#richard hunter icon
thecrenellations · 6 months
At first, I was just going to include their four big arguments, but I’m curious about how the other scenes and conflicts compare…
Vote however you like! For your favorite, or the one that would win in a meta-fight somehow, or the most disastrous, or the most Them…
more context for options:
Hume - does Lymond setting Will up to get himself arrested at Hume and swooping in as Don Luis count as a fight? Will gets beaten up, for sure, by the English and then hit in the face by his rescuer. It’s a conflict, even if it’s a one-sided and planned one. It’s an iconic moment in literature!
Lymond picks a fight about Will’s shoddy morals, and Will gets mad at him about Christian! And then Lymond gives him George Douglas’s letter about the hostage exchange. And tucks him into bed. I have thoughts about this scene!
Will secretly meets up with his father and walks into Richard and Janet’s trap. Johnnie gets him out but immediately tells Lymond what happened, and wow they have an argument. Incredible quotes about intentions and warm niches and quince seeds in cups of lukewarm water therein.
Will Scott wants to go to bed in his own bed! The door is locked! There’s a sword. There’s a fight. There’s a chance to take over …. And you will Never guess who wins!
Yes, he’s also mad about his dad being in danger. Lymond and Gideon run into an indignant Scott on the way back from Herriot. Gnatlike mockery and acrobatics ensue. “Get down!” “Make me?” … Brief but hilarious and fascinating to spectators. But there’s so little trust between them after all this, and what’s next is ….
… Betrayal! Pain! Symbolism! He hid the gold in the convent! Andrew Hunter has so much nerve! Turkey Mat is about to die! The narration gives us the final “marigold” of the book! Homoerotic wrestling!
“There is nothing very jolly about being locked in a cellar with a man whom, in every possible sense, you have just stabbed in the back.” THERE IS FOR ME!
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krilloffthestring · 2 months
My Spooky Month Infection AU:
Everyone Has a Wonderland
[CW if you are sensitive to these things]
File 2:
We have documented more occurances that happened within the town over the past few months. Our organization had managed to save those who were unaffected by the sickness. These noteable figures will be listed underneath.
Group Qui tuetur: Patricia Azure, Richard, Susie Wonder, Kevin, Jack, Ignacio, and Rick Hedony.
These individuals were recorded to have no infection percentage on them. Strangely enough Hedony seemed to be completely immune to the illness, which we will look into on a later date.
We have managed to find one individual who just started showing the illness, who we will be monitoring for farther investigation. He goes by the name Radford. The older brother of one of the high tier infected individuals, Robert. They will be looked into on a later date, that group is made of three dangerous hunters of the infection.
Radford was set into one of our secure rooms within the facility, to stay isolated from any of the other potential victims that may reside in our Mundati Spiritus hall where the uninfected reside.
We have information on the current state of Radford. Proceed with caution to the file below
Name: Radford [????]
Level of Infection: 5%
Want: Currently Unknown
Description: He appears to still look mostly human, keeping his popcorn-fluff hair and normal human anatomy. Strange markings appeared around his neck, which traveled up to his left cheek. They resembled handprints along with the iconic pattern of a movie reel. He had kept his 3D Movie glasses with him, as his sanity is stable. We will see if he will begin looking to give into his hearts desire.
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mightyflamethrower · 5 months
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he post-Joe McCarthy era and the candidacy of Barry Goldwater once prompted liberal political scientist Richard Hofstadter to chronicle a supposedly long-standing right-wing “paranoid style” of conspiracy-fed extremism.
But far more common, especially in the 21st century, has been a left-wing, hysterical style of inventing scandals and manipulating perceived tensions for political advantage.
Or, in the immortal words of Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.”
The 2008 economic emergency crested on September 7, with the near collapse of the home mortgage industry.
Obama took office on January 20, 2009, more than four months after the meltdown. In that interim, the officials had finally restored financial confidence and plotted a course of economic recovery.
No matter. The Obama administration never stopped hyping the financial meltdown as if it had just occurred. That way, it rammed through Obamacare, massive deficit spending, and the vast expansion of the federal government. All that stymied economic growth and recovery for years.
In 2016, Donald Trump was declared Hitler-like and an existential threat to democracy.
Amid this derangement syndrome, any means necessary to stop him were justified: the Russian collusion hoax, impeachment over a phone call, or the Hunter laptop disinformation farce.
Eventually, the left sought to normalize the once unthinkable: removing the leading presidential candidate from state ballots and indicting him in state and local courts.
Nothing was off limits—not forging a federal court document, calling for a military coup, rioting on Inauguration Day, or radically changing the way Americans voted in presidential elections.
In October 2017, allegations surfaced about serial sexual predation by liberal cinema icon Harvey Weinstein.
The #MeToo furor immediately followed.
At first, accusers properly outed dozens of mostly liberal celebrities, actors, authors, and CEOs for their prior and mostly covered-up sexual harassment and often assault.
But soon, the once legitimate movement had morphed into general hysteria. Thousands of men (and women) were persecuted for alleged offenses, often sexual banter or rude repartee, committed decades prior.
#MeToo jumped the shark with the left-wing effort to take down conservative Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Would-be accusers surfaced from his high school days, 35 years earlier, but without any supporting evidence or witnesses for their wild, lurid charges.
#MeToo hysteria ended when too many liberal grandees were endangered. Most dramatically, former Joe Biden senatorial aide Tara Reade came forward during the 2020 campaign cycle with charges that front-runner Joe Biden had once sexually assaulted her—and was trashed by the liberal media.
The outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States during the winter of 2020 prompted an even greater hysteria.
Without scientific evidence, federal health czars Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins were able to convince the Trump administration to shut down the economy in the country’s first national quarantine.
Suddenly, it became a thought crime to question the wisdom of six-foot social distancing, of mandatory mask wearing, of the Wuhan virology lab’s origin of the COVID virus, or of off-label use of prescription drugs.
Left-wing politicians and celebrities, from Hillary Clinton and Gavin Newsom to Jane Fonda, all blurted out the political advantages that the lockdowns offered—from recalibrating capitalism and health care to ensuring the 2020 defeat of Donald Trump.
The COVID hysteria magically ended when Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Suddenly, the lies about the bat or pangolin origins of the virus faded. The damage from the quarantines could no longer be repressed. And herd immunity gradually mitigated the epidemic.
The lockdown caused untold economic chaos, suicides, and health crises.
One result was the 120 days of looting, arson, death, destruction, and violence spawned by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in the aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd while in police custody in May 2020.
Suddenly, a hysterical lie took hold: American police were waging war against black males.
The details around Floyd’s sudden death—he was in the act of committing a felony, resisting arrest, suffering from coronary artery disease and the after-effects of COVID, and being high on dangerous drugs—were off limits.
The riot toll reached $2 billion in property damage, over 35 deaths, and 1,500 injured law enforcement officers. A federal courthouse, a police precinct, and a historic church were torched.
Police forces were defunded. Emboldened left-wing prosecutors nullified existing laws.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion commissars spread throughout American higher education as meritocracy came under assault.
Racial essentialism triumphed. Racially segregated dorms, campus spaces, and graduations were normalized.
Everything from destroying the southern border to dropping SAT requirements for college admission followed.
Sometimes real, sometimes hyped crises lead to these contrived left-wing hysterias—like the January 6 violent “armed insurrection” or the “fascist” “ultra-MAGA” threat.
Otherwise, the progressive movement cannot enact its unpopular agendas. So it must scare the people silly and gin up chaos to destroy its perceived enemies—any crisis it can.
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thebibliomancer · 10 months
Essential Avengers: Evolutionary War
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Oh, shit. Evolutionary War.
So at some point. Uh, at this point. Marvel decided to try a new thing to make their annuals more exciting.
The idea was that all the annuals would tell one story, one big story. Basically a company wide crossover without crossing over. A story so big that it would touch every hero or team that had an annual, even if they didn’t interact with the other heroes/teams.
So we get Evolutionary War.
The High Evolutionary has been around since the 60s. Mostly he just wants to make furries in peace. And you know what? Power to him. He’d have loved the internet.
Then he wanted to make a copy of Earth except no superheroes and also Adam Warlock was around as a Jesus allegory.
Uh, power to him?
I dunno. I liked the Evolutionary’s earlier stuff better. His later stuff gets weird. And he keeps being involved with Wanda and Pietro Maximoff but changing his mind on how involved he is.
At some point, the Beyonders steal his pet project Counter-Earth and put it in a museum and that just depressed the High Evolutionary so much that he turned into goo.
We’ve all been there.
But now he’s back with a new project. And since its called Evolutionary War, I imagine its not consumer friendly.
Consider instead making an Evolutionary Thermos.
Anyway. There are eleven annuals in this event. For books I don’t cover and have no desire to deep dive into for the sake of this post.
If I were to cover every annual in full, this event would take more of my time than Secret Wars did. But also, if I just cover the Avengers related stuff, that’s most of the story I’m leaving out.
So I’ll cover the West Coast and East Coast Avengers Annuals as I would normally. And I’ll cover in brief the relevant parts of the other annuals.
And I used the cover for Avengers Annual #17 because I’ve seen it used as the iconic image of Evolutionary War. And for a reason. Its the best cover of the bunch. Fight me.
We start our war with
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In brief, X-Factor was a reunion book of the original five X-Men. It required bringing Jean Grey back to life which made Chris Claremont a bit sore. Also, since there was already X-Men and New Mutants, X-Factor distinguished itself by having a stupid premise.
The original five X-Men pretended to be a group called the X-Terminators who were mutant hunters. But really, they were a team called X-Factor and saved the mutants they were pretending to hunt. What does the factor stand for? Fuck you is what. X team names don’t have to make sense. Go to your room.
The premise of the comic was so stupid, X-Factor eventually realized that mutant hating business manager Cameron Hodge had made it up to worsen human-mutant relations.
X-Terminators itself later spun out into a new book because spinning out into new books is what X-books are best at. Did the new X-Terminators x-terminate people? I dunno. They were mostly kids and young adults so one hopes not.
Anyway, enough delay.
We’re past the fake mutant hunters thing and into the public mutant heroes. X-Factor thwarted an attack by Apocalypse and jacked his ride so now the fickle public loves them.
While rebuilding the Empire State Building from the attack, Jean Grey Marvel Girl (why not Marvel Woman, Jean?) senses a psychic scream FROM DEEP IN THE EARTH.
(In addition to Jean hearing it, several other psychically sensitive characters do. Mostly X-characters and also Franklin Richards but Dr Druid is also in the lineup. Which meas this is in the period before he falls into a time hole. So once again Dr Druid is here for some reason.)
The scream came from the Moloid caverns.
A group of armored men called the Purifiers are attacking the Moloids and Tryannoids. They’ve been ordered by their master (the High Evolutionary, ‘natch) not to use more violence than is necessary. But he’s still ordering a genocide because the Purifiers are using sterilizing rays and sterilizing baths to try to prevent the Moloids from reproducing any further.
Dammit, the High Evolutionary! Go back to making furries!
X-Factor makes their way down to the caverns and winds up first fighting the Moloids as they don’t trust any strangers right now but then making peace with their leader, a mutant Moloid later called Val-Or. He can psychically direct the otherwise pretty passive Moloids. X-Factor helps him fight against the Purifiers when they swing back around.
Apocalypse also detected the scream but figures out that the High Evolutionary is behind everything and goes up to his space station to pay him a visit/beating/philosophical debate.
While both Apocalypse and the High Evolutionary claim to be working towards encouraging the evolution of humanity into something greater, they differ heavily on methods and timescale.
Apocalypse has been “guiding” humanity for thousands of years. Causing war and strife to encourage humanity grows strong.
Apocalypse: “You, superbly intelligent as you are, immortal as you are, powerful as you are... have existed for a mere instant of humanity’s past. I am as old as man... and time has taught me patience. You have that to learn.”
He considers the High Evolutionary’s plans to sterilize those he deems genetically unfit to be unnatural selection. HEY, TITLE DROP.
The High Evolutionary argues: “In less than a single lifetime, I have devolved to less than animal... and evolved to become like unto a god. I have seen where humanity is going... and on its own... it will advance... and then it will stop, as I have stopped. In controlling humanity’s destiny, I offer it a chance to become more than it can be.. by giving it a... boost.”
Apocalypse deduces that for some reason, the High Evolutionary is rushing towards his goals. He chalks it up to the impatience of youth. Because Apocalypse is super old. He would say that.
But he teleports the High Evolutionary to the Moloid caverns and shows him the Moloids and X-Factor vs the Purifiers.
For all that the Evolutionary judged the Moloids an evolutionary dead end, incapable of changing, too passive and pliant, Val-Or is something he would have overlooked in his haste.
The High Evolutionary tries to dismiss Val-Or as an animal lashing out instinctively but he has to concede the point when Apocalypse claims that the strife the Purifiers brought hastened Val-Or’s growth.
With his Purifiers being overwhelmed by the Moloids and X-Factor, the High Evolutionary teleports them to safety to continue his plans elsewhere.
The High Evolutionary: “The plan isn’t over. In fact... it has barely begun! And soon... soon... the entire Earth will feel the shaping hand of the High Evolutionary.”
So at the end of the first part of this Evolutionary War, we know that the High Evolutionary is in some kind of hurry. That he’s using Purifier troops to sterilize groups he doesn’t feel have evolutionary potential. And that he’s making some bad judgements.
Punisher Annual #1: EVOLUTIONARY JIHAD
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Wait, Punisher in involved?
Geez, I think that shows one of the flaws of the tell one story with all the annuals approach. Evolutionary War does not seem like something that would impact Punisher a lot.
I guess I’ll see as I dig in.
The Punisher’s status quo is that he’s the Punisher. He shoots criminals to death with guns.
You don’t need to know a lot to know the Punisher.
Anyway, in this annual, he’s tracking down El Caiman, a drug kingpin in Bogota.
He absolutely did not expect to be attacked by a heavily armored man. His machine gun fire just bounces off the armor but Punisher is able to knock the armored goon over with a grenade and interrogate him.
The man claims that Punisher is on a list.
Eliminator: “We’re headed for the ultimate goal of human aspiration! And to get there, we have to weed out the junkies and the crazies, and you’re both!”
Huh, okay. So the Purifiers to sterilize populations the High Evolutionary deems dead ends. And the Eliminators to get rid of individuals within viable populations who would hamper the Evolutionary’s goals.
More of the Eliminators show up and Punisher decides he’s not armed enough for this. He happened to save a girl in the firefight and she takes him to her dad... El Caiman.
They’re both being targeted so decide to make an alliance until the Eliminators are taken care of.
Punisher and El Caiman retreat to his drug farm where he has better weapons.
There’s a lot of Punisher shooting things and blowing up things and shooting other things but he gets to the last Eliminator.
The Last Eliminator: “The High Evolutionary! He will lead the human race to the next great plateau of achievement! But first we must eliminate all drugs and other genetic pollutants -- as well as anyone who stands in our way!”
Anyway, Punisher kills that guy too.
And El Caiman too when the drug lord decides to try to kill Frank before Frank can kill him. Then Punisher takes the drug lord’s daughter and begins looking for a way out of the jungle.
A very Punisher story. With a bit of tying into the big event.
Hm. You know, the High Evolutionary doesn’t seem short on finding people to hire that are big into eugenics. With a lot of supervillain mooks, you have to figure that the pay or benefits are worth getting punched by Captain America or whatever. But all the High Evolutionary’s men seemingly follow his ideals or just love having an excuse to kill people.
Silver Surfer Annual #1: ADAM
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Silver Surfer context! He was finally released from his long imprisonment on Earth after doing Galactus a solid. Since then, he’s been having a lot of space adventures involving the Elders of the Universe trying to kill Galactus out of jealousy of him being older and also the Skrull/Kree War heating up again.
How could Evolutionary War have anything to do with him when he’s in space?
