#richie hates all of eddie's boyfriends
Eddie Kaspbrak and the absolutely atrocious men he dates before he realizes he loves Richie:
That one guy who was using him for a free food and a place to charge his phone.
The guy who used 'ironic' slurs.
The guy who hit on all his friends when Eddie wasn't in the room.
The guy who hit on all his friends in front of Eddie.
The guy who lovebombed him and who Eddie thought was perfect up until he started pressuring Eddie to drop his friends and move to the middle-of-nowhere Wyoming with him.
The guy who screamed at Eddie about the proper way to organize a sock draw on their second date. Eddie still went on a third date with him.
The guy who wanted to use Eddie's Derry trauma and famous friends as the basis of his true crime podcast.
The guy who told Eddie he should forgive his mother because she loved him and did her best and it wasn't like Eddie could have been an easy kid given he was such a brat now.
The guy who was weirdly obsessed with Henry Bowers - child serial killer - and liked to sniff Eddie's hair and talk about how Eddie escaped. Bill still maintains that guy is a serial killer in waiting and should be on a watch list.
The guy who used Eddie's email contacts list to try and sell his MLM scheme. Yes, Eddie did join. He's still trying to disentangle himself. The emails keep coming even though he unsubscribed and the vitamins did nothing and were basically sugar!
The guy who, when Eddie introduced him to his friends, tried to fight Richie in the parking lot of the restaurant they all met at. Apparently Eddie talked about Richie too much and the guy was jealous. Yes, Richie headbutted the guy but it was self-defence.
An actual running theme of all of Eddie's boyfriends is they hate Richie. They loathe him. Eddie cannot understand it because Richie is amazing and his best friend. So what if Eddie falls asleep talking to him and then calls him first thing in the morning? They're besties!
Yes, Eddie would choose Richie and hanging out with Richie in a heartbeat over any of them but they're all terrible so it doesn't really mean anything, right? He just loves Richie so much and he just got him back and he wants to spend all the time with Richie that he can!
Eddie is fully "That guy who doesn't know he's in love with his best friend" for a lot of nice, normal men who never went on a second date with him because they knew that wasn't ending in their favour.
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reareaotaku · 1 year
Hello it's me Rachel. Listen um sorry for the bother you but can you make a yandere losers club headcanon movie it 2017 ?
It's no bother! Of course I can!
Yandere Losers Club Headcanons
Characters: Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Stanley Uris, Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon, Ben Hanscom [Also, I looked up the Jewish stuff for Stanley, so if I got anything wrong lmk]
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Bill Denbrough
He gets really shy around you
Stutters a lot and he never really gets over it, no matter how he tries
You're way out of his league and he's surprised when you ask him out
But oh my god, you really want to date him
"Do you want to go out with me?"
He looks at you shocked, his mouth on the floor. At first, he thinks you're trying to pull a prank on him or making fun of him, but you're dead serious
"Oh- W-w-what?"
"Do you want to go out with.... me?" You gesture to yourself at the end, your confidence quickly fading in fear you were about to be rejected
"Uh-uh-uh, um...y-ye-yeah. I'd l-l-l-love to."
Now it's your turn to blush and you smile, "Great. That's great. So what now?"
"I don't know..."
It's a little awkward at first, but you both eventually get over it
His friends tease him, but Bill always brings up about how they're all single [It usually ends the teasing]
He always dresses up whenever he's going to see you
He just wants to look his best
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Eddie Kaspbrak
You meet at his favorite place, the pharmacy
He knew who you were and you vaguely knew who he was
He had a huge crush on you and when he saw you, he nearly shit bricks
He quickly put the stuff he was holding back on the shelf, while accidentally knocking stuff down
"Uh, you're Eddie, right?"
He awkwardly laughs, his face turning a light red, "Uh, yeah. Y/n?"
"Yeah. What are you doing?"
"Nothing!" He's quick and nearly yells it at you, causing you to flinch back. He instantly felt bad about it
You only knew two things about Eddie; He's a germaphobe and his mom is crazy
"You're that germaphobe, right?"
His eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head, "No! I'm not scared of germs. That's crazy," He laughs it off, moving his hand back and forth. He blushes when hearing you laugh and he looks away from you
"You're really cute. Do you want to hang out?"
"Hang out? You and me?"
"Yeah, there's actually a diner close by-"
"Of course. I mean yeah, that'd be cool"
You start hanging out more after that and Eddie is secretly losing his mind
You're hanging out with him
Wow- He feels like he's dreaming
When you ask him to be your boyfriend, he's sure that he's dead and in heaven
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Richie Tozier
You both fucking hate each other when you first met
You bully the hell out of each other, trying to get the last word
"Why are you late?"
"Sorry, I was fucking your mom."
"Well, I'm glad you could enjoy someone's mom since you don't have one"
He rolls his eyes, mocking you, because he has no insult to throw back without sounding like he was offended
Things change when he gets older and he realizes that he likes you
it started when he'd see things in his everyday life that reminded him of you
At first he was irritated and he wanted to destroy those things [Flowers, rocks, tree bark, a cloud, the way his food is placed, a game/game character, etc]
But then, he realized these things made him happy. You made him happy, even when he tried to fight it
He began to cherish these things and anything he could preserve and keep, he would
He has a shrine dedicated to those things. Nothing ever directly linked to you, but just things that make his mind go to you
Neither of you will ask the other out, because you two are two prideful- Actually, it'll be an accident when one of you confesses
You two will be fighting and one of you will comment about how the other is pretty/handsome as an insult and the other turns around and is like "You like me?" You'll be blushing and the person who insulted the other will deny it, but whoever was insulted will be like "I like you two."
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Stanley Uris
Stan is very mature for a boy his age and that's what attracts you to him
He doesn't really notice you at first, because he doesn't have time for dating and he's more worried about keeping his things in order
You try approaching him multiple times, but you usually get shrugged off
You can go to the temple and wait until after Prayer hall, Shacharit, or the morning blessings, but he'll probably spot you and avoid you. If you're not Jewish, you'll approach his father, the Rabbi, telling him about your interest in the culture
"You can't just be Jewish. You know that right? It's a long progress-"
"I'm okay with that. I'm interested in the culture, language, and history"
He's impressed with your knowledge and interest that he's willing to take you under his wing
Stanley then becomes jealous, because you're becoming closer with his father than he ever was
You get progressively better at speaking from The Torah
"There's this girl who keeps coming to the Temple. I've been avoiding-"
"Wait, there's a girl who's actively seeking you out and you're avoiding her??? Because???"
Stanley rolls his eyes, "It-"
"Is she ugly?"
"Are you gay?"
"What? No-"
"Then why are you avoiding her?"
"It's stupid-"
"Spit it out."
"Well, she's not even Jewish, but my dad treats her like she's been going to the Temple her whole life. So, she learns a little Hebrew so what? Anyone can do that."
