#Gaston Jr
What are your honest thoughts on all Descendants boys? From both books and movies?
Oehh that’s a good question! I’ll base most of this off of the movies because I remember them more clearly. Sorry this is so late, I needed some time to sort out my thoughts. Let’s see:
Ben: cutie, golden retriever energy, needs to grow a bit more of a spine but as a recovering doormat I vibe with him.
He’s got a good heart, and he’s definitely going places, but I have no idea who decided a 16-year-old should be king. Hilariously, he’s a better king than his dad because he cares about all of his people, not just the “heroes”. But still, he’s 16, let him have his dumbass teenage years. He’s still in his phase of wanting to please everyone and that isn’t gonna lead to the best decision making. You’re king, Ben, you can overrule your girlfriend’s selfish idiotic plan of closing the barrier. Just tell her “the barrier was opened for you to come through too. If those kids aren’t worth the risk, does that mean you aren’t either? Should we throw you back?!” And she’s change her tune real fast. You gotta give some tough love sometimes.
Jay: cool, I wanna know his gym routine, pretty funny but rash, needs Carlos to temper his brand of crazy (love their bromance).
I love the narrative parallels to the movie Aladdin. Jafar thought himself so far above a street rat and now he’s raised his son to be one so he can continue being a con-man. In the movies, Jay is actually a very accurate representation of your upbringing shaping you into who you are. All Jay knows is stealing, he’s never been taught to pay if he doesn’t have to, so to him stealing’s perfectly fine. It’s normal. It’s a lot more subtle than the whole “who doesn’t like being evil” bit, but the core idea is the same: when all you’ve ever known is one perspective, that’s gonna feel like the objective truth because you’ve never had a chance to try a different one.
Carlos De Vil: Best (movie) Boy, my baby, I love him. What a little nerd (affectionate).
He’s a big part of why I willfully ignore the absolute stupidity that is the third movie’s ending. I’m sorry Mal, wtf is wrong with you??? You set your supposed friend’s abuser free for nothing but some empty platitudes and dare suggest you’ve become an empathetic person?!?! In the books, we get a lot more insight into just how horrible of a mother Cruella is, but even in the movies we see he’s had it bad because of how jumpy and nervous he is. Disney is still Disney so we don’t get much of the healing process, but we see how he calms down and adjusts to a normal life over the course of the movies when he’s out of the bad situation, which is pretty good by Disney standards. Cameron Boyce did an amazing job playing him (R.I.P Cameron) and seeing an abuse victim get comfortable within their own skin and getting the happy ending they deserve is always fun.
Harry Hook: Insane (affectionate), most fashionable drama queen ever, absolutely crazy, more than a few screws loose but in the best way possible, he’s hilarious.
So on the surface, Harry’s pretty simple. A dude who’s lost his marbles and flirts with everyone. He probably has some kind of moral compass, since he didn’t rip Mal’s throat out with his hook when she revealed her little stunt in D3, but it fell overboard at some point and couldn’t be found so nobody knows what it is except Harry himself. Also, he has his sane moments, like during that same confrontation in D3 I mentioned before where he says “And you, King Benny... you're probably gonna throw us all back inside.” It’s the first time I’ve heard him sound… not like Harry. It’s sombre and defeated, a little disappointed maybe? Either way it’s really good acting and it implies he can act completely “normal” but he just chooses not to, which makes me like him even more. He’s just a dude living his best life despite the circumstances he was born into.
Gil: adorable, hilarious, kinda clueless but in a good way.
I love characters that have no idea what’s going on half the time but are absolute sweethearts trying their best. He’s like- the opposite of his dad in every way and I’m living for it!
Gaston Jr and Gaston the third: I don’t have much to say on them, let alone separately, so they get a section together.
Honestly? I don’t remember having an opinion of them. They made Evie happy by wresting, which is cool so they get points for that. Seem like they’re trying to out-gentleman each other to win Evie’s heart and since they’re not being creepy assholes about it they are objectively better than their dad. Very much brawl over brains, the two of them, with their constant wrestling reminding me of Carlos and Jay except they’re both the muscle. Kinda cute sibling relationship, even if it’s in a VK-typical villain-flavored way.
