#returning to this app briefly just to scream.
petew21-blog · 4 months
Family fun
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"Hi, I'm Simon and I'm an alcoholic." Haha. I'm just kidding. I'm just a normal nineteen year old kid still living with his widowed father and his three brothers. Today I was suppose to go on a trip with my 4 friends - Michael, Nathan, Daniel and Connor. I was ready to leave, but suddenly my - always happy and kind dad - started screaming about me not doing enough for our family, not doing chores and he banned me to go on the trip. I texted my friends, but only Connor replied:"Better luck next time. C ya". Then my dad even took my phone from me. I have no idea what I have done, but I didn't question him right now. Maybe later when he cools off.
My brother Alex came downstairs and offered me to go with him to the store. He acted different. I can't tell why, but he kept teasing me, which he usually doesn't. He is the quiet one.
We got into the store. I went to get some vegetable and when I got back to him. He was standing there completely naked
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"What the hell are you doing?"
"Hurry. Give my some clothes!!! I lost them!"
"How can you just loose your clothes you're wearing?!?"
"Doesn't matter. Give me something."
I gave him my jeans, my shirt, leaving me only with my socks, sweatshirt in my hand and my boxers. He put on the rest and then laughed as he took the sweatshirt from my hands and ran away.
I was standing in a storeonly in my underwear. How embarassing. Alex was standing outside of the store with a phone in his hand already recording and laughing
"What the hell is wrong with you today?"
"Haha. Nothing. Just... enjoying life."
We returned back home. Alex went to show my other two brothers how he humiliated me. I went upstairs to find my father in my bathroom completely naked. He held my phone in his hands and tried to take a nude.
"DAD! What are you doing?!"
He wasn't even shocked and kept trying to get a good photo.
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"Oh hey, I was going through your phone and I found this Grindr app where most of the profiles had pictures like this. I thought that maybe it is a dating website and I might have a chance. Maybe I'll find someone there."
"Dad, please. Go away. And don't install that app. I'll explain that to you later."
He checked himself out again and then winked at me
"Don't act like this isn't the dick that made you. You owe me for that, you know"
Has everyone gone crazy this morning or what the fuck is happening?
I went downstairs, ready for some more weird stuff. But fortunately my two brothers - Joe and Kyle fought. Thank god. The most normal thing in our family that could be happening right now. I sat outside on the porch just briefly watching them fight.
But suddenly the fight turned into this
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They made out passionately as many couples in love do. But THEY ARE MY BROTHERS!!!
All four of the stared at each other back and forth. My dad was the first one who started laughing, then the rest did too.
"What's so funny? Have you all lost your mind?"
"Oh come ooooon. It's just a prank, BRO" said my father
"Besides, would your brother that you secretly have a crush on let you do this?" Alex came to me and placed my hand on his abs, just going up and down and finally going down.
"How... Connor?"
"BINGO! You figured it out. We swapped bodies with everyone in your family just to mess with you. We discovered we could do that last night when we arrived at the campsite, but we decided to surprise you. So, what do you think?"
"Wait. What about my dad and my brothers? Where are they?"
"In the campsite hopefully. But they keep calling your phone, so that's why we took it from you. Seems like we might have some explaining to do. So, until we give these bodies back and might never use them again?" All four of them smiled.
I couldn't believe how perverted my freinds are. And I couldn't believe I didn't really protest.
A story from the inbox: Hello! I love your stories😍😍😍 can u write a story about some friends are doing prank by body swapping with his male family members?
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lumpyorganelle · 4 months
Delusional Infatuated Uber driver x Fem reader (wrote in school to pass time WIP)
typology: INTP 5sx
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I wasn't sure what I was doing. This autobiography isn't meant to serve as a device for pity. But as per usual, driving strangers to places throughout the metropolis was my crutch for paying expenses. Living was a vague word to me; for the longest time, I didn't understand what the word entailed. For most, they define living in relations to the human flesh and its physiological functions. But to me, it all seemed like an abstracted haze.
The car door slammed, a couple walked in and requested a drive to a hotel. I looked in the rear-view mirror and briefly scrutinize their features and gauged their souls. The tension was conspicuous and permeated the air with its thick essence. A gut feeling told me I shouldn't look in their direction, so I shifted my focus back towards the road.
I reached the traffic light and the woman suddenly convulsed in a paroxysm of emotions; tears, screams and violent actions ensued, as the man fought back with progressive intensity. I glanced nonchalantly at the couple in the rear-view mirror, emotions drain the soul; it is a waste and I don't understand why they do this. Fortunately, luck seemed to favour me and their destination was realized. The two creatures paid their fees individually and slammed the backseat car doors. I watched as the woman, her makeup contorted and jeopardised by the stream of tears, agitated and still in a fever of heat, stomp off in the distance. The man, curtly but in a choleric tone, threw a succession of curses and profanities at her.
I shook my head and checked my watch: the time read 3:09 PM. I unscrewed my bottle and took a slip of water, the succulent texture of the liquid raped my tongue as I savoured the hydrating sensation it provided. A buzzing sensation prompted my attention as I checked the app: a new customer in demand of a ride. I acquiesced to the request and drove to the pick-up location. A secondary female student standing alone, unparalleled from the sea of students that were temporarily unshackled from their prisons, attracted my attention like a moth to a flame. I couldn't explain at that moment why I felt a poignant gravitation towards her; it was like a polarizing magnet barricaded from finding its polar opposite, finally having granted the privilege of merging their souls again. I watched, ever-so in a feverish reverie, at the little creature standing just a few feet from me—no—we weren't separated by tangible distance; I was convinced we were eternally interconnected by an ubiquitous and impermeable string.
An obtrusive honking prompted me out of my fever. I glanced irritably at the car behind me, infuriated at its disruption of my solacing reverie. No sooner than I did, I returned my attention back to the heavenly creature. I marvelled at how unparalleled and distinct her aura was; like a black sheep, she stood isolated from the crowd of students, with her gaze fixated on the pages of her book. The creature devoured the contents like a starved beast, with the physical world encapsulating her figure dis-integrating and melting away. Oh how I related to this lonely girl; to get lost and forget about it all; to forsake the group of simpletons and find solace in solitude.
I must touch her; to get a whisk of her delectable figure and suck up her energy. Colour permeated my world; It was no longer saturated with greys—oh no—it was filled to the brim with music. A foreign pulsating feeling zapped through my spinal cord, as my nerves mewed with unadulterated pleasure. My hand involuntarily meandered towards my groin. I was delirious. My tongue waltzed to lick my lips, imagining her sweet saliva marinating mine with its delectable honey—honey—that word elicited the mental construct of her sweet vulva juices inundating my senses; I could literally and figuratively smell it; her voice shaking like a vulnerable little doll at my hands; to destroy and corrupt her—but to also preserve engulf her with passion in my hands.
Ecstasy flooded my veins as my delirious infatuation prompted her attention directly towards me. I could have combusted at that precise moment. Time stopped; it halted and it was just the two of us in a world I would have gladly committed arson against. The female creature walked towards my car, her luscious hair strands gliding behind her, facilitated by the forceful caresses of the wind. My whole fleshy body shook in anticipation as my member stood upright in the tight embraces of my pants. I rolled down the window on my passenger seat and motioned her to come in. A smile bloomed on that angelic face of hers as she obliged like the little slut she is. The poor, naive creature prodded at the lock door in my backseats but I feigned that she couldn't sit at the back. She apologised like the obedient whore she is—MY obedient little princess (exacting emphasis on the MY)—and got in next to me. I shook as if climaxing. I couldn't hold it in. I did actually climax at that moment; electrical shocks molested my whole body as I huffed and shook in esctasy. I felt my boxers soaked in my seed—seed that would enter her lovely womb—oh yes, she would bear my—our future child. I felt unbearably hard again as I imagine my seed oozing out of her cunt.
How she smelt so heavenly. She spoke! oh she spoke! her larynx producing the most ethereal and out-worldly sounds that no animate or inanimate object could produce. With her schoolbag in the trunk of my car, she plopped herself next to me. "Thankyou sir, how are you today?" I watched those plump rosy lips of her coordinate and move to articulate those intangible sounds out. Oh how I wanted to make passionate animalistic love to her right there and then. I clutched and clenched my hands, failing to find relief at the friction generated by the fabric and flesh of my palms. I watched as her eyebrows knitted adorably in an expression of confusion and anticipation—wait, silly me! The female creature asked a question,. Undoubtably, I must seem like a fool high on substances to her right now. I should answer her question before I sabotage my chances.
"O-oh…of course, my pleasure darling—no! sorry, I mean of course ma'am". I mentally choked myself and inflicted the most physically tortuous punishments on myself after that appalling display of a greeting. She stared at me; rendering me naked and vulnerable with her eyes. I was inundated with paranoia that she could read my mind and fiddled in my driver seat. I was caught off guard by her melodical giggle. Prompting my head back to her, I looked at her puzzled and embarrassed.
"Sir...you are funny", the female creature continued in a fit of laughter. The disparity between the two sides of me were at conflict; I was over-joyed at the fact that I—an abominable trash like me—elicited that amused expression and vocal frequency—but I was also permeated by humiliation at the fact that I might have projected an image of a socially-inept creepy man. As if she performed an ablation on my mind, she understood without words and attempted to reassure me of my blunder.
"Sir its ok…I don't find you weird at all. You can call me Ophelia…I am not used to being called maam, you see?' ". I nodded eargerly and tested the composition of letters off the slip of my tongue.
"Ophelia….Ophelia…" I reiterated her name in my mind over-and-over like a lullaby and hymn. Those syllables and consonants—I shall worship until the day my soul obliterates into nothing but dust. Our conversations commenced with ease and I find myself metamorphosing back into a human—something that I thought would never happen again.
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
What if Hermann had a daily reminder set on his phone to “Kiss Newton” and that reminder went off right after a big fight...
Newton has a habit of interrupting Hermann at random intervals of the day when he feels he needs attention, which should really come as no surprise to Hermann (having known the man long, long before they entered into a romantic relationship, after all), though it does not make him any less of a nuisance for it. It’s especially a nuisance to someone like Hermann, who really does not like interruptions or deviations from his routine. He makes his hourly agendas days in advance—breakfast, work, lunch, brief five minute period of self-pity, etcetera—with little to no room for sporadic events. Certainly Hermann could account for Newton, and he technically does to a certain extent (usually tacked on at the end of the day under the all-encompassing title of private time), but Newton can hardly be expected to keep a schedule.
He likes to do things like hold Hermann’s hand while they do paperwork—which extends the whole process considerably, on account of how distracted Hermann gets—and come up from behind Hermann and hug him while he’s at his chalkboard, and derail their strictly work-related conversations over meals to become long arguments instead, and even—most of all, in fact—kiss Hermann when Hermann’s in the midst of doing the most innocuous tasks. Like scrubbing a mug at the work sink, or sharpening a pencil. Newton finds they make Hermann irresistible, apparently.
“Not now,” Hermann finally sighs one day, when, standing at his chalkboard, he feels one of Newton’s hands settle on his waist in that tell-tale fashion that means Hermann’s either about to be spun around into an impromptu slow dance, or Newton is going to kiss him. Hermann has time for neither. “Really, Newton—I’m quite busy.”
“Good. I am, too,” Newton says. He presses up against Hermann’s back, and Hermann feels the curve of his grin against his skin. “I made you coffee. Come take a break with me.”
“Break. As if,” Hermann snorts, even as he shivers again with the little kiss Newton plants behind his ear. “I know what you have in mind, Newton. I’m too busy for that right now.”
“Too busy to kiss your boyfriend?” Newton whines.
“I have a schedule,” Hermann says.
“A schedule that doesn’t include kissing your boyfriend?”
Hermann turns, though is unmoved in the face of Newton’s pout. “I told you this last week. I’ll be more than happy to— What are you doing?” he trails off, as Newton suddenly reaches into his pocket and draws out his phone.
“Updating your schedule,” Newton says. He taps in Hermann’s passcode (which Hermann had not been aware Newton had guessed) and then taps around a few more times in Hermann’s calendar app. “And… here.” He tosses the phone back to Hermann: he’s created a new daily event, 2:30-2:45, Kiss Newton.
It’s 2:29 now. Hermann feels invisible seconds tick away until his phone begins to vibrate. Newton waggles his eyebrows. “Well, come on,” he says.
Hermann rolls his eyes, but he pulls Newton in by his tie nonetheless. He’s nothing if not punctual.
The alarm, it turns out, was set up to be reoccurring, and for the next week and a half Hermann is startled out of his concentration time and time again by his phone suddenly lighting up and ordering him to Kiss Newton. Newton, on the other hand, is never startled by it: he’s ready and lurking by Hermann’s workspace each time, broad grin on his face, hands shoved into his pockets. It’s no matter what either of them had been doing up until then—he’s always there, and ready. (“I know how important staying on schedule is to you,” Newton tells him.)
Hermann can’t complain about it. Chastely kissing Newton for ten or so minutes is, regrettably, a very bright spot of his day.
Of course, Newton and Hermann’s relationship is tenuous at best. Even a week of good days can’t prevent their inevitable mutual blow-ups over the pettiest little things. By the following Tuesday, they’re screaming at each other over one of Newton’s kaiju samples, of which Newton is convinced Hermann managed to stealthily move and hide from him. “It takes two of us to wheel the damn things in here in the first place, you moron,” Hermann shouts. “How the hell could I have moved it alone? And even if I did, where would I have hidden it?”
“I don’t know,” Newton shouts back. He’s rifling through the storage closet, tossing cans of instant coffee and boxes of disposable work gloves behind him, and making a great big mess of everything. A majority of the rest of the laboratory is in a similar state. “I’m not the one who hid it. All I know is that I came back from lunch and it was gone.”
“I was at lunch with you!”
“But you left before me!” Newton says. He turns on his heels, throwing his hands up in the hair. His face is red with anger. “You could’ve—”
“In five minutes?” Hermann says. He tosses his chalk to the ledge of his board and seizes his cane, halfway to waving it at Newton in anger. “They probably wheeled it away as a bloody health hazard. I don’t know why you’re so certain—”
There’s a knock on the laboratory door. Three maintenance workers stand in the doorway, Newton’s missing kaiju sample in its tank between them. Hermann deflates. “Dr. Geiszler?” one of them says. “We had to wheel this out earlier when we came in to fix the A/C because it was in the way, and forgot to bring it back—sorry.”
“Oh,” Newton says. He drops his arms; the red flush of his face slowly creeps away, only to be replaced with an embarrassed blush. “Right.”
“Where should we put it?” the man says.
“Uh,” Newton says. “Just—by the sink is fine. Thanks, guys.”
The group move to replace the tank in silence, and Hermann watches Newton in silence, too, with nothing but a scowl. He waits until they’ve left to speak. “As I told you,” he says, calmly, and turns back to his equations. “I never set foot on your side of the laboratory.”
“Hermann, look, I’m—”
But Hermann ignores him. After a few unsuccessful moments of repeating his name with half-arsed apologies, Newton returns to his work, too.
At 2:30, Hermann’s phone buzzes.
His heart sinks when he realizes the time. Kiss Newton. Bugger. He shuts the alarm off quickly before Newton can hear it, too, but he’s not sure if there was even a chance of it; Newton is wholly absorbed in his dissection, and doesn’t so much as flinch at the sudden flurry of motion across the laboratory. Kiss Newton. He doesn’t think either of them are up for it today.
Kiss Newton. Hermann bites his lip.
Newton inhales sharply when he feels Hermann come up behind him, though he’s silent when Hermann plants a small kiss on his cheek. “I’m sorry I was cross with you,” Hermann murmurs. He goes back in for another kiss to the cheek, and Newton turns his head to the side just enough to catch Hermann’s mouth for a proper one.
“Don’t,” Newton says. “I’m the one who needs to apologize. I’m sorry I yelled at you over some stupid sample.” He kisses Hermann again, briefly. “I was being dumb.”
“Oh, we both were,” Hermann says. He smiles. “Will you come to the couch? We’ve only got ten minutes left in our break, you know.”
Newton grins back, and sheds his work gloves to take Hermann’s hand.
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iidaemii03 · 3 years
Shoto Todoroki x Fem!Reader - Need You Now - Songfic based on the song by Lady A
This is my first full on story/oneshot here so I hope the people of Tumblr like it! I always knew I wanted to do something angst-based as soon as I heard this song a while ago, but I had to make it angst to happy ending cuz I often feel so sad when I read stories that is just left after the angst. I need comfort!! I also wanted to do a reader story since that’s bascially all I read nowadays! I also decided to do female reader since that is what I am most comfortable with, so sorry if that is not your thing. Anyways, I hope this is good enough, I really tried with this one, so hope you all enjoy! <3
Info to know beforehand!! (Although you all already know this most likely!)
