#kostas tsimikas drabble
footballffbarbiex · 8 months
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player: Kostas Tsimikas words: 914 request: Kostas Tsimikas - no pref - 500 - 900 - So Kos and her have been dating for a few months now but no one at the club knows. So when, at the club Christmas party, they end up under the mistletoe (I'm sure Robbo decorated every single doorway with it) and he's like "let's give them a show" and kisses her in a way that steals her breath away
A/N: a huge thank you to @percervall for the help with this one. I am blowing kisses at you, I couldn't have done this without you.
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This year, things are being done a little differently at the club. Usually, menial tasks were delegated to anyone and everyone in order to get them accomplished and it doesn’t usually matter who does them, as long as they do. The design of the room and organising it was left to someone that the club paid and it was usually done to the incredibly high standard that you would expect. This year, the players have been tasked with something each. 
Kos has the honour of placement cards. She watched him agonising over designs at home - wanting to make sure that the people he knew well enough had something that was tailored to them. He’d purchased a Cricut and made them this way, setting them all out across their dining room table to see how they looked laid out. He’d tweaked them, bought fancy pens and added small flourishes. 
It wasn’t something that took over, but he certainly took pride in the ones he made and it showed as he gently laid them out on the carefully decorated tables. The room looks amazing, Virgil and Alisson had done an incredible job, though she does suspect their wives may have had a hand in helping. The colour scheme was spot on and certainly provided the perfect photo opportunity that the club would no doubt be taking. 
Out of everything available, she expected Andy to be in charge of Secret Santa, or something fun. Upon finding out that he was in charge of flowers and in turn, mistletoe, she had mixed expectations of how it would end up. And yet, the bouquets that adorn the room and complete the tables are stunning. He walks around now, the usual “Robbo” grin upon his face as he interacts with everyone while wearing his flower crown of holly, berries, mistletoe and a few colour scheme flowers in there too. When he turns around, exposing his back to her, she notices a little sprig of mistletoe tucked in his back pocket for unsuspecting victims. 
“He’s going to get us, you know.” She comments, holding her wine glass closer to her chest as she huddles close to Kostas who has approached her far too quickly for her liking. He scrambled through the crowd of people who had been filing in now for the past half an hour and the once empty room they’d entered is now bustling with people and music is now being played through the speakers. 
“He doesn’t know. He won’t.” But deep down, Kostas knows that Andy knows. He’s seen the looks being thrown his way and he knows it’s a matter of time before they’re outed. It may not be tonight, but this was the start of it. Robbo would watch their reactions and slowly start to make little comments when they’re back in training. And Kostas knows he’ll struggle to hold it all together but Andy thrives on reactions and he’ll keep at it like a dog on a bone. 
“You know what he’s like.”
“I do, and he won’t.”
He wants nothing more than to pull her closer to him by the small of her back, his hand snaking to her waist and press his lips to any part of her that she’ll let him - whether that be her hairline, her temple, the space between her eyebrow and eye, her cheek, nose or of course, her lips. 
He tried to get as many kisses as he possibly could before they headed out in separate cars, not wanting to arouse any suspicion because despite the few blissful months of dating, it’s come at the cost of it being in secret. Kostas is certain that no-one at the club would have an issue with their relationship but he didn’t want it out there just yet and initially, she’d wholeheartedly agreed. She’d seen too many relationships collapse once it became public and yet, it was becoming harder to keep it a secret. Not because others were catching on but because neither of them wanted to stay away from one another any more. 
“Well, looky what we have here.” Andy’s voice sounds behind them and they both groan in unison. “My favourite “non couple but are so a couple” couple.” he grins as Kostas shoots him a look. “Oh come on. If you keep giving me that look I’ll be forced to bring out the gentleman doth protests too much, methinks line.”
“So leave and we won’t have to give you that look,” she comments, giving Andy a little nudge with her elbow and a crooked smile. 
“Oh it’s we now is it? You said that so naturally.” her smile falters and she realises too much has been said. She knows Robbo knows and the look that she spots on Kostas’ face confirms this. 
“Fuck it,” her beautiful Greek boyfriend hisses, downing the rest of his drink before he moves quickly, swiping the mistletoe from behind Andy’s back and holds it above her head. “One of the team’s biggest gobshites isn’t going to stop so what do you say? Kiss me?” 
“Where did you learn the word gobshite?” Robbo asks but his words are drowning out as she steps forward, toe to toe with her secret boyfriend. Her hands move to his waist and to his nape. When her head turns this way, his turns that way and they give a nervous chuckle to one another as they begin to lean in, noses rubbing together before their lips finally meet.
