#rewrote this a million times bc
sofwrites · 2 years
The devil’s in the details
Premise: Show-verse!Polin ... potential slow burn, brought to you by the creator of What Came Before Colin Realized
Themes: Angst, eventual happy ending, a “Mister Bridgerton” moment
Chapter 1 posted
read on ao3 | snippet included below | masterlist
It had taken Colin some time to notice that his first letter had gone unanswered. The previous few weeks had been rather hectic, filled with inscrutable maps and unwieldy seasickness in addition to the simple stressors of adjusting oneself.
He’d only actually had the realization when he was writing back to Benedict, the third member of his family whose letter had reached him. He’d sent a total of five letters from his first port, all addressed to his family but one.
Still, he didn’t think much of it; the mail system was far from perfect, and it was certainly not unknown for letters to be lost. True, he hadn’t had any issues with its dependability during his first year away, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a first for everything.
And so, he’d just shrugged and written another letter - this one longer than the first, with even more adventures to be shared. It had been a rather stirring missive if he said so himself. One that he knew she’d enjoy.
Her enjoyment, however, was left unconfirmed when that letter too did not receive a reply.
That was when Colin did feel something – a seedling. A minor, almost imperceptible agitation creeping its way toward him.
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neonsbian · 23 days
i spent this entire week telling myself i was gonna write and then i didnt so i promised myself that i wouldnt come on here until i wrote the opening chapter of my novel today and then i did but i always forget how long it takes to write it 😭
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rubyreduji · 9 months
Apple of My Eye — xmh
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summary: minghao’s arrival to auradon changes your life as you know it, and not just because he’s the son of the woman who poisoned your mother
tags: fluff, descendants au, child of snow white reader, reader is shorter than minghao wc: 2.4k an: happy birthday mika @toruro :333 i love you so much pls enjoy bc i think i rewrote this maybe 7 times no joke an 2: this fic takes place in the same universe as “good to be bad” which features gyu, wonu, and child of hades reader. you don’t really have to read it to read this one, but it would be cool if you did!
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From the moment you were born, it was made clear that you were always going to be second. Whether in your parents’ eyes or the citizens or even other kids. Nothing you could do would amount to your brother.
Joshua was athletic, charismatic, handsome, the future King of Charmington. Every kid in Auradon was drawn to him. You were just the little sister.
Joshua could never do wrong, or at least your parents thought so. You on the other hand, had everything about you nitpicked. You had to be the perfect daughter so you could one day find a suitor for you to marry. That led to long days of you in lessons about etiquette while Joshua would run around the castle with Seungcheol and Seokmin, not caring about what kind of disturbances they caused. At the time it didn’t bother you, you wanted to do anything to please your parents.
After you started school, it was hard for you to make friends, and eventually you just gave up, submitting to being the outcast of the class. It didn’t help that your brother would go around and pick on you to all of his friends just for a few laughs.
Years went by and you were still doing your best just to be a good daughter. In class you were still an outcast, with people either whispering behind your back or scoffing at you when you walked past. It wasn’t until you started to attend Auradon Prep that you realized how useless it all was. 
No matter how prim and proper and perfect you are, you’ll never be anything in anyone’s eyes as long as Joshua is alive. You think about all those years you tried to make everyone happy, to be the best you could be, only for it to amount to nothing.
Maybe that’s why you were so drawn to Minghao. His subtle kindness and gruff but charming presence. It makes you laugh to know that if you told the little girl you used to be that later in life she’s going to fall in love with the son of her parents’ sworn enemy, she’d probably cry.
Right now though, you’re completely sure you’d follow Minghao to the end of the world. 
When you were little, your parents used to sit in your living room in front of the fireplace and tell you and Joshua the great story of their love. You’ve heard it a million times, not just from your parents but also your seven uncles.
When the proclamation was made that the villain kids would be coming to Auradon, your parents were scandalized. When they found out that one of them was the child of the Evil Queen, they were outraged. They were fearful for what would happen to you and (mostly) Joshua. 
They told you to steer clear of any of the VKs as their parents will have raised them to be just like them. That they will be cruel and ill-mannered and up to no good. That nothing could come off the isle without it being tainted by the evil kept within.
When you were little, you were always told that the Evil Queen is a jealous old woman and vile of heart. Though that may be the case, you’re not sure you should view her son as the same. Not everyone is their parents. When you think about the first time you and Minghao met, you know there’s no doubt about it.
You were walking down the hallway when you caught sight of him a few feet ahead of you. You recognized him from the press release about the proclamation. Minghao, son of the Evil Queen. Your eyes were drawn to his dark blue hair and thick leather jacket. You were completely stopped in your tracks, too entranced by the deep scowl on his face. Unfortunately because you stopped walking, you were easily run over.
“Get out of the way,” the person growled as they shoved you, causing you to drop your books.
“S-sorry,” you squeaked out. You bent down to pick up your books, only to hear a new voice.
“Why don’t you watch where you’re walking?” You looked up to see Minghao looming over the person who ran into you. They cowered away. “No need to be a dick. Pick the fucking books up.”
They nodded and scrambled to grab your books, hastily passing them back to you before they ran off. You stared down at the book before redirecting your gaze to the tall boy in front of you. You bowed to him.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that, I’m uh…used to it,” you trailed off at the end, unsure of why you were explaining that to him.
He also looked slightly uncomfortable at the fact. Or maybe it was because you bowed to him. “You didn’t do anything wrong. No reason to pick on innocent people.” With that he stalked off and your sudden interest in him ignited tenfold.
Ever since that day you and Minghao kept having small run-ins. Almost like fate was pulling you two together. Before you knew it you two were spending all your time together. You were easily captured by his outlook on the world. You’ve never met someone so fair and level headed as Minghao. You’ve learned so much from him.
You finally had a friend. He helped you discover who you really are, and he did everything in his power to protect you. Slowly your friendship developed into more until you found yourself with butterflies in your stomach every time he talked to you.
You remember the day he finally made the first move. You weren’t even sure that Minghao liked you like that until you were sitting in his dorm, helping him with his math homework, when he leaned over and kissed you. You swear your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. After that things were a little clunky, but you two figured it out. 
Dating Minghao opened up a whole new realm of possibilities. You feel strong with him. You feel like you can do anything. Maybe that’s why you put so much faith in him when he comes to you with his plan.
“Snowflake,” Minghao starts, his nickname for you still flustering you slightly, “I need you to trust me, okay?”
“Hao…what’s this about?” You two are sitting in his dorm room, sitting on his bed. He asked you earlier if you would meet him, as there was something important he needed to talk to you about.
There’s a grim look on Minghao’s face as he looks at you. He struggles with his words for a moment before finding what he wants to say. “You know I care about you a lot and that I would do anything to make you happy and protected.”
Minghao stops for a moment and you nod at him. He takes another deep breath.
“You and I, we don’t belong here. Nobody here will ever respect us or any of the other VKs, and something needs to be done about it. I want to do something about it.” There’s a fire in Minghao’s words as he talks. “Everything that I’ve seen and heard and experienced since I stepped foot in Auradon is bullshit and it was fine when it was just me, but they way they treat you as well? It’s unacceptable.”
“Hao,” you interject, “just tell me what you’re talking about. I promise, I trust you more than anyone else.”
Minghao reaches forward and grabs your hands in his. He squeezes tight. “They need to be taught a lesson. Nothing will change if we don’t make the change.” You squeeze his hands back, encouraging him to continue. “I’ve been talking with some of the other VKs…we’re thinking about overthrowing the crown.” You suck in a breath. “I know it’s a lot and that it’s a risk but-”
You cut Minghao off, letting go of his hands to cup his face. You lean in and kiss him gently. When you pull away you rest your forehead against his. “I trust you Hao, and I will stand by you through anything. If this is the path you decide to take, I’m right here with you.”
“Are you sure? Your parents and-”
“No one has ever treated me the way you do. You’re the best thing to happen to me, Minghao.”
“I love you,” Minghao whispers, just loud enough to hear. Your heart does a skip.
“I love you too,” you tell him back, the first time either of you have said it. “I believe what you’re doing is what has to be done.”
You think of every wrongdoing of the citizens of Auradon, about how unfair they have been all these years. You think about the new world you can make. You know this is the right choice.
Minghao wants you to stay out of the planning process, as to not incriminate you in case anything happens. That unfortunately leaves you with quite a bit of free time on your hands. You’re walking back to your dorm from the library when you’re suddenly stopped by someone grabbing you. You yelp in surprise as you’re whipped around to come face to face with your brother. 
Joshua grips onto your arm tightly and you try to break free but he just holds on tighter. If you’re being honest you’re shocked he’s even interacting with you, as he gave up on that years ago.
“I don’t know what you’re doing, but you need to stop,” Joshua hisses. 
“Joshua, let me go!”
“I know you’re up to something with the son of the Evil Queen. Do you know what Mom and Dad would think if they found out? If you keep it up you’re going to get in trouble, either with him, or them.”
“You’re hurting me!”
“Well maybe you should listen.”
“She said let go.” Joshua’s grip loosens slightly at the intrusion and you’re able to break free. 
You and your brother both look to the side to see Minghao standing there. Though Joshua and Minghao are the same height, it seems like Minghao looms over him. There’s a dark look on his face as he glares daggers into your brother. Relief washes over you at the sight of your boyfriend coming to your rescue.
“You,” Joshua hisses. “Stay away from my little sister.”
