#results can be found on the scenario story page
starsescape · 1 year
[Jill change to S.T.A.R.S. uniform]
[Jill save the gun oil for later.]
[Jill took a first aid spray, pistol + silencer.]
[Jill use a first aid spray. Condition back to fine.]
[-2 to defiance, survival and melee weapons skills. -1 to intrigue and engineering skills due to the eggs.]
[+3 from energy drink (effect lasts 2 story posts).
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The moment Jill open the door to the cell block she wince from the stench of sex and sweat. The air was thick with it. Jesus... Jill step in. It didn’t take long for the familiar intoxicating feeling set in as she breathe the reek of sex. Giving a glance at Ben’s cell she saw the man lay on his bed again. He could wait until after she would have dealt with the actual prisoners.
[A vote end with a tie. Jill will act according to her character.]
Jill took out the key to the cells and held it in her hand as she came to the view of the men at the back of the cell block. She open her mouth to speak, but words stuck to her throat as she saw what had been done to the woman who share the cell with the three others. She lay on the floor on her back with her feet spread. Her skin glister with sweat and cum stains. Her thighs were drenched with her own juices and her holes leak their seed. Her hair was a mess. As she lay there her chest heave with her heavy breathing. She still wore her top, but her pants and leather jacket were discarded under the bed which was shared by the three men who sit on it as they enjoy the sight of their handiwork.
Jill clear her throat and gave an order. “Step away from her.”
The men turn their heads and the one she had spoke most with the last time they met step up. He look her up and down with a whistle. “A S.T.A.R.S. officer, huh?” He seem impressed to learn what Jill really was, though he still didn’t know her name. “Couldn’t hide your collar, huh?” He grin as he fixed his gaze with the dog’s collar around Jill’s neck.
She didn’t have time for this. “Help her up and step away from her.” Jill repeat the order with an added task. To give her words more weight she open the gun holster as a warning. Make this easy for me... Jill had no intention of harming them, but she need to pose herself as an actual threat to them in order to force the men to obey her command.
“You are only releasing her?” Another man raise his voice.
“You made it crystal clear what you want from me if I let you out.” There was no kindness to Jill’s words as she remind how the men had wish her to take her place next to the woman they already used. “In your dreams.” Finished with them she took the safety off.
“Cold hearted bitch...” The third man chuckle. He put emphasis on the last word and the anger in his tone was equal to his lust for the policewoman. To him she was just a dog in need of a rutting.
In the end the men obey. They help the woman up to her feet and then step back. She pick up her clothes with trembling hands and dress up. She put on the leather jacket, pull her jeans back up and zip them up. Last she tie her hair on a ponytail. “Thanks a lot...” When she finally turn to look at Jill her tired eyes show how thankful she was, but something about her gaze made Jill think that she had enjoyed what was done to her no matter how wrong and overwhelming it had been. It made her feel as if she rob her from them.
“No need to thank me.” Sliding the key in to the lock Jill unlock the door. The moment she did it the men rush at her. [Skill challenge 7, Jill fails with defiance down to 5] Their bodies slam against the door, forcing it open by slamming it against Jill. The impact made her stumble and hit the bars of the opposite cell. One of the men attempt to grab her. [Skill challenge 8, Jill succeeds with firearms up to 10] He froze when Jill pull out her gun at him.
“We will see you later.” He growl at Jill and then ran off. None of them desire to challenge a S.T.A.R.S. officer while she was armed. The other two follow him as they made their escape. Soon all three of them disappeared through the exit to the corridor.
Both of the women stay quiet for a long time. Jill’s heart race as she had barely avoided being taken by a gang in a prison. She spoke before she wait her breathing to calm down. “You okay?”
The woman nod and ask in return. “Are you?”
“I’m fine.” Jill huff as she holster her gun. “What’s your name?”
There was a pause. The woman clearly consider if it was wise to share her name with a policewoman or not, but she reply in the end with a smile. “Kate.” Her smile was infectious and charming.
“Listen to me.” Jill start and made sure to lock her eyes with Kate’s to get her full attention. “The evacuation is about to start. Go on ahead and meet up with my friend at the underground parking lot, you can’t miss her. She will guide you to the extraction point from there.” She pause and then ask for a confirmation. “You got it?”
Kate gave a quick smile, nod and then start to head out of the cell block. Jill could see how her feet tremble slightly as she walk away. “Sure, see you there.” Kate was certainly in a hurry with the way she left.
What did she steal to get locked up... Jill didn’t know what to think of her. It was time to leave, but there was one last thing she had to do. Jill walk back to Ben’s cell and saw him sitting on the bed. “I guess you heard us?”
Ben let his words drag out a bit as he reply. “I did.” There was an air of finality to his words. Jill already knew that he wasn’t keen on the idea of leaving the safety of his cell.
“You could still come with us, Ben.” It didn’t stop her from trying to change his mind. “We have a car waiting for us just a short distance aw-”
“Valentine.” He sigh. “My mind is made up.”
Jill took a deep breath. “This is a goodbye then.” She couldn’t hide the mix of frustration and disappointment in her voice. Jill wish things could have been different, but she couldn’t stay here and argue with him. A silence fell between the two. Reaching in her pocket Jill took out a pack of smokes and held it out for him. “A parting gift.”
Ben chuckle and stretch his arms before standing up. He walk over to her and took the pack with one hand and shook her hand with the other. “Good luck out there, officer.” He sound so formal yet Ben still gave Jill a playful and encouraging smile. [Jill lost a pack of smokes]
Wish the pack would have at least been full... Jill thought as she left the cell block and enter the corridor that lead back to the underground parking lot. Not the best parting gift... But at least she had a chance to bid goodbye.
Closing the door to the cell block behind her Jill wonder how the preparations for the evacuation was going on. Marvin must have round up the survivors by now and they were waiting for Jill to get back. Then her thoughts shift to Rita. When Jill call Marvin she had ask Rita to go out to search for the keycard to the weapon’s storage before meeting up with the others at the extraction point. We could surely use the firepower, but it was a big favor to ask... Rita must have went on the search alone. I hope she will make it. Jill felt that she would be responsible if anything would happen to Rita. If anything happens to her Marvin will never forgive me. Now all Jill could do was to trust and hope that the young policewoman would make it.
[Unlocked a side story for Rita.]
As Jill walk her eyes focus on the open door at the first turn in the corridor. It was barely on its hinges anymore. She pull out her silenced pistol and raise it as she walk forward. Reaching the open door Jill look inside and saw the open cages. Each one was empty. Dog kennel. Broke free or the men let them out... Jill yell the next thought as she start to run back to the underground parking lot. “Juno!”
Instead of a vote you get to send in ideas!
Three infected dobermans have broke out from the dog kennel. What should wait for Jill at the underground parking lot or any ideas what would happen to her (or Juno) if they are caught?
Any ideas for how the evacuation should go? Here is the list of the survivors and Marvin Branagh will lead the upcoming evacuation. You find Rita’s description (whose side story we unlocked by asking a favor from her) is on the same page as Marvin’s.
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lunameimei · 9 months
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Well, considering that I obviously won’t finish this, I think I can post here my work on a small fan comic. The story takes place in an alternate scenario in episode 4x06 ("Furious Fu").
There are quite a few pages, so I'll hide them below. Some of them look very bad, and some of them I am still proud of… In general, for anyone who is interested, read below!
and yes, there was supposed to be bubble-text, but I stopped at the "line"
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as you can see further, halfway through I was tired and we only had a storyboard
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So what happened here?
The scenario is: Ladybug, under pressure from the Grand Master Su-Han and the burden of being a Guardian, chooses to abandon her role and hand over the miraculous box. Because of this, Marinette forgets everything since she became Ladybug.
The comic begins with Adrien stuck on the roof with Marinette, but Marinette has absolutely no memory of him. As a result, the girl contacts her parents and while they are waiting for the family to arrive, Adrien tells Marinette about the heroes of Paris. And also that Marinette most likely lost her memory due to Akuma's attack. At first, Marinette was very wary of Adrien, but in the end she finds him very cute (and that for some reason his photo is on the wallpaper of her phone) and even assumes that he is her boyfriend… but no. (Since the episode was the first of the fourth season, Luka and Marinette are still dating here) In the end, Marinette meets with her parents, and Adrien goes home alone.
This was the first part, which obviously doesn’t tell much and the story moves very slowly
Next, in Part 2, we would get some explanation from Adrien's nightmare/memory of what happened. Before Ladybug and Chat Noir had to give up their miraculous (and Ladybug would forget everything forever), Chat asked them to reveal their identities to each other. Ladybug said that she was giving up her role as a guardian and both teenagers detransformed. Marinette was horrified and shocked, but nothing could be changed; her memories slowly but surely left her head.
Marinette only managed to ask Adrien not to forget her.
Having lost everything at once: Ladybug, Marinette and Plagg, Adrien becomes very depressed. He understands why Ladybug gave the miraculous box in the first place and he cannot afford to drag Marinette into this “heroic nightmare” again by telling her the truth. Meanwhile, at school, people begin to worry why the heroes have not yet appeared and the “miraculous ladybug” has not returned Marinette’s memories. And in general, no one has seen the heroes for a long time (luckily, Hawk Moth hasn't shown himself again yet either).
The rest of the story was not very well thought out and I only had some “outlines”. Because of Hawk Moth’s new attack, Su-Han asks Adrien for help, since finding new heroes is not easy in the modern world, and going to the Temple would be too long and far away (and Hawk Moth likes to attack a lot and often). Adrien would be furious at the Master's behavior, but would agree to become a "temporary hero" (not Chat or Mister Bug) solely for the duration of the attack on Paris. Because, besides Adrien , no one could be entrusted with this (in the finale of the third season, the identities of all the heroes were revealed), and Adrien feels responsible to Ladybug. And of course he wants to protect Marinette.
But of course we wouldn't have any more heroic fun adventure. Adrien would be just depressed, and his "heroic form" would be dry and furrios.
And also Adrien would definitely lost all his shit on Chloe, since he would blame her for everything that happened. (After all, if she had not helped Hawk Moth, he would not have found Master Fu and Ladybug would not have had to become a new Guardian)
In the end Adrien would generally have a whole bunch of guilt and anger and confused thoughts and emotions about the whole situation.
And… that's all I had time to think through :D I started this comic in 2021 and continued it gradually for a whole year. Until I realized halfway through (creating lines in the first chapter) that I don’t really understand what the meaning of everything I’ve drawn is… and where it goes… I love doing detailed and large work too much, which is difficult for a beginner to handle. Maybe it's good that I froze the project. Maybe not very much. But in any case, why not share what I have been collecting dust on my computer for years.
I hope the text was not too complicated (after all, I use Google translator), and the story was not too boring. In any case, thanks to everyone who watched, read or simply paid attention!
P.S. And also a bonus - the very first developments, where I chose what style and color to create the work in order to be as fast as possible. (the 4th option won as you can see) + the final version from the comic itself!
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dojae-huh · 3 months
Hello! Just want to say again that I'm glad I found your blog, your down-to-earth commentary, especially about the business side of it all, is very much appreciated :)
Hi. Thank you for letting me know, I'm glad you find some more down to earth posts useful. In part, I run this blog to offer an alternative in fandom experience.
Thing is, we, as k-pop fans and as people who don't work in showbusiness or South Korea, don't have enough knowledge, experience or inside information to have a strong educated opinion on most of things when it comes to idol companies and their executives. We can have opinions as customers - I like this music, this promotional strategy works on me, these outfits are ugly, this concept rocks -, but not as business analytics. Especially considering how much media play, false information and difference in cultures we face.
However, nowadays everyone has the illusion that they know better, that their opinion and feelings are valid when it comes to any topic. And spread and defend their opinion like it is the ultimate truth.
I've recently come across a twit starting with "it appears that" and ending with "for sure". In a span of a few sentences the fan offered an imaginary scenario and finished with a "this is truth". Of course to "prove" that SM is evil, heh. Such baseless statements easily play on fans' love for their biases, evoke an emotional response, call to arms, they give an answer to "Who is to blame?!", provide a target for unleashing frustration and anger.
When one solo-stan blames our bias, we can call bullshit because we know how things really are. When a fan blames Chris Lee or SM, other fans are ready to accept the words as believeable. Either because they share the sentiment, or have no own opinion on the matter, so any will do. If everyone around says the same thing, it should be true, afterall? That's how our brains are wired: follow the majority, agree with the tribe, mirror everyone's current emotion.
We can't see the inner works and we don't know the inner rules, but we can see the results of labour and sometimes a reflection of things.
When I came to k-pop, I knew SM as the company that overworks its artists, has lawsuits with them, is super strict. Broken in two halves TVXQ and EXO with half of its members gone weren't a good representation. So when I started to get to know NCT better, I started to wonder if I was lied to or that something had changed in SM (the latter). Neos were taught how to songwrite, SM persisted with good quality music for NCT despite the group not taking off right away, artists not looking slavelike, there was SMstation and interesting projects.
Sure, I can observe bad work: poorly prepared concerts (Link), constant failures with album production (omitting Doyoung's name, boring designs for 127), tasteless stylists, etc. However, I also see good work: artists flying first/business class and living in 5 star hotels, being given opportunity to go to the beach, museums, to enjoy sightseeing in new countries; opportunity to explore one's creativity (soundcloud, NCTLabs, solo performances for Link); SM giving artists second professions (MC, variety host, model) that will aid professional longevity (Doyoung hasn't finished school and doesn't have a degree, but I'm not worried for him, even if SM collapses, he'll always find a job. Same for Taeyong, he came as a blank page, now he is a songwriter and a producer, he can even become a choreographer); neos progressively being given more choice and say, their opinion being consulted and their ideas being implemented once they gain enough experience (Golden Dust story, Taeyong making his own setlist for his concert, Doyoung saying Unity should not have solo-stages, Ten choosing the mood and genre for his solo, etc).
Most importantly, I can see many friendships between neos and producers/managers, and that Haechan and Doyoung, who experienced all of SM's downsides personally and not once, continue to like the company. Meaning, the good should outweight the bad. At least for now.
Fans learnt the name of Chris Lee and continue to blame him for everything to this day, although he doesn't own any shares in SM and has stopped being a CEO a year ago. He is a token scapegoat.
Should I blindly trust fans or should I go read Wikipedia, interviews and listen to the guy himself? In situations like these I always choose the latter.
Sure, I can't tell if he evades taxes or participates in shady business, and what neos think of him (aside from Doyoung calling him "hyung" in public and not being afraid of getting punished for it), but I can see he was the person who overlooked all the early NCT songs (we have "Limitless", "Cherry bomb" thanks to him); created SMStation and SMClassics (say thank you for "Try again", "Star blossom"); found Dem Jointz ("Kick it", "Punch", "Sticker") and multiple other songwriters who now work for SM; brought to Korea the idea of songwriting camps, in which Kun participates nowadays and where he befriends foreign creators; invested SM money into a publishing company (and not a winery or a hotel business), which means SM artists will be secured to have a lot of songs to choose from in the future, and Korean young producers will have access to the global market. He has been with SM close to 20 years, and he is evidently a music nerd, ergo he understands artists and their love for music. So why should I hate him? I have no proof of him taking money away from neos, but I have evidence he was very essential to formation of NCT and the quality of SM sound being maintained. On the contrary, I'm inclined to suspect the quality of albums (song setlist, production) is raising again because he is back to supervising A&R in SM.
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j0kers-light · 2 years
His Lighthouse: Two Steps Forward (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Two Steps Forward...
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series summary:
Y/n is an aspiring writer living in Gotham City and struggling to find her next muse. Her recent novel is getting all the buzz, earning her far more attention than she signed up for. But when a chance encounter results in her nursing The Joker back to health, will she find the time to write another best seller or will her own story become front page of the Gotham Gazette?
chapter summary:
Now that Y/n has come to the realization she is housing Joker inside of her apartment, the process of living together can truly begin. But how will Y/n and Joker get along when they don’t have much in common? 
Without further ado I hope you enjoy the story!  
Last Chapter | Next Chapter 
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The silence was deafening inside the interrogation room.
