#rip problematic king
shen-daozhang · 2 years
Hua Binan in the AU I'm writing where he succeeds in giving Chu Wanning the Flower: Surely he will love me now
Mo Ran: *exists*
Hua Binan: god fucking dammit are you kidding me
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cryptidkreates · 6 months
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"You're so quiet."
this scene killed me i think
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ohfugecannada · 1 year
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✨♠️Happy pride month, ace inhabitants!♠️✨
Bonus non ace related memes under the cut because solidarity
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uuuuhm…. didnt you know zoran is problematic???? 🤨??????
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evilminji · 3 months
I see the Clockwork so Khronos HC and I raise you Vortex is Zues
Immediate thought? "Why go to therapy, when you, a God, can LITERALLY rip out the Problematic Parts of yourself and just kill um! There, honey! Problem solved! :D this can in no way EVER come back to bite me in the ass!"
Cause I mean... killing your problems worked against his DAD. And most OTHER problems he's had. Why not? When you are a hammer etc etc...
So... yeah. Technically! He IS part of Zeus! The ASSHOLE part that Hera was threatening to divorce FOR REAL this time. The HAS No Chill, part. The THROW STORMS AT EVERYTHING 5EVA RAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Part.
Kronos did the same thing but in reverse. Killed off his Calm n Reasonable self who just wanted to be a mischievous Time Dude. Cause THAT does not a King Of God's make. Didn't turn out well for Kronos.
N Clockwork got stuck with THAT assholes reputation.
It's like making a twin brother out of yourself only to kill um. Vortex has eternal beef with Zeus. He was a GOD. An INFANT. Born only to IMMEDIATELY be butchered. Yeah, he was an angry God. Made to be the wrath to Zeus' peace. An Angry Sky to his Tranquil Sky.
But that did NOT give Zeus the right to MURDER HIM in cold blood for the crime of being INCONVENIENT.
He didn't even get a NAME.
Had too, IN DEATH, Name HIMSELF.
Ffffffuck his Father/Brother! Zeus is gonna get what's coming to him! Infant murdering BASTARD!
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chaoticace2005 · 6 months
Why Valentino needs to chill the fuck out (AKA a list of complaints on the pissbaby):
(By Velvette, the only one here with a braincell)
(Her list for Vox (to stop obsessing over Alastor) here)
1. I can’t stop you from being a dick to your employees but STOP RIPPING UP MINE
2. Can you keep your obsession with Angel Dust in the studio? Bringing him up elsewhere makes Vox think he can bitch about Alastor and I don’t need anymore of that.
3. Bringing up the Radio Demon to win an argument just makes everyone suffer.
4. I know therapy is a lost cause with you but seriously?
5. Figure out whatever the fuck you and Vox have going on. You’re not dating but you have Radio Demon- related foreplay and Vox gets jealous whenever you bring up “Angelcakes.”
6. I’ll blow my brains out if I hear the name “Angelcakes” again.
7. I don’t want to keep replacing lights after you run into them head first
8. I don’t want to keep having to spend money buying mothballs so you won’t eat my clothes.
9. When you get pissed you get horny, and I’d prefer if you didn’t fuck anyone on the kitchen counter.
10. Or my closet
11. Can you stop crying about the fact I have (gorgeous) hair and you don’t? Not my fault your head looks like an egg
12. Also weird pheromones? Can you keep that stuff inside you until we need to make more Love Potions? The whole place stinks
13. Your rage bedazzling has begun to get out of hand. I took a shower and rhinestones came out of the tap.
15. Chasing down your employee who is staying with the PRINCESS AND KING of HELL isn’t the best idea.
16. Also, again, Radio Demon. And he may be an ancient prick but Vox is so insufferable.
17. Seriously if anyone gets to kill you it’s me. And since I can’t nobody can.
18. We keep having to replace phones because of your tantrums.
19. And employees
20. And TV screens for Vox
21. When you get angry you put things in the top shelves which is really a dick move.
22. At this point I’m starting to worry if you’ll take the name “pissbaby” seriously given your recent fixation and I do NOT want to deal with that.
23. I know tormenting employees can be fun, but also Angel Dust gets us a lot of money. And if he finds a way to opt out then I’m making sure the financial loss comes out of YOUR funds.
24. I don’t want to go to any more shitty overlord meetings alone because Vox is busy having a mental breakdown and you’re busy looking up new forms of torture.
25. Unlike that Carmine hag I am NOT a wrinkly old mom so STOP making me act like it.
25. Apparently you can only be so “problematic” in Hell and you’ve definitely passed that point
26. Seriously? Do you know how often #CancelTheVees is trending? #CancelValentino is FINE but then you go dragging me into this shit…
27. I’m tired of being the responsible one. Why don’t you two old fucks get your shit together?
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sarasade · 2 months
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PSSSST if you want to see all my problematic Viravos smut it's on my Cohost. like this totally serious comic I made about the conception of Sir Sparklepuff when s5 aired (RIP King)
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There are straight men in power banning trans people, outlawing queer books, and banning gay marriage again, and we're about to have a woman president cosigning genocide.
I think maybe the queer community needs to stop engaging what is at this point blatantly psyop discourse meant to make us hate each other. This isn't even veiled homophobia. Like it's just homophobia. Straight men are misogynist too. Men in general even so it's bizarre that this person specified queer men.
