#rip ingo </3
schlushiii · 1 year
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If ingo is classed as emmets older brother. Why wouldn’t he do this >:]
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hoofpeet · 2 years
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I lost the ask but uhm . Cilan meeting Sugar [who did not watch the anime episodes with Ingo in them]
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maxaroniiiii · 11 months
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i forgot to post this before going to the hospital lol
alt version i didnt feel like posting on its own
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waywardstation · 10 days
I cannot wait to have my heart ripped out by your artistic take on a Warden Ingo and Emmet reunion. I'm getting a replacement heart on the shelf ready as we speak.
(Also hope you're doing well, glad to see you've had some more energy lately. Your art and comics are always wonderful and worth the time. Wishing you a good weekend. 🩵)
In regards to this post
HAHA THANK YOU!! I’ve been thinking a lot about how I want to do it with them; I already have a certain canon built up in my head that’s meant for fics like IWLYB, but the canon for this interactive comic is going to be different, (I have no idea how it’ll go since it can possibly change depending on peoples’ choices) so I’ve been trying to figure out new stuff for it.
And thank you very much! It’s been nice letting myself indulge in my interests again instead of mentally focusing so much on IRL things that have been draining me. I’m so happy you appreciate the work, and thank you so much for the words of support!! ;v; <3 hoping you have a fantastic weekend as well, friend!!
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casualsnickers · 4 months
Month of Emmet Quick Write #3
Prompt #3: Battle
It's a bit peculiar that Subway Master Emmet wears white all the time. The commuters just think it's a 'twins' thing- the depot agents know better. In other words, Emmet's tailor hates him.
*Inspired directly by @kobandan. Their comic for day two absolutely activated the few neurons in my noggin.
Read the whole thing below the cut.
Wrappers crunched. Small talk and loud chatter alike filtered in and out of the office as footsteps echoed on the polished linoleum.
“C’mon Ingo! Relax a little!” From within her chair right beside Ingo, Elesa reached across the table into the takeout bag, pulling out a handful of loose fries. “You know, there’s a concert that’s gonna be happening in Virbank this weekend,” she hummed, taking a sip of her drink. “The one with that singer that you liked back when we were teenagers. What’s his name again? Piers, I think? And then you got Emmet into it too!” Elesa then brightened.  “I know! You should come with me! Both of you guys! I have extra tickets and I think it would be nice- to reintroduce you to that kind of stuff.” Elesa playfully nudged Ingo in the ribs with her elbow. “A fun little bonding activity~ Well? Come on. What do you think, Go-Go?
“A…band? Ah, but aren’t musical concerts quite… loud?” Ingo replied hesitantly. It had been some time since he had returned from Hisui and he had found that the modern world was… well, to put it mildly, ‘loud’ would be an understatement. The Battle Subway was loud enough- Ingo often found himself making a beeline to his and Emmet’s office to recover from the mental strain of working in such a vivacious environment. But he found himself warming up to the idea more and more as his friend enthusiastically elaborated, taking small bites out of the ‘loaded burger’ that Elesa had so quickly jumped to buy for him.
               At that moment, the door to the main office clattered open. Boots clicked on linoleum. Fabric shuffled. Keys jangled.
               In strode Emmet, a massive grin on his face as he closed the office door with one foot, hanging his hat on the stand and ripping off his gloves. Upon seeing both Ingo and Elesa leaning up against one another, the man practically beamed. He opened his mouth to speak. Elesa beat him to the punch.
“Em... Honey... Sweetheart. What in dragons’ name happened to you?” Elesa immediately set down her food but made no attempt to rise, leaning back in her chair with a disgusted expression as she gave the man a slow once-over. “Your clothes!” The woman then stiffened, crossing her arms. “Tell me you didn’t go and service another engine with your battling gear. You have a bad habit of forgetting to change.”
“I. Did not!” Emmet pulled off his subway coat and half-fell into an empty spinning chair, picking his feet up as his chair rocketed into the wall. He then pushed himself over to his desk and eagerly pulled over his stack of maintenance documents. “This isn’t oil. It’s dust. Soot. Ash.”
               Emmet’s entire outfit- his usual sparkling white slacks, jacket, hat, and dress shoes- each were stained and smudged with varying levels of grime, each atrocious and each downright offensive. His hat and slacks were splashed in sickly purples and greens, speckled black patches like soot decorating his shoes and slack edges. His jacket had numerous holes in the tail end as though a dragon-type had gnawed on it and a few buttons had either been torn close to falling off or were gone entirely. A massive chunk of Emmet’s hat- including the Gear Station insignia pin- were just completely gone, exposing the stuffing and the nylon inside.
Even Emmet’s standard black dress shirt and gloves were completely ruined. The starched collar and sleeves of Emmet’s shirts had what looked to be bleach spots on them, one of his shirt tails completely untucked and shredded to bits. His black gloves were almost completely white to the fingertips, the leather around the knuckles- concertedly- missing as if cleanly taken out with a hole punch.
Emmet didn’t look the least concerned that half of the skin along his arms and a section of his leg were completely visible, instead seeming to enjoy the attention as he tapped his foot against the tile. His own hair- messy and half-alive with static, was blown backward as if Emmet had decided to go skydiving for the first portion of his shift.
