#rikudo pain
mangacity123 · 1 year
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image de pain rikudo
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noisseggra · 7 years
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iicytodoroki · 4 years
coffee runs; haiji kiyose x f! reader (1/?)
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» [dream lantern by radwimps] «   
    0:24 ─〇───── 2:11
        ⇄   ◃◃   ⅠⅠ   ▹▹   ↻
 The dewdrops sparkled in the grass at the rising sun’s beams of light on this cold morning. Pink and orange hues climbed higher up in the skies to reach the soft white clouds. Ruffles of a windbreaker and the jingle of Nira’s leash were the only accompaniments to the songs of baby songbirds and the chimes of the breeze through the glistening leaves. Reminiscent of last night’s short summer showers could be caught in the scent in the air. 
 Taking a deep breath as he sat straight up from tying his shoes, Haiji smiled over at Nira as he wags his tail. Softly chuckling at the boy’s excitement for a morning jog at dawn, he grabbed his leash as he stood up.
 “Hm? You ready Nira?”
 The shiba only happily barked with his wagging tail and tongue sticking out painting such a cute image which brought another laugh from the runner. 
 Twenty minutes into the morning jog Haiji spots another moving figure in his peripheral vision through the sparse trees of the natural park. Long (h/c) swayed side-to-side as the mysterious girl was slowly jogging in the same direction as him. Her eyes were so focused on the trail in front of her as she listened to her music. 
 Haiji now had his whole head turned over in her direction as he noticed the gradual trickles of sweat on her forehead  to her cheeks. The warm flush painted across her face. Lastly he zoned in on the growing red of her plump lips which exhaled small clouds. Before he could even take-in more of her appearance, Haiji failed to notice that Nira was about to turn to the right, curving towards the same path as the person who captivated his fellow companion. 
 YN was also oblivious to the pair of eyes and her mind was filled with thoughts of how to rearrange the regime to boost Fujioka and Minami’s advanced abilities for long-distance.  Eyes set only on what's in front of her and mind filled with ideas, a turn on the curb resulted in what could be a fated collision. 
 Butt now on the ground and one earphone popped out, you shut your eyes in pain. Not able to entirely process what happened, your body just focused on the grainy dirt puncturing into your palm and the painful ringing of your tailbone. Across from you was a brunette in a similar position except his back was on the ground as he groaned at the pain on his sternum. Haiji could hear the whimpers of Nira, feeling the grasp of the leash dragging away from his hand, Haiji immediately sat up thinking he was about to run away. 
 To his surprise he hears your laughter and the groggy sounds of Nira’s welcoming licks. 
 “HA! C’mon, okay I’ll get up!” as you laughed at the adorable shiba’s personality. Your face finally free from the awakening call, your (e/c) spot the surprised gaze of someone you never thought you’d see again. 
 “Haiji, that you?”
 “Heh, yeah,” as he got up to give you a hand. Nira looking back and forth between the young adults just sat a few paces away by the bench like a wonderful boy. 
 Moments passed in silence. It only seemed like only you two existed. Barely a foot away from each other, each person was just taking in the features of the other. Haiji noticed your growth into a soft but strong young woman. The round cheeks from middle and high school were only fragments of the past and the cascading of your baby hairs framing your face alludes the vigour of your exercise but brings the attention to your bright eyes and red button-nose from the nipping cold morning. 
 Haiji Kiyose was more handsome than you could have ever imagined. He matured so much judging by his aurora and features. His brown hair was pushed back from the wind but a few stragglers flopped over his brows. His cheekbones and jaw were more prominent the last time you saw him, but he still had that reliable, soft boy look to him. Your gaze was then brought to his widen brown eyes, the sunlight reflecting on them; giving them the appearance of a tree’s bark on a new spring day and the marbling of a wood’s rings. His eyes felt like home, somewhere up in the woods of a mountain where the air had a crisp to it on the colder seasons, the warmth of the vegetation underneath the picnic blanket. 
 Realizing you both were staring at one another, Haiji smiled at the thought that you might just be thinking what he’s thinking. A small smile curved on his face. As he was about to open his mouth to ask her a series of questions, they both turn their heads to the jingles of a coffee vendor setting up for the day across the road. Turning back to you he smiled to ask, “you wanna grab a coffee first?”
 To witness and to hear his voice made you feel so warm from the depths of your chest to your chilly fingertips. But to notice the mischievous but adoring glint in his eyes made your realize what you were longing for. While pointing his thumb at the vendor behind him, you gave him a quiet “yes” while nodding. 
 Slowly walking across with Nira’s leash in his hand, you piped up, “ it was ‘nice to meet you again’, Haiji.”
 Turning over to peek at your shy face, Haiji replied with “Same here, I was glad that I wasn’t imagining things. Because when I saw you, it felt like ‘the five dimensions keeps teasing me’ that I was never able to confess to the girl I only ever loved.”
 a/n: ok i couldn’t help myself!! also fun fact: yn goes to rikudo,,so ig there will be more coffee runs in the future (kinda wanna make this into a song fic series)
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limesicle · 5 years
5 times Haiji didn't cry and 1 time he did
Ao3: link
Chapter: 1 of 1
Words: 2954
Pairing: Kakeru x Haiji (KazeTsuyo) 
Rating: T
Tags/notes: angst, injury mentions. I didn’t read the source material so idk that much about backstory whoops. Also, not super /shippy/ but I mean Haiji looks at Kakeru like he’s worth more than the entire solar system from day one sooo
Summary: Title says it all.
The first time is when he realizes his body is breaking.
His father pushes him to train, and he pushes himself. Again. Again. Until he can feel his joints that are hardly a decade and a half old start to pull apart. His tendons strain to bind him together. His veins pump equal parts oxygen and agony.
Haiji looks around the team. At the other boys, legs free of braces, shoulders free of the weight of having his father be coach. Most of the time, he clenches his teeth and does what he needs to do. He looks at the team and sees some looks of pity, some of contempt. He hears the doctors warning him that if he keeps going, he won’t be able to walk by the time he’s thirty, but he can’t listen to them—he can’t quit yet. All he has ever known is running. (He squashes down the fear that it’s all he’s good at.)
He misses practice. Once. Twice. Then three days in a row because the inflammation is so bad he can barely crawl to the door of his bedroom.
It’s worse when he gets back—the looks of pity, the looks that seem like they’re just waiting for him to fall. And then there’s Fujioka, who still looks at him like he can make a comeback—like he’s more than broken pieces held together by fraying threads–like he’s strong, when he’s just too weak to show the world he’s breaking.
The second time is at the end of high school.
Fujioka wants him to go to Rikudo instead of Kansei. Haiji knows there’s a part of him that wants to follow Fujioka, that believes in miracles and happy endings. He could let a dream like that seduce him, but he won’t. He made his choice.
Haiji stands in the middle of the path. Fujioka is a step or two behind him. He can feel the barest hint of late afternoon sun setting, and the breeze that lifts his hair reminds him of what running feels like. For a moment, he closes his eyes against the dimming light and thinks of miracles. Then he thinks of the way his leg is shaking even when he’s only standing still. And all the reasons he made his decision in the first place.
His lip trembles, but he turns to Fujioka with a smile and shuts the door on a future he doesn’t dare to dream of. I’m not strong, he says and wonders if someone who has never been anything else has a chance at understanding.
The third time is after surgery.
By now you’d think he would be used to it. For years he hasn’t been able to take as much as a single step without the pain reminding him that he isn’t whole.
But he’s not used to it.
Haiji clenches his teeth and carefully does the exercises the physical therapists describe. He tries not to get frustrated at the days and weeks of months of sitting still. But every time he fails to take a step, every time he hits the floor for trying too hard, every time his body screams in agony as it strains to meet his demands, it gets harder to keep the tears from his eyes.
As he sits on the floor, head bent to rest between his knees, arms clenched around his body, he learns to regulate his breathing again. Steady his heartbeat. His body learns that growth takes patience and not just hard work. His mind learns to fill the empty hours with his university work.
And there’s a new dream brewing. Something that comes from deep inside his soul.
It’s then that he decides on Hakone, and the fire that’s been long gone from his eyes starts to return.
Because he can’t run, he throws himself into researching and planning. He finds the people he needs one by one. He gathers them until they’re just one person short.
And then, as if by red strings or the winds of fate and things he didn’t used to believe in, Haiji finds him. Number ten. He sees salvation in the way a petty thief runs away from the convenience store.
Kurahara Kakeru is a name he recognizes, because he spent the past years scanning through anything related to running—high school, college, or otherwise. Kakeru runs by, and the breeze that follows causes his heart to skip a beat. He feels the touch of the wind god, Fujin, in that breeze and sees the wings of Hermes on his heels.
Hours later he can still see Kakeru running. Kakeru is a shooting star and his feet light the path that Haiji has so desperately been trying to follow. He has dreamed of the Hakone Ekiden for years, and for the first time, he can see exactly how he’ll get there.
It’s not easy to get Kakeru, or anyone else, really, to agree to his plan. But in each one of them, he knows there’s a soul that wants to run. He just needs to find it. As he struggles to get them to agree—one by one—and struggles to get them to get along, to train, to run, he realizes that maybe he’s not so weak anymore.
At first, he finds himself turning to Kakeru, because he’s the most experienced runner on the team—other than himself. And then he finds himself turning to Kakeru just because he can. Kakeru who is blunt and stubborn and selfish in ways he probably doesn’t understand. Kakeru who runs on a path of starlight. Kakeru who is honestly brusque and righteously short-tempered and awkwardly charming.
Haiji finds himself as the team comes together as a team—watching each one of them find their own path to run. He is still looking for an answer for why he runs. How can he love a sport that breaks his body and wears down his mental stamina? It’s exhausting and infuriating and each step along the path is a battle. Sometimes he wonders. Sometimes he thinks he settles into the pace of his feet against the track and thinks he already knows.
The fourth time is the moment Prince finishes his race just fast enough to let them go to the qualifier.
They have a chance. It’s a dream that is four years in the making, and they’re still only at the start line. But they’ve earned the right to try.
Fujioka stands by his side. Steady in his presence and solid as always. Their paths are different now, but he always did love running with Fujioka at his side.
This time, his lip trembles, and he takes an extra minute to make his way to the rest of the team.
The fifth time is when they qualify.
The race is crowded with people trying to win, showing months or years of hard work in their steps. As they move forward, they spread out, finding their own pace within the pack. Haiji runs beside Kakeru near the front. He waits until the right time, and then with a tap on the back, he tells Kakeru to fly.
The mess by the water tables is unexpected, but he makes it by. He feels a shift in his leg as he lands and nearly stumbles the next step. As he runs, all he can think is don’t break, don’t break. He finishes the race thanking his body for holding out. Kakeru isn’t far from the finish line. As the minutes tick by, the rest of the team joins them until only Prince is left.
And then the race is over. And they wait to hear which schools made it. With each school announced, the tension rises. By nine, the pressure is so high he can barely think. Haiji stands with the men he’s spent the past ten months making into a track team, and waits as they all hold one collective breath. And then ten is announced.
Kansei University.
It’s another goal passed. The finish line is almost within sight. His heart soars, full the bursting point with happiness. He turns to share this elation with the team and catches just a glimpse of Shindo sobbing into Musa(also sobbing)’s shoulder, the twins piling onto Nico-chan, King unplugging his ears with disbelief written across his face, and—Kakeru fills his field of view, blue-gray eyes practically glowing. For a moment, they stare at each other, hearts beating to the same tune of joy. Haiji leaps forward, ignoring a twinge in his right knee and any doubts he would usually have about jumping into Kakeru’s arms.
(The one time.)
They train hard in the time they have before New Year’s. They deal with the twins’ doubts and struggle with the limited time. Haiji spends more time in the hospital than he has in a while, checking and double checking. He still thinks of himself as broken pieces and wonders if the glue holding him together now is just as weak as it was before. He thinks of four years of planning and doubts that it was enough.
Haiji silences thoughts about himself and turns instead to thinking about the team. (He still wonders what he’s running for, too). He offers encouragement where he can, support where needed, and a reminder or two that rest is important.
And then the day comes.
The first day is difficult. Prince starts them out well, and Musa follows up. But then there’s the drama with the twins and romance of all things. In the middle of a race. Haiji ignores the temptation to say a variety of things to instill fear into their souls instead of sparkles and hearts. Instead, he opts for a gentler approach.
Kakeru, sitting next to him in the car, doesn’t seem surprised at all. When asked, he mentions something about Musa, dark baths, and Hana-chan. He says it with flush darkening his cheeks and his eyes dart away from Haiji’s. Haiji lets himself be distracted for a moment. And then he turns some of the things he thought of directing at the twins toward himself.