Like I'm sorry Gay Gary fucking sucks and is a man that worships patriarchy, but he also makes minimum wage at Starbucks so maybe we have bigger things to worry about than specifically making Kevin feel unwelcome in queer spaces.
Like any of the 500+ anti-lgbt bills that were presented this year. Or actually codifying gay marriage. Or if you care about women, getting Roe v Wade codified or changing constitutional language so that the rights of men will ALWAYS apply to all genders, Not just men or white men or white women (like in the case of voting). Or you could support the Equal Rights Ammendment and organize more support for that.
Keeping misogynist gay men out of gay safe spaces isn't gonna give any of us rights or protections even if it does make the space more welcoming for women and femmes and I know ppl aren't gonna like this but if you really find that necessary then create additional spaces specifically for that purpose.
Because queer/LGBT spaces are for ALL queer/LGBT people. Being LGBT/queer is the only prerequisite.
We aren't a monolith, remember? One of the foundational arguments for our rights is that we are just people like everyone else!
Queer people are capable of being Republicans and Democrats and doctors and nurses and teachers and racists and activists and philosophers, JUST LIKE THE STRAIGHTS. Just like everyone else! And it's our right to be treated with the same complexity and freedom to be as they are.
It's not a reflection of their orientation. Nobody is going around like "yeah if you're straight you shouldn't be voting Republican" because they aren't being dehumanized and having their entire being reduced to who they do/don't sleep with and having their identities regulated by their choices.
Don't do that to each other.
The point of community is being a community. You don't abandon the community you have cuz your community will the ONLY people that have your back. At the end of the day gay Republicans also need a gay bar to retreat to and be comfortable and themselves at. And when they're there they're grateful that at the very least nobody is gonna give them a hard time for being gay.
Bitching at gay men about misogyny is basically a mean lesbian past time, besides. Stonewall happened because the Black drag king, Stormé Delarverie, who got clubbed and fighting cops was just being ogled by other lgbts who just watched and she yelled, "why don't you guys do something?" so they did. In fact, Stormé Delarverie often patrolled the area with a rifle to keep lesbians safe.
And do you think she stopped to do a tally of who's problematic and who wasn't before they started to de-arrest Stormé? Do you think Stormé would have just let lesbians be harassed if they were racist?
Cuz when that Republican gay needs backup against homophobes you know who he's gonna call? That mean lesbian who ripped into him about misogyny that one time and would fight anyone if they were acting ugly. At the end of the fucking day we are the only people who will look for each other. Quit acting otherwise and fighting with each other.
To deny someone a safe space is to deny part of their humanity.
Idk when the queer community forgot that but I hope this serves as a reminder.
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bonkbobl · 1 month
beautiful fool
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a/n: wait okay i didn't mean to fall down this rabbit hole but roose bolton can get it i dont really care. genuinely sometimes i forget that hes a bad... bad bad bad man. he has that flavor of bad thats just so alluring though i cant resist. i forget that the boltons often torture people for fucks and giggles but rewatching the scene where roose just fucks with jamies head for no reason other than thinking it might be funny made me think to what lengths would he go for something he actually wants. warning that its unedited and unplanned and this is more or less a train of thought fic.
summary: he had to have you. whatever it takes.
warning: REALLY explicit, major dubious consent, honestly headed toward straight noncon. very problematic trope of being forced to fuck but then enjoying it. forced marriage. id say dark roose but lowkey this is pretty in character for this bad bad bad man bad man. bad man.
Your heart raced out of your chest, fear even threatening to bubble and explode out of your throat. You almost got away. You nearly escaped. And here you were, tackled into the mud just by the river by men who wanted to hurt you. Hurt you and whatever was left of your family.
The men who whispered taunts in your ear as they tied your hands behind your back laughed. These were the same men who just two days ago invited the woman who you call mother and the man who was like a brother to you into their home to feast and murdered them.
You knew they'd send out a hunting party after you. But you thought swimming in the water might throw them off your scent. You weren't so lucky.
And as they dragged you back, the words of those men rang ominously through your head, "It's too bad the lord wants her untouched. I'd very much like to touch this one."
A lurking feeling told you that you'd probably have preferred to fall into the river and crack your head open on some jagged rock than find out what use the Lord of the Dreadfort had for you.
"What happens if I refuse," You asked, lifting your chin in defiance, as much defiance as you could manage with your arms tied behind your back.
Roose tilted his head at you almost like he was amused that you'd even think you have a say in the matter in the first place. "Then I'll put a bastard baby in you," he responded, his frankness and lack of shame sending cool shivers down your back. "And once the bastard is born I'll put another in you."
You couldn't help the frustrated tears that pooled in your eyes and you ripped your gaze away from him, fear bubbling in your chest and making you feel sick.
"Whore of Winterfell, or Lady Bolton. It's your decision, love."
Ever since that conversation you had pondered how likely it is you'd make it even a few miles before you were captured, either by Bolton hunters or the Ironborn. Either would be unpleasant. You wondered if you could find a way to just be done with it all and join your ward family in the seven heavens rather than fight. But you knew you could never bring yourself to. You were one of the living, through and through. You had to run.
