#resident evil tickles
slavishslap · 5 months
Jill Valentine | Tickle HC's
Hi. I'm living. I'm alive. I've actually been drafting loads of stuff as of recently. Really gotten into writing so seems like a good time to do a little attempted return to this account! Thought a good return would be to drop a few HCs for characters I really like. I played a lot of Resident Evil recently, so thought I would start these off with my favourite of the characters. Enjoy!
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Only has two modes, either super gentle and teasy, or pinning down, absolutely wrecking someone's worst spots.
Will never pass up an opportunity to revenge tickle someone.
If she wants to tickle someone, they will be tickled, no matter what. She'll chase someone if she has to.
Very pinchy and scratchy tickles. Fully utilises her nails on her lee.
Very teasy. She will constantly remind you just how ticklish you are. "Is a little someone ticklish? Hmm?"
Also things like "I'm barely even touching you..." "Oooh, you're really ticklish here, huh... I might have to just keep tickling right here, what d'ya think?"
Will lock eyes the entire time, always with a huge smirk on her face.
Repeats the phrases "Tickle tickle tickle!" or "Coochie coochie coo!" Every 5 seconds when tickling.
Finds squeals, squeaks, or any other slightly different variation of laughter very cute, and will let you know. "What was that noise! I have to hear that again!"
Always gradually slows her attacks, until she's barley scratching her lee, before she actually stops.
Will continue to tease after she's finished. "Aw, you poor ticklish thing, huh?" "Can you breathe now? Can you talk normally now?"
Maybe surprisingly, she's unbelievably ticklish.
But will (try and fail to) deny it til the end. Ask her if she's ticklish and you'll recieve the most serious, yet guilty, glare ever. "...No..."
Her worst spots are her ribs and thighs.
Cannot take two different spots being tickled at the same time at all.
Usually not as ticklish against softer, more gentle methods. Although, scratching your nails down her ribs/sides will absolutely kill her every time.
Actually very bad at fighting back. Getting tickled sends her into such a squirming frenzy that she can barely control her own movements.
As such very jumpy. A single poke to the side can send her flying.
Massive squealer. Very high pitched and squeaky. But really tickle her bad and she'll turn to an almost silent laughter.
Always yells "Help!" Even if there's no one else around. "I hate you!" Is another one of her favourite things to giggle out.
Very susceptible to visual teasing. Wiggle your fingers in the air over her and she'll immediately go bright red and start giggling, no matter how hard she tries to hide it.
Gets very sweaty. Her hair always ends up stuck to her face by the end of a wrecking.
Be prepared to run once she's fully regained her composure, because she will be after revenge.
That's all for her, thanks for reading! Wanted to put a lil note here at the end just to say that while I am back on here, I already have loads more headcanons to drop, at least 5 other characters in the writing, but would love to hear any actual fanfic requests. I know a fandom list would probably help (and I will eventually write one) but as long as it's the same series as something I've done before, I'd definitely be happy writing for it again.
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tickled-2-death · 1 year
Tickled Pink - Leon Kennedy x Ada Wong
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Requests are open, see pinned post.
Content Warnings: tickling, implied sub/dom dynamic, begging, teasing, bondage.
I’m imagining RE2 era here, maybe some kind of happy ending au where Ada never “died” and they got together or something? Plot isn’t the point here, Leon being a cutie is.
This is a tickle fic.
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“ADAHAHA!” Leon cries, mirthful tears threatening to spill down his flushed cheeks. “ADA- ADAAHA!”
But of course, she continues to ignore his pleas. Her freshly manicured nails, scarlet red acrylics with pointed tips as the icing on top of the cake, scribble and scritch the poor man’s defenseless underarms with merciless abandon, just as they have been for the past fifteen minutes. With his wrists cuffed firmly above his head (with exactly zero wiggle room, as per Ada’s attention to detail), there isn’t much the poor boy can do except drum his feet against the mattress and throw his head side to side with laughter.
“PLEHEHEASE- TICKLES TOO MUCH! ADA, IT TICKLES!” He begs, voice bordering on going hoarse. Hiccuping between each word, Leon pleads with his beautiful tormentor for mercy, for just a moment of relief from the maddening sensation, to no avail.
