#rihan: asks answered
celestialshearts · 1 year
"anything interesting?" (for rihan! 👋)
miscellaneous sentence prompts // accepting !!
rihan's time around humans made him even more glad that he'd had training in controlling his reflexes, since so many of them seemed intent on trying to startle him. it was only thanks to that he didn't jump out of his seat.
why were they all so damn chatty all the time? and what did haru mean 'anything interesting'? it seemed pretty obvious to him that the book was about photography techniques, since it was on the cover. sighing internally, rihan remembers nira telling him to work on his bitchy attitude. especially considering he came to this coffee shop pretty frequently.
"yeah...pretty interesting. there's a few techniques in here i hadn't learned about yet." he replies, trying desperately to be the social butterfly he wasn't.
"thanks for the coffee by the way." he adds, wincing at just how awkward he sounds. fuck being an extrovert.
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bellamer · 2 months
Rose Tints My World (The Lost Boys x Male OC, Slight NSFW)
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(The boys and Rihan get back from a midnight screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and leave with something awakened in them. Unfortunately for Rihan, it means they're going to try to coerce him into doing it by any means.)
(I wrote this a year ago. Never published it)
"...Boys, considering that tonight was the first time that you saw this movie, I must ask, why do you have these just laying around in a fucking trunk ?!?" Rihan asked, pulling a corset out of the trunk, along with a nice garter set that included panties, black heels and a feather boa.
"Long story short, a few decades back, Marko and I had a short affair with a showgirl and she kinda left some of her clothes for shows behind and we kept them because...huh, I guess we always liked it, but seeing it on a dude turned me on in a whole different way." Paul said out loud.
"And how do you know that it'll fit me ?" Rihan asked, continuing to riffle through the clothes. "She was a woman, I'm a man."
"You two actually had similar frames, and funnily enough, she had to get her heels custom made because the shoe stores always said that she had 'the feet of a man' so the heels might fit you." Paul said in an amused tone. "Just please put em on Ri ?"
"I'm gonna look ridiculous, fuck no." Rihan said crossing his arms.
"No you won't !" Marko interrupted, moving closer to Rihan. "We wouldn't ask you to do this if we were gonna laugh at you !"
"How about we cut a deal ?" David asked from his seat across the room. "Why don't you try it once, Ri, and if you don't like it or God forbid, one of us laughs at you, you take it off, never wear it again, we never talk about it again and we'll buy you one of those funnel cakes from the boardwalk you're so fond of." He said, trying to negotiate.
Rihan was quiet for a few moments before he answered.
"Fine." Rihan said, rolling his eyes. "But I still want a funnel cake either way and you're not allowed to skimp and buy a plain powdered sugar one, I want the expensive one with the glazed strawberries and whipped cream." He pouted.
"Only if you still do it for us, baby boy." David purred, making Rihan flustered.
"Fine...I'll do it." Rihan said, crossing his arms. "But I'm only doing it for the funnel cake."
David grinned.
"Marko, go get Star to do Ri's makeup, Paul, go get the tunes, something nice and easy preferably and Dwayne, put Laddie to bed early." David, watched as everyone went to put everything together. "This is gonna be fun~"
Rihan sighed from behind the makeshift curtains Marko made out of discarded bedsheets.
"Alright, I'm ready !" He called out.
"You heard him, Paul, he's ready, start the music." David said to Paul, who eagerly pressed play on the boombox.
Rihan heard the slow guitar and immediately recognized the song.
"Really, Paul ?!? The Jack by AC/DC ?!?" Rihan called out. "That song is about gonorrhea, you want me to dance to a song about gonorrhea ?!?"
"It's all I could find on short notice, so just ignore the lyrics and dance !" Paul said, rolling his eyes. Rihan groaned and prepped himself before deciding to get on with the show.
Rihan slowly stuck his leg out from behind the curtain, showing off the fishnets and the heels he was wearing. He heard one of his boyfriends whistle, he knew it was probably Marko. Rihan took a deep breath and slowly emerged from behind the curtains, swaying his hips along to the music.
"Lookin' good, Ri !" Marko called out, clapping his hands, whooping, only to calm down when David put a hand on his arm.
"Show just started, you can't be losing it at a preview." David scolded, as if they were watching a feature presentation.
Rihan ignored the two and continued on with his performance, rubbing his hands up and down his thighs, spreading his legs open as popped down into a squat. He swore he saw Dwayne lean forward in his chair. Rihan slowly stood up and began to dance.
He wasn't a professional by any means, but he did what he could, lifting his legs, shaking his ass, spinning, twirling, even doing a split. He even slowly stood up and undid the corset, dancing around with it pressed to his chest, before eventually discarding it, exposing his chest.
Paul started clapping and whooping, David whistled, Marko damn near fell on his knees and Dwayne was biting his lip so hard, his fangs sprouted and drew blood from his bottom lip. He even caught Star staring at him.
Rihan continued to dance and decided to finish off with the grand finale, stepping off his little platform and walking closer to the boys, the heels clacking, as he started to shake his ass.
"Oh fuck, that's my favorite part of him~" Paul breathed out. "That sweet, sweet ass...."
Then, suddenly, without warning, Rihan slipped off the panties and threw them in a random direction, that direction happening to be where Dwayne was sitting. He swore he heard Dwayne's breath hitch as he grasped the panties, Paul and Marko looking on in jealousy.
Finally, the music stopped and Rihan turned to look at them all, resting his hands on his hips.
"So..." Rihan started, breaking the silence. "How was that ? Considering you all look like you want to devour me, I'll assume I did a good job ?"
"Let's just say you definitely earned that funnel cake..." David husked. "Now bring that sweet ass over here and earn your toppings." He said, spreading his legs at patting his lap.
Rihan obeyed, sitting on David's lap, David resting his hand on Rihan's ass.
Rihan was definitely going to work for those toppings.
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setsuraposting · 2 years
Who Is Rikuo’s True Foil?
Each of the three Nura commanders have a pretty clear narrative foil, someone who is embodies everything they aren’t and serves as their main enemy… at least, the first two do.
Nurarihyon is hotblooded and ambitious, building up his clan in only 100 years, and lives largely for the intoxicating feeling of love he gets from being around Youhime, while Hagoromo-Gitsune is scheming and methodical, taking around many centuries to bolster in preparation for the Nue’s revival, and feeds off the darkness and hatred of the capital.
Rihan is a beautiful man (undoubtedly the hottest of the three commanders, I’m just going to say it) who lives by the belief that true strength is fighting for those you care about, while Sanmoto is a fat bastard who uses his clan as a form of cheap amusement and views their lives as disposable, something Rihan calls him out for.
But for Rikuo, it’s less clear: for one there’s Yoshihira, who Tsurara outright says is uncomfortably similar to Rikuo, and also Seimei, who operates off a perverted version of Rikuo’s “harmony”.
And I think the answer is that they both are, but in different ways. Rikuo is a character whose arc encompasses multiple themes, but the two main ones here are fate and harmony. Fate is him being the grandson of Nurarihyon, thereby destined to become a youkai lord, resolve his ancestors’ centuries-long conflicts, and ultimately oppose the Cleansing. While defeating Seimei, he even says it’s him “cutting through fate”. Harmony, on the other hand, is his system of ideals, what he wants for the world: that is, for humans and youkai to exist together, without one subjugating the other.
Yoshihira is so similar to Rikuo because of having both been descended from youkai lords and destined to lead their respective families, as well as being three-fourths human. Yoshihira accepted this purely out of obligation and a desire for his father’s recognition, while Rikuo took a more roundabout path to get there. At first he thought being the Master of All Spirits sounded awesome, until he realized that his school friends don’t like youkai, at which point his attitude did a 180 and he wanted to live purely as a human. It was only when Gagoze attacked that he decided he *did* want to take up the mantle, but for the sake of protecting humans from bad guys. This would later be refined into his belief in a harmonious world, and so we see the difference between them: Rikuo decided not to actively oppose his fate persay, but wrangled it into something of his own rather than uncritically accepting it.