Well, Mantis was traveling around with him but she died. She didn’t really because she was telecommuting from Earth by making a body out of plants. But Silver Surfer thinks she died so he’s coming to Earth to find her son, the supposed Celestial Messiah.
Okay but what does Silver Surfer have to do with the Super-Skrull? Or the Eternals?
The High Evolutionary pops into the Eternal city of Olympia and claims that he’s a lot like the Celestials because they all like fucking with evolution and anyway, now that he’s buddies with the Eternals, do you mind doing him a favor and mapping the Silver Surfer’s DNA for the good of all mankind?
I assume because the Eternals had committed to trying to improve humanity in the Eternals book, they agree.
When the Silver Surfer arrived on Earth, the Super-Skrull popped into existence due to stuff that had earlier happened in Surfer’s book. The Super-Skrull is a fighty bastard so he starts fighting Silver Surfer but then both get caught by the Eternals.
They ask the Silver Surfer if he’ll voluntarily let his DNA be mapped but he has a big
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to say to that.
So they just decide to force him. And fuck it. The High Evolutionary didn’t ask them to DNA scan the Super-Skrull but might as well do him too.
Super-Skrull learns that all Skrulls have lost their shape-shifting and that the Skrull empire has broken up into squabbling factions AND that the Skrull/Kree War is heating up again and feels despair. But Silver Surfer convinces him that they can work together to escape the DNA scan so that Super-Skrull can go back to his people because he still has his shapeshifting and maybe that can be used to fix everyone else’s.
They break free, there’s a fight scene, and Silver Surfer helps Super-Skrull escape by holding back the Eternals.
Then he convinces the Eternals to leave him the fuck alone and flies off to investigate what the hell the High Evolutionary is up to.
We don’t learn much more about that ourselves. The High Evolutionary claims that he’s studied all the peoples on Earth (humans, Eternal, deviants) but that he wants to study humanoids too. But makes it specifically about the Silver Surfer.
Does he want the Evolutionary War to make it so all humans possess the Power Cosmic? Who can say at this point.
Moving along.
New Mutants Annual #4: MIND GAMES
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The New Mutants!
They are Mutants who are newer than the old mutants but not to be confused with the New X-Men who were newer than the original X-Men.
While the New Mutants studied and trained at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, their teacher was Magneto. Sort of the grand result of Claremont’s redemption arc of Magneto, where he took over for Xavier when Xavier had to go to space and be with his space girlfriend. At least until editorial pressure had Magneto turn supervillian again. But we’re not there yet! Although we’re nearly there because it happens after Inferno!
(Well it was editorial pressure and also the fact that the New Mutants were lemmings who were mad Magneto wouldn’t let them endanger themselves so snuck out under his nose and endangered themselves, and got mad at Magneto when they died of it. The New Mutants drove him back to supervillainy. Its quite sad.)
In this issue, the New Mutants sneak out under his nose and endanger themselves after he directly tells them not to, that he’ll handle the situation.
Anyway, we’re introduced to a new part of the High Evolutionary’s weird, evolution-based plan.
A group of his Purifiers are focused not on sterilizing Moloids but on the removal of dangerous mutant powers.
The High Evolutionary: “Those powers that will endanger the survival of the human race must be removed... if my great plan for humanity’s advancement is to succeed.”
The Purifiers track down and capture a pair of mutants named Glow Worm and Bulk because they’re highly radioactive and that just won’t do.
The High Evolutionary hopes that they survive the depowering process but he’s not going to not have it done. And indeed, removing their powers doesn’t remove the radiation they already have. So now they’re dying of radiation.
One of the Purifiers points out that this is a much worse death than just shooting them would have been. WHICH HE’S FINE WITH. He just wanted to point it out. But the High Evolutionary avoids killing wantonly. Supposedly.
Depowering dangerous mutants becomes the New Mutant’s problems when the Purifiers capture their ex-teammate Amara Aquilla aka Magma from Nova Roma (a secret roman colony in the Amazon unless its not. It goes back and forth.)
Magma’s powers to cause earthquakes and volcanoes and inability to control it perfectly bring her to the Purifiers attention.
The Hellfire Club and Magneto plan to go handle it but the New Mutants decide pssh those adults aren’t shit. Lets go endanger ourselves.
The New Mutants do save Magma from the depowering machine but then Moonstar gets thrown into the machine instead and almost dies but Glow Worm and Bulk turn the switch the other way and make Moonstar’s powers even more powerful instead.
The depowering machine gets smashed and Illyana winds up teleporting the entire group of Purifiers to very demon infested Limbo so the Purifiers won’t narc on them when Magneto and co show up late to the party.
The ones that the kids didn’t send to hell get teleported to safety by the High Evolutionary as he did in the X-Factor Annual.
And now,
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #22: DRUG WAR RAGES
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Holy shit, Speedball was introduced in Evolutionary War?
Spider-Man annuals are always introducing new characters to try to give them a little boost out the door so its good to see that not even being roped into a big event will stop that.
Spider-Man is Spider-Man. If it helps, Peter and MJ are married. The Webs book of Peter’s Spider-Man photography comes out. Venom was only recently introduced. Spider-Man!
We actually have some influence from another annual in this event. The big linked story is actually acting like a linked story! Wild, I know.
Specifically, though, follow-up on the Punisher Annual. Between the Punisher and the High Evolutionary’s Eliminators, the supply of drugs from Bogota has been cut off, causing a drug war in New York.
Spider-Man beats up a warehouse full of drug dealers but when he leaves them webbed up, they’re sitting ducks for a rival gang and it looks like Spider-Man was involved in the murders.
But it wouldn’t be Evolutionary War if Spider-Man was just being impacted secondhand. The High Evolutionary’s Purifiers have also come to New York and are going around shooting drug dealers because the High Evolutionary’s goals still require saying no to drugs.
But that’s not all they’re up to. Under the High Evolutionary’s orders, the Purifiers in New York are planning Operation: Big Sleep. Where they’ll send out a sleepy signal from the Empire State Building and then sterilize anyone with “unacceptable DNA patterns” by morning.
Speedball learns about this and is forced into action when the police assume his anonymous tip is malarky.
And Kingpin captures and interrogates a Purifier and has the information leaked to Spider-Man and Daredevil who are trying to clear Spider-Man’s name.
The Purifiers have nothing to do with the one drug gang wiping out the other one and inadvertently implicating Spider-Man. Kingpin just directed their attentions because he was annoyed that the Purifiers had killed some of his goons. But he does at least help clear Spider-Man’s name by forcing the actual killer to confess to the cops.
Mighty kind of Kingpin.
But that’s it! The Purifiers come to New York and Spider-Man and Daredevil beat them up for unrelated reasons!
One has to wonder if the High Evolutionary is pulling an Operation: Big Sleep on every city. Eugenics.
Fantastic Four Annual #21: Crystal Blue Persuasion!
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Its Fantastic Four! Also, Inhumans! Also, Evolutionary War is squeezed in there somewhere.
So, the Fantastic Four isn’t quite in its usual status quo. Sue and Reed quit the team to pay more attention to Franklin. This won’t last long but it is the thought that counts.
Sharon Ventura, Ms Marvel, got exposed to cosmic rays and turned into a She-Thing and the Thing-Thing got exposed to more cosmic rays and turned into a pinecone. They’re dating and Ben is leading the team with Reed gone.
Johnny Storm Human Torch is married to Alicia Masters, who is unbeknownst to him actually a Skrull. There’s tension because Crystal Inhumans is the four in Fantastic Four and Johnny still has feelings for her.
Crystal is separated from her douchebag husband Quicksilver on account of him going all murdery but hasn’t been allowed to get a divorce because Inhuman society is pretty socially conservative.
So there’s a lot going on with the FF and the Evolutionary War is just another thing on the table that they don’t really notice because of everything else going on.
What happens is that Quicksilver has gone back to the Moon, depowered because of what happened in West Coast Avengers. He’s claimed he’s all sane now and that he was only evil because Maximus.
I have no idea if this is true or not but Quicksilver has a habit of claiming that whenever he pulls a dick move its because he’s being mind-controlled or identity thefted by a Skrull.
Since Quicksilver is a Good Boy again, the Inhuman Royal family come and try to kidnap Crystal and force her to get back together with her estranged husband. It becomes a big ol’ fight against the Fantastic Four.
But the Inhumans and Fantastic Four team up when Evolutionary War actually happens in this Evolutionary War tie-in.
The High Evolutionary brings a group of his Gatherers and Eliminators to the Moon and tasks them with obtaining a sample of the Terrigen Mist.
Instead of telling them to pull off a stealthy heist, he sends them to attack Attilan head-on and terrorize the populace.
I have no idea why when the High Evolutionary has had his people acting less blatantly before but that’s what is necessary to make this plot work.
Quicksilver leads the Inhuman militia in resistance and when the royal family and Fantastic Four show up, the tides turn and the armored men flee to the High Evolutionary who teleports them all away.
In the end, Crystal decides to stay on the Moon because Black Bolt writes the word family and because she has belatedly realized she’s making things difficult for Johnny.
There’s something involving some Watchers who know the High Evolutionary’s plans but being forbidden to comment on them when he asks for feedback or tell the Inhumans or Fantastic Four what is even going on.
Not much on the Evolutionary War side of things but Fantastic Four fans were probably relieved it didn’t much interrupt all the soap opera-y plot threads going on.
Moving right along.
X-Men Annual #12: Resurrection!
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So, X-Men!
X-Men is complicated. We’re in the Australia-era. We’ve got a weird team and a weird situation. The X-Men died and then undied but let everyone think they were dead, especially their loved ones. They moved to Australia and took over a Reaver base (angry murder cyborgs that hate Wolverine specifically and mutants generally) and the old, Aborigine man that teleports them places but isn’t much for conversation.
The team is Storm, Wolverine, Rogue, Longshot, Dazzler, Colossus, Psylocke, Havok, and also Cyclops’ abandoned wife Madelyne Pryor who hangs around to be mission control.
Storm suddenly takes off to the Savage Land and the X-Men get Gateway to teleport them after her.
The X-Men discover that the vibrant, weird Savage Land and all the weird inhabitants are gone, scorched off the face of Antarctica. This happened in Avengers #257 and I thought it was a dumb plot decision.
The X-Men also find Terminus (despite the Avengers having killed him) fighting the High Evolutionary who had come to Antarctica to restore the Savage Land.
The X-Men bury Terminus in a landslide and then split up to investigate. Havok goes with the High Evolutionary, Psylocke and Rogue stay to psychically scan Terminus, and Longshot and then the rest trip into a hidden pocket dimension to discover that the Fall People are actually still alive.
While Havok is given a tour of the High Evolutionary’s Savage Land HQ. When Havok is impressed by a flying vehicle, the Evolutionary explains a bit of what makes him tick.
High Evolutionary: “So was I, once. In those days, I tinkered with machines, tuning cars and bikes to their utmost peak of performance... and then putting them to the ultimate test. But no matter how good the vehicle... I was always limited by the body’s ability to control it. So it seemed a perfectly logical, natural step from the technological machine... to the biological one. To improve theo ne, I had to improve the other. How simple that equation seemed. How little I understood the consequences of such ambition. You see, with my mechanical experiments, mine was the only life at risk. Playing with life affects innocent lives. And too often, destroys them. Easy to tell yourself, the end justifies the means. Impossible to believe, though, when you look into the eyes of those who suffer as a result. Better to think, instead, of those who will benefit.”
The High Evolutionary also has the Savage Land mutates working for him so they also survived.
He explains to Havok that he has everything he needs to restore the Savage Land except “a living being -- preferably a mutant -- whose primal nature is in sync with the land’s.”
Terminus climbs out from under the rocks eventually and the X-Men and the Fall People attack. Rogue eventually borrows Longshot’s powers and blows a hole in Terminus to reveal Garokk, the Petrified Man.
They pry Garokk out and the Terminus armor crumbles.
The High Evolutionary reveals that the armor was controlling Garokk somehow and that the previous Terminus that destroyed the Savage Land was also a fake, suggesting that the real one will come back someday.
He does. I have no idea why people keep bringing Terminus back. He’s budget store Galactus. But he does come back. And Captain Universe!Spider-Man and Quasar yeeted him into space. Worth bringing him back for that??
Anyway, the High Evolutionary also announces that Garokk is the guy he can use to bring back the Savage Land and Garokk agrees to the sacrifice.
Hooray, Savage Land and its dinosaurs are back! At least one good thing came of Evolutionary War!
(Ka-Zar, Shanna the She-Devil, and their son immediately show up to claim to be in charge again. Damn, dudes.)
Wolverine also mutters that he senses that the High Evolutionary is up to no good but since he’s not doing anything dickish in this annual, Wolverine doesn’t start any beef.
Zaladane and the mutants seem to think that the Evolutionary War will end with them ruling the world. But the High Evolutionary is just using them and doesn’t like them very much.
Also, the X-Men mindwipe all the Fall People because they’re doing the thing where nobody can know they’re alive, not even people who live in the middle of Antarctica and especially not their own loved ones.
So, a more meaty entry in the Evolutionary War because the High Evolutionary actually shows up and accomplishes a thing he wants to accomplish. And we get some worldview.
Web of Spider-Man Annual #4: Sweet Poison!
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Okay, I’m starting to see a problem with annual-based events. Sure, you can have different bits of the story for X-Men, X-Factor, and the New Mutants. Or East Coast and West Coast Avengers. They’re different teams so they can interact with different parts of the event.
But there’s three Spider-Man books so he’s really going to have three different parts in Evolutionary War?
Something similar happened with DC’s Armageddon 2001. Waverider kept returning to visit Superman and seeing a different alternate future every time. Which kind of undermined the whole point of the event but not more so than when DC changed the entire ending.
The Web of Spider-Man status quo? God, I don’t know. Why does Spider-Man need three books? That’s ridiculous. My guess is that he’s been Spider-Manning. Just Spider-Manning his little heart out!
There’s actually a lot going on here. Let me try to be brief about it.
There may be more of this plot than any other part of Evolutionary War.
Peter Parker, Spider-Man is in Miami on a book tour to promote his WEBS photo book. But he can’t help but poke his nose in when he sees a drug dealer get beaten up by  people from the Slug’s gang because drug dealer Santo has drugs to sell despite the supply line being cut from Bogota.
Spider-Man saves him and then gets the location of his drug stockpile and evidence of a Latverian arms deal for some damn reason.
The High Evolutionary’s Purifiers are also in Miami and still on their usual shit and one of them sterilizes Santo because the High Evolutionary doesn’t want people who sell drugs to pass on their genes.
These are nicer Purifiers than the ones in New York who were just murdering drug related criminals.
The High Evolutionary also sends some of the Purifiers to the Everglades to seal up the Nexus of All Realities. He’s worried about genetic pollutants leaking into the world from other realities.
Maybe he’s right to fret about that because a local woman, Cecilia Cardinale, is possessed by an alien named Ylandris who gives her the power to kill people by glaring at them. And she attacks the Purifiers in Miami and then flies out into the swamp to keep killing them.
The Slug’s men also go out into the swamp and try to get the drug stockpile and the Purifiers go out there to destroy the drugs and the gangsters and Spider-Man since he happened to be there.
The seal on the Nexus fails and Ylandris is able to flee home and Spider-Man webs up any of the gangsters or Purifiers that hadn’t killed each other or gotten killed by normal-sized Man-Thing.
So the Purifiers up to their old tricks still and the High Evolutionary trying to prevent cross-dimensional genetic contamination of whatever his end goal is.
Next, and finally some Essential Avengers in this Evolutionary War.
West Coast Avengers Annual #3: "Heads You Lose -- ! Tails You Win!”
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Are you guys really bringing your divorce into this event? Geez, let it drop for like ten minutes.
Also, hi, Bill Foster. Hi, T’Challa.
