#rg ig post
nerdygirl84 · 5 months
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ryanguzmansource · 1 year
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📸 • Ryan & Chrysti in Topanga over the weekend (7.8.23)
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fabiochampioraro · 2 years
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Happy 14th birthday Liliana Lewinska (02/11/2008) ❤️
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beauzos · 1 year
I like most of the characters in Righteous Gemstones so far. Jesse is my favorite but I actually quite like BJ. They write him so pathetic and it’s clear his one joke is “haha he’s an effeminate loser/pushover” but I like everything about him that they use as reasons to laugh at him. It’s kinda meanspirited and I don’t like it.
I feel bad for BJ being the punching bag, he doesn’t deserve it. He seems so genuinely nice he’s just a doormat
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bidisasterevankinard · 2 months
Oliver loves Buck’s sexuality arc not BuckTommy. He’s never posted anything about the relationship. Don’t delude yourself.
Have you read his interviews? It's not me delusional, it's you. He postz RG on his ig where he almost never posts bc he likes RG aka his friend for several years, not bc he wants buddie. And btw he said "no one asked if I WANT buddie. Always only when it will happen." Sooooo does he actually WANT budide?
And he made a point how he doesn't want queer guy coming out and his straight friend (Ryan called Eddie hetero several times) thinking he's in love with him
So it's not me who's delusional. Oliver just remembers how people treats him if he is doing anything not related to buddie. And he is ok to smooth any guy or girl on screen for his paycheck. He doesn't need buddie for it
Go away from my blog. Block button is for free 😘
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
hi babe gg here
it’s been a while if we don’t consider the ss but i needed to step back a little. it became that shit with the ff and the accusations hit to close home since people i know were included in this mess so it was a little shit show
today it’s a shit show for them
ostark sharing an outfit pic with color that reminds of how buck was dressed during his break up, bts from set that include rg and crew wearing fake mustache and they decided that also the crew is bullying lou like the core4 did, then some bt decided to convince herself that since the jacket his an aviator one and is made of italian linen then this is ostark sending a message to them because the jacket is connected to tommy’s work and lfjr origins
funny if alisha didn’t debunked the theory by posting a ig story saying how buck was shopping in hen closet, also please let’s notice how ostark called his character buck and not evan ijbol
and we have the video made by abc and i need to say a lot of things about this video because
1. it’s a pov from characters from abc’s show so it’s what they see
2. “buck” saw his sister, his bffs, his paternal figure, his mother figure and gerrard who is going to have a central role in the first eps
3. why they didn’t include his boyfriend? it’s something important for buck, it’s his first queer relationship but he is missing but it would’ve been easy to include him since they choose bts from two ep he was in
4. funny how they say how tim tells abc what to share and what to do so we can conclude how tim didn’t want to make buck see his boyfriend?
but what gave them the coupe was that group mustache pics with cast and crew and he wasn’t there why he isn’t included in this joke why they don’t include him why are they so cruel with him why rg is the center of attention but not lfjr when he is supposed to have a much more important role
Hi love 🩷
The jacket thing is so funny to me because they are trying to invalidate years of color analysis but are claiming the type of jacket means something? I also saw someone say Buck's shoes are Tommy's from the begins episodes, which is insane, why would Buck be wearing Tommy's 20 yo running shoes??? But sure I guess, it's not like Aisha just came to make fun of that lol also the video is very interesting for sure because it does seem to be from Buck's pov and even Gerrard is there, and after the way they kept screaming about the kisscam, this is kinda embarrassing, because holy hypocrisy to go on and on the way they were about that video and claim this one means nothing. Maybe Ryan is the center of attention because he's a lead? Just a suggestion lol no one promised them Lou as a main, they just fooled themselves and can't back out now.
