#right now im thinking it was actually Niall 👀
coffeeflavoredcookies ¡ 2 years
I think it's very nice of Maggie to have written those last couple chapters specifically to make me happy (yes I just reread my fave moments)
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mostlymaudlin ¡ 2 years
Instagram husband? 👀🤭
@thewholelemon asked for this too!
so, some may be familiar with my great british bake off au, Nothing Equals The Splendor. this takes place in the same universe! it's another one where im not sure why i didn't finish it, because it's over halfway done.. but whatever lol. im actually going to put the rest under a read more because there's a HUGE spoiler for the original fic!!
soooo if you remember, simon won the championship. and now he has to be really active on social media to reap the benefits. and baz makes it his mission to ensure that they have good content to post LOL, so he's constantly taking pics of simon (like an instagram husband). the fic is actually told in a collection of outsider POV vignettes -- niall, shep, dev, and penny -- before coming back to simon/baz povs.
now that im looking at this, i think the reason i stopped writing it is that there's Tension that arises between simon and baz bc of all this social media stuff and i kind of didnt want to deal with it once i got into their heads -- bc the outside povs were so fun!! esp bc i loved my versions of niall and dev in this verse.
i'll give you the full dev pov scene, because why not lol:
I didn’t expect Malcolm to take Baz’s whole new thing well. Baz’s dad has always put a lot of pressure on him. I don’t think he expected Natasha Pitch’s son to grow up to be a queer socialist. (Baz’s politics are kind of bullshit since he’s still paying rent and tuition with Daddy’s old family money. But so am I, so I can’t really judge.)
Anyway, I certainly didn’t expect this: Malcolm and Baz’s boyfriend chummin’ it up at my grandmother’s garden party. Simon had expressed mild interest in Malcolm’s newest magickal livestock endeavor (Literal fire-breathing guinea pigs. Inspired.). It devolved from there. 
I’ve always maintained that my uncle Malcolm is a softie underneath it all — mostly because I know that’s how Baz is. The Grimms are sensitive folks. And as soon as you give their weird niche topics a spoonful of attention, they fall apart like putty in your hands. You should hear Baz wax on about baking, it’s insufferable. But also very sweet. 
Or maybe Simon Snow has some kind of secret key to a Grimm’s heart. 
“Wait, my American friend taught me this one,” Simon says, reaching his hands out for Malcolm’s youngest kid, Swithin. “I've been working on the railroad / All the live-long day. / I've been working on the railroad / Just to pass the time away!”
They’re several drinks deep, passing Swithin back and forth on the steps of the back porch and singing him nursery rhymes. Malcolm just finished a rousing rendition of Ladybird, Ladybird! that made Swithin coo with laughter. 
“Dinah, won't you blow, / Dinah, won't you blow, / Dinah, won't you blow your horn?” Simon’s voice is carrying now, Swithin bouncing joyously on his knee. 
Daphne and I are standing nearby, watching the whole affair with wide eyes. 
“What is happening right now?” Baz hisses. I jump — I hate when he sneaks up on me. Stealthy motherfucker. 
“Shhhh,” I say, putting a hand on his shoulder. “They’re bonding. Nature is healing.”
Daphne laughs at that, loud enough that both Malcolm and Simon look over at us, cheeks equally pink as they realize they’re putting on a show. Daphne takes out her phone and takes a photo of them. She’s lucky the porch lights are on — the sky is a dusky purple at this stage in the evening.  
“Could you please send that to me, Mum?” Baz asks, his voice small. I’m worried he genuinely might cry. 
“It can go on my Instagram!” Simon calls over. Baz grins, walking over to sit next to him on the steps. Swithin reaches for Baz, and he swoops him up, kissing his forehead. Then he leans over and kisses Simon’s forehead as well. 
Malcolm doesn’t even flinch.
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a-dowryofblood ¡ 2 years
I think I've developed a good theory about who pushed Liam against the wall. Listen listen, I think I even know when it potential happened.
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watchmegetobsessed ¡ 3 years
⚫️A/N: im not gonna comment this one, the chapter will speak for itself👀 i can't wait to read your thoughts!!
⚫️PAIRING: Professor!Harry X Reader
⚫️WARNING: sexual content
⚫️WORD COUNT: 5.9k
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“Dude, you look awful.”