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percervall · 2 years
my mind finds peace (in the shade of you)
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Player: Kostas Tsimikas Words: 879 Warnings: Fluff Request: Falling asleep on them - Reader has cramps? A/N: I tweaked this slightly, hope that's okay! I couldn't figure out a way to include the prompt in your request
title's from Mumford & Sons' Rose Of Sharon
She gratefully accepted the take away cup of coffee her colleague Freya handed her. 
“Thanks,” she mumbled, stifling a yawn. 
“You look like you need it. Did you get any sleep last night?”
“Maybe three hours?” she replied before taking a sip and nearly burning her tongue. 
“Lucky you, it must be nice to have a professional athlete as a boyfriend,” Freya joked. The slight dig at her relationship with one of the players made her laugh as she shook her head. 
“Babe, I wish it was because of him, but those videos don’t edit themselves.” 
“Fair enough,” Freya said with a grin. Both women gathered their bags and joined the rest of the team in boarding the bus to the airport. 
Her stomach growled loudly in protest and the muscles in her neck were starting to ache from hunching over her laptop. The final edit of the inside training video was almost done and then she had a handful of graphics still to approve for social media. 
“I missed you at breakfast this morning,” someone to her left said. Straightening back up, she looked at the beautiful face of her boyfriend, concern etched between his brows. 
“I overslept,” she admitted, a pang of guilt in her chest at his concern knowing she could’ve easily texted him, “was up until 4 to edit the alternative commentary video and then got started on the training footage.” 
“Figured as much,” he said with a warm smile and placed two muffins wrapped in cling film on the keyboard of her laptop. “This is all I could smuggle on board, but they’re healthy-ish. One has fruit,” he added sheepishly as he sat down next to her. She chuckled, and unwrapped the blueberry muffin, taking a big bite. 
“Mmm, ‘s a good muffin,” she commented with her mouth still full and offered him a bite. Kostas grinned, and, never one to say no to baked goods, broke off a bite. 
“Thank you Kos,” she murmured, giving him a quick kiss before returning to her work. Kostas just hummed and busied himself on his iPad. 
She had finished editing the video, but the lack of sleep was catching up with her. Just ten minutes, she told herself as she saved her work and made sure she had backed everything up to the external hard drive. Sighing as her muscles relaxed when she leant back in her seat, she allowed her eyes to close. 
Kostas saw her head loll forward, body slumping towards him. The angle had to be uncomfortable, but she was dead asleep. He smiled, moving the armrest up so he could move a tiny bit closer. She stirred in her sleep, but Kostas was quick to rest a hand on her knee, soothing her by rubbing small circles against her thigh with his thumb. Her full body weight now rested against his side, her head on his shoulder. She let out a content little sigh, snuggling further into him. Kostas pressed a brief kiss to her hair, before turning his focus back on his iPad, lips still tugged up in a smile. She had been working so hard lately, stepping up to take on more responsibilities when one of her colleagues fell ill, and he had hardly seen her not glued to a screen. Kostas had missed falling asleep with her hogging the duvet. 
“You need to wake up, latria mou,” he spoke softly as he gently nudged her. She groaned in response, still asleep. Calling her name he nudged a little harder. 
“What time is it?” she mumbled before stretching her arms above her head. 
“Almost 11, we’re expecting to land in about 30 minutes.” 
Her eyes snapped open at that. 
“I’ve been asleep for two hours?” Kostas nodded. 
“Oh god, I’m going to be even more behind now…” she started panicking as she moved to start her laptop back up. Kostas laid a hand on her forearm, making her look up at him. 
“Sweetheart, everyone will understand that you needed sleep more. You can’t keep running on empty,” he said. Her shoulders slumped as she closed her laptop again. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed back into the seat. He could see the gears turning in her head, trying to work out what needed to be prioritised. Kostas had learnt over time that she sometimes needed a nudge to slow down, to come up for air before diving back down. 
“You’re right. Ellie has been asking to be more involved with the editing side of things, maybe I can ask her to help out while I help Hannah with the pre-match Instagram content,” she started thinking out loud, rattling off who she could delegate a task to and what needed to be prioritised. 
“Sounds like you’re handling it,” Kostas mused, smiling lovingly. She smiled back and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks Kos.” Kostas just hummed, pulling her closer. They were quiet for a while, and Kostas almost thought she’d fallen back asleep until he felt her move in his arms to look up at him.
“Can I stay in your room tonight? I miss cuddling and I always sleep better with you next to me,” she asked shyly. 
“Always, latria mou,” Kostas all but whispered, kissing her lovingly. 
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Tags @football-and-fanfics @kostasstsimikass @lfc21 @nyctophilic0vitnir
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joaofelix70 · 10 months
i don't make full angst stories, but some elements involving the category can be included. request me a smut (politely asking for no extreme bdsm kinks), fluff content too, which i'm passionate about. (anonymously or not). i apologize if your unproblematic ask wasn't reciprocated in the name of my busy activities. please, try to send me again or give me more details of your wishes, using the private inbox. feel honored to talk to the readers. love it infinitely!