"Oh, you're jealous and have daddy issues. Got it"
His father acts kind of like your dad. Tries setting you up with a good guy so you'd be set for later in life. Get you incredible connections
When you'll finally get him alone, he busts. He yells at you and he realizes all his anger about his father out on you
Though, when he sees you cry, he quickly stops and he feels so bad
He didn't mean to make you cry. God he felt so bad
He quickly apologizes and this creates a friendship between you both
You can tell him any secret. He'll never tell a soul
You can depend on him for anything. You're the only thing his father likes about him
"Why can't you have Y/n's dedication? She wasn't even born into a Jewish family."
He complains to you about his father, and you're always open to listen to him
Though, he's scared of nearly everything, so you usually are the braver one in the relationship
You have to beg him to go anywhere with you, because he doesn't like being around people
He just sticks with you the entire time
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Beverly Marsh
She was very confident when approaching you, but it was fake
She's the type of person to lean on some boxes and then they fall over
She loves brushing and playing with your hair
She thinks it [your hair] is so pretty
She'll hum to you while she brushes it/plays with it
She asked you out. She was very bold about it
She goes after what she wants and she wants you
She'll make sure the moment is perfect
You're alone and the night is beautiful [Though nothing like you]. The wind is blowing just right and the light from one of the post is shinning your face like a halo
If you ever get into a fight with her, she'll avoid you for days/weeks
She doesn't want to, but it's a tactic she knows will get you crawling back
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Mike Hanlon
He puts your needs before his own
He's sweet and whenever you have a problem he's always there to listen
He's a smart kid and will always help you with your homework
And by help, I mean he'll do it for you
Hope you like band music, because that's his favorite type of music
He does have a tiny little issue where he lies to make you happy. He's scared of losing you and just wants to keep you close
He doesn't do it on purpose, it kind of just happens
When you find out, you're livid and he understands, but he doesn't apologize. He think he's doing the right thing
You can be mad at him, but you'll always get over it, because you can never be mad at him for long
He doesn't gaslight you on purpose, but he does do it sometimes
"So what, you don't love me anymore?"
"Of course I love you!"
"Well, you're sure not acting like it-"
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Ben Hanscom
He's really insecure about himself and his weight, thankfully you make him not feel like he's a pig
In fact, you don't mention it all; It's not something you notice
You always pick up when he's sad and always do whatever it takes to cheer him up
You try and help him cope with it healthy
Though, as he gets older, he starts to work out and you go with him. You don't want him to feel like everyone's staring at him or something
Whenever he's feeling like people are judging or staring you'll always divert attention to yourself, whether it's wearing something crazy or just making yourself look different and wild, you're willing to have people judge you as long as he doesn't feel judged [Does that make sense?]
He never judges you. In fact, he thinks you're way to good for him
Everything you do for him just makes him realize you're to good for him
If you're ever insecure, he's surprised
"What? You're like the prettiest person in the world! " He's absolutely flabbergasted
Absolutely adores you and follows you like a puppy
Practically attached to your hip
Bro's a little dependent on you ngl
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
i imagine that before pre-ch2, richie always sort of enjoyed travelling for work. sure he had a nice apartment, nicer than he knew he deserved, but he always felt…. empty in it. in the large bedroom, his bed always felt too big. he always hated his kitchen table, how it was made to seat at least six people but he only ever took up one spot. at least when he travelled for work, the hotel rooms were supposed to feel lonely.
but then, after ch2, once he and eddie finally work out their feelings for each other and settle down and they move in together….. richie soon realizes how much he hates travelling. he hates saying goodbye to eddie at the airport, walking through the gates as eddie smiles and waves goodbye to him. he hates going to sleep at night in the cold, empty bed when he’s gotten so used to falling asleep with eddie cuddling up at his side. he hates drinking the shitty, watered down coffee at the hotel and the airport and whatever venue he’s performing at- he would much rather take a freshly brewed cup made by his boyfriend, who of course makes every cup with love (‘with cream and sugar’, eddie always corrects, but richie insists on the ‘with love’ part).
but most different of all, is when these trips come to an end. before, richie would dread coming home. he’d dread the long cab ride home from the airport, walking up the stairs to his apartment, unlocking his door and walking back into his regular, pathetic life.
now, the plane ride back home is the best part of richie’s entire trip. he pays the cab driver an extra $20 just to get home faster, and richie is barely all the way through the front door when eddie is meeting him with a hug, holding him tight, kissing him in a way that makes up for all the air-kisses they blew to each other over facetime for the past three weeks. and richie holds him back just as tightly, and kisses him back with just as much love, and wishes that it will be a long while before his next trip.
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bylerserotonin · 2 years
The amount of queer coded imagery Eddie has throughout the two IT movies is insane. This is gonna be an “analysis” of sorts to break down some of this imagery. If I missed anything, please comment/reblog and I’ll add it!
Eddie’s character revolves around being a hypochondriac who’s mother has caused him to be afraid of the world. Pennywise manifests as sickness and disease for him. As infection. This is most interesting when it comes to AIDS, which was sweeping the nation during the time of IT, in 1988. To set the scene of the AIDS epidemic, below are some snapshots of tabloids talking about the crisis.
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Eddie name drops AIDS during the scene where they’re biking Ben to the pharmacy, and it shows how much fear his mother had placed in him about the epidemic.
“I mean, he’s bleeding all over and you guys know that there’s an AIDS epidemic out there right now, as we speak, right? I mean, my moms friend in New York City got it just by touching a dirty pole in the subway and enough of AIDS blood got into his system from a hangnail. A hangnail!”
The leper perfectly represents his fears of being infected by this disease (as, in his mind, being gay dooms you to AIDS without question). It’s most represented during the flashback scene in IT 2 when Eddie wanders into the basement of Derry’s pharmacy. When Eddie gets down, we get close ups of dirty needles and bags of blood. And as we know, this is one way AIDS spreads.
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When Eddie does reach his Mom, she’s begging him to save her, saying “Don’t let it infect me, Eddie.”
The first time Eddie saw the Leper, he was at Neibolt. This is another very heavy queer coding moment. Eddie is chased through the lawn by the leper and reaches the fence. He turns around only to see the Leper isn’t there. In his place is Pennywise, holding a bunch of balloons in a form of a triangle.
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The pink triangle was reclaimed by the LGBTQIA community after its use by Nazi’s during the Holocaust. In 1986, some activists in New York City created a poster calling attention to the AIDS crisis with the words Silence = Death and a pink upwards-facing triangle. It has since been used on signs to show that certain places are safe for the Queer community. This triangular shape of the balloons is only ever used towards Eddie in this scene. Everything is very deliberate in the IT franchise, and this is no different. It is clearly to wave at the Queer audience and tell us that Eddie is gay.
The Queer coding doesn’t end there. On Eddie’s red shorts, you can clearly see rainbow imagery.
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In movies, clothing can be an integral way to show small details and Easter eggs to those who are paying attention. The costume designers had to go out and pick shorts with rainbows on it on purpose, so of course it must mean something. Another character who wears gay imagery is Richie, who wears a rainbow shirt. Richie is canonically gay and in love with Eddie.
