#anti buddie fandom
disaster-j · 3 days
Bvddies: BT is still queerbaiting bc Buck continues to identify as straight
Oliver Stark logging onto IG on Bisexual Day: it's so great i get to play BISEXUAL MAN Evan Buckley it's an honour to play a CANON BISEXUAL CHARACTER and we need more bisexual representation like EXPLICITLY BISEXUAL MAN EVAN BUCKLEY
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tommystummy · 16 days
Petty moment but it’s amazing how refrigerator magnets can apparently confirm a major relationship shift is 100% imminent but Tommy saying out loud “I hate that bitch Gerrard I wish he was dead and I hate the man I made myself for his approval” the exact same episode Gerrard gets reinstated as the Captain of the 118 isn’t enough to confirm that maybe Tommy isn’t the same person he was in 2005.
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wenellyb · 4 months
I finally realized the one thing that bothered me in the 911 fandom: a lot of the fans will focus on the future, instead of focusing on what happened in the show.
Which would be ok, if they didn't act like they know for sure what would happened next and act like they're the showrunners or something.
I go in the Bucktommy tags and I see talk about Bucktommy breakup in the upcoming episodes like it's a done deal. Or talks about how Bucktommy is setting up Buddie in season 8, as if it had been confirmed by the writers.
I'm not used to thinking like that, whether it's a canon ship or no, I like to focus on what we have seen onscreen. If I imagine the future, there are fics and headcanons for that, but I won't act like I know for sure what will happen onscreen.
But in 911 tags, you can be sure that there will be a bunch of posts about Bucktommy's alleged breakup or Buck and Eddie for sure getting together, and it won't be presented as headcanons or theories but as facts, and it annoys me.
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wannabanauthor · 5 months
Buddie fic disguised as BuckTommy
Dear Buddie shippers, GO FUCK YOURSELVES! This fanfic ends with Tommy and Buck breaking up so Buck can be with Eddie. No tags about it though.
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Why are you once again in the Buck and Tommy relationship tag on AO3? Fuck you and this author for constantly using Tommy as a stepping stone to your non-canon ship.
Buck breaks up with Tommy in this fic so he can be with Eddie.
I hate you all and your constant need to insert Buddie into BuckTommy without tagging properly, so I'm done being nice.
I'm going to start invading your tags because y'all can't stay in your own goddamn lanes.
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intermittent-showers · 2 months
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Men of the 118 (past & present)
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kinardsboy · 6 days
911 fans when you tell them that bucktommy was written for queer men to be a realistic representation of queer adult male relationships and not written to cater to non queer men’s tastes and feelings: 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
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floweringashtree · 1 month
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This is for those certain 911 fans. You know who you are. Get a grip and a life.
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allaboutalf · 4 months
Nothing proves the majority of toxic shippers are extremely young than their reactions to the daddy issues flirting/joke.
Not only is the queerphobia in the talk of vomiting and wishing characters are killed off cause they’re flirting with their adult partner pretty gross, but perhaps it’s a sign they shouldn’t be watching a show about adults, made for adults, with adult actors and writers if they’re uncomfortable with adult themes. This isn’t Heartbreak High.
Or maybe it shows that those who aren’t that young are going to pull out faux horror over anything the other ship does that they’d be loving if it were their ship.
Again, this is a show for adults about characters in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Can the childish, puritan takes with no understanding or experience with adult relationships, especially queer relationships, please be left in the trash where they belong?
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disaster-j · 3 months
Me: goes into the buddie tag bc i still like buddie bc i can be a normal person about fictional people
Buddie tag: flooded with posts about Tommy Kinard
And i thought i was obsessed with the guy 🤨🤨🤨
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tommystummy · 15 days
What’s it gonna take for these people to stop projecting their hatred onto Hen and Chim? Because i don’t want a long drawn out scene where they explain directly to the camera that Tommy has changed from the man he was under Gerrard but if that’s what it takes, fuck it let’s have a Very Special Episode about how people can unlearn bigotry.
