#rip henry the bear
Henry getting so absorbed by creative endevours he forgets to like have relationships is a very cool character trait and painfully relatable. Sorry Mrs Emily, he's converted your bedroom into a giant design board for the month. Not like he was going to be sleeping anyways. She goes to stay with her parents and he just doesn't even notice he's so busy making the most unsafe children's entertainment robot possible. He'll go through the motions of looking after his kids and stuff but his brain is fully in his workshop 24/7 nothing else in that skull.
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roughentumble · 1 year
just had the weirdest dream..... thats been happening a lot recently wtf
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yellowbunnydreams · 2 months
Do you need some Vitamin D? (Incubus! William x Oblivious! F! Reader) [Part 5]
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@ruh--roh-raggy xp-doggy redbunny03 @marigold-petalz @seviliet @astinkerofarat @iamnotwiddle @imtiredshow
CW: 18+ MINORS DNI. Fluff, age gap (Reader 20's - William Afton 40's(?)), teratophilia, meet-cute, punny pick-up lines, scenes of working out, minor porn-logic, ditzy! reader, could be classed as bimbo! reader?, size-difference, flirting, monster-lover, sexual innuendos, Monster! AU
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The routine that you and William Afton had established whilst he was acting as your temporary landlord was peaceful, and felt down-right domestic at times. You often woke up to William making breakfast for the pair of you, whether it was fried goodies, or toast and juice, or even just making up a bowl of cereal, often in his pyjamas from the night before in a way that made you entirely too distracted by the older man. If it had been a long day at work, he'd offer to turn on the water heater so you could have an extra long hot shower, your bed was always made when you went to get into it no matter what state you left it in.
Admittedly, that had been a bit weird at first, but when you asked William about it, he had told you he remembered how you'd commented once that you hated making the bed but liked the feeling of crawling into fresh sheets, and so he thought he would do it for you. You didn't remember that conversation, but it was true so you must have told him at some point that you didn't remember. Spring-Bonnie was always pride of place too, which made you smile.
You'd tried flirting with him a few times since you moved in, or at least, you thought you'd been flirting. But you never saw him looking at you any differently than how he usually did, and you found yourself laying in bed at night staring at the ceiling, wondering if you were doing something wrong. Unbeknownst to you, William was laid in his bed in the attic space above, thinking much the same about you.
That, and occasionally sneaking out of the house so he could check that Dave wasn't lurking around his property. Bumping into Henry on one of the nights had been a nice surprise, but he wasn't sure the were-bear remembered much as he'd snuffled around the dirt whilst William languished in his monstrous form amongst the undergrowth.
He had found it harder and harder to control himself as he became more comfortable with having you there. At first, it was minor slip ups, his nails becoming a little too long and sharp. His teeth seeming too large and too sharp in a smile. Catching a glimpse of his eyes in a mirror and seeing purple instead of grey, the slit pupil making him seem more predatory than human.
The closest he had come to really fucking up however, had been when you found out about a lake on the property and asked if it was safe to swim in. William had said it was safe, and you'd excitedly thanked him, talking about how you used to do a lot of swimming and enjoyed the exercise, plus with the weather still being chilled outside, there was something about it that made you feel like you were in a fantasy novel when you could say you swam in a fog covered lake. You'd gone upstairs and gotten changed quickly, and when you came down, William didn't even think before his body reacted.
Seeing you in a body tight swim-suit, barely covered with some yoga-pants and a light weight hoodie unzipped so he could see the curve of your body. His chest had swelled and he had rushed to cover himself in a hoodie as he realised that his usually hairy chest had expanded and become covered in pale yellow-ish brown fur and whiteish underbelly, ripping open his t-shirt in the process. Luckily, you hadn't heard or seen it, but his heart was beating so loudly in his chest that he wasn't sure you were safe around him.
But you had looked so good to him.
You had been none the wiser to the incbus' struggle to control his human form around you. But as you woke up and stretched in bed, you looked at the clock and realised that it was a lot earlier than you woke up. Figuring you could at least grab a shower before work, you grabbed your bag of toiletries and one of the massive towels that William Afton had leant you. It was easily almost twice the size of a bath towel, and you weren't entirely sure why he had such oversized towels, but they were incredibly soft and fluffy so you weren't complaining.
Padding out to the hallway, you tried the handle on the bathroom to find it locked, deciding to lean against the railing across the stairs whilst you waited for your boss to finish up inside. Hearing his heavy footsteps as you yawned and rubbed at your eyes, you were glad you didn't have to wait long before the door opened.
And your eye-line was met by a very fluffy stomach with white and yellow fur.
Blinking, you didn't move the hand that had been mid rubbing sleep from your eye as you slowly dragged your gaze upwards, noticing how broadly built and strong the body was before your head fully craned back and you were looking up into a face that was somewhat familiar.
The salt and pepper hair mixed with yellowish tones seemed to seamlessly run down his back and coat his face, fuller around where there was usually greying stubble and above the intense purple eyes with a slit pupil, almost like a cat's you thought. You could see sharp teeth and exaggerated canines as the mouth opened to speak, though nothing came out. One of the giant hand reached out as he ducked through the doorway, having to really stoop to press himself through, allowing you to see the two floppy bunny ears atop his head, one folded over itself almost cutely. Broad, flat nose twitching as you looked back to the hand supporting itself on the doorframe. It seemed almost elongated, the thick fingers ending in sharp claws that looked like they could seriously hurt if they dug into your skin.
And he had nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Allowing you to see the digitigrade legs, the feet similarly elongated and clawed, though you could see an extra joint in the foot that meant he looked somewhat normal when not in motion.
Suddenly the huge towels made sense.
"Bunny..." The deep, rumbling voice above you managed to choke out, snapping you to your senses as you watched one of the large hands reaching for you. It was so familiar yet so alien at the same time, like the larger chest added more base to it and sent that now beloved nickname right through you.
You bolted before you could even think to speak.
The running felt more natural than it ever had in your life. You weren't even sure where you were going, but soon you were out of the front door and heading into the misty woods. The mist and fog were thick that morning, and the stones of William's gravel drive cut into your bare feet as your heart pounded heavily in your ears. You could hear the 'bang' as the front door hit the wall with some force and the gravel crunched beneath quick feet.
Your breathing was heavy in your ears, fight or flight kicking in as brambles snagged at your skin and pyjamas, feeling some tearing at your skin and leaving little bloody scratches as you continued to run, unsure if you could hear William chasing you or not.
"Bunny! Please!" The voice called, seeming everywhere to your panic stricken mind, you felt a bile rising in your throat as the cold air burned your lungs. But the plea seemed fainter, and so you pushed forwards to where-ever you were going to end up.
William Afton was a monster. And you weren't quite sure how to process that.
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When Henry Emily unlocked the door to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and headed into the office, he was quite surprised to see the light on inside. Figuring that the night shift had gone home already, he pushed the door open cautiously and jumped slightly when he saw all eight feet of his friend cramped into his chair in the back of the office. The pale yellow shirt he had on was busted open by a few buttons, and the purple tie around his neck had been loosened to accommodate his thicker neck.
William's foot was tapping wildly beneath his desk, practically lifting it with each rise as the monstrous man leaned his head on his hands, elbows on his desk and staring into the middle distance.
"Well...you look like shit." Henry joked, but his brow was furrowed in concern as he took his own seat, making the lagomorph look towards him, purple gaze intense before he went back to staring at a spot on the wall like he had been for several hours. "Will?"
"She knows."
"Oh shit, you finally got her to go on a date with you?" Henry perked up, feeling a sense of relief that the incubus was perhaps just flustered over finally getting a date with you, but that feeling dissipated when he shook his head slowly.
"No...She knows."
The silence between the two men was thick for a moment as Henry processed what had been said for a moment before the hopeful feeling turned into a dreadful pit into which his stomach dropped.
"Fuck, indeed." William's bassy voice was quiet, if such a thing was possible for a man of his size and stature.
"How did she-"
"She's been living at my house whilst her landlord evicts her." Henry looked up incredulously, blinking slowly before laughing, admittedly a little nervously as he thought the giant man was pulling his leg a bit.
"You're joking right? You wouldn't let a relative stranger, who knows nothing about our world...live in your house..."
"Nope. We'd made it about a week. She spotted me as I came out of the shower, she was up earlier than usual." He explained, wincing as he thought about how careless and stupid he'd been. It felt good to be out of his human form though, and now he was too nervous to change back. Attempting to get dressed had been a nightmare as he continued to tap his foot and his nose twitched rapidly.
"You...You let her stay in your house and you didn't fucking expect something like this to happen?" Henry was incredulous, running his hands through his thick curly hair as he tried to reign in his own desire to bare his teeth and start a fight in the office space. Throwing his hands in the air. "Please, please tell me you know where she is now, even if it's in your basement."
"She...ran off."
"She....ran off?"
"That's what I said."
"YOU ARE AN EIGHT-FEET TALL RABBIT, YOU ARE DESIGNED TO RUN LIKE THE FUCKING FEAR OF GOD HAS BEEN PUT INTO YOUR ASS AS A SUPOSITORY, AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT SHE RAN OFF?!" William winced at the loud voice, his ears flickering unhappily as he thumped his foot down, not hard, but Henry noticed.
The sound of the front door opening to the restaurant made both men pause, listening intently and Henry's face blanched as the were-bear realised that they were heading their way. Quickly reaching under his desk, he grabbed a blanket that he kept under there for emergencies and unfolded it, throwing it over William, who made a comically obvious rabbit-man shaped lump under it, as it barely reached his elbows. Henry taking his seat a little more firmly than he had meant to and wincing as he wheeled himself closer to the door so that he could intercept anybody attempting to come in.
You stared nervously at the office door, the paper in your hand heavy as you were fidgeting with it. Wearing the confetti blouse and red vest of your spare Freddy's uniform that you had circled back to your apartment to get, and to think on what to do.
One of your bosses was a monster. You weren't even sure what kind of monster, only that he was a huge rabbit creature and that you had somehow managed to out run him. But your arms and legs stung with little scratches caused by running through the woods, and your feet definitely had needed patching up when you reached home. William had been nothing but kind to you however, no matter how scary he seemed, and you couldn't shake the soft fluttering you felt in your chest around him, so you had decided that this was the best course of action.
"Mr. Emily, are you in?" You knew he got in additionally early after he'd been away for a while, liking to catch up on paperwork. Watching the door swing open and your boss' smiling face looking up at you from his wheelie office chair.
"Yes chicken! How can I help you, aren't you scheduled for later? You're never usually this early, is everything alright?" He maintained the smile, but inside his heart was pounding, and he hoped you couldn't see William tucked into the office. One of who's ears had slipped from under the blanket and was twitching as he heard your voice, partly compressed by the ceiling.