               Ingo raised an eyebrow. An inkling of his mind raised the question that he wasn’t nearly as concerned for his brother as he should’ve been. As if it was something to be expected and just as easily tolerated.  “You are unusually chipper for a man that’s filthy and practically indecent,” Ingo murmured, locking eyes with Emmet who leaned his head against his hand lazily. “You look as though you’ve crawled through the insides of an unmaintained tender.” Ingo took a long swig from his drink, narrowing his eyes. “Slept in one, too.”
               Emmet smirked. “You’re one to talk. The water ran black when you were reintroduced to modern plumbing,” he drawled, still staring unflinchingly into Ingo’s eyes. “You thought being dirty was normal. And you were covered in actual, literal dirt.”
               Ingo immediately felt his face heat up. “That is not the point here!” he claimed, not quite meeting Emmet’s eyes as he crossed his arms. “Why do you look as though you’ve strapped yourself to the tracks and let numerous trains run over you?”
               Elesa snorted, almost choking on her drink. Her entire face went flush as she began laughing. “That’s one way to put it, Iggs!”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Elesa” Emmet chided, his own face beginning to redden as he scooted his chair purposefully away from the two of them. “That is not what happened.”
“Would you care to explain then, Emmet?”
               Emmet grinned before unclipping his pokémon belt and setting it on the desk for both Elesa and Ingo to see. Almost every single pokéball was in the same state of disrepair: burn marks, scrapes, dents, and dings in each one. “A verrry powerful trainer visited my line today!” Emmet beamed. “They arrived with a looot of super strong pokémon! It was very cool! They brought friends! A lot of strong friends! It was fantastic!” Emmet then hunkered down into himself, bringing his shaking hand to his chin as he snatched up a loose piece of paper, frantically scribbling down barely legible words. “I should remember that. ‘Follow Me’ on a bulky pokémon- preferably attached with a defense-boosting item or maybe leftovers. Skill Link Ability pokémon with a Rocky Helmet maybe? Or perhaps Loaded Dice would be better?”
“Okay, so your battle was crazy,” Elesa interjected, carefully but concertedly scanning the massive amounts of damage in Emmet’s outfit. “But how did your clothes get so bad? What’d you do? Stand in front of your pokémon while they were fighting?”
               Ingo involuntarily snorted, struggling to conceal his laughter after remembering that his good friend Dawn used to perform that exact same scenario when they were still in Hisui- to psych out the few wielders that existed. That or just mess about. Ingo could perfectly imagine Emmet doing the same right in front of his Eelektross.
“Overheat,” Emmet started, pointing to the massive burn streaks staining his shoes. “Acid Spray.” Another gesture to his heavily bleached shirt. “Bug Buzz.” The torn threads in his shirt. “Discharge.” Another pointed finger at the torn fabric on his jacket sleeves. “The battle was verrry serious! So much fun! They used all kinds of new strategies that I haven’t seen before! They brought a bunch of new pokémon! Them and their friends! There were six of them!” Emmet exclaimed, his grin growing wider and wider as he rocked back-and-forth in his chair, causing the frame to squeak. “Each one stronger and smarter than the last!”
“Did you at least win, Em?” Elesa asked tiredly. “You better have. Getting all that fixed is gonna cost a pretty penny.”
               Emmet’s grin almost stretched across his face as he fully leaned back in his chair. “All six of them won against me! Just barely! It was the most fun I’ve had in months! I hope they return to the Super Doubles Line soon so that I can battle them again!”
“Wait. The Super Doubles Line?” Elesa clarified. “As in, the ‘challenging trainer usually gets obliterated by the seventh car’ Doubles Line? The ‘nothing but depot agents’ Doubles Line? The- ”
“You can just say that you haven’t prevailed on those particular tracks,” Ingo teased, stealing the rest of the spare fries at the bottom of the bag. “I would never presumably figure out that a record exists of how many times you have been ejected from the Super Singles, Doubles, and Multi Lines. And I would certainly- never- look at those records.” Ingo then blinked innocently at Elesa as he scooted his chair just the tiniest inch away from the woman who looked as though she were about to strangle him.
“You do not have a record!”
“We do!” Emmet replied snappily. “All trainers have their battle facility records locked onto their IDs. It is not hard to find.”
“Nevermind. You’re being overly ominous again and we’re not going down that road. But the Super Doubles Line? Wow. Must’ve been some kind of monsters to get all the way through- the six of them in one day- just to destroy you… You had fun?”
“What on earth are you guys feeding the Depot Agents on your supers lines anyway?” Elesa groaned, pointedly asking Ingo instead of Emmet who had begun to whizz through his papers. “I tried getting through once- way too strong for me.”
“We feed them coal slag and commuter debris,” Ingo answered with a stoic face, crumbling up the wrapper of his burger and tossing it in the nearby trash can. “Food wrappers. Plastic. Newspapers. Chewing gum. Some rust scraps off of repaired engines prevent any potential iron deficiencies.”
“Ah, but you are forgetting grease, Ingo,” Emmet chimed in. “Grease- Curve rail grease is essential for a depot agent’s balanced diet. That and stripped screws. And maybe a healthy serving of handrail and seat sweat.”