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
Oml okay so me personally I was laughing at the fact that buck keeps getting kinks confirmed in canon but ngl the whole scene did fall flat for me
Now about the daddy kink discourse (good lord there is a sentence I never thought I’d type):
1. My dude please don’t tell queer people what queer culture is, you really think the large demographic of tumblr users are straight? 😭😭
2. No one is actually bothered about buck or Tommy having a daddy kink or the sexual flirting , y’all missed the point what people are bothered about is the context that conversation came up
3. The writers had the chance to make this into a really sweet and vulnerable moment where buck and Tommy open up to eachother and Tommy had spotted buck’s worry and buck let’s him be a safe space, instead they had the conversation turn into a flirtation and daddy kink joke, honestly if you wanna be like oh that might be Tommys personality, then okay let’s play devils advocate and so you could’ve kept the daddy kink joke but have some line after about Tommy wanting to lighten the mood, but to have it be like a genuine flirtation it’s just not great in the context
If anything I’d think bucktommy shippers would’ve preferred the former with the vulnerable scene
4. Since y’all wanna talk about not knowing queer cultures I want y’all sat for some sociology info dumping, found families isn’t just a trope loved by queer people, it’s something actually reflective in queer culture for decades because for obvious reasons many queer people had been rejected by their bio families and formed a new pseudo-family, but then this kinda becomes a common practice for queer people (both with familial trauma and without) because of an inherent openness toward alternative family structures and forms
So if we’re talking about how queer culture should’ve influenced that scene then buck calling bobby the dad he never had SHOULDNT have been met with a dry “ your dad is still alive” it should’ve been immediately understood even without knowing bucks trauma
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wannabanauthor · 5 months
Thoughts on the 9-1-1 Sneak Peek for 7x06
Tommy: (explaining why he's not drinking) I'm on standby.
Me: These B*ddie shippers remind me of the Beau x Jester shippers during Critical Role Campagin 2 when they accused the show of queerbaiting them when Beau and Yasha (also a woman) got together. Also, I remember the post when they wondered if Jester wanted to workout with Fjord (Jester's canon crush) because she wanted to be closer to Beau (who liked to workout).
Me: They also remind me of those "B99 and The Rookie are copaganda, so keep that in mind when you watch them. They're not doing anything revolutionary but perpetuate that not all cops are bad" posts.
Me: You have your opinions, but goodness gracious, read the room. Let people enjoy stuff. Even if it's not perfect or detailed in the exact way you want it. For fuck's sake, just because you're miserable doesn't mean others have to join you in your misery. Also, y'all tend to have two brain cells fighting for third place.
Also Me: He's literally on call for work. Of course he's going to choose a more neutral outfit.
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eloiseyybish · 5 days
Touching on recent 9-1-1 fandom discourse, I think it's important to contextualise. You see, the thing is, I've typically in the past shipped non-canon ships, but they've taught me a lot about fandom culture.
Ngl, this kinda started with The Mighty Ducks (Charlie/Adam shippers rise) and keeps going onto fuckin Klance (I'm just mad about how the writers left Lance and Allura as individual characters regardless of their romantic status at the time) and Zosan (OPLA did not help this).
So I 10000% know what it's like to ship something and for it to never to be canon because that's like 95% of most ships (especially gay ones) in fandom.
I promise you...if Buddie doesn't go canon... you'll live. You'll still have the same fanon couple that you've worshipped for so long.
Just, please... stop the 'Tommy Bashing' fics just because he is hot enough to make Buck discover his sexuality (instead of Eddie). I don't have the energy especially when some people don't even un-tag Bucktommy with these fics. They still keep Buck/Tommy as the main couple even though all they're doing is making Tommy OOC and an asshole (idk I haven't actually read the fic because I muted the creator when I saw that's what they were doing)
This is all new to me.
Normally, I don't ship the canon one, but Bucktommy is cute, guys, and idk what to tell you if you disagree. There isn't a single interaction they've had (in canon, not fanon) to show you that they don't desperately want to know each other better.
My point is: YOU DO NOT NEED YOUR SHIP TO BE CANON FOR YOU TO SHIP IT. As a veteran, I'm so shocked at the entitlement of NEEDING your favourite ship to be canon because that's the only way it's valid.
