His eyes trail over every single inch of skin with a look of feist desire. After a while, he moves his hands to stroke her skin running his fingers gently across her, “what happened here?” He asked his thumb briefly brushing over the small mark on her tender breast just above her nipple,
“He bit me.”
“Bit you?” He rasied an eyebrow,
“It’s alright little guy just doesn’t know his strength yet,”
“You poor thing,” he cooed, “It’s a crime to bite something so beautiful,” He cooed fully cupping her breasts in his hands his thumbs softly circling her nipples watching with glee as they perked up and hardened for his attention, He gives her a few tender squeezes before his attention fully moves to her nipples brushing his thumbs over them in little clockwise circles around the pointed peak, only so often brushing the peak itself which always made her whimper, “May I, my queen?”
She blushed, “Of course my king,”
He smiled and moved to kneel on the floor his body between her legs, he laid his head softly on her thigh looking up at her with a joyful smile,
She smiled down at him and stroked his silver hair as he began to pepper her breast with kisses,
He made sure to kiss as much as he could before reaching her nipple, he slowly circled the hard peak with his tongue before lapping at the nipple with the side flat edge of his tounge, forcing a giggle from her, “So sensitive Y/n,” He cooed,
“Well they’ve been working hard feeding you both,” She chuckled,
“True,” He smirked, “Come here my angel,” He cooed taking her other breast in his hand and locking his lips around her nipple latching to it, he circled the nipple with his tounge a few more times before he began to gently and softly suckle,
“There we go, does this please you my king?” She cooed as she stroked his hair,
He nodded as he began to gently drink, making sure not to be too hard or too fast on her tender breast as he slowly suckled and drank her milk, as soon as the milk touched his tongue he began to moan and groan his eyes rolling back before squeezing shut completely, his other hand squeezes and rubs her nipple on the other breast while he enjoys her sweet milk.
“Not too much, or there’ll be none left for Baby Baelon,” She chuckled,
“Hummm” He nodded a little dismissively enjoying himself far too much to stop,
She chuckled and rolled her eyes a little petting his silver hair and caressing his cheek as she held him in her lap letting him drink and play for a good while until finally, he pulled back.
Ageon licked her nipple clean and wiped his mouth, “You make me feel… so peaceful my angel,”
“I’m glad I can, I’m just happy you feel better.”
“I feel much better now,” he cooed nuzzling into her lap, “I love you y/n,”
“I love you too Aegon,” She smiled giving his cheek a soft little kiss, 
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
Can I please request a Dom!Theon with Sub!F reader smut!! Like the scene with Theon and Yara on the horse but continued later that night🥵 I love your writing!!
Theon Greyjoy*Give it Back
Pairing: Theon x f!reader
Word count: 1330
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Warnings: teasing, enemies to lovers, make out, f! receiving oral, smut, 18+
A/n: this does deviate from your request a bit but I just couldn’t figure out how I wanted to do it that way so hope this dom theon works instead lol
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You had arrived at Winterfell a couple of weeks ago with your family while they were conducting business with the Starks, but business was far from your mind. For some reason your mind had been taken over by some cocky, good for nothing, ridiculous, mean, pompous, gorgeous boy who somehow was so attractive despite his arrogance. You say this since the first time you met Theon, he tried to flex on who his father was and who he was and how great he was. You were half tempted to punch him in his very kissable face.
Instead, you decided to try ignoring him to curb your stares. “Look who it is,” Theon’s voice snapped you from your peace. You were sat at a table in the courtyard reading a book when you felt Theon’s arm fall over your shoulders, “Little lady sunshine,”
“Hello Greyjoy,” you said, refusing to take your eyes off your book.
“Leave off,” Robb laughed as he pulled Theon from you and moved to sit beside you. Theon quickly moved to sit across from you with Jon beside him. the three of them continued their conversation while you read, trying to ignore them all when suddenly.
“Hey!” Theon snatched your book. “Give it back!”
“Or what?” Theon snorted, “You’ll make me? I’d like to see you try,”
“Oh really?” you asked, standing up and pretending to be tough though you new it was a façade, “Give me it back,” you instructed again holding your hand out.
Theon laughed as he stood up, holding it out however just as you reached out, he snatched it back, “Or what?”
You sighed as you stepped over the bench and went to leave, “You are an ass Greyjoy,”
“Cmon,” he called after you. “Was only joking,”
You however ignored him as you rushed inside and decided to walk back to your room however you heard footsteps following you, “Hey wait!” you ignored Theon’s calls as you walked up the stairs with him coming closer to you. “Cmon I was only teasing,”
You turned round the corner heading to your chambers when you felt Theon grab your wrist, “Here you can have it back,” he said, holding the book out to you again.
This time you paused, sizing him up before suddenly trying to grab it but instead he just held it up out of your reach. You angrily sighed and went to storm down the corridor but Theon quickly caught back up, grabbing your wrist and turning you till your back was against the wall and he was stood in front of you, “You’re a feisty one,” he said and you hated the fact you were getting turned on by this asshole.
“Are you gonna give it to me or not?”
Theon smirked, stepping closer to you, “Well I could. If you asked nicely,”
“I’m talking about the book,”
“So am I,” he teased, leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Though we both know you want something else from me,” his lips across your cheeks till they hovered over your lips, “Go on. Tell me to go away and I will. Unless you don’t want me to that is,”
You felt your breath get caught in your throat then suddenly your lips moved up as if with a mind on their own as they pressed against his. Theon was shocked at first but soon melted into the kiss. His hand moved to hold himself up against the wall while yours moved to his shoulder, trailing down his arm then…
“Hey!” Theon protested as you snatched the book and ran down the corridor giggling. You managed to open your chamber door but as you went to shut it Theon held the door open, “You took my book,”
“It’s my book,”
“Says who?”
“Tells me,”
“Oh yeah?” he said, pushing his way into your room not that you were trying very hard to stop him, “Why’d you kiss me?” His question however caught you off guard as you tried to stutter a reply, but he continued speaking cutting you off, “If I didn’t know any better id say you like when I tease you. think I don’t notice it when you blush?”
“I don’t blush,” you mumbled, realising the door was shut.
Theon laughed, raising an eyebrow, “No you do. I see you do it. I see that cute little face of yours get all embarrassed when I rile you up,”
“You’re an ass,” you tried to say but he wrapped an arm around your back, pulling you flush against his chest making you gasp, “What are you doing?”
“What do you want me to do?” he asked, his eyes searching your face. You tried to avoid his gaze, but he used a finger to make you face him, “I asked you a question. Do you want me to leave? Or do you want me to show you how a Greyjoy does it?” he asked, his hot breath fanning your face.
Your lips really must have a mind of their own cause they were suddenly pressed to his again. You dropped the book, no longer caring about it as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. His arms tightened around your waist, pulling you flush against him as his tongue ran over your bottom lip. When you didn’t open his hand suddenly moved to squeeze your ass. You gasped into the kiss and Theon took the opportunity.
Suddenly you felt him walking you towards the bed. Your knees hit the back of the frame and Theon only broke the kiss to push you to fall on your back on the bed. “What are you- “you tried to ask as he sunk to his knees in front of you, pulling you to the edge of the bed, “Theon- “
“Its my lord to you,” he instructed as he pushed up your skirts, “This is what you wanted isn’t it?” he asked, his hands wandering up your thighs, “Me in your chambers like a dirty little secret? Teasing you, touching you, making your eyes roll to the back of your skull?” he said before suddenly nipping your thighs making you gasp, “I asked a question,” he said with a pointed look.
“Yes, my lord,” you said though it was half a whimper when his head dipped down and you could suddenly feel his hot breath fanning your wet cunt, “Please Theon-I mean my lord. Please just fuck do something please,”
“That’s more like it,” he grinned, kissing your inner thigh, “Love it when you beg for me. Knew you were dirty, so I did. fucking love, it,” he said, his mouth moving further up till he placed a kiss to your clit making you moan.
He took this as encouragement however as his lips moved to lick over your clit, your hand shooting out to grab his hair as he did so. His tongue began to work wonders, massaging your bundle of nerves before moving down to your hole. You gasped when you felt it sink in, your legs moved to rest on his shoulders. Theon’s hands moved to grab your thighs, his fingernails sinking into your flesh as his nose began to nuzzle against your clit.
You couldn’t help the moans and whimpers that came from you especially not with a knot quickly tightening in your stomach. As you felt yourself come closer to the edge Theon moaned against your cunt, vibrations shooting down your spine as you felt your body tighten before you finally reached your peak while tugging on his curls. “Oh fuck, Theon,” you moaned, his tongue not stopping till you fell limp on the bed.
You were both panting as he came up for air with a grin on his now wet face, “So much for hating me,” he chuckled as he moved to lay on the bed beside you. he brushed the hair out your face as his lips moved to hover over yours, “Now where were we?”
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werelosingdaylight · 2 years
That’s my girl
Shuntaro Chishiya x Suguru!Reader
Suguru Niragi x Sister!Reader
SUMMARY| Being Niragis sister and Dating Chishiya was bound to cause conflict between you and Your brother, but when Niragi crosses a line by threatening Chishiya in front of you. You decide it’s time for him to get a reminder from when you were kids, and a little warning that if he kept coming after Chishiya, he wouldn’t be able to do it again.
WARNINGS: Violence from Reader to Niragi.
Adm note: Last post for the night! Also, I know that in reality you would never do this to your sibling, or maybe you wouldn’t be able to take down Niragi but it is a fanfiction! I love you all, be sure to let me know what you think!
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You loved your brother, truly you did, but he had turned into a completely different person. He was no longer the sweet boy who would help you with homework, or the boy that needed you to scare away his bullies. He became the bully.
You had both been pulled into this game and were separated from each other, when you reunited you didn't even recognize your own blood. After finding out Niragi was your brother, Chishiya asked you out; originally it was just for his plan because he assumed you were just like Niragi. Like brother Like sister, right?
Until he actually ended up falling for you that is, because while you mirrored your brother in certain aspects you also had some of the complete opposite traits. Niragi was a shoot first and ask questions later type of person, where as you went through every possible option and only resorted to killing when there was no other choice.
Your brother was upfront with what he wanted and would take it with no remorse, You would keep what you wanted to yourself and manipulate others into giving it to you but let them think they wanted to give it to you. You were two halves of the same coin.
After falling for your complex mind and you holding his heart in your hands until you crafted its rhythms to only beat for you, he told you about his plan and how originally he was only using you. Of course you had been hurt but after realizing you could die at any moment, and you would rather die in the warmth of his embrace than by yourself just to be another name and face lost in the game of death, you accepted him and his plan.
Everyone in the beach knew who you were, who wouldn't when Niragi shot someone because they accidentally pushed you into the pool, and one thing they noted was that while Niragi was protective of those he loved; you were worse.
While Niragi was quick to kill a threat to the people he loved, you would mentally torture them or beat them so bad that they would start shaking from being in the same room as you. You enjoyed the fear that came from people, and they had quickly learned not to cross you, not because of your brother but because of you.
So, the news of you dating Chishiya had spread faster than a wildfire in a drought, Niragi was not happy with the news and had been threatening Chishiya into breaking up with you. It was only recently that Chishiya decided to confide in you about it, but he also told you not to do anything you would regret.
After that you kept a closer eye on your boyfriend, and you're glad you did because the scene in front of you had your blood boiling. Niragi was in Chishiyas face, his gun pointed to your boyfriends temple but despite the gun to his head Chishiya kept his calm composure
When Niragi was seemingly done he walked away like he had won a big prize. You sent Kuina, without a doubt your closest friend at the beach, who had been standing beside you watching the scene, over to make sure Chishiya was okay; you knew he would say he was fine but you needed to disappear without her stopping you.
Once she had her sights set on Chishiya, you sunk back into the crowd, disappearing from their line of sight as you blended into the sweat covered bodies of the partiers. Your sight was firmly set on your brothers disappearing form, hurrying through the crowd; being careful not to let your two piece untie, you followed after him.
Mentally you cursed his longer legs, both of you had been blessed with legs that made you faster than others; his being long but you had what your mother called 'Athlete Legs'
"Niragi!" You called after your brother once you had escaped other people vision, you were in some alleyway, normally where they disposed of traitors and threw them into the dumpster.
"Hey, little sis. What made you want to pay me a visit?" He asked but his voice was teasing, the way he addressed you had also changed, back in the real world he would affectionately call you 'little monkey' because you enjoyed climbing trees when you were younger, and to be honest you still did, but never got to because you're now an adult and for some reason it's looked down upon for adults to have fun.
Without saying anything you kneed him in the balls, causing him to lurch forward, where you took the opportunity to grab the gun off his shoulders and hit him on the back with it. His head smacked into the concrete with such force that you heard a crack followed by him groaning; you broke his nose.
"I warned you to leave Chishiya alone, this is your second warning. Keep bothering him? I'll make sure you stay down, as of now; you are dead to me. You are not my brother, and if you keep coming after my boyfriend you won't be breathing anymore. Am I understood?" Your voice was cold to the point where a chill went down to Niragis bones, he knew you meant every word you said.
He nodded, blood pouring from his nose as flashbacks faintly played in his head of Highschool; he was no longer in the borderlands but back in the deserted area with his bullies, only now it was you who was squatting beside him without a care for if he was okay.
He felt something cold press against the back of his head as you moved to put the pressure of your knee into his spine, causing pain to course through every atom of his body. "I said; Am I Understood?" Your voice rang out again, somehow even colder than before from not receiving a verbal response.
"Yes. I understand." His words came out weak and scared, for once in the borderlands Niragi was terrified, and it was at the hands of his own sister.
"Good." You threw the gun down the alleyway, knowing by the time he grabbed it you would be gone and even if you weren't he wouldn't have the heart to kill his little sister. Getting off of his back, you made sure to stomp the heel of your foot into his right hand, the same hand he shoots his gun with, until you heard another crack. He wouldn't be shooting the gun for a while.
Making your way out of the alley, while your brother unsteadily got up from the ground, you walked back to the front of the beach. Going to where Kuina stood with Chishiya at her side. "Where did you run off too? I turned around and you were gone." Kuina had asked because Chishiya didn't need too, he knew what you had done and it made his heart warm with a feeling of reassurance; you wouldn't leave him.
"I just had something to take care of." You shrugged off her question like it was nothing, because to you it wasn't. Everyone's attention turning to Niragi who was limping into the main area with a bloodily nose and cradling his broken hand, you didn't miss the glare he shot your way, but underneath that you could see the hurt hidden away in the shadows of his eyes.
"Did you..?" Kuina was cut off by you raising an eyebrow at her and responding as you grabbed Chishias hand that rested in his jacket pocket.
“No one gets to mess with my boyfriend except for me, not even my brother.” Kuina looked taken aback by your response, not even hiding the fact that you had injured Niragi, nor were you worried about the fact that he might come after you.
Meanwhile, Chishiya felt nothing but pride bubble in his chest as he thought ‘That’s my girl.’
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scotianostra · 4 months
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On 7th June 1329 Robert the Bruce died at his manor near Cardross, Dumbarton.
King Robert was buried at Dunfermline Abbey, his heart was removed and embalmed. As recorded in 14th Century John Barbour’s “The Bruce”, as he requested, his heart was to be taken to Jerusalem by Sir James Douglas, known as “The Black Douglas” , accompanied by Sir William St Clair of Roslin, Sir Robert and Sir Walter Logan, Sir William Keith, Sir Alan Cathcart and Sir Symon Loccard of Lee, and one other knight unnamed. Sir James Douglas was killed at the Battle of Teba, on 25th August, 1330.
An embalmed heart, thought to be that of Robert the Bruce was discovered at Melrose Abbey in 1921, re-located in 1996 and re-interred in 1998 marked with a memorial which reads “A Nobel Hart May Have Nane Ease Gif Freedom Failye.” written by John Barbour in 1375, which translates, “A noble heart can know no ease without freedom.”
The tomb you see in Dunfermline Abbey, in the second photo, is not the original it was sadly destroyed during the reformation, the picture shows how it may have looked, contemporary sources record that his grave was by a monument commissioned prior to his death and imported from Paris.
I posted pics of King Robert's tomb after I visited last weekend, here is a wee bit more, the pics include how the original tomb may have looked.
During the building of the present parish church in 1818, workmen discovered a skeleton, believed to be that of the king. Whether or not the skeleton is actually that of Bruce, or one of the other kings known to have been buried in the abbey, is still a subject of debate. However, other excavations between c1790 and 1820 also discovered fragments of carved and gilded stone, variously described as marble or alabaster, which were identified as pieces of Bruce’s vanished monument.
These pieces are now preserved in the collections of The Hunterian, National Museums Scotland, and Dunfermline Museum, who also commissioned the 3D reconstruction you see in the photos.
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nevermore-baby · 2 years
Hii i have requested about ajax x reader that is a vamp but is a late bloomer. And can't turn into a bat (lets just go with it ok...) and ajax comforts her and later on scares the shit out of her just for her to turn into a bat🦇 (its Christmas season there) its just something i came up with i would love to see youbwork on this
hey, i've tried my best to create something, so here it is! something for sure. Not really proofread as I kinda rushed to finish it, so lemme know if something is very out of it.
pairing: ajax petropolus x vampire!reader
warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, reader being a lil bitch (but ajax doesn't mind), me trying to be creative, use of pet names (baby, sweetheart), implied fem!reader but no pronouns used
word count: 1330
Loud clicks of the keyboard filled the room. It was, well, loud, and annoying, and repetitive, and you could swear if you heard it for another minute you would blow up from the inside like a fucking ballon.
“Goddamn it, Ajax! Can you not?” You exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air, then dropping back on the bed with a loud thonk.
Ajax stopped typing, turning to you, silent “what?” in his eyes.
“The typing. It’s loud.” You pointed to his computer, pouting. Ajax looked back and forth between you and the computer,
“Hey, I’m just doing my homework”, he said softly, “can’t you just wear your headphones?”
“They are out of battery”, you huffed, rolling your eyes.
“The other ones?” he enquired, raising his eyebrows.
“They are as well”, you mumble, quickly losing the heat from your voice. It was embarrassing, not only were you being so irritable, you were also incredibly forgetful - usually on top of everything, you were now constantly behind, Ajax having to go around and remind you of things thousands of times.
You were acting like a bitch and you knew it. You just couldn’t help it - everyone was so annoying recently. With The Hyde, and Enid wolfing out, and everyone being happy they defeated the whatever-that-guy’s-name-was, you couldn’t help but feel useless. Sirens helped evacuate the school, Enid fought The Hyde, Eugene and his bees saved Wednesday from ms Thornill. You were just there. Not anyone special. Part of the crowd. Not only that, you were also a late bloomer amongst those able to shift - and as Enid finally wolfed out, that made just a couple of you across the school. All you wanted was for your fucking bat to come out before parent weekend - or your mum, in her bat form, will nibble on you until your bones show. Or so you thought
You sat on the bed sulkily, too deep in your thoughts, before you noticed Ajax come over and settle near you. You looked at him, with his arms spread, leaning into a hug hesitantly, letting go a couple seconds later.
“What’s up, beautiful?”, he asked, sitting across you cross-legged, smile soft and gentle.
You sighed, not really knowing where to begin.
“I don’t know, gosh, it’s just… everyone has been so helpful during the attack, and I felt just so useless”, you said quietly, embarrassed.
“Hey, you weren’t useless, you helped just like everyone else-“
“I couldn’t even help the vampires!” you interrupted, voice quavering, tears swelling in the corners of your eyes. “Because my stupid bat form can’t come in!”
“Hey, hey, are you crying?” Ajax, eyes filled with worry, pulled you in, shifting around in bed to make you comfortable, before resting your head on his shoulder. For some minutes, he could only hear your muffled sobs, feeling the wetness from your cheeks on his T-shirt. He felt his chest ache for you, he hated seeing you cry, and the past weeks you’ve been more and more on edge about not being able to take your bat form, but there wasn’t anything Ajax could do. Or…
“Hey, sweetheart”, he called softly. You glanced at him owlishly, waiting for him to continue. 
“How about I help you with your bat form?”
“You can do that for me?”. You sat up excitedly, eyes glued to Ajax’s face, face lighting up with hope. And looking at your hopeful expression, Ajax knew - he would do anything to see you carefree and happy again. 
“Promise not to get mad at anything I do, though”, he added with a grin, making you laugh.
You were really losing your temper. Ajax asked to meet up today - for the reason he would not disclose - near the abandoned shed used by Xavier for his drawing that apparently was the nicest meeting point out there. It was getting dark, and it kept raining, and despite all your attempts, all your messages and calls were unanswered - except the first one, when Ajax confirmed how it was “incredibly important for you to come to the shed”. So, not having much of a choice, you had to drag your ass in the cold and rain all the way to that freaking shed. 
When you arrived, there was no one in sight, but a set of footprints, not completely ruined by the rain, led to the front door. You followed them, hesitating for a second, before knocking on the door quietly. After getting no answer, you nudged the door slightly, opening it and revealing the darkness inside. Contemplating for a bit, you decided that Xavier won’t be too mad if you went in - the rain was getting heavy and you had no strength inside you to wait outside. 
The shed was dark and empty, rid of all the Hyde portraits, so you just stood, prepped against the wall, checking your phone once more. In the light coming from the screen you saw something move at the corner of your eye. You shifted uncomfortably, looking around, but seeing nothing but absolute pitch-black shed. You felt your heart skip a beat, heartbeat racing, and then you finally reached out to search the wall for the switch. Flickering the switch, you got blinded by the bright light for a split second, before you could finally see the shed for yourself - empty, like you thought. Humming to yourself, you went back to your phone. Suddenly, something moved once again and you froze. 
The curtain, covering the big easel with a canvas on it, shifted, although the air in the shed was completely still. 
“Hello?” You moved closer, crouching down to lift the curtain, but before you could do that, something big and black appeared from underneath it. A very angry-looking rottweiler - the one dog you were scared to death of - was baring its teeth at you, getting ready to lunge at you with its full body wait. 
You felt your palms sweat and your heart beat accelerate, flight or fight kicking in. Putting your hands in front of you, you moved slowly backwards, repairing quiet “it’s okay” and “please calm down”, before eventually bumping into the door. You knew not to make sharp, quick movements, but the heavy door would require you to turn around and pull it, so you counted to three in your head before turning around to open it. And it didn’t budge. Either you closed it too hard, or the dampness got to it, but you moving the handle up and down didn’t do a thing to it, but the clanking of the metal handle did get to the dog - judging by the loud growling coming from behind.
You turned your head, catching a glimpse of the dog jumping at you, before shutting your eyes, bracing yourself. And then… nothing happened. You felt… weird, to say the least. Light, and fluttery and… 
You opened your eyes, seeing black with occasional dots, and then when it hit you - you were a bat. You were in the air, so you flew up to the shelf, hanging down. You didn’t hear the dog bark anymore - so that was weird. But you were safe, and a bat, so the evening could be considered successful. 
“Can I go down now?” asked a long-haired boy, standing on the ladder so he could see through a little window on the wall of the shed. Ajax, one ear glued to the door, nodded quickly. 
“You think we did it?” he asked, reaching out for the handle. 
“Well, we didn’t hear any screams and she looked fine, just kinda… terrified, and then she just disappeared”, reported Xavier, carefully jumping off the last step of the ladder into the muddy puddle. 
“Baby, you’re in here?” Ajax asked, coming into the shed. “Baby?” He looked around, brows furrowed with confusion, before hearing a loud, high-pitched “ping”, something black flying right at him, planting itself on his face.
“Hello to you too, sweetheart.” He laughed, carefully detaching your talons from his face. 
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
an evening meal ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (kinktober entry)
word count ; 1330
content ; sexually explicit content, mild body worship, food play, breast worship, oral sex (fem receiving)
fandom ; the little mermaid / disney animation
pairing ; ariel x male reader
read also on ; ao3
note ; technically this is set somewhere between the first film and the sequel, shortly after ariel’s had her first child with the reader (postpartum bodies need more love imo and so here we are — it’s not a major point but it’s mentioned a few times, so there’s the context).
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
Ariel had always loved to experiment, had for as long as you’d loved her, but of everything she’d sprung on you this was by far your favourite — and not just because of how fond you were of sweet things.
She was stunning: ginger hair let loose out of its usual tight and formal up-do and left to fall around her delicately flushed face and neck, with most of it sprawling out across the pillows in a sort of messy halo; thin lips, wet and pink from the gloss she’d applied that same morning (and marked covered your face with just before she left), curled upwards into a mischievous grin, the smallest hint of her white teeth peeking out as she worried her lower lip between them for a few moments before letting it go once again; an intricate trail of delicious honey, glistening and golden, weaving it’s way down between her pert breasts (themselves decorated with a generous helping of that fluffy cream you’d seen your servants transporting between the kitchens and dining area all week) and meandering to her navel, it’s application clear and deliberate and almost artistic as you took it in; carefully melted chocolate, your favourite sort, seeped into the stretch marks on her stomach, waist and thighs, mapping out a crackling path to the sweetest delicacy of her body — the dripping pussy that was on full display between her slender, spread legs. God, how you longed to bury your face in it and lick her until she couldn’t even remember her own name, until everything from your eyelashes to your throat were drenched in her juices.
But all of that could wait, as your beloved wife had something much more interesting planned and you were never one to turn down such a tantalising dessert… especially not when your time together had been made so sparse after your daughter’s birth, anyway…
You started with her face.
More specifically, you started with the very tip of her nose because whenever you kissed it your wonderful wife broke out in a brief fit of giggles that made your heart soar like you were a kid again. Kissing up the dipping bridge to her forehead and brows, smoothing down her hair and whispering half-laughed, earnest ‘I love you’s and teasing ‘what will I do with you?’s that you couldn’t say with a straight face as Ariel’s shoulders shook and her ocean blue eyes grew damp with silent laughter that was no less contagious for her efforts. Biting your own lips to stop yourself from smiling as you caressed the side of her face, and failing miserably at remaining somewhat stoic when she turned her head and nuzzled her face into the palm of your hand, pecking the very middle and smiling up at you with such warmth you nearly wept. Unable to stop yourself from pressing a chaste kiss to those wet, bitten lips as you both laughed, and wheezed, and told each other to ‘be quiet’ in whispered laughter, and failed miserably when she snorted out a laugh that had you both clinging to each other as you cried, and giggled, and kissed over and over again like the lovesick teenagers you once were.
But you were adults, parents, now. Adults that should probably care about covering their pure white shirts and perfectly ironed trousers in sticky honey, fresh cream, and melted chocolate — but only probably.
Though you never really felt like a fully fledged grownup with your wife, so neither of you cared enough to comment on it as you settled between those smooth legs of hers and started to kiss and lick your way down her body. Lapping up every sweet flavour and jovially teasing her for every moan or gasp or whimper she let out in response to your touch — even jokingly moaning back at her when you licked a dollop of the stuff off of her nipple, which earned you a huffy whisper of your name and a very gentle flick to the shell of your ear.
Some things really never change, and you were glad for it.
Glad that even as you grew older, more tired and serious by necessity, that you were still able to be playful with your partner. Grateful that she allowed you to kiss and lick and suck along the most intimate and sensitive parts of her changed body, her own playful confidence unaffected by the new lines and ridges that spiralled across her waist and thighs, nor the new softness of her stomach — in fact she seemed even more self assured for it. More lively, more experimental, more in love and, in your eyes, more beautiful than ever.
More beautiful than ever before as you lifted those thighs up off of the bed and let them rest comfortably over your shoulders. More beautiful than ever as she hoisted herself up on her elbows and smiled down at you with rose red cheeks and her messy hair obscuring bits of her enchanting eyes. More beautiful than ever as she reached down and entangled one trembling hand in your hair, half playing with it and half tugging you closer as you, with a mouth full of sticky sweet honey and a tongue coated with melted chocolate, leaned forward and finally pressed your lips to her neglected pussy — smelling and tasting her wetness immediately and moaning at how aroused she’d become.
How it felt like the first time all over again, this time with more sweetness, less awkward laughter and no accidental teeth collision. You were too old for that, though just barely, and you liked to think that you were much better at pleasing her (eating her, devouring her) than you were back then.
You knew when to wrap your lips around her clit and how hard to suckle on it to have her bucking up into your mouth. You knew how long to spend alternating between slow, flat stripes and tender, quick kitten licks before thrusting something into her entrance without her having to beg. You knew when to move from one finger to two, and then to three, and what to do with them to have her seeing stars and soaking your face with her cum — when to scissor and thrust and crook, and whereabouts to target those movements to lead to her clamping her thighs around your head as she cries out for you so loudly you fear she might wake the baby as she sleeps in the next room. You knew when to turn your head to one side and kiss her, mouthing words of praise let her know how much she’s loved: beautiful, you taste amazing, I love you, just like that, good girl, I love you so much, keep on going darling, I love you, I love you, I love you.
You knew all of that now, so clearly something had changed — you had changed — and yet you felt exactly as you did all those years ago. Felt like that anxious young man desperate to please his fiancée but unsure of where to start, getting drunk off of her taste and so into the sounds she’s making (those whimpers and moans and trembling cries for you to do something — and you knew you’d do anything she asked in a heartbeat, or sooner) that you already feel unbearably hot and restricted by your clothes despite remaining completely untouched.
So very different and yet so very the same. Older, maybe wiser, but no less in love with the woman who had left behind everything for you and was all the more admirable, stubborn, and beautiful for it. A mother and a mermaid, a wife and woman stronger than any other you’d known, and a queen worth more than her weight in gold — as well as someone so adventurous that she willingly covered her body and your marital bed with things that stain just to have some fun.
You really were the luckiest man in the world…
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percervall · 2 years
Going for walks in the woods
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Player: Kostas Tsimikas Words: 1330 Requested: no, but dedicated to @kostasstsimikass for writing A+ Kos fanfics (and to celebrate two wins in a row, who would've thought that would happen based on our performance so far? Not me 😅) Warnings: None, pure fluff A/N: This idea wouldn't leave me alone when I read the prompt. Please let me know what you think 🧡
Autumn masterlist
He pulled his scarf tighter around his face. It was a lovely autumn morning; the air was crisp and a fog danced low over the ground. The still rising sun cast long shadows over the trails leading deeper into the woods. Kostas was still getting used to the cold. He had managed when he lived in the Netherlands, and he was sure he’d get used to it in Liverpool as well. He turned his face up when a ray of sun filtered through the canopy of the trees, taking a deep breath. A smile tugged on his lips as he felt the warmth on his cheeks. It was still early, there were hardly any people on the trails this morning so he took his time soaking up the sun. His two dogs were waiting for their owner to continue walking, one more patiently than the other. Before it really registered, Kostas felt Fuerte tug on the leash, pulling it out of his hand. Kostas tried to get a better grip, but Fuerte had already run off. The Liverpool defender let out a string of curses. He called after his dog, picking up the pace with Maui.
She was enjoying the silence of the woods. Normally, she didn’t have time to go on a run before work but today was her day off. She looked at her watch to check her heart rate and distance, but looked up when she heard barking. The dog was running straight towards her, tongue hanging out. He seemed to be enjoying himself, letting out another bark before jumping up against her. She let out a laugh, not moving quick enough. She lost her balance and fell on her bum, letting out a shriek as she went down. The dog was quick to come lick her face.
“Hey bud, okay, alright. Thank you for the kisses,” she cooed, moving to sit up and pulling the dog away from her face. She scratched him behind the ears as she looked for a tag on his collar. The dog plopped on his hind legs, letting her pet him.
“Where’s your owner, bud? Hmm? What are you doing all by yourself?” she murmured, still petting the dog. They both looked up when they heard someone calling out. The dog barked once, but made no attempt to leave.
“That your owner, bud?” she asked him, getting a lick in return making her laugh once more. 
“I am so sorry!” Kostas said when he spotted Fuerte licking a stranger’s face, “Fuerte, come here boy!” 
Fuerte looked at him, tilting his head, but made no attempt to listen. Instead he planted his front paws on the woman’s thighs, giving her another lick. The woman let out a laugh, scratching him behind the ears. She pushed the dog off her lap and rose from the ground.
“Here,” she said, handing him the leash, “I think this belongs to you?” Her eyes twinkled with the laughter still evident in her voice. Kostas muttered a thank you, taking in the mud on her olive green running leggings.
“I’m sorry for ruining your clothes. He normally behaves very well,” Kostas apologised. The woman shrugged, looking at her leggings as if to assess the damage. “That’s what they invented washing machines for.” She threw him a smile when she looked back up. Kostas was struck by her beauty; her coppery blond hair was pulled up in a ponytail, she had a gorgeous smile that reached her hazel brown eyes. The sunlight filtering through the trees highlighted a dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Kostas was aware that he was staring. He cleared his throat, looking away from her to his two dogs. 
“Let me- can I make it up to you? Can I buy you a coffee? Or- or tea?” he rambled. She chuckled, pulling the sleeves of her top over her hands.
“I’ll never say no to tea. There’s a café near the car park which also has a to go window. I was heading that direction anyway,” she said, pointing behind Kostas. 
“So, how long have you been in England?” she asked, breaking the initial silence on their walk back to the car park.
“Since August. I moved here for work. My dogs came over last month,” he answered. 
“What do you do for work, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Ah, I’m a footballer. For Liverpool. You’re not an Everton fan, are you?” he replied jokingly.
She chuckled. “No, I’m from London originally, don’t worry. If anything, I’m a Gunner.” 
“As my teammate would say, at least not a Manc,” Kostas grinned, causing her to laugh. 
They reached the café and Kostas ordered them both a hot drink. She directed them to an empty bench and they sat down. Fuerte and Maui laid down at Kostas’s feet, more than happy to stay there for a bit. 
“So,” Kostas said, breaking the silence, “do you often go to the woods?” She nodded and took another sip.
“I try to go for a run every day after work. Helps clear the cobwebs after a day stuck behind a screen.” They were quiet for a moment. Kostas fidgeted with the carton sleeve of his to go mug, wanting to ask her for at least her number, but not knowing how without seeming like a total creep. She took her final sip, throwing the empty cup in the bin as she got up.
“Thanks for the tea Kostas. And thank you for the kisses Fuerte,” she said, crouching down to give both dogs a final head scratch. 
“You’re welcome. See you around maybe?” Kostas said. She smiled at him and nodded.
“I hope so.” And off she went, leaving Kostas behind with his thoughts. Fuerte looked at him, head slightly tilted as if to say really? After all I did for you? 
“I know, I know…” he muttered, rising to stand as well. “Come one, let’s go home.” 
“For fuck’s sake, not again,” Kostas groaned when Fuerte tugged his leash loose again. He normally prided himself on how well-behaved his dogs were, but Fuerte had figured out to strike when he was distracted –which he was seeing as he had been deep in thought, mind on the games coming up. Fuerte let out a happy bark and ran off. Kostas was quick to follow him, breaking out into a jog, pulling Maui along with him. He was a defender for crying out loud; he should be able to catch his dog, but Fuerte had other ideas. Kostas heard the person finding his dog before he could see them. Hearing them laugh set off butterflies in his stomach. 
“Did you run off again Fuerte? Maybe we need to talk to Kos and see if we can go running together, hm?” she whispered to the dog, petting his head. She chuckled when Fuerte licked her cheek in agreement.
“Sorry, I swear I trained him better than this,” Kostas said, rubbing his neck. She looked up, meeting his eyes and smiled at him. 
“It’s okay. Fuerte and I are best buds, aren’t we?” she cooed. Fuerte let out a bark in reply. 
Kostas laughed at that. After Fuerte’s first run in with her, they’d met up a couple of times to walk his dogs together which evolved into them falling head over heels for each other. She had moved into his apartment last week and their one year anniversary was coming up next month. 
“How was your run?” he asked her, taking her hand in his as they walked to the car park. Fuerte had decided that she was the only one to hold his leash, so they each had a dog.
“It was good. Love this time of year,” she replied with a smile, squeezing his hand.
“Mm, me too. Love you more though,” Kostas said, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. She chuckled, leaning over to give him a quick kiss. 
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teenz-stories · 11 months
Teen-Z: Forever Young #1: I Don’t Wanna Be Your Ex (Part 5)
Meanwhile Wiccy and Cody are inside the studio. Nerd girl now talks with the person who's seller of it. Finally Wiccy goes out.
Cody: And?
Wiccy: Three thousand Zeedollars if we want to borrow it for a month.
Cody’s eyes goes wide in shock
Wiccy: I have only 250 Zeedollars. Still I didn’t gotten my paycheck from my boss from that programing job I have.
Cody: I will check my donates but I don’t think I earned that much neither.
Wiccy: Donates? She raises her eyebrow up confused Wait. You’re a streamer?! Since when?
Cody: I thought that smoothie stand was earning kinda meh cash. So I started to do some game streams. Peoples pay me because they love seeing me getting mad over losing in the game. He checks his website 340 Zeedollars from four streams I did this month.
Wiccy: 590 Zeedollars. She smacks her lips It’s not enough. We gotta ask team. Or. She looks at Cody How much did you earned this month from that stand of yours?
Cody: looks at his pockets as he starts counting money Around 90 Zeedollars this week.
Wiccy: hisses between her teeth What about for whole month?!
Cody: shrugs laughing nervously
Wiccy: You spended all your money for the games,didn’t you?
Cody: I wanted to do content! Without any games my channel on ShiverTV wouldn’t make any sense!
Wiccy: starts calculating This makes 680 Zeedollars. We still need 2320. She pulls out her phone as she proceeds to call whole crew
After long moment of waiting whole crew appears.
Wiccy: How much did you all earned from your weekend jobs?
Mermaid steps out first showing her pastel pink wallet.
Mermaid: Well. From whole month working during weekends in the spa I earned 650 Zeedollars. It’s pretty good start,isn’t it? You need financial help from us to pay for the studio?
Wiccy: shyly nods
Mermaid: No worries. She gives Wiccy her money I have still money on my credit card.
Wiccy: again calculates This makes now 1330  Zeedollars. 1670 more. Who wanna help now?
Charlie steps out showing his dark-blue wallet.
Charlie: I work in tattoo studio.
Belze-Bob: nods showing everyone burning wheel tattoo on his shoulder He did awesome job last week on mine.
Charlie: I earned for this month 570 Zeedollars. He gives Nerd his money For the studio to give my girlfriend perfect music video.
Wiccy: Good. 1100 more. Who wanna share now?
Luvboy sighs coming to the front with his phone.
Alvin: I am amateur animator. And recently I opened on ICoffee my page where I post commission prices. The longer animation is,the more customer needs to pay. So for short clips I receive 20 Zeedollars. For 3 minutes long music videos you need to pay me 60 Zeedollars. However if you want to produce small episode of anything you like and it has over 10 minutes. Price goes already to 130 Zeedollars and more if you ask for details. So. For short clips during this whole month I gotten 120 Zeedollars. For music videos I gotten 300 Zeedollars. And from longer animation I gotten just 130 Zeedollars. One person only had guts to commission from me something longer. He then smiles weakly 550 for this whole month.
Wiccy: And by this we already get to 550 Zeedollars left. Who wanna help now?
Belze-Bob steps out to the front now showing his deep purple wallet.
Belze-Bob: I am grafitti artist in my free time. Government gave permission to me and Greeny to use walls in certain streets. I get from time to time requests. And I received for three arts just 160 Zeedollars. He sighs I'm sorry if this is too little.
Greeny: And I also earned same price for street art.
Belze-Bob and Greeny: Sorry if this is too small.
Both sighs in sadness as they both gives to Wiccy 320 Zeedollars.
Wiccy: Not everyone earns good cash from their weekend jobs. However congratulations. Only 230 Zeedollars left.
Light steps out next as he has in his hands his sombreo hat.
Light: I am street dancer. He laughs nervously You can check how much did I earned for this week.
Nerd counts the money as she takes in her pocket 140 more Zeedollars. She then takes from Creepy 90 Zeedollars.
Wiccy: confused Where did you get so much money?
Ninelle: shyly smiling Dark paid me for that Glitter High doll when I sold him.
Wiccy: Makes sense.
Seconds later she comes to the worker as she pays for the studio. Then she comes back with a huge grin.
Wiccy: Guess what. That previous guy wanted too much money.
Pinky: in fear And what? He demands more?
Wiccy: No. Don’t worry. Normally turns out this studio would cost just 900 Zeedollars. But by paying three thousand this studio now belongs to us!
Upbeat music plays as crew hugs themselves and do happy dance while Wiccy,Mermaid and Pinky stands at the back of the entrance to the studio smiling widely. Then Wiccy interrupts happy atmosphere.
Wiccy: This has a catch though. That guy said we can have it for good. But we need to pay them at least half of the price for Pinky’s songs.
Charlie: So he’s our sponsor?
Wiccy: You can say that.
Pinky: steps now to the front with confident stare Now,now! Break’s over! We have whole weekend to at least start something step by step!
Scene changes into already Monday. School’s bell rings for the break. On corridoors Pinky notices Alvin sketching final scene. Pinky bumps his arm gently.
Alvin: smiles gently Finished. I needed to drink coffee since drawing took me whole weekend. But it’s done.
He gives his sketchbook to Pinky. She gasps seeing results. Each drawing has detailed description at what happens on what time. Her admiring distracts Luvboy looking with sadness at her.
Alvin: Again I apologize for that mess I did on that Fashion Week few weeks ago.
Pinky: smiles gently Oh,Alvin. I’m not mad.
Alvin: I was this jealous that you didn’t spended with me time anymore. So I thought you don’t like me.
Pinky: hugs Luvboy I like you still. But now as friend. I got Charlie and... she tuts looking if he isn’t around He wouldn’t be happy if I would leave him.
Alvin: smiles through tears Still it’s good that you managed to even accept my apologies. Even if it was almost month after.
Pinky: lets Luvboy go So. Friends?
Alvin: takes Pinky’s hand Friends.
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ferinehuntress · 5 months
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A comprehensive timeline to show what has happened to Aylin and a view on what Selune was doing as well, and why she did not answer at times or could not intervene.
Anything in blue is Selune Specific.
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 ... I N F A N C Y (0-1) ...
1300 DR - Selune is weakened after a war with her sister, and takes to serving under Sune while she gains her power back. 1317 DR - Born to Silvara and Selune on a solar eclipse.
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 ... C H I L D H O O D (2-9) ...
1319 DR - Found a wolf pup who she bonded with. Silvara allowed her to keep it, as the two became fast friends and companions. 1320 DR - Had yet to start talking, so Silvara began to find ways to try and encourage her speak. This was done through poetry, and soon she took off in talking with her poetic words. 1323 DR - Aylin's wings began to sprout from her back, much like the growing pains of new teeth emerging. Silvara finds ways to aid in this so its not as painful or itchy. 1325 DR - Aylin has a full set of wings, which Silvara starts teaching her how to use them, strengthening them. Aylin also starts learning how to tend to the garden and help around the house since she is 8 years old. She is a big helper and loves to help her father. She also plays with her wolf companion a lot.
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 ... A D O L E S C E N T (10-17) ...
1327 DR - Begins training with a sword, as she wants to be like her mother, a paladin of good. Silvara is both a dragon and paladin, and teaches her the ways of protecting those around her. 1330 DR - Saw her mother fighting for the first time. It was against a band of raiders who came into the forest, unaware to Aylin, they heard of the daughter of Selune and wanted to kidnap her. Her mother fought without mercy and she was inspired by what she watch which leads her to the oath she would take in teh future. This also, though, reminds her mother that a child of a god is always going to be coveted and hunted. Its why her mother continues to train her, to ensure she can protect herself.
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... A D U L T H O O D (18+) ...
1336 DR - Aided a group of traveling merchants that were attacked by followers of Shar. It was her first time fighting alone, and empowered by her mother and the lessons of her dragon mother, she figured out the Oath she wanted to take. Aylin became a Paladin of Vengeance, not for evil but to be a hand of retribution of those who cannot protect themselves. She would fight evil and keep it from taking the world. 1348 DR - Selune Aids the cat lords and uses some divine intervention to help. 1349 DR - Selune called out to Aylin, and requested that she head to Reithwin Town. There, she was to protect and aid the Governor and his family: Ketheric, Melodia, and Isobel. Selune did not explain why, only that she needed her daughter to act as an emissary and envoy for her. In truth, it is because Selune's power was waning and she needed to give her power time to recuperate, which is why she took mortal form.
1349 DR - Aylin met Isobel for the first time, and it was love at first sight. The two fell in love, and their romance began 1349 DR - Selune took mortal form. Under the guise of Luna, she lived in Waterdeep and her divine power was locked away in a temple. 1355 DR - With Melodia's approval (and Ketheric begrudgingly agreeing becuase Melodia said yes) Aylin bound her soul to Isobel's. Aylin and Isobel's soul were intertwine, making them one. This gave Aylin the ability to feel Isobel, at any distance, to know her emotions, her connection, and knows when she is in danger. Under the moonlight (Selune could see through her gazing bowl) the union is blessed and the two become a mated pair as soulmates. 1358 DR - Selune, as Luna, was kidnapped by Shar (in an appearance as selune to trick everyone) and tortured her sister. She was freed by her  followers, and help to free Luna and recover. 1358 DR - Melodia had Aylin sit down and asked her to watch over the other two, and that she knew Aylin was a good soul and would protect her daughter and husband and that she was sorry she didn't have more time with her. and Aylin vowed to never abandon the two of them, and that as long as she lived, she would stay by their sides. 1358 DR - Melodia died of a mysterious illness that could not be cured or Healed. Aylin promised Melodia she would take  care of Isobel and Ketheric and protect her family.
1365 DR - Selune is Recovering and struggling to gain her power again so she can return to the gods realm so she is looking for alliances while on Faerun. 1366 DR - Isobel is murdered. A battle was set to distract Aylin, which Isobel told Aylin to go help (unaware of it being a ploy) and that left Isobel vulnerable so she could be killed. When Aylin returned, she vowed to find the killer, and didn't leave Isobel for the whole week, staying with her body. 1366 DR - Ketheric betrayed Aylin, lying to her to get her down to the pocket dimension of shadows, where with Balthazar's help caged her, connecting the magic to Ketheric to make him immortal; siphoning Aylin's power to him. 1368 DR - The first Justiciar enters the planes of shadows and the ritual begins. Aylin becomes Shar's Nightsong, the Selunite that must be killed to become a Dark Justiciar. 1368 DR - Selune sent seekers to find the "Tear of Selune" as she could feel trouble brewing. Selune is still on Faerun. 1385 DR - The Shadow Curse took over Reithwin and the forest from Shar and Aylin can do nothing to stop it. 1385 DR - No more Justiciars comes into the planes of shadows, due to the defeat of Ketheric, who abandons Shar and turns to Myrkul. Shar then continues to torment Aylin for the next 107 years.
1385 DR - Spellplague happens, Selune helps the dragonborn while on Faerun. 1385 DR - Shar creates the Shadowfell during the Spellplague where Aylin is now trapped. 1395 DR - The spellplague ends, Selune, already weaken the last few centuries, falls into a state of trouble and returns to the heavens to try and recover. She has been on Faerun since 1335 due to weakness and chaos that has hit decade after decade. She leans upon Sune and Sharess til she regains her power. 1400 DR - Learns of her daughter's fate and there is nothing she can do due to her weaken state. She rejects Ketheric and tries to give power to those who might be able to help save her daughter, as she cannot enter her sister's realm in her state or start a whole new war against her. 1462 DR - Shar starts to share memories and views of Shadowheart, who Shar is grooming and training to become a Dark Justiciar and become her Choosen. Shar taunts Aylin with the fact that Shadowheart will be her final death and her attack on her sister to kill what she finds most precious. This is how Aylin knows who Shadowheart is, her fear of wolves, and so much more. 1492 DR - Thanks to Shadowheart and the rest of the gang, was freed from teh Shadowfell and attacked Ketheric. She continues to journey with them to defeat the other chosen. She faintly hears the whisper of her mother now.
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xenonmarketinsights · 5 months
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The comprehensive analysis report on global “Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market "Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market" trends encompasses a thorough study of the ongoing growth factors driving the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market, the current market scenario, development status, and future opportunities. The market size of the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market segment is predicted based on a detailed analysis of types, applications, and end-use industry segments. The report incorporates effective strategies within the business framework aimed at improving the growth rate of the industry. Additionally, the forecast report on the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market provides complete information regarding industry production, sales, consumption status, and market prospects, along with an in-depth Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market share analysis.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1330
The global Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market size expanded from US$ 37198 million in 2024 and the market is projected to reach US$ 52269 million in 2031, exhibiting a prodigious 5.0% CAGR during the forecast period.
Global Key Manufacturers Covered in Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market:
STERIS: (Ireland)
Mondi: (Austria)
Proampac: (U.S.)
Cantel Medical: (U.S.)
Cardinal Health: (U.S.)
Berry Global: (U.S.)
Certol International: (U.S.)
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market Segment by Type:
Polypropylene Material
Polyethylene Material
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market Segment by Application:
Get a Sample Copy of the Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1330
Regional Analysis:
North America
Rest of the World (RoW)
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market Report Highlights: -
The report covers forecast and analysis for the market on a global and regional level.
The report includes the drivers and the restraints that affect the growth of the market.
The report discusses detailed information about the market opportunities.
The market is segmented on the basis of product and end-user industry which in turn is bifurcated on the regional level.
The key target audience for the market has been determined in the report.
The revenue generated by the prominent industry players has been analyzed in the report.
Key Questions Answered in The Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market Report:
What will the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market growth rate?
What are the key factors driving the global Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market?
Who are the key manufacturers in Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market space?
What are the market opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market?
Who are the distributors, traders and dealers of Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market?
What are the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the global Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Industry?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by types and applications of Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Industry?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by regions of Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market industry?
Purchase this Report (Price 2900 USD for single user license) - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1330
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nexonmarketinsights · 5 months
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market Innovations: Mapping Growth and Share till 2031
The comprehensive analysis report on global “Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market "Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market" trends encompasses a thorough study of the ongoing growth factors driving the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market, the current market scenario, development status, and future opportunities. The market size of the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market segment is predicted based on a detailed analysis of types, applications, and end-use industry segments. The report incorporates effective strategies within the business framework aimed at improving the growth rate of the industry. Additionally, the forecast report on the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market provides complete information regarding industry production, sales, consumption status, and market prospects, along with an in-depth Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market share analysis.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1330
The global Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market size expanded from US$ 37198 million in 2024 and the market is projected to reach US$ 52269 million in 2031, exhibiting a prodigious 5.0% CAGR during the forecast period.
Global Key Manufacturers Covered in Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market:
STERIS: (Ireland)
Mondi: (Austria)
Proampac: (U.S.)
Cantel Medical: (U.S.)
Cardinal Health: (U.S.)
Berry Global: (U.S.)
Certol International: (U.S.)
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market Segment by Type:
Polypropylene Material
Polyethylene Material
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market Segment by Application:
Get a Sample Copy of the Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1330
Regional Analysis:
North America
Rest of the World (RoW)
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market Report Highlights: -
The report covers forecast and analysis for the market on a global and regional level.
The report includes the drivers and the restraints that affect the growth of the market.
The report discusses detailed information about the market opportunities.
The market is segmented on the basis of product and end-user industry which in turn is bifurcated on the regional level.
The key target audience for the market has been determined in the report.
The revenue generated by the prominent industry players has been analyzed in the report.
Key Questions Answered in The Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market Report:
What will the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market growth rate?
What are the key factors driving the global Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market?
Who are the key manufacturers in Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market space?
What are the market opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market?
Who are the distributors, traders and dealers of Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market?
What are the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the global Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Industry?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by types and applications of Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Industry?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by regions of Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market industry?
Purchase this Report (Price 2900 USD for single user license) - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1330
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quantmarketinsight · 5 months
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market Analysis: Understanding Trends and Dynamics by 2032
New Research Report on “Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market” provide insightful data on the main market segments, dynamics, growth potentials and future prospects of industry. The study covers complete analysis on changing market trends for industry. The report shows the year-on-year growth of each segment and touches upon the different factors that are likely to impact the growth of each market segment. Each segment has analyzed completely on the basis of its production, consumption as well as revenue. And also offers Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market size and share of each separate segment in the industry.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report at - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1330
The global Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market size expanded from US$ 37198 million in 2024 and the market is projected to reach US$ 52269 million in 2031, exhibiting a prodigious 5.0% CAGR during the forecast period.
Top Key Players in the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market:
STERIS: (Ireland)
Mondi: (Austria)
Proampac: (U.S.)
Cantel Medical: (U.S.)
Cardinal Health: (U.S.)
Berry Global: (U.S.)
Certol International: (U.S.)
Request Sample for Covid-19 Impact Analysis - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-covid19/1330
The Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.
Market split by Type, can be divided into:
Polypropylene Material
Polyethylene Material
Market split by Application, can be divided into:
Report presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources by an analysis of key parameters. Our Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market covers the following areas:
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market sizing
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market forecast
Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market industry analysis
Inquire or Share Your Questions If Any Before the Purchasing This Report -https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/pre-order-enquiry/1330
What Global Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market Report Offers?
Provides strategic profiling of key players in the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market.
Drawing a competitive landscape for the world Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market industry.
Describes insights about factors affecting the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market growth.
Analyze the Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market industry share based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis etc.
Extensive analysis of the industry structure along with Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market market forecast 2020-2024.
Granular Analysis with respect to the current Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market industry size and future perspective.