“Eugh. You guys are absolute loons,” Elesa responded without missing a beat, fully leaning against Ingo as the woman took a joking picture of Emmet in his atrocious work attire looking completely unbothered. She then sent the picture to Skyla unprompted. “You know, I’ve never seen someone so happy to have lost six times in a row at their place of work,” Elesa commented snidely under her breath. “Did you at least steal some pointers from them like you usually do, Em?”
               At that, Emmet whipped out a small, battered notepad from his coat pocket, eagerly showing off the multitudes upon multitudes of detailed battling graphs, paragraphs of messy handwriting, and heavily highlighted sections. “I did! And now! I want to recruit more pokémon to the team!” He said it more to himself than to Elesa or Ingo, pulling open his desk drawer in order to pull out a thick, heavily-banded book that looked close to bursting.
“Oh sweet dragons above- you’re pulling out Ol’ Reliable, Em? What’s the occasion? Gonna make some more abridgements? Honestly, you should just have the library make a copy- that’s a whole concrete brick right there.”
“Says the woman with five hand-banded design template books twice the size in her house,” Emmet snarked back, struggling to open the cover of his tome. “Let’s see. Eenie, meenie, miney… huh. That’s odd.”
“What’s the matter?” Ingo asked, taking a massive bite out of his second burger. He was quick to wipe the sauce off of his cheek. “What are you looking for?”
“Foreign pokémon.” Emmet then paused, scowling before stowing the book away back under his desk, crossing his arms. “Foreign pokémon,” he grunted. “Abilities. I don’t know the abilities of the pokémon I battled against today. I don’t even remember what the names of the species are.”
“Emmet. You do realize that the Battle Subway collects and archives trainer data during registration, don’t you?” Ingo piped up. “The free connectivity to the C-Gear? To Entralink? To the recommended vs recorder? You were the one to tell me that all trainers must register their preferred pokémon with an attendant before they even so much as board a subway car. Unless perhaps… you did forget about that particular clause…?”
               Emmet was out of his seat in a moment’s notice, the seams in his shirt beginning to splinter and pop apart as the man shoved his hat back onto his head and grabbed his jacket off of the hook, marching squarely over toward the office door. “Be back soon. Next destination: the attendant’s desk.” The door slammed shut after him.
               A moment passed by before Elesa once again reached across the table and pulled out a carton of onion rings alongside Emmet’s burger that he hadn’t even touched. “I call dibs.”
“Absolutely not. I paid for those.”
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spitinsideme · 8 months
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first of sll, i want to sy that youre completely right and this is kind of them and secomd of all, i am about to be hormh for trolls 2 world tpur delta the country troll because i need to talk aboitit so badly. im putting a warning now that i am going to he HORNY i will get NSFW !!! i jst neees to get this off my chest i domt.care read at your own risk ive warned yo all
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for the record, i love and respext women and i think all women are complex and have so muxb to.them. i also am normal
this womaj right here ... this love of my life .. never ib my life hav ei thought that trolls coukd have sex appeal, i domt look st them and think yeah whatever fuckable because they never have. bit her ? her aura lf sadness, her i take no shit thing, her toughness ... god i get the sex appeal now i fucking get it because i want her so .. so badly ...
i want to.fuckimg RIDE her and i donr even mean her horse side i dont want to ride her like a cowgirl bit god if she wants to do it in cowgirl position i happily fucking ill get in posoition ill get rrady and god o will JUMP on whateber thr fucm she will have me juml on i dont even lime dick but if she had one ? im giving the most sloppy, toe curling, gut wrenching, hair pulling, blood sucking, world ending, pussy shatterimg, cock destroying, orgasm overload head of the WORLD. illngive a mew meaning to a blowjob and if she has a pussy shit ill fuckong eat it too id do whatever she wnated id get on my knees for her id hump the FUCK out of her four horse legs shw wpukd have my wetness stuck in her fur for weeks afrer that and id lick kt lff okay id clesn it off for her id use my tongue skills tp do the jlb RIGHR and id ensing eery ssimgle second of having my tomfue on her. i want her to mount me like a fuckong horse i want her on.top of me as i lay stosmxh on.the floor i want her destroying me i want my inskde ANNIHILATED !!!! i want her to fuck me so hard my ovaries become scrambled eggs abd she tames them out, fries them, seasoms them, and serves them to me on a plate and tells me i did a good job with her beautoful southern voice. i want her to literlly obliterate me i want her to trample me i want my stomach lining to be destroyed becayse she wilm shove her hoove so far down my thrlst that it will cause friction burn and make my saliva acidic i liteelaly want her to est me oit and make me see god and have him be disgusted and terrfied at the sounds im makimg he needs to be scared and regret ever making genitals for humans becayse the face and the sounds i will be making will caise him to start planning a homosapien extermaination to start over humanity because hes terrfied of what he created by giving humajs sexual pleasure thats how good she will eat me out.