Hi, Evolution the Living Planet?
Anyway, this is Avengers. We like the Avengers here. We usually like the Avengers here. It hasn’t been great lately. But Avengers is what we’re about. So this story actually gets covered in-depth.
Last time in West Coast Avengers: due to cowboy manslaughter and lying about cowboy manslaughter, Hawkeye and Mockingbird have split up. And caused the team to split up.
Mockingbird took Tigra and Moon Knight who both agreed that maybe murder is okay sometimes. They decided to go check out the South Pole due to a Master Pandemonium sighting. Wonder Man stayed with Hawkeye. Hank Pym quit for first wife reasons. And Scarlet Witch, Vision, and Mantis joined.
Last time in Evolutionary War: scroll up. C’mon.
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So another wrinkle to the High Evolutionary’s big vague plan.
All the Gatherers and Purifiers and Eliminators? Are not people he hired who are really into eugenics. They’re New Men that he made. Probably in a lab.
But he couldn’t make people for everything so he has a bunch of technicians working for him that had to be recruited for their obscure specializations.
To build a bomb.
Dammit, Bill Foster!
But the bomb is missing one vital component. The High Evolutionary needs Wakandan vibranium so sends his Gatherers.
Despite my dammit, Bill doesn’t like what’s going on and secrets a tiny capsule into the armor of one of the Gatherers he’s apparently on name basis with.
The High Beyonder, meanwhile, goes on a walk and a bit of a motive rant.
We finally get to learn why he’s in such a big hurry when he’s been casually doing his own thing for decades now.
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So, the Fantastic Four discovered that the Beyonders signed their name to the Savage Land. And that’s made the High Evolutionary all paranoid and anxious because the Beyonders stole Counter-Earth and put it in a museum. He’s worried because the Fantastic Four are actively seeking out the Beyonders and that might prompt them to do Something.
Reasonable worry. The Beyonders suuuuuck.
Anyway. The Gatherers arrive in Wakanda. And are immediately detected and confronted by Black Panther and his army.
When one scoffs at “savages with spears”, T’Challa kicks him in the face.
There’s a fight, fight, fight. The Wakandans activate the Black Panther’s THROB.
Which. Is. Apparently. A Trans-Human RObot.
And it absorbs attacks and punches back harder.
Anyway, the Gatherers get their asses kicked. They expect to be teleported to safety, as we’ve seen in previous installments of Evolutionary War. But Black Panther detected them when they teleported in and has set up preventative measures that stop them from escaping the same way.
Black Panther has the Gatherers searched for clues and finds the capsule Bill Foster hid. Which contains a note saying: “SOS! The world is in danger, from a base 72S, 65W! Contact Dr. Henry Pym in Los Angeles! - Dr William Foster”
So T’Challa is like, hey, sure! And contacts the (West Coast) Avengers.
Except when Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Wonder Man, and Mantis show up, they have to inform T’Challa that Hank.... isn’t quite or at all with the team right now.
T’Challa then asks hey why isn’t your wife with the team right now?
Hawkeye: “... Ssst...! I didn’t think I could slide it past you, T’Challa! Mock an’ I have split up! She’s out of my life an’ out of my team! Tigra an’ the Moon Knight, too!”
Black Panther: “Out -- ? But -- where -- ?”
Hawkeye: “I dunno! I don’t wanna know! We all made our decisions, and it’s done with now!”
T’Challa last saw Hawkeye for that David Letterman thing and he was newly married there so that adds some context for how surprised he is.
Also, I dunno what’s going on here. I’m like 90% sure that some dialogue Mantis is supposed to be having was erased.
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Englehart will complain about editorial interference in his book and this is probably some of it.
It’s so blatant though! She gets a close-up where she’s clearly talking and nothing is coming out!
Anyway. T’Challa shares the note from Bill Foster and since its been like six years since he was an active superhero, that means its time for exposition.
Bill Foster was Hank Pym’s lab assistant. Unaddressed here so I’m going to bring it up: he was introduced and immediately got hate crimed by the not-KKK Sons of the Serpent. This made Hank Pym decide to destroy the not-KKK which involved pretending to support them, which made Bill Foster quit but he came back when Hank did, in fact, destroy them. Also, the not-KKK was a foreign psyop to cause strife in America because fuck comics are like that sometimes (derogatory).
Anyway, Bill Foster eventually managed to duplicate Hank’s growth serum and dubbed himself Black Goliath because black characters had to remind you they’re black or else you might not realize they’re black. He also had a belly window in his costume because. I don’t know why but belly windows or plunging necklines were just common for black characters.
T’Challa got away with a full coverage costume but that’s so it wasn’t obvious he was black, so as not to offend Southern states. In fact, T’Challa’s mask originally was supposed to show his mouth but it was inked over.
So Bill Foster was a size changing hero. He immediately got cancer in his first ever adventure after running into a guy called Atom Smasher.
Bill Foster has no kind of luck. Did you know that he died in Civil War and is still dead? How fucked up is that.
Bill’s cancer was eventually treated with a blood transfusion from Spider-Woman who is apparently immune to poisons and I guess cancer counts? Whatever. Point being, he wasn’t dying but he couldn’t size-shift anymore because of the strain on his body.
Taking after Hank there, a little.
Hawkeye decides to use Black Panther inviting them to Wakanda to try to get him to sign up with the West Coast Avengers but Black Panther says now is not the time because he’s worried about the attempted vibranium theft.
And the panther totem alarm raises in alarm of yet more intruders, this time in the technological jungle.
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So the High Evolutionary has the Gatherers, the Purifiers, the Eliminators, and also this quirky miniboss squad, the Sensors.
Who are, reasonably enough, themed after human senses. Sight, Touch, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Intuition.
What? No Proprioception? Git gud, the High Evolutionary.
Anyway, this group is so dumb I kind of love it. And tragically, this seems to be their only appearance. I’d love if they got out into the wild and just showed up as a goofy theme group of jobbers.
I want Spider-Man to fight them. He’d have a field day fighting someone called Smell or Taste.
Black Panther gets pinned down by Sound. Because sonics are just a weakness of his. That’s why Klaw is his nemesis. That and the whole dad killing thing. But mostly because T’Challa is sensitive to loud noises.
Scarlet Witch goes to fight Smell but finds herself having trouble.
Scarlet Witch: “I’m throwing hexes, but I can’t pinpoint her inside that cloud of stench!”
This is so god damn stupid =D
Sight is basically Budget Cyclops. Every photon that hits his eyes gets channeled into laser beams that blast out of his helmet antlers. Helmet prongs. Whatever you call those things.
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Vision decides to get into a laser staring contest with Sight.
Which is fucking stupid. Vision fires Solar Beam. Which just powers up Sight who shoots lasers. Which Vision absorbs through his head gem to power his Solar Beam. They’re stalemated.
Wonder Man fights Touch. And I guess Touch is interpreted as meaning punches. Because she punches him.
Hawkeye fights Taste and... aw c’mon, you’re not even trying with the theme! His power is that his fingers shoot acid. That has nothing to do with tasting! He should be Touch and have a deadly touch! Do I have to do all the work for you?
Annyway, Hawkeye has one of those fights where he keeps shooting arrows and the opponent just keeps blasting the arrows before they can strike. And it takes him forever to think of doing something different.
Finally, Mantis is fighting Intuition. Who has mind reading abilities to anticipate what she’s going to do before she does it. Mantis is surprised that Intuition manages to dodge a blow because “only three have ever accomplished that!”
If I go back and read all the comics with you in them and find that more than three people have dodged an attack by you, I’m going to be very disappointed.
But also I’m not going to do that. I’m way too busy with Evolutionary War.
Okay, so we have a bunch of Avengers stymied against a bunch of opponents who counter their powers.
It’s time for a TRADE PLACES! Sorta.
Scarlet Witch has been trying to hex Smell through the stink cloud the whole time and finally goes fuck that. She instead magic(k)s the stink cloud and moves it to cover Sight, blocking him from absorbing any light.
So without lasers, Vision just punches him in the fucking head. Then he uses his eye lasers (which I’m pretty sure he’s not supposed to have, didn’t mention that earlier) to knock out Smell.
And forget about trade places, the other three West Coast Avengers just. Try harder. Than they were.
C’mon. Either trade places or don’t. Don’t tease me with it.
Wonder Man actually tries fighting back against Touch. He’d been letting her beat the shit out of him because Girl. As soon as he tries, he knocks her the fuck out.
Hawkeye finally thinks to do something other than fire arrows directly at this guy to be melted. Good ol’ boomerang arrow. Fire it wide so the guy dismisses it as no threat and then let it circle back and bonk him in the back of the head.
And Mantis goes into a meditative trance in which she empties her mind. Then, acting subconsciously, she chops Intuition in the throat.
... I’m fairly certain she’s dead now. That looked like a pretty solid hit.
As for Black Panther and Sound... Black Panther lures Sound onto the vibranium mound. And because of vibranium’s property of absorbing vibrations, it dampens the sonics Sound has been blasting at Black Panther.
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But it turns out the whole thing was a double bluff.
Smell claimed that the Sensors were the ones who were really meant to obtain the vibranium. The Gatherers were only a distraction. But, welp, turns out that the Sensors were also distraction.
While T’Challa is distracted being smug about his victory over Sound and how the guy didn’t understand that you could set off an explosion on the vibranium mound and not hear or feel it... an agent of the High Evolutionary called Foks (clever like a) teleports in, blasts a big chunk of vibranium loose, and then teleports off with it.
With the threat seemingly ended?? the West Coast Avengers decide to go investigate the base that Bill Foster’s note mentioned. Black Panther decides not to go with them because he’s feeling a sense of trepidation. Like the whole world is under threat or something...
(Wouldn’t that be a good reason to go?)
But when the West Coast Avengers arrive they find two surprises.
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One, the Savage Land is green and thriving the way it used to be, despite the report from the East Coast Avengers that Terminus had fucked it.
The West Coast Avengers haven’t read the X-Men Annual yet.
But two, there’s a big fucking hole in the ground at the coordinates Bill provided.
Wonder Man: “What could have happened, Hawk?”
Hawkeye: “Beats me, Simon! But whatever it was -- did we get here too late to save the world -- ?”
And to answer that, lets get into the second half of the Annual.
Because Mockingbird’s group have their own part to play. Remember how they were on the cover?
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Also remember how they were going to go investigate a Master Pandemonium sighting at the South Pole?
Well, they also show up in Antarctica to get surprised that the Savage Land is back. But they arrive earlier because they didn’t get called to Wakanda.
(Also, they apparently stole a Quinjet. Mockingbird is just taking more and more in this divorce.)
When they land, they’re met by Ka-Zar. You might remember that Mockingbird has a lot of history with Ka-Zar. If you don’t, I’m reminding you that Mockingbird has a lot of personal history with Ka-Zar.
He summarizes the X-Men Annual for Mockingbird’s Notvengers. Except the part where the X-Men were involved because the X-Men mind-wiped everyone. Like dicks.
Point being, he tells them that the High Evolutionary is a cool guy that restored the Savage Land.
And also, Ka-Zar moved back to the Savage Land with his wife and baby son now that the place doesn’t suck anymore.
Bobbi gets to be catty about Ka-Zar and Shanna’s marriage going well. Its a pleasant visit until Bobbi drops the ‘by the way, my marriage has fallen apart but congrats on the happy family’ right before walking out.
And then she bemoans to her teammates “I don’t believe it! Kazar and Shanna are having babies while I’m on my way to divorce court?”
But anyway. Plot.
The Notvengers decide to investigate the High Evolutionary’s citadel. Even though he was cool enough to restore the Savage Land and Ka-Zar says he hasn’t done anything wrong that he knows about. The team decides to at least pay a courtesy call to find out what the guy’s about.
And because they have no cause to just kick the door down and get confrontational, they knock and ask to see the High Evolutionary please.
Foks, the guy that’s probably a fox (Tigra even says he smells like a fox) lets them in because the High Evolutionary has been expecting someone to eventually show up.
Bill Foster sees Mockingbird, Tigra, and Moon Knight from the lab floor. He figures that they got his message so he excuses himself to get a drink of water so he can make his own preparations.
When the Notvengers speak with him, the High Evolutionary doesn’t even try to play innocent.
Mockingbird: “We came to find out what you’re doing here!”
The High Evolutionary: “Certainly, Mockingbird! I’m building a bomb which, when detonated, will mutate everyone on Earth!”
Okay! So that answers WHAT he’s up to!
This annuals centric event isn’t paced very well. West Coast Avengers Annual #3 is the third from last part of the event. Out of eleven.
I guess it could have been revealed in the Fantastic Four Annual instead of Evolutionary War being an afterthought to everything else the FF were dealing with. But then... if its revealed to them, they’d want to address it. And that’s not how this thing is structured.
It’s just hard to tell a single story this way.
The Notvengers vow to stop him and the High Evolutionary is like, well, no. And just gases them.
Moon Knight is able to keep fighting after Tigra and Mockingbird almost immediately pass out because Khonshu is in the driver’s seat and can push the meat body to its breaking point.
He hurls some random bullshit at the High Evolutionary. It bounces harmlessly off his shields but still startles him.
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So he calls in some guards that tangle with Moon Knight until he can’t hold his breath any longer, sucks in some gas, and passes out.
The High Evolutionary is intrigued that Moon Knight was able to go so long without air but he doesn’t have time for that right now.
His Wakanda operation, seen in the first half of this book, is in progress and requires him to be ready to take action. Coordinating Foks’ teleport to the vibranium mound, perhaps.
So he has the Notvengers thrown into... THE MAZE.
Outside the High Evolutionary’s throne room? Audience chamber? Whatever? Bill Foster was eavesdropping on the confrontation.
So he knows that the Notvengers weren’t here to rescue him but they’re his best bet so he’s got to rescue them.
Mockingbird wakes up in... THE MAZE. Which is a maze. Filled with robots. And traps.
Despite needing his full attention on the Wakanda operation, the High Evolutionary is also watching the Notvengers in the maze.
Maybe he finished with Wakanda while everyone was passed out?
Anyway. He’s impressed with how Mockingbird is acquitting herself.
The High Evolutionary: “Quite resourceful -- and dangerous -- I wonder if she’ll be the one of the three to escape my maze first  -- and earn the right to become the guinea pig for my evolutionary formula -- !”
Okay, so. He’s building a bomb that will force mutate humanity into a ‘more evolved form.’
But I’m guess he also planned on superhero interference and planned to select one of the superheroes to base the mutagenic compound in the bomb on?
And he has such shitty luck that he wound up with the Notvengers?
No offense but if you’re going to mutate humanity you can do better than Mockingbird, Moon Knight, and Tigra.
Although, turning everyone into catpeople. That’d get back to his furry making roots.
And to answer my own question, no, the Wakanda operation isn’t done.
Foks runs in and informs the High Evolutionary that the Sensors have run into trouble because the West Coast Avengers are helping Black Panther in Wakanda.
The High Evolutionary confirms that the Sensors were a double bluff to let him get information on Wakanda’s defenses around the vibranium mound and that he’ll teleport Foks in to get the actual task done when the time comes.
Meanwhile, in... THE MAZE, Tigra also is doing well fighting the robots and such. But she smells Moon Knight, OH YEAHs through a wall with her claws, finds him after he also broke a robot, and starts making out with him a lot. Through his mask.
Elsewhere meanwhile, Bill Foster tries to sneak into... THE MAZE area but runs into some guards that point out that he’s not supposed to be here.
He tries to claim he’s just using the little scientist’s room but since they plan to report him for being out of his designated area, he says nuts and punches them a lot.
Back with Mockingbird, she almost falls into a spiky pit trap but manages to pole vault herself to safety.
Relative safety.
She runs into the High Evolutionary.
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He tries to congratulate her on getting to the finish line first because Tigra and Moon Knight were too busy making out but she smoothly transitions right into violence.
