#rickon stark. || headcanons.
imaginarianisms · 6 months
shaggydog is fuckin MASSIVE by the winds of winter & a dream of spring. btw
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Yandere House Stark Headcanons (Platonic)
"Winter is Coming." — House Stark.
❝ 🐺 — lady l: and another headcanon was made! Yay, I hope it turned out good and that you like it! Forgive me any mistakes. 💙
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of murder, unhealthy platonic relationships, messy writing.
❝🐺pairing: yandere platonic!house stark x gender neutral!reader.
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The Starks are one of the most, if not the most, loving families in Westeros. They are fiercely loyal and protect each other with wolf-like intensity and strength. They care for each other and love each other devotedly.
When you were brought into the care of this family, these feelings did not change, but only increased further and became unhealthy. That didn't matter, however, to any of them. They showed their fury towards anyone who dared to get too close to you or threatened you.
Ned was the one who brought you into the wings of his family. You were the child of an innkeeper who ended up being murdered by some thieves, while still a small child you were found by the Lord of Winterfell and he, compassionate about your situation, brought you to his home.
Catelyn didn't know how to react, at first, when she met you. She feared that you were another bastard child of her husband and that he had brought you to be raised just like Jon. But as soon as her husband told her the true story, Catelyn felt a weight lifted from her shoulders and she became closer to you.
Robb gave you a warm welcome. As soon as he met you, he picked you up, hugged you tightly and welcomed you to the family. He adored you immediately and didn't hesitate to treat you like a member of his family. Robb is overprotective and takes care of you like an older brother takes care of a younger one.
Sansa adored you, simple as that. Although a little skeptical of you, like her mother, any worries or reservations she had were gone the moment she laid eyes on you. You looked so small and helpless, her instincts were screaming at her to take care of you. Sansa found herself overwhelmed by this feeling.
Arya is probably the closest to you. She is bold and courageous, she adores you and loves spending time with you, constantly picking fights with others for your attention. Arya is somewhat possessive and gets irritated when attention is stolen from her. She absolutely loves you and loves taking you with her to get away from boring chores.
Bran is the calmest one in his family, he doesn't demand so much of your attention nor is he possessive, he takes everything he can, but his only demand is that you read to him. In return, he'll love reading to you or, if you are interested, teaching you how to climb. He is very calm and the least dangerous.
Rickon is the youngest and, in some ways, the most spoiled. He constantly wants your attention and is always fighting with Arya about it. He likes to follow you around Winterfell and snuggle into your arms. He is quite jealous and will sulk when someone steals you from him.
Jon didn't know what to think of you at first. On one hand he was jealous of seeing you receiving all the love he so desired, on the other hand he was happy to have you around, since he started to like you a lot as he got to know you better. Any animosity he had for you would be forgotten once his obsession consumed him. Jon is very overprotective and will fight anyone to protect you.
Benjen doesn't spend much time by your side because of the Wall, but the few times he visited Winterfell, he adored you and telling you stories or holding you in his arms were his favorite things to do with you.
Ned didn't know things would come to this level. He knew his family would care and love you, but he didn't know how much. He even tried to be rational, but it was no use, not when he found himself obsessed with you. Once you called him "dad", there was nothing more to be done. You were a Stark until your death.
Catelyn acts like a caring and protective mother, which she is. She loves to brush your hair, reading to you or just being by your side. She fulfills your every whim and can never scold you for something. In her eyes, you were her baby and you could do nothing wrong.
Robb and Jon are always fighting over you, although their fights are never serious, they still happen and it's always up to you how to resolve them. A hug and a kiss on the cheek usually does the trick. Robb wants to be your favorite brother and Jon wants your unconditional love.
Sansa and Arya fight more than their brothers, they both want your attention all the time and this always leads to more fights. It's usually Ned who solves them. Sansa wants you to brush her hair while she tells you something and Arya wants to play or train with you.
Bran and Rickon don't fight that much, but sometimes a disagreement can happen when you pay more attention to one. It usually resolves when you threaten them that if they don't stop fighting, they won't have you. They are quick to apologize and hug you.
The Starks are wolves and we all know how protective wolves are of their litter, of their family. They will be ready to eliminate any threat to you and they will do so with a smile. Nothing is more important than you to them. Once the Lannisters arrive, the Starks will be ready to show their claws.
After all, leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe.
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dailyheadcanons · 8 months
Sansa loves having her hair braided. She can do it on her own but she prefers someone else to do it.
Ned was actually pretty good at it but was always neverous when she asked him. He also sometimes braided Catelyn’s hair when she was pregnant or just wanted to. It calms him down to braid hair.
Robb is actually really bad at braiding hair but is slowly getting better as he keeps trying and praticing.
Jon is the best of them all and she usually chooses him. Sansa was hesitant at first to ask him to, scared that he would say no or do a bad job, but he actually is naturally good at it. (Sansa cried the first time he braided her hair after reclaiming Winterfell, it reminded her to much of how Catelyn braided it).
Arya used to braid her hair at night in their chambers sometimes. Though she threatened Sansa that if she told anyone she would coem to regret it.
Bran never really tried but he was about the same as Robb, but he had no desire to practice. Though Sansa knew if she ever asked then he would try to make her happy.
