#rick and morty phone case
twocrows · 9 months
Arrived home to find that my Rick and morty phone case has come in the post!
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Plus comics that I bought on my Nottingham trip :D
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
Hello, I've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty:)
(Requesting Reverse Isekai AU thingy please^^)
I don't even have a car 😭 (thank you for requesting muah 😘)
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, lovestruck reader, reverse isekai AU, fluff.
One minute you're mindlessly scrolling through your phone with your headphones blaring loud music, a minute later you're screaming bloody murder when a geometric glowing portal pops up in your room. It made everything in the room glow orange and yellow as confusion and surprise took over your form.
Are you getting abducted by aliens? Are you in an episode of Rick and Morty? If so, then multiverses are real, it's either that or the mold from your numerous stock water bottles has finally gotten to your brain.
A half second into your contemplation, out comes a man that you're oh so familiar with and oh so smitten with. His boots thump loudly on your floors, spikes glimmering under the red LED lights. The whites of his mask widen when he spots you cowering in the corner, darkness overtakes you when his oh so familiar voice echoes above the whir of the portal.
“This ain't 1346.” You fall off the bed like a damsel in distress.
You wake up to water gently splashing your face, flicking more like. And your head aching, eyes adjusting to the sudden light.
“Fuckin' finally, I thought you were dead.” A garbled voice utters as your ears try to waken up from your deep nap. “You alright there?” His voice clears and you still think you're dreaming when Hobie Brown's mask pops up in your vision, droopy eyeliner, spikes and all that jazz that you've practically memorized in your mind.
You thought your poster has once again fallen off the walls and onto your bed. But no, when you touched his bicep abruptly, eyes as wide as saucers, lips stuttering out his name. Your favourite character is real and right in your bedroom, flicking water from one of your numerous discarded water bottles on your bedside.
Even your wildest imagination couldn't make this up.
“You're Hobie Brown.” You say in disbelief, voice just above a whisper.
“Yeah, I figured you know me based on all of these…” he roams his eyes on your walls and table. “...posters and stickers. What am I over here? A rockstar or somethin’? Since you know my name.”
“You're Hobie motherfucking Brown!” You screech, suddenly jumping off the bed, looking like someone just told you Santa isn't real.
“That I am.” Said man has the audacity to smirk at you. And you swear you would have fainted again. “You a big fan?”
“I love you.” Your voice merely a murmur but he for sure heard it as the eyes of his mask widened for a brief second.
“I think it's time for us to chat, yeah, love?”
“L-love? Fucking…” voice wavering, you drop once again, but this time he catches you perfectly without the motion sickness from traveling to one dimension after another.
Hobie chuckles, eyes staring at your sleeping face, mouth still agape from the surprise and skin hot under his gloves. “Never thought someone could faint twice in one day.”
There's a glass of cold water in your hands, legs nervously bouncing under the blanket. He sits at the foot of your bed, giving you enough space so as to not make you uncomfortable in your own home, and to also not make you pass out (again) from the close proximity. His iconic boots are discarded, vest folded next to him, and mask in his pocket. You almost fainted again when he took it off.
“So, this Miles from earth–1610 is gonna get chased by Miguel and the entire society because he doesn't want his canon event to happen?” You nod as he recalls your story. Not a story anymore as this Hobie hasn't experienced it yet. Of course you didn't tell him the entire plot, just in case it rips a hole in the space time continuum. “And a few people are gonna need a watch?”
You sniffle, skin so warm that you think you're boiling the water in your hands.
“Hmm, that checks out. Good thing I started making these watches then eh, love?” His mischievous smile makes your stomach do flips, you're sure he's doing it intentionally.
Pinching yourself under the covers, chugging down the cool water, you muster up enough courage to actually speak coherent words.
“H-how’d you get here?”
“Fucked up my coordinates, I think. I'm pretty sure I'm not in Kansas anymore.” Hobie chuckles at his own joke before switching his attention to your wide eyed self. “Wizard of oz, you do have that here, right?”
“Y-yes,” you say meekly, drowning in his blue? Grey? Or brown eyes? You have no idea as his borders and colors change every minute or so. Nevertheless, you're absolutely done for. You guess this is what it feels like to meet your favourite celebrity, or in this case, favourite character. “Reverse isekai.” You whisper, nerding out at the possibilities.
“A what?” He says in his accent and you tamp down the feeling of wanting to say it back jokingly.
You clear your throat, “nothing.”
Nodding, he inhales, eyes darting around your fangirl room full of fandom merch and of course spiderverse merch. He zeroes in on the body pillow peeking under the blanket. You immediately lift the covers up to hide it, accidentally spilling water all over yourself and the bed. *Great, very smooth, you thought.
His eyes are soft and full of endearment whilst he watches you frantically and desperately dry yourself off.
You hope that he doesn't tease, but you know him, know his character, so you anticipate what happens next.
“What was that then?” He pats your foot, head tilting to look at you. You feel your head swirl again, and you swear the water spilled all over you evaporates from the sheer heat from your skin.
“N-nothing, Hobie.” You sink into the mattress.
“Right,” He unfolds his vest, putting it back on. “It's been great, but I gotta go.”
“Oh,” you blink, “do you want me to take out the posters? I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable.”
He shakes his head with a smile. “Nah, not uncomfortable, I've been in worse dimensions. This ain't that bad really.”
“They're bootlegs if that makes it more okay.”
Hobie laughs and you practically melt from the sound.
“Bootleg, huh? That's a great name, project bootleg it is.” His smile blinds you for a second. You feel like you've ascended to heaven. “I have a tight schedule, being Spider-Man and all, but maybe I can visit again to get some insider knowledge of the future. Eh, Oracle?”