and.god her voide ? her fucking voice ? her southern accent ???? take me already ??? i want tp make her scream i need to mske her scream i want to.her her say my namewith her southern accent and i want her to call me sweerie throufhout it and ill make sure i please her so much that she will say it bwcause indeserce ir after makung her eyes rolls baxk and her legs kick i wanr her to kick me as shes having an orgasn i aant her o literally send me flying woth her kicks she shpukd kick me so hard that inget internal bleeding but, even with blood driping down my mouth from my lungs being punctured from my broken ribs, i come back.to help ride her throifh her orgasm and give her as many more as she wants i want her pulling my hair until she rips it all out and ingo bald id have a wig eveey single time and id suoer glue it onto my head so i coukd fall how jars shes pulling i wsnt her to pull that superglued wig off every time and i want to have my skull showikg by the ampunt of skin and musfle she pulled off
AND THE HAID ???THE FUCKING HAIE ???? GOD !!!! IM GETTING STARTED ON THAT BECAUSE JESUF FUCKING CHRIST I MEAN JOLLY FUCKING JEEZ ILL DO ANYTHING JUST TAKE ME ALREASY !!! her hair looks sosos soft and i want to touch jt .. i woukd beg for some of her hair, and then id take crochet courses abd lesrn how to crochet and after id do all that and do lots of practice id make knickers and a bra using the hair she had so kindly given me and id wear it every single day every single hour eveeh single minite for all the secknds that pass and it wpukd feel like delta herself touching me everyrwhere in those places for so long id even make fill on clothes out of he rhair and id wear them rverday and id get the appeal of clorhed sex, id never take my clothes off anymore, i woukdnt even have to because just having those clothes on would count as clothed sex becaause of how lustful id feel just wesing them. everyrime id move and the fricrion make the clorhes get mkre omto my body id start sweating, abd the swear would make the cllthes stick mkre tonmy body abd at that point id have the mosr earth desteoyong orgasm, the ground bellw me would be so destroyed that i could see the other side of the world from the hole i jjst created using my hole do you undeeatand ? im gay for herm i want her. i want to make a dildo using her hoove shape, and then i want to make a.cover for it using her hair anr that thong woukd be inside me every single fucking dsy nonstop id neve rtake ir our, by day two it woukd be disimtegrated because of how wet id made ir i woukd mske it out of steel or whateve5 fuckingg stromg ass materail but the poert of my pussy and love woukd get it to disintgerate and go soggy lke paper. that thing woukd merge inside me that it woukd count as a third limb it wpukd count as a whole new beong inside me id name it. my medical records would have tonbe changed to account for the thing i made in her honour because it ould nor officialby be part of me. it woukd be in there forever.
basiclsly, what im trying to say is, i think shes a reallyy cool charavter 👍
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coramatus · 1 year
Under the City Streets: A Pokémon Submas/Over the Garden Wall AU
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The Master Post
Will be updated as more is added
Tumblr main tag: under the city streets au
Content warnings: themes of guilt, depression, suicidal feelings, grief and a lot of angst
Main story outlines:
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [7.1-7.4] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13+]
Assorted snippets of prose:
Part 4: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Main story artwork (in rough narrative order):
Their First Encounter in the Unknown
The Woodsman is not ok
Watch where you’re swinging that!
The End of Their First Encounter
Sopping wet and berated by an angry Starly
The Beast and the Woodsman
“You are more lost than you realize.”
RIP Emmet’s coat
Lady Sneasler speaks to Emmet: [one] [two]
Emmet’s promise to Lady Sneasler
Emmet meets Irida the Glaceon
Irida is not really a Glaceon
Irida, Adaman, and Volo stare in horror as Emmet blasphemes
Emmet unites the Diamond and Pearl clans by pissing both of them off
Irida calls Emmet a ding dong
How to smuggle your tiny birb buddy
“Curse you, lady! Curse you! You’ll die someday and I’ll laugh! Laugh!!”
The Conductor
Their Second Encounter in the Unknown: [one] [two]
The Woodsman Unhinged
tfw you’re about to be burned alive
Emmet’s Edelwood oil burn
Smoke inhalation makes Volo cuddly
Lady Sneasler rocks Emmet’s hat
God gives you a doll of yourself. Wdyd?
Their Third Encounter in the Unknown: [one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six]
Emmet’s despair
Their Fourth Encounter in the Unknown: [one] [two]
Ingo begs for Lady Sneasler’s help (updated first image)
Glaring down his tormentor
Ingo refuses to be called the Woodsman anymore
Ingo’s gonna stick that axe where the sun don’t shine
The Beast is an asshole
That’s gonna leave a scar
The three stages of realizing your brother is a dumbass
Looking for his stupid fucking brother in this stupid fucking forest with this stupid fucking lantern
Hunting down his idiot brother in the dark
Ingo’s despair
Get outta there!
Emmet and the Beast
“Are you?”
I’ve got you. I’ve got you…
A moment of peace
Post-Unknown artwork:
Edelwood side effects
Ingo and Chandelure’s very awkward moment
Ingo’s Anxieties
Jason the Therapist
Ingo learned Unstoppable Rage. It’s super effective!
Soft snuggle time
Ingo? Ripped?? Buff Ingo??!!