And plan, you did, but no opportunity came. It was only a matter of time before you were put in a pretty white dress and brought under a Godswood to speak your vows to the man who betrayed your true king.
All you could think was why. Why cant he just let you go. You have no legitimate claim that could threaten him. You're not a stark. You're just a girl. You don't come from a large family. Not one of influence. There are no banners to raise. No substantial actions you could take against the new wardens of the north. You were more likely to die trying to run north than you were to be any kind of threat.
It wasn't like Roose to hold affections for any particular person. It was rare for him to even feel a vague sense of fondness towards anyone. A person is useful and competent. If they aren't then at best they are a nuisance that he could do without, at worst a threat to the Bolton name.
But you.
You were every bit as much a fool as the man who took you in as a ward, and that same mans son who grew up with you. You fretted over honor and doing the right thing when your enemies would not pay a second thought. You argued in favor of the late Queen Talisa's insistence on helping both Northern and Royal forces, allocating countless coppers toward medicating the enemy.
You aggravated Roose to no end when you first began to speak out. And yet he found that his eyes would always meet yours, rake downward against his will really. And though it only added to his aggravation, he brushed those feelings aside as the natural desires of a man.
He, in no way, found you difficult to gaze upon. It was infuriating, even more so that you seemed to understand the effect you had on men, flirting about with the son of Karstark and joking crudely with the men as if you weren't a lady to be respected.
And yet he found a stirring in him when you'd make an innuendo that was a little too risque.
He soon found it difficult to not think of you. Especially when you, the beautiful fool, revealed yourself to be of a sharper mind than even the King in moments.
"I love Talisa, truly, but think about it, Robb. You may be winning battles right now. But if you become too close to her, your closest advisors may falter. You risk losing the war."
"We have little food to sustain the rest of the camp, perhaps it'd do the Northern cause some good to do something about the overflowing kennels. As distasteful as it is to execute so many."
"Karstark will be avenged if you go through with this, please Robb. His forces make up a third of ours. Think. Think about it, I beg you."
Roose was irked by the fact that he agreed with you on more occasions than not, but he was impressed nevertheless. And it only kept you on his mind more. No, it wasn't love, Roose was sure of it, it erred more on the side of an intrigue that escalated to the point of near obsession. You were, after all, young, beautiful, thoughtful, and you held a level head. More strong than his first wife, less stiff and rigid than his second. More alluring and exciting than both.
The way Roose saw it, Robb Stark was becoming more dangerous to the interests of the North, growing increasingly reckless as the war went on. It was really his duty to usurp the so called King in the North, whod surely lead all the great Northern Houses to extinction if this masquerade continued on. You, however, would be a great loss if you were to drown alongside the wolf.
A great loss, indeed. Not to any higher purpose, you were not from any significant house. No, you just deserved to live. It baffled Roose to know he felt that way about any one person. But he reasoned it's simply because he wants you for himself. His pretty little wife — you'd fit that role so well.
He even remembered the way the old Lord Frey cackled when he stated his intentions with you.
"Marry any of my daughters and I will give you her weight in silver, My Lord. An offer of good faith and my grandson shall become Warden of the North."
"I'm honored by the offer, believe me. But I already have a prize that I've set my eyes on."
Frey's eyebrows arched in amusement.
"The Stark Ward," Bolton answered the unspoken question.
And the old man laughed, harder than a man his age should be able to, and sure enough his joy was cut short by a few uncouth coughs. "Pretty slut. I cannot say I blame you, Lord Bolton. I'm embarrassed I didn't think to take that pretty thing as my spoils before you did."
Roose offered a polite smile and hum, "I'll wed one of your children or perhaps grandchildren to whatever child I will have with my new wife."
Frey chuckled, nodding, "Hm, expect me to remember such a promise, my lord..." Then with a sardonic smirk, the lecherous old man spoke again, "Eh, I assume you aren't the type of man to like to share, are you, Lord Bolton."
And Roose's smile dropped into a hard glare. Frey laughed again, waving him off.
"A joke," he reassured, "Alright. After we kill the boy and his mum, you keep the whore. I cant wait to see how you deign to tame the bitch."
The very same halls you grew up in echoed terribly as your husband led you to the chambers you would share. The Lords chambers. You remember running to this very room to pester your Lord and Lady, sometimes Sansa or her older brother running alongside you.
Lord Bolton hardly spoke a word to you. All the better, for you could not bear to look at him. All those months of sitting across him as both of you counseled the proclaimed King in the North, and you thought you knew the man. You even admired him, vied for his approval. You thought him to be intelligent, more clear headed than the men that are easily driven by anger or lust and other vices of men. You'd smile to yourself on the occasions he'd agree with you or appear to approve of your advise.
To be honest, you thought Lord Bolton had no such love or affection toward you, especially in the very beginning when he wouldn't even stop to regard you, or he'd clearly speak over you, brush you aside, advise your king the opposite of the words you'd spoken. You thought he saw you as a mere child, playing at king and hand like you and Robb would as babes.
Now you think he really must have hated you. You wonder how long he hated Robb, and all the Starks, all their allies. But you, he must have hated you especially. Why he would feel the need to subject you to the greatest torture of living with him, being bred by him, carrying child after child, you wondered why why why. Why does he hold so much resentment toward a young girl. He must be a sad man.
