#rina ball oc.............
hiskillingjar · 3 months
it's for you, only you
Relationship: Ren Hana/OC, Fox/OC Rating: Explicit Contains: Punishment, Overstimulation, Bondage, Nipple Play Length: 1300+ words
another very kind request from @decafdoodlez for her oc, Rina, again, thank you so much, allie <3!
my fic commissions are open, so if you want a fic of your own, enquire within!
It wasn't uncommon for Marina to be pinned down to a bed that wasn't hers, her body spread out like a display piece, an animal skin to be stuffed, a specimen to be dissected, and unable to move.
It was less common that she didn't know the reason, though. 
Fox was normally good enough to, at least, explain himself before he tortured her to the brink of madness. 
Sometimes he even offered her the chance to explain herself first, to earn her freedom (or exchange something for it).
She had the sense, though, as the harness around her waist and thighs was tightened and the already buzzing hitachi was slotted into place against her weeping cunt, that she wasn’t going to get the chance to bargain for any kind of freedom now.
Somehow, after what felt like hours, the ‘pleasure’ was slowly becoming more painful than actual pain was.
And, what was worse and despite her best efforts, she couldn't seem to pull or even lightly jerk away from the unrelenting, maddening buzz of the vibrator, no matter how hard she tried, and her hips were throbbing from the effort of it.
"You know that squirming like that is going to do you no good," Fox chided at her side, tilting his head wryly as his tail wagged, back and forth. His eyes wrinkled in the corners as he smiled, almost fondly, watching as she continued to twitch and writhe. “If anything, it’ll just make your bindings more uncomfortable. You wouldn’t like that, now, would you, pet?”
“Hhh…” Marina groaned against the whiffle-ball gag, her heaving breaths coming out as moans and whistling gasps as she pulled at her cuffs a little harder. 
The hard plastic between her teeth had no give in the slightest, no opportunity for any relief or something to dig her teeth into, and the cheap leather dug painfully into the sides of her mouth, sure to induce irritation and maybe injury.
He could afford better than this, she thought, with another whimpering moan. He HAD given her better than this.
He was punishing her with cheap bondage that would leave cuts and scrapes behind in their wake. 
He must have been in a bad mood, in spite of his sharp grin and smiling eyes.
"Now..." He murmured thoughtfully, pacing towards her middle and leaning over her, like he was conducting some kind of inspection.
She shivered, feeling the pressure of his palm on the wand's handle, the thick plastic pressed right up against her soft belly, her womb. 
"Since you need a lesson in manners and, well, basic instruction, it seems…" He let out a chuckle through his nose, toying with the scroll button of the wand and taunting her with a higher volume. "What are you to call me in public, dearest?"
The air of words escaped through the gag in a splutter of drool and spit, and she managed a click of her tongue behind it, creating a 'ks' sound. 
‘Fox’. Right. Now she remembered.
She had made the mistake of referring to him by his real name in front of other people. Employees, nobody that mattered, but it was still one of the few things that made him nervous, and he didn’t appreciate the degree of leverage that she could have over him.
"Louder." He said sternly, pushing the vibrator up another notch, his golden eyes narrowing. “What’s my name, Rina?” 
"Fhhks-!" She yelped out loudly, squeezing her eyes shut as the toy jolted out another painful pulse of white-hot pleasure. 
“Ah, there we go. That’s a good girl, you haven’t forgotten.” Fox praised, though his tone lacked its usual affection and was, instead, condescending and lilting, like he was teasing her as he so often did. “I had to make sure, you know, since you made that mistake…”
His claw flicked forward and he turned up the wand again, listening to Marina’s pained shriek as he did so.
“I really ought to be stricter on you. You make us sound so personable, darling,” He then said with another tilt of his head and a derisive click of his tongue, his ears tilting forward. “I really can’t have people thinking I’m going easy on you, letting you get away with misbehaving.”
Marina shook her head helplessly with another helpless whimper, her cuffed hands twisting tight above her head (cheap leather digging into her pale skin).
“I know, I know,” He continued, almost casually, like he was discussing the weather. “I really do hate to be so cruel to you, but, well…” He let out another laugh, practised and impersonal (like this was all an act, a game, like he wasn’t being honest with her). “Needs must!”
With that, he reached down and turned the toy up another agonising notch, the incessant buzzing now louder and faster than it had been before. 
Fox’s expression softened indulgently, a fat cat with a dish full of cream, a predator staring at its prey, as Marina tipped her head back with a pained sob, her soft thighs trembling on either side of the wand’s rumbling head and her back arching, like she was a woman possessed.
“This is all for you to learn, Rina,” He murmured, leaning in even closer, resting a knee beside her bound body and bringing their faces close together. “You don’t use my name in front of anyone, do you?”
Marina whimpered helplessly and shook her head, her violet eyes squeezing shut as Fox trailed a sharp claw around one of her nipples, plush and puffy and…incredibly tempting.
“Knowing it is a privilege I’ve given you…don’t make me regret treating you so kindly.”
“Ah-hah,” She gurgled and nodded her head obediently, her expression only growing tighter as Fox pressed the tip of his claw down against her breast, digging in deep, threatening to break the skin and make her bleed. 
He licked his lips at the very idea.