Anthony Tremaine: squeeeee, my type is pretty boys who sigh in annoyance at everything, I guess? We only get scraps but I happily cradle them to my chest.
Uhmmm so Anthony’s personality is mostly up for imagination? The only canon information we have is that he’s most likely Anastasia’s only kid (someone on Tumblr pointed out that, in the scene with the wicked step-daughters, he’s referred to only as their cousin, not their brother) and he’s very bored with his cousins’ antics. Given A Twist In Time the potential drama is endless. Every time Anthony’s mentioned we’re reminded he’s pretty and has good style, and I love that for him. Dude lives on an isle of junk and still looks like a supermodel. Lots of room for my own ideas while still remaining within the realm of “could be canon” with just enough base in there that I’m not just creating an OC, and as a writer and artist that’s all I need tbh.
Hadie: cute, deserves better, I need more of him and Mal bonding
Mal’s half-brother, son of Hades, very cool. I like that he’s trying to turn good and having a hard time, because that’s very realistic for someone who grew up not knowing anything other than evil. Descendants 2 tried to tackle it with Mal, but failed miserably. We know Hades sucks as a parent in descendants (neglect is abuse) so that’s not gonna help him.
Dough: Awww he’s so cute with Evie 🥺
No really that’s it. He’s a nerd that gets the girl, has some very funny moments, but honestly most of his character is centered around Evie? And they’re cute together it’s not a bad thing but there isn’t much to analyze. He’s understandably pissed about someone like Chad getting all the girls while using them, but that’s also only ever seen in relation to Evie.
Chad Charming: what a bitch (derogatory), total coward, I hate him but he’s funny.
So I have no issue with characters who conduct themselves terribly (I love Audrey, (fanon) Anthony, Uma, and many others from many fandoms) if, and that’s a massive IF, they have a good reason for it. And I’ll count “because I can and I want to” as a good reason, because by that point you have someone who’s mean and owns it. I can appreciate the self-awareness and usually those characters are very extra so it’s entertaining. If not that, there needs to be a reason they are the way they are. Audrey has the pressure from her grandmother (and the borderline verbal abuse), Uma has the very real grievance of living in squalor on a run-down island full of the worst of humanity because she was born, what does Chad have? He’s spoiled. A spoiled brat. And he goes from that to an overtly whimpering coward with none of the pretense of superiority in any field. His one saving grace is that he’s a massive joke.
Diego De Vil, Clay Clayton, Gonzo, Jace and Harry Badun, Herkie, Aziz, Jonas, Lefou Deux, Li Shang Jr, everyone else I missed: no opinion, because they’re not relevant enough for the writers to give them a personality.
I have nothing I’m sorry. I barely remember reading their names and I don’t remember anything from the scenes they’re (mentioned) in to get an idea of what to talk about here.
That was… a lot lmao
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gabineteolvidado · 1 year
I think Gaston would be an awful dad, but the Gaston twins (Gil’s older brothers) would be perfect troublemaking older brothers for him ❤️
I just imagine them teaching baby Gil how to start a fire or how to vandalize things
I wasn't sure with the ages, but I did my best
Gaston Jr. ¦ Gil ¦ Gaston III
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Maybe Gaston has many children, but he only kept the boys
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randomestfandoms · 1 year
Descendants Fan Cast
I’m not recasting anyone from canon, just live action casting for Wicked World & Isle Of The Lost characters!  If I’ve forgotten anyone, or if there’s any interest in parent-casting, lmk because I had a lot of fun doing this!  Special shoutout to @humaudrey​ for helping me decide between a couple of options!
Feel free to use any of these ideas if they help you!  I’d appreciate credit but it’s not really necessary, but if you do use them please tag me or send me a link so that I can see what other people come up with!
I have my own collection of descendants characters ( part 1 / part 2 ) so some of my castings were based around my own collection of descendants kids (not reusing faces I used for mine & wanting them to work as siblings to some I’ve made) but without further ado, here we go!