Everyone was in disbelief by Joker's behavior and no one believed that he actually spared someone's life, especially the person who claimed to know him the best.
Batman studied his enemy from all points of view. He knew Joker was notorious for leading people into a false sense of security but this time, he seemed rather genuine. Bruce could sense the remorse, sadness, and some traces of honesty from Joker.
But under the cowl, Batman was smarter and knew this could very well be a trap. Something about Joker felt off. Either he was being serious for once in his life, or he was pulling off his best performance yet.
Without knowing which scenario was true, Batman decided to proceed with caution. Violence was not the way to handle this. He would have to take things slow. Batman looked around the room and found the Polaroid film that started all of this before returning to Joker's side.
"This girl-" Batman pointed at the picture, "Is she still alive?"
Joker rolled his eyes. He was far too tired to entertain this conversation any longer.
He blamed you for his sluggish brain. You introduced him to the wonders of a good night's rest and got him addicted.
Before he met you he skirted by in life with the bare minimum for sleep and as a result, he was always in a grumpy, bitter mood. Being with you he became energetic and full of life, a complete opposite of his persona as The Joker.
He couldn't function properly without a full eight hours of rest, something he didn't get the night before since he stayed up thinking. A shame really. It hadn't been a full day since he left and he already missed your contagious energy.
You spoiled him rotten on life and he couldn't, in fact he didn't want to go back to the way things were before he met you.
Unfortunately that wasn't meant to be. He was Gotham City's most wanted and you were a mere (semi-famous) citizen.
You deserved so much more than he could ever hope to give you. Yet sitting here on the cold concrete floor inside GCPD headquarters made him question if turning himself in was the right thing to do and that it wasn't him running away from his fears of inadequacy.
"Focus Joker, if she's still alive we can save her! Don't you want her to be safe?"
Oh right. Joker forgot Batman was trying to play detective here. Maybe turning himself in was a bad idea after all. Your apartment was always quiet and peaceful. Funny how he was just a few blocks away from your place. If he closed his eyes he could map out the exact route to end up at your front door.
Joker rolled his neck as much as he could while being restricted inside a straight jacket and then yawned. His inner clock alerted him it was close to dinner time and his stomach growled, craving a meal it would never taste again.
"I told you, Bats. I would never hurt her. I... heh, well I made a promise noT to."
"That doesn't answer my question Joker!"
"Well which one am I responding to, Bats? You've asked so many.. they all got jumbled up together and I can't..." He let Batman grab ahold of his jacket, yanking him up off of the floor.
They met eye to eye and the standoff shocked the police officers watching the live feed. Batman really could stare down the scum of Gotham without fear.
"I'm not playing games with you tonight. The girl! Where is she?" He demanded.
There were other crimes that needed his attention but he couldn't leave until the situation here was handled. He grew impatient and dragged Joker back over to the desk and roughly sat him down.
Joker settled without complaint but couldn't resist teasing his nemesis. "I see you're using the good cop/bad cop rou-tine. Fine, I'll play along." Joker licked his lips and pretended to think up at the ceiling.
He spotted the multiple cameras watching his and Batman's every move with a knowing eye. He hated being watched like some kind of circus attraction. This interrogation was dragging on and wearing Joker down. "What time is it?"
"What does that have to do with anything?" Batman replied.
"Depending on the time... she could be in one place or another, so I can't answer unless ya tell meee."
Behind the two-way glass Jim Gordon facepalmed himself. "Good to see Joker back to his old tricks." One officer mentioned.
This wasn't looking too good. Jim glanced up at the clock ticking away on the wall. It read a quarter till eight. They've been at this for hours with no progress.
Not even Batman could decode this abnormal version of Joker. They would give the caped crusader another half hour before booking Joker per protocol. Perhaps they would finally get prints off the clown before he busted out. Jim and his other colleagues turned their attention back to the feed when Batman's voice raised over the mic.
"Are you implying she's in multiple places? I won't fall for that again." A brief memory of having to choose between two people came and went.
"Uh no. I'm implying that she's a stubborn girl and she's probably out of Gotham City by now. We had a, uh.. nasty fight last night and before you ask, I don't wanna talk about it Bats. As a man, I hope you'd under-stand."
"I don't. Now talk!" Batman yelled.
"Geez.." Joker shifted in his seat. He wanted to keep you a secret for as long as possible and so far, he was doing a good job.
You weren't some dirty secret to hide from society. If anything, he wanted to show you off to the world but for your own safety, he made it a top priority to keep you far away from danger. Himself included.
He only trusted one man and gave you his contact info in case of emergencies. Like you'd want anything to do with Joker after he left you high and dry but it was an option he hoped you never had to use.
Joker just wanted you safe. You meant more to him than you'd ever know. He never felt this way for someone before so pure possessive instincts forced him to put your safety above his own in any situation. Joker considered his rivals and other enemies in the city, any persons of authority, and especially Batman, a threat if they ever found you.
Joker already had other competition to scare off, (which he meant discreetly eliminate) and with the way you spoke so highly of the Dark Knight, it irked Joker's already frayed nerves. Just sitting across from Batman now reminded him of the kind words you had for Gotham's savior. It took a bit longer but overtime you regarded Joker in the same way.
He missed your positive outlook on life.
The way you acknowledged his character flaws, (you knew in the end Joker wouldn't change) but you treated him like a normal human being, and it meant everything to him. Joker felt like he changed as a person while remaining true to himself and he would cherish that feeling forever.
It was hard to describe the way you loved Joker and he felt like a fool for throwing that bond away, but he had to. It was all to keep you safe.
In the meantime he would take your advice and find joy in any situation.
He wouldn't waste a perfectly good opportunity to mess with Batman and the GCPD pigs that were watching the interrogation. Joker nodded to himself and met Batman's stare head on.
"A real man knows when his hands are, tied." Joker wiggled his arms in the straight jacket earning an eye roll from Batman that made him bite back a laugh.
"You want me to talk, then listen well. She's alive. Last time I saw her, she was sleeping on a tearstained pillow. It feels like in the end, all I did was make her cry. But in order to protect her.. I had to become the, uh, villain in her story."
Batman raised an eyebrow underneath his mask. "You weren't one to begin with?"
Joker snorted. He glanced over at the room's mirror which he knew GCPD's finest was using to watch him. He unknowingly made eye contact with Jim Gordon and replied to Batman's jab.
"Not at first. I was many things to her but never the bad guy. I tried so hard to make her hate me but she's.. something else. She would cry and get mad— but she always forgave me afterwards. Nothing I did scared her away. Say Bats! Would you believe me if I told you My Light and I started out as..."
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A roommate. You weren't used to having one. Since you never went to college and were an only child, you always had a space to yourself.
Upon moving to your penthouse in Gotham City, silence was abundant, save for the noisy hustle and bustle out on the city streets below. It was just background noise to you.
Your apartment was an oasis of tranquility in the middle of the city. You were used to unlimited freedom to do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, within your space.
Decorating to your heart's content, blasting music that you liked without any neighbors banging on your door, ah the joys of living on the top floor. You didn't walk around nude (too many windows and Gotham was far too dangerous for that kind of thing) but if you wanted to cook in a dinosaur costume, you could! That is until Joker became your temporary flat mate.
You talked the clown into staying until his stitches needed to be removed but you didn't discuss the living arrangements while being held at knifepoint. It kinda slipped your mind at the time.
Thankfully you had room to spare however Joker seemed content with crashing on your couch. After your little 'disagreement' at breakfast, Joker avoided you like the plague and for the time being, you kept your distance too.
No matter how angry he got he kept his word and never harmed a hair on your head. Granted he was rooted to one spot, so there wasn't much harm he could inflict. In the beginning you only bothered him when delivering him food or the worst task of them all, taking him to the bathroom.
That initial interaction was a tough pill to swallow. Joker couldn't walk on his own and your bathroom was soooo far away. He refused to wet himself but you were so focused on that laptop of yours, he couldn't get your attention.
He understood you were a writer and once you got into a groove it was impossible to stop, but this was ridiculous!
The words were flowing so fast from your mind and onto the word document that, to Joker, your nimble fingers danced over the keyboard like a master pianist.
He tried sighing– because that usually got your attention, but not this time. At first your ears didn't pick up his broody exhale but the second time he sighed just a bit louder, his patience was rewarded.
"Earth to Y/n. Your patient is dying!" His sarcastic words made you pause but you quickly recovered and continued working with your head bopping to some imaginary beat only you could hear.
Your back was facing him so he didn't see the way your lips were reading your work as you went, nodding along. To him you were blatantly ignoring him.
Weren't you supposed to be taking care of him? Joker tried, better yet failed– to get your attention again until he was forced to use a different tactic.
Meanwhile, you had an excuse for your distracted mind. Your work kept you busy and awake.
After the whole breakfast fiasco, Joker declared he was taking a nap, leaving you with a huge mess to clean and a story you were itching to start. Not to mention you wanted to tackle laundry today and you really wanted to bake something sweet to eat for later.
So much needed to be done and you knew Joker would thwart every last task if he were awake.
This weekend couldn't get anymore stressful. But you were a queen of multitasking and started a load of laundry in between cleaning up the broken chinaware and leftover food that spilled from the breakfast tray, and restored your living room back to its pristine condition.
You moseyed into the kitchen and made a large Charcuterie board for whenever Joker decided to wake up from his nap. You munched on the scraps while you tidied up.
While biting into a fig your mind noticed the similarities between Joker and a common house cat.
Before you compared him to a puppy but that wasn't true. He was mooching off your food and doing nothing but sleeping around just like a cat would. However Joker was on the mend so you cut him some slack.
He needed to stay hydrated so you brought him a few water bottles and placed them near his couch– you've since given up ownership of it, and returned to your desk to type out a few more pages in between folding clothes.
The early morning was bleeding into high noon and it was a rather pleasant day out despite the rain. You lit a lemongrass candle for productivity but jumped when a heavy sneeze sounded off in the room. Did he just?
You looked over your shoulder but Joker appeared to be asleep so you went back to writing. You hoped he wasn't allergic. 'Note to self: discuss allergies with Joker for meal prep later this week.'
This thought was mentally filed away and jotted down in your nearby journal for later. The timer on your phone still displayed forty five minutes until the dryer went off so you bunkered down to get the current scene you were having trouble with squared away. Did you want a direct approach/solution for your main character or should you incorporate the tertiary character in to have a cameo appearance to assist? Time seemed to fly as you worked, though you hardly noticed.
You were making good progress until a water bottle flying over your shoulder and hitting the wall in front of you, stopped all brain function. Your heart was beating wildly. Where did that come from?
In that moment you briefly forgot you weren't alone. You had a roommate now, one that was quick to violence.
You spun around to face him. "What in the.. Joker! Was that really necessary?! What if that water messed up my laptop?"
He rolled his eyes and shifted up into a sitting position. Hearing your dramatics after waking up from your weird smelling candle was not something he signed up for. He noticed it was a few hours after breakfast judging by the sun's rays pouring in from the giant windows.
The orange juice you forced him to drink after breakfast had moved through his system and upon waking up his mouth felt like the Sahara Desert. Thankfully he spotted the water bottles you left for him and downed two before he tried gaining your attention. If he factored in the water and the juice from earlier, he needed to pee. Badly.
And so, everything came back full circle. He refused to wet himself but at least he had your attention now.
"Forget about your laptop, Y/n. I've been trying to get your uh.. attention, for the past thirty minutes." He scratched his head and it was then you noticed his uninjured leg tapping impatiently on the hardwood floors. You only knew Joker for less than a day but you've never seen him so jittery.
You blinked rapidly trying to grasp his words. You stole a glance at your phone to find that you literally lost track of time.
"Wow, okay um I'm sorry, I didn't know it was this late. My mind is on this plot and I just.. ugh, I'm rambling. What do you need?" You asked him.
"The bathroom."
"Um it's down the hall, can't miss it." You waved in its general direction but Joker didn't move.
He stared at you and waited for your brain to catch up with his predicament. You were proving his theory of you just being book smart truer by the minute. Were you really that scatterbrained?
"What?" You asked. His stare was so intense it made you self conscious.
Was there something on your face? Was your hair too wild? Your eyes travelled down to his bandaged leg and your brain slowly loaded the required information to respond. "Oh. OH! I-I really didn't think this through..."
Joker merely smiled wide. God, you so desperately wanted to brush his teeth. But that was another fight to get into later. He would probably threaten you again but you didn't care. You hoped they weren't permanently stained.
In the end, that's how you ended up supporting half of Joker's weight as you two walked to the bathroom.
You collided roughly into your hallway table trying to keep Joker upright and you knew the area would bruise by tomorrow morning, but nevertheless— you two made it to your bathroom in one piece.
Intricate floor tiles greeted you when you flipped on the lights.
Crisp and modern or as Barbara described it, 'a whimsical Y/n flair,' was present throughout the room.
You rented the apartment mainly for its large bathrooms. The focal point of this room was the original claw foot tub sitting atop a raised platform underneath a skylight window. All kinds of plants surrounded the tub and abstract art of Gotham City hung on the walls. The walls themselves were a crisp grey that paired beautifully with your matte black fixtures.
Original subway tiles, chipped just enough to be vintage but still modern looking, graced the wall behind the standing sink and encased the giant walk-in shower that looked like it could fit three people and a spare. Your bathroom was straight out of a magazine.
Joker whistled lowly. "How much are your uh, royalty checks? I should change professions."
"Was that a joke or are you being serious?" You asked. His low huff answered your question. Of course Joker would never change, but a girl could dream.
You had ample room to walk in together side by side and you guided him over to the John that was behind a half wall near the tub.
"Okay.. I think you can take it from here. I'll be um.." This was so awkward.
"Don't you wanna stay? I might.. slip and hit my head on your opulence." He grumbled, looking around the fancy room.
You never knew when Joker was living up to his name or just being honest. His sardonic humor was difficult to pinpoint. "I hope the towel rack takes you out on the way down. I'll be outside."
You heard his zipper echo in the room and eeped outta there so fast. You slammed the door hearing Joker's signature laugh bounce off your subway tiles. He knew just how to get under your skin and the worst part, you let him!
It felt ridiculous standing outside your own bathroom but you patiently waited and then... waited some more.
You rocked on your heels, twirled your thumbs, and stared at the splatter paint art hanging on the wall outside the bathroom biding time.
You did anything but listen to Joker inside. But after a while it became too quiet and far too much time had passed. How long did it take a guy to use the bathroom? Definitely not this long.
Your knuckles rapped on the wooden door. "Joker, are you alright?"
You didn't hear a response and immediately thought the worst. What if he lost his balance and hit his head like you had joked? With your terrible luck, you probably jinxed the guy.
You didn't hear any thuds but the possibilities were endless floating around inside your head. Your heart was beating fast as you burst through the door, frantically looking about and preparing yourself for the worst.
Joker wasn't unconscious on the floor and there wasn't any blood either (thank goodness) but seeing him reading your private bathroom journal was not what you expected. He was like a nosy toddler always meddling into things!
"Put that down!" You rushed towards him but collided into his side when he blocked you.
"So.. this is where your ideas are stored. My, my Y/n.. you have quite the uh, imaginative brain."
Oh god what did he read? You forgot to hide your notebook earlier! You felt like a teenager catching your mother reading your first WIP for the first time.
Utter embarrassment flushed the tip of your ears scarlet red. The situation became worse when you jumped up and down trying to snatch your journal away from Joker.
If you weren't so hellbent on retrieving your notebook, you would've noticed the height difference between you and him.
"Don't read that! Joker, stop being a bully and give me my journal!" To him, your pleas were befitting that of a child.
A buzzing noise down the hall gained his attention but it didn't distract him much into lowering your journal to where you could reach it. He leaned his weight on the console sink and raised an eyebrow in your direction before nodding towards the door.
You stopped reaching and followed his gaze out the bathroom, catching the last buzz alert from your dryer, and answered Joker's silent question.
"It's laundry day. I need to fold those before they get too wrinkled. Are you done in here?" You gestured vaguely around the bathroom, earning a signature Joker huff.
It sounded like a sharp exhale but it also had qualities of a low growl. It intrigued and confused you at the same time on how he pulled it off. How you interpreted it, it was his lazy version of an affirmative response.