“S-sure,” you choke on the singular word. “It's a date— wait– no, I meant—”
Hobie chuckles, hands on his hips, bouncing on the balls of his boot clad feet, and border turning bright pink. For some reason, in all your clumsy and goofy self, you just made *the Spider-Man sheepish. Not just any Spider-Man, Hobie Brown, your absolute favourite out of all the thousands of Spider-people in the entire multiverse.
“It's a date then, no fainting next time yeah? I'll still catch you anyway, but it wouldn't be that fun if you're sleeping through it.”
“Okay.” You manage to say, heart loudly beating in your chest when his art style changes into love poems etched into his design.
He jumps inside the portal to hide the poems, winking at you before his body disappears into the void.
As the portal closes, you pass out once again, with a lopsided smile this time.
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thesoftboiledegg · 4 months
Rick and Morty if Autism Speaks and Autism Moms focus-grouped it to death:
Rick: Everyone, I have a terrible confession to make. Summer [scrolling through her phone]: Sure, Grandpa Rick. How many planets did you blow up today? Rick: No, Summer, it's much worse than that. I... [sighs and sticks his hands in his pockets] I just got back from the doctor's office. I...I have autism. [The entire family gasps in shock. Summer drops her phone. Morty's hands fly to his mouth.] Beth: No! Rick! Why didn't you ever tell us? Rick: I didn't know, sweetie. Bird Person noticed that I'd been flapping my hands a lot and said, "Mubba rubba nub nub," which means, "I'm going to give you a referral for an autism diagnosis." I just got back from the clinic. I'll be honest with you--when the word "autism" came out of the doctor's mouth, I couldn't decide if I wanted to hide the truth from you or crash my ship directly into the building, killing me instantly. [Jerry stares at him. Summer starts sobbing. Beth glances at Morty with horror and disbelief.] Beth: But--what about Morty? He flaps his hands sometimes, too. Do you think that--maybe--oh God, I don't even want to say it-- Rick [looking at her sadly]: I don't know, sweetie. Autism is a genetic disease, and it's not looking good. Morty: No! NO! Why, Rick? This is the worst thing you've ever done! Rick: I'm sorry, buddy. I wish I could go back in time and delete the autism from my genes. Summer [sobbing]: You've ruined our family! I always knew I was the one normal child, and now you've just confirmed it! Beth: I'm sorry, Morty, but I won't be able to look at you the same way again. I knew there was a reason I favored Summer all these years. And Rick, well--I don't know if you can keep living here. Our budget is already tight without you spending $500 a month on math textbooks and model train sets. Jerry: Wait, hang on. If I can get meta here for a second--doesn't Dan Harmon play Bird Person? And isn't he, you know...in that way? Rick: Autistic? [Beth and Summer gasp at the sound of the word.] I don't know, let me check. [He opens a portal and disappears, then returns a few seconds later, his eyes heavy with sadness.] Yes. Dan Harmon is autistic, which means...Bird Person is autistic, too. I'm sorry. [The entire room is silent.] Beth: Well...at least you'll be able to get together now. I know you autistics can't date normal people. Summer: Autistics can't date anyone, period. Sorry, Morty, but I guess Jessica and Bruce Chutback both dodged a bullet. [Morty bursts into tears. Beth rubs his shoulder.] Beth: It's okay, honey. Look at it this way--you'll be able to go on lots of adventures with Grandpa since we have to separate both of you from the general population. Jerry: And "different" doesn't mean "worse." I mean, in this case, it absolutely does, but it doesn't mean that in other contexts. Morty: I'm sorry that I'm burdening everyone. [glances up] Hey, um, Rick--maybe you can find a cure, right? [smiles weakly] Some planet out there must've found a cure for autism by now, right? Rick [forces a smile]: You've got it, buddy. I'm sure there's a universe out there that's...found a cure for this tragic disease. [Everyone looks silently down at the table. Morty stands up.] Morty: I'm going to sit in my room for a while. Let me know when you've decided if you're going to keep me or put me up for adoption. Beth: We'll let you know, honey. [Morty walks upstairs. The rest of the family turns to Rick, who sighs.] Rick: Well...I guess I'll go to the garage. The noise-cancelling walls will protect you from the sounds of my incessant stimming and hand-flapping. I know you don't want me back in the house, so you can turn my room into extra storage space. Jerry can even turn it into a man cave if he wants. I don't care if he does. I don't care about anything anymore. Summer: Neither do we, Rick. Neither do we... [Rick walks into the garage and sits quietly on the stool. After a few minutes of silence, he hesitates, then reaches inside his coat and applies a sticker to his ship. The camera zooms in to reveal a puzzle piece that reads Autistics On Board.]
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Hi, sorry to ask but have you written any fanfics where Jerry is autistic? I've read your autistic!morty fic and thought that was excellent. I'm trying to find Jerry-centric fanfics where he isn't mischaracterized/demonized. (Way too many people write Jerry as transphobic which -_-ll no he isn't)
Hi, no need to apologise! I haven't written any autistic Jerry fics and I'm not sure if I know of any (if anyone else does, please leave recs on this post!). I do 100% view him as autistic though. Thank you!
Yeah honestly Jerry being portrayed as transphobic is something that bothers me as a trans guy? I headcanon him as supportive but clueless/cringe at times (he a little confused but he got the spirit).
I do have a trans Morty WIP with a scene between Morty and Jerry, although Morty is still very early on in figuring out that he might be a guy, and Jerry kind of knows something is up but assumes Morty is a lesbian rather than a trans guy and so kind of fumbles but ultimately is trying to be supportive/nice. Morty does worry about Jerry not loving him anymore if he's trans, although this is Morty's POV rather than being objective/a thing that actually happens.
I'll leave the scene below the cut in case anyone's interested. Warnings for mention of periods (and them being referred to in a gendered way), fear of transphobia from parents, accidental misgendering (and misgendering/deadnaming of Morty in the text since this is only the very start of Morty's gender questioning).
