#rey roleplay
p0is0nprincess · 6 months
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remember-me-02 · 27 days
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hear me out guys ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ i think my history teacher likes the new english teacher!! 。゜(`Д´)゜。
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elryuse · 2 months
pls make a yandere rei fic, from a sports setting
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The ache in Rei's knee was a constant phantom throb, a cruel echo of the roar of the crowd that once cheered her name. Her once-pristine apartment mirrored the emptiness within her. Gone were the trophies, the motivational posters, replaced by a suffocating silence broken only by the relentless tick of the clock and the gnawing emptiness in her gut.
Her fall from grace had been swift and brutal. A misplaced landing, a sickening crack, and suddenly, the golden girl of Korean gymnastics was yesterday's news. The agency, once hovering like a pack of vultures, had become ghosts, their calls replaced by a chilling silence. Only Y/n, her ever-optimistic manager, remained a constant.
Y/n, with his perpetually rumpled suits and sunshine smile, was a lifeline in the storm. He brought her takeout on bad days, meticulously researched alternative therapies, and held onto the belief in her comeback with a fervor that mirrored her own, fading hope. He saw the fire in her eyes that others deemed extinguished, a flicker that warmed a tiny corner of her desolate heart.
But hope, like a fragile butterfly, was a delicate thing. The agency's silence spoke volumes. They were dangling her over another agency, a rising star named Minji. Beautiful, talented, and the daughter of a media mogul, Minji was everything Rei was not - a living, breathing embodiment of everything that had been stolen from her.
A cold dread coiled in Rei's stomach, a serpent awakening from a long slumber. The thought of losing Y/n, the only person who saw beyond the shattered athlete, was a terror that eclipsed the physical pain in her knee. The once fragile butterfly of hope morphed into a monstrous, possessive creature, its wings a chilling black.
The following days were a whirlwind of calculated actions fueled by a twisted cocktail of love, despair, and a chilling intelligence that had always lurked beneath Rei's dazzling smile. She delved into Minji's life, a spider meticulously weaving a web. Training schedules, social media habits, even the brand of protein bars Minji favored - everything became a weapon in Rei's warped arsenal.
One rainy night, the meticulously planned "accident" unfolded with horrifying efficiency. A strategically placed puddle, a shadowed figure, and a sickening crunch. Minji's scream, swallowed by the downpour, was a macabre symphony to Rei's twisted sense of justice.
With Minji sidelined, the agency, desperate to avoid a PR nightmare, revoked Y/n's transfer. Relief washed over him, tinged with a growing unease about Rei's sudden manic cheerfulness and the cloying sweetness of the lilies that now seemed to fill every corner of her apartment.
"Rei?" Y/n's voice was a tremor as he entered the apartment one evening. "Where have you been?"
She emerged from the shadows, a chilling smile playing on her lips. The once sterile apartment was now a shrine to her twisted love. Pictures of them, stolen from his social media, adorned the walls. News clippings about Minji's "accident" lay scattered on the coffee table, their bold headlines screaming of misfortune.
"Taking care of some… inconveniences," she purred, her voice a chilling caress. Her touch, once comforting, sent shivers of dread down his spine.
"You're mine now, Y/n," she whispered, her voice a terrifying melody. "We'll be happy together. Far, far away from everyone."
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes, but they were not tears of relief. He was trapped, a prisoner not of chains, but of a love as beautiful as it was terrifying. As Rei bundled him into a waiting car, the lilies seemed to mock him with their oppressive fragrance. He wasn't going to a happy ending, but to a gilded cage, ruled by a love as beautiful as a serpent and as deadly as a nightshade bloom.
Days turned into weeks, then months. The world outside faded away, replaced by the confines of a secluded cabin nestled deep in the woods. The initial terror Y/n felt slowly morphed into a suffocating routine. Every day was a carefully orchestrated performance - forced smiles, shared meals, and nights spent under the watchful gaze of Rei's increasingly erratic behavior.
