#rhaenyra and jonerys parallels
Sure there were a lot of Easter Eggs in the season finale but can we talk about the parallels to GoT they threw there?
HotD chose to put distinct differences into their show that clearly display just how off the track Dany was as a would-be ruler. Like, they really did that and I applaud them for it.
I mean, they literally mirrored this scene:
To this scene:
To show us the difference.
In HotD, Rhaenyra has lost one child and is about to lose another. In GoT, Dany has lost Viserion and more recently, Rhaegal, two of her own children. Both are standing at the painted table in Dragonstone with fire in the background, planning what to do about KL and the IT with their councilors.
Rhaneyra: "I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone."
While this line separates HotD from GoT, it also shows us the difference in who said those lines. Two Targaryen daughters who feel they have a destiny that they must meet.
Rhaenyra is planning to prepare the realm for the coming threat, as per Aegon's dream. Dany is planning to start a new world she envisions, hoping to be Aegon come again.
And of course, we have the father parallel/contrast:
Daemon: "You sound just like your father."
Rhaenyra: "My father's dead."
Danenerys: "I'm not my father." (which we know she actually ended up being just as bad as)
Lord (sorry, I couldn't hear the name): "Are you considering the Hightowers' terms, Your Grace?"
Rhaenyra: "As queen what is my true duty to the realm, Lord __? Ensuring peace and unity or that I sit the Iron Throne no matter the cost?"
Varys: "I beg you, Your Grace. Do not destroy the city you came to save. Do not become what you've always struggled to defeat."
Daenerys: "Do you believe we're here for a reason, Lord Varys? I'm here to free the world from tyrants. That is my destiny and I will serve it no matter the cost."
"Ruler of ash and bone" is different than "queen of the ashes", especially in the wording. Bone is left amongst ash, a consequence of the war Rhaenyra was trying to avoid. Ashes means there is nothing left...but ash. Not even bone survives. And no matter what action Rhaenyra takes now and no matter how this all ends, we know that KL will still be standing when the time comes for the GoT story to start and Dany's arrival.
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Two very different Targaryen female rulers indeed.
They're already starting to show you who leans more towards what we've already seen.
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Daemon: "Do you acknowledge the true line of succession?" "I'm grateful for your long service to the crown so, I'm presenting you with a choice. Swear anew your oath to Rhaenyra as your queen." "Or if you support usurpers, speak it now. And you will have a clean and honorable death. But if you choose treachery, if you swear fealty now only later to turn your cloaks, know that you will die. Screaming."
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Daenerys: "An oath is an oath." "I offer you a choice. Bend the knee and join me. Together we will leave the world a better place than we found it. Or refuse and die." "And I swear this, if you ever betray me, I'll burn you alive." "I am the dragon's daughter and I swear to you, that those who would harm you will die screaming."
Daemon: "Dreams didn't make us kings. Dragons did."
Daenerys: "They were terrifying and extraordinary. They filled people with wonder and awe." "They grew small. And we grew small as well. We weren't extraordinary without them. We were just like everyone else."
Not to mention this whole scene where we really start to see the true Daemon come through to the forefront:
And while there's no direct parallels here, this very much sets up a distant parallel between these two relationships:
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Daemon: "You cannot bend the knee to the Hightowers, they stole your birthright."
Rhaenyra: "You know my oath reaches beyond our personal ambitions."
*Rhaenyra tells Daemon about Aegon's dream & her destiny*
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*Jon tells Dany he's Rhaegar's son & Dany realizes this threatens her claim to the IT which she considers not only her birthright but her destiny*
Daenerys: "What happens when they demand you press your claim and take what is mine?"
Jon: "I'll refuse."
Not to mention how bonded Rhaenyra and Daemon are to their dragons (compared to Aemond and Lucerys), just like Dany and Jon were.
Parallels galore.
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reginarubie · 8 months
When HotD got out everyone was like Oh, Daemyra is the new, improved Jonerys with good storyline
And I didn’t give it too much attention, you know I stay mostly in my line and don’t mess around with shit that doesn’t interest me (like Jonerys) but now that I think of it…
I’ll do you all one better (and maybe I am late at the party as always, because I can’t be the only one noticing this)
Jonsa is the reversed, evolved, less entitled (both Jon and Sansa start as spoiled characters but have their entitlement beaten out of them pretty soon, and we love them for it), more duty-oriented (thank you Ned) Daemyra.