But he used it interchangeably for negative replies too. Whatever it was, it became something your ears grew accustomed to in such a short amount of time. "Alright then. Let's get you back to the couch if you're done."
"Lead the way." Why did your name fall from his lips so suggestively?
Were you just imagining it? Perhaps, but when you walked towards Joker with arms open wide, he didn't take your pre-offered shoulder to lean on. Instead he didn't move at all, causing you to awkwardly hug him. Only then did he wrap his arms around you and bend down to whisper in your ear.
"I happen to like the err story idea on page nineteen. Mind sharing your thought process on how that came to be, hmm?" He pulled you closer, urging you to rest your head on his chest.
You barely reached it with how short you were. The comical height difference returned and now it was the only thing on your mind.
Joker, Gotham City's most wanted criminal, was holding you in your bathroom and subtly sniffing your hair. It smelled divine to him and he subconsciously squeezed you tighter because of it. You smelled like rosemary, lavender, peppermint, and some kind of fruit he couldn't quite name. The combination was intoxicating and before he knew it, his hand was snaking up your back and into your hair.
Could your reaction even be called panic if your brain simply shut down?
Everything was a blur. One minute you were ready to escort Joker back to the living room, the next you were listening to his heartbeat pressed up against your ear. It was strong with a drum like beat yet gentle on the eardrums. Steady– never faltering. You could listen to it forever and never get bored.
Your body accepted the tune and you sagged deeper into his embrace. You didn't get an ounce of sleep last night in order to stay up and watch over Joker so you were working on fumes. That was the worst idea ever.
Your brain wasn't functioning at all to warn you that this was wrong wrong wrong.
Didn't you warn yourself not to get attached? To not get too close to Joker? He was like a magnet, dripping with poison, with caution tape wrapped all around him. You should be running far far away but if being held like this felt so good, you could only imagine what falling in–
Were you seriously catching feelings for him? You only knew Joker for a day; What was going on upstairs in your brain?
Like steering a boat out of the fog, you came back to your senses very disappointed in yourself.
By no means were you desperate or some hopeless romantic that falls in love with every guy she meets. You had standards! And very high ones! You didn't date often but you knew what you wanted and what was best for you. Too many real life dating mistakes and reading more in books and other media, showed you what was toxic and what was considered healthy.
Falling for a guy in less than twenty four hours sounded like a cheap grocery store erotica storyline.
Then you had an epiphany. Page nineteen.. page nineteen!
Your journal in the bathroom stored the majority of your scrapped book ideas. The worn journal was bursting with rejects and long forgotten ideas that were either too boring or too embarrassing to expand on. If you remembered well, page nineteen was the latter and contained heavier material if Cindy ever approved you for adult fiction. Correction: if you ever mustered up enough courage to publish such a genre.
And Joker read it. Of course he did.
You pushed out of his hold with more force than necessary. Joker blinded in shock but didn't budge an inch.
Your privacy as a writer was compromised. Who knows what else he read? Page twenty one was just as worse. You felt like crawling into a hole to die.
He noticed your flushed face and labored breathing. What had gotten you so worked up?
"F-Find your way back to the living room alone, you.. you jerk!"
Joker watched you stomp out the bathroom, mumbling something about an 'invasion of privacy' under your breath and leaving him stranded. Women were so difficult to please but what did he do to get on your bad side? He thought back on the conversation but nothing stuck out. Yeah he bullied you a bit, but nothing too serious.
Women and their mood swings he surmised. But how was he going to make it back to the couch?
"Stupid jerk reading my stuff, being so freakishly tall, and ugh!" You yanked the last article of clothing out the dryer and into a basket before slamming the door.
It was your last load, most of which that needed to be hung up before wrinkles set in, but there were a few items that could be folded. Your mind shifted gears from Joker to focus on your chores.
You were busy hanging up a silk shirt when you heard the first thud. You turned your head towards the door but rolled your eyes and returned back to your task at hand. So what if Joker hurt himself? You were mad at him right now.
He stopped halfway to the living room on a decorative stool to catch his breath. Why was he so winded from just walking? Had he underestimated his injury? He seriously hoped he didn't need to stay here any longer than your two week recommendation. He didn't want to spend more time than necessary around your flip flopping attitude.
Joker grumbled to himself but he took time to admire your tasteful interior design. You mixed low-end comfort items with bold and expensive statement pieces. No two things matched but somehow worked together to create a fun and aesthetically pleasing home.
Just a few paces away was your couch, a stiff vintage monstrosity appearance wise, which surprisingly wasn't the worst thing Joker rested his head on. It could be better. It did its job and he wanted to return to its limited comfort to stop his head from spinning. Tip toeing around you and your mood swings burned more energy than what he had initially stored up.
The trip to the bathroom took ages but Joker made it back in less than ten minutes, including his mini break. He landed roughly on his unbandaged side, sighing.
He wished you were around so he could rub in the fact that he didn't need your help. He kinda enjoyed your presence, (when you weren't a whiny woman-child) since it helped fill the emptiness lingering around the spacious apartment. He wasn't joking earlier when he asked how much your salary was.
You mentioned before how your place took up the entire top floor but Joker knew he was only seeing a glimpse of that square footage. Your living room was quite large and the connected dining room behind him explained some of the missing measurements but Joker wanted to see more.
He craned his head backwards and spotted a glass sliding door across from your kitchen that led out to a balcony, although he couldn't see how big it was from this angle.
He should've stayed up and snooped around. Maybe later, right now his body was craving another nap.
Although he didn't sleep for long. Joker woke up more grumpier and stretched out the remaining traces of sleep from his body. He briefly considered the possibility of him sleeping too much but brushed it off. His bandage were still intact and a glance out the window put the time around mid afternoon. If he were out on the streets, now would be the perfect time to begin the day's work; chaos and destruction.
Somehow your apartment felt different as the day dragged on. It still kept its whimsical charm but it had a chill in the air. Joker had no doubt your mood affected the place.
The candle that originally woke him up, some kind of citrus that tickled his nose, had long since burned out or been extinguished which meant you were in the room at some point.
The open floor plan once again gave Joker an advantage but atlas no signs of you were found. You weren't at your desk across the room and you weren't curled up in the accent chair next to the couch or on the floor nearby.
Just how long could a female's mood swing last? Approaching footsteps halted all other thoughts in Joker's brain.
How pathetic he felt sitting up in attention. Your presence emerging from the hallway sent an unknown feeling stirring up within his chest. Joker's eyes quickly latched onto you trying to find any opening to get back in your good graces.
He shouldn't care about you. He just needed his nurse in good health to take care of him. The quicker he was healed, the faster he could be out of your life, so why did he find himself getting used to staying here? More importantly, why did he want to see you happy again?
He shouldn't be getting attached. Kill him now.
You were barefoot and your dainty feet barely made any sound on the hardwood floors as you made your way to the kitchen. Not once did you spare Joker a glance. He tried to ignore the feeling your cold shoulder gave him but failed.
He remained silent as you opened the fridge to rummage around inside but the longer you ignored him, the more he couldn't stand it. Curse you for making him crave your attention!
"Y/n.... I'm bored."
Maybe you weren't intentionally ignoring him. He raised an eyebrow at how you jumped after hearing his comment. Was it possible you lived alone for so long that you weren't used to another's company? Your reaction sure confirmed it. The same way he had to get used to relying on someone for help, you had to adapt to another person being around. Day one and it was already a disaster in the making.
You quickly recovered from your fright. "What do you usually do in your free time?" You asked.
Hmm, it appeared like you were back to your normal self. Joker didn't know what he would've done if you didn't respond.
"Well." Joker chuckled to himself. "If I was locked up, I'd taunt the guards until one was stupid enough to come closer and uh escape. Oops! Don't tell them that's how I got out."
You didn't know if he was joking or telling the truth. Either way you didn't comment and continued arranging a plate.
"But if Gotham was my oyster, I'd paint the streets with blood. It's a shame I'm stuck here with you." Finally you turned his way. The fire in your eyes was gone; did that mean you weren't angry at him anymore?
You walked out the kitchen with a few plates and Joker watched you like a hawk as you came closer.
He broke your blue set earlier so this set was stark white with intricate plum blossom flowers along the rim. On it was a serving of various fruit, cheeses, and cured meat from your charcuterie board. You were really pushing this healthy diet on him.
"Yeah, what a shame." You mumbled. "If you're so bored then watch tv." All you got was a cold glare from Joker.
"What? I'm serious. I have unlimited channels, the latest streaming services available, and every gaming system at your disposal. There is no way you can be bored." You rested your hands on your hips.
Joker's forest green eyes followed the movement before darting back up to your face that was set in a frown. So your mood hadn't improved as he thought.
"Do I looK like someone who watches tv?" Joker grimaced. Your left eye twitched but you didn't argue with him.
He didn't and you knew he was a man of literature if being a fan of your work was any indicator. But that would change while staying here with you. You would expose Joker to normal things found outside of a prison cell.
He grew curious when you walked back to the kitchen and returned with more bottles of water.
Just as he was about to question your motives, you plopped down on the couch next to him. The sofa had enough room for the two of you but it was still uncomfortable to have you so close.
He recognized your scent and having it up close again stirred up bad thoughts in his brain. He shook them away as you grabbed a remote out of thin air and turned on the wall mounted tv. How did he not notice that?
It came to life, already the homepage and you scrolled through it looking for something Joker might like. True crime would be right up his alley but if he was really bored, he needed something both engaging and new. You smirked to yourself and hit play on a show already in your watch list.
Immediately a scene started where a group of women were at a familiar restaurant arguing over something trivial.
"What the fu—"
"Hey!" You shushed his mouth grabbing the plate from the coffee table and placing it on his lap. "No cursing in my apartment."
Your hand reached over to snag a piece of cheese, unaware Joker was reaching for that exact cube. Your fingers collided with his. He stole a glance to see if you noticed but you were focused on the 50 inch tv.
"The tv is on the wall.. not on my face." How did you know he was staring?
You gave him a side eye and he grunted before facing the screen. Two minutes in and he had questions. "Is that...?"
"Mhm. And the blonde next to her is Linda Linseed, wife to the Mayor, and the girl getting ready to jump over the table is Cecile Hamming– wife to the guy who owns the slew of posh hotels in Burnley."
"What are we watching, Y/n?"
You yawned. "Real Housewives of Gotham City."
Joker resisted the urge to smother you with a pillow. He did however smack your hand away from his plate. He tried to ignore your puppy dog eyes but caved in. The plate had two servings of food, he just wanted to mess with you.
The first few episodes were a bit confusing and you had to fill him in on the drama but after a while, Joker caught up and was hooked just like you hoped he would be.
His reactions were funny to watch as he openly agreed with Kimberly's gripe with Cecile, although you grew concerned when he started listing ways he could kidnap Linda after seeing majority of her house from the show. Maybe this was a bad idea but thankfully he moved on and turned his frustration to poor Allison for starting some unnecessary drama with Michelle at the dinner party.
You tried staying awake, you really did, but the lack of sleep from last night and the roller coaster of emotions you faced today were weighing down your eyelids. You were crashing fast and the last thing you saw was Linda and Michelle's fallout onscreen.
Joker was too invested to notice you dozing off. The plate of food was long gone and he didn't realize he had sat up halfway into the season in suspense. Joker underestimated just how fascinating a group of housewives could be until today.
They did the most boring things like go to luncheons and attend charity events but with a camera crew following their every move, a competition to see who was the better female made those mundane tasks all the more entertaining.
Reality tv was another way for Joker to study people's mentality. Money, power, and pride made these women feel entitled as if they could talk to people any kind of way and still be treated with respect.
Their behind the scenes interviews showed they truly believed they were the victims whenever people defied their wishes and stood up to their rude behavior.
Bonus points, Joker got to see high prominent members of society's homes should he need to 'visit' them someday. These housewives were dumb for airing out all of their business but it made for good tv and Joker had to thank you for introducing it to him.
He turned to do just that but found you sound asleep. You put the term sleeping beauty to shame.
Your wild curls covered your face until Joker brushed them aside. Now he could see your sooty lashes resting atop your high cheekbones. Even asleep you kept a gentle smile on your face. A new episode played on in the background as Joker drank in your features. He thought back to the compliment he gave you when you first met in Chinatown.
"Pretty and smart, I like that."
How stupid he was. Of course you were smart, his mistake was with describing your beauty.
Pretty was an insult when you looked otherworldly. Like some cliché movie scene, the afternoon sun shined perfectly on your face, making you grumble and turn to snuggle up on his shoulder to escape the pesky light. His body froze like Mr. Fries.
Two conflicting sides of Joker battled with itself on what to do. One part wished to let you sleep in peace, you more than deserved it with all the stress you've been through.
You felt so warm resting against him. Joker wasn't a fan of human contact but he didn't hate your contact. But who was he kidding? He was a jester at heart and the urge to plug your nose and scare you awake was second nature to him. He raised his hand up to pinch your nose when a ringtone began to play from some unknown source.
Joker jerked away when you sat up straight from your nap and fumbled inside your pockets, ultimately digging out a cell phone, which you answered.
"Hello?" You grumbled.
"Hello? Is this Y/n L/n?" A familiar voice sounded over the phone that made your stomach do cartwheels. It immediately cleared up your remaining traces of sleep. "Yes!"
"Okay, good. I'm sorry for the sudden call. This is Bruce from your book event a few months back?"
"The Bruce Wayne, yes I remember. How could I forget?" You rubbed your eye with your unoccupied hand and grew defensive. "Um. How did you get my number Mr. Wayne?"
You heard him sigh on his end. You still failed to use his first name. "I must confess Y/n, I grew tired of waiting for you to call and asked Barbara for your number. I hope that wasn't too intrusive of me."
"Mm, I guess. Barbara and I are close friends. She knows who to trust my number with. I-I.. I'm the one who should apologize. I've been so busy lately that I forgot to call?" Why did you word it like a question? And what sensible guy would believe that bold face lie? Who forgets to call someone for almost a year?
In the background, Joker's eyes narrowed at your antics.
Apparently Bruce believed your lie. You heard him laugh over the phone and the deep timbre calmed your nerves.
"I completely understand Y/n, I once sat on a merger offer for half a year. It was hidden behind a stack of building schematics. Accidents happen."
Building schematics? Your brain must've been still foggy from sleep. "Yeah.. accidents.." You didn't speak after that and Bruce cleared his throat before speaking up.
"The reason why I called you this afternoon was to see if you were available to talk. About my biography of course. We can discuss things over dinner if you're available."
It didn't take a rocket scientist to know a biography was just a ruse for Bruce to ask you out. Even without Barbara's confirmation, your own instincts told you that Bruce had an eye for you. "Mr. Wa- I mean um, Bruce..  I'd love to go to dinner with you—"
Joker's eye twitched even more. "—but I've been going through some things recently and I can't right now."
"Is it something serious Y/n? If there's anything I can help you with.." Bruce stressed over the line.
Why did he have to be such a gentleman?! Your heart did flips until you glanced at your temporary roommate. You didn't know that Joker's deadpan stare was a ticking time bomb.
Inside the madman's head, he was plotting a thousand deaths for Bruce Wayne. He already couldn't stand the pompous guy, but now Joker had an actual reason to hate the billionaire. And yet you were eating up his fake concern.
How were you going to explain your situation to Bruce?
I'm sorry! I can't go on a date with you because I have Joker, yes that Joker, staying inside my apartment. What's that? You're calling the police as we speak? Oh how thoughtful of you Bruce!
Yeah, sleep deprivation was making you more delusional than usual. Unfortunately you still had the real Bruce on the phone calling out your name in his kind, but worried tone.
"I'm here. I promise it's- it's nothing too serious. I just... " You panicked and met Joker's aloof jade eyes.
He blinked, offering you no help whatsoever. Your mouth hung open as your mind tried to drum up a plausible excuse and like always, you found a loophole and blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
"I adopted a stray cat!"
You could hear the crickets chirping. And God bless Bruce for being so understanding. He took it all in stride. "You adopted a cat?"