Y/N means Your Name (L/N means Last Name)
(e/c) means eye color
(h/c) means hair color
(s/c) means skin color
Texts is in italics
The room was dark. Lights were off except for in the connected kitchen and living room area. Y/N sat on the couch, dressed in sweatpants and a long-sleeved sweater belonging to her boyfriend, a bottle of wine standing on the table together with a half-full glass. Picture perfect memories were scattered all around the floor from the fight that happened a few hours earlier. Fight… was that the right word for it? Maybe argument was a more correct word? She didn’t care. Her mind was filled with thoughts and questions. Was it her fault? Or his? What did they argue about again? She didn’t quite remember, nor did she care. She just wanted to see her boyfriend again.
Teary (e/c) eyes all red from crying, looked up and scouted, seeing the empty room before her, the quiet feeling so foreign to her. She reached for her phone lying on the table, immediately opening it and opening the gallery app. Y/N looked through the pictures of them together: One from an amusement park date from three weeks ago, the pair eating churros while looking at the camera. Another picture from last year when they went on a cruise to celebrate their two year anniversary as a couple, the sun setting behind them while they held each other close. The tears were starting again, she couldn’t fight it anymore. She bailed her feelings out, screaming and crying, not caring who heard her. Y/N lifted her eyes after a while, tears continuing to stream down her face. She switched to the contacts app to see that he left a few messages that made her heart light.
Hi, how are you doing? I don’t know if you’ll see this message or if you want to, but if you do then please… call me. Please <3
Me again. Just wondering if you’re still angry with me, and if you are then I can’t blame you… I was a jerk for getting mad at you, no not a jerk... an asshole. I miss you… :(
Can we please forget this? I really miss you.... </3 Can I come back to the apartment? Or do you wanna come here? There aren't that many people here now… although I would love to be in your arms again </3 Please…? <3
The clock showed a quarter after one, and Y/N looked out the window of the apartment after reading the messages over and over, her (h/c) hair tousled with some strands hanging in front of her face. He wanted to apologize, so did she. He cared for her, and she knew that. It was just a stupid little argument that happened between, an argument that ended with him storming out of the door of their shared apartment going who knows where. He was most likely in the city. That didn’t matter right now though, because all she wanted was to see her lovely boyfriend again. She was all alone and she needed him now. That was it! She wiped her tears and texted him back:
Yes please… Come back! I need you now, here, in my arms again! <3 I don’t know how I can do this without you, I just… need you now <3
In the dark of the city, at a local bar sat Shoto Todoroki. In his hand was a shot glass with whiskey. He gripped it tight and poured it down in one go, the strong alcohol flowing down his throat. It was probably his third, maybe fourth glass of it, but that wasn’t the most important thought he had at the moment. His eyes were glued to the bar-table he sat by, the bartender cleaning some glasses on the other side by the corner. “Another shot of whiskey please.” Shoto’s voice came out as bland and emotionless. The bartender lifted his gaze from the glass he was cleaning to the boy across from him. “Of course sir. It will be your fifth shot this evening though, are you alright?” The bartender spoke in concern as he took the bottle and poured the amount in the glass Shoto still held in his hand. Shoto’s eyes narrowed in question: Was he alright? Is this really what he should be doing now, drinking his thoughts away? He let go of the glass and shoved it away from him, the liquid still in the glass. No, he should return to Y/N soon, this was ridiculous! Him drinking? That was so unlike him! He remembered though that his father used to drink after a difficult job at the agency, after a task that didn’t seem to reach a conclusion, or just after a general hard day. The thought angered Shoto. He was turning like his old man... great.
Shoto reached for his phone in his pocket and decided to check if she had responded to his messages. Maybe the three messages he sent was making him seem desperate? That was the last thing he wanted to do. He switched his gaze from the phone in his hand to the door of the establishment. Maybe she would walk through that door soon and surprise him, hug him and tell him that everything was ok. Sweep in the way like he remembered she did before. But no, she didn’t. It wouldn’t be that easy anyways. He returned to look at the phone when the message sound reached his ears. His eyes widened… she answered!
Yes please… Come back! I need you now, here, in my arms again! <3 I don’t know how I can do without you, I just… need you now <3
The simple message brought him so much joy and relief. He stood up from the bar-chair and handed the bartender some money plus tip. “Keep the change and I didn’t need the fifth shot anyways. Excuse me.” He grabbed his jacket and put it on in a hurry, scrambling out the door to get back to his girlfriend. “Ok then, have nice… night.” The bartender grabbed the money and watched as the two-toned hair boy went out the door, a smile on his face as he continued to clean the glasses.
Shoto ran as fast as he could back to the apartment where he knew you were. Luckily, the bar wasn’t that far away from the apartment complex you both lived in. He didn’t even think of calling a taxi, probably because he was a little drunk from the few whiskey shots he took. All he knew was that he needed to get back and reconcile with his lovely girlfriend and apologize for that stupid argument that caused this. What was it about again? He shook his head of the thought, the matter not being important anymore. He ran and ran, his lungs burning and his body begging for a little break, something that Shoto did not have the time for right now.
He reached the complex and decided to take the stairs rather than the elevator, the adrenaline in him kicking. The elevator would have been faster, but he didn’t think of anything other than seeing you again. Your beautiful (h/c) hair that he loved to brush his fingers through, your glowing (e/c) eyes he could stare at hours after hours, your magnificent (s/c) skin he loved to touch with his hands. After many flights of stairs his eyes started to tear up from the thought of seeing you again. Everyone who knew him knew that Shoto Todoroki didn’t cry. He always wore a calm expression, almost looking bored sometimes, but he never cried. He did now though, letting his eyes water. He blinked trying to push the tears back, but he couldn’t deny it any longer.
He now stood in front of the door to the apartment, trying to catch his breath. He lifted his hand and knocked three times. After a painfully long moment (at least to Shoto), the door opened wide and Shoto’s eyes widened when seeing you standing there looking up at him with red eyes. Oh no. He made you cry. That… he didn’t even think of that possibility. “I-eh…” Shoto couldn’t find the proper words. He had something planned out on the way to the apartment, but now he wasn’t able to say any of it! “Oh I…” Y/N was exactly the same. The words just didn’t want to come out. They both stared at each other, no one uttering a single word. Until Shoto decided to take a step forward and then another. Y/N in response took a step back and then another, as they both moved further into the apartment. When Shoto finally entered the apartment fully, he immediately closed the door behind him without looking away from Y/N. She waited for her boyfriend to make a move, and to her surprise and shock, he did just that.
Shoto’s hands took hold of Y/N’s face and she didn’t get the time to react in any way as he locked their lips together in a loving kiss, finally letting the tears he had in his eyes fall down his cheeks. Y/N’s eyes widened briefly before closing and letting her own tears cascade down her cheeks as well. The kiss felt warm and for Y/N it felt like all the sadness and anger from before faded away in an instant. It was almost like the kiss made light return into the room. And that light felt amazing for both of them!
They separated and looked each other in the eyes, (e/c) eyes staring lovingly at grey and cyan blue orbs. Both were left panting due to the intense kiss they just shared. “I am so sorry that I yelled at you, Y/N. I- I immediately regretted what I said. I love you so much, and I really appreciate you being in my life! I want you to know that!” Shoto’s voice came out so… broken, and Y/N immediately knew that he had been trying not to cry but eventually succumbed to the tears anyway. Y/N gave him a smile, eyes still teary from earlier. “I’m also very sorry. I love you so so much too! I love being with you every day, and I want you to know that you can come to me with your problems so that we can try to solve them together! Let’s do that next time, m‘kay, so that we can avoid fighting like we did now.?” Y/N moved her hands from her sides to grasp Shoto’s hands. His was so warm, ironically though since you would think his quirk would make one of them cold. But nevertheless it was such a comfortable feeling. Being here, with him, together again.
“It’s like you said: I literally don’t know how I can do without you. I need you… now and always.” Shoto declared with a soft smile playing on his lips. Y/N smiled back at him. “I feel the same, Sho!” She lunged at him and hugged him tight, with him immediately wrapping his arms around her returning the hug. “Want to chill on the couch, maybe watch a movie and cuddle?” Y/N asked, looking up at Shoto with still blank eyes. He looked down at her, smiled lovingly and gave a simple answer: “Yes.”
And that’s how you two ended up on the couch, a random movie playing in the background, while you and Shoto were lying together on the couch cuddling close. Your head was placed in his lap and he played with your hair with one hand while the other was holding yours, fingers intertwined. The movie was becoming the least important thing happening at the moment. You were busy showing your love and giving comfort to each other. “Are you even watching the movie, Sho?” You suddenly asked looking up at him. He answered with a shrug of his shoulders accompanied by “No not really. Are you though?” He looked down at the girl with a knowing grin. She smiled sheepishly and hid her face in his sweater before giving a very muffled answer “No.” He just chuckled at her action and continued to play with her hair. Y/N removed her face from his sweater and continued to lay comfortable in his hold. The comfortable silence took over again.
The hours passed and before you knew it, the movie was finished and was currently playing the end credits. On the couch was a passed out Shoto and Y/N, comfortably bundled together, their soft breaths being the only sound in the room. They were both fast asleep, but still they were holding hands, looking like neither wanted to let go. This was their comfort: Each other. Even fights like the one they had many hours ago wasn’t enough to seperate them for long. They knew they would apologize afterwards, because they knew their shared love was stronger than any harsh words thrown at each other previously. It was clear as day, that the love between Shoto Todoroki and Y/N L/N was a strong bond that was gonna last long into the future, even into future fights their love would bring them back again. Because they also knew that they needed each other, always.
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karimac · 3 years
...in the details, Part 2
A/N: Warning for this series: 18+ audience (minors DNI), some cinematic level violence, some fluff and angst. Doubt that smut will be involved, but it may be implied. I’ll make sure that is noted clearly if it pops up.
All relationships, at this point anyway, are platonic.
Please do not repost or translate my work. Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
A bit about the OC Kari
Part 1
All mistakes are my own.
Word count: 2,249
Before you ventured into Westview, a flight of birds overhead reminded you of Redwing and Sam. Poor Sam. That sixth sense you had told you that fight at the compound was going to lead you all into very weird places. And the first one left you very squarely not in the room once again.
This time it was Steve and Bucky being thick as thieves, and you and Sam were…making a sandwich run? Couldn’t exactly get GrubHub to make a delivery to an attack site, could you? Bruce did not want some driver with a cellphone putting video up on Snapchat. “How would that look?” he bemoaned as he worked on the time travel platform. “We’d be getting tourists left and right. I don’t need that.” So off you and Sam went.
“You know, you could just, you know,” Sam started to say as he waved his hands like he thought a wizard would do, “and just poof up a plate of stuff. Right? With extra food for Banner, of course. He inhales tacos like nobody’s business. Just ask Tic Tac.”
“Sam, what have I told all of you before? Magic is the transfer of energy and matter. No suitable food stuff means no sandwiches. I can’t just think about the deli counter at Wegman’s and make a sandwich and a side of coleslaw appear in my hand. So, we’ll order on the app and pick it up. Just like everyone else. Before I hit the button, any changes to your order?”
“No, it’s fine. But don’t tell me you’ve never done shit like that when you’ve had your back against it,” Falcon huffed as you went to the rental car you’d gotten earlier in the day. That, thank Heaven, was easy to get at the local but extremely small airport.
“I’ve killed small rodents and eaten them, and I don’t mean just rabbits. Snakes, too. And, well, birds of prey, like falcons,” you groaned as you started to get into the car, but you stopped and headed back to the passenger side. “And I know you hate my driving, so here you go,” you said as you handed Sam the keys. “Sorry it isn’t a Ferrari. I was lucky to get this Kia. They didn’t exactly have anything race course worthy.”
As Sam climbed in, he saw bags of gear in the back seat. “You pulling a Wanda? Need some me time away from all us testosterone jockeys? Cyborg is going to be pissed.”
“Bucky has other stuff to deal with, trust me,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “He does not need to add Crazy Old Broad to his growing list of things to do and people to take care of this week. I heard him talking to Steve…”
“You? Eavesdropping? You are human!” Sam smirked, but then he saw the comment had hit a nerve. “You know I was kidding, right?”
“I know you are,” you said as you swallowed hard. In reality, you were not exactly buying that last comment. Sam was a sweetheart, but his comment sounded like things Tony and Steve had said about you in the weeks before the Time Heist. It depended on the situation, but one or the other of them seemed to question you, your motives, your powers and what they could do, and, at times, your grasp on reality. You did have a connection to a goddess they couldn’t see. Blaming them for having those questions just was not in your wheelhouse. “And yeah, maybe I just need to go figure a few things out. You guys know how to get me back here if you need me.”
“Somehow I don’t think Steve, Bucky and I would look so great standing and screaming your name in the middle of a fight,” Sam noted as he finally turned the key in the ignition.
“Now who is having issues with gender roles?” you said with a very pronounced side glance. “Sam, we are all human. We all need a save now and then. Maybe you’ll never have to utter my name again after today, unless you guys can’t find something you think I hid? Thor will be back once he’s done exploring the universe, and you can always get him here fast if you have Strange find him. And Wong is just dying for his shot as a full time Avenger. We all know that! And I can go back and do, well, goddess stuff, I guess. And raise horses. Just, please, make sure no one drops the ball on Parker. He lost his parents and his uncle. Losing Tony will hit him harder than anyone likely expects. He’s a good kid. He just needs support and guidance. Now, want to get this thing moving, or do you want me to drive?”
“And have you antagonize the local cops by going Mach 1? No thank you!”
You had to laugh at that one. You did tend to floor it. A lot.
A short time later, you and Sam rolled back to the site Bruce had chosen to set up the time travel platform. After you two handed out all the food, you realized it was really time for you to get going. No, you didn’t have a train, plane or bus to catch or someone to meet. You just knew it was going to get harder to make the break the longer you stayed there.
“She’s pulling a Wanda on us,” Sam said as he finished off the last of the sweet tea he had grabbed at the deli where you’d gotten food. “I think it’s too much he-man macho stuff, but she won’t fess up to that.”
“Wilson, how many brothers did I have?” you asked as you cleaned up the trash from the table Bruce had borrowed from a local park that had been wrecked during the battle. It had a huge hole in the end, but hey, it was good enough for the moment.
“Eight,” Bucky replied before Sam got the chance. “Just don’t quiz me on all their names. I remember your twin, Branan, and the one who was the vampire. Ewan? Right?”
“Yup, that’s right,” you grinned at Buck. “And no quiz. Promise,” you said as you raised your left hand and crossed your heart with your right.
“Why are you leaving?” Bruce asked as he adjusted the sling on his still injured arm, putting extra emphasis on the word “are” as he uttered it. “We need all the help we can get.”
Bruce, heaven help him, was suddenly one of the last active OG Avengers standing on Earth. Thor was off finding himself with the Guardians, and no one could really begrudge him that. He needed time to heal, and you knew all too well that was not easy nor time limited. Clint had more or less retired again after Natasha’s sacrifice on Vormir. Steve was getting ready to take the stones back, but upon his return, he’d likely join up with Sam and Bucky again to root out any remaining Hydra cells. That left Bruce in a very different place this time around.
“Bruce, you don’t really need me being a head case. Trust me. You do not need me giving any news outlets ammunition to blast headlines that make the team look less than spotless. I need to go home, at least for a little while,” you replied, knowing full well you were not telling him or the others everything. “And as I reminded Sam, you guys can just call me, and I’ll be here. Just whisper my name. Or yell it. Whatever works. Text me! If it’s an emergency, and if I’m not in the middle of some new damned war on my end, I’ll come running. But I have a feeling you guys are going to be just fine. Hell, I’ll give you a blessing before I head out.”
Yeah. A blessing. More like the final nail in the coffin. The words to start the spell to make them forget you.
“Big guy, you first,” you said as you put your hands on Bruce’s injured right arm. “And no, I am doing this, Bruce. It won’t be a full healing, but it should speed things up. You got this, big guy. Biggest brain. Biggest heart. May you realize just how much this team was built with your sweat and tears as it was anyone else’s.”
“I can’t change your mind?” Bruce asked as he pretended to wipe a tear from his eye and pout a bit. “And I am not asking because you are likely the only one of us who can cook…”
“I’m pretty sure all of you guys can cook something. Maybe not a good Colcannon or a fine Dublin coddle, but you’ll survive. As for the cupcakes, you guys may need to get a bakery on speed dial,” you added with a laugh because you knew they’d make that bakery rich. The Avengers loved their sugary snacks.
“Just don’t bug my sister, Bruce,” Sam noted as he waited for you to come over to him. “I still remember asking why the Cupcake Lady had a sword that night when those demon things attacked near the tower. I never asked. Why the cupcakes?”
“And not why the demons or the sword?” you said as you nearly choked on your words. “You realize that was before Steve saw me at Peggy’s funeral. That night was truly a fluke, Sam. No one was supposed to see that side of me then. As for the cupcakes, they were my entry to your world. Gifts from a fan girl. They’re easy to carry, a synch to personalize when needed, and everyone can have their own without fighting,” you said with a grin as Sam shook his head. “What?”
“You sound like Sarah.”
“Then I am in good company. Tell her the good stuff you’ve told me all these years. The words of wisdom. The little jokes. The pep talks. Tell her often. A single mom with two boys needs that. Be there for her, and drag these guys to see her, too. It would do the boys a world of good to have all their uncles stop by. Now, Samuel,” you said as you gave him a hug, “remember to keep these guys flying right. And if the world drops opportunity in your lap, whatever it might be, do not look at it and push it away without a lot of thought. The world needs Sam Wilson, the hero with a heart.”