Anthony Tremaine; son of Anastasia Tremaine ( Ross Butler )
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CJ Hook; daughter of Captain Hook ( Madison Iseman )
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Clay Clayton; son of Clayton ( Froy Gutierrez )
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Diego De Vil; nephew to Cruella De Vil ( Justice Smith )
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Freddie Facilier; daughter of Dr Facilier ( Letitia Wright )
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Gaston “Trois” Legume the Third; son of Gaston ( Rudy Pankow )
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Gaston Legume Junior; son of Gaston ( Joe Keery )
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Ginny Gothel; daughter of Mother Gothel ( Alexa Demie )
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Hadie; son of Hades ( Asher Angel )
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Harold "Harry" Badun; son of Horace ( Aria Shahghasemi )
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Harriet Hook; daughter of Captain Hook ( Samara Weaving )
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Jade; niece to Jafar ( Fivel Stewart )
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Jason "Jace" Badun; son of Jasper ( Diego Tinoco )
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Jordan; daughter of the Genie ( Maitreyi Ramakrishnan )
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Mad Maddy; granddaughter of Mad Madame Mim ( Peyton List )
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Rick Ratcliffe; son of Governor Ratcliffe ( Noah Schnapp )
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Ruby Fitzherbert; daughter of Rapunzel & Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert ( Sydney Sweeney )
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Yzla; daughter of Yzma ( Isabella Gomez )
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Zevon; son of Yzma ( Alberto Rosende )
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 2;
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Marya Grigorievna Rasputin, the 20 year old daughter of Grigori Efimovic Rasputin and Baba Yaga (bartok the magnificent).
One of the medics of Harriet Hook's crew.
Lover of skeletons, magic, taxidermy, bugs, roses, and whiskey cake.
Not too great st speaking English.
Bestfriend of Big Murphy and Claudine Frollo.
Currently single.
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Reza Vizer, the 15 year old son of the former Royal Astronomer of Agrabah and a harem girl as well as the adoptive son of Mozenrath and Sadira. Older brother of Omar and Alya.
He is the forensics expert of the Badun Detective Agency and is rivals with Carlos De Vil as well as a student at Dragon Hall.
He's good with swords, daggers, guns, tea, and breaking and entering, and He always acts like he is the smartest in the room (which he is most of the time) and doesn't like it when that title is challenged because he has earned that title.
He also doesn't like it when people treat him like he's less than Carlos, which is why he didn't join the Anti-heroes club (because it was being run by Yen Sid who is not found of him at all).
He is dating Yzla Sorcerer of Enchancia.
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Claudine Esther-May Frollo, the 19 year old daughter of Claude Frollo.
She is homeschooled and apart of Harriet's crew, the Bad Apples, and the Anti-heroes club. She is also the bell ringer at Dragon Hall.
She is left handed and a redhead who loves science, art, music, sweets, and things being fair. Which of course while paired with her beauty did not bode well for her due to how her father is.
She works at her father's crepes shop and is dreaming of the day she can escape with her friends.
She has a thing for Lefou Deux.
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Richard 'Rick' Perseus Ratcliffe, the 21 year old son of Governor John Ratcliffe.
He is apart of Harriet's crew, The LeGume Hunting Club, and The Bad Apples.
He and his dad do not get along at all due to many factors—like his dad being racist and naming him after his dog. If anyone dare mention the origin of his middle name, they will get a black eye from him.
He had his own pug named Prometheus.
Once when he and Clay Clayton were young and rough housing, he accidentally knocked the other man out of a second story window at Hook's inlet. They're still friends though, surprisingly.
He also has a habit of saving people from water sources like John Smith, much to his father's annoyance.
He has two younger siblings (Rachel and Rory) and is very protective of them as well as the kids of his father's former crewmates who got stuck on the isle with him.
He is dating Mad Maddy.
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Claymore 'Clay' Comrade Clayton, The 20 year old son of William Clayton.
He is a member of the Bad Apples, Harriet's crew, and The LeGume Hunting Club.
Though unlike his dad he doesn't enjoy poaching or being crueler than necessary when hunting because it makes him uncomfortable, so he avoids doing it.
He loves graffiti and sailing and the jungle as well as tree climbing, rope swinging—on vines—, and partying. He also likes carving his intails into things and rough housing.
Especially with Rick and Anthony.
He and Rick once overdid it and he ended up getting thrown through a window, which no one has let them live down since.