Niall is standing by the door at the living room, staring down at his friend who is currently sprawled out on the couch, an open bag of chips lying beside him, empty beer cans littering the floor. Harry has been spending his past few evenings like this after getting home from work.
“Thanks,” he grumbles, eyes glued to the TV in front of him.
“Are you still not talking about it?”
The answer is just a growl, but the message is clear.
It’s been three days since the phone call and Harry has regretted it a thousand times by now, but he knows he did the right thing. That doesn’t change the fact that he can’t stop thinking about you and he’s been torturing himself with rereading your dirty stories. He is ashamed to admit it, but he still touches himself thinking about you.
You got into his head and he could tell that you were pissed when he said nothing can happen. He didn’t decide that because that’s what he wanted. He just managed to get his last few brain cells that are not thinking about you to work and he realized he can’t risk his career just because he wants to get his dick wet. In your mouth, in your pussy… he still has endless amount of ideas about what he wants to do to you, but they will remain fantasies now.
Sighing Niall walks over to the couch and sits beside Harry’s feet, taking another long look at his friend’s state, shaking his head.
“Alright, I’m done with your moping. We’re going out tomorrow. Get your fancy clothes from the bottom of your closet.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Harry comments, not even looking at Niall.
“Yes, you are! There’s this gala thingy tomorrow, I didn’t want to go, but I think it could be fun. Free food and booze, it’s gonna be great.”
“A gala?” he grimaces.
“For what?”
“Does it matter? A rich person inviting other rich people to spend money,” Niall shrugs.
“So then why are you invited?” Harry scoffs.
“One of the guys I wrote for got me on the list. We’ll eat and drink and then we could go clubbing.”
“I don’t do clubbing anymore.”
“Now you will. I don’t take no as an answer. I’m done seeing your mopey ass, I’m leaving in a few days, we’re gonna make the best out of it!” Clapping his hands he stands and leaves the room before Harry could protest against the plans.
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Harry is wearing a fitted, black suit with a black shirt underneath, the outfit represents his mood perfectly. Niall looks stoked about tonight wearing a light lilac suit, trying his best to shake his friend up. Harry tried to cancel on the plans several times throughout the past 24 hours, but Niall was adamant about bringing him out of the house for the night.
Now as they walk into the gala, which Harry found out is a charity event, Niall is bursting from energy while Harry is more like a gloomy shadow following him. Harry looks around and see a bunch of strangers, everyone dressed to the nines, champagne is being served along with appetizers and in the back he sees a long buffet table probably full of the most expensive kinds of food.
Niall drags him into the middle of it, they start mingling and Niall pretends to know half the people when he has absolutely no idea who he is talking to most of the time. Harry starts downing the drinks, one following the other until he can feel himself loosening up finally.
“Alright, so which club are we going after this?” Niall pats his shoulder as they get a good look at the food, each of them holding a plate in their hands.
“I told you, I don’t go clubbing,” he sighs, though he is definitely in a better mood now. He’s been actually trying to socialize and there are quite a few women that are his type.
“And I told you I don’t take no as an answer,” he scoffs. “Alright, so I know you are paranoid and don’t want to run into any of your students so we can go as far as possible.”
“At least you’re listening to me when I tell you things,” Harry sighs shaking his head.
With their plates filled and a new drink, they take a high table to eat, two men they’ve met earlier joining them. Harry likes them, they are not too snobby like some of the people he has seen around. Slowly, he is starting to enjoy himself, forgetting about the craziness that has happened to him lately.
Not much later, he finds himself chatting with a woman named Joanne, she is about a few years younger than him and she was the one to approach him actually, Harry has caught her eyes and she definitely doesn’t shy away from flirting with him.
She is pretty, Harry can tell that. But every time he takes a good look at her when she is talking, he can’t help but think about how she’s missing something.
Deep down, he knows his problem is that Joanne is not you, but he refuses to admit it. Instead, he tries his best to look interested and maybe even try to return the flirting. He needs to move on, and he needs to do it fast.
“So, do you have something planned after this?” Joanne asks with a coy smile and Harry doesn’t miss how she’s been puffing her chest out to make her breasts look bigger.
“Um, my friend is trying to get me to go clubbing, but it’s not really my thing,” he chuckles, licking his lips.
“Oh, but that sounds exciting! The music, the dancing,” she muses. “I bet you’re a great dancer, Harry,” she winks.