Shindo’s section of the race is the most difficult to watch. Haiji watches him stumble and stand again a hundred times. If Shindo stopped, Haiji wouldn’t blame him, but there’s a part of his soul that’s begging him to keep going. It’s selfish, he knows, but a part of him needs this race—to heal, to move on. So he watches the screen, hands stiff with tension, and tries not to let the guilt set in.
The vice grip around his chest eases a little once Shindo is done with his section and back inside. Be shares a look of reassurance with Kakeru, as they finish pulling the blankets up around the figure of their now-sleeping teammate. Yuki hangs back just a moment. Haiji reads a kind of frustration and guilt in his expression. After a moment of thought, he steps out of the room pulling Kakeru with him.
The rest of the evening passes relatively uneventfully. Kakeru passes in and out of sight. Shindo wakes before too long and they videochat the rest of the team. It’s not the same as physically being in the same place, but there’s a kind of peace that comes with unity, even if it comes in the middle of a race.
As he tries to sleep, he can feel a ringing in his bones, the sound of something that’s not quite in the right place. His knee doesn’t hurt—not yet, but it’s only a matter of time. In the morning, he wakes with a start, shaking off the tendrils of dreams of times past. His doctor arrives bright and early, right on time. He can see the sense of resignation in the man’s eyes—a sense of something that’s almost pity. Haiji watches silently as the doctor gives his old injury one last check and hands him the painkillers.
He doesn’t expect anyone to have noticed the doctor, but perhaps he should have. Kakeru’s voice, in particular, is loud. Worried. Haiji tells them about the visit and assures them that painkillers are just in case. Kakeru’s eyes settle on his own. Haiji sees a kind of acceptance there—it’s different than the doctor’s resigned worry. He’s not sure if he’s reading more into Kakeru’s expression than he should, but to him he sees a look that speaks understanding.
As the race begins again, the knot of anxiety in his stomach tightens. It’s the second and last day. It’s the day the race ends. It’s the day his dream ends. It’s a day of endings. There’s an unsteadiness in his chest as he watches Yuki head down the slope, snow swirling in the background. Yuki flies down the mountain like a blizzard.
He watches Nico-chan senpai and King. He shares a short phone call with Kakeru, wondering what Fujioka could have said to make him sound like that. In the end, all Haiji can think of is the truth. The adrenaline of the day is already pumping through his veins, but his heart picks up a notch. To me, you are the greatest runner. (He only finds out from Joji later, much, much later that Kakeru says he’s in love after hanging up.)
When he watches Kakeru run, even just within the confines of his phone screen, he sees starlight like he always does. But this time, he sees something else too. There’s an air of tranquility. There isn’t a smile on his face, but Kakeru looks content, like he’s glowing with the kind of radiance that can only come from inside.
It isn’t long before he stands at the relay point. Waiting. His heart picks up its pace. The painkillers in his bloodstream silence any inklings of pain. He takes a deep breath in. It’s almost over. He exhales and Kakeru comes into view, the glow in his eyes a hundred times brighter than it was from the screen.
Kakeru runs, and he looks like something heaven sent. His form is beautiful and his speed is hardly human. Haiji blinks and he can almost see wings sprout from his back. (It doesn’t take him long to learn that Kakeru broke the record Fujioka set only eleven minutes prior.)
When Kakeru passes him the sash, he doesn’t say a word aloud but the smile on his face says enough. He passes Haiji the sash, and with it a wish of good luck. The sash is warm from Kakeru’s hands, and it feels heavier than just a piece of cloth. It’s the weight of the hopes of the other nine. But it doesn’t feel like weight. It feels like wings.
Haiji runs knowing this is the last time. He knows his body well enough, by now. He has heard the doctors tell him again and again that it’s only a matter of time. But as he runs, his chest feels light. It’s the final stretch of his dream. He only has a few more minutes left before he wakes, and it flies by. Even as he pushes his body toward the breaking point, he feels complete. Haiji runs toward the finish line. His broken pieces have been put back together and bound with veins of gold. He is whole. For the first time since long ago, he feels whole. And as Kakeru’s face comes into view once more, he knows why.
He smiles as he hurls himself forward. His leg is done for, and there’s some kind of comfort in knowing there’s no way to save it now. Even with the painkillers, his tendons are screaming in agony. He can feel the grinding of gears that no longer fit being forced to work. And yet he runs with a smile on his face. Runs straight forward, right across the finish line. Forward, forward, because he has finished one dream, but he sees the future in front of him—in the starlight at Kakeru’s feet, in the worried lines of his brow, in his arms that steady him as he finally comes to a halt.
It seems like mere instants. It seems like hours. The time he spends clinging to Kakeru passes in a whirlwind of emotion. There’s the elation of having finished the race. He had expected to be lost after he crossed the finish line, but he has never felt more at home than he does huddled against the cold pavement. His leg that he spent so many hours of torture to run with once again is in pieces, yet he has never felt more complete.
Tears sting the corners of his eyes. He blinks the first few back, but Kakeru murmurs you’re strong and you’re my reason for running within the same short breath, and the rest can’t be stopped.
The way home is long, and he spends most of it next to Kakeru. They’re all exhausted by the time the doors of Aotake are in sight once more. Nira greets them with an enthusiastic bark, and the most any of them can muster is a smile and a couple pats on the head. The building that’s usually bustling with activity during waking hours is quiet as they make they’re way to bed.
Kakeru dutifully brings Haiji to his room, unhooking his arm from around his shoulder as they reach the door. He mutters something about an ice pack and hurries out of sight. He appears again a minute later, this time with an ice pack in hand. Even after handing it to Haiji, he hesitates, making it obvious with his body language that he doesn’t want to leave. After a moment, Haiji takes pity on him. The door swings shut behind the two of them.
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Outside of a ruined temple, during a nighty thunderstorm, Ryu is giving his all against Ganondorf. He fires a Hadoken, but it don’t even scratch the King of Evil. The foe start attacking the wanderer, who is forced to parry his attacks. Ganon then grabs his sword and slams on the warrior, who blocks and repels it, yet still feels the damage. Ganondorf says:
“This is all your ‘Power of Nothingness’ can offer? I’ve never seen a light as weak as yours.”
With Ryu panting, and focusing on standing on his two feet, Ganondorf charges energy on his fist, wishing to end the match with a Warlock Punch. However, Ryu feels a familiar, and ominous presence… a voice can be heard:
“The answer lies…”
A shadowed figure plummet against Ganondorf, striking him. Ryu instantly acknowledges who is there. An infuriating Ganon rises, but can only hear the assailant finishes the sentence before thinking his next move:
“…in destroying everything!”
Angered, Ganondorf launches a sphere of darkness at the new fighter, but it fizzles right when it touches him. Shocked with such situation, Ganondorf tries to understand what’s happening, and fires more ranged attacks, as the being shouts:
“Rikudo Osatsu!”
Phasing through all attacks, the unknown character grabs Ganondorf, who screams in pain, as an unseen barrage of attacks is delivered. Standing next to the defeated king, with a japanese symbol burning red on it’s back, the figure turns it’s attention to Ryu, who says:
“I never thought you would manifest here.”
The being then turn it’s glowing red eyes to Ryu, answering:
“Will you accept it? I am the strongest part of you!”
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lenievi · 5 years
Saiyuki reread continuation (this time it’s more questions than anything else, but still Sanzo heavy)
volume 3
- since I’ve got back into Saiyuki (I watched the Blast anime and musicals before rereading) I started to think if there are more “Seiten Taisei” people; i.e. what if everyone with golden eyes is called Seiten Taisei... but I guess that’s stupid
- Sanzo told Gojyo (and Hakkai, I assume) about Goku’s true form, so did he tell him about what happened in Goku’s burial? Or was it just... maybe what Sanbutsushin told him...? But the thing is Hakkai’s words kind of don’t make sense if burial was the only time Goku lost his limiter before Rikudo...
- because Sanzo is close to the gods because of his chakra he can make the diadem right? (or is it Konzen’s soul?)
- and now Hakkai is confused about “Goku’s times in heavens”, but Sanzo should know (based on burial), so what did Sanzo actually tell them? Or maybe he just made something up to ensure the limiter stayed on Goku’s head...?
「…こーゆーことされて悔しいだろ『金蝉童子』いや…今は玄奘三蔵だったな。悔しかったら生き延びてみな。自分自身の力で」I bet you'll hate this being done to you, Konzen Douji blah blah
So is Kanzeon referring to giving Sanzo the blood to survive or can I also think that こーゆー means being kissed? I know that the former is more likely, especially based on “survive. with your own power”, but... [sometimes I think about weird things, but even TP’s “I know this isn’t your style, Konzen Douji” makes me think that Kanzeon refers to the kiss as well, in addition to saving his life, because Konzen would hate being kissed, especially by his own aunt]
- Goku remembers Konzen, but I guess he doesn’t really think too much about him later. But he remembers seeing him in his mind and he remembers that he looked at him in similar way as Sanzo does (あれは誰だったんだろう。三蔵に似た懐かしい眼差し) - I wonder why it never really comes up again (I wonder if it’ll come up again...) 
- I still wonder where TP got “I’d rather we didn’t all suffer further” when what Hakkai said was: “I don’t want us to have matching scars” (this whole Goku&Hakkai&Sanzo faking sleep scene is so good, but TP version is just so weirdly worded *sighs*). 
- I’ve never known what to think about Sanzo remembering Koumyou dying after Hakkai leaves, but now I guess he remembers the pain again and then he’s all “I’m pathetic” because he tried to escape from the same pain again? idk later he said that he was protecting himself and the pain he was still feeling and that he wouldn’t die for someone else (because he knows the pain of those left behind), that he would only live and die for himself - but he still unconsciously covered Goku and almost died - it kind of feels as if he’s just making excuses while also making decisions to become stronger (again) [but I do believe that he didn’t cover Goku for Goku’s sake, but for himself, so he wouldn’t have to experience the same pain again, but that’s probably just my bias]
- and this is the first time Sanzo points his gun at Gojyo - but the door is in the way
- what is the meaning of Sanzo giving the gun to Goku at the end? Is that the “payment”? 
- and from chapter 15 Sanzo starts to really smoke. And it’s canon that Sanzo knows sanskrit. (Also Gojyo calling Sanzo “housewife” (not in TP version) is probably the best thing he ever called him)
- “...it’s big, it’s hard and purple... but then, that wouldn’t remind you of anything, would it, priesty.” This is the reason I really dislike the localization sometimes, because this part is just Gojyo talking to the shikigami (and the second part is just TP’s addition)
- chapter 17 - so Sanzo does watch over Goku and calls out his name in battle during danger this early. I’m glad. (and then it’s back to Hakkai again hahaha)
- hmmmm so I guess Kouryuu was frequently injured when he was kicking other monks around
I think one of the surprise during the reread is that I really enjoy the scenes between Sanzo and Gojyo (if I forget about those unnecessary stuff TP added to some of Gojyo’s sentences) - I have to wonder if back in the days the anime/drama CDs really influenced my view on Gojyo, hmmmm...
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tophthetrickster · 3 years
Retrospectives - Rikudo ch1 - Introducing OC’s
Discussing the first chapter: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13930386/2/Rikudo-2021
The biggest goals of the first chapter was to introduce the AU elements of the story. Those being a better look at how a Namikaze clan, especially one that wasn’t made up of shinobi, affected the world around them.
And what changes were those? Well, we not only get how the conversation from the prologue had changed how Danzo’s life played out, though only in bits and pieces here, but also the addition of characters that weren’t originally there in canon.
Honestly, I wrestled with having to create OC’s for the fic. Since this was based from an existing work, it would always be easiest to just make use of characters that were already there. It made readers have an easier time recognizing characters, and would make them less likely to get pulled out of the story to check out some online source on who that character was canonically or how they look like.
It also becomes a pain in the long-run to have to keep track of so many characters, much more so when we’re already in a work that deals with multiple points of view.
But in this case, I figured it was not only necessary, but it would be easier to ease people into OC’s when I didn’t introduce too many of them at once. That would give me time to make the introduction more memorable, and actually give the audience time to get used to the idea of them. Having so many OC’s appear at once sort of just mutes the impact to me, and makes them all just names and faces without anything to really latch unto.
We can always just drip feed the other OC’s later on.