You suddenly realized he was staring at you, watching your teary eyes, your clenched jaw, your shaky breath. You stared him in his cold eyes, defiant. Though you knew it was useless. You knew what would come next. He made it clear.
Whore of Winterfell, or Lady Bolton.
Was there any difference?
For Lady Bolton, the children you bear him would be heirs rather than bastards. For Lady Bolton, you'd have a title, your "honor" in tact. But everything that mattered would remain the same. Youd take him nightly. You could only hope for him to cease his visits once a babe has taken to your belly
"Lady Bolton," your husband commanded your attention.
You faced him, inches away from the bed. He towered over you and you did your best at a feeble attempt to not let him intimidate you. You were scared. You wanted to be strong but the thought of what was to come next was scaring you. There's no escape.
"Lord Bolton," you replied, nothing but spite in your tone.
He breathed a humorous scoff, shaking his head slightly, "Undress yourself," he said, barely above a whisper, challenging you by tilting his head to the side. His eyes were so cold, barely feeling. You'd not be surprised if he told you he wasn't human.
Swallowing, you began unlacing your dress, attempting to remain hard as steal. But a tear finally trickled down your face when his hand reached up to cup it.
Your fingers stalled to a halt when he leaned in to kiss the tear, an action that would be comforting from any other man but you knew he meant to mock you. This was meant to be humiliating. He doesn't care for you. He kisses your tears away to remind you he doesn't care. He might even like it. Stop crying.
But you couldn't. You squeaked out a small sob as his lips came down to meet yours, hungry and demanding. Your shaky breath let out a heavy sigh through your nose and the feeling of fear strangely extinguished from your chest for a moment. Instead, your chest rose and you met him in his kiss.
His lips were surprisingly soft, his tongue felt dirty in your mouth but you couldn't explain why you didn't want to bite it off and spit it out. Instead you felt helpless and you let his tongue roam your mouth with little to no fight. When he pulled away from you, a string of spit tried desperately to keep the two of you connected but smacked against your chin after a mere second.
Your breath was heavy, cheeks wet with tears, flushed and probably looking a mess. You didn't want to imagine it. The vague sense of disgust with yourself remained but it just felt slightly different. You didn't know how to place it. It stirred rather pleasantly in your lower tummy and you felt really tense down there.
"I will repeat this command. But for the future, I want it to be known that I don't enjoy repeating myself. Undress yourself."
You heard his words clearly and allowed him to kiss you again. Your fingers clumsily and hurriedly worked at your dress. You stripped yourself bare as he did as he liked, kissing, nipping at your lips. His hands explored the new inches of your body as they became more and more exposed to him.
They roamed over your back, and back in front to cup your soft tits, weighing them, toying with your nipple... roamed back down your back, squeezing your firm ass. You couldn't place the feeling, you couldn't place it. You didn't like the feeling. You wanted it to stop. And yet if he pulled away you felt as if you might lean back into his touch inexplicably. You'd hate it but you'd go back for more.
Whenever he groped you a little too hard, you'd whine without even realizing it and Roose's pleasure would grow. Once you were fully naked, you grew awkward, not knowing what to do with your hands so you backed toward the bed. But he followed.
The rough fabric of his clothes felt harsh against your soft skin. You had nothing to do but whimper again and when you turned your head away, he simply let you, instead taking the opportunity to finally look at you, his little wife. Beautiful, clever, stubborn little wife.
You ducked your head, crying, confused at the way you felt, confused as to why you weren't fighting him harder. And that spurred you to begin.
Roose realized you weren't fighting him the second he kissed you and he shared your confusion for a second until he felt your tongue caressing his in reciprocation. He's sure you hadn't even fully realized your own actions as you had rushed to comply with his orders.
He half expected you to be a shy blushing bride but this reminded him that you were a little of a tease with Robbs men, cracking nasty jokes that a lady should not have been aware of. You were no blushing bride. In fact, you were a bit of a slut. A tease.
And suddenly, it struck him that the behavior hadn't so much aggravated him in the way that he thought. In fact the memory of you flirting with those men who were now burried in the ground or thrown into the river, gave him this strong sense of accomplishment to have you here.
Roose began undoing his trousers, unsheathing himself to your horror and you pushed him away, escaping the only way you were permitted, crawling on the bed and trying to get over to the other side. Roose was too fast, grabbing your ankle and pulling you down.
You fell but you kicked him in the chest and he laughed, dropping your ankle, but only so he could grasp your hips firmly and pull you back along the edge of the bed.
"Down, girl," he commanded, as if you were a dog.
You cried, clawing at anywhere to escape to. But he was right behind you and as you looked around, you knew it was hopeless. Still the fight burned on in your chest. Then you heard a smack and a sharp pain in your buttock, jolting you under your husband.
Another one came because you refused to calm yourself, then his hand slipped between your thighs and he spanked you again as another feeble warning.
"My lady," He started, waiting for you to calm finally before chuckling. Then your torturer informed you of something, no doubt to break your spirits, "Are you aware, Lady Bolton, how wet your cunt is?"
His rough weathered fingers rubbed at your entrance, barely pushing in and sure enough the sound of your slick being rubbed and spread around, filled your ears. Your fists balled the sheets under it and your legs helplessly kicked up, though with no purpose. You couldn't get away. From him. From your shame. From your body's betrayal.