And now the hardest part of this good bye had you wiping tears from your eyes. “I know. I’m a big mush. Girls from Brooklyn would laugh at me for this, right? Sorry, but girls from Naas and Athy do cry sometimes. I’m going to miss you two lugs. A lot.”
“Lugs. Last time you called us that was in ’43,” Bucky said as he looked down at his feet for a minute. “Somehow Hydra missed that memory.”
“You’ll see us again,” Steve said as he turned briefly to see where the case with the stones was on the platform. “But this time, it better not take 70 years.”
As you looked at the best friends, something about their auras seemed off. They had been planning something when you almost walked in on their chat a few days ago. You had no idea what it was, and you suddenly didn’t want to hang around to find out what the next act was going to bring.
“Just…watch your back, Steve. From what Clint said about Vormir, that one is going to be tough. And Buck, whatever comes next, I’m rooting for you. Even if you can’t see me doing it.”
“You really don’t have to leave,” Bruce kept insisting as you hefted your backpack on your shoulder.
“Dr. Banner, do you really want to fight my demons after all this? I have enemies. You just haven’t seen them yet. Frankly, the only reason that Hydra didn’t grab me before I hooked up with the Howling Commandos was because I was pulled into another dimension by one of those enemies. It was only by some weird twist of fate that Peggy found me when she did. If the veil between worlds had not been so thin near that camp, I might never have made it back, or Hydra might have found me first. It was pure dumb luck.”
{{And, Heaven help me, part of it was these two lugs over here}} you thought as you turned to head to your car. Then you stopped. This was a lot harder than it had been any time before, but it was the curse of an immortal to have to keep moving on. “I wish you luck, joy and happiness. I wish you peace. And, if you are truly lucky, memories long enough to have little space to spare for the likes of me because they are filled with so much more! See you in my dreams, for now anyway, fellas.”
You rolled out of there before Steve started his mission to return the stones, and you got a text from Bruce hours later telling you everything that had happened. Steve not coming back as planned. Then an older version of Steve shows up, sitting on a bench near the platform, and he gives Sam the shield. Right in front of Bucky.
It was now weeks later. No. It was months later, and here you were staring up at the sign for Westview. You’d gotten out of your rental car so you could get a feeling for the area around this little town.
“You made it back,” a voice said behind you. “How are you, after all that mess with Wanda and that Agatha woman? She was a real piece of work.”
The person speaking to you was Dr. Darcy Lewis. Friend of Thor and Dr. Jane Foster. Why was she even here?
You couldn’t fully figure out what the hell she was talking about. You didn’t remember being here before. Yet, you knew who she was, and you had never met her before. Or at least you couldn’t remember meeting her, here or anywhere else.
“Apparently not as great as I thought I was,” you muttered as you winced again. “Dr. Lewis, how long ago was the blip?”
“Give or take a week, about six months ago,” she replied as you started to pace. “Why?”
“Shit. Not this again,” you hissed as you looked up at the sign once more. “I think I’m going to need your help. How much do you know about Celtic myths and Irish history, Dr. Lewis?”
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sillyrabbit81 · 4 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 2.3k
Warnings: swearing, recreational drinking
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 2
Part 1
"It's a cruel, cruel world to face on your own,
A heavy cross to carry along..."
Heavy Cross - The Gossip
He's not coming. I took a deep breath in. I knew this would happen. Why did I believe for a second that he was going to show up? He was only 5 mins late, and he could just be parking his car. I was sure he said he was getting an Uber.
No, he was late, it's the first date, and he seemed like the kind of guy who is 10 minutes early for everything. His watch could be slow, and he thinks he is on time. Except everybody has a smartphone, so everyone knows the correct time.
Why wouldn't he message to say he was late? He had messaged me to say he would call late last week. If you're the type of guy who messages someone when you're going to call them 10 minutes late, surely you'd message if you were late to actually meet them.
Damn him. He's the one who pushed for a date. After nearly three months of chatting online, texting, calling, he finally wore me down. Then he doesn't show up? Dick move.
I looked around the pub again, hoping to see him come in. The pub was dark but not unpleasant. It wasn't very crowded for a Friday night. It was the kind of place you dropped into, have a few quiet ones, and head out somewhere else.
I was the only person sitting at the bar. The bar runners smelled faintly of stale beer, earthy and sweet. I breathed the smell in, letting it soothe my nerves.
Three 20-something women were sitting at a table. A group of four guys were sitting at another not far away. Each group kept eying the other off, the girls exploding into giggles when the guys looked at them. I rolled my eyes, willing the guys to get off their arses and talk to them.
I looked over to two guys in their 40s drinking wine. They seemed so in love sitting there playing with each other's hands. I could see them playing footsie with each other under the table. One of them caught my eye. Sprung. I smiled briefly and looked away.
I jumped as the shrill ring of the pokie machines spilled out of the gaming room. I needed to calm down. I took a drink from my vodka. I wanted a cigarette.
I rechecked my outfit. I shouldn't have worn a white skirt. I don't know what I was thinking. Looking down, I noticed a bit of my bra was visible. I pulled my baby blue singlet up. I should have worn jeans and a t-shirt. Wasn't dressing like this false advertising?
The shirt felt tight. I sat up straight and checked for fat rolls. Then I slouched and checked again. Nope, not a good look. I ran my hand over my hair, checking to make sure it's still neat. It didn't feel frizzy. I put a stray curl behind my ear.
I looked at my phone again. No messages. Maybe...
"Hello, excuse me," a voice from the stool next to me said. I flinched. That was Will's silvery voice. I smiled, relief easing over me.
Turning around, my smile faltered. That's not Will.
The man sitting next to me was living proof God had favourites. He had dark curly hair, a bit long on the top but short on the sides. He had blue, almost green eyes framed by thick, dark eyelashes. Coarse stubble covered but didn't hide his strong jaw and dimpled chin. He was an Adonis. A Hellenic God brought to life.
I wanted to run a finger along his jaw, feeling his skin and prickly hair. I shivered.
"Sorry, I just saw your phone cover, and I wondered if you could help me? I'm sure I've seen that symbol before. What's it's from?"
Simultaneously, my jaw dropped, and I tried to swallow. I made a strangled noise from my throat and started to cough. I grabbed at my drink and took a huge gulp, regretting it instantly as the vodka and bitter soda caught me off guard. I managed not to spit it out, barely.
The Adonis patted me on the back as I choked. "Are you ok?" he asked.
He wasn't from around here, English like Will. But Will doesn't look like this guy. The Adonis was looking at me, his eyebrows coming together. Oh yeah, he asked me something.
"Uh," I cleared my throat. "Ah, it's the Allomantic table of elements from Mistborn," I explained.
He smiled. I giggled. I. Fucking. Giggled. I felt the heat in my cheeks.
Still smiling, Adonis raised an eyebrow. "That's where I know it from. They are great books. Have you read other Brandon Sanderson?"
He was built like a rugby player. His shoulders were broad, and he had thick thighs. I could see the definition of his muscles through his dark denim jeans. He was wearing a light grey knitted jumper. It was so light and thin that it clung to his chest and tufts of dark hair poked out the top. He had pushed his sleeves up, exposing his forearms which were, like every part of him it seemed, toned and defined. Everything about this guy screamed masculinity.
He was very likely out of my league. Although he looked around his late 30s, guys who look like him are after 22-year-olds, not girls who were 30 last birthday. Yeah, that was it. He isn't hitting on you; he was actually curious. This realisation was what I needed to stop being a dribbling mess and return to a normal state of being.
"Yeah, I have a bit. I'm really enjoying The Way of the Kings." I felt my shoulders relax. I hadn't realised I was clenched up.
"Yeah, I've read that too. It's great. My name is Liam, by the way."
"Lana," I replied and stuck out my hand. He took my hand and shook it firmly. His hand swallowed mine.
"Pleased to meet you, Lana," Liam said in an almost formal way. He was still holding my hand. I felt the return of the Dribbling Mess. His hand was so warm. My stomach reminded me of a book I  read as a kid, 'there was an old lady who swallowed a spider, that wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her.'
"Yeah, you too," I managed. I tried to take as much of my Australian accent out of the reply as possible. He sounded so posh, and I sounded like a bogan.
He smiled again, or did he smirk? He let go of my hand. I was barely able to stop myself from putting my hand to my cheek to feel the warmth still there. I smiled back at him and turned back to the bar. My hand went to my cheek.
"Can I buy you a drink?"
I looked back at Liam to make sure I had heard right. Yes, he was looking at me expectantly, his finger pointed to my drink. "What are you drinking?"
"Vodka, soda and fresh lime." It was my usual drink, and I said it instinctively. I could say the order even when I'm three sheets to the wind.
Liam signalled the bartender and ordered. I took the time to calm myself. I counted to 5, breathing deeply through my nose and out through my mouth. It worked, and my muddled thoughts cleared.
I had forgotten Will. I supposed it's not a good look for a random guy to buy you a drink when you're supposed to be on a first date. But then, Will wasn't here. I checked my phone, no messages or emails. Nothing.
Liam got himself a beer, grabbed my drink and stood up. "Would you like to go to the beer garden? It's a nice night out, and I'm really enjoying this Sydney weather."
"I uh... I'm waiting for someone."
Liam sat back down. "Surely they can find you outside when they get here. It's not that big a place."
"Yeah. I guess, but..." I was interrupted by the group of women I had seen earlier. They were bouncing as they stood, eyes flashing and huge grins on their faces.
One of them asked, "sorry, excuse me, are you, Liam Cross?"
Liam looked at me. His eyes clouded for a moment, and then an awkward smile was plastered to his face. He looked back at the women. "Yes, I am. Would you like a picture?"
Excited squeals and jumping came from the women, but I zoned out. Liam Cross. What the fuck? I stared at him. How the hell did I not recognise him? I've watched nearly everything he has done since he started acting.
I never really thought much of him playing superheroes or spies. Then I saw his last movie where he played a magic enhanced warrior, and he entered my fantasies. A strong, rough, capable man of action with a heart and moral code, what wasn't to love?
My God, it really was him. Liam Fucking Cross.
Liam cleared this throat, and I snapped back to reality.
"You're really him," I said.
"Sorry?" Liam cocked his head to one side.
"You're really Liam Cross."
"Oh yeah. I am." Liam grinned.
"I'm sorry I didn't recognise you. I don't know. I guess it didn't even enter my head, even when you said your name."
"And here I was thinking you were playing it cool," Liam said.
I scoffed, and before I could stop myself, I said, "yeah, nah, nothing about me was cool from the moment I laid eyes on you." I wanted to die.
Liam laughed, a proper belly laugh, and his shoulders seemed to bounce up and down. "Well, alright then, you weren't playing it cool. But it's ok. I don't need to be recognised by everyone I meet."
"Yeah, but I should have recognised you. I've seen heaps of your work." Just stop talking, Lana!
Liam waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. Where were we before we were interrupted? Beer garden, you and me."
I nodded. I grabbed my bag, and Liam took our drinks. "After you," he said, gesturing and inclining his head.
As I walked outside, I could feel my skin heat up. It was a warm March night and only slightly humid. A cool breeze was coming in from the harbour. We were close enough to smell the salt in the air.
"Where did you want to sit?" I asked. Only one bloke was having a cigarette outside, so plenty of tables to choose from.
Liam looked around and indicated to the tables down the back. "Down there, I'm less likely to be noticed there."
"That must suck."
"Yes and no. I like that people like my work and want to tell me and meet me. It feels good. It's just that sometimes, like now, I'd like some private time."
We sat down, Liam with his back to the pub. I sat opposite him.
"If you want some private time, why go to a pub?" I said. I covered my mouth. "Sorry, it's not my business," I added.
"Direct, aren't you?" Liam's lips twitched. "I am also here to meet with someone."
"Oh shit, Will." I rechecked my phone. "30 minutes late." I sighed, "I think I got stood up."
"Really? He must be an idiot." My eyes widened. Liam's lip twitched again. Was he laughing at me? "How long have you been dating?"
"This was supposed to be our first date. We met online, been chatting for a few months." My voice was quiet.
Will isn't coming. The realisation hit me, and I felt like I'd had a brick hit my chest. I turned away from Liam. If I was going to cry, I wasn't going to cry in front of him. I'm an ugly crier.
"Oh, Sweetheart, I'm sorry." Sweetheart? It must be an English thing because Will calls me that too. "Have you called him?"
I shook my head. I didn't entirely trust myself to speak yet.
"Why don't you?" Liam asked. "If he has a flimsy excuse for not coming tonight, then at least you'll know where he stands, and you can stop worry about it."
I took a few deep breaths. "I guess you're right." I got my phone out of my bag and stood up, "Give me a minute?"
Liam nodded. Twitchy lips again. What's with that?
I walked a couple of metres away and called Will. I started to pace, glancing at the back of Liam's head every few steps. Liam's phone began to ring. After a few rings, Will picked up.
"Hello Lana, how are you?" He sounded nonchalant. Did I get the day wrong then? No, I was sure I had it right. I had checked his message so many times.
"I'm ok. I am waiting for you at the pub." I paused and looked at Liam. He was on the phone too. "Did I get the day wrong?"
"No, you didn't. I'm here." I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.
"That's great. Did you just arrive? Can you see me?" I looked around. I couldn't see him. I looked back at Liam. He was still on the phone but had turned in his chair and was looking at me.
"I can see you. You can see me too," Will said. I turned around in a circle. I still couldn't see him.
"I'm sorry, I can't see you at all."
"I'll come to you then," Will said.
Liam got up out of his chair and walked towards me. Liam was close now, and he stopped. Liam hung up the phone, and the call with Will went dead.
My heart thundered in my chest. I could hear the blood rushing through my body with each tremendous beat. The ground seemed unstable, and I wobbled. This isn't happening. It can't be happening.
Liam bent to my ear, his breath tickling my neck. His lips brushed my skin as he whispered in a low voice, "I'm right here, Sweetheart."
Part 2
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chrjiho · 4 years
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                       HEADCANONS WEEK #1: DECEMBER
what are your muse’s months aesthetics like? anything that applies to both your muse’s character and the month?
aesthetic: frosted windows / numb fingers / empty coffee cups / crackling fireplaces / lost loves / fuzzy socks / layers of jackets / darkened skies / crisp air / fresh snow / awaiting spring
how does your muse relate to the month they were born in? is it important to them?
jiho identifies with december quite a bit, born screaming into it twenty-eight trips around the sun ago and growing older with it every passing year, he feels it in daily life; the way the world gets dark earlier, the feeling of a cold wind, of sinking into big sweaters and long socks. breath fans out in frigid weather like a breath of smoke, as if the world around him knows of such cravings. he identifies with the shape of christmas trees and the lights hung outside of houses, the way seoul shapes and shifts under snow and frost, the lifted shoulders of passerby on the streets, brightly colored coats and gloves. 
it’s the most desolate month of the year, everything already dead and passed and nothing new yet blooming, but essential. quiet. patient. he likes to think of himself that very same way.
do they believe the month they were born in has any influence on how their personality has grown?
tw :// drug mention, drug abuse
jiho very quickly learned that december birthdays mean a few things growing up.
at age six he learned that christmas is different for starters, presents usually split between the days or given all at once, but he didn’t mind that all too much. another was that parties were more difficult to plan and there were a lot of things you couldn’t do; a lot of friends were away for the holidays, beaches and theme parks less desirable during harsher months. he usually ended up having his party among a couple friends in his dads restaurant because it was free and they didn’t have a lot of disposable income at the time, but it was colored with confetti and party favors, a homemade cake the size of the dining table. during those times, december meant friends, comradery.
at age fourteen he learned that december meant end of term tests and a short break of reprieve from school, it meant watching his dad cook for the christmas dinner between the two of them, the small apartment they housed themselves in smelling of baked goods and stuffing, a christmas ham. growing up in december used to mean family.
at seventeen december meant sneaking away with his girlfriend, kissing behind the school and holding hands for warmth. it meant hiding under the covers and runny noses, it meant frozen fingertips and toes, giving up his jacket even though he’s freezing because she was shivering. it was when whatever cool he had been able to muster slipped from his grasp when he saw her, how he felt old school, grade school, feeling the space between their hands like it could hold endless lifetimes of passionate yearning. december once meant rebirth, intimacy -- it meant first love.
at twenty-two december meant waking up in unfamiliar places with a pounding headache, dry mouth. december meant walking home underdressed, t-shirts and ripped jeans, it meant drinking in public parks under the cover of night. at twenty-two, december meant freezing, dying, fading, december was aching. another year counted like lines on a cell wall, lines on the porcelain of his bathroom sink, his own reflection in the mirror appearing like cracks in the glass. it meant death, the crunch of leaves, fresh snow turning to brown slush, slippery ice, not careful where he steps. december was once the dark days.
now, at twenty-eight, after friends and family and lovers have all left, after his greatest mistress, her skin pretty white powder, was left behind for what he hopes is forever, he sat alone through most of december. he stayed in his apartment and watched movies, always cold and buried in layers of clothes, face peeking out from sweaters with a remote in hand, food in his fridge and a roof over his head. he spent the month just grateful to be alive, had gone out with friends for drinks on his birthday, a small affair but a good one, had been presented with a cupcake right there at the bar top, folded over in a laugh, another round of shots, before returning home alone, sleeping better than he had in a long time.
now, december is just another month.
do they believe in horoscopes and zodiac signs? if yes, how do they represent them?
jiho lays on his couch, sunken into the depths of a big sweatshirt, the excess fabric practically having hidden him from sight as he scrolls on his phone. instagram - dead, twitter - dead, youtube - dead, he sighs, scrolling through endless apps, looking for old games, something to play with, when his thumb hovers over a pink icon he hadn’t clicked since he downloaded it -- an astrology app. some girl he had been talking to awhile back coaxed him into downloading it, claiming it was a great life coach and yada, yada. he tried to get into it, but it didn’t really stick. now, however, he finds himself clicking on it, looking around for his sign and reading the daily horoscope out of boredom and curiosity. the words come up on his screen and his eyes scan over the first line briefly,
“ building up a wall between you and someone else may be making you feel safer somehow, dear sagittarius. after all, if you aren’t vulnerable, then you cannot be hurt -- “
he silently locks his phone and rests it on his chest, fingers tapping the back of his case as he debates reading the rest of it, indulging the invisible star-reader further, when he ultimately decides, “ nah, we’re not dealing with that today. “ and gets right back onto social media.
do they relate to other months as well? do they think there are people born in other months they vibe more with or less with?
jiho tends to get along more with fall and winter babies as they often have more in common, but he likes people from spring and summer months quite a bit as well, though he sometimes struggles to relate to them. there’s a certain warmth to them that is perhaps lacking in months like his own, a different energy that they bring to the table that balances out his really well. in particular i imagine he gets along best with ( excluding his own december ) january, april, and august babies the most from a purely aesthetic standpoint. 