"I ummm, I just need to talk for a moment." Taking a deep nervous breath, you handed him the thick envelope with his name hastily scrawled over the top of it in shaking handwriting. "I'll work my shift today but...I'm resigning."
Both of the men paused as you spoke, Henry blinking slowly at the envelope before looking up confused at you, letting his inside thoughts slip onto his face as he glanced back and forth between you and the letter.
"Sorry....has something happened?" He wanted to know your reasoning as he opened the letter, scanning it rapidly and only finding a generic resignation written out in a shakey hand.
"No..um..Yes? It's for my mental health, my landlord is evicting me, and I don't think I can afford another place in town, so I'll be using my savings to move out to a different town." Swallowing thickly, you ran your fingers through your hair as part of you wondered if William was okay. Despite the fact he had been terrifying, you couldn't help but feel a guilty pang that you had fled from him.
Henry regarded the letter for a moment, his eyes flickering to Will, who had kept the blanket over himself despite the fact that it comically obvious. You hadn't spilt your guts about what happened between the two of you, and you were willing to put distance between yourself and William, whether or not it was to protect yourself or William, he wasn't quite sure. Wheeling himself back to his desk, he gestured for you to come in and close the door behind you.
As you stepped in, you froze, spotting the large 'lump' under the blanket that seemed to constantly be tapping it's foot and had a soft looking bunny ear sticking out from the top of it. Glancing back between Henry and William before you settled on staring at the blanket.
"So...I'm guessing you know that the reason's bullshit?"
"Oh yeah, Will's already spilt some of the beans." Henry replied, trying to keep his own voice calm, but he could feel his own teeth shifting in his jaw with the nerves.
"So....I'm guessing, you've known for a while?"
"Since we met."
"Then I'm guessing you're..." Gesturing to the giant rabbit lump and Henry looked at the gesture before snorting with laughter, shaking his head as a genuine smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.
"No, I'm something different. I'm...Well, I'm a were-bear." Running his hands over his hair, you blinked as he revealed a pair of cute, round bear ears. His jaw jutting out a little more into some more ursine features and his eyes darkening before a faint crackling met your ears and he returned to normal. "Obviously, with...this..." Gesturing to William "I'm not exactly able to fully turn."
"You become an actual bear?" You asked, incredulous as you tried to imagine a fully grown bear wandering around the woods near William's house. Suddenly the comments about strange noises at night made much more sense. "So I have one boss who turns into a teddy bear every full moon-"
"New moon, but go on." Henry corrected, making you blink before you glanced at William, still under the blaket.
"And the other is...a rabbit monster?"
"Lagomorphic incubus." The bassy voice finally spoke from under the blanket, deep and gravelly as one giant clawed hand reached up and pulled the blanket off of his head, carefully tossing it to one side in the small office space and revealing just how cramped he really was in this form.
"Lagomorphic incubus. Rabbit monsters are different, think jackalope. Sorry, it's an important difference." He murmured, making you blink as you both avoided eye contact with each other and silence fell between the three of you.
You looked at William and properly took in his features, you could still see him, or rather the face you were used to, under it all. There was something cute about the way he looked, the rapidly twitching nose as his gold aviators clung for dear life onto his broad nose, realising it looked like a little squashed rabbit nose, and despite his hulking size, he was doing his best to look small and un-intimidating.
"Sorry for running from you earlier." You finally broke the silence, addressing him and making his strange eyes focus on you for the first time since he'd seen you a few hours earlier.
"No....You had every right to do what you did... You were really willing to leave town to avoid me?" He asked, hurt creeping into his voice as you thought and shook your head, your shoulders sagging slightly.
"To protect you. I didn't trust myself to not say something to somebody, or bring it up to you and I just... so I figured that if I left, it would be safer." He listened to your reasoning and he felt his eyes welling up slightly. His foot finally stopping the insistent tapping that he had kept up for hours, leaving his leg sore and aching.
"Thank you. We really appreciate your discretion." Henry piped up, giving you a soft smile and a nod, and you gave him a soft smile back. "I trust I don't need to say that..."
"Yeah, nothing is leaving this room...Or Mr. Afton's house, if he'd still let me stay?" William perked up slightly at that, a small smile on his face as he tipped his head lightly to one side, his ears moving closer together and facing towards you as much as they could.
"Of course Bunny, you're always welcome in my house. Under one request?" He said, watching Henry tense up in the corner of his eye and watching the were-bear shaking his head as you looked up at him curiously, nervously.
"Which is?"
"Can I...Can I hug you, to show you that I'm not quite as scary as I look?" The question was full of nerves, and his foot started tapping again, feeling the cold concrete under his paw pads before watching you picking your way around the desks towards him, making his heart beat rapidly in his chest.
Yours was also beating rapidly as you managed to make it around to his desk, standing besides him and looking as you realised that you still had to look up at him even whilst he was sitting. Your arms opened up and you wrapped your arms around his barrel chest carefully, feeling some of his shirt give under your touch as you realised you were compressing fur. His large hands and arms wrapping around you gently too, giving a soft squeeze as he placed his head on top of yours and closed his eyes, huffing happily.
Henry looked at the two of you, his friend and their new confidant, the way you held each other and raised an eyebrow as he realised that you had feelings for the giant rabbit too. He wondered if you had been flirting with William and the incubus has simply been blind to it in his fixation.
Sighing, he picked up his cellphone and began to text somebody, wondering how he could get the pair of blind idiots to see that they were harbouring mutual feelings for each other.
It was going to be a long run up to Valentines.
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fatehbaz · 5 months
They’ve built a “Great Wheel” on the Seattle waterfront [...].
The small timber village became a military outpost in the Puget Sound War [...], [and] soon evolved into a trade gateway, with timber tailings and other industrial trash from Henry Yesler’s mill used to fill in the marshlands [...], atop which migrant laborers raised tents and shanties [...] now working to feed raw materials into the furnaces of the Second Industrial Revolution burning in the East. [...] The first nationwide strike ripped across the country’s railways in 1877, but in Seattle the unrest took on a grim character, as thousands of unemployed white workers rioted against their Chinese counterparts [...]. Meanwhile, [...] local elites rebuilt [...] downtown [...] from scratch, hosting the tallest building on the West Coast alongside other new constructs [fueled] with money gleaned from the supply chains linking eastern capital to Alaskan gold. [...] Today the city - again rebuilt [...] - is seen as one of the primary beneficiaries of the “Fifth” Industrial Revolution in information technology, outshone only by California’s Silicon Valley. [...] The digital was increasingly thought of as somehow "immaterial," sustained by intellectual labor more than physical toil [...].
Silicon Valley myths of [...] "immaterial" labor disguise a more gruesome dynamic in which growing segments of the global labor force are being deprived even of the basic brutality of the wage, instead forced out into growing rings of slums, prisons, and global wastelands. [...]
Perched alongside a downtown business corridor [...], Seattle's Great Wheel seems to peer out over [...] [the] prophesied “cooperative commons,” an infotech metropolis abutting the beauty of an evergreen arcadia. But travel below Seattle’s cluster of infotech industries and the image appears much the same as that of a hundred years prior - a trade gateway, squeezing value from supply chains by selling transport and logistical support. The southern stretch of the metropolis bears little resemblance to the revitalized urban core of the city proper. Instead of the “cognitive labor” of Microsoft, it is defined instead by the cold calculation of companies like UPS, founded in Seattle when the city was one link in a colonial supply chain built first for timber, then Alaskan gold, then World War. [...]
In south Seattle, this logistics empire takes the form of faceless warehouses, food processing facilities, container trucks, rail yards, and industrial parks concentrated between two seaports, an international airport, three major interstates, and railroads traveling in all directions. Meanwhile, the poor have been priced out of the old inner city, moving southward [...]. [T]hey can be found staffing the airport and the rail yards, hauling cargo in and out of two the major seaports, loading boxes in warehouses [...]. And, beyond them, the shadow stretches out to Washington’s rural hinterlands where migrant laborers staff a new boom in agriculture and raw materials [...] - and further still into America’s long-depressed interior, where the Great Wheel meets its opposite: Memphis, the FedEx logistics city, watched over by a great black pyramid [the infamous Bass Pro Shop pyramid]. [...]
Every Seattle is capable of creating an eco-friendly, “cooperative commonwealth” tended by apps and algorithms only insofar as there is a Memphis that can provide human workers to sort the packages, a Shanghai to build the containers that carry them, and a Shenzhen to solder together the circuits of the machines that govern it all.
All text above by: Phil A. Neel. "The Great Wheel". Brooklyn Rail. April 2015. Published online at: brooklynrail.org/2015/04/field-notes/the-great-wheel. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Text within brackets added by me for clarity. Presented here for commentary, teaching, personal use, criticism purposes.]
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viking-raider · 1 year
The Golden Egg - Cotton Candy Fluff
Summary: It's Easter! So, you and Henry have an Easter Egg Hunt. One for Kal, then go head-to-head against each other, to see who can find their eggs the fastest.
But what happens, when Henry finds the Golden Egg, you left him.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Goodness, Soft!Henry, Fluff, Kal, Short Person Joke, Competition, Easter, Competitive!Henry, Domestic Bliss, Instagraming, Surprise Ending
Inspiration: It's Easter. I wrote this in an hour. This video of Good.Boy.Ollie on instagram.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy! @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY
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“So, explain this to me again?” Henry laughed, folding his arms over his heaving chest, as he laughed.
“I wanna do an Easter Egg hunt for Kal.” You repeat to yourself, narrowing your eyes at your near hysterical boyfriend.
“The Bear doesn't get the concept of Easter, let alone an Easter Egg hunt, babe.” He howled, his curly head rolling back with its mirth.
“So!” You huffed, pouting at him. “I think it's cute. I also want us to do one. To see who can find the most. The fastest.”
Henry sobered up a tad at that. “All right, babe. You're on.” He smirked, cupping your face in his hands and gently kissing your forehead. “Which do you want to do first?”
“Done.” He nodded, dropping his hands and looking over the colorful sea of plastic eggs and prizes to put inside of them, that you'd come home with a short time before. “You know, my fans would absolutely eat this all up.” He remarked to himself, biting the corner of his lip and thinking it over, then glanced at you.
“Can I film it?”
“If you want to, Puppy.” You replied, grabbing a four pack of jumbo eggs and ripped it open.
“Sweet, I'll be right back. While you figure out what you're doing--” He waved his hands over the cluttered dining table. “Here.” He chuckled, before rushing off.
Looking over the prizes, you picked out a cute dog toy. It was made of rubber and looked like a throwing stick. You had gotten it cause Kal was a beast of a chewer, when it came to his toys, and this one was supposed to be nearly indestructible. Fitting it inside the bright yellow, jumbo egg, you dropped a couple of Kal's favorite peanut butter and blueberry treats in with it, so he had something to sniff out, then closed it.
You had a reasonable amount of the eggs filled up for the hunts, when Henry finally came back into the dining room, kissing the back of your bent head.