"Yes!" You all but screamed, "I found it badly injured out on the street one night and I've been nursing it back to health ever since! The poor thing was half drowned and malnourished! I've been trying to feed it and heal its hind leg as much as I can but the little thing has an attitude!" You could feel Joker's deadly stare stabbing you in the back.
He was smart enough to deduce he was the 'poor kitten' in your tale.
You continued fabricating your lie to Bruce. "I've never taken care of a cat before so I've been losing sleep these past few weeks on top of trying to save my contract. I have a metric I have to keep or my publisher could terminate my agreement. Writer's block, and a new roommate, oh Bruce will you ever forgive me?"
Smoothing things over with Wayne by poking fun at Joker's situation would not end well but it had to be done. Your life may very well be on the line after this phone call, but at least you had a chance with Gotham City's most eligible bachelor. It wouldn't amount to much if you were dead but, hey.
"That's very admirable of you, Y/n. Adopting a pet takes a lot of responsibility." Bruce mentioned over the phone.
"Thank you. It's definitely a challenge. He lashes out and hisses when I try to feed him and don't get me started on the attention seeking." You giggled.
It felt good to vent to someone even if it was half the truth. What Bruce didn't know wouldn't kill him. It could get you killed though.
"Well I can't say I blame him, Y/n. I would act out too to get your attention."
Alrighty this conversation was going places. You laughed and jumped off the couch. Pacing and or rambling was a habit of yours whenever you were flustered.
"I wouldn't say he's been acting out–" The long forgotten plate of food shattered on impact when Joker threw it on the floor.
You whirled around in shock only to find Joker, arms crossed on the couch, looking every bit the murderer he was. His narrowed eyes sent a clear message. He was no joke to be taken lightly.
"What was that Y/n?" You dragged your eyes from forest green and returned to your active call. "Oh nothing.. just more attention seeking... and another mess to clean."
"I will leave you to your parenting then." Thank goodness the call was wrapping up. "Y/n?" Bruce called.
"I meant what I said earlier. If you need help, I'm just a phone call away. Judging by how you answered the phone I take it you didn't save my number. I took care of a few strays in my time, so please. If you need me. Just call."
Now you felt absolutely guilty for lying to the guy. Why couldn't your life be normal and be able to say yes to Bruce?
He respected your hectic life for now but how long would you hold him off until the truth came out? You were acting on impulse but harboring a criminal would eventually have lasting consequences, either down the line or now. You had to tread carefully to keep you and your friends safe. So you mustered up your best carefree voice and responded.
"Thank you Bruce for your generosity! I promise after this situation dies down we can start on your biography. I've never backed down from writing a good story"
"And what a story it will be. Have a great rest of your day, Y/n." Bruce bid you goodbye and finally ended the call.
You locked your phone and blew out a long stream of air from your lungs.
You finally sorta kinda talked it out with Bruce just like Barbara had suggested.
Although you didn't tell him the whole truth, it was enough to get your dilemma across. You avoided another dinner date with the businessman and bought you some more time to think about if you liked Bruce the way he definitely liked you. Romance was the least of your worries right now.
Your living room was several degrees colder than before and the chill originated from behind you. It was time to face the music. With an audible gulp you turned to face your new roommate.
This was the version of Joker that Gotham feared. Up until now you didn't invoke his wrath. Okay. Maybe just a tad after breakfast, but nothing like this.
This Joker was silent, calculated, and vindictive in his pursuit to intimidate the helpless lamb in his sight. You being the lamb and he the roaring lion ready to devour all in his path.
You didn't understand why he was so angry in the first place. Did your analogy really offend him that much?
"Figures you'd be friends with that entitled, trust fund brat. Are you his squeeze of the week? Did I in-ter-rupt your late nighT booty call?" Joker sneered from the sofa."
"First things first, what's your problem breaking my stuff? That's the fifth plate you broke in less than twenty four hours! Second, you ain't got no right talking out your neck like that! You don't know a thing about Bruce and I, so dial back the rudeness!"
You glanced down at your lock screen. "Third, it's barely three pm. What late night are you referring to?"
If Joker could get up he would. This hindrance of a leg injury did not help maintain his reputation. He couldn't crowd your personal space and intimidate you and as a result, his words held no harmful power like he wished them to.
"Oh my dear Y/n... it's you who doesn't know a thing about Gotham's wannabe savior. What has he done for Gotham other than sign a check?"
"You seriously wanna go there? What has Bruce done for Gotham City? Lemme sit down because this is going to take a while naming just about everything he does! You don't see his impact because you're so busy being a terrorist!" You marched up behind your accent chair and glared daggers at Joker.
He was amused by your little rant. He also noted how you kept a respectable distance from him. Good, it seems you learned from last time not to underestimate him. He sat back to watch you pop off, however his cocky smirk disappeared the more you spoke.
"Have you ever thought about the extensive funds and resources it takes to clean up and begin reconstruction whenever you decide to blow up a hospital just for the fun of it? Bruce is so considerate and pays Gotham City's hefty property taxes, that you accumulate, because he's the only that can afford it! While you're out tormenting the streets, he's setting up foundation chapters and creating a better future for our youth, the same children you recruit for your gang. The books you claim to like are purchased from my publisher, by Bruce– and shipped out to charities for young teens to give them hope after you crush them."
"You leave deep, ugly scars on people and run away laughing when people, good people like Bruce, are forced to comfort the victims with empty words about justice and peace. It's an endless cycle, Joker! You are the reason this city will never heal. You and your desire to watch the world burn! Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe there's people who want world peace? Who wants your reign of terror to end? Do you ever stop to think that there's people that like living?"
By the end of your rant you were wiping tears of frustration from your eyes.
Joker was finally hearing some of your philosophies about Gotham City. He wasn't a fan of the sappy dreams you had for its future.
He thought the two of you would share the same ideals and bond over the real injustice found in Gotham, like worthless people were in powerful positions or perhaps the broken system, but now he knew you were just another entitled citizen blinded by your wealth.
None of your washed-up views of Gotham entered his ears and seeing your tears soured Joker's mood.
He didn't know what came over him but his next question fell from his lips before he could think about the consequences.
"Do you like living, Y/n?" Joker asked.
You scoffed. "What kind of dumb question is that?"
His black face paint exaggerated his hooded eyes and highlighted his annoyed glare. "A simple one. Do you... li-ke living? You live alone. All you have is your laptop and your stories trapped inside that uhh, pretty little head of yours. You don't go out. What kind of life is that Y/n? Being cooped up inside this glamorous glass cage, looking down at the tiny people whose lives are much more exciting than yours?"
He clapped his hands together making you jump from the loud noise and it echoed throughout your suddenly too big apartment.
"So I'm askinggg... do you like living?" Joker grinned.
At last. Joker finally unlocked a side of you that even you didn't know existed.
He could see how his words resonated and struck deep based off of your watery eyes. Those large, expressive e/c orbs that he secretly liked. So bright and open, they were now clouded over with fat tears ready to fall at a moment's notice.
He expected you to yell back. To continue rearing your ugly head until you realized; you could be a monster too.
He predicted your anger to escalate from your feisty attitude that he knew you had. The way you handled yourself in his presence; either you were crazy or very bold, but you never failed in surprising him.
You didn't scream. You didn't retaliate.
You did the opposite of anger. You remained tight-lipped and remained frozen in place except for your balled up fist quivering at your side. This was not what Joker was expecting.
With a heart wrenching sob, you tucked tail and ran out the room. Joker was speechless as a door slamming afar off ended the heated scene.
Was that it? All the wait and buildup to finally see you snap yet he was met with a different type of unraveling. What a waste of time, he thought.
The corrupted city you so fiercely defended didn't hold a candle to the truth you portrayed in your books and Joker felt like you lied to him. His expectations of you being an educated scholar were thoroughly squashed after seeing the real you.
Joker chose to ignore how your close relationship with Wayne made him feel. He should feel indifferent towards you and your love life because you said it yourself. All he cared about was fire and gasoline with copious amounts of chaos mixed in for good measure.
You weren't wrong in your analysis but the way you read Joker like an open book irritated him. He was supposed to be shrouded in mystery, so how were you able to see right through him? Those eyes of yours weren't normal, you weren't normal.
You were brave for talking back to him and not backing down when he threatened you. But he couldn't brush this aside. No one made fun of him and got away with it. He was the clown. He pulled the pranks. He always got the last laugh.
However watching you run out the room crying, Joker didn't find his joke funny. Not. One. Bit.
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The sun was setting over the horizon and from his perch on your couch, Joker could see the very people he rubbed in your face earlier, living out their lives.
Gotham never slept and as the street lamps lit up one by one with the fashion district also nearby, the city flickered to life in a sea of light.
Joker was at his peak after dusk but with the multiple naps taken today, they gave him an added burst of energy to run wild.
The tv was still playing the season finale reunion episode though he paid it no mind. His current objective was making it to the bathroom again. Joker thought about your words from earlier.
"--until those stitches are removed; you're my responsibility."
He couldn't forget your fiery words. You said them with such conviction he knew them to be true. But now he wasn't so sure.
You abandoned your patient, (granted the patient said harsh things to his nurse) and left him to ruin.
You knew pressure on his wound was bad and the bandages on his leg proved that point. A red stain bled through the gauze and Joker knew it would only get worse if he continued walking without your help. His pride was being tested and in the end he caved, calling out for you and hoping you would hear him. If you did, your feelings were still too sore to offer him aid.
He waited ten minutes and when you didn't appear with your bright sunny smile, (did he just admit he missed it?) Joker knew he was on his own.
Fine. He'd been alone for the majority of his life, what was another hour or so?
He was perfectly not fine with you staying in your room. When you weren't around, the weird feelings he had for you remained dormant. Although Joker needed assistance, he managed to make it to the bathroom without your help.
He was panting once he came out and shifted his gaze down the hallway to the black wooden door with a golden doorknob. Besides the bathroom, four other doors remained a mystery to him in the hallway.
One he knew led to your laundry room but the other two were unknown to him, but he took an educated guess that your bedroom was at the end of the hall.
It was too far for him to investigate and Joker reminded himself he didn't care about your feelings enough to check on you. With an annoyed grunt, he prepared himself for the walk back to the living room.
More brain rotting television was consumed as Joker wasted the rest of the night, lost in thought.
Were you coming out of your room anytime soon? Did he go too far in teasing you? Just what was it about you that made him act so unlike himself?
You had a way of confusing Joker. How could someone be feisty and demure? Smart yet scatterbrained? Annoying but easy to be around? You were something else, that's the only thing Joker could agree on. He wouldn't retract his words and he refused to apologize, but he really wanted you out of your room and back in the living room with him.
He didn't realize how soothing your fingers typing on your keyboard were until the silence without it buzzed loudly in his ears. The tv played on but there was something missing here and by the night's end, Joker vowed he would get it back.
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Your emotions always got the better of you.
If you didn't sleep the night before, you became cranky and overall a bad person. It wasn't a good reflection of your character but after a nap, you would revert back to your bubbly self, ready to apologize to whomever you crossed during your cranky mood.
Only this time you weren't the one who lashed out. Your feelings were hurt. Joker attacked you with venomous words and the truth hit way too close to home for your sleep deprived mind to handle.
It hurt worse because he was right. You didn't live an exciting life and you didn't take the initiative to travel and explore it more.
You remained cooped up inside while longingly staring down at the people living below. You lived vicariously through the stories you created and any opportunity to make new friends, you immediately shut down. Bruce was begging you at this point to go on a date and you lied every time to avoid the interaction. The only person you could blame for your boring, lackluster life was yourself.
Did Joker have to poke at your insecurities, absolutely not, but he didn't know they existed so it wasn't entirely his fault.
You knew his nature. Cold, heartless and deliberately cruel. Anything that came out of Joker's mouth was bound to be hurtful. It was only a matter of time his barrage of words struck you down. And down is exactly how you felt.
Joker was naturally a curious person so you made sure to lock your bedroom door after you slammed it closed.
Hardly anyone came over besides Barbara and Dick, but they never stepped foot inside your bedroom.
You were extremely lucky to have an entire floor as your apartment but your bedroom was your true safe haven. In here you could escape the cruel world and be your true self. The rest of your apartment was bright, airy, and pristine. Your room was a stark contrast. The walls were painted pitch black with the ceiling painted as a mural of the moon and stars, complete with mood lighting.
A giant window overlooking the fashion district took up an entire wall and another was your floor to ceiling bookshelf, color coded of course.
Without a doubt the most expensive thing in your room was your Alaskan king bed imported directly from the "Last Frontier" state. It came with the apartment and you couldn't go back to a traditional king after rolling around the 108 x 108 inches every morning.
You had no reservations when you cannonballed onto dark silk sheets that welcomed you like an old friend. The one good thing about a high thread count was it absorbed tears without staining.
Time was lost as your tears disappeared into your mountain of pillows and with a click of a button, your curtains moved on a track to shield you from the Gotham nightlife view. You didn't want to see the very thing that caused your tears.
'Don't let Joker's words get to you. His job is hurt and destroy. He doesn't care about anything so you shouldn't let him drag you down.'
Your mental pep talk cheered you up enough to stop crying however your melanotic mood lingered.
You picked up this week's book club read from your nightstand and digested a few chapters but even a good book couldn't lift your spirits.
So you turned to your backup computer that you kept in your room. The shared word document had saved and transferred over onto this hard drive but you didn't feel like writing within your current mindset. If you were able to get any words out, it would be bogged down and tainted with negativity.
Your English teacher once told you 'never write when you're sad' and to this day you swore by her words.
You turned to your blog and social media accounts to pass the night away. For the past two days, your every thought revolved around Joker. You needed to detox and self care. He would be fine on his own for the rest of the night. You didn't want to think about him right now. A night of self care sounded like the best medicine right now.
You planned on drawing a bath and adding some essential oils and lighting a few candles to relax– not falling asleep before your self care routine could truly begin.
You watched a few beauty tutorials online and shopped around for a pick me up dress when your eyes started to close on their own. A fan mentioned you in a post and you wanted to reply, but you never got around to it. Before you knew it, your head hit the pillow and you were a goner.
Much needed rest was needed and your body soaked up every minute it could until you woke up naturally, yawning and patting the bed covers for your phone.
You thought you left in the living room with Joker but thankfully you found it on your nightstand glowing with a slew of notifications on the screen. You ignored them for now and read the time. It was a little after eleven pm and your stomach grumbled out wanting some attention from being neglected for so long. If you were hungry you knew Joker had to be as well. All you two had today was breakfast and a cheese plate. What kind of nurse abandons their patient?
You couldn't help it. Your health was just as important if you wanted to heal Joker but no amount of self care could erase him from your mind. You invited him into your home (and unknowingly in your head) so he was now your responsibility. No take backs.
'Just two weeks then you'll be free. Why did you volunteer for this Y/n?' You thought to yourself.
"Because in some twisted way it's the right thing to do. Ugh, I hate being an altruist."
You pulled the light throw blanket off your legs and stretched on the side of the bed. Despite the late hour, your room was lit by the artificial starry night on your ceiling and you used the light to maneuver around the room to the en-suite bath to fix your hair.
Bedhead was not cute. Not much could be done to the slightly matted mess but after a bit of fighting with a pick, you made it look presentable. You definitely had to style it again before bed.
The matching sweats you wore were wrinkled from sleep so you walked over to your closet to find something better to wear.
It was late in the evening and you really didn't feel like cooking something for you and Joker. Thankfully Gotham City never sleeps and it would be easy to find some street food from a nearby vendor or you could pick up some takeout to call it a night.
With the intention of going out in public, you donned some black fitted jeans and threw on a baggy hoodie before pairing it all with a denim jacket to shield you from any possible rain. A classic outfit with comfort in mind. You grabbed a pair of sneakers before facing your bedroom door.
Now you felt silly for your tantrum, you even locked the door!
Your emotions were all over the place but after catching up on some much needed sleep you were ready to be a member of society again. You weren't some recluse like Joker painted you out to be! Sure your life wasn't as action packed as others, or engaging enough to be on tv, but you were happy and that's all that mattered. You took a deep breath and turned the doorknob and stepped outside into the dark hallway.