There is also some closet imagery. In IT 2, Eddie and Richie come across the ‘Very scary’ to ‘Not Scary’ doors. The scene shows both of them (closeted men), facing the door, which then turns out to be a closet.
One of the most prominent parallels is during the opening of the second IT. Adrian Mellon and his boyfriend are at Derry’s carnival when they’re attacked and hate crimed. Adrian tries to grab his inhaler, but one of the attackers kicks it out of his hand. Adrian is Eddie’s out comparison. He represents what Eddie was scared of and why he’s still trapped in the closet. Adrian also acts as a cautionary tale and reminds us how truly dangerous being gay is in Derry.
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t4tozier · 4 months
MY turn to be werewolf horny. monster fucker eddie being into outdoor sex with his werewolf boyfriend <3 pretends to hate getting dirt all over him but moans louder when richie shoves his face into the dirt. panics abt being seen by some hiker but his dick gets even harder when richie mentions they could get caught. has a silly little to-go bag packed with essentials so hes ready to go out to the wilderness whenever. etc.
YEAHHHH. ough eddie learning to not only be okay with but actually enjoy being dirty is something that can be so personal. he complains that richie takes him so far out into the woods and that he's gonna get stains on his nice pants and then he ends up getting grass and dirt and cum all over them anyway <3 he looks like he's gotten dragged through a fucking tree when richie's done with him
they're always off the path enough where nobody would actually see them, but close enough that eddie gets excited about the potential of being seen. if anyone actually caught them he'd probably explode out of shame--and fear that they'd think he was, like, into bestiality or some shit--but in his head, the idea that everyone will see him splayed out in the dirt being groped and pounded by his massive werewolf boyfriend is almost enough to make him come on its own
them having little go bags everywhere is sooo cute and funny. lube, water bottles, stain remover, condoms (though they're rarely used), wet wipes, etc etc. eddie's got one in his car, in richie's, at work, literally anywhere he may be whisked away to go fuck in a park or the closest forest. obsessed with them.
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cwcthzl · 3 months
richie and stan are both very protective of each other. they were like that since when they were kids; not talking back to insults unless it was thrown at their best friends, punching bullies on the other's behalf even if it meant getting beaten up (stan still remembers richie's black eye and beaming smile, and richie still remembers stan's bloody nose and his red knuckles after he punched a guy for the first time, for him), even going as far as standing up for the other in front of their parents and taking sole accountability for the trouble they got themselves in. everyone knew by that time if you messed with one of them the other one would fucking appear put of nowhere.
it doesn't change when they grow up. they stand up for the other when someone makes the mistake of commenting anything negative about them, most times bluntly throwing it back at the person; they glare daggers over their shoulder when someone flirts with the other on their sight; first to defend the other when there is a verbal fight, even when they are in the wrong; making the 'if you hurt him in any way i'll fucking kill you' conversation with everyone the other flirts with; never being convinced anyone is good enough for the other and their standards for the other's new love interests are high. one time richie got drunk and didn't get off of stan's shoulder for a whole night because he saw someone he didn't like talking to stan and wanted to make sure they didn't come near stan again. and one time stan got sent to detention with richie because he was arguing with some teacher and stan backed him up.
they were easily jealous of each other, but they said 'i have a bad feeling about them,' instead. richie would be mad at stan's first girlfriend for not hugging him the right way and stan would get pissed at richie's first boyfriend for touching richie's hair without permission. or richie would roll his eyes when stan's partner didn't know stan's favorite bird, because jesus fucking christ, and stan would make snarky comments when richie's partner didn't understand a joke he made. all the reasons they got mad or annoyed about was pretty normal stuff, but they made a big deal out of it, because oh my god. if i know it, as his partner, they should know it!
losers were so sick of them, to say the least. seeing them hate each other's partners because they weren't them, and watching how oblivious they are to their own feelings was pretty tiring. bev always snapped with a 'jesus christ, just date each other already' when richie or stan talked about these things to bev, but they never paid any mind. mike and ben listened silently while thinking when are they gonna figure this out, bill and eddie just zoned out because there was nothing they didn't hear already and it was getting boring.
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mostghst · 5 months
wow i think i need to read something about richie getting a boyfriend and eddie being like "??? i don't like this and i dont know why" and they do the double date thing and richie's bf like "i think your friend hates me?" and richie's like "nah" but then richie keeps having to catch himself and not do the "spaghetti man you are so cute" thing and eddie like "oh god i loved getting that attention more than my wife" and richie's bf picking up on that and "holy shit they definitely had some thing going on before me whatthefuck" and myra observing all this bc she's sick of the clusterfuck called "my husband's boyfriend" and she just needs something to happen without her getting directly involved bc she hates richie and needs him gone
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call-me-eds · 2 years
call-me-eds Masterlist
Fic Recs
Blurbs (includes recs)
Eddie Munson
The Other Woman
You know she means a lot to Eddie, but that doesn’t mean you’re happy about it.
Jasper Avenue (Part 1)
Eddie broke up with you before you went off to school and is still in Hawkins. You’ve been trying to move on from each other, but you’re alone, drunk, with a cell phone, and have his number memorized.
‘tis the damn season (Jasper Avenue Part 2) Winter break is here and you’re back in Hawkins for a month. It didn’t take long for you to run into the person you’ve been trying to forget for the last five months, your ex-boyfriend Eddie.
New Dress
Eddie hears through the grapevine that you want to go on more dates, and he goes into quick action.
Prom Night
You never thought it would be your fault that you couldn’t go to prom with your boyfriend, but Eddie did his part. It was you that messed up.
Girls Freak Me Out
After graduating, Eddie isn’t as in the loop with the Hawkins population, especially when someone new comes to town.
Chivalry Kills *18+
Eddie is a perfect gentleman to everyone, and it makes you feel invisible to him. 
Lecture *18+
Wayne walks in on something..unbecoming. He has a special relationship with you, but now all of that is out the window.
Fluff, fluff, fluff with our boy Eddie.
You help Nancy out in an emergency, it brings back a painful memory, Dustin doesn’t bother to read instructions.
Done Deal
You thought you and Eddie were just enjoying each other’s company, but he takes a step that puts your relationship in more of a gray area.
The Boy is Mine (call-me-eds version)
A romantic night in at the trailer
Steve Harrington
A Family Affair *minor smut
You and Steve finally get a moment alone without your brother.
Second Date
After a disastrous first date, you and Steve give it another go.
Answering Machine
You hesitate to open up to Steve, but when it all gets too much, he can’t bear to see you suffer anymore.
Almost everyone can tell that Max has a crush on Steve. When he cancels a driving lesson to take you on a date, you think that you can take out 2 birds with one stone.
Friendsgiving *18+
You and Steve try to get through a dinner after crossing a line.
Baby *18+
Snapshots of your relationship with Steve through his most used nickname.
Eddie and Wayne get into a fight, and he goes to Steve for comfort.
Not Today (Reddie)
All Eddie wants is to be an emotional backbone for Richie, who is used to running and hiding from his emotions. He’s trying to learn and be emotionally available to Eddie, but it’s hard to change all at once.