“Mm, yes.” He hummed, his voice even softer, tilting his head again before dipping his head down to tongue at her chest. “Such a good girl…”
“Upfff-!” She gasped, her eyes shooting wide as another splutter of drool oozing out of the whiffle gag, around the tight straps and down her chin. 
Her entire body was trembling and spasming while Fox dragged his teeth over the sensitive bud of her nipple and turned up the toy another notch. The chains of the cheap cuffs pulled hard against the metal headboard (the sound making them both tense and flinch) as she tried, desperately, to fight against the wand's thrumming torture, though to no avail.
Tears were beading in her eyes, and she was near sobbing from the need for some degree of release, something, anything-
To Marina’s shock, a gush of liquid suddenly shot from between her legs and on the expensive sheets, accompanied by a high, somehow more pained shriek.
"...You didn't just come without permission, did you?" Fox asked after a beat of silence, raising a brow and looking back towards her. 
"Hfff-" Marina wheezed as she bashfully tried to hide her face against her bicep, her exhaustion clear in her red face as her body went slack on the bed, feeling a bead of sweat run down her temple.
"Well, that's no good," Fox said with a sigh, sitting up on his knees with a considered look. "No, no, no good at all..."
A thoughtful expression came to his face and he idly rubbed his chin for a moment or two. And Marina might have been worried about his intentions (as nefarious as they often were), had the toy not still been buzzing away between her legs.
“I’m afraid, my dear,” He then said, lowering himself back down to her level again, a vicious twinkle of malice in his golden eyes. “That we’ll need to do this until I can be sure you’ve learned your lesson.
“Hah?” She whimpered, her eyes wide at the threat.
“Not to worry…it shouldn’t take longer than,” He cocked his head with a mean smile. “Another hour or so? I hope you didn’t have any plans tonight, darling~”
Marina didn’t have the opportunity to respond before Fox was pushing the toy up another unbearable notch, making her let out a miserable moan from her spread lips, and forcing her body through the mind-numbing torture.
Again and again and again…
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coughloop · 2 years
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Rina Sawayama ball oc DO NOT STEAL
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janacariad · 2 months
"Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free to pass it on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗"
Thank you for the tag @charlotterhea, and for encouraging me to just ramble about my WIPs even though they might never see the light of day ^^ I'll try to keep it short.
Fandom: Tanz der Vampire (German language musical by Michael Kunze and Jim Steinman) This thing is supposed to be a trilogy. The general thing even has a working title, "They have feelings", taken from a line from the musical that has been cut. So the basis is that vampires have the same feelings as mortals. In part 1, Professor Abronsius and Alfred manage to capture Count Breda von Krolock at the Midnight Ball because for Krolock there's nothing more important than protecting his son Herbert from the hunters. Abronsius brings him to Königsberg and starts "researching" - there are lots of experiments and LOTS of torture and angst and all that stuff you need as a healthy basis for Hurt & Comfort. At some point, Alfred can't stand seeing the torture of a fellow human anymore and decides to rescue Krolock and bring him home. In part 2, back home in Transylvania and a few years on, a young woman called Katharina Abronsius shows up at the Krolocks' doorstep. Breda being Breda with his taste for mortals that has already almost cost him his life falls in love with her despite her relation to the man who tortured him (she's his niece). There are heaps upon heaps of trauma and more torture and angst, but also one of my very favourite OCs I've written myself. I'm so proud of Katharina, and she and Breda are just alkdsjösdjakjdsaslk ♥ He calls her Rina and she's his everything (because of course, yes, they end up together, that's the only reason Rina exists at all) In part 3, the Prof makes a reappearance, but that's all that's there for this part so far in terms of plot. And neither part 1 nor part 2 are in any way close to being finished ^^
Fandom: Les Misérables (a wild mix of Brick and musical, I suppose...) Well, after the barricade disaster, Javert is trying to round up some stray rebels and gets shot a few times. He doesn't manage to jump into the Seine before he's scraped off the street by Marie, a nurse who was on her way home and took him in. Problem is, she's a graverobber by night... But she finds out lots about his past and cruel childhood... At some point, Javert does end up in the Seine, gets pulled out by - you guessed it - Marie, and because we all want to see some suffering, he's as battered and bruised and sick as you can get. Think lots of broken bones, pneumonia, other waterborne diseases, and MISERY. And Marie... she's in love. Now she has to try and save Javert and then maybe teach him how to person and what love is and that he actually deserves kindness and all that... Trauma, angst, and all the other stuff I love is here everywhere, too. Marie is the other OC of mine that I absolutely adore. I've always written OCs, but none have ever felt as good and proper as she and Rina.
And nothing of all this massive indulging in my guilty pleasure that is H&C would ever have happened without @forestthechonkykitty ♥
So, if anyone would like to ramble about their stories or add to the original prompt, feel free and enjoy! :)
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 11 months
Is your OC loyal to a particular nation, clan or social group? How far would they go in ensuring the safety and success of this faction?