I mean all signs point in that direction and I see you 👀 GRRM pushing the Jonsa agenda further on!
And now I’ll tell you what sources I have to base my logic on (and maybe I am wrong ey, but I think it fits Jonsa more, as of now, though Martin could totally disprove me going the other way confronted to the way the show concluded knowing his ending).
So, at the beginning of the story, Robb becomes king in the North by popular demand.
In the first episode Viserys becomes heir (and later king) by popular demand.
Both Robb and Viserys inherit their position by their much beloved predecessor (Jaehaerys and Ned) and both are ‘named/appointed’ by a conclave of lords/ladies in the Riverlands ffs.
Both Viserys and Robb end up planting, with their own politics, the seeds of the shit storm that almost threatens to destroy their family after their death.
Robb marries Jeyne (Talisa in the show) instead of the Frey betrothed thus snubbing the Freys and going back on his word. He dies without an heir leaving the North in shambles when he had been a step from winning the war.
Viserys names Rhaenyra heir and then — instead of marrying the Velaryon girl — marries Alicent and has more children knowing that if they were male it could cause disrupt with the line of succession.
Both are idolised after their death — Viserys taking the name of The Peaceful thanks to the ruling and politics of his Queen and council and Robb by being sanctified by his siblings and lords even tho he was the one causing most of the problems who caused his death and almost destroyed the North — both Viserys and Robb loose their heirs.
Viserys loses his sons by Aemma
Robb dies childless and his heirs (Bran, Rickon, Sansa and Arya) are to his knowledge lost (Bran and Rickon presumed killed, Arya presumed dead and Sansa married to a Lannister).
The heir that remains them, their younger brother/sister (Daemon and Sansa) is not considered worthy of inheriting after them — Daemon for his character and Sansa because she has been married to a Lannister — so both do the same thing, they disinherit their lawful and rightful heir (yes Bran and Rickon and Arya are alive but Robb doesn’t know it; Viserys will have Aegon, Aemond, Daeron and Helaena but he doesn’t know nor care) to name another as heir someone who, by law, should pass after the rightful heir.
It seems to me like some pretty big parallels here.
Daemon = Sansa
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Daemon and Sansa are the second born children of a couple who love each other and apparently their mother’ fav.
And you know what’s sick? Daemon and Sansa both supported their brother’ right to any extent.
Daemon readied men-at-arms and sworn swords to defend Viserys’ claim when people rumoured Corlys wanted to assemble a fleet to defend Laenor’ right after Rhaenys.
Sansa bled for the northern independence when in KL and then later — and this is only show for now — Sansa gathered the northern army and put KL under siege to defend her brother. Sansa is the one who decided to rally the lords of the North behind House Stark once again (Jon was done fighting) and she was the one to offer Bran the role of Lord of WF when he returned from Beyond the Wall.
Despite being loyal to their family in their own way, both Daemon and Sansa are disinherited by their king in favor of someone they love but that by law should have come after them.
By succession tradition and law the brother of a king becomes before the daughter of a king — unless women can inherit the throne which was not the case in Westeros at the time — so Daemon came before Rhaenyra in the line of succession, yet Viserys disinherited him to name Rhaenyra heir.
By law and tradition of succession Sansa as the trueborn eldest surviving daughter of Ned and Cat in the evenience of Robb dying without heirs (Bran and Rickon are both presumed dead) comes before Jon, the base born son of Ned Stark. (Jon himself says so “by law Winterfell belongs to my sister, Sansa”/“Winterfell belongs to my sister, Sansa”, even though Sansa is a Lannister, a murderess and apparently dissolved in thin air) yet Robb with his will disinherit Sansa to name Jon heir.
Everyone expected Daemon/Sansa to be angry at Jon/Rhaenyra because of it — Rhaenyra herself and the viewer when Jon was named KitN — instead what happened?
Daemon became Rhaenyra’ stauncher supporter and Sansa became Jon’s. Daemon supported Rhaenyra and Sansa supported Jon. When people expected Daemon to lash out when the terms of surrender were issued, he obeyed Rhaenyra order without issue; when the northern lords unsatisfied with Jon’ stay in Dragonstone offered the crown to Sansa, Sansa refused and defended Jon’s claim. All she did in s8 was to defend Jon’s claim to the North and the Realm.
And you know what else is incredible?