“Morti? Rick said you’re sick. Are you OK?” Jerry opens the door. Morti quickly shoves her phone under her pillow. Thankfully, her dad is as oblivious as ever as he walks over and rests a hand against her forehead.
“You don’t feel warm. Is it, uh, you know,” Jerry points down towards his own abdomen, “woman troubles?” he asks in an exaggerated stage whisper. Morti wants to die all over again. She presses her face into her pillow.
“Hey, sweetheart, i-it’s OK.” Morti feels Jerry rest a tentative hand on her shoulder. “Do you need anything?”
Morti takes a few deep breaths to calm herself and then sits up.
“N-no, Dad, I’m OK.”
“OK, honey.” Jerry wraps his arms around her and Morti can’t help but wonder if he would still hug her like this if he knew what she’d spent the past couple of hours reading about. She hugs him back tightly, suddenly unable to stop thinking that she might have to make the most of the affection while it lasts.
When Jerry pulls back, his face clouds with concern and Morti realises she’s once again been crying. She’s getting really sick of that.
“Morti, honey, what’s wrong?”
Morti feels the question writhing around in her gut until it chokes its way out of her mouth. “Dad… you’d love me no matter what, right?”
“Of course, sweetie. No matter what, you’ll always be my daughter.”
The words are meant to be a comfort, but all Morti can think about is the possibility that she’s not his daughter.
“Morti? Are you gay? It’s OK if you’re gay, you know.” As always, Jerry is well-intentioned but clueless. Truthfully, Morti’s not really put much thought into her own sexual orientation, and it’s not her main concern right now. She shakes her head, and Jerry looks doubtful but leaves it. 
After a few minutes, Morti works up the courage to speak again. “Dad? Could-could you… tell me a story? Like when I was little?” she cringes as she says the words, knowing she’s far too old to be asking for something like that. To her relief, Jerry smiles.
“Sure thing, sweetie.” 
He launches into an improvised story, very similar to the ones she remembers him coming up with when she was younger. She has a memory of Summer complaining Jerry’s stories were boring, always demanding more action. However, once Summer had aged out of wanting a bedtime story and left Morti as the sole listener, Jerry had settled comfortably back into his original stories, which Morti found calming and reassuring. 
Her dad’s voice relaxes her and she rests her head against the pillow, feeling her eyelids begin to droop. Jerry’s hand rests on her hair and strokes it gently, just as he used to all those years ago. It’s enough to block out the negative thoughts for the time being, and Morti is so exhausted from the recent events that she soon drifts peacefully into sleep.
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okayplaguerat · 2 years
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There are no cool Rick and Morty phone case designs so I made my own
Bonus: all the assets
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snalsupremacy · 2 years
2023 events
2022 events list
Again, these are not all of the events, just the ones i happen to come across with
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- All of Sherlock Holmes is now officially public domain - Lil Nas X back at it again with... THE WIGGLES?! - Noah Schnapp, who plays Will Byers in Stranger Things, comes out as gay - US gov can't vote for a speaker of the house - McCarthy wins speaker of the house after 15 votes - Bolsonaro supporters storm the Congress and vandalize the whole place, are arrested on location -golden globes n stuff -JOJO LEAK JOJO LEAK ITS A BOY ITS A BOY -Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis Presley, dies at 54 -M3gan is a gay icon pass it on -AO3 down, 40 injured 15 dead -New FOB album - Velma show unsurprisingly sucks - Pink Sause on wallmart -Paramore back & new album coming soon - UK blocks scottish law that helped trans people and this might lead to their independence (pls) -TUMBRL ADDED POLLS! TUMBRL ADDED POLLS!! - #team snail worm deserved to lose the centopéia or however you say in english winning was RIGGED AND I CAN PROVE IT - Pete Wentz leaked Brendon Urie’s oncoming baby which leads him to breaking up Panic! At The Disco. Finally. - Holy fucking bingle! Trans Bi Lesbian It/She pronouns swiss hacker just leacked the US no-fly list, and plot twist, its very racist, what?! :3 - Justin Roiland is fired from Rick and Morty for being a bad person - Cecil from welcome to nightvale defeats Reigen in the Tumbrl Sexyman rematch pools! Idk who he is i just voted him bc i dont want reigen to win. -CECILSWEEP IS EVERYWHERE THE FINALS ARE SANS VS CECIL WHO WILL WIN - CECIL PALMER WITH THE STEEL CHAIR BEATS SANS TO PULP AT THE BACK OF PAPA JOHN'S!!! -The last of Us everywhere, seems to be a good game adaptation! glad to see more of those!
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-Toby Fox scores the very first interview with creator of Yume Nikki, kikiyama with 9 yes or no questions and 1 "free response" question asking what they would get at a Denny's -FNAF movie officially starts filming - Marceline wins tumbrl woman - Just vote for vanilla extract and waive boys, just vote for vanila extract and wave - 7.8 earthquake hits Turkey and Syria, thausands of casualities - Spotted chinese (?) spy baloons (?) in America - Now theres a Tumbrl vanilla extract bottle, awesome - Hogwarts Legacy release discourse follows - Tear of the kingdom trailer out this is the most emotion link has shown in canon in 36 years - Youtube channel schaffrillas productions gets involved in car accident, Christopher Schaffer and Patrick Phyrillas pronounced dead on site while James Phyrillas in critical condition - Italian manwhore summer (Sanremo) - Netflix creating something thats gonna ruin password sharing people and everyone is mad - Brianna Ghey, 16 yo trans teenager, is stabbed to the death at a park -THE JOJOLANDS! AMAZING! MINDBLOWING! LIFE CHANGING! NEVER THE SAME! 10/10! -Succession will end in S4 -NEW MAGNAPINNA SQUID FOOTAGE HUNTING??