Rickon was too young to try before Sansa left for the south, but he loved her hair. After he got out of the stage of pulling it harshly, he would bury his face in it when she would carry him or lye him down for bed.
Theon was actually really good at braiding her hair (and actually loved doing it) , but would never admit it and would usually never do it. He broke down the first time she asked him to do it after his escape from Ramsey.
(I didn’t add Catelyn because she was obviously the main person who braided her hair!)
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crownedtargaryen · 1 year
might i request some modern bran where he's been in love with his best friend the past few years but hasn't said anything because he doesn't want to make things weird in their friend group with meer and jojen? 👀with these staying the staying the night prompts mayhaps?
❝  i know this might sound weird but,  do you wanna stay over?  i guess ‘sleepover’ sounds kind of childish but.  i think it’d be nice.  ❞
❝  chivalry is overrated,  get in my bed.  ❞
fruits. - modern!bran, modern!jojen
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MASTERLIST pairing: modern!bran & modern!jojen x reader (a/n): i appreciate this request so much thea 🥹🥹 you know how much i love bran 🤍🤍 REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! also he isn’t in a wheelchair in this cause i just think it’d be easier to write a sexual scene where he’s dominant if he can walk CW: jealousy, p in v sex, unprotected sex, jojen is on the phone, slight food play?, degradation mixed with praise (words like slut, whore, all that jazz are kinda used), possessiveness, bran takes some pictures and videos of you while having sex all notes are appreciated. words: 3k tag list: @fairysluna @twizzy123 @hopelesswritergall @howyouloveyourdragon @clairacassidy @ad-astra-again
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Years slip from Bran's fingertips, his love for me growing daily.
We'd met when we were around nine, being insufferable ever since. Bran followed me like a hopeless puppy, chasing me as I slipped from his fingertips. I always found someone new and would come to him crying, heartbroken that yet another disgusting person had shattered that loving heart of mine. He held me for years, always being there when I needed him the most. He did struggle with showing his affection toward me, coming off as merely friendly and caring to me, never showing any signs of feelings. I grew hyper-aware of my blossoming affection for Brandon Stark when I reached sixteen but stayed silent due to his stiffness when I brought up romantics. I'd always assumed he was in love with Meer since after she and her brother Jojen had joined your group, he seemed weirdly tense and much quieter than previously. I never wished to press, but some underlying jealousy burrowed within me. Or perhaps, he loved Jojen? It was definitely on the table with how he looked at the boy, and Jojen grinned awkwardly in return.
I'm affectionate, always hugging Jojen and Meer as they flush and laugh, returning the affection. However, Bran seemed uncomfortable with my love since they joined, significantly pushing himself away from my touch since his voice had dropped. It may be a puberty thing; I was still determining. That was until this particular night when I realized I had misread his signals drastically. That he, in fact, craved my affections, but not in a way I so thought.
We walked to Bran's car since he was my ride; Jojen had been riding with Meer since she got her license. I could tell Bran was extra tense today, his breathing staggered, and his cheeks grew pink as he clenched the right strap of his bag. We say nothing, getting inside the vehicle as I toss my bag into the back seat and look over to him, watching as he clumsily shoves the key into the hole and turns it, his left hand stroking over the wheel slowly and then clenching it. The way his calloused fingers traced the material of the wheel, so tender as he then gripped it as his thumb rubbed over it, seemingly soothing it as if it was a person.
That stirred something inside me, more than I wished to admit.
I was brought out of my trance as Bran spoke, looking at me nervously. "Look, I know this might sound weird," he starts, inhaling shakily and avoiding eye contact. "Do you maybe wanna stay over? I guess 'sleepover' sounds childish, but. It'd be nice." In all our years, he's never invited me to sleep at his house, and my parents are always surprised when I come home. They seemed to be waiting for the day I just stayed the night with Bran, given we've known each other for ages, and they trusted him not to do anything inappropriate. Boy, were they wrong. He starts awkwardly apologizing and insisting if I feel uncomfortable, I don't have to come over, but I merely laugh. He stops talking, cheeks red with embarrassment.
"Hey, hey! Breathe," I laugh, raising a brow. "I'm gonna stay the night. Let me text my parents." The tension in the car eases as he drives off to his house, seeming quite ambitious and unreasonably excited about this.
The drive is long and drawn out, the silence in the car prominent. I look at him out of the corner of my eye ad see a bit of sweat rolling down his brow, noting his shuffling as he purses his lips. He pushes up his glasses with the back of his hand, noticing me staring and smiling sweetly at me in return to my gaze. I glance at his phone, and he catches the hint.
"Oh, right. Music," he laughs, stopping at a red light and quickly putting on a tune. Bran was a huge Hozier and Weezer fan, which was weirdly fitting. His voice fits so well with Hozier, but Weezer fits his personality. We'd gotten into countless arguments over if you could consider Weezer music, and he's turned me to his side every time. Though, to each their own. I hear the soft tune, relieved he decided to put on Hozier instead of the latter, Bran murmuring the words as he turns up the radio and continues to drive.
That's when I notice the song playing- Someone New by Hozier- a brow raising. He pats the drum beat on his wheel, nodding to the words and singing quietly. I take in every word, knowing Bran focused on lyrics rather than the rhythm and pacing of his music. This song had to be directed to Meer. I'll need to ask him sometime tonight about his feelings toward her.