"Your womb is begging me to fill it. You feel it, don't you?" He taunted, "You're confused, aren't you. Stupid, confused, little wife."
His fingers slipped away and you fought to catch your breath, fists relaxing because he stopped. But then his fingers were replaced by something thicker and hotter and your struggle resumed. Your hips squirming but all it did was slicken his cockhead for an easier entrance.
"Let me clear your confusion, stupid little wife." Roose cooed to you, the tone of his voice unfitting of the cruel words. "You are exactly where you belong. Under your husband, serving your husband. The Warden of the North. There's no need to fight your fate or fight your pleasure as you are exactly where you belong."
Then he began pushing into you and your toes clenched, back arching inexplicably. The new angle that you provided made it easier. You knew it didn't make sense but it made perfect sense to Roose, who chuckled behind you, smacking your ass, this time not in displeasure but as a praise. Your body twitched at it, cunt squeezing and pulsing around him as if it were trying to suck it in.
Your moans grew more wanton as he pushed in torturously slow. And of course it hurt, stung, when he forced past your maidenhead but you couldn't even bring yourself to squirm away from that. You were rightfully his.
When his hips met yours, he just held himself buried inside you for a few seconds and you continued to contract and twitch around him, small squeaks of confusion escaping your throat against your will. You couldn't stop squirming. The sensation of something so big filling you stirred you uncontrollably.
A hand trailed down your thigh, nudging it upward and you followed the movement, allowing him to prop your leg up on the bed. Then he began thrusting and your face heated up when you heard just how wet you were. Each time his hips pressed flush against you, youd feel the cool sensation of your slick on his balls.
It was all so vivid. Even if you couldn't see what was going on behind you. You knew. And the most shameful noises forced past your throat as your husband fucked you deeply and slowly.
"Listen to yourself," Roose muttered, hands coming up to grab your shoulders.
It allowed him to hammer deeper and harder into you, the sharpness of his thrusts contrasting the slow strokes he started with. You cried out, shameful but you were horrified to find that you did not want him to stop. Not when he was... oh his cock was hitting something inside you. Deep inside you.
"Keep making those noises, darling wife. I cant tell if I enjoy your pleasure more or your tears."
You cried out, a small sob at the end of it. And despite your better judgement, you turned your head to look at your husband. Your naked body contrasted so much with his garments, which stayed mostly unmoved. Only his pants and breeches were pulled down to his mid thigh.
His expression hardened upon evaluating your features. There was nothing more beautiful, your lips parted in a pleasure that confused you. The tears had dried by now but your hair was a mess and your eyes swollen and pinkish. Not to mention the way you were splayed out beneath him. He landed a firm spank to your buttocks again, aiming to leave marks.
You whimpered, eyebrows coming together as your pussy clamped down around him. Roose grabbed your hip that was propped higher than the rest of your body due to your leg that was positioned on the bed. And he used that hip as leverage to pull your body into him.
The confusion within you turned to fear when an unfamiliar feeling began building within you. You cried out loudly and involuntarily clamped down even harder around him, pulsing uncontrollably as he jackhammered into you ruthlessly, intensifying when his hands abandoned your hips for your neck.
You couldn't help but feel as if you were reduced to a little object. He could grab you wherever and however he wanted and pull you against his cock and you had nowhere to run and yet you couldn't even deign to lift your legs and kick at him. You surrendered to the smallness that he made you feel, cries and distress replaced by whimpers and submission.
You came to find your body shaking and convulsing with a blinding kind of pleasure. Even your moans died into a breathy, shaky sigh, back arching as you sank further into the sheets beneath you. Your lord gave no sign of stopping, another self satisfied hum rumbling from his chest.
"Good, so good, darling. I knew you would come to enjoy your new position."
And with that you were filled again with shame, though not yet strong enough to overshadow the stubborn pleasure which muted any feelings that might incite discomfort. You especially could not feel displeased when your husband firmly snapped his hips into you, releasing a grunt. He continued to pump into you, slowly but firmly. sighing along with his thrusts. It was the only compromise in composure that he allowed you to see and you were only sure at this point that he was finished with you.
Surprisingly the spilling of his seed didn't feel like much but your cunt squeezed him, as if it was aware. And you felt satisfaction wash over you, as if your body was also aware.
To your shock and shame, your ass gyrated beneath him, rolling itself against him to fully milk him for all he had to offer you. And you hid your face, pausing once you realized.
After recovering from his release, Roose watched you closely, appreciating the way you still squirmed, restless. You moved your leg back down to the floor and pushed back, hips meeting his and your cunt convulsed again around him due to the overstimulation. He stood like a barrier, looming over you a he rested his hands on the edge of the bed where your hips were and your restless little cunt continued to twitch and pulse as you tried to compose yourself desperately.
You breathed deeply but it was hopeless. You could not walk away with your dignity, fully aware of how Lord Bolton stared upon his Lady Bolton, satisfied with how you gave into him so easily.
You shivered and your breath hitched when he landed a kiss to your shoulder blade. Then you sighed, settling down again for him. And a needy whimper confirmed your submission.
Roose loomed over you, giving you another small kiss on your temple.
"You did well, my lady."