The once vibrant fire in her eyes had morphed into something cold and calculating. Gone was the athlete, replaced by a woman consumed by a possessive love that bordered on obsession. She'd meticulously recreated Y/n's old life within the confines of the cabin - a gym stocked with outdated equipment, a makeshift therapy pool, even a shrine dedicated to her "comeback."
The charade, however, began to crumble. The equipment gathered dust, the therapy pool remained unused, and the "comeback" shrine became a constant reminder of the life stolen, not just from Rei, but from Y/n. The yearning for his old life, the connection to the world outside, gnawed at him like a starving beast. He started leaving coded messages in online forums for athletes, desperate pleas for help disguised as motivational quotes.
One day, while "training" on the rusty equipment, Y/n noticed a loose screw on the weight bench. A spark of defiance flickered in his eyes. It was a long shot, a gamble, but it was his only hope. He spent the next few days subtly manipulating the screw, hoping for a catastrophic failure.
His chance came during one of their "therapy sessions" in the pool. With a practiced smile, Y/n lifted some weights. The loose screw gave way, sending the bench crashing down. Pain erupted in his shoulder, a scream ripped from his throat. Rei, startled by the noise, rushed to his side.
"What happened?" she shrieked, fear momentarily extinguishing the cold glint in her eyes.
Y/n, clutching his injured shoulder, saw his opportunity. "Help… help me get my phone," he gasped, feigning unconsciousness.
Rei, momentarily blinded by panic, scrambled to grab his phone. It was on the coffee table, lying open on a familiar athlete forum. Her eyes widened in horror as she read the cryptic message Y/n had left earlier that day: "Sun sets at 7:30. Help needed. West cabin, Maple Ridge."
The panic in her eyes turned to a chilling fury. Y/n, his heart hammering in his chest, knew he'd made a fatal mistake. Rei's smile, returning this time with a monstrous edge, sent a shiver down his spine.
"Looks like we need a new routine, Y/n," she whispered, her voice laced with a dangerous sweetness. "One that doesn't involve disobedience."
As the sun dipped below the treeline, casting long shadows across the cabin, Y/n knew the nightmare was far from over. He had ignited a spark of defiance, but at what cost? He was trapped in a twisted love story, a prisoner in a gilded cage with a predator who now knew he was prey. The fight for his freedom, and perhaps his life, had just begun.
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fyodordostoyevskevy · 14 days
Be a good boy
"everybody knows i'm a good boy officer.
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jiggleypuff227 · 1 year
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a little throwback to my all time fav outfits.
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rayof-damnsunshine · 2 months
I don't want to just listen to music
I need that shit injected into my veins
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gcthvile · 5 months
A shoulder to lean on
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Pairing: Rei Stark x Peter Parker
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: When Rei Stark loses his beloved mother to illness, he shuts down completely - withdrawing from school, friends, and the outside world. Tormented by his grief and loss, Rei walls himself off behind closed doors, shutting even his best friend Peter Parker out of his spiral into despair.
warnings: none
When his mother first fell ill, Rei threw himself into finding a cure. He spent every waking moment in the lab, searching for anything that could help her. But as her condition deteriorated, so did his hope.
The day she slipped away was the day everything went dark. Rei stumbled home in a daze, collapsing at her bedside. He didn't move for hours, even as the medics came to take her away. His world had ended.
In the following days, FRIDAY tried to get him to eat, sleep, see others—to take care of himself. But Rei was non-responsive. He just sat numbed by grief, replying only in monosyllables.
When Peter came by that first week, worried but wanting to comfort his friend, all FRIDAY would say was that Rei wasn't accepting visitors. Peter left dejected, anxiety growing by the day with no word from Rei.
The weeks dragged on and Rei faded further. He stopped leaving his room, stopped going to classes or returning calls and texts. His father stopped by in between missions, but Rei barely acknowledged him. Numbness was his only escape from the unrelenting pain.