Quiet. If your instincts didn't tell you Joker was still in the apartment, you would've thought the place was deserted.
No lights were on and all of the doors remained shut. It was odd how your own apartment felt foreign but nevertheless you cautiously walked towards the archway that separated the private rooms from the main apartment space.
The first thing that caught your eye was the raindrops on the windows that made up the far living room wall. Gotham and its constant rain. You might have to ditch your white sneakers for rain boots after all.
The TV area looked normal upon first glance. A commercial promoting A.C.E Chemicals jobs was on the screen and its flashing lights illuminated the living room and parts of your dining table.
Joker wasn't up so your heart calmed down. You might be in a better mood mentally but that didn't mean you were ready to socialize with the clown.
Your bag was still by the door where you left it. Your keys would most likely be inside your jacket from last night as well as your wallet. Just a brisk walk over and you could grab everything and walk out.
That is until Joker's voice instilled fear in your bloodstream. "And.... where are you going?"
Why did it feel like you were caught sneaking out the house by your parents? His voice held an authoritative, militaristic tone that you jumped to obey. You dropped your shoes and they clattered on the hardwood floor in the suddenly quiet apartment.
Joker had been awake for a while. He couldn't go back to sleep after you left.
The tv watched him as he thought about how to patch up the rocky relationship he had with you. Until you deemed him healthy, he was stuck here so he had to play the part of a helpless patient. He could do that. And the minute it was time to leave, he'd consider letting you live.
But first these ridiculous emotions you stirred up within him had to be eradicated. He would not be distracted by romance and lose sight of his goal.
That was his plan– yet you made him toss logic out the window. He heard your door open and he immediately honed his hearing on your every step.
You walked out into the main area and paused, no doubt wondering if he was awake. He stayed perfectly still on the couch in case you came over to look but when he heard you drift over to the front door he decided to announce that he was up. Were you seriously going out this late on your own?
You looked like a deer in headlights. The moonlight shined on your frozen figure as Joker turned around to see you properly.
Women changed outfits constantly just like their mood swings. He wondered what mood you were in now. Were you still mad? Upset? God, he didn't want to see your tears again. They did something to him that he didn't want to confess to yet..
You failed to reply and he grew impatient. "Well?" He urged. That jarred you back into focus.
Your e/c eyes blinked in the dark and you stumbled over your words. "I-I uh. I was um..."
You winced when Joker spoke over you, "Full sentences, Y/n."
"I was going to get us takeout!"
So there was some logic to your madness. It was still stupid. "Not at this hour, no you are noT." He fixed you with a stern look and you scoffed, looking away.
"Quit acting like somebody's daddy. The city is on a curfew so no one will be out anyways. The most dangerous criminal is currently sleeping on my couch, scolding me like a strict parent."
Yup, you were back to your bold, fearless self again. Joker wondered what you did for the past seven hours to get back in such a good mood.
"Where else am I supposed to sleep bunny? With you?" You saw his grin backlit by the bright tv light, making you roll your eyes. You really hoped that nickname didn't stick.
"I have a spare bedroom Joker." You stated. And so one of the mystery doors in the hallway was revealed.
"I didn't know."
"You don't know a lot of things because you don't ask." You sighed and scratched your natural hair. Just talking to Joker zapped the energy you had stored up to grab dinner. "Are you even hungry?"
He used that universal huff of his and you translated it as a no this time.
"Great, because I don't feel like going out anymore."
You shrugged out of your denim jacket and tossed it onto one of the dining room chairs before walking towards Joker. "Let's move you to a proper bed, how does that sound?"
Absolutely divine. "Can you carry me?" He whined when you came closer. Joker was such a man-child. You couldn't help but giggle at his pouty lip, stained a deep red from his makeup.
You grabbed the remote and turned the tv off, plunging the apartment into darkness, save for the moonlight shining in from the windows.
You swore Joker's eyes glowed with their intensity. They were two green spotlights in a void of black and you shook your head in order to stop staring.
"I am not carrying you, Joker. We'll make it there slow and steady just like we've been doing. Do you need to use the bathroom while we're up?" You asked.
He stood on his own and towered over you. And for a moment he became lost in your beauty.
The way the moonlight bounced off your h/c and twinkled off your bright e/c stole his breath. His mission, his desire to watch Gotham burn, was a distant memory whenever he locked eyes with you. He didn't like that.
He pushed past you and made it a few paces before you caught up to him and offered your body to lean on. "I went to the bathroom on my own during your uhh, mini tantrum. I have a won-der-ful nurse."
"You don't have to rub it in... I'm sorry."
Joker sighed and left it at that. He got an apology from you. You were back in a good mood after all.
That should've been enough for these strange feelings of his to quell yet they still bubbled in the background, waiting for something else. If only he could determine what they wanted and be free of this burden! You were a walking headache but he couldn't get rid of you, at least not yet.
You filed that information for later. Joker could walk on his own but with the way he worded it, it didn't sound like an easy task and after passing the kitchen towards the hallway, you picked up on Joker's labored breathing.
Correction: he couldn't walk alone yet.
You cast him a worried glance when you stopped at the door down the hall from your room. Almost all of Joker's weight was resting on your side and he looked in pain. He needed to be off his feet, fast. A gust of cool air hit you both when the door swung open.
If Joker wasn't dizzy he would've admired another tastefully decorated room of yours.
Ironically this theme was the apartment's standard cool neutrals with green being the main color. The original hardwood floors continued throughout the apartment and a giant vegan cowhide rug lay out on the floor of this spacious room. A medium sized leather couch and two chairs, one slate grey the other a deep sage, sat in the corner in front of an electric fireplace overlooking another great view of Grant Park. Windows were another standard in this high-rise, another perk for scoring the penthouse.
Above the fireplace was a signed piece of art depicting a scene from Will Hunter Bill from a talented fan. It brought the room together and gained a lot of likes on social media when you posted it. But neither of you were focused on the decorations. Joker's eyelids were falling, making you worry and you tripped up trying to guide him to the bed.
Fate had a funny way of putting you in these situations. You met Joker by bumping into him and once again your clumsiness got the better of you, dragging Joker down with you.
Your back hit the bed followed by the heavy weight of Joker landing on top of you. For someone so tall and lanky, his full body weight knocked the air out your lungs.
"J-Joker! C-can't.. breathe..!"
It took him a moment to come to. He felt your hands trying and failing to push him off of you. "You're talking Y/n, soooo you can breathe." Joker mumbled in the crook of your neck.
This heavy, arrogant motherfu.... Fine. Two could play this game. You took a deep breath and wigged your arms free.
"Quit movin' bunny."
"Then.. get off.. of me!"
Joker snorted and the gust of air tickled your neck. "You can't lie and say you hate it. Give me a minute and I'll uh.. think about moving." Just to tease you more, he nuzzled your throat with his nose and your soul left your body then and there.
Thankfully it was dark in the room so he couldn't see the maroon flush dusting your cheeks. Joker knew how to mess with you but this time you wouldn't fall for his tricks. Yet your mind wandered.
It wasn't a bad situation to be in. You'd been in far worse, however your mind was screaming a mantra of 'he's too close! He's way too close' and your more logical brain happened to agree.
"W-Wait, what do you mean you'll think about moving? I will not be trapped under you tonight! Get. Off!" You tried moving Joker again but it was like pushing a mountain.
Joker was having way too much fun. He chuckled and swatted your arms that were trying to push him off.
Why couldn't you lie still and let the man rest for a bit? Your couch wasn't the most comfiest thing in the world and it had been ages since Joker laid in a real bed with proper cushioning and even longer with someone. You were so warm, he found himself dozing off if not for you squirming underneath him so provocatively.
"Y/n. Be still." He warned.
Of course, you ignored him so he spoke up before you did. "I can'T move, gunshot wound remember? Be a good girl and stay still and I'll move when the room stops... spinning."
And just like that you ceased all movement.
Your face was burning up at this point. White noise buzzed in your ear and you had lost all feeling in your legs. It wasn't Joker's actual words that made you stop but the meaning behind them. Your brain turned into a record player playing his words back on repeat.
'Be a good girl..' It was official, you were a goner.
Time ticked away as you watched the rain beat against the windows as you waited for Joker to get up. Your mind was in a haze and you didn't feel Joker shift or hear him call out your name. However you did feel when he cupped your face.
Your breath caught in your throat and your eyes quickly locked onto Joker's.
Up close you could see lighter shades of green swirling within the overall forest hue. His hand was clammy but his thumb felt like a branding iron swiping along your lower lip. Joker never felt anything softer. Even in the dim moonlight, he was transfixed on the natural pink tissue calling out to him.
He forgot what he had asked you. He forgot his own name really. The only thought on his mind was what your lips would feel like. He wanted to find out. He would find out.
A gravitational pull brought him closer and closer to his next conquest; until you picked up the energy in the room.
Everything slowed down frame by frame. Your eyes widened right as Joker closed his. A lock of his green hair fell and tickled your forehead with how close the Prince of Crime was. You noticed it was a beautiful shade of brown and the ends themselves were dyed his signature green.
You always wanted to dye your hair but never mustered up the energy to commit to the upkeep. Thousands of other insignificant thoughts floated inside your head as Joker closed the distance between you and him. In the last centimeter your brain whirled back to life.
Your palm slapped over his mouth and some unknown energy helped you finally push Joker off of you.
And like a freight train, time slammed back into motion with brutal force. You were already at the door before Joker could process what happened.
"There's an en-suite bathroom if you need anything I'll be down the hall goodnight!" Your words were all in one sentence by your heavy breathing.
You needed air, you needed to get out of this stuffy room. Now. Before anything else happened.
Joker had rolled onto his side and opened his mouth to question what went wrong but you had already sped out of the room and down the hall, disappearing into your own. He saw a flash of black paint before you closed the door with a finalizing slam.
Your back was against the door and you were trying to calm your racing heart. Joker... almost kissed you! It felt like a fever dream, you couldn't believe it but it happened.
It was real! And the perfect lipstick print on your palm confirmed it.
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simplegenius042 · 9 months
Late WIP Poll Winner(s) Wednesday
With Round 2 results in, here are the FC5 WIPs of Silva's Hope and the still unnamed "Proposed Arranged Marriage" scenario. For a cleaner context, I added a few more sentences.
I will be combining the rest of the other non-winner poll WIPs into one post soon. And catching up on some tags.
Tagging everyone who tagged me or were in the notes of this poll: @voidika @chazz-anova @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat and @strangefable + anyone else who wants to read.
First! More Silva's Hope. Reminder that this WIP of mine is still under construction and some things may or may not change in the future. Introducing John's personal Chosen bodyguard (translation: unpaid babysitter), Nadi Sinclair doing some digging for Nancy:
Adjusting her shoulder, bringing the phone closer to her ear, Nadi asked into it, "Sister Nancy, I can't find any headlines nor editorials on "Elsa Omar" or any "Floristry"... are you certain there's something here? Perhaps you had read wrong, no?"
The older woman on the other end replied, her aged and gentle voice filled with patience, "I guarantee its in one of them papers, Sister Nadi. My eyes remember the exact words when I read the cover. You'll find it eventually dearie." Nadi made an affirmative hum as she unwrapped the next piece of paper.
And lo and behold, the words "MISSING OWNER OF ELSA'S FLORISTRY FOUND! BODY RECOVERED IN LOCAL HENBANE CAVE" were centered right in the middle of the page. Nadi blinked, momentarily perplexed, and checked the date of publishing. December 7th, 2013. Bringing her eyes back to the story, she read the first few lines the page had to offer.
And Kamski's POV in the arranged marriage scenario WIP!
[TW: Mention of coerced marriages and implications of canon infanticide. Also emotional manipulation?]
Joseph appeared unbothered by his lack of trust in the prophet's words, and seemed to decide to placate the doctor's paranoia, "I assure you Doctor Neon, we care for Deputy Omar's health as much as you do. God is looking out for your charge, and will protect her from the Collapse. You can trust me to keep her safe."
Kamski hummed, unconvinced. He really wanted to scoff and snarl at the man in front of him. Yeah, shooting, stabbing, almost drowning, torturing, drugging, sicking wolves on her, almost killing her in general, letting her starve and dehydrate while conditioning her to kill innocent people has been a wonderful method of tending to her health. He hated the serenity in Joseph's voice, how easy it was for him to lie to the Good Doctor's face. Does he really think me, a 58-year-old self-taught medic and doctor, that naive? Is he so focused on what he thinks God demands of him that he can't see this isn't what Silva needs or wants? How trapping her in another set of walls will do her more harm instead of less? "Care for her" my ass. Kamski doesn't exactly know what Joseph's game is, but the evidence points to possibilities that do nothing to decrease the disgust and contempt he felt toward the so-called prophet. He knew the last place Silva should be was near Joseph and the cursed prophecy that just continues to take so much from them. He hated the familiarity of the situation, hated how little control he had again, and despised himself for wishing Paul was there. At least Paul could protect her.
Kamski shooed away those thoughts. No! Remember what he took away from Silva. Be glad he's gone. Kamski exhaled a breathe and looked to Joseph. His siblings were still around, including Silva's unwanted suitor, but the doctor felt unconcerned by their presence. If they wanted Silva to join the family, despite how low of a chance that actually is, they would need him alive. Though Kamski wasn't unprepared to fight back should he need to. After all, he couldn't trust these Saints to keep their words. He stared through the yellow lens of Joseph's aviators. It nagged him, the certainty Joseph had that he could keep anyone, especially Silva, safe, when it was him who was the danger. Kamski knew from experience that at a moments notice, whether it was "God's Will" or his own, he could have Silva life end without hesitation. Even his own family wasn't safe. A reminder he chose now to address in his response.
"Just like you protected your daughter?"
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miyakuli · 9 months
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Wildermyth is a tactical rpg in the form of several short tales in which your characters gradually become the heroes of their own story, or even legends that will endure over the generations.
I've played half of the game's individual quests (so I won't talk about the multiplayer aspect, as it hasn't been tested), and my current feeling is somewhere between addictive routine and weariness.
❤ Character customization is quite rich: you can choose your physical appearance (including clothes and other accessories to boost your stats), your gender and sexual identity, and your personality traits. All of these can trigger events and opportunities specific to each character (relationships, transformations, special quests, etc.). Add to this the fact that characters can be mutilated after a battle (modifying their stats and attacks) but also age over time, and I think this strengthens our attachment to each of them. ❤ Each story is quite different from the others, with a rather poetic tone overall, but also with a few touches of humor and more dramatic moments. ❤ The legacy system is pretty cool; it allows us to start a new story with a previous character or even their descendants. It gives a kind of continuity to the whole game. ❤ The game allows mods :D deal for adding more events/quests or customizable elements <3
+/- The game is affordable for beginners and above, given its simplicity, but even so, certain functions could have been better explained in the first part. I quickly found myself overwhelmed by the subtleties of the gameplay, and had to start again once I'd understood everything, in order to approach my game more serenely (and more strategically :p). +/- The musical loops are nice and never really boring….but there are still very few different tracks. +/- Events and opportunities enrich the storyline and character development, but are too often repeated in each story. Moroever, the gameplay doesn't evolve between stories either. As a result, for someone like me who likes to play a game through to the end, it becomes repetitive and tiresome after a while. I think that gamers who are the type to come back to it occasionally will appreciate it more. (+/- The french version is very good, but some events are still in English / the staff seem to be reactive, so this will surely be fixed if we let them know).
✖ Fights are slow, especially when the area is full of monsters. After 30 hours of gameplay, this becomes irritating. ✖ The difficulty balance is weird. I played it in normal mode (adventure) and either the battles were far too simple, or on the contrary, far too punishing (a dozen monsters appearing every round for a maximum of 4/5 heroes can make you sweat very quickly). ✖ The map isn't really that useful; you walk around, eliminate the threat, secure…. over and over again….it's okay at first, but after a while it gets tiresome.
Wildermyth is therefore a rather charming and original game with its generational system, but it should be approached more like a role-playing game: you start a new scenario with a choice of character, and once the story is over, you leave it aside and come back to it later for a new quest. In which case, the game will feel far too repetitive, since from one game to the next, nothing really changes apart from the story.