The High Evolutionary is super-duper cosmically powerful of course so he’s capable of some tricks. Like psychokinesis. Shooting MIND LASERS. And getting kicked in the face.
But after she’s knocked him down and is going to... kill him? Knock him out? One or the other.
He just decides no. We’re not doing that.
And he grows into a Giant-Sized High Evolutionary.
While Giant-Sized High Evolutionary berates Mockingbird for getting ahead of herself, Bill Foster has found them.
And seeing a Giant-Sized High Evolutionary reminds Bill of the serum he’s prepared. A Giant Man serum.
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He can now tell the High Evolutionary to fight someone his own size!
And as the new Giant Man slams the High Evolutionary around the scenery, he explains.
Because of the cancer, he’d kinda sorta but not really lost his powers. Its complicated. I thought that the transfusion from Spider-Woman had cured the cancer but whatever.
Bill Foster was scouted for the High Evolutionary’s project. He didn’t realize he was a captive until he got here. But he signed up in the first place because A) he didn’t know that the High Evolutionary was going to build a bomb to mutate the world and B) he realized that with the technology available for a genetic project that the High Evolutionary was running, he (Bill Foster) could develop a serum to strengthen his body so he could stay giant-sized Giant-Man.
Since Pym size shifting takes mass from the mass dimension, if Bill stays big long enough, the pure mass from the mass dimension will cleanse the tainted cancer mass.
Sure! That sounds plausibly, maybe!
The High Evolutionary isn’t feeling this fight. Like, he doesn’t like fighting. And Bill’s big giant-sized brain is giving him resistance to the High Evolutionary’s psychic powers.
Plus, he likes the cut of Bill’s jib. He’s evolving and improving himself, just like the High Evolutionary wants to do to everyone!
(I think maybe the High Evolutionary doesn’t actually know what evolution is.)
But Foks reports that he’s retrieved the vibranium and the High Evolutionary goes ‘oh shit right my masterplan.’ Rather than deal with the headache of trying to deal with all the superheroes now running loose around his headquarters, he just decides to fuck off and complete the bomb elsewhere.
The High Evolutionary: “Good luck with your evolution, Giant-Man! It will stand you in good stead in the world to come! We shall NOT meet again!”
What a polite guy.
He flies through the ceiling. Bill realizes that the cliche in this situation is that the High Evolutionary will blow up his old base to conceal any clues to where he’s going.
So he rips open... THE MAZE to free Moon Knight and Tigra and then hustles everyone out of the building.
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And yup. As soon as the High Evolutionary’s ship takes off, his Savage Land base explodes.
Giant-Bill wonders whether the Notvengers really showed up without his note and Mockingbird says yes. But they don’t have time for that right now, they need to warn everyone about the High Evolutionary’s Evolution Bomb full of Evolution Formula!
So they all pile into the Quinjet Mockingbird stole and take off. Shortly before the West Coast Avengers arrived from Wakanda, find the giant hole in the ground that was the High Evolutionary’s base, and wonder what the fuck happened.
Good times.
Now we move to the penultimate part of Evolutionary War YET ANOTHER SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL FOR FUCKS SAKE.
What more do you have to contribute, Peter??
Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #8: RETURN TO SENDER
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"Oh, no! Not again! GWEN STACY is back!”
Yeah, we’re all sick of it too, Pete.
Again, I don’t know what distinguishes Spectacular Spider-Man from Amazing or Web of. But I bet Spider-Man spider-mans the hell out of this book.
Anyway. Evolutionary War.
Spider-Man is interrupted from musing about adopting a stray cat by a pair of the High Evolutionary’s Purifiers flying around in a UFO shooting at a random woman. But as you can guess from the cover, it’s not a random woman, it’s Gwen Stacy. Clone Gwen. Stacy.
Peter freaks out when he sees her but she freaks out worse, running away.
She later swings by his apartment but freaks out again when she sees Peter’s spider-costume (she knows he’s Spider-Man but Spider-Man still freaks her out). She runs off and with MJ’s sorta blessing, Spider-Man swings out after her.
She gets captured by the Purifiers and teleported to the High Evolutionary’s base, with Spider-Man in tow.
So now I have to backtrack a bit. While the Purifiers were making their second attempt to track down Clone Gwen, the High Evolutionary was making a quick visit to the Young Gods.
I don’t really want to explain them in depth because they’re both complicated and irrelevant.
But when the Eternals book was cancelled, its plot threads were picked up and tied off by the Thor book. The Celestials’ judgement of Earth was resolved by Gaia giving the Celestials the twelve best people on Earth to get the Celestials to go away.
Out in space, the so-called Young Gods train to become new gods but we can’t capitalize that because of trademark reasons.
The High Evolutionary goes to check up on them because as the genetic bomb nears completion, he wants to know if the Young Gods are humanity’s genetic future.
After watching them train, the High Evolutionary concludes (verbally, right in front of them) that they’re intriguing but not the genetic destiny he’s looking for.
But the Young Gods got a really rank vibe by psychically scanning the High Evolutionary and half of them follow him back to Earth to try to stop his plans of evolutionary genocide.
So after Clone Gwen is captured and transported to the High Evolutionary’s base, she’s put in some scanning device.
Spider-Man tries to fight through all the Purifiers and half of the Young Gods show up to help. But the other half of the Young Gods show up to hinder. And someone from group 1 accidentally mind crushes someone from group 2 and the Young Gods conclude that they’re too inexperienced to be fucking around without knowing what they’re doing.
Meanwhile, Spider-Man manages to rip Clone Gwen out of the device and saving her has given him a kind of emotional closure and he finally accepts she’s not Gwen and that he loves someone else.
The High Evolutionary finally interjects saying hey I don’t come to your place and break your nice stuff. But also: that Gwen is not Gwen.
The High Evolutionary: “I asked myself, how could a mere university biology professor accomplish a technical miracle such as nearly instantaneous cloning? My study of this woman’s genetic structure, compared to that of Gwen Stacy, shows that he did not.”
This will later be retconned but at the time, this new reveal was because of the advancement of knowledge about cloning and desire to finally tie off the loose thread of the Gwen clone.
So AT THIS MOMENT, Miles Warren didn’t create any real clones. Not with his budget and access to technology.
Instead, he created a genetic virus that transformed a random woman Joyce Delaney into a copy of Gwen. Presumably false memories were also implanted.
Oh the trouble we run into when we strive to make old stories more plausible.
Anyway, the High Evolutionary is tired of their faces so he teleports them back to New York.
One of the Young Gods shows up and transforms Gwen back into the woman she was. Because she can do that. And Joyce just wanders off somewhere. Until she magically transforms back into a Gwen clone because another Clone Saga is ongoing.
But the important thing is that Peter got emotional closure and that the High Evolutionary... uh, I don’t know why he cared. He says its because she’s a genetic impossibility so I guess he just has strong feelings about cloning.
And the retcon of this retcon will reveal that he was so mad jelly over Miles Warren’s cool cloning skills that he made up that business about the genetic virus. A retcon retcon that will itself cause more problems because an entire new character had been created since this annual using that genetic virus thing as its basis.
Avengers Annual #17: PROMETHEUS MUTANS!
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Hello, you beautiful cover. Nice to see you again.
This is the last part so bring us home, Walt Simonson.
We start strong because the start has Jocasta.
Hi, Jocasta!
People who I have to assume are the High Evolutionary men pug Jocasta back together with captions quoting Frankenstein for some fucking reason.
Jocasta activates and attacks the technicians repairing her. Then she runs to grab a phone but gets blasted by some guards.
Dangit. If this book brought Jocasta back just to kill her, I’mma be peeved.
Meanwhile elsewhere, the abandoned Hydrobase.
I canNOT get over the Avengers extensively rebuiding Hydrobase to be a headquarters and then disbanding like five minutes later. Fuckin’ Thor.
Inside the abandoned base, a computer kicks into action in response to Jocasta’s phone call because, yes, she was trying to contact the Avengers.
But there are no Avengers to contact. Thor disbanded the team after everyone quit, got injured, fell into a time hole, or became super-cursed.
So the computer automatically reaches out to reservists.
You may be able to guess who is going to respond, based on the cover.
It’s actually kind of interesting that this annual coming at a point where there’s no Avengers team meant that Simonson could go with anyone. Fucking Yellowjacket II is in there and she’s not even an Avenger!
The Captain America is the first to respond to the call.
Between Avengers #298 (also written by Simonson), the Captain has completely forgotten what Jarvis told him about the team disbanding. So he reacts like what the heck why isn’t anyone here?
He checks the computer to find out why it contacted him and it reports an unknown caller that was maybe possibly Jocasta called the Avengers and said “the genetic bomb” and “evolutionary.”
The Captain says it couldn’t be Jocasta because she blew up. She blew up a lot. But the computer isn’t designed to argue. Just to relay data.
Cap(tain) decides to wait for other reservists to respond so he can tell people that the whole thing is just a hoax.
And he doesn’t have long to wait before Sam Wilson, the Falcon, shows up.
The Falcon jokes that he thought Cap had quit the Avengers and asked if he’s backsliding.
Then Hercules shows up, in shiny new armor with a belly window showing off his abs.
Remember how Zeus forbade any Olympian from going to Earth to make his hair trigger temper everyone’s problem? Yeah, Hercules don’t give a shit what dad said. He stole one of his thunderbolts and used it to go to Earth to respond to the emergency call.
The Captain explains to Falcon and Hercules that the call was probably a hoax. Hercules is a bit put out that he risked his dad’s wrath for nothing but then a whole lot of Hulk (and Beast) walk through the door.
So Hulk faked his death and has been operating as a gray Hulk called Joe Fixit. Beast convinced him to respond to the emergency Avengers call and in exchange, the Avengers won’t tell anyone about Hulk being alive.
Also, Beast is blue again. Instead of human looking and getting dumber every time he super strengths. I have no idea what happened between the X-Factor Annual and the Avengers Annual.
(Checking the wiki, apparently some lady called Infectia kissed him and that made him blue and smart again.)
And there’s another person responding to the emergency call as Hercules suddenly yoinks Yellowjacket II out of the closet.
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Hercules has a reason to be suspicious of her. The one and only time they met, she was a member of the Masters of Evil, the group that beat him into a coma.
But Yellowjacket II, Rita DeMara, explains that the Yellowjacket helmet she stole started buzzing and directing her to report to the Avengers. It basically annoyed her into showing up to a team-up because she couldn’t turn it off.
(Beast finds the off button and stops the alert in like two seconds. But now she’s stuck with the group because Hercules doesn’t trust her to be out of his sight. Because of the Masters of Evil thing. WHICH, Y’KNOW, FAIR.)
Presumably Cap still thinks this emergency alert isn’t worth responding to. But Beast does a bit of electronic razzle-dazzle to trace the call to an abandoned laboratory site on Long Island that once belonged to Stark Industries.
This ad-hoc Avengers group busts out a moth-balled Quinjet and heads to the site.
Hulk OH YEAHs through the wall of the lab to the surprise and very alarm of the High Evolutionary’s guys. One of them goes hoh shit lets shoot first ask questions NEVER this guy scary even though their orders are to scan everyone’s DNA structure before killing them. Because eugenics.
Joe Hulk tags this guy the one smart guy in a bunch of dummies.
After he MURDERS EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ROOM (to the alarm of the ad-hoc Avengers team) he presents the smart guy to the rest to interrogate.
(Supposedly. The guy’s design changes from one page to the next but Hulk says its the same guy.
And the guy is eager to talk. Probably because he just saw a big gray hulk murder everyone else in the room.
He explains that he’s one of the High Evolutionary’s Gatherers with the job to “collect information about the genetic structure of humanity.”
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The High Evolutionary is worried that humanity’s evolutionary progress has been stymied by modern society so he’s going to put his finger on the scale.
After the Eliminators and Purifiers are done getting rid or sterilizing the ones the High Evolutionary doesn’t want in his new version of humanity, he’ll set off the genetic bomb and forcibly jump humanity ahead a million years.
Even though that’s not how evolution works.
And also, it looks like he’s going to turn humanity into furries. The man loves his furries.
The Captain criticizes this eugenics plan for being so eugenics when the Captain hates eugenics and also Nazis.
But then the man explodes.
See, he’s a zealot. A true believer. He only partially spilled the beans to buy time until his... suit? recharged enough to blow him up. The Pacific is a big place and time is short so they’ll definitely never find the High Evolutionary!
Joe Hulk mocks the rest of the ad-hoc Avengers as “airheads” after just standing by and letting the guy blow himself up after Joe had gone to the trouble of saving one dude to interrogate.
That’s fair.
Upside though? They rescued Jocasta.
So now a bunch of Jocasta loose ends can be resolved. The Captain tells her that when she ran away from the Avengers, it was before they could tell her they were going to ask her to stay on as a special status. And Jocasta is able to clear up how she’s not blown up. Kinda.
She guesses that the High Evolutionary’s Gatherers found her parts and put her back together using recovered plans. So that they could use her memories to gain first-hand information about the Avengers.
Her cybernetic senses would be more in-depth than public records.
Of course, the Avengers team that recently existed and the Avengers team Jocasta knew were significantly different. But also the Avengers disbanded so basically she was brought back online for no reason.
Womp womp.
I’m just glad she’s alive again.
Rather than searching the entire Pacific, which is very big, the Captain decides he’ll just go talk to the Deviants of Lemuria, figuring that if anyone has a secret science base in the Pacific, they’ll know about it.
I assume that the Captain doesn’t bother with Atlantis because he’s heard that Attuma is in charge and figures they won’t be helpful.
And he’s right about Atlantis not being helpful.
When the apparently submarine capable Quinjet reaches Lemuria, the Ad-Hoc Avengers find an Atlantean fleet attacking the Deviant city.
The Avengers split up. Joe Hulk and Hercules break into the Atlantean flagship and beat the shit out of everyone. Everyone else stays in the Submarine Quinjet and contact the Lemurians.
Kro, the Deviant who has cool sunglasses sometimes, tells the Avengers that the Atlanteans accused the Deviants of sending a sea monster to destroy Atlantis. Kro has no fucking idea what that’s about, but we do. Remember? Marrina? So this is all Dr Druid’s fault.
Fuckin’ Dr Druid.
Then a giant ship belonging to neither Atlantis or Lemuria shows up and blasts both fleets with too much pink energy.
Hulk and Hercules break the giant pink shooting cannon but afterwards, the Avengers realize the damage was done.
The Captain tells both groups that, duh, Lemuria didn’t send a sea monster at Atlantis. And that the people that leaked the misinformation to Atlantis probably did it to draw out both the Atlanteans and Lemurians in one spot.
Because... according to Beast’s analysis... that giant pink energy blast was a sterilizing beam. A big chunk of the mature populations of both Pacific civilizations have been sterilized.
Attuma and Kro are pissed to learn that their balls just got blasted or however the sterilizing beam worked. They agree to not only team up with each other but to team up with the Ah-Hoc Avengers to track down and stop the High Evolutionary.
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And holy ship, uh, I mean holy shit.
That’s a really big ship.
Where does the High Evolutionary get such a mighty vessel?
The backup backstory stories that have been in each part of Evolutionary War reveals that his Wundagore lab/spaceship took years to finish and needed a slave force of Moloids to construct.
The Avengers are quite impressed. And worried. Its just their small group and two armadas against that monster? Do they even have enough guys?
But there’s a bit of a ticking clock.
Falcon is able to determine that the High Evolutionary’s big ship is heading toward the Sunda Strait. And based on that, Beast and the Captain realize that the High Evolutionary is going to re-explode Mount Krakatoa to spread the Genetic Bomb all around the world.
And they don’t have time to launch a full attack. So they ask the Deviants and Atlanteans to launch a diversionary assault that has no chance of succeeding while the Avengers sneak aboard the vessel to disarm the Genetic Bomb.