Seimei, on the other hand, represents a fallen version of Rikuo’s ideals; a belief in harmony, but a harmony that can only exist through his singular, eternal, and absolute rule, with all dissenting factions being wiped out. It goes so far that he sees his own affection for his mother as a weakness that must be purged, hence why he cast her to Hell. This is in stark contrast to Rikuo, who believes that the bonds between people are precisely what make them strong (carried on from his father, and proven literally with the Matoi) and recognizes the right of both human and youkai groups to largely do their own thing, as long as they aren’t actively causing destruction. Heck, he doesn’t even force Tamazuki, Dassai, and the Tsukumo Clan to join his Hyakki Yakkou, only asking them to temporarily lend their strength for the war against Seimei before parting ways afterward. His ideal world isn’t one of absolute control, but of his subjects actually having a decent amount of freedom.
So, I’d say Rikuo actually has two different foils, one for each of his major themes. It’s also worth pointing out that the ending implies Tamazuki (and possibly also Dassai) will become his main rival(s) in the coming decades, but they wouldn’t necessarily have as much ideological conflict anymore since Tamazuki has largely reformed, and Dassai is just a bro.
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jama12 · 1 year
Once upon a time, there was a little kid named Rihan. Rihan was such a good kid and loved to help people. It was no wonder why many people loved him. He had short dark hair and dark skin, which was very different compared to his friend who had white skin. Although Rihan portrayed himself as a good kid on the outside, he had a problem that he couldn't solve. His family had to pay rent to his aunt.
When Rihan was about 6, his father left him. There was no one to take care of him except his mother. Even though his life became much harder after his father left, his mother tried her best to create a family that belonged to Rihan. For the past 5 months, everything seemed okay, but one day Rihan's mother fell sick, and everything became worse after she fainted and dropped from ladder.
They had to borrow money from Rihan's family for his mother's treatment. While his mother got treatment, Rihan lived with his other family. Well, Rihan didn't get treated like family; it was more like being a servant. Every day, Rihan helped with the household chores, such as washing clothes and cleaning the room. It really made Rihan try so hard. He hoped that his mother would get better soon.
Three months later, Rihan's mother fully healed and they could go home. Rihan was happy to hear it, and he couldn't wait to see his mother. As time passed, Rihan finished elementary school and now he was 13 years old, ready to start a new day in high school.
He was happy on his first day of school. He made two friends, Rand and Dirman. They were such good kids and they also loved writing, just like Rihan. The first semester in high school went very well for Rihan. He joined extracurricular activities like volleyball and scouting, and made good connections with seniors. He also got the highest score in the class. The teachers were amazed at how smart Rihan was. He excelled in physics, biology, and mathematics without any trouble.
It seemed like Rihan's life was getting better, but one day they had to move to his cousin's house. The house where Rihan was treated more like a servant than family. Rihan asked why they moved there, and his mother answered, "We couldn't pay our rent, so I have to work here all day," said his mother.
When they arrived at the house, his aunt asked his mother to start working. Rihan disagreed with his aunt. They were tired after carrying all their stuff, so he asked for a short break, even just for 10 minutes.
"It's okay, son. I don't mind," said his mother, "and can you bring all our stuff to our room?" she added. Rihan nodded and took all their bags with him. His aunt led him to a tiny room that seemed like a shed. Rihan could tell by how small the room was and how much dust was around.
"Where is the last room that I used to sleep in?" asked Rihan.
"My family will stay there. I don't have any room left," said his aunt and left him. The room was really covered in dust. Rihan took a broom and tried to clean it. There was no window in the room, so Rihan had to cover his nose with his hand while cleaning. Sometimes Rihan coughed because the dust tickled his nose.
Even though the room was cleaned, the dust could still be felt. Rihan took all the bags and felt so tired that he slept on the floor. When he woke up, it was already late at night. His mother was not there. He stood up from the floor and searched for his mother. Rihan was surprised and shocked when he saw his mother still working late at night. "Mom, what are you doing?" said Rihan.
"Just a little bit more and it's done," said his mother, who was really tired. "What are you doing here? You must sleep. You have school tomorrow," she continued while washing the plates.
"Mom, it's already late. You have to sleep," said the kid as he dragged his mother's hand. His mother followed him, seeming very tired. Rihan took a carpet from the bag and put it on the floor. His mother suddenly dropped onto the carpet and fell asleep.
Rihan knew that there were some tasks to do. He went back to the kitchen and finished all the tasks. The next morning, Rihan prepared to go to school. His mother was still sleeping; it seemed she had worked very hard the previous night.
Rihan slowly closed the door and put on his shoes.
"Where are you going?" asked his aunt.
"Oh, I am going to school," said Rihan as he put his foot inside the shoes.
"You can't go to school. I am busy here, my cousin will come here in one hour. You need to clean the house," said his aunt.
"But I thought my mother asked me to focus on school. She said I am not involved in this problem," asked Rihan.
"Of course you are," said his aunt as she handed him a broom. "Start working now. Remember, your family has to pay rent to me. How could your family pay if you don't start working?" his aunt forced him. What his aunt just said might be right. If Rihan didn't start working, his mother would feel tired working alone. He didn't want to see his mother working too hard.
Rihan agreed, but he made an agreement that he had to leave the house when his mother woke up. Since then, the nightmare began. Rihan never attended school again. Every day, he spent his time cleaning clothes, serving his cousin, and doing many chores. When his mother was about to wake up, Rihan would run near the jungle.
It had been one month since Rihan last attended school. He missed school, studying, and his friends. Tears dropped from his eyes as he remembered it. He hadn't realized that his friends were watching him.
"Rihan, how are you?" said one of his friends. Rihan suddenly wiped his tears.
Hello, guys. What are you doing here?" asked Rihan.
"We were supposed to ask you the same thing. Why didn't you attend school?" asked his friend. Rihan didn't want to answer, but at the same time, he was very stressed. He thought that maybe sharing his pain would calm his heart, so he told them everything. His friends were shocked to hear it. They asked if his mother knew, and Rihan shook his head. One of his friends left them, while the other stayed with Rihan.
Two hours later, Rihan decided to go home. He saw his mother packing all their bags. "Mom, where are you going?" asked Rihan.
"We're moving. I can't let my son become a servant because of our rent," said his mother as she took Rihan's hand and dragged him away from his aunt's house.
"But Mom, how will we pay the rent?" asked Rihan.
"I will be working in another country next week," said his mother.
"But Mom, I'll be living alone," said Rihan, starting to cry.
"No, you don't. I have signed you up at the hostel. You will live there until Mom comes back," said the mother as she wiped Rihan's tears. "I was so heartbroken when I heard you weren't attending school because of this problem. Your mother wants you to be a successful person, not a loser like her. Don't be sad, I will be back after 3 years," said the mother.
Rihan nodded, and they went to the hostel where they met his friend. "Thank you for telling me the truth," said the mother. "You are a really good person."
"No problem," said Rihan's friend.
"Did you tell my mother?" asked Rihan.
"Yes, I did. Look, you don't deserve to be a servant. You have a dream, and your mother believes in you. You should stay here and study with us," said Rihan's friend.
Rihan thought about what his friend said. He remembered wanting to be a doctor, and he always saw his mother praying for him to be a better person. Rihan now understood what his mother wanted and decided to stay at the hostel. He promised to study as hard as he could and make his mother proud.