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mybiasisexo · 4 years
Genre: Angst | Highschool!au
Pairing: Kyungsoo x OC
Length: 1.8k
Warning: Unfinished | OC
Summary: Kyungsoo keeps to himself, but that all might change when the most popular girl in school, who just so happens to be his neighbor, decides to set her sights on him.
Author’s Note: This is an idea I came up with waaaay back in like 2015 I think. I wrote all this and then forgot about it. Idk if I’ll ever get back to it or not. The plot, ngl, was wild, like fucking crazy haha. But it fit Kyungsoo a lot I think.
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She was doing it again.
As hard as I tried to ignore her, I couldn’t help but know.
She was staring at me.
Park Sooyoung, the most popular girl in school, was staring at me, Do Kyungsoo, the most invisible person in my class.
Most guys would be flattered by the gesture, but I just wished she would stop. I sink lower into my chair and hold my textbook over my face, hiding it from her view.
I could still feel her stare.
The bell rang, and I was instantly out of my seat. I slung my backpack over a shoulder and spared a glance at the bold girl. Our eyes locked briefly and I cringed internally, pretending it never happened and practically ran out of the school.
When I got to the front, I sighed and leaned against the brick of the building, waiting for my brother to pull up. I was just scrolling down my blog when a burst of sound pulled my attention. I lifted my head and spotted Sooyoung saying her farewells to her minions and heading over to a shiny red mustang, an older man was in the driver’s seat, his shades blocking his face.
Figures. Sooyoung was notorious for her hookups. It was no surprise to me she would try to get an older man—and a rich one at that.
I lifted an eyebrow as I watched the man rev the engine, a cocky grin on his lips. Sooyoung laughed ecstatically and hooted as her friends squealed and they peeled off.
A loud honk straight ahead of me caused me to jump and I felt my face redden as I saw my brother waiting for me. He gestured for me to hurry and I jerkily fumbled to the passenger seat.
The car ride was silent. I’m ashamed to have had Sooyoung catch my attention, no matter how brief. She was not worth my time in the slightest and I was unimpressed with her in every way possible.
“Did you see that mustang in the lot?” My brother, Seungsoo, asked me. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
“Yeah,” I said quietly with a slight nod.
“It was nice. The person who owns it must have money to blow.”
“He must,” I agreed, whipping my phone back out and opening the app to my blog.
I could see my brother glancing at my phone and me quickly, “back on your blog?”
“Yeah,” I repeated myself, my attention not really on my sibling.
I repressed another sigh. My brother didn’t understand me, and I didn’t really care enough to try to let him. He pitied me somewhat, making himself believe my isolation was not of my own doing. He wished I had more friends.
He cared, I had to give him that. He was a good older brother to have.
He drove up the driveway and parked the car, leaving it idling. He spun to me as I realized our location and began to gather my stuff.
“I have to work tonight, okay?”
“Tell the parents for me?”
“Will do.”
Seungsoo saluted me off and sped away from our house. My eyes flickered to the pale blue two story building beside my own off white home and sighed again, dragging my bag behind me like a dead dog.
The first thing I noticed once I entered my home was the smell. My mother was in the kitchen, humming to herself. I stood near the entrance, just watching her for a minute. Her back was turned to me and she didn’t notice me once she turned around to the sink, washing her hands briefly.
After I realized she wasn’t going to notice me anytime soon, I slowly climbed the stairs.
I saw my father’s office door was cracked open, so I poked my head inside, knocking gently against the soft wood.
My father was glaring at his computer screen before I caught his attention.
“Kyungsoo,” he greeted with a nod. I bowed and once I straightened, cleared my throat.
“Just letting you know I’m home,” I mumbled, letting my eyes take in the lighting of the room. It was too bright.
My father nodded quickly and returned to his computer.
“I…uh,” I gulped and cleared my throat again. It kept trying to close on me. “Seungsoo hyung has a late shift tonight at the restaurant. He told me to tell you, so…”
I peeked at my father through my lashes as he made a disapproving noise from the back of his throat, “that’s unfortunate. Your mother was looking forward to seeing him… When is your next shift?”
“Tomorrow at five,” I informed quickly.
“Thanks for letting me know.”
“You’re welcome,” I bowed nearly ninety degrees and quickly departed from his presence, my job done.
I retired to my bedroom, throwing my bag into the corner and myself on top my bed.
My fingers started pulling at strands of my hair without my permission and I bit my lip hard enough to keep my scream from escaping.
I strongly disliked my parents.
The incessant ringing of my alarm interrupted my dreamless sleep. I groaned and blindly reached for the device, finally hitting the snooze button. I rolled around so that I was lying on my back and blinked blankly at my ceiling.
It was cold.
A lot colder than it was yesterday, and I was both overjoyed and highly annoyed.
I loved autumn. It was my favorite holiday, but I dreaded the winter, and you couldn’t have one without the other it seemed.
My alarm went off again and I rolled back on my stomach just so I could bury my head into my pillow and scream.
By lunchtime, I had yawned around seventy times since my alarm first went off. I got plenty of sleep, but I was exhausted.
Hongbin, who was sitting directly in front of me watched as I blinked and struggled with keeping my eyes open.
“You okay?” He asked.
I focused on his voice and nodded, “yeah. Just tired.”
“It’s probably the weather,” Sanghyuk, who was sitting beside me, rationalized on my behalf.
“Yeah, it’s really cold today, isn’t it?” Hakyeon agreed, shivering for emphasis.
“I like it!” Another guy at my table, Jaehwan—although he preferred to be called Ken for some odd reason—yelled. He threw his beanie on the table and the guy sitting on the other side of me, Wonsik, snatched it up, putting it on top his close shaven head.
These were the closest things to friends I had—although the term ‘acquaintances’ didn’t even really cover what we were. We really only ate lunch together, and sat beside one another in any classes we shared. There was another guy, Taekwoon, who hung out with us occasionally, but he hated areas that were too crowded and chose to eat his lunch alone in his car.
I had no reason to judge him on that.
“I like the cold,” I countered, staring at my rice.
“Isn’t it the best?” Ken urged, excited I was talking.
“I like when it’s chilly, the chilly autumn breeze. You can feel it in your bones, but the sun is still there to reassure you warmth still exists.”
Wonsik grinned, “I like that. Sanghyuk, give me a beat!”
The youngest of us started beat boxing terribly and Woonsik immediately started rapping about the weather. Ken began singing exactly what I had just said, word from word, during Wonsik’s verse.
I shook my head and allowed myself to grin at them.
Hongbin lightly kicked my shin, and when I looked up at him, he grinned knowingly, lifting his eyebrows up to let me know he understood.
That was why I still ate lunch with this odd group.
The rest of school passed by in a blur.
My locker closed with a bang and Sooyoung was on the other side, eyes wide and centered on me.
I jumped as I saw her, my heart racing as I noticed her. “Hi,” she nearly whispered, a knowing grin gracing her lips.
I glanced around the hall even though, at such a close proximity, there was no denying who she was looking and talking to.
“Hi?” I swung my backpack over a shoulder and spun around, heading out to the front of the campus to get picked up.
“So… are we going to talk about the other day?”
I cringed. So she didn’t forget. That explained the stares.
“What about the other day?” I played off. I didn’t want to talk about it. It was a lapse of judgment, my darkest moment of seduction.
“Well… I thought you had fun and… well, I did too. I was wondering if we could do it again sometime, maybe….”
Her sentence carried as I spun around to glare at her. I wasn’t the tallest person, and she wasn’t the shortest, her head stopped at my nose and it was hard being intimidating at this angle. I felt like a Chihuahua.
“Nothing happened that day, Sooyoung, and even if something did it was unintentional, an accident. One I’m not willing to repeat. Understand?”
Her eyes fluttered when I said her name and she seemed to drift off afterwards, not comprehending anything after.
I gazed at her apprehensively in silence waiting for her reply, but when she remained silent I lifted an eyebrow, “Sooyoung?”
“Yes?” She asked immediately, blinking quickly in an attempt to seem focused.
I sighed and decided I was done with the conversation.
“Kyungsoo!” She called after me and I tried to ignore the weird twist in my stomach hearing my name come out of her mouth. Images of our day together came to the surface without my consent.
I was going to throw up.
My hand was wrapped so tightly around the strap of my backpack I was sure my knuckles were white, I also had a feeling Seungsoo was already waiting for me. That being said, I slowed down enough to let Sooyoung know I was listening to give her time to catch up.
She did and fell instep with me, “you can say whatever you want, Kyungsoo, but I know what happened wasn’t something you could forget, let alone regret.”
“You don’t know me very well,” I informed her with a frown.
She shrugged, “and you don’t know me very well either, or you would know I’m not one for giving up on a conquest.”
“Me? A conquest?”
She laughed darkly and my stomach twisted again. She took ahold of the strap of my bag that dangled behind me and yanked it hard enough for me to fall back a bit. She used my second of falling to redirect my momentum so that I caught myself pressed closely against her. Her lips grazed my ear and her breath stung, “you underestimate yourself, Kyungsoo. Just tell me you’re flattered and you’ll see me tomorrow.”
She pushed me away just as quickly and I barely regained my balance as she strutted ahead of me. Her skirt rolled up so that her ass nearly poked out. I gulped as I watched her walk away, confused and, to be honest, terrified of the girl.
What had I just gotten myself into?
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Savior (Series 81) - Erik Černák
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(This GIF is mine, but feel free to share his beautiful smile. *wink*)
I whish you a wonderful day. I decided to finally post this thing. It is the very first part of a little project of mine. I named it Series 81 (yes very creative of me, sue me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and it is a serie of oneshots, which should make sense without reading the other parts. I am creating a new universe for this serie and all of the Series 81 oneshots will be from the same AU. Does that make sense? No? Too bad.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Part 1 of Series 81
Word count: 2577
Noise, lights, people and alcohol.
Loud music bouncing off of the isolated underground walls, to prevent the noise complaints from coming, is blending together with the voices of dancers. Dancers, who would stubbornly claim, that the sound was actually singing. If you asked anyone else, they would tell you the exact opposite.
Flashing lights could cause more than one seizure to an epileptic, but make no worries to the tipsy dancers. The dance floor is flooded by not the smallest amount of bodies per say. Only one spot remains almost empty. In the very corner, next to the DJ booth. Just a few seconds prior it was occupied by a group of young girls, dancing their night away. Gradually they slipped away to go god knows where. Safe for one.
Little blond girl is suddenly left all alone, her friends excusing themselves with a promise to be right back. They aren't. But the creepy looking guy, who's been eyeing her the entire night, is. Now he is trying to get closer to her, but she's not having any of that. She makes the bee-line for their table. However, the table is now claimed by some strangers with drinks in hands. She huffs and turns on her heel. He's still looking. More like staring.
She fidgets with her phone and clicks the contact icon. No signal. Is this some kind of a sick joke or bad karma? She thinks. She runs up the stairs and next to the very entrance, the signal is back.
The number is dialed and it rings.
She doesn't pick up.
"Why the hell can't she pick up the damn phone when I need her?" she mumbles desperately under her breath. Suddenly she remembers. Her jacket. It was left forgotten in the booth filled with strangers. She goes back. Speed-walking by the pair of eyes making her skin crawl. She asks for her jacket. When she is handed the jacket she makes a run for the bathroom. In the tiny space she splashes her face with water. It’s times like these she is really grateful for not wearing any make up at all.
She stays there for a little longer than necessary, hoping that by the time she leaves her friends will have returned already.
When she emerges and walks over to the dance floor she is met only with the disgusting stare again. She turns on her heel to leave, but is met with a hard surface she is pretty sure wasn't here couple of seconds ago. A yelp escapes her mouth and she takes a step back.
"I'm sorry, are you alright?"
The hard surface is in fact a broad chest of a tall man standing in front of her. She takes in his features. Light hair, or so she assumes since it is pretty dark in the club, besides the flashing lights. His shoulders are wide and that face...
Recognition flashes in her eyes. Her lips form an "o".
The voice speaks again. This time in English instead of her native language.
"I am fine." She finally responds, in Slovak. "I'm sorry I didn't see you I was... " she trails off. Trying to get away from that creepy dude over here. She thinks.
"Which one?" he looks around.
"That creepy guy. Is that him?" he jabs his chin behind her. She looks over her shoulder briefly.
"Yeah," she nods.
"I'm Erik, by the way." says the not so mysterious man and extends his hand to her.
"Lucia," she accepts his hand.
"So, you want some help getting rid of him?"
"I- yeah, actually yes." She mentally face palms for tripping over her own words. He only smiles.
"Would you like to dance?" He offers. She gives him a small nod. She is led towards the dance floor with her hand in his, which makes her heart rate quicken. But not the same way like when she was followed by the creepy gaze. The blaring music pulses trough her veins while she does her best to forget the weird guy. Having Erik as a distraction right in front of her helps a lot, though. The way his eyes stay glued on her face makes her insides warm. His gaze flicks behind her and he reaches for her. He grabs her waist and leans in.
"He's looking." He talks over the music.
"So you're doing it only because he is watching us and you are definitely not using the situation to your advantage." She muses.
"I might be." A smirk stretches on his lips.
Her hands wrap around his neck and her smirk mirrors his own. The roaring noise makes her almost deaf, yet she swears she can hear her heart beating in her ears. That's what his cocky little smirk and touch do to her. She might have just met him, but she's realised one thing the moment she met his gaze. She's fucked and under his spell. She might be a little shy, but she sure as hell ain't giving up that easily. Two can play this game.
Her palm slides down his chest and back up to his arm. She traces the muscles on his arm all the way down towards his wrist. She grabs it and brings it in the air. She makes him twirl like men do to women while they dance. Erik laughs, but plays along. A smile makes its way on her features. He takes her hands. He turns her in his arms, with her arms crossed over her chest. He leans down to her ear.
"Why are you here alone?" his breath fans her neck, making a shiver run down her back.
"I am not alone," she turns and pushes his chest. His hand reaches for her wrist before she can get too far.
He spins her and brings her back to him. Putting his hands on her waist she places her small ones on his broad shoulders.
"I take it there is no boyfriend to worry about."
"If I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't need you in the first place," she answers confidently.
He squeezes her hips dragging her closer. His lips grazing the delicate skin of her exposed neck while he speaks his next words."You sure do run your mouth."
The breath gets caught in her throat. "But you like it," he doesn't miss the teasing in her words. A deep groan rumbles in his chest. She might not hear it, but she does feel it under her fingers.
A familiar song comes through the speakers and she pulls away a bit. She grabs his hands and smiles big. She starts waving around their conjoined hands like a mad person. Apparently this is her dance style.
When his gaze falls upon her moving figure he smiles just as wide. He's just gotten back home from Tampa and decided to blow off some steam in a club with his friends. It's been a long season and corona delaying the playoffs sure as hell made this summer different. Thank goodness for having the bars and clubs open, with limited capacity of course. Tonight he won't be thinking about hockey, though.
Who would have thought that after everything that is happening around him he would quite literally stumble upon a woman like Lucia.
Behind Erik she spots her friends coming back in. They haven't noticed her yet, but are looking around. She slips away from his grip.