Inside the behemoth, the High Evolutionary is putting the finishing touches on his Genetic Bomb. Even at this late stage, he and his technicians are still doing genome manipulation. Readying recombinant DNA.
The Evolutionary is less than pleased when he hears of the Deviant/Atlantean attack.
He tells his men to secure the sacred genetic chamber, put the bomb in stasis, gather the priests in the temple, and for everyone to report to battle stations.
He has priests? He has a temple?
Anyway, the Ad-Hoc Avengers happened to infiltrate into the airlock closest to the temple that the High Evolutionary has for some reason. So they get to witness the evolution cult’s services.
Priest: “The Lord High Evolutionary has decreed that there is no danger from the attacking fleets. Our holy vessel has more than enough firepower to destroy our enemies. But our lord has said that the possibility exists that the real threat to our sacred mission may lie elsewhere. As we revere nature and the High Evolutionary, those who would hinder his great plan must be forestalled! All security patrols are to be doubled at once! And any intruders must be captured alive and brought to the sacred genetic chamber! Now go!”
The Captain and Beast muse about the specifics of the High Evolutionary having his own cult with animal-masked priests before an overheard comment reminds Beast that the High Evolutionary loves making furries.
Falcon has an idea, based on a leap in logic. Clearly, based on no evidence so far, the High Evolutionary’s human men (?) have no idea that their priests are animal people. If they reveal this thing that Falcon is just assuming is a secret, it could cause a civil war within the High Evolutionary’s own forces!
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So the Avengers mug some priests for their robes. Then set up a situation where a group of the High Evolutionary’s men overhear Beast talking to himself.
Priest Beast: “Ah, the jest is almost too rich! Little do the Purifiers and the others suspect the truth behind their priests. How wise of the High Evolutionary to place animals in charge of humans. I wish I could see the look on the faces of our human stooges when they finally learn that we do not wear animal masks in honor of nature... but show our visages openly! The New-Men will rule the new world once the Genetic Bomb has done its real work... and the animals shall have dominion over the Earth!”
Okay, so this works.
Captain America is going to trick a priest while dressed in the white uniform of the Gatherers by claiming that some of the other dudes are plotting treason against the High Evolutionary.
This goat priest will run out and get shot by a group of Gatherers. Said group will then start spreading out to shoot as many priests as they can.
So in terms of a distraction, the Avengers succeeded.
I feel like they’d be less enthused about it if it weren’t animal people getting shot but that’s comic morality.
But it leaves me wondering why the High Evolutionary set it up this way. And how all of this works anyway.
I wondered before how the High Evolutionary found armies of dudes who were super psyched to do some eugenics. One of the dudes in his employ even blew himself up rather than betray his boss.
The West Coast Avengers annual suggested that all of the High Evolutionary’s dudes were made by him. And, y’know, that made sense. The logistics of it were wack but it made sense that they’d all be loyal to him and super into his eugenics plans.
But the Avengers Annual, this book, has gone back to suggesting that the High Evolutionary just hired armies of men who are super into eugenics. One of the dudes that shot the goat priest mentioned having to do a physical examination when he was hired.
So the High Evolutionary found literal armies of men religiously devoted to eugenics. Its religious devotion because the middle managers between the High Evolutionary and the rank-and-file are literal priests.
Various Purifiers or Gatherers or Eliminators or whatevers have spoken in glowing terms about the beautiful future that the High Evolutionary is planning.
Where did he find these goons?
And why the fuck did he make furry priests in vats to middle manage them?
Why the fuck haven’t they shown up in any other part of the story? He’s just been ordering his forces around himself. There’s been no hint of a religious element to his organization.
Beast dressing as a furry priest to sow distrust in the ranks is funny but it raises so many questions!
Moving on.
While Beast, the Captain, and Jocasta go to investigate what secrets lie at the heart of the temple, the other Ad-Hoc Avengers search elsewhere.
Rita DeMara Yellowjacket immediately runs into trouble. Where trouble is all the guards. With guns that can sometimes detect her even tiny sized. And she doesn’t even want to be here. She only agreed to search to get away from Hercules who is still incredibly pissed off at her.
I’d feel sorry for her except I don’t. Haha, get dunked on, Rita DeMara.
Falcon is nicer than I am and saves her from the guards because “winged folks should stick together!”
Meanwhile, some of the rebelling Gatherer dinguses try to kill the High Evolutionary. It’s not really a big threat to him but psychically probing their minds clues him in on Beast impersonating a priest. And since the High Evolutionary knows he doesn’t have any blue-furred dudes, he realizes that the external attack was a ruse to hide an infiltration.
He orders the decks to be sealed to slow down the spread of the rebellion. And orders full fast ahead because the bomb is almost ready and he’s tired of these shenanigans.
The High Evolutionary’s great behemoth of a submarine base just NYOOMS past the attacking fleets, tossing them out of the way with turbulence or just smashing them against the bigger ship.
Also, capsizing some surface ships because of the huge wave created.
Man, Simonson’s Avengers has so much ship sinking.
The Captain, Beast, and Jocasta find the High Evolutionary’s furry lab at the center of the temple. You know, the lab where he makes his furries. His New Men.
Falcon and Yellowjacket show up and announce they found the bomb. Off-panel.
The Captain verbally plans for the Ad-Hoc Avengers to go regroup with Hercules and Hulk and destroy the bomb.
That way he’ll look stupid when the High Evolutionary immediately after teleports into the Genesis Chamber and calls Cap’s plan “insipid.”
Also, he says he’s going to kill them because he’s sick of their shit.
Jocasta tries to rush him but the High Evolutionary zaps her FTSZAPT! blowing off her limbs.
The Captain is like oh shit, the High Evolutionary is a heavy hitter. We need our heavy hitters.
And the High Evolutionary very kindly teleports Hulk and Hercules to the Genesis Chamber because hey, why not gather everyone in one easily to destroy group. BECAUSE HE IS SICK OF THEIR SHIT.
The Captain tells Falcon to fly away and destroy the bomb while everyone else holds off the High Evolutionary.
(A plan that Yellowjacket II hates. She just hates it. She so doesn’t want to be here and is regretting ever stealing the costume in the first place. Ha ha.)
The High Evolutionary tries to zap Falcon as he flies away but misses. SO NOW HE HAS TO GO CHASE DOWN A BIRDESQUE MAN WHO DOESN’T EVEN HAVE THE DECENCY TO BE A BIRD MAN!
The Captain’s plan to hold off the High Evolutionary... well, that doesn’t last long.
Instead of fighting them, the High Evolutionary just summons a cage of omnium steel to hold them and then teleports off to find Falcon.
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Joe Hulk isn’t as strong as your standard Hulk. So he can’t bust outta the cage by himself. Even when Hercules joins in, the bars don’t bend.
But Beast got a strength boost from all that not-hairy dumb-but-strong thing. And when he joins in, the three dudes are able to bend an exit.
So despite his first plan being not good, the Captain has another plan.
Its a good plan, a daring plan. He’s going to forever alter one of his friends by using mad science on him.
Cap decides the only way to beat the High Evolutionary is to use the genetic accelerator to buff Hercules up to the High Evolutionary’s power level.
I mean. The High Evolutionary evolved to become one with the universe when he used the process on himself. He had to choose a specific exposure amount to get cosmic strong but not energy being beyond material matters.
And Cap just wants Beast to blast Hercules with a random amount of evolution?
I’m not super thrilled on the genetic accelerator just being used as a power-up.
But Cap argues that if they just destroy the bomb, the High Evolutionary could build another one! He has no idea how long it took the High Evolutionary to build one or what rare materials he needed for it but he’s super sure that the High Evolutionary can just crank them out!
I don’t like this plan.
But Hercules seems game. So. Whatever.
But but Joe Hulk objects. If anyone is getting a power-up, its him. And he tosses Beast across the room for emphasis.
The Captain is worried Joe Hulk will blow the whole plan so decides to aggro the High Evolutionary back to take care of Hulk.
Uh. Kinda like the Old Lady who swallowed a fly with that one. The cure might be worse than the disease. Especially since Hercules should be stronger than Joe Hulk and he hasn’t even tried to stop him yet.
Anyway. The way Cap aggros the High Evolutionary is by broadcasting a message that the High Evolutionary has abandoned ship and that the Avengers are in control of the vessel.
The High Evolutionary immediately teleports back to the Genesis Chamber (with a knocked out Falcon in his arms), sees Hulk messing with his machinery, and declares “This farce has gone far enough!”
He blasts Joe Hulk but Joelk no sells it.
Remember that thing about the High Evolutionary not liking to fight? Well, rather than try escalating levels of violence until he beats Hulk, he just teleports Hulk the fuck out of his ship.
How the fuck out? All the way to Las Vegas.
Supposedly the High Evolutionary had to use a lot of his energy to do this. But if that were the case, we wouldn’t still be going with the put Hercules in the evolution machine gambit. And we are.
So the High Evolutionary is still next to invincible.
While the Captain holds the guy back, Beast hustles Hercules into the genetic accelerator.
The High Evolutionary blasts the Captain to the side and rants about how he thought the Avengers could have been useful to advance humanity’s genetic destiny but now he sees they’re just obsolete throwbacks.
Yellowjacket II still doesn’t even want to be here today but she decides to Try.
She flies into his ear and blasts the energy that makes up his material form. Apparently it works to distract him but the High Evolutionary boils his insides until Yellowjacket II flees and then he BLAKKPT! blasts her.
But Hercules in his fancy new armor is out of the evolutionary microwave and ready to throw down.
And ready to get thrown down.
The High Evolutionary just blasts him, saying he’s made himself superior to nature and gods.
The High Evolutionary: “You, my would-be god, cannot be permitted to live an instant longer! I have no interest in taking the full measure of your strength. Whatever powers my instruments have given, you die now before you can comprehend or control them!”
Then Beast kicks his ass.
Well, its more of a punch. But he distracts the guy so the Evolutionary summons up some improved restraints that Beast has no chance of OH YEAHing out of.
Then Hercules blasts the High Evolutionary with pink energy.
Super Hercules: “You claim to hold the destiny of mankind in your hand! Yet you would oppose those who oppose you and change those who do not! ‘Tis not mankind you would aid but your own overweening vanity!”
Don’t really follow that one but sure.
The High Evolutionary blasts Hercules right back, saying he’s going to kill him so hard and then wipe him from humanity’s memory. Brutal.
But instead of dying, Hercules does not die. In fact, he gets a power up.
The High Evolutionary blasts off Hercules’ armor, revealing that Beast strapped the master unit of the evolutionary chamber inside the armor so Hercules has been further evolving this whole time.
How the fuck did Beast know what the master unit was when this is the first time he’s seen this machinery and only for like five minutes? How did the chamber keep working with the master unit removed? Because Beast was ‘upgrading’ Hercules’ armor while Hercules was still in the chamber. How is the master unit working when it doesn’t have a power source or y’know I’d assume that the rest of the genetic accelerator are actually important or the High Evolutionary would just streamline it down to the fucking master unit!
This nonsense plot is happening so lets roll with it.
Now Hercules is kicking the High Evolutionary’s ass.
The High Evolutionary: “It can’t happen now! Not when I’m so close to achieving my goal! I would have given mankind the future! I would have made gods of everyone! I would no longer have been alone!”
Hercules: “Thou should have aspired to less godhood! ... And more humanity! But you have shown me the way and the fate you would have bestowed upon Hercules is thine!”
Cool, the High Evolutionary. That has nothing to do with anything else you’ve stated your motivations to be but cool.
Then the High Evolutionary turns into a pink cloud.
But as he does, he zaps Hercules with eye beams (pink ones) that speed up Hercules’ evolution and he also turns into a pink cloud.
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Very underwhelming.
Falcon, the Captain, and the Beast have a moment of silence for their Olympian bud before going ���hey we should probably find Yellowjacket II and then beat up some goons.’
They do find Yellowjacket II. She’s with Jocasta. Neat, Jocasta is still alive.
And while everyone else has been doing the big stupid superhero punch-up, she’s been hacking the ship.
She can’t stop the ship from going full fast ahead and they’re almost at Krakatoa but she can make the matter/anti-matter engine blow the fuck up.
Which will destroy the ship, the genetic bomb, and also the army of mooks on board.
Yeah, the Avengers don’t even slightly try to tell these guys to abandon ship.
Superheroes preserving all life is just kind of a suggestion, y’know?
And for some reason, Jocasta has to stay behind plugged into the computer to make the engine blow up. She can’t just set a countdown or something.
So this annual brings back Hercules and Jocasta from character limbo and promptly kills them off again.
Okay cool fuck off.
Jocasta manages to blow up the ship before it reaches Krakatoa, if only just.
And to make sure the genetic bomb’s mutagenic compound was obliterated in the explosion, the Avengers fly into the explosion plume and open the vents?
Anyway, it’s all just a set-up for a fake-out where Beast sneezes to bookend him sneezing at the beginning of the story.
Alls well that ends well except for the two dead Avengers and this story being garbage.
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Now to be fair, comics. Jocasta will be back. Hercules will be back. The High Evolutionary will be back. In fact, the High Evolutionary and Hercules wind up in the same place. For some reason, the Celestials grab their discorporated essence and imprison them in the Black Galaxy.
Celestials, amirite? Can’t figure them.
So this last part of the story, Avengers Annual #17, had the difficult task of bringing the Evolutionary War event home. Which was both easy and difficult because most of the parts had interacted with it subtly at best.
The X-Factor part had a philosophical brawl between the Evolutionary and Apocalypse that revealed that the Evolutionary’s behavior in this event is because he’s feeling urgency. The West Coast Avengers Annual revealed that urgency is likely to be because of the Beyonders, who screwed him over once.
So we get to the last part and the Beyonders don’t get mentioned and the High Evolutionary’s new motive is that he feels lonely and wants humanity to be as cool as him.
I don’t think its easy to organize a story spanning this many different creative teams. Marvel still has problems getting events to stay on the same page in the year of our lord this year and that’s with all kinds of new advances in communication.
But shouldn’t the person that had to land this unwieldy plane actually been able to land the plane?
God. I feel bad saying it but Simonson is not doing a good job on Avengers. The first bunch of issues I’ve covered there’s the mitigating factor that he’s dealing with picking up someone else’s abandoned plot threads, editorial pressure breathing down his neck, a roster he clearly has no interest in writing.
But in this Avengers Annual, he got to pick a bunch of Avengers. He got to make up his own dream team. Even including dead characters like Jocasta. Even including characters that aren’t technically Avengers like Yellowjacket II. This is a roster he got to handpick. And the story is boring.
Despite how much the Genetic Bomb got built up, it is never seen on panel in this issue. You’d think that the thrilling conclusion to the story would be fought around it or over it. The bomb-ass cover even features a bomb motif.
But the final fight is instead in a generic lab with Hercules having a pink-off against the High Evolutionary after having a free power-up machine taped to his back.
It feels wrong to have the High Evolutionary beaten in Dragonball “my power is maximum” style because he’s not a fighty character. He’s powerful. But he’s not fighty. Given his performance here, he could have mopped the floor with Giant-Sized Bill Foster but decided to fuck off instead.
This is a Kang Ending or a Doom Ending but it doesn’t feel like a High Evolutionary Ending.
He’s also a lot more dickish in this last part of the story. Not to say that doing a lot of eugenics isn’t dickish by itself. But he’s been avoiding killing people if he doesn’t have to. He realized he was wrong to write off the Moloids. He let Clone Gwen go when he got the information he needed. But in the last issue, he got up on the wrong side of the bed. Just feels inconsistent. Which... is kinda the problem with the whole event.
I expected more than that for a story that took 11 annuals to cover. And that’s my fault. For expecting much out of this.
Most of the tie-ins were “High Evolutionary’s goons try to gather something or kill someone or sterilize someone, most likely something involving the drug trade.”