“No, I think you should stay away.” Minghao steps forward, subtly putting his body between yours and Joshua’s. 
“I don’t know who you think you are, but I know that you’re no good. If you hurt her I swear I’ll-”
“It seems like you’re the only one here who’s hurt her.” Minghao gestures to where you’re rubbing your arm from where Joshua gripped you too tight. “You’re selfish and pathetic. You don’t really care about her and you never have, don’t try to act all high and mighty now.”
“Just wait, you’re going to get it,” Joshua growls before stalking off.
Minghao doesn’t bother responding, instead he turns towards you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, but I need you to do something for me.”
“Hurry up with the plans, okay?” You stare up and Minghao and he just nods, ready to set the world on fire for you if he has to.
“Are you scared?” You ask Minghao as you two lay in your bed one night. Your roommate is visiting her parents and you take the opportunity to spend the night with your boyfriend without having to worry about Jun on the other side of the room.
“Petrified,” Minghao whispers. “But you can’t tell anyone.”
“I promise,” you giggle, pressing a soft peck to his cheek.
“I’m scared, but then I think about you and why I’m doing this to begin with, and I know everything will work out.”
“Everyone says you’re so scary,” you tell him, “but I think you’re just a giant sap.”
“Only for you, Snowflake.”
“I really hope this works,” you whisper, changing the tone of the conversation.
“It will. I’ll make sure of it, even if it’s the last thing I do.”
“It won’t be. We’re going to change the world and then you and I will be able to live in peace.”
“We’ll have our happily ever after?” There's a teasing grin on Minghao’s face and you roll your eyes playfully.
“Yes. We will.” Minghao just giggles and leans in to kiss you. You kiss him back, putting all of your unsaid words behind it. 
Minghao has changed your life, and you could never repay him for what he’s done for you, what he’s going to do for you. You know you don’t have to pay him back though, because loving him is enough. You don’t want to think about what your life would have become if Minghao didn’t come to Auradon. When you were little your parents told you about fate and how the right people will always come into your life. Laying here with Minghao, you think they may have gotten at least one thing right.
“Are you ready?” Minghao asks as he reaches down to hold your hand tight. You nod and squeeze his hand back.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
The two of you stand outside of the Museum of Cultural History, about to enact your plan to change the rest of your lives.
“You’ll be able to go back after this,” Minghao tells you. You look up at him and smile.
Around you stands the other VKs, and for some reason the son of Hercules, Mingyu (you’ll have plenty of time to question that later). The sight warms your heart. You don’t think you’ve ever felt more safe with a group of people before. A few months ago you never had friends, and now here you are, ready to change the world with a group of villain kids. Your parents would have a heart attack if they could see you now.
“Whatever happens,” Minghao tells you, “I love you.”
You pull him down for a final kiss before you enter the museum. “I love you too.”
You take a moment to just stare at him. His soft blue hair falling over his eyes as he’s wrapped up in his jacket. He looks just like he did the first day you met him, yet everything has changed so much. You smile when you think about how you wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
No one has ever loved you as much as Minghao has. Not your parents or your brother or anyone else. Minghao is willing to risk everything, just make you happy. You will always be his number one priority. The thought makes your heart swell, and you know there will never be someone who means as much to as you as Minghao does.
“Okay,” you tell him, “let’s do this.”
Minghao nods and signals to the others and just like that you’re all in action. Your heart beats hard in your chest as you follow behind Minghao, ready for him to lead you to whatever good thing is next to come.
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taglist: @ckline35 @jeanjacketjesus @namjoonbaby @n4mj00nvq @lovelyhan @ovai @scorpiobitch88 @im-gemmy @lllucere @tulipgarland4 @embrace-themagic @sulkygyu @leejihoonownsmyheart @synthetickitsune @yeosayang @miraclewoozi @d0nghyck @soonhoonietrash @violetvoo @yongi-lee @spilled-coffee-cup @morklee02 @17kwans @candidupped @ressonancee @m1nghaos @1-800-jeonwonwoo @anothershorthuman @chwecardcaptor @dinoissupreme @speaknowlwt @hyneyedfiz @aaniag @shamayyyy @moonwalker-witchgrrrl @nidda13 @walkingtravesty97 @jwnghyuns @flwrshwa @valentxi @heavenly-mobo @pandorashbox @enhacolor @starlight-night0 @todorokiskitten @miriamxsworld @just-here-to-read-01 @seuomo @tinkerbell460
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goldendoodledenny · 6 months
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Requested by anon, hope y'all like it!
(bruh I had to rewrite this 3 times bc it didn't save right T-T and I rewrote it AGAIN because I didn't like that I made y/n a gobball player at first)
Adamai x fem reader-Dense muscles (sfw)
Reader is female/uses feminine pronouns and is referred to as y/n
She is weak-looking, but is actually incredibly strong
Adamai works at Alibert's inn in this bc I'm not able to watch season 4. T-T
Adamai went about his business, taking orders at the inn, like usual, then he saw a woman at one of the booths. She looked very polite and lady-like, and he didn't know her... He was intrigued by this and went over to her.
"uh... Hello there, can I get you anything? Also, I don't think I've ever seen you around here before..." He asked her.
"oh, I'm y/n, I've been traveling around and decided to pop by, who are YOU, Mr. Dragon?" She responded kindly.
"im Adamai, it's nice to meet you, y/n," he responds, holding his hand out for a handshake.
Y/n shakes his hand and warmly states, "it's nice to meet you too, Adamai," and as they shake hands, Adamai notices that her grip is unusually strong for a woman of her stature.
After they shake hands, he asks, "now, y/n, do you want to order anything?"
"oh? Yah, I do!" Y/n answered, and then she started her order.
By the end of it, Adamai is extremely confused. Was she ordering enough gobball stew for a gobball TEAM? She had ordered 20 bowls of stew. 20! Sure enough, he looked around, and she was alone, no one else at the table except him.
"uh... Is that all?" He asked, clearly confused (and maybe a bit concerned too).
She responded with a nod, as if it was normal, and smiled.
He murmured a got it and walked off to tell his brother and Alibert her order.
"what!? All that!? And for HOW many people!? Just one!?" Alibert yelled, not believing it, and also startling Chibi, who had been eating some raw steak.
"yah... It's strange..." Yugo stated, questioning if it was true.
"yah... Y/n must have a BIG appetite..." Adamai responded.
"y/n? That sounds familiar... Oh! I've got it!" Yugo said, having figured it out.
Yugo turned on the radio and changed the channel until he reached the one desired, the radio saying, "Aaaaand once again, y/n has beaten yet ANOTHER dojo! Will she beat every one of 'em while she continues to travel the World of Twelve? Will she keep kicking Iops butts and win thousands of Kamas? Will she beat all of them, winning the ultimate prize of five million Kamas? Who knows? Anyways, next up-"
Yugo turned the radio off, looking at his dragon brother. "Is THAT the y/n you're talking about? The one traveling, beating dojo by dojo for a thousand Kamas each?"
"no, no that's silly, that CAN'T be her!" Adamai responded incredulously.
Alibert looked out the window. "I beg to differ, Ad, that's her alright," Alibert confirmed.
"but she looks so weak..." Adamai muttered, but soon remembered how strong her grasp was, despite her weak-looking body.
"well... Whatever, take her order to her, Ad," Alibert ordered after he finished making the food.
"ok, Alibert," Adamai responded, taking the food to y/n.
"here you go, enjoy, y/n," Adamai stated, lost in thought, as he gave her the food.
"thank you Adamai!" She squeeled, happy she is finally getting her food.
As she started wolfing her food down like a boowolf, Adamai walked away, taking other customers orders.
Not even 30 minutes later, y/n calls for Adamai so that she can pay the bill. He walks over, expecting her to have only partially eaten it. Much to his surprise, all there is, is empty bowls. "W-woah... You ate... ALL of that?" He questioned.
"o-oh... Ya... I forgot that my eating habits are considered abnormal..." She responded, embarrassed.
"n-no, it's fine, I've just only seen a FEW people who eat that much in so little time! It impressive!" He told her, trying to comfort her.
"oh... Thank you, Adamai," she said with a smile.
She payed her tab, and as her and Adamai parted ways, he asked, "oh, uh, y/n, wait, o heard that you travel around, defeating dojos, and I wanted to test how strong you were, you know, later..."
"oh? You wanna fight me later? Is that what you said?" She questioned.
"yes, if that's ok with you?" He responded.
"yes, it's more than ok! I've wanted to fight a dragon for a while, so I'd love that!" She exclaimed.
They both talked and agreed on a time and place for the brawl to begin, and then finally parted, both excited for the fight.
Adamai was the first to show up. The meeting time was the next day, at noon, in the Sadida forest. Soon, y/n showed up, waving to Adamai, "I'm here, Ad!"
He waved back at her, and after the greetings they take stances and started.
Kick! Pow! Bam!
Y/n inflicted a few blows on Adamai, throwing him off balance. All the hits were strong, and her small body was perfect for dodging. "Goddess..." He murmured, eyes wide in realization of how darn strong she was.
"How's that, Dragon boy?" She teased.
"dragon boy? Don't you have any better insults?" Adamai mocked back, regaining his balance.
Wam! Boom! Pwah!
He landed some hits back, missing a couple due to her great dodging capabilities. "Is that all you got, dragon?" Y/n teased.
"nope! I'm just getting started!" Adamai announced.