The Royce siblings to Alicent😊
That's my babygirl, of course they're loyal to her 💚
In all seriousness, though
For the twins, Alicent is their childhood friend who makes it the easiest to stay close. So far, we've just seen that in chapter 11, with Rhaenyra generally being distant because of the chip on her shoulder while Alicent is more than happy to reach out to Ella (& even Shireen) because she's a safe person who's actually offered her comfort based on the unwanted situation she finds herself in. The most recent chapter was really the foundations for how things are going to be with Ella & Alicent going forward. So, like, of course she's loyal to Alicent: she's the friend willing to meet her half way & talk about everything. And, while Ella can get a little...I don't want to say unhinged, so, intense maybe? in her loyalties, I don't think she'd go above-and-beyond for Alicent. That's more reserved for her brothers, Robert, her future kids, Aunt Rina & the other members of House Royce who've appeared (& will as the Royce siblings get older). If going balls-to-the-wall in her pursuit of keeping her family safe & getting revenge for her mom just so happens to benefit something Alicent wanted or needed then it's a happy little bonus that Ella can drop at her friend's feet like "look what I did!" (and what she drops at Alicent’s feet is a whole crime against humanity)
In terms of Yorick specifically: we're kinda yet to see how exactly he's going to be with Alicent when he gets back from war, & truthfully I haven't fully planned everything that goes on in chapter 12 & haven't quite figured out a general vibe for his interactions with Alicent. There's a lot to figure out there, because he gets married in chapter 12: there's boocoo moving parts. That said, I know he stays close with her. Laenor may be his best friend after Ella (we love trauma bonding by being 2 of the only teen boys in an active war zone), but Alicent is really who he had the most in common with (which is probably why Rhaenyra is a little Like That about him). He gets over his childhood crush pretty completely after a while, but he never gets over how close they were as kids & is pretty willing to reach out to her in the same way Ella is. And after some later events within the fic that involve a tourney & babysitting Alicent’s dragonriding kids, Yorick actually gets pretty close to Aegon, which just winds up tying them even more together/strengthening their bond (because the kid acts sort of normal around him. As normal as Aegon is capable of, at least). So, like, overall, Yorick pretty happily ties his little red wagon to Alicent & her whole group just because, like, she doesn't expect anything from him besides what he's already given/offered. Similar to Ella, but less intense because this is Yorick, a lot of his more "I must actively benefit them" is reserved for his family, but he keeps Alicent & her kids on the fringes of that because their goals are at least a little parallel at times.
Aemon, honestly, doesn't have strong feelings about her. He wasn't even fully sentient/aware until she was his aunt, & even after that he barely saw or interacted with her. So, like, honestly, a lot of his loyalties to Alicent are just there because his siblings are loyal to her. Anything Aemon does for her is kind of just an extension of doing this for his siblings, because they would want to do something for her. Legitimately, he only sees her three times before he turns 16 & the aforementioned tourney & babysitting events happen. That's just his aunt that his older sister & brother are friends with, & she's their age so it's uncomfortable, sure, but he's not gonna go out of his way to do anything for her specifically. Like, he likes her fine, & he's friends with Helaena (weird recognize weird), but any kind of "it's my duty to go commit war crimes in her name" is just an extension of "my siblings are doing this" or "I am doing this for my friend Helaena" or "this is to keep my wife/son/former boyfriend & his family/nieces & nephews/Ser Gerold safe."
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dwagom · 2 years
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rina sawayama ball oc
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1800duckhotline · 2 months
assign your ocs fursonas. any of them any amount of them i need to know their animals because its fun
oh man. Ok. i dont usually Do fursonas but i do associate animals so ill list down their associated animals so you can guess ok? ok. lets go
salice - czechoslovakian wolfdog
adona - common crow, alternatively devon rex/oriental longhair mix
jutta - rat. just about any will do... as long as theres no particular fur pattern
rina - blonde rex rat. mandatory
temerice - alaskan malamute
ranx - bull terrier
lucia & aiden - rook (the bird species)
eden - red fox
phoebe - common housefly
elaine - mourning dove
jenica - leucistic ball python
lor - askal/aspin dog (both terms are used as far as ive researched)
marzanna - deer buck
mio - viviparous lizard
poppy - coyote
tomoko - antheraea yamamai (japanese silk moth)
momoko - cockroach
kaede - yellow pansy butterfly
....eeeh idk i cant think of any more right neow. but youre free to ask abt specific ocs!
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theygotlost · 2 years
miss sawayama you mean everythingto me but what is up with this album cover
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ladykailolu · 3 years
Is there any panels in jjl feat. George Joestar II (Johnny's son). Because I don't know whether to have Marco be a blonde or dark haired. Fyi, Marco is basically George not George--he's Johnny and Rina's son but named differently in this AU in writing in which Johnny and Gyro are married and live together post SBR.
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existslikepristin · 3 years
Everything (currently) listed is smut.
For reference:
* = The Lounge "continuity"
x = Characters depicted together in explicit stuff
My very organized bias list
My EVEN MORE organized current projects list
Some rules for contextualizing my thoughts on requests
New addition to the masterlist: Other places on the internet you can find my writing/me in general. https://linktr.ee/existslikepristin
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What A... Bummer* Eunha x Yerin x Male Reader Insert
Movie Night* SinB x Eunha x Male Reader Insert
Stay On Script (Collab)* futa!Eunha x Jihyo (Twice)
Hold the Creamer Please* futa!Eunha x Seunghee (CLC)
A Quick Fix* Sowon x Male OC
A Two On One Match* Eunha x SinB x Male OC
Getting Steamy* (Ch 1 / Ch 2) Yerin x Male OC
Fancam, Basically* (Ch 1 / Ch 2 is WIP) SinB x ???