“Everything is set up.” He informed you, casting his eyes over the booty. “You want some help?”
“That would be nice, thank you.” You replied, tilting your head back, smiling appreciatively at him.
“Is there a method to your madness?” He asked, pulling up a chair beside you.
“The eggs on the right are Kal's.” You motioned to the cluster. “I don't fancy getting a squeak toy or dog biscuits, during my hunt.”
Henry's face twisted and he shook his head. “No, I don't either.” He snorted, dropping some chocolates into the egg he grabbed.
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“All right, here we go!” Henry exclaimed, grinning, as the two of you finished hiding the eggs, all while his phone recorded on a tripod, he planned on editing everything down later on. “Kal!” He called out and smiled, as the Bear came charging through the open slider and into the backyard.
“Are you ready to do your hunting?” He asked, bending over to scratch the Akita all over.
You and Henry had made sure to hide his eggs in, more or less, obvious places. But a couple had Kal working for them, like one small egg slipped between the braided fabric of his rope pull. Kal was slow at first, sniffing at the eggs, letting out little snorts as his nose picked up the scent of his treats inside of them. You were worried for a bit, that it was a flop. Making your heart sink. But when Kal found the stick toy, it was as if something magical sparked inside the Akita.
And he went wild.
Kal started zooming around the entire yard, diving into the manicured bushes and making them shake as he ran between them and the border fence. He rooted around the patio furniture, nearly knocking over Henry's big, green grill for a hot pink egg that was there; containing three different treats. He finally tackled the last egg, one of the jumbos, behind a large stone planter.
Bouncing around it so ecstatically, Henry couldn't take it from him to open and reveal what was inside.
“Kal.” Henry cracked up. “Let's see what Mama put in it for you, Bear!” He finally managed to swipe it away from the pup and crack it open, discovering the surprise. “Oh my god! Look, Kal!” He dissolved into a fresh fit of laughter, holding out a plush, taffy-pink, pig.
Kal bounced on his front paws, so he stood on his back legs and took the toy out of Henry's hand, finding the noise maker with his mighty jaws and causing the lightly stuffed pig to scream out a stream of oinks.
“Do you like it, Bear?” You giggled, grinning at him, relieved that Kal's egg hunt had ended so well.
“That pig is going to drive us bonkers, until he murders it.” Henry said, wiping tears from his bearded face.
“I know it is, but I couldn't help buying it.” You confessed, watching Kal go to town on the poor thing. “Look how cute it is, and he clearly loves it.”
“Right, well.” Henry sighed, composing himself. “Kal's hunt is over. Now, it's time for our Battle Egg-royal!” He proclaimed, a competitive expression coming over his face. “You're going first. So, go inside and I'll hide your eggs.”
“Very well.” You nodded, kissing his cheek.
“Mind yourself!” He called, as you headed inside with Kal. “No cheating!”
“I would never!” You huffed back at him, feigning insult.
Henry grabbed the basket of eggs he had made for you and got to work hiding them all over the backyard, pausing in front of camera for a moment, a cheeky look on his face, even though it wasn't live, he couldn't help it.
“No, watching my stream, babe!” He laughed, then went back to hiding the rest of his eggs.
Satisfied with where his eggs were, Henry opened the slider and called you back outside.
“I have the stopwatch pulled up on my mobile.” You said, handing it over to Henry.
“All right.” He nodded, taking it from you. “Ready. Set.”
He stood there for a moment and you stared at him.
“Huh? Oh, right. GO!”
Rolling your eyes, you shot off the patio and started searching the area. Henry trailing after you. You found the first egg balanced on a stone column that a pot of flowers were situated on. Shaking it, you heard the egg-shaped chocolates inside. Henry held out your Easter basket, so you could store your found eggs and not worry about holding them or accidentally rediscovering them. You found a jumbo egg next, inside Henry's grill, which had you giggling.
“Oh, that's so cruel, Henry.” You huffed, finding your last three eggs lined up in a row, on top of the fence, out of your reach.
Henry smiled at you, triumphantly, his nose wrinkling cutely. “Hop, short stuff.”
“You'll pay for this later, Cavill.” You warned, narrowing your eyes at him and jumped for the eggs, just managing to grab them, without knocking them into the neighbor's yard on the other side.
“I doubt you can put anything out of my reach, Bean.” Henry quipped, winking at you, then glanced down at your phone. “Eighteen minutes.” He smiled, kissing your cheek. “Not a bad time, babe.”
“Thank you, now get your butt out of the yard!” You said, pointing towards the house.
“Yes, ma'am.” He nodded, obediently. “I'll take your basket inside with me.”
Biting your lip, you glanced around the yard and quickly got to work, trying to find the hardest places for him to find his eggs. Wanting payback for the shenanigans of those eggs on the fence. You even moved a few eggs a couple times, feeling like they were too easy to find, before you finally let Henry come back into the yard with you.
“It took you longer to hide them, than find them, sugar butt.” Henry commented, amused as he scanned the yard, trying to give himself a head start.
“I wasn't making it easy for you.” You said, setting up the stopwatch. “Ready. Steady. Go!” You barked, jumping up and down.
Henry quickly hurried off the patio, his first target was his grill. You had put an egg there for Kal and he had put one there for you. So, he had felt you'd follow that theme. But, alas, when he opened the hammered dome, he found it egg free. Eyes narrowing, he looked around and under it as well.
Still, no egg.
“Come on, Puppy.” You laughed, wickedly. “I said, I wasn't going to make it easy on you.”
“True.” He hummed back, shooting a narrow eyed look at you, before slowly scanning the yard again. “AH-HUH!” He exclaimed, spotting a small point of neon yellow under the hedge, that led towards the side of the house.
Making for the egg, Henry happened to catch the flicker of something out of the corner of his eye in the process and came to an abrupt stop. Turning towards it, he gently parted the flowers in the stone planter and reached inside, plucking out a pastel green egg. He held it up with a smirk, his blue eyes sparkling in the mid-afternoon sun.
“Two already!” He said, dropping the egg in his basket, and grabbed the other one.
From there, your strategy steadily went downhill. He found three more eggs within a span of a minute and five after that. You looked down at the stopwatch and felt your stomach clench. Henry's hunt was six minutes in and he had found almost all his eggs, leaving him on course to beat you.
“There you are, little bugger.” Henry grinned, finding the turquoise egg in the drain spout. “What's the time, love?” He asked, dropping it into the basket with the rest.
“Fifteen minutes.” You informed him, sighing.
Henry's arms shot up into the air. “Yes, I win!” He grinned, wiggling his muscular body in a victory dance.
“No.” You shook your head at him.
“What?” He frowned at you. “You found your last egg in eighteen minutes and I just found mine at fifteen, baby.” He explained to you, his arms falling back to his sides. “I beat you by three minutes.”
“But you missed one, Bear.” You told him, calmly.
“Where?” Henry snapped, blinking at you.
“Right there.” You said, pointing to a gold egg resting peacefully in the grass, at the edge of the paving stones, near his grill.
Henry's eyes narrowed at you. “What is this, babe?” He asked slowly, cocking his head at you. “There wasn't one there, when I started my egg hunt.”
“I don't know what to tell you.” You remarked, biting the inside of your cheek, fighting the twitching of your lips. “Perhaps you need glasses, old man.” You teased, as he crossed over to the egg. “Why don't you open it?” You suggested, once he had it in his hand.
“You do know it's Easter and not April Fool's day, don't you, honey?” He asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at you.
“Oh, I do.” You nodded, finally allowing yourself to smile at him.
Henry looked at his still recording phone. “If this thing blows up, you know who to blame, guys.” He quipped, popping open the plastic egg and found a folded piece of paper inside. “What, are you proposing to me?” He chuckled, saying it for shock value.
That was until he finished unfolding the paper and concentrated on what it was.
You move to stand before Henry, smiling up at him, while his mouth gently fell open and his eyes grew. “Happy Easter, Henry.” You cooed at him, resting your hands on his hips.
“Is this-” He gulped thickly, looking between you and the paper. “Is this—real?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded, tearing up, seeing his blue eyes start to glisten and his breathing shutter as he became choked up, emotional. “I found out last week.” You explained to him, taking the sonogram from him. “So, I thought this would be the coolest way to tell you. To train you for future Easter egg hunts with the help of our four legged son.”
Henry caught you up in his arms and spun you around, his blue eyes blurred with tears of overwhelming happiness, while burying his face into your neck as he held you tight against his body. He sniffled into your neck and you hugged him tight, feeling content.
“Christ alive, I love you.” Henry cried, tears dripping down his bearded face, as he set you back down on your feet, then looked over at his phone, just then remembering it was recording. “We're pregnant!” He announced, beaming.
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directdogman · 8 months
1. IF they were different universes, then why is there literally a dlc for roger and peter and the redturaunt from three is mentioned, along with jake
2. This could all be Easter eggs, yes, but my little brain wont let it go, so,, help?
Different universes, but with some shared characters, specifically the original characters that were written by me without 1:1 equivalents. It would be copyright infringement to include a character in DSaF called 'phone guy' or to have a phone headed guy with the same backstory as the canon character in the actual FNaF timeline, or to tie their backstories in with events ripped from FNaF lore. Bear is also not the restaurant from DSaF 3 in almost any sense, it just shares a name. They're essentially easter eggs, yeah.
And they couldn't be the same universe because:
1)The years don't line up. Peter is dead by the time DSaF 3 takes place, by the 2020's, which is also when DT is set. Peter would also be like 90(?) by the time DT rolled around, if alive. All of the holdovers in DT were born way later than their DSaFcarnates.
2)DSaF takes place out west, DT is set in the midwest and the references are localized to WI.
3)Freddy Fazbear (and FNaF elements) do not exist in DT's universe. There's no haunted robots (hell, 'bear' doesn't even have animatronics.) The phone headed guys share names and some backstory elements with their DSaFcarnates, but nothing related to FNaF's canon. Closest would be Harry and Peter working at generic pizzerias at different points, but these are just nods to my other work, and the restaurants aren't the same, and they don't have animatronics in them. Springlocks don't exist. Henry doesn't exist. The puppet doesn't exist, and virtually every event in the DSaF/FNaF timelines don't have equivalents in DT canon. It wouldn't be legal for these elements to exist in DT's lore and they wouldn't serve much use anyway.
4)Dialtown's lore has everyone getting phoneified in the 60's, which would obviously completely break DSaF's timeline. The two canons are directly incompatible. DT's story is original and too divergent/removed from DSaF's to reconcile the two canons.
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crazyunsexycool · 11 months
My Little Love
Chapter 28
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!Reader
Word Count: 3.7K
Warning: MAJOR ANGST, sad everyone, explosions, gunfire, major character deaths, talks of injuries, a child using a gun (you'll see) cliffhanger
A/N: I am kind of sorry for this...
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Pillows were laid out, blankets were ready for use, snacks were prepared and everyone was in their comfiest pajamas. Alpine was snuggled up to Henry and Lottie was snuggled up against you. 
🎶 “Life is a highway 
I wanna ride it all night long. 
If you’re going my way
Well, I wanna drive it all night long.”🎶 The three of you sang along to the movie. 
“Can habe mo’ mama?” Lottie lifts up the bowl you’d used for popcorn.
“Sure thing, Sweet Angel. Do you want some more bubs?” 
“Yes please.” 
“I’ll be right back.” You grab the bowl and your phone and head to the kitchen. 
After throwing a bag of popcorn into the microwave you look at your phone. There’s some messages in your family group chat but none from Bucky. You’re itching to text him just to give him encouragement. This has to be incredibly difficult for him, it would be for you too. These were the people that had a hand in creating his kids. In abusing and hurting them with the hopes of creating monsters. 
The microwave beeps letting you know that it’s done. You turn your attention to that instead and decide that Bucky doesn’t need a distraction. 
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There was a weight on your midsection and a second later a blood curdling scream. That woke you up with a start. When your eyes adjusted to the darkness you realized Lottie was sitting on top of you. Her hands were gripping your shirt hard enough to rip it. You were disoriented for a moment before you remembered you had been in the living room watching tv and must have fallen asleep. Another sob from Lottie gets your attention. She’s panting as she calls out for you over and over again. 
“Shh it’s ok sweet Angel, mama’s right here.” You sat up and brought your knees up to lay her back as you tried to sooth her. 
“Bubba, bubba.” 
“I’m right here Lottie. You’re ok, you’re safe.” 
“Mama?” Henry’s sleepy voice breaks your focus for just a moment as you look at him. Alpine curled up in his back as she slept. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know honey, maybe she’s having a vision.” 
“Mama.” Charlotte cried this time and then her eyes shifted to look straight at you. It felt more like she was seeing through you.
“Hey baby, you’re ok. What did you see? Can you tell me?” 
“Mama.” She said with a hiccup. Her hands were on your temple and she put her foreheads to yours.
The morning light peaks through the curtains as Lottie opens her eyes slowly. With a yawn and stretch she sat up and  admired her Barbie pajamas. There’s a teddy bear snug in her arm and she’s  sitting in a pile of pillows. When she looks to the side she finds Henry sleeping with Alpine snuggled up on his back. When Lottie looks towards the kitchen she sees you moving around. As best she can, Lottie stands with the intention of making her way to you.   
“Warning. Incoming projectile. Warning. incoming projectile.” Friday announced.
Metal blinds start to lower over the windows and Lottie whimpers, scared of what’s going on. 
“Henry, Charlotte.” She heard you calling them and running toward the living room. 
You barely make it to them and throw yourself over their smaller frames when a blast rings throughout the room. 
There was ringing in Lottie’s ears as she began to regain consciousness. There’s rubble and smoke and small fires springing up in the living room. Through crying and coughing Lottie sits up. Your arm is thrown over her but your eyes are closed. 
“Mama?” Lottie calls you but you don’t stir. 
She pulls herself from your grip and she winces when she gets up. Her once pink pajamas are now crimson. When she lifts up her top there’s an ugly gash on her belly.
“Mama no seeping.” She shakes you but still no response. “Bubba?” 
Lottie looks over at her brother and begins to cry. He lays next to you, lifeless. His eyes opened and glazed over with blood around his mouth and nose. There was a bang at the door and then another. 
“Mama, Mama.” Lottie shook you, crying as she called out your name. 
A group of men all dressed in black, a red skull with tentacles emblazoned on their uniforms barge in. One of the men grabs Charlotte. She tries to wiggle, punch and kick her way out of their hold but to no avail, she's carried out while she cries and tries to reach for you in hopes that you will save her. 
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You gasp as you pull away from Lottie’s hold. Her bottom lip trembles as she looks at you. 
“Oh my sweet Angel it’s ok. I’m going to keep you safe. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.” You pull her into your chest and rub her back until she calms down.
“What happened mama?” 
“She just saw something bad. But now I know what it is and we can make it better.” You kiss the top of Lottie’s head and then pull Henry to your side. “I need your help sweet boy. I need you to go and change out of your pjs and into outside clothes and shoes.”
“Ok Mama.” 
Henry gets up and runs to his room while you get up and go to Lottie’s. She clings to you and you have to reassure her that nothing is going to happen. After finally getting her dressed you change into something more suitable. 
“Let’s go Henry.” You call out from the door, he runs to meet you with Alpine in his arms. You smile at him and let him walk out first before looking at your apartment for what may be the last time. 
“Yes sweet Angel?”  
“Bad men coming. Want dada.” Her usually bright and happy eyes are now full of concern and fear and it kills you.
“Yes they are, but mama is going to keep you safe until daddy gets back.” 
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“Hill.” You call out as you burst through the command room doors with Henry and Charlotte following close behind. 
“Y/L/N, now is not a good time.”
“You can’t get a hold of them can you?” 
Hill looks from one of the monitors to you with a furrowed brow. She nods towards an empty office and you follow her in with the kids. 
“How did you know?” 
“This is what happened on my first mission after we found Charlotte, remember?” 
“They’re flying into a trap.” She says.
“Not necessarily a trap but a distraction.”
“What do you mean?” She crosses her arms over her chest. 
You explain everything you saw in Lottie’s vision, giving as much detail as possible. Some parts make Lottie upset again but you have to get them out anyway. It’s not just yours and the kid’s lives that are at stake, Tony doubled the agents while they left for your protection but if Hydra was able to get in quickly that means they had the firepower to get through anyone. 
“And they’re after the kids?”
“It seemed like it.” 
“We have to do something.” Hill sighs. “We can’t just evacuate, they could have eyes on us right now, but you have to leave.”
“I have a way to get out.”
“But where will you go?” 
“The tower. Tony reinforced it after Loki’s attack on New York and Hydra won’t think we’d go there.” 
“We tell no one, the less people know the better your chances of getting out safely.” 
“And the team?” You ask, since the vision you haven’t been able to stop thinking about Bucky. When he gets back he’ll think the worst and it’ll kill you to not be able to let him know right away that you and the kids are ok. 
“I’ll let Bucky know of the plan and have him meet you there.” Maria gives you a reassuring smile. “As for the rest of us, we'll prepare to give Hydra a fight when they walk through those doors. That should distract them enough so that you can get away.”
“Thank you Maria.” 
For the next hour you and Maria make a plan to fight back and an exit strategy. If anything goes wrong from the compound to the tower you are going to need someone to know more or less your backup plan. 
“Stay safe, I’ll see you soon.” 
With a nod you leave and take the kids with you. You head back to your apartment to grab some last minute things. Their teddy bears and favorite blankets, things that will give them comfort and then you head straight for Bucky’s personal garage. Tony had set it up after you gave him the motorcycle for father’s day. Bucky happens to keep another car in there. One he prepared for something like this. It held supplies for the four of you, and Alpine. It was fitted with weapons and bullet proof everything but no tracking system that anyone could hack. Bucky had started working on it shortly after finding Henry. He always told you Hydra wouldn’t give them up so easily.
The kids were buckled in and Charlotte had finally fallen asleep. Henry sat quietly next to her, holding her hand for comfort. You sat in the driver's seat, completely alert of your surroundings. The car was parked in the woods of the compound. Close enough to see the main building but still hidden from prying eyes. There were agents going on with their early morning routine but considering they were armed to the teeth you knew Maria had gone through with an emergency briefing. 
As soon as the first rays of sun peeked over the horizon you turned the car on and started to drive off. It wasn’t until you got to a private, lesser known entry point that you heard it. 
The explosion. 
You’re still not sure how Charlotte managed to show you her vision but the thought of you not being able to protect them brought tears to your eyes. Soon enough in the distance there was gunfire and more explosions and you picked up speed to get as far away as you could. It was easy to leave the compound with the fight going on. 
You don’t look back, your focus is to get to the tower. 
You had just gotten into the city. Hopefully you'll be able to get to the tower soon and it would be easier to keep track of what was going on at the compound from there. You could also keep an eye out for the team from the tower. During the drive down you kept a police scanner going so that you could be aware of any accidents or closed roads so that you could change directions easier. 
What you heard was much worse. 
There was an amber Alert out for the kids and your description as the kidnapper along with a description of the car you were in. Police were advised to use any force necessary to bring you down. Of course Hydra would still have some people within police departments to use at their will.
“Mama what’s wrong?” Henry asked from behind you. 
“We can’t go to the tower baby.” 
“Where are we gonna go then?” 
“To see the only person I can trust right now.” You look at him through the rear view mirror. 
As soon as you can you get back on the highway and head up north. It’s risky to be on the highway but you’d rather the highway where there are witnesses than a backroad where there would be no one and hydra could definitely get you there. 
“Yeah sweet boy?” 
“There are cars following us.” Henry says. “They have been for a few minutes now.” 
“Are you sure?” You look at your side and rear view mirrors to get a look at the cars. 
“Yeah, they’ve changed lanes when you have and they change their speed when you do.” 
“Fuck.” You hit the steering wheel. The last thing you need is a gunfight on a highway. 
You decide to lose them and swerve among the cars until there is enough distance between you and them. Through the traffic you manage to get some distance and you don’t stop until you come to a traffic jam. Your heart is beating out of your chest as you have to slow down. The police scanner goes off talking about a small accident. You flick your wrist and make a way for your own car. 
You’re creating more distance and you’re past the accident. Cars are clearing out of your way as you speed down the highway when a car comes speeding up behind you. You take a deep breath and prepare to make a move at the right moment. With another flick of your wrist you manage to make the other car flip. Unfortunately you now have about four SUVs on your tail again and a crying Lottie who woke up from the noise. 
Henry grabs the gun from your bag sitting on the passenger’s side and then the suppressor. He puts them together and checks for bullets.
“Henry, give me that. It’s not a toy.” 
“I know it’s not a toy mama. I can help.” He says and then he disappears.
 His window rolls down. With one arm wrapped around his seatbelt Henry leans out of the window.
“Henry, get back in your seat, please baby.” You call out but you can’t do much other than weave through traffic and try to stay steady. 
A shot goes off and out of the side mirror you see one of the SUVs swerve off course and hit a barrier. With three more quick shots Henry has effectively stopped Hydra from pursuing you, for now at least. 
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“Are you ok sweet Angel?” You ask as you hug Charlotte.
“Am scared. Want dada.” 
“I know sweet Angel, me too.” You smooth out her hair. 
Her now thick and healthy and shiny black hair that fell just to her shoulders. It grew quickly but that’s what the serum’s doing. She had grown so much in the very few short months since you’d found her. Lottie looked like a whole different child. So did Henry. They had both gained a healthy amount of weight, their cheeks were rosy, they smiled easily, and they knew what love was. Now all of that was in danger and you felt helpless in all of it by not having Bucky at your side. He would know what to do and where to go. 
“It’s ok baby we’re safe with mama.” Henry said from his seat next to you. 
You had the SUV parked in a wooded area away from street views and roads. The kids needed a break and so did you. Besides, you were already where you needed to be, you were in your hometown.
“Where are we going after this?” 
“We are going to meet up with your dad.”
“An Steebie?” 
“Yes and Steebie.” You tell Charlotte and smile. 
You glance at the clock on the car radio and sigh. 
“Ok guys, stay here and Henry, keep yourself and Charlotte invisible until I get back. Can you do that?” 
He nods. You lean forward and kiss his forehead and then Lottie’s. She moves to sit with her brother. Henry holds her hand and then they’re gone from your sight. 
You run to where you need to be and make it to the edge of the forest easily. There at the edge you stand behind a tree and watch. A few cars pass by the small road but your eyes are on the building across the street. When you see who you’re waiting for you step out so that you can be seen. 
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?” Your dad asks as soon as he gets to you. It didn’t take him long to spot you and he ran over. 
“Dad.” You sob as he hugs you, pulling you away from the street. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I need your help.”
“What is it? Was it Bucky? Did he hurt you? Because I’ll kill him if he did.” He says as he pulls away from you. 
“No dad, he’s on a mission. It’s hydra.”
“The people that hurt him and the kids?”
You nod. “Come on.” You lead him back to the SUV and explain everything on the walk back. 
“What do you need me to do?”  
“I need you to take the kids back to the city, to the Avenger’s tower specifically.”
“What about you?”
“Hydra thinks I have the kids so I’ll let them believe that. I’ll lead them as far away as possible to give you a chance to get to the tower. Maria Hill will be there and hopefully so will the team. The kids will be safer there.” 
“And then what?” Your dad asks but you can see that he already knows the answer. 
“You send the team to come get me but not Bucky. The kids are going to need him and you tell him I said that.” You say as you get to the car. The door opens and the kids jump out. 
Eddie gets on one knee and hugs the kids. You take a deep breath to try and calm yourself before you cry in front of the kids. 
“Will you do this for me?” 
“Of course I will kitten. Are you sure you can’t just come with us?”
“It’ll be safer for them if I lead the men following us away.” 
“Ok. I have some old military buddies that will drive down with me for extra protection. We’ll get them there.” Eddie pulls you in for another hug. 
The realization hits you. This might be the last time you ever see him again so you hug him tighter. When you pull back you see tears in his eyes and you give him a sad smile before turning to go back to the SUV. You grab the kids’ backpacks and Alpine and you give them to your dad. 
“I’ll give you a minute.” 
You kneel in front of the kids. First you bring Charlotte in for a hug. You kiss her temple and hum a lullaby to calm her down from the small sobs that are starting to escape her. 
“Mama, bad man take you.” She declares with tears in her eyes.
“It’s ok. I love you so much baby. You are so smart and good, sweet, funny. You’re always going to be my sweet Angel.” 
“I lobe you mama.” Charlotte says before kissing your cheek. “Best mama.” 
“Go with grandpa and be good, ok.” 
You watch as Charlotte runs to your dad and hugs him. Then you turn your attention to Henry. 
“C’mere.” You stretch out your hand for him to take but Henry throws himself against you, his arms wrapped around your neck and he cries. “It’s ok baby. Everything will be just fine.” 
“I can go with you. I can keep you safe mama.”
“I’ll be just fine.”
“You can’t go, you can’t leave us.” Henry cries harder.
“I’m not leaving you.”
“But baby said the bad men take you. They’re going to hurt you if they do.”
“I know but I can change that now that I know what’s supposed to happen. Listen to me.” You pull away and hold him by his shoulders before cupping his face and wiping tears away. “I need you to go with grandpa and Lottie ok. I need you to keep them safe, you have to keep your baby safe. Can you do that for me?”
“Good. I love you so much my sweet boy. I know this is scary but we’ll see each other soon and this will all just be a nightmare.” You kiss his cheek. “My sweet, brave, kind boy. Tell your dad that this wasn’t his fault ok? Whenever you see him sad.”
“Go with your grandpa and keep Charlotte safe ok.”
He nods again. With his head down Henry walks towards Eddie. He puts on his backpack and takes Alpine in one hand while holding Lottie’s in the other. He fades in and out as they walk away from you. 
Then you turn and get in the car. You already know your fate, hydra takes you. But you’re willing to give yourself up if it means that Henry and Charlotte never have to face them again.
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You’re pulled by your hair out of a tub of ice cold water. It feels like thousands of needles are pricking your skin. You try to take a breath and take a moment to look at your surroundings but you can’t. A few seconds later you’re dunked into water again. Your hands are tied behind your back and you have a few broken ribs as well as cuts, scrapes, maybe even a concussion and a dislocated shoulder. In addition to all of that they must have given you some type of sedative because it’s very hard to stay awake and stay focused. Hydra had caught up to you and they managed to get some type of explosive under the car. It was the only way they were able to get the upper hand. As long as the kids and your father got to the tower safely you didn’t care, you just hoped that Bucky wouldn’t blame himself. 
You get pulled out of the water again and this time you’re dragged somewhere else. They force you onto your knees as you cough up water. Finally you can actually breathe. There are footsteps that stop right in front of you but you couldn’t care less as to who it is. Hydra is all scum and they’ll all die once Bucky and the team find you. Sharp nails dig into your cheeks as the person before you grabs your face and moves your head so that you’ll look at them.
“I had lost all hope that I could turn you into what you were meant to be.” 
You stare incredulously up at your captor. Disbelief and anger surge through you but you only manage to say one thing.
Ch 29
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macbooth · 1 year
full of childish whimsy in a hostile fashion tonight so here’s every shakespeare clown i can think of and whether or not i think i’d beat them in a fight
(i do not mean fools i mean clowns. they do not need to be the secret genius of the play. if they are stupid in every way shape or form i am including them here)
Puck (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) No chance. Bro’s got that magic and ALSO has a big strong scary fairy king as his bear, like, do not separate them. If I even tried throwing hands at this cunt I’d get torn to shreds and used as glitter dude, I’d be over. 0/10
Nick Bottom (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) I could but I’d feel bad. I also think he’d put up a really solid fight. Like this is out of donkey form, bro was a physical worker. Like I reckon I could win a fight with some of the tradies I’ve seen but I don’t think it’d be easy. Also he’s just really dumb so I would feel a little bad. Donkey form though, I’m running away. Scary as shit. I am afraid of horses though. 6.5/10
Touchstone (As You Like It) Absolutely I could beat the shit out of this man. I hate him so much. Full of hostility towards this fucker. His clothes aren’t even subtle I could find this bitch in the forest no time and hunt him down and rip him to shreds, fuckin court jester doesn’t even have the roughness of the country on his side. 9/10 (-1 point cause he definitely fights dirty but I just hate him so much I’d win)
Jaques (As You Like It) First off he’s absolutely a clown. Second off I’ve played him before so my word is gospel. Third off bro has no fucking chance against me. He’s a podcast bro who thinks I don’t know that Tame Impala is one dude. I’d ask him why we can’t print more money and he would explode instantly and it would be the funniest thing he did with his life. 10/10
Audrey & Corin (As You Like It) I’m lumping these two together cause in the show I did they were one character (and I also played them). I wouldn’t even want to fight these two. And even if I wanted to Audrey would absolutely be able to beat the shit out of me and I would thank her. Our setting was in semi-modern country Australia, that girl would have a shotgun. 2/10
Autolycus (Winter’s Tale) Just like Jaques to me. He might be a little bit harder because he’d change costume and I’d get confused because I have no object permanence but other than that what has he got. Bitterness? Resentment? Bitch so did I when I was 15 grow up experience love. 8/10
Falstaff (Henry IV parts 1 & 2, Merry Wives of Windsor) I don’t actually know about this one but he is very punchable. I feel like he’d let me punch him and I think one punch would be enough for me. I think that would satisfy my urge to punch him. He may be a knight but let’s be honest he’s shit at it so I stand by this. 4/10 (just cause I don’t really give a shit)
The Dromios (Comedy of Errors) I absolutely could beat them in a fight but I would feel So Bad. You see how they’re literally already treated in the play, I wanna give them a break. That being said they’re both kinda dicks but they’re going through it already so I’d wanna give them a breather. I would win though, even if they both were attacking at once. 7/10
Launcelot Gobbo (Merchant of Venice) He’s such a prick but I would be laughing too hard at his name to fight him. Bro’s name is Gobbo. Bro’s name is basically Gobby. Imagine being named Blowjob. I would lose my mind. I would laugh so so hard I would collapse. My heart would fail. Biggest L name out there bro. Launcelot Gobbo oh my god. 3/10
Launce (Two Gentlemen of Verona)  Nah man he has an attack dog. I don’t care what breed of dog Crab is in a production I fully believe he would kill for Launce, that’s just their dynamic. I understand them better than anyone else (I have a dog). Also he’s already working for Proteus, is that not punishment enough? 4/10
Speed (Two Gentlemen of Verona) I mean I definitely could fight him. I don’t imagine he’s got much fighting experience. But once again, he has to deal with Valentine which does feel like it would be cruel to inflict more onto him. Like Valentine’s not as bad as Proteus but fuck is he stupid. Also if I accidentally flubbed a punch Speed could absolutely tear me a new asshole with his words and I would sob and cry and literally never recover. 4/10
The Porter (Macbeth) Fuck no. Bro definitely has a knife on him at all times. I can’t explain why I think this I just do. He works night shift, he definitely doesn’t get paid enough for his dog shit job, he would absolutely try to stab me just to spice up his evening without me starting a fight. 1/10
Trinculo (Tempest) Yes. Sorry, you’re Russell Brand? L. I could kick your ass. And he’s like drunk for half the show, and almost fucked a fish. I doubt his judgement is good enough to say the alphabet backwards let alone dodge a punch. He couldn’t even get Caliban to kick my ass (who definitely could by the way) cause Caliban fucking hates him. Bro, failwife to Stephano should pay more. But it doesn’t. 8.5/10
Dogberry (Much Ado About Nothing) Without Verges? Yes. With Verges? No way. Those two are a power couple in the dumbest possible way. He would absolutely try to get me arrested though but I simply would not go to prison. What’s he gonna do? Send me to prison? I’m already not going. 7/10
Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet) No chance. Unless Romeo fucked up so bad like he did in the actual play, I would have no chance against this dude. I wouldn’t even want to even if I could. I’m a Benvolio stan first and foremost and a person second you think I’d wanna fight his bestie? Only exception is if it was an actual fight club and not just a pure fight out of hatred. I feel like Mercutio could give Brad Pitt Fight Club Realness, outfits included.  I would still lose though. 2.5/10
Don Adriano De Armado (Love’s Labour’s Lost) I reckon I could wreck this dude’s shit. You know that gif where the fuckin dude is doing all these cool sword moves and then he just gets shot? You know the one. I forgot where it’s from but you know the one. That would be this fight. Armado would bust out his flair, his razzle dazzle, his pizzaz, and I would just deck him I think. That’s the power you need in this world, I think. Power of fist to face. Peace and love. <3 8/10
Costard (Love’s Labour’s Lost) I do not think Costard would realise he was being fought even as he was actively getting hit in the face. I know how to say honorificabilitudinitatibus, he doesn’t even have that against me. Bro couldn’t even confuse me with that, I learnt that, like an adult. Anyway yeah I’d kick his ass. 9/10
Holofernes & Sir Nathaniel (Love’s Labour’s Lost) This is the same man to me. I would destroy them both. Fuckin nerds. Flowery ass language nerds. I support gay rights and gay wrongs but the only reason I couldn’t fight those two gay muppets who heckle is cause they’re too far away (in a theatre booth), these two gay muppets who heckle are right in front of me. I’d kick their tweed cladded asses. 10/10
Jaquenetta (Love’s Labour’s Lost) She is just like Audrey to me. I could never bring myself to hurt her. Also she’s pregnant and I feel like it’s fucked up to hit a pregnant woman just for fun. Also she could absolutely wreck my shit. Please wreck my shit Jaquenetta. 0.5/10
Moth (Love’s Labour’s Lost) This little fucker should be an INSTANT knock out but I just know this fucker bites. He’s a shit talking 8 year old? Oh he plays wolves on the playground, I just know it. He plays wolves and he’s definitely been suspended for it, I just know it in my heart. Sure, I could kick him, but he would grab hold of my foot and try to rip it off. We would shake hands and agree to part ways, having met our match. He, who plays wolves, and me, who played fairies, leave the fight with our heads high and respect in our hearts. I am kidding of course but I do think we would tie. 5/10
Lear’s Fool (King Lear) There’s already so much fighting going on, I don’t even think they’d notice if I just started kicking this dude. Not only could I fight him and win, I think I’d get away with it too. I’d win not only physically but socially too. What’s he gonna do? Tell his boss? Bro he’s preoccupied with his whole kingdom crumbling, grow up. 9/10
Lavatch (All’s Well That Ends Well) This is more meta but my hatred of this play would fuel me here. I would fight literally anyone in this play if given the chance, not a joke. I would get in the ring with literally anyone from this play, but honestly, out of them all I weirdly respect Lavatch the most, maybe because he at least knows that he’s a cunt, unlike literally everyone else who Just Suck. I do think he’s probably scrappy though, so I wouldn’t leave unscathed. I also think if he got the upper hand he would be so so awful about it, so I’d really have to fight. 6/10
Sir Toby Belch & Sir Andrew Aguecheek (Twelfth Night)  Andrew is canonically bad at fighting, and honestly I do not believe Toby would be any better. Love both of these guys but if I had to fight them both at once I think I would be able to just move out of the way and they’d bonk each other on the head like a cartoon. They’re just silly guys. 9/10
Maria (Twelfth Night) Every woman clown could beat my ass. Audrey, Jaquenetta, Maria, they are all so special to me and would all also fucking destroy me. Maria especially cause I just know she is full of hate. You don’t hatch a plan like the Malvolio plan unless there’s something deeply worrying about you. She’s a Scorpio to me. <3 I do love her, she’d demolish me. 0/10
Feste (Twelfth Night) Would actually kill me. -5/10
I know I’ve definitely missed some but uhhh don’t expect me to remember every clown even if I’m neurodivergent about these plays please. <3
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caleblandrybones · 9 months
rip henry foster collins you would have loved teddy bears
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I think there’s a ton of rumours both from like parents in Hurricane in the 70s\80s and true crime people after the murders about the nature of Henry and Bill’s relationship- the bar gossip and Facebook discourse is rancid.
It’s all speculation though the only person who’s seen them kiss is Paul and he literally dies instead of quitting his job so I doubt he’d risk being fired over telling anyone. I think he tries to bring them coffee or tell them about complaints or that the police are there and he finds them in all sorts of non-platonic scenarios. He tried bringing it up to Henry once in 87’ while they were drinking and the glare he gave him nearly disintegrated him on the spot- poor guy.
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pukner · 1 year
I just had a thought sorry for spilling it here but platonic stobin s5 steve death with orpheus & eurydice-style plotline of robin pulling some improbable scientific and supernatural strings to get steve back and hahahahah um surprise eddie is there too & he’s been helping steve survive in whatever underlayer of life/death they’ve found themselves in because he’s been navigating it for a bit now
hey anon. Anon don't apologize can u please elaborate I'm losing it????
god, robin loving Steve so much she rends apart the veil between life and death. Maybe Steve dies in the Upside-Down. Maybe she feels like some part of her died with him. Maybe she was screaming as the gate closed, reaching out desperately for the other half of her heart, maybe she had to be held back, had to be told, robin, you can't bring him back. Robin, please, he's dead already, please.
Maybe it's like Robin died. Maybe she's the one doing the haunting. Maybe she's being haunted. She hears him laugh in her ear as she fumbles a conversation. Hears him hum his favorite song when it comes on the radio. She smells his shampoo in the breeze. She can't sleep, because sometimes she feels the weight of him against her back, like they're lying back-to-back again, like they did in Starcourt. Back when they were giggling children waiting to die.
Maybe she looks drawn and pale and won't talk to anyone. No one sounds right. No one gets it. She has a Walkman, plays his favorite song on a loop, like she's been cursed.
She hears his voice on the radio instead of Dancing in the Dark. She follows his laughter in the wind, bad dad jokes and terrible puns, down to the scar where the gate was.
She doesn't know how she gets through. All she has is Springsteen and his bat. She can't sleep without either. She doesn't sleep much anyway.
She wanders this corpse of a world, empty without Henry to fuel it, and waits. Sings Total Eclipse of the Heart in a stupid muppet voice. Sings Springsteen. Narrates all the things that have happened since the gate closed, but only the funny bits. The happy bits. Not that she's been there for them, but.
She hears him sing back, croaky and amused. She doesn't dare look. She hears him laugh when she fumbles the words. She can't hear to turn her head to where the voice is coming from. Can't bear to see nothing at all.
Slowly, she gets up and walks to the gate. She hears footsteps, someone singing with her, and she can't bear to look, and she's shaking and she thinks she might've lost her mind.
You sit around getting older, she whispers, voice hoarse. It's been hours, she thinks. Days, maybe.
There's a joke here somewhere and it's on me, Steve sings back, and he sounds real. And then--
I'll shake this world off my shoulders, someone else joins in, and Robin shakes.
Come on, baby, the laugh's on me, they all sing, and they sound like home.
She makes it through the gate on unsteady legs. She stumbles forward, into the burning sunlight, into a world alive. Nearly plants on her face, but then strong, real arms catch her. Someone laughs in her ear, warm breath on her face.
"Oh, Rob," says Steve, and she can feels his tears on her shoulder, "Oh, bud. I gotcha. I got--"
She spins around and hugs him, a sob ripping out of her throat. Another pair of arms encircle them, and she looks up. Eddie Munson, haggard and worse for wear, grins down at her.
"Heya, Buckley," he says, "Hope you didn't mind me crashing your cute little lovers' reunion."
"Gross," she says, instead of bursting into further tears, "We're not like that."
"Yeah," says Steve, tucking her face into his neck, where she can smell salt and iron and dirt, "She's, like. The other half of my heart or whatever, doesn't mean we're dating."
"Oh, good," says Eddie, brightly, from where he's plastered to the pair of them like a gangly limpet, "Because I've spent all of our shared undeath sucking face with the other half of your heart, Buckley, and that might make things awkward."
Robin snorts out a laugh, and alright, now she's crying again. She tightens her grip on Steve, listens to his heartbeat, feels the pulse in the hollow of his throat, the rumble of his chest as he tells Eddie Munson to shut the fuck up.
Her Walkman's still playing. She's holding her heart, and his annoying boyfriend. She's no longer haunted, no longer haunting.
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 8 months
WIP Wednesday!
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Ahh, another pre-scheduled WIP Wednesday while I am snoozing the night away because I selfishly like to awaken to see what those of you who are night owls (or in other time zones) think of my snippets first thing in the morning when I wake up. Much love to @getmehighonmagic and @whimsymanaged for the early tags so that I could justify scheduling a post at midnight! Haha
This snippet is from the 600 words I managed to write last night for what I hope is an upcoming little one shot (and partial songfic) featuring a really important anniversary for Henry and how he deals with it.
He finds himself jealous of his younger self, ignorant of the pain that’s already written in permanent ink into his future, though he still has several chapters of seemingly blank parchment to fill before he reaches it. An unstoppable, unchangeable moment scratched so violently into the page that it tears holes into the chapters that follow, forcing him to find ways around, under, or even through the chasm ripped into his life’s story as he attempts to continue on. With each new page, the tear begins to close, little by little, until it appears healed to the naked eye. But the weight of it, of the pen bearing down, is heavy enough that there’s a permanence to every remaining sheet. A scar, denting the smooth surface before the ink has even had a chance to properly sink in. He knows it will remain there for as long as his story lasts, never quite healing back to the pristine perfection of a truly blank page, waiting and begging to be touched by the smooth lines of a pen, the scratch of a quill, or the click of a typewriter.
No pressure tags under the cut for all my lovelies!
@adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @barbiediaz @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @guillermosfamiliar @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @lfg1986-2 @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @msmarvelouswinchester @mulderscully @ninzied @notspecialbabe @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt @rockyroadkylers @ships-to-sail @songliili @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @suseagull04 @theprinceandagcd @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells @typicalopposite @user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @wordsofhoneydew @zwiazdziarka
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bittersweet-kelly · 1 year
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe Malfunction
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Summery: You and Henry had been dating for a few awhile now. Both of you had been invited to his friend's costume themed birthday party. Which you mistook for an early Halloween party. While dancing with Henry, you hear something ripping.
Rating: Explict. 18+. Minors do not interact.
Pairing: Henry Cavill X Female Reader
Warnings: Smut, size kink, big cock, big balls, hyperspermia, crying, alcohol, descriptive sex, spanking, biting, bulges, alcohol, unprotected sex (Wrap it up), spit, pet names, name calling, female c-word, ripping of clothes, pop culture references.
Word Count: 3,462 (Sorry)
Disclaimer: I do not own Henry or have any connections to Henry. This story was made by me and my own filthy mind from the wanting of henry to ruin me in more ways than one. This is my first fanfiction that I've written and published. I'm usually a role-player on MMOs and online games. Although my first language is English, I have dyslexia so expect grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes and sometimes sentences that could seem confusing. Not beta'd or proof read. Header made by me using pictures on the internet.
Why, oh, why have you left it to the last minute to try and find a costume for a party you’ve known about for at least two weeks! You spent all day looking around town for something to wear. It’s Halloween how hard could it be to find a costume? As you found out, unless you fit in children's costumes... It was very hard. Heading home you finally remembered you had costumes back from your time in college. 
Rummaging at the back of your closet you fished out a plastic storage box that was rammed with old costumes you wore during your party days. Pulling out the costumes. A flapper, a sexy nurse, a sexy nun. Scoffing at your younger self for the costume choices. You sat on the floor humming and ahhing trying to figure out what to wear. Your thought process was interrupted when your phone buzzed. Reaching for your phone a smile forms across your lips as you read the name that popped up. Opening the message, it reads 
‘Hey baby, can’t wait to see you tonight. 🦁’ Seeing his messages always send your butterflies fluttering. You sat there for a good minute holding the phone to your chest. As the feeling fades and your mind comes crashing back down to reality your face is left with a furrowed brow. Looking back at your phone you typed a message back. 
‘Can’t wait to see you Hen-bear. What you wearing tonight??!’ You waited for an answer that would never arrive. Shrugging your shoulders, you grabbed the Witch outfit. It was Halloween after all, can never go wrong with a Witch. 
After showering and getting yourself ready you get a call from Henry. 
“Hey [your f/n], car will be picking you up in about 10 minutes. Then it will come to mine and we’ll arrive together. See you in a bit, baby." He finished his sentence with a roar, which made you chuckle slightly albeit slightly confused and taken back by it. 
“Okay see you then sweetie." The call ended, and you had 10 minutes to make sure you looked good and presentable. Standing in front of the mirror you look over yourself. Making sure the make-up was right and not too clowny. You wanted to look good after all. Your main concern was the outfit that was a couple of years old... It fitted okay when you were standing still and breathing in slightly... In the years since putting on the witch costume you’d become more of a woman to love. You weren’t fat by any means, but your body was softer and there was more to grab. The black lace and crushed velvet dress hugged your body in all the right places, looking more like Morticia, from the Addams family, than the wicked witch of the west. 
Hearing the car pull up, you make a quick dash for your small handbag. “Housekeys? Check. Lipstick? Check. Aaannndddd... Phone. Three for three.” You gave yourself a small victory cheer before shutting the door and getting in the car. While sitting in the car you do the most English thing anyone does in a taxi or an Uber. “Are you having a nice evening? On for long? Have you got many jobs after this one?" You and the driver small talked for about 30 minutes by the time it took you to get to Henry’s place. While Henry walked down the driver to the car, you were able to ogle at him. He wore a crocheted lion hat that had a tasselled mane that came down to his broad shoulders. A tight Muscletech tee that hugged his muscular frame. The tee looked stretched over his bloated biceps and stuck tightly to his pecs, almost giving the illusion of support. Could his shorts be any shorter, you thought to yourself. A slutty 4-inch seam on the inside showing off his powerful legs. 
As he got in the car, he filled most of the back seat with his mass and might. His legs spread out in different area-codes. “Hey babe." He leaned over pressing his lips to your cheek for a quick kiss before putting his seat belt on. “Looking great." He winked at you, making your toes curl and your fanny to flutter. He then spoke in the voice he uses for when he’s being Geralt of Rivia. “Hmm. Fuck. I do like sorceresses." He then laughed, lightly slapping his massive hand down on your thigh to comfort you. Either your face must have been embarrassed or looking like you’ll pounce on him in the car. Not that the two of you have fooled around in a car before... 
“What’s with the costume?" You ask him, casting your eyes over him once more. Taking in all the mountain of man beside you. Your eyes fell on the large mound at his crotch. Henry was a big guy all over, and sometimes had a hard time hiding his bulge. You quickly butt in before he answers your first question. “Shorts so short, your boxer briefs are sticking out passed them." You chuckle, playfully nudging him with a hand of yours only for said hand to be engulfed by his mitts as he held yours. Using his thumb to stroke over the back of your soft hands. 
“First of all... I’m a football mascot for England. One of the three Lions." With his free hand he pointed to the Lion hat. “Lion. And football gear." Using his index finger and thumb he plucked at the tight fabric, letting it snap back into place against his body. “Secondly... I’m not wearing boxer briefs. Just briefs... Which." He looked at you with a knowing look. “There’s a lot to fit in them. Can’t wait to take them off." With the same breath he leaned into you again to whisper. “I hope you’re not wearing –any-.” Feeling his stubble tickle the side of your face made you squirm in your seat. The warmth of his breath in your ear. Heavens. You sat there hoping you hadn’t left a wet spot on the seat. Henry’s wish wouldn’t have been hard as you didn’t wear any. The undies you had created the line around your waist and butt cheeks. 
“I didn’t realize football mascots were for Halloween.” You smirked over at him, your eyes drinking in the sight of your lover. Henry’s eyes widened in realization. 
“Fuck!” He threw his head back into the headrest and covered his eyes with his free hand. “I forgot to tell you... It’s not a Halloween party. Derek’s Birthday is close to Halloween and he’s ended up hating it. So when he has a party, it’s things other than Halloween." You started to panic. The last thing you wanted to do was to look out of place. It would be like the scene in Mean Girls where Lindsay Lohan turns up as a ghoul and everyone else looks hot. Cavill laughed to put your mind at ease. “Just say you’re Morticia. That’s from a movie, doesn’t need to be Halloween." He let go of your hand and slipped it behind the small of your back to hold you from a seat away.
Once the both of you get to the location of the party, you toss aside the witches hat you were going to wear. Aren’t a witch no more! Joined at Henry’s hip, due to his hand on your ass, the two of you do the rounds greeting the people and his friends. Usually, your head came to Henry’s chest, something you loved; those furry pillows to rest your head against when he was shirtless. With the heels you wore, you came up to his shoulder. Admittedly both of you liked the size difference. 
After a while you let Henry do his thing. You’ve met his friends a few times, but you weren’t in with the crowd. You find yourself at the bar, just chit chatting to the other girlfriends, all while doing shots and drinking vodka lemonades. Henry comes up to the bar to get a refill on his pint of lager, stealing a kiss every time. Which makes everyone ‘aww’ and giggle at you. 
As the night continued and the more drunk you got, the music started to sound better and better. Plus the kids had all gone to bed, so the real dance floor fillers were coming on. Being drunk enough you wandered on over to Henry when he was speaking to his friends. You grabbed his hand and another gripped his bicep. “’Cuse me, I’m going to steal my boyfriend." Playfully you tugged on Henry’s arm. “I wanna dance with you." You felt Henry’s disapproval. Henry never danced unless he was getting paid to and had choreographed the dance beforehand like his fight scenes. “Please?" You begged, looking up and him with doe eyes. Pleading to him. He scoffed. 
“Fine." He groaned. “But on the way home we’re stopping off for a kebab!" Both of you laughed while making your way over to the floor where people were dancing. Henry mostly stood on the spot, tapping a foot on the ground and throwing a hand up in the air to pump it. Sensing his awkwardness you grabbed both of his hands and then began to dance with him... For him. Feeling flirty, your hands trailed along his torso, every now and then groping his pec muscles to give them a squeeze. It’s only fair, he comes up behind you and reaches around and puts his hands all over yours. Your hands glide down his torso while you lower yourself in front of him, your face now greeting by his crotch as you were crouched in front of him. He simply shook his head while chuckling at your antics. To stand back up, you slowly rose pushing your hips back to make your ass stick out. You then turn around to have your back to him. With your back resting against his front, you slide down his body until you’re crouching again, you turn your head to the side to be knocked by Henry’s bulge in his shorts. How his shorts managed to hold back the mammoth of a cock he had between his legs was a miracle. The fabric was stronger than your mental health. 
You hummed with a smirk across your lips while looking up at him. His eyes filled with lust. If you weren’t surrounded by people, he could have pulled his cock out to slap it against your face. You felt a hand grip your armpit and with his assistance you were standing up straight. “I love how big you are." You whispered loudly due to the music, all while chewing on your bottom lip. 
“I’m glad I wore underwear, otherwise my cock would be sticking out of the bottom of my shorts. And you’ll have to deal with the consequences.” He stared you down; unsure if he was angry with you or trying to keep cool. You shrugged his grip off; you were too drunk to really care about the consequences. Turning back around to face him. The song then called for a ‘drop low’ which you were more than happy to oblige to. Hoping your knees wouldn’t give out as you quickly dropped to the floor in the sophisticated dance move called the ‘Slut Drop’. Over the music you heard this loud ripping noise. Shooting straight back up to stand, your hands reached around behind your back. 
" I think my dress ripped. How bad is it?" You asked Henry to look. He shook his head while laughing. 
“That’s karma." His eyes then fell onto your rather large split. “...”His eyes widened. “It’s barely noticeable." His voice raised an octave. You knew he was lying and it must have been bad! In a panic you rushed off to the toilets, luckily this place had individual unisex toilets that the door could be locked. Once inside you look in the mirror, having your back facing it and your head peering over your shoulder. Henry’s words rung in your ears. ‘It’s barely noticeable...’Your bare ass was on show!!! You cursed yourself! Why did you go to commando? Foolish! The rip started at the midpoint of your lower back and went down all the way to your thighs. Someone tried to open the door. “Honey you in here?" Henry asked. You unlocked the door only to swing it open. Grabbing Henry with both hands to pull him in with you; only to relock it. 
“It’s barely noticeable?! BARELY?!” You confronted him. Henry raised his hands defensively. 
“It’s dark out there... Plus I had strobe lights in my eyes." He deflected. “And here’s you thinking my shorts would be the ones to rip." He tilted his head back to laugh. While you stood at the mirror trying to see how you could salvage the outfit. While your ass was out in the open Henry took the opportunity to slap his hand against your cheek. Leaving a red handprint on it. You let out a yelp as it stung and took you by surprise. "I should sign it like the Walk of Fame." He moved to stand behind you, his hands now on your hips. His grip pulled your hips back so the top of your ass was pressed against his crotch. “Think you can tease me in front of my friends?" He growled in your ear. “Should have fucked you there and then on the floor. Show everyone how much of a slut you are for me.” He lowered his head, feeling his breath against the nape of your neck. “Show ‘em how well you take my big cock.” His stubble rubbed against your soft skin before feeling his lips press against your skin in lust filled kisses. 