Finally, she offers a response. Unsurprisingly in the form of a tease.
“What’s the matter, Leon? Sensitive?“ She asks, and pretends to not know the answer. “Sensitive right here? Under your arms? Down your ribs?”
With each location she lists, those devilish fingers travel across his body like a demonstration of his own vulnerability. She squeezes his ribs, scratches his belly button, and with each mention of another dreaded spot, Leon writhes and squirms beneath her.
“Hmm, what about your neck?”
He scrunches as much as he can, trying to block those offensive claws from ghosting across his sensitive skin, and ultimately fails as soon as she targets his ears instead.
“Mm, it seems as though you’re awfully sensitive all over your upper body. Pretty inconvenient weakness to have in your line of work, huh Leon? Wouldn’t want somebody to take advantage.” Ada teases, smirking at the wail it pulls from him, before finally allowing him a break.
He gulps in air like he hasn’t breathed in five minutes, still giggling his little head off as he looks up at her through tear soaked lashes. Mercifully, she rubs a soothing hand over his cheeks, wiping those tears away and cooing at his desperation for touch.
“You’re killling mehehehe.” Leon says, with that goofy lovestruck smile of his. “Thohose nails are evil, Adaha.”
“Oh I know, baby. I know.” She replies, “Let’s finish this off with a bang, then, shall we?”
Poor defenseless Leon nearly jumps out of his skin, giggling a mantra of “no, no, no!” as her fingers descend once more.
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This is literally so short and kind of half assed, but in my defense it was written at like 3:00am. Anyways, I saw a distinct lack of re tickle content and decided to take matters into my own hands for a sec.
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snowyh2o · 8 months
Dumb late night Hazbin ideas:
Ok, so hear me out. What if, Alastor gets a redemption arc? But it happens so slowly and unnoticed that by the end of the series you just turn around and find out that he’s already been redeemed and no one has any clue how it happened.
Alternatively, AU where the hotel’s very presence forces redemption on everyone who stays there whether they want to or not and one day Alastor wakes up and wonders if he should let Vox broadcast his shows uninterrupted that day before promptly glitching out in absolute horror at the thought. And then absolutely going out of his way to decimate one of Vox’s broadcasts just to prove to himself that he’s still just as much of an evil bastard as he always is.
Cue multiple scenarios where Alastor is trying really fucking hard to be eeeeevil and then somehow utterly failing. Watching as he’s slowly forced into being a good person against his will, and knowing there’s nothing he can do to stop it. Oh he’s still just as petty and sassy and sinister as ever, but whatever edge he had ends up lost in the thought of perhaps he should do something special for Charlie and the other residents for their first month of the hotel opening and—GODS BE DAMNED!
No one else notices it, partly because he’s always toned down the Clearly Scheming Aura when he’s around them, but also because he’ll be damned if anyone of them catches on. Husk sees through his bullshit, but ends up with the wrong conclusion and Alastor is happy to let him think whatever about leashes and deals as long as he keeps his mouth shut, buuuuut maybe he’d been a bit too harsh on the barkeep. He should make up for it with some higher quality booze and— really, it’d be nice to have something that’s more to his taste than the stuff that’s usually kept around.
Of course, Alastor’s not the only demon being forced into becoming a good person, he’s just the only one who’s noticed it. Charlie, who is 99% of the time a good person, is absolutely convinced that the better than usual behavior of the residents is a result of her efforts in the hotel. Vaggie’s also already a decent person for the most part, and after that conversation with Husk, Angel’s improved by leaps and bounds. Nifty doesn’t notice anything’s off at all, and Husk just thinks his better mood and temperament in general is because the quality of his liquor’s gone up and the company really ain’t all that bad. Sir Pentious also hasn’t noticed anything, but agrees with Charlie that her efforts have been working.
And then the hotel gets attacked and Alastor discovers this wonderful loophole in whatever spell’s got him entrapped and absolutely decimates the attackers. He’s so gleeful about his discovery and the absolute beat down he gave out without feeling the need to pull his punches that he ends up cooking everyone dinner. Everyone else is understandably very weirded out by this. Alastor couldn’t care less.