The approval got to you. Your days on Robbs counsel trying your best to say anything intelligent that would make him accept you as an equal. It all led you to this moment. But you never did accomplish your goal of being viewed as an equal, at least it didn't feel that way in this moment. His softening cock still inside you, the only thing stopping his spend from trickling down your leg. Oh the shame of it all.
"I'm pleased to find that you enjoyed it as much as I did."
"No," You protested but in your voice you could tell you didn't even believe yourself.
Lord Bolton merely laughed. And you whimpered again, willing yourself to sink into the bed and disappear. Then your husband pulled back and spread your ass cheeks apart, giving you a lengthy thrust. Though he was not as hard as he was moments ago, the movement was enough to make you shiver.
"Then we should try again in a half mark of an hour. I shall train my lady wife to welcome me into her bed."
You bit the inside of your mouth to prevent another whimper but it was ripped from you when Lord Bolton spanked you again.
Oh yes, Roose Bolton would commit a thousand betrayals and massacre a hundred false Kings if it meant he'd end up with you, here, to warm his bed.
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arista-essendon · 3 months
Riyria Revelations dashboard simulator
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⚔️ haddy_blackwater
These trees are fascinating! I think I know what kind that one is too! Can’t wait to tell Royce about the time I fell out of one!
💰 duster Follow
shut. up.
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🪷 alendawilllowart Follow
does anyone know how I can get my secret letters to my lover back. they got stolen and they're gonna be used as blackmail :/
🎩 actualnoblity Follow
sent u a message
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🌹 gwentheseer
Just put a fresh coat of paint on the Rose and Thorn :D
💰 duster Follow
Looks lovely as always Gwen!!!
🌹 gwentheseer
Thank you Royce❤️
⚔️ haddy-blackwater
Beautiful Gwen! Hey does anyone wanna see the sword hilt I just rebound?
💰duster Follow
no one cares.
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Haha I love my hairbrush so much and I’m definitely not emotionally attached to it at allll
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📜myron-the-monk Follow
I’ve never met a women. They seem kinda scary. Horses too.
📜myron-the-monk Follow
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Just got us another job! Royce isn’t thrilled but it’ll be nice to help someone out!
Oops my bad Royce
💰duster Follow
i hate you so much
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👨🏽 king-ethelreds-lover Follow
💋 ur-local-beauty-maiden
OMG that's so sad. but why are the assassins sooo hot. like do they really have to die?
🪶anti-degan-gaunt Follow
This is SO problematic I can’t believe I’m seeing this. Watch your words you digesting wretch our king is literally dead
🍺 tavernboi Follow
lmao “digesting”
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killed another man today, my father would be so ashamed
at least i have alcohol and my best friend
💰duster Follow
ur pathetic
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🤴🏽prince_alric Follow
Can’t believe I’m getting kidnapped, this is ridiculous I’m the prince!!!
💰duster Follow
no one cares.
i care. Sorry I got you kidnapped Alric
🤴🏽prince_alric Follow
Apology not accepted.
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Just to be clear saying ive never saddled my own horse before because I’m a woman is frankly very sexist
I said that cuz ur a princess and u literally haven’t
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🕯️official-church-of-novron Follow
Don’t forget to praise Novron today and pay your tithes
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🕯️official-church-of-novron Follow
Don’t forget to praise Novron today and pay your tithes
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🕯️official-church-of-novron Follow
Don’t forget to praise Novron today and pay your tithes
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⚔️ haddy_blackwater
someone tried to stab me earlier. ugh
💰 duster Follow
who. im gonna rip out their heart.
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💪 gauntshotmuscles Follow
i genuinly hate that stupid princess arista. shes so stinking opinioated and annoying to be around. friking know it all
⚔️ haddy-blackwater
i'll literally kill you
Awwww thanks Hadrian. Do you wanna makeout in the library now?
⚔️ haddy-blackwater
of course!!!!! meet u in 5
🗡️ swords4ever Follow
what just happened
💰 duster Follow
idk but im happy for them.
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jessaerys · 1 year
sorry to be problematic here on brothercrush dot tumblr dot com dot gov dot edu but i find near and mello's charmingly spicy two year age difference SOOOOO delightful like imagine being 14 and obsessed with a 12 year old with big ol possum eyes. cringefail. a teenage pariah if it ever got out. 16 and somewhere in the red district longing for a 14 year old who hasn't hit puberty yet. 19 going on 20 and a seasoned criminal running the mafia with two different types of body counts and the love of your life isn't even 18 yet and works in pajamas. it's SOOO humiliating for mello no matter how you slice it. rip king you died before you could be in your late 20s and people finally stop looking at you weird and asking if your boyfriend is legal
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deathwhoregutfucker · 1 month
the word “poser” makes me want to recoil in my skin because i see it thrown around on ig reels (which is worse than tiktok and ill die on that hill) all the gd time.
there are a few people in this world who i know for a fact are posers
tx2, don’t even wanna give him any air time. is he an industry plant?? maybe (another conversation that makes me wanna lose my shit). but i also am 99% that he’s ragebaiting. i’m kind of falling for it since im making this post? but i also don’t even bother to comment on his posts or even like them because they are very amusing.