The fight went on, both seemingly tied. After a while, y/n collapsed to the ground, exhausted. "Y-you win... Adamai..." She admitted.
"thanks y/n, now let get to a doctor," Adamai stated with a lot of pride in his voice, picking up y/n.
She looked up at him, blushing slightly, remembering she had an attraction to him before, and now figured out what it was... Love. It grew during the battle, even though she was defeated.
Adamai looked at her, their eyes locked for just a second, before she had turned her head away. This split-second interaction let him to believe he felt it too... Love. He realized that even though they have not known each other for very long... He loved her.
He looked back at the road ahead of them, still walking, both of them hoping that the other felt the same...
The end💙
(this took SO LONG to write, but it's FINALLY DONE. Hope u enjoyed! Also, I changed y/n from a gobball player to a martial artist because I wanted her and Ad to FIGHT)
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sevarix-blogs · 6 months
i found my old original story that i rewrote a million times between 2013 and 2018. i never finished it. my most successful attempt was like maybe halfway through. but anyway. man. i was SO secretive about it. i literally made it a hidden folder on my old computer LOL. bc i was so embarrassed about it. like past me would die of embarrassment if they knew i wrote fanfiction now and posted it online for everyone to read. but also like. man. i think my writing back then was actually quite good. better than it is now. i think i've regressed over the years. maybe bc of the fatigue stuff. idk. but one day maybe i'll actually write it again for real. i still remember all the characters and the basic plot i had in mind. i've made a lot of mental changes in my head that never got written down lol...
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eerna · 2 years
Hearing about season 2 and how bad it was actually made me almost forget most of my anger and issues with season one lol, but then again i know alot of people are acting like this was just season 2 and it’s like no season 1 had the same problems as season 2, and a lot of the issues with season 2 were also bc of the way the crows were set up in s1. People have been saying this after s1 but the first season already destroyed the soc characters, especially Kaz inej and jesper and there would never be a way to faithfully adapt soc after the way season 1 rewrote their characters and backstories. The crows have been butchered since s1, season 2 just made it a million times worse that we all kind of forgot about how bad s1 crows were too.
Signed stamped approved but I do have to confess s2 made me appreciate s1 more in terms of production quality. S2 was bad all around while s1 was at least good when it came to direction or visual language,,,,,,,,
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hey!! for the emoji asks
aand 🎢🎢
i haven't been here this week cause the load of assignments is killing me😫
(always thinking about jisung tho😭😭and soob:(()
🎢: okay, so for my wildest ride...uh that might have to be learning to care (pt.2 to night at the bar ft. felix) um, just bc of how many times i wrote and rewrote it. 
from the beginning i knew that i wanted it to be very plot-heavy so i knew i couldn’t just rush into smut😭, i had so many concept ideas that i wrote small snippets for; i started out with the idea of the reader tutoring him, later on it changed to they ended up being coworkers in a coffee shop on campus, there was an enemies to lovers type thing, etc. 
in a few of them i wrote in that chan and the reader were much closer friends than they are in the final product and it kinda delved into their friendship more, in one of them-for a more of a series idea, the reader ended up dating someone else for awhile while still obsessing over felix but then i decided to only do two parts so i took that out and shortened it
but actual reading-wise, it would probably have to be pretty~ (ft. lee know and felix) i think or in the beginning, which i thought was a lot but is actually really tame now bc a wrote it a long time ago and i’ve grown since then😭, the one good thing about being ghosted (ft. jisung)
anyway-for 🤲, a snippet for one of my wips...
it’s under the cut bc it’s kinda long😭 (ft. jisung)
Just fifteen minutes ago Han had gotten home.
Just fifteen minutes ago he'd kicked off his shoes in the very middle of the entree hall-leaving you to yell at him to place them nicely, which he whined about before coming over to where you sat on the couch in the living room.
He’d greeted you with a "Hi Noona!", voice chipper and cheerful as ever with a kiss to the top of your head before waving off your pleas to hang out with you to go take a shower.
Just ten minutes ago you'd been content watching your show, listening as the water ran. Smiling as you listened to the quiet singing of your boyfriend from the next room over.
Just five minutes ago you'd gotten bored with your show, moving to the bedroom connected to the bathroom. Pulling out your phone to occupy you while you waited for him to get out of the shower.
Just two minutes ago as he opened the door, steam filling the room. Without looking up you reminded him turn on the fan, like you'd done a million times before.
Just one minute ago he'd asked-whined-for you to put down your phone and pay attention to him.
And now, he continued to whine.
"Why don't you pay attention to me! I'm so much entertaining then whatever you're doing on there." You could hear that pout in his voice, not looking up as you tried to hide the laugh fighting to bubble up.
"I'm good," You laughed, rolling over as he flopped onto the bed next to you, fighting to grasp the phone out of your hand.
You wrestled with him as he tried to reach where you held it high over your head, struggling to do so without dropping the towel wrapped haphazardly around his narrow hips.
Finally he gave up after failing to do so. Crossing his arms across his chest, pouting like a child. "Noona!"
He glowered before lighting up, a change of tactics coming to mind as he leaned over.
His plush lips cautiously ghosting over your skin, watching you imperceptibly shivered. And slowly he buried his face into your neck, nearly purring as you lifted you chin to grant him more access, moaning quietly as he began to leave soft open mouthed kisses down your neck.
You shivered, more noticeable to him this time. Responding to his whine, tilting your head back just a little bit more as he lightly mouthed at your collarbone. Swirling his tongue over your soft skin, going farther down.
Nearly distracting you as he grasped at your phone.
You gasped and rolled back, laughing at the look on his face, trying not to focus in on the way his lips had turned red and slightly swollen from being put to use.
"Why won't you pay attention to me?" He whined, flopping onto his back all spread out. He looked up at the ceiling, completely missing the way your eyes hungrily scanned the expanse of his chest and abdomen. “I’m so much more entertaining than whatever you could be doing on your stupid phone!”
With a smirk, you looked back down at the screen.
“I don't know if you're more entertaining than this new porn creator I found the other day. He's much less bratty and moans almost as good as you." It was a bluff as much as it was a tease, glancing up at him quickly to see his bottom lip pushed out and eyes big.
That’s all you get for now! Thank you for curing my boredom and sending in an ask, hope you do well on your assignments!
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orcelito · 1 year
21 and 32
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
That is a solid Maybe. For brainstorming, yeah definitely. I pretty much already have. For actual writing tho where we're both contributing to a work... idk? I don't work very well with restrictions so having to stick to someone else's schedule would be a bit stifling for me I think (this is one reason why I've never applied to zines and don't really plan to). I also feel like it's harder to mesh different writing styles coherently into a single piece of writing. So like. Idk. Collaboration sounds like a lot of work. I'm probably just going to stick to yelling with my writer friends about our respective story ideas and keep it at that.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
OK now this question was a lot harder than it should've been, mostly bc I... don't actually pay that much attention to the writers, usually. I have fics I like but liking writers as a Whole? Not as easy to answer that.
I've narrowed it down though, kind of. So I think my answers would be (in ao3 handles): colbub (bc Marigolds changed my life and I still hold it as a huge inspiration in my work), WateredMyCrops (mostly bc I'm in love with their Vash characterization, not necessarily that I've read all That much of their work), and skittidyne (their current trigun fic "kinder, gentler" included in this but REALLY it's for my favorite haikyuu fic Ever & also one of my all time fav fics, "Bell Book & Candle". Now THAT fic rewrote my brain chemistry for REAL. It's been like 8 and a half years since i first read it and I still think about it very fondly)
I think what this has told me is that Marigolds and BBAC are probably my 2 favorite fanfics of all time. Of course they're the massively giant fics with a million different things going on lmaooo
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monkeyandelf · 1 year
When did the moon appear in the sky? Ancient sources claim that the Earth's satellite is about 10 thousand years old
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Some researchers believe that the Moon appeared near the Earth relatively recently. In their writings, Aristotle, Plutarch, Democritus, Anaxagoras and Apollonius of Rhodes argued that in the early era of mankind there was no moon in the sky. At the same time, stars, constellations, various luminaries are mentioned, but Luna, our satellite did not exist.  Even the approximate age of that time is indicated - the birth and flourishing of the Pelasgians. That is, we are talking about 7-3 millennium BC. But how can this be? Modern scientists claim that the Moon is billions of years old and has always been in its orbit. That is, hundreds of millions of years before the appearance of people, the Earth's satellite settled in the neighborhood, and it is simply impossible that it could not be seen in the sky for tens, hundreds or thousands of years. However, references to time without the moon are not limited to the evidence of ancient philosophers. So, the indigenous inhabitants of the highlands of Bogota in Colombia claim in their oral traditions that there was a world before the appearance of the moon. Then everything was huge - trees, birds, animals, people - everything was large. When the earth satellite appeared, it became difficult for the giants to breathe and move, and this happened about 9-10 thousand years ago. Information has also been preserved that the Moon did not form gradually, but appeared overnight as we are accustomed to seeing.