➡ My Steam page
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f1bb · 10 months
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ALRIGHT EVERBODY after a whole lot of confusion and work we (I, Jules, the technologically inept) have finally (finally!) figured out how to work claims! 
Without further ado, here is all your Artist claim information!
Artist Claim Prerequisites & Information
Artists must have filled out either the initial or late signup form before claiming a proposal. If you have been getting email notifications for this event it means you have done this step. If not, fill out the late signup form (found linked in the schedule on AO3 ) before proceeding or your claim will be ignored. By making a claim you are committing to turning in a completed work.
Those under the age of eighteen are welcome to participate - just don’t claim any works rated Explicit.
If you have questions about this process, your signup status, or anything else either as a writer or artist, ping the mods sooner rather than later.
Ranked Choices
Ranked choices are required for a few reasons. Marking claim availability has to be done manually while tracking claim submissions, all while more claims are being submitted. This can result in multiple people attempting to claim the same proposal. Also tabs needs to sleep at some point.
You can select up to five (5) proposals and will be matched with your highest ranked available one. For example, if your first two choices are claimed by someone who submitted their form before you but your third choice hasn’t, you’ll be assigned your third choice.
If you submit a full claim and none of your choices are available, you will be notified as soon as your claim is processed so that you can resubmit. This is the only scenario in which an artist will be allowed to do so within the same claim period. If you select fewer than 5 proposals, the mods will assume those are the only ones you are interested in and move on to the next claim.
Note! Once a proposal has been verified as claimed it will be marked through as unavailable here only - the form selections will not be edited in real time.
How To Claim
Go read the FAQ and make sure you understand the requirements
Before claims open, read through the proposals below and decide which ones you’d most like to create something for
When each claim period opens, check which of your favorites are still available
Go to the current claim form (preferably in a desktop browser)
Enter your information and select up to 5 proposals in order of preference
Successful matches will be notified once a claim has been confirmed, no later than the beginning of the next claim period.
Artist Claim Periods
See linked page for other time zones. The late claim period may be extended if any proposals remain, but the first period is set.
First Artist Claims Open: 2023.07.26 @ 19:00 GMT
First Artist Claims Close: 2023.07.28 @ 19:00 GMT
Second + Late Artist Claims Open: 2023.08.03 @ 19:00 GMT
Second + Late Artist Claims Close: 2023.08.05 @ 19:00 GMT
Who Can Claim What When
Artists who signed up during the initial signup period may make one (1) claim during each period for a maximum of two (2) claims.
Artists who signed up during the late signup period may make one (1) claim during the late claim period only.
Your claim forms do not carry over between periods.
(Reminder for writers that if you submitted a proposal but your writer ID starts with WL, your proposal will appear in the second claim period.)
The Actual Proposals
A proposal being included here indicates that the author has completed and turned in roughly 75% (or more) of work for their piece. That doesn’t necessarily mean that much of the actual prose has been written, but the story itself is complete.
Given word counts are the author’s estimation of the final completed work
Consider the art requests a nice-to-have, not a requirement or guarantee
If you have a question about a proposal (content, etc), message Jules before the first claim period opens
Details may change some by the time it’s completely done
Proposal Previews can be seen here.
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delusionaid · 5 months
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Headcanon: Kaeya edition - Hagen von Tronje
This meta is mostly based on the that one line in the lore trivia on Kaeya's page that I find interesting, referring to his last name "Alberich" and a possible source for it:
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Although the connection to Hagen, as far as I found only functions within Richard Wagner's (;3) Ring des Nibelungen, in which Hagen is the name of King Alberich's son. I don't know if the character of Hagen has any relations to "Alberich" in other versions. (In the Nibelungenlied Hagen is a human, while Alberich is a mystical creature.)
I don't have any fully-developed opinions on the implications of that for Kaeya (yet?) but I wanted to collect and piece together a few things regardless before I forget about them :D
I find the note of Hagen interesting because as much as I like the cute and smiling Kaeya, I find his darker side incredibly intriguing and would love to see more of it. Hagen's character throughout the various versions of the Nibelungen is varying degrees of questionable. In the Nibelungenlied Siegfried, the main character, and the hero of the story is killed by Hagen, although arguably that blame can (also) be placed on Brünhild, who encourages him to commit the murder (iirc). Whatever the reason or whoever to consider "good" in this scenario, the way Hagen does it is certainly sneaky and cruel.. but also smart.
Personally I never found Siegfried to be a likeable character, which makes it equally difficult to consider Hagen automatically unlikeable in comparison. (Lbr, they all suck a little bit in that story.) He's of questionable moral alignment, I guess (?), and willing to do "bad" deeds with possibly good intentions (QUESTION MARK? His motivation is very loyalty-driven, in any case). I guess it comes down to how one views Siegfried (who has betrayed Brünhild twice, showing pretty shitty attitude :D).
With that in mind, let's look at some lines in Kaeya's bio:
He is a self-proclaimed "anti-hero with an attitude problem;" as long as everything ends the way he wants, Kaeya does not care about the methods used. Still, according to his informant Vile, he draws the line at working with those who threaten other people's families, believing they deserve to be "hunted down and destroyed."
Clearly the result doesn't justify all means, but it has a bit of a Bat/man vibe. Kaeya might draw the line at hurting innocent people, but what about hurting the not so innocent? Doing bad things to bad people is okay, because they're bad people?
What about hurting someone who hurt a loved one - particularly if said loved one asks him to do so? We do know he was (is?) conflicted about his loyalty to his father, who sent him to Mondstadt with a mission, and his loyalty to Crepus, who cared for him like a father. Hagen's loyalty is a main aspect of his character and Kaeya's loyalty is a main aspect of his struggle. In the same vein, "if Khaenri'ah and Mondstadt were at war" and he'd have to "support one side", it would be a question of point of view if standing against Mondstadt would make him evil or not. Even with the knowledge that he was friends with everyone in Mond - Hagen, too, was friends with Siegfried prior to killing him, and yet you could find arguments for how his murder was "justice". [This all entails one of my biggest questions about the whole bit about "what if Khaenri'ah and Mondstadt went to war" - WHY would they go to war? Over what? Even if Khaenri'ah was to be revived..]
Another personal favorite that speaks to Kaeya's questionable sides:
Kaeya also enjoys putting people into high-stress situations and challenging their values, which he does to both his enemies and his allies alike. He takes pleasure in seeing the hesitation in his comrades' eyes at the moment just before they dive into battle with him, just as he takes pleasure in the look of fear in his enemies' eyes as they face off against him.
Not much else to say other than: A lovely man and captain :3
The fact that he enjoys seeing the fear in his enemies eyes speaks against Hagen't characterization in the Nibelungenlied, as he literally stabs Siegfried in the back (the only spot in which he can be injured) after sneakily acquiring that knowledge. However, iirc Hagen in some of the other interpretations is always a soldier or man of war, who would arguably enjoy seeing his enemies in fear.
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Some other chunks I find very interesting when looking at Hagen and Kaeya are the version of Hagen in Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen (the one in which Hagen is the son of King Alberich).
The first thing I find thrilling is what wiki states about Hagen:
[...]Hagen der Sohn von Alberich, nachdem es diesem trotz seines Liebesfluchs gelungen war, ein Kind zu zeugen. Der Fluch wirkt in Hagen jedoch weiter („frühalt, fahl und bleich, hass’ ich die Frohen, freue mich nie!“), dem so bei aller Düsternis der Charakterzeichnung ein tragischer Zug nicht abgesprochen werden kann. (Lazy translation: He is the son of Alberich, who managed to have a child despite being cursed [by swearing off love to gain the Rhinegold]. The curse, however, keeps affecting Hagen (this bit is a poem that more or less says: "aging early and pale, I hate all those who are joyful (and) don't feel joy myself"), which makes Hagen, as dark a characters as he is, also somewhat tragic.
No thoughts beyond there is a curse that was placed on the father that continues to live on in the son. Also the notion of "having been able to have a child despite a curse (of whatever nature)" and the fact that Kaeya's father referred to him as their last hope. Probably means nothing but it tickles my brain.
And finally, something Kaeya unrelated (somewhat) but related to Alberich, is the Rheingold, or Rhinegold. You might recognize this from Rhinedottir/Gold:
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Beyond it being a treasure, a literal gold that Alberich turns into a ring (calm down, Sauron), I don't know more about it at present (too lazy to dig deeper rn). It gives him the power to enslave others (sometimes stated as "the entire world"), though, so it is a powerful item. Curious to see how much of that lore runs into Khaenri'ah, the art of Khemia and Gold.
Tl;dr Hoyo likes the Nibelungen and Kaeya is an anti-hero.
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klvm0nn · 5 months
Hello helloooo hello heeeellooo!!!! It’s been…five or six months since I started posting here and I’ve just realized that people know literally NOTHING about me. Sooo made a little intro just to make things clear
My irl name’s Camilla, but you can call me Pamilla or Cavilion! I’m more used to Pamilla, but it’s okay if you’ll give me another nickname, I like them.
I’m from Russia, but please please please consider that I’m not Russian!!! this country is very multicultural!!! I can speak English, Russian et en peu de français (mais ce n’est pas ma langue préférée, je fais beaucoup des fautes, haha)
fandoms I’m in rn: slashers, Black Christmas 1974, DoL, Clockwork Orange and serial experiments Lain.
Actually I just like brainrotting here about the things I like. Thankfully tumblr allows me to do that and people are really nice here!!!
I love drawing, but I don’t post much of it cuz I have an artblock right now and my studies don’t let me draw a lot (😕) I have never talked about it before, but the biggest part of my life is the Internet. I’m literally an internet girlie(*´꒳`*) I had access to it since childhood and…uh…Well, the consequences are the fact that I’ve grown into a person who’s REALLY into horrors, horror stories, games, films etc. I’m also very dreamy, fake scenarios are my life. I love making new friends or just talking about things so please PLEASE don’t be afraid to dm me♡ Oh yeah and just a reminder that English is not my native language and if I make some mistakes or say something that is hard to understand/strange, feel free to correct or ask me to explain what I meant:)
she/her by the way, sorry I forgot about that
I’m a real chill and I don’t really care about things too much, but if you’re a person who hates someone because of their race, nationality, culture, if you harm animals, if you consider it’s okay to bully little kids or you tolerate all the mentioned things, please, do NOT interact with me.
Oh yeah please consider that even if my “dni” (or as I like to call it “kys”) list doesn’t contain basic dni, it DOESN’T mean that I support everyone else. My blog is not a safe place for all the -phobes and -philes, if your actions are not approved by society, it’s more likely not to be approved by me either. You may follow me and like my posts, but don’t be surprised if I block you or if one day I’ll make fun of your community or even YOU if you directly spread yo shit over my page lol
YEAH so I’d also like to introduce you my sona (or persona or internetsona idk)
HER NAME’S PAMILLA and she’s literally me, but as an internet physical form. She’s like a metaphor of what I am and how I behave in the internet, cuz you know, people online differ from people irl haha. Here are some photos of her and some funny pictures I found while searching for her photos. Hope y’all enjoy!!!1!
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I’ll probably edit this post later. I definitely forgot to add some important things so uhhh this is not the final result!!! See ya soon
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btscarnivalnet · 2 years
Headliner Of The Month
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Hello, Carnival Goers and Performers alike, please give a round of applause for our Headliner of the Month:
Our Wonderful Performer: Sunny @sunshinerainbowsbts
You are our Headliner of the Month!
During this month, we want to showcase your incredible talent and skill and share it with the Carnival! For this month, we want you to pick three fics of yours that you’d like us to showcase, and we also wanted to ask you some questions so we can understand how you write, why and what you want to get across with your fics.
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Questions For You:
Three Fics:
Covert Affairs
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
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When did you start writing fics, and why?
I started writing years ago, when I joined a server dedicated to a wild scifi show called Lexx. Prior to joining, I’d never even heard of fanfiction, but there was a group of authors there posting the most incredible stories, and soon I was hooked. Eventually I reached a point where I wanted to see my favorite characters in specific scenarios that those stories weren’t covering, and it dawned on me that if I wanted to see them, then I needed to write them.
That server is long gone now, and I did not have the foresight to save any of my fics, so they’re all digital dust now. Let that be a lesson to everyone - always backup your stories!
I fell away from writing fanfic for a while, but I kept reading for various fandoms like Harry Potter and the MCU. After a while, I started writing for the MCU when I felt the need to see my own ideas come to life. Then 2020 came and I found BTS and the amazing fanfic community on tumblr. And it happened once again - it wasn’t enough to read the fantastic worlds that Army authors were creating. I had to build my own.
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What was your first fic?
What is your latest fic?
The Hook Up
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Why did you choose to write about the fics you have chosen?
Paradise is the first series I created. The idea sprang from watching Jungkook’s iconic “My Time” performance and thinking about his duality and wondering - what if your shy neighbor was a sexy stripper by night? It's a very simple idea, for sure, but one that has resulted in about 86,000 words written over eleven chapters published so far! Originally, I thought it would be a short five-part series, but I just fell in love with the characters and decided to slow things down and take my time telling their story. I chose this one because it’s my favorite story to write. Yes, it’s a very self-indulgent story, but isn’t that the whole point of fanfiction in the first place?
I remember being so incredibly nervous to post the teaser. It got some attention, but ironically that just made me even more anxious when the first chapter went up! You never know what kind of response you’re going to get with your stories. I have been so, so lucky that this fic has resonated with a group of readers who keep coming back chapter after chapter. We all know what it’s like to write something we love and feel heartbroken when it doesn’t find its audience.
The story feels like it’s starting to wind down now. I don’t want to stop writing it but I also don’t want to drag it out or have it overstay its welcome. But no matter how long it goes on, I’ll never stop being thankful for every single interaction it’s brought me.
Covert Affairs
This Jungkook Spy!AU was written for a request. It’s an example of when you get the perfect prompt and the words just start flowing - I wrote the whole thing very quickly. I tend to write very visually - I see the action in my head and do my best to transcribe onto the page. That worked really well for this story, which unfolded just like a movie in my imagination.
The reason I picked this story is because of its ending. My blog is kind of unofficially a “happy endings only” blog - the vast majority of my stories are meant to leave the reader in high spirits. The ending of Covert Affairs is very different from my other fics. I reached out to a few writer moots before I posted it, because I was afraid to use the final scene I’d written. But they told me to trust my instincts, and I’m so glad that I did, because I can’t imagine it ending any other way. And it has led me to question what a “happy ending” is, anyway. Does it always mean the hero wins, or that the reader gets the guy? Does it have to be “happily ever after” or can it just be finding peace in the moment?
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
This was one of the first fics I wrote working from a prompt as opposed to coming up with my own idea wholesale. As soon as I read the words “It’s hand-holding season,” I knew two things. One, it had to be a Yoongi fic, and two, it had to be soft. Super soft. Like, curling up on a bed made of marshmallows soft.
I’m largely a smut writer. I like smut. I enjoy reading it and I absolutely love writing it. But not every story necessarily needs a sex scene. I chose this story because I felt like it’s a good example of the type of fluff I like to write. Just a series of quiet moments of two idiots falling in love. I live for those moments. Also, I love how silly it is. I try to imbue a lot of humor into my writing.
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What was the most memorable line for you in each of the fics?
From chapter one, when reader sees Jungkook on stage for the first time:
Like the statue of a god come to life, marble made flesh and blood, Jeon Jungkook danced before you, more beautiful than any man you’d ever seen.
From chapter six, some banter between Jin and reader. I fucking love writing banter:
“What did I say about being patient?” he inquires, cocking an eyebrow.
“Patience is a virtue,” you remark.
“Yes, it is.” He rubs his thumbs over your wrists and the sensation sends a bolt of electricity to your core.
“I never claimed to be virtuous.”
From chapter nine, an example of me just cracking myself up. Happens frequently in my writing:
Besides, he’s so pretty, lost in his dreams next to you. Why not just lie here and gaze upon his beauty a little longer?
Gaze upon his beauty? Okay, Lord Byron, let’s dial it back a little. And maybe stop staring at him like a creeper.