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Sounds* Gahyeon x Siyeon, Yoohyeon x Rando Dude
Kinktober Week 1* Gahyeon x Jiu
Kinktober Week 2* Gahyeon x Jane (Momoland)
Kinktober Week 3* Gahyeon x Eunchae (DIA) x ?!?!?!
Kinktober Week 4* Gahyeon x Yooa (Oh My Girl)
Kinktober 2022* Gahyeon x Heejin (Loona)
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Hold the Creamer Please* Seunghee x futa!Eunha
Activated My Trap Card* Seungyeon x Eunbin x Yeeun x Male Reader Insert
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Definitely Real Medicine* Yuqi x Male Reader Insert
Escape From Paboland* Shuhua x Gender Unspecified Reader
Bullyjin Soojin x Yuqi (Part of the Bullyrene setting)
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Get To Blow You* Winter x futa!Karina, Winter x Monsta X
Mamba Class* Winter x futa!Karina x Giselle x Ningning in some combination
Red Velvet
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Yexercise* Yeri x Male Reader Insert
Bullyrene Irene x all the trigger warnings
Impromptu Review* Joy x Sunny (SNSD)
King of the Beasts* Seulgi & Yeri vs Ryujin & Yeji (Itzy)
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Please, No Virginity Puns* Choerry x Male Reader Insert
The Looney Bunch* Haseul x Male Reader Insert
Professional Language* Choerry x Male Reader Insert
Churchgirleum Yawjinius* Yeojin x futa!Choerry/Haseul/Heejin/Hyunjin/Jinsoul
Purple Kiss
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The Cutest Duckling* Swan x Unfortunately Nobody
Irehdiated* Ireh x Male Reader
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Yeo Reum is Our Reum Yeoreum x Male OC
Royal Cheek* Dayoung x Gender Unspecified Reader Insert
Secret Number
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Salon Erotique* Soodam x Futa Reader Insert
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Bare Attack* Sujeong x Male Reader x Sua (Pixy) x Rina (Weki Meki)
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Bare Attack* Sujeong (Lovelyz) x Male Reader x Sua x Rina (Weki Meki)
Summon* Lola x Gender Unspecified Reader
Weki Meki
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Bare Attack* Sujeong (Lovelyz) x Male Reader x Sua (Pixy) x Rina
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King of the Beasts* Ryujin & Yeji vs Seulgi & Yeri (Red Velvet)
Queen of the Ball(s)* Lia solo
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Breaking Geneva* EU x Male Reader
Soloists (don't have a good picture for this yet)
Toys (Kinktober) Bibi x Male OC (co-written with worldsover)
Not quite fics, but still stuff that I want to keep track of somewhere
Karina Appreciation, the Satan & eyesight one
Dayoung Appreciation, the buffet one Tumblr deleted
Purple Kiss' tendencies toward domming/subbing
Exceptionally nerdy shit
Joy x Hayoung x Yerin vignette
Karina x Irene
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sluttynurse · 2 years
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rina sawayama ball oc
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zannilove · 3 years
Eleventh Day of Christmas (12/23)
Title: They Were Roommates Theme: Mistle Toe Fandom/Character(s): Tokyo Revengers/ Senju x fem!OC Warnings: alcohol/drunk characters Word Count: 670
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Music bumping. People chattering. Drinks spilling on the floor.
It wasn’t exactly what Senju thought that she would be doing on Christmas Eve, but her roommate begged her to come out of the dorms and join her ‘just this one time’. That was a phrase that always seemed to get her every time, even though she knew that it wouldn’t be the last time they would be going out. This time, it wasn’t the usual college party, it was something that she was throwing at her parent’s house.
“Are you having fun?” A brunette woman asked, plopping down on the arm of the chair Senju was sitting on, two drinks in hand. The small pink haired girl looked up at the brunette, a halfhearted smile flashing for just a moment. “Great!” she said, thrusting the red cup into the girl’s hand.
“Rina, you know I don’t drink.” Senju sighs, swirling the mystery liquid around in the cup. Rina plugged her ears chanting lala’s for a moment before chuckling, slipping into the pink haired girl’s lap.
“I know, but you promised that you would let loose!”
“I am, I danced while you weren’t looking, with that guy.” Senju explained, pointing at a blond guy that was standing off in the corner, tapping away at his phone. Rina didn’t buy it, she was always watching, and she didn’t see Senju doing anything since she sat in that chair.
“Why not dance with me?” Rina cooed, throwing her arms around her roommate, the liquid from her cup splashing over the pair as she hugged the pink haired girl tightly.
The scent of alcohol flooded Senju’s nostrils, it was a bitter smell that she didn’t like, but she couldn’t help but laugh. The pair giggled at the nothingness, electro-Christmas mix music blaring in the background. Rina’s violet eyes peered into Senju’s emerald ones, the way they sparkled underneath the party lights were mesmerizing.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Senju’s face twisted her pale eyebrows knitting together as she stared back at the brunette.
“You’re so beautiful, Senju.” Rina brought her hand to Senju’s face, caressing the smooth warm skin. “Like, seriously, y’know?”