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When did the moon appear near the Earth? In Tiwanaku, stone bas-reliefs have been preserved, which include astronomical information. Researchers who studied these symbols and images came to the conclusion that it describes the history of the origin of the moon.  Before its appearance, a year on Earth lasted only 290 days, and the composition of the atmosphere was different, due to which representatives of flora and fauna reached enormous sizes. With the advent of the earth's satellite, the second water-steam envelope evaporated, and powerful changes took place on the earth. When exactly this happened is not said. In Egyptian culture, there are also references to time without the moon. However, there they are included in the category of myths and fairy tales, unlike the Indian and, by the way, Indian cultures. In India, in general, there is a direct indication that the Moon is an artificial object that was molded by the gods and sent to the Earth. The reason is good - it helped to close the portals of demons, and they stopped terrorizing humanity. The Chinese monk Yu Bao Zi, who lived in the 4th millennium BC, rewrote various stories from more ancient sources so that descendants could read them thousands of years later. In two documents written by him, there is an indication of the time without the moon.  On one occasion, he writes that the earth was more fertile and yielded huge crops until the moon appeared in the sky. And in the second, Yu described something like a calendar and claimed that it stopped working due to changes in the sky. In particular, there is a direct indication of changes in the night sky and it can be argued that we are talking about the moon.
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Perhaps the biblical flood is the result of the appearance of the Moon near the Earth?  But modern scientists believe that this simply could not happen. There are no geological finds proving a dramatic change in flora and fauna in the last 10,000 years.  In addition, the researchers are sure that if this happened, then there would be monstrous changes on the whole planet. But there was such an event. The biblical flood could very well have been triggered by the location of the Moon near the Earth. Read the full article
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
My attempt at the "wish you would write" ahem, When a woman travels to a foreign land for their or their husbands health, she finds herself abandoned and at the obsessive affections of yandere Chobei or Barbarian Bakugou who's determined to pamper you and avenger your honor whether you want to or not. (Idk if that was too much or not enough detail >w<
THIS IS GOOD!!!!!! I HAD SO MANY DIFFERENT THOUGHTS ON HOW TO APPROACH THIS. i want to be special to him so bad. thank you for playing <333
tw: yandere behavior, light smut, mentions of murder, mentions of blood, obsession, dubcon (power dynamics)
there is a certain power in being desired so deeply that you consume someone. you cannot shake the feeling, not since you found yourself privy to chobei's affections, those which he shares with very few people.
it is undeniable, to be desired so deeply that it rewires the way someone thinks, to be such a carnal want that you feel it when they touch you.
chobei's hands have that quality. they are greedy and adoring, pulling at the soft flesh of your thighs when he parts them to make room for his head. he consumes you like you are a necessity, in both body and mind. his obsession—his affection—for you seems to know no bounds.
it makes the betrayal worth it, the sting of being abandoned and discarded after giving more than you needed to. chobei, in all his obsessiveness, puts a patch over it. he is utterly divine in that manner and to him you are divine in all manners.
when chobei fucks you, when he spreads you out on his futon and settles himself between your legs, he whispers words of justice. he swears that he'll find the man who slighted such a woman. he presses the weight of him into you, forcing you to feel the stretch before he tells you how he will protect your honor. how he will put down your husband like a dog.
you feel the sincerity of his words in the swell of him, the way he throbs and then twitches inside of you. chobei fucks like he's in control, like he's never been more certain about anything else. he fucks with intent, to keep, to plant, to take, and to feel. it is all consuming, like he is.
you find yourself wanting it. you find yourself craving the way it will feel to watch your weak, pathetic, mousy husband fall to his knees at the feet of a monster. a monster who shares a specific type of affection with you and only you. you crave the way it will feel to kiss him after, to taste the blood of your husband on his mouth.
chobei is like poison. you are at his mercy entirely but you feel the way he infects. you feel his affection bleed from him to you. that admiration which he holds only for you. his obsessive need to please you, to be near you, to care for you as if you were his own. it is consuming and it spreads like poison in the blood.
but you are content to be consumed. you are content to give it over and let him care for you in that obsessive and adoring manner. you are perfectly content if only because you are the only one. you are special to someone who makes almost no one special to them. doesn't it feel good?
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shatteredhourglass · 4 years
i rly do think anti has lost all meaning like it was supposed to be for people who were anti shipping i.e against “problematic” ships which is a whole dif topic. but now ppl use it to describe anyone they disagree w so when say someone is bringing up the issue of racism in fandom, or the way a certain trope is transphobic or the fetishization of gay people in ships, they get labelled an anti and then harassed by so called “anti antis” to the point whete they feel they have to leave the fandom
(Oh jeez, why am I getting into discourse, I’m awful at speaking my mind.) 
I’m of the opinion that Don’t Like; Don’t Read isn’t used often enough and that we have to curate our own online experiences, but that doesn’t count for extreme issues and the fact I have to clarify what I mean is exactly the problem with the word anti.
This is what I mean. 
If I say I’m anti-anti - which I don’t, because this shit confuses the hell outta me - what I mean is that I don’t have any respect for people who spend their time online bashing a fictional character. (I’ve unfollowed a lot of folks over this.) But the same term is used for someone who’s pro-pedophilia. You see my problem here? 
We do need to talk about racism and such issues in fandom because we need to make sure people are comfortable, and fandom is supposed to be a space for comfort. 
At the same time though, we’re using the same word for racists that we’re using for people who just don’t like Stony, and that’s part of the problem, ain’t it? 
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sweet-dreamins · 4 years
careless (f+a)
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○ pairing: pro hero! katsuki bakugou x gn! reader, pro hero! reader, established relationship
○ word count: 3.5k
○ summary: after a successful battle you’re confused when katsuki isn’t happy for you, in fact he’s furious. shouldn’t he be proud of you?
○ content: a bit angsty, a bit fluffy, hurt/comfort, mention of cuts and blood
○ a/n: i rewrote this like 4 times lol but here it is!! (i may come back nd edit bc passive voice) feedback is appreciated, enjoy!
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You and Bakugou were partners, but you weren’t partners. Sure, you were lovers in the nighttime, but on the field? Yeah, no thanks. The two of you had only partnered up a few times, and that was more than enough for you. Before even entering the field, you were hesitant that he’d let himself get distracted by you and you were right, just not for the reasons you think.
The dynamic shifted juuuust a little too much for your liking. One of the most...memorable times was when you were up against one of the more powerful villains. Anytime the villain would make a move towards you before you could even retaliate, Bakugou would slip in front of you- even going as far as to shove you back. To others watching, it seemed as if he was falling back into his attention-seeking habits or that it was so romantic that he put your safety over his, but you knew better (or at least you thought you did).
After that fight, you two had quite the shouting match in the ER afterward. Until he dragged the two of you home, insisting he was more than capable of taking care of the both of you. That, and his publicist was this close to having another conniption after hearing about your rather loud discussion….that the whole hospital heard.
You knew Katsuki only acted that way out of love and concern for you. You know that he sees you as strong. So, why did it still feel so demeaning? Why did it feel like he didn’t, maybe still doesn’t, see you as strong enough?
Even though after your discussion, you had decided to not do hero work together, the little voice in the back of your head wasn’t erased. Creeping in concluding that you were nothing but a pity fuck. The skewed, brutal honesty of the public never failed to make the little voice louder.
You did your best to not let it get to you, you really did. You ignored the tabloids and told your friends you didn’t want them telling you about the articles they had read. But this past week was just atrocious. Katsuki and you had gone on a coffee date, knowing that he was going to be swamped this week, trying to make up for crammed schedules. The paparazzi managed to find you-instantly getting into your personal space, effectively cutting your date short.
By the time you had got back to your apartment, the pictures were already released and practically everywhere. Katsuki tried distracting you by making you dinner and it was wonderful. But you stayed up that night reading every single headline, article, and comment about the two of you. Drowning yourself in the criticism as the voice began to get louder and louder.
Of course, you would never say it out loud, but since then you had been itching for a fight with a real villain. Somebody who can do some proper damage, somebody strong. Any kind of opportunity where you could prove your strength, show everyone that they’re wrong about you. That you’re good enough for Katsuki, that you’re strong enough to be a hero- that you are enough. And finally, finally, finally, the chance came.
You did wonderfully. The fight had dragged on for a while, long enough for reporters to arrive and commentate on the rest of it. Everyone could see how well that you handled everything, all the footage establishing your reputation.
Once the adrenaline from the fight had subsided, the ache in your body started seeping into your bones. Cuts that had been littered across your skin felt as though they had started glowing red, the cool night air kissing them. You still managed to put on a brave face for the crowd afterward, relief and joy filling your heart as the cheers far outweighed the jeers.
You let their praises wash over you, relishing the fact the little voice in your head had been silenced. Their words seeping into through your wounds, momentarily numbing the burning pain. Your heart was no longer squeezed by apprehension, finally at ease knowing that they believed in you, in your worth. As you gave your last interview and waved to the crowd, you made your way over to the ambulance.
His foot was practically tapping the ground at the speed of light, you were surprised he hadn’t made an indent in the concrete already. Katsuki stood there, arms crossed with a scowl on his face, furrowed brow, and glaring eyes. You didn’t know whether it was the exhaustion or if the night was that cold, but you could’ve sworn there was steam coming off of him.
He had arrived pretty late to the scene, coming from the other side of the city, but the footage of you was everywhere. Katsuki had seen the majority of the fight and despite not saying anything, it was obvious that he did not like what he saw. The lights from the ambulance bathed the two of you in red light. Strong arms envelop you in a firm but gentle hug. You close your eyes and breathe him in. You stand there in silence for a little while, simply basking in each other’s presence.
He leans down to mumble in a gruff voice, lips brushing against your ear,
“I already talked to the EMTs, we’re going home now.”