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── joão félix sequeira.
a crescent love, an ephemeral passion ── joão félix
summary: you and joão spent all the summer together. you even met his friends and brother. could this be the beginning of a crescent love or just an ephemeral passion? his friendship with his ex would ruin everything between the two of you?
69 with joão félix
summary: a concept of you and joão félix sharing jubilation and becoming one.
── dominik szoboszlai.
miss diplomat and mr. charming ── dominik szoboszlai
summary: your job is involving the commitment of unify the population and create interrelations to another countries, using the eurocup qualifiers and the hungary national team executions. you just didn't expect to fall in love with the no. 10's captain player.
── kostantinos "kostas" tsimikas.
none yet.
── rúben dos santos gato alves dias.
none yet.
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tl-trashtalk · 1 year
I wear you on my sleeve
Jordan Henderson/Kostas Tsimikas
"It's a good thing I did all that extra conditioning on me holiday, love. Yous tired me out ya did," Jordan says to the ceiling.
Additional Tags:
Post-Coital, Post-Coital Cuddling, Love Confessions, Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Romantic Fluff, Ficlet, Drabble, Short & Sweet, Liverpool F.C.
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percervall · 2 years
let it snowman
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Player: Kostas Tsimikas Words: 1152 Warnings: None, fluff Request: making snowmen For @lfc21, merry Christmas babe! I hope you like it <3
She had just put the capsule in the Nespresso machine when she heard someone storming down the stairs. She hid a yawn behind her hand and turned around to see her boyfriend pulling on his shoes somehow while still walking.
“It’s still dark out, why are you fully dressed?” she mumbled.
“Didn’t you see?” Kostas asked excitedly, pointing at the windows in the living room. She followed his finger and was about to ask him what he was on about when she noticed the grass was no longer green. The entire garden had been blanketed in white during the night. She stifled another yawn and shook her head.
“No, I hadn’t noticed yet. Doesn’t answer why you’re fully dressed tho,” she said, picking up her mug. She blew on it, before taking a careful sip of her coffee. 
“Because I’m gonna build a snowman,” Kostas replied, pulling his bobble hat over his ears. The duh was very much implied. 
“Kos, it’s half past seven in the morning. The sun isn’t even up yet,” she said, leaning against the kitchen counter, “let’s eat first okay?” 
Kostas heaved a sigh so dramatic it put many three-year-olds to shame, but toed off his shoes and pulled the beanie off his head. She shook her head and tried to keep her lips from curling up in a smile. As Kostas put his shoes and winter gear back in the hallway, she took a pot down from the shelf and got started on making them both porridge. 
“Do you have work today?” Kostas asked as he came to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her. The Nespresso machine was spluttering away to make another coffee for him. 
“I’ll have to check, but if it snowed as much as I think it did, I doubt it,” she replied as she stirred. “How cross will the club’s nutritionist be if I add some of these?” she asked, holding up the jar of chocolate chips.
Kostas chuckled. “I won’t tell her if you won’t.” She quickly added more than a healthy amount of chocolate chips to the porridge and watched them melt. Kostas handed her two bowls and carried her coffee to their breakfast nook. She turned the hob off and joined him at the table. She quickly checked her phone between two mouthfuls of breakfast to see that her office had shut down due to the weather. 
“Looks like you’ll have a helping hand in building a snowman today,” she commented as she put her phone down. Kostas silently cheered before taking a sip of his own coffee. 
While she got dressed, Kostas cleared down and loaded the bowls and pot into the dishwasher. By the time she got downstairs, Kostas was already waiting by the door. She chuckled and wrapped a thick woolly scarf around herself. 
“Do you wanna build a snowman?” Kostas sang as he helped her in her coat, making her laugh. She dug a pair of mittens out of the basket with winter stuff and pushed him out the door. A shiver ran through them both when the wind blew in their faces. 
“Come on!” Kostas called, making his way to the end of their driveway. She noticed they weren’t the only ones outside. A handful of the neighbourhood children were already working on building snowmen in their own gardens. She waved at one of their elderly neighbours stood in the window before shifting focus to Kostas. She laughed as she saw him try and roll a snowball over the ground to pick up more snow. 
“Babe, have you ever built a snowman before?” she asked as she walked over to him. 
“Once,” Kostas confessed with a chuckle. She shook her head and took over, showing him it was easier to build up first before rolling to get more snow. 
How it happened, she wasn’t sure, but they had somehow ended up with a group of children in their front garden. She and Kostas had abandoned their own snowman to help the children build theirs. 
“Do you have carrots? Dad says we don’t have any,” one of the little boys asked her. 