Patience (Stenbrough)
Stan needs help in school. He hates not being the smartest one in the room, he hates having to ask for help, and he hates having to ask for help from his boyfriend.  
Know-It-All (Stozier)
Stan knew all there was to know about almost everything. He’s spent almost his entire life trying to pin down just one thing about Richie Tozier, but no one could do that.
Weak (Stenbrough: Fuckboy!Bill)
Fuckboy! Bill has his claws deep in Stan.
Weak Part Two (Stenbrough: Fuckboy!Bill) Stan gets some guts and Bill isn’t sure how to handle it.
Tomorrow (Reddie)
Eddie is leaving for college and Richie can’t quite handle it.
Jewelry (Stozier)
Richie falls in love with piercings and rings while Stan falls in love with him.
Poison (Stanlon)
Getting high has never been so stressful, but then again, everything that Stan did had an edge to it.
Eye On The Ball (Bichie)
Bill tries to cope with his role in his friend group and Richie can’t stand it.
Drive (Reddie)
All Richie has wanted is to have his license and his freedom, and there’s only one thing that might stand in his way.
Yes (Stenbrough)
Stan has had enough of Bill’s heroics and can’t help but put his foot down.
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problematic0011 · 8 days
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Title: Caught
FEM!reader x Richie Tozier
Prompt: Y/N usually take the city bus with her friends, also known as the Losers Club, well this time she feel asleep on the bus and wakes up on her long time crushes’s lap, Richie Tozier. 
[The Losers are like 15 or 16 in this 🎈]
I walked onto the cold, loud bus. I searched the seats for Eddie, the chatter on the bus was almost louder than my own thoughts, but it all got shut out when I sat down happily on the blue hard plastic seats on the bus right next to my best friend since the day we were born, Eddie Kaspbrak, he smiled at me, the bumps in the bus bouncing me in my seat and the view outside speeding by as we gained speed. I ruffled his brown hair, he swatted my hand away. "You could have lice."
"Wha- You make no sense, Kaspbrak."
"I make perfect sense, lice can be transf-" I cut him off by quickly jerking my head so my hair swung into his face and hair. 
That boy shrieked. 
I stopped and started dying of laughter, to the point I was basically falling off my seat. "This is not funny." Eddie pouted. I panted and looked at Eds.
"This is hilarious, Eds."
"Here comes your boyfriend." Eddie said in a sing song voice. I looked to see Richie coming over. 
“Hey, Eds,” Richie greeted, taking a seat next to me. “Hey, hot stuff.” He smirked at me.
"Fuck off, Tozier." I said to him. I had a massive crush on Richie but I pretended like I hated when he said stuff like that. I grabbed a book from my bag and started reading as Eds read over my shoulder. I felt a tug on my hair, I looked up to see Richie attempting to braid a small strand of my hair, I rolled my eyes and continued to read.
After a bit I felt a wave of tiredness wash over me. I rested my head on Eddie's shoulder and fell asleep.
The bus hit a bump and I woke up, I looked up to see Richie. My head now rested on Richie's shoulder and my legs were draped over his, practically sitting on his lap. Hey, you're awake, hot stuff." Richie said happily. I looked to see Eddie, Stan and Bill with smug smirks on their faces, Bill and Stan sat across from us just staring. I closed my eyes again.
"S-seriously y-y/n?" Bill asked. "W-aasn't this you, 'o-oh, I don't l-like Richie' 'no h-he's just a f-friend' 'R-Richie is s-so annoying, I d-don't like him'?"
"What, his shoulder's comfy. Don't judge me." I defended myself. "And I don't like Richie."
"Sure you don't, hot stuff."
I blushed. "Don't even act like you don't like that nickname." Eds joked.
"W-when's the w-wedding?" Bill teased. Richie wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head which made my face go red and hot.
"Can you guys stop PDAing, it’s disgusting." Stan said.
"Oh, what, you mean this?" Richie placed his fingers under my chin and tilted my head up and we kissed. At first I was taken aback, my eyes shot open, the vicious vampire butterfly’s in my stomach felt like they were on cocaine. But I relaxed after a second, my hands found his hair and I leaned into the kiss, his kiss felt like a breath of fresh air, like I could finally think and move freely, like I was living life for the first time. My hands twisted in his hair and his arms wrapped around my waist. When we finally broke apart it was because I felt a cold wet substance dump all over us. I looked up to see and smirk plastered on Eddie's face while he held a now empty plastic water bottle above our head. I didn’t care that I was wet and cold sitting on a loud crowded bus, I was pumped I just kissed Richie.
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thecrimsondandelion · 2 years
Eddie going to NY to sort his divorce etc, before moving out to LA to pursue his relationship with Richie/start a new career. They had a kiss, a sappy, heartfelt goodbye at the airport, and since then a ton of texts, calls, and FaceTimes
And eventually Eddie gets the divorce shit sorted, he’s no longer got a wife and now he can happily have a boyfriend. A real, public, happy relationship with the bane of his existence and love of his life
Anyway, Richie sends for a car to pick him up (I feel like Richie hates driving, won’t drive unless he absolutely has to.) and when Richie eagerly swings the door open to greet Eddie, Eddie’s taken aback by the streak of white in Richie’s es hair
I’m a slut for blond Eddie. I’m a blond Eddie truther, so him getting white/grey hairs wouldn’t make a stark difference. But it’s super visible in Richie’s hair. And Richie notices Eddie staring at him and he gets all self conscious - as if Eddie doesn’t think he looks hot as fuck, as if he’s not humiliated by the fact that he has butterflies in his stomach and has the overwhelming feeling of I Have The Biggest Crush On You on the man he’s already professed his love to
Idk Eddie panicking and rushing off to call Beverly like “he’s hot, Bev!?” “You just figure that out, honey?” Which ofc he didn’t. But he’s borderline silver fox now
And Richie is freaking out, texting Stan all his catastrophic thoughts, feeling bile rise up with the pure anxiety he feels that Eddie doesn’t want him anymore, that Eddie’s going to leave him for somebody younger and hotter. Stan calling Richie an idiot but also threatening to throttle Eddie if he does - bc Stan is particularly protective of Richie
Idk, Eddie is standing there suddenly glaring at Richie, super pissed off bc of that sexy streak of white in his hair, the peppering of greys and whites in his stubble. And he’s pulling Richie into kiss, immediately running a hand through his hair. Mumbling about how good he looks, and he can practically feel the heat coming from Richie’s face as he blushes
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
i like to hc that eddie, despite choosing to work at a job where he has to wake up early every day, absolutely hates mornings. he is sooooo grumpy for like,,, the first 45 minutes that he’s awake and he always just. stands in the shower half asleep, drags himself around to get dressed, miserably sits at the kitchen table drinking his coffee until finally he’s somewhat awake enough to get started with his day. 
richie starts work later in the day, but he, surprisingly, doesn’t mind mornings. he likes the calmness of it all before heading out to a busy day of work... and he especially likes waking up early enough to see his adorably-grumpy boyfriend in the morning. richie always remembered, back when they were kids that eddie would always be the last to wake up at sleepovers and would get mad at the others if they ever woke him up before 10am, and richie thinks it’s funny that that trait carried into his adult life (one of many, that richie would realize over the course of dating eddie after the events of ch2, that eddie really hasn’t changed since they were kids <3). 
and eddie’s always hated mornings, but he has to admit... they’re not as bad when he wakes up to richie lying beside him in bed, with richie giving him a good morning kiss (or two or three...) as he sleepily gets dressed, with richie having a coffee already on the kitchen table when eddie comes downstairs every morning. 