The pair continued to stare into each other’s eyes until they were interrupted by an excited party boy, his streaky black and white hair and clothes a soggy mess. In his hand he held a bustle of mistletoe by its decorative ribbon. The green ball spun above the two girls’ heads as he cheered for them to kiss, loudly interrupting the party. They looked up at the tiny green bushel then back at each other. Rina smiled wide; her excited eyes upturned as she looked back up at the mistletoe.
“So?” her eyes flickered between her roommate and the mistletoe. Senju flashed an awkward smile with a small shrug.
The two girls inched closer to each other; Senju could feel her heart pounding against her chest. This feeling, this excitement was much different than back when she was a fighter, it was a softer excitement. Her heart beat faster as the brunette got closer. It was a playful pattern that she took notice of, faster, closer. Faster and hotter? That’s when it happened, the most expected of unexpected moments, Rina kissed her. She actually did it this time.
It wasn’t like all the other times when she would come home drunk, professing her undying love for her, no this was absolutely magical. Her lips were so soft, like the rose petals in the bouquet of flowers Rina had given Senju for missing her speech. They were sweet, yet bitter from the drink that she had been sipping before this. Senju was wondering what the sweetness was, raspberries?
The pleasure of their lips moving against one another was starting to make the younger girl uncomfortable, she could feel sparks flying. The sounds of the party starting to ring in her ears once again, Rina pulled away before Senju could push her away, jumping off the younger’s lap, her face a deep red.
“I love you Senju… I always have.” Rina mumbled, barely audible over the music and merriment of the party. Her violet eyes peered down at her twiddling fingers. Senju smiled up at the older girl, her shy façade not suiting her as much as the overly outgoing party girl that she truly was. She blinked slowly and brought her hands to her chest.
“I know.”
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OCs for original stories I'm currently taking questions for:
-Til (protagonist of Dreamers, early 20s, she/her, Hero Team)
-Mandeep (Dreamers, early 20s, he/him, Hero Team)
-Aux (Dreamers, late 20s/early 30s, he/him, Hero Team)
-Caron (Dreamers, late 20s/early 30s, he/him, Hero Team)
-Blank (Dreamers, age unknown, they/them, Hero Team)
-Jennifer (Dreamers, age unknown, she/her, The Porcelain)
-Jessica (Dreamers, age unknown, she/her, The Porcelain)
-Joy (Dreamers, age unknown, she/her, The Porcelain)
-Amber (protagonist of Lose Your Hat, 16, she/her, human)
-Eoghan (Lose Your Hat, 16, he/him, phooka)
-Doireann (Lose Your Hat, 16, she/her, kelpie)
-The Seer (Lose Your Hat, age unknown, she/her, they/them, half-fairy witch)
-Emer (Lose Your Hat, age unknown, she/her, phooka)
-Ailbhe (Lose Your Hat, age unknown, he/him, they/them, phooka)
-Mavourneen (Lose Your Hat, age unknown, she/her, kelpie)
-Dáire (Lose Your Hat, 19, he/him, phooka)
-Sir Geoffrey the Chivalrous (Multiverse Vagary, 26, he/him, Chosen Heroes)
-Hemming (Multiverse Vagary, mid-late 30s, he/him, Destined Villains)
-Corentin Teyssier, "Le Désastre" (project untitled, 25, he/him, Assassin Fam)
-Blanche, "Mort Blanche" (project untitled, 23, she/her, Assassin Fam)
-Armel, "Le Marteau" (project untitled, 29, he/him, Assassin Fam)
-Julienne, "La Balle Magique" (project untitled, 28, she/her, Assassin Fam)
-Melina, "Le Piège à Miel" (project untitled, 27, she/her, Assassin Fam)
-Thistle (project untitled, age unknown, she/her, Ragtag Questers)
-Leonora the Lionhearted (The Sundered, age unknown, she/her, Witches of the Western Woods)
-Alejandro (The Sundered, 24, he/him, Farm Boy)
-Rina (Delicacy, 22, she/her, Bitter Sib)
-Gil (Delicacy, 12, he/him, Salty Sib)
-Dani (Delicacy, 4, she/her, Sweet Sib)
-Arlo (Delicacy, age unknown, he/him, they/them, Flavor Faun)
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angelsarts · 4 years
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My third and last set of ocs that currently make up class 2-B! There will be hero costume editions coming soon!
I’d love to have them make friends with someone else’s ocs at some point :’D
Quirks underneath cut!   
Class 2B pages: 1 , 2 , 3
Daichi Watanabe
Foresight hero: Gambler
Quirk: Gamble and size
This quirk allows him to see an outcome of a gamble, only to the extent of what colour a roulette wheel will land on for example or what the highest cards will be. He also inherited his fathers quirk to change the size and weight of objects but he chooses to use gambling chips as his aid to change at his will.
He can see the outcome of colour or winning cards but not who owns the cards or the specific number on the wheel, he can also earns a headache if he looks into the outcome’s future too often. Another downside is his time to super size objects is limited to 8 minutes at a time.
Jonouchi Arai
Ball and chain Hero: Bulldozer
Quirk: Ball chain
This quirk gives the user a ball shaped head, their said head can move to great length away from their actual body as there are chains stored inside the said body that can attach to the head and separate the two. They can also super size their head once it’s connected to the chain and can contain a person inside their mouth when disconnected from the body, like a holding cell.