He and his dad have a volatile relationship, which is arguably better than what most kids on the isle have, though those in Auardon would argue that that's still bad. He gets along alot better with his aunt and brothers though and has no clue who his mother maybe.
He has no problem with speaking his mind, which gets him in trouble often. He has tons of weapons as well as a stuffed grollia and would get along swimmingly with Tarzan and Jane, and their family. Especially their son, Taylor, who is just as rambunctious as he is.
He doesn't have the best grades but he's a good person and arguably Ginny's conscious, and that's all that matters, right?
Also he's terrified of getting hung like his dad and the idea of drowning again.
He's protective of his younger brothers, Cassius and Wilson, and is dating Ginny Gothel.
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Jadeana 'Jade' of Agrabah, the 19 year old daughter of Nasira and the niece of Jafar.
She is in Harriet's crew and is the messenger of the isle, so no one really messes with her.
She's a bit of a loner but when she cares about people, she cares about them deeply—i.e. Jay. She'd help him steal so he could stock Jafar's shop quicker and so he would get hit or have to sleep outside. She rarely ever goes near Jafar's shop—since her mom who isn't all bad strictly forbade it—but when she does, it's to see Jay.
She was heartbroken when Jay left without saying goodbye but slowly over time she's gotten angry and bitter and resentful because she thinks he forgot about her.
She likes crocodile wrestling since it's an easy way to get out her aggression and she has two pets—a snake named Hassan and a parrot named Tygo.
She has magic but goes to Dragon Hall because she thinks the witch school is pointless on the isle.
Oh and she's dating Jonas Olympian (a member of Uma's crew).
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Hermione 'Hermie' Leona Bing, the 14 year old daughter of The Ringmaster and Miss Atlantis.
She is a member of the Badun Detective Agency and as well as the Anti-heroes club.
She was an orphan by 7 and left to run what was left of her father’s circus on the isle.
She lives by herself with her animals in her father’s old trailer by the woods where the circus tents and trailers are located.
She is known as an animal whisperer and a Jack of all trades on the isle because she can do nearly every circus act there is.
She obsessed with circus related things—ESPECIALLY clowns.
She is in denial about the true nature of her parents' deaths and is emotionally and mentally unstable due them.
She has quite a sweet tooth—especially when it's traditionally considered circus food.
She collects glass figures as well as odd/deformed furniture, toys, and photos (along with just vintage photos in general) and loves colorful things.
She also loves reading, filing, painting, dagger throwing, acrobatics, gymnastics, dancing, playing games, and taking care of animals.
Her and Eddie Balthazar are dating.
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Edmund 'Eddie' Seraiah Balthazar, the 15 year old son of Sarah Dear /Aunt Sarah and Edgar Balthazar.
He is apart of the Anti-heroes club and the Badun Detective agency.
He has alot of old school hobbies like croquet and crochet, golf, birdwatching, and collecting things. Things like stamps, coins, and bugs. He likes reading and listening to music and writing and he loves picnics, sewing, and knitting.
He had a litter of kittens that he adores as well as a motorcycle.
He also likes red wine, coffee, tea, champagne, slushie, hard candy, chicken pot pie, cigar, and toast with beans. Not that his parents know that he likes alcohol.
He usually shows little more than indifference to those outside his inner circle and has been taking care of his elderly parents (and their pets) since he was 9.
He is dating Hermie Bing.
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Gaston Junior and Gaston the 3rd LeGume, the 21 year old sons of Gaston LeGume and Laurette. Aka Junior and Bronze.
They are hard heads lacking in education because of their father and can hold one hell of a grudge (as well as an ox) but have hearts of gold. When it comes to the people they care about that is.
They are both members of Harriet's crew and have many shared (and differing) hobbies.
They are very protective of their little brother (and sister) and their little cousins, even if they love getting under their skin at times.
Junior is dating Daphne Tremaine and Bronze is dating Sammy Smee.
Also Junior has a bad leg from trying to ram through the barrier with his dad.
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Gemma Enchtra LeGume, the 3 year old (by d3) daughter of Gaston and the Enchantress. She is the younger half sister of the Gaston twins and Gil as well as the younger cousin of LeFou Deux, Claire Bimbette, and La Foux Doux (by default).