We'd pulled up to his house, all his siblings and cousin out, besides Robb, who was home sick then. We walked in and immediately were met with Robb Stark walking out of the kitchen, shirtless with shorts on and a bowl of cereal in his calloused hands. I look up at his face, trying to avoid staring at his chest, lined with faint scars and a tuft of chest hair, his happy trail visible right above the waist of his pants. His eyes scanned me, then Bran. I watch his hand run through his beautiful curls, then scratch his facial hair with a slight smirk.
"Brought your girlfriend?" Robb coos, making my cheeks burn. When I look at Bran, I see a faint warning glare across his eyes. My eyes trail down, widening slightly at the strain between his legs on his pants. I quickly avert my gaze. No fucking way; he was hard as all hell right now. "Don't have too much fun." Robb's remark makes Bran audibly grumble, leaving me mildly offended. What was that for? Did he not find me appealing? I look back to his brother, who is now lazed on the couch and turning on the TV, eyes lidded as he watches and munches on his cereal without worrying about the world around him.
Trying to brush over the remark, I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge, grabbing some strawberries and grapes.
Before I could ask if he wanted anything, Bran grabbed my hand and tugged me to his room, slamming the door and sighing loud, running his hands down his face. "I'm sorry about him; you know how he is," Bran grumbles, making me chuckle as I sit on his bed. "Did he make you uncomfortable?" I notice the worry crossing his face, a sincere smile coming to my lips.
"Nah, not at all. Didn't know I was your girlfriend though, coulda been consoled on that," I tease, watching as Bran rolls his eyes and sits next to me, lying back as he looks at the ceiling.
Hours pass of idle chitchat and playing some board and video games together, but then it comes to a game of truth or dare.
"I dare you," I drag out, smiling at him as I lean in. "To kiss me." Bran's cheeks flush as he swallows hard, glances at my lips, and then back into my eyes. "Don't worry; it can be just a peck."
His kiss catches me off guard, his lips suddenly on mine without warning. It's deeper than I thought it'd be, his hand cupping my cheek as he presses his chest to mine for a moment. As he pulls away, I feel dizzy and breathless.
"Truth or dare," he whispers, lips hovering over mine. I take my lower lip between my teeth, slowly pulling from him and examining his features. "Truth." Bran liked my response, wetting his lips with flushed cheeks.
"You like anyone?" He asks as his brows knitted anxiously. I see a sense of hope in his eyes, making my heart ache.
"Of course I do," I play it cool, laughing weakly and pretending to lack understanding. "Truth or dare?"
"Hit me with a truth," he smiles. I can tell he's happy by my response.
"Do you like Meer?" I blurt out without a second thought, a question I've held in for years. Surprise corrupts his previously playful expression.
"What? Why would I like Meer?" Bran asks, making me feel humiliated at such a question.
"I don't know, you just are constantly with her and always being weirdly flirty. I sometimes feel pushed aside, you know?" I murmur, fiddling with my hands and avoiding looking at him.
I hear him chuckle as he moves his hand to my cheek, palms soft as he makes me look at him. "I thought you liked Jojen; why are you acting all jealous over the possibility of me liking Meer?" he murmurs as I widen my eyes.
"Jojen?! Heck no! I've been in love with you, you idiot!" I rush out the words, realizing what I'd just admitted. My breath hitches; time feels as if it's frozen. Holy shit, I just ruined my friendship; he hates me; this is it.
My thoughts stop when his lips are on mine like before. I whine into his loving action, moving my hands to his hair and inhaling shakily against his lips, his tongue brushing my bottom lip. Our tongues dance in a forbidden tango, saliva mixing as he pulls away much sooner than I wished.
"Let me lock the door," he pants out, pecking my lips as he scrambles. My eyes trail to the fruit resting on the bedside table as I reach over and eat a grape, the juice spurting out and down my chin. I laugh, going to wipe it off but hearing Bran's stern voice. "No, no. Stay still." his tone is calm as he trails over to me, grabbing my chin and licking the juice trailing down my neck. The lick lines my neck, up my chin, and to my lips, where he feverishly kisses me. I stand closer to him, trailing my hands up his shirt and gently clawing at his back as he picks me up and lets me hook my legs around his waist.
"I'm gonna love you right, sweetheart," he murmurs into the kiss, biting my bottom lip tauntingly. "You're fuckin' beautiful." I laugh softly, moving from his lips and raising a brow.
"Well aren't you chivalrous?" I tease, watching as he rolls his eyes and huffs.
"Chivalry is overrated; you're getting in my bed," he demands, tossing me onto the mattress and tugging my shirt over my head, taking in the sight of my upper body as his strained cock twitches in his pants. "Holy hell." slowly, he reaches beneath me, unclasps my bra, slips it away from my torso, and watches as it falls in front of the bedside table. Bran's eyes trail to the fruits with a mischievous grin, looking at me with a pleading gaze. "Can I try something?"