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manga2day · 3 years
Rikudo bread
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The Bread Rikudo refer to six different authorities controlled by Nagato aka Pain through 6 distinct bodies. These are thus extensions of Nagato and each body has one of the powers of Rinnegan . Nagato manages to manipulate these bodies from a distance thanks to chakra receptors. 🕉️ Here are the six powers in question: Tendô, Ningendô, Shuradô, Gakidô, Chikushôdô and Jigokudô . Note that Tobi, the original head of the Akatsuki organization, also succeeded in developing his own version of the Six Bodies of Pain after setting up the Rinnegan of Nagato that he recovered from the latter's grave.    
Origin of the loaves and powers
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Originally from Soul, or the Village Hidden by the Rain, 🌧️ Nagato lost his parents who were mistakenly killed by ninjas when he was still young. Nagato and two other orphans like him, Yahiko and Konan , had to scramble to survive on their own. Desiring to establish peace in Ame, these three founded an organization called Akatsuki and they were later joined by other ninjas who shared their vision of peace. Seeing them as a threat, Hanzo of the Salamander, legendary Shinobi and head of Soul village at the time, devised a trap to get rid of the Akatsuki. During their meeting, Yahiko unfortunately died by committing suicide with the kunai of Nagato. Despite Konan's tears and pleas, Nagato went into a black rage. He then invoked the Gedô Mazô, or the Statue of the Great Heresiarch Demon  thanks to his Rinnegan and as soon as the latter appears, a connection is established between the two through the Chakra Disruption Blades. These are metal stakes taken out of the body of the statue and which are planted in Nagato's back. At that moment, the chakra projected by  the  Gedô Mazô in the form of a dragon killed all the Hanzô ninjas present by absorbing their chakra. After this massacre, the statue disappeared leaving Nagato with the metal stakes still embedded in the back, a skeletal body and unfit for combat. Subsequently, in order to compensate for his handicap, ♿ Nagato gave life to six corpses, including that of his friend Yahiko, thanks to his chakra and to chakra receptors like those present in his back. It is in this way that he created the Six Bodies of Bread to which he granted respectively the Rinnegan as well as a distinct power to each of them. Nagato is able to control and manipulate each of these avatars from a distance by emitting chakra waves which are picked up by the receivers with which the 6 bodies are equipped. After that, Nogota killed Hanzô as well as all his relatives and took control of Soul to make it the base of the Akatsuki.  
Tendô techniques
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This is the main body of Pain. Being Yahiko's former body, Nagato allowed him to remain leader of the Akatsuki and take care of the organization's many activities. He also uses it to represent him in interactions with other people. Tendô has the ability to manipulate gravity and thus control the forces of attraction and repulsion. His first technique is Celestial Repulsion 🌅 or Shinra Tensei which is a telekinetic power of the Rinnegan which gives him the possibility of pushing back his enemies, any object as well as any attack directed towards him. Used at its maximum power, this technique produces an enormous blast capable of reducing an entire village to dust, as was the case for Konoha. The opposite technique is Celestial Attraction or Banshô Ten'in which allows Tendô to attract everything around him, whether objects or people, to himself. One of the weaknesses of both of these techniques is that they require five seconds of recharging before being used again. And the more powerful it is, the longer the recharge time. Another of their weak points is that, in order to use these powers to the maximum, Nagato is forced to focus all his chakra on Pain Tendô, which leaves these five other avatars inert and at the mercy of possible attacks from his opponents. Additionally, Konan revealed to Nagato that using Celestial Repulsion at its peak shortens its lifespan.
Techniques Chibaku Tensei
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Tendô also has an ultimate technique from Rinnegan called Chibaku Tensei or Birth of the Divine Star . The latter consists in creating between his hands a sphere of gravity of white color but which darkens quickly. Once launched into the sky, the sphere levitates and sucks up everything below, whether it is the ground or even pieces of mountains. 🌄 These fragments are then concentrated around the sphere. The usefulness of this technique is that it allows to lock an opponent inside the sphere as Nagato did with Kyûbi . And when the latter was able to escape the sphere, Nagato made a larger one. Indeed, if the chakra used for this technique is more consequent, the gravity is all the more strong. Note that this technique was developed by  Hagoromo Ôtsutsuki alias Rikudô Sennin who allowed him to create the Moon 🌙 and contain Jûbi's body there. There is a unique way to counter this attack, it is to pulverize the gravitational core of the sphere which is in the middle of the cluster. And this is precisely the flaw of this technique since anyone with a powerful long-range attack can manage to destroy the sphere, all the more so because of the force of its attraction, the attack will necessarily be sucked in. towards her. Thus, the person will not need to aim.
Shuradô techniques
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This avatar was previously the body of a shinobi featured in the anime as a puppeteer. Nagato bestowed on him the powers of Shuradô , which gave him a fully mechanized body with robotic cogs. 🤖 During a fight, he was seen with four arms and two additional faces showing different expressions. He has his availability a host of mechanical weapons to which he can access at any time and at will. His forearms notably hide missile launchers that he can use by removing these limbs. He can also throw his forearms like projectiles at his opponents. Its arms also allow it to pull flexible blades, drills (bits) as well as mechanical tendrils. This Pain can open its skull in six parts and reveal a strange brain 🧠 with which it produces a chakra blast of great power that can demolish several buildings. It also has chakra boosters in the feet that allow it to move quickly. He also wears a metal belt around his waist with a long, jagged, foldable blade with which he can pierce enemies.   Thanks to his great strength, he is able to throw very far another of the avatars as he did with Chikushôdô over the village of Konoha. He had no difficulty ripping out one of the arms 💪🏼 and crushing the throat of the legendary Sannin Jiraiya just with a basic technique of taijutsu. Apart from its powerful offensive abilities, this avatar also has incredible resistance to damage and injury. Thanks to his mechanized body, he even manages to survive fatal injuries. He notably survived several powerful attacks such as the electrocution of a shadow clone imbued with lightning, Kakashi Hatake's Slaying Bolt and the Crushing Butterfly, Chôji Akimichi's enormous punch. If he is not out of harm's way but just affaibable, he is also still very dangerous.
Ningendo techniques
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This avatar of Pain was originally a Shinobi from Taki, the Hidden Waterfall Village and who taught children how to survive during the Third Great Shinobi War. With the powers of Ningendo, he is able to read any person's mind and know everything he knows (thoughts, memory, etc.) just by putting his hand on it. Then, the soul 👼🏼 of the latter is sucked out of his body. Known as Soul Absorption , this technique is very useful and practical for uncovering well-kept information and secrets. On the other hand, the fact that it always ends with the inevitable death of the target, it is not suitable if wishes to keep the target alive. Another of these abilities is its speed of movement. Indeed, he was able to approach several sensors (sensory type ninjas) without them having detected it.
Chikushôdô techniques
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The powers of Chikushôdô were transferred to two different characters, the first of which was a ninja from the Fûma clan. The second body was that of a young girl (the only female Bread Rikudô of Nagato) answering to the name of Ajisaï. Chikushôdô has the power to summon all types of animals or creatures 🦖 of giant size. These summons can be destroyed, but the avatar can renew them on a regular basis. The most powerful of his creatures is a Giant Multi-Headed Dog (a cerberus) who has the unique ability to duplicate himself for each damage inflicted on him. These summons all having the Rinnegan, Nagato has the opportunity to see what they see. It is important to note that summoning these creatures does not require the use of blood 🩸 or mudrās. Chikushôdô is also able to summon people by teleporting them, as was the case with Pain's other avatars as well as Konan. However, in this case, the invocation requires the use of incantatory signs. During clashes, Chikushôdô's main task is to perform several summons at the same time in order to overwhelm opponents. It should be noted that Nagato used his summons to move around during the Fourth Great Ninja War .
Gakido techniques
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This body of Pain is that of a ninja coming from Kusa, the Village hidden in the Grass in the Land of the Grass. 🌱 We discover in the anime that he is both a ninja and a farmer. Gakidô gives its user the ability to absorb and drain any form of chakra and whatever its nature with a simple physical contact. This is a very advanced sealing technique called Chakra Absorbing Seal . Essentially defensive, this power is able to absorb all Ninjutsu type combat spells and thus cancel their effects, even for the most powerful techniques. This was notably the case for the Rasengan ( the Whirling Orb) as well as the Fûton - Rasenshuriken (Fûton - Orbe Shuriken) of Naruto Uzumaki. Gakido also has the possibility of using this technique to erect a barrier around his body and absorb all the attacks, and this, whatever its initial origin. This avatar of Pain also possesses incredible physical strength to the point that he can either knock Naruto out with a single punch 👊🏼 or be able to hold him back, forcing Naruto to call upon the Hermit Chakra to break free. Indeed, Gakidô encounters limits and weaknesses in the face of combat techniques other than Ninjutsu. His power  can quickly turn against the avatar in the event that he absorbs hermit chakra or Senjutsu chakra . Because of the latter, he was transformed into a stone toad. During their confrontation against Jiraya, Chikushôdô, Ningendô and Gakidô were able to be defeated by the Sannin thanks to the Genjutsu used by the toads 🐸 on them. Gakido has another weakness, namely Taijutsu. This is the reason why he avoids hand-to-hand clashes and close combat with weapons.
Jigokudô techniques
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This is the body of a priest whose village was set on fire. Once the power of Jigokudô transferred into this body, this avatar is first of all able to lift a person with one hand thanks to his physical strength. But its main ability is to be able to summon the King of the Underworld , an enormous monster whose head surrounded by 🔥 violet-colored flames springs from the earth to fulfill a dual function: interrogation and judgment. Indeed, this monster has the ability to determine whether a person is telling the truth or on the contrary lying. When Jigokudô grabs his target , the head appears and the person seems to be paralyzed. The avatar then asks him questions and it is at this moment that the mouth of the King of the Underworld unclips and lets out two arms which have the shape of tendrils. The person's life force (soul) is then sucked out of his body like a very long tongue coming out of his mouth. 👅 Then comes the hour of judgment. If the victim refuses to answer or does not tell the truth, then his soul is ripped out and swallowed by the monster. And that person dies. On the other hand, if she tells the truth, her life is spared even if it is totally exhausted. Jigokudô has a second ability always linked to the King of the Underworld. Indeed, the latter is able to treat and heal any type of injury or damage. This was particularly the case with Shuradô after he was destroyed by  Chôji Akimichi and his father Chôza Akimichi.. For this, King 🤴🏼 of the Underworld is summoned and he grabs the body in question and swallows it. After a while, the completely restored body emerges from his mouth. The torn Akatsuki outfit is even repaired. In addition, according to the spy Kabuto Yakushi, the avatar Jigokudô would be able to use the King of the Underworld to transport bodies as well as souls over a certain distance. You should know that the healing power of Jigokudô is of paramount importance for the Pain Rikudô. This is the reason why in all their combat formations, Jigokudô is always found behind all the others, those supposed to protect him, including Tendô.  
Akatsuki False Leader Bread
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Yahiko was the founder of the Akatsuki organization with the help of Konan and Nagato as well as other ninjas wishing to bring peace to the village of Soul. Originally, the goal of this organization was to support Nagato so that he could bring a lasting peace to the Rainy Land through dialogue, but not by force. Yahiko was the first leader but he lost his life during Hanzô's trap. Nagato then succeeded him at the reins of the organization and became the leader of Ame after having provoked a civil war there and killed Hanzô. After the Third Great Shinobi War was over, the Akatsuki became a group of mercenaries. Everyone in the organization, except Konan, called Nagato "Chief". However, it was later revealed that it was another who secretly ran the organization. Indeed, Tobi stated that it was he who first pushed Yahiko to create the Akatsuki. Then it was revealed to us that he was actually the real leader and not Nagato as he was posing as Madara Uchiha. It turns out that while Nagato was an authority in the organization, it was Tobi who manipulated him and acted in the shadows. Nagato had him as a new collaborator as well as advised him and he followed all his directives.
How did Pain get the Rinnegan?
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It was Jiraiya who found out that Nagato possessed Rinnegan when he was still young and was undergoing Sannin training to learn Ninjutsu. When asked how Pain got the Rinnegan, we learned that it was Madara Uchiha who secretly transplanted it to him when he was still small. Indeed, by giving his eyes 👀 to Nagato without the latter knowing it, his objective was for the latter to resuscitate him later thanks to the Rinnegan so that he could become  the jinchûriki of Jûbi and lock everyone in the  Tsukuyomi. Infinite . On the other hand, when Tobi made his appearance as a masked man named Madara, he had described himself as the one who had offered the Rinnegan to Nagato. And how could Pain awaken this powerful Dojutsu given that it required both the Uchiha's and Senju's DNA to do so? Tobi revealed that if Nagato had red hair, it was because he was part of the Uzumaki Clan. And Madara Uchiha stated that since the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan had common origins , so Nagato was a descendant of the Senju clan. So Nagato possessed Senju DNA in him, and since it was Madara Uchiha who transplanted the Rinnegan to him, he had direct access to his own DNA.