Although Katsuki had EMT training from when he was younger, only on rare occasions did he fully take patching you up into his own hands. Yes, he was always breathing down the neck of the poor medic who had the misfortune of having you as a patient, but typically he had enough self-control to let them do their job.
You were grateful to have privacy, but his reaction was off-putting to say the very least. He should be proud of you, right? That you handled everything so well, he should be congratulating you, right? So...why does he look like he’s two seconds away from grinding his teeth to dust?
The car ride to your apartment is as silent as the grave, thick tension weighing down the surrounding air, making your tongue heavy in your mouth. Katsuki’s knuckles turning white as he grips the steering wheel, not once sparing you a glance. Nearly all the lingering adrenaline from the fight and buzz from the crowd has faded, irritation and pain taking place.
Why the hell is he mad at me right now? He has no right or reason to be mad at me. Everything turned out fine!
As the city lights flutter past the window, you sit in the passenger stewing in confusion and anger. Wracking your brain trying to come up with a logical reason as to why he’s mad at you. Once you arrive at your apartment, you wait to hear the telltale slam of the front door, preparing to cringe- but it never comes.
Instead, Katsuki gently shuts the door behind him.
Oh. So he’s in that kind of mood.
Over time, you came to learn that there were levels to Katsuki’s anger. Everyone else in his life had been on the receiving end of his knee jerk reaction at some point. Yelling and slamming down everything he could get his hands on. But tonight, the type of anger in front of you. Only a few people had been privy to. The kind he has the force of an inferno behind it but is trying to channel it into a few million candles. The kind he wants to be careful with his words, spending every passing second trying to remove the barbs from his tongue, so as not to get it wrong.
Before you could get pulled back into your head, a large warm hand pressing at the small of your back kept you tethered to reality. Katsuki gently guided you to the bathroom, wordlessly turning on the shower, a silent signal for you to get undressed. The tension from the car had followed you into the apartment, a dark cloud, about to storm at any moment.
You slip into the shower, drinking in the way the water washes away the dirt and grime of the day. The peace is short-lived, the warm water trickling into your open wounds, your entire body stinging slightly. Peeking past the curtain, you see Katsuki rummaging through the closet for supplies. After he sets everything on the counter, he steps out to grab clothes.
Snatching the soap bar, you scrub your body down as quickly as possible, whimpers of pain involuntarily falling from your mouth. You had waited until Katsuki left, not wanting him to hear you crying out. Frantically blinking away your blurry vision, you finish washing up and wrap yourself in a fluffy towel, taking deep breaths. How are you going to keep it together?
In your shared bedroom, Katsuki was grabbing you a change of clothes while grumbling to himself. After throwing on a tank top and sweatpants, he paces back and forth with a scowl, running a hand through his hair. Trying to untangle the scribbles piling up in his brain, he takes a deep breath and looks into the mirror. He knows he needs to tread carefully, to get his words across in the best way possible. What you need right now isn’t yelling or anger, it’s honesty and support. He doesn’t want his anger to get in the way of what truly matters, repeating it over and over in his head,
I love you, and I care about you. I love you, and I care about you.
He makes his way back to the bathroom, clothes in hand, to see you standing there wrapped up tight in a fluffy towel. The precious sight in front of him squeezes his heart, making it a little hard to breathe. Here, in the safety of your apartment, you let yourself be a little more vulnerable and he loves it, wants more of it. But once you notice him walk in, you stand up a little straighter, wiping away the teary expression on your face. He grits his teeth at this but says nothing, reminding himself to keep it together.
You finish drying off and put on the clothes he brought you, one of his shirts and a pair of sleep shorts. Even though he’s standing right in front of you, being enveloped by his scent is still comforting. He leans against the counter, waiting for you to jump onto the space next to him, reminding himself one more time,
I love you, and I care about you.
He finally opens his mouth to say,
“That was really stupid of you.”
No response.
“You could’ve gotten seriously hurt, you realize that, right?”
“You could’ve bled out and died.”
You spit back, “But I didn’t right? I’m still here, aren’t I? So it doesn’t matter.”
Katsuki grits his teeth, huffing through his nose, growling out,
“It doesn’t matter?”
“No, no it doesn’t because I’m fine. Everything else turned out fine, so who cares?”
You were certain you were right, no doubt about it! He was overreacting about this and it was honestly the last thing you needed tonight, so you had less patience than usual.
He snaps his jaw shut, opting for the silent treatment again with a scowl on his face. Katsuki douses a cotton pad in alcohol and swipes it across one of your cuts.
You yelp in pain and surprise, sucking breath in through your teeth, snatching his wrist. You shoot him a glare, at first he’s ready to glare right back, but once he meets your gaze he softens. That’s what you do to him. You’ve given him a safe space to be soft, to be loving- to be vulnerable. This is why this cuts him up inside so much more, he knows that you’re in pain, that you’ve been in pain for the past week. But every time he would ask, you brushed it off, adamant on shouldering it by yourself. He was even angrier at himself for not pushing harder, if he had you might not have pushed yourself tonight.
You were his safe space and your reluctance to be vulnerable with him, had him doubting himself. Was he not enough for you? Did you not think he could be your safe space? He had beat himself up over this, which added another layer of frustration that had to take the backseat tonight.
He continues working diligently in silence, repeating the process with the same care for every single cut. Rubbing alcohol, bacitracin, a bandaid, and then smoothing over it with his rough fingertips. Repeatedly, gently tracing plain patterns over the material, soothing the both of you. If the circumstances were different, he would’ve littered butterfly kisses over every single one. The amount of self-control that he was showing was unfathomable.
Katsuki was inches away from exploding, pulling his brain in endless directions between figuring out how to get through to you, wanting to just tactlessly spill his guts, and longing to smother you in frantic love. You were nearing eruption as well, desperately wanting him to say something, anything at all, but you also didn’t want to hear a single word of his lecturing. You also wanted nothing more but to hug him, to cling to him because fuck, tonight was terrifying but you couldn’t let him know that-you had to stick to your guns.
Both of you were stubborn as all get out, a trait that you both loved and hated in one another. Neither of you wants to be the first to give in, and yet desperately pray the other will. Here together, in your bathroom, and yet worlds apart, lost in your thoughts. You were unceremoniously dragged back to the moment in front of you by fear.
Whether Katsuki did it on purpose, he had left the worst cut for last. It was the biggest one, crimson and angry, your anxiety building as he prepared to clean it. You had handled the stinging of the rest of the cuts fairly well, this one was going to be your breaking point.
His warm, rough hands wrap around your thigh, lightly squeezing it to steady you.
“Wait! Please.”
Your hand shot out to wrap around his wrist, your brain still catching up to your outburst. He immediately stopped in his tracks, looking up at you and feeling his heart shatter when he saw your eyes. Pleading, looking for mercy in him, and full of fear. As soft as he could muster,
“Hey, hey it’s not going to be that bad, promise.” He carefully watches as you nervously chew on your bottom lip. He raises his large hand to gently cup your face, you instinctively lean into the warmth of his palm. A new, unfamiliar voice pipes up in the back of your head as you get lost in his carmine eyes.
Let go.You’re safe here.
You let go of his wrist to place your hand on top of his bigger one, absentmindedly stroking.
“Just take a deep breath, okay? It’ll be over before you know it.”
Drawing in a shaky breath, you nod and try to relax as he moves his hand back to your thigh. He gingerly wipes the cut, the alcohol instantly seeping in and burning. You cry out in pain, begging him to stop, but he doesn’t listen. He tries to be quick but still efficient, wanting to lessen your pain. He places a large bandaid on it, smoothing it down, and finally, finally, gives in and presses the lightest butterfly kiss on top. 
Your bottom lip is poking out, quivering as you do your best to swallow the sob clawing its way up your throat. Angrily rubbing away the tears that escape, you let out a trembling sigh, still trying to get a hold of yourself. Balling your hands into fists on your thighs, you sniffle and bite your lip so it’ll stop its ridiculous shaking. You instinctively berate yourself for how you’re reacting.
You should be stronger than this. What is wrong with you? 
The new, sweeter, softer voice comes back to say,
But it’s okay. Because it’s him.
Because it’s him. Because he’s the one who is fixing you, who is choosing to fix you. To be here with you, to choose you, and to love you. And maybe it is okay that you’re ‘weak’  in front of him. It’s safe here. Maybe you were wrong an-
“Do you understand why I’m mad at you?” His voice rumbles out, interrupting your thoughts.
“I-I don’t- honestly, no not really, I did nothing wrong tonight” You try not to roll your eyes at how watery and shaky your voice sounds. Katsuki sets his jaw and slowly breathes in and out of his nose, almost like a bull getting ready to charge.
“How am I going to get this through your head?” He mutters to himself, you roll your eyes in return and give him a pointed look. You know that you shouldn’t be getting riled up, but the exhaustion is sapping away your patience. Logically you know that you should just stop with the retorts, listen to him, and yet,
“Well? Are you going to tell me why you’re mad at me or am I just supposed to be a mind-reader?” 
That was the last straw.
“I don’t know how or why you can’t see this,” he starts slowly, mulling over his thoughts, “but the way you handled tonight was...it was...you shouldn’t have pushed yourself that hard.”
“But every-”
“I don’t care that everything else turned out fine!” He raises his voice momentarily, forcing himself to come back down, “I’m not mad that you took care of everything else, I’m mad that you didn’t take care of yourself.” Ruby eyes search your face for any sign of understanding.
“It doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks,” he notices how your eyes widen, realizing that he knew your feelings all along. You were mistaken for thinking you ever needed to handle it by yourself. 