machine gun kelly. i just fucking hate him. he said some weird shit about one of the kardashian/jenner girls when they were young and that was gross. i mean, im not saying you CANT listen to problematic musicians (because look at my blog), but he makes shitty ass music too. even on a mainstream pop punk standard.
kid rock. his entire brand is pandering to the “trailer trash” and “white trash” of america (two terms that i strongly resent for various socio-economic reasons) as well as trumpers. just look up “kid rock house” and there ya have it. also, problematic, and his music is shit. pick a goddamned struggle.
and last but not least, my number one opp, the “king of rock” himself, elvis!!! he just took black music, watered it down, and marketed it to white people!!! forget lead belly and chuck berry, but elvis!?!?? he’s great ?!?
with that being said, i might cringe when i see a nirvana shirt from the american eagle outlet on some 14 year old girl who just thinks its cute. i’m not gonna expect her to know who nirvana is. this is the fault of their PARENTS, not them. it might kill me inside when i see someone with a metallica shirt on when they only know master of puppets and enter sandman. but that’s besides the point. those people are just having fun and i might be snarky about it, but i always keep those thoughts to myself. they’re not doing harm to music, they’re not ripping it from their roots and watering it down like ELVIS (i hate y bro).
just had to rant. really had to.
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salvadorbonaparte · 9 months
2023 in Films
I watched way too many films this year. Here are my opinions on some of them
Las Cosas Del Querer (1989) - Amazing if you love sad hot people and flamenco
Canadian Bacon (1995) - Incredibly silly and Alan Alda plays the US president
Nope (2022) - A highlight of the year
Hellraiser (1987) - This film is actually about miscommunication in this essay I will-
Predestination (2014) - Time Travel and Gender Moments
Malignant (2021) - Camp horror masterwork
Late Phases (2014) - Mediocre werewolf film with some really interesting comments on ageism, ableism, suburbia and religion
Sterne (1959) - Plays into some problematic stereotypes from today's perspective but revolutionary for its time, first German film to address the Holocaust
Major League (1989) - A film I only watched to confirm that it uses a weird phrase I also found in my thesis project
Carry On Screaming (1966) - Camp. Gay. Horror. Parody.
Glen or Glenda (1953) - A product of its time and no longer up to date in its understanding of gender but surprisingly revolutionary in its compassion and earnestness despite the bad reviews
Taxi Driver (1976) - Isn't it frustrating when annoying people tell you a film is good and then it's actually good?
Mr Deeds Goes To Town (1936) - Mr Deeds has autism swag
El Espíritu de la Colmena (1973) - I really wanted to like this because civil war era Spain and Frankenstein are super up my alley but unfortunately it was so much slower than expected
Das Boot (1981) - Very long and claustrophobic but holds up to the hype
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (2022) - RIP King
Nimona (2023) - His big wet eyes bewitched me
First Blood (1982) - You're telling me the film is about Americans fighting an enemy they view as simultaneously weak and dangerous, escalating the situation, and then sending more and more men into a rainforest to die through guerilla warfare after being warned again and again they can't win this? sounds familiar
Barbie (2023) - Insert a bunch of pink emojis
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) - Made me crave bagels
Jojo Rabbit (2019) - God I love war satires
Sweet Liberty (1986) - Alan Alda having fun and also using his own film as a therapy session
The Majestic (2001) - A rewatch but it's so tragically underrated, Jim Carrey is very good in dramatic roles and McCarthy-era media is like catnip for me
Joker (2019) - This is just Taxi Driver with extra steps
Tin & Tina (2023) - Probably one of the worst films I have seen in a while
Battle of the Sexes (2017) - I love women
Four Lions (2010) - The ending really got me, I love when satire gets serious
The Sheriff and the Satellite Kid (1979) - Can we talk about how the theme song is just going "I'm the sheriff" "yes you're the sheriff"
Happiness (1998) - Nauseating but in a "good film but what the fuck" way
They Call Him Bulldozer (1978) - Italian Lagaan
The Talented Mr Ripley (1999) - Sad and Gay
Twister (1996) - So much better than expected
Magnolia (1999) - Cloudy with a chance of frogs, a really long but really good film and I'm not entirely sure I got it
Doubt (2008) - Somehow I watched 5 films with Philip Seymour Hoffman that month because I was haunted by his ghost or something
The Terminal (2004) - I assumed this to be more of a classic romcom but the whole concept (based on a true story) is so terrifying and tragic that it made me feel all emotions at once
Apocalypse Now (1979) - I knew a lot of trivia about the film but for some reason I didn't know anything about the cast so every single actor was a surprise and made me go "!!!", Also I kinda wanna write an essay about it
Bloodbath at the House of Death (1984) - Some of the gay jokes absolutely killed me
Last Night in Soho (2021) - I'm Not Like the Other Girls to Time Travel Murder Nightmare Pipeline, actually I really enjoyed this one but it's also super silly
The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) - How do you say poor little meow meow in gaeilge
The Menu (2022) - I go to the murder restaurant I order the beesechurger, I was super surprised there's no cannibalism but tbh that would have been low hanging fruit
The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2021) - Explains a lot about religion in the US, I love that she was pro lgbt, also I googled her ex husband and he has a prepper/survivalist thing going on now and scams more people
The Darjeeling Limited (2007) - we can't eat pray love ourselves out of this one boys
Holes (2003) - Hated the book as a teenager for school reasons but gave the film a try and really enjoyed it
Renfield (2023) - I expected werewolves but I enjoyed it nevertheless, My Chemical Romance is on the soundtrack, it's very silly, the effects are great
Interview with the Vampire (1994) - Oh people weren't lying about it being homoerotic
The Big Lebowski (1998) - I've had days that feel like that
Pappa ante Portas (1991) - Funnier now that I'm an adult, basically half the jokes my mum makes are from this film
The Meg 2: The Trench (2023) - I watched this while sick and really wanted to see a giant shark fight a giant octopus and boy did it deliver
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) - Very nice animation style
JFK (1991) - I actually fell asleep halfway through because it's so long but can we talk about how this film is just A-listers but has some of the worst wigs and makeup I've seen
Bottoms (2023) - A spiritual sequel to Heathers
When Harry Met Sally (1989) - They deserve each other (derogatory) but that one restaurant scene was pretty funny
The Royal Nanny (2022) - one of the many Hallmark films my mum made me watch and this is perhaps the worst one, incredibly sexist even for a Hallmark film and they clearly mean Mi5 but say Mi7 which was a WW2 propaganda service? Also they really want me to believe there is a British prince called Colin and that he doesn't look like his family tree is a circle?
