#rhaemond kids
an-abyss-of-stars · 1 year
Rhaemond babies content - Jacaela Edition!
The many faces of
Aethan Velaryon
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Aethan is the first born child of both Baela and Jace (he's currently a 1yr old baby in the story, but by the time Vaella is born, he will have turned 2!) He's Rhaenyra and Daemon's first grandchild, and their kids first nephew. Aethan is often thought to take after both of his parents, but mostly his features seemed to have favoured his mother. He inherited her eyes, her nose, her lips and especially her spirit. Whereas with his father, he mainly inherited his facial structure and his brown hair colour (both Aethan and his next sibling will have brown hair, but I'm imagining that their hair is not a simple regular brown. Like maybe in the sun there's a golden-like essence to it)
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Aethan was given a Velaryon name when he was born, not because either Jace or Baela felt it necessary to do so, but because when they looked upon their newborn son, they simply felt it suited him. He entered the world quite stoically as far as babies are concerned, barely crying or screaming. He whined only a bit, but once he was safely swaddled and placed in his loving mother's arms, he was sound, quiet and peaceful. Staring up at his parents with big lavender eyes, a clear mix of purple tones he'd inherited from both of his parents.
As a babe, he was doted upon by the whole of his family. His parents especially of course, but all of his aunt's and uncles loved him dearly. And once the family's bridges had been mended, he was truly free to spend time with all of his relatives. His uncles Aemond and Aegon were among the two to spend a great deal of time with him (even if Aemond was reluctant to admit how fond he was his nephew then). And Aethan's little uncles loved him just as dearly, little Aeggie and Vis were very excited to have a new playmate, as were Aethan's cousins little Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. Jaehaera had a habit of stealing Aethan away from his nursery, plopping him down at her little tea table in her nursery and having little tea dates with him. He was very fond of his cousin, and sitting beside delightful stuffed dragons, so he didn't mind at all.
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With Aethan's birth, the courtiers who frequented the Red Keep were forced to hold their tongue more than they ever had for Jace and his brunette brothers. For Aethan was a true born Prince of the crown, as well as being Jace's own heir to the throne. Aethan held a great deal of Valyrian blood, and with the Rogue Prince...now made King Consort being the boy's grandfather, it would be most foolish of any Lord to gain dragon Queen or King's ire by insulting their darling boy.
Aethan as a toddler could be seen accompanying many of his family members to different events and duties throughout the day. He'd sit upon his grandpapa's lap for hearings and petitions, he'd sit by his grandmama's side as well as his father's side during council meetings, doing his best to pay attention as he was the next heir after his father...though at such a tender age he most certainly was not paying attention.
He learned Valyrian quite easily from his maesters, as well as, mostly from his parents and grandparents. His mama sat with him often to go over his pronunciation, and his papa regaled him with myths and tales of The Flames in Valyrian to further help his understanding.
Aethan would sit and read with his uncle Aegon, though more often than not he'd remind his uncle that he'd skipped a page or misread a word. With his younger uncles Aeggie and Vis and his cousin Jaehaerys, the boys sought to teach their new little family member how to fight and play their favourite game Conquerors.
And when Jaehaera hoped to snag him away for tea dates, he'd be sure to sweetly invite his aunt Helaena for he always thought she'd enjoy having tea with them...even if some days it was just imaginary. He often enjoyed her sweet presence and attention.
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As a result, as a young child, Aethan enjoyed a great many things. He'd learned the ways of his eccentric family and found that he loved them all for various reasons (even his step-grandmother Alicent had been a pleasant force in his upbringing. I never mention her, but I think she's nice to the next gen of little Targs...not Otto tho...Otto scares the kiddos). Aethan was an incredibly bright child, he loved to learn, loved myths, history and philosophy. He loved to read, but more often than not he'd rather read with the members of his family who had the patience for it, his papa or his Queenly grandmama most namely. But he loved to receive his bedtime stories from his grandpapa most of all, for Daemon's retelling of his battle at the Stepstones was the most enthralling tale no matter how many times Aethan heard it.
On the other side of things, Aethan had found so many activities to occupy his time within because of another reason. His dragon egg had never hatched, gifted to him by his grandparents, an egg from the great Syrax and Caraxes, had unfortunately remained cold and dormant.
It wouldn't be until Aethan's 6th nameday. By then, Rhaenyra as Queen had decided to re-initiate a Targaryen custom that her own father had neglected to continue with. And this was the custom of teaching and creating strong bonds with the next Targaryen generation. In the days when Viserys, Daemon and Rhaenys were young children, they used to frequent Dragonstone. Stay for days there maybe even frequent visiting moons, learning together, training together, bonding with one another. There'd be no room for petty strife or parental squabbles infecting their ideas of how they felt for one another. As opposed to the generation of Rhaenyra's, Daemon's, Alicent's children who had grown away from one another and grew to create rifts and strained relations.
So starting at the age of 6, Aethan would frequent Dragonstone more often. To bond with his cousins there, (by that point Vaella would be 4yrs old, and the twins, Daemion and Aelyx would be 2yrs old) as well as being able to see his beloved aunt and uncle as well. It was during one of these visits to Dragonstone, that Aethan at the tender age of 6, had managed to claim the great King of the Dragons, Vermithor.
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As time went on, Aethan grew to become a most well rounded Prince. During his stays at Dragonstone he happily trained extensively with his uncle Aemond, relishing in the way that his uncle did not hold back/baby him (as Aethan sometimes felt his own father did, though I'm sure that was just because Jace didn't want to hurt his own kid 😂😂). During these training sessions, Aethan often went head to head with Vaella as well, see Vaella...she was his number one competitor in EVERYTHING. It started when they were little, training hard against one another, an ever growing competition of who could out do who. Once they both had claimed dragons, frequent dragon races were held almost daily as well. This competitive spirit followed them everywhere, whose studies were superior, who knew their family history the best, whose Valyrian was more accurate, whose written word was clearer. They were a terror running wild in the island towns.