"I have to go." She looks away from his piercing gaze and makes a move to step around him.
"Wait," he catches her arm gently. "Don't run away from me. Even Cinderella left a shoe behind," he smiles.
"Smooth." The corner of her lips tugs up into a devilish smirk. "Give me your best pick-up line and I just might leave something behind."
He pauses, thinking. Then he opens his mouth as he speaks. "I've got one, but it's in English," he rubs the back of his neck. Suddenly seeming out of place.
"Try me."
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
This one is her favourite. If it's finished correctly, that is.
"No, I actually crawled from hell," she gives him an innocent smile. This is the part where she tests him.
"So that's why you're so damn hot." If it wasn't his words, then it was the smirk what did it for her. Lucia motions for Erik to hand her his phone. He happily obliges. She goes to his apps and adds herself on snapchat. He didn't think he would get her number that easily, did he?
"Here," she pushes the small box into his palm. She stands on her tiptoes and leans on his shoulder. She quickly presses a kiss to his cheek and disappears as if she's never been there. But she was. And the proof is now in his phone.
"There you are. Where were you?" one of her friends, a short brunette, asks her as soon as she approaches their group.
"Me? All of you disappeared and left me here alone. Which reminds me. Where the fuck were you?" She jumps into the defence mode immediately.
"I told you I went out to buy cigarettes. Calm down," the girl resists to roll her eyes.
"Wanna dance?" a tall equally brown-haired girl asks.
"Sure," all of them answer as one. The girls make their way to the dance floor. From the very center where they managed to squeeze in, Lucia catches a familiar par of eyes. And then another, one she would rather forget. She fixes him with a glare and resumes her dance moves. Her favourite song comes up and she squeals. She leans toward her friends. "This is my song." She yells over the loud music. They all laugh, but scream the lyrics on the top of their lungs with her.
Suddenly Lucia feels a presence behind her. She tenses, her eyes crying for help.  But her friends are too busy to actually notice that. Hands settling on her waist finally get a reaction out of her. She spins pushing his chest. She is in the middle of the process of raising her hand when she realises who it is.
"Do riti Erik! You scared me!"
"I'm sorry, but that guy was getting close again so I thought I'd give you a hand, " he smiles innocently.
"Or two hands on my waist, right?" she raises her brows, a smirk stretching on her lips.
"Didn't think you'd mind,"mirroring her expression he extends his arm towards her. "Shall we dance?"
Before she has the chance to grab his outstretched hand her friends are dragging her away. She grimaces kind of apologetically.
"I'll see you,"she mouths. Yeah, in the friking TV. She thinks bitterly.
After a rather long walk through the town they finally get to the bus stop. Maybe and maybe not four police cars go by and maybe and maybe not one of them actually stops to ask if everything is okay. Because maybe and maybe not some of the girls were dancing on the bus stop.
When Lucia finally gets on the bus she fishes her phone out of her purse. She takes a pic of the darkness behind the bus window and posts it on snapchat.
Are you going by bus?
Are you alone in a bus at night??
I mean, there are some people in the bus...
What bus are you on?
N1 why?
Do you get off on the terminus?
If anything happens during the bus ride text me okay?
He is worried about me?
Why, yes. Erik is indeed worried about Lucia. Finding out a pretty girl from the club is going home alone in the dark, sure does make one feel unsettling to say the least.
The bus ride goes rather smoothly. It's just the fact that the guy sitting a few rows in front of Lucia on a seat facing her keeps looking at her. To say it makes her stomach bubble with uneasiness would be an understatement. The closer to the terminus the bus gets the emptier the bus is.
When it's time to get off it's only her and another older lady sitting in the very back. She steps outside into the dark of the night and looks around to make sure no danger is waiting around.
A tall male figure is standing near the lamp post. His hair is indeed blond, just like she assumed before. She approaches him with a rather quiet "ahoj".
"Hi. Where to?" he asks.
She rises her eyebrows with an amused smile playing on her lips. "At least ask me out first."
"I might. If you are nice." He smirks.
"Too bad. I am a very mean person." She shrugs.
"Are you now?" He lifts his brow.
"Yeah." She moves her shoulders again. "Come on it's kinda cold." She gestures with her hand and starts walking.
"Is that an invitation?" He follows.
"Don't push your luck Erik."
After a minute or so Erik's deep voice cuts through the quiet air of Košice. "Watcha doin' next week?"
She smirks."I am going out with this hot guy I met recently." She answers nonchalantly.
"Really? And who that might be?"He catches on her intentions quickly.
"You see he lives in Florida, you probably don't know him." She shakes her head. Just as the chilly breeze wraps its arms around her a shiver runs through her body. Soon a denim-like hoodie is placed on her shoulders.
"I though he was some local or something." He states as if he didn't just give her the only layer of his clothing other than the tight T-shirt.
"He's a Košice born guy actually." She shrugs. "Won't you be cold?" She looks up at him, but pulls the hoodie tighter.
"Nah, I can hear your teeth clattering. Keep it." He shakes his head. "So when are the two of you going out?"
"Monday at two I guess." She shrugs again. She sure does shrug a lot.
"Good." He nods.
They stop in front of an old flat and she turns around to face him."Thanks for walking me home and making sure and I didn't die along the way."She laughs. He likes her laugh. He really does.
"Mom would be ashamed of me if I let a pretty lady go home alone at night. "She chuckles again. A shiver runs down his spine when the wind blows again. She makes a move to return him the hoodie, but he extends his hand and shakes his head lightly.
"I'll get it back later."
She laughs shaking her head."You guys always let us have your clothes just to see us again."
He smirks. "You caught me."
"Just try not to freeze to death."
"I'll try to stay alive till Monday. Your smile will keep me warm." He winks.
"Gosh you're cheesy." She couldn't help, but roll her eyes.
He takes a step closer."I am glad I met you."
Lucia's confident facade wavers for a second."Same here."
They just stand there looking at each other not letting out a single tone slip past their lips. Erik leans closer, his hot breath fanning over her cold cheeks. Lucia inches towards him, but not connecting their lips yet. She wants him to take the last step. And so he does, slightly leaning in meeting the pink lips of the girl he quite literally ran into.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Always Here
Connor Walsh & Michaela Pratt (How To Get Away With Murder)
Warnings: MAJOR TW: Rape, Trauma, PTSD, Swearing
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Relationship
Summary: Following the less than poor advice of her ‘friends’ Michela finds herself at the apartment and in the hands of a piece of scum eager to take advantage of her. Connor is not having any of it, rushing to her rescue and impatient to teach the bastard a lesson, punish him for the horrible, disgusting thing he did to his friend.
Requested by Anon as a birthday fic. Hello dear, happy birthday! Hope you have the best one yet! Sorry for the downer of a fic for such a happy day in your life (I was genuinely surprised when you requested such an angsty fic but I’m not complaining) hope you enjoy the read nonetheless. Enjoy your special day, hope you have a ton of fun and make great memories! Lots of love, Vy ❤
“Nah, I think you’re judging him too heavily.“ Laurel comments, taking a sip from the coffee cup on her desk, “He seemed rather nice when I got to talk to him last week. He seems to be really into you too.“
“Well, just because he’s into me doesn’t mean I’m into him.“ Michaela points out, irritation in her voice and a shudder running down her spine at the memory of the creep Laurel talked her into meeting a week ago - Charles Mahoney. Michaela immediately felt the oddest and creepiest vibes coming off the guy, but Laurel was persistent and Michaela tried to talk herself into trusting her friend’s judgement, despite her gut screaming at her to get out of the situation, accompanied by the alarm going off wildly in her head. The guy didn’t do anything to set off those alarms and he wasn’t acting like a creep per se but as Michaela put it when complaining to Connor later that same day: He seemed like a creep trying to act and behave like a normal person would. Connor noted the odd feeling he had in regards of that guy.
It was something about his demeanor, but not something she could pin-point to Laurel and use as concrete evidence that her gut was right. And, as a lawyer, she knew that without concrete evidence she wouldn’t get anywhere with that argument.
“Or it just means you’re too picky.“ Laurel swoops the file out of Michaela’s hands, earning herself a death glare from her friend, “Who says you have to date the guy? Just have some fun, a couple of drinks. Maybe a hook-up if you’re feeling it. Who knows where that might lead?“ She sits back down and flips open the file, eyes skimming over the text as if the discussion is over on her part.
Michaela’s about to complain when Asher decides to share his two cents on the subject, “Right! I agree with Laurel, he seemed like a nice guy. To be fair, we didn’t get to talk much, but he seems like a cool dude. Easy on the eyes too, not gonna lie.“
Michaela rolls her eyes, having heard enough about this Mahoney guy from these two. In fact, they’ve been playing this game of persuasion for two days now, neither of them giving a concrete reason on why they were doing it. Although, she might have a guess on their intentions: a few too many drinks one night and she ended up spilling her guts on how lonely she feels sometimes. She did her best in that drunken state to pack the emphasis on ‘sometimes’ but Asher and Laurel seem to have brushed past that bit, seeing as how they’ve made it their personal duty to play matchmakers. If only their choice of guys to pair her with wasn’t so crappy, they may have come in handy to fill the nights she didn’t have any work to do and really felt the lack of company setting in.
Seeing no other way to get the two off her back for good other than feed into their attempts and humor their ideas, Michaela sighs exasperatedly, resting her forehead in the palm of her hand as she speaks, “Will you get off my case if I give him a call and go out with him tonight?”
Asher opens his mouth but Laurel cuts him off before he can throw their chances of succeeding with this in the water, “Permanently. A lawyer’s word.” She nods, giving Michaela a tight-lipped smile that’s supposed to represent faux innocence which instead hides her fondness of her success at last.
“A lawyer’s word doesn’t mean much.“ Michaela mutters under her breath but pulls out her phone nonetheless, standing up to exit into the hallway to make the phone call to Charles Mahoney. She stops in her tracks, turning on her heel to face Laurel once more before exiting the room, “We need a safe-word, just in case.“ She snaps her fingers, trying to get a simple word to come to mind for the purpose of a GTFO signal.
Laurel suddenly gets an idea, “How does ‘trophy’ sound to you?”
Michaela can’t help the shiver that runs down her spine, “Like a nightmare and a ton of bad memories.” She replies bitterly, knitting her brows together in a displeased frown.
Her friend tilts her head to the side, “Then it’s perfect.”
She contemplates Laurel’s reply for a second. Well, contemplates the whole situation and the decision she’s about to make. Sure, it might not be final and she could still cancel if she changes her mind later on, but it’s still a borderline ridiculous move to make. But, when compared to finally being given some peace from the pesky Asher and Laurel, she finds spending a few hours with Mahoney to be worth it. 
So, with that, Michaela turns back around, heading out in the hallway to make the phone call she has no idea will lead to the worst moments of her life.
                                                             *  *  *
“Oh shit!“ Laurel curses, quickly disconnecting her phone from the charger where she had left it while her and Asher went to buy some dinner for the rest of the team to enjoy back at the office after Annalise had called in they were on their way and they had some important news to share with them. Some concerning news, if her voice was anything to go by.
“What’s up?“ Asher asks, setting the plastic bags he’s been carrying on his desk.
“Missed calls and texts from Michaela. Twenty seven of them, almost all saying ‘Trophy’.“ Laurel replies with a sigh that’s a mix of frustration and concern. The call goes to voicemail almost right away which only fuels the concern as she taps the button to call again. “Shit, she’s not answering.“
“She’s texted and called me too.“ Asher says, taking a look at his phone, “She could be in danger.“
“I know, Asher! I know she could be in danger!“ Laurel snaps, squeezing the phone tightly, pressing it against her ear, swearing and fighting the urge to slam it on the floor when the second call also goes to voicemail, “Damn it!“
Just then, the door to the office opens and in walks Connor, closely followed by Annalise and Frank who he ran into on his way in. The mention of a ‘she’ that could be in danger immediately puts him on edge as his eyes skim over the room, looking for his frenemy - Michaela Pratt. ‘On-edge’ is replaced by an early onset of panic when he takes in her absence, connecting the dots that the ‘she’ Laurel was referring to is indeed her. But, just to be safe and avoid a false alarm, he decides to fake nonchalance and ask:  “Danger? What’s going on here?“ He tilts his head, his gaze switching from Laurel who’s still trying to reach Michaela to Asher who is doing his best to avoid eye-contact with anyone in the room.
Annalise cuts the crap, way less nonchalant than him, “Where’s Miss Pratt? Didn’t I tell you all to stay in one spot?“
Laurel looks to Asher for backup, but when she realizes she’s clearly not gonna get any, she turns back to look at Annalise, feeling as though she’s shrinking under the woman’s intense and powerful gaze. “I-it’s my fault. Michaela left before you called and...”
“And she’s now gonna come back! Call her and tell her to return her ass here as soon as possible!“ Annalise cuts her off, her eyes glinting with anger the Keating 5 were so used to seeing yet were terrified of just the same no matter how many times they saw it.
“Well, that’s the thing. She left two hours ago to meet with Mahoney and she isn’t picking up her phone and...“ Laurel trails off, the words dying down in her throat, failing to reach or leave her mouth.
“And we think she could be in danger.“ Asher whispers, finally finding it in himself to speak up despite feeling guilty as all hell.
Annalise’s eyes widen as her heart drops, a sickening feeling overcoming her in the form of cold sweat covering her whole body at once, “YOU THINK?!” She snaps, eyes briefly blurred by tears. “You think she could be in danger when she’s in the hands of a fucking rapist?!”
The phone slips from Laurel’s hand, falling to the floor with a crash at the sound of that word. Asher’s reaction is not different by much - he becomes but a frozen statue in his spot, both him and Laurel looking at Annalise with deer-caught-in-headlights looks and pale faces that suggest Annalise’s heart isn’t the only one that’s dropped. Fear, guilt and despair has paralyzed the two in their spot, unable to think of something to do. Unable to find it in themselves to move.
One person, however, doesn’t remain paralyzed. He takes action, driven by his protective instinct that has set off all the alarms in his head and has sent shots of adrenaline pumping through his veins at a rapid pace. With trembling hands, Connor pulls out his phone, the one calm part of his brain reminding him of his pact with Michaela to always share their location with each other. Opening the app, he reads the address out loud. “Where is that place?!” He snaps, unable to contain his anger that’s blended in with the dreadful sense of fear for his friend’s safety and well-being which are most definitely at a huge risk at this very moment.
“The fucker’s apartment.“ Frank replies, looking up from his own phone where he had looked up the address Connor read out.
Without a second to spare, ignoring the fact his blood’s run cold and the numbness in his face and limbs, Connor takes off, running out of the office and straight to his car, closely followed by the rest of them.
“Connor, wait!“ Annalise attempts to stop him, but you cannot stop a hurricane with your bare hands. And this hurricane is a raging beast with a mission to save his friend and teach the fucker who’d dare touch her or harm her a lesson in the form of beating him bloody.
‘God, please tell me I’m not too late‘, he chants to himself silently, praying for the first time in a long while. ‘Please, keep her safe just a little longer, then I’ll take over.’
Little does he know, the worst has already happened.
                                                              *  *  *
Michaela feels herself coming back to her senses. She doesn’t want to wake up though. She wants for her eyes to remain closed and for her to perish, never again to be seen by the world outside of this apartment that to her now represents hell on Earth. Her survival instincts are kicking in but rather lowly and slowly, almost as if they’re afraid of scaring her or making her snap. So, instead of making an effort to move, she stays completely still and listens, takes in her surroundings. She can’t see much without turning her head which is facing the ceiling, but she’s too afraid to do so. As if her body has been rigged with explosives and the tiniest movement could set them off.
The first thing she hears is the sound of a shower running not too far away. The sound is faint but not faint enough, and neither is the humming that’s accompanying it. She recognizes the tune, she’s recently heard it. With a slight tilt of her head she catches a glimpse of a coffee table which has red wine spilled on it, one wineglass has fallen over and is still dripping tiny red drops alike blood on the carpeted floor. She vaguely recognizes the setting and she feels sickened looking at it, but it takes her a moment or two to place exactly why she feels that way.
And then it hits her.
The tune the voice is humming, she heard it in a bar earlier. The bar she went out to have drinks at. With Charles Mahoney. The Charles Mahoney who then persuaded her into going back to his apartment for a continuation of their drinking session. She remembers the repulsion she felt at the thought of going, but she wasn’t receiving any help from neither Laurel nor Asher whom she has texted and called countless times. So, she succumbed, regretting every step she took that led her closer to his apartment. Her gut was screaming at her the whole time, repeating over and over how bad of an idea that was and how she should make up some bullshit excuse and ditch the situation.
But she didn’t.
And he took advantage of it. Of her body, her tipsy vulnerability. Of her.
It was my fault
With that horribly wrong thought in mind, tears rush to Michaela’s eyes prickling them, begging to escape and relieve the tiniest portion of her pain. She allows them to, the silent tears slowly turning into suppressed sobs that escape her aching chest as she continues lying on that couch, helpless and in pain that cannot be healed or seen.