Pain's death
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In his goal of capturing Kyûbi, Nagato set out to invade Konoha. He therefore attacked the Village hidden by the Leaves 🍃 with the six Bread Rikudô and Konan. After terrible fights and the destruction of Konoha, Pain's avatars confronted Naruto as he returned from his Senjutsu training at Mount  Myôboku. Not without pain and in excruciating pain, Naruto then defeated Pain's avatars one by one: - Shuradô by a Rasengan - Gakido by toad katas - Ningendo by a Fûton - Rasenshuriken - Chikushodô by a Rasenrengan - Jigokudô during a diversion - Gakido again transformed into a toad and a stone statue - And finally Tendô by a Rasengan After this confrontation, Naruto was able to meet Nagato and the latter told him his story. He wanted to know how Naruto planned to bring peace to the Shinobi world. It was at this time that Naruto told him about the first book written by Jiraiya,  the Chronicles of a fearless ninja  and whose hero was named Naruto. Nagato was then upset by the evocation of this book and convinced that Naruto's path was the right one. He then made the decision to sacrifice himself so that all the inhabitants of Konoha who lost their lives during the invasion could be resuscitated.
Become a Rikudô Bread too
Thanks to the Rinnegan, Nagato possesses formidable powers that he can grant to any body he resurrects to make it his extension. You can also become one of its extensions and have one of the powers of the Rinnegan. Read the full article
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mangafeeds · 4 years
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Alternative : Rikudo
RIKUDOU summary: Riku experienced a lot of pain and tragedy in his early life. After his father's death, a former-boxer Yakuza man taught him how to do a basic punch, and that punch saved his life when he had to defend himself from his mom's drug dealer. He ended up taking the drug dealer's life, marking him as a killer. Criminals continued to come after him, leading to more tragedy for the people who attempted to care for him. All of this drove him to ask that same former boxer to teach him to become stronger, which led him to a rundown gym, his door to the world of pro boxing! #MangaFeeds.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline MangaFeeds.Com: Read manga online the latest manga comic book, updated daily: https://mangafeeds.com/post/rikudou_1587890357
Read more.
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soto-translates · 7 years
Saiyuki: Love Quizzes
Big thanks to @flowermiko for the original scans!
Ever wonder which of the guys you're most like?  Which one you should date?  Wonder no more.  With these charts from the Gensoumaden TV guide and OVA, you can find out X3
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※ 天上転(天)下唯我独尊 [Ten Jyo Ten(Ten) Ge Yui Ga Doku Son] The proper phrase, meaning “I alone am holy throughout heaven and earth”, uses the character 天 (heaven) twice, so the quiz replaces the second 天 with the homophone 転 (turn, roll, change).
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BIG Presentation of Chart Results Here’s the result explanations you’ve been waiting for!! The character corresponding to the word you arrived at on the previous page is absolutely your personality type.  Like birds of a feather, your compatibility is on the mark!!
天 [Ten] Heaven SON GOKU ENERGETIC MOOD MAKER Always full of energy.  At any rate, you’re the Goku type who prioritizes exercise.  Because of that personality you often get those around you into trouble, but you’ve got a strange charm and for some reason everyone loves you.  And of course, your insatiable curiosity and appetite (!?) are hard core!! ● I like this type of person -- Genjo Sanzo ー A guardian-like person who seems like he’d forgive selfishness. ● This type is popular -- Kanzeon Bosatsu ー You’ll be teased and played with ... don’t get too close!?
上 [Jyo] Above KOUGAIJI EXTREMELY SHY PRINCE You’re the Kougaiji type with a strong sense of responsibility and a kind soul that thinks of others.  Sometimes you can be too serious and you’ve been left holding the bag more than once.  However, you’re charismatic and quickly pull people to you; you blow away any difficulties. ● He’s the type that would make a good rival -- Son Goku ー It’s amazing watching him break through without any hesitation!! ● The type of person I want to be near -- Yaone ー She gently takes care of both his mind and body (she’s an alchemist, after all)
転 [Ten] Turn CHIN YISOU FAITHFUL TO HIS OWN SELF INTEREST You’re the Chin Yisou type who tends to get too obsessed with a single interest.  In regards to interpersonal relations, you are unable to honestly voice your feelings or act on them.  You should try to be more honest. ● The Chin type is definitely one I pay attention to -- Cho Hakkai ー Hakkai is also the type to straight-forwardly fall in love.  He’ll be charmed!! ● On the other hand, what type likes him... ー Umm, he may be difficult to like as he is right now!?
下 [Ge] Below NII JIANYI SMILING MAD SCIENTIST!? You’re the Nii Jianyi type, bright-minded and not one to show your real intentions.  Your words and actions tend to be unfathomable and your smile can be suspicious, so people around you may suspect that you’re “definitely plotting something”. ● I think I’d get along with someone like him -- Chin Yisou ー Two strange characters!?  However, you must have a condescending attitude... ● It’s good luck to be beneath this sort of person!? -- Gyokumen Koushu ー It’ll be worth it someday to give in to his selfishness!?
唯 [Yui] Merely SHA GOJYO A SKIRT-CHASER, BUT ACTUALLY A SENSIBLE PERSON You usually take things lightly.  Actually, you possess incredibly various talents.  But no matter what you do you’re the jack of all trades, master of none -type for whom many things go unrewarded.  You’re someone who can be relied on in a pinch, though you may grumble.  You’re admired by everyone. ● The type of person I’d take as my sworn younger brother -- Son Goku ーA comrade he bickers with as soon as he’s near ● Popular with the opposite sex -- Woman at the bar ー Your witty conversation is spot on with anyone
我 [Ga] Oneself GENJO SANZO PRIDE HIGHER THAN A MOUNTAIN!? Quiet and blunt.  You are the Sanzo type who is easily misunderstood by all.  Your hand (paper fan) moves before your mouth, but that’s because you can’t show your emotions honestly.  First, find a friend who can open your heart! ● This type of person can understand you very well -- Cho Hakkai ー Someone who understands your thoughts without saying a word ● What about the type that can open your heart? -- Goku and Lirin ー Uncalculating innocents.  Are they small animals or babies!?
独 [Doku] Alone RIKUDO RACE WITH YOUR IMPULSE! You’re the Rikudo type who is moved by emotion, unable to suppress your impulses.  Thus, you tend to cause trouble for others, but in the end you know where to draw the line.  You’re someone who can easily take things too far, so be careful! ● This is the only person who can suppress you! -- Genjo Sanzo ー This is the person you want to be recognized by.  Your embarrassed feelings are important!! ● The person of the opposite sex who will come to like you -- ...... ー Unfortunately right now... And you were such a catch before
尊 [Son] Noble CHO HAKKAI DON’T BE FOOLED BY THE NONCHALANT SMILE You’re the Hakkai type who is good at looking after others and is kind to all.  You’re liked by everyone: man or woman, young or old.  And, you can calmly make decisions and possess the strength of spirit to use your smile as a weapon (!?) and overcome any situation you get dropped into. ● You can’t leave this kinda guy alone! -- Sha Gojyo ー You have your hands full dealing with the sloppy Gojyo ● This sort of person is a good match -- Kanan ー Anyway, their wavelengths are √+.  The perpetually smiling couple.
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LOVE LOVE Compatability Check Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo, Hakkai ...... Which character is compatable with you in LOVE LOVE?
Fortunes by Kanon Miwa Profile: Astrologer who loves music, reading and ballet.  Pisces.  Type O Motto: The grass is greener on the other side. ※ Birthdates are taken into account, so fortunes will be different from start sign -only ones.
GENJO SANZO Birth: November 29, Sagittarius Age: 23 Blood type: A He’s a person who discovers a new self through knowledge and understanding, and strengthens his own power by exchanging energy with others.  He can fully demonstrate his powers as a leader and will continue on toward his lofty goal so long as he is in unrestrained.  But he tends to abandon his efforts when faced with an obstacle rather than endure it, so when sensitive people get close to him they end up hurt... Also, he will run with wild ideas when pressed. Keywords: Aim high and move your pieces forward
SON GOKU Birth: April 5, Aries Age: 18 Blood type: O Bright and full of charm!  But he can be absent-minded, and this has hurt the people around him.  But he has no evil intentions! He is the type to attempt things normal people would never think to try, and this awakens his hidden talents.  However, he has a habit of jumping into dangerous situations, so be careful!  He is the type to become extremely down when depressed, but shows an innocent selfishness when loved. Keywords: Has good intentions...
SHA GOJYO Birth: November 9, Scorpio Age: 22 Blood type: B A passionate person who combines acute human observation skills with precise powers of deduction.  His mysterious aura often sets hearts abuzz, but also displays a friendly side when he gets used to his surroundings.  Because he’s a passionate person, when he is unable to control himself he can suddenly become deeply jealous.  Until he achieves his wish he may fail or arouse the suspicions of the people around him, but he is the type to grow into a trustworthy person while going through many hardships. Keywords: Broad-minded
CHO HAKKAI Birth: September 21, Virgo Age: 22 Blood type: AB Sensitive, and even though he shoulders a burden, he won’t let you know it.  He’s the type to soothe people with his elegant charm. However, once he breaks through a wall he suddenly races to the limits and egoistically go out of control, so be careful! Even though he appears to act wildly, in actuality he is unconsciously calculating.  He is absolutely an indefatigable person. Keyword: Indefatigable
GENJO SANZO, Sagittarius △ Good 【Cancer】You end up worrying about him.  He’ll interact with you more easily if you’re more aggressive! 【Virgo】If you interact with him like a young lady would, he may instead pull away.  Interact with him as an equal and he will value you more than anyone else. 【Scorpio】If you approach him too aggressively he tends to be surprised and cool down.  First, firmly press forward and then mysteriously attack - that’s the key to success ♡ 【Pisces】Even though you actually have a lot in common, you tend to end up butting heads.  Watch over him kindly. ◯ Better 【Taurus】First, put yourself out there with your own original approach.  Don’t worry about being too bold; that level is perfect for the two of you. 【Libra】First, start with being friends.  As you gradually get closer, he may naturally come to feel more possessive of you. 【Sagittarius】Seems like you could have a telepathic relationship if you don’t restrain each other.  Jealousy and the urge to monopolize each other are the sources of your conflicts, so watch out! 【Capricorn】Precisely because you’re a steady person, you can support his unconventional areas!  Compromising with each other is important ◎ Best 【Aries】Once the flame is lit, your love will grow bright enough to consume you both.  However, if it interferes too much the fire will spread to unrelated areas. 【Gemini】The strength he receives from the sensitive you is the source of his courage.  His somewhat rough words are because he trusts you.  Don’t worry about it! 【Leo】Your existence is connected to his confidence.  The more you love him, the brighter the fire that burns deep within him will burn.  Push forward hand in hand! 【Aquarius】Even he acknowledges your superiority, creative as you are.  Open his heart little by little through casual conversation!
SON GOKU, Aries △ Good 【Cancer】Your sensitivity tends to awaken his teasing nature.  But he actually understands the same pain, so don’t take it to heart! 【Virgo】He easily troubles your intense feelings.  Actively promote yourself and restore balance. 【Capricorn】You both tend to get obstinate.  Don’t mind the small things; you can have a happy relationship if you can be honest with each other. 【Pisces】When you just can’t seem to understand one another, smile!  Cultivate trust by easily smiling at each other. ◯ Better 【Taurus】Heal him with your tolerance and broad-mindedness.  If you do that, he’ll come flying into your heart!! 【Leo】Support him even when he goes so crazy you can’t keep up with him.  If you do that, you’ll have a good relationship. 【Scropio】At first glance you two stand in contrast to one another, but you definitely have that “something” that connects you deep down.  Build up trust thoroughly. 【Aquarius】You’ll progress from an important friend to a best friend he can easily talk with.  A deep bond will form from your almost familial relationship. ◎ Best 【Aries】The fact that you two take on unknown things is the secret to your long-continuing, stimulating relationship.  You’ll have a bright and happy love like a burning flame ♡ 【Gemini】You two get along very well.  If you smile and forgive he selfishness, his kindness will rise even more. 【Libra】You’re the best couple when his power and your wits combine.  However, you may need to be cautious when he gets too excited. 【Sagittarius】Right now, it’s important to take just a few more steps.  If you can share various dreams and goals, you can have a very good relationship beneficial to you both.