Covert Affairs
This is one of the first lines I wrote when I saw the prompt and began picturing the little cat-and-mouse game between Spy!Reader and Spy!Jungkook:
His smile is all you can see as he disappears into the shadows, pulling you in. “Why would I let someone else have the pleasure of catching you?”
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
I cheated and chose a paragraph, because it’s hard for me to pick just one of these lines without the context of the others, and I think it shows the way the hand-holding between Yoongi and reader has come to mean so much more:
Snowflakes swirl around you on the trek home, but the air feels heavy with something else. Something unspoken. Everything around you is covered in a fluffy white blanket that shimmers slightly under the streetlights, and you could easily get lost on these streets just as easily as you get lost in your thoughts. But that familiar sensation at your side, Yoongi’s fingers clutching yours, reassures you. It’s a comforting weight, anchoring you in the moment.
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What was your writing process like for each fic?
Chaotic as usual. I don’t typically outline my stories - the rare exceptions are my current series Paradise and Versus. For everything else, I normally just have a basic idea - what kicks the story off and how it will be resolved, and then the rest comes as I write it. My ideas come from everywhere - a line of dialogue or a lyric, a conversation with a friend, dreams I’ve had. Occasionally, if an idea seems like it’s going to be more than a quick one-shot, I will do a stream-of-consciousness type of outlining - basically I write a paragraph or two detailing what plot points the story will include.
Also, I have to have noise when I write, either listening to music or just having the tv on in the background. I can’t work in silence. Like I said, chaotic.
I didn’t start outlining Paradise until I was five chapters in. The story kept expanding, so I needed to corral all my thoughts and figure out the timing of the various events. And I write it one chapter at a time. I truly, truly envy authors who have the patience to write multiple chapters or a whole fic before they start posting! I have zero chill when it comes to posting. I want to write and get it out there immediately.
Covert Affairs and I Wanna Hold Your Hand were both written without an outline, over a series of sprints. I’m a big fan of sprinting - it’s helpful to turn off the critical/editing portions of your brain and just let the words roll off your fingertips. Sometimes I end up with a fairly useless mess, but more often than not, I’ll find the crux of a story that way. A lot of times my characters will surprise me with their antics during a sprint.
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What do you hope readers will take away from the fics?
I hope they find whatever they are looking for in my stories. Whether it be something they want, like a spicy smut scene, or something they need, like a good laugh. Fanfiction has by and large been a source of comfort for me. It’s often a place I turn to when I need to escape from all the stress in my life. I’d love for my stories to do the same for others. I hope to write fics that will reverberate with people for a long time after reading. Nothing would make me happier than that.
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Why do you keep writing? What drives you?
I keep writing because I love it. I have so many worlds within me, all clamoring to be born. What drives me is the desire to share those ideas with others. To say here, I made this for you. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading.
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Any writing goals you’ve recently hit? Any goals that you are planning to hit?
I haven’t really had many goals in the past but I’ve had some milestones that I’ve celebrated. I’ve been writing for BTS for over a year now - that was a great marker to hit. My current goal is to wrap up my three series - the two I mentioned above and my Bad Cop!Yoongi series - in a (hopefully) satisfactory manner before I attempt any other series. Future goals include exploring new genres/tropes/kinks in my writing, and then possibly branching out into Stray Kids fanfic - but that’s a ways down the line yet, since I still have so many BTS WIPs in the works!
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starsescape · 1 year
[Vote result from the last time: The weapon maintenance item Jill found is gun oil! One time use only. Used on a chosen weapon to give +1 skill buff while using it for a limited time. Item has been added to her inventory.]
“Done.” Juno close the panel and collect her tools. [Jill lost spare parts, she has one left for quick repairs.] The woman push herself back to her feet and hit the switch. Then a complete silence. Both of them wait. Slowly an electric hum start to emit from the power generator, it stutter and then became stable. The lights flicker and came on, the screen near the double doors show that the station shift from an emergency power to full power. The basement, the upstairs, all of it... The whole station should have working lights now and there wouldn’t be a need to converse energy anymore.
“You did it!” Jill laugh and Juno did the same. Before she knew it the two of them hug. The anticipation had been replaced by relief. Juno held her tightly before gasping and stepping away after she remember Jill’s condition. The moment of joy end with an awkward chuckle. “Let’s get going.” There was nothing more to do in the generator room.
[Vote end with a tie, the result was determined with a coin flip. Jill drink the energy drink while she wait for Juno to repair the generator. Drink reduce the debuffs to skills by 3 points for the duration of 3 story posts.]
Leaving the room they enter the winding corridor. A thought of checking the storage room again pass Jill’s mind now that it would have lights on, but she decide against it. We already waste enough time. There was no way of telling if they had lay unconscious on the break room floor for half an hour or for hours after the infected had their way with them. The evacuation had to start soon. The longer the survivors stay at the station the greater the risk of the infected attacking the second floor library became where they were hiding at.
They head towards the parking lot. If only I had the keycard... Jill saw a red light on the card reader that had previously been dark. With a keycard she could have gain access to the weapon storage, but it was too late to go looking for it now... Maybe I could ask someone to search for the card during the evacuation while they are on their way to the extraction point. The door to the shooting range was opposite to the weapon storage, yet they move past it. Any unnecessary risk or detour was too much.
Taking the turn on the corridor they saw the door to the parking left open. Someone or something had moved through here since the last time Jill had come this way. Jill motion Juno to be quiet as she checked her gun. Jill had left the grenade launcher in the item box in favor of keeping the pistol Juno had took from the corrupt cop who was still upstairs laying unconscious. 7 bullets... Might be enough. Jill took a deep breath and took a peek through the open door.
The parking lot seem empty at first, but then Jill notice three infected. They were still near the spot where they had claim the guard as their latest victim. There was no sign of the licker, so it must have gone elsewhere and left the door open in its wake. It must have gone upstairs... Jill just hope that the licker wouldn’t end up in the way of the planned evacuation route.
Jill motion Juno to come take a look. “See where those three are gathered?” She point towards the infected. “There is a guard somewhere on the floor, they should have a gun and... And a key to my cuffs or the cells. If not the other set of keys should be by his desk at the entrance to the cellblock.” Jill remain her calm tone as she spoke, but a blush spread to her cheeks as she had to acknowledge the way she look right now with the handcuffs and the dog collar around her neck. “I will draw their attention, you run for the gun and the keys.” She explain having no confidence that she would be able to take out the infected on her own anymore. “Then we take them out together.”
Juno listen carefully and then nod. She knew what to do.
Jill step out at first and walk to the other side of the parking lot before slamming her fists on the hood of a parked car to get the attention of the infected. Excited snarls echo in the parking lot as all three turn to look and head towards Jill. Once the infected were far enough from where the fallen guard was Juno slip in and head towards the spot Jill had point out for her.
While Juno rush to loot the guard Jill took aim at one of the infected. She didn’t wait for them to get close. [Skill challenge 8, Jill fails with firearms down to 6] The bullet hit a wall on the opposite side and the infected were still coming. Jill held her ground and try again this time waiting them to get close enough for an easy shot. [Skill challenge 4, Jill succeeds with firearms down at 6] One of the infected drop down and slump on the floor, yet the last two still head towards her.
[Randomized outcome] A muzzle flash lit up the other side of the parking lot. The second infected drop down to reveal Juno holding the gun.
The last infected reach out to Jill. She pull the trigger. [Skill challenge 2, Jill succeeds with firearms down at 6] She step back as the infected fell. Jill aim at it until she was sure that it wouldn’t get back up. The parking lot was secure. 4 bullets left... Probably not enough. However, the desperation didn’t have time to settle when Juno shout to Jill.
“Hey, look what I found!” She held out two sets of keys: One for the handcuffs and the other for the cellblock. After enjoying the relieved expression on Jill’s face long enough Juno stroll up to her.
Jill offer her hands to Juno who unlock the handcuffs one at the time before taking them off and tossing them across the parking lot. Jill smile as she watch them fly and hit the floor. “Thank you.”
Juno stay quiet, but couldn’t hold back a smile. “I’m ready to leave this place behind. Are you?” She ask as she place the keys to the cellblock in Jill’s hand, Juno surely didn’t have use for them.
“See if you can start the van.” They would need a bigger car for the evacuation to work. “It should fit everyone.”  Even with the police van it would be a tight fit with all the survivors in it. “There is something I need to do before I call Marvin and tell him to get everyone ready for the evacuation.”
Jill’s words made Juno raise an eyebrow, but she didn’t ask what Jill had to do. “Sure. Just be quick, okay?” She walk past Jill and head for the van. “I will be done in no time.”
Leaving Juno to work her magic Jill made her way to the locker room. One last time... It was time to take the role of an S.T.A.R.S. officer for the last time. It was time to change her outfit.
Jill grimaced as she peeled the sticky top off of her skin. After everything that had happened to her, there was a thin film of sweat that soaked through the thin fabric and clung to her skin. Not to mention all of the other fluids that she’s encountered. As she pulled her top over her round belly, she rested a hand over it. If she held still long enough she could feel movement, or at least what she felt was movement. A clear sign that she had to do something or the eggs inside of her would hatch. Her skirt was unbuttoned and pulled off easily. Jill tried not to react as she saw her soaked tights. She told herself that it was sweat from all the things she had to do but a traitorous part of her mind told her that she loved every lewd part of what was happening around her. Before she could direct her thoughts, a few of her fingers wandered to between her legs and started to rub herself but a quick shake of her head shook her out of it. Moving quickly, Jill put on her S.T.A.R.S. uniform, letting its comforting familiarity calm her. Jill pulled the shirt over her head, struggling a bit to maneuver it around the dog collar still locked around her neck. Then she slid on the pants over her legs. It made very conscious about her lack of panties but at least now she had something more than a skirt. Finally her armor snapped on with a comforting sound, bringing her into focus. Sure her bloated belly stretched the already tight top around her but the small amount of armor made her feel safe.
Closing her locker for the last time she took a deep breath. Closing her eyes she thought back to those who she had lost when she last wore her uniform, yet wearing it made her feel like they were still here. The mansion had taken away so much from her and now what had happened there repeat itself in the city. At least she would save a few from this nightmare. It was time to do her duty as a S.T.A.R.S. officer for the last time. People were counting on her. Releasing that breath Jill open her eyes. For S.T.A.R.S.
As she step out of the locker room Jill call Marvin to start preparing for the evacuation. She told him to wait until she would return to the library to help him protect the civilians on their way to the extraction point. The survivors would make their way down from the second floor to the west wing of the first floor, then cross the main hall to the east wing and from there back up to the second floor in order to reach the stairs down to the back yard parking lot where they would be picked up. The RPD was a nightmare to navigate even before the outbreak. Hopefully all of them will make it to the extraction point... Jill didn’t doubt Marvin’s leadership, but it was a long route they had to walk and they need all the help they could get. “See you soon. Over.” She end the call.
Jill walk up to the police van to see that it had its lights on and hear its engine hum. Then she heard something else: A radio message. “ -Food and shelter.” The connection was spotty and there was a bit of static. Circling around Jill came to the driver’s side of the car to see Juno in the driver’s seat intently listening to the radio. The message repeat from the start. “The Raccoon High school has food and shelter. The Bom-” There was static that cut off a part of the message. “-rl militia keeps you safe.”
Jill kept quiet for a moment before saying out loud what she thought. “Guess that is one option for you if there is no way out of the city.” Looking up at Juno she nod towards the safety shutter that was down and block the exit. “Can you get that open? I will check the cellblock in the meantime.” She hand over the repair parts just in case if it was damaged [Jill lost the repair parts]. The light on the control panel was lit up unlike the first time Jill was here. If they hadn’t turn on the generator there wouldn’t have been a way out of the parking lot with a car. The ramp behind the shutter would take them to the back yard parking lot where they would pick up the survivors once they get there.
Another order from Jill made Juno roll her eyes. “Yes, madam.” She groan as if she was annoyed, but in truth she felt good that at least one of the cops she knew was a good one... And good to look at too. Juno look Jill up and down once before closing the door with a wink. “I like a girl in a uniform.” Before Jill could answer she pull the van over to the safety shutter and jump out to see if she could get it open.
With a blush and a chuckle Jill shook her head. She is shameless... In truth she like that about Juno. It was a shame that they would have to part ways so soon. Leaving her alone in the parking lot Jill enter the cellblock.
Reaching the check point where the guard had been posted Jill open the desk. Yes! There was the key to the cabinet that was used to store confiscated items before they were either given back or moved to the evidence room. She couldn’t hold back a grin as she open the cabinet next to the guard’s desk [Jill regain the confiscated items]. Taking what she thought she need for the evacuation Jill close the cabinet. She was ready for it, but first she had a promise to keep... She would have to bid goodbye to Ben.
[Vote for what Jill should do]
[Should Jill use the gun oil?]
[Vote for what items Jill should take]
[What Jill should do about the prisoners?]
Prisoners description.
[Vote if Jill ask Rita a favor during the radio call]
Rita’s description.
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kickdrumheart68 · 2 years
I'm NOT pro-murdering babies.
I'm pro-Becky who found out at her 20-week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs.
I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later.
I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child.
I'm pro-little Cathy who had her innocence ripped away from her by someone she should have been able to trust and her 11-year-old body isn't mature enough to bear the consequence of that betrayal.
I'm pro-Melissa who's working two jobs just to make ends meet and has to choose between bringing another child into poverty or feeding the children she already has because her spouse walked out on her.
I'm pro-Brittany who realizes that she is in no way financially, emotionally, or physically able to raise a child.
I'm pro-Emily who went through IVF, ending up with SIX viable implanted eggs requiring selective reduction to ensure the safety of her and a SAFE number of fetuses.
I'm pro-Jessica who is FINALLY getting the strength to get away from her physically abusive spouse only to find out that she is carrying the monster's child.
I'm pro-Vanessa who went into her confirmation appointment after YEARS of trying to conceive only to hear silence where there should be a heartbeat.
I'm pro-Lindsay who lost her virginity in her sophomore year with a broken condom and now has to choose whether to be a teenage mom or just a teenager.
I'm pro-Courtney who just found out she's already 13 weeks along, but the egg never made it out of her fallopian tube so either she terminates the pregnancy or risks dying from internal bleeding.
You can argue and say that I'm pro-choice all you want, but the truth is:
I'm pro-life.
Their lives.
Women's lives.
You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted. It's not about which stories you don't agree with. It's about fighting for the women in the stories that you do agree with and the CHOICE that was made.
Women's rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation!
Overturning Roe does not stop abortions, it stops SAFE abortions!
Abortion is healthcare.
#roevwade #prochoice #abortion #women #womensrights #mybody #mychoice #mybodymychoice #promedical
**found this on a friend's Facebook page**
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Industry Experts at Your Disposal: The Instructors of DigiRoads Classes in Jaipur
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. As the online landscape evolves, mastering the art of digital marketing has become a necessity rather than a choice. This is where DigiRoads Classes in Jaipur come into play, offering a transformative digital marketing course in Jaipur that's guided by industry experts.
Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape in Jaipur
Jaipur, the Pink City of India, is not only known for its rich cultural heritage but also for its growing tech-savvy population. With businesses embracing the online realm more than ever before, the demand for skilled digital marketers course in Jaipur is on the rise. This demand has led to the emergence of various digital marketing courses in the city, but DigiRoads Classes stands out for its exceptional approach.
Why Choose DigiRoads Classes?
What sets DigiRoads Classes apart is its team of dedicated instructors who are industry experts in the field of digital marketing. These instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the classroom, ensuring that students receive real-world insights that can't be found in textbooks alone.
Meet the Industry Experts
DigiRoads Classes boasts a diverse team of industry experts, each specializing in different aspects of digital marketing. Let's take a closer look at a few of these instructors:
Riya Sharma - SEO Maven: With over a decade of experience in search engine optimization (SEO), Riya Sharma has helped numerous businesses achieve top rankings on search engine results pages. Her in-depth understanding of SEO algorithms and strategies makes her a go-to source for students looking to master the art of organic search.