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krisnosura · 1 year
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These are the mainest main characters.
Top left: Chandrabhan (Chandra) Phukan. He is pansexual.
Top right: Benudhar (Benu) Acharya (Chandra's partner). He is bisexual.
Bottom left: Nilmitra (Nil) Goswami (Chandra's childhood bestie). He is straight.
Bottom right: Gayatri (Gaya) Rabha (Nil's partner and member of the GayaNilChand trio). She is straight.
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These two are roommates, and have been roommates for 10 years in the gurukul (basically a Vedic-system school) now. Chandra on arriving in the gurukul for the first time becomes roommates with these two.
Yug (Yugantar) hates Chandra's future boyfriend, Benu due to some feud their families had with each other (I will get to it later prolly) and Sudem and Chandra are like stuck in this unwanted beef. Sudem, however, will always be on Yug's side, even though secretly he asks Yug to not be so mean to Benu for something that was out of his hands.
Yug is aroace.
Sudem's sexuality is unknown (he doesn't tell me wtf) but he's mostly straight.
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We all know about Gayatri by now.
Alpana and Yangkyi are her friends, and swimming buddies.
Yangkyi is also Sudem's future love interest, and she is like Richie Tozier to Sudem's Eddie Kaspbrak. Go figure. Yangkyi's sexuality is fluid and her ex's name is Ganga (Haven't drawn her yet).
Alpana is aroace but she becomes good friends with Yug (aroace duo).
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Poumit was also Nil's roommate in the beginning. Then he shifted with Yug and Sudem after Chandra shifted to Nil's.
Gyan is a minor character who becomes a friend of Nil.
Poumit is straight.
Gyan is also straight.
Characters I haven't drawn yet:
1. Abhigyan (Benu's cousin and initial roommate, but he later shifts with Nil after Chandra shifts with Benu). He is straight.
2. Ganga (Yangkyi's ex. She wanted a poly relationship after she cheated on Yangkyi with another boy but Yangkyi refused). She is probably polysexual idk.
3. Arun (one of Nil's friends). Straight man.
4. Harideb and Udipti Phukan (Chandra's parents)
5. Yug and Benu's parents.
6. Jyotirmoy Rajbongshi (Harideb's friend. He's a middle-aged gay man.)
7. Himabhas (the gurukul owner and teacher.) And his family. He has two sons- Amrit and Pradyut. They help him in running the gurukul.
8. Mr. Kakoti (The Phukans' neighbor and Harideb's friend.) Straight guy.
More characters and updates on them and the story may/will come as my book progresses.
#ksa/krisnosura - main tag
Character tags:
#benudhar acharya
#chandrabhan phukan
#benuchand - for Benudhar x Chandrabhan content
#gayatri rabha
#nilmitra goswami
#gayamitra - for Gayatri x Nilmitra content
#yangkyi deori
#sudem baruah
#yangkdem - for Yangkyi x Sudem content
#yugantar das
#alpana hazarika
#poumit rabha
#abhigyan bhagavati
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killingkier · 2 years
teenage richie toizer headcannon because i kin him and i said so
favorite movie is Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure
cherry >>> every other artificial flavor choice
babysits for his neighbor and definitely teaches those kids swears
just fucken decked one of his friends in the face during an argument about star wars once and hasn’t lived it down since
hasn’t drank water since he was like 11 and is proud of it for some reason
will and has hurt himself for the bit
*starts walking backwards while talking to his friend knowing full well he’s gonna hit a pole in tee minus five seconds*
cant stand the taste of alcohol - still drinks when the occasion calls for it
trips over his own feet often enough for the losers to consider changing his nickname
doesn’t say ‘bye’ just kinda does finger guns and then backs away
forced to drop his chem class after setting fire to his notebook
drives. not well. not legally. can get from point A to point B… don’t ask about point C
jeans so baggy no one’s seen his legs all fall
actually legit hates winter. fuck snow. kicks over the most pathetic snowmen he can target
bisexual and oblivious to the fact that he likes men. just straight-up hasn’t realized he’s been dating eddie for four months. they’ve kissed and everything but until the day eddie addresses him as his boyfriend he’s not gonna figure it out
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eddiethekaspbrak · 1 year
with @tczier
three ambien in, eddie still couldn't sleep. his mind was racing like a dog on a track, going in pointless, exhausting circles. his heart was running just as fast.
eddie couldn't tell what he was feeling -- scared or sad or angry or lonely, maybe all of them, all at once -- but whatever it was, it wouldn't let him settle. his body felt wrong. his skin felt too tight. the bed -- his bed, richie's bed -- felt all too big and cold.
he didn't like being in it alone. and he was. again. and he wasn't supposed to be.
most nights, eddie could manage. at the very least, he understood. as odd as it was to be in california sans richie, eddie knew what he was getting in to. it was what he signed up for. richie travelled. richie worked -- in weird places, at late hours, often through the night. that was fine. eddie was proud of his boyfriend's career. he liked telling people he was dating a comedian -- the richie tozier, to be exact. it was all fine and dandy and good and exciting ... except for when it wasn't.
because this part ? this, he hated. richie was performing in california. in la -- only twenty minutes down the road, to be exact, doing a month-long residency at a local club. he was home, technically home, but he wasn't. eddie didn't know the difference when richie was away. the absence was a constant thing, steady and unrelenting, to the point where he could adjust and move on. but this was different.
every night, richie stumbled in drunk. every morning, he woke up hungover. every day, he spent grumbling and sucking on his vape, answering phone calls and emails and taking interviews while eddie sat and breathed in thick, disgustingly sweet clouds of smoke.
eddie wanted to be patient and good and understanding, to let his boyfriend enjoy a few weeks of indulging in his newfound spotlight, but every single night --
eddie, sat upright in bed, looked over at the clock. it was almost four am. again. the last he'd heard from richie was just after midnight, when the man said he'd ' been home soon. '
even then, eddie could tell richie was intoxicated. now, hours later, he could be dead in a ditch, or fucking some guy, or off in fucking timbuktu (all equally likely, when richie was drunk enough) and eddie wouldn't know the difference. he wouldn't know the difference, and then richie would come home, and get in bed reeking of liquor, and eddie would let him wrap his big, heavy arms around him and snore until the sun rose a few measly hours later.
and it was happening again. only this time, eddie wasn't pretending to sleep. he heard the front door crash open and shoes stomping across the floor, richie making noise -- was he singing to himself? -- as he made his way up the stairs.
richie was alive, at least, but eddie was barely comforted. he wanted richie home. he wanted richie in bed with him, wrapped around him. but not like this. this richie was barely even a fraction of the man eddie had fallen in love with.
which sucked, really, because standing in the doorway to their bedroom all lanky and lazy and droopy, lit all angelic-like by the lamp in the corner, richie looked really fucking cute. fuck him.
still in bed, eddie pushed himself up a little more, trying to hold on to his confidence long enough to say something before richie convinced him quiet with a kiss.