Tony entered Rei's darkened room without knocking, concern etched on his face. "Rei, we need to talk."
Rei didn't look up from where he sat huddled in the corner. "Go away," he muttered.
But Tony stood firm. "I can't do that, kid. It's been over a month and you're not getting any better. You have to start taking care of yourself."
"What's the point?" said Rei flatly. "Nothing matters anymore."
Tony's voice rose in frustration. "Of course it matters! Your life matters, your future - do you think your mother would want to see you wasting away like this?"
Rei flinched at the mention of his mother but still didn't look up. "Don't pretend you understand. You never loved anyone like I loved her."
"Maybe not," snapped Tony. "But I'm your father and it's killing me to see you doing this to yourself! If you don't start eating, sleeping, acting like a human again, I'll have no choice but to commit you for treatment."
That got Rei's attention. His head shot up, eyes blazing with anger through his grief. "You can't do that!"
"I can and I will if it saves your life!" countered Tony. "You're not the only one who lost her, Rei. Please, just let me help you." His voice cracked with emotion.
Rei hesitated, some of the fight draining from him at the raw concern in his father's eyes. Slowly, he nodded. "Okay. I'll...I'll try. For you." Tony sagged in relief. "Thank you. It's a start." Rei knew he had to pull himself back to functioning, even just for appearances. But internally, he still felt hollow. Going through the motions of school brought him no relief or joy.
Seeing Peter's familiar face in the crowd was almost too much. Guilt weighed on him for worrying his friend for so long with no contact. Yet he never dared to approach.
The walk through the halls to class was agonizing. Rei felt every eye on him as whispers and stares followed in his wake. He hunched into himself, hoping to disappear while also wishing for a reason to lash out.
Inside the classroom was even worse. All the familiar faces looked at him with shared sadness and unasked questions. He could practically hear their thoughts: Was he okay? What happened? How could they help?
But no one dared approach, sensing his fragile state. Good—he wasn't ready for their pity or platitudes yet. Just being there amongst them all felt oppressive, reminding him of the life he had before...before.
Rei took his seat and stared numbly at his desk, tuning out the review lecture he'd already long since learned. His gaze drifted unseeing as vacant memories played on repeat in his head: lazy afternoons in the lab with his mom, her laugh, the way her eyes would crinkle at the corners...
A sting started behind his eyes but he blinked it back furiously. No more tears—he was done with that. From then on it was just...nothing. Blessed numbness to get him through each endless day.
When the bell finally freed him, Rei rushed from the room, wanting only to be alone. To escape back into the dark sanctuary of his mind where he didn't have to feel anything anymore.
In the empty corridor, Peter stood firm, hands on his hips as Rei tried to brush past.
"Oh no you don't," said Peter fiercely. "You're not avoiding this anymore. What's going on with you?"
Rei kept walking. "Nothing. Leave me alone."
Peter grabbed his arm, spinning him around. "That's bullshit and you know it! You disappear for over a month without a word and then show up looking like a corpse? Tell me what's wrong, Rei."
Rei wrenched his arm free. "It's none of your business!"
"The hell it isn't!" cried Peter. "I care about you, you idiot! I've been worried sick!"
"Well don't bother," snapped Rei. "No one can help me, okay? Just stay out of it!"
"Not a chance," growled Peter. "Not until you talk to me. You're my best friend - please, let me in."
His voice cracked with frustration and concern, eyes begging Rei to drop his walls. Rei faltered under that earnest gaze, feeling his resolve crumble, but all he could do was snap at his friend at the moment, "It's my mom, okay?! She died, Peter. She fucking died. And I couldn't save her." Rei's voice broke on the last words as fresh tears rose.
Instantly Peter's anger dissolved into sympathy. "Oh Rei, I'm so sorry." He pulled the other boy into a hug as Rei finally lost the battle and began to sob.
He held Rei tight, letting him grieve. "You don't have to do this alone," he murmured. "I'm here for you, always."