It was very clear as I dug into this that most of the writers were going off a paragraph or so of overarching plot, leaving very few issues actually trying to go deeper than that.
If you imagine Evolutionary War instead as a couple issues of event comic, most of the books I read here are tie-ins with EVOLUTIONARY WAR proudly displayed across the top of the cover and then some armor dudes show up to interrupt whatever the hero is up to.
Although, limiting it to the Annuals does mean it was less obtrusive so I can say that.
Okay. To teal deer, the Annuals Event concept is more likely to be bad than not because of the difficulty in organizing so many creative teams onto the same page. Add on a number of creators who can barely be bothered to engage with the material and you’re not likely to get something very much worth reading.
There’s another EVEN BIGGER Annuals Event next year but after that, the Marvel books break off into little groups for smaller Annuals Events.
That’s the only thing that makes me commit to covering them. If there were many more Evolutionary War sized events to cover, I think I would ignore them. Or just cover the Avengers bits.
Honestly, would I have missed out on much had I skipped the three Spider-Man parts of the story? I don’t think so.
Follow @essential-avengers​. Like and reblog and comment and oh god please read this. This took so long. It was not worth it!
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The blacklist was a time of evil...no one on either side who survived it came through untouched by evil...Looking back on this time...it will do no good to search for villains or heroes or saints or devils because there were none; there were only victims.
- Dalton Trumbo
Dalton Trumbo was reputedly postwar Hollywood’s highest paid screenwriter and perhaps its most iconic as he was known to write his scripts whilst taking a bath. With such scripts under his belt as 1940’s class conscious Kitty Foyle, for which Ginger Rogers won a Best Actress Oscar, and World War II morale boosters like Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo starring Spencer Tracy, he was rightly seen as one of the best screenwriters in Hollywood. But to keep this prestigious, well-paying job, as Dalton was warned by MGM’s studio mogul Louis B. Mayer, he best avoid politics. Trumbo didn’t listen.
After the WWII alliance between Washington and Moscow collapsed and the Cold War began, Hollywood leftists were subpoenaed to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee about alleged film propaganda.
Among witnesses HUAC summoned was Trumbo. To continue making movies all he had to do was to confess to the grand inquisitors (which included Richard Nixon) that he’d joined the Party and to name Communists, leftists and union supporters in the movie colony. But like other members of the Hollywood Ten, in 1947 a defiant Trumbo refused to cooperate, was fined for contempt of Congress, and sentenced to prison.
Despite their beliefs in the First Amendment, the “Hollywood Ten” were convicted for contempt of congress. They appealed to the Supreme Court, however the Supreme Court chose to keep their convictions in place. This led to Trumbo having to serve almost a year in prison. Trumbo, along with the rest of the Hollywood Ten, were also blacklisted by the film industry and kicked out of the Screen Writers Guild – despite the fact that one of the Hollywood Ten, John Howard Lawson, was the first President of the SWG and one of its founders. This meant that they would not be able to obtain any work in Hollywood.
However, the blacklist did not stop Dalton Trumbo, who wrote under “fronts” or assumed names. After the failure of the Hollywood Ten’s appeals, Trumbo and his family moved to Mexico. It was here that Trumbo wrote some of his best work, often chain-smoking in the bathtub, with a parrot that Kirk Douglas had given him for company. One film which he wrote during this time was Roman Holiday, which won an Oscar for his screenplay. But on this occasion, Ian McLellen Hunter, a fellow screenwriter, had acted as Trumbo’s “front” and therefore accepted the award as if the screenplay was Hunter’s own. It was not until 1993 that Trumbo was posthumously awarded this Oscar, 16 years after his death. Audrey Hepburn also won an Oscar for her performance in the film.
Trumbo may have been a maverick with his wrong headed political beliefs but he wasn’t wrong about freedom of speech or anti-censorship. His professional life was a struggle against the dangers of censorship and demagogaery. If he were a live today no doubt he would have picked up the Voltairean banner of defending free speech rather than crushing and canceling dissenting voices.
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alannacellucci · 10 months
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The Breakers Music Room —
The MUSIC ROOM, designed by Richard van der Boyen and Allard et Fil, reflects the French Baroque interior the Vanderbilts would have seen in places like the Paris Opera House, and was the setting for family weddings and debutante parties. Gold and silver leaf, blue-grey Campan marble from France, mirrors, and crystal light fixtures combine to make a glittering effect for evening concerts and receptions. The spirit of music and numerous great composers are celebrated in the ceiling painting. This room and furnishings, in addition to those in the Morning Room, were designed and constructed in France then shipped to this location for installation.
The Breakers Morning Room —
The wall paneling in the MORNING ROOM was designed by Richard van der Boyen, who carved elaborate garlands and figures in the late Renaissance style. Classical mythology and allegories decorate this room, from the painted allegory of the four seasons on the ceiling, to the Muses who appear in the corners of the room, painted on platinum leaf panels.
The room also displays portraits of Cornelius Vanderbilt II by the preeminent American portrait painter, John Singer Sargent, and the Count Laszlo Széchényi and Countess Gladys Széchényi, by the Hungarian artist Philip Alexius De László. Countess Széchényi was born Gladys Vanderbilt, the youngest of Cornelius and Alice's children. In 1908, Gladys married Count Laszlo Széchényi, a member of Hungary's premier aristocratic family and a minister to the Court of St. James in London and, later, to the United States.
When her mother Alice passed away in 1934, Countess Széchényi inherited The Breakers. In 1948, to raise funds for the Preservation Society's restoration of Hunter House, Countess Széchényi opened The Breakers to the public for tours. That same year, she leased The Breakers to the Preservation Society for $1.00 a year and continued to fund the maintenance of the house. The Preservation Society purchased The Breakers in 1972 for approximately $400,000. As an early member and supporter of the Preservation Society, Countess Széchényi made a major contribution to the preservation of Newport's architectural heritage.
The Breakers Breakfast / Dining Room —
The BREAKFAST ROOM served as both breakfast room and informal family dining room. The table, which may be extended to seat 16 would have seated the entire family or served as seating for a small, informal dinner or luncheon. One of the premier decorators for America's elite families, Jules Allard et Fils Cules Allard & Sons) of Paris, supplied the Louis XV style furniture for the room and decided on the room's color scheme. The Vanderbilts were surrounded by imagery of the harvest.
Look around to see fruits and vegetables plentifully adorning the walls. The 12 rose-colored stone columns are solid alabaster and draw your eyes upward to the ceiling painting of the goddess Aurora heralding the dawn. The massive chandeliers and wall sconces in the Imperial design are made of French Baccarat crystal, and were piped for gas and wired for electricity at the time the house was built. The crown shaped tops indicate the style, while the rings on the chains were used to adjust the flow of gas.
Allard and Sons of Paris assisted Hunt with furnishings and fixtures, Austro-American sculptor Karl Bitter designed relief sculpture, and Boston architect Ogden Codman decorated the family quarters. The mansion covers nearly an acre of the 13-acre property and has 70 rooms including 48 bedrooms for family and staff. There are 27 fireplaces. It was equipped with electricity – still a novelty in houses during the Gilded Age – as well as gas for lighting.
The Breakers has entertained presidents, royalty and guests from across the world for more than 125 years and today is visited by hundreds of thousands of people each year. It is the flagship of the Newport Mansions and a world-famous iconic image of the City-by-the-Sea. The Breakers was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1994.
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Season Two Masterpost
That's a wrap on season two! From Flukeman to Albert Hosteen, we explored 25 of the characters that helped make season two of The X-Files so iconic!
Here's a look into all the characters we've met so far!
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2x01 | Little Green Men - Senator Richard Matheson (@monikafilefan)
Soon, secrets will snowball. Good people will suffer. Even senators will lose much more than their seats.
2x02 | The Host - Flukeman (@gaycrouton)
2x03 | Blood - Sheriff Spencer (@admiralty-xfd)
Based on the fact that there was simply no reasonable, logical explanation the man would have to do something like this, Spencer knew he could only turn towards the illogical – and that happened to be the X-Files.
2x04 | Sleepless - Salvatore Matola (@fridaysat9)
He could hear their screams, just like every night when he laid down in his bed and stared at the ceiling until the sun came up.
2x05 | Duane Barry - Duane Barry (@gaycrouton)
Someone had his implant. Someone… a woman in Georgetown.
2x06 | Ascension - Dr. Takeo Ishimaru (@admiralty-xfd)
He misses the quiet. Now it seems all he hears is drilling and beeping and yes, sometimes screaming.
2x07 | 3 - Kristen Killar (@fridaysat9)
There’s an emptiness inside her that needs to be satiated with blood… or something else.
2x08 | One Breath - Melissa Scully (@monikafilefan)
Melissa reaches out to gently smooth a stray tendril tangled within one of the many strips of tape stuck to Dana’s porcelain skin. The brittle hair snaps in two, and Melissa swears she can feel a piece of her heart snapping right along with it.
2x09 | Firewalker - Dr. Daniel Trepkos (@admiralty-xfd)
Albert Einstein was known for changing the world, he would say to Jessie if he could. Daniel Trepkos would only be known for destroying it.
2x10 | Red Museum - Old Man (@fridaysat9)
He may have been the only person in town who was making such a connection, but maybe these FBI agents had open minds and might consider it. Something had gone wrong in this sleepy little town and no one, not the townspeople or the sheriff, was doing a goddamn thing to fix it.
2x11 | Excelsis Dei - Dorothy (@monikafilefan)
If Leo tells these nice people that orderly Gung gives them special pills he makes to help them feel alive again, then maybe Gung will get in trouble. Maybe he won’t be able to free any of them from the confines of their minds like this anymore.
2x12 | Aubrey - Danny Valladeo (@gaycrouton)
Working in the lab felt like helping them put together a puzzle while blindfolded. The catch was, you never got to see the end picture until their case reports were finalized, and even then, the final image was abstract beyond recognition.
2x13 | Irresistible - Dr. Karen Kosseff (@fridaysat9)
In all her years working as a therapist for the FBI, Karen had learned that partnerships, be they successful or not, were integral in how an agent functioned, both inside and out of work. An open and trusting partnership could make an agent feel secure and safe, leading them to a successful career and a well balanced life. Without trust, accidents happened, careers ended, and lives could be lost.
2x14 | Die Hand Die Verletzt - Andrea (@monikafilefan)
There’s a presence here, they say. A consistent darkness that lingers like the gray haze coating Milford New Hampshire before sunrise. It’s an old story, whispered about in covert corners of community potlucks and PTA meetings.
2x15 | Fresh Bones - Chester Bonaparte (@gaycrouton)
In voodoo, it’s believed that the dead will come back again, that we should not be afraid of death.
2x16 | Colony - Bill Mulder (@admiralty-xfd)
Fox’s eyes glint with the sparkle of curiosity Bill still remembers from when he was a boy; way back when they watched their first episode of Star Trek together. Back before he knew he wasn’t his boy.
2x17 | End Game - Alien Bounty Hunter (@monikafilefan)
There is an extraterrestrial race war rising within his world: a rebellion in the making. A faction of clones and shapeshifters rallying against the oil that made them. Fools, all them. Hybridization cannot be tolerated. Purity of the alien race must be maintained.
2x18 | Fearful Symmetry - Sophie (@gaycrouton)
Willa not understand. Sophie scared. Baby go flying light.
2x19 | Død Kalm - Captain Peter Barclay (@admiralty-xfd)
He doesn’t know how or why but he knows what’s happening, like a road map for his mortality is written on his insides. He can see the end, and it’s close.
2x20 | Humbug - Mr. Nutt (@fridaysat9)
He didn’t need a suit and a hideous tie to make him matter. He wasn’t a caricature of a man, all handsome features, strapping physique, and perfectly placed sarcastic remarks. No siree.
2x21 | The Calusari - Golda (@gaycrouton)
Golda knew it was a matter of time before the Devil caught up to her. She’d looked into his eyes.
He knows her now.
2x22 | F. Emasculata - U.S. Marshal Deke Tapia (@admiralty-xfd)
Tapia grimaces. “You mean… ew.”
“Yeah," Mulder replies. "Ew.”
2x23 | Soft Light - Detective Kelly Ryan (@fridaysat9)
She tried to file everything away– the questions they asked, the things that seemed important to them, the way that they seemed to be able to converse without words.
Watching them made her feel like a novice, but at the same time, made her excited for her future as a detective.
2x24 | Our Town - Jess Harold (@monikafilefan)
Jess smirks. Chaco has no idea just how close he is to being the entrée in the same stew he’s so eagerly served the residents of Dudley for decades.
2x25 | Anasazi - Albert Hosteen (@admiralty-xfd)
There is a saying in Navajo tradition: that true love is like the wind; you cannot see it, but you can feel it.
There was true love between the FBI man and woman. I could fee
Stay tuned for more perspectives coming in Season Three!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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roselightfairy · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Aww, I love this! Okay, thank you so much and thank you for the chance to do some navel gazing!
Also... my AO3 has 144 stories on it. When did that happen? For a question like this, I want to pick for quality of writing, but I'm finding myself going back mostly to the stories that either really stretched or defined me as a writer, or simply the ones that were a really memorable experience to write . . . which unfortunately means mostly my longer fics, as so many of the shorter ones were written in a single flurry that I barely remember after the fact! Even though there are some shorter fics that I think are better than the longer ones. So let's get started.
Finding a Voice - I mean, how can I not say this one? This fic, like a lot of my older work, has some passages and scenes that I think are so good I can't believe I wrote them, and some that make me cringe to look back on - but how can I not pick it, when it's the story that probably defines me most as a writer? It's the story that allowed me to stake out my own headcanons and gave rise to hundreds of thousands more in the same world. And, like all my LOTR stuff, I do want to return to it someday soon. <3
Ever Changing, Ever Climbing - still the longest thing I've ever written, and the thing I worked on for the longest time. I lived in the world of this story and these characters for almost a year, and probably came the closest I ever have to what non-fanfic authors experience when coming up with their own characters, because I got to make so much of it up! It similarly has bits that make me cringe, especially when I realize how much more deeply other people have thought about Mirkwood worldbuilding and how much lore I straight-up got wrong, but I think it also has some of my best prose and my best romance writing. And siblings. I got to write baby Legolas in this! And also I just love Laerwen so much and love that I got the chance to write her an origin story, so that it doesn't all exist only in the background of my head.
Only Through Surrender - come on, this is my current obsession; I was never not going to put it on the list! But in some ways, this is exactly the inverse of the previous story. I wrote this faster than I've ever written anything this long, and it's the most daring thing I've ever written in terms of plot. The romance is almost a subplot, which I don't know that I've ever done satisfactorily, and it's an AU, which is not something I'm great at sustaining, and even though I don't know that the writing style overall is my best work, I think that the structure and pacing of the story - and the things I did with characters - are pretty good, all things considered! The only non-LOTR fic on this list.
Velle - in terms of "fun to write," this story might be the very top of all of them. This was @deheerkonijn's and my early-covid project (we actually started it a couple months before, but I think working on it saved us in those early telework days of stress and angst); it's a form of storytelling neither of us had tried before, combining both of our skills, and it's probably the most rigorously edited and densely-packed thing I've ever written. We went over and over and over this story with a fine-toothed comb, making sure the writing and the art worked perfectly together, and we liked it so much we printed it as a physical book! *smooches my copy gently*
Having moved out of the most iconic ones, I wasn't sure what to pick for the last! This became a bit of a toss-up, but I wanted to have a shorter fic represented, so: the hunter's heart, the hunter's mouth. This is my only fic with a Richard Siken title, so I figured it was fitting given that he's everywhere right now. ;) Inspired by the title, this is one of my more deliberately poetic fics, and I had a lot of fun with the writing. It's also some of my more daringly explicit work! (still does not include any words for certain aspects of anatomy)
Thanks so much again for sending me this ask! So sorry for how much I ramble when talking about myself! ;) Off to go pass it on!