'oh, good. you're alive,' eddie said, staring him down across the room. 'good show? ' he asked, sounding bitter.
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blog001sblog · 5 months
Weekly Reddie fic recs!
The World's More Full of Weeping
by: what_alchemy
In 1976, Sonia Kaspbrak trades the baby she killed for a sweet fairy babe asleep in a briar.
Thirteen years later, Eddie Kaspbrak discovers Pennywise is afraid of him.
What Frank Knows
by: reddiegays
An AU where Eddie is raised by Frank.
you look lovely in all of this
by: camerasparring
Richie wears clothes. Eddie cannot handle it. That's it, that's really the fic.
Who's Been Loving You?
by: usnavi
The Losers learn about Richie and Eddie's relationship in varying degrees. Bill might be the most traumatised. Jury's still out.
September 1989
by: pineapplecrushface
In the weeks between killing It and the beginning of school, Richie and Eddie sort it out.
Hands Touching Hands
by: Duck_Life
Among everything else that went down that summer, Eddie remembers his friends' hands, and how they felt clutching his own.
by: NemiMontoya
”Boyfriend,” Eddie whispered.
He waited a few seconds, then said it again, a little louder.
This Thing We Have
by: Astrum_Ululatum
Yet another "Richie gets taken instead of Bev" fic..
Heavy Thoughts and Shooting Stars
by: StarshipDancer
"Richie always liked loud, engaging activities. Arcades. Movies. But stargazing?
What made matters worse was that Richie had barely said anything. Eddie hadn’t even realized that Richie knew how to close his mouth, let alone keep it that way."
Eddie Kaspbrak has three problems, and Richie Tozier's one of them.
Skittles and Soulmates
by: qarlgrimes
When both you and your soulmate are sixteen, you're unable to lie to one another.
When Richie presses his forehead to Eddie’s and asks, ‘Do you really hate it when I call you Ed’s?’
Eddie lets out an annoyed breath and grumbles out, ‘…No’.
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schrijverr · 2 years
Package for Mr. Kaspbrak
Follow a package that is bound for Eddie as it goes through the office and thus through the hands of people, who all have their own perspective and opinions about him.
On AO3.
Ships: Richie x Eddie
Warnings: everything that is wrong with corporate America
A package of files is delivered to the risk analysis company on Flower St LA on a Thursday morning. The delivery boy who brings the package vaguely recognizes the name Edward Kaspbrak, but not in a manner that matters to him.
The man in the mailroom, Chad, whom he hands it to however, does know the name a little better. He often handles packages addressed to him and has heard all the gossip. He used to be a fan of Richie Tozier, before he came out, but he isn’t a fan of the new content.
Chad is a little bit of a bigot and denied ever having liked Richie’s work whenever asked. But he had followed Richie’s coming out, hoping it was all a joke. When it turned out it wasn’t he got annoyed, posted some hate, then went on with his life.
Alas, the universe has a funny way of getting back to him. Because it was after that, that he realizes one of the new names in the company is Richie’s famed boyfriend. Now he’s stuck way further down on the ladder, sorting his mail.
So, he takes the package, scoffs at the name and puts it on the right pile, hoping the intern will come pick it up soon.
Kamaria, the intern, is on her way to the mailroom to make her rounds. She knows that her internship means being the lowest on the ladder, she just hadn’t counted on that meaning that her job is to play delivering service.
It’s practically a crime she doesn’t get paid for this. She already has it bad enough with the micro aggressions she has to deal with on a daily basis. The mailroom itself is a minefield and she hates Chad, who works there.
She had her fingers crossed that he was out sick, however that doesn’t seem to be the case, because she is greeted with: “There you are, finally. God you all are so lazy.”
Now, Kamaria isn’t lazy and she knows that. She also knows that telling Chad that won’t do her any good, so she ignores it. One has to ignore a lot if you want to make it far as a minority in corporate America.
So, she just loads the cart with mail as quickly as she can, before getting out of there. She doesn’t speak a word to Chad, privately hopes he falls down the stairs or something.
She pushes the cart by the offices on the manager floor in the main analysis department, who she interns for. Not that she does much actual analyzing, unless they are too close to the deadline and push their work on her.
The secretary for Mr. Hearding, Karen, always calls her Kim, despite her many corrections and complains that she is late, despite the fact that Kamaria is on time every morning, including this one.
Linda, the secretary for Mr. Sullivan, greets her pleasantly and has to gossip. Linda isn’t so bad, thought a bit too into conspiracies, which connects to her love of gossip. On this morning, she says: “Did you hear about Mr. Kaspbrak?”
While claiming to be above it, Kamaria absolutely isn’t, so she replies: “No, what happened?” with a little bit of guilt. She cuts herself some slack, however. There is hardly any entertainment here and it is not like someone so far above her in the company ecosystem will care about what she, a low intern, has heard or said about him.
“Apparently he used to work in the New York branch,” Linda says, which is something everyone knows, so Kamaria is about to roll her eyes and move on, but then Linda goes on. “He transferred because of a very nasty divorce. He has a restraining order against his wife. My cousin is a hairdresser there, she heard all about it from the ex-wife. He ran away with that comedian after a reunion. Totally out of the blue.”
“Oh really,” Kamaria replies, thinking that talking about her boss’ private life like this went a little too far. So, she hands Linda Mr. Sullivan’s packages and quickly moves on to the last few in the hall, finally landing in front of Mr. Kaspbrak’s secretary, Hannah.
Hannah smiles at Kamaria kindly, making her feel a little guilty for listening to Linda, though she thought she was about to hear so manager break room drama, not the man’s nasty divorce.
“Thank you, Kamaria,” Hannah says, taking the package from her. “Any plans for the weekend? Or still trying to survive until Friday?”
“Trying to survive,” Kamaria smiles, not telling someone with a direct line to her boss that she is going out partying. “You?”
Hannah knows she is not entirely honest, but lets it slides. She remembers what it is like to be young. So, she puts the packages down to sort through later and says: “Me and Jacob are visiting my parents this weekend.”
“Oh, have fun,” Kamaria says, before walking back to her desk with the now empty cart.
Hannah watches her go, before looking through the pile just delivered onto her desk. There isn’t much, however, she sees a thick packet that is probably the files Mr. Kaspbrak, or Edward, as she is allowed to call him, is waiting for.
She takes the pile and walks into Edward’s office holding them. He is working on his computer and looks up when she comes in, smiling when he sees it’s her. Edward isn’t the most sociable person there is, Hannah knows. However, she doesn’t mind much, because he is a good boss.