Harry just chuckles, taking another sip from his drink. Joanne starts telling him a story about the last time she went out with her friends, it was a bachelorette party and they went to five different clubs a night. Harry doesn’t find it too interesting, but he pretends to be listening, while his eyes wander over to the people around them. He is looking for Niall, maybe they can get going sometime soon. If they get to the club earlier they might leave earlier as well. Joanne is still going on and on about the martinis she had that one night and Harry is just about to think of a way to excuse himself when something catches his attention.
At first he thinks he is just hallucinating. The familiar figure he’s been thinking about nonstop is now wrapped in a silver dress that’s showing off a lot of skin in the chest area and it’s not too long either. He lets his eyes glide over the legs he’s been fantasizing about being wrapped around his waist, silver high heels wrapped around the delicate feet he would love to have on his shoulders.
It’s you. There’s no denying that he is staring at you and you look prettier and more delicious than ever. But the worst thing is that you’re not alone.
Harry’s stomach drops when he sees a tall, broad man by your side with perfect, dark skin, he could easily be Michael B. Jordan’s little brother. He is wearing a seemingly expensive, fitted suit and he has an arm around your waist.
It makes Harry want to break his arm.
You haven’t noticed Harry. Standing in a little circle with a few more people, you’re seemingly having a great time, leaning against the man as he holds you in a way too intimate way for Harry’s liking. He wants to know who he is and why he is touching you in the way he wants to touch you. Is he your boyfriend? Is this a date? Were you dating him all along when you were chasing after Harry?
He has way too many questions and in the meantime, seeing you is like a slap across his face, because he is reminded of what he made himself miss out on.
“Harry? Everything alright?” Joanne asks, snapping him out of his trance and he realizes he’s been staring at you.
“Hm? Oh, um… Sorry, will you please excuse me?” he mumbles, barely even looking at her. He doesn’t wait for an answer, just walks away, straight in your direction.
He sees you laughing at something and he can feel his heart skipping a beat when you place a hand to the man’s chest, engaging in the conversation. You lick your lips and brush your hair behind your ear as you lift your gaze and look around. And then you see Harry.
For a moment, you both freeze. Harry stops in his tracks, just staring at you in a mixture of shock, jealousy and confusion. Your lips part at the sight of him and he notices how your confidence vanishes just for a split second.
Then you turn to the man, say something to him and turning around you start walking away, clearly running away from Harry, but he goes right after you. He will not let you disappear.
After Harry basically dumped you over the phone, you were fuming. You couldn’t believe he said no after everything you tried and it hurt your ego that you were rejected. Not that you think of yourself so good that you can’t even handle someone not wanting you, but coming from Harry, it hurt. It hurt because you put everything into it, you’ve never played this hard for someone and you ended up being rejected. It was worse than any breakup you had. Not feeling like moping around, you called Zion.
He was more than happy to hear from you and you urged to meet as soon as possible, so he invited you out to the gala. His father was invited, but couldn’t make it so Zion took his place and asked you to be his date. You were more than happy to have something to take your mind off of Harry.
You thought about reconnecting with Zion as a fully friendly thing. The two of you had dinner first, you talked about everything you missed in each other’s life during the time you weren’t talking, he told you about his new job, the girlfriend he had for a few months, but things didn’t work out, then you told him about finishing your bachelor’s and starting your master’s, moving in with Kostas and Ramona. It was nice talking to him like in the old days. Aside from the amazing sex, you were great friends with Zion and you missed having him around.
Arriving to the gala he started introducing you to people, just mixing and mingling while also spending time together. He was always a gentleman and he didn’t change. He’s been keeping you by his side all night, an arm around your waist, but it’s nothing more than just a friendly gesture.
Then just moments ago your whole night took a one hundred eighty when you saw Harry standing not too far from you, wearing all black and staring right at you as you stood by Zion’s side. Your stomach dropped and you couldn’t hear a thing that was said near you, completely paralyzed to see him there.
And then you realized he was heading your way but you did not want to talk to him, because you weren’t sure if you’d snap at him, unload your anger on him or just simply break down crying. So excusing yourself you turned around and rushed away with the intention of melting into the crowds so he would lose you.
Now as you peek over your shoulder you see that he is still following you, picking up his pace to reach you, but you’re determined to get his plan to fail.