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freaxs-blog · 11 months
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On this day in 1940, the incredible Richard Starkey, known to the world as Ringo Starr, was born! 🎉 As the talented drummer and vocalist on some of The Beatles songs, Ringo contributed his unique style and personality to the iconic band's success.
Ringo had an impressive solo career as well, In 1974, he topped the charts with his solo hit 'You're Sixteen,' reaching No. 1 in the US and No. 4 in the UK. He also had a remarkable nine other Top 40 hits in the US. 🎶🎸
Ringo Starr formed the All-Starr Band and embarked on numerous successful tours. Alongside Ringo, the band featured incredible musicians like Joe Walsh, Howard Jones, Ian Hunter, Peter Frampton, Todd Rundgren, Edgar Winter, Greg Lake, and many other talented guests. 🎵🎸"
Yellow Submarine." released in 1966, captured the hearts of fans worldwide. "Yellow Submarine" takes us on a colorful underwater adventure, inviting listeners to join the journey of peace and harmony. 🌈💛 Ringo was the lead vocalist on this amazing song, his charming and distinctive voice brought the song to life, spreading joy and cheer to listeners of all ages. 🌟
Let's celebrate Ringo Starr's birthday and his incredible contributions to music! 🎉🥁
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natlacentral · 3 months
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When Ian Ousley first booked his latest acting role, he had no idea just how big the part would be. While auditioning for the role of Sokka in Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender live-action remake, the series title and role were hidden from the actors. Only after booking the role did he realize what he was in store for.
It’s a full circle moment for Ousley, who grew up a fan of the iconic animated series. It also marks his biggest project yet for the child actor who has appeared in hit shows such as “13 Reasons Why” and Elizabeth Olsen’s indie hit movie “Sorry for Your Loss.” The actor has been pursuing his love of acting since he was scouted in his hometown of Texas at the age of 13. While it’s a deep passion and focus for Ousley, it’s not his only creative endeavor. Fans might be surprised to know that in addition to being a world-ranked marital artist (he holds a World Championship title in creative weapons), he is also a talented entrepreneur and fashion designer.
Along with two friends, Ousley operates the fashion label KALÓ SOIL. The Los Angeles-based brand is known for utilizing vintage items and repurposing them into unique, timeless pieces. For the premiere of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Ousley worked with his team to develop and design a custom look from the brand to wear on the red carpet, combining his love of fashion with his newest project that is sure to take the world by storm.
We caught up with the actor before to learn more about his upcoming role and fashion label.
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What inspired you to start your own label, Kalo Soil?
I’ve been passionate about fashion since I was about 15-years old when I started sketching my own designs and learning how to digitize my designs through an apprenticeship under a professor at FIDM, Richard Gordon. It was a blessing to meet the guys that started Kaló Soil, Ryan “Sully” Sullivan and Hunter Baker, because when the acting strike started it allowed me to explore design as a creative outlet again, and they had already laid the foundations of the direction the brand was headed. The driving force of creating Kaló was to create a place for all of us to learn our own personal taste and combine it, sharpen each other and make something different. The inspiration boils down to the idea of the value of creation being determined by the love of the creator.
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Tell me about the look for tonight. What went into designing this look, and what was the inspiration behind it?
The inspiration for tonight started out with White Ravens. Ravens mean a lot to me, so we wanted the silhouette and the color to be a nod without looking like a costume. The color white is also a big part of the Kaló Soil aesthetic, and we wanted to incorporate the design language of the brand while leaning into my own personal taste. Ryan Sullivan and I sat down and constructed the design together, but Sully sourced and hand sewed this entire look personally (apart from the shoes). We wanted this look to really represent me not only in my personal design taste but also showing glimpses of who I am through the art. We focused on executing that element specifically through the cross pendants, silver detailing and harsher textures.
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What can fans expect from the new show? 
Fans can expect that same breath and spirit of the original animated series with the weight of seeing these characters as real human people. There is a different kind of weight when you’re watching these kids deal with the responsibility of saving the world or protecting their village when they are real people. The fantastical elements and VFX are epic, and our goal is just to have fans fall in love with this universe all over again – or for the first time for people that are unfamiliar with the series.
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Are there any exciting plans for the brand as well? Any notable projects coming up?
I’m personally taking a step back at the moment with the show’s release and acting-related projects taking up a most of my time right now, but the Kaló guys Sully and Hunter are going full force into the new year. We’re working with a few different musical artists right now on similar projects like this look, but for tours and editorial placements. Something we can tease is we have a lot of unique ideas for the runway and the focus for right now is we’re working towards consistent seasonal ready-to-wear collections. I’m personally excited to keep creating a fashion narrative with Kaló Soil wherever we get the opportunity to express it.
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One of My Favorite DC Superheroes
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Black Canary ( Dinah Laruel Lance)
Going of Mostly NewEarth and a bit of Rebirth ya'know if I go back to golden Age/Sliver Age it'll get messy. I might use it certain panels if i know its Dinah Laruel Lance
I love this l legacy street level hero.
She is the second Canary difference between the first is she has a metahuman ability of a sonic scream.
She's came a long way. Her father was a cop and her mother was a the first Black Canary. Dinah and her mother used to argue when her mother was villiante Justice Society Of America crime fighter that didn't have time for her. But somehow became a hero oh, the irony lmao.
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Green Arrow LongBow Hunters:
She went through so much while investagating a missing person mixed with a cartle. She was kidnapped and tortured.
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Dinah is looking better and eager to make them pay. Though Oliver says its too late. (Don't wanna spoil to much it's good story despite a few hiccups)
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When Dinah came out of the hospital, she was still emotionally traumatized by the incident. She learned that she had lost her ability to perform her Canary Cry. Along with other scars.
After this, lot's things happen after that arc relationships ended, dealing with trauma getting better along they way, healing and self-discovery. What she's been through she still never gives up and keeps moving forward.
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She kept training and bettering herself :
Trained by Batgirl, Wildcat, Nightwing, Wonder Woman, Connor Hawke, Mister Terrific, Richard Dragon and Lady Shiva. Many more
She's no slouch becoming one of the best fighters DC
Birds of Prey (1999) #61, #68, #74, #95, & #100
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Birds of prey: Pretty fun run. A group of crimefighters mostly females but guys have joined to. Despite their ups and downs they would come back better than ever. Loved her moments between Huntress and Oracle.
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Chairwoman in 2006’s Justice League of America. Cut short, I wish they were able to tell the story heard it was scrapped or cancelled.
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Ollie & Dinah
I'll be honest I never really liked Green Arrow & Black Canary together. Never saw them as a iconic couple. So many issues with them as a couple. I'm liked, why are they together? Is it bad I want to see them be with other people.
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When I read Green arrow comics is an okay hero to me has some good runs in my opinion he's has similarities to batman, only difference more altrustic and sarcastic but is more willing to kill and has killed. Green arrow & Black canary comics I'm just more intrested in Canary or other memebers of arrow instead.
Let them be with other people. I guarntee if another new earth or something happened lots a people wouldn't care. Example, it's the same with Batman & Catwoman though I love them together, I don't mind seeing them with other people.
To me, they worked well without each other. If they ever breakup again just because there not together anymore doesn't mean she's not apart of Team Arrow. Only three times I actcually liked them as a couple Justice Leaque Unlimted, Young Justice and Injustice.
So much can be explore with her lore. Her connection to the JSA since her mother was once a memeber.
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Ted aka Wildacat:
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Another one:
Shiva & Canary they have a intresing dynamic. Clash of ideals yet they seemly to work well together. Shiva even suggested Dinah become her apprentice.
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Gotham: Now, I know Gotham is more of Batman's. But irronically Dinah's father was a cop at Gotham and her mother was a crime fighter in Gotham to ( before batman's time). I feel like they should be brought up more in Gotham lore. Only time I seen it was in Harley Quin and the birds of prey
Edit extra Other stories:
Deathstroke Inc:
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Deathstroke & Black Canary not a team up likely to happen but unusally fun while short. Just wish we had a Black Canary vs Deathstroke fight because she's grown so much. ( But this version Prime Earth seems more weaker than New Earth. PE seems to really a bit more on her canary cry) maybe next time.
Canary almost had another solo in DC robin round to me fair i saw alot intresting stories than this one. Still wish we got it though.
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Hope I see more love and stories for my favorite blonde bare-knuckle brawler
Art by: Otto Schmidth
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Going to be posting more dc character's I love.
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vikteres · 3 months
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ㅤㅤ⸤ 🩸 ⸣ ⸻ 𝒗𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔, an independent and private multimuse. ft canon and original characters from different medias, likely sporadic activity and low effort. dark themes will appear, proceed with caution. by kiki, she + her, twenty8+.
carrd, atlas, prompts, board. blogroll, @klaeus, @elenaes, @shemad. sideblogs, @sunaed. muse spotlight, bella, briar, nimue, sam, varina.
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before interacting.
i am mutuals only, please respect that. do not interact if you're under 18, 21+ preferred.
basic etiquette and human decency please: no weird or gross behaviors, and be respectful.
while triggering topics will appear and be tagged, keep taboo subjects away from me. (r.ape/non-con, p.edophilia, i.ncest, etc.)
banned: i.an somerhalder and a recast klaus. exceptions can be made for multis that have a tag for them i can block.
mutuals are welcome to tag me in anything ever, send in countless memes whenever, message me at any time and request my d.iscord. basically if we're mutuals, "bug" me whenever and however you want 🤍
my formatting is simple, and i'm fine with icons, iconless, gif icons or gifs. answered asks can always be treated as a starter, feel free to rb them or start a new post to create a thread!
accessibility: lmk at any time if you need me to adjust anything for your comfort, it won't bother me at all. on my end, it would be super helpful if you don't use tiny icons or courier new font with me.
shipping and dynamics of all kinds are my lifeblood, so lmk at any time if you're interested in shipping with me.
there will be a heavy focus on my original characters, with canons taking a backseat by default. please do not try to interact with only my male muses.
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amarande floresca, pureblood vampire, camila queiroz, secondary.
aspasia, the dark urge / seldarine drow druid, tbd, primary.
aspyn verona, hunter, denise richards, secondary.
aurora provenza, black market doctor, danielle rose russell, moved to @shemad.
booker darcy, hunter / half demon, chris evans, primary.
briar kesta, reincarnation of aphrodite, danielle campbell, primary.
callan wisteria, private investigator, dylan o'brien, primary.
cassiopeia claremont, reincarnation of the goddess of the stars, claire holt, primary.
fern roque, serial killer of abusive men, bruna marquezine, secondary.
julieta cardenas, ghost hunter / streamer, lizeth selene, secondary.
luminita, gifted vampire, demet özdemir, secondary.
magdalena primrose, mortician / exorcist, alexandra daddario, primary.
mi-cha yeong, storm chaser, kim ji-won, test / wip.
nimue, ancient forest witch / shapeshifter, megan fox, primary.
opal undergrove, witch, yaya dacosta, secondary.
rhysand eoin ó cuilinn, vampire, chace crawford, primary.
river mihal, werewolf, alina kovalenko, secondary.
sila prakenskii, mobster, tor thanapob, primary.
varina leucothea, siren princess, dakota johnson, primary.
caius, twilight, regé-jean page, secondary.
damon salvatore, tvdu, giancarlo commare, secondary.
edward cullen, twilight, robert pattinson, secondary.
emmett cullen, twilight, michael evans behling, primary.
isabella swan, twilight, antonia gentry, primary.
jack ryan, bioshock, jensen ackles, test.
lara croft, tomb raider, yaya sperbund, primary.
sam winchester, supernatural, jared padalecki, primary.
stefan salvatore, tvdu, paul wesley, secondary.
subject delta, bioshock 2, mads mikkelsen, test.
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deep-dive · 1 year
albums: Alex G - God Save the Animals Alex G - We're All Going to the World's Fair Anthony Naples + DJ Python - Air Texture VIII Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You Björk - Fossora Bladee & Ecco2k - Crest Broadcast - Maida Vale Sessions Carla dal Forno - Come Around Carly Rae Jepsen - The Loneliest Time Cass McCombs - Heartmind Charli XCX - Crash Daphni - Cherry Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn - Pigments Hikaru Utada - Bad Mode Huerco S. - Plonk Isabella Lovestory - Amor Hardcore Junior Boys - Waiting Game Kali Malone - Living Torch Malibu - Palaces of Pity Marina Herlop - Pripyat Oren Ambarchi - Shebang Oren Ambarchi, Johan Berthling & Andreas Werliin - Ghosted Organ Tapes - 唱着那无人问津的歌谣 / Chang Zhe Na Wu Ren Wen Jin De Ge Yao Phoenix - Alpha Zulu Physical Therapy - Teardrops on My Garage PPJ - Trindade Rachika Nayar - Heaven Come Crashing Raum - Daughter Sally Shapiro - Sad Cities Sam Prekop - The Sparrow Sam Prekop & John McEntire - Sons Of Shinichi Atobe - Love of Plastic Shygirl - Nymph The Soft Pink Truth - Is It Going to Get Any Deeper Than This? Torus & DJ Lostboi - The Flash Two Shell - Icons The Weeknd - Dawn FM William Basinski & Janek Schaefer - “ . . . On Reflection “
songs: Alex G - JLB's Drawing Bibio - Off Goes the Light Björk - Ancestress (ft. Sindri Eldon) Bladee & Ecco2k - Faust Bladee & Ecco2k - The Flag is Raised Call Super - Swallow Me Carla dal Forno - Side by Side Carly Rae Jepsen - Anxious Carly Rae Jepsen - Talking to Yourself Cass McCombs - Belong to Heaven CFCF - After the After (Bodysync Remix) Charli XCX - Sorry If I Hurt You Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul - Haha Coco & Clair Clair - Bad Lil Vibe Cole Pulice - City in a City Daphni - Take Two Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn - Sandstone Demi Lovato - Substance DJ Heartstring - Can't Stop the Night Doss - Look (All Night Mix) Doss - Strawberry (Singin' Club Mix) Double Virgo - Kicked Out by Seven Ecco2k & Bladee - Amygdala Ela Minus & DJ Python - Pájaros En Verano Embaci - Tiniest Whisper Hikaru Utada - Somewhere Near Marseilles Hudson Mohawke - Bicstan Isabella Lovestory - Exibisionista Job - Lore Junior Boys - Thinking About You Calms Me Down Kelela - On the Run Luis - Jack Anderson Malibu - Iliad Marina Herlop - Abans Abans Merely - The Killing Sun Mr Twin Sister - Resort Mura Masa & Erika de Casier - e-motions Objekt - Ballast Oren Ambarchi - I Organ Tapes - Burnout Organ Tapes - heaven can wait Physical Therapy - Chain Reaction PinkPantheress - Boy's a liar PPJ - Dar Um (Lauer Remix) Purelink - Butterfly Jam Rachika Nayar - Gayatri Raum - Walk together Sally Shapiro - Sad City SG Lewis & Tove Lo - Call on Me (SG's Dub Edit) Shinichi Atobe - Love of Plastic 1 Shygirl - Firefly Two Shell - Unrequited Yasmine - Doce Atração Yung Lean - Lips Yves Tumor - God Is a Circle
games: Elden Ring Kirby and the Forgotten Land Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Signalis Sonic Frontiers Squaredle Tactics Ogre: Reborn
film: Aftersun (Charlotte Wells) Ambulance (Michael Bay) Avatar: The Way of Water (James Cameron) Crimes of the Future (David Cronenberg) Decision to Leave (Park Chan-wook) I Thought the World of You (Kurt Walker) Jackass Forever (Jeff Tremaine) Kimi (Steven Soderbergh) Nope (Jordan Peele) Orphan: First Kill (William Brent Bell) Pacifiction (Albert Serra) Sharp Stick (Lena Dunham) Stars at Noon (Claire Denis) Tár (Todd Field) Three Thousand Years of Longing (George Miller)
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Meaning/references behind every Gilmore Girls episode title - Season 1
Hi friends! In today's edition of I'm avoiding work and obsessing because I'm banned from rewatching until September (self-inflicted), I wanted to share my latest deep-dive project: making a clear, concise list of the meanings and references behind each episode title. I'm going season-by-season and filling in references when I catch them.
Some titles (especially in season 1) are quite obvious and literal, but many are clever references that emphasize themes and symbolism happening in the plot or character relationships. I like trying to figure them all out and wanted to share in case I have some wrong or people have caught references I've missed or didn't know writers may have spoken about, etc. ASP has such a deep well of pop culture knowledge, I enjoy mining it.
Masterlist: Season 1 Season 2, Part 1 Season 2, Part 2 Season 3, Part 1 Season 3, Part 2
My notes: - As always, please correct anything I've gotten wrong and share your own insight! - Many of these notes are pulled from and/or learned via annotatedgilmoregirls.com - an absolute icon! I claim no author originality. I'm just the one to compile/edit them. :) - So many of these seem deceptively straightforward... I'm almost convinced there must be sneaky references I'm missing with Kill Me Now, Forgiveness and Stuff and Christopher Returns especially... - This was the first time I realized the exact reference in Concert Interruptus and it's hilarious. I love when they get a little naughty/cheeky. - Looove the contrast between the happenings in Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers vs. S6's Written in the Stars. :')
Season 1
Pilot A “pilot” is a test episode for an intended TV series, an early step in series development, much like pilot studies serve as precursors to the start of larger activity.
The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton Lorelai and Rory both deal with Rory’s first day at her new school.
Kill Me Now "Kill me now" is a relatively common, ironic/humorous response to bad news or to a situation that the sender considers so bad that they would rather die than endure it. Likely how Lorelai feels about the idea of Rory’s golf date with Richard.
The Deer Hunters The title references The Deer Hunter (a 1978 war drama film co-written and directed by Michael Cimino about a trio of Slavic-American steelworkers whose lives were upended after fighting in the Vietnam War) as a joke about the deer hitting Rory’s car on her way to school.
Cinnamon's Wake Cinnamon is the name of Babette’s cat. A wake is a watch or vigil held beside the body of someone who has died. Possibly also a reference to the book Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce (an experimental novel with a reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the Western canon due to its linguistic experiments, stream of consciousness writing style, literary allusions, free dream associations, and abandonment of narrative conventions).
Rory's Birthday Parties Rory has both a party thrown by her grandparents and a party thrown by her mother for her 16th birthday.
Kiss and Tell A common colloquialism referring to Rory’s first kiss with Dean. Possibly a reference to Kiss and Tell, a 1945 American comedy film starring a teenaged Shirley Temple. In the film, two girls cause their respective parents trouble when they start to become interested in boys. The plot interestingly involves an impulsive, secret elopement and accidental pregnancy drama.
Love and War and Snow Perhaps a reference to ”All is fair in love and war", a common proverb attributed to John Lyly's Euphues. “Love” referring to Lorelai’s blossoming romance with Max, “War” referring to the Revolutionary War reenactors and “Snow” of course refers to our first introduction to Lorelai’s love of snow and her insistence that good/important things have always happened to her on the first snow of the year - a theme that repeats throughout the series.
Rory's Dance Rory takes Dean to her first high school dance.
Forgiveness and Stuff This episode deals with multiple themes of forgiveness - Lorelai forgiving Rory for staying out all night with Dean, Emily and Lorelai forgiving each other for their fight about Rory and Lorelai being uninvited to the Christmas party, Lorelai forgiving Dean, and Lorelai dealing with lingering issues with Richard and how he raised her, perhaps forgiving him in a way.
Paris is Burning Paris Is Burning is an iconic 1990 documentary film directed by Jennie Livingston chronicling the ball culture of New York City and the African-American, Latino, gay, and transgender communities involved in it in the 1980s. This is the first episode where Paris gets a more humanizing backstory and causes trouble by outing Lorelai and Max’s relationship to distract from her own issues.
Double Date A common term for a date where two different couples go out together.
Concert Interruptus The title is a play on “coitus interruptus”, the technical term for the pull-out method of birth control. In the same way, The Bangles concert in the episode is interrupted when Madeline and Louise withdraw or “pull out” of the proceedings.
That Damn Donna Reed The Donna Reed Show is an American sitcom which aired on ABC from 1958-1966 starring Donna Reed as middle-class housewife Donna Stone. Although it was the first sitcom to focus on the mother as the central figure in a domestic comedy and paved the way for female-focused TV, it was commonly critiqued by feminists in the 1970s as presenting an idealized view of domesticity.
Christopher Returns This episode marks Christopher’s first visit to Stars Hollow and his seemingly first big return to Lorelai and Rory’s lives, much to the chagrin of every sane fan.
Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare refers to the main characters as “star cross’d lovers”, meaning that their relationship is destined to fail no matter how hard they try. The phrase comes from astrology, meaning that the stars are working against them. The title is also a reference to the 1970 comedy film Lovers and Other Strangers, in which a couple’s upcoming wedding shines a spotlight on the marriage problems of their family members. “Star crossed lovers” can refer to multiple relationships facing troubles in this episode - Rory and Dean, Luke and Rachel, Lorelai and Max, Lorelai and Chase (the weird guy her parents try to set her up with), and of course, the lovers in the story behind the Founders Firelight Festival. This is especially endearing when you remember that, in contrast, the episode in season 6 when Luke and Lorelai go on their first date is titled “Written in the Stars”.
The Break Up: Part 2 This episode is the first to pick up exactly where the previous episode left off (Rory running home to Lorelai’s arms post-break up with Dean) in a kind of to-be-continued way, explaining the “: Part 2” in the title. There is also an episode of the classic 1970s sitcom The Jeffersons titled The Break Up: Part 2 where the Jefferson and the Willis families debate about getting Lionel and Jenny back together and George accidentally sets his son up with a sex worker. Perhaps a stretch to think it could be a reference, but ASP is a big sitcom nerd so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.
The Third Lorelai We are introduced to Richard’s mother, Lorelai “Trix” Gilmore; Lorelai’s namesake and therefore the third Lorelai in the Gilmore family.
Emily in Wonderland The title is a reference to the children’s book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland. It’s an analogy for Emily finding Stars Hollow just as peculiar as Alice found the nonsensical Wonderland.
P.S. I Lo… The title references either (or both) the popular 1934 song PS I Love You, written by Johnny Mercer (recorded many times throughout the years by Rudy Vallée, Bette Midler, Bob Dylan, Billie Holiday, Frank Sinatra and more) or The Beatles’ 1962 song of the same name, the B-side to their debut single Love Me Do. The title also suggests not being able to bring yourself to fully say “I love you” and both Lorelai and Rory deal with their individual commitment issues - Lorelai struggling to commit to Max and Rory regretting not being able to tell Dean she loves him.
Love, Daisies and Troubadours The title refers to the ongoing plot points weaving together and coming to a head in the finale of season one. Lorelai, Rory, and Luke are all struggling with love - what it means to them, committing to it, and figuring out how to express it, which is what the town troubadour has come to represent (according to Rory) as he faces his first rival in the town. Rory reunites with Dean and finally is able to say “I love you”. Max sticks a bandaid on his floundering relationship with Lorelai with the romantic gesture of 1000 yellow daisies. Daisies can symbolize love, fertility/motherhood, and the return of someone’s affections, while the yellow color is cheerful, vibrant, and a sign of being quick-witted.
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Gifs I don’t want to lose :)
Top Gun + Top Gun: Maverick
The Dog fight Scene
More of the scene
More dog fight scene
Hangman & Coyote
Hangman and his darts
Bob in the sky
Hangman during the dog fight
The one time you see the other pilots
An adorable duo
Fritz during the dog fight
Bob’s move
“Hangman in costume”
“College Jake”
Yale in the sky
TGM cast
Bob and Mickey in college collage
Top gun as troubled birds?
TG and TGM teachers
Bob and Fanboy as besties
Bob, Fanboy, and Coyote
Dagger Squad
Rooster @ Hangman
Hangman @ Rooster
Bob’s hair
Kermit and Lewis
Things associated with BB
The Squad
Quarter of the dagger squad playing jenga
Mav and Rooster
Mav runs to Rooster
Rooster learns Mav is insane
Bradshaw boys // B Boys 
Goose Goose
Anthony as Goose
Iceman, Maverick, Goose, and Slider
Iceman being Iceman
Wolfman and Hangman
“Nerd” boys being proud of Nat
Cleaned up Dagger Squad 
Sassy Bradley
Should have been a real pic in the movie
Wolfman and Hollywood
Slider and Iceman
Top Daggers
Fanboy and Payback
Wolfman and Hollywood
Dramatic Hannix
Sad Hannix
The cast 
Everybody Wants Some!!
Finnegan with his cowboy hat // Cowboy hat
Finnegan dancing // more dancing
Finnegan // Pt. 2
Finnegan and the bull
Finnegan and Coma dancing
Richard Speight Jr fangirling
Jensen *tsk tsk*
Gag reel
The cast and their hair
Dean stealing candy
Dean cleaning himself 
Funny post
Dick Hunter
More Dean
Alternate Dean’s
Swat Supernatural 
Sam and Dean
Jonathon and Glen 
Glen in devotion
Glen in his uniform
Glen in his whites
Lucy and Peter
Tiktok song
Susan w/ Eliza H lyrics
Pevensie Ages
Small timeline
Viva la Viva w/ Peter
Sad times w/ Peter
Moodboard series
Hamilton lyrics x Narnia peeps
William Mosley gifs // Pt. 2
Narnia book remodel
Peter edit
Merlin and poetry
Merlin curses
Arthur’s love language for Merlin
More Merlin
More Gwaine
Merlin edit
Arthur accpeting magic (what we deserved to see)
Non Merlin watcher comments
Rupert Young being cocky
Break my heart // Pt.2 
Arthur learned the truth 
Arthur messing with Merlin
Arthur defying his Father
The End
Arthur undressing
BBC Merlin
BBC Merlin
Character develpment - Anthony
The family dancing
The family
Mentions of the sting
Stranger Things
Equipped Nancy
Nancy and Eddie
Platonic Soulmates
This is music
Ted Lasso
More Jamie
Some more Jamie
Sleepy Jamie
More Jamie
Lot more Jamie
(Don’t judge me) Jamie
Character development
Jamie (cold upstairs, hot downstairs)
The strings
Character arc
Dance Dance
Pass the ball
Dance dance again
Fist bump
Beard and Roy
The Richman Way
Lasso dance
The end
Uncle Roy
Jamie knows Roy
After the poster
More progress
Jamie being mature
Last practice
Jamie and Sam
Ted and Rebecca
Jamie and Sam 
You missed a good one
Wizard of Oz
Father and Son
Will and convos
Sassy trio
The Fashion Police
Team fines
Jamie and Dani
Sweaty Jamie 
Triple Frontier
The boys
Makes me cackle
How I imagined the end in One Shot
The main four
More Will
More Benny
“After” the movie Benny
Menacing walk Benny (future unwritten scene?) 
AU Will 
Marvel/ DC
Zemo dancing
More Bucky
Not Bucky but fits the vibe
Willard dancing
Willard and Ren Dancing
Marko, Paul, Dwayne, and David
Lindsay embarrassing Flack
Shane and Ryan through the years
Shane and Ryan
Salem Saberhagen Icons Pt. 1 // Pt. 2
Salem Saberhagen
Chris Knight deleted scene
Chris Knight
Black Phone
Leatherface (2017)
Numb3rs “date night”
Eric saves Jack
The boys and Lassie
Benny icons for My babysitters a vampire
Bowers gang
(Book) Stan Uris
Stan and Ritchie
Harry potter
Fred and George being adorable
Now you see me
Queen commentary
Tom Hiddleston is a real life prince
James Diamond
Kira Yukimura
Fic edits
BTR vibes
Glen Powell
P & P Trivia
Know your Leatherface
Drew in the puppy interview
Rafe obx 3
“College Student”
Art History meme
American Psycho
Shower AP Scene
AP Lines
Phil Dunster
Dungeons and Dragons 
Aemond Targaryen 
Ken talk
Behind the scenes - HOTD - AT
DPS things
Wolf transformation
The toast
Aemond T
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Tumblr media
All throughout June, Black Music Month is being recognized nationally.
In honor of the month, here are five Black musicians who are considered pioneers of their genres. 
Robert Johnson: Considered the “King of the Delta Blues,” Robert Johnson is considered one of the originators of the genre that went on to serve as the basis for country, rock, pop and more. Known posthumously as one of the greatest blues performers of all time, Johnson’s recordings such as “Sweet Home Chicago,” “Love in Vain” and “I Believe I’ll Dust My Broom” have been covered by musicians such as Elmore James, The Rolling Stones, Muddy Waters and more. 
Although Johnson’s recordings are limited to just 29 songs taped from 1936 to 1937, his staple guitar sound combining lower rhythmic elements and higher melodic licks alongside slide guitar helped pioneer the Delta blues sound. 
Juan Atkins: As a part of the “Belleville Three,” Atkins is recognized for his role in developing Detroit techno. Known for helping coin the term “techno” as a way to describe his music, Atkins first formed Cybotron alongside Richard “3070” Davis in 1980. 
Influenced by Afrofuturism-inspired funk, German synthesizer musicians such as Kraftwerk and Italian disco, Cybotron’s sound combining synth and a drum machine with beats similar to the New York sound helped provide the foundation for Detroit techno. Also inspired by the Chicago house scene, Atkins has had a career spanning over 40 years as part of groups such as Model 500.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe: As the “Godmother of Rock’N’Roll,” Sister Rosetta Tharpe pioneered the genre and helped influence musicians such as Little Richard, Odetta, Mavis Staples, Tina Turner and Bob Dylan, amongst others. 
In her teens, Tharpe had already played with legendary musicians such as Duke Ellington in New York City before touring with gospel legends the Dixie Hummingbirds. Also known as the first gospel singer known nationally and the first gospel artist to record with a company, Tharpe pioneered rock’n’roll as well with the help of her Les Paul Custom. With her electric guitar, she helped create its custom sound through techniques such as her hammer-clawed guitar plucking and fast-paced playing, helping bring the swing sound and traditional melodic elements to rock’n’roll.
DJ Kool Herc: As the “Father of Hip Hop,” DJ Kool Herc’s 1973 block party is known as the place of the birth of hip cop culture. With his innovative“Merry-Go-Round” technique using two turntables and a mixer to create breakbeats, Herc laid the foundation for what would develop as the hip-hop genre. The musician also helped bring the toasting technique, which originated from Jamaica, to his sound, debuting his use of the technique at the famed 1973 party. From toasting, eventually, emceeing and rap would develop.
Sam Cooke: As a soul icon, Sam Cooke’s contributions to the genre influenced a variety of artists such as Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin and more. Considered the “father” of the genre and the “King of Soul,” Cooke’s career began with his work as part of the Soul Stirrers. With the group, Cooke, as lead singer, helped bring gospel music to the younger crowds. Eventually, Cooke shifted to the pop music sphere and, from 1957 to 1964, had 30 top 40 hits on the Billboard charts, including “You Send Me” and “Cupid.” Cooke also took part in the civil rights movement, recording “A Change is Gonna Come” as the anthem of the movement. The song was preserved by the Library of Congress in 2007 for its impact.
In this article:
DJ Kool Herc,Juan Atkins,Robert Johnson,Sam Cooke,Sister Rosetta Tharpe,Thehub.news
Veronika Lleshi is an aspiring journalist. She currently writes for Hunter College's school newspaper, Hunter News Now. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing and making music. Lleshi is an Athena scholar who enjoys getting involved in her community.
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