Her sobs come to an abrupt halt when a round of aggressive and loud knocks, or rather bangs are delivered to the front door that right beside the living room. She only then becomes aware of the subsiding of the running water in the shower. She renders herself silent, faking unconsciousness when she hears the bathroom door open, followed by hurried footsteps coming down the hall, passing the living room and stopping at the front door.
Charles had expected many things, but what he didn’t see coming was the punch that sent him falling to the floor with a broken nose as soon as he opened the door. He didn’t even get a good view of the person but he recognized the voice that called out to the girl he had raped barely an hour prior.
“Michaela!“ Connor shouted, his chest aching, heart racing so loud he could hear it in his ears. He rushed down the hall but stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of the living room where he found who he was looking for. And he found her in a state that broke his heart, “Michaela! Oh God, I’m too late! Fuck!“
Hearing the familiar voice of her friend, Michaela’s eyes snap open, catching sight of Connor’s concerned face hovering over hers. “Connor.” Her coarse voice barely makes it out of her throat in the form of a choked up sob.
Grabbing a blanket from the nearby armchair, Connor wraps it around Michaela covering her almost completely naked her body. Securing the blanket in place, he takes her face in his hands, directing her gaze to his eyes to prevent her from looking anywhere else, prevent her from seeing anything that will further confirm what has happened to her. “It’s ok, you’re ok now. I’m here. I’m here, Michaela and I will never leave you again, ok? You hear me? Focus on my voice, ok? It’s over, he can’t hurt you ever again. The cops are on their way...”
“Hands in the air! Get up! Search the apartment!“ Just as Connor says that, the urgent shouts of cops come from the hall, startling Michaela while also giving her the smallest spec of relief as she once again breaks out in a fit of uncontrollable sobs that are the result of that mix of trauma, emptiness, relief and disgust.
Connor wraps his arms around her pulling her close and resting her head on his chest, not making any attempts at subduing her cries, aware that she needs to get it out of her system before having to face and deal with anything else.
“Michaela?!“ The shout of her own name doesn’t get registered by her, but Connor hears it and feels rage building inside of him when he sees Laurel, Asher, Annalise and Frank enter the living room, “Oh God, Michaela, I’m so sor-“
“You’ve done enough damage!“ He snaps at her, the message meant for Asher as well, “Leave her alone, she’s had it with you and you bright ideas!“
Just then, a cop approaches him and Michaela. He’s not spared Connor’s death glare either, but he doesn’t allow himself to be too intimidated by it, “Sir, we’ll need to take Miss Pratt to a hospital and then to the station to give a statement.“
The rage continues bubbling up inside of him but forces himself to stay calm, seeing as how he’s talking to an officer, “You really think she’s fit for an examination and questioning right now? Can’t you see how traumatized she is?”
“It’s procedure, sir. We must follow a very strict protocol in these situations. Miss Pratt needs a proper examination and all harm done to her needs to be aided and handled properly.“ The officer makes another attempt at persuading the distressed Connor whose arms are still wrapped around the trembling Michaela who suddenly raises her head off his chest, placing her hand there instead.
“It’s ok, Connor. I-I can handle it. But...“ she trails off, a stray tear escaping her eye again.
“But what? Tell me, what do you need?“ he takes her hands in his, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
She inhales shakily before replying, “Could you stay with me? I mean, could you come with me for...well, for it all. I don’t wanna go through it alone.” She bites her lips, still looking down where their hands are connected, unable to look him in the eyes because of how weak and pathetic she feels that request was.
“Of course, Michaela. I wasn’t planning on leaving even if you tried chasing me away.“ He gives her hands a reassuringly, “I’m always gonna be here for you, ok? Never forget that.“
That finally gets Michaela to look up and allow her eyes to meet his. Fresh tears have welled up in her eyes, having grown emotional because of Connor’s words as she whispers a barely-audible, ‘Thank you.’ which says a lot more than just her gratitude for him accepting her request.
It shows how grateful she is to have a friend like him, to have him as a friend. How thankful she is he found her and is willing to stay with her through the nauseating experience she’s about to endure. How happy she is to have found a safe haven in his embrace - his arms serving as a barrier, keeping her safe and shielded from the world that has harmed her so many times and will continue doing so. She’s just glad she won’t have to heal her wounds on her own, all alone. She’ll never have to deal with anything by herself, cause she has him - someone she trusts. Those people have been rare in her life - the trustworthy ones - Connor has the privilege to be one of them. One day, he might even hear her say it, not that he needs to hear it to know though.
That’s what their friendship is - a connection that doesn’t require verbal communication in order to reach an understanding. Even if that understanding has more often than not been ‘agree to disagree’. Still, a friendship as strong as a fortress nonetheless.
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ft-dads-au · 4 years
The Last Time
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A collaboration by @mdelpin​ and @oryu404​
Whumptober 2020 Prompt: On the Run Pairing(s): Siegrain x Gray, Gray & Aki, Gray & Lyon
AO3 | FF.Net
Summary: All it takes is one night to turn Gray’s world upside down, forcing him to face the truths he’d been denying for so long.
April 23, 2020
11:33 pm
Take only what you need.
The words had sounded so simple when Lyon had uttered them over the phone a few minutes earlier. They’d even managed to dampen the panic bubbling inside him by giving him a direction. But now that Gray was surrounded by all of his belongings, he could barely identify them, let alone decide which ones were essential.
He entered their spacious walk-in closet and pulled two suitcases down, randomly grabbing items from hangers while keeping an ear out for any movement from his son. Jeans, shirts, underwear, a belt, and an extra pair of shoes all made their way into his suitcase, along with a host of other items he barely looked at. On a whim, he grabbed a few of his more expensive watches from the island where they kept their jewelry, belts, ties, and cuff links, knowing the only money he’d have access to would be the one in Aki’s savings account.
The sound of his son’s desperate screams echoed in his head as he packed, and he couldn’t stop the tears from falling or his body from shaking as visions of coming home to find Siegrain beating their eighteen-month-old son played over and over in his mind, causing Gray to rush out of the closet to assure himself that Aki was still asleep on his bed.
He hadn’t had a chance to process his emotions yet. Everything had happened so fast, but as he ran his fingers over his son’s hair, wincing at the swelling on the chubby cheeks and inspecting the darkening bruises that ran along both of his arms, he felt a cold fury grip him, unlike any he’d ever felt before. He fussed with the blanket he’d draped over Aki earlier, making sure it covered him properly, trying to make up in some way for not being there earlier.
Noticing the teddy that had dropped to the floor, he picked it up and carefully tucked it in beside his son. Aki stirred at his touch, letting out a soft whimper that tore at Gray’s heart but thankfully, he remained asleep, exhausted from all his crying, which had only stopped after Siegrain had stormed out. Gray had spent a long time holding him close, speaking soft words, and doing his best to comfort him despite being shaken himself.
Everything’s going to be okay. I promise I’ll never let him hurt you again.
He’d meant it, too. He’d put up with a lot from his husband over the years, but Gray instinctively knew this was it. This was as far as he could go on this rollercoaster that his marriage to Siegrain Fernandes had become. It was time to get off. Even if that meant leaving everything behind. His house, his marriage, his career… he would gladly give all of it up for Aki’s sake.
Gray unlocked his phone, bringing up the app that would let him see where Siegrain’s car was. He wasn’t even remotely surprised to find that his husband had made his way to one of the sleazier clubs in Crocus.
The news would have devastated him any other day, persuaded him yet again that he wasn’t enough to keep his husband satisfied. But right now, he only hoped that whatever pretty plaything Siegrain had ensnared would keep him occupied for a nice long while.
Unfortunately, luck didn’t seem to be on his side, because the red dot that pinpointed Siegrain’s location began to move. Gray watched with bated breath, praying that he’d go to another club, but the car took a turn that led it away from the downtown district and back towards their home.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
They needed to be gone by the time Siegrain returned. Otherwise, there might not be another chance for a long time. If there was one thing Gray was sure of, it was that Siegrain wouldn’t let them go without a fight. Not when he’d become so used to all the things that Gray’s fame provided. He’d claim he hadn’t meant it, that it was the drugs, and after begging for forgiveness, he’d try to make it up to them.
Until the next time…
Gray was all too familiar with the pattern and the broken promises.
12:07 am, Gray read off his watch, realizing over thirty minutes had already passed since he’d hung up with Lyon.
I want you to grab your son and drive to the airport’s long-term parking lot. I’ll meet you there in about, uhm… ninety minutes.
The knowledge that Siegrain was on his way fed into his panic, leaving him frozen in place when he needed to move the most, but one look at the small body lying on his bed was enough to get him moving. Aki needed him to do this, and he couldn’t afford to fail him.
He hurried to his son’s room, grabbing anything he thought Aki could possibly want and shoving it into the suitcases. His heart raced, making his ears buzz from the blood that was being rapidly pumped around, and it disoriented him enough to make him run around the rooms in circles as he looked for anything else he’d have to pack.
12.27 am. The numbers taunted him, and yet he couldn’t stop looking at his watch. He finally closed the suitcases but had managed to use up another twenty minutes packing. Meanwhile, Siegrain was getting closer and closer with each passing minute.
With clammy hands, Gray picked up the suitcases, moving swiftly as he hauled them down the stairs and into the garage. A sound came from one of the dark corners, sudden and loud, making him drop the suitcases to the concrete floor. “Jesus f-” He held his hand to his chest, his heart pounding so hard it felt like it was trying to escape. His eyes darted around the room in an attempt to figure out where the noise had come from, fuming when he recognized their cat slinking past him.
“Stupid cat, you almost gave me a heart attack,” he grumbled, regretting his harsh words as soon as he realized he’d have to leave his beloved pet behind as well. It made him want to go chase after her so he could pet her one last time, and listen as she purred her appreciation, but there was no time for that. He could only hope the housekeeper would take good care of her, as he doubted Siegrain would put in the effort.
Their garage was large, full of the fancy vehicles his husband preferred, but Gray walked past all of them, settling on the car he’d had in college rather than the expensive SUV he usually drove.
Gray popped the car’s trunk and tossed the suitcases inside, stopping briefly to remove Aki’s booster seat from the SUV and placing it in the other vehicle, leaving the rear door open to make it easier to position a sleeping Aki.
The moment he walked back inside, he was greeted by the loud chime of the grandfather clock he’d gifted Siegrain on one of their anniversaries. It announced the half-hour, urging Gray to move faster. Lyon would be at the airport in about thirty minutes.
He had to get going.
He was about to head upstairs when he noticed the baby bag sitting atop the kitchen counter and realized that in his haste, he’d neglected to pack any food or diapers. Grabbing some snacks from their pantry, he placed them as well as sippy cups filled with water and juice inside the bag and went off in search of diapers and wipes to take with him, promptly placing those items in his car as well.
Gray ran up the stairs and into his bedroom, giving it a last minute once-over, and as his eyes wandered over the different objects, something dawned on him. Their bedroom was just like any of the fancy hotels they often stayed at- tasteful but impersonal.
While his phone was full of pictures of their time together, their most intimate space held no mementos or personal touches whatsoever. No couple pictures, no souvenirs from their travels, not even pictures of them with Aki. Nothing to show that he and Siegrain had been together for eight years or that they had started a family.
How had he never noticed it before? Sure he was often busy with work, and usually, when they were in the bedroom, they were doing other things, but still. There should be something.
But there wasn’t, and there never had been. Their relationship had only existed in his phone, in magazine spreads, and in emotionally detached moments of pleasure. And Gray could no longer deny what he’d suspected for the last couple of years but hadn’t wanted to accept.
Siegrain had never loved him.
It hurt to finally admit it to himself, but it was just what he needed to justify his exit. And rather than make him sad, it filled him with righteous indignation.
He had given up so much to be with Siegrain - his family, his friends, his pride.
And for what?
Had he even been happy?
He glared at the expensive band that adorned the ring finger of his left hand and yanked it off. Staring at it briefly, he was hit with an idea. He entered the bathroom and threw his wedding ring in the toilet, where he now felt it belonged. Let Siegrain fish for it if he wanted it back, preferably after he’d taken a piss.
Gray knew the sadness would hit him eventually, but that one act of defiance had restored some of his confidence, making him feel more like his old self, the one that didn’t take shit from anyone, and that was exactly who he needed to be from now on.
He scooped Aki up in his arms as smoothly as he could, checking to make sure the teddy was still in the blanket. There were many things he could afford to leave behind, but his son’s favorite toy was definitely not one of them.
Aki whimpered softly as Gray made his way back downstairs, and although he wasn’t sure if his boy was waking up or not, he tried soothing him anyway, just in case.
“Shh, it’s okay, Daddy’s got you.”
He put Aki in his car seat, making sure he was as gentle as he could, not wanting to risk touching any of the bruises and setting him off again.
Don’t draw any attention to yourself, don’t break the speed limit, don’t look at anyone.
Gray knew as soon as he started the engine, that was going to be a challenge. He wanted nothing more than to slam his foot on the gas pedal and get the fuck out of there with screeching tires, not wanting to chance an encounter with Siegrain on their way out.
The only thing keeping him from doing that was seeing Aki still asleep through the rearview mirror, and the thought of his escape plan falling apart when his reckless driving would get him in trouble.
Lyon’s confident voice sounded in his head, repeating the last words he’d said before they’d hung up.
It’s going to be alright…
And Gray let himself believe him.
He took deep breaths while he checked everything- seat belts, lights, mirrors, and doors- and when the garage door had opened far enough, Gray somehow managed to drive off calmly into the night, the door automatically closing behind him as he pulled out.
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blackberries45 · 4 years
This is silly and stupid and my first writing ever. I'm sure it's full of mistakes, so I'm sorry. As I tried editing, the tumblr app kept not saving or moving the page. I'll try to make something better next time, if I do try again.
Please note : After both seeing the movie and reading the book, I kind of combine the two in my mind. Younger Billy, apartment more like the movie, events more like the book.
*tiny bit of laungue, small love scene
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**not my gif**
Y/n looked in the mirror as she brushed her teeth, day dreaming about the day ahead. Wishing she coud just spend all day, wrapped up in the blankets, watching something silly with Dan. As she finished and came out the door, Dan knew it was now or never.
"Y/n, I think we need to stop doing this" Dan spoke softly but with a firm tone. Y/n hadn't really heard what he was saying as she gathered her purse. "Hmm?" She asked, starting to slowly look up, still wishing to just stay.
"We need to stop doing this whole...thing. This half way in, half way out. Although I like you very much, I think it's time to let it go" Dan looked y/n in the eyes briefly but kept his gaze mostly down. He tried to not shine and see her thoughts but he picked up a small image, almost like a dark rain cloud moving in. "Good" he thought. "Rain"
Y/n stood there. She dropped her purse back on the bed while still staring at him. "I don't understand" she said with a puzzled face. She was confused and started to get hot. Her stomach started to turn. "When did you all of the sudden decide that? Was it before you asked me to yet again spend the night, or after you woke up?" All she could do was stand there and blink.
"I know this sounds harsh and unfounded but you need to think about this. Two years we have been playing this game and I think we both know it's going no where. It would be for the best if that was the last time." Dan was alittle louder this time. He looked her in the eyes but it was hard to do. He was trying to keep a mental block up and put on a harsh face when really, he was lying. He didn't want her to go. He didn't want her to be sad or angry. He truthfully did want to stop the whole, "friends with benefits" thing and just be with her. Maybe her move in and together they just be happy. But what he was now facing, he truly didn't know if he would come back from. He thought this was the only way. The fair way. The right way. Make her hurt, make her angry, make her forget him and move on.
Y/n just stood there until she finally felt like she heard a snap in her brain. She reached for her purse and started to walk towards the door. She felt drunk and sick. She wanted to turn around and scream and cry but there was no use. When Dan made up his mind about something, that was usually it. She felt like she was in a fog. She told herself she had to get home and get ready for work, so she did. Every step she took, down the stairs, through the hall, down the streets back home, she was on auto pilot. If she hadn't done it a thousand times before, she may have smacked into a something but she knew this route well.
As Dan watched y/n walk through the door, he quickly grabbed a last image. "Looks like a storm is coming" he thought to him self. "Yeah, for you and me both" He sat down on his bed, arms resting on his knees and put his hands on his low hung face as time slipped away for awhile.
It had been a few days but y/n was still confused and hurt. She was angry at herself mostly. This is why she ended up in this silly little town to begin with. She didn't want the hurt of relationships anymore. She didn't want to trust anyone again. But now she realized, she had trusted Dan even more because of being that friend. She trusted him to see her in makeup or without. Hungover and playfully scolding her or pissed off. She trusted him but more than that, she loved him. She thought they were two misfits that would always be sperate yet together. How could she not have seen this coming?
When Billy texted y/n that he was taking Dan on a "guys trip", y/n thought "Good! Stay away! Let me walk around town and not be worried to see you or hear you on your stupid train" She wasn't suprised that Dan didn't tell her, but it was another chance for her to call him an asshole, so she was glad. As the days passed however, she shifted from being happy again and upbeat to sad and scared. She couldn't undertand why. She had odd moments of desperately wishing Billy would text to say they were back. All y/n wanted to do was curl up in a ball. She paced and tried staying distracted but it didn't work. She picked up her phone again and again, writing and then deleting texts asking where Billy and Dan were. At the very least, she didn't want Billy to tell Dan and him think she gave a crap about him right now. She contiuned to pace and worry the next few days.