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shell-senji · 6 years
Ultimate Ship Meme for Rihan and Wakana! Pretty please? These two need so much more love and ss cool as Yamabuki Otome is, Wakana is the real MVP in my opinion. Anyone who hides an .45 in her bra and can get a grieving hanyou to fall in love and marry her needs all the love in the world.
Thank you for the ask, and I’m sooooo sorry it took so long! Partly just IRL stuff and also it took me a little while to decide how to handle them. But I agree…Wakana is such a quiet badass (LOVE the .45 scene lol) and we need more of them!
I decided to again do both canon and AU bc…well…reasons (okay bc I’m a glutton for AUs). Under the cut for minor canon spoilers:
General, canon setting:
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? till Rihan’s death (I think they were very much in love, but I’m not sure if they were one another’s soul mates. I’m not sure. Can you have two soul mates? lol I honestly haven’t put near as much thought into Rihan or Wakana — @sabinasanfanfic maybe could help me?? LOL)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Not as fast as Yohime and Nurarihyon…maybe a couple weeks or months?
How was their first kiss? - I bet Wakana kissed him first, and she probably did it to make him smile
[Note: the rest of the questions are for a random AU I thought of and will probably never ever write. Probably non-yokai??? idk. debatable. Wakana is either a bartender or works as a server at a bar that Rihan frequents. You know, drink the woes away since his first love died and all. Wakana is cheerful and optimistic and somehow manages to make him smile (something that does not go unmissed by Rihan’s friend Kubinashi)]
Wedding, bartender AU:
Who proposed? - Rihan, but only until someone points out that hey, you might want to do something to keep someone else from snatching her up. The thought of her with someone else spurs his actions
Who is the best man/men? - Kubinashi
Who is the bride’s maid(s)? - Kejoro
Who did the most planning? - Wakana
Who stressed the most? - neither 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. ***Note: they wouldn’t care as much about the fanciness of the wedding but would want it to be fun and have all their friends/family there. Nurarihyon would probably throw a massive party, and lord would everyone be shitfaced (except Wakana and Yohime. Wakana bc she can hold her liquor and Yohime bc she doesn’t overindulge).
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - no one?? idk
Sex, AU:
Who is on top? - varies, but quite often Wakana 
Who is the one to instigate things? - more often Rihan, but about equal
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head (though it might vary)
How long do they normally last? - uh…however long it takes/they want?
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - not necessarily by number, but they make sure they both enjoy themselves
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. *It varies. 
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. 
Children, AU:
How many children will they have naturally? - one
How many children will they adopt? - two, twin girls
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Wakana. Rihan gags and she’s just like…Shoo. I don’t want clean up puke too…I get enough of that at work.
Who is the stricter parent? - Neither. They both just want their kids to be happy and healthy. 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -  Wakana might try…half-heartedly… Rihan’s encouraging it, the little shit. Their grandfather would be encouraging it too…
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Wakana, though Rihan would remember to give them lunch money in the event someone forgot to make lunches
Who is the more loved parent? - idk both? i sort of hate this question lol
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Rihan goes bc Wakana is often at work, and ALL the other moms adore him and the dads kind of hate him except…they can’t because how can you hate Rihan?
Who cried the most at graduation? - Wakana, though Uncle Kubinashi might have to rub his eye because, uh, allergies… Aunt Setsura might have shed a tear or two…but no one’s gonna say anything that’s for damn sure.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - If Wakana is working, they send Kejoro, who bats her eyelashes and shows a little extra cleavage and usually manages to get the kids off with a warning. Kubinashi would prefer she didn’t, but he’s also learned to pick his battles. (Plus Rihan and Kubinashi aren’t going to go bail the kids out, bc ya know…mafia/Yakuza and all…)
Cooking, AU:
Who does the most cooking? - someone else, bc they are BOTH hot messes in the kitchen
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - neither is overly picky, but then, can you be when you couldn’t cook your way out of a paper bag?
Who does the grocery shopping? - either or both — when they go together they wind up getting more junk food and impulse buys and forget 75% of what they were supposed to be buying
How often do they bake desserts? - Only once. Never again. Do you know how hard it is to clean up molten sugar that splattered everywhere?
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - both
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Wakana, but if it was home cooked, she’d have had lots of help from Kejoro or Setsura
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Both — or takeout. If Wakana is tired from work, Rihan would have food waiting for her
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Both, but slightly more Rihan
Chores, AU:
Who cleans the room? -  Wakana. Rihan gets distracted and wanders off. 
Who is really against chores? - Rihan
Who cleans up after the pets? - Wakana 
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Rihan
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Neither, they’re so laid back. Wakana probably is a little more excited
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Rihan. And then he got distracted…and didn’t finish cleaning.
Misc, AU:
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Wakana. After a long night at the bar, she likes to relax in a nice hot bath
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Neither, they’re cat people
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - they do an average amount for the major holidays. Wakana has to help out with decor at the bar, so she’s kinda decorated out by the time she gets home. When they have kids they do more, though. 
What are their goals for the relationship? - For Wakana, it’s always and forever making Rihan smile and laugh. And Rihan wants her happy, so they’re just kind of…making each other happy, taking care of their family, enjoying life and not getting murdered
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Both — Wakana when she’s working late night and Rihan routinely
Who plays the most pranks? - Rihan, that lovable little shit.
Again, thanks for the ask! It was fun to brainstorm ;-)
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laladellakang · 2 years
How are you?
I wanted to ask if you could write something about Della and the boys with the hello82 video where they were playing with children please?
Thank you! :)
Have a good day or night 😊
hi! i’m still kicking myself for having terrible attention span but i’m good, thank you!
for convenience purposes, there will be a sixth kid named kevin (5 yr old)
this is a ‘drabble’ i guess??
“Niki is good at dancing,” Jungwon said.
“Yes, it’s Niki- our maknae,” Sunghoon smiled.
“I think Della’s really good at dancing too,” Niki gestured towards the girl.
“Yes, Della’s really good,” Sunghoon agreed.
“These two are usually in charge of dancing.”
“Please come in!” the kids all came rushing in. Byeori immediately rushing to Jungwon and Kevin to Della.
“Hi!” Della kneeled down to fist bump but he hugged her instead. She opened her mouth in surprise while hugging him back. “Cute!”
“Cute!” all of the boys were seen grinning at the sight, with Jay kneeled down beside them, looking at the two with a soft expression.
[TEAM EN- : Jungwon, Jay, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Kevin, Byeori, Grace]
[TEAM HYPEN: Jake, Heeseung, Ni-Ki, Della, Saanvi, Chloe, Rihan]
[IVE - Eleven]
“Aih- this song is really popular,” Sunoo commented.
“Ahh- like this?” Della repeated Chloe’s dance move.
“Ahh,” Sunghoon quickly realised too.
“Ooh, nicee,” Della smiled playfully at how well the younger was doing. “Let’s go!” they high-fived before Della patted Jake’s back. “Come on, oppa.”
“This one?” Jake clapped once and imitating the move. Della hummed in approval.
“Chloe thought of a good move,” he complimented.
“Yeahh, she’s good dancer,” Della stood beside Chloe to wrap an arm around her shoulder. “Is this okay?” she can’t help but smile when Chloe did the same on her waist.
“Ahh okay,” Della immediately got what Niki was trying to convey.
“That’s the main point- it’s easy,” Sunghoon watched as Della passed the move to Chloe. “Chloe knows it, too.”
“That’s all we need to do,” Niki said while Chloe showed Jake.
“Why is it so easy for this team?” Sunghoon whined.
“Ya- do you not know it?” the Hypen team was concerned at how hard Jake was thinking.