Rhaena often worried that the children were competing too much, but Aemond often found it more amusing than not, assuring his wife that the competition was healthy enough. It wasn't a violent hatred, it was a natural sportsmanship, something that was motivating both kids to strive to do better than the other. This behaviour followed them back to King's Landing as well, for the many frequent visits Rhaena and Aemond had there, where they brought their children with them. The rest of the children all happily bonded and played with their cousins and uncles, while Vaella and Aethan were always going at one another.
Whether it was 4yr old Vaella biting 6yr old Aethan's arm because he dared to take the last custard tart, or 9yr old Aethan pushing 7yr old Vaella too hard when she insulted his brown hair and called him "only part Targaryen!"
The day a ten year old Vaella had defeated in a 12yr old Aethan during one sparring match, she'd inadvertently given him a black eye with the blunt handle end of her practice sword. It wasn't a terribly permanent wound, so while Baela may have wanted to be upset, but she loved her niece far too much to actually lecture the girl on the brutality needed for a sparring match. Instead she had turned to her sister, and laughed "you do realize you've simply birthed a mini version of Aemond, yes?" Rhaena had found herself laughing, because she'd always thought the same.
Besides it all, Aethan had taken the wound like a champ, neither crying or acting viciously in retaliation, instead he just stormed back to the castle...where Vaella quickly followed suit screaming apologies with added advice, "you should've dodged left! I told you, your movement was too predictable! But I am sorry, cousin!"
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As a young man, Aethan had become quite the stunner. He'd filled out rather handsomely, truly taking after his father and his grandfather. His shoulders had widened, his arms and body toned with strong muscle, and his height had shot up immensely just slightly surpassing his father's 6ft in height, now reaching 6'1 or possibly even 6'2 (more on par with Aemond's height).
Aethan was a most accomplished fighter, having competed in several tourneys, and having won more than half of them by age 18. His bond with Vermithor was strong and well taken care of, as he flew with his mount as often as he could. Often going on trips with his beast either to the free cities to bring his mother, grandmother, aunts, sisters or cousins some lovely gifts. Or over to the North as he'd become great friends with Rickon Stark, Lord Cregan's eldest son (a kind of mirror to how Jace and Cregan are meant to be besties!). They'd often go hunting together, train together, drink and tell tales (he even had grown to see Cregan as another sort of uncle-type figure.)
With the amount of time Aethan spent in the North, it was largely rumoured that he'd most likely marry a Northern girl (something his mother and grandfather were adamantly against, they definitely wanted him to marry Valyrian). But if anyone was paying attention...and Rhaenyra always was, Aethan's eyes had only ever been set on one girl. The only girl in their family that he couldn't ever stop mentioning even when she had returned home was safely away from him. He'd say he hated the bickering, hated the fighting, loathed her competitive and brutish nature. But it was clear to his grandmother, that Aethan was never more alive, burning with true dragon's fire, than when he was in the company of his cousin Vaella Targaryen.
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Romantically, Aethan was very fluid. He was a crown Prince, thought to be both handsome and beautiful, with something hypnotically captivating in the contrast of his Valyrian eyes and dark brown hair. Many Ladies of the land had set their cap for him, hoping to be the one he'd choose as his bride...hoping to be his future Queen come the day he became King.
And by this point, Aethan securely taken after his father and uncle Aemond, in the way that he deeply cared about his duties. He sat in many council meetings, stood by for all hearings, petitions and decrees. So the thought of his future and his future wife was not a thought he was neglected. He knew he needed start thinking of ensuring his own line. Whether his marriage would be a match of political alliances or one based on Valyrian purity.
Aethan had bedded both men and women in his time, for attraction to him went beyond the bounds of simple gender norms. But deep within himself, he certainly knew the feelings he had for Vaella that were unmatched by anything else. By the time Vaella had turned 18, she was officially of age for marriage proposals, and as he'd heard it, she'd already been receiving several since she was 16yrs of age.
But Aethan knew Vaella better than anyone, she'd never been fond of the idea of marriage. At least not to the men who had offered themselves to her. She had too much of her father within her, she needed volatility. If she was to marry, she wanted a warrior. She wanted someone capable of defeating her, not just with blunt strength, but with real skill. So when she made the request to their grandparents, a tourney for her hand, but the winner must defeat her single combat.
Well...Aethan wasn't beyond throwing his hat in the ring. Conversations of his own possible betrothals ranged from Lannister girls to Baratheons, to Starks...and certainly talk of Vaella becoming his wife had been mentioned. Contention was drawn as Vaella was his uncle Aemond's eldest, and in Queen Rhaenyra's reign, she hoped to instill that the eldest child, male or female, would be the heir to any seat especially in their family. That would make Vaella the next Princess of Dragonstone...but that would only hold, if Vaella chose to marry a second son...a man who stood to inherit nothing.
Whereas...more likely than not, she would marry a man who stood to inherit something more. Aethan's parents had hoped that maybe Vaella would rather be Queen one day...by Aethan's side. It was a possibility that had given his heart a great sense of warmth, the idea of having his beautiful cousin standing by his side, as his wife, as his Queen.
And as the idea had been mentioned to his aunt and uncle, his aunt Rhaena was not against the match, ever the sweet woman he knew her to be, she was in fact all for it so long as her daughter was interested in making it so. While his uncle teetered on the idea of having to give his daughter up as his own heir...but certainly loved and trusted his nephew as the best viable option, as he was respected and Valyrian...and surely Aemond enjoyed the idea of his daughter one day becoming the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. (Aemond's gotta have a nice little think about it all 😂😂 that's his precious little baby girl to him still.)
Either way, once Vaella returned to King's Landing for the tourney, Aethan decided to join the tourney. A fact that truly angered Vaella when she'd heard that he had. It was during this time that Aethan truly began to see his cousin in this new light, a light he never dared to view her in before. Acknowledging that their bickering and back and forth actually was something that entertained him greatly, it amused him, aroused him. He'd always lived to annoy his cousin, but now he was drawing even more from every interaction they had. Every round of the tourney that he succeeded to move past, Vaella only argued more with him, pulling him into close dark rooms to claim he was only "jesting, wasting her efforts to actually prove a point, to prove herself, to find a truly suitable person-".