“Fuck,” you breathe out when you almost run into one of the waiters carrying a tray full of champagne. You could use the alcohol, but you don’t have the time for drinking. “Excuse me, sorry,” you mumble, pushing your way past the guests, heading towards the hallway that leads to the restrooms, hoping to make it to the ladies’ room before he can reach you.
Unfortunately, you’re out of luck.
“Y/N, wait!” you hear him call after you in the hallway, but you don’t stop, however, a moment later you feel his hand wrapping around your arm firmly, but not painfully as he pulls you back and turning around you’re forced to face him. “Y/N, please!”
“No!” you snap, shaking his hand off of yourself as discreetly as possible. The last thing you want is to cause a scene. “I don’t… I don’t want to talk to you. I have nothing to say.”
“But I do!” he protests. Folding your arms on your chest you arch an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah? And what is it? What is it that you didn’t tell me over the phone?” You can’t hold your bubbling anger back, but you also feel humiliated. He rejected you after you basically jumped at him, that didn’t do good to your ego and now he is forcing you to face him. What’s the use in it?
“Y/N, I—“ He sighs deep, scratching his chin as he tries to find the right words. Truth is, he has no idea what he wanted to tell you, he just felt like he needed to talk to you. Especially after seeing that you’re not alone here. “Who is… who is the guy you’re with?”
“I’m sorry?” you scoff.
“Is he your boyfriend? Were you dating him when you were trying to make me look like a fool?”
“Are you accusing me now?”
“Just trying to find out the truth,” he hisses back.
“The truth? Why don’t we start with how you were out on a date with Professor Alvarez last weekend?”
“What?” he grimaces as he stares back at you. “What are you—How do you know I was with her?”
“Word travels fast, professor,” you sneer at him spitefully. Harry takes a deep breath, trying to clear his head, because this heat that took over him is not getting him anywhere. He needs to think for once, which is hard when it comes to you.
“It wasn’t a date, we just had dinner, that’s it. Now your turn,” he nods at you. “Who’s the guy?”
“An old friend,” you answer simply, but Harry can tell there’s more behind the story. Gritting his teeth, he takes a deep breath and locks his eyes on you.
“And have you fucked this old friend?”
Your mouth almost hangs open at his blunt question. You definitely did not expect it from him, and you’re not entirely sure whether you’re turned on by this possessive and invasive side of him, or if it pisses you off.
Opening your mouth you’re just about to answer, when two women walk past you, so you wait for them to pass, you don’t need anyone to hear what you’re talking about. When they are gone, you square your shoulders and stare back at him, trying your best to look intimidating.
“I have. Several times in the past years. What are you gonna do about it?”
Harry’s lips part as if he wants to say something, and he does, but the words don’t come out. He just stares back at you with rising anxiety as he realizes that he can do absolutely nothing about who you fuck with.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” you scoff with a bitter grin. “You made a choice, now live with it.”
You walk away with trembling knees, but Harry doesn’t notice a thing from it. He has turned into stone as he remains standing in the same spot, completely destroyed as you leave him alone. He knows you’re right, what was he even thinking? He definitely crossed a line with asking about your partner, it was stupid of him, but jealousy brought the worst out him. Seeing you with someone else poisoned his mind and now that he knows that he had you the way Harry wants you, he is going feral, yet, he knows he can’t do anything.
By the time he snaps out of his trance you’re gone. He turns back towards the crowd of guests and he spots your figure right away, standing by the side of your partner for the night once again. His arm has returned around your waist and Harry can taste the bitterness on his tongue at the sight of it. Something primal, a beastly instinct is burning inside his chest, jaw clenched as he watches you interact with people. He is jealous of your partner, he is jealous of the people you’re talking to, smiling at… Realization slowly sets in that he has made a mistake the other day. After tonight, he won’t be able to get rid of even just the thought of you.
He needs to make things right. But does that mean doing the right thing?
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You’re a nervous wreck after your conversation with Harry. He caught you so off guard and then everything he said… you need time to wrap your mind around it. But you’re proud of yourself for keeping your chin up, because even though you felt humiliated after the rejection, you didn’t throw yourself at him at the slightest hint that he might want you. His little jealousy scene definitely gave you the impression that you might still have a chance at him, but if he thinks he can just pretend like he owns you after what happened, he’s setting himself up for failure.
“Everything alright?” Zion asks, when you’re finally free from the weird old guy that’s been trying to chat you up. Now you’re standing by the wall, just the two of you, having a breather.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you nod.