Daemon is suspected to have “caused” his first wife’ death and his second wife died in childbirth. Rhea Royce died after a fall from horseback — in the show Daemon kills her, but in the book she dies of the wounds later on, as the hit to the head might have caused her delayed death. Still Daemon is suspected to have caused it — the horse to unseat Rhea — and tried to inherit his wife’ keep.
Sansa “caused” her first betrothed, Joffrey’ death, by telling the truth to Olenna and Margaery which spurned them to have him killed at his own wedding feast. Sansa escapes and her first husband is almost killed for the crime — almost making her a widow.
Both Daemon and Sansa are more skilled than their counterpart in their competence. Daemon is the most skilled warrior of his time, Sansa has learned politics from the best and worst in it.
Daemon finds himself at odds with his brother with the war of the stepstones and Sansa finds herself at odds with her brother whilst in KL as she has to navigate and survive the southern court and Joffrey.
Yet both return to their brother in the end, Sansa by remaining true to her Stark identity (“I am not your daughter, I am the Lord Eddard and lady Catelyn’s daughter. The blood of Winterfell”/ “what if it is truth he wants and justice for his lady?”) and Daemon by winning and giving the crown to his brother.
Sansa wins the battle of bastards through her alliance with the Knights of the Vale and lets her brother take the crown.
Sansa and Daemon are both described as beautiful, charming and dashing. But Daemon is mercurial and Sansa is called a witch for her apparent part in Joffrey’ death.
Both Daemon and Sansa are advisors in their capacity to their brother/king though they have to clamor to be recognised any degree of validity. Sansa has to fight to gain the right to be Jon’s advisor even if he chooses Davos as chief advisor as Viserys chose Otto.
Daemon’s children are the one who inherit the Iron throne after the DotD. Sansa’s children will inherit WF and the North after asoiaf is done.
Jon = Rhaenyra
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Jon and Rhaenyra are the odd ones out of this.
Rhaenyra knew her place, she prayed for a brother to inherit the Iron throne just like Jon would have died to defend Robb or any of his siblings (and in the book he does die for fakeArya). But both are ambitious.
Rhaenyra accepts she will be queen and makes of it her identity; Jon dreamed of become Lord of Winterfell before he knew what that entailed.
Both Rhaenyra and Jon expect that their orders — despite their intentions — will be followed, even when they go against hundreds of years of tradition. Rhaenyra as Queen and Jon believes the NW will follow to war against the Boltons when the NW has been neutral for thousand of years. And both pay the ultimate price for it. Death.
Jon is killed by his sworn brothers, Rhaenyra is killed by her brother’s dragon.
Both Rhaenyra and Jon have the temper of their family but they control it for the most part. It takes really big things for it to be spiked. Luke’s death for example.
Both Rhaenyra and Jon are intertwined with fake relationships. Both cause the death of their first lover/spouse.
Rhaenyra marries Laenor to keep the Velaryon in her corner, Laenor who is a gay man — in the book she is much less understanding of it btw — and their relationship is fake and her children aren’t his. In the show she loves him platonically, though I don’t remember that being the case in the book. In the end, whether his death is faked or not, Rhaenyra causes that. Either by having him killed — as they say in the book — or by having him fake his death to marry Daemon to strengthen her claim.
Jon has a “fake” relationship with Ygritte (you know what I think of her in the book) to make sure his undercover mission is accomplished. In the end Jon’ mission is accomplished and even though he “fell in love with her” he still left her and the war between them ended up claiming her life.
After the death of the heir — Balon and Bran and Rickon — Rhaenyra and Jon are both raised to the role of heir by their king with a decree that disinherited/snubbed the previous law-ful heir (Sansa/Daemon).
At the same time, Viserys/Robb have other heirs. Viserys marries and has sons (who have sons), Rickon and Bran are both alive though presumed dead who could end up threatening Jon’s claim once the will becomes active after Jon’ return from the dead.
They have sexual tension with the snubbed heir and value them as advisors though they don’t always agree with their politics.
Jon feels that Sansa’ opinion demeans him before the Lords — tho he names her regent — and Rhaenyra distrust Daemon not to declare war without her say-so.
And yet both Jon and Rhaenyra gain the ripe of Sansa and Daemon’ loyalty.
Even if Jon and Sansa don’t always see eye to eye, Sansa loyalty to Jon is what gets him out of KL alive, without Daemon’ skills as warrior Rhaenyra’ war would have ended long before it started.
Sansa and Daemon both are against Jon and Rhaenyra to surrender their crown, and work to keep the other half in their role.