“Jake, don’t play around. Really,” Heeseung crossed his arms
“Oppa- please..” Della tried to give the answer with her eyes.
“Jeon Somi-sunbaenim’s… Dumb Di Dumb?” Della screamed in frustration and hugged Niki out of reflex.
“Wait! Wait! He didn’t shout ‘answer’!” Della defended. “Oppa! Let’s go!” she suddenly started dancing to Red Velvet’s Dumb Dumb, making everyone laugh.
“It’s not Girls on Top..?” Della was equally confused.
“If that’s the case then ‘connect’ could also be our group name!” Jungwon explained.
“No- it’s like saying ‘Enha’ instead of ‘Enhypen’ which I think is valid!” Della and her persuading.
“No no no!” the other team kept protesting.
“I’m quite sure that the members of GOT the Beat would think it’s valid and if the group themselves think so, then-”
“Noo! No no!”
“Della will definitely get this though,” Sunoo watched as Heeseung taught Rihan the moves.
“She will. If she doesn’t, I don’t think she’ll forgive herself,” Jay laughed.
“You can’t not know,” “Della-ya, you can’t not know,” Jake and Jay said after Della took off her headphones.
“Aish that makes me more nervous,” she mumbled. “Ahh! Kim Seokjin-sunbaenim’s Super Tuna!”
A bonus reel with MKTO’s Classic showed Kevin hugging Della while she was kneeled down.
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Narek - One In The Same
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♫ - The Great Pretender - Freddie Mercury
For a lovely Anon, thank you for requesting some Picard! I loved this show a lot, and I hope you all enjoy this one! Hugs! ♡
our life had never been easy sailing. Your father was a Romulan, your mother Human. You never truly fit in anywhere. People often looked upon you in either disgust or fear for your Romulan side, and you couldn't blame them. Romulans had been known to choose conquering over cohabiting with other species, though if it suited them then they were very happy to engage in diplomacy. For this, a wide view of Romulans was that, as a race, they were despicable. You, however, had never met any others of your kind.
When you were younger, your father had left, leaving you with your mother on Earth. Why, you didn't know. All you had known of him was that he was Romulan and that he worked for an intelligence agency, one that was responsible for so much destruction and hatred. Therefore, you weren't surprised when people turned from you for your heritage. Being raised on Earth, you were around humans all your childhood and younger years, and eventually landed in Starfleet Academy, with every intention of making a good engineer of yourself.
You did indeed have every opportunity to make something of your future, to use your capacity for knowledge to help people. You could have been something so wonderful, had your name up in lights with the likes of James T. Kirk and Matthew Decker. Everyone around you always had the highest hopes for what you would become. Which is why, as you sat in a prison cell, you thought about the decisions you'd made that got you here. All through life you had tried not to become what they said your father was, and slowly but surely you had, you were now just as bad as the stories of him.
Remorse did not flash through you, however, you had no regrets for anything you had done. So lost in your thoughts you were, you had failed to hear the footsteps coming from the cell on your right, only noticing upon hearing someone speak.
"Well,"  the voice from the cell adjacent to yours was low, tone almost mocking. "What do we have here?"
The question didn't require an answer, and still you did.
"Nothing of your concern."
"Oh," you heard the persons voice change, this time it sounded as though whoever it was did not expect your remark. "Sassy."
Your head whipped round to see the stranger, and your eyes lay upon a man who defied every expectation of what you had assumed you would see. A man stood before you, clad in all black clothing, a tight coat hugging his form. His hair was messy, but in an almost neat way, and it hung just above his eyes.  You noticed his ears and that was when it clicked for you. He was a Romulan.
"Have we seen something we like, e'lev?" The mans voice pulled you out of your thoughts, glancing at his face to see his brows raised and a smirk on his face. He sat with his back against the wall next to the bars that separated you. Now next to you, you took in his eyes which were a striking shade of blue.
"Don't mock me, Rihana."
"Apologies," he spoke, most definitely not apologetic, but rather continuing the theme of biting remarks. He couldn't care less, knowing exactly what he was doing with his words. "My name is Narek, might I have yours?"
"You might," you spoke, your turn to test his wits this time. "If you tell me how you got here."
Narek scoffed. Something about his aura told you he knew who you were, and yet you couldn't put a finger on it. The feeling persisted.
"The same reason as you, no doubt. Some crime or another. You're very inquisitive, I must say. That comes from your human side no doubt-"
"How do you know about that?" You cut him off, now confused and rather annoyed at his statement.
"You think I can't see that you're not fully Romulan? What do you take me for.."
You sighed, narrowing your eyes at him. "Y/N."
"Y/N," he finished his sentence, and you liked the way he spoke your name. "Y/N.. hmm.."
"Oh, nothing." His smile unnerved you, and you turned to face him properly, curious as to why he seemed so familiar with you.
"No, tell me, what is it?"
"I never thought I'd see the muse behind all of Jarak's stories, and yet here you are." Narek was now eyeing you with wonder, a glint in his eye that seemed to spell danger. Still, he went on. "I hadn't realised you'd be so.. you."
Brows furrowed, you stayed silent as he analysed you, baffled by the whole of the last half an hour. He laughed a little, and shook his head.
"I take it you know me then, Narek." Your statement ended in a way that let the young Romulan know that you required some form of explanation. Whether you got one or not was still out for the jury.
"No, but I knew your father. Jarak, he was a great man, he did so much for us."
"Who is us?" You were fully engaged in his conversation now, hoping that he could shed some light on your father for you.
"The Tal Shiar. I work for an organisation called the Tal Shiar, and your father did a great deal for us to help us out with information and weapons. Renowned he is among Romulans. He spoke of you often, the child he had left behind, he had hoped one day to reunite with you. I only recognized it was you from the not-so-traditional name, of course."
As Narek spoke, you hadn't taken your eyes off him, listening to his every word as he reeled off story after story about your father. The rumours you had heard were true, he was indeed a horrible man. Though you could hardly judge him, the things you had done were of equal distaste.
"Are you alright?" he asked, a slight hint of concern in his voice. Your face was now looking down at the floor, your hands idly twiddling away with each other as thoughts ran amok in your head. You looked up to Narek, locking eyes with him once more.
"Yes, I just wasn't expecting this today."
"You seem like a rather intelligent person, dear Y/N, we could use someone like you if what I have heard about your doings is true."
So he did know how you got here.
"I could help you, we could be brilliant," he started again, looking at you with a small hint of hope that you would agree. "I know you haven't been around Romulans much, if at all, but I can show you our culture, our planet, our people. You could be home. We're one in the same you and I, Y/N. Think, you could be one of our most legendary operatives with that Starfleet training of yours. What do you have to lose?"
Silence fell around you both as you pondered Narek's words. You had a disdain for the Federation and the way they treated the Romulans, that much was true. The way they treated your people, your kind. You remembered all of the anguish you felt watching UFP officials each night talk of their victories against your race. Narek had mentioned home, something you had never truly had. Being amongst those similar to you, Narek included, sounded heavenly. He was absolutely right; what did you have to lose?
Pulled from your thoughts as Narek took your hand in his through the bars, you glanced at him once again. Smirking at him, he sent one of equal mischief back, though there was definitely something more held within the looks the both of you gave each other.
"Well, what are we waiting for?"
Narek placed a small kiss on your hand and you felt yourself blush. The two of your stood, walking towards the fronts of your respective cells. Excited for your life ahead, you heard Narek's voice from beside you, low and full of cunning.
"Then let's get out of here."
e'lev: my dear/darling
Rihana: a Romulan person, from Rihan meaning 'something Romulan'.
Website: Common Romulan Words from Federation Space Wiki
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plantedwrites · 4 years
Hii!!! I just found your blog and first: WELCOMEEEEEE!!!!! Second: I really find your writing style amazing, keep up with the amazing work!!! Now that the important part has been said, would it be okay to ask for some NSFW headcanons with Raihan x f!sub!reader x Piers? (And if it's okay with you maybe involving handcuffs?) Totally fine if not tho!!!! No pressure!! Also I hope you'll have a lovely time here un tumblr! :)💗💗💗💗
Thank You! I really appreciate it! Sorry for taking so long to get to your ask. I hope its everything you wanted! If not just send me a quick message and I’ll fix it! I’m not sure how well this is written either, so any feedback would be a great help! WARNING this does contain mature content so please don’t read if you are under 18 or uncomfortable. 
Character- Raihan, Piers
Type- NSFW with some fluff at the end
Word Count- 1311
My senses were on overdrive. Every small touch, every small breath felt hot and heavy on my sweaty skin. I wasn't sure how long I'd been cuffed to the bed; it felt like hours but was probably no longer than a few minutes. "Look at her, all tied up on the bed looking so pretty for us," his voice was rough, filled with pure desire. "Y'know Raihan, when you brought those cuffs and that blindfold home I wasn't sure what to think. Now though, I have a feeling that they will be put to very good use."  Piers's voice was softer but rough all the same. Hearing their filthy words I moaned at the thought at what they might have planned for me.
All at once I could feel two pairs of hands on me. The hands on my breasts gently groped and squeezed. I could tell almost immediately it was Piers based on how gently that hands felt, his hands were much softer than Raihan's. The other set of hands slowly travelled lower, lightly tracing the waistband of my panties. "Aww, baby you're absolutely soaked. Are you enjoying this?" Raihan's voice gave away how eager he was, you could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "Yes," my own voice reduced to a mere whimper, "I..I need you. I need you both so much." Both men chuckled, I could feel their hands getting rougher. "Do you want him to do something baby girl, do you need Raihan to touch you?" "Fuck, yes Piers I need him! Please! Please do something!" Piers was slowly taking the lead, he always did in the end.
"Raihan, you heard our baby girl, why don't you help her out and be a good boy for us, hmm." Groaning, I feel Raihan slowly take my wet panties off my thighs. Still massaging my breast's, Piers gave his directions. Once my panties came off my legs I was completely exposed to them, at their mercy for however long they wanted. I could feel hot air being blown on my inner thighs. I was panting now, bucking my hips up desperate to gain some sort of friction. Slowly Raihan pushed his tongue through my folds. Finally gaining the touch I so desperately wanted, I became a moaning mess.
Taking one hand off my breast, Piers brought his thumb up to my mouth and shoved it in. Swirling my tongue around the digit, I teated it like the cock I knew I was soon going to have my lips wrapped around. "Fuck! Look at the two of you. you're so fucking good for me." Hearing Piers's praise Raihan groaned into my core causing me to buck my hips upwards. Quickly bringing his tongue to my clit, Raihan pushed two fingers into me roughly. "Oh my god, fuck! Don't stop!" I was a moaning, whimpering mess on the sheets.
Feeling the bed shifting around me, weight was applied near my head. "Why don't you put that mouth to good use, huh. You can't be the only one who gets to feel good." Taking in his filthy words, I opened my mouth as wide as it would go. Slowly Piers pushed his throbbing cock into my mouth. Gagging slightly, I began to swirl my tongue around his length. At the same time, Raihan added a third finger in my core,  sucking harder on my clit. Drawing closer to my orgasm, my legs started to shake.
Tugging harshly on the cuffs keeping me to the bed, I continuously moaned around the cock that my in my mouth. Throwing his head back Piers started thrusting his cock into my mouth. Sensing I was almost at the edge, Raihan gently bit down on my clit pushing me over. Feeling my orgasm wash over me, I moaned loudly sending vibrations trough Piers' cock. "You taste delicious as always baby," Raihan had stood up and I could feel him nealing on the bed beside my core, "You gonna let me fuck you, gonna let me pound that tight pussy of yours?" I buckled my hips up, giving him my answer as my mouth was still occupied.
"That's it, baby girl, take both our cocks." Piers was moaning above me, thrusting his hips even faster now. Once Raihan had a condom on his cock he swiftly pushed into me. Feeling Raihan inside me I moaned around Piers's cock, sucking harder each time he thrust into my mouth. Setting a brutal pace, Raihan rammed into me chasing his release. All three of us moaned at the pleasure the others were providing. "Fucking hell, baby girl, I'm gonna cum," Piers's voice was stained. "Cum for me Piers, cum in (y/n)'s mouth. With a final hard thrust, I felt him cum in my mouth. Quickly trying to swallow all his cum, Piers rolled off me and onto the side of the bed.
After seeing Piers finally cum, Raihan pounded into me harder causing me to scream out in pleasure. Feeling the bed shift once again, Piers leaned up and took Raihan's lips in a sloppy, passionate kiss. Hearing the boys kiss, I moaned louder thinking about what the scene looked like. Being sensitive from my first orgasm, my walls fluttered around Riahn's cock. "That's it baby, Fuck! Keep doing that!" Raihan's thrust began to grow sloppy. Bringing is hand down to my clit Piers began to draw tight circles. "Piers! Fuck! Please let me cum!" Drawing closer to the edge, I buckled my hips up to meet Rihan's thrusts. "No. You don't get to cum until I do. Hold it." Gritting his teeth Raihan gave a few more hard, sloppy thrusts. "Such a good boy for me Raihan," Piers cooed at him. "Kiss me." Leaning down Piers connected their lips once again.  Biting down on Raihan's lip, Raihan groaned loudly, bucking his hips he came in me.
Feeling Raihan come undone I finally let myself tip over the edge for the second time that day. Gradually slowing his hips to a stop, Raihan pulled out of me. Whimpering at the feeling, I started to try to catch my breath. "You were so good for us baby," removing the blindfold Piers gently cupped my cheek. Leaning down he connected our lips in a soft kiss. "How about I get those cuffs off you, huh." I rubbed my wrists once the tight metal was gone. "We didn't overdo it, did we?" Raihan's voice was gentle now, a stark contrast to how it had been only moments before. "Gosh no! Personally, I think we should use them on one of you boys next!"
Chuckling at my eagerness to bring them out again, Piers stood up heading to the bathroom. "I say we tie Piers down to the bed, eh." Raihan had a devious smirk on his face, small fang poking out. "That sounds hot, I'm in!" Coming back out, Piers had sweatpants hung low on his hips and a washcloth in his hand. He was gentle cleaning me up but I still hissed when he got to my core, still sensitive from my two orgasms. "How about we order some takeout? Chinese sound good?" "Yes please love," I replied softly. Sitting up I grabbed a shirt that was thrown on the floor. Covering my body I groaned as I tried to make my way to the bathroom. "Need some help there baby," both Raihan and Piers smirked in my direction. "Oh please, I can walk to the bathroom all on my own thank you very much." Closing the down I yelled out, "Just because you gave me a good fucking doesn't mean I can't do anything anymore!"
Pulling sweatpants up his own legs Raihan shook his head. "I say after we eat, we make sure she can't properly do anything for days." Piers laughed softly at him. "Fine, but I'm not gonna carry her everywhere."
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
I’m curious. How’s your team in Pokémon Sword and Shield looking? I’d imagine they’ve grown a bit since the introduction post you made.
Thanks for asking! I got really busy with Christmas and work after that first introduction post and I kinda forgot to ever follow it up. The roster has expanded quite a bit, because I can’t confine myself to a team of 6. It’s more like a team of 12 now.
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Trix has grown into a lovely Cinderace and she kicks all the butt. She was invaluable against Rihan in the Championship. My beautiful girl is all grown up!