They were exhausted. Beyond exhausted. They felt ran over. Thankfully, Dan no longer felt like a rat was gnwaing his insides and had been able to eat once the left he park and the police, but he and Billy both just wanted to be in their own beds and sleep. The little rental car they had gotten since the truck been so damaged was fine, but it felt like it topped out at 40. He knew they were going faster from taking turns driving, but home seemed so far away.
"Home" Dan thought. "My cramped little attic nest. How hot must it be now that no windows have been opened? How must it smell with no air flow? How long since I changed the sheets" He knew what he should really be thinking was how grateful he was to be alive, which he honestly had given a very slim chance of being. He didn't expect to return when he left. His next thoughts were of y/n. His plan had worked. She had been out of his mind, not for any reasons except he need the space and the emotions to focus. He didn't want to be worried about her or thinking how worried she would be for him. Now having explained everything he had to Billy, John, and the rest of them, explaining his shine and the rest to y/n seemed easier. But before, it seemed like madness.
They finally made it to their little town. Dan slowly climbed the stairs and entered his apartment. It was exactly the same except for a smiley face drawn on the blackboard wall from his niece. The air was stagnant and strong. The sheets wrinkled from him not making his bed before he left. Something had gone south in the fridge. The biggest thing that hit him though, he desperately wished someone was there to hug him. Someone he could hug in return. Someone he could say to, "I'll tell you the story later but for now, lets just curl up and sleep." It wasn't someone he wanted, it was y/n. He walked to the bed and sat down, flipping his phone multiple times in his hand. Should he, shouldn't he. Should he, shouldn't he. He had left her a mess of rage and heartache and he knew it. He did it to protect her and himself, but would she understand it this way? Would she be able to process any of this? If he left her alone, he could maybe be friends with her again some day and never have to tell her. But he missed her. He wanted her right here. He want to be able to see someone that made him feel happy he came back for. He decided on a text.
Home. Come if you can or want.
His texts were never warm and fuzzy. She chalked it up to his slightly out of touch use of cellphones. He hated the things . She was taking a bath when her phone made a tiny "ping" from the other room. She wasn't even sure she actually heard it. She contiuned shaving her legs and slowly finished her bath. Once out, she took her time to dry off and put on lotion before walking out to her phone. Two messages. Billy and Dan. She read Billy's first. "Home" is all it said. She quickly replied and hit send. She took a deep breath and looked at Dan's. By now sent 20 mintutes ago to her phone. She didn't know what to think once she had. "What the Hell is this? A booty call? He dumps me, well, we weren't dating, he, let's me go or whatever but now wants me over there??" She was alittle angry and confused all over again. Although she was relieved they were ok, and she badly wanted to see him. She went back to her pacing when finally, she was walking out the door. She was half way there before even noticing what she was doing. She hadn't even responded to his text. Up the stairs, to the door and knocking, it all happened in a flash.
He stood there, a smile, if you could call it that, trying to form on his tired and beat up looking face. If someone had been in a fight with the Devil, he would be the picture proof of what it looked like. She could have said alot of things, and so could he. She could screamed alot of things, and he would have understood. But she stepped in, put her purse down, reach up to his face and as quietly asked, "What do you need?"
That. That was what he "needed". He bent down and kissed her. Soft at first. But increasingly more needy. Nothing in the apartment was far out of reach and they took a few steps and were on the bed. She laid down and he placed his hands on either side of her, kissing her face and neck. He lifted her shirt and started kissing everywhere on her stomach. Y/n took her shirt off, and Dan kissed where the shirt had been. Y/n moved around to remove her pants, all the while he kept kissing. Sometimes on the lips, sometimes the shoulder. He was getting more feverish though. The kisses were turning into almost little bites. He felt himself getting more primal, more dominant.
When they were both naked and starting to sweat from the apartment heat and the little bit of movement between them, he looked up at her, almost looking into her soul, and she noded. He started. Slowly entering her but quickly taking her for all he could. He was working out everything that had happened. The pain, the sadness, the fear. He was getting it all out of his system. The other people the had been inside his brain, the lack of sleep. Everything all at once. This wasn't a domination session, but it also wasn't making love. He was using her to almost cleanse himself. She groaned and moved with him. He kept one hand up next to her head and the other on her hip and and made all of the noises with her. When she was close, she arched her back and it brought him out of his thoughts and back to her. Seeing her like that sent him over and he quickly came as well.
When they were done, he rolled over and brought her into him. They were nasty and sticky but he didn't care. He laid there wanting to tell her everything, but it only took a few moments before he was out. Y/n quietly left the bed when she heard his breathing change. She looked down at him and wondered "What in the Hell happened to those two? Did they fall off a mountian? " She went into the little bathroom and cleaned herself up. Then she walked over and opened the window above Dan's bed and another across the room. She wanted to clean the place up for him, take out whatever was growing the fridge, but she thought he needed sleep and decided to stay as quiet as possible for a bit. She grabbed another sheet to roll herself in laid back down next to him. "Later he can explain" she told herself and then drifted off to sleep.
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allandoflimbo · 5 years
Another kinky idea- having a threesome with Bucky & Steve in a place where there’s a possibility of being caught or watched. Oh! And Bucky making you wear one of those app controlled vibes during a party and he keeps you on edge all night
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It was a Tuesday night, post mission.
Your body was still sore from your near death from the explosion of a hand grenade that had thrown you thirty yards out the window of a dingy hydra facility.
You knew it was stupid of you to risk it all for a slim hope of at least some kind of usable intel.
Everyone knew you were stubborn, that you would put yourself on the line regardless of any risk, just to adquire some kind of insight into making everything in the world just a little bit better.
They always gave you tough love for it.
Nat’s disappointed glance as you limped up into the quinjet mixed with Tony’s death glare already exhausted you enough to not want to hear any of it.
You already knew what they were thinking inside their heads.
Sam seemed to be the only one who offered somewhat of a smile as he snatched the USB out of your right hand that was scraped and scratched from the debris.
The eyes that you knew were the angriest, you’d avoided like the plague. You could feel the hard stare of two pair of blues on you. And you knew you would get disciplined for it later.
You crossed your legs in your seat and squeezed your thighs tightly together to try and make the ache in your core swell down.
You moaned just briefly when your little clit grazed harshly against the fabric of your underwear.
When you had gotten to your room after you arrived, you had half expected them to show up within the hour. You sat on your bed, waiting...begging as you stared at the door.
Three hours had passed and then four. Eventually, you gave up on waiting, and just assumed that tonight they wouldn’t come up to your room.
After a hot shower and after watching some TV, you decided to make your way into the kitchen for a snack.
You were halfway through making a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich when you felt strong hands on your hips.
His body pressed you firmly against the counter, making you drop the butter knife that was in your hand.
You felt him rut against your ass, followed by his hot breath on your neck.
“You don’t learn, do you?”
Your eyes close tightly together as your left hand grips the counter in front of you, your knuckles going lighter than your skin color at how hard you were grabbing it.
“Gotta fucking fuck this pussy to teach you to stop doing stupid shit, huh?”
His left arm stretched around you and you let out a groan as you felt him palm you through your sweats.
His pointer finger dragged across your aching clit through your pants and you thrust your hips harder against his hand.
“That’s it, baby. Say my name just like that,” you whimpered as his hand left your center to pull at the band of your sweats. He pulled it down just enough along with your panties to where he could easily slide into you, “you think it’s cute? Almost getting yourself killed for a damn Intel? God, if it didn’t make me want to bend you over even more.”
There was a pause in his movements and then a shuffling of feet behind you. Aside from the refrigerator, it was now quiet enough to where you could tell another person had added themselves into your little party.
The sounds of manly moans, groans, and then a peck of lips behind you made you throw your head back just far enough to where it fell against Bucky’s right peck.
“Touch my cock, Steve.” Bucky’s plead made your pupils grow black.
You spun around quickly until you were face to face with the two super soldiers. Steve’s lips were attached to Bucky’s neck, but his eyes still flickered up to meet yours.
You leaned in and gave Bucky a wet kiss as you felt Steve’s hand at the front of Bucky’s sweats, pulling them down.
Bucky returned your kiss eagerly as Steve fucked him with his hand. Bucky whimpered into your mouth, his own hand now going to your wet core.
If it weren’t for the knife falling from the countertop as Bucky lifted you ontop of it, you wouldn’t have even remembered you were in the kitchen and anyone could walk in any moment.
The sudden reality of the position you were in should’ve scared you, but all it did was drive you even further into the deep feeling of lust as you allowed Bucky to open your legs up to him.
Your right hand was wrapped around his neck and you looked down as he grabbed his hard dick that was already purple, dragging it up and down your silky folds. He taps it a few times against your bundle of nerves before he slides into you with a loud gasp.
You lean yourself back on your left arm, your hair cascades down your back, the ends of it dragging across the kitchen countertop.
“She’s so damn tight, Steve,” Bucky whimpers through rosy lips as he starts to thrust into you at a calm pace.
“You guys look so pretty just like this,” Steve whispers as he now spreads his own precum around the head of his aching dick, “show her, Buck. Show her how angry we get when she risks her life.”
“God, yes.” Bucky groans deep in his throat as his thrusts quicken against you, his thumb going to your clit as he rubs harsh circles there, “Mmm so good. Oh my god.”
Your eyes open slightly through your euphoric gaze and you look over to see Steve slide into Bucky, his eyebrows furrowing together in immense pleasure.
You lick your hand and you reach your right hand down to your center to help Bucky rub yourself harder. You lift your right foot onto the counter, exposing yourself even more to them and the pleasure you feel makes you groan.
“Rub her clit, baby, rub it faster.” Steve pants against Bucky’s neck as Bucky rams himself even harder into you. Bucky obeys Steve’s command, “Faster. Yes.”
You feel the coil in your pussy about to burst, the pleasure becoming almost too much for you to handle and you know you’re only a few thrusts from the best orgasm of your life.
“God, I’m gonna cum.”
You literally spit out through gritted teeth.
Bucky’s brows come together as his fingers dig into your hips and a loud groan escapes his mouth.
“Yes. Yes. Yes.” He pants almost pathetically, “Fucking cum on my cock.”
The dirty talk is too much for Steve and he’s grunts out loud as he feels his balls tighten. Quickly, he pulls out of Bucky and walks around until he’s standing between you and Bucky and he strokes himself quickly, aiming directly at your throbbing pussy.
As soon as his white spurts hit your pubic bone, you’re screaming at the top of your lungs, your walls tightening around Bucky deliciously.
Cumming viciously.
Bucky’s mouth opens again as he groans out loud, grunting maniacally as he feels himself about to cum. He lowers his hand down to his balls and he cups himself there, screaming.
Steve’s lips are on his neck and Bucky’s head is leaned back as he curses over and over and over again.
You feel his seed fill you up, coating your walls in heavy spurts, and it’s warm and oh so good.
Little did you know Sam was standing at the entrance to the kitchen, watching the entire thing go down.
I’ll do the edging one in the next post lol
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themangledsans0508 · 5 years
Happy Birthday, Honey
Allie (my sister) before you even start, fuck off.
Craig Tucker didn’t think when he was younger that he would end up in a long-term relationship with another boy. He thought he would end up alone, just him and his guinea pig. He remembered his horror at those girls drawing pictures of him and Tweek, not because it was Tweek but because it was another man. He remembered pretending to be with him, and then something changed.
He felt something he hadn’t felt before, not even with his ex-girlfriend: he felt love towards another person.
He remembered briefly breaking up and being distraught, over a stupid game. That New Kid really saved his ass.
He smiled to himself, sitting criss-cross on Tweek’s bed, twiddling his fingers in anticipation for his lover to return from work. August 17th, Tweek’s birthday. A week before Senior year, and he had finally turned seventeen barely before the cut-off date. 
He didn’t really intend on doing anything with Tweek unless he suggested it first. He didn’t want to overwhelm him.
Yeah, they had both gotten “the talk” when they were in fourth grade. They weren’t even together then, and it was really fucking awkward. 
Craig looked out the window, losing patience as the sun set below the tree line. Why the hell did Tweek have to work so goddamn late? 
He felt his phone buzz and swiftly snatched it. He sighed when he was it was just another Coonstgram post, which he had no clue why they still used. They were seventeen, and they still used an app they made for a game they played when they were ten. He would admit, occasionally they still played stuff like superheroes, humans and elves, and cowboys and Indians, but it was a lot different now.
He looked at the post, which was from Clyde that tagged both him and Tweek.
My dude @CraigTucker is about to have some fun… Happy birthday @TweekTweak and protect that ass lol.
Craig’s fingers flew faster than the wind in response.
Dude stfu.
Craig looked out the window again, the last glimpses of sunlight fading over the horizon. He saw a golden bob of hair walking down the sidewalk, twitching slightly. He grinned, relaxing into the bed and holding a bag of gifts behind his back. He heard the front door open, and a few small noises along with footsteps. He watched the door intently in suspense. 
The door violently swung open and Tweek screamed. He placed his hand on his chest and took deep breaths.
“For fuck’s sake Craig? How the hell did you get in my house?” he demanded.
“You gave me a house key babe,” Craig answered. Tweek covered his face with his hands, blushing.
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” he muttered. Craig lifted himself off Tweek’s bed and walked up to him, wrapping one arm around his waist and keeping the other behind his back with the gifts. Tweek responded in turn by wrapping his arms around Craig’s neck and pressing their foreheads together.
Craig may have been taller by a couple of inches, but Tweek would stand on the tips of his toes and make Craig tilt downwards so he could have his way. 
Tweek sighed and moved to rest against Craig’s chest instead. 
“My parents hate me, Craig.” Craig looked down in confusion, studying the shorter boy.
“Tweek they don’t hate you. That doesn’t-” He stopped himself. He had been working on becoming more empathetic over the past seven years, and he really was getting better at understanding emotions. “Why do you think they hate you?”
Tweek moved his hands to Craig’s shoulder, clutching him tightly.
“Well, it’s mostly my dad. Having one of the two gay kids in this town as your son is apparently ‘great for business’ because ‘people want to be supportive.’” Tweek mumbled. Craig nodded and pulled him a little closer.
“The only reason he’d care if I died would be because eventually, people wouldn’t care he lost his only son. With me living, people constantly want to support us. So he uses that for himself.” Craig wouldn’t have ever said it, but he agreed with Tweek. Richard cared solely about his coffee shop, Craig thought even more than he cared for his wife.
“Tweek, it’s okay. Next year, after we graduate, we’re gonna move out, together. You won’t have to work there, we’ll be able to live on our own and work where we want. We can steal Token’s money if we have to.” Tweek laughed lightly.
“I’m looking forward to it. But I still have a year, Craig. What am I going to do until then?” Craig frowned.
“I don’t know, Tweek. We’ll figure it out though, I promise.” Tweek hugged Craig tightly, sniffling slightly.
“I-I love you, Craig.” Craig hummed lightly. He moved to grab his hand and revealed his bag.
“Happy birthday honey.” Tweek laughed, looking at his gifts.
“Really? Is this the best time, Craig?” Craig shrugged.
“I got impatient.” He released Tweek’s hand a pulled a rose carefully out of the bag. He handed it to Tweek and continued his search through the bag. He pulled out a fidget spinner, earning another chuckle out of Tweek, and finally wrapped his hands around a small box.
He reached out to take Tweek’s hand again, dropping onto his knees. Tweek began laughing hysterically as he watched him pull out the box. 
“Tweek Tweak, we’ve been together seven years and still can’t get married. So, with this ring, I promise someday I’m going to marry you.” Craig cracked open the box, revealing a jade-colored ring. Tweek reached his hand down before stopping himself, and instead spread his fingers. 
Craig took the ring and gently slid it on, then intertwined their fingers. A grin spread across Tweek’s face and he looked into Craig’s eyes.
“You’re so gay.”
“No shit, babe.” Tweek’s smile faded as he looked at Craig’s hands.
“Craig, don’t you have a ring too?” Craig looked down to their intertwined hands.”
“Shit. Uh, yeah, I do somewhere.” Craig said, feeling his pockets. Tweek joined in the search, albeit a little maliciously. He reached around Craig’s back, his arms slid around his waist and his hands dipped into Craig’s back pockets.
Craig jumped a little at the feeling of hands touching his ass and he looked at Tweek who, compared to his slight blush, was as red as a tomato. Tweek pulled one hand out of Craig’s pocket and showed an identical ring to his own, and beckoned for Craig to put his hand out.
Craig obliged, feeling the cool material slip on perfectly. Tweek smiled mischievously and pushed Craig onto the bed, straddling his waist.
“My Craig~”
His breath hitched and he moved his hands onto Tweek’s waist. He looked up at the blonde boy, who leaned close to his face and kissed him. Tweek pulled back and looked down at him, worry in his eyes.
“Are you okay with this?” He asked. Craig moved one hand behind Tweek’s head, tangling his fingers in his hair.
He pulled him back down and took his turn to kiss him. When they pulled away, Craig nodded.