"Just be gentle," I plea, watching as he stalks over to the bedside, slipping off his shirt and tossing it down next to my discarded bra. He grabs strawberries and grapes, setting them next to my torso as he slips off my pants and underwear, pausing momentarily to take in the sight of my glistening cunt, dripping with slickness. He nearly audibly gulps, whimpering quietly as his hand strokes up my thigh and to my cunny, rolling his thumb in circles on my neglected bud. I writhe, closing my eyes and whining his name under my breath. My hips desperately follow his touch, thighs trembling lightly as he moves his other hand to the cut strawberries and traces it down my torso with a slight squeeze. The juice traces my left nipple to my right, down my stomach, and then to my aching lower lips. He pops the fruit into his mouth, eating it as he moves down and licks over my sensitive chest, taking in the taste of my sweet citrusy body wash with the tangy strawberry juice. His licks trail from one nipple to the next, massaging each breast when moving between them as he grinds his clothed cock between my legs, making me shiver in delight yet mild frustration. His licks then move down my stomach and to my cunt where I inhale sharply as he trails his tongue between my soaked folds and to my bud, wrapping his lips over it with a soft whimper as he slips off his pants and abuses the clit with his mouth, tongue wandering slightly to my entrance before moving back up, his fingers prodding my hole. The moment he pushes them in, filling me with his middle and ring finger, I hear my phone buzzing. Lazily, I grab it from my side and look at the person in question, showing Bran, who is looking up between my legs, still tending to my lower piece.
"Answer it," Bran demands, seeing my confusion. "Now." He waits until I accept the call before he pushes his fingers in and out vigorously and multiplies the abuse on my cunt, making me moan loudly into the phone, interrupting Jojen's hello.
"Everything okay?" Jojen asks after a moment of silence. I can't stop panting, trying to swallow it down as Bran smiles against my pussy, continuing his tentative actions to my now-swollen clit. "Hey, you hear me?" his voice is now contorted to worry.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm great," I pant out, closing my eyes and whimpering into the phone, hips bucking into Bran's mouth. Jojen goes silent again as I hear a faint rustling from the other side of the phone, then a closing of what I can only assume is his bedroom door. "Gods, I'm sorry… What do you need?" I stifle a moan as Bran's fingers touch a spongy spot inside me, making me gasp shakily and bite my tongue.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Jojen asks once more, ignoring my question. I hear shuffling again, the clinking of a belt. I look to Bran, who pops off my clit for a moment. Perhaps Jojen is just changing, right? "You keep making noises."
"Tell him. Tell him who's making you feel this good," he whispers, licking a stripe along my folds and under my clit, then wrapping his lips around the bud.
"I- Uh… You called during Bran's treat," I whine out, hearing Jojen let in a shaky inhale. Bran urges me to put it on speaker, which I gladly do.
"Should I hang up?" He says after a drawn-out silence, his voice weaker. Bran shakes his head, urging me to tease him.
"No, no… Stay. Your voice is driving me crazy, Jojie." I whine out, Bran's gaze becoming possessive and fiery as he pops off my lower piece and slips off his boxers, grinding his cock to my damp cunt. I hear Jojen draw in a long groan, making my insides ache. Fucking pervert, I love it.
"Gods… You sound so sweet, angel." Jojen pants out, a bit of a wetter noise coming from the other line. I grin, biting my lip and inhaling sharply as Bran sheathes himself inside my velvety entrance, making my hips jerk, and my eyes roll back with a pained moan. "I wish I was there, fuck." I'd never heard Jojen swear. I'd be lying if I said it hadn't turned me on even more. I watch as Bran holds himself back from pushing inside, grabbing his phone and fumbling for the camera, angling the photo to capture his cock buried inside me. I hear a faint vibration from Jojen's side, making me flush in embarrassment. Though I can't dwell on such a feeling for long as Bran thrusts his hips and dives deep into that spongy spot, he took advantage of earlier, making me see stars and cry out his name.
Jojen's breathing grows incredibly labored on the other side with pitiful moans and pleas for more, which Bran provides tenfold with videos.
"Such a good girl, baby. My fucking whore." he murmurs, moving down and kissing along my neck, pounding deep into my soaking insides that clamp around his piece. "You're. Mine." he glances at the phone and then into my eyes possessively, making me whimper and nod. I soft moan Jojen's name hearing him inhale sharply and whimper out my name in return. Bran's phone dings and I watch as he opens a video from Jojen.
The video is only a minute, with Jojen stroking his long and weeping uncut cock as his hips stutter and push into his hand. Oh, what I'd give to have that stuffed in me too. Bran and Jojen were both quite large. It's always the lengthy men.
Bran notices my star-struck expression and tosses his phone away, grabbing my chin and making me look at him as I whimper. "Such a filthy girl, thinking about Jojen's cock stuffing that pretty mouth of yours," he coos, smiling down at me. I feel my peak inching closer, his hips slamming into mine as he pants and grows dazed, seemingly obsessed with this feeling as he slows his thrusts and draws his cock in and out, embracing the way I pulse around him and cry out, begging him to move faster. Jojen immediately goes to FaceTime; his camera set him to where I can see his cock leaking with pre. I eye the sight, helpless and whining. Bran helps me set up the camera, then pins me down by the wrists and pounds me into oblivion, hips shaking and thighs trembling as we both near our climax.