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Metaknight was also a key player against Rihan, as well as Zacian. He’s a beast and I love him.
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Badger has become such a tank! His Obstruct saved me from a lot of trouble against Leon’s team, and the lead-up to the fight with Chairman Rose.
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Winston didn’t get a chance to be on my Championship team, unfortunately, but only because I have 3 electric types on my roster and I didn’t really need him. Strong Jaw + Thunder Fang = A very poweful pupper!
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Applebloom DID get to be on my Championship team and was invaluable in so many battles. She’s such a powerhouse, I love her! She might be my favorite pokemon of this run! (don’t tell Trix)
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Muddybuddy didn’t make it onto my Championship team either, due to the fact that I already had ground and water covered. He’s still a great buddy though, and Yawn makes him my go-to for catching.
Now for some new team mates!
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Wirt had actually joined my team as a temporary member against Nessa. I wasn’t expecting to keep him on at first, but I’ve always loved Lanturn and I realized this was probably my first chance to raise one in-game. He was my ace in the hole against Leon’s Charizard, being water and electric against a fire/flying type. He did a great job!
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Next is DougDimadome, owner of the Dimsdale Dimadome! Haha, I couldn’t NOT have a Galarian Weezing on my team. Weezing’s a great tank, and Neutralizing Gas is a great ability. He was a great help against Bede.
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I was also lucky enough to catch a Gigantimax Butterfree named BigStink. I’ve always been a fan of Butterfree, so of course I HAD to get a Gigantimax one. She was a pain to catch, but she was so worth it. She was my go-to against Bea, and remained a fun team-member afterwards.
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I didn’t want to raise the Toxel i got from the daycare at first. But when I got to Ballonlea, I realized I had nothing on my team to answer against fairy types, and quite a few weaknesses against it. So I dumped all my EXP candies into that little guy, and was pleasantly surprised by how good Toxtricity became once it evolved. He helped me take down Bede on several occasions.
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I caught Jenny early on, but didn’t add her to the team until I lost my first try against Bea. I realized I needed more against fighting types than just Metaknight. Thus, I added Jenny and BigStink. Jenny’s a great support pokemon, with both Reflect and Lightscreen, plus U-Turn. I’ll usually send her out first to set up, and the U-Turn out to whoever I want.
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The latest addition to my team is Rarity, a Galarian Rapidash I traded from my cousin. (Yes, I realize it’s male. I took what I got and I did what I wanted) While DougDimadome is a fairy type, he hasn’t really learned any fairy moves, so this is my first time raising a fairy type. They’ve been fun.
I also just started a Nuzlocke on another file, so I’ll be posting about that in the next week or so.
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thatssogayvenrp · 5 years
Petyr Cliffside | The Shadow Chancellor
The top two floors of Kunt Tower in Astorbury are active crime scenes. 
There are no signs of forced entry, which baffles the Orange Battalion captain who has been on duty for the past 36 hours in question. “We were obviously on higher alert,” the Captain insists defensively. “And obviously, that was fruitful, because nobody broke in.”
Cliffside gestures pointedly at the corpse of Dunghill Kunt, in true Mind Flayer form in death without a spell to alter his appearance. The tentacles are a sickly orange. “Then what,” Cliffside says through gritted teeth, “happened here??”
The Captain’s arms remain folded across his armored chest when he shrugs. “An inside job, perhaps?” he shrugs. “The Chancellor has many enemies, including those on his own side.” His hard stare lingers on Cliffside’s gaze with a raised eyebrow. 
Cliffside stares back, noting but not verbally addressing the thinly-veiled accusation. “Then can you explain why at least two of your men let somebody into the building?”
“Riiiiiiight, one helpless woman snuck in and killed several people, including the most powerful psionic in the country. Twice,” the Captain scoffs. “Fine, fine. Shrub, Paul, get over here.” He summons two guards posted at the stone door leading to the garbage lift. 
They approach, looking more annoyed than professional. Their shift  was supposed to end at 10, but whatever the hell happened here has ruined their plans. 
“Yes, Captain?” Paul, the taller of the two, asks, his question filled a little bit of bite. 
“Describe the lost woman.”
“She was, uh...” Paul struggles to remember. “She was looking for a club? Something about a foam party?” The very distinct window of her shirt, showing a hint of glistening skin...
“What did she look like?” Cliffside asks impatiently. 
Paul finds it best to keep his limited observations quiet.  
Shrub, with less tact, pipes up. “She was...hot?”
Well, there goes that. “Bro, she WAS,” Paul admits. 
“She invited us to a party.”
“She’s waiting for us NOW.”
“Hah, I think she’s waiting for ME —-“
“Gentlemen, please.” Cliffside presses his fingers to his temple, feeling the imminent headache coming on. All of this is an absolute mess. 
The Captain, only mildly embarrassed about his men’s antics, waves away Cliffside’s anger. “Sure, say this is the woman that got into the building. You expect me to believe she alone did all of —-this?” He gestures broadly to the entire room, littered with the dead bodies of Bannaruk, Kunt, and Mknaw’l. The tortle shell is badly charred and an acrid burn smell still lingers. 
It’s useless to get anything more out of the Captain at this point. Cliffside excuses himself and goes to the top floor. The stone statue doors have been propped open with heavy anvils to ensure continued access as Orange Battalion soldiers file in and out to investigate. Without Kunt’s psionic directives to the statues, it’s unclear how else to keep the doors open, and it’s surprising that this actually works. 
On his way through the first room, Cliffside addresses the dwarf statue, animated and quietly thrilled by all of the activity around him. 
“You there,” Cliffside barks. “Statue.”
“Uhm, it’s Dwayne,” the statue corrects. 
“And Hercules!” the other statue calls from the open, adjacent room. Cliffside turns to see the other animated dwarf statue waving. 
“Hey pal, this is my conversation with an outsider, get your own,” Dwayne barks.
“Years of suspense and mystery and I finally get to hear your voice,” Hercules shoots back. “Safe to say I am underwhelmed.”
The headache has definitely manifested and Cliffside wonders how everyone has managed to be so annoying on the same day at the worst possibly time. He crosses to the second room so he can stand between both statues. 
Kunt would never give objects names, Cliffside notes. Curious. “Enough, both of you. Tell me about the people that came through here.”
“Why do you wanna know?” Hercules asks with a laugh. The five were an odd bunch, but they were a lot chummier than anyone else who had crossed through and attempted the puzzles. Would it kill some of these adventurers to have a sense of humor? Yeesh.  
“Yeah, you gonna kill ‘em or something?” Dwayne jokes. 
Cliffside’s expression is dark. “Yes.” 
The smile on Dwayne’s face vanishes. It’s unclear if Cliffside notices. 
“Remember who you serve,” Cliffside reminds them. 
“The big boss man?” Hercules offers in answer, completely ignoring the rhetorical nature of the statement.
“Yeah, didn’t one of you guys —“ Dwayne nods at Cliffside, “— say he was dead?”
Cliffside rolls his eyes. It’s not like these statues could leave this tower and tell everyone the truth of what happened. “Yes, he’s dead. Whatever.”
The statues exchange a look but it’s unclear whether Cliffside catches that too. Hercules shoots a subtle nod across the room and Dwayne seems to consider the question for a moment. 
“Uh, four of them I think?” Dwayne finally answers. “Couldn’t see very well.”
“Seriously,” Hercules interjects, “would it kill you to put better lighting in here? I know we are modeled after dwarves, but does that mean that we actually have darkvision?”
Cliffside rolls his eyes. “What did these four look like?” It was like pulling teeth getting information out of anyone today. It was unclear if everyone was hiding something or just simply obtuse. Could have been both, but neither one was appreciated. 