Charlie: uh, Alastor? Are you feeling alright there?
Alastor: why Charlie, I’m doing absolutely wonderful! Thank you for asking.
Charlie: oh, that’s uh, that’s great to hear!
Charlie: …
Charlie: so do you mind telling me why you’ve decided to make dinner…?
Alastor: mmmm. Just in the mood for it, I suppose. It’s been a while since I’ve cooked for others, and I’m feeling rather— creative right now!
Alastor: tell me, should I include a portion of today’s unlucky patron into the stew? It’s a bit stringy, but the stew should soften it right up!
Charlie: oh uhm. How about we don’t include any demon parts into the food?
Alastor: *raises eyebrow*
Charlie: I mean, we don’t know where it’s been! He could have had all sorts of diseases inside him. It’d uh, ruin the food if we added…. Bad meat? *nervous smile*
Alastor: mmmmm, fair enough.
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starishsky · 1 year
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serennedy makes me sad bc it reminds me of a fleeting summer romance that wasn't meant to be
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screams-of-laughter · 11 months
🩸 Lady Dimitrescu 🩸(spicy tickle & couple hcs)
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*She is a sadistic ler. Mercilessly sadistic.
*Sadistic in both rough and gentle ways. She’s able to make you crack with the littlest of touches.
*She’ll make you beg for more then immediately regret it.
*Since she’s literally 9ft tall, you better believe she uses that to her advantage.
*Using one hand to hold you down or pin both of your wrists above your head.
*One hand can cover your entire waist and it flusters you to no end. She finds it adorable.
*I definitely think she has a chest, not a box, a chest of tickle tools and sex toys.
*She never really knew she was into tickling until she met you. She loved being able to make you beg and squirm without hurting you.
*It’s even better for her that you absolutely love it.
*She loves teasing you about how much you crave to be touched in such a way.
*She loves to start out gentle, a barely there touch to make your nerves light up with anticipation. Then she’ll get more and more rough as time goes on till you’d call out your safe word.
*I think she’s got a thing for bondage for sure. She prefers to pin you down with her own hands or body, but she gets such a thrill when you’re tied down and she can use both of her hands.
*She will tie your ankles together behind her head while she eats you out. She will for sure tickle you while she does this.
*She also loves tying your hands behind her back while you sit in her lap so she can tickle you.
*This is her favorite position for anticipation tickles. She knows how bad those get to you. ❤️‍🔥
*She is definitely a top 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time is her being a dominant bottom.
*There are times when you can manage to get her flustered and it turns her on so much.
*The fact that a mere human like you could make her feel such things is insanely flustering and hot to her.
*Not to mention that she’ll definitely get you back tenfold for whatever you do to her.
*You give her a gentle poke to her side randomly when you pass by her? You’re getting tickled for an hour.
*She’ll also do this to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.
*You didn’t eat today? Well, I guess no kisses for the entire day until you eat.
*You feel bad about your body? I guess she’ll have to shower you with compliments while kissing and tickling every single part of you. 💖
*Fingering you while gently running her fingers through your hair until you agree that you’re worthy of love.
*She’s so sadistically sweet.
*Lady Dimitrescu for sure has a thing for your neck. Not in a wanting your blood kind of way though. Unless you’re into that ❤️‍🔥
*She adores kissing you there and leaving hickeys for others to see to show you’re hers.
*She loves putting her hand around your neck and gently pulling your hair. (guys I’m into light hair tugging don’t judge me) 🦋🦋🦋
*Won’t choke you, but she just loves gently holding your neck in her hands. It’s almost the equivalent of hand holding in her mind.
*Speaking of holding hands, she loves holding your hand during sex.
*Interlocking your fingers while you kiss or while she eats you out.
*It’s a small gesture that reminds you both how much you love each other.
*She really loves using feathers. Seeing which ones tickle more and loving how something as simple and gentle as a feather can make you squeal and laugh.
*However, she also loves vibrators of all kinds.
*Taping electric toothbrushes or small vibrators against your feet and underarms so she can attack your tummy.
*Strapping you to a table and covering you in electric toothbrushes before using one in watch hand to glide them up and down your inner thighs.