"Holy shit, I'm gonna-" he can't finish his sentence, letting out the most pitiful and bottoming-out moan I've ever heard, burying his face in my neck as I reach my peak, watching Jojen stroke vigorously to his own, shooting a long string of cum onto his neck and chest. We ride out this high together, stopping around the same time as Bran pants and grinds his hips, nuzzling his nose into my neck.
"Don't get comfy yet; we're done when Jojen gets to drain his cock inside this filthy cunt too."
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odettewriting · 2 months
𝘽𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙚𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙉𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘾𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙮𝙣 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙠
Це моя перша робота, тому я трохи нервую, публікуючи це. Крім того, англійська не є моєю рідною мовою, тож я сподіваюся, що я не надто облажався. У будь-якому випадку, дякую, що прочитали цю роботу.
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- Ви народилися в той час, коли ваш батько Нед Старк брав участь у війні повстання Роберта Баратеона.
- Catelyn was very worried about the well-being of her husband and was afraid to remain a widow, but then the gods gave her you and it became a blessing for her
- although she was still afraid of the death of her husband, but now she had you, her little happiness and consolation; now she was no longer worried about being alone in this world because she had you
- the raven informed Ned Stark about your birth
- being alone in his tent and reading a letter from his wife, Lord of Winterfell allowed a tear of joy to roll down his cheek "I became a father... I had a daughter"
- later, when the war ended and your father returned home, he brought another child in his arms, his bastard
- your mother was very angry and disappointed by your father's concession, but all she could do was accept the child as a member of the family
- your father fell in love with you the moment he saw you and refused to let you go for the next few days (this attachment of Ned to you in turn helped Catelyn warm to her husband again)
- less than a year passed when your younger brother Rob was born, and a few years later the whole castle was already filled with screams and fun of you and your younger siblings
- your parents give love to all their children, but you will always be special to them, not only because you are their firstborn, but also because your very existence gave them hope in difficult times and helped them become a family again
 - when you became older, you were assigned the best teachers of Winterfell, Sept
- if you showed an interest in politics, philosophy, sword fighting, and other subjects not usually taught to young ladies, Ned Stark would gladly let you study them, and sometimes let you attend at meetings and councils
- Catelyn initially did not support your passions (especially everything related to the sword and fighting), as she believes that a young lady has no reason to possess such knowledge, but seeing your satisfied smile, she still decides to let you enjoy your favorite thing (as well as until you are injured, even if it is minor)
- if you chose a more "quiet" hobby (for example, embroidery or playing musical instruments), Catelyn would be incredibly proud of you and support you in every, even small, progress
- your parents would raise all their children by teaching them love and respect for each other
- you, as an older sister, always tried to help your brothers and sisters in something (sometimes, in moments when your actions would diverge from your mother's convictions, she could shame you because of "what example you set for your brothers and sisters")
- depending on your hobbies, most likely one of your sisters would be more attracted to you than the other, but despite this, you all always remembered that family is the most important thing
- when comes your first blood, you will have an important conversation with your mother, you will be told what changes have occurred in your body and what consequences this entails
- before that, you were told more than once about the obligation to become a wife and give birth to children to your husband one day, but never went into details
- at the same time, this does not mean that you will be forced to marry too soon or against your will
- Ned Stark will never use his children exclusively for political interests, so he considers it his duty to first make sure for himself that your future husband is a good person who will always respect you and your interests.
- also your father can talk to you and get your opinion about who you would like to combine your life with
- навіть після одруження ви все ще бажаний гість вдома, і ваші батьки завжди будуть готові допомогти вам порадою чи дією
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nymerias-heart · 1 year
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A Dream of Spring Headcanon
You have a wildness in you, Rickon. 'The wolf blood,' grandfather used to call it. Aunt Lyanna had a touch of it, and Uncle Brandon more than a touch. It brought them both to an early grave. Father said I inherited it too and so have you.
"Let me tell you something about wolves, brother. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Summer is the time for squabbles. In winter, we must protect one another, keep each other warm, share our strengths. So if you must hate, Rickon, hate those who would truly do us harm.
"First lesson," Arya said. "Stick them with the pointy end."
I would really love it if Arya used all the lessons she was taught in AGOT to help Rickon out in the future. I think he will have the hardest time fitting in with the family. They will all have changed but he was so young when they all saw him last and it’s been years since he saw them and he may not even remember them fully either.
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Here's a fun headcanon, one time when Robb attended Ned's meetings to help prepare him to be lord, Bran wanted to join but wasn't allowed so he snuck in and only robb could see him and robb had to restrain himself from laughing at the sheer absurdity of the situation and embarrassing himself.
This is such a cute headcanon!
I imagine that Starks sneaking in meetings they aren't aren't allowed to attend runs into the family, lol. Robb and Jon did that when they were too young to participate to Ned's war meetings and Bran has done it at least a dozen times. Once he and Arya bribed Theon to help them sneak in.
Now I made myself sad because I remembered that Rickon won't be able to do the same as his siblings since their home is burnt and ruined.
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iceywolf24 · 6 months
Headcanon once Bran and Rickon snuck out to play in the snow with Bran carrying Rickon on his back.
Bran teaches Rickon how to make and throw snowballs, Jory finds them laughing together, making snow angels.