They also get neck ache a lot if they constantly disconnect from the body, their chains can also be broken. The chains do grow back but needs a healing session of 20 minutes, until then neither body nor head can move.
Kimi Kubo
Magnet hero: Polaria
Quirk: Magnetic polarity
This quirk means that Polaria has two different halves of the body, one side of the body is negative while the other is positive. The right hand is the south side of a magnet while the left is like the north. Opposite poles are attracted to each other, while the same poles repel each other. when Polaria touches a metal object, depending on the hand the object will become a north or south pole they can then attract the object or repel it up to a bone breaking speed.
Over use of the hands can cause them to loose the magnetic field that attracts or repels objects. This quirk can’t be used on people but they can use it on metal objects that are on a person. If their hands are too close together they can get stuck and must be pulled apart by another or prevent it by wearing gloves.
Rina Otsuka
Dark hero: dark lady
Quirk: Black blobs
This quirk means that her body can turn into a puddle like substance before splitting off into a series of little black blobs, all with a face and ability to communicate as one mind of course she doesn’t have to split entirely. This quirk allows her to spit up a few body parts or the entire body and move to various places for missions such as re-con or to avoid attacks and regroup again.
All of her miniature blobs have to return to her original location for her body to regain it’s original form, she can also become immobile if too many blobs split off from her body. Black blobs can split from her body without her commanding to from time to time.
Ayako Fujita
Ghostly hero: Ghost fist
Quirk: Ghostly hands
This quirk means that Ayako has another set of hands from her own, except these aren’t normal hands they are on par of a ghosts hand. These pair of hands float behind her and are controllable by her thoughts, they can pass through walls and can hold onto or move a human. They can hold objects in order to inflict damage.
Her hands sometimes have a mind of their own and like to move objects while she’s sleeping, they also can’t go further than a 20 mile radius from her. They can also be repelled by salt.
Haru Bando
Scream hero: Screecher
Quirk: Screech
This quirk means that the user has mouths located all over the body that can let out a series of screeches of all different pitches. They can be low to a high enough pitch to break glass and even cause temporary hearing loss. Each mouth can talk at once or simultaneously.  
When there is too many thoughts on her mind his mouths will begin to chatter out all her thoughts without her permission. She can also become temporarily deaf from her screeching and can’t always control the pitch she speaks in
Hibiki Onishi
Plant hero: Blossom
Quirk: Plant acceleration
This quirk allows the user to accelerate the growth of plant life, a small seed can turn into a full blown tree for as long as they touch the ground of which it is planted in. This can be useful to block a path with trees or restore barren lands with a flower field, even grow vines to help use as rope.
The growth done cannot be rewound and if Blossom isn’t careful they can accelerate the growth too far and make the plant die. The longer the quirk is used the more the body becomes numb.
Takehiko Yogi
Personality hero: Switch
Quirk: Personality switch
This quirk allows a shy and easily flushed man to switch gears to a whole different personality when faced with danger or triggered by key words. This switch will cause a change in his appearance, attitude, while in this form they gain tenfold of strength and a decreased ability to feel pain.  
Once switched back into their original personality any pain that they couldn’t feel before will suddenly be felt, they can also loose control in his switched form and enter a destructive rage. The switch is a temporary state much like when you get adrenaline, his switch can last up to an hour.
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sakuraalexia · 4 years
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I had posted these on my twitter then promptly forgot to post them elsewhere, whoops.
I did more than a single one because I am all but consistent in my drawings, both with medias and materials used. So there’s a traditional one, a digital one, and I had plenty to spare from my inktobers too. Some things are older than others too. The characters and fandoms are listed below.
Top row: Aphrodite (Smite), Maya (Borderlands 3), Zinnia (Pokemon)
Middle row: Ava (Borderlands 3), Sarah (Mermaid Melody), Nu Wa (Smite)
Bottom row: Luka (friend OC), Robin (my OC), Sakura/Lavender (my OCs)
Top row: Android 21 (Dragon Ball FighterZ), Maya (Borderlands 3), result of a Draw this in your style challenge
Middle row: Jill (VA-11 HALL-A), D.Va (Overwatch), Sakura (my OC)
Bottom row: Tiny Tina (Borderlands 3), Trish (my OC), Skadi (Smite)
Top row: Rina (Mermaid Melody), Kitt (Dragon Booster), Dahlia (Pokemon)
Middle row: Atlas (Megaman ZX Advent), Izanami (Smite), Maya (Borderlands 2)
Bottom row: Steele (Borderlands), Steven (Pokemon), Maya (Borderlands 3)
Yeah... I draw lots of females heh.
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veinereastath · 4 years
OC skills
I got tagged by @spicevalleys​, thank you! <3 I don’t know who to tag in this, I’ve seen most people already done it, but if you haven’t, consider yourself tagged! 