That argument had ended with a rough kiss, and with their volatile nature with one another, almost every one of their outburst arguments started leading towards more and more aggressive kisses, grinding, and sexual encounters.
By the time Aethan reached the end of the tourney, he'd beat out every major Lord/house, collected no more than a few minor flesh wounds. And when he finally faced off against the one woman he wanted most of all, he knew better than to go easy on her, she'd never accept the outcome if he did. It was said to be a most spectacular match, as Princess Vaella Targaryen was a beast unleashed with her blade in her hand. But as Aethan knew best, Vaella always fought viciously when she was emotional...but in that state she also left room for very slight minuscule mistakes. Mistakes Aethan knew how to spot and capitalized on, and used to defeat her.
He pinned her twice, once she held her blade at an equally vital spot...but she would not yield. So he separated from her, and worked his way to knocking her sword from her hand, before pinning her again. His true dragon unleashed, he was grinning ferociously when he pinned her down for the second time. To the sound of screaming cheers from nobles and commoners alike viewing in the crowd, Aethan cared for none of it, he just needed to hear her say the words, that she yielded...and that she'd finally accept his offer for his hand.
And she did.
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Funnily enough, back when I first wrote Vaella's character bio I had no idea what my plan was for her future or for her love interest(s). But once I started thinking about Aethan and Jacaela's other babies and Lucenaera's babies, and I started drawing the lines between who'd end up with who. Aethan seemed like such a fun perfect character to match Vaella with!
Plus I find that the parallel throughline between Vaella and Aethan here feels like it really draws back to the core of Rhaemond in this universe! Like the base relationship isn't starting with real hatred or them being actual enemies, but there is an enemies to lovers element to them, and the bickering and competitive nature between seems super fun to me.
There's also technically a 3rd party to this relationship, a character I decided not to mention here. He will be introduced in this story and then he'll be more important in the sequel story when I focus on adult Vaella. There, I think, eventually with the three of them their relationship will result in becoming more of a throuple than just a straight linear marriage (though Vaella and Aethan's marriage will still be the core.)
Sidenote: when I do make Part 3 of this series, don't mind me if some of these details change when I do get to writing it. These are just my main initial thoughts for these characters now. But once I go into more depth with them, things might alter just a tad!
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Jacaela kids in order:
Aethan Velaryon (133 AC), baby #2 (137 AC), baby #3 & #4 (142 AC)
Rhaemond kids in order:
Vaella Targaryen (135 AC), Daemion Targaryen & Aelyx Targaryen (137 AC), Valaena Targaryen (138 AC), Naerys Targaryen (139 AC), baby #6 & #7 (142 AC), baby #8 & #9 (153 AC)
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silver-dragonborn · 2 years
Imagine Little Rhaena and Little Aemond developing a friendship similar to Rhaenyra and Alicent's friendship. They bond over being overlooked by their fathers and having no dragons. Still, they realize they have a shared fascination with dragon lore, Targaryen history, the history of magic, and the world beyond Westeros.
The little dragons run around the halls of Driftmark hand in hand, giggling and whispering to each other in Valyrian as they spend hours in the library together, pouring over tome after tome, carefully unfurling aged scrolls, and trying to decipher the information, all while stuffing their chubby cheeks with the blueberry tarts they swiped from the kitchens.
Alicent spies them sneaking off to the beach, splashing about in the water and trying to get each other wet. She tries to stop them, her heart hammering in her chest at the thought of one of Daemon Targaryen's cursed spawn harming her son, but Rhaenyra stops her.
"Look at them. Don't they remind you of us?"
Watching them holding hands, faces flushed and glowing under the light of the sun, Alicent begrudgingly admits that in a particular light, they do remind her of the past...of a friendship long gone.
The two women do not speak but stand side by side in comfortable silence as Aemond and Rhaena play in the sea.
When night falls, Rhaena sneaks into Aemond's room to read some more books, only for the two to doze off together after the third chapter.
Vhagar is not claimed. An eye remains intact.
But during the night, a betrothal is discussed between two former friends. A betrothal that will heal the growing cracks growing within House Targaryen.
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princesssszzzz · 2 years
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The wingless dragons Aemond & Rhaena.
Second Son. Second Daughter.
Both clinging to their mothers. Both neglected by their fathers.
Both excluded with feelings of worthlessness.
Both living with guilt and regret after the incident in Driftmark as it leads to more violence.
Rhaena lost a mother and Aemond gained a dragon. They started in the same place and moved in opposite directions.
My Targaryen children have suffered more than Jesus. If the writers for this show had any creative vision or balls this is Greek tragedy/Shakespeare level shit right here.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
AU: Aegon marries Baela, Helaena marries Jace, and Aemond marries Rhaena. Luke becomes Viserys’s ward in Kings Landing and Daeron becomes Daemon's ward in Dragonstone.
In this AU do you think the Dance would’ve still happened?
I love this scenario🙌🏽(and spoilers this is lowkey where I’m going in my Laena and Daemon au). Honestly, if Viserys was smart at all he would’ve gone this route and forced everyone to marry everyone else that way a threat like the Dance would be neutralized.
I couldn't say it would never come about(you’ve got a lot of different claims and someone might start feeling themselves), but marrying them to each other, paying attention to all your kids, and fostering healthy bonds that way no one feels like they are left out would certainly make it harder for one to fear for their safety/hold a grudge.
If someone wanted the throne at this point, say Aegon, which is unlikely cause he only agreed to be crowned in the books to protect his family, they’d have to kill their full-blooded relatives. Which again isn’t something he wanted and I doubt Jace or Rhaenyra would view him as a threat as long as they make a pact that Jace's (and Helaena’s) eldest son(the future king) will marry Aegon(and Baela’s) eldest daughter.