“I don’t think we do. I also don’t think we have enough scarves for all these snowpeople,” she said. Kostas looked up at them, eyes twinkling. 
“No, but I do have something else. George, how many snowpeople are there?”
“Uhm,” the boy said before counting them, “six I think.” 
“Perfect,” Kostas said as he made his way to the door with the promise to be right back. She had no idea what her boyfriend was up to and told the children as much. It didn’t take long for Kostas to return with an arm full of clothes. 
“I remembered I have a closet full of jerseys,” he explained as he started handing them out. With a little help, all six snowpeople got dressed in various Liverpool shirts. She had even managed to dig up a baseball cap for one of them per request of one of the girls who lived across the street. By the time they were finished, the sun had started to peak over the rooftops, throwing long shadows on the snow covered ground. Kostas wrapped an arm around her as they admired the snowpeople. 
“A snowy five-a-side team complete with a manager,” he said. 
“You should send a photo to the lads, I’m sure Jordan and Milly will be thrilled they’ve been replicated in snow,” she added with a chuckle. Kostas laughed softly but dug his phone out of his pocket. As he put his gloves back on, one of the parents came outside with a tray of mugs. She could see the steam rising off them. 
“Who wants tea?” he called. She recognised him as one of George’s dads and gladly accepted one of the mugs. 
“Thank you for keeping an eye on them. George was so excited when he saw it had snowed. Daniel barely managed to get breakfast in him,” Martin said. 
“I know the feeling,” she said with a chuckle, nodding at Kostas, who in turn stuck his tongue out at her. 
“Dad! Look! We made a snow-Hendo!” George beamed at his dad. 
“I see, darling! Looks good! Did you say thank you to Kostas?” George nodded and handed the empty mug back to his dad. 
“Alright, your far is waiting for you. He made some food for grandma and grandpa,” Martin said and planted a kiss on the boy’s woolly hat. George waved goodbye and ran back to his house. She returned the now empty mug to Martin, thanking him for the tea. 
“What else is on your snow day to do list?” she asked him when Kostas pulled her in for a kiss. 
“Snuggle up under loads of blankets and watch Christmas films,” he replied, rubbing his nose against hers. 
“Mm, I like the sound of that,” she murmured, kissing him once more.
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10 gold stars for anyone picking up on the easter eggs in this one 🌟
Tags @football-and-fanfics @kostasstsimikass
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percervall · 2 years
Going for walks in the woods
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Player: Kostas Tsimikas Words: 1330 Requested: no, but dedicated to @kostasstsimikass for writing A+ Kos fanfics (and to celebrate two wins in a row, who would've thought that would happen based on our performance so far? Not me 😅) Warnings: None, pure fluff A/N: This idea wouldn't leave me alone when I read the prompt. Please let me know what you think 🧡
Autumn masterlist
He pulled his scarf tighter around his face. It was a lovely autumn morning; the air was crisp and a fog danced low over the ground. The still rising sun cast long shadows over the trails leading deeper into the woods. Kostas was still getting used to the cold. He had managed when he lived in the Netherlands, and he was sure he’d get used to it in Liverpool as well. He turned his face up when a ray of sun filtered through the canopy of the trees, taking a deep breath. A smile tugged on his lips as he felt the warmth on his cheeks. It was still early, there were hardly any people on the trails this morning so he took his time soaking up the sun. His two dogs were waiting for their owner to continue walking, one more patiently than the other. Before it really registered, Kostas felt Fuerte tug on the leash, pulling it out of his hand. Kostas tried to get a better grip, but Fuerte had already run off. The Liverpool defender let out a string of curses. He called after his dog, picking up the pace with Maui.
She was enjoying the silence of the woods. Normally, she didn’t have time to go on a run before work but today was her day off. She looked at her watch to check her heart rate and distance, but looked up when she heard barking. The dog was running straight towards her, tongue hanging out. He seemed to be enjoying himself, letting out another bark before jumping up against her. She let out a laugh, not moving quick enough. She lost her balance and fell on her bum, letting out a shriek as she went down. The dog was quick to come lick her face.
“Hey bud, okay, alright. Thank you for the kisses,” she cooed, moving to sit up and pulling the dog away from her face. She scratched him behind the ears as she looked for a tag on his collar. The dog plopped on his hind legs, letting her pet him.
“Where’s your owner, bud? Hmm? What are you doing all by yourself?” she murmured, still petting the dog. They both looked up when they heard someone calling out. The dog barked once, but made no attempt to leave.
“That your owner, bud?” she asked him, getting a lick in return making her laugh once more. 
“I am so sorry!” Kostas said when he spotted Fuerte licking a stranger’s face, “Fuerte, come here boy!” 
Fuerte looked at him, tilting his head, but made no attempt to listen. Instead he planted his front paws on the woman’s thighs, giving her another lick. The woman let out a laugh, scratching him behind the ears. She pushed the dog off her lap and rose from the ground.
“Here,” she said, handing him the leash, “I think this belongs to you?” Her eyes twinkled with the laughter still evident in her voice. Kostas muttered a thank you, taking in the mud on her olive green running leggings.
“I’m sorry for ruining your clothes. He normally behaves very well,” Kostas apologised. The woman shrugged, looking at her leggings as if to assess the damage. “That’s what they invented washing machines for.” She threw him a smile when she looked back up. Kostas was struck by her beauty; her coppery blond hair was pulled up in a ponytail, she had a gorgeous smile that reached her hazel brown eyes. The sunlight filtering through the trees highlighted a dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Kostas was aware that he was staring. He cleared his throat, looking away from her to his two dogs. 
“Let me- can I make it up to you? Can I buy you a coffee? Or- or tea?” he rambled. She chuckled, pulling the sleeves of her top over her hands.
“I’ll never say no to tea. There’s a café near the car park which also has a to go window. I was heading that direction anyway,” she said, pointing behind Kostas. 
“So, how long have you been in England?” she asked, breaking the initial silence on their walk back to the car park.
“Since August. I moved here for work. My dogs came over last month,” he answered. 
“What do you do for work, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Ah, I’m a footballer. For Liverpool. You’re not an Everton fan, are you?” he replied jokingly.
She chuckled. “No, I’m from London originally, don’t worry. If anything, I’m a Gunner.” 
“As my teammate would say, at least not a Manc,” Kostas grinned, causing her to laugh. 
They reached the café and Kostas ordered them both a hot drink. She directed them to an empty bench and they sat down. Fuerte and Maui laid down at Kostas’s feet, more than happy to stay there for a bit. 
“So,” Kostas said, breaking the silence, “do you often go to the woods?” She nodded and took another sip.
“I try to go for a run every day after work. Helps clear the cobwebs after a day stuck behind a screen.” They were quiet for a moment. Kostas fidgeted with the carton sleeve of his to go mug, wanting to ask her for at least her number, but not knowing how without seeming like a total creep. She took her final sip, throwing the empty cup in the bin as she got up.
“Thanks for the tea Kostas. And thank you for the kisses Fuerte,” she said, crouching down to give both dogs a final head scratch. 
“You’re welcome. See you around maybe?” Kostas said. She smiled at him and nodded.
“I hope so.” And off she went, leaving Kostas behind with his thoughts. Fuerte looked at him, head slightly tilted as if to say really? After all I did for you? 
“I know, I know…” he muttered, rising to stand as well. “Come one, let’s go home.” 
“For fuck’s sake, not again,” Kostas groaned when Fuerte tugged his leash loose again. He normally prided himself on how well-behaved his dogs were, but Fuerte had figured out to strike when he was distracted –which he was seeing as he had been deep in thought, mind on the games coming up. Fuerte let out a happy bark and ran off. Kostas was quick to follow him, breaking out into a jog, pulling Maui along with him. He was a defender for crying out loud; he should be able to catch his dog, but Fuerte had other ideas. Kostas heard the person finding his dog before he could see them. Hearing them laugh set off butterflies in his stomach. 
“Did you run off again Fuerte? Maybe we need to talk to Kos and see if we can go running together, hm?” she whispered to the dog, petting his head. She chuckled when Fuerte licked her cheek in agreement.
“Sorry, I swear I trained him better than this,�� Kostas said, rubbing his neck. She looked up, meeting his eyes and smiled at him. 
“It’s okay. Fuerte and I are best buds, aren’t we?” she cooed. Fuerte let out a bark in reply. 
Kostas laughed at that. After Fuerte’s first run in with her, they’d met up a couple of times to walk his dogs together which evolved into them falling head over heels for each other. She had moved into his apartment last week and their one year anniversary was coming up next month. 
“How was your run?” he asked her, taking her hand in his as they walked to the car park. Fuerte had decided that she was the only one to hold his leash, so they each had a dog.
“It was good. Love this time of year,” she replied with a smile, squeezing his hand.
“Mm, me too. Love you more though,” Kostas said, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. She chuckled, leaning over to give him a quick kiss. 
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percervall · 2 years
decorating the house
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Player: Kostas Tsimikas Words: 982  Requested: - Warnings: None, fluff, suggestive ending A/N: I wrote this one towards the end of last month, but didn't get around to posting it until now. The idea was kind of inspired by @footballerimaginess blurb on Kos decorating the house
Please let me know what you think! 🧡
Autumn masterlist
“Hey babe?” came Kostas’ voice from the corridor as he walked into her home office. 
“Mm?” she responded, still focussed on making sense of the numbers on her screen. 
“Oh, you’re working,” he observed when he laid eyes on her.
“Gimme a minute..” she said, mumbling something under her breath about men named Greg and their inability to organise. Kostas smiled as he watched her work. She sighed and rolled her shoulders, pushing her blue light glasses up into her hair as she spun around.
“Okay, you had a question?” 
“Yeah, where do we keep the Halloween stuff? I tried the garage but it’s not there,” Kostas said.
“It’s up in the loft with the Christmas decorations. Why?”
“Oh, just thought I could decorate while you worked. The lads made it into a competition to see who could decorate the best. I have a feeling some of them will cheat by asking their partners to do it and then taking the credit,” Kostas explained, a child-like glint in his eyes. 
“Sounds like fun. What’s the prize?” 
“Pep said he’d get the winner a bottle of wine. Second and third both get Halloween sweets.” 
“So everyone’s a winner?” Kostas shrugged. “All right, well I’d say do your best– or worst since it’s Halloween,” she continued. She wondered if she should be concerned about the grin that broke on her boyfriend’s face when she gave him free rein like that, but decided it would probably be fine. What was the worst that could happen?
Kostas hadn’t been lying when he said he wanted to decorate. When she emerged from her office three hours later to get coffee, he had already decorated the staircase and hallway. She stopped in her tracks to take it all in. He’d strung cobwebs through the balusters of the staircase, adorning them with tiny black plastic spiders. The wall of the entryway was decorated with paper bats. She had a feeling he’d spent a good amount of time making those because she’d never seen them before. Her pumpkin-shaped glass jar had been filled with battery operated fairy lights, and placed on the entryway table. It looked really good, she had to admit.
As she moved into the living room, she stopped again. Their dining room table was covered in decorations and art supplies. Kostas was focussed on something that involved a glue gun and some candles. She dug her phone out of her back pocket and snapped a quick photo of him. Placing her mug down on the kitchen island, she moved to stand behind him.
“How’s it going?” she asked softly as to not startle him.
“So far so good. Did you see the staircase? And the wall?” Kostas said, looking up from his work. Now that she was closer, she saw he was using old crayons to add a drip-effect to some of the left over candles from last year. 
“Mmhmm. Where did the bats come from? I don’t remember them from last year?” 
He looked at her with a grin.
“That’s because I made them. Found a tutorial on Pinterest, it was easy enough to follow. I made too many so I used some for the wall behind the TV as well,” he said, pointing towards the fireplace. She followed with her eyes, taking in the paper bats and the cobwebs draped over the mantle. He’d put her skull candle holders down already and the two fake dog skeletons.
“And I saw someone use these things to make dripping candles,” he continued, holding up the crayons.
“Is that what the glue gun is for?” she asked, picking strings of fake cobwebs out of his hair. 
“Uhu, you put the thing in there,” he said, loading another crayon into the opening where the glue stick would normally go, “and then the heat will melt the wax. It’s easier than the blow dryer.” He nodded to her discarded blow dryer as if to prove his point. 
She smiled, watching him move the glue gun around the pillar candle until it looked like blood was dripping down it. Pressing a kiss to the crown of his head, she moved back to the kitchen to make herself another coffee. While the Nespresso machine spluttered away, she rested against the counter. 
“I think you might win this Kos,” she said as she took another look at what he had done so far.
She nodded in reply and retrieved her mug. Taking a sip, she sat down opposite him at the table. 
“Can you film me making these candles so Pep knows I did it?” 
She smiled at how eager he was to get this right but got her phone out and started filming him crafting away. Turning around, she zoomed in on the fireplace.
“Just so you know Pep, Kos is in charge of decorating from now on. Couldn’t have done it better myself,” she said before turning back around. Kostas laughed and finished his final candle. He unplugged the glue gun, and gathered the candles. She kept filming him as he placed them down on the mantle. 
“Babe, if football somehow doesn’t work out for you, you have a future in interior design,” she commented as she put her phone down. Kostas beamed at her from across the room, admiring his own work. She walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him. 
“My beautiful Kos, a man of many talents..” she murmured and kissed him briefly. Kostas tightened his arms around her, chasing her lips when she pulled back. 
“Mm, follow me upstairs and I’ll demonstrate something else I’m really good at,” he pretty much purred in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. 
“Gotta clean up first babe, you made a mess.” 
“Give me five minutes and I’ll show you just how much of a mess I can make,” he replied, moving his lips down to her neck. 
Paper bats The mantel
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percervall · 2 years
a cold and lonely christmas
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Player: Kostas Tsimikas Words: 1514  Warnings: None Request: Making a gingerbread house For @kostasstsimikass, merry Christmas babe!
Ever since joining Liverpool, Kostas hadn’t felt this alone. All his teammates were talking about their plans for the holidays and the AXA training centre was fully decorated with trees in almost every corner. But Kostas didn’t feel festive –he felt sad. Not even his favourite Christmas jumper managed to cheer him up because he knew that once training was done, he’d be alone for the holidays. Kostas sighed and pushed his lunch around on his plate.
“You okay Kos?” Curtis asked him as he sat down next to him. Kostas shrugged in response. “Not in the Christmas spirit?” Thiago tried to joke. Kostas shook his head, shoulders slumped. 
“I love Christmas… Just not this year…” Kostas said quietly before getting up to return his tray. Without saying anything else, he left the building to go home. 
He did love this time of year. When he still lived at home, his mamá would start decorating the house on December first and there would always be festive treats waiting for him when he got back from school. Later, when he broke through to the first team at Olympiakos, the winter break would always fall in such a way he’d be home for Christmas. Even when he was on loan at Willem II, he could be home for Christmas. Come to think of it, Kostas had never –or at least very rarely– not been home for Christmas. 
This came to an end when he signed for Liverpool. Kostas knew going in that the Premier League had a long-standing tradition of having fixtures on either Christmas Eve or Boxing Day. The silver lining for him had been the fact that his girlfriend had come with him to England and that, because of the pandemic, neither of them could go home for the holidays. It was that year that they had started their own Christmas tradition and Kostas couldn’t wait to hopefully one day share it with their children. 
Kostas smiled sadly as he thought about that first year in England. It had been a cold winter, and he had hoped for snow. He loved snow, in some ways that little kid had never grown up. His girlfriend didn’t mind the cold; she was used to it having grown up in the Netherlands, but she wasn’t a fan of snow. They were sat where he was now sitting, at the kitchen island, steaming mugs of hot chocolate in front of them, when Liselotte had pulled out a gingerbread house kit out of a cupboard. Her eyes had lit up when she smiled as she explained that this could become their own little Christmas tradition: hot chocolate and gingerbread house building. 
And it had been, for two years, but this year would be different. While he was stuck in Liverpool during the holidays because of a match on Boxing Day, Liselotte would travel to visit her family. He was kicking himself for telling her to go after she’d offered to stay in England with him. The house felt too big and cold without her here and there was no amount of holiday films or music he could play to fill the emptiness. Not even the twinkling lights in the tree could lift his spirits. Sighing, he stirred the already melted whipped cream into his cooling hot chocolate. It was going to be a lonely Christmas, and Kostas was not looking forward to it.
The sound of the key in the door pulled him from his self-pity filled thoughts. At first he didn’t think too much of it, figuring one of his teammates came by to check on him. So to say he was a little shocked to look up and right into Liselotte’s sparkling blue eyes as she walked into the kitchen, would be an understatement.
“Lotte? W-what are you-... I thought-...” Kostas couldn’t finish his sentences. His thoughts were a jumbled mess. He heard her chuckle as she closed the door to the hallway. 
“B-but your train? You’ll miss your connecting train to Amsterdam!” 
Lotte brushed her hair away from her face and made her way over to him.
“I cancelled my trip,” she said. 
“Why? I thought you were going home for Christmas? You were so excited to see your family,” Kostas replied, brows knitting together in confusion. His eyes followed her as she opened the kitchen cupboard to get a mug. 
“Well,” she said, pouring the remaining hot chocolate in her mug, “I couldn’t leave you all alone.” Lotte turned around and sat down next to him. “What kind of girlfriend would that make me?” 
Kostas felt a smile tug at the corner of his mouth and leaned against her. Lotte smiled back, running a hand through his hair. “Besides, we have a tradition to uphold. S’not Christmas without a gingerbread house,” she added, planting a soft kiss on his temple. 
They were still sitting at the kitchen table. Lotte had made a pot of mulled wine and had left it simmering while they finished dinner. The smell of cinnamon filled the entire house and Kostas inhaled the scent mixed with orange as he took a sip of the hot drink, sighing contently. Lotte looked at him, an eyebrow raised.
“I’m just really happy… I felt kinda lonely today, and sad. Christmas is my favourite time of year and not being able to spend it with family sucks…” 
“Oh baby, I know,” Lotte said, her voice soft, rubbing a hand down his arm, “I phoned my parents when I got to the office. You looked so deflated when I left this morning and I just couldn’t leave you. Mum was more than understanding and instead offered to come over just after Christmas.” 
Kostas moved his face closer to hers, careful not to spill his mulled wine. 
“I love you,” he murmured in the space between their lips, before leaning down to kiss her. 
“Love you too, Kos,” Lotte whispered as she kissed him back. “Shall we build that gingerbread house now?” 
He nodded and helped her up from the chair. Lotte had already pulled out all the sprinkles and decorations they could possibly need and had laid them out on the kitchen island. Kostas pushed the sleeves of his jumper up and opened the box.