Amit Patel - Social Media Guru: Social media has become an integral part of digital marketing, and Amit Patel is at the forefront of this realm. Having managed campaigns for both startups and multinational corporations, Amit's insights into creating engaging social media content and running successful ad campaigns are invaluable.
Kavita Mehta - Content Marketing Extraordinaire: Content is king, and Kavita Mehta knows how to wield its power. With a background in journalism and content creation, Kavita guides students through the nuances of crafting compelling content that not only resonates with the audience but also drives results.
Vikram Singh - Analytics and Data Wizard: The digital landscape thrives on data, and Vikram Singh is a wizard when it comes to analytics. His expertise in deciphering data trends, understanding user behavior, and making data-driven decisions equips students with the skills needed to measure and optimize campaigns effectively.
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Attending DigiRoads Classes is more than just enrolling in a course; it's an opportunity to learn from those who have walked the talk. The instructors bring real-world case studies, success stories, and challenges to the classroom, fostering an immersive learning environment. Students are encouraged to ask questions, participate in discussions, and even collaborate on projects that mirror actual industry scenarios.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, having the right mentors can make all the difference. DigiRoads Classes in Jaipur stands as a beacon of quality education in the realm of digital marketing, thanks to its team of industry experts who are passionate about imparting their knowledge. So, if you're looking to embark on a journey of mastering digital marketing, consider DigiRoads Classes – where industry expertise meets classroom excellence.
Enroll today and pave your way to becoming a proficient digital marketer amidst the vibrant cityscape of Jaipur.
(Keyword: digital marketing course in Jaipur)
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livsmithviscom · 1 year
Early Planning
Name Ideas: - Girls’ Girls: The idea of women supporting other women, being a ‘girls girl’. - Girls Girls Girls: Well known and much used phrase, used in song titles and in classic neon signs for strip shows/sex work. Reclaim of power over the phrase. - Girl Code: The idea of a ‘girl code’ suggests interactions between women.
- Mums My mums kiss on my lips and then forehead whenever I leave the house
According to study (https://www.kidspot.com.au/parenting/study-finds-motherdaughter-bond-is-stronger-than-any-other/news-story/e645a8460f6e0f741af56c2fa4e11df0) mother-daughter relationships are the strongest relationships of them all.
The study found that mothers and daughters have very similar anatomy when it comes to the part of the brain that regulates emotions. Which is why we clash with our mothers, but also why they are our greatest comforts well into adulthood.
- Grandmother - Mother - Me  - Girls laying together - Girl Pictures: Justine Kurland
2. 7 Female Archetypes
Introduces illustrated ‘characters’ and also encourages individuality and the diversity of female relationships. The reader will most probably be able to recognise each of these archetypes and apply them to a friend or someone they know, making it more personal in their head. By using ‘characters’ in the book I will be able to illustrate more realistic scenarios and more intimate interactions, and also connects the reader with the girls in the book.
3. Explaining the Feminine Interactions
- The Meadow Theory:
Our female ancestors were sent out to forage berries and look for food. They would remember where the food was, where the animals were, and any other information that was relevant to their safety and survival. This can be seen today when women take note of events that have happened around them so that they can later share this information with their friends.
Example: Morning debriefs after a night out in bed and ‘gossip’.
- Going to the bathroom together
Women are innately conditioned to seek others as a form of protection, and even today we are subconsciously very aware of our vulnerability. So this is less of a social interaction, and more of a supportive one. However it’s super fun to 
- squeeze into cubicles together - hold the door with the broken lock - just have a break from the noise
- Can You Check Me?
A term that will be familiar to all people who have periods, but asking each other to check your trousers to make sure you have not bled through them.
- Illustration of two girls constantly checking in funny positions. Double Page.
- Asking Strangers for Sanitary Products
ActionAid poll results showed 100% of women would help another in a period emergency (195 respondents). Respondents said:
‘It is important we support each other in this way’ ‘If I had the means to save someone else from that kind of stress, I see no reason why I wouldn't do so’ ‘I would absolutely give a tampon/pad to anyone who needed one. I am sure all my friends would too.’ ‘Solidarity with no strings attached’
In a UCLA study (conducted by Laura Klein and Shelley Taylor) showed that women are more likely to help others in a time of stress, whereas men are more likely to respond with a fight or flight response. This is because of the oxytocin levels in men and women, as they are heightened by oestrogen and reduced by testosterone.
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miyakuli · 11 months
The Divine Speaker
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The Divine Speaker is a BL visual novel set in a fantasy world in which we follow Raen, a young orphan who is about to discover the truth about the world around him, in the company of 3 men who will soon become his friends (and maybe more xp) and help him on his journey.
To be honest, I launched this VN without expecting much, just to pass the time. In the end, I found myself quickly becoming involved in the story and genuinely enjoying its characters, I'm even almost sad to leave them now that I've finished the game entirely ;v; It therefore remains a good surprise overall even if it remains only rather banal overall, with its strengths and weaknesses.
❤ The characters are all super endearing and this even more thanks to the work of the dubbing actors whom I warmly salute because really, they bring a real freshness to their roles and also a lot of humor (especially Jonah Scott and his perfect cynical tone ;D). Kudos to them! ❤ The art direction is very pretty, whether in the varied scenery or the charming chara-design, or in the illustrations, some of which are truly magnificent. ❤ For such a little indie game, I think the music is really good, with several pretty themes that are easy to remember.
+/- The game offers us 3 very different love interests in their interactions with Raen so each player can find their own personal tastes and their favorite route (humhumFawnobviouslyhumhum). There are even "hidden" routes with the secondary protagonists. However, I found them uneven in terms of chemistry and progression; some felt too rushed and underdeveloped. This is all the more apparent as the LIs' routes follow a similar pattern, the only difference being the scenes about their past and the few intimate scenes with Raen. As a result, once one route has been completed, the others will seem rather repetitive and therefore less impactful. +/- The scenario quickly grabs your attention and its universe is interesting enough on the whole, but everything is quite predictable and certain points of the story are resolved a little too easily for my taste.
✖ Although I said earlier that all the characters were endearing, I find Raen, our main protagonist, to be sweet as can be but far too bland compared to the rest of the group. He's definitely evolving, but he has much less depth than his companions, which unfortunately makes him a rather forgettable character on an individual level (because yes, as a couple he's still cute :p). ✖ Some of the transition visual effects look really cheap and unnecessary (like the old Windows Movie Maker effects from the 2000s lol). ✖ This is completely personal, but I think it's a shame that once Raen confesses his love to each of the LIs, the remaining illustrations become nothing more than sex scenes XD I've got nothing against that haha, but I was still pretty frustrated not to have any more SFW illustrations to at least conclude the routes in a soft way……but I've always been more fluff than smut, that must be why x)
The game has a good lifespan (18 hours for me) and I managed to get attached to the characters and their trials and tribulations right to the end, despite the fact that this visual novel is only more or less decent ; is it the power of this Divine Speaker I wonder….
➡ My personal VN ranking (in french) ➡ My Steam page
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sebeth · 1 year
East of West #1: Out Of The Wasteland
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East Of West #1: The Promise By Jonathan Hickman, Nick Dragotta, Frank Martin, and Rus Wooton.
 Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  Three beings emerge from a circle in the desert. The group realizes they are missing their fourth member. They roll the bones to discover the location of their missing fourth member.
“He really left us. We were four, but not it’s just us three.”
“Well…that settles it then. We kill him and then the world can follow.”
An extreme reaction to abandonment but everyone grieves in their own way.
A break in the chapter informs us “The things that divide us are stronger than the things that unite us.”
The next page lets the reader know this takes place in an alternative history of the United States. Here is a recap of events:
·         “The Third Great Awakening happened ‘round the same time as the Civil War, seizing Elijah Longstreet in its embrace in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Preceding that, he had served in the Second Corps, Army of the North Virginia under General Thomas Jonathan ‘Stonewall’ Jackson. Elijah was loyal Gray until the Battle of Chantilly. That’s when he got the Word, abandoned war, and was born again the Prophet Longstreet.”
·         “One year later, Standing Bear, the Ponca chief and only remaining holdout of the Native American tribes, laid down arms before the strong man of the Lakota. Red Cloud became chief of chiefs. There was smoke, oral histories coalesced, and the Endless Indian Nation came into being. Soon, the Union found itself fighting a war on two fronts – righteousness and tyranny, and the resulting quagmire suited their hypocrisy. Conflict drug on until finally reaching a protracted lull a decade later. A war that was not war, lasting twenty more years…until the fire in the sky.”
·         “There are those that say the comet should have struck some other land. That God, like with Joshua and the Amorites, somehow held the world up, kept it from spinning, just so he could deliver judgement.”
·         “Divine intervention or not, that event marked the end of hostilities, the remarking of territory, and the formation of what would become the Seven Nations of America. The Accords were signed at Armistice – the epicenter of the event – on November 9, 1908. It was significant, historic, and the third most important thing to happen that day.”
The panel of the signing shows six individuals at the signing: an unnamed Native American, and unnamed African-American, two unnamed white men, and two men of undetermined origin – possible Hispanic or Asian (it’s hard to tell from the art). Where is the seventh signer?
·         “As in Atlanta, the Prophet Longstreet penned the Second Book of Revelation…and in Chenowee, Red Cloud shared a walking vision with his council of elders. Then upon completion, and by all accounts at exactly the same time, both men collapsed and died. The words spoken and the words written down – interlocking apocrypha, collectively called by believers The Message – remained an incomplete, unsolvable mystery for half a century. Until the day it was completed.”
·         Fast forward to 1958: “On his deathbed, in New Shanghai, the exiled Chinese leader Chairman Mao Zedong penned an addendum to his Little Red Book. His portion – the missing portion – of the Message. The three were one. And the one…it was the story of the world’s end.”
·         The next three panels show Red Cloud, Prophet Longstreet, and Mao Zedong narrating the Message: “There was a lone man. A broken sparrow…one apart, a son of Night…the first of four, the end of everything,,,”
I love alternate history scenarios and the above is an extreme divergence on American history. How do the Seven Nations of America work? Is there a Parliament where representatives come together to regulate laws and policies? Are the Seven Nations independent of each other and the “of America” is in name only? Did the Seven Nations become involved in world events, or did they remain isolated from global happenings?
The next scene is “now”. A trio enters the Atlas, a bar. It’s not the same trio from the opening scene – those were three individuals of Caucasian skin tones and uncertain gender. The three in the bar are:
·         An albino man dressed as a western gunslinger.
·         A tall, muscled albino man with black circles around his eyes, dressed in a robe with feathers atop his bald head.
·         A black woman, but not a black individual, more of an anti-albino look – she is as black as the others are white.  The exception is a domino mask area of albino white around the eyes and long white hair. She has fringed boots, wrapped bracers around the arms, a metal band on the upper arm, layers of necklaces, and a not-quite skirt – more of what a woman would wear over a bikini bottom at the beach.
The bar has a cyber-western atmosphere.  The bartender offers the gunslinger a beer but rejects the offer when he notices his companions: “Pardon me, but I failed to notice your company. Sir you find yourself today on the edge of civilization...and the edge of late is bloody. So it don’t matter one bit who’s vouchin’ for the unclean, I’m afraid their kind get no service here.”
The gunslinger responds: “The Wolf doesn’t drink.  He’s a particular sort. And the Crow…she would never drink here. So the whiskey is all for me. Now. Pour.”
Why would the bartender refuse the others but not the gunslinger? The Wolf and the gunslinger are both albinos, the Crow is an anti-albino. None of the three have skin tones normally found in the human race. Are the Crow and the Wolf considered “unpure” because their attire represents non-white cultures?
The gunslinger toasts: “Gentlemen. Soldiers. To the fall of empires…and the illusion of republic.”
The toasts angers a group of soldiers wearing a blue uniform with a gold “US” emblem on their hats. I’m guessing these are soldiers from the southern white portion of the Seven Nations of America which would explain the bartender’s “unclean” comment.
The bartender informs the gunslinger that “Perhaps you didn’t understand earlier but this bar is full of Union. Frontier boys from the fringe.”
Union would imply the North, at least in our world. Not that the North was blameless in its ecounters with people of color.
A soldier approaches the Wolf: “Best step aside, savage. This here is the modern world, and progress has a way of rolling right over the indigenous. Me and mine…we are so very progressive. Understand me? Chief.”
The fight/massacre occurs offscreen as the bartender looks on in horror. The gunslinger doesn’t leave his bar stool: “Now that…is a fierce look of dread your face is wearing. You see somethin’ scary? That’s okay. It’s all right to be afraid – you should be. As these are fear-producin’ times. Look around. This is a fractured land. Once whole, now cracked and broken. And that is where fear lives, the spaces in between. It’s stronger than the wakin’ world, finds seed in the darkest parts of your mind. Fear is real. Now look at me, son…See somethin’ worse.”
We get a closeup of the gunslinger’s eyes and see that they are a bright blue.
The bartender has a two-panel flashback. The bartender was one of five individuals standing on a cliff while a sixth person was on an advanced airship similar to SHIELD’s hellicarrier. There was the bartender, a man in an old-fashioned suit with a cane, a woman in a leather bodysuit/uniform. A blond man in a trenchcoat, and a long-haired man in robes. The sixth person is in the background with no identifying marks.  On the plain below, the gunslinger appearing as anti-albino like the Crow, is backed by two figures, presumably the Wolf and Crow. The Wolf is encased in body armor, armed with long staffs and the Crow has a blue electric whip. The gunslinger is engaged in a duel with another gunslinger. We only see the back of the legs and the guns of the other gunslinger.
We return to the present. The bartender gasps: Oh God…you…you’re…you’re…”
The gunslinger replies “Now don’t say my name unless you really mean to call for me. ‘Cause you call, I surely will come.”
The Crow warns “Hey! This place is not what it seems. Something is hidden here.”
Gunslinger: “Don’t care. I have what I came for. You think you could hide from me, Hunter? That your deeds wouldn’t find you out?”
Bartender: “It was just a job. I didn’t even know who I was trackin’. I swear, I didn’t know what they were going to do. I…please…I’ll give you whatever you want.”
Gunslinger: “But you can’t give me what I want. Can you?”
Bartender: “No…I could give you the next best thing – who hired me. They won’t be hard to find once I name them.”
Gunslinger: “Buy an agent, buy his silence. Doesn’t your kind have a code? Never give up a contract?”
Bartender: “Doesn’t your kind have plenty of experience with men selling their souls just to breathe one more breath? Honor gets buried deep with the body…I wanna live. But I’m guessing you’re gonna kill me anyway, aren’t you?”
The bartender rips a page out of his notebook and hands it to the gunslinger.
Gunslinger: “Crossed me once and lived. That’s a mercy you won’t find again. Remember that.”
The Crow informs the bartender that she would have taken his eyes.
The Wolf pronounces the list “not good” as it is “Solid. But look at the first name.”
The Crow agrees: “Ain’t walking the White Tower. Nothing there but lies and the lying mouths that produce them.”
The Gunslinger concurs: “It’s also warded – Bones and Bonded. Two of you couldn’t get within fifty miles if you wanted.”
The Gunslinger’s companions tell him that “the Chalice” won’t be hidden there as it is too public a place to keep a secret.
The Gunslinger states that he will have to have another reason for being there. He tells his friends that he only recognized one other name on the list. He tells Wolf and Crow to find the others and that he will meet them on the second day at the Golden Bridge on the Burning Plain. He then rides off a mechanical horse.
Very intriguing first issue. I’m loving the supernatural cyber-western setting. I don’t know how deep the series will delve into the divergent history of the United States aka the Seven Nations of America but I would love to see how it effected world history.
We’re introduced to two distinct trios – one wants to end the world, the other is looking for a “chalice”. Why does the trio feel abandoned by its fourth member? Extreme separation anxiety? How much earlier did he awaken? Is there a reason he didn’t awaken his partners? What of who is the “Chalice”?  What happened in the bartender’s flashback? I thought he was one of the individuals on the ship but was he the other gunfighter? If he was the other gunfighter, how was he able to survive the confrontation considering he folded like wet tissue paper when confronted by the gunslinger in the bar? Why did the people on the ship hire the bartender? And what did the Crow sense that was hidden in the bar?
So many questions!!!
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