Ned and Catelyn give Bran a stern talking telling him he has to be more responsible especially with Rickon.
Ned solemnly says Bran can't make snow angels when Winter comes unless he wants to drown in the snow.
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wallboys · 2 years
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i think the decades of r+l=j theorizing has made us forget a little that ned made more than one promise to lyanna (one of those promises being him vowing to protect her child is still technically a theory as well). ned also promised to bring her home
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myimaginationplain · 2 years
in my mind Arya's adult height caps at like 5'3, meanwhile all of her siblings are like close to 6 feet or over lol
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ofhumanvoice-a · 2 years
Only. Cat.
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imaginarianisms · 6 months
thinking about how rickon stark at such a young age when he was like literally six years old (& literally three years old but our asoiaf munchkins are aged up like the show is & even then six is insanely young thats still a baby thats like literal preschool to just starting school age. lmao) was literally in the deepest, darkest parts of the crypts of winterfell for DAYS in the pitch black with no tapers, no candles, no lamps & no lights & with no fear & didn't even come back up. like. how many kids do you know that can do that lmao. thats the equivalent of like leaving a kid alone in a cemetery in the middle of the night in pitch black w/ no lights. for the vast majority of the time nobody knew where rickon or shaggydog was in winterfell. & not only that, at his very young age, at age 6-7 (age 4 in the books) he TAUGHT HIMSELF TO VOLUNTARILY WARG into shaggydog AT WILL before bran or jon or arya ever did & he didn't even have jojen reed let alone anyone to teach him. & not to mention when he gets hurt it doesn't even bother him. when he & the twin freys were playing, one of the walders hit him HARD. he gets OBLITERATED. & in a flash shaggydog got PISSED & then rickon just started LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY. that's a TOUGH little dude. most kids his age would be on the floor crying when they're hit in the chest by a kid more than twice his age. & THEN from THAT MOMENT ON the walders were basically rickon disciples lmao. they were more than twice his age & they would follow him all around the castle & he would use them to get stuff done. & he basically had free reign of the kitchens & stealing the cakes & meat & doing whatever he wants & getting these much older kids to do what he wants them to do which indicates even at his young age he's got leadership qualities. that's like a kid in late preschool to JUST starting elementary school & having all these 5th & 6th graders wanting to be his friend lmao. he was FEARLESS at such a young age & shaggydog made him fearless.
he also had more time to bond with his direwolf because he wasn't in a coma & was also being completely neglected because ned had gone south with sansa & arya, robb was busy at winterfell with everything going on & he was only a teenager himself & he even told his mother to care for rickon, too, bc he'd follow him around everywhere crying, he'd refuse to let anybody cut his hair, maester luwin had no idea where he was most of the time so half of the entire winterfell guard was out here looking for this kid after catelyn left, bran, her favorite son who she didn't want him to leave winterfell, was in a coma & catelyn neglected her household duties out of grief & ignored rickon (as well as robb, & didnt even say goodbye to ned, sansa or arya when they left for king's landing) completely so in his state of neglect he bonded even moreso with his direwolf. & he's this tiny little kid that's full of rage. like. everyone left him. his father left him & his mother left & he's not forgiving her. like. this kid is severely traumatized has next level anger inside of him for someone his age to the point where he PULLS A SWORD on maester luwin & sics his direwolf on him. this is a teeny tiny fuckin kid, this is a tiny lil dude & this kid is just fierce as FUCK.
& not to mention he says some really prophetic shit too. when robb leaves & bran says they'll be back, rickon states "no they won't". & that's not a question; that was a statement. & that wasn't in a frightened child way. in his mind, his father left & his mother left & robb left & his family abandoned him & never came back & he's never going to see his father, his mother or his oldest brother ever again. this kid's been in winter his whole life. & how shaggydog is pitch black & has green eyes in contrast with jon's direwolf ghost who is white as snow & has red eyes & literally no other direwolf has ever been recorded to look like that & the old gods have specifically made them look like that to be the most magically gifted. his role is going to be crazy magical. he's not gonna run into a straight line & die like the show does lmao. & not to mention osha who knew all about skinchangers because she's beyond the wall & on skagos they're closer to the free folk culturally than they are to the northmen. so like when davos brings this kid back this kid is gonna be insanely powerful, like varamyr sixskins on steroids. this kid's gonna have this gigantic black direwolf shaggydog, a unicorn, flocks of eagles & families of polar bears & shadowcats & herds of mammoths & packs of wolves all at once. he would be the living embodiment of the children of the forest of old. & so like. even when rickon by the winds of winter-a dream of spring is like. 13. thats still insanely young. like. elementary school level kid.
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llonelygoddess · 1 year
Yandere House Stark Headcanons
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A/N: I ended up not doing Bran and Rickon only because I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later and they were a little difficult to write for. If you'd like to see headcanons for them I can definitely make another post for them, just let me know.
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Let's say you are a low born person looking for refuge in Winterfell after your village was sacked by Wildlings. You had hoped to find some tavern to hold up in or even a brothel, but unbeknownst to you the Stark family kept an eye on newcomers. When they received news of your arrival, they requested your presence. It was only to talk about the possibility of nearby Wildlings, but when YOU showed up beaten and scared for your life- how could they not offer their Stark hospitality?