Regions Covered in Microwave Steam Sterilization Bag Market Market Report:
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Egypt and GCC Countries)
Purchase this Report (Price 2900 USD for a Single-User License) - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1330
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swradiogram · 6 months
Shortwave Radiogram, 21-27 March 2024 (program 346): Digital modes that don't require undersea cables
Spring is officially here, although today here in northern Virginia, the temperature did not rise above 50F/10C. And the wind made it seem cooler. Another recent feature of our local weather has been wildfires, mostly in the mountains west of Washington DC, but even a few in the closer suburbs. The dry conditions and winds have encouraged the spread of these fires. One of this weekend's MFSK images shows flames in the Massanutten mountain ridge near Luray, Virginia. Some listeners have requested that we do some modes other than our usual MFSK32 and MFSK64. So, this weekend, look for a surprise mode of the week under the closing music. Make sure your RxID is on to detect the mode. And if you record the show, this will give you a second chance if you are unable to decode the mode on the first try. Hint: The mode is 1000 Hz wide. Also this weekend, a news item about disruptions to undersea cables off the African coasts. Cables have also been cut in the Red Sea. These events remind us that shortwave should remain in the mix of media available for international communication. A video of last week's Shortwave Radiogram (program 345) is provided by Scott in Ontario (Wednesday 1330 UTC). The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. Analysis is provided by Roger in Germany. Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 346, 21-27 March 2024, in MFSK modes as noted:  1:43  MFSK32: Program preview  2:50  MFSK32: Subsea cables disrupted off Africa  6:13  MFSK64: Huge aircraft to deliver turbine blades* 10:15  MFSK64: This week's images* 27:53  MFSK32: Closing announcements (then surprise mode) Please send reception reports to [email protected] And visit http://swradiogram.net Twitter: @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram (visit during the weekend to see listeners’ results) Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304 Shortwave Radiogram Gateway Wiki: https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Shortwave_Radiogram_Gateway
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Other Shortwave broadcast programs that include digital text and images include The Mighty KBC, Pop Shop Radio and Radio North Europe International (RNEI). Links to these fine broadcasts, with schedules, are posted here. Here is the schedule for The Mighty KBC (including Al Holt's MFSK64 segments at 30 minutes into the Eric hours) effective since March 10 (when most of North America shifted to daylight time): To Europe on 15770 kHz: Eric van Willegen’s “The Giant Jukebox” Friday 11:00 - 12:00 UTC Friday 7a - 08a EDT Friday 6a - 7a CDT --------------------------- Sunday 12:00 - 13:00 UTC Sunday 8a - 9a EDT Sunday 7a - 8a CDT ---------------------------- Wednesday 16:00 - 17:00 UTC Wednesday 12p - 1p EDT Wednesday 11a - 12p CDT Wednesday 10a - 11a MDT Wednesday 9a - 10a PDT ============================== To North America (West) on 9455 kHz and N.A. (East) on 5950 kHz: Dave Mason’s “It's radio but not as we know it” Sunday 00:00 - 01:00 UTC: Saturday 8p-9p EDT Saturday 7p-8p CDT Saturday 6p-7p MDT Saturday 5p-6p PDT Eric van Willegen ‘s “The Giant Jukebox” Sunday 01:00 - 02:00 UTC Saturday 9p-10p EDT Saturday 8p - 9p CDT Saturday 7p - 8p MDT Saturday 6p - 7p PDT =================================== To Australia on 7780 kHz Eric van Willegen’s “The Giant Jukebox” Saturday 08:00 - 09:00 UTC Saturday 4a - 5a EDT Saturday 3a - 4a CDT Saturday 2a - 3a MDT Saturday 1a - 2a PDT ==================================== To North America on 5850 kHz: Dave Mason’s “It's radio but not as we know it” Saturday 02:00 - 03:00 UTC Friday 10p -11p EDT Friday 9p - 10p CDT Friday 8p - 9p MDT Friday 7p - 8p PDT ===================================== To North America (East) on 5950 kHz: Dave Mason’s “It's radio but not as we know it” Sunday 21:00 - 22:00 UTC Sunday 5p – 6p EDT Sunday 4p – 5p CDT Sunday 3p – 4p MDT Sunday 2p – 3p PDT Eric van Willegen’s “The Giant Jukebox” Sunday 22:00 - 23:00 UTC Sunday 6p - 7p EDT Sunday 5p - 6p CDT Sunday 4p - 5p MDT Sunday 3p - 4p PDT
Carlos in Illinois received these images 16 March 2024, 0240-0300 UTC, 9265 kHz from WINB Pennsylvania ...
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scotianostra · 30 days
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On August 25th in the year 1330 Scotland lost one of it’s greatest warriors when The Good Sir James Douglas fell at Teba in what is modern day Spain.
James was called “The Black Douglas” by the English for his dark deeds in their eyes, becoming the Bogeyman of a Northern English lullaby “Hush ye, hush ye, little pet ye. Hush ye, hush ye, do not fret ye. The Black Douglas shall not get ye.”
There are also unsubstantiated theories that this was because of his colouring and complexion, this is tenuous, Douglas only appears in English record as “The Black”, in Scots’ chronicles he is almost always referred to as “The Guid” or “The Good”. Later Douglas Lords took the moniker of their revered forebear in the same way that they attached Bruce���s Heart to their Coat of Arms, to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies and exhibit the prowess of their race.
Robert the Bruce had requested that Douglas, latterly his most esteemed companion in arms, should carry his heart to the Holy Land, as atonement for the murder of John Comyn, and the fact that his excommunication meant he was unable to go on a Crusade himself.
Douglas and his knights had been invited to join the forces of Alfonso XI of Castile, Edward of England’s cousin by Queen Isabella, mother of King Edward III of England to fight a Crusade against the Moors in 1330 at the Castle of the Stars at Teba, he was killed as he led a cavalry charge against the enemy while outnumbered and cut off from the main Christian force. He is said to have through Bruce’s heart forward as he was about to be slain, although another source states it was still tied around his neck,
Remarkably the casket survived to this day and was returned to Scotland, to be interred at Melrose Abbey. Douglas’ bones were boiled and returned to Scotland. His remains were laid to rest at St Bride’s Church, Douglas, which houses the monumental tombs of Black Douglas earls.
You may see artist impressions of the Guid Sir James with the Douglas Shield and it’s red heart, this is an inaccurate depiction it wasn’t until 1333 the ‘bloody heart’ was incorporated in the arms of Sir James’ son, William, Lord of Douglas. It subsequently appeared, sometimes with a royal crown, in every branch of the Douglas family.
The village of Teba, in the Guadalhorce-Guadalteba region, still remembers The Good Sir James by holding the two day Jornadas Escocesas (Scottish Festival) every year, also called Scottish Days or Douglas Days Teba. There are numerous people and associations that collaborate in the organization of these days. Some of them, such as the Saint Andrew's Society of Gibraltar, the Order of Knights Templar of Saint Michael or The Strathleven Artizans, expressly travel from Scotland to participate in the event.
The Village of Teba, is twinned with Melrose in the Scottish Borders.
More on all this on their web page here https://www.douglasdaysteba.com/
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skylineviplimo · 11 months
Limo Service Redefined: Innovative Options for Modern Travelers
The world of transportation has evolved, and so has the concept of limo services. No longer reserved for exclusive events or the rich and famous, limousines are now redefined to cater to the modern traveler's needs. With a blend of innovation and luxury, limo services have adapted to offer a broader range of options, making them accessible and appealing to a wide audience.
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The Evolution of Limo Services
Gone are the days when limo services were primarily associated with extravagant weddings and elite gatherings. Today, limousines have undergone a transformation, embracing innovation to provide unique and practical solutions for modern travelers.
Innovative Options for Modern Travelers
Here are some of the innovative ways in which limo services have been redefined to cater to the needs and preferences of today's travelers:
1. Airport Transfers:
Airport limo services have become a popular choice for both business and leisure travelers. With punctuality, comfort, and style, these services offer a hassle-free way to start or conclude a journey.
2. Ride-Sharing Services:
Some limo service providers have adapted to the sharing economy by offering ride-sharing options with a touch of luxury. This allows travelers to enjoy the comfort of a limo while sharing the cost with other passengers.
3. Point-to-Point Transportation:
Limo services are no longer limited to hourly rentals. You can now book a limo for specific trips, making it a cost-effective and convenient choice for city-to-city transportation, business meetings, or special events.
4. Eco-Friendly Limos:
To align with the growing concern for the environment, some limo services have introduced eco-friendly options. These limousines are equipped with hybrid or electric engines, reducing carbon emissions and environmental impact.
5. On-Demand Booking:
The convenience of on-demand booking through mobile apps has made limo services more accessible than ever. Travelers can request a limo at their convenience, track the vehicle's arrival, and make secure payments, all from their smartphones.
The Modern Limo Experience
In addition to offering innovative options, modern limo services focus on providing a superior travel experience:
Professional Chauffeurs: Experienced chauffeurs are trained to offer not just safe but also pleasant journeys. They're knowledgeable about the local area and can provide valuable information to travelers.
Luxury Amenities: Limousines are equipped with luxurious amenities, from plush leather seats to high-end entertainment systems and mini-bars. The focus is on making the journey enjoyable and comfortable.
Privacy and Customization: Many modern limo services provide the option for privacy and personalization. Tinted windows, partition screens, and customizable features ensure that travelers have control over their experience.
A New Era of Travel
The redefined limo service has ushered in a new era of travel. It's not just about reaching your destination; it's about enjoying the journey. With innovative options and a focus on the traveler's comfort and convenience, modern limo services have become an attractive choice for those seeking a distinctive and enjoyable travel experience. So, whether you're a frequent traveler, a business executive, or someone looking to add a touch of luxury to a special occasion, the modern limo service has something to offer. It's an option that's as practical as it is luxurious, catering to the needs and preferences of the contemporary traveler.
Contact US
Skyline VIP Limo
1330 6th Ave 23rd floor, New York, NY 10019, USA
Phone: (917) 935-6169
Website: https://skylineviplimo.com
Company Hours: Monday - Sunday: 24 Hours
External Links
Limo Service NYC NYC Limo Service Luxury Car Service NYC NYC Airport Limo
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