Overall, I need to be tickled by her. ❤️‍🔥🦋 Hope you all enjoyed these!
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meowbert-whiskers · 3 months
Hey guys I'd love to see more chubby Rebecca representation can we get that chat
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What if Eveline met SCP-999
So I have been wandering lately why nobody ever seems to care much about Eveline as a character. I mean despite the fact that she appeared only briefly in the series, she still is by far one of most complex and well developed characters in the entire Resident Evil series. She just has so much potiential in terms of character exploration, that nobody (not even the fanfiction community) ever dared to explore. There are just so many "what if" scenarios, potential redemption arcs and even crossovers that could push this character into some very interesting directions.
So I thought screw it, if no body else has ever done it, then I will be the one who does it !
So let's start with a ''what if'' crossover cenario. What would happen if SCP-999 met Eveline? At first I need to spicify that question. So just to clarefy we know for a fact that Eveline still exists in the mold world in her child form and we also know that the mold is capable of creating a perfect replica of the infected's body that they can live in even after they died. So let's imagine that Eveline, after spending years in the mold world, managed to master this ability and used the mold to recreate her former child body. So now she has a physical form again and is spared from rappid aging. So that is the form of Eveline that SCP-999 will encounter. And for SCP-999 let's just assume that during a containmant breach SCP-999 escaped and quincidently stumpled upon Eveline a few weeks after she escaped from the mold world.
So what do you think would happen? How could their interaction play out? Would they form a bond? Could SCP-999 change Eveline for the better? How would SCP-999's anomylus abilities affect Eveline? If they form a bond what would their relationship be like and how would they live together (considering that they are both on the run and need to hide from the Umbrella Cooporation and the SCP-foundation) ? Remember SCP-999 would comfort Eveline but still protect others from her every time she tries to attack anyone. So it would help Eveline but at the same time it would still prevent her from hurting others. But how would Eveline react to that? And how would that affect her character growth? How would Eveline even react to SCP-999's unconditional love during their first interaction (especialy considering everything she is been through so far)?
So the plan is to collect Ideas and discuss them. If an idea gets complex and interesting enough I might turn it into a web comic.
I may add more scenarios like this in the future.
So feel free to tell me how you think the meeting between SCP-999 and Eveline would play out. Show me your Ideas! I am open for discussions.
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gargalezthesia · 11 months
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“Luis! Luis, stohohop!”
Luis grinned, kneading into his boyfriend’s hips. Carlos had been especially annoying today with the amount of jokes or lighthearted jabs at Luis and just by 12pm he was completely over it.
By now, Carlos was pinned under Luis and trying his hardest to curl up and try to deter his boyfriend’s hands. Luis was faster than him, though, quickly switching from his stomach to his hips when one spot is hidden. It only made him weaker as two of his especially bad spots were targeted, looking up at Luis with tears of mirth in his eyes.
“Why are you laughing so hard?” Luis grinned. “Thought of another joke?” He softened a little when he heard a snort come out of him.
“Ihi-ihihit tihihickles! Luhuhuis- aHAH—!” Carlos shrieked when Luis’ hands suddenly latched onto his thighs, vibrating into the inner parts of them. He arched his back, cackling loudly. Luis gasped a bit as his boyfriend bucked under him, almost falling off of the bed entirely. “Hey, hey! Calm down, I’m trying to tickle you!”
Carlos finally grabbed Luis’ hands, pulling them up to his chest and taking a moment to breathe. Luis had a smug smile plastered on his face, flushing a bit as he noticed how large Carlos’ smile was. Fuck, He looked beautiful.
“Yohou-yohou’re so stuhupid.” He muttered, pulling Luis down for a hug. Luis smiled. “Stupid in love with you.” He cooed, obnoxiously nuzzling his face into Carlos. He laughed and gently shoved his face away, but soon pulled Luis closer to cuddle.
Maybe he’d let him do it again.
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ticklefeels-for-seb · 8 months
okay i haven’t been on in light years but-
i’m gonna have to start writing again brb
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delicatebluebirdruins · 4 months
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scratch the previous post this is the funniest screenshot from my collection
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recovering-vamp · 1 year
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lillee-93 · 6 months
Redfield revenge
(Based on Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City) Chris gets revenge on Leon for having his sister embarrass him in front of the S.T.A.R.S team.