Please, grow up and understand that things don't happen in this world just because you want them to. Canon or not shouldn't stop you from being able to enjoy the dynamic.
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intermittent-showers · 3 months
Didn't realize that changing your mind on 911lbr was such a major crime that I would wake up to a fucking firing squad in my messages for finally telling the chat that I haven't seen Buddie as romantic since S4.
So, because I don't fucking owe these people an ounce of my time I immediately deleted my Buddie fics, deleted my Tumblr, and made a brand new one for bucktommy. If you can throw away years of communication and friendship over one tiny message, then clearly we weren't friendly to begin with, and no one like that is welcome in my corner.
And don't pretend Buddie is superior when every hiatus all you all do is bitch and moan in private about how much you hate the all of the other characters, besides Buddie, and wish they'd get a new ensemble of younger actors like they did in Grey's Anatomy.
Anyway, new blog who dis?
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They're just sooo... *sigh* 🥰🫠
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jeonjkooks · 6 months
It's actually concerning how quickly people are dropping Eddie and jumping to Tommy. Like, I get the excitement over Bi!Buck (Because it's amazing), but people are now wishing death on Eddie and jumping ship from Buddie completely?
Like, Tommy didn't have much of a redemption? He came out of nowhere and then kissed Buck and people are acting like Buckt*mmy is amazing and romantic and they have such chemistry? Like, he is very similar to the other love interests Buck has had. The only real main difference is that he's a man.
I'm pretty sure the only reason people are jumping to him so quick is because he's a guy. If Tommy was a woman, he would not get this kind of love at all.
It makes me wonder how much people actually shipped Buddie and whether it was just that they wanted Buck to get with a dude. Buck is obviously the fandom favorite. He's fanonified beyond belief. And this isn't hating on Buck, but the fandom tends to make everything about him. Eddie getting shot? About him. The well? About him. Chris in general? About him.
If it had been Eddie who Tommy had kissed (as was apparently the original plan) and Eddie who Tommy went on a date with, the fandom would not love it so much. They would probably make it all about Buck.
I may be coming off harsh, but it gets frustrating. I'm not saying to not ship Buck with Tommy, but at least be self-aware to see if you are doing it so Buck has a good relationship, or if you just want him to date a man.
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Half questioning my memory of the post s4 era, half side eying a certain character, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think there was ever a time when the Buddie fandom fully took the single “Evan” from the season 4 finale as Eddie receiving “Evan” privileges from then on. From my recollection, fics stayed mostly consistent with their uses of “Evan” by Eddie, perhaps just with an emphasis on important moments (love confessions, Christopher’s adoption papers, wedding vows, NDEs, etc.) after the finale. And I had to stop myself from wondering why that is because I know why. We all know. Because nobody wanted to use “Evan” in fics when Buck had just told his parents that people who know him call him Buck. So Buddie fandom heard that, accepted it, and uses it only sparingly. In canon and fanon, even Maddie only rarely uses “Evan” anymore, and it feels even less common for her to use post-Buck Begins (if at all, actually). So the fact that Tommy and BT fans tend to use “Evan” (at least, this has been my experience) is so utterly jarring. Buck told everyone his preference, and I believe LFJ has spoken about being told to use only “Evan” when referring to Buck, so I simply do not understand anyone who believes that BT is in love already or endgame. Yes, it could go the “Buck gave Tommy ‘Evan’ privileges off-screen” route, but then why push it off-screen? It would be a major allowance made for a new love interest, and a significant step in Buck’s character arc. Yet we see nothing of the sort. So why would anyone believe that’s what happened? The last we heard, Buck had told his parents and everyone else to call him Buck exclusively, with the minimal exception of Maddie (who was, for most of his childhood, his one and only lifeline and confidant). That sort of history and characterization is not ignored if there is not something very wrong with the writers’ room. It was not even ignored by a significant portion of the fandom post-season 4, although Eddie gaining permanent “Evan” privileges would’ve been a strong indicator of a Buddie endgame (had an on-screen explanation of Eddie gaining this privilege been released). It was not ignored, and it did not change the nature of Buck in fic nor fanon. So why in hell is the same not holding true for a brand new relationship like BT?
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