SHA GOJYO, Scorpio △ Good 【Gemini】You may end up hurting one another with a careless comment if the two of you don’t watch your words.  Kind words are important. 【Leo】Your upright pride may be too bright for him.  If you listen to him carefully, he’ll find it easier to talk to you too. 【Sagittarius】You’re both filled with vitality, but even if you do the same thing you may be thinking completely different things.  Keep trying to understand each other! 【Aquarius】If you go at your own pace, he’ll go at his own pace.  A tip to have things go well is for both of you to aim for a reliable course. ◯ Better 【Aries】He may dodge you if you bump into him head-on.  Get him to honestly view you as the person fascinated with his behavior that you are! 【Virgo】Even if your values differ, he’s a comrade you can live alongside of.  Your coolness with light a fire within him. 【Libra】To him, you are a bit of a strange existence.  He’ll surely come to understand you if you actively approach him. 【Scorpio】Mightn’t both of you have parts you can’t see because you’re too close?  If you patiently listen to each other, you can deepen your bond. ◎ Best 【Taurus】You should be able to accept his tendency to burn himself with the flames of a dark passion.  If you devote yourself to healing and amusing him, you could have the best relationship! 【Cancer】He will catch hold of your deep sensitivity.  However, be careful of a deep and dangerous corrupting love. 【Capricorn】Although at first glance your personalities are different, your straight-forward approach hits his sweet spot.  You two are strangely suitable for one another.  ♡ 【Pisces】A very good union.  However, be careful you don’t see too much of each other’s good and bad points!  Firmly accept his passion.
CHO HAKKAI, Gemini △ Good 【Aries】Be careful not to rub his sensitive feelings the wrong way!  If you do you can maintain a very good relationship. 【Gemini】Be careful of your pride and his bumping into one another!  While he can be kind he can also be stubborn, so try yielding the first step. 【Sagittarius】He may be puzzled by your assertiveness.  However, fun conversations will develop if you listen closely to what he says. 【Aquarius】There’s a possibility you two will become an interesting couple.  In order to do so, police your plans without acting on impulse! ◯ Better 【Taurus】A slightly plain but stable union.  Cut down on selfishness and follow his lead, and you’ll have a very good relationship. 【Leo】In comparison to his calmness, your feelings tend to jump ahead.  You can slow down, it’s okay! 【Virgo】The longer you carefreely chat, the more your hearts will be soothed.  Things get tense for some reason when you stay silent, so be careful! 【Libra】You two enjoy conversations full of wit.  In order to proceed from friendship to love, the most important thing is to actively push! ◎ Best 【Cancer】He properly understands your feelings.  Respect for one another is the best. 【Capricorn】A good union.  Your feelings for one another envelop you two like a quiet wave.  Don’t forget to add some excitement to your lives. 【Pisces】He’s sensitive and you’re free.  You’re contrasting, but actually you have a destined tie.  However, don’t hold up in your own world! 【Scorpio】You both find what you lack in the other, and are charmed by it.  It will take time for love to bloom, but that’s just the strength of your bond.
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※Play the ladder game to find your perfect girlfriend.  Pick a letter to start on and follow the line to the left.  When you hit a vertical or diagonal line, follow that to the next horizontal line, and continue left from there.  The vertical lines with semi-circles 'jump' over the horizontal line.  Keep going until you reach your girl! XD
Please let me know if the translated images are too small to read the text, or you want to see the originals.  And again, big thanks to @flowermiko for the original scans!
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katakata21 · 7 years
Kata Kata Naruto Sedih Tentang Keluarga
Kata Kata Mutiara Naruto (ナルト) adalah sebuah serial manga karya Masashi Kishimoto yang diadaptasi menjadi serial anime. Manga Naruto bercerita seputar kehidupan tokoh utamanya, Naruto Uzumaki, seorang ninja yang hiperaktif, periang, dan ambisius yang ingin mewujudkan keinginannya untuk mendapatkan gelar Hokage, pemimpin dan ninja terkuat di desanya. Serial ini didasarkan pada komik one-shot oleh Kishimoto yang diterbitkan dalam edisi Akamaru Jump pada Agustus 1997.[1] Manga Naruto pertama kali diterbitkan di Jepang oleh Shueisha pada tahun 1999 dalam edisi ke-43 majalah Shonen Jump. Di Indonesia, manga ini diterbitkan oleh Elex Media Komputindo. Popularitas dan panjang seri Naruto sendiri (terutama di Jepang) menyaingi Dragon Ball karya Akira Toriyama, sedangkan serial anime Naruto, diproduksi oleh Studio Pierrot dan Aniplex, disiarkan secara perdana di Jepang oleh jaringan TV Tokyo dan juga oleh jaringan televisi satelit khusus anime, seperti Animax dan stasiun televisi lainnya, pada 3 Oktober 2002 sampai sekarang. Seri pertama terdiri atas 9 musim dan berlangsung 220 episode. Musim pertama dari seri kedua mulai ditayangkan pada tanggal 15 Februari 2007. Di Indonesia sendiri, anime Naruto pernah ditayangkan oleh stasiun televisi Trans TV, yang kemudian ditayangkan lebih lanjut oleh Global TV. Selain serial anime, Studio Pierrot telah mengembangkan delapan film untuk seri dan beberapa original video animation (OVA). Jenis barang dagangan termasuk novel ringan, permainan video dan koleksi kartu yang dikembangkan oleh beberapa perusahaan. Viz Media memiliki lisensi manga dan anime produksi Amerika Utara. Viz telah menerbitkan seri ini ke dalam majalah mereka, yaitu Shonen Jump, serta beberapa volume. Seri anime ini mulai ditayangkan di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada pada tahun 2005, dan kemudian di Inggris dan Australia pada tahun 2006 dan 2007. Film, serta sebagian OVA dari seri ini juga telah dirilis oleh Viz, dengan tayang perdana di bioskop. Volume DVD pertama Naruto: Shippuden dirilis oleh Viz di Amerika Utara pada 29 September 2009, dan mulai disiarkan di Disney XD pada bulan Oktober pada tahun yang sama. Naruto Shippuden ditayangkan di Adult Swim, Toonami pada Januari 2014. Viz Media mulai streaming kedua seri pada layanan streaming Neon Alley mereka pada Desember 2012
"Aku takkan menarik kata-kataku, itu adalah jalan ninjaku" -Naruto-
“Kemampuan individu seorang ninja memang penting, tetapi yang lebih penting lagi adalah kerjasama tim” -Hatake Kakashi-
“Kalau mau saling mengerti, lakukan saja setelah membuat lawan mengalami hal yang sama” -Yahiko-
“Saat kau mengenal kasih sayang , kau juga menanggung resiko kebencian” -Uchiha Itachi-
"Kau adalah anaku, dan dengan kekuatan Kyuubi kau akan membangun kembali Konoha! " -Minato Namikaze-
"Konoha bisa di perbaiki, aku mengandalmu, Naruto " - Minato Namikaze-
"Langit pun menangis" -Nagato-
"Bukan karena mereka kuat, mereka mnjadi Hokage.. Tp krna di akuilah mereka menjadi Hokage" -Itachi-
“Kegagalan juga menyenangkan, hidup dengan kepercayaan bahwa cobaan itu berguna untuk menempa diri sendiri” (Jiraiya)
”Semua yang memiliki bentuk, suatu saat akan membusuk” (Orochimaru)
"Aku tidak akan mnarik kata-kata ku, karena itu adalah Jalan Ninja ku...!"Naruto
Negara ini miskin. Setelah ini pun, pasti banyak hal yang menyedihkan. Tapi, kali ini, ubahlah Negara ini dengan kekuatan kalian!!-Jiraiya-
“Shinobi bukan dilihat dari cara hidupnya, tetapi bagaimana ia mati & Kehidupan Shinobi dinilai bukan dari bagaimana menjalaninya, tetapi dari apa yang sudah dilakukannya”(Jiraiya)
"Naruto..Terima kasih sudah menjadikan aku ibumu.. Dan menjadikan Minato ayahmu.. Serta terlahir sebagai anak kami.." "Terima Kasih" -Kushina-
“Penderitaan membuatku semakin kuat dan berkembang” -Pein-
Suatu saat kalian akan bersatu lagi dalam wujud yg brbeda" -Rikudo-
"Selemah apapun musuhku, aku tidak akan meremehkan mereka” -Shino-
“Kau gagal tetapi masih bisa mampu bangkit kembali, karena itu menurutku arti dari kuat yang sebenarnya” -Hinata-
“Kau adalah anaku, dan dengan kekuatan Kyuubi kau akan membangun kembali Konoha!” -Minato-
“jangan tarik kata katamu..sekalipun itu akan membawamu kepada kehancuran..karena kau laki laki,,dan itu adalah jalan ninjamu.. -naruto-
"Pengorbanan... Shinobi tanpa nama yg melindungi kedamaian dari dalam bayangan. Itulah shinobi yg sbenarnya" -Itachi Uchiha-
"aku tidak takut mati.. tapi aku takut jika tidak bisa melakukan apa apa.. aku rela mati demi dia" -Sakura-
"Luka fisik memang mgeluarkan darah, mungkin terlihat sakit, tp seiring brjalan.a waktu sakit.a akan hilang. Kalau diobati, smbuh.a akan lbh cpt lg.. Tp yg mrpotkan adlh luka hati, tak ada yg lbh sulit d'smbuhkan slain itu.. Luka fisik dan luka hati sdikit brbda, beda.a dg luka fisik klau tak d'obati ada kmungkinan takan smbuh slma.a.. ...Hanya ada satu yg bs mnymbuhkan luka hati, hanya sja ini adlh obat yg merepotkan, hanya bs didptkan dr org lain yaitu prsaan CINTA..." -Yashamaru-
"kita akan belajar membenci kalau terluka, akan dibenci dan merasa bersalah kalau melukai orang lain, tapi karena penderitaan itulah, kita bisa baik pada orang lain." -Jiraiya-
"Penderitaan berubah jadi kebencian dan mengembangkan kemampuanku." -Nagato-
"Ninja Yang Paling Buruk adalah Ninja Pengkhianat Desa... Ninja Yang Lebih Buruk Dari Ninja Pengkhianat Desa Adalah Ninja Yang Membiarkan Temannya Dalam Bahaya..." -Kakashi-
"Memanjakan dan mengasihani itu berbeda" -Yamato-
"Seseorang yang bisa memaafkan dirinya sendiri dan mampu menerima dirinya apa adanya,....dialah yang kuat..." -Itachi-
"Baginya...nyawamu lebih penting dari pada desa" -Tobi-
"Seseorang akan menjadi kuat apabila melindungi seseorang yang dicintainya" -Haku-
“Aku sekarang bisa melihat segala sesuatu yang tidak bisa kulihat sewaktu aku masih menjadi manusia” #Pain
“Renge (teratai) konoha bersemi dua kali, saat kita bertemu lagi nanti aku berjanji akan menjadi orang yg lebih kuat” #Rock Lee to Sakura
"Manusia tak kan pernah bisa menang dari rasa kesepian" -Gaara-
"Aku tak keberatan walau harus mati demi anak... Itulah tugas seorang ayah" <minato></minato>
"tak masalah jika kau meniru orang yang kau hormati, tapi kau tak kan bisa bergabung dengan nya sepenuh nya.. mustahil bagi mu untuk menjadi seperti dia..." -Itachi-
"kita akan menjadi benar benar kuat apabila kita berjuang demi orang yang kita cintai" -Haku-
"kewajiban kita adalah menjadi contoh dan membantu generasi berikutnya.. mempertaruhkan nyawa sambil tersenyum demi itu.." -jiraya-
"kalau mungkin ada kedamain, biar aku yang menemukannya, aku takkan menyerah" -Jiraya-
“Dari pada suapan terakhir makanan selezat apapun atau diejek gendut, aku lebih tidak bisa memaafkanmu kalau kau menghina sahabatku !!!” #Chouji Akimichi
"pengalaman bukan jaminan untuk menang, karena tiap generasi akan selalu tumbuh dengan lebih baik" -Kakashi Hatake-
“Ular yang melata di tanah bermimpi terbang di angkasa itu hal yang mustahil. Kau yang ingin melakukan sesuatu dan mengincar anak ayam di sarang, malah berbalik diincar oleh mata rajawali yang terbang tinggi di langit” #Sasuke Uchiha to Orochimaru
"Saya melayang ... seperti kupu-kupu dan menyengat seperti lebah!" Karena aku Ekor Delapan (Hachibi)!. " #Killer B
“Selemah apapun musuhku, aku tidak akan meremehkan mereka” -Aburame Shino-
“Aku hanya ingin melindungi mereka, walau harus menjalani penderitaan seperti apapun” -nagato-