“You are already strong and you don’t have to prove that to anyone. You don’t owe anyone shit, you don’t need to push yourself to the point of breaking just to show that you can make it there.” He slips his warm, coarse hands into your softer ones, gripping tightly. He leans forward to put his forehead against yours,
“I need you. I need you in my life, and I need you to take care of yourself.” Desperation seeps into his voice, begging you to give yourself the love you deserve. Quietly, he adds,
“For my sake, at least, don’t be careless, dumbass.” He pulls back slightly to look at you, eyes glassy and full of pain. He doesn’t say anything else, letting his words float around in your head. You laughably admit to yourself,
He’s right. I am a dumbass.
Your face is wet with tears, salty drops still haven’t stopped cascading down your skin. You were being foolish, but you didn’t want to admit it, letting your pride suffocate you. You’re sniffling nonstop but still trying to keep your cries as tucked away as possible, your whole body shaking with stifled sobs. He lets go of your hands to cup your face, thumbs wiping away fresh tears. 
“You can let it out, you know. You let me.”
You throw your arms around him, clutching him, afraid that he’ll float away from you. Keeping him in a tight, tight, tight embrace, hands collecting handfuls of his shirt. Like a broken record, repeating over and over again, strangled, I’m sorry’s. He hums in response, rubbing circles on your back as he holds you. Unbeknownst to you, he’s thankful you can’t see his tears that manage to slip out, knowing you would only cry harder.
The two of you stay like that until your sobs have subsided. He pulls away, wiping away the rest of your tears and holding your face again. You stare into each other’s tired and bloodshot eyes.
“I don’t want you to be careless anymore. I don’t want you to feel like you have to prove yourself to anyone. I want you to see what I already know, what is already true. You are more than enough, you are more than strong enough, and I need you to see that. Okay?”
Nodding, you whisper, 
“I know,” You bite your lip and nod again.
“I know.”
Sometime later, after cuddles and soft voices, you lay in bed, wrapped up in fluffy blankets. Rubbing at the gauze around your arm, you stare at the ceiling, ruminating on what Katsuki said.
He’s right. I don’t need to prove myself to anyone, especially not to assholes who don’t even know me. Next time that I want to be reckless, I’ll just think of him. The one who loves me and knows me.
You close your eyes and smile to yourself.
The one who knows I’m strong.
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
- Barry is the librarian? May i ask what library?
- Whats Zekira's story? I am enjoying this blorbo
- Is barry like, shunned by the other stars?
- whats the main plot you have going down for your ocs?
- is The pirate killer (the one u drew with the cool dark and saturated pink lighting) one do they have any interactions w/ barry? I know u said they killed zek (?)
- if the above is true is zekira undead in some fashion?
- how did zekira lose their horn?
- He is The Librarian!! That's actually his "name". Stars don't have names, only titles. Barry is a nickname given to him by Zeki bc she hated saying "The Librarian". Also to push his buttons. As for the library, it's a pocket dimension that orbits Earth!! The Library hosts all kinds of records of Earth. Most notably the lives of every living creature. When a living being dies, their book is ended and is sent to the library for sorting. It also holds details of Earth's history and creation along with some universal knowledge, but that's all tucked deeeep within the Library. Very difficult to find
- Zekira is actually the main character!! She starts out first mate on her adoptive father's pirate ship!! Her and her father are killed by Cassia and their ship abandoned. But, instead of being consumed by the nothingness of death, she awakes in a strange... Library? It's here she learns that the Librarian, in his desperation to escape, grabbed her book as it fell to his desk and rewrote her fate to bring her there. He promises her immortality if she agrees to help him, and she does! She's a fun loving, snarky, gremlin of a woman. Is very neutral to evil leaning moral wise. She gets worse tho!!! She gets so so much worse, like irredeemable territory worse. I explain a teensy more why a few questions later 😁
- They don't really even know he exists lmao. The Library doesn't get many guests so no chance of meeting one there. And the only notable thing he ever did was throw that meteor, but others only remember the aftermath not the idiot that caused it.
- So!! We start the narrative off with Zekira as first mate of a pirate ship she’s lived on all her life. I want there to be some pirate adventures to get a feel of her character and introduce some world building concepts, most importantly the religion and magic system. Along with side characters and the captain, her adoptive father. Their ship gets raided at some point and the captain is murdered. Zeki is cornered and killed as well. But instead of dying she wakes up in this weird… Library, The Librarian has been stuck in the Library for a few million years now. Sorting book after book. Each one detailing the entire life of every living creature on earth. He hates it. Being Librarian was his punishment for sending the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. One day, he gets the idea to try and change the texts on one of the books. Maybe summon someone who can help free him from his prison. By sheer luck, if that’s what you wanna call it, he pulls Zekira’s book. They make a deal that Zekira is granted immortality and in return she will find the pieces of the key to open the library doors and free him. What Zekira doesn’t know is that the magic that revives her every time she dies is incompatible with her biology. See there are two types of creatures. Celestial and Terrestrial. These magics CANNOT mix. They’re like polar opposites and can create horrible paradoxes if forced together. Every time she dies, the celestial magic keeping her body together gets more and more overpowering, altering her down to her very core…
- CASSIA!! MY BELOVED!!! She doesn't!! The only two characters so far that actually interact with him are Zeki and Halley. She doesn't have the ability to travel there like they do.
- She is!! As I explained above
- Make your best guess!!
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goldensstateofgrace · 4 years
Dream Of How You (Tasted) - Chapter One -
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(So... my first Series!!! I’ll be working on this a lot, and i want you to know it’s not gonna be perfect because I’m not perfect and my writings definitely not perfect, so bare with me on this journey please!! Who’s ready for some Camgirl!y/n??)
A story about Y/N becoming a camgirl because she needs the money but also because she gets off on the praise she gets from total strangers. She enjoys helping other’s get off while doing so herself. When talk about a one on one session with a guy who always watches her streams becomes reality, what happens when she finds out it was her crush/best friend all along?
I hope you guys are excited!! bc I know I am!! Hope you enjoy, happy reading!!
(Also, i picture Harry as long haired harry, but you can picture him however you’d like!!!)
Word count: 1.7k (4 pages) (i promise the other chapters will be longer!)
Y/n didn’t know college could be so expensive, her job at the coffee shop on campus just wasn’t cutting it anymore. She needed to find something else to help pay for school and her rent. 
She’s in her second year of uni, all the book costs and the rent for having an apartment so close to campus is outrageous. She tried to find a second job to help with the money problem she was currently having, but couldn't find anything that could work around her classes and coffee shop schedule. 
Her best friend, Harry, tried to get her a job alongside him at his job, but again the schedule didn’t work for her and they couldn’t change it. So now, she's stuck trying to find something to do so close when she needs to pay her rent. 
It was outrageous how much the rent was for a one bedroom apartment close to campus, it’s a thousand - some dollars a month just to be close to campus, but that’s including her light and water bill so she can’t complain too much. 
Harry had offered to let her move in with him to cut down the cost, so she could save some money for school. But she declined because her boyfriend at the time didn’t feel comfortable with it, only to find out on their one year anniversary that he had been cheating on her for a while. Asshole. 
Nothing has been said since, but she wished he would. Moving out of her apartment would help so much, but she didn’t want to ask. 
Lost in her thoughts she didn’t even notice Harry walking beside her, as she walked across the courtyard to class. 
“Why so glum” he nudged her in the side with his elbow, startling her out of her thoughts. She slaps in on the arm, chuckling, “Harry! Don’t do that!”
“You didn’t answer the question, What’s wrong? And don’t give me the ‘Nothing im fine!’ thing you do,” he says, mimicking a higher pitched girly voice, chuckling once he was done. 
“Heyy! I don’t sound like that you twat!” you backhand his abdomen making him rub his stomach area as he grimaces in slight pain. 
“But” she starts, “i’ve just been struggling again, i tried looking for a job but, just like last time the schedule didn’t line up with any of my classes or with when i was working at the coffee shop.” she says, huffing in annoyance. 
Harry nods his head as she talks, listening to her, wishing he could help in some way. He tried before, but she turned him down, she didn’t even tell him why. He figured it had something to do with that cheating ex of hers. 
“Y/n, if you need help, all you have to do is ask. I’ll always be her to help you in any way I can,” he tells her, his eyes flickering over her face, showing nothing but seriousness, a drastic change from his happy light hearted self he was just a few minutes ago.
She casts her eyes away from him, focusing her eyes on the pavement under her feet as she walks. She doesn’t say anything for a while, but eventually she looks up at him, tears filling her eyes. 
“I know” she nods, “Thank you, Harry. You don’t have to, but thank you,” she says, the tears in her eyes threatening to spill down her cheek but they don’t get the chance as she wipes them away before they do. 
Harry wraps his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side and placing a kiss to her head, “I may not have to, but i want to.” he mumbles into the top of her head. 
Her arm wraps around his middle as they continue to walk to their second class of that morning, “Thank you.” 
“You know what you should do?” Harry's friend Niall says as y/n, Harry, Niall and y/n’s friend Amy sit around a table in the coffee shop having lunch. Y/n quirks her eyebrow up as she takes a bite of her turkey sandwich, motioning him to go on.
Y/n had just got finished telling them about how she was in search of another job, and about how she needed the money to pay rent soon. 
“You should do only fans, or p*** h**, they make lots of money and that way you get something out of it other than stress and tiredness.” he says, making her almost choke on her sandwich. 