This is where the yandere tendencies begin.
Ned Stark, as a yandere, is protective and definitely has a savior complex. He's an honorable and just man that can't help but bring home strays, so when he sees you it's like finding Jon all over again. A deep sense of responsibility comes over him and he knows in that moment that you are just as much his as any of his kids. From that day forward he assigns a room for you in the castle and a handmaiden to keep you company, not that you'll be needing it. The family of course is shocked at his sudden interest, but they all love to see him happy and nothing makes him more happy than seeing you taken care of.
Now Catelyn is initially worried that Ned has taken a romantic interest in you, but when she sees the way you both interact she understands the fatherly bond he is trying to create very similar to his own kids. It didn't take long for her to fall into her own yandere tendencies; checking in on you in the mornings, making prayer wheels even when you're not sick, helping in the kitchen to make sure your food was perfect ( and not poisoned). She takes her role as your surrogate mother very seriously,sometimes to the extent of watching you sleep or ordering guards to discreetly watch over you and report back. Her biggest worry is that you'll be taken away from them so she takes extra precautions to keep you safe.
Robb is head over heels for you instantly. Man is down bad. Much like his father, Robb has a savior complex and finds himself wanting to be YOUR savior always. He does this by training extra hard with Jon, keeping an eye on you at all times, and giving threatening looks to any man or woman who gets too close to you. He doesn’t mean to scare away any potential friends but he does mean to scare away potential lovers. He couldn’t bear to see you with anyone outside the family, and even then he has a sword up his butt about it. 
On the other hand, Jon takes a while to warm up to you. He loves his family and is vicious to outsiders who could harm them. Eventually, seeing how you interact with everyone makes him a tad jealous. Not of you, but of his family and how easily they can approach you. I definitely see Jon as an overprotective/stalker yandere with strong jealous tendencies that make him beg for your approval. He finds himself wherever you are, lurking in the background, waiting for the right moment to catch you alone. Jon feels like himself around you and the more time you spend together the more addicted to your presence he becomes. 
Theon is hands down THE worshiper of the group. It's a hot take for sure but as a yandere, I see Theon's insecurities and fears taking over, slightly similar to reek!Theon. He sees you as a deity, above the Lords and Ladies, even above the King/Queen themself. If it were up to him he'd be the one giving you your meals, running your baths, standing by your side as guard. He cherishes your very presence and hopes one day you'll see his never ending loyalty to you and only you. 
Sansa is very quiet about her obsession, you almost couldn't tell. She's the perfect friend, always sitting next to you at meals, gossiping about the Lords and Lady's of court, and helping you stock your wardrobe. Whatever hobby you choose to pick up, she's always there to praise you in your efforts and guide you in whatever way she can. She especially loves teaching you how to embroider as it's her specialty. It was all but normal until you came upon her private journal filled with both your names in beautiful cursive surrounded by hearts. You begin to notice the closeness she silently demands, eyeing everyone else to stay away. You see the way she longingly watches you from afar when you choose to spend time with anyone else. And your dresses, that you both so carefully picked out, seem to have a little embroidered "SS" on the nape of your neck.
Arya sees you as her golden older sibling, the one who can do no wrong. She is constantly dragging you around Winterfell - riding horses and trying to shoot arrows (and failing lol). She finds comfort within you, the only person who doesn't expect anything of her except to be herself. And for that she will never leave your side. Most nights you'll find her trying to sneak into your room to share a bed, but whether she can get past the guards Ned and Catelyn have posted outside your door is another story.
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wylldebee · 9 months
Song of Ice and Fire AU where the Starks have these prominent canine teeth that are as sharp as a direwolf's. Some say it's the magic within the Stark bloodline dating back to when the First Men and the Children of the Forest lived in peace. Others say it's a sign of their kinship with the direwolves that has carried over even when direwolves died out. There's even an old tale about the time a Stark warged into a direwolf and mated with a real one on a dare. Either way, the Starks have these sharp ass fangs that are dangerous and oddly alluring. Special teething toys have to been made to survive the little years. Rickard had the "normal" Stark fangs. Think Luke Evans but bigger. He almost bit a man's finger off for insulting him. His sons Brandon and Benjen inherited his fangs. Despite being a cousin one removed from the Stark line, Lyarra Stark had the biggest and sharpest fangs. She could tear into a steak or a man's throat easily. One flash of her fangs as she feasted on a bloody steak and Rickard was instantly smitten. Her son Eddard and daughter Lyanna inherited her fangs (though Ned's were smaller, easily hidden, which fit with his quiet image). Robb and Bran inheritated Rickard's fangs like their uncles Brandon and Benjen. Rickon has Rickard's size but Lyarra's sharpness. Jon's is like Ned's but bigger, somewhere in between Ned and Lyarra's sizes. Sansa and Arya take completely after their grandmother. Headcanons underneath the read more.