I forgot the title but there was also the one where two people get stuck in a time loop while trying to make a sponsored youtube video about baking and I didn't really pay attention much but man that was bad
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wyrmguardsecrets · 7 hours
Worst race in WoW rp? Human males.
I now go out of my way to avoid any rp with human males (or worgen males who rp in human form), especially if they're played by white cis men. They are the most problematic group in the game bar none.
They consistently fuck up any rp they get involved in because their character is just an egotistical projection to compensate for their personal male inadequacies. Their roleplay is either some DEUS VULT holy warrior bullshit where they godmod their racism all over any non-human characters, or they try hard as fuck to be Tommy Shelby when really they're just Tommy Wiseau with a "u wot m8" accent. OR they're a "wise old sorcerer" who exerts their intellectualism onto any young woman standing alone in the Lamb. Oh, and let's not forget the assholes who want to be as close to the rank of king as lore-abidingly possible–all adult toddlers with a raging case of megalomania.
The ego cis men imbue their characters with has singlehandedly dismantled so many public rp hubs and guilds because they HAVE to be the big man on campus. I've seen it happen time and time again, where one or more will show up uninvited to a brawl or dispute of any kind across SW because they metagamed learning about it. They HAVE to be the strongest, smartest, funniest, most vicious, most aloof, most politically savvy, and most connected, which just translates to blowhard attitudes and unnecessary conflict as they try to assert their dominance over everyone else. Women? Holes to fuck. Men who love their wives? Spineless cucks. Non-humans? Inferior or a device to be used (i.e. having a draenei as a meat shield). Everyone is an NPC and just a means to an end for their rp. Oh, and their ERP? So much attention to detail when it comes to their muscles and dick veins that it ironically borders on homoerotica.
And if you sit in vc or chat with these guys, it's the biggest stroke fest. They oocly rip on whoever confronts them, make dumb jokes about other OCs, and fellate themselves for writing 10 bAdAsS paragraphs every emote. Nevermind the unapologetic sexism, racism, and trans/homophobia that runs rampant in their discords and guild chats. And if you call them out on their toxic behavior or piss them off, they will gang up on you and gaslight you into a coma until you no longer feel safe on your own character.
Now, because I know their egos are so fragile that I expect some ragey responses and attempts to insult me or say #notallhumanmales, but tbh they can all fuck right off. I've been here 12 years and every single person I've ever known on MG has a horror story involving a human male OC. They're sexual predators–Andrew Tate wannabes–and deserve to be ostracized and ignored.
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rockwgooglyeyes · 2 months
(I think I'm kinda asking too much, but it's very fun talking with you!!! Or at the very least reading what you say!!!)
I love it when you can like. Semi dissect characters by a few words, and stuff. So- uhm. The song The Court Jester, and having that with Flor. How do you think it fits her? (General clown/jester vibe is ofc one of them, but I think the lyrics can be interpreted in many ways and I'd like to see yours!)
Ohhhh I like this . . . also don't worry, I have fun talking with you too! I'm just a little slow today haha. Thank you so much for the compliment by the way analysis is immensely fun for me so the fact that you say I do it well is so flattering, Kellie! Oh and the song is the one with Fukase, right?
It might be horrible but I kind of can't help but associate "the king" character in the song with Rosca and her princess attitude combined with her princess airs. Not only that, but the unwillingness to let go, the clinging onto relics of the past and vestiges of an old world that is no longer relevant, that feels very Rosca to me. Also the "a world you have tainted with your sin" line feels like Rosca because out of Florosca's relationship, Rosca seems to be the more problematic one. Also "but in my time away, you've ended up alone" really hammers home how Flor is one of the only people who Rosca actually cares about.
Of course, the jester role is taken by Flor, the lilting vocals, the vaguely menacing air combined with the consoling words that have a hint of condescension in them. I don't really think of Flor as condescending but at the same time, she can present herself in a very jovial, surface level way as if she doesn't have any idea what's going on, while in reality she knows more than a lot of others do. Why else would she create her own clothing with veiