#rip break you will be missed
willowjay07 · 1 year
writing tip
A crappy draft is better than a blank page.
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tequiilasunriise · 8 months
bitches really be out here publicly divorcing as if they weren’t in a secret relationship
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blackwoodcore · 1 year
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i only watch season 2 for the silly cats
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pillowprincessvarric · 2 months
Do you want to elaborate about the alice postpartum post 👉👈
Yeah actually. I kinda do!
[cw: mental health issues, emotional abuse, some gaslighting, implied reproductive coercion. Probably some other stuff.]
So. Alice spends most of Shaun's baby-hood feeling like he's Not Real, though she's not really able to articulate what exactly she means by that, as well being kind of generally aware that it's not true, despite the fact that it feels really really true. That's not a real baby, and if it is a real baby it's definitely not her baby. Which she knows isn't rational but can't quite shake.
She also off-and-on feels like she's Not Real, other people Aren't Real, the world isn't Real, etc. which she was already having a problem with during the pregnancy but it got worse after the birth. Lots of depersonalization/derealization issues. Some of it is definitely the hormones but the emotional manipulator husband who Gently Encouraged her to keep a baby she wasn't 100% sure about (among other things) definitely also contributed.
The pregnancy went very well physically though, despite her emotional/mental issues. And the fact that Nate keeps using the term "easy pregnancy" (we're so lucky!) is slowly turning her evil.
She also gets increasingly paranoid about Codsworth the longer he's in the house. Really convinced that he's Up To Something and either talking to the police about her or spying on her for Nate, who she thinks might have bought him for specifically that reason (it's unclear how plausible this actually is).
Paranoid in general also, after the birth. Like, is worried that the neighbors Know Things about her, that the police are coming any minute, that sort of thing. And unfortunately a lot of her paranoia isn't fully without basis. She & Nate are very much living under stolen identities because they have warrants out. And Nate is kind of getting too into/overselling his whole "I'm a veteran" thing (he's not, to be clear) and there's genuine reason to worry that he might get cocky and blow their cover. So this is the stuff that's hardest for her to manage while she's trying to get her stuff together enough to get out.
(If I never mentioned this, part of her whole deal is that the day the bombs dropped was also the day she was planning on leaving him and starting over on the west coast. Like she had this whole thing worked out where she was going to slip out while he was giving his little speech at the Veterans Hall (which again, insane & ill-advised thing to do given that he's not actually a veteran and living under a stolen identity, but we don't need to go into all that rn) and get in her car and just start driving. Shaun was not actually part of this plan until like two days before, when she decided that it felt morally weird to her to abandon a baby even if it still didn't really feel like Her Baby.)
(The paranoia actually ends up fucking this plan up for her. She freaks herself out and tries to leave early because she thinks Nate's onto her (he isn't) and then he catches her packing a bag and finally figures out what's going on. They're actively fighting in the nursery and he's trying to prevent her from leaving when the news alert comes on about the bombs. In a weird irony, the war starting when it did was kind of lucky for her, because we were hitting "this is about to escalate, worried neighbors are calling 911" around that point and I'm not really sure what would've happened otherwise.)
Also, on the subject of Nate, she does start to think about killing him a lot. Which, to be fair, she also thinks about when she's more lucid (normal side effect of Nate exposure imo) but for a while there it definitely falls more on the "violent intrusive thoughts/violent impulses" end of the scale than the "morally bad but rational murder fantasy" one. This is actually what spurs her into working on an exit plan, it was either leaving or murder, and one of those is slightly easier to get away with.
She's doing a lot better during the main part of fo4, which is nice. But the fact that she was unwell & not really able to bond with Shaun when he was a baby really contributes to a lot of how she handles the main plotline. She doesn't feel as strongly about what happened as she thinks* she should, and she's not really sure what to do about that. Lying about how much she misses her baby feels wrong, but being honest feels a lot worse.
*thinks that other people think?
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Decided since I was already drying the new doily on the guest bed I might as well do the annual reblocking of all my other doilies.
I didn't have quite enough pins for all four of these guys at the same time but the small circle one stays under a lamp and was the stiffest going in so a couple of it's fringe not getting pinned shouldn't be a big deal.
When I pin out my doilies I usually do a full like wash, soak in water, soak in starch but I didn't feel like that whole process so I just pinned them out dry and sprayed them with some water/starch mix. It was certainly faster but I'm not a fan, I got starch water literally everywhere. Next year I'll do the soak (which works out, they'll probably need a good wash by that point anyway).
Once these boys are all dry I'll wash and reblock some of my big doilies too, some of them are visibly dusty which tells me all of them are very very dusty and it's just hard to see. I'd like to get them all washed before thanksgiving, chronic illness permitting.
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ghostclangen · 21 days
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moon fifty-four - leaf-fall
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percentstardust · 1 month
hi guys i appreciate everyone being patient with me and my extreme periods of inactivity this year. this year has been hard on me and i am struggling. i really appreciate those who are patient and still want to write with me. i am trying to make a comeback.
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shima-draws · 7 days
Took a little break from watching OP but now I’m BACK IN IT, BABY
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ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: February 9
"Heart Attack" by Editors
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sashimiyas · 11 months
what if i go back to sashimiyas
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baerryjj · 2 years
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screenname-kun · 6 months
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arolesbianism · 5 months
You see Jackie is great because she has a similar appeal to me as Maxwell but she's a lesbian and also not british so she's automatically a billion times better and more interesting
#rat rambles#oni posting#starve posting#theyre very different people fundementally but the core appeal of watching a shitty guy dig themselves into deeper and deeper holes remains#bro if they met itd make maxwell so pissy he would not be ok with having someone talk down at him like jackie would#bro jackie would at best be patronizing as hell she would see him as the dirt beneath her shoes#she would not be impressed by his magic tricks at best shed be intrigued by the science behind it but she would not think hes special#now to be clear. jackie is just as pathetic as he is and would 100% die so fast in the constant#like shed get attacked by nightmare creatures so fast and if she survived that a hound would probably maul her#I do hc that at least in the past jackie was decently physically fit but even back then she was like ripped and I think if she tried to#punch something shed miss pathetically and fall over and break all of her bones#olivia is a similar case but shes more fit and probably could barely brute force her way through a few hound waves#the real difference is that olivia would be quicker to adapt and would put up a much better effort at preparing the essentials#now. she would get side tracked as hell by the wildlife. I think if you showed her a carat shed stare at it forever.#but jackie would struggle so hard to adapt and I think the isolation would get to her hard#if you put them together itd just be olivia hard carrying while jackie trips and eats shit every 10 steps#now putting them with the rest of the survivors would be interesting given that I think the two would hate most of them dhdkhdj#like I have no proof that olivia wouldnt like most of them but idk man I dont trust her to not be quietly judging them all#and jackie would probably explode if she was forced to interact with other human beings in a non boss-employee setting#olivia would start calling her jackie again and the others would start calling her that too and shed light herself on fire#wilson would start trying to be buddy buddy with the two and theyd both hate him so fucking much lol#the two would start trying to blueprint machines they could build with what they have and winona would enter frame about to ruin their day#you see winona is like their dark reflection shes like if you took a lesbian and made her the worst but not a bad person this time#shed start critiquing their work for being to fancy and theyd want to strangle her#and god knows how theyd handle the kids I think jackie would have a panic attack and olivia would go smash her head into a tree#and by the kids I mostly mean walter he was hand made to annoy them specifically#oh no wait hypothetical crossover cancelled I forgot abt wanda dont Ever let jackie and olivia meet wanda
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stinkrascal · 2 years
people who smoke weed before they go into work are crazy do you have no fear
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misteria247 · 2 years
Donatello spinning his bo staff before tossing it into the air: Hey fellas do you think I could be a paton twirler?
Rex who's standing behind him catches bo staff snapping that bitch in half
Donatello: >:0
Me: :0
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wraithsoutlaws · 6 months
*gently pokes*
Can I have some dagger and dumdum ideas you want to share but haven’t had the chance to yet…?
yes!!! yes absolutely!!! lemme think here lemme try and dig into what i haven't really talked about hm.....hm hm...here are a couple 🤲
for starters, something i really wanna tackle at some point when i stop being a baby and actually try digging around with modding is a little 'x' tattoo that they both share on their chests. just something small and a little messy because they give it to each other stick-n-poke style one night while they're drinking. dagger's is harder to see but it's beside the anatomical heart tattoo (closer to where his heart actually is). in typical fashion they don't ever really tell anyone about what it means (and they never really talked about it themselves) but they both quietly take it as a reflection of their love and belonging to each other.
even though their ship name is 'perfect drug' (NIN song) their actual ~canon song together is ring of fire (social distortion cover), which i think just suits the inevitability of their love, even when it's painful. someday in the future al's band performs this for them at dagger's horror circus UwU
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