Lee! Leon, Ler! Chris
“Rookie!” Chris called “I have a bone to pick with you!”. Leon turned to him “What Chris?” he asked as he took another bite of his sandwich “You got my sister to embarrass me in front of the whole damn S.T.A.R.S unit!” Chris snapped, Leon chuckled “You deserved it. The look on your face was priceless, you were as red as a tomato!”. Leon almost fell backwards from laughing so hard “Wanna laugh rookie? You won’t be laughing once I humiliate you!” Chris yelled.
Chris grabbed onto Leon and pulled him into a tight hold “W-Wha-? Let go of me!” he yelped “Or what?” teased Chris as he poked Leon’s ribs in an extra teasing manner. Leon squirmed in Chris’ grip “S-St-Stop! Stop!” he cried “It tickles, stop!” “Oh, the rookie’s ticklish, is he?” chuckled Chris as he starts tickling harder.
Leon shrieks and kicks his legs frantically, this was nothing like Claire’s gentle tickles, these were rough and slightly painful “Stahahap it!” he cries “Ihihit hurts!” “Hurts? It hurt me when my sister pulled my ear, this seems like the perfect revenge if you ask me” Chris teased as he made his way to Leon’s belly. “NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!” Leon laughs “Oh, tickle spot?” Chris laughs as he continues to tickle his belly “Tickle, tickle~”
The teases cause Leon’s face to go red and his laughter to turn silent and he can only let out a faint “Stop”. Chris finally decides that he’s gotten enough revenge and lets Leon go. Leon stumbles a bit before leaning against the wall and trying to catch his breath “s-shihit…” Leon whispers “I think you bruised my ribs…” “Good” says Chris with a smirk.
“Chris!” Yells Claire “I heard about what you did to Leon” “What did you do?” Asked Jill ��Got revenge for him having Claire pull my ear” Chris said “You did leave faint bruises on his stomach and ribs” said Claire with her arms crossed “Maybe I should get revenge for him in a similar manner”. Chris turned bright red “C-Claire! No!” he yelps “What’s going on here?” asked Jill “The bruises were because of how roughly Chris was tickling Leon, he seems to forget that as his little sister I know where he’s ticklish” Claire explains. Chris turns even redder as Jill turns to him with a smirk “So, big bad Redfield is ticklish?” she teases “Very” said Claire “Especially his armpits” Chris covered his armpits the second she said that.
Tonight was gonna be rough.
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screams-of-laughter · 10 months
just wanted to ask if that lady d x maid tickle fic was coming out anytime soon 😘😘
It’s definitely in the works and I hope to get it out sometime in the near future. It’ll definitely take a bit since I’m hoping to make a series out of it, but I hope to get a lot of it done during Christmas break. Thank you so much for asking!! ❤️‍🔥
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master-of-47-dudes · 1 year
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It turns out the yellow paint splatters that indicate an object is interactable wasn’t something Capcom invented for RE7, that's just how things are in Louisiana.
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slavishslap · 5 months
HI if you dont mind me asking, who r your favorite resident evil characters? :o and i suppose dynamics / pairings too if youre feeling up to it!
Hi I don't mind you asking at all! For favourite characters I guess Im pretty basic and love all the main ones, but my faves are Jill, Leon, Rebecca and Claire though. I do pretty much love all the slightly main ones though.
As for pairs, romantically I really like Jill/Carlos, Rebecca/Billy (SO UNDERATED UGH), and Leon/Ada. I do like Leon and Claire too, but I just prefer Ada and him. I can sometimes really get into loving Claire/Ada and Claire/Jill (!!!) as well, even if they're kinda unrealistic compared to the others. Once saw a Helena/Sherry artwork before which was INSANELY CUTE and made me kinda like that pair (Even though Helena is just a btec Claire)
As for platonically literally any pair could work, but I'm in love with Jill and Rebecca as best friends. Thats just some random thoughts spewed out for now. Thanks so much for asking!
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gargalezthesia · 1 year
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get her
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