Unlike some of the horror stories she hears from other secretaries, Edward’s particularities are very mild. He is a bit of a clean freak, but at least he doesn’t grope her or yell at her for things out of her control. On top of that, he gave her free Yom Kippur, giving her a sad smile and telling her he lost an old friend, who was Jewish before moving to the LA branch.
It’s little moments like those, which makes working for Edward bearable. He is mostly known as a strict man throughout the company, but he just likes to get things done on time and have those things done well. He has high expectations of himself and expects the same quality from everyone else.
Hannah has figured out how to meet his standard and now he is nothing but pleasant. She considers herself very lucky.
So, she returns his smile with one of her own and pleasantly says: “A delivery just came in. I think the Lemmin Inc. files are here.”
“Ah, thank you, Hannah,” Edward replies, taking the package from her and opening it. She waits as he studies it, knowing the request that will come. Indeed he asks: “Could you copy these for me, please? I need six for the meeting.”
“Of course,” she answers, taking them and going to the copy machine to do just that.
She had once asked him why he copied these things instead of handing them out digitally. He told her that nothing is as confronting as a physical manifestation of something. Having a task you can’t minimize on a screen, but something that takes up space on your desk, makes that you complete it faster. It was a sensible answer, but the way he said it made her a little uneasy.
Edward has the habit of suddenly getting intense sometime. It is always a little odd when his eyes go all serious and he says something profound or confounding.
Hannah privately thinks it’s because of that accident he was in a few years ago. It’s the reason he now walks with a cane and she does a little more leg work than the average secretary. He divorced his wife afterwards and got together with a famous comedian. Quite a nasty divorce she knows, because she has had to block the ex-wife from calling.
She can imagine how such an accident will make one reevaluate themselves and Edward seems happy, so she can’t imagine it was such a bad change.
The gossip made the rounds when he first started working there, Hannah in the middle of it. They are all curious how Edward is as a boss, if he is anything like the anecdotes Trashmouth Tozier likes to tell on stage.
Hannah doesn’t see much of the argumentative, competitive, concerned, overbearing boyfriend in her boss. However, she knows that everyone has a version of themselves they are at work. Edward is no different. And she sees how he can be whenever Richie calls the office, how much he smiles and rolls his eyes, albeit fondly. It’s sweet.
She gets to the copier and scans the pages to be printed. It’s mindless work, but Hannah doesn’t mind. It is part of her job and she likes it. A quiet moment to herself.
The moment sadly doesn’t stay quiet.
Linda, Mr. Sullivan’s secretary, comes over when she’s busy. Linda is an absolute gossip and believes everything she reads on the internet. Hannah promises herself that if she starts about the ‘secret elite’ running everything again, she is going to snap and walk away.
Instead Linda goes on about another topic of interest to her. Edward Kaspbrak. She doesn’t even say hello, just starts: “I heard Mr. Kaspbrak has a restraining order against his wife. I’d be careful with him, if I were you. Someone willing to go to such extreme’s over something mild is dangerous, I’m telling you.”
In turn Hannah only hums in acknowledgment, not wanting to start a fight this early in the morning over Edward’s divorce of all things. She herself doesn’t think it was anything mild, but that is likely because she had the distinct displeasure of talking to Myra. However, she is not telling Linda that, she can be like a shark.
“I mean, honestly, you never hear a man getting a restraining order against a women,” Linda continues on, despite getting no encouragement to do so. “It feels fishy. He probably made up all sort of horrible things about her to keep the money. He seems the type.”
This is a little far and Hannah doesn’t want Linda spreading such nonsense further, Edward has enough weird rumors going around as it is. So, as politely as she can manage, she says: “I think this is not the sort of topic to speculate on.”
“Alright, alright,” Linda says, holding up her hands as if she is surrendering. Her tone makes it obvious that she thinks Hannah is a stuck up bitch, but Hannah doesn’t care.
“Did you need to use the printer?” she asks, when Linda doesn’t leave.
“Oh no, I just came to check if you needed any help,” Linda tells her. “Mr. Kaspbrak always makes you do the carrying. He’s a man, he should be able to get his own papers, not use you like some sort of servant. Don’t you think.”
“Edward needs a cane to walk, Linda. He is not allowed to do his carrying,” Hannah snaps slightly, needing Linda to stop talking.
Edward has many times apologized for all the work she needs to do for him, but she does not blame him. The company is afraid he’ll sue if something happens to him, so that means Hannah has a few more physical tasks. In her opinion he more than makes up for it by keeping to the schedule by himself. She would rather carry a little more than constantly play nanny like she sees the other secretaries do.
“I think he’s just being dramatic,” Linda informs her conspiratorially.
Right when Hannah is about to smack Linda, the copier beeps that it is done and she gratefully makes her exit with the files she needs. One of these days she is reporting Linda to HR. She would have done so already, if Edward hadn’t requested she not cause a fuss surrounding his disability. He hates the attention and scrutiny.
She shakes off the frown and annoyance Linda has left her with and goes to Edward’s office, leaving the stack on his desk with a smile and without a word, because he is in a call right now. So, he only gives her a smile back, before she retreats.
Eddie flips through the files that were delivered this morning idly. Most of the information in the files are already known to him, but it doesn’t hurt to glance at it again before his presentation on the Lemmin Inc. assessment later.
On the phone he is listening Todd, who is working on the case with him later. If Eddie is honest, he doesn’t like Todd much. He always has something to say or complain about, but never any solutions himself. Plus, he has terrible timing. They have a meeting in an hour, Eddie is sure these questions can wait.
He tells Todd as much and hangs up. He wants to get as much work done as he can in the hour he has. Tonight he and Richie are meeting up with the rest of the Losers. Everyone is flying in to LA for a get together.
They try to get together whenever they can, all of them still a little afraid that they will forget everyone when they don’t see each other for a while.
When the hour is over, he gather the files for the case and gets to the meeting. He likes to make notes on them, before scanning them in and sending them digitally.
He puts the files on the table, so everyone has them and they don’t have any delays when starting up. Eddie is in the middle of setting up his power point when Todd enters. He mentally sighs before putting on a neutral look and greeting Todd.
Todd picks up his packet and flips through it. He scans for a little bit, but doesn’t really read it, Mr. Kaspbrak isn’t his favorite to work with and he’s pretty sure the feeling is mutual. However, he has worked together with the man often enough to know that reading it all is pointless. Mr. Kaspbrak will explain anyway.
“Todd,” Mr. Kaspbrak greets and Todd feels a stab of annoyance go through him. Todd has been with the company since his internship, yet when it came time for what should be his promotion, his spot had been taken by Mr. Kaspbrak. A transfer.
Now Mr. Kaspbrak is above him in the hierarchy, leaving Todd to call him Mr. Kaspbrak while he could call him Todd. It frustrated him to no end. So, he always tries to trip him up, make him look incompetent, so that Todd would get his promotion, but so far no dice.
“Mr. Kaspbrak,” Todd greets back pleasantly, but with an undertone. It’s one of the first skills he learned when he started in the field.
After the greeting Mr. Kaspbrak goes back to setting up, which also irks Todd, who believes he should never be ignored like this. So, he leafs through the files again, then asks: “Has there been proper communication with the client about their needs?”