Aemond probably still has grudges if the eye incident has occurred, but he isn’t the eldest son so he can’t do much(he’d have to first kill his own brother which he’d never do then stage a coup which no one would support him in cause he killed his bro). Viserys will need to give him a nice little keep for him and Rhaena where he can be an anime villain in peace🤣
Honestly, I think even Daemon wouldn’t try to stir up some sh*t as long as he knows his line will eventually inherit. Although I can’t rule out him not trying to do something to Jace(the Greens won’t care as long as Helaena and her babies are okay) that way his granddaughter becomes queen faster, but Jace(and Helaena’s line will live and inherit the throne. I left Luke and Joffrey out of this equation cause there is no way he can make all three deaths look like an accident. He’d have to stop at Jace. Daeron is safe in his hands.
Vaemond will probably say something regarding House Valeryon’s succession, he may be relieved of his head, but if Luke marries his granddaughter I doubt his sons will protest much after that.
The problem could lie with Rhaenyra having legitimate kids(which was where she majorly f*cked up), but if they just repeat what AU Viserys did(marry grandkids) it should be fine.
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elephantinparis · 2 years
@princesssszzzz this is a public thank you on the behalf of the entire rhaena x aemond fandom because you’re single handedly carrying this fandom with your commissions 🙌🏻💞
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ridhistory21 · 4 months
Trailer analysis & helaemond theory-
I am sharing my whole trailer reaction after seeing everyone's opinion on Twitter and Tumblr so read fully before misinterpreting-
firstly lemme clearify that these two pics are not from same scenario. These two are quite different
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this girl is not the one in left pic. Scenes are very much different. It's clear she's only in episode 1 as dancer, she is not Alys rivers or anyone else bc I saw many people claiming this stupid theory. This actress kika green already announced this.
Now this pic is very much gives vibes of aemma arryn as she was about to have a small comeback in s2 and this women gives Aemma more than Rhaenyra or Helaena and I seriously don't think this scene is supposed to be some hot sex scene.
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It's very much Viserys & Aemma in someone's vision or dream. It can be anyone's vision or dream though whether it's deamon, Rhaenyra or Helaena.
Either it's deamon or someone else old checking on Rhaenyra whether she's fine or not. Or
Lemme prepare myself for worse😭 that it can be blood touching Helaena ( least expected but show runners said it's going to be worse and why least as girl in this looks more Aemma/Rhaenyra than Helaena in ep2 from pics)
I am not a top helaemond shipper, I like Rhaemond more than alysmond and Helaemond but 👀👀👀👀 there are very very slight chance for helaemond just trying to catch the dots from S1 & s2. -
Now again these two can be or very can be not from same scene, I am tired people thinking all these pics are from same scenes as they don't seem to, though they can be🤷🏻‍♀️
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this pic of aemond lying in lap of someone can be very much brothel madame as people claim that mark on hands, yes my first reaction was this it has to be her but are we sure that she's the one going to fuck Aemond episode 1 or any other episode as that actress is there for 4 episodes in s2 and this scene can be very much from any episode
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this is all what that brothel lady actress Michelle bonnard said about her role in s2 - " But more recently two amazing women, directing on the same series #HouseoftheDragons - the brilliant @clarekilner and @geetavpatel - and working with them, I thought fuck me - I love what these women do... and I got a bit naked. How do I feel about that? Who knows? But I had power, because the world is changing. ". She only said that she got bit naked now that means if -
she is going to have hard core sex with Aemond and Aemond is actually a milf lover
Or she is just warming up Aemond with affection and love who might not be in good mood
or ...... another theory is that is she going to have that kinda scene with only Aemond or someone else because -----
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This actor Kieran bew is playing hugh hammer a dragonseed is also gonna be pervert who might be seen in silk Street and she posted alot of pics with him so....🤷🏻‍♀️
If she is for 4 or 5 episodes there then there are many chances to see this actress in alot of scenes of brothel. So that scene with Aemond can be with her in any episode or slight chance that there can be someone else.
Only slight chance why because that hand can belong to anyone, that vein or scar is not giving any extreme clue. Though I very much think it's gonna be that lady anyhow but how it's gonna happen we don't know.
Now why helaemond because just see-
That girl kika green is going to play in episode 1 as dancer and that's only possible for aegon's party for Aemond in cock inn on killing luc and it' almost confirmed that first episode we are going to see them celebrating and it's Aegon so whores are going to be there, him giving Aemond whores to fuck as a gift is very much Aegon thing.
Now my earlier thought was that this new girl is for aegon to get distracted, a plan by mysaria. That's the reason Aegon would be so pathetic as he fucked a random girl instead of staying with his wife and his kids that night. This is what my thought is.
But also they are showing her as such mystery and my question is ---
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that why it was specific white haired girl or Valerian blood girl required for aegon because
as we know Aegon in book and show both alot, he is not the one to have valerian girl fantasy. He likes & fucks anyone. Also in the show they said 'his is less discriminating' and he doesn't even like Helaena as lover at all😭,he would fuck any random person any time
so why this white haired girl was bought for aegon or mysaria thought that he is a targ so he might like targ girls also but don't mysaria knows aegon's doing very well ? If we remember S1 ?
now only person who is fond of fucking white haired girls is Daemon and else who--
Now what if Aegon got this girl as gift for Aemond to fuck as Aegon knows Aemond very well and what he likes - what my theory is that initially Aemond is gonna hesitate to celebrate with whores but when Aegon and mysaria present this targ girl infront of him then👀👁️👁️ we might see some action from him. She keeps up Aemond busy. This might led to path that -
Aemond loves to be someone who looks more targ or looks more like Helaena. Just connect the dots now.... Because what was this by hbo itself when shared their pic with all couples ,what was this fr. It really looked sus..... I wasn't a helaemond shipper at all--
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I am not saying Helaena's children are of Aemond but aemond might have desire for Helaena or to be with someone like Helaena.
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And this girl was really supposed to be helaena from S1😶. So just connect the dots, there are slight chances for helaemond and yes scene with Aemond can be different episodes. My ass connecting all dots but I know in show it might be different.
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liaa--qb · 4 months
If you were the writer and had every liberty to write and change storylines from the book (as if Condal, Hess and Co don't already, right) how would you make Rhaemond work? As in, how would you make them cross their paths starting from s1 finale? So, everything we've seen in s1 has already happened, the Driftmark incident, Aegon's coronation, Storm's End, the war is basically here... As another Rhaemond (delulu) enjoyer would love to hear your ideas:)
Omg😅 it's a question for long answer. I will try to explain nm😅 it's gonna be long.
See there are two different ways - before luc's death - I would have loved to see them interacting with eachother.
I would have shown what are they feeling, what are they thinking about each other meeting after such a long time. All kids have totally different personalities specially if we talk about Rhaena ( I will say how I wanna see her) she should be shown as quite sensible one among all kids. She was kind of dreamy girl and not fond of violence which was very important for her persona. She should be the first to indulge in conversation with Helaena and others also in episode 8.
It was before luc's death , rhaena and Aemond should definitely have small talk together to which Aemond should realise that rhaena wasn't that bad as he thought. Same for rheana she would realise that it was huge childhood mistake they committed and feels sorry for him.
Both of them r having daddy issues. Rhaena somehow craves for her father's admiration and Aemond is just like daemon 😆. She would definitely see daemon in him. Believe me there was no chance that people would not have shipped them if there was even one single conversation or any moment in bet these two alone in hotd.
'I would not say there should be an instant love between them but a slow realisation of what wrong they both are doing and what is right to do will definitely occur to their mind once they chat with each other'
Like they both are completely opposite to each other but yet with some things in same if one realises. Aemond goes for his things and takes it whether life offers him or not nomatter what the consequences are while Rhaena calmly waits for things. Her patience and sensitive nature are sometimes good for her and sometimes bad.
Both of them are Targaryens yet Rhaena don't give shit about blood purity, just goes for nature of person while Aemond's supreme narcissist ass definitely wants a valarian features. On other hand if we see their preferences in partners Rhaena likes more princes or knights and Aemond would definitely desire wife who is sweet and supportive just like his mother not any warrior figure.
When they would talk to each other, they would not hurt each other but their thoughts will clash with each other and will show a mirror to each other which sometimes they both need.
Aemond would to see the psychopath in him who was causing harm to others and himself with his toxic thinking and sometimes it's good for him if he just let it go, destructive revenge is not an answer all time.
While Rhaena will learn that sometimes it's better to go for the things she likes rather than wait until life gives you nothing. It would definitely give her more confidence build up to stand for herself and don't care about others or the duty shit all time.
I am not saying that they should change their character entirely like Aemond x oc fanfics😭 no way!!! Not like they should change their personality in secs n marry each other 😆. Show is different and fics are different. I would have continued them with their storyline but with deep character Sketch.
It's a kind of realising , or deep thoughts that sometimes would definitely strike them at some points thinking alone that "what Rhaena said to him was correct or not" or " was Aemond right about taking what you think you deserve at any cost no matter what" These kinds of thoughts should definitely come to their mind at once when they both are seeing result of their actions which they hate like Rhaena finding herself far way and behind her family members who are engaging war, not involving her and Aemond seeing B&C after killing luc.
Like see the best example of their conversation is literally Klaus and Caroline from tvd. How their talks went when they were alone with each other ( infront of others they were lit killing each other 😭 )
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this is what I say when I mention Rhaemond meeting.👍🙌
Rhaena getting a tinge of badness in her while Aemond thinking that being soft sometimes is not that bad. Caroline hitted core of Klaus alot of times by mentioning what worse shit he was not running behind him to fix him like others while Klaus giving his own tempting advices to Caroline to go for her bad side once which actually sometimes worked for Caroline too. I am not saving that Aemond should be in love with her but how these two are exact replica of how *Aemond n Rhaena would behave in situations*
This was not difficult at all, everything was possible if writers used their brain ☠️😑😑plus how correct it would have been for their arcs
after luc's death - I would have definitely made Aemond kidnap Rhaena when she was in vale.🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry but how come his anime villian as is not doing this shit. Rhaena was literally far away from her family. Aemond going after her to get her as a soft bait against team black was so easy for plot. It would have been such good for their characters to get time while spending journey and hrs with each other, initially despising each other then starting to feel bit sorry about each other which again would have led to the above conversation before parting ways.
It's not important to be with each other or be an end game but how their journey was is important. Like klaroline is most accurate example. Klaus the daddy hater, filled with revenge, torturing his own brother but loves him, desire to prove himself best and powerful wanting to kill Tyler bf of Caroline. Same Caroline who is chirpy, sweet, full of life, dreamy girl yet filled with loneliness and desires to be wanted by her parents n how it's going parallel with Aemond/Rhaena when you observe clearly.
In the end Aemond realising slowly that yeah may be Rhaena was right all this long, may be he should have let it go all way before then his family might have been in different situation but also his madness provoking him and making him think that now it's too late to go back and went to fight with daemon. Also Aemond thinking if he won he would go back to Rhaena and make it all up to her but he never comes back we all know 😅😞)
While Rhaena with time giving worse life to her 😭 realising that reality is far bitter than beautiful dreams and one have to behave maturely with whatever that person gets. She makes sure that bloodshed stops after seeing destruction from both sides .
Her getting married to Garmund (a guy who should be definitely in love with her) thinking that it was best to live with a simple and lovable person instead of any prince who can't guarantee her a loyal marriage life or go for murdering anyone thinking of her father and Aemond all time as how she was attracted to these kinds of guys. She instead of being sad decides to live her rest of life peacefully with Garmund and morning nomatter what amount of time her dragon is alive. That's how their story should end which is just like book not going any different path.
Meanwhile there should be scene between them before god's eye and then parting way i.e Aemond asking for hands of Rhaena &, advising her to get married to him forcefully while Rhaena making him realise how he caused her harm and killed all her family members she loved. To which Aemond says that he will become good, offers her to be his queen and leave all of this bloodshed after taking his last revenge by killing daemon to which ofc rheana still refuses.