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-New gen of TMNT (Mutant Mayhem)!! -Minesota lagislature makes trans health care (wait for it) LEGAL! - New mario movie trialer the babygirlification of Luigi continues -Willow project approved ‘_’ - More anti trans legislation. whats the news - Esc songs dropped the guy w the green top is already tumbrl’s top 1 jenn should have won etc etc -Gerard Way presenting in full office lady style. Tbh im just more impressed he did a show in tights. - Jojolands #2 out! Hot dog guy has a name now and Rohan canonically transcend the multiverse! - Taylor Swift eras tour congrats swifties - ICC issues arrest warrant to Vladmir Putin for war crimes -Trump to be arrested -Arab Cartoon Network hacked (Update: hacking was fake) - Tik Tok banned on government phones after spying accusations -New FOB album - The ladies from RWBY just kissed! mazal tov! - Justin Roiland case dropped - Kid in brazil attacks school teacher with knife - School shooting in US - Resident Evil 4 remake - Dobi dies in a glue trap -Trump got indicated, idk what that means but seems bad for trump which is good
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-10 year anniversary of the Mishapocalypse - Ofc all your fave properties do an April fool’s special,, most notably Toby Fox’s “accidental foam pic” and Sonic The Hedgehog free murder mystery game that looks gorgeous?? they take the trophy this year -Kasane Teto gets her official voicebank for her 15th anniversary -wait... the DSMP is over..? it ended..? for real..?? WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL!!1!!11!!!!!11 - Dalai Lama [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] - Harry Potter HBO series... just what we needed ‘_’ - Misha Collins reveals Warner Brothers wanted him to stay out as bisexual after that one off joke last year - Out of touch thursday on 4/20 we did it boys - We DOUBLE DID IT BOYS! Elon Musk’s rocket explodes because he forgot to build a flame diverter?? Or did he not build one on purpose? Anyway no one was inside THANKFULLY - Movie markplier is working on is revealed to be..IRON LUNG?! - Elon Musk takes out all the unpaid blue check marks expecting the celebrity accounts to pay for them, instead #blocktheblue movements started in which you block all users with blue check mark, Musk then responds to this by awarding random popular users with check marks -Tucker Carlson fired, ill b real, I have no idea who he is -Don Lemon also fired, again, idk who he is - Ray Toro and Gerard Way on fnaf movie soundtrack?!? -Disney sues Florida governor Ron Desantis, woag.. I cant believe im saying this but it’ll be easier to make the governor leave than the rat theme park
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-JASON DERULO JUST FELL OFF THE STARS AT THE MET GALA! 😱😱😱 - WGA on strike! -And may Eurovision posting begin! Im rooting for finland what ab y’all - Tony Hawk and chocolate guy collab?!?!?!?! -ABSOLUTELY BULLSHIT EUROVISION RESULTS KAARIJA IS THE REAL WINNER SWEDEN BE DAMNED -FNAF trailer drop -Barbie Movie trailer drop -IDubz apologises for content cop, better late than never ig -Succession finale - I saw that execution clip from generation loss cuz it cant be thaaat fucked up right? haha.... im traumatized -Seth Everman announces he will leave the internet in 200ish days -Ted lasso ends, and so, pride month begins.... -Hank Green got cancer
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-Happy pride month guys! - Jojo musical adaption of Phantom Blood confirmed - Russian occupiers in Ukraine blew up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station -Across the spiderverse takes the internet by storm AS IT SHOULD - Fires in canada kinda spreads the smoke like all around and its all a gray haze over there -Kaarija and Bojan concert together doing a shit job at beating ther allegations happy pride month kings -Hank Green is bisexual, likes Brennan Lee Muligan, and found that out because of wreck it ralph cosplays i can’t believe this is real -Redit blackout? 196? im very confused, but the redditors are here and tumbrl are welcoming them WAY better than we did twitter users which i find fitting lol -Adrien and Marinette from miraculous lb finally kissed omg its been like 8 years?? insane -The Idol sucks - Shit submarine w 5 people goes missing and the more we find out the more inevitable it felt       • Oceangate...gate brings awareness to migrant ships who drown and kill hundrents of migrants       • Iron Lung game sell suddenly spikes       •Submarine found, it imploded, all passengers dead - Joes Biden (US president)'s son committed tax fraud -Mark Zuch and Elon Musk are going to fight?? -Military coup in Russia (failed) -Miranda sings revolutionizing the YouTuber apology genre by apologizing for groomer allegations via ukulele - wtf is a grimace shake - Happy pride month! US overruled law prohibiting homophobic discrimination based on religion!
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-Nimona is out! I haven’t watched it yet but the reception is great! (Edit: watched it, its good) -Superman finally got his long deserved sailor moon style transformation. good for him. -AO3 down, 500 dead 756 injured (Update: AO3 is down due to DDOS attack, which is when a group overwhelms the website with requests. This seems to be made by a group who claims to be doing it for homophobic reasons tho they likely have uterior reasons) -SAG-AFRA joins WGA strike - Universal prunes trees outside their building to try and prevent WAG/SAG-AFRA picket line. However, these trees are city property and "tree law" (heavy fine for destroying gov owned nature) might be called into action - Happy Barbenheimer tho all who celebrate - MITSKI ALBUM ANNOUNCEMENT?! - Fnaf DLC smth smth eclipse - Elon Musk tries to change twitter to X ? - Good Omens season 2 finale so tragically good it re animated OFMD SPN and Hanibal into trending page
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- Tik tok parody of every 90's euro disco song goes viral - New James Webb telesc ope picture shows a giant ? in space. poetry. - Forest fires in Hawaii destroying homes -Anti semetic hate crime against USP teacher in Amazonas - Tik tok tried to create their Goncharov (Zepotha) and it turns out to be a plot to promote a musician's new song - Planet of the bass music vide out!! - Trump might actually get arrested, mugshot and all - Who thought it was a good idea to make the actor portraying Bernstein in the new biopic wear a PROSTHETIC NOSE?? - India first country to land on south pole of the moon! - Someone tracked down spanish spn’s rogue translator, who claims he did not add that in, meaning in some version of spn destiel was canon - Riverdale ends with all of them in a polycule. Which honestly is the best possible ending - TRUMP MUGSHOT TRUMP MUGSHOT
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-That mole do be interesting -Castiel 15th birthday WAIT 15?? A DECADE AND A HALF?? - Ladybug and Chatnoir are emo now. Like, literally. - WGA strike succesfully ends -The Pokemonx Miku collab is everything actually - WGA stricke officially ends wed 27/9 12:01 AM, the deal is finalized and the writer’s guild got most of what they wanted! yay uniuns!