She is every bit as good, innocent, and bubbly as Gil is. She loves Magic, fruit, candy, roses, lifting rocks, animals, the forest, mirrors, and adores her older siblings and cousins with all her heart. She also loves her parents too despite not knowing them all too well.
Oh and she likes weight-lifting, though her elder family members don't allow her to do it.
And she loves mirrors as well and carries around the doll that her brothers and LeFou Deux made her.
She is my oc based on the toddler from d1.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
How do you think Beast and Belle would react yo the fact that Gaston Jr accidentally took out Black Murphy's eye when they were younger and that he's haunted by it?
How about when they find out he is heavily under pressure and taking care of his cousins and siblings in a timy apartment?
First they would assume the worst - that Gaston Jr. didn't feel guilty about it, that he was violent, even that he did it on purpose - because they would see his father in him.
Once they realize how guilt-ridden he is about it, they would soften, however.
As for Big Murph, obviously he didn't get the best medical attention to his eye. So Ben would try to orchestrate that now, sending him to get his eye examined to see what, if anything, can be done. Like if the eye isn't completely gone maybe he can regain some vision through surgeries; if the eye is completely gone, well, maybe he'll want a realistic glass eye. (He won't. He's fine with his eye patch. He's a pirate after all.)
Then Ben would try to set up some childcare so the care of all the little kids related to him is not solely on the shoulders of one teenager.
Ben: Hey we can just invite them all to live in the palace, right?
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Gaston Jr: So, I was trying to pull my phone out of my pocket, got stuck on a string and in an attempt to pull myself free, I fell out of the window.
Anthony: It's like you only have half a brain and it's made out of gum. How is it that you don't regularly forget to breathe?
Hadie: Someone once had to perform CPR on me after I almost drowned chasing a cute duck into the river.
Anthony, breathing hard: That could happen to anyone.
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chadtheroyalidiot · 2 months
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gaston legume jr, son of gaston legume
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girlstalkmichael · 2 months
Some green flag characters in tv shows/movies in no particular order
Part 1
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
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Loyal till the very end
Carries the whole show on his back
His bromance with Scott is ICONIC (literally the no. 1 bromance in teen dramas)
Do I need to say more
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
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Husband material right there like his love for Amy is the healthiest out of this world love
Immaculate sense of humor
Amazing in his job
Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
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A literal cinnamon roll
Took a beating from his mum to give Katniss a loaf of bread so she won't die of starvation. Selfless king
Michael Cordero Jr (Jane The Virgin)
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Husband material alongside my man Jake Peralta
Supportive af
Loves Matteo like he is his own kid
Literally besties with his wife's dad (aka drama king Rogelio De La Vega)
Loyal and as you know loyalty is super sexy
Manuel Gutiérrez (Bia)
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His romance with Bia is the healthiest non toxic romance in DCLA main ships
Nice & kind
So sweet
He can sing and play piano (his voice is sooo good)
Símon Álvarez (Soy Luna)
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Sees the best in others (aka his whole relationship with Ambar)
Will do anything for his friends (literally traveled from Mexico to Argentina on his own to be with Luna)
Can sing and play guitar AND roller skate (like what can't he do)
Wrote bops like Eres & Valiente
Gaston Perida (Soy Luna)
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He's a super nice jock
Always tries to knock some sense into Matteo (just really his bromance with Matteo)
Super supportive of Nina/Felicity and her boundaries (like when she asked him to dance with her blindfolded as she was not ready to reveal herself to him yet and he accepted)
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Federico Paccini (Violetta)
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Always there for Ludmila and helped her through all her mother's abuse
Really nice and cute
Has the voice of an angel
Sarcastic and funny
My first childhood crush (and better believe I'm not over him yet)
Dustin Henderson (Stranger Things)
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The cutest human being to ever exist
The smartest person in the whole of Hawkins
Super funny
His bromance with Steve & Eddie is brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, complety never been done before
Has the cutest laugh ever
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unfilteredaj · 2 months
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politicaldilfs · 6 months
West Virginia Governor DILFs
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Jay Rockefeller, Cecil H. Underwood, Okey Patteson, Gaston Caperton, Jim Justice, Bob Wise, Howard M. Gore, H. Guy Kump, Hulett C. Smith, Matthew M. Neely, William Wallace Barron, Arch A. Moore Jr., Earl Ray Tomblin, William C. Marland, Joe Manchin
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ofxscavengcrs · 8 months
@wvsteria || Gaston Jr. & Ethan
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.。.:*☆ "Any chance you might be up to assist me?" Junior knew how to lift weights, of course. But usually he had one of his buddies around to help, in case he got into trouble.