It is quiet for a second as Mr. Kaspbrak looks up, if Todd had better eyes, he would have seen the murder hiding in them, however, he does not. So, he misses the layer of being utterly done as Mr. Kaspbrak answers: “Yes, there has been.”
“Okay, good, just checking,” Todd says, sitting down.
The others are already dropping in, which is far more interesting than Mr. Kaspbrak. Brady enters and Todd knows he just got a yacht for his birthday, so he abandons any pretense of being interested in favor of asking about it.
They are just getting into the parties Brady plans on throwing when Mr. Kaspbrak makes them stop in favor of his boring meeting.
Todd hates being in meetings like these. His father wanted him to make something of himself and if he didn’t then he might not get his inheritance. So, here he is listening to Mr. Kasprbak babble on about numbers.
He’s obviously gay, Todd thinks to himself, with how proper and uptight he always is. If he has to bet, he’d say Mr. Kaspbrak got that promotion over him as a diversity hire. Every company is doing that nowadays. There’s one black intern too, she’s under Mr. Kaspbrak. Let her, those talentless people should be clumped together away from the hardworking American’s, who actually earned their spot.
After that he scratches his face and thinks of whether he can convince his father to buy him a vacation house in the Caribbean, since he has spend all of his own salary and allowance on a few very nice cars.
Once he has decided he probably could, he raises his hand and asks a probing question. He has to keep Mr. Kaspbrak on his toes. Besides one of these days Mr. Kaspbrak won’t have a good answer, which will show everyone that Todd is a much better candidate for his position.
Unbeknownst to Todd, his question had been answered in the presentation earlier and thus an annoyance to anyone who had been paying attention. Todd just notes that Mr. Kaspbrak looks annoyed when answering, which isn’t very professional.
To distract himself, Todd crumbles the paper in front of him, refraining himself from doodling on the files. They always get the files digitally afterwards anyway.
This continues on for another half an hour before Mr. Kaspbrak finally lets them go. Todd sighs of relief and gets up, talking with Brady as they go to the break room. Actually working is for the interns under them.
In the break room Todd sees the crumpled packet of paper still in his hand that he throws in the trash. As he does so, he gripes: “I can’t believe the old fashion-ness. Paper? I mean, really? You would think he’s sixty not forty.”
The comment gets some laughs. Brady commenting: “Well, that hot secretary heard he had a nasty divorce, probably aged him twenty years.”
Everyone laughs again, before Connor, one of the other lads Todd knows from Harvard, says: “I can see it, but I don’t know if you should trust her. I mean, I’d fuck her, but you gotta be careful who you listen to. Last week she claimed he got that scar on his face because he was attacked by a madman with a knife.”
“You’re kidding,” Todd snorts. “That’s ridiculous. I mean have you seen him? I could pick him up without issue.”
“That’s what I said,” Connor rolls his eyes with a grin.
They continue talking like that for a little while, before going to shoot the shit at their desks, leaving the break room an absolute mess.
Nico sees them leaves and silently seethes a bit at them. He won’t ever say something about it to them, he has transitioned years ago, but jerks like that always seem to be able to pick him out of the crowd, so he is far too attached on the invisibility being a janitor grants him.
So, yeah, he seethes quietly as he watches, having timed his round by when they’ll leave, knowing that his work will otherwise immediately be undone. He also doesn’t like how they use the interns as coffee maids, but at least the interns know how to keep a room tidy.
Still, it is his job, so he sets to work. Emptying the trashcan and picking up everything that hasn’t made it into the trashcan. He doesn’t see the packet of paper that gets buried under used napkins and empty packaging.
Once this break room is clean again, he starts pushing his cart to the elevator. Nico quite likes his job, in all honesty. It’s not that bad. Just the people are.
The elevator dings and he pushes his cart in, the man already there moving to the side to give him space. He thanks him with a smile, getting one in turn from the man, who Nico actually recognizes, because it is Richie Tozier.
He has to admit the first time he ran into Richie he had been kind of star struck. Ever since he came out, he has become a bit of a household name in the queer community. Nico loves his newer work about his life as an older, recently out, gay man and his struggles growing up. Of course, Nice also loves the bits about his husband, but it’s always a bit odd that he cleans the office of the husband of Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier.
However, Nico can see the Eddie Richie talks about in Mr. Kaspbrak, albeit it still confuses him from time to time. Mr. Kaspbrak is always so professional that if Nico didn’t know better he would assume the man lived at the office, or was some sort of pod-person created to work in an office.
But Nico knows better, because he has seen Richie’s bits about Eddie being an argumentative potty mouthed little shit, who can be the worst mother hen, yet still loves Richie very much even if he keeps telling him he loves Eddie’s mom more.
Richie also has bits about the germophobia his boyfriend has, which is where Nico can see Mr. Kaspbrak best.
It can be a serious fear, Nico knows, but Mr. Kaspbrak is one of his favorite workers in the company because of it. To him, Mr. Kaspbrak is always cordial and kind, leaving a big tip each month, because he recognizes the work Nico puts in to keep the office clean and how important that is. Furthermore, his own office is always already very clean, which means Nico doesn’t have much work with cleaning it.
All in all, Nico likes Mr. Kaspbrak.
The elevator dings open and Richie perks up from his phone as they both get out of the elevator. It is a little awkward as they continue to head in the same direction until they reach the toilets where Nico halts as Richie continues on.
As he starts cleaning, he can hear Richie yell in the distance: “Eddie Spaghetti, come eat lunch with me! You’ll suffocate in that tie.”
Mr. Kaspbrak returns in an out of character manner that only happens when Richie is near him, when he’s more Eddie than Mr. Kaspbrak. “It is not even lunch hour yet, dickwad. Not all of us can just leave.”
“Lies and slander,” Richie replies. “Come on, you work hard enough to skip out early. You’re not a coward, are you?”
“This has nothing to do with what you said,” Eddie says and Richie laughs loudly. A little bit later they walk by the toilets Nico is cleaning, on their way to lunch. Eddie gives him a nod when their eyes happen to lock and Nico nods back equally friendly.
Later he walks by Linda’s desk, god does he despise her almost as much as the frat bros a few levels down. She is telling Karen: “I mean, did you see how he was dressed. I bet he and Mr. Kaspbrak are close to going bankrupt.”
Nico thinks of the tip Mr. Kaspbrak always leaves him and the Beverly Marsh jacket Richie was wearing when he came in, so he rolls his eyes as he highly doubts that.
At the end of the day, the files that came in that morning are laying in the big dump next to the office building of the risk analysis company on Flower St LA. The garbage collectors that come to pick it up, have no clue it related to Edward Kaspbrak, unaware he even works in the building and neither a stand up fan.
Please note that I have never worked in the corporate world (something I’m grateful for, because I hated most of the character I made up for this lmao) and I don’t plan on it, so enjoy this with a grain of salt
I thought it would be fun to see from the perspective of the files as they’re handed from person to person, you know, but let me know what you think!
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