— Rickon bit everyone when he was teething. A literal ankle biter. Ned still has the scars. — When Lyanna was rescuing Howland Reed she also bit one of the squires. Howland can still perfectly remember the victorious bloody grin on her face, fangs tipped with blood. — Robb and Jon used to practice snarling at each other when they were small. — Catelyn is into it. Like...into it. First Brandon then Ned. She's weak for the moments where Ned smiles wide enough he accidentally flashes his fangs. In their chambers in private she'll cup both sides of his face and trace his fangs with her thumbs and then it leads to sexy times and thus the Stark kids were born. — The Stark kids taught their direwolves how to snarl. — Instead of Nymeria biting Joffrey it's Arya. Nymeria just distracted him with her arrival. No direwolves die, not when Arya's fangs and lips are coated with blood and Joffrey bares the marks. Renly has to be carried out, laughing so hard he's wheezing. — Sansa kept her fangs filed to be more like a proper southern lady. It was painful but worth it (in her eyes). Come her time in King's Landing, she lets them get long and sharp again. Margaery is instantly in love (and highly aroused). (No seriously Margaery is literally shimmering in arousal all day every day. All Sansa has to do is flash her fangs and Marg is soaked.)
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the-desilittle-bird · 11 months
headcanon to be the young wife of Cregan Stark
A.N:- So, yeah, I was dead for as long as I can remember but now... I am back again!!!
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
HOTD Headcanon
Being Cregan Stark's Young Wife Include...
Tags:- @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @cherryaemond, @watercolorskyy, @literishdegree99, @sunmoon-01, @random-shit-i-like-2, @ultrav0lence, @thatgirlthatreadswattpad, @deltamoon666, @severewobblerlightdragon, @marvelescvpe, @eudximoniakr
Warnings:- None
GIF Credit Goes to @mary-ann84
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You will be the daughter to some important lord or maybe a younger sister to some lord in the council of the King.
After Cregan Stark's first wife, Arra Norrey, dies in childbirth, your father/brother is ready to propose a marriage pact to the Lord of the North.
After all, you are young and fertile and highborn. The perfect partner for a Lord with only a son.
Cregan and you might have met one another once or not, it doesn't matter to him.
When the proposal reaches him and his council, the members and his advisors encourage him to accept it
But Cregan has other plans.
You soon find a raven of your name, written by the Wolf Lord, asking whether you wish for this or not.
Even if you were against this marriage, the raven would definitely make you swoon over his chivalry. And you will understand that you won't find a better match.
The marriage would be a small occasion, officiated in the eyes of the closest to the bride and groom.
The North, as well as your husband's council, will welcome their Lady with open arms.
You will also have to play mother to the little Rickon, and you find the baby adorable.
Bearing more children to Cregan and developing your relation with him.
Small but significant gestures on both of yours and his parts.
Being an absolute power couple.
You were worried sick when he had to travel south.
But equally happy when he returned unharmed.
Having a big fat happy family.
And an awesome relation with Sara.
In short, you did be everything the North needed in their Lady.
And the apple of Cregan's eyes.
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anisrightarm · 7 months
Cregan Stark NSFW Alphabet
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NSFW topics ahead don’t read if you’re not comfortable!!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Cleans you up with a rag and warm water while telling how perfect you are for him
Knows you get cold in the north so he always has extra fur blankets to wrap you in
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For him he likes his eyes, knows you go wild for eye contact and you always compliment his eyes
On you he likes your stomach and hips, most northern girls he’s bedded have been rather skinny he loves the feeling of your stomach under his hands
LOVES your hips boy is grabbing them while pounding into you or caressing them while making love
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He will cum in you if you’re comfortable with it he goes feral for that shit
If not he loves cumming on your back or stomach something about you being dirty with his seed makes his brain short wire
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Would love to fuck you in the great hall alone obviously
Just the thought while he’s at some important meeting he just has to look at the table to remember what you two did whilst everyone is oblivious
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He has 10 kids.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything where he can see your face
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Cregan lets you set the mood but if it’s after a battle or hunt it’s all business
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s well shaven he likes to keep it neat and manageable
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s romantic he wants everything to be perfect for you he will definitely start a nice fire for you
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t necessarily like or need to jerk he has you
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink goes brr
Wants you to have his kids so bad he will whisper in your ear during sex telling you how good you would look pregnant
Praise giving and receiving he likes to know he’s making you feel good
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your chambers obviously he loves going to bed knowing you have had sex on the bed
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Imagining you pregnant
Seeing you with Kids (more specifically Rickon)
He loves to see you all dressed up for important events
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Will never do anything without your consent
Will never lay his hands on you
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
LIVES for eating you out it’s his favorite meal
Won’t deny head but won’t demand it he prefers giving
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Once again it’s mostly up to you and your preference but I like to think he goes deep you know quality over quantity
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Only likes quickies if he has absolutely no time
He likes to take his time to make his lady feel good
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Will never do something with you not being comfortable so kind of if your down, so is he
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can last atleast 3-4
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I can’t imagine him using them on you, he prefers to please you himself
Doesn’t mind if you use them by yourself, he’s a lord after all he’s busy
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can tease and will but hates making you wait
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not very loud but he will grunt and moan in your ear
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Cregan was so touch starved before you got betrothed so when you held him the first night you made love he cried but always denies it
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Oh yeah he’s big you know what they say about northern men😏😏
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
This man is down literally 24/7
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Cregan makes sure you are comfortable and okay before anything then it’s fair game you both knock out
A/n: My first NSFW alphabet!!! Give me feedback how did I do?? Who next??
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