“A woman with brown hair. A dwarf. A tall, bald goliath. Another lady with visible bosom. That’s all I got,” Dwayne says with a shrug. He remembers more but omits further details. He omits completely the curly redhead and the fact that the goliath was carrying something extra on the way out. Although this guy here speaks authoritatively, he is NOT the Bossman, and the Bossman left no instructions to answer anyone else truthfully. 
Hercules agrees from across the room. The five were probably only joking when they said they would return (maybe not the bosom lady, though, she had a wild sort of sincerity about her that he found himself believing), but they would definitely not return if they were dead as this man wanted them to be. 
Cliffside rolls his eyes as he waves off the statues and continues into the final, cavernous room. None of the statues’ descriptions matched anyone from any wanted posters. Maybe the brown-haired woman but that was too vague of a description to go off of. 
It was maddening, getting so little information out of everyone in this tower. Cliffside knows there is likely more detail. He kicks himself for not having his own informants in the tower, but remembers that that was made more difficult by the fact that this was Kunt’s private property and was regulated as such. But to have held someone captive on government property would have been even more dangerous. It’s all beside the point now, Cliffside has to remind himself, as the damage has already been done and they can only move forward at this point.
Rihan trots up to Cliffside as he enters the room. 
“News of the others?” Cliffside asks. 
Rihan knows he is referring to the other nobles in power. “Hiding. Scared. Everything you would expect, especially after the anarchist attack on Zechman’s Estate.” Rihan shrugs. “They know this could have been them if they were here.” Rihan leans in for a whisper. “They are now even more convinced that The Plan should be carried out, some say immediately. Be careful what you wish for.”
Cliffside shakes his head, keeping his voice low. “Not the time yet.” Indeed, not the time, especially when the unrest in the cities was building but could still be undermined. Better to divide and disperse that growing momentum before the final blow, to ensure that everyone stayed down when struck. 
“No,” Cliffside says, “best not to let anyone know what happened here. Not until we get control of the situation. As relieved as I am that this bastard is dead, we can’t deny that he has a very loyal following. It is small, but they have taken his influence and words to heart. They will tear our cause apart if we do not secure their loyalty.”
Cliffside looks at the tall metal spikes at the center of the room. The half-elf, the presumed and self-declared guiding hand behind the resistance movement, is gone. 
“We don’t want anyone to think the anarchists have bested us,” Cliffside continues. “But we tell them that —“ he considers for a moment, “—tell them their terrorist figurehead is dead. That should fracture some of the support and send the message that we are not to be challenged.”
”But we don’t know that she’s actually dead,” Rihan points out. “Do we want to risk her being seen and reviving any momentum.”
”We will handle that if it arises,” Cliffside says, surveying the debris at the foot of the spikes for anything left behind. Nothing. “And we tell the public that the Chancellor has been removed to an undisclosed location for his safety, in light of the incidents here.”
“And of Mknaw’l, Banarruuk, and the two hags?” Rihan asks. 
Cliffside looks down at the bodies of the two hags and considers this for a moment. 
“Mknaw’l and Banarruuk have been removed for similar reasons. It will not do to have lost so many influential members of our movement in one fell swoop,” Cliffside says. “But we say the hags were killed in cold blood, targeted for nothing more than their support of a popular figure. That could drum up some sympathy and anger in our favor.”
He looks down at his splinted fingers, healed but still sensitive from his run-in with the half-elf. “Tell the other nobles that we have some work to do,” Cliffside says. “We have to make sure this doesn’t happen to us as well.”
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celestialshearts · 1 year
tag drop pt. 2 !!
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metronomeihear · 6 years
fic title meme: the undone and divine
For this Ask Meme
“Why can’t anyone else see you?” Harry asks, gripping his hand in Rihan’s.
“A few reasons,” Rihan answers, “My powers, your powers... There are probrobly even a few who simply chose not to see.”
“Why would anyone chose not to see?” Harry looks up at Rihan, confusion written on his face. Their hands swing between them and for a moment Rihan wishes that it was Rikou that he was walking with and not this strange child that felt a little like a god of death. 
“Sometimes it’s because they don’t want to be seen themselves,” Rihan tells him. “Other times it’s because it hurts. Sometimes it’s because they’ve been taught to never see, and now they don’t know how to stop.”
Harry’s nose scrunched up. “But that’s stupid.”
Or: Nura Rihan dies, wakes up in another universe, and stumbles across a child named Harry Potter.
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ask-angelbeam19 · 2 years
Hii I asked you a question about Saika on your other page about how you see him (as in if you believe he’s a good person and how you look at him as his creator) I hope I didn’t overwhelm you with my question. I just wanted to ask on here since I saw you made this account for this purpose. If it’s too much feel free to ignore this.
Hello! Yes! I saw! Your message definitely inspired this account. The reason why it took me a while to reply was because I needed to gather my thoughts on Saika. Saika was always one of my favorite characters, but that doesn’t mean I consider him a good person. I like him because of his very twisted and foul nature. Let me elaborate that a little.
Saika Callus was General Cohen’s only son. His family was very well off so his dad always gave him everything he needed. He also would pull some strings left and right to get Saika out of some shady stuff. Saika was a genius. He was always so bored in class because he was ahead with his studies. And because he was so smart he got easily bored of everything and also developed a pretty serious germ phobia. He literally would throw up if he touched someone else or something dirty. His mind needed constant stimulation so he decided to join the Mafia aka Jurian’s gang for the fun of it. And he had loads of fun by Jurian’s side. Jurian did so many stupid and reckless things that kept Saika entertained. He also had a very unhealthy obsession with him. And they even had sex once when Jurian got really drunk. Then Jurian fell in love with Scarlet, married her and Saika got so jealous he wanted to steal her away from him. He drugged her and had sex with her. He has messy and toxic relationships all his life. First Vivi and then Isy. The pattern was the same for both of his wives. He would disappear on them to “protect them”. He didn’t confide in them and he didn’t trust them so he ended up losing both. He killed and manipulated many people. He hit Violet so hard she hit the floor. He raised Khan and Rihan with his fists. He beat them up in whenever they would do something “bad” or whenever they would disobey him. I definitely don’t think he is a good person at all, but I do think that he is an interesting character. We can love shit characters for being shit, but that doesn’t mean we also agree with their actions. I hope this answers your question. If you want to know anything else hit me up. ❤️❤️
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electorofhell · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions and tag some peeps you wanna know better!
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Tagged by: @nocturnalbun & @cruelseraph
Name/Nickname(s): Ramen
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Hogwarts House: idk tbh xD
Height: 5′1 [cries-]
Orientation: Hetero
Ethnicity: Latina
Favorite fruit: Peaches, pineapple, watermelon, mango [can’t pick just one okay]
Favorite season: Autumn/Winter
Favorite Book Series: Does manga count???....