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- Israel-Palestine conflict breaks into full on war with many casualities on both sides -NOOOOOO BAKUGO IS ALIVE PUT HIM BACK IN THE GRAVE!! KILL HIM AGAIN!!
- Spock wins the AO3 polls unsuprisingly - youtuber SSSniperwolf doxxes youtuber JacksFilms -Merlin twitter account is active...why? -Mathew Perry, Friends actor and advocate for alcoholism and drug abuse issues dies at age 54
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-Happy 3 anniversary to Nov 5th -THANK G-D ATTACK ON TITAN IS OVER ITS FINALLY OVER FUCKK YES FINALLY -NOOOOO LIVE ACTION ZELDA CONFIMRED WHYYYY - Actor strike is over =D - GTA 5 anounced - SHREK 5???? - Omegle shut downs for ever - Zack and Cody’s restaurant reservation is today - Dream and the voice actor of Gumball beefed and tbh it was hilarious - Russia declares LGBT groups extremists organizations - Henry Kissinger, american politician, dies at 100 - SONIC 3 DATE REVEAL YEAHHH
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-Hbomber guy DESTROYS James Somerton and Internet Historian’s career with his new video on plagiarism - TODD IN THE SHADOWS COMES BACK WITH THE STEEL CHAIR IN JAMES SOMERTON!! - BG3 Game Awards Sweep including GOTY
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krsive-writes · 1 year
I Want It Real
Title: I Want It Real
Author: krsive
Rating: T+
Warnings: angst, family found out
Rick stood frozen in the middle of the garage looking like an empty cicada husk. His eyes were red-rimmed and watery. Morty had never seen him like this, didn't recognize the hollow man wearing his grandfather's lab coat.
"You're not supposed to be here," Rick said, voice stilted like he had never practiced uttering words before.
"I s-stole dad's car. I drove all night. I—“ Morty couldn't breathe. He clasped his hand to his chest. Could 15 year olds get heart attacks?
"No wonder they've been blowing up my phone. You always have to go and make it worse, don't you?" The words seemed like Rick's familiar banter, but they had no heart in them. This was just rote imitation of himself
"I don't want it to be worse. It can't even get worse!"
"Yeah, I thought so, too. Yet here you are." Rick took out his flask, and Morty could hear the liquid inside sloshing as his hands trembled.
Anger flickered to life in Morty's heart.    Such a familiar emotion. He let it take over, finding comfort in the heat.
"Stop trying to act like you're above it all, Rick! There's no one here but us, so who are you pretending for?!”
"Who's pretending? You shouldn't have come, case fucking closed. You think this—“ Rick trailed off spluttering, gesturing to indicate Morty from head to toe, "you think this is gonna change any thing? You think I'm happy you showed up to remind me one last time what a piece of shit I am for..." He grit his teeth hard, silencing himself.
"It can change everything if you let it. That's why I came." Morty took a step forward, Rick a step back. "Run away with me."
Rick gave an unconvincing scoff, "What, so I can be a kidnapper, now, too? Really round out the pedophile trifecta?”
"That's not fair! Nobody cares what I want in all of this a-and I'm sick of it!”
"Yeah, Morty. You're spot on. I don't care what you want, so just drive yourself back to grandpa Leonard's house where you're wanted."
"Bullshit. Bullshit! I know you want the same thing as me!"
"That's the problem, idiot! You want the same thing I do because I'm a disgusting, depraved groomer who warped your stupid little Morty brain so bad that you think this is your idea, now!" Rick turned his back on Morty, pretending to shift his attention to a half-packed box of science junk on the workbench. "Just go away. I'm busy. All this shit has to be out before Space Beth comes to cut off my head for her trophy wall."
"I don't care why I want you, Rick! Wh-Why does that even matter? So what if you did the g-word to me? It doesn't make my love a lie.”
''That's exactly what it makes it." Rick's shoulders were a stiff line. He was tense as steel.
Morty took another step in. And another. He felt Rick sensing his closeness. "I do love you, though. L-Like, I really love you."
"Stop it."
"I know you better than anyone else, Rick. I know how shitty and mean you are—“
"Really winning me over, here."
"I know you're in great pain." Morty, though fear had quashed the breath from his lungs, put his arms around Rick and laid his cheek against his back. ''I know you didn't want to love anyone ever again.”
"Morty..." Rick clutched the edge of the workbench, knuckles white.
"But you love me. You love me, and I saw it, a-a-and now you can't lie to me."
"So what?" Rick became a flurry of motion like a flock of birds all taking flight together. He turned, forcing Morty to step back. He jabbed him in the chest to punctuate his words. ''You think that matters? You think because I love you that means I didn't fuck you up so bad you'll need the entire American Psychiatric Association to put Humpty Dumpty together again?"
Morty took Rick's hand between his own. Rick was frantic, eyes crazed, shoulders heaving. Morty placed a kiss on his knuckles before he could rip his hand away.
"I don't want to be put back together. I want to be with you." Morty reached up and touched Rick's cheek. making him flinch away. Still determined, Morty touched him again. "I don't want to live without your shitty jokes o-or your crazy rants or the way you kiss me."
"My jokes aren't shitty," said Rick, because it was the only part he could engage with lest he burn himself. He cast his gaze down to the ground, petulant like a stubborn toddler.