And you know what? There’s more.
Gifts giving — belonging to a House
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Daemon and Sansa both have something that defines their belonging to House Stark.
Sansa’s wolf-bit and Daemon’ sword — which, do I have to go down the sexual metaphor about Sansa’ bosom and Daemon’ sword? — and both whilst speaking of heirs/reading to war to defend the claim to the crown gift the other half something that signifies their belonging to the House as well.
Rhaenyra’ necklace and Jon’s cloak. Both items which Rhaenyra and Jon puts on and basically keeps on for ever — like it was a fucking joke how long Jon kept the cloak on even on Dragonstone —also Rhaenyra necklace resembles a chain (chain of command) and same with Jon’s cloak stripes (which resemble a chain of command).
Rhaenyra confronts Daemon about her being named heir — and perhaps we’ll have something similar in the books for Jon and Sansa. Tho we have something akin to that when Arya confronts Sansa about Jon having the crown and Sansa liking the attention.
Yet both Sansa and Daemon stand strong in their loyalty to Jon above anyone else.
Protecting — destroying some of the earliest and greatest threats the other claim
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Vaemond is one of the earliest threats to Rhaenyra rule, just as we know LF has been playing against Jon all along, yet both Sansa and Daemon defend the other half by killing the offender.
Arya and Bran serve as the Viserys in the comparison, because it’s Sansa who passes the sentence (as Arya herself points out) the same way as Daemon is the one who decided to kill Vaemond instead of letting Viserys order of having his tongue removed to be carried out.
Thus removing the earliest threat to the other one’.
Also, both Daemon and Sansa destroyed indirectly or directly another threat to Jon and Rhaenyra by killing Aemond and Daenerys who had the attitude (both of them) of destroying the Realm to take the Iron throne if needed. Aemond would not have taken Aegon’ claim from him but if Aegon had died of his wounds before Rhaenyra was executed, with Maelor and Jaehaerys dead Aemond stood the greatest threat to Rhaenyra. Daemon killed Aemond and Sansa plotted to have the truth about Daenerys uncovered and indirectly causing her death through Jon.
Supporting the other as ruler
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Daemon becomes Rhaenyra supporter just as Sansa becomes Jon’s. Even as snubbed heirs they love the new heir and when the time comes they are there, by their side, defending them.
Also, never forget that Sansa/Daemon are always on the side of the consort when it comes to Jon/Rhaenyra whilst that is not true for other characters, who are always afforded place of importance, but not that of the consort.
When Corlys comments on Viserys lack of action in the Stepstones Daemon replies that he can speak of his brother how he well wishes but that is not the truth for others. Similarly Sansa defends Jon (“he’s our king, he’s doing what he thinks best”) even tho she shares the lords preoccupations.
Despite not always seeing eye to eye with Daemon, he is a trusted advisor to Rhaenyra who listens to him. In the same way, despite feeling the need of Sansa’ validation, Sansa is his trusted advisor to the point Jon entrusts the whole of the North to her.
So, yeah, I raise you the Daemyra is the Targaryen version of Jonsa, with Daemon and Rhaenyra being worse people than Jon and Sansa are combined. By ey, there’s a dark streak to the Starks not to be underestimated.
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crimsonbastard · 1 year
Team Black loves boasting about how Daemyra is a superior ship (*cough* Jonerys *cough*) and harping about how Caraxes and Syrax flying and coiling and having eggs together is a parallel to Daemyra.
How Daemyra ended: Daemon and Caraxes fucking off to fight Aemond and Vaghar and abandoning Rhaenyra and Syrax to fend for themselves and their young.
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sweetestpopcorn · 3 years
In a recent ask you said there is parallels between men in dany and rhaenyra life. So they are Jon-daemon and daario-harwin. As both daario and harwin were just time pass and real OTP are jonerys and daemyra. Well call me old school but I don't really like when characters are introduced as time pass just to spice things up a bit. So a big no to harwin and daario. The best pair is baelon-alyssa who didn't had anyone unwanted and baelon remained unmarried after her death. True Love ❤
Hi there Anon ☺️
I meant those yes, absolutely, but Daemon will also actually take the place of dangerous warrior/first love (Daemon-Drogo) , Laenor-Hizdahr husband they were forced to take, and of course Criston-Jorah the spurned knight; both men once their protectors, who were obsessed with them (I would argue though that Jorah handled rejection a LOT better; and that there are some interesting anti-parallels between him and Jorah as they start off in very different places).