Ingo and the unexpected therapy Minccino
Snuggles with Little Fluff the Minccino
Therapy Minccino at work
Pokémon Gijinka designs:
The Diner folks
The Hunter
The Lake Witches
The Old Man of the Mountain
Out of place artwork:
The very first art post
Volo the Ittiest, Bittiest, Teeniest, Tiniest, Little Starly
Even the Beast thinks the Woodsman is a sad mess
And it is absolutely right
Skrungly Woodsman is skrungly
Rage and Despair
The Truest Submas/OtGW Crossover
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egginfroggin · 4 months
Happy 1-year anniversary to the start of Emmet's terrible, no-good, very bad day(s).
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Which is to say, Pandemonic Paradise turned a year old today!
In honor of this vague occasion, I have attempted backgrounds, of all terrible, no-good, very bad things (help me).
So I did some looking, and apparently it seems that the Distortion World is dark blue in the games and purple in the anime. I never played D/P/P, and only watched one of the animated movies probably close to a decade ago (ough), so my brain just assumed lots of purple.
Anyway, this was fun! RIP planned Ingo companion piece, there is no way you'll be finished by the end of the day, sorry.
Thank you all for sticking with this extremely self-indulgent fic for a year! We're almost at the end as of chapter 7, and hopefully I can finish the fic before the end of summer.
Thank you all so much! I hope you all have a wonderful day! <3
(Program used: Krita; time taken: about 2 hr 30 min)
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delusionsofspace · 4 months
Ideas/HCs based off friend post?? <3
I wasn't expecting AU asks but that actually is a fucking hilarious concept to me
Edit I am adding a fucking readmore because I am INSANE please click for submas rambles
So the tags say l4d and I'm gonna be so fr I don't know a lot of the lore, but I do know zombies and that there are special types
I honestly think, theres two kinds of scenarios that can definitely play out and it all depends on if Ingo gets amnesia or not (if we go with the no pokemon theory, therefore Uxie does not exist, BUT there are other ways to get amnesia so we vibing) because there are plenty of scenarios that make sense for random persok to have serious amnesia. If Ingo just, Wakes Up somewhere he definitely would be logical about it and start off with "I must have been injured whilst trying to survive" rather than "I'm from a different fuckikf universe help me"
My first thought is, if he does get amnesia from idk hitting his head or just Arceus being a cunt, then I think he is a very practical man and would adjust accordingly. He would be stressed as fuck, yeah sure. He would be VERY unhappy about having to be more aggressive in his stance on how he approaches situations (and not understand why he feels like there should be somebody else at his side handling more aggressive/threatening scenarios) but, much like in Hisui, he can definitely go from being funny train man so scarily ripped old man who can and Will deal with shit as needed.
I think guns would absolutely be a learning curve, though. He is used to the loudness because of trains, and I personally headcannon Ingo as hard of hearing and that's why he yells so much (which he would also have to learn to control to not alert the zombies in his immediate area) but I still think he is autistic enough to probably not appreciate how loud guns are. I think he would Deal With It but be moderately grumpy about it, I also think he sould probably be a great shot because of how calculating he can be, rather than if Emmet was in the situation where he would just shoot first and think second.
If we were in a situation where Ingo did have his memory though, I genuinely think that woukd be worse in a way?
The entire time he would be trying so hard to get back to Emmet, it would be literally his only goal, right next to not dying. He would probably speak about Emmet a lot, and also regularly use him as his motivation. God forbid he got injured, his only words would be "I can't die here, I need to get back to him, he must be so worried". He would absolutely also likely put his own health above others slightly more than if he had amnesia, because when he cannot clearly remember Emmet he falls back into his protective older brother stance of making sure everyone else is okay first. ESPECIALLY if they are kids, like in Arceus with the player character.
I also think if he ever got returned to Emmet, he would be much more of a changed man than when/if he returns from normal Hisui. Like deeply traumatized type beat. Amnesia or not, returning to a safe place after being in a horrible location that you literally have to kill to survive would do numbers on his mental health. I think he likely would end up very jumpy, with some form of PTSD, maybe even from the guns and would have issues with loud sudden banging noises. I think he would likely require Emmet to straight up be like a service animal (servive sibling? lmao) to keep him company in public so he wouldn't start tweaking. Crowds would probably stress him out, and he'd also probably be much more touch repulsed than before hand, where I imagine Ingo to be neutral to touch while Emmet is deeply touch adverse (minus Ingos touch, obviously)
Wow I fucking rambled . More asks if you have more questions please because I am unwell (I also deeply enjoy this AU idea ngl I think we should traumatize Ingo a little bit more. For the sillies. It's enrichment to him)
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archersxartxblog · 4 months
Ok so recently I read the entirety of Warden Twins in the span of 4 hours (with a break in between cause it was 2:30 AM) and I just had a funny shower thought I'm gonna put here.
Basically, Arceus feels bad about the whole situation, so he gives Drayden and F!Emmet Arc Tablets or something that show the both of them Ingo, Lil' Ingo and Emmet and their misadventures. They essentially react to everything that happens in the fic as it happens.