“Who was the guy?”
“The old man? No idea, he just came up to me,” you shrug, running a hand through your hair to fix it.
“Not the old man. The guy you talked to when you said you were going to the restroom.”
All air gets pushed out of your lungs, you didn’t think Zion saw you with Harry, but you were wrong. You have no reason to lie to him, but it feels wrong to tell him the truth about Harry. You want to selfishly keep it to yourself.
“Oh, just… A friend of a guy I hooked up with,” you make up, which is partially true, except that you never actually hooked up with Niall.
“Ah, alright,” he nods, seemingly believing what you said. A guy waves at him for a few feet away, inviting him to join their little circle. He waves back before turning to face you.
“Go, I’ll… have a breather in the garden,” you tell him, gesturing towards the glass doors that lead to a tiny rose garden in the back of the room. You don’t feel like socializing and could use some peace and quiet.
“Alright. I’ll come find you in a bit,” Zion smiles, giving your waist a squeeze before jogging over to the guy.
Glancing after him for a second, you head outside. There are a few tables set up as well, fairy lights illuminating the romantic looking little garden that’s full of red and pink roses. There are a few lingering guests outside, barely even noticing you showing up. You find yourself a hidden spot by a little water fountain, the gurgling of the water quite calming in the midst of this crazy night.
Before meeting up with Zion earlier tonight, you actually thought about hooking up with him again if he brought it up.
Taking a deep breath, you let your eyes fall closed, allowing a few moments of peace for yourself, something you haven’t really gotten lately. Hearing footsteps behind you, your eyes pop open and you turn around with a smile, thinking that it’s Zion, but your stomach drops when you see Harry approaching you.
“Would you stop stalking me?” you roll your eyes, turning back to face the fountain.
“Bold of the girl who showed up at my house just a week ago.” He stands beside you, eyes on the water and as you snap your head towards him to protest, you see the tiny smirk on his face.
“Didn’t go there for you, remember? I saw that Niall is here too, maybe I could just finish what we started back then…”you muse, teasing him and the way his eyes darken makes you clench down there, underneath your dress. Jealousy looks insanely hot on him, you have to admit that.
“Don’t… even think about that.”
“Why? As far as I know, I can do whatever I want,” you shrug innocently, though you know you’re playing with fire. Harry chuckles, but you can sense something darker behind it. There’s a few moments of silence before he turns to face you, but you just keep staring ahead, feeling his burning gaze on the side of your head.
“Y/N, I can’t stop thinking about you,” he then speaks up and you stop breathing for a moment. “You… really know how to fuck with my head.”
“Don’t you think it’s a little late now? After our phone call the other day?” you ask with spice in your tone. You don’t appreciate how he keeps changing his mind, you bared yourself in front of him in his office, laid all your cards out onto the table and he rejected you. But now he has the nerve to come here and tell you he can’t stop thinking about you? Part of you is ecstatic that he is coming after you, but you will also not let him play games. How do you know he actually means anything he is saying? If it’s not just his way of teaching you a lesson for thinking that you had a shot at him?
“I’ve had time to think about it since then.”
“You had time before too. You used it to make the decision to reject me, remember?”
You finally look at him, with the pure intention to show him that you will not just fall to your knees because he is showing interest. He blew his chances now he has to work for it if he truly wants you. An off-hand comment about thinking about you won’t do it for you.
He stares back at you with a hard look in his eyes and for a split second you feel like you’re gonna break under the dominance that’s oozing from his look, but you manage to stand your ground.
But then he touches you.
His hand comes up to cup your jaw as he steps closer, his chest almost pressing against yours as you feel his thumb running across your cheek. This one simple touch is so intimate and intoxicating, you can barely remember where you are or what’s happening around you.
“I love it when you have a big mouth, but I want you to use it for something else.”
“Like what?” you breathe out, lips remaining parted as he starts leaning closer, keeping his firm hold on your jaw with his hand.
“I have a few ideas. Want to hear them? You want to get me to dirty talk to you here and now?” he murmurs, making your knees go weak. Your hands find his waist and you hold onto him to keep your balance. It’s soft and firm at the same time and you remember when you touched his chest in his office, how warm and hard he felt under your touch, but you’re getting annoyed you can only touch him with clothes covering him.