Rei gripped the back of Peter's shirt tightly as he cried, weeks of pent up grief pouring out of him. It felt like he was drowning in sorrow, but Peter's solid presence kept him tethered.
When the sobs finally subsided, Rei pulled back just enough to wipe his damp cheeks. Peter's hands moved to rub comforting circles on his back.
"I'm sorry," Rei mumbled, raw from emotion. "For....For shutting you out or whatever."
Peter chuckled softly and shook his head. "Don't apologize. I get why you did it, but that's over now, okay? No more shutting me out."
Rei nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He felt strangely lighter now that Peter knew his burden. But the memory of his loss was still fresh.
As if sensing his need for distraction, Peter took his hand gently. "Come on, let's go get some fresh air. Think you can handle the rest of the day?"
Rei hesitated, then nodded again. With Peter by his side, maybe facing the world wouldn't be so hard.
They walked in companionable silence, hands clasped tight between them. For the first time in weeks, rays of hope broke through Rei's storm clouds. He wasn't alone—and with Peter's support, maybe he could learn to heal.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!
@jackiequick @mallowbee4 @blueboirick @meiramel @missstrawbs2001 @gaminggirlsstuff
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tenshilix · 4 months
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ken-k0zu · 2 months
hii! i’m 18+ looking for a roleplay partner who is also 18+ to roleplay with! here are some fandoms and ships from those fandoms i’d be interested in roleplaying! the names in bold are the characters i would want to be, though if they’re both in bold, then i wouldn’t mind being either:
Death Note:
L x Light
Yaku x Lev ✩
Kuroo x Kenma
Kageyama x Hinata
Tsukishima x Yamaguchi
Akaashi x Bokuto
Buddy daddies:
Kazuki x Rei
Sk8 the infinity:
Joe x Cherry
i’m not picky about the length of responses, though I do prefer longer responses (NO ONE-LINE RESPONSES PLEASE) around 3 paragraphs or so. please don’t interact if you’re under 18. i roleplay exclusively on discord; send me a DM and/or like this post if you’re interested, saying what ship and fandom you’re looking to roleplay. i like to have a mix of angst and fluff, and i don’t mind nsfw, though it isn’t a priority for me.
discord username: ken.kozu
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eyesome-beauty · 5 days
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ryutarotakedown · 5 months
Word count: 756 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Gen Relationships: Rei Membami & John H. Wilson, Rei Membami & Yuujin Mikotoba, Yuujin Mikotoba & John H. Wilson Characters: Rei Membami, Yuujin Mikotoba, John H. Wilson, (dead. but he counts) Additional tags: Post-Canon, Grief/Mourning, (?), (does it count as mourning if you never really knew them at all?)
In the aftermath of the Professor case coming to light, Rei Membami tries to make sense of Dr. John H. Wilson. Or who she thought he was, anyway.
For Day 7: Free Day of @tgaa-gen-week!
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remember-me-02 · 1 month
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first post on my new secret blog (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) im making this so i can rant out whatever i want to say without oomfs hearing!! ೭੧(❛〜❛✿)੭೨
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fractalflare · 1 year
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[ cw for guns, smoking, blood ] TOU – Icons are free to use, free to edit, with or without credit, likes and reblogs are encouraged. Please don’t re-upload or claim as your own. Please let me know about any broken links —  DOWNLOAD
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radicalrascals · 8 months
[GIF Pack] Wagner Moura
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Following this link you’ll find 19 gifs (245x150) of Wagner Moura as himself / Bingo in the sketch Making of de Bingo: O Rei das Manhãs from 2017. Wagner Moura is a Brazilian actor and was 40 at the time of filming.
Please like and/or reblog if you plan on using these. Do not claim as your own. Do not include in gif hunts. Thank you. Please check out my other roleplay gifs here. Or follow @radicalrascals-gifs to get notified about new gif-packs.
Trigger-warnings: clowns
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naymustdir · 5 months
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sunsets for lovers💒
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