After her marriage while living peacefully with Garmund, Rhaena many times thinking about Aemond and what if he had survived and came back to her, would he have been a great husband or not as he claimed, realising that she was feeling something for Aemond. ( I would have loved to see this so bad😭😞)
it's important to show highlight on how Aemond despite of getting everything he wanted vhagar, crown ( regent ) and other things still gets nothing in the end because of his aggressive greedy nature while Rhaena who was dragon less among all targ/val family was the only one who remained with dragon in the end.
Was it that difficult fr writers ????😑😐
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witheredoffherwitch · 4 months
Aemond and Rhaena are bitter second kids and I love that for us
Yet another Rhaemond parallel
They're sizzling hot 😎❤️‍🔥
Their bitter 'second child syndrome' only adds fuel to this ship's fire 😙
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maryonaccross · 1 year
Hello, love your blog. I was wondering what are the things you would like to see in the next season(s) of HotD? Honestly, I'm not really hopeful and was quite disappointed how they handled some important characters and storylines in season 1, but I'll give a chance to season 2. If it disappoints me, well, at least I tried. The thing that worries me the most is the fact that it will only have 8 episodes because I think that could only harm the pacing. Anyway, here are some of the things I would like to see:
1. First of all, I want Alicent to stop being so apologetic and finally show some teeth. Team blank already hates her with passion and I want to see her acting for real like they were pretending she was acting in season 1. Let her be decisive, resentful of Rhaenyra, unconditionally supporting and protective of her children. I don't want to see any of "my old childhood friend" bullshit anymore. It was a good idea to start the story, but that is also something that should have been dead and buried long ago, especially after Driftmark. How could she actually approach Rhaenyra after the dinner and act all apologetic and humble again, even after that same "friend" asked for her maimed son to be "sharply questioned". No mother should get over it and I don't want to see "Rhaenyra is actually the most important to Alicent" narrative again. It would also be interesting to see the development of her relationship with Criston, not necessarily in a romantic way.
2. More Helaena screentime and her dreams/visions. I would like them to give her more importance and agency than she had in the book, especially after B&C. Explore her relationship with her family, make her an actual character, not just a "weird bug girl," "an innocent victim",...Same goes for Aemond and Aegon. I want to see Aegon as a complex character struggling with his new position, but also learning how to be more responsible and perceptive. Give me some intense scene between him and Aemond where they actually confront each other and finally express the way they see their place in the Targaryen family, how they cope(d) with their father's neglect, maybe discussion about Helaena and her abilities. I would really like to see some scenes between the green kids like the ones the Lannisters had in GoT, especially in the early seasons. This show needs something like that because it lacks depth when it comes to certain relationships. And yes, they better finally give Dreamfyre and Sunfyre the attention they deserve.
3. As for Aemond, I must say I'm not looking forward to his Harrenhal storyline, I prefer him in KL and interacting with his family. Furthermore, I'm not an Alys fan, when it comes to Aemond ships I'm more Rhaemond (will never become canon, I know) and Helaemond (might become canon, but not very likely) so I believe this Alysmond relationship will probably be something like Daemyra, deeply problematic and toxic, but quite popular among the fans. I just hope they won't make it some great love story because it won't make much sense imho. And of course, more scenes between him and Vhagar to show their bond and similarities. I'll never forgive them not including her roar when he lost an eye.
4. Give Baela and Rhaena more agency. Maybe some confrontation with their father and/or stepmother wouldn't hurt. If they really intend to depict Baela as Daemon no2 I'll probably hate her lol, but three is still hope for Rhaena. I've always imagined that she would be disgusted with B&C.
5. Include Sara Snow storyline. Regardless of what some people say, there are no romantic feelings between Jace and Baela imo and she will probably have another romantic interest, so why not give something to Jace to make his story more interesting? I don't believe in Cregan xJace and the way some TB fans defend that relationship as more acceptable and less harmful to his betrothal to Baela is ridiculous. Cheating is cheating, so why Sara isn't acceptable, but Cregan is? And anyway, that betrothal was forced upon them to cover for Rhaenyra's mistakes, so let Jace be rebellious for once, not just meek and dutiful. We've seen his darker side so they could explore that a bit more.
6. Please, don't make Nettles Daemon's daughter. Honestly, this is a tough one since their relationship was strange in the book too, but whatever they do, I hope they won't make her his daughter.
7. Don't make B&C a botched kidnapping or something. That would be too much and could actually make me stop watching
8. Show more cases of the dragons acting on their own, like Vhagar and Arax at Shipbreaker's Bay. Explore more "the idea that we control the dragons is an illusion". I want to see that on both sides, it would especially be interesting with the more experienced riders.
9. A good Rhaenyra vs Alicent confrontation scene. At least one.
10. No more Larys/Alicent scenes like the one in episode 9. Please.
Hey, thanks so much for the ask!
To be honest, you perfectly summarized everything I’d like to see in season two although my hopes are extremely low. The first season was a complete disaster with characters changing personalities every five seconds I don’t even want to know what they’ll turn season two into.
I think the only things I have to add are that I don’t want them giving all of Aegon’s storylines to Aemond. The writers have really gone out of their way to make Aegon as unlikable as possible and if it wasn’t for TGC’s efforts the character would be entirely unlikable. Aegon’s main redeeming quality in the books was his love for his family and his siblings so I’ll probably stop watching if they show him being in a brothel while blood and cheese happens, or if they’ll have Aemond executing them instead of Aegon.
Also, concerning blood and cheese, I have heard rumors/theories about how Dyana is supposedly going to be involved in it which I find absolutely atrocious. What are you trying to achieve at this point?? First you have to make him a rapist for some reason, and now you want to make his rape victim look like a terrible person by making her an accomplice to child murder.
I hate what they did to Beala in Rhaela, their inheritance was stolen and apparently they’re completely thrilled being the cupbearers of the woman their father married days after their mothers death and who is rumored to have killed their uncle. I hate how they took away all their agency and made them happy being married to Rhaenyra sons.