“W-what!”  y/n says just as Harry says “Dude! No!” 
“What’s the big deal? Lots of people do it, and you don’t even have to show your face. You could even go by a different name!” Niall reasons. 
Y/n was shocked by his suggestion, but she wouldn’t lie and say she was put off by the idea. Nobody would know it was her, and he did have a point about her not having to go by her own name. 
She couldn’t believe she was actually considering this but, you have to do what you have to do. 
“yeah uh” she clears her throat, “good suggestion Ni, but i think i’ll just stick with trying to find a job near campus” she says, chuckling as she takes another bite of her sandwich. 
“eh, it was worth a shot,” he laughs, before the conversation steers to assignments everyone had to get done and ones they’ve already done. 
After they all finish eating they sit around talking for a little bit before Y/n and Harry had to head for their last class of the day. 
As they walk to class, Harry’s arm that’s thrown over y/n’s pulls her into his side, “You know Niall was coming from a good place, right. He didn’t mean to offend you or anything,” he says, making you look up at him with your brows furrowed in confusion. 
“yeah , i know. I didn’t take any offence to it, but…” she trailed off, “What?” harry asks, motioning for her to continue as they walk past a group of people blocking the sidewalk. 
“Would it be so bad? I mean he had a point about me not having to show my face or use my actual name” she said, her eyes flicking over his face for some kind of clue into what he thought of it all. 
Harry doesn’t say anything for a while, it’s just as they were about to walk into their class that he pulled her to the side and let their other classmates go in first, “I don’t have a problem with it, it’s your body, you have the right to do whatever you want with it. If you decide that that’s what you want to do to make the money you need i’ll support you 100%, if not i’ll still support you, no matter what,” He tells her, looking into her eyes with nothing but seriousness splayed across his face. 
Y/n nods, standing up on her tiptoes and reaching her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, “Thank you, Harry. I honestly don’t know what i’d do without you!” she mumbles into his neck as his arms wrap around her waist pulling her impossibly closer to his chest. 
“I don’t either honestly” he laughs, pulling away from her with a huge contagious smile across his face, only making her laugh and smile too. 
“Come on, let's go to class,” he said, throwing his arm back around her shoulder and leading her through the classroom doors. 
It was later that night, y/n couldn’t sleep. Her thoughts running wild with what could happen if she did decide to become a camgirl, or whatever it was called these days. 
She was laying in bed, trying to find out more about what comes with being a camgirl, what she needed to do and what other people were looking to watch. 
She had found a girl, her page consisting of videos showing off her curves and sexy lingerie, along with videos of her using toys on herself. All of the videos have over thousands of views, y/n decided that she would message the women who went by ‘daddiespet20’. 
Rewrote her message so many times she lost count before she finally found what she wanted to ask and sent the message,“Hey! I’m y/n, i was wondering if you could maybe help me, i’ve been looking into getting into only fans. Could you maybe help me with some questions I have?”
She waited a while for a reply back, along with going down a tiktok rabbit hole, laughing at the stupid tiktoks Harry posted the other day. Her phone finally pinged with a notification, she quickly pulled the notification bar down to see it was a reply from the women she had messaged, “Daddiespet20: Hi! Yes ofc, ask away.”
She honestly wasn’t expecting to get a reply back, thinking the women must have thousands of people messaging her all day every day. 
Y/n quickly wrote out a message of the main questions she wanted answered, “Thank you sm! It’s only a few questions, 1: does the amount you get paid rely on the amount of views you get on each of your videos?, 2: how did you gain your audience, and keep them interested in what you were putting out?, 3: Do you have any tips on where to start (seeing as I'm new to all of this)?”
The woman answers all of y/n’s questions with no problem, along with telling her some tips on how to get started and how to gain followers. The conversion ends after messaging back and forth for almost an hour, y/n’s walking away with all the information she was looking for plus more. 
Talking to her really helped y/n come to the decision that this is what she was going to do, she was going to make videos of her showing off her body and pleasuring herself. Never in a million years did she think she would come to this just so she could keep a roof over her head and stay in school. 
Now all she had to do was buy some sexy lingerie and some toys, well more toys. What? She’s not a prude!
 It was getting late so she decided she would go to bed and figure everything out tomorrow, along with ordering her underwear and the toys online. She definitely didn’t need anyone from school seeing her by that stuff. God, she could just imagine the embarrassment she would feel if that happened. 
Feed back is highly appreciated!! Hope you enjoyed 🥺🥰
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whats ur writing schedule/process like! not in a “write faster” way, but i think once you mentioned writing in script form? and i like the way you wrote ur most recent fic! just curious bc ur works are just really good :)
this is a great question!!
if its not slippery slopes, ill usually get an idea for something and periodically jot down notes when they come to me until I feel like i have enough information to start writing (or if im just motivated), that's what i did for my horror challenge rewrite. and for stuff that's like... rewrites of an episode that aren't as character-focused as slippery slopes, i usually read the episode transcripts and try to replicate that total drama style with my own writing
for shorter oneshots, i usually just get a vague idea and run with it until i find a good ending spot, then i go back and clean it up a bit so the structure works
slippery slopes is an... interesting cycle. chapters are getting long enough that i cant just write them in one sitting any more (i think ch5 was the last chapter i did that for) and instead ill agonize over the beginning (always the hardest part to write for me) but once i get going with that i usually finish the chapter within a few days. then i reread the previous chapter to make sure it flows ok (and there aren't any contradictions) and then ill give myself a break where i dont do anything total drama related before coming back to edit and post. though before I do all that I type up notes and rough dialogue bits
and then once i post it it's like... a weight off my chest? like ive been purged or something?? idk its a weird sensation but im just like i Physically Cannot Write Anything For This Right Now and i don't start on the next chapter until that goes away. and then i either start the beginning and do nothing for a week before going back and finishing the chapter or i go into a manic state and write nonstop for a few days. right now i haven't reached a point where im ready to begin writing chapter 10 but i have a lot of notes for it.
(also as soon as i finish posting a chapter i try not to go on my laptop for like 12 hours so i don't obsessively refresh my email for comments. i love reading comments so much holy shit. please comment guys it makes fic authors feel so happy we will love you for it)
as for scripts: i am working on being a writer professionally, but specifically a playwright. writing in a script format comes more naturally to me than writing prose. funnily enough, i started posting fanfic just to practice my prose (and fix stuff in cobra kai that i didnt like) but things sort of... ended up here? idk man but im enjoying it.
right, so because writing in a script format is easier when im really struggling with a section in a fic ill usually scrap whatever i had and write it like a script, then translate that into prose. i was very excited to write the family videos for chapter 9 of slippery slopes, but i was Having Issues, so i redid it as a script and then rewrote that as prose. ill put the script version under the cut if you're interested in that.
but thank you so much for the question!! i do think my writing process is a bit unconventional but hey i think things are turning out well! if you have any more questions feel free to send them in!!
ok here is the last scene of ch 9 of slippery slopes in script format:
MOM: Hi honey! Omigosh this is so exciting! I bet you’re having such a great time! Especially since Chris is there! Is Chris watching this? Hi Chris! You know, I loooved you on that ice skating show. Your hair was fantastic! Well, it always is, haha. Do you really make your own hair gel? I’ve been trying to perfect the recipe but you’re just so hard to track down! Oh, you’re such a funny guy! I laughed sooo hard when you made all those jokes about marrying Chef.
Chef: hey!
Chris: ok just for the record, I wasn’t joking, we are married, Sierra tell your mom we’re married
Sierra: …can we just turn it off please
DAD: Courtney, sayang, I know you’ve been going through a lot right now—
MOM: So you’d BETTER make it count. You’ve made it this far before, I want to see you getting all the way to the finale this time. And winning it. Enough moping about those hideous, good-for-nothing slackers! That’s what you get for hanging around freaks like them. You’re doing this for the million, now get the million. Is that clear?
ZARINA: And kick ass!
DAD: Zarina!
Video cuts out.
Alejandro: courtney you good?
Courtney: no, she’s right. Mama didn’t raise no quitter
Alejandro: [knows she’s still upset about duncan and gwen]
MOM: Hola, Alejandro. We hope you are doing well, especially in such unsavory conditions. I’m glad to see you’ve made it to the final four— we expected nothing less, of course.
DAD: You have been utilizing your skills quite well. Though I wish you hadn’t been so… blatant about it. You’ll have to work twice as hard once this is over to convince people you’re trustworthy. But surely you were aware of that going into this… odd endeavor. That’s just politics. Reputation is everything.
JOSE: [snorts] Oh, and what a reputation you have, Al. I could easily compile hours of footage of your failures, but I, unlike you, do not waste my time on the frivolities of reality television. Though you always have been lacking in taste. Especially with that bratty girlfriend of yours— oh, my mistake, aren’t you dating the whiny weakling? It’s so hard to keep track! [laughs]
Alejandro: callate!
MOM: I’m sure Alejandro is just working an angle on them.
DAD: Whatever the case is, do not disappoint us.
MOM: Hi Noah, I’m sorry, I don’t have time to record a full video, but I’m proud of you! Here are your sisters!
ISWARI: A million dollars? A million [bleep] dollars? Win it, Noah! Win it!
RUTH: Dude!! This is crazy! I know you can do this— good luck! Ark misses you! [holds up Ark who barks]
MARA: Are you insane? Why aren’t you dating Alejandro already?