Drayden is initially very sceptical of the whole situation, rightfully so. His nephews were kidnapped like 3 days ago (he basically got like a prologue vid showing what happened before showing him everything else), and then some stranger gives him an iPad that shows him his missing nephews being adopted by some guy who looks hauntingly similar to Lil' Ingo, with amnesia and who knows where. But he eventually warms up to F!Ingo cause hes actually not that bad at being a dad, is increasingly growing more protective over his now sons everyday (as he should be), and is looking out for them when he cant.
He invites Clay over cause his boys just became friends with Liam who ALSO looks hauntingly similar to Clay. And then the both of them bust out conspiracy boards when Akari reveals that all 4 of them are from the future. Lil Ingo and Emmet make sense, but Ingo??? If hes from the future as well, then is he some cousin they never heard about? What is this???
But they dont really care about that. Drayden swears that Ingo is now gonna be (officially) part of the family if- no WHEN they all return back to the future. Oh and so will Akari, she's a cool cousin to the boys.
This eventually just devolves into Drayden watching all of this like it's a soccer game or something : very passionately. Like "oh my dragons I'm gonna kill the Miss Fortune sisters for kidnapping my nephews", and then cheering like his team won the world cup or something when Gyarados shows up. Oh and Drayden will be so angry he might rip a tear in spacetime in order to kill Volo when all THAT happens with him and Lil' Ingo.
With F!Emmet its gonna be a bit more complicated, since he either remembers the past or not. But if he doesnt remember, then he will be panicking. His brother went missing like 5 years ago, and when he finally sees him he's with baby versions of them??? Why is Ingo a father to two kids who are named after them and look EXACTLY like him when he was also 10?!? 'AM I AN UNCLE??? DO I NEED TO BUY A BIGGER APARTMENT NOW?!??' Elesa is surprisingly taking this much better.
And then when Akari is revealed, F!Emmet is both verrrrrry happy to be an uncle and that his brother is not alone and happy, but at the same time mourning his bank account, cause hes gonna need to buy a bigger apartment if he is to house 3 new kids and like 24 new pokemon.
And then its revealed that both Ingos are one of the same. Emmet is internally having a blue screen of death moment, cause that means that Ingo literally raised him. Elesa is just treating thos like it's a certified Watchmojo top 10 anime plot twists.
But if he does remember, then he is basically just refreshing his childhood memories.
I wanted to add that maybe Emmets and Draydens tablets are connected to one another, but I've already typed WAYY too much. Can you tell that I love the Warden Twins AU?
Anyways enough from me, thank u for listening to my Ted talk. What are your thoughts about this? Really hope the fic gets updated soon and have a good whatever-your-timezone-is
Oh wow
Not gonna lie this was really fun to read. I love reading stuff like this. This is a really fun idea, i just imagine Arceus making like a YouTube channel like Gamingharry or Ladyoflore or something and just sending it to Drayden and future Emmet with a message that says "this explains everything"
I do need to get back to writing Warden’s Twins, I'm a little stuck with Lil Ingo's face off with Kamado, so I've taken a small step back for a bit to try and figure out how to go about it.
But I'm so glad you're enjoying Warden’s Twins :)
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hoofpeet · 2 years
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Ingo accidentally calls Sugar a bad boy, Sugar miserable for 3 days afterwards
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 years
RIP Ingo has lost D,:
But hey he is a great contender for a revival poll! And WOW that vote count... the fact that the race was SO close and that there were the second most votes of any round two poll (right behind reigen v spamton) proves that we came out to support our boy!! We still did great!
And hey, the original poll happened. We won then >:3
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
I'm back again with part 3 of the SubMas BeeGearStation Wasp Queen Reader!
CW: AFAB Reader, violence, compromising positions, yandere stuff.
Everything went so fast. Way too fast for you think clearly. The last time, you were cornered by the insane Bee Kings. The next thing you know, you are now holding one of them hostage in your arms in a nelson hold. One of your hands grabbed his antenna, threatening to rip it off of his head.
Emmet stood completely still. Seeing his brother in a hostage position held by you made him feel that he too is in danger. You are certainly not a wasp to be played around with. You are quick and strong, a combination of traits that are present in a professional leader.
A leader. A Queen.
Their Queen.
Emmet glanced at his brother, and Ingo glaced back to him. Both stared at each other for a moment and finally, one of them speaks.
"My Queen, isn't this rather cruel of you? We were just trying to make you feel good. Make us feel good. No harm will be done if you decide to comply. Can you let my brother go, please?" Emmet tries to persude you with his sweet voice, but you are unmoved.
You froze, hand stil gripping Ingo's antenna, ready to rip it whenever there is a sudden move. You firmly demanded for your workers to be freed. You want your workers to be let go right now. Emmet shook his head, looking dissappointed.
"We cannot do that, Queen. That would be a breach in the contact, you know. Now, let my brother go, please." Emmet asked you politely once again.
You riggidly stood where you are, still unmoved. Emmet sighed.
"Alright, if you insist it to be this way." He glanced once again to his brother, who in turns stomped on your foot, making you feel pain. You yelped and Ingo managed to free himself from your grasp. Immediately, you put some distance from him.
Now you are trapped in between the Kings. This made you became even more anxious. You reached for a chair near you and quickly throw it to Emmet. He clearly didn't expect the counter attack, and immediately fell backwards. That'll buy you sometime.