"You know just in case.... my arms give up on me, or something like that."
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faithandarisadventures · 11 months
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A. G. Gaston Motel September 9, 2023 Birmingham, Alabama
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saym0-0 · 2 months
its not often you go to a production of beauty and the beast and gaston is wearing the shirt you wore to prom
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isogenderskitty · 6 months
i realise i'm saying this as someone who is white as mayonnaise but like... i've seen multiple people basically say "immediately dismissing the prince as a love interest for ella is problematic because why can't the two black leads get together" and i promise you, cross my heart and hope to die, i would have the same prediction/feeling if curt was playing the prince and james was playing tadius.
it's just like... tropes... and media literacy... i mean Yeah maybe i'll be proven wrong by the full show, maybe it'll subvert expectations and they're being intentionally misleading with how they're presenting these guys (and i would Love that ngl that would be so much fun) but right now the prince is SO gaston coded and all they've done is describe him as a shallow piece of shit and based on that i'm not exactly holding my breath for him to end up with the protagonist?????? 😭
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
The Smee/Gaston twins acting like the stereotype of identical twins, i.e. finishing each other's sentences, moving at the same time in the same manner, knowing where the other one is, etc.?
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It's a twin thing.
That's how everyone on and off the isle explained away the little oddities of the Gaston and Smee twins' personalities.
Even if that explanation didn't always make sense...
Mollie was feeding 2 year old Squeaky while William Smee ran after Squrimy, who had some how escaped his highchair when the wobbling toddler suddenly tripped and fell.
But instead of Squrimy reacting, Squeaky did.
He rubbed the exact same spot where Squrimy had hurt himself, a baffled and annoyed expression on his little face. "Ow"
William gave Mollie a questioning look, confused as to just why his non injured son was the one who reacted to the fall while the one with the bruise forming on his head hadn't made so much a peep. His wife just shrugged in response, lifting Squeaky out of his chair. Earning her a little squeak in response.
Both of them quickly forgot the incident but many more would come to pass that always left them with questions.
Questions that they'd just brush off using the old excuse of 'it's a twin thing.'
"Has anyone seen Bronze? Sammy's looking for him and won't shut up" Harriet asked, entering the crew's barracks where the rest of the crew where doing their on thing.
Junior didn't even look up from the poker game he was having with Maddy, Ginny, Clay, and Rick. "He's up in the crow's nest with Gemma"
Clay gave him a baffled look "how the hell do you would know that? We've been playing for over an hour and you haven't checked your phone once!"
Junior just shrugged "it's a twin thing man."
Harriet left before a fight could break out and sure enough, Bronze was exactly where Junior had said he was. Playing with their little sister.
Sammy watched as Squeaky and Squrimy did their chores, like his mom asked him to. Trying not to let himself get too unnerved by how... in sync... the two of them were.
The two were both folding their laundry in the exact same manner, tucking the laundry away into the exact same number draw, all the while not even glancing back in the other's direction.
Just like the Gaston twins tended to do when they tried to fight one another...
Where all twins like this or did he just know the two weirdest sets of twins ever?
Harriet's crew were all hanging out once again.
Drinking and laughing and singing and dancing all around. The loudest of them being the Gaston twins who were telling a very confusing story.
Which wouldn't have been nearly as confusing if only one of them was telling the story.
"-- so then Gil said--"
"-- if you're so good with girls--"
"--why didn't Belle marry you--"
"--Dad was so flabbergasted--"
"--that he didn't even notice--"
"--us rushing Gil--"
"--it --"
Man, twins were werid. At least these two and the Smee twins were.... and no one could explain why.
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wutbju · 7 months
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This is a precious portrait of Mother and Son from 1913.
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