“Ninja Yang Paling Buruk adalah Ninja Pengkhianat Desa… Ninja Yang Lebih Buruk Dari Ninja Pengkhianat Desa Adalah Ninja Yang Membiarkan Temannya Dalam Bahaya….!!!” -Kakashi Hatake-
“dan aku akan terus berusaha agar keberadaanku diakui oleh seluruh desa dan menjadi hokage kelak” -Naruto Uzumaki-
“Semua orang hidup hidup terikat dan bergantung pada pengetauhan atau presepsinya sendiri, itu disebut kenyataan. Tetapi pengetahuan atau presepsi itu sesuatu yang samar. Bisa saja kenyataan itu hanya ilusi, semua orang hidup dalam asumsi” -Uchiha Itachi-
“Sudah kubilang, aku ya aku, kamu ya kamu, soal siapa yang lebih hebat itu cerita yang membosankan” #Shikamaru Nara
"aku mengatakan ini untuk yang terkahir kalinya.. jangan pernah menipu dirimu sneidiri, meraka yang tak dapat mengenali diri nya sendiri akan mengalami kegagalan..." -Itachi-
“Kemampuan individu seorang ninja memang penting, tetapi yang lebih penting lagi adalah kerjasama tim” -Hatake Kakashi-
”jangan tarik kata katamu..sekalipun itu akan membawamu kepada kehancuran..karena kau laki laki,,dan itu adalah jalan ninjamu.. #uzumaki naruto
“Tidak Semua Mimpi dan harapan akan terwujud sesuai dengan keinginan kita” #Orochimaru
“Ada satu hal yang pasti dan telah dibuktikan oleh sejarah…. bahwa manusia adalah makhluk yang sampai kapanpun tidak akan bisa saling memahami” #Pain
"Tidak ada perdamian di dunia ini, jika seseorang merasa mendapatkn kedadilan maka selalu ada pihak yg merasa tidak adil...Itu merupkn rantai kebencian yg takkan pernah putus...Mencoba melindung apa yg dicintai hanya akn menghrdikn perang" -Nagato (to Naruto)
“Aku hanya ingin melindungi mereka, walau harus menjalani penderitaan seperti apapun” -Nagato-
“Takdir setiap manusia memang telah ditentukan sejak mereka lahir, tetapi dengan kerja keras kita dapat mengalahkan takdir” -Naruto Uzumaki-
“Aku tidak suka dengan orang yang membohongi dirinya sendiri ditengah turunnya salju” #Uzumaki Naruto
“Aku akan menolongnya meski harus mengorbankan nyawa karena dia adalah temanku” -Shikamaru Naara-
"..dimana ada orang yang memikirkanmu disanalah tempat mu untuk pulang.." -Naruto-
“Cinta melahirkan kebencian” #Madara Uchiha
"Naruto, walaupun berbeda keadaan tapi kita tetap sama, sama-sama tak dianggap, walaupun aku punya keluarga tapi mereka selalu mengucilkanku, karna aku lemah. Aku iri padamu yang kuat dan pantang menyerah...." -Hinata
"obat untuk hati yang terluka adalah kasih sayang" -Garra-
"Untuk mencapai tujuan akhirmu, kamu harus bersabar" -Tobi-
"Aku tau kau akan menemukan jawabannya, aku percaya padamu" -Minato-
“berhenti mengingkari keyakinanmu, itu bisa merusak dirimu ,kau sudah mengotori pedangmu dengan darah , ketajaman tak abadi seperti manusia dan pedang” -tadao mifune-
"Aku akan melepaskan kutukan itu, kalau memang ada kedamaian, aku akan menemukannya, aku tak akan menyerah" Naruto Uzumaki
“Kalau mau saling mengerti, lakukan saja setelah membuat lawan mengalami hal yang sama” -Yahiko-
"kalau rasa keadilanmu menurun berarti kau melemah, dibawah rasa keadilan tidak ada kelemahan apapun!" -KAKASHI HATAKE-
“Tanpa arah dan tujuan, tidak ada gunanya seorang ninja hidup di dunia ini” #Might Guy
"Dimana daun menari, di situ api akan menyala.. Bayangan api akan menerangi desa.. Lalu, daun baru akan tumbuh" #Hiruzen Sarutobi
"Bila orang yang paling kau hormati di hina oleh orang lain kita pasti akan marah pada orang itu karena dia adalah orang yang paling penting bagi dirimu, tapi ada kalanya orang yang paling penting bagi dirimu adalah orang yang tidak kau hormati." -Gaara-
"Obito,, waktuku untuk jadi matamu dan melihat masa depan.. Sepertinya hanya sampai disini.. Aku tak bisa melindungi Rin.. dan selalu melanggar janjiku terhadapmu.. Maafkan aku.." #Hatake Kakashi
"Aku murid Sennin Mesum.. Kalau pesan itu adalah jalan Ninja Guruku.. Aku.. Aku tak boleh mengeluh!!!.." #Uzumaki Naruto
"Kalau kau menginginkan nama Hokage, kalahkan aku dulu!!.." "Mulai sekarang, kita Rival.. Suatu saat, aku akan bertarung denganmu untuk mempertaruhkan nama Hokage.. Nantikan saja, Konohamaru!!.." #Naruto Uzumaki
"Dulu, aku pernah berjanji.. Aku berjanji akan bertarung dengan kak Naruto untuk mempertaruhkan nama Hokage!..
"Kak Naruto adalah Rivalku!! Jadi, aku takkan memilih jalan kabur!!.. Karena di ujung jalan, tak ada kak Naruto!!.." #Konohamaru
"Manusia adalah makhluk yang terus hidup sambil melukai dan dilukai, tapi manusia bukan makhluk yg bisa dengan mudahnya membenci orang lain.." -Yashamaru
"Maaf Sasuke, ini yang terakhir" #Itachi Uchiha
"aku perna kehilangan semuanya, aku tak mau lagi melihat teman yang berharga bagiku tewas di hadapanku" -Sasuke Uchiha-
"Ketika orang terluka, mereka belajar membenci ... ketika orang menyakiti orang lain, mereka menjadi dibenci dan tersiksa dengan rasa bersalah Tetapi mengetahui bahwa rasa sakit memungkinkan orang untuk bersikap baik. Rasa sakit memungkinkan orang untuk tumbuh .... Dan bagaimana Anda tumbuh itu adalah urusan mu. " -Jiraiya to Nagato-
"Naruto, jangan lupakan teman-temanmu" -Itachi Uchiha-
“Aku hanya ingin melindungi mereka, walau harus menjalani penderitaan seperti apapun” #Nagato
"Jadilah bunga harapan yang takkan pernah layu.." #Konan
"Ukuran sejati dari seorang shinobi bukan dilihat dari bagaimana dia hidup tapi bagaimana dia mati. Tidak dilihat dari apa yang mereka lakukan dalam hidup, tapi apa yang mereka lakukan sebelum meninggal, itulah yang membuktikan nilai kehidupan mereka dimata penduduk desanya." -Jiraiya-
Aku kuat bukan karena aku ini Jinchuuriki, tapi kekuatan sebenarnya ADA DI DALAM RAGA INI !!! #Killer Bee
"Aku bukan seorang cabul... Namun aku lebih mesum!" #Jiraiya
jangan tarik kata katamu..sekalipun itu akan membawamu kepada kehancuran..karena kau laki laki,,dan itu adalah jalan ninjamu.. -Naruto-
"Seseorang akan menjadi kuat apabila melindungi seseorang yang dicintainya" -Haku-
"Dengan ini, mungkin kisah kepahlawanan Jiraiya akan lebih disukai.. Bab terakhir, bab katak dalam tempurung musnah di lautan.. heh heh, cukup mengagumkan, mengag...umkan. Nah, sudah saatnya meletakkan pena. Oh iya, judul apa yang bagus untuk lanjutan buku ini ? Kisah NARUTO UZUMAKI, Ya, judul yang bagus" #Jiraiya
"sebenarnya aku tak percaya dengan kesempurnaan, karena itulah kita terlahir untuk mempelajari sesuatu.. dan membandingkan diri kita dengan yang lain, kita dapat belajar lebih lagi.." -Itachi-
"Mengenali diriku sendiri adalah kunci untuk mencapai kesempurnaan.. karena itu berarti aku mengetahui apa yang bisa dan tidak bisa kulakukan" #Itachi Uchiha
"Kita tidak tahu orang seperti apa kita sebenarnya., sampai disaat detik2 kematian kita tiba... saat itulah kita akan tahu orang seperti apa kita sebenarnya!" #Itachi Uchiha
"Tak apa jika kau meniru orang yang kau hormati, tetapi jangan bertindak layaknya kau adalah dia" #Itachi uchiha
"Hanya pembunuh yang tidak merasakan apa-apa... saat tahu orang yang dekat dengannya mati" #Jiraiya to Tsunade
"Saru, kau harus melindungi mereka yang mempercayaimu dan cintailah desa, dan latihlah generasi berikutnya yang dapat dipercaya ... karena mulai besok, kau akan menjadi seorang Hokage ...! " -Tobirama-
"Kedamaian dalam ilusi hanyalah tipuan,perjuangan di dunia nyatalah yg membuatnya berarti" -Gaara to tobi-
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manga2day · 3 years
Rikudo bread
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The Bread Rikudo refer to six different authorities controlled by Nagato aka Pain through 6 distinct bodies. These are thus extensions of Nagato and each body has one of the powers of Rinnegan . Nagato manages to manipulate these bodies from a distance thanks to chakra receptors. 🕉️ Here are the six powers in question: Tendô, Ningendô, Shuradô, Gakidô, Chikushôdô and Jigokudô . Note that Tobi, the original head of the Akatsuki organization, also succeeded in developing his own version of the Six Bodies of Pain after setting up the Rinnegan of Nagato that he recovered from the latter's grave.    
Origin of the loaves and powers
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Originally from Soul, or the Village Hidden by the Rain, 🌧️ Nagato lost his parents who were mistakenly killed by ninjas when he was still young. Nagato and two other orphans like him, Yahiko and Konan , had to scramble to survive on their own. Desiring to establish peace in Ame, these three founded an organization called Akatsuki and they were later joined by other ninjas who shared their vision of peace. Seeing them as a threat, Hanzo of the Salamander, legendary Shinobi and head of Soul village at the time, devised a trap to get rid of the Akatsuki. During their meeting, Yahiko unfortunately died by committing suicide with the kunai of Nagato. Despite Konan's tears and pleas, Nagato went into a black rage. He then invoked the Gedô Mazô, or the Statue of the Great Heresiarch Demon  thanks to his Rinnegan and as soon as the latter appears, a connection is established between the two through the Chakra Disruption Blades. These are metal stakes taken out of the body of the statue and which are planted in Nagato's back. At that moment, the chakra projected by  the  Gedô Mazô in the form of a dragon killed all the Hanzô ninjas present by absorbing their chakra. After this massacre, the statue disappeared leaving Nagato with the metal stakes still embedded in the back, a skeletal body and unfit for combat. Subsequently, in order to compensate for his handicap, ♿ Nagato gave life to six corpses, including that of his friend Yahiko, thanks to his chakra and to chakra receptors like those present in his back. It is in this way that he created the Six Bodies of Bread to which he granted respectively the Rinnegan as well as a distinct power to each of them. Nagato is able to control and manipulate each of these avatars from a distance by emitting chakra waves which are picked up by the receivers with which the 6 bodies are equipped. After that, Nogota killed Hanzô as well as all his relatives and took control of Soul to make it the base of the Akatsuki.  
Tendô techniques
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This is the main body of Pain. Being Yahiko's former body, Nagato allowed him to remain leader of the Akatsuki and take care of the organization's many activities. He also uses it to represent him in interactions with other people. Tendô has the ability to manipulate gravity and thus control the forces of attraction and repulsion. His first technique is Celestial Repulsion 🌅 or Shinra Tensei which is a telekinetic power of the Rinnegan which gives him the possibility of pushing back his enemies, any object as well as any attack directed towards him. Used at its maximum power, this technique produces an enormous blast capable of reducing an entire village to dust, as was the case for Konoha. The opposite technique is Celestial Attraction or Banshô Ten'in which allows Tendô to attract everything around him, whether objects or people, to himself. One of the weaknesses of both of these techniques is that they require five seconds of recharging before being used again. And the more powerful it is, the longer the recharge time. Another of their weak points is that, in order to use these powers to the maximum, Nagato is forced to focus all his chakra on Pain Tendô, which leaves these five other avatars inert and at the mercy of possible attacks from his opponents. Additionally, Konan revealed to Nagato that using Celestial Repulsion at its peak shortens its lifespan.