"I buried my dead self before just to stay with you.    More than once. You don't think you're worth it, but I'd do it again. The way you look at me when we're together...I don't think everyone gets a love like that in their life.”
"That's why I have to go. Don't you see? You frustrating little..." Rick growled, bathed his fists at his sides. "Don’t make me hurt you more. I'm tired of hurting you."
"What if it's worth it? We'll never have this with anyone else again. What if love is worth the pain?"
Rick cracked. He let out one thick sob. Biting down harder, clenching his jaw, he struggled to keep the rest in.
"You feel it, too, right?" Morty laid his palm on Rick's chest. "I can see you like no one else does, and I don't want to get away from you. I just want us to be together."
"Please, Morty." Rick looked like he might faint, pale and trembling. "Please, I’m so sorry for what I did."
"For this?" Morty asked, smoothing his hand up to the back of Rick's neck. His heart was hammering wildly.
"Yes," whispered Rick.
"For this?"
Morty bounced up on his toes and drew Rick down into a chaste kiss. He threw his arms around his neck and held on tight. Rick's arms hung limp at his sides.
"Yes," said Rick, breathing Morty's air back to him.
"I'm not sorry.” Morty nuzzled against Rick's stubbled cheek. ''I want more."
"Please. Morty, I'm not a good man. I can't...you have to leave now."
"You fucking idiot! You have a death wish or something? There's no happy ending for us." Finally, Rick put his hands on Morty's waist, if only to steady himself.
"You're my only happy ending."
Again Morty pulled Rick close, again their lips brushed. Now Rick's arms were around him and Morty was like the rock in the storm of his life; he could sense the need in the clumsy kiss he pressed on him. Morty tasted gin on his tongue, and it made him feel so safe. Rick was back.
"Run away with me," Morty gasped when Rick pulled away to breathe.
''I love you," said Rick, kissing Morty's neck just the way he liked it.
"I love you. Take me with you."
"Ok." Rick pulled back just enough to look Morty in the eye. He was still so afraid, but Morty saw light there for the first time since the night they were caught. "Fuck. Ok. Come with me."
"Promise you'll never leave me again."
"Baby, I didn't even have it in me to leave you this time."
"But you almost—“
Rick cut him off with a kiss. "Shut up.”
Morty's terror was falling away so rapidly. Rick's love felt like the sun on his face after a long winter. ''Make me,” he challenged.
"I've kind of got the opposite idea," said Rick. He stepped back and took out the portal gun. "I've got a dire need to make you scream my name, so get ready to get fucked within an inch of your life, baby. We're going to the most ridiculous luxury hotel in the galaxy and I'm keeping you in bed for a week."
Morty smiled a soul-felt smile, and when Rick offered he took his hand. This was all he had ever wanted wanted. Rick's love was the only truth he cared about.
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
Hey so....id thought I'd show you the entire list of our rp...so far..
1.Camp camp
2.Hazbin hotel
3.Helluva boss
4.Beetlejuice (the musical)
6.Friday night funkin
7.Deadmen don't do radio plays
9.The owl house
10.Resident evil 8 
11. Luca
15.My hero academia
17.Five nights at Freddy's
18.Star vs the forces of evil
20.F is for family
22.Poppy playtime
23.Learning with pibby
24.Inside job
25.Invader zim
26.We bare bears
27.Don't hug me I'm scared
28.Tell tale heart
29.The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
30.Yandere simulator
31.Smiling friends
33.Gravity falls
36.The marvelous misadventures of flapjack
37.The league of extraordinary gentlemen
39.Baldis basics
41.Turning red
42.Mystery skulls
43.Total drama
44.She ra
45.Demon slayer
47.Rick and morty
48.Scp foundation
49.Bendy and the ink machine
51.The arcana
52.Johnny the homicidal maniac
53.John Doe
54.Your boyfriend
55.Somethings wrong with sunny day jack
57.Team fortress 2
58.The bad guys
59.Metal family
60.The ghost and Molly mcgee
61.House hunted
62.My dear hatchet man
63.Stranger things
64.Lucky and wild
65.Honey I'm home (ghost and pals)
66.Bob's burgers
67.Suction cup man
68.Dead end paranormal park
69.The black phone
70.Popee the performer
71.Umbrella Academy
72.Sonic the hedgehog
73.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
75.My singing monsters
78.Harley Quinn
79.Monkie kid
81.The Addams family
82.Beavis and butthead
83.Take my muffin
84.Wtf 101
85.Lofi girl
86.Mandela catalogue
87.Little nightmares
88.The batfamily
90.Chibi tiny tales
91.Tim and Eric awesome show great job
94.Mad god
95.The fast food mafia
96.Family guy
97.Sesame Street
98.dogs in space
101.genshin impact
103.housing complex C
104.breaking bad
105.the office
106.Wendell and wild
109.spooky month
110.steven universe
111.a Christmas Carol
112.the nightmare before Christmas
113.rise of the guardians
115.be more chill
116.white Christmas
117.epithet erased
118.tokyo red hood
119.the Grinch
120.bust a groove
123.the loud house
124.sally face
125.talking Juan
127.moral orel
128.detroit become human
With many more to come
So like can you guys make a book of this cause I wanna see how all these characters interact.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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For muns with multiple muses, past and present, on any blog.
Rules: Fill out the form according to which muse suits each title best. (The same muse can have multiple titles.) Repost and tag. Feel free to add more!
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Favorite Muse: It's a tie between Rick and Morty, even if my Evil duo is a close second x3
Most Character Development: Uuuuh, Evil Rick (mostly on Discord and inside my head xD) and Bill, I think
Trash Muse: Most of them are, omg xD It's easier to say who is (usually) NOT trash: Evil Rick, Evil Morty (even if he has his moments) and B-001 (but he has his moments too xD)
The Meme-Lord: Blitzo (lots of horse memes there xD) and Summer
Most Likely to Start a War: Rick, Morty, AR, Bill (these four actually have already at least once), maybe Blitzo?