Most of all, I want the show to stop picking sides and nitpicking what they want to present as abuse and what they’re going to ignore (you can’t say anyone who supports Aegon is a rape apologist, while giving pedo wifekiller Daemon a free pass)
The only way to make the next season interesting is by depicting both sides as nuanced and morally Grey instead of making it into a good vs evil shit show 
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presidenthades · 4 months
Now that we are entering in another genderbend what about if Rhaena was a Rhaegar or Rhaenor ? Would Aemond have some competition ?
I’m tempted to name male!Rhaena “Rhaemond” just to mess with Aemond.
In my fics, Luce just isn’t Rhaena/Rhaemond’s type. So Rhaemond wouldn’t be especially enthusiastic about courting Luce, but Daemon might push him towards her. I think Rhaemond would still be attracted to Helaena in this AU, but whether Helaena reciprocates is another question.
When Luce is a kid, she has romantic ideals about gallant lords and knights. Rhaemond would embody a lot of typical gallant/chivalrous traits, so she might be attracted to him, even if he isn’t attracted to her. Which would drive Aemond insane.
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an-abyss-of-stars · 1 year
He Saw Her At Daybreak - Baby HeadCanon
Because try as I might, that 30k chapter is a BITCH to read through/edit rn 🤣
So here's a cute Rhaemond baby headcanon in the meantime!
So I'm thinking of a little cute scene, where 2yr/3yr old Vaella is sitting on her papa's lap while he's sitting the throne, listening to hearings or petitions or whatnot one morning.
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She's swinging her little legs, clearly not paying attention to anything the adults are talking about. With a bowl of fruit/something for her to snack on, like sliced bananas or something. And I imagine that she can be a bit of a picky eater sometimes, so maybe the only way she actually agrees to eat her snack is if she hands some up for Aemond to eat too.
Like every other slice, she lifts her little hand with a slice for him to take, and he knows his little girl is trying to share them with him. So he eats them when she offers them, and it just makes Vaella so happy because she really thinks she's "helping papa!" by sharing her snacks with him 😂😂
I also think it's hilarious because whatever Lords or townsfolk who have come to stand before their Lording Prince, are just watching Aemond be super soft with his daughter. Like he's giving fatherly remarks like reminding her that he's only "sharing her snacks, not eating all of it for her", before he returns his icy focus back on his subjects without losing his flow at all with the discussions that were being held beforehand 😂
Man's gonna be threatening lives while reminding his toddler that fruits and vegetables are indeed good for her to eat 😂😂
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silver-dragonborn · 6 months
To the anon who sent me the ask about whether or not I still ship Rhaena x Aemond, here's my answer:
My love for the ship has faded. It's due to my resentment of Rhaena being used as a prop for Team Green in fanfiction. Also, the requests I've received from anons begging me to write about Rhaena and Aemond killing Luke together or to write about Rhaena poisoning Rhaenyra to pave the way for Aegon so that she can marry Aemond just...rubbed me the wrong way. It was the crackiness of the ship and the similarities between the two characters that drew me in, but now...meh. Besides, the Aemond I write is more inquisitive and mature than his canon self because I used to be obsessed with the TG kids breaking generational curses by defying Alicent and Otto.
The Aemond I used to write was so ooc that he might as well have been an original character. But that's neither here nor there because I am no longer interested in the ship. However, I still keep my rhaemond fanfics up for anyone interested in reading them, but I'm closing the door on that chapter of my life.
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princesssszzzz · 2 months
do you think rhaemond would have kids?? if yes what do you think they'd be like??
I’m mentally stuck on modern Rhaemond for some reason so I’m trying to put myself back in canon universe 😂😂
Rhaena definitely would want kids and end up with ALL GIRLS. Aemond would be like the dad that says no puppy and then falls in love with it, but with kids and teaching them about dragons. It’s just girl mom and girl dad. I feel like their kids would feel so loved and prioritized because there’s no inheritance for any of them.
Both Rhaena and Aemond kept up with their studies growing up and all their daughters would just be extra smart.
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moonflower91 · 2 years
Aemond with his children headcanons
This is all hcs about my OC Saerah and her twin Aemond Targaryen's children :D
At first, although he loved his children and wanted more of them after holding them the first time, Aemond didn't know what to do with them
He didn't know how to be silly or what level of roughhousing was acceptable, he didn't know his kids adored him and even took his punishments with a level of love, rather than outright hate.
This is due to Viserys' failures. His own father never played with his younger children, never tossed them up in the air, or playfully pinned them down to tickle their sides. And when Viserys was well enough to dole out punishment, none of Alicent's children (especially after Saerah was sent away), felt it was for good reason.
But slowly, after a few weeks, he began to know and learn his babies' temperament. Aerys was a tiny scoundrel, quiet as he was. But he would be sweet to his mother, reaching for her hair and balling it in his tiny hands before trying to chew on it. But with Aemond, he reached most for his eye patch, and when Aemond finally had it with the babe's constant grabbing, he revealed the sapphire and the damned child smiled! And Aemond learned the boy liked to chew the leather of the patch as much as he liked to chew his mother's hair.
But Maera...Maera was Aemond's favorite person. She was sweet, and gentle, always easy to sooth despite the fact she screamed twice as much as her younger brother. She was second to talk, but the first to learn how to walk, and she'd walked for him. Him, the second son, the last choice, the dragonless, the monster who'd somehow stolen a dragon from a grieving girl. But Maera found him worthy to reach for, tiny, fat little fists reaching for him, relying on him to catch her if she lost her balance. And when Maera eventually grew old enough to wed a man, Aemond found it hard to let her do. Literally, he'd tightened his arm around hers once they'd reached the end of the aisle to her intended.
Saerah, damn her, had cackled about it for more than a year.
His elder two children never claimed an egg until they were much older, and even then, only one egg hatched. His boy Aerys did not ever get a dragon, and Aemond had Vhagar saddled for two as soon as his twins were old enough to know to hang on tight. But Aerys felt too ashamed to ride with him after he reached his thirteenth year. Aemond missed his son beside him, but never pushed to bring him back atop Vhagar.
Saerah and Aemond both wanted more children after they first saw their twins. Saerah planned for five more, Aemond for four. They ended up with five children in total.