Deputy Irina A. Carter
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^ from oliviawildesjawline <3
bold = capable, does well, italics = capable, limited capacity ~~ swim / scubadive / read and write / do calligraphy / ride a bike / ride a unicycle / ride a motorcycle / ride a horse / drive / draw / sing / play an instrument / maintain a rhythm / converse in a language / converse in more than two languages (Icelandic [100%], Russian [65%], English [80%]) / converse in more than four languages / do basic maths / do algebra / understand structural formulas / read a floorplan / assemble ikea / build a working piece of furniture / build a house / sew a button / customise clothes / make clothes / bind a book / use a vacuum / clean windows without leaving streaks / boil water / make pasta / remove the pit of an avocado (she never tried avocado) / cut bell peppers / cook / bake / basic first aid / cpr / close a bullet wound / fire a gun / load a gun / shuffle a deck of cards / shuffle a deck of cards one-handed / play or read tarot / use matches / use a lighter / make a fire without either / code / start a computer / hack / steal a car without keys / pick a lock / kick down a door / throw a punch / put an opponent smaller than them into a chokehold / put an opponent larger than them into a chokehold / intentionally break a bone / make a cast / chop down a tree / put up a tent / make a knot / create a shelter without tools or brought materials / make a cocktail (yes, but only the molotov one :>) / cut a line of cocaine / change a diaper / recite a nursery rhyme from memory / recite an important religious code from memory / recite the table of elements from memory / recite all pokemon in the pokemon song from memory / recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading it once (depends on its level of complexity) / tell a person’s zodiac sign / tell a person’s age / play football / play basketball / play another ball sport / iceskate / use an audio recording device / use a camera / tattoo / do a piercing
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dragscore · 4 years
💖🍊⭐🌳💤🔮🎀 hibiki and rina
theyre basically spiritual sisters-
💖 Has your OC ever been in love, be it romantic or platonic or otherwise? Who with and did they ever express their feelings or keep it private? How long did these feelings persist / do they still feel this way? 
// hibiki: she has had two other... partners? that she felt that about, but it wasn’t like, great. she’s very affectionate with others, but those two people werent good about it at all. especially the long term gf she had, she was pretty much disgusted with hibiki, and she didn’t understand why. but with saeran she slowly realizes it (i feel she can be a little dense with it, while with the other two partners she kind of jumped into it really fast), and keeps it to herself for a while. but they both kind of stumble into blurting it out to each other at the same time. hibiki is the type who wants to express her love a lot, and it’s pretty much equal with saeran where he returns it in kind every time
rina: just with klaus, actually- but she does say ay and sigurd are her platonic soulmates! rina with being in love is just fuckin BLIND AS HELL, cause after having slept around some she doesnt really think it would work at all for her until sigurd points out to her when she expressed her feelings for klaus that uh. shes. in love. what an idiot. rina had a hard time expressing these things and would just kind of word it as feeling like klaus was able to unravel her confusing ass self like a ball of yarn. she isnt really SURE how long she felt this way for klaus, but she didnt have to agonize over it long when he finally was forward and was like “okay i am legit in love with you-”
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
What is your OC’s most hated food? Stuff they can’t stand to eat or drink?
// hibiki: hibiki specifically loves egg bagel...sandwiches? she likes to put cream cheese on the bagel then fry up an egg. she probably is allergic to them like i am but suffers thru it cause eggs are good ; w ; she also likes yakisoba a LOT. hibiki likes to snack on stuff like snack cakes, mostly like those little.. shortcake roll things. sweet stuff isnt her fave, but she has some that shes good w/. dessert wise she really loves cheesecake, any kind, but thats it. shes also a soda addict lmfao she has a real problem trying to break it, but she also likes sweet tea a lot - I ALSO NEGLECT TO MENTION, SHE’S SUPER ADDICTED TO DR PEPPER LMFAO she does not like overly sweet things as mentioned - she can take it sometimes, but only after shes had something more savory. she doesnt really care for chocolate, especially cause her mom is OBSESSED w/ them
rina: okay before we get real she fuckin LOVES mcdonalds, her regular order being 20 nuggets and a big mac and large fries. she will settle for nothign else. its easy to get and the best for her if shes not in a good headspace. she also really likes fried rice, esp cause she can actually make it lmfao. she really likes hot fries and hot cheetos- she LOVES spicy foods, shes that type of person who would drink hot sauce lmfao she doesnt really care for sweets though, dessert isnt her thing. she likes bitter sweets but even then its not her fave. she also likes soda a lot, but also drinks a lot of coffe, mostly lil frappes from starbucks. she fuckin loves the caramel one she isnt a fan of sweet things either as mentioned, and i hc she fuckin HATES mushrooms
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why? 
// hibiki: she has a super big phobia of r*aches (i censor that cause i too have it and uh. idk its stupid but the word alone makes my skin crawl-) due to living with an infestation a few times. she just screams and squeals and tries to get someone to kill it. hibiki also isnt great with being yelled at or talked over a lot. also she is a bean you honestly couldnt be scared of her
rina: she’s terrified of knives and thunder/lightning, actually. she also gets a trigger with blood and seeing it fills her with extreme dread later on. the knives is from getting attacked when she was trying to investigate azusa and what he was doing, but shes trying to work through it cause like... how is she gonan function- shes a lot better than she was before though. with thunder/lightning she just doesnt like the sound and shes a little quivering baby during storms. and blood it just has to do with seeing klaus get fuckin stabbed later on during his second main route stuff - that one i ahvent thought about much but it literally sends her into a blank out panic attack. i feel like rina intimidates some people, at least when shes more prone to getting in fights when shes younger. but she isnt that scary besides that lmfao
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now? 