Worst Personality: Bill for sure, and Evil Rick (even if for very different reasons xD)
Best Singer: Millie, AR, Adrien
Most Attractive Muse: Depends if we are counting charm and charisma too. I do, 'cause they influence how attractive a person is. So: Rick, AR, Adrien (the guy is a model, duh), Millie (and Evil Rick if he wasn't creepy and scary af)
Biggest Heart: Mabel and Adrien, no doubts!
Falls in Love Quickest: Mabel develops crushes very easily, and so does Morty. But actually falling in love? None of them is quick at doing it
Most Likely to Drop Their Phone in the Toilet: Summer, for the mere reason that she is constantly on her phone
Ice Ruler: Evil Rick and Evil Morty
The Edgelord: Bill. He's a literal nightmare xD
Most Tragic Backstory: Another tie here between a few muses. Rick, Evil Rick, Evil Morty, AR, Stan, Jinx, maybe Mercenary Rick too?
Best Case of Puberty: Adrien, for sure. But I think that Summer and Mabel will turn out pretty good-looking too x3
Most Awkward: Morty xD
Busy Bee: Adrien (since he has a really full life, between school, modelling, being Cat Noir) and AR
Most Clueless: it would depend on the subject. I guess it could be Jinx and Mabel? But also Bill, in a sense
Most Likely to Forget Their Wallet at Home: Blitzo (and he doesn't totally on purpose most of the times xD) and AR (not on purpose)
Best Dressed: Blitzo (that suit he has rocks) and Evil Morty
Biggest Flirt: Rick first and foremost, then AR and Blitzo
Most Dramatic: Probably Bill? xD Or Blitzo for this one too
Least Likely to Show Up Late: Evil Morty and Millie
One with Weirdest Habit: Evil Rick (let's not get into his "hobbies")
Most Likely to Be Caught at the Gym: Uuuh, I have no idea actually? I like to think that Stan starts to work out once he and Ford leaves for their adventures (out of necessity), but not at a gym. Adrien takes fencing classes, so he's a candidate too? Otherwise, Millie and Mercenary Rick train themselves regularly, but again probably not in a gym xD
tagged by: @mcltiples [[ thank you! this was fun x3 ]] tagging: @hvbris @uselessdevice @villains4hire @misstantabismuses @hclluvahctel @technodromes & whoever wants to steal it! (Tag me if you do!)
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dogmatik · 11 months
272 words, trans morty idk
"Jesus H Christ Morty, are you on your period or something?" The look Morty shoots Rick is a mixture of anger and hurt, and while Rick would never admit it out loud, he realizes his mouth moved a little faster then his brain this time. Morty's pace toward the stairs to the top floor of the mall quickens a hair. "What? It's a figure of speech. We all know dudes can have periods. I'm up to date on my trans rights, Broh." This does not seem to make Morty feel any better. In fact, he seems to tense even more then he usually is. Shoulders hiked up to his ears like he's about to get hit. Rick can see his head darting side to side, trying to be subtle about checking to see if anyone is listening to their conversation. Rick would bet a pretty penny no one in this shitty little mall gives a fuck about what a random pre-teen and his grandpa are arguing about. Most of the patrons are either too busy on their phones or stealing from un-guarded display cases to pay any attention to their surroundings. "Jesus Mort relax. You're gonna burst something." "Do you ha-have to make it so obvious? I know you have like, a super strength exo-skeleton-" "endo-skeleton Morty, Exo is the prefix for outside." "Whatever! Just cause you're, invincible and strong and stuff doesn't mean I am okay? It, it's dangerous for people to know. What if someone heard you?" "You've dodged Galactic Federation laser blasts while carrying flesh-eating worms and your worried about some shit-stain teens hate-crime-ing you?" "A little!" Morty hisses.
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escapaldi · 1 year
so... I think I ran into a Nice Guy™ while at the D&D movie last night??? no joke??? I mean, if there was anywhere to run into one after so long, it would have been there, and I expected there to be a certain crowd, but it’s still just one of those things that makes me kinda ???
(lovely movie, btw; do recommend it for either D&D fans and/or fans of the sword-and-sorcery setting in general. we now have something more mainstream than the slayers anime to explain how campaigns aren’t as LotR-like as we first imagine they’ll be)
Fiancé and I are standing around waiting to go into the theater bc we’re stupid early (leftover habit from the days when seating was first-come-first-serve as a rule), and this dude compliments my shirt. Now, I’m not adverse to the idea of people striking up a conversation based on a visual indicator of shared fandom (fiancé’s first words to me were actually of a similar ilk), but it was the how that sort of made me go what the heck: as he was quickly walking past us, looking straight ahead, avoiding any and all eye contact as well as any indication he had looked at my Marvel Black Panther t-shirt. I said thank you and he kept going without further acknowledgement.
Like, I get it, you’re a blond version of the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons and I’m sure that sucks, but if you’re feeling bold enough to tell a stranger you like their shirt in public, then at least look in their direction when you’re doing so. I’m not even asking for eye contact. Just pretend you’re not two moments away from complaining how no one can take a compliment or it’s great to see females at such a film or how Rick and Morty is for intellectuals. If you are out to touch grass, actually touch it ffs we’re all nerds here, we’re all pretending to be normal just fcking chill; you don’t have to act i’m some haughty supermodel out with a chad bc i’m just a lumpy nerd w/facial hair out w/another nerd. i mean, i’ve got a doctor who phone case and a lockscreen of trafalgar law fanart i think your difficulty level’s set pretty low
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 months
Did you think we were done with the merchandise roundup? Nope--yesterday's post was only the beginning.
Months ago, I ran into a guy at the mall who said that he found his Rick and Morty T-shirt at Burlington Coat Factory. My area doesn't have one, but I was in a different city that had a location and decided to stop by.