You spread your wings and shot yourself out of the room, flying straight to your workers' part of the rooms. Upon arriving, you screamed on top of your lungs to alert your workers to flee immediately. The doors opened and your workers promptly fly to follow you out of the bees' nest.
All of you are going to escape this madness. All of you are going to survive.
After several minutes of flying, you finally see the end of the tunnel, where a faint light awaits for you to bask in it. You quickened your pace, and ordered your workers to do the same.
"QUEEN! PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE US! WE NEED YOU!" the Kings' voices loudly penetrated your hearing. You felt yourself panicked again but decided to ignore them.
This time, you slowed down and stopped, looking back. Your saw your confused worker, terrified sweat lining her face. She had her wings clutched by Emmet, who looks awfully calm in a situation like this.
Anxiety and desperation clawed your mind. What are you going to do now? You are all so close to freedom. Is there a way to defuse this situation?
You glanced to the Kings, their expression unreadable. There are hints of anger, betrayal, sadness, and desperation coloring them.
Thinking quickly, you decided to lower yourself down to the ground and approach the Kings, silently offering your wrists to them in exchange for the safety of your workers. This action of yours made your workers gasped, as they are now confused. The hostaged worker was finally let go. She immediately flew to your other workers' crowd, searching for comfort.
Your workers also tried to descent to the ground, but you barked an order at them to stay afloat. Whatever it takes, they have to be free from here.
The Kings hummed gladly. They took your hands with theirs, squeezing harshly at them. Unhinged delight painted their faces.
Some of your workers tried to protest, rushing towards you to get you back to them. You shouted them to stay back and to go back to the wasp colony immediately. They quickly stopped at their tracks, and sadly obeyed your order. They do not want this, but an order is an order.
"My my, such charisma your have among your workers there, Queen! You are definitely something, huh?" Emmet giggled darkly.
"Queen, let us go back to our room. You need a rest, that's for sure." Ingo rubbed your hand gently, trying to coax you to his and his brother's room.
You begrudgingly glared at the Kings, but nodded eventually. Trying to stay strong in front of your workers who are looking at your back with worried eyes. They do not want to leave their Queen, but following you right now is not an ideal choice. They are warily watching you as you walked back to the bees' nest with the Kings.
You need a new plan to solve this problem on your own.
MintyAnon comin in with the good shit 👀
Poor Queen, but we love the drama with yandere kings and a Queen who’s still a fighter. We love to see it! Especially the workers still wanting ti help you.
Thanks for sending this in!
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timelord-emmet · 1 year
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Anomalies: Types
One of the three main types of Anomalies that TimeLord Emmet and Ingo have to fix are these .
1: TimeAnomalies/Glitches
These anomalies are when the present/past and future have a chance of colliding with each other .
This can happen in multiple ways ,it can effect the environment mashing together the past version of areas with the future/present (Ex: Old original ruins vs Old forgotten and ruined ruins ) it can also be when people suddenly find themselves meeting past/present/future versions of them self .
Threat Level: Minor as it can be easily fixed and usually doesn’t do much damage , least the meeting other versions people.
2: Space Time Rips
Space time rips are a physical manifestation anomaly that can appear naturally and unaturally . They can appear anywhere and any time but usually invisible to the naked eye unless physically touched then it becomes visible to everyone .
Though strangely ghost and psyshic type pokémon can see them for an unknown reason without being touched , it certainly helps to detect them.
Threat Level: Medium , depending on the amount of rips that appear in timelines the level can be raised to High.
3: Corrupted Anomalies
These anomalies are the most dangerous out of all , Corrupted Anomalies are a major problem that can lead to the destruction of a timeline.
When a timeline becomes corrupted it’s almost always due to human meddling with powers beyond their control and don’t realise such consequences of their actions by trying or gaining forcefully gaining access to time.
The corruption of a timeline is like a virus that spreads infecting everything it touches slowly destroying the environment and pokémon around it slowly disintegrating everything it comes across intill there is nothing.
Threat level: Extremely High ,rare occurrence .
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How I thought the tourney was gonna go (and how incredibly, incredibly wrong I was)
So for anyone who was following me at the beginning of this tournament, you'd know that I actually went and filled out my own bracket with the contenders and it was roughly 2/3 of who I thought would actually win, and 1/3 my own personal bias of who I wanted to win. Well now that the tournament's over, let's compare my thoughts versus the actual bracket and get a chuckle over just how much I got wrong!
Under the cut to prevent dash clutter
So for reference, here is the actual bracket:
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And here's what MY bracket was:
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Can you uh. Can you see a few um. Discrepancies.
Let's go over some of my favorite things I got wrong:
Overall, my left side of the bracket wasn't too bad! I figured Kris would get pretty far, and predicted they'd get to the final four!!
I sent a few predictions to my bestie and like while I was wrong that Darcy would go far, I DID predict Omori wouldn't make it till the very end! I just didn't think it'd be Harrier that'd take him out
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RIP Uendo system I really thought they'd go further than this 😔
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The right side of the bracket... hoo boy
Listen, sorry Shallan fans, but I knew absolutely nothing about this character prior to running this tournament, I have immense respect for her now but like. At the time I didn't even know about her, let alone her fans would be so dedicated to coming out for her sweep. GG!