“I want to hear them all,” you rasp out. He nudges the side of your head with his nose and you tilt it gently as he leans closer to your ear, his lips brushing against the shell of it when he starts speaking again, his hot breath sending a shiver down your spine.
“First I want you to use them on my mouth. I want to know how your kiss tastes, I want to have my tongue down your throat, Y/N, kiss you until you’re gasping for air and your lips are swollen and bruised.”
Your eyes fall closed at his words, imagining it happening and you can already feel yourself getting wet. Then suddenly, his thumb moves along the line of your lower lip before he pushes it into your mouth and you suck on it without a second thought, lips wrapping around it, as he continues, swirling your tongue around his finger.
“And I want to have that big mouth of yours wrapped around my thumb just like this before I press it against your throbbing clit. I want my finger to be wet first from your mouth, then from your pussy as I work you up and tease you before making you feel real good. Would you like that? I know you’ve thought about having my hand between these thighs, I’ve read about it in your little stories,” he murmurs, his other hand sliding down your side until it reaches your thigh, his fingertips slipping underneath your dress to draw circles onto your naked skin.
You can only whimper as he presses an open-mouthed kiss to your neck beneath your jaw, the feeling of his tongue pressing against your skin sending shockwaves of pleasure across your body.
“I asked you a question, Y/N. Do you want to have my hand between your thighs?”
“Yes!” you gasp with a heaving chest as his thumb slips out of your mouth.
“Good girl.” His hand moves from your jaw to the back of your head to keep it tilted just how he wants, pressing more kisses to your neck and you’re convinced you’ll explode if he doesn’t kiss you in the next few seconds.
“Let’s not forget about where I want your mouth the most. Can you guess where it is?” he continues his train of thoughts.
“Your cock,” you breathe out, barely conscious at this point. His hand that was teasing your thigh has moved up and now he is full on groping your ass, your dress is definitely ridden up, but you can’t even think about it, you just want to feel Harry all over yourself.
“That’s right. I can’t wait to have this pretty mouth sucking on my cock. I’ve been thinking about fucking your mouth for a while, Y/N. And when you get all smart and cocky with me, I just want to do it even more.”
He pulls you closer to him, your body now flushed against his and you feel his erection pressing against your lower stomach, a moan slipping through your mouth as you fist his shirt at his waist. He has worked you up so badly, you’re afraid you’ll just come by his words any moment. So much for keeping your tough act, you’re seconds away from dropping to your knees right here and suck him off, not caring about who is watching. You just want to please this man, any way he wants.
His lips leave your skin and you expect him to finally make the move you’ve been waiting for all this time, but it never comes. Your lips stay untouched and you’re losing the last few drops of your patience.
Opening your eyes, you realize that he is staring at you with a smug grin that quickens your pulse pretty fast, because it gives you the impression that he is just playing another game with you, leading you on so he can reject you again.
“What?” you snap at him, your breathing picking up. “Is this the moment where you just walk away after you’ve had your little fun with me?” His hand slips from under your dress and it moves to your waist in a more decent manner, but you push him away.
“So feisty,” he chuckles softly, but it just pisses you off even more.
“Fuck you,” you hiss at him, shoving him by his chest as you try to march past him before you break down entirely, but before you could even get a few feet away from him, he grabs you by your wrist and yanks you back. You gasp at the sudden movement as you smash against his hard chest, hands flying to his shoulders to steady yourself in your heels even though he wraps his arms around you tight, not letting you fall.
“What the—“ you breathe out as he pulls you behind one of the rosebushes, but before you could get the rest of your sentence out, he is kissing you.
After weeks of fantasizing, dreaming of this moment, teasing and torturing yourself with the thought of having his mouth on yours, it’s now finally happening.
He doesn’t start off shy or tries to test the waters, he goes in hard and rough, making you moan into his mouth as he claims your lips with his. You feel his fingers digging into your sides, your chest presses up against his as you wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him back just as eagerly as he is devouring you.
He didn’t joke about having his tongue down your throat, he is giving you his all. Sucking and biting, you’re an entire mess, already knowing you’ll be thinking about this moment for the rest of your life. He tastes like champagne and mint, you could get drunk on him if you haven’t already. You’re running short on your breath, but you’d rather suffocate than stop kissing him. However he is the first one to take a break from your lips, only to start kissing and sucking on your neck, one hand moving to your ass, this time over the fabric, but he squeezes it so hard you bet he is leaving a mark on your skin.