Some Favorite Fictional Characters: Hahahah you know this list is long, I’ll share a few. ^^ SNK:Levi TG:Ken Kaneki CG:Lelouch & Suzaku NM: Nura Rikuo, Nura Rihan, Nurarihyon, p much every main charcter from Nurarihyon no Mago xD Kuroshitsuji:Sebastian Kamisama:Tomoe Naruto:Kakashi Hatake & Itachi Uchiha YOI:Viktor & Yuuri!! <3 Psycho Pass:Kogami NO.6: Nezumi KHR:Hibari <3 and that’s it for now...list too long xD
Favorite Flower: Roses & Sakura
Favorite Scent: Mint
Favorite Animals:  I can’t choose QQ
Favorite Artist/Band: BIGBANG! <3
Average Sleep Hours: 5-6
Number Of Blankets: 2
Last Thing I Googled: bus/train schedules xD
Blog Created: lol in 2014
How Many Blogs I Follow:383
Number Of Followers: 491
Do I Get Asks Regularly: meh
tagging:EVERYONE! :D go go go!! <3
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mer-birdman · 7 years
Well then *cracks knuckles*: Rikuo, Rihan, Nurarihyon, Gyuki, Kiyotsugu, Abe no Yoshihira, Kurotabo, Atotabo, Shoei, Ryuji, Encho, Tsuchigumo annnd... Ariyuki. (Feel free to jump over in my inbox for this meme, if you want)
Boy howdy, you weren’t kidding about it being half the cast, huh? *cracks knuckles in return* Let’s get started.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Oh, sweetheart. I have so many ships for my precious son (and you are to blame for at least two ngl). I mostly ship him with Tsurara, Zen, and Itaku (not all at once, though I do fully approve of poly ships because yes), but I’m also down with Yura, Kana (if handled well), Kubinashi (LOOK IT JUST KEEPS POPPING UP IN MY HEAD AND IDK WHY), Shōei (your fault), Tamazuki (DEFINITELY YOUR FAULT not in a bad way I mean), Rinko (because she’s cute and deserves ships and hugs), and probably more if the fanfic writers bring their A game. :3 I am a proud multishipper.
friendship them with: Just about everyone TBH. I can’t make a list, it would take too long and I have homework to do lol.
general opinions: MY PRECIOUS SON. I love him so much and he deserves like a thousand years of happiness. I also maintain that he is a trans boy, both in my beautiful son AU and just as a straight-up headcanon for the main series. I just. Ugh. I love him so much. He is so good.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Yamabuki Otome (of course), Wakana (also of course, although I really want to explore their relationship more sometime), and — I mean, it sounds silly, but Kubinashi actually. I don’t really know how to explain it, haha.
friendship them with: Kubinashi, Ao, Kuro, Setsura... the canon folk, mostly. I also see him being really fond of little Tsurara when she first joins, if that counts.
general opinions: I’d really love to see more of him, and I’m super looking forward to writing him in ‘his father’s son’! :D
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Yōhime. That’s it. Sorry, y’all.
friendship them with: Hidemoto, Setsura, Gyūki... the good old pals. I mostly just really like his and Hidemoto’s friendship, tbh. Also Yura, just a bit, because their interactions were very charming and I can definitely see him getting a bit fond of her (well, mostly of messing with her, but you know).
general opinions: On the one hand, I think he’s a really interesting character (and I love that he’s a badass old guy without being the ‘buff old man is the strongest ever’ trope), but on the other I’m really not fond of some of the stuff he does and says, so it’s hard to say. But, like with most characters in this series, I think he’s worth exploring deeper.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: I... don’t, actually. I mostly just see him as the like, chill single dad of his clan.
friendship them with: Nurarihyon, of course, and then there’s the memorable scene where he gets drunk and shoves a bottle of sake into Hitotsume’s mouth, so them too probably.
general opinions: Looks like he could kill you, could definitely kill you, but also kind of a dad. Or uncle. I really kinda like him.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Fuguruma Yōbi (just because imagine how much they would have to talk about oh my god), or perhaps someone else not in the story. (And lowkey either Jirō or Kana, but that would have to be an AU bc it definitely doesn’t really mesh in canon).
friendship them with: The Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol! Also Aotabō, haha. I loved him riding around on the back of Ao’s bike, and I can just imagine that becoming just a *thing* for them as he grows up. Yup, new headcanon: Kiyotsugu and Aotaboō become Bros™.
general opinions: SUCH GREAT CHARACTER GROWTH. I love his character arc, because he starts out just a little casually dislikable and then gradually becomes someone who’s genuinely doing his best to help and someone Rikuo can really rely on and it just makes me so happy.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Nobody, haha. It’s a little hard to ship characters I don’t know a ton about, tbh.
friendship them with: Same as above. Maybe Rikuo, in an AU, since they can kind of lowkey relate about stuff.
general opinions: Don’t really think about him much tbh, but he’d be interesting to write more about. Or, you know, read about. If anyone else has some story ideas. *cough cough*.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Aotabō, a bit, and just a little bit Rihan too. (And maaaaaaybe Natsumi, if she’s grown up and not being cute and gay with Saori as I tend to imagine her being).
friendship them with: Same as above, mostly. Kubinashi and Kejōrō too. He’s not exactly a super friendshippy guy, tbh.
general opinions: I actually used to like him a lot more than I do now (what can I say, I have a thing for cool dudes with long pretty hair), but I still think he’s an interesting character. It would be cool to know more of what it was like for him settling into the Nura clan after he left the Hyaku Monogatari.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Kurotabō, a bit. Otherwise, not much.
friendship them with: Same as above, plus Kiyotsugu and Tsurara.
general opinions: Not my favorite character, but pretty cool. (Sorry, I’m getting tired, so the answers are getting a bit lame... :P)
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Honestly? Rikuo & Tsurara together, as a poly triad. (I’m a bit of a sucker for the tol-smol-smoll relationship dynamic, and let’s be real no matter how grown up his night form gets Rikuo is still a smol).
friendship them with: Same as above, but with Zen as well (of course), and actually I kinda see him getting along well with some of the Tōno yōkai for some reason (mostly Awashima and Amezō).
general opinions: I am so fond of him. I really want to know more about his childhood, and his human mother, and just what it was like for him growing up and stuff. Does he hang out in the human world and have human friends? Does he bump his head on doorframes all the time? I have so many questions for my precious tol son.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Mamiru. Nobody else. Just Mamiru.
friendship them with: Mamiru, Akifusa, maybe Itaku in some weird AU world where he’s willing to be friends with yōkai lol.
general opinions: Jerk with a heart of — well, not gold, but something close. Silver? Anyways, he’s another character who’d be really interesting to write a character study for.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: ? Nobody, really... 
friendship them with: Hard to say. He doesn’t really seem like a friendship guy. Maybe Ariyuki? But like... nah.
general opinions: Creepy mofo, tbh. Super neat design and all, but still creepy.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Nobody, haha.
friendship them with: Yura, Rikuo, and maybe the Kyōto yōkai, just a bit. (And Itaku, because goddamit I have this one screencap saved whee Yura imagines him riding on Tsuchigumo’s head bc Awashima said they’re competing and I just CAN’T). 
general opinions: I... don’t have any reason why, but I’m super fond of him somehow???
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: ??? Nope.
friendship them with: Encho, just a bit. And maybe Hiruko, because their interaction is funny and I would not be surprised if it’s something that’s been occurring for like a good century or two by now.
general opinions: Looks like a cinnamon roll but could and would definitely kill you. Not really a character I’m fond of, but I kinda like him nonetheless and would like to see more written about him (and the other Abe/Gokadoin folks as well).
Thanks for asking! This was a doozy >_
put a character in my ask
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pravinrathod · 4 years
Have A Pet :)
This morning our teacher was asking everyone in the class about our most memorable moment and when my turn came, I answered, when my pet, Coco, licks my hand.
And everyone started laughing at me as I couldn’t have any fancy moments like Rihan or Namita or Pari who had been to Singapore or Paris or Goa and then they all asked me to ‘have a life.’
So I have also answered them back, better you ‘have a pet.’
But is it really a better moment Mumma to visit these places than Coco licking my hand? My nine year old girl asked me on the dinner table, playing with her food.
“Have you thought about anything of these when you were playing with Coco this afternoon?” I asked her looking at her innocent face.
“No, it didn’t come to my mind at that time. I was playing na Mumma,” she said in a plain tone.
“So that’s what the best moments are like, you tend to forget everything around you and just be in that very special moment.” I said while caressing her hair.
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