He also thought it was improper for Saerah to nurse their children. Their own mother and half-sister attained nurses, and Saerah was a princess with much better things to do than feed her children like a cow.
But Saerah refused. Her mentor, Lady Tyrell, had nursed her younger children and said it was far more enjoyable than custom described. It did hurt, those first few feeds, and sometimes her nipples were raw and sore and aching for a soothing balm, she still chose to feed her children herself. "Why?!" Saerah had asked, aghast. "There is some kind of...happiness to be found in giving your babe the nourishment it needs."
It took Saerah a while to wrap her mind around it, and even asked her midwives what it was like to breast feed and decided at their birth to nurse them herself. Aemond could not understand it, and avoided being around during feedings until their second child was born when he got curious.
It was only after their forth that he got used to the idea.
Aemond and Saerah's children are named: Maera, Aerys, Valaena, Aemon, and Rhaemond. It is Aemon who inherited the brown locks of his grandmother, but the rest had the silver hair of their parents.
Their forth child, a boy named Aemon, was the child that Aemond understood the best. Their third, a girl named Valaena, was much like her aunt Helaena. She did not enjoy touching, she did not do well in crowds. She lived more in her books about Old Valyria than in reality. Aemond loved her so dearly, and was more protective of her than any one else, but it was Aemon he knew best. Aemon who was more like him than any of his children.
And while Aemond did not play with them as much as Saerah did, Aemond loved and protected them, and spent more time with them than Viserys ever did with him. And by all accounts, his children named him a good papa.
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PS: I also just want to make it clear, I am in no way bashing mamas or daddies who feed their babies formula! A fed babe is the best babe. And I know for sure a certain bond forms regardless of what baby eats (formula or breast) I just believe that if you feed a newborn, a bond forms regardless of what you feed them. Cause you're providing them what they need, and that's a beautiful thing
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darkestspring · 2 years
I love the whole Rhaemond thing but I really want a happy ending for them.
I was the pain and angst but dear gods I need it end happily.
Like after Alicent successfully gived birth (referencing the other anons scenario where Alicent ends up in a similar position to Aemma) and has a son, Daeron. She is super weak afterwards and the maester's aren't 100% sure she is going to make it.
Rhaemond is fucking reeling from hearing Alicent beg him not to cut her and all the other stuff, and he tries to comfort his kids (Aegon, Helaena, Aemond) but they don't let him, they instead go to Viserys or Laena (Alicent's lady in waiting).
(Aemond is only 4, Helaena is 5, and Aegon is 7.)
It really sends Rhaemond into a downward spiral/come to Jesus moment. His kids are practically scared of him and Alicent believed he'd have them cut her open rather then save her.
It would be made worse by Rhaenys making a comment about how she's surprised how their marriage ended up, she was so sure they had feelings for another, and so did Aemma.
"It was Aemma who first suggested the match, I honestly thought your father would betroth you to my Laena since he didn't think it'd be a good match. Viserys only went through with it because it was something Aemma requested before her death. Maybe it was a mistake but Aemma was so sure you two would be happy together."
okay but i can imagine that rhaemond would just be gutted, he'd have this realization of how he treated his wife and children. seeing her on that table and the option of cutting her open being given to him would be traumatizing.
i think helaena, aegon and aemond would be there to see their father scream at the maesters to save his wife, that if they even think of cutting her open, he'd kill them himself. his mother died from that, there's no way in hell he'd allow them to do it to his wife.
He'll sob into his hands, nearly wailing and its the first time they see him like that, its an eye opener for them. they always thought their father hated their mother but rhaemond still loves alicent, he just hates how they married.
"your grandmother died the same way." Laena tells them softly, she feels for rhaemond she does but she also feels for alicent. "your grandsire ordered them to cut her open to save the baby, but your father won't let that happen. he won't lose someone else the same way. Everything will be okay."
rhaemond would kneel in front of them, which earns gasps from the servants nearby. "I knwo it's scary right now, sweetlings." He'd smooth over their hair. "Daddy's not gonna let anyone harm mommy, i swear it."
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liaa--qb · 4 months
what's your favourite ship of Aemond and what is your thought on helaemond. It seems very overhyped to me
See Idk who gets upset or what, I would genuinely say about my favourite pairing of him. I don't think anyone should get upset it's just fictional world n char 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Aemond/Rhaena( Rhaemond) & Aemond/Helaena( helaemond) are my top two Aemond ships currently.
Aemond & Rhaena is the ship I really really like and I think I already gave bunch of explanations why I love this ship & why I kinda see potential in it from book n show both. But it would never happen 😭 so I am happy with my delulu
Aemond & Helaena, I also like this ship & see I liked this ship particularly in show after watching S1. See now if you don't like it that's your choice but I can give alot of points for liking helaemond also. I don't think there are much chances for this ship also but.....there is some bit 🤏🤏 bit chance for this and if it happened I would like it alot I am very much sure.
N buddy I don't think it's overhyped at all and for to be overhyped it atleast should be declared as a canon ship first by the show makers 😭then we will see if it's overhyped or what. People got alot of hints and I am not kidding.
Mind you I wasn't a helaemond shipper before the show but I only started getting fond of them after watching them in s1. Initially I actually thought am I the only one who's seeing that something is bet them but then I got to know there are alot of people who ship helaemond 😅.
When you watch S1 keenly with open eyes you can see these hints very much. That's a different thing if you don't want to see or hate it but it's very much clear show makers actually had ideas for helaemond to be ship in s1 but as makers are very inconsistent. They do anything or turn way just because the way like or for any other reasons I don't think they are invested in this ship for further seasons at all.
They just did small hinting at helaemond in s1 thinking that it could be surprise shock viewers in s2 , also they didn't confirm it as they can drop this ideas any way & go with book. That's what it seems to me.
Yes I never assumed that kids were of Aemond's but I was always sure that he loves her and wants Helaena.
Btw you can like or dislike any ship you want without trolling or harrasing any user or fan👍
There are other ships also which I enjoy like Jacemond
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