“We should be pros at this by now,” Lotte said as she massaged the bag of pre-made icing. Kostas laughed. She was right, this was their third gingerbread house so in theory they should know exactly how to put it together. 
“I swear, it’s like building IKEA furniture; you always end up with a somewhat assembled chair and three left-over screws,” Kostas said, chuckling. Lotte laughed and picked up the first wall. 
“Let’s see if this year’ll be any different.” 
Lotte was pretty sure she had icing in her hair, but at least the structure was somewhat stable. As always, they had needed way more icing than the kit provided so she had quickly made an extra batch. Kostas was still holding the spoon he had used to dollop it onto the walls of the house. He had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“Kos, what are you-...” She couldn’t even finish her sentence before he booped her on the nose with it, leaving a dollop of icing. Lotte stared at him, mouth open in shock as Kostas laughed, head thrown back. She quickly grabbed the other spoon and swiped it at his cheek. He grinned and pulled her closer to him, kissing the icing off her nose.
“I surrender,” he murmured against her cheek, rubbing the icing from his face onto hers.
“Weird way of showing it,” she retorted in mock annoyance and felt him chuckle as a reply.  
“I’ll let you pick all the decorations to make up for it,” he said.
“And you won’t complain about not using the green gumdrops?”
Kostas raised his fist, pinky finger raised. “Promise.” 
He loved watching her decorate the gingerbread house. Lotte always stuck the tip of her tongue out when she had to focus on something and now was no different as she piped the shingles of the roof. 
“Could you pass me the white pearlie-looking things?” she asked, pointing in the general direction. Kostas handed her the bowl in question and nicked another green gumdrop. He felt so much lighter than he did this morning. Knowing he wouldn’t be alone this year had lifted the heaviness he’d been feeling for a few days.
“Alright, I think I’m done,” Lotte pulled him back from his thoughts. He came to stand next to her, an arm wrapped around her waist as she spun the house around so they could look at all the angles.
“It looks great babe, excellent job,” he said. Lotte turned to look at him, a smile on her lips. He kissed her softly, a hand resting on her jaw, thumb caressing her cheek. 
“Thanks Kos,” Lotte replied in the space between their lips. She raised her fist, mirroring what he had done earlier. “Promise we’ll never spend Christmas alone,” she said. Kostas wrapped his pinky around hers. 
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Tags: @football-and-fanfics @kostasstsimikass
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percervall · 2 years
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in bold have already been requested
Decorating the tree
Dancing in the snow
Present shopping
Gift giving
Making a gingerbread house
Snowball fight
Christmas baking
Christmas market
Making snowmen
Watching Christmas movies
Dancing to Christmas music
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Requested so far
Kostas Tsimikas
Queen Anne/Aramis
Andy Robertson
Virgil van Dijk
Antoine Griezmann
Rodrigo De Paul
Trent Alexander-Arnold
Darwin Nunez
Ruben Dias
Marcos Llorente
Fernando Torres
John Stones
Kostas Tsimikas
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percervall · 1 year
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To keep the writing muscles limber (and also to celebrate 700 followers, I swear I just celebrated 400???), I thought it'd be fun to open my requests for some song drabbles/blurbs. Will close them again 10/8 at 20:00CET
Feel free to send in a name from the list below and a song, plus a genre (fluff, smut, angst)
Who do I write for? Daniel Ricciardo Carlos Sainz Lando Norris Toto Wolff Rodrigo De Paul Antoine Griezmann Thiago Alcantara Kostas Tsimikas Darwin Núñez Mats Hummels Fernando Torres
Tagging my writing friends for first dibs (only if you want!): @goldsainz @curiousthyme @monzabee @userlando @moneyymaseyy @monzamash @footballffbarbiex
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percervall · 2 years
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For Christmas this year I want to challenge myself. I've absolutely loved writing all the autumn fics, so I want to try something similar for December: 12 days of fluffmas -a fluffy oneshot/drabble in the days leading up to Christmas starting on 2/12
Some of you might read this and think, "hey, didn't you post this before?" and you'd be correct, I did. Like back in September 🙈 However, I did make a slight alteration to the original form. I decided to remove the dialogue prompts because I realised that including both a scenario and a dialogue prompt would be asking too much of my writing ability. I'll be reaching out to the two lovely people who've already requested theirs about this.
If you want to request a Christmas or winter themed oneshot, you can go here
I already have two requests for this, so there's 10 left 😊
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
12 Days of Fluffmas prompts
Decorating the tree
Dancing in the snow
Present shopping
Gift giving
Making a gingerbread house (taken)
Snowball fight
Christmas baking
Christmas market
Making snowmen
Watching Christmas movies
Dancing to Christmas music (taken)
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Requested so far*
Kostas Tsimikas
Aramis/Queen Anne
*I'll be updating this list as time goes on
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