Daemon Targaryen - Khal Drogo, dangerous warrior who was the first love.
Criston Cole - Jorah Mormont, spurned knights obsessed with them.
Laenor Velaryon - Hizdahr zo Loraq , men they were made to wed.
Harwin Strong - Daario Naharis, captain who they had an affair with.
Daemon Targaryen - Jon Snow, destined to marry be with; one true love (but let’s be real our boy Jon would NEVER betray Dany and would love her as much she did him and for her, not power - Daemon is the love of Rhaenyra’s life, the love of his life though was likely the Iron Throne and the second love of his life Dark Sister).
I definitely get what you are talking about. If there is one relationship which is goals from start to end on Fire and Blood it’s Baelon and Alyssa ❤️ they were just born to each other and I feel like shedding a few tears for how Baelon never wanted another woman after his lady died!
True MAN with a capital M!!!!!!
Don’t hate me but next to them, I feel Jaehaerys and Alysanne are overrated 😂 true love of Fire and Blood was Baelon/Alyssa. Change my mind.
That being said I still love Daemon/Rhaenyra more 😗
And in Harwin’s defence he hanged around for six years and had 3 children with Rhaenyra; he might have lasted more if Daemon wasn’t Daemon 😂 and this is what I love about them; they were just destined to marry and be together and after their affair they found their way to each other again 🥸 just took a little while.
Still a lot less drama would have happened if they had married right away 😂 and a lot less people dying. Man that year of 120 AC 😶 #crazy
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astradrifting · 3 years
Do you think there will be accidental incest in jonerys similar to show? Dany did think about marrying her brothers and riders of her dragons.
Maybe, Theon’s accidental incest with Asha could be foreshadowing something like that, but Jon and Sansa would fit the ‘brother and sister who weren’t close and haven’t seen each other in years’ parallel better (not that I think anything accidental will happen between them lol)
But honestly I think Jon will find out his parentage before he even meets D@ny, and the bulk of his interactions will be with Aegon rather than with her.
Although I’m not ruling out intentional incest, more along the lines of pol!Jon than love. There’s a lot of foreshadowing (like, a lot) that they’ll be against each other in the DoD 2.0, but I’m pretty sure Jon will be her treason for love, which will require some measure of believing he’s on her side first for it to actually count as a betrayal.
Going back to my beloved Corlys Velaryon parallels for Jon, Corlys fought pretty loyally for Rhaenyra for the entire Dance until he was imprisoned and Rhaenyra had to flee King’s Landing. He was freed when Aegon II took the city back and offered a pardon and place on the king’s council if he bent the knee, so I think something similar will happen with Jon. Jon will be on Aegon’s side for the DoD 2.0, but will have to begrudgingly bend the knee after Aegon’s death, on pain of becoming Drogon’s next victim. This puts him nominally on her side, but still a threat to her rule, especially if he turns out to be legitimate.
Even if D@ny rejects that Aegon was real, Jon’s parentage might be ironically less in question, if Howland Reed can produce some material proof, or maybe Sam from the Citadel. She could justify getting rid of a “mummer’s dragon”, even if only to herself, but killing her definitively proven second nephew to usurp his claim definitely wouldn’t fly. If a Jonsa marriage hasn’t happened or isn’t widely known, D@ny/her council could suggest a marriage with Jon to unite their claims, like Aegon intended to do. Jon might go along with this in an attempt to preserve the realm, until D@ny burns down KL and he has to kill her. Or he could be intending to betray her from the start, book!Jon is very capable of that. We’ve already had D@ny think that the treason for love meant the betrayer was in love with her so I don’t think it’d be really necessary for Jon to pretend to love her; that he was the final betrayal might be left for the reader to realise instead of D@ny spelling it out as she dies. But being her betrothed would make it a bigger betrayal than just being her begrudging ally.
This does beg the question of why the show wouldn’t just include a marriage alliance between them, but let’s be real, they’d already abandoned any attempt at rational politics by the end of season 6.
Thanks for the ask!
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coffincoitus · 2 years
seeing attempts at parallels of daemon and rhaenyra with jon and dany is so annoying.... let's please not pretend the show gave jonerys any sort of substance
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rainhadaenerys · 3 years
Daenerys Meta Masterpost Part 11b - Game of Thrones
This is a continuation of my Daenerys Meta Masterpost Part 11.