// hibiki: she probably hasn’t changed a lot, she was just probably more quiet and scared. but hibiki is currently in a transitional time herself, so i feel she’s slowly trying to get away from that. she’s just very hesitant and secretive and timid, but at her best is confident she can get through anything and trusts in her own word a lot. honestly, the most she can tell herself now is that things will get better, she just needs to believe in it more.
rina: okay rina has a more stark contrast. when she was younger, she had long hair, wore literally no makeup, wore her uniform normally, and was bright and cute and cheery. literally as fake as can be. rina wanted people to like her, and she tried to be an overachiever so she wouldnt get on anyones bad side. but she took SO much shit, like people playing with her hair or calling her lots of weird, babyish names, and she broke down from bad communication with klaus, feeling he saw her as harmless and cute as everyone else. she was so sick of just being cute and babied to everyone, and realized it wasnt worth doing this. so she had a breakdown, chopped off her hair, and went wandering past campus until she, in her foggy mindset, was picked up by a man and they spent a weekend together. it wasnt. great. she came back to campus with her hair touched up by the guy, and grew into a more angry, stand offish person, trying her best to keep people from liking her and treating her like a doll after that. honestly, rina is a lot more confident and comfortable with herself, she wishes she handled trying to be herself in a less destructive fashion, but is glad shes a lot better now. she still has some thigns she feels awful about (especially cause her reputation took a nosedive, no one was going to be nice to the now obviously fake rina, who was sexually active and didnt wear her uniform right, even now people are disrespectful over it). shed honestly just tell her younger self that what she thinks the people close to her think of her isnt real at all.
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets? 
// hibiki: very timid and quiet throughout her life lmfao. hibiki has always been kind of stagnant, but she did have a period as a teen where she tried to be fake confident. it took a nosedive after a while when she started living with her gf. but she does get way more resilient and confident as said, and starts being more hopeful. she just misses the freedom of being a kid, but she doesnt miss the environment she was in. she just regrets a lot. constantly. all the time. oh my god. “i regret not waking up earlier today”
rina: okay rina has a far more turbulent... personality growing up lmfao. - child wise she was really mischievous and kind of an asshole, playing tricks on other kids and not knowing how to communicate. she was raised in an orphanage and didn’t really know how to interact with others, honestly. but she wasn’t well liked, and she didn’t care too much. - leading into her teens she’s more quiet and less into the idea of doing those things, acting cutesy and fun and happy a lot when she entered the academy. she eventually broke and started acting what she felt she was, trying to be herself, but also be destructive and keep people from liking her again. - in her early adult years she’s less mean, as ay DEFINITELY mellowed her out, with her wanting to be gentle and not fake, esp considering ay’s former roommate. she is a lot more kind, but def just sarcastic and kinda vulgar (if youre comfortable with her that way, anyway), really resourceful and confident. shes sorta like the cool older sister these days. she doesnt really miss a lot, cause things are so much better now, but she regrets letting people use her the way she did.
🔮 Star gazing or cloud watching? Hand-holding or snuggles? Early mornings or late nights? 
// hibiki: cloud watching! she and saeran love doing this kinda thing, im sure star gazing is a thing but saeran is the type that loves pointing out shapes and stuff. he even sends a pic of a heart shaped cloud in his route. she loves hand holding, totally not cause shes.........................she likes hands lmfao. but also cause it feels intimate, especially with saeran cause he wears gloves so much. shes an early morning kinda person, she likes breakfast foods a lot and also there’s something nice about the quiet of mornings.
rina: STAR GAZING. THIS IS LITERALLY. THE RINA THING. especially cause i always hc she really loves how bright and beautiful geddonelune’s night sky is, and when she realizes klaus loves stars too, she’s intent on having star gazing dates with him. she’s just a big dork about constellations and stories and stuff too. shes a snuggling lady and wants to be EMBRACED. and shes a late night kinda person, she has no energy at the start of her day.
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care? 
// hibiki: she has a necklace with a heart pendant on it, that comes with a little keyhole in it - the key that goes to it is on a bracelet she owns. but the necklace came from her grandfather, who she misses a lot still. (this is based on a necklace my own grandpa got me, but i lost it a few years back and i miss it still) she likes wearing casual, comfy stuff like sweaters and leggings, but has some really cute dresses. she likes stretchy pants lmfao. shes a big sweater + shorts kinda person if shes lounging, but she has some cute formal wear if she has to go to parties for the rfa.
rina: she has a big yellow cardigan that’s always been her comfort cardigan, but it got ripped when she was stabbed. sigurd eventually fixed it up and left little patches of bunnies to personalize it, and its meant so much to her ever since. she honestly dresses kinda... thottie? but her style is also similar to gyaru styles, she likes lots of revealing yet comfortable stuff, and isnt afraid to wear something that flaunts her legs and ass a little. she fuckin’ LOVES sweater paws, tho. in terms of comfort clothes shell wear big hoodies or sweaters and undies lmfao. if shes dressed for a party, she has this pretty slit skirt black number that she wore to klaus’ birthday party to kill his poor ass, but she has this big, fancy number that she wears sometimes. its just too much to wear a lot. she really likes tight dresses though lmfao, especially black ones
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