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the-old-mayhem · 1 year
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"I often think about Øystein, if there's something he would have liked. Some venues and festivals have some special charm... Some days when the audience is really into it and it's a cool place, I think "Øystein should have seen this.. I wish he was here now". It's the same with Pelle, but it's more with Øystein. When I'm sitting backstage in some club somewhere in the world, I think about them. Would they be proud too? I imagine them looking down at me with these huge smiles" - Necrobutcher, DMDS 25th anniversary box set
(I will post a few more of Necrobutcher's gems from this same interview. But really, this one takes the cake, especially the last sentence combined with the "Free V*rg" shirt he is wearing in the pic above. After all, he was on his way to k*ll Euronymous too. Who would have smiled at him, probably)
Thanks to @vetelin_mies on ig for the box set pics 🦇
@the.old.mayhem on instagram
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numbbrainstrorm · 3 months
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I Ran out of my time limit so that's on me if He looks ugly talking abt the mistakes ( I'll finish it one day it just I have alot on my hands rn)
I still gotta get used to Artflow the app isn't great but it gets the job done for now
A huge inspo for his species is: Hivewings from WoF
Honeycomb of Royal Hornets Nest ( a. K. A Hornet)
Rest under the cut ( alt mode not included I still gotta figure that out)
And a tiny bit of lore ( I don't know how to grammar my English isn't Perfect yk v-v)
And also I dunno what I'm talking about 🖤
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It's very unfinished but it gets the job done as a reference sheet
The goal of my Au Icarus is to make the semi-organics as uncomfortable as possible
So I guess their anatomy coming as soon as I can get my time under control
It's a Semi-organic ( his organs are a mix of flesh and metal)
He is chubby and technically considered Fat in his culture ( which isn't nice but his species' beauty standards are high)
Anyways bit of Lore Ig? ( if you can't understand what I'm yapping about it's okay nobody does I should've posted abt their species first and not him but what's done is done ig) :
Hornet was part of a Royal Guard ( a guard that protects their Queen / for him a Mother) before he left to try and find his Brother in bond somewhere in space.
Before that ( when Hornet was very young) Hornet was a Gladiator ( that's their way to gain skills in fighting kinda of a norm for offsprings of the Queen that want to be in the Royal Guard) trying to gain the skills For the Royal Guard Tournament. During the tournament, he was paired against his then "Lover" where he had to end his live cuz ' Only The best ones are supposed to get out of this alive'.
He was heartbroken thus he has hatred toward the Drags ( used as People) that made him do this. He never forgave himself.
Now he wears the skull of his lover.
And has attachment issues never leading his loved ones anywhere where he is forced to kill them for the enjoyment of others.
After He Finds his Brother in bond he Joins the Ship Icarus and is in search with them to find their new planet they can call home. ( since he left the RG it is considered a High crime that can left him dead)
There's more but it's already confusing enough so I'll stop here for now c;
He is a very skilled swords man
He named his sword Beetle cuz it was made out of his ex-lover's Exoskeleton (whose name was Beetle)
It splits into two smaller swords and two bigger ( bc he has 4 hands)
His Altmode is a dragon Hornet hybrid
Hornets are a subspecies of the bug family
( bug family: Honey Hoarders > Bees, bumble bees, carpenter bees ( aka builder bees) , wasps, Hornets that turn into Elder Hornets
Leaf critters > Mantis, Beetles, Spiders
Glass Royalty > Silkies )
Royal Guard is a "group of siblings" that protects their Mother that is also their queen.
To be part of the Royal Guard you must be
1- queens offspring
2- be on top of the Vemon scale ( it's like a hardness scale but it's Venom)
3- must be a skilled fighter
4- be chosen by Mother in the Tournament
Also, He has a pet a. k. a his child called Dumpy
Dumpy is a Minibug that doesn't have an alt mode but is highly intelligent
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backscale-pivot-queen · 4 months
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Taking a quick break from Euros, here’s a quick update on “how shitty can USAG be this month?”
Lennox Hopkins, formerly one of the top USA rg national team gymnasts, posted to her story on ig about more shadiness from USAG after the elite qualifiers.
She successfully sued the organization when she retired, for promises not delivered on, and other unfair practices among other things. When she became injured, it was also months before anyone in the organization reached out to her, and this was far before she took legal action for the other concerns. Those in charge obviously have beef with this multi talented queen who took a stand.
Her post came after rampant questionable judging at the elite qualifier, where coaches and parents were taking to social media to protest this.
These competitions in the USA are not allowed to be streamed, and parents attending can ONLY film their own children.
Coaches began defending their gymnasts, after receiving low scores, especially in comparison to other gymnasts with many losses in their routines.
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Mother of former national team member, Nerea Francis, also chimed in on how it drove her daughter to end her career with rg.
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I LOVE seeing the USA work to get put on the RG map in the past decade. When will this organization stop self sabotaging??