I’ve compiled more than 2000 metas about Daenerys, both about the books and the show, and I intend to constantly update this post with more metas. The metas listed here will be linked to their reblogs in my blog, (since many people tend to change their usernames, and I don’t want the links to stop working in this case). Of the metas linked here, the ones that I wrote are in bold text. It’s also important to note that the metas here reflect my own opinions about the characters, I don’t claim to be listing every meta that was ever written about Daenerys.
Tumblr has a limit of 250 links that can be put in a single post. Once you reach that limit, your links will no longer appear. Which is why I am making this continuation of my previous Masterpost, because Part 11 has reached this limit of links, since I constantly update it with new metas as I reblog them in this blog.
The topics of this part will be the same as part 11: metas about Dany’s parallels and relationships with other characters.
Please check both part 11 and part 11b if you’re looking for meta about any of these topics.
This is a list about the show, but there might be some metas that bring up interesting points about the books as well.
Link to the complete Masterpost: HERE
Last update: July 7 2024
Dany/Arya/Jon visual parallels arriving home
Dany/Arya/Jon and their animal companions
Parallels with the endings of seasons 1 and 2 that show Dany in opposition to the White Walkers
Edits: Dany/Arya parallels: (16) (17) (18) (19)
Dany and Baela parallel edits: (1)
Edit: Dany/Cersei fashion parallels
In show canon, Daenys rode Balerion, and Dany rides Balerion reborn
Parallel between Dany and Daeron the drunken
Dany's speech to the Dothraki mirroring Drogo's speech: (1) (2)
Helaena had a vision of Dany hatching the dragons
Dany/Helaena parallel edits: (1)
Edit: Dany and Jace talking about the alliance between Targaryens and Starks
Dany's treating of Hizdahr is not comparable to Joffrey's treatment of Sansa, even with the bad writing of the show and the butchering of Dany's character
Jon and the word "but"
Jon saying "I'd bend the knee, but" is not indicative that he's deceiving Dany
Edits and fanvids: Dany/Jon parallels (including visual parallels): (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105)
Edit: A parallel between Dany's brother that she idolizes and his son that she comes to love
Edit: visual parallel between Dany/Jon and Dany/Drogo
Was show!Jonerys "degrading" to Jon because Jon was "subservient" to Dany? (answer is no, if you think so you're a sexist asshole)
Dany was the victim of the relationship, not Jon
Edit: Jon thinking both Dany and Ygritte are exceptional
Edit: jon trying to resist going at it + jon going at it
Edit: Jon/Dany parallel with Robb/Talisa
Edit: Contrast between Dany and Margaery in wanting to be queen
Dany and Missandei’s matching dragon brooch
Edit: Dany and Missandei noticing each other's crushes
Edit: parallel between Missandei and Mysaria in their relationships with Daenerys and Daemon
Edit: Dany and Rhaella’s wedding dress
show!Dany and show!Rhaenyra parallel edits: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)
Dany and Rhaenyra's similar riding outfits
Dany and Rhaenyra's lovers have similar appearances
In show canon, Syrax is the mother of Dany's dragons
Edit: Dany and Rhaenys talking about how men treat women in power
Dany and Rhaenys parallel edits: (1)
The different ways Dany and Sansa treated Jon
Edits: Dany/Tyrion parallels: (2) (3)
Viserys mistreated Dany in the same way the khals did, and they both met a similar end by fire
Edit: Dany/Yara parallels
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gotarcher94 · 7 years
Jonerys questionnaire
Tagged by: @daenerysstormbornstark
Trivial Q and A’ s
a) Who will die first?
If one of them is gonna die, then I’m guessing that it’ll be Dany. I don’t know if they’ll make Jon die twice!
b) Who loves who more than the other?
Well, judging by the looks they gave each other all season, they both clearly fell for each other ages ago and are both as deeply in love as the other.
c) Will anyone of them sit the Iron Throne?
If the Iron Throne even survives, then I am positive that they will rule together. So unless one of the sits on the other’s lap (smutty fanfic inspiration anyone?) then I'm sure they will have their own thrones made (which would be pretty cool!)
d) Will they marry?
Of course!
e) Will they have a child?
See D)
f) How will Daenerys react to Jon being her nephew?
It won’t bother her that much, as she grew up thinking that she would marry Viserys. 
g) How will Daenerys find out?