“I thought you didn’t want to do this,” you choke out, fingers combing through his hair while his face is buried in the crook of your neck.
“Changed my mind,” he mumbles against your heated skin.
“And what about being the type who doesn’t do casual?” you ask, a smile breaking out on your lips. He lifts his head, his piercing eyes burning into yours, lips all swollen and his hair is a mess. He is radiating sex.
“I would do just about anything right now to fuck you, Y/N.” Your heart is hammering so hard in your chest, you’re afraid it’s about to break your ribs as you stare back at him.
“Lucky for you, I feel the same way.”
A pleased grin tugs on his lips and just when he is about to go in for another kiss, you hear someone calling your name.
“Y/N?!” Zion’s voice pops your little bubble and you realize where you are and who you are here with.
“Shit,” you push Harry away, quickly trying to fix your dress and hair to look as presentable as possible while he just stands there, and when your eyes drop to his crotch, you see his whole dick outlined through his fitted pants.
“You’re not gonna just walk away now, are you?” he asks as he tries to figure you out with furrowed eyebrows, not even caring about the enormous erection he is sporting.
“I am. I came here with someone else.”
“And you’re gonna leave with him?” he growls, clearly pissed, but that’s exactly what you wanted. It’s your payback for his stunt earlier.
“Of course, what did you think?” you smile at him innocently. Cupping his face in one hand you lean closer and kiss his lips shortly one last time. “Good luck with getting rid of this,” you smirk at him coyly, brushing your fingers across his bulge before simply walking away, knowing he can’t come after you with his cock that hard.
It takes him twenty minutes to get himself soft enough to be around people again and mostly it was his anger that helped him get his erection down. He can’t believe you walked away like that and went home with him after what just happened. He really thought he had you, that he made his mistake right.
When he returns inside, he is searching for you like a mad man, but you’re nowhere to be found. You’re gone.
Not even bothering to look for Niall, he just leaves the place and calls himself a taxi to head home and probably punch his wall until he breaks every bone in his hands. He sends a text from the car to Niall saying he felt sick and left, knowing his friend will definitely find some fun for himself for tonight without him.
He is still fuming when he gets home, shutting every door so hard it’s a miracle the walls are still standing in the house. Ripping his clothes off he stands under the cold water for a good thirty minutes before he feels like he is not about to blow up from the anger and disappointment. Throwing himself to his bed, only a towel wrapped around his waist, he just stares up at the ceiling, mind completely blank as he still hasn’t processed what happened tonight.
He kissed you.
It was the best kiss he has ever had.
And then you walked away.
He will never recover after tonight. He was fucked before, but now that he’s gotten a taste of you, he is fucking dead.
His pity party is interrupted by the ringing of his phone and he grabs it from beside him with a growl, only to have his heart skip a beat when he sees your name on the screen. He shoots up into a sitting position as he answers the call in a hurry.
“Hey,” you answer him, your voice sweet as honey. “Just… checking in, making sure you’re not still behind that rosebush.” He can tell just by your tone that you’re smiling and he is picturing you as you’re talking, already feeling himself getting hard at just the thought of you.
“No, I’m home. But why are you calling me? Aren’t you supposed to be with your date?”
He is spiteful, jealousy dripping from his words and you can feel it even through the call. It’s exactly what you wanted.
“I didn’t go home with him, Harry,” you answer and his stomach drops at not just the information, but also how you just called him Harry.
“Then why… What was all that about?”
“Wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine. Felt awful to get rejected like that, right? After trying everything to seduce someone.”
Harry clenches his jaw, he can’t believe you played him like that, but he is relieved you didn’t go home with your date.
“If I were there with you, I would make you pay for this little game so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk for days.”
“We’ll see about that,” you giggle and the sound of it makes his dick twitch. “You can make all your wildest fantasies come true next time we see each other, alone.”
“I can’t wait to fuck this little attitude out of you,” he breathes out and he hears a tiny moan on the other end of the call.
“Can’t wait either,” you whisper back before ending the call.
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Thank you for reading! Please like and reblog if you enjoyed!
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Niall horan x Y/n swift pt 2
This is the pt2 of niall horan X y/n 
this is gonna be slow btw cuz I can't stop thinking about it yet again!