How can these judges behave like teenage schoolgirl bullies? 🤔
Oh right, because nothing ever changes.
I LOVE Evita and Lili, and would love to see more US gymnasts shine in the next quad.
So why must they hide their gymnasts away? It only hinders growth and popularity for the sport on a domestic level.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Wonder if they’ll get a scandal free nationals 🫣
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sevencardigans · 4 months
I think Lindsey's social media activities are way too interesting (and desperate). Just this past week, she has dedicated a whole IG post to making sure everyone knows that she has been to Monaco before, right after a certain someone posted about being there this year. And just now she seems to have rewound her livestream of Jannik Sinners RG match and filmed them mentioning her in a side comment and then posted it on her story. Tell me you are desperate to stay relevant without telling me.
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ryanguzmansource · 1 year
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📸 • 7.3.23
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The thing with L is that he was never part of the gay 'circuit', partying and dancing the night out posting thirsty pics on IG, so almost nobody had any contact with him. I only met L because I attended some work functions in LA, but if you are just a regular gay guy parting in NY/LA, you probably would never see him.
Also, even though L was talked about his BDE vibes lol, he was not the type of guy (physically) who would be popular in clubs (like RG, Louis, etc), so a lot of people just assumed R had dumped him for a hotter guy. But very soon R spiraled and went crazy, and that's when people understood what happened. But still, R was and still is more popular with NY/LA gays than L.
That said, I'm not the only one interested in L, if he wanted he would have options lol.
The whispers in the lobbies of live shows. He can have any man there. He just has to make the offer.
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bidisasterevankinard · 2 months
I wish people would understand that as much as I adore OS I am also perfectly aware of how media conscious he is and how much he plays to certain sides of the fandom to avoid any sort of backlash on him. He is so very careful about what he says and what he posts so as to never 'lie' but also to appease and cater to the fans. If the loud minority weren't so batshit crazy I reckon he'd be very different about what he's vocal about/likes/posts.
YES!!!!! i beg everyone to find a post about his Twitter times and why he deleted it. He was acused of lying and queerbaiting bc he was excited about finale and said it's a good one, but people AS FUCKING ALWAYS screamed "BUDDIE CANON CONFIRMED" aka queerbaiting themselves and were literally DEATH TREATING Oliver on Twitter
So, why Oliver post almost nothing, huh? Why he appeal, but carefully only to crazy obsessed part of the fandom through his ig? Mmmmz smt tells me cause he wants to be left fucking alone
P.s he was super excited about 7x4 on his ig bc he kissed a guy as Buck, and he doesn't care it's not RG bc he still got paid
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
gg babe today another news
since they were called out for being homophobic towards eddie character they are trying to switch the narrative campaigning for josh and eddie together
i know some of them are doing it from the start (like that creepy roleplay profiles on ig where tommy and buck are together and maddie surrogated for their twin and josh and eddie are married) but the ones who are pushing this agenda now are the one who are mostly hating on eddie and rg
like yesterday they called him a transphobic dead beat father just because he shared an ig post from a page that made a transphobic post years ago (so they had to take their time and search for something to put on him)
i think that no one is perfect but at the same time you can’t accuse ryan if you stan lfjr that’s is more problematic
Hi my love 🩷
Oh so they are pushing for jeddie, that's better than the Eddie/Sal period, I guess? At least they have scenes together? Grounds for some hate fucking? I don't know, I'm surprised they didn't get there earlier actually lol. They really are scrambling to find something to use against Ryan, huh? And I once again ask, if the ship is so good and groundbreaking and guaranteed endgame, then why does Ryan matter to them?
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artiebuilds · 5 months
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this is what i posted on TT and IG today.
MG Hyaku Shiki 2.0 starts nowwwww
NGL, i have only watched pieces of zeta gundam. but when a suit is pretty and shiny, how can i resist?!
also saw that the RG Akatsuki is being released and i super want to do that one because: pretty ✔️ shiny ✔️ watched the series ✔️
about to take up a second job to supply my new obsession 😅😅😅
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Are we sure he posted and deleted, and it wasn't just a glitch? IG has been glitchy as hell recently. Because if he did, you RG stans need to get on your game. OS stans have their screenshot fingers ready to go. 😂
If he did I missed it because it happened while I was at work.
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