Westerosi Wikipedia, aka Bran Stark (Can you tell that I’m still salty about D&Ds direction with Bran?) 
h) How will Jon’s siblings treat Daenerys?
I imagine that while they will be initially be distrustful of her(being a Targaryen) they will begin to warm to her, like Jon did. I imagine that both Arya and Sansa especially will be close to her, as they could sympathise with her in the struggles that she has gone through.  
i) Will Jon find out Daenerys is pregnant before he finds out they are related?
I’m torn on this, as I can see it going either way tbh. But either way, Jon’s honor, his love for Dany and his desire for his child to not be a bastard will keep them both together
j) Will they both survive?
God I hope so! I dunno if I could handle both of my favorite characters dying
k) How will they die, if they were to die?
Dany: More than likely it will be with the Nissa Nissa route if they decide to go for it (which I really hope not)
Jon: Dying in combat with the Night King
l) Will Daenerys rival Jon for the throne?
Fuck no!
m) What do they have in common?
How long do you have? The short version: their compassion, their desire to make the world a better place for their subjects, their outsider status while growing up, their parallels as potential Azor Ahai.  
n) What will their first real argument be like?
It will likely be over battle strategy, with Jon probably suggesting that he go on another potential suicide mission. Dany will appeal to his sense of self preservation, while also mentioning their child, while Jon will be his usual moping self 
o) What will happen if they were to break up ? 
Jon would probably brood around Winterfell, while thinking up some stupid mission to go to distract himself, while Dany would be trying to smack some sense into him
p) Who will wear the pants in the relationship?
I don't think either of them will do, as I have always seen them as being presented as equals
q) Will their relationship be boring?
Errr.... nooooo.
r) Who will be more jealous or emotional insecure?
Jon definitely!
s) Will they still be together after they find out they are related?
Yes. As I said Jon’s love for Dany and his child, as well as his fear since his teens of fathering a bastard child will win out over his identity crisis over his parentage asm despite what the haters want, Jon will NOT abandon the mother of his child.
t) Will they publicly express their emotions?
God I hope so. It would be so great to see the salty looks on the faces of the Northern lords, many of whom will have wanted to set up their daughters as a match for the KitN. Serve them right for turning their backs on Jon ten minutes after he left!
u) Will they have more sexy time at Winterfell?
Yes! On every available surface.
v) If they were to marry, where would Jon propose?
I have three possible headcanons. 
1) In the godswood
2) On the Winterfell batttlements where Dany goes to find him after he has been brooding over his parentage (not knowing that he has gotten over it)
3) On the battlefield after he has believed Dany is dead
(They’re a bit cliche I know, but sue me!)
x) If they had a child, what will it be called?
Daeron for a boy and Rhaenyra for a girl
y) If Jon made Daenerys choose between him and power, what will she want more?
Jon. Her desire for the Iron Throne is based on the fact that it was her family’s throne, and she craves a connection to her family. Jon, as both her nephew and the potential (but likely) father of her child) is her best hope of that.
z) What is their bitter sweet ending?
After the war, where they are both weary from the fighting, they have to retain control of the throne, to make sure that the people of Westeros have the best chance of recovery. Despite all of the losses that they have both suffered, losing many friends and loved ones along the way, they put their own wants and desires to one side, as they have both done before. However they do so, knowing that they are together and have their remaining family and friends alongside them.  (Sorry, I’m not great at bittersweet, I like happy endings!)
Tagging: @mpaty1475 @maberogers @foreigninvader-northernfool @bookofthestranger @winelover1989
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Once upon a time in Westeros, there was a Targaryen Princess whose marriage helped knit the Seven Kingdoms together...
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The first Daenerys’ political marriage to the Dornish Prince Maron Martell had two effects:
--It sparked the Blackfyre Rebellion.
--(more importantly) Along with her brother King Daeron’s marriage to Mariah Martell, it brought Dorne into the Seven Kingdoms, doing what Aegon and his sisters could not through conquest.
Daenerys and Maron were a political marriage. But he also built her the beautiful Water Gardens. She is an ancestor of the current Martells in ASOIAF.
George could have named Daenerys Targaryen for any other character in the narrative, and yet, this is what we know about the first Daenerys.
If she was going to be vicious, ruthless, he could have named her for Visenya or Rhaenyra (I love them both!).
However, she’s Daenerys. I suspect in the books, if Jonerys happens, it might really piss (f)Aegon off... paralleling what happened in the past.
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