ENA... MAN... Okay to be fair I knew this one would be close.
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I honestly thought ENA would pull through... admittedly I also thought it'd be hilarious if the finals ended up being Eda vs ENA for funny name stuff. But man! I even got Mob going to the final four wrong!!!!!
The bottom right I didn't do too bad! Of course I never would have guessed the Blitzwing/Mikoto tie but overall I did okay in that corner!
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I DID think Blitzy and Ingo would go further than they ended up going but still!
So yeah. I got a lot of the early matches pretty well, but I lost my finalists in round 1 so I was basically doomed from the start XD Well hey, at least know that this is pretty solid evidence that I didn't rig any of these votes JBSDJKBFKSJDBFKJB
Bonus: My bracket, but scored as if it were a March Madness tournament
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I would have scored 61.5 points if this was scored like a March Madness tournament... which is not TERRIBLE but it still FAR from great XD
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r0-boat · 1 year
I'm back again with part 3 of the SubMas BeeGearStation Wasp Queen Reader!
CW: AFAB Reader, violence, compromising positions, yandere stuff.
Everything went so fast. Way too fast for you think clearly. The last time, you were cornered by the insane Bee Kings. The next thing you know, you are now holding one of them hostage in your arms in a nelson hold. One of your hands grabbed his antenna, threatening to rip it off of his head.
Emmet stood completely still. Seeing his brother in a hostage position held by you made him feel that he too is in danger. You are certainly not a wasp to be played around with. You are quick and strong, a combination of traits that are present in a professional leader.
A leader. A Queen.
Their Queen.
Emmet glanced at his brother, and Ingo glaced back to him. Both stared at each other for a moment and finally, one of them speaks.
"My Queen, isn't this rather cruel of you? We were just trying to make you feel good. Make us feel good. No harm will be done if you decide to comply. Can you let my brother go, please?" Emmet tries to persude you with his sweet voice, but you are unmoved.
You froze, hand stil gripping Ingo's antenna, ready to rip it whenever there is a sudden move. You firmly demanded for your workers to be freed. You want your workers to be let go right now. Emmet shook his head, looking dissappointed.
"We cannot do that, Queen. That would be a breach in the contact, you know. Now, let my brother go, please." Emmet asked you politely once again.
You riggidly stood where you are, still unmoved. Emmet sighed.
"Alright, if you insist it to be this way." He glanced once again to his brother, who in turns stomped on your foot, making you feel pain. You yelped and Ingo managed to free himself from your grasp. Immediately, you put some distance from him.
Now you are trapped in between the Kings. This made you became even more anxious. You reached for a chair near you and quickly throw it to Emmet. He clearly didn't expect the counter attack, and immediately fell backwards. That'll buy you sometime.
You spread your wings and shot yourself out of the room, flying straight to your workers' part of the rooms. Upon arriving, you screamed on top of your lungs to alert your workers to flee immediately. The doors opened and your workers promptly fly to follow you out of the bees' nest.
All of you are going to escape this madness. All of you are going to survive.
After several minutes of flying, you finally see the end of the tunnel, where a faint light awaits for you to bask in it. You quickened your pace, and ordered your workers to do the same.
"QUEEN! PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE US! WE NEED YOU!" the Kings' voices loudly penetrated your hearing. You felt yourself panicked again but decided to ignore them.
This time, you slowed down and stopped, looking back. Your saw your confused worker, terrified sweat lining her face. She had her wings clutched by Emmet, who looks awfully calm in a situation like this.
Anxiety and desperation clawed your mind. What are you going to do now? You are all so close to freedom. Is there a way to defuse this situation?
You glanced to the Kings, their expression unreadable. There are hints of anger, betrayal, sadness, and desperation coloring them.
Thinking quickly, you decided to lower yourself down to the ground and approach the Kings, silently offering your wrists to them in exchange for the safety of your workers. This action of yours made your workers gasped, as they are now confused. The hostaged worker was finally let go. She immediately flew to your other workers' crowd, searching for comfort.
Your workers also tried to descent to the ground, but you barked an order at them to stay afloat. Whatever it takes, they have to be free from here.
The Kings hummed gladly. They took your hands with theirs, squeezing harshly at them. Unhinged delight painted their faces.
Some of your workers tried to protest, rushing towards you to get you back to them. You shouted them to stay back and to go back to the wasp colony immediately. They quickly stopped at their tracks, and sadly obeyed your order. They do not want this, but an order is an order.
"My my, such charisma your have among your workers there, Queen! You are definitely something, huh?" Emmet giggled darkly.
"Queen, let us go back to our room. You need a rest, that's for sure." Ingo rubbed your hand gently, trying to coax you to his and his brother's room.
You begrudgingly glared at the Kings, but nodded eventually. Trying to stay strong in front of your workers who are looking at your back with worried eyes. They do not want to leave their Queen, but following you right now is not an ideal choice. They are warily watching you as you walked back to the bees' nest with the Kings.
You need a new plan to solve this problem on your own.
👀🍿 this shit is honestly so exciting!
Of course if the yan!kings are desperate enough they'll use and do anything to keep you with them~
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