“I’m okay with whatever you want. Happy Birthday, Tweek.”
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aiiizawa · 4 years
Cecilia wondered if it was an extended, bad dream.  The sensation of falling all around them— the bright, blue sky being blinding with interspersed clouds of pure white and the blurry form of buildings flying past them.  They were no stranger to dreams about falling out of the sky, or some building.   Almost bored, they closed their eyes and tried to change the dream to something else, maybe even give themselves the ability to fly.  
That wasn’t working. 
In a flash, Cecilia opened their eyes and tried to look around.  How fast were they falling?  How close was the ground??  How could this happen when they lived on the GROUND FLOOR of a house with NO SECOND STORY— Cecilia was going to scream,definitely, but the sensation changed almost immediately.  What was once the rush of cold air flying behind them was now being shielded, and they gently opened one of their eyes hesitantly.
“Worry not, my young friend!!  I am here!!”
A booming, familiar voice.  This face…. Long, blonde hair…bright blue eyes nearly eclipsed by the strong bone structure of his face.
“ALL MIGHT?!”  The accusation came out faster than their brain could stop it.
“YES!””  His answer, brilliant and shining in the sun, took the wind out of them even further.  They stared up at him, mouth hanging agape as he deftly jumped with them to the ground.  Apparently, not the correct response, as he had a brief look of shock on his face, but it disappeared as fast as it came, so they chalked it up to the brightness of the sun around them and their imagination.  A small crowd had appeared around the two of them as All Might gently placed them onto the floor swiftly, placing both of his huge hands on their shoulders.
“Now, my young friend, as much as life may be hard for you-- or perhaps you were merely experimenting with your quirk-- You must value your life!!  It is not to be carelessly thrown away!”  He enunciated these words firmly, eyes boring into theirs as they blinked.  There was a misunderstanding somewhere there, definitely, but they couldn’t seem to find a moment to interject as he continued his well-meaning lecture.  More than likely, they were in a bit of shock.  First of all…that was All Might.  ‘That’ All Might.  The world’s greatest hero, the symbol of peace.... That is, in their favorite shounen manga.  Undeniably, they could feel his hand on their shoulder and his finger wag as he continued, and the way their neck hurt from attempting to look up to him.  Slowly, they tried to look around themselves.  Aside from All Might (surprisingly in his normal clothes), there were several heroes hovering nearby...even some in the sky.  They could read advertisements on the various buildings and hear the speakers announce clearly.
‘Be Free to Be You-- Unique Styles for your Unique Body Type.’
‘Attention: those trying to commute to the 4th Ward on the train should make alternative arrangements as a recent villain attack has left the tracks unable to be used.  For the time being--’
As their gaze flickered between the various sights, oblivious to the world around them, All Might continued.  “If you have any other problems, please do not hesitate to take advantage of this country’s mental health services!   You have your whole future before you!  Go beyond!!  Plus Ultra!!”  He took a step back, saluted, and went to leap away.
Hold on--
“W-W-WAIT, DON’T G--”  Cecilia, finally realizing that he would be their best bet to understand things, reached out to stop him, hand outstretched.
“HA HA HA!!  DO TAKE CARE!!”  In a flash that was more powerful than they had thought, even when he had just saved him, he was gone.  Well, fuck.  Cecilia was frozen in place for just a moment, and then turned their attention to the crowd around them that was already dissipating since the attraction, All Might, had just vanished.  A couple of well-meaning people approached, asking if they needed help to a hospital, to which they firmly denied.  An embarrassed flush came to their face, so they bowed quickly and dodged them, walking in a random direction to make more sense of their bearings.  As soon as they had managed to filter in through the crowd and walk a little bit, Cecilia leaned up against the wall in a nearby alleyway.  
First things first, they needed to take stock of what they had on them.  Thankfully, they weren’t in their pajamas or anything...a blessing, since the last thing they remembered was crawling into bed at a late hour.  Simple pair of jeans (with pockets!  That was epic.) and a comfortable shirt that they recognized from their closet that had flowers decorating the front.  Worn tennis shoes, and...they patted their back pocket firmly.  Yes.  Quickly pulling out their phone, they hoped they’d have some information.  However, quickly running through their phone, it was clear it wasn’t the case.  No apps, except for an unnamed app that resembled the original internet browser and the notepad.  They didn’t think it was possible to have a phone like this; they never messed with it in this fashion.  At first, the thought did come across that perhaps their phone had been switched, but the telltale crack in the screen protector…the case and phone holder that they chose specifically together...there was no way it wasn’t their phone.  Idly, they tried to open the browser, but even then...nothing. ‘BAD GATEWAY’ was written in bold, dark letters each time they tried to reset.  Heaving a sigh, they decided to shove it back into their pocket rather than waste anymore battery.  For now, they’d just have to keep it in case something DID work.  Now...to figure out what to do now.  They didn’t have their purse, so it wasn’t like they could go anywhere with no money or identification.  Even if they did...the currency was a problem.  Cecilia debated about sitting down and just going ‘fuck it’, but in the end, decided on a random direction and started walking.
Even if the circumstances were the absolute worst, they’d always wanted to go to Japan, so they at least took in the sights.  It was really neat, especially with quirks everywhere, it was hard not to stare.  Naturally colored hair in so many fun colors...they frowned briefly at their reflection.  Would it have been too much to ask for some fucking pink hair without effort?  Everything else was the same.
“Um, excuse me…?  Are you alright?”  A young voice called out to them, and they swiftly turned on their heel to answer.
“Ah, yeah-- I’m fine, sorry, I’ll move.”  Cecilia bowed quickly and shuffled to the side.  The young man put his hands out in refusal.
“Oh no!  I just...recognized you from the article.  You just got rescued by All Might, right?  I saw you wandering around and-- Not that I was stalking or following you or anything!!  But you seemed confused and I wanted to know if you needed help to the hospital or anything--”  He stammered as Cecilia stared at him.
Green hair.  Not just any green hair, a very special, curly head of green hair…and freckles…
Wait a minute--  Cecilia recognized him immediately.  It took a minute because he wasn’t in the U.A. uniform, but that couldn’t have been anyone but Izuku Midoriya.  Looking down at his black gakuran, could it be?  Putting the clues from All Might’s appearance earlier, they must have been put in the very beginning of the story.  Made sense.  However…
Cecilia blinked.  If he was right here and wanted to take them to the hospital…he wouldn’t have his interaction with the sludge villain that let him meet All Might.  The thought sent a chill down their spine.  Absolutely fucked, they couldn’t let that happen.  Cecilia needed a plan, fast, and thankfully, there was always ol’ reliable.
“Hey, you’re, uhhhhh, Midoriya-kun?  Yes?”  They asked him, tilting their head slightly.  Midoriya blinked rapidly in shock, round eyes widening.
“H-Huh?  How do you know my name?”  He asked incredulously.  He looked a little bit suspicious, but more shocked than anything else.
“I live in your apartment complex!  I’m really new, both to this country and to the city;”  Not a lie.  Technically.  “I didn’t recognize you until just now!   Unfortunately, you’re right.  I am a bit lost, but I just wanted to get home.  Would you mind walking me there?”  They flashed him their best smile, putting forth what they hoped was a trustworthy and slightly embarrassed face.  He thought for a moment, and then immediately nodded.
“O-Oh!  Of course!  I had heard that someone had moved in earlier, what a coincidence!”  He laughed brightly, bowing.  “I’m Izuku Midoriya.  I live with my mother-- Well, you probably already met her already if you know me.”  He stuck his hand out with a friendly smile and they grinned and introduced themselves as they shook his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Midoriya-kun.”  Cecilia smiled, nodding once and then returning their hands to their pockets.  “Lead the way, sir.”
They felt a little bit bad that they were having a child lead them into what they fully knew was danger on a full and blatant lie...but that would be a problem for Midoriya after he had his fated encounter with All Might.  After that...it’d be fine.
Probably.  He was a forgiving child.
“So you just graduated middle school, huh?  Wow, you must be really excited to start high school.  What school are you aiming for?”  They asked conversationally as they walked.  For the most part, even though he was TERRIBLY shy and only called them by their last name despite asking for him not to, he was pretty talkative.  
“I-- I want to go to U.A!  It might be silly of me, especially after everything that happened today, but…”  he sighed.  “It’s all I want to do, even though I’m quirkless.”  Cecilia nodded along.
“Of course, of course.  I get you, Midoriya-kun.  Don’t worry.  I know you’re gonna be a great hero, no matter what.  After all, you saw me lost and approached me.  The kind of person who can’t leave troubled people alone, I think, is a good candidate for a hero.”
They might have been a little biased, though.  He grinned bashfully, happy to be praised by an adult.  “Thank you, Love-san.  I really appreciate that…”  He scratched behind his neck.  “I’ve been feeling really discouraged recently, so thank you for believing in me, even though we’ve just met.”
Oops.  Cecilia laughed it off nervously.  “Well, you know, I’m an American.  We tend to say whatever’s on our mind!”  At that, they launched into a discussion (read: Midoriya infodumping) about All Might’s time in America.  It was very informative, even though it was hard for them to understand a lot of it with how fast he was speaking.  Mostly, he seemed content to have someone listen to him, so they did just that and tried to keep watch on where the sludge villain would finally come.  After the fourth underpass they walked under, they were starting to wonder if maybe their appearance had fucked up the timeline.  Taking a quick minute, they rubbed their temple gently.
Noticing they stopped, Midoriya turned and looked back concernedly.  They opened their eyes to tell him it was nothing, but stopped, suddenly making eye contact with the grate bubbling at their feet.
“Love-san...?”  He asked.  His eyes were so wide, and then, the manhole cover seemed to explode. A disgusting, creeping feeling crawled up their leg.
“Two disguises?  What a wonderful day I’m having, especially after having just run into that man here…”  Disgusting, cold, sticky.  They tried to kick him off but it was no use.  Midoriya ran running to their aid, even as he was also being ‘tried on for size.’
“You’re a little too short, so I don’t think I’ll bother with you...but I can’t have you running off to the cops.”  The viscous, amorphous fluid flowed freely into their mouth, leaving a rancid taste behind.  At this point, they couldn’t even see Midoriya, who was still trying desperately to save them even as his own airway was being blocked.
Maybe it was their karma for lying to him and getting him to follow them?  That sure would be a kick in the head.  Even with their eyes closed, a deeper, darker blackness was coming over them.  They hoped All Might would come here soon, damn it…They didn’t want to die for nothing.
“Have no fear, my boy!”
That voice, once again.  All of a sudden, a huge, unrelenting pressure from a different direction that seemed to force the villain out of their body.  As they sunk to their knees, and then flat on their face, they just barely saw him do the same to Midoriya.  Cecilia had just one thought.
Fucking finally.
It had been a hell of a day.
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Super Mingyu: Mingyu x Reader
Requests are encouraged! Please read the guidelines before submitting your request!
Genre: fluff! non idol au; brother Hoshi; featuring Wonwoo
Word Count: 1,239
Note: y’all, I’ve been working on this all month lol i really hope you like it! -Ash
You only invited your co-worker, Mingyu, (also known as the most handsome man in the office) to your friends' annual winter trip to the cabin in the mountains because your brother dared you to. Soonyoung was just messing with you because that was his favorite hobbies, so he was surprised when you called to say, "So obviously Mingyu and I are gonna carpool together after work on Friday, so you can leave early if you want."
Soonyoung didn't waste a chance to tease you. "Ah, cool! I can't wait to meet your boyfriend after you've talked about him so much!"
You rolled your eyes as a blush rose to your cheeks, and you covered your phone's speakers because you were fearful that Mingyu might hear your brother's booming voice. Contrary to Soonyoung's dramatizations, you didn't mention Mingyu that often. In fact, you only remembered mentioning once how non-celebrities really shouldn't be as attractive as he is because he was such a distraction in your office.
However, that was all it took for Soonyoung to milk his jokes for all they were worth, which was very little in your opinion. Realizing that you couldn't persuade him to stop, you ended the conversation with a swift, "Whatever, see ya this weekend."
As seemingly perfect as Mingyu was, you were dreading the three hour drive to the cabin. You had only shared  a few conversations with him around the coffee pot in the employee lounge, and you weren't confident that you could entertain him for the entire trip, and you weren't sure how he would fit in with Soonyoung and his friends, and you were still overwhelmingly surprised that he accepted your invitation in the first place.
Your nerves only heightened when Mingyu stopped by your desk during your lunch break to say, "I'm really looking forward to this weekend," with a warm smile that could have melted the snow outside.
Your cheeks reddened as jealous glares of nearby women bore into you, and you noticed that Mingyu had abandoned his usual suit and tie for a particularly tacky Christmas sweater. Instantly, you chuckled upon realizing that the sweater depicted a googly-eyed reindeer, and you decided, "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it too."
Jabbing a thumb toward the window, which shielded the office from the snowfall, Mingyu offered, "If you're not comfortable driving in the snow, I can drive us in my car."
When you took him up on his offer, you didn't expect that you would have to deal with any snow-related mishaps. And all of your anxieties were resolved when the two of you passed the hours singing everything that came on the radio until the snow blinded you.
"Ah, well," Mingyu sighed, "I guess all I can do is pull over and wait for it to ease up."
Eyeing your GPS, you said, "Actually, we're less than a mile away from the cabin. It wouldn't take too long to walk there."
Mingyu clicked his tongue, presumably to discourage your idea, but after sparing a glance at the gas gauge, he concluded, "Okay-- but do you have a coat packed away in the trunk somewhere?"
As you fished your coat out of the suitcase, you suggested, "The snow should let up in a few hours-- or at least that's what the weather app says-- so maybe we should just come back for our bags later."
"Yeah," Mingyu agreed. He brushed you aside to reach into the trunk, and he advised, "Just grab your charger. And maybe your toothbrush in case we can't get out here until tomorrow."
You thought he was probably overreacting a bit, but you appreciated his ability to think ahead. At work, his reputation was based entirely on his appearance, but you were beginning to realize that there was more to him than being attractive.
And when you slipped on a patch of ice just five minutes into your trek, and Mingyu responded by insisting upon carrying you to the cabin, and a blush entirely unrelated to the blistering cold ate at your cheeks, you finally fully understood the universal attraction to him.
Thankfully he carried you on his back, so he didn't notice your embarrassment as you swore, "I'm okay, Mingyu, honestly. I can walk on my own."
"No way, Y/N," he responded immediately. "You could have sprained your ankle. Besides--" You noticed the smile pulling at his lips as he asked, "How else will I impress you if I don't carry you back to camp?"
After briefly concealing your flustered face against his shoulder, you chose to flirt. "I see. So I'm supposed to add super strength to your list of impressive traits?"
Before Mingyu could respond, a loud scream of your name ripped through the atmosphere, followed by Wonwoo's familiar voice nagging, "Seriously, Soonyoung, I can't believe I let you talk me into hiking in a snow storm. Surely your sister isn't out here!"
"I know she is," your brother argued, and you tried to pinpoint where his voice was coming from. "My brother's intuition says so!"
Wonwoo asked, "By brother's intuition, do you mean that GPS thing you installed on her phone?"
As you hung your head, embarrassed by Soonyoung's antics, he justified his actions, "I couldn't let her drive up here with that Mingyu dude without some kind of plan to keep her safe!"
Mingyu sincerely said, "Wow, your brother is a smart guy," and you couldn't help but laugh.
In response to your laughter, Soonyoung appeared at the top of a large pile of snow just a few feet away. After cheering, "Y/N!" and breaking into a sprint to meet you, he tripped and rolled down the small mountain.
Perhaps sensing your concern Mingyu rushed toward him-- still carrying you on his back-- and asked, "Are you okay?"
Lifting his face out of the snow, Soonyoung looked up at Mingyu and said, "Wow, you are handsome-- no wonder Y/N likes you."
When Mingyu tried to look at you, you fixed your gaze on Soonyoung and said, "I won't kill you on the grounds that a) you're likely concussed, and b) my ankle hurts."
Wonwoo appeared at your side as you finished your statement, and he told Soonyoung, "You and Y/N are the clumsiest people I know. And I'm not carrying you back to the cabin, so you better see if SuperMan here can carry one more."
"I can walk myself back, thank you very much," Soonyoung retorted and stuck his tongue out at Wonwoo, who returned the gesture. And to you, he said, "And I don't have a concussion. I just thought Super Mingyu here should know how much you admire him. I bet you haven't even thanked him for carrying you all this way."
Wonwoo intervened, "Mind your business," and he grabbed Soonyoung by the shoulders. "And it's nice to meet you, Mingyu."
Seemingly unaffected by Soonyoung, Mingyu politely replied, "Nice to meet you too," before following Soonyoung and Wonwoo to the cabin.
Once Soonyoung and Wonwoo were a few feet ahead of you and Mingyu, you mumbled into his shoulder, "Thank you for carrying me, by the way."
Mingyu smiled as he responded, "You're welcome. Thank you for admiring me, by the way."
And you thought that you should explain that your brother only said that to embarrass you, but you realized that he probably wasn't so wrong about your feelings for Mingyu, so you simply said, "You're welcome."
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