Noah: shut up, mara, just because you can’t keep a boyfriend—
ANYA: Don’t let ‘em trick you! No mercy! Crush their skulls if you have to— no, wait, you’re not strong enough for that. We’ll get there!
LIYA: I say this as your sister, someone who loves you but is constantly annoyed by you— for someone who is quite literally a genius, you sure can be an idiot sometimes.
BALLARI: Okay, I literally have no idea how you’ve made it this far without an athletic bone in your body— are we sure you aren’t adopted? I’m kidding
ABS: You’re stubborn as hell when it comes to me, so you better be stubborn as hell when it comes to winning! And when you do win, get me a frozen yogurt machine, will you? I promise I won’t make you rock climb again!
JAEL: If you lose this, I’ll kill you with this racket. And then use your guts to make myself a new racket. So don’t fuck it up. Again.
Noah: [frozen, ashamed]
Sierra: well that was a mess
Courtney: ok show of hands, who felt better after hearing that? [no one raises hands]
Chris: yeah I was expecting this to be a lot more heartwarming…
Chef: chris just look at them. If they had stable home lives they wouldn’t be doing reality tv
Alejandro: can we please stop talking about this. Also aren’t you supposed to be flying the plane
Chef: oh fuck
Chris: yeah sure. I think im gonna call my mom
Everyone: …
Noah: ok so that was really shitty. Why dont we all go to first class and try and ignore our problems
Everyone: yeah ok sounds good
Courtney: so that sucked
Alejandro: at least your dad seems ok
Courtney: true. What are your guys dads like
Noah and Sierra: bold of you to assume I know my dad. Jinx
Alejandro: that last girl… you mentioned a sister who does tennis and hates you
Noah: yep
Alejandro: why?
Noah: none of your business. but… it is pretty justified
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chocochar · 4 years
Hallooo :) I must ask bcs' I need some fiery sugar....would you consider doing headcanons about, (yes you are reading it correctly 😂😂) ENDEAVOR. Like he on a first date with his s/o 🔥
HOOOOO boi I haven’t ever written for Endeavor, I’m gonna be 100% with you XD so I really hope this is okay, sorry it took so long, I rewrote it a few times and I’m sorry ahead of time if he comes off as OOC! TuT  (btw i loooove your Midnight Stalker fics, had to add that, okay onto the hc’s!)
🔥 Endeavor is, well, not the best person socially. In fact to most people he’s hard to get along with, so finding someone who cares for him despite this the older man wasn’t expecting.
🔥 (F/n) is quite a few years younger, but doesn’t seem to mind the gap in age, being in their 20′s. Having started working at his agency as a secretary (F/n) proved themselves quite efficiently, which that along with their looks and attitude Endeavor couldn’t help but start to watch them, glancing and feeling a softness in his chest that he’s never experienced. They didn’t show fear of him, even if he got mad they’d simply fix the mistake and even tell him to calm down.
🔥 Endeavor never planned to ask them out. The #1 hero dating a secretary? To him at first it was an embarrassing thought. Plus his track record with relationship is... not good and scarce. But as time went on and the hero slowly began to change inside inch by inch since becoming the big #1 that thought started becoming more appealing, even if Endeavor wouldn’t admit it.
🔥 It was Hawks who set up the date (kind of, he helped push it, and nearly lost his feathers for it). He saw the light blush dusting the fire users cheeks when (F/n) came up to them with documents, and he was quick to ask if they’re single and looking.
🔥 Endeavor tried to hide his interest when (F/n) said yes to both, but his flames burst high when Hawks grinned and asked,”Oh yeah? Well, are you interested in hot heads?” as he visibly gestured at Endeavor.
🔥 (F/n) understood, and glancing at Endeavor they were reluctant to say so at first, but once they saw the way the hero was eyeing them they blushed, turning back to Hawks and saying,”... Yeah, I actually am.”
🔥 Smiling they figured Endeavor may get mad, after all he couldn’t possibly be interested in them-
🔥 “Soooo how about dinner with Mr. Hot Head here?~” Hawks grinned, jutting a thumb at the red head standing beside him stiffly.
🔥 (F/n) was surprised, but replied,”I mean... I suppose yes-”
🔥 Hawks grinned wide and added,”Alright, I’ll set it up, don’t worry you two awkward love birds, it’ll be great.~” Endeavor hadn’t said a word the whole time, dumbfounded it seemed, not knowing what to say.
🔥 Hawks left. When (F/n) looked at Endeavor he was already leaving, but stopped with his back to them.
🔥 “Meet me at the address I’ll give you through text, at 8 PM Saturday. You have it off, correct?”
🔥 “Uh... Yes.”
🔥 “Good, don’t be late.” He left once he’d said what he needed to, (F/n) was shocked but smiling they go back to work.
🔥 Boooi (F/n) isn’t prepared for the expensive dinner waiting for them
🔥 They aren’t dressed up super fancy, they did their hair nicely and made themselves look presentable at least! After all, they’re going on a date with the #1 hero! And he definitely seems like an ‘appearance’s type of man from just working with him
🔥 The place is nice, and (F/n) settles in feeling a little out of place. Enji got them flowers and looks incredibly handsome in his tailored suit, the scar across his left eye not bothering them a bit even when he received it. His face looks red too, and they wonder if his heart is pounding a million beats a minute like theirs
🔥 “I’ve heard really good things about this place, have you been here before?” (F/n) breaks the silence that settles over them
🔥 “Yes, a few times,” he starts, going on to explain (in sparse detail) about the hero parties held here that he only came to due to his position as #2, now #1
🔥 Silence sits between them again after (F/n) replies, and they’re racking their brain for more to say
🔥 “You... Look nice tonight,” he says out of nowhere, catching the secretary off guard as they look taken aback, cheeks going red. “This isn’t too... Awkward, is it?”
🔥 Again fairly surprised by his sudden shyness (F/n) blinks before smiling. He is a socially awkward kind of guy, so shaking their head they decided to take the lead for the date, at least for now.
🔥 “Not at all, it’s nice,” they reply. This seems to put the #2 at ease as he nods and clears his throat, looking over the menu. (F/n) rests their chin on their palm and asks,”So, um... Enji, Tell me about yourself.”
🔥 It’s a simple request to help break the ice although (F/n) is already well aware their boss isn’t very forthcoming with information about himself. But this doesn’t change anything, after all they did come to dinner with him with this fact in mind. Enji cocks a brow, meeting their (eye color) orbs with his cerulean.
🔥 “Such as?”
🔥 “Y’know, favorite TV show, what you do in your spare time, do you like cats, etcetera, just some stuff so I know my date better, right now we’re more than just boss and secretary after all,” (F/n) winks, this gaining surprise from the normally uptight man. He brings the scowl (which he’s trying to reel in for tonight) back but he seems to be fine letting them know some answers. Not everything, he keeps the more personal aspects of himself under wraps for now, after all it’s only a first date, but the secretary across from him seems appeased and even smiles at the answers. “I see, I’m fairly surprised but you seem kinda normal.~” They tease, Endeavor averting his gaze.
🔥 “And you?” It’s his turn to learn about them more. Granted, he’s studied them, he knows some things but learning more never hurts.
🔥 “Well, I love to (hobby) and (hobby), my favorite show is (TV show), I’m probably more of a dog person, I am definitely a (night owl, morning person, etc), I like to make sure I’m always on time to things,” they start to tell him, answering any questions he has. Even if it’s a mundane conversation he is surprisingly taking every piece of information in and locking it up in his thoughts. That way, he knows for later. To be honest, he’s intrigued. (F/n) laughs lightly and finishes with,”Sorry, sorry, I was rambling, haha!”
🔥 “It’s fine.” Endeavor responds, telling the waiter what he’ll have. “I find you interesting, different compared to others I’ve met.”
🔥 “Is that a good thing?” (F/n) laughs, smiling warmly lifting their brows.
🔥 “Yes, very,” he replies, and even gives a small smile himself, although it’s easy to miss.
🔥 The two start to eat once their food is brought out and while they eat they talk, discussing not only more about themselves but Endeavor’s jobs, (F/n) plans for something at work, and more. Soon enough they’re done and after paying Enji takes (F/n) home, the drive even holding it’s own conversations. Enji surprisingly seems to have been brought out of his tough as steel shell although it’s only with (F/n), and (F/n) is content in his company, seeing the normally scary boss is surprisingly softer inside, under all the layers of anger and pride.
🔥 Reaching (F/n)’s address Enji parks and turns his gaze to the secretary, who’s getting ready to leave but stops to look at him.
🔥 “Thank you for dinner, Enji, it was delicious,” they sigh happily, smiling and he nods, (F/n) unbuckling and about to get out but stopping.
🔥 “Perhaps we can do it again, I enjoyed your company, (F/n),” the fiery red head admits, (F/n) nodding.
🔥 They surprise him with a kiss on the cheek before getting out of his car and peering back in at the blushing, taken aback older man.
🔥 “Of course, you have my number so call me and we’ll plan another date~”
🔥 The (brunette, blonde, etc) shuts the door and waves as they head inside their home, Enji not leaving right away as his heart pounds. Clearing his throat he watches them go in and shut their door before leaving, already planning to ask them out again (and keep this secret from Hawks lest Enji listen to the feathered annoyance tease him about)
AHHHHHHH I hope this was okay!! I kinda struggled with Enji so I hope he wasn’t too OOC QwQ thank you for the request!
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