#riley going 'thats ridiculous' in response is just
thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
"Riles, how about I do what you do, and you do what you do?"-the credits should have rolled at that point in Girl Meets Belief, because its a good message on religious belief's, but nooo, this episode wants to force belief's down people's throats so can't have that be the message.
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mactavishenjoyer · 5 months
Continuation of this post!
More of this au idea cuz I'm bored.
"really? You love me? Someone doesn't do this to the people they love. you could have at least told me you were alive. You didn't have to be in my life. I just..." Gary chokes on his words as a sob comes out "Do you know how fucking agonizing those months you where missing before they told me you where dead were? I stayed up every fucking night having panic attacks because I didn't know if you where kidnapped or dead. I had a fucking funeral for you and your family, Simon." Ghost feels guilty but more angry than anything. How could this world's ghost put Gary through this? He can see the logic behind it though. None of Ghost's enemies would go after Gary if Gary didn't even know ghost. "I'm sorry" Ghost couldn't even bring himself to look at Gary. "Thats all I hear out of you! That you are sorry. I want to know why. Why didn't you come find me?"
"I did! As soon as I got the chance to I did" Ghost says just under a yell, his heart screaming at him.
"oh yeah and it took you 10 fucking years to do so, huh?"
"it's not like that i just-" Ghost stops himself, Gary isn't going to believe him so what's the point?
" you just what?" Gary got silence in response to his question "I think you should leave, I don't think it's safe for Riley to be around someone like you."
Ghost spilled his Guts at being told to leave. Telling Gary everything about where he was from. That Gary was called Roach and that they were teammates. That they were betrayed...that he watched the love of his life get shot right in front of him and that before he could react he felt the sting of a bullet ripping into his face before waking up here.
"God, you always made the worst jokes you can't seriously think I'mma believe that." roach laughed, his smile quickly dropping looking at how serious Ghost looked "...oh my God. You seriously want me to believe you?".
"I know it sounds ridiculous but you have to believe me."
"you are right it does sound ridiculous! Get the fuck out. You abandoned me. You don't get to come back into my life and tell me you love me then make up some crazy ass story when you realize your plan didn't work."
Ghost left his number before Gary kicked him out. Hoping that Gary would use it. He drank his sorrows in a bar. Fuck this wasn't how it was supposed to be. At least Gary is alive....this Gary is that is. Was his Gary dead? Did shepherd get away with killing them? Did Gary die scared? Did the first shot kill him or did he die slowly? Thoughts like that just made him drink more. He didn't know how long he had been drinking for when he heard his phone buzz in his pocket. He picked it up, his heart racing. "Simon? I'm sorry for how I acted. I put Riley to bed so can you come back over? I'll entertain your story."
(Or something like that I'm not a writer)
Oh shit part 3????
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