You couldn’t help but moan softly at his touch and kisses. His words made your legs go weak. You felt Henry’s mouth at the beginning of the rip, his lips peppering your skin. His beard tickled against your lower back which sent shivers up your spin. Just as you were in the moment of heaven you felt Henry sink his teeth into your butt cheek. You turned your head over your shoulder to look down at him, you playfully swatted at his head. “Oi." Henry looked up at you with a smirk, his hands reaching for the rip and extending it, so it reached the end hem of the dress making it one big split in the back. He stood back up, his hands on your shoulders to force you to lean over the sink. Using a foot, he kicked your legs to spread them further. His hand moved to his face, licking his three middle fingers to get them wet. You soon felt his fingers rubbing against your labia and his middle finger dipping inside of you. His finger felt so good inside of you. When you first started dating, one finger was enough to send you over the edge. Now you’re more accustomed to Henry and his size, you’ve upgraded to 2 fingers. 
Henry laughed. “Someone’s eager. Fucking wet already." He brought his hand up to his mouth to taste you. He hummed. “If only my cock wasn’t begging for a release, could eat you out. But someone wanted to tease the kraken." Keeping one hand on your shoulder to keep you in place, leaning over the sink. Your hands gripping the sides of the basin. His free hand wiggled his shorts and briefs down far enough for his cock to spring forth. Due to the size and weight of it, even when Henry was hard his cock fought a hard game with gravity, making his member bow down to the ground. His hand gripped his cock at the base of his shaft, his little finger sinking into his ball sac, to position himself. At first he glided his cock between your lower lips, getting his dick all greased up using your juices. Soon you felt his tip push against your body. You look back at Henry in shock. 
“We usually use lube." You pointed out to Henry. “You’ve never gone in dry before." Henry raised the left side of his brow at you. 
“With how wet you are, there’s nothing dry here.” He retorted only to pull his hips back to see his own cock. He drew spit from his mouth to aim it at his member, then used a hand to massage the spit into the head of his cock. Realigning his cock with your pussy, his hand and hips aided his dick to enter. Both of you let out a moan as your body finally accepted his appendage. “You feel great." He reassured you. The hand that helped his cock moved to join his other hand around your waist. His thumbs dig into the dimples on your back. Slowly he begins to grind his hips back in forth, allowing you to adjust to his size. Doesn’t matter how many times you have sex, he always felt huge and your felt tight to him. 
Sensual moans escaped your mouth, you were trying to be quiet knowing you were in a bathroom and on the other side of the door there were people who could listen. “Your cock is huge." Henry chuckled at your quip. His grind turned evolved more into a thrust. Forcing more of his fat inches into your body. 
“Get ready." Henry warned you as his thrusts become stronger and faster, feeding your body more of his member. His balls swung back and forth slapping at your labia, and clit while swinging back to hit his thighs as his hip crashed into the cushions of your ass. With ever thrust you felt yourself colliding with the ceramics of the sink. Moving your hands from the basin you reached out and planted your palms against the mirror. Your moans got louder and more uncontrollable. “That’s it...” He growled into your ear. “Make everyone hear you being fucked by me.” With every forceful move of his, you felt your legs get weaker at the knees and joints. You feel his hands move from the sides of your hips to the front, giving you support. All your weight was lifted by his strength. Your feet dangled in the air, even with heels on. Henry was lost in lust. Your moans and cries did nothing but spear him on. His cock acted as a piston, steaming in and out of your stretched cunt. You were at the mercy of him, nothing but a toy for his cock to erupt in.  
You felt tears roll down your cheek as Henry ploughed into you from behind. His grunts echoed around the room, along with your moans. Your body felt a mixture of pleasure and pain. His cock was scratching at all your points due to its size, driving you crazy. The girth stretched out your velvet tunnel while the length of it always pressed against your cervix. You often thank the gods for making you hardy. With how powerful his thrusts were, the tip of his cock slammed and knocked against your cervix, causing you pain and the reason why your face was wet with tears. 
Henry’s grip around your waist tightened and you felt his fingers dig deeper into your skin. With one more forceful slam, his hips buried his cock deep inside of you. Your pussy felt his cock throb, pushing against your already stretched walls. He tilted his head back while his cock unloaded its load. At first it oozed out before gaining momentum and shooting forth a powerful shot. It felt like minutes for Henry, standing in bliss while his balls unloaded his cum deep inside of you. He cummed a lot. Which made sense with the size of his family jewels. You swore it felt like he made you bloated whenever he came. As his climax weakened, as did he. Letting go of your hips, his torso laid on top of yours. “...Fuck.” He huffed out, only for his cock to slip out, while it softened, from your gaping pussy. 
He stepped back, looking down at you while you flopped over the sink with your Bambi legs. His semen seeped out of your body, dripping down your thighs. “Let's get you home and in bed.” Stuffing his cock back into his briefs and shorts. At least now he fitted inside them a bit better after blowing off some steam. He picked you up, as you weighed nothing to him, carrying you in the bridal carry. He unlocked the door and stepped out. Naturally there were people standing close to the door. “She had a moment." Henry confessed before walking out of the building and putting you in a taxi to take you home.
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peachymilkandcream · 8 months
My Husband, My Monster|Part 10|William Afton x Wife!Reader
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(A/N: Wow Part 10! Our silly little serial killer is clearly a big hit with you guys. This one is going to have a major major timeskip so woohoo. So glad you're enjoying it and please comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
The killings just escalated, he couldn't stop. Wouldn't stop. He had to do more and more. It started with just the girl and then it grew. More and more kids lured in to the back rooms which then disappeared without a trace, leaving their parents to worry what had become of their sweet children.
Police swarmed the restaurant, invading their privacy and ripping apart the place to find any trace of the children. Bags appeared under Henry's eyes as the stress mounted. Money was draining from the business fast as more and more people refused to come in after all the allegations of missing children and unsafe environments. At this rate the business would close, which normally would have frightened William half to death, but at this point he wanted that.
Freddy's was behind him now, he had his own plan in mind. Behind the scenes, spending years in Henry's shadow learning his craft and how to perfect it. He was going to make his own Freddy's, inspired by his newest child Elizabeth. She had been such a perfect child thus far he would make this one for her. When she was old enough to appreciate it then he would show it to her. This would be his new legacy void of Henry. He would come out on top.
It was complete, his jewel, his baby. Finally it was open. People were still hesitant to visit an animatronic themed restaurant especially when Funtime Freddy had his name attached to the group of robots. But fortunately enough they slowly began to come, in small groups at first since it was just beginning.
When Freddy's closed and Henry kicked William out of the business he had taken to hiding away from the light of the day. They had completely parted ways, choosing to pretend the other one didn't exist. Although William had gotten some dirty looks when he saw his old partner in public after his new venture launched.
The new animatronics would help with his insatiable bloodlust, trapping children and holding them until he could find his perfect way of disposing of them. Everything was cleaner now, it wouldn't be shutting down like the way the others had because of his stupidity. This time things would go according to plan.
It hadn't gone according to plan.
It was supposed to be different. Some random kid was supposed to be caught and killed, not his own daughter. His darling Elizabeth, deceased in the capsule of the that robot. The machine of his own making. The thing created by his own hands, destroyed his favorite child. How could he live with himself?
He shut it down, immediately. The entire place, he couldn't bear to look at it again. It had to all go, every wire and scraps. The animatronics coming to find a permanent home in that shut up workshop, surrounded by the other hollow shells of his creations. Doomed to rot like he did.
He couldn't face his wife. After all that he had done and put her through he couldn't face the grief on her face. When he told her he expected sobbing and agony, but was surprisingly met with slight sadness before she continued with her day caring for her remaining children. As if nothing had happened.
Michael had left in his later teens, vowing to never come back because of the memories of his brother tied with this house and his father's neglect. And Vanessa remained content hiding from the busy lives of her parents. Children were fleeting creatures.
All they did was die, and leave, a vicious cycle of pain inflicted on their parents. All this pain wasn't worth it to him. William came to realize that the only ones that mattered were him and his spouse, they were the only ones that would last at the end of the day. He had to put his wife first above his machines. Do everything for her benefit, make her whole again.
He was stewing on these thoughts until the slight green glow came from Circus Baby which he thought was out of power. Funny, he remembered putting purple eyes in the machine. Why were they that same green as his sweet daughter? Something wasn't right here. It was all too....familiar.
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@fandomreader @n3r0-1417 @2pacl0ve
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thebunnylord · 8 months
Expanding on my last post, here’s what all of the engines would do if given art supplies (modified for them to handle, I.e tapped to the end of a long chopstick for them to hold in their mouth)
Thomas: does a coloring book page of himself in blue, does not stay in the lines at all because lines are overrated.
Edward: takes his time to make his drawing look as nice as he could. Draws a flowery field with sheep
Henry: “okay, this is a postmodern contemporary abstract take of my forest inspired by pollock done in wax crayola crayons and… to be honest, I can’t draw at all.”
Gordon: gets frustrated, rips up the page and accidentally swallows the crayon.
James: rage quits and spits his crayon out and then runs over it.
Percy: is too busy trying to sniff the markers and crayons than actually doing any art.
Toby: has Henrietta pose with Percy while he tries to draw them.
Duck: draws the Great Western Way ™ which is try and draw a map of his line before realizing how hard that is and settling with drawing an ocean with boats.
Donald: draws dilly in pink because he thinks that’s dilly’s favorite color.
Douglas: an albino polar bear lost in a snowstorm, aka left the page blank.
Oliver: tries to draw toad, found it too hard so he scribbled it all in black and called it “toad during a blackout”
Emily: draws flowers but they came out looking like blood splatter.
Marion: has a paint brush taped to her shovel and paints rocks.
Cranky: drops buckets of paint onto a cloth
Skarloey: tries to draw the welsh dragon but with train parts, came out looking like a red blob.
Rheneas: tries to do a self portrait.
Sir Handel: is not having any of it because he thinks his art looks terrible.
Peter Sam: eats the black crayon “this coal tastes funny”
Duncan: starts out fine, messes up, rages and makes a huge mess of his drawing
Rusty: is having the time of his life.
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henrysglock · 4 months
ask and ye shall receive: the low down
TFS Brenner ≠ on-screen Brenner for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: breadth of knowledge re: dimension X, terminology/vocabulary, outfits and styling, and methods of coercion.
TFS Brenner has a Disturbing number of details that appear to be ripped from Will and Billy
Matrix? More like Patrix.
"Patty? But Papa said—" "She exists? I know. But can I tell you a secret? Sometimes...Papa doesn't tell the truth."
The Mindflayer had a baby and Henry's the mother
Henry's google search history: Is it considered kidnapping if you get pregnant and then move states to try and escape the baby daddy? Can you get a restraining order against an eldritch being? Who gets custody of the baby, who really just wants to fit in with the humans? Can a human win a custody battle against an eldritch monster?
1959? 1984? Couldn't tell you. But there's some fucked up stuff happening to cats, and it's not necessarily tied to the Mindflayer visions.
No seriously why is Martin Brenner Marvin Hudgins though.
What is it with supernatural beings and not meeting their mothers in ST???
[Henry voice] You're not Dr. Brenner...what are you???
I don't actually think Brenner is a villain here though idk bear with me
there's your thesis abridged
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