That turned out to be a smart decision because I found these items on the racks:
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I spotted a couple of nearby head shops on Google Maps, so I dropped by the first one, which was awkwardly placed near an intersection. But the Rick and Morty pipes near the entrance made the effort worthwhile.
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When the owner saw me taking pictures, she said I can take photos of anything and share them online. That was a good reaction to have. I've gotten in trouble a couple of times before 😬 One store accused me of sticking something in my purse (it was my phone), and another politely said they don't allow pictures.
But that wasn't the case this time. The owner was delightful and gave me free bottled water and snacks, plus a free $10 item after I bought CBD gummies.
Pickle Rick had his own tray:
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Silicone is all the rage.
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Head shops always have a few miscellaneous Rick and Morty items. I'm not weed-savvy enough to know how to use these.
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Hey look, Bender's getting blasted!
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The other head shop in the area had some decent pipes. I LOVE the bee design. Don't know where it came from, but it's becoming a smoke shop staple.
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I see that the world hasn't forgotten about the Joker. Zombie Rick and Morty lurk in the back.
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A couple of rolling trays. Rick's looking a little short and stocky in that first one.
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Pickle Rick also looks different. Maybe this guy is Cucumber Rick.
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For the record, smoke shops (and stores in general) have more merchandise that I don't photograph. They just have a lot of overlap, so I try not to share the same items more than once.
Stay fresh, everybody!
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evaxoxoblog · 6 months
sorry- havent written in a while. im on my easter break from school which is nice. I've been watching quite a lot of television, specifically 'end of the f***ing world', 'i am not okay with this', 'derry girls' (again) and 'rick and morty' (again). i think I've decided that I prefer 20 minute episodes compared to longer. i never really liked gilmore girls; too long.
anyway, i went to see family last week. 4 hour drive which was miserable but fine. i listened to a lot of music which was nice. i saw family too; my cousin has just had a baby and he is really sweet. it made me remember that I will only see him once a year and by the time he is my age, I will be 28. that feels so far away, but its going to happen. sorry if my tone is a bit boring; I'm tired and no is reading any of this so it doesn't really matter. My other cousin just broke up with her girlfriend. we are 4 years apart but we've always been close, and she was a bit drunk when we went to bed so we talked about deep stuff. we talked about love. i don't talk very much; I mostly listen, but she talks a lot, so it works nicely. she said that I've always hated romance, since I was little. it was a good reminder that people don't know your thoughts, because I forgot that I've changed so much. on the outside, I guess I've always acted like I hate love, but recently that's changed. i love the idea of love, of being close with someone. i would love it for myself. as long as I have someone that I love, I know I will be okay in life.
we drove back with my cousin. i get anxious about long car drives, and this was the first time I've done it with someone who isn't my parents (longer than 2 hours), since a year ago, so that made me nervous, but it turned out fine; I wasn't anxious the entire time, which is a nice change. i think I might really be getting better.
ive met up with my best friend a lot too. i love her so much. she makes me really happy. maybe she is my person that if I always have, I'll be okay. i wouldn't mind if she is, though I would ideally like someone who I could love romantically, not platonically. this isn't an invitation to all the tumblr creeps by the way. i went into town with my mum today, and I bought the new txt album with christmas money. it was fun opening it. i got the promise version. i am very happy with it, even if it doesn't seem like it. today has been good.
i am seeing my best friend tomorrow and we are going to walk around the golf course again. i am really looking foreword to it. i am also seeing family friends tomorrow, which will be nice. there is a younger child there too, who is 9 and she keeps asking if the photocards in my phone case are my boyfriend. its quite sweet to be honest.
i went climbing with my mum by the way. i got some harder climbs, and there was this guy my age watching me sometimes. he seemed nice. i was hoping he'd talk to me, but he didn't.
x eva
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taintedco · 10 months
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STFU has some dope merch be sure to check it out! Ships internationally from italy but you can change the location you are in.  
They have merch with Rick and morty, their logo, and stfu so check it out. 
They have shirts, hoodies, watch bands, backpack, phone case, water bottle, bucket hats, pillows, socks etc.
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eagletek · 2 years
Charges against Justin Roiland of 'Rick and Morty' dropped
Prosecutors have dropped felony domestic violence charges filed in May 2020 against “Rick and Morty” co-creator Justin Roiland, authorities announced Tuesday. “We dismissed the charges due to insufficient evidence to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt,” Kimberly Edds, spokesperson for the Orange County District Attorney’s office, told The Times over the phone. Edds cited “additional…
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sh4dygr3y · 2 years
things that r very important 2 remember
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=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞ ⊂(=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞っ☉ω=͟͟͞͞☉)っ=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)!!!!=͟͟͞͞!!!!! ( i love lists )
about moi:
i have a kewl name U just dont know it trust me tho its a kewl name. i have a he/him.
hmMMMmmMMMmm what else....
current obsessions:
🌺breaking bad 🌺roblox 🌺shrek in the backrooms 🌺the backrooms 🌺level =) 🌺the sh4dy gr3y 🌺level 94 🌺Adult Swim bump - Cloudy Day 7:32 AM 🌺The Picture of Dorian Gray 🌺Bee and Puppycat ( 1st season was better but i LOVE the art style in lazy in space ) 🌺natasha allegri's art 🌺deco on tech ( laptop, ds, etc ) 🌺decoden phone cases 🌺STICKERS 🌺rick and morty ( there's a little thing i call "season 3 syndrome" and let me tell u, rick and morty certainly has it,, season 3 is the best season, every season after it is subpar )
🌺i like to DRAW 🌺i like to NAP 🌺i like to play ROBLOX
currently thinking:
i wanna write fanfics but my friends would make fun of me luh meow :O (≧▽≦) !!1!! then again one of my friends reads simpsons smut LOL what a loser >:O
favorite emoticon:
:O ( so cute )
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