Techniques Chibaku Tensei
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Tendô also has an ultimate technique from Rinnegan called Chibaku Tensei or Birth of the Divine Star . The latter consists in creating between his hands a sphere of gravity of white color but which darkens quickly. Once launched into the sky, the sphere levitates and sucks up everything below, whether it is the ground or even pieces of mountains. 🌄 These fragments are then concentrated around the sphere. The usefulness of this technique is that it allows to lock an opponent inside the sphere as Nagato did with Kyûbi . And when the latter was able to escape the sphere, Nagato made a larger one. Indeed, if the chakra used for this technique is more consequent, the gravity is all the more strong. Note that this technique was developed by  Hagoromo Ôtsutsuki alias Rikudô Sennin who allowed him to create the Moon 🌙 and contain Jûbi's body there. There is a unique way to counter this attack, it is to pulverize the gravitational core of the sphere which is in the middle of the cluster. And this is precisely the flaw of this technique since anyone with a powerful long-range attack can manage to destroy the sphere, all the more so because of the force of its attraction, the attack will necessarily be sucked in. towards her. Thus, the person will not need to aim.
Shuradô techniques
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This avatar was previously the body of a shinobi featured in the anime as a puppeteer. Nagato bestowed on him the powers of Shuradô , which gave him a fully mechanized body with robotic cogs. 🤖 During a fight, he was seen with four arms and two additional faces showing different expressions. He has his availability a host of mechanical weapons to which he can access at any time and at will. His forearms notably hide missile launchers that he can use by removing these limbs. He can also throw his forearms like projectiles at his opponents. Its arms also allow it to pull flexible blades, drills (bits) as well as mechanical tendrils. This Pain can open its skull in six parts and reveal a strange brain 🧠 with which it produces a chakra blast of great power that can demolish several buildings. It also has chakra boosters in the feet that allow it to move quickly. He also wears a metal belt around his waist with a long, jagged, foldable blade with which he can pierce enemies.   Thanks to his great strength, he is able to throw very far another of the avatars as he did with Chikushôdô over the village of Konoha. He had no difficulty ripping out one of the arms 💪🏼 and crushing the throat of the legendary Sannin Jiraiya just with a basic technique of taijutsu. Apart from its powerful offensive abilities, this avatar also has incredible resistance to damage and injury. Thanks to his mechanized body, he even manages to survive fatal injuries. He notably survived several powerful attacks such as the electrocution of a shadow clone imbued with lightning, Kakashi Hatake's Slaying Bolt and the Crushing Butterfly, Chôji Akimichi's enormous punch. If he is not out of harm's way but just affaibable, he is also still very dangerous.
Ningendo techniques
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This avatar of Pain was originally a Shinobi from Taki, the Hidden Waterfall Village and who taught children how to survive during the Third Great Shinobi War. With the powers of Ningendo, he is able to read any person's mind and know everything he knows (thoughts, memory, etc.) just by putting his hand on it. Then, the soul 👼🏼 of the latter is sucked out of his body. Known as Soul Absorption , this technique is very useful and practical for uncovering well-kept information and secrets. On the other hand, the fact that it always ends with the inevitable death of the target, it is not suitable if wishes to keep the target alive. Another of these abilities is its speed of movement. Indeed, he was able to approach several sensors (sensory type ninjas) without them having detected it.
Chikushôdô techniques
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The powers of Chikushôdô were transferred to two different characters, the first of which was a ninja from the Fûma clan. The second body was that of a young girl (the only female Bread Rikudô of Nagato) answering to the name of Ajisaï. Chikushôdô has the power to summon all types of animals or creatures 🦖 of giant size. These summons can be destroyed, but the avatar can renew them on a regular basis. The most powerful of his creatures is a Giant Multi-Headed Dog (a cerberus) who has the unique ability to duplicate himself for each damage inflicted on him. These summons all having the Rinnegan, Nagato has the opportunity to see what they see. It is important to note that summoning these creatures does not require the use of blood 🩸 or mudrās. Chikushôdô is also able to summon people by teleporting them, as was the case with Pain's other avatars as well as Konan. However, in this case, the invocation requires the use of incantatory signs. During clashes, Chikushôdô's main task is to perform several summons at the same time in order to overwhelm opponents. It should be noted that Nagato used his summons to move around during the Fourth Great Ninja War .
Gakido techniques
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This body of Pain is that of a ninja coming from Kusa, the Village hidden in the Grass in the Land of the Grass. 🌱 We discover in the anime that he is both a ninja and a farmer. Gakidô gives its user the ability to absorb and drain any form of chakra and whatever its nature with a simple physical contact. This is a very advanced sealing technique called Chakra Absorbing Seal . Essentially defensive, this power is able to absorb all Ninjutsu type combat spells and thus cancel their effects, even for the most powerful techniques. This was notably the case for the Rasengan ( the Whirling Orb) as well as the Fûton - Rasenshuriken (Fûton - Orbe Shuriken) of Naruto Uzumaki. Gakido also has the possibility of using this technique to erect a barrier around his body and absorb all the attacks, and this, whatever its initial origin. This avatar of Pain also possesses incredible physical strength to the point that he can either knock Naruto out with a single punch 👊🏼 or be able to hold him back, forcing Naruto to call upon the Hermit Chakra to break free. Indeed, Gakidô encounters limits and weaknesses in the face of combat techniques other than Ninjutsu. His power  can quickly turn against the avatar in the event that he absorbs hermit chakra or Senjutsu chakra . Because of the latter, he was transformed into a stone toad. During their confrontation against Jiraya, Chikushôdô, Ningendô and Gakidô were able to be defeated by the Sannin thanks to the Genjutsu used by the toads 🐸 on them. Gakido has another weakness, namely Taijutsu. This is the reason why he avoids hand-to-hand clashes and close combat with weapons.
Jigokudô techniques
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This is the body of a priest whose village was set on fire. Once the power of Jigokudô transferred into this body, this avatar is first of all able to lift a person with one hand thanks to his physical strength. But its main ability is to be able to summon the King of the Underworld , an enormous monster whose head surrounded by 🔥 violet-colored flames springs from the earth to fulfill a dual function: interrogation and judgment. Indeed, this monster has the ability to determine whether a person is telling the truth or on the contrary lying. When Jigokudô grabs his target , the head appears and the person seems to be paralyzed. The avatar then asks him questions and it is at this moment that the mouth of the King of the Underworld unclips and lets out two arms which have the shape of tendrils. The person's life force (soul) is then sucked out of his body like a very long tongue coming out of his mouth. 👅 Then comes the hour of judgment. If the victim refuses to answer or does not tell the truth, then his soul is ripped out and swallowed by the monster. And that person dies. On the other hand, if she tells the truth, her life is spared even if it is totally exhausted. Jigokudô has a second ability always linked to the King of the Underworld. Indeed, the latter is able to treat and heal any type of injury or damage. This was particularly the case with Shuradô after he was destroyed by  Chôji Akimichi and his father Chôza Akimichi.. For this, King 🤴🏼 of the Underworld is summoned and he grabs the body in question and swallows it. After a while, the completely restored body emerges from his mouth. The torn Akatsuki outfit is even repaired. In addition, according to the spy Kabuto Yakushi, the avatar Jigokudô would be able to use the King of the Underworld to transport bodies as well as souls over a certain distance. You should know that the healing power of Jigokudô is of paramount importance for the Pain Rikudô. This is the reason why in all their combat formations, Jigokudô is always found behind all the others, those supposed to protect him, including Tendô.  
Akatsuki False Leader Bread
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Yahiko was the founder of the Akatsuki organization with the help of Konan and Nagato as well as other ninjas wishing to bring peace to the village of Soul. Originally, the goal of this organization was to support Nagato so that he could bring a lasting peace to the Rainy Land through dialogue, but not by force. Yahiko was the first leader but he lost his life during Hanzô's trap. Nagato then succeeded him at the reins of the organization and became the leader of Ame after having provoked a civil war there and killed Hanzô. After the Third Great Shinobi War was over, the Akatsuki became a group of mercenaries. Everyone in the organization, except Konan, called Nagato "Chief". However, it was later revealed that it was another who secretly ran the organization. Indeed, Tobi stated that it was he who first pushed Yahiko to create the Akatsuki. Then it was revealed to us that he was actually the real leader and not Nagato as he was posing as Madara Uchiha. It turns out that while Nagato was an authority in the organization, it was Tobi who manipulated him and acted in the shadows. Nagato had him as a new collaborator as well as advised him and he followed all his directives.
How did Pain get the Rinnegan?
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It was Jiraiya who found out that Nagato possessed Rinnegan when he was still young and was undergoing Sannin training to learn Ninjutsu. When asked how Pain got the Rinnegan, we learned that it was Madara Uchiha who secretly transplanted it to him when he was still small. Indeed, by giving his eyes 👀 to Nagato without the latter knowing it, his objective was for the latter to resuscitate him later thanks to the Rinnegan so that he could become  the jinchûriki of Jûbi and lock everyone in the  Tsukuyomi. Infinite . On the other hand, when Tobi made his appearance as a masked man named Madara, he had described himself as the one who had offered the Rinnegan to Nagato. And how could Pain awaken this powerful Dojutsu given that it required both the Uchiha's and Senju's DNA to do so? Tobi revealed that if Nagato had red hair, it was because he was part of the Uzumaki Clan. And Madara Uchiha stated that since the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan had common origins , so Nagato was a descendant of the Senju clan. So Nagato possessed Senju DNA in him, and since it was Madara Uchiha who transplanted the Rinnegan to him, he had direct access to his own DNA.
Pain's death
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In his goal of capturing Kyûbi, Nagato set out to invade Konoha. He therefore attacked the Village hidden by the Leaves 🍃 with the six Bread Rikudô and Konan. After terrible fights and the destruction of Konoha, Pain's avatars confronted Naruto as he returned from his Senjutsu training at Mount  Myôboku. Not without pain and in excruciating pain, Naruto then defeated Pain's avatars one by one: - Shuradô by a Rasengan - Gakido by toad katas - Ningendo by a Fûton - Rasenshuriken - Chikushodô by a Rasenrengan - Jigokudô during a diversion - Gakido again transformed into a toad and a stone statue - And finally Tendô by a Rasengan After this confrontation, Naruto was able to meet Nagato and the latter told him his story. He wanted to know how Naruto planned to bring peace to the Shinobi world. It was at this time that Naruto told him about the first book written by Jiraiya,  the Chronicles of a fearless ninja  and whose hero was named Naruto. Nagato was then upset by the evocation of this book and convinced that Naruto's path was the right one. He then made the decision to sacrifice himself so that all the inhabitants of Konoha who lost their lives during the invasion could be resuscitated.
Become a Rikudô Bread too
Thanks to the Rinnegan, Nagato possesses formidable powers that he can grant to any body he resurrects to make it his extension. You can also become one of its extensions and have one of the powers of the Rinnegan. Read the full article
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manga2day · 3 years
Rikudo bread
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The Bread Rikudo refer to six different authorities controlled by Nagato aka Pain through 6 distinct bodies. These are thus extensions of Nagato and each body has one of the powers of Rinnegan . Nagato manages to manipulate these bodies from a distance thanks to chakra receptors. 🕉️ Here are the six powers in question: Tendô, Ningendô, Shuradô, Gakidô, Chikushôdô and Jigokudô . Note that Tobi, the original head of the Akatsuki organization, also succeeded in developing his own version of the Six Bodies of Pain after setting up the Rinnegan of Nagato that he recovered from the latter's grave.    
Origin of the loaves and powers
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Originally from Soul, or the Village Hidden by the Rain, 🌧️ Nagato lost his parents who were mistakenly killed by ninjas when he was still young. Nagato and two other orphans like him, Yahiko and Konan , had to scramble to survive on their own. Desiring to establish peace in Ame, these three founded an organization called Akatsuki and they were later joined by other ninjas who shared their vision of peace. Seeing them as a threat, Hanzo of the Salamander, legendary Shinobi and head of Soul village at the time, devised a trap to get rid of the Akatsuki. During their meeting, Yahiko unfortunately died by committing suicide with the kunai of Nagato. Despite Konan's tears and pleas, Nagato went into a black rage. He then invoked the Gedô Mazô, or the Statue of the Great Heresiarch Demon  thanks to his Rinnegan and as soon as the latter appears, a connection is established between the two through the Chakra Disruption Blades. These are metal stakes taken out of the body of the statue and which are planted in Nagato's back. At that moment, the chakra projected by  the  Gedô Mazô in the form of a dragon killed all the Hanzô ninjas present by absorbing their chakra. After this massacre, the statue disappeared leaving Nagato with the metal stakes still embedded in the back, a skeletal body and unfit for combat. Subsequently, in order to compensate for his handicap, ♿ Nagato gave life to six corpses, including that of his friend Yahiko, thanks to his chakra and to chakra receptors like those present in his back. It is in this way that he created the Six Bodies of Bread to which he granted respectively the Rinnegan as well as a distinct power to each of them. Nagato is able to control and manipulate each of these avatars from a distance by emitting chakra waves which are picked up by the receivers with which the 6 bodies are equipped. After that, Nogota killed Hanzô as well as all his relatives and took control of Soul to make it the base of the Akatsuki.  