Story masterlist
ps if anyone has any good names for their group chat, i would be happy to include them! A lot of drama in this one!
In today episode : 
“ oh man taylor tell her quick she's chasing me with her door handle ”
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Y/nofficial ✔︎
📍Dive bar on the East Side
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niked by Taylorswift and 4,718,725 others
Y/nofficial where you at ?
view all 29,132 comments
Swiftie512 when is TS6, we miss taylor 😔
Y/nfansunite we've heard you sing! And we know you write pls release something!!!
Stylesswift I miss her and gemma 😢 they were such an iconic duo 😎
Arianagrande stunning 😍
Y/nofficial No yuh!
Buzfeed this sounds like a song lyric 👀 @Taylorswift
Hairy - harry Blondie - Taylor smelly - Austin  God - y/n
Hairy : oh it's finally closer to my actual name
God : yeah yeah your welcome
Blondie : sooooo...
God: ????
Blondie : did you like it?
God: T you know you don't need validation from us it's your record And ITS SO FUCKING AMAZING !!!!!!!
Hairy : I'm so pumped for the release this is going to be life changing 🙌
Blondie : you've been crying since Tuesday???
Smelly : I said LEAVE ME
God : gladly
Smelly : ALONE
Hairy : aren't you guys having game night today?
God : how do you know that? Stalker!!!!!
Hairy: you literally planned it here
God : Listen harry I know we're all like friendly to you and all now
Hairy : your really not
God : N e ways just don't try to get to close
Smelly : too late for that
God: What
Are you talking about?
Blondie : nothing as usual
Smelly : heyyy!
Hairy: hey who wants mcdonalds. Let's get mcdonalds huh!?
Hairy: they have this new Mexican flavored thing and new cheese as well
Blondie : you know how I love you and I'm the best person in your life right? Sooooo
Smelly : oh man taylor tell her quick she's chasing me with her door handle
Harry: I think I might get a milkshake haven't had one in a while
Blondie : Door handle? Austin are you alive?
God : WTF
Y/n has Left the chat
Y/ has blocked harrystyles
Y/n has blocked taylorswift
Blondie : goddammit
Smelly: Soooo no mcdonalds??
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piningeddiediaz ¡ 2 years
Wait I’m confused about that group of screenshots about Adam you just reblogged…is it a theory that bryde is a dreamed Adam? I’m consumed everyone in the notes is just like OH NO LOL
oh boy this is a can of worms. to answer your question in the simplest way... yes but also no.
now i'm going to preface this by saying I saw this theory appear ages ago, right before mister impossible just came out and a bit afterwards. there are definitely posts that explain it better than I am going to, but I went through my tags and I can't find a single one of them except this but it doesn't so much 'explain' it, more like draws parallels. i don't really remember a lot of it in detail tbh, and I'm not sure how much I agree with either of them, but there are two main ideas
idea 1: is essentially what you said - bryde is a dreamed version of older adam. the main reason for thinking this is mainly that there are a truly uncomfortable amount of hints made to the idea of a 'dream' adam, and also bryde sometimes says things that sound so very adam, and also they're both 'tawny'. honestly i cant tell you much about this theory because tbh I don't really agree with it, but I'm sure the theories tag will have something about it
idea 2: this is the one i am slightly more 👀 about because it's more concerned with the idea that bryde isn't actually adam, but simply dreamt to look like and embody certain characteristics of an older adam. firstly, in call down the hawk in the infamous tomato dream ronan has, ronan is dreaming about an older adam. in this dream, ronan notes that recently "he [adam] had been an adult in all of ronan's dreams." now, at the time I thought the reasoning for this was probably the idea that ronan was seeing that adam has been moving towards his future whereas ronan himself is very much stuck in time, and it was his grief at the idea of whether or not he and adam will have a future manifesting (also back then I was a visionary adam truther skkds). however, when ronan is having this dream, bryde is in his head spouting his cult bullshit which drew a connection between the two of them. in the same way, there are a lot of characteristics bryde has that matches gansey as well, so I don't think it's so much a 'bryde is adam' as it is a 'ronan dreamt bryde to be someone he looks up to, and so he dreamt into bryde bits and pieces of the three people he loves most: niall, adam and gansey.'
in summary im going to have to admit this isn't a hill I would die on. i see where some of it comes from, but ultimately I do personally think the link is slightly too tenous. I'm sorry if this confused you more loool
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