Tendô techniques
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This is the main body of Pain. Being Yahiko's former body, Nagato allowed him to remain leader of the Akatsuki and take care of the organization's many activities. He also uses it to represent him in interactions with other people. Tendô has the ability to manipulate gravity and thus control the forces of attraction and repulsion. His first technique is Celestial Repulsion 🌅 or Shinra Tensei which is a telekinetic power of the Rinnegan which gives him the possibility of pushing back his enemies, any object as well as any attack directed towards him. Used at its maximum power, this technique produces an enormous blast capable of reducing an entire village to dust, as was the case for Konoha. The opposite technique is Celestial Attraction or Banshô Ten'in which allows Tendô to attract everything around him, whether objects or people, to himself. One of the weaknesses of both of these techniques is that they require five seconds of recharging before being used again. And the more powerful it is, the longer the recharge time. Another of their weak points is that, in order to use these powers to the maximum, Nagato is forced to focus all his chakra on Pain Tendô, which leaves these five other avatars inert and at the mercy of possible attacks from his opponents. Additionally, Konan revealed to Nagato that using Celestial Repulsion at its peak shortens its lifespan.
Techniques Chibaku Tensei
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Tendô also has an ultimate technique from Rinnegan called Chibaku Tensei or Birth of the Divine Star . The latter consists in creating between his hands a sphere of gravity of white color but which darkens quickly. Once launched into the sky, the sphere levitates and sucks up everything below, whether it is the ground or even pieces of mountains. 🌄 These fragments are then concentrated around the sphere. The usefulness of this technique is that it allows to lock an opponent inside the sphere as Nagato did with Kyûbi . And when the latter was able to escape the sphere, Nagato made a larger one. Indeed, if the chakra used for this technique is more consequent, the gravity is all the more strong. Note that this technique was developed by  Hagoromo Ôtsutsuki alias Rikudô Sennin who allowed him to create the Moon 🌙 and contain Jûbi's body there. There is a unique way to counter this attack, it is to pulverize the gravitational core of the sphere which is in the middle of the cluster. And this is precisely the flaw of this technique since anyone with a powerful long-range attack can manage to destroy the sphere, all the more so because of the force of its attraction, the attack will necessarily be sucked in. towards her. Thus, the person will not need to aim.
Shuradô techniques
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This avatar was previously the body of a shinobi featured in the anime as a puppeteer. Nagato bestowed on him the powers of Shuradô , which gave him a fully mechanized body with robotic cogs. 🤖 During a fight, he was seen with four arms and two additional faces showing different expressions. He has his availability a host of mechanical weapons to which he can access at any time and at will. His forearms notably hide missile launchers that he can use by removing these limbs. He can also throw his forearms like projectiles at his opponents. Its arms also allow it to pull flexible blades, drills (bits) as well as mechanical tendrils. This Pain can open its skull in six parts and reveal a strange brain 🧠 with which it produces a chakra blast of great power that can demolish several buildings. It also has chakra boosters in the feet that allow it to move quickly. He also wears a metal belt around his waist with a long, jagged, foldable blade with which he can pierce enemies.   Thanks to his great strength, he is able to throw very far another of the avatars as he did with Chikushôdô over the village of Konoha. He had no difficulty ripping out one of the arms 💪🏼 and crushing the throat of the legendary Sannin Jiraiya just with a basic technique of taijutsu. Apart from its powerful offensive abilities, this avatar also has incredible resistance to damage and injury. Thanks to his mechanized body, he even manages to survive fatal injuries. He notably survived several powerful attacks such as the electrocution of a shadow clone imbued with lightning, Kakashi Hatake's Slaying Bolt and the Crushing Butterfly, Chôji Akimichi's enormous punch. If he is not out of harm's way but just affaibable, he is also still very dangerous.
Ningendo techniques
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This avatar of Pain was originally a Shinobi from Taki, the Hidden Waterfall Village and who taught children how to survive during the Third Great Shinobi War. With the powers of Ningendo, he is able to read any person's mind and know everything he knows (thoughts, memory, etc.) just by putting his hand on it. Then, the soul 👼🏼 of the latter is sucked out of his body. Known as Soul Absorption , this technique is very useful and practical for uncovering well-kept information and secrets. On the other hand, the fact that it always ends with the inevitable death of the target, it is not suitable if wishes to keep the target alive. Another of these abilities is its speed of movement. Indeed, he was able to approach several sensors (sensory type ninjas) without them having detected it.
Chikushôdô techniques
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The powers of Chikushôdô were transferred to two different characters, the first of which was a ninja from the Fûma clan. The second body was that of a young girl (the only female Bread Rikudô of Nagato) answering to the name of Ajisaï. Chikushôdô has the power to summon all types of animals or creatures 🦖 of giant size. These summons can be destroyed, but the avatar can renew them on a regular basis. The most powerful of his creatures is a Giant Multi-Headed Dog (a cerberus) who has the unique ability to duplicate himself for each damage inflicted on him. These summons all having the Rinnegan, Nagato has the opportunity to see what they see. It is important to note that summoning these creatures does not require the use of blood 🩸 or mudrās. Chikushôdô is also able to summon people by teleporting them, as was the case with Pain's other avatars as well as Konan. However, in this case, the invocation requires the use of incantatory signs. During clashes, Chikushôdô's main task is to perform several summons at the same time in order to overwhelm opponents. It should be noted that Nagato used his summons to move around during the Fourth Great Ninja War .
Gakido techniques
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This body of Pain is that of a ninja coming from Kusa, the Village hidden in the Grass in the Land of the Grass. 🌱 We discover in the anime that he is both a ninja and a farmer. Gakidô gives its user the ability to absorb and drain any form of chakra and whatever its nature with a simple physical contact. This is a very advanced sealing technique called Chakra Absorbing Seal . Essentially defensive, this power is able to absorb all Ninjutsu type combat spells and thus cancel their effects, even for the most powerful techniques. This was notably the case for the Rasengan ( the Whirling Orb) as well as the Fûton - Rasenshuriken (Fûton - Orbe Shuriken) of Naruto Uzumaki. Gakido also has the possibility of using this technique to erect a barrier around his body and absorb all the attacks, and this, whatever its initial origin. This avatar of Pain also possesses incredible physical strength to the point that he can either knock Naruto out with a single punch 👊🏼 or be able to hold him back, forcing Naruto to call upon the Hermit Chakra to break free. Indeed, Gakidô encounters limits and weaknesses in the face of combat techniques other than Ninjutsu. His power  can quickly turn against the avatar in the event that he absorbs hermit chakra or Senjutsu chakra . Because of the latter, he was transformed into a stone toad. During their confrontation against Jiraya, Chikushôdô, Ningendô and Gakidô were able to be defeated by the Sannin thanks to the Genjutsu used by the toads 🐸 on them. Gakido has another weakness, namely Taijutsu. This is the reason why he avoids hand-to-hand clashes and close combat with weapons.
Jigokudô techniques
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This is the body of a priest whose village was set on fire. Once the power of Jigokudô transferred into this body, this avatar is first of all able to lift a person with one hand thanks to his physical strength. But its main ability is to be able to summon the King of the Underworld , an enormous monster whose head surrounded by 🔥 violet-colored flames springs from the earth to fulfill a dual function: interrogation and judgment. Indeed, this monster has the ability to determine whether a person is telling the truth or on the contrary lying. When Jigokudô grabs his target , the head appears and the person seems to be paralyzed. The avatar then asks him questions and it is at this moment that the mouth of the King of the Underworld unclips and lets out two arms which have the shape of tendrils. The person's life force (soul) is then sucked out of his body like a very long tongue coming out of his mouth. 👅 Then comes the hour of judgment. If the victim refuses to answer or does not tell the truth, then his soul is ripped out and swallowed by the monster. And that person dies. On the other hand, if she tells the truth, her life is spared even if it is totally exhausted. Jigokudô has a second ability always linked to the King of the Underworld. Indeed, the latter is able to treat and heal any type of injury or damage. This was particularly the case with Shuradô after he was destroyed by  Chôji Akimichi and his father Chôza Akimichi.. For this, King 🤴🏼 of the Underworld is summoned and he grabs the body in question and swallows it. After a while, the completely restored body emerges from his mouth. The torn Akatsuki outfit is even repaired. In addition, according to the spy Kabuto Yakushi, the avatar Jigokudô would be able to use the King of the Underworld to transport bodies as well as souls over a certain distance. You should know that the healing power of Jigokudô is of paramount importance for the Pain Rikudô. This is the reason why in all their combat formations, Jigokudô is always found behind all the others, those supposed to protect him, including Tendô.  
Akatsuki False Leader Bread
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Yahiko was the founder of the Akatsuki organization with the help of Konan and Nagato as well as other ninjas wishing to bring peace to the village of Soul. Originally, the goal of this organization was to support Nagato so that he could bring a lasting peace to the Rainy Land through dialogue, but not by force. Yahiko was the first leader but he lost his life during Hanzô's trap. Nagato then succeeded him at the reins of the organization and became the leader of Ame after having provoked a civil war there and killed Hanzô. After the Third Great Shinobi War was over, the Akatsuki became a group of mercenaries. Everyone in the organization, except Konan, called Nagato "Chief". However, it was later revealed that it was another who secretly ran the organization. Indeed, Tobi stated that it was he who first pushed Yahiko to create the Akatsuki. Then it was revealed to us that he was actually the real leader and not Nagato as he was posing as Madara Uchiha. It turns out that while Nagato was an authority in the organization, it was Tobi who manipulated him and acted in the shadows. Nagato had him as a new collaborator as well as advised him and he followed all his directives.
How did Pain get the Rinnegan?
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It was Jiraiya who found out that Nagato possessed Rinnegan when he was still young and was undergoing Sannin training to learn Ninjutsu. When asked how Pain got the Rinnegan, we learned that it was Madara Uchiha who secretly transplanted it to him when he was still small. Indeed, by giving his eyes 👀 to Nagato without the latter knowing it, his objective was for the latter to resuscitate him later thanks to the Rinnegan so that he could become  the jinchûriki of Jûbi and lock everyone in the  Tsukuyomi. Infinite . On the other hand, when Tobi made his appearance as a masked man named Madara, he had described himself as the one who had offered the Rinnegan to Nagato. And how could Pain awaken this powerful Dojutsu given that it required both the Uchiha's and Senju's DNA to do so? Tobi revealed that if Nagato had red hair, it was because he was part of the Uzumaki Clan. And Madara Uchiha stated that since the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan had common origins , so Nagato was a descendant of the Senju clan. So Nagato possessed Senju DNA in him, and since it was Madara Uchiha who transplanted the Rinnegan to him, he had direct access to his own DNA.
Pain's death
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In his goal of capturing Kyûbi, Nagato set out to invade Konoha. He therefore attacked the Village hidden by the Leaves 🍃 with the six Bread Rikudô and Konan. After terrible fights and the destruction of Konoha, Pain's avatars confronted Naruto as he returned from his Senjutsu training at Mount  Myôboku. Not without pain and in excruciating pain, Naruto then defeated Pain's avatars one by one: - Shuradô by a Rasengan - Gakido by toad katas - Ningendo by a Fûton - Rasenshuriken - Chikushodô by a Rasenrengan - Jigokudô during a diversion - Gakido again transformed into a toad and a stone statue - And finally Tendô by a Rasengan After this confrontation, Naruto was able to meet Nagato and the latter told him his story. He wanted to know how Naruto planned to bring peace to the Shinobi world. It was at this time that Naruto told him about the first book written by Jiraiya,  the Chronicles of a fearless ninja  and whose hero was named Naruto. Nagato was then upset by the evocation of this book and convinced that Naruto's path was the right one. He then made the decision to sacrifice himself so that all the inhabitants of Konoha who lost their lives during the invasion could be resuscitated.
Become a Rikudô Bread too
Thanks to the Rinnegan, Nagato possesses formidable powers that he can grant to any body he resurrects to make it his extension. You can also become one of its extensions and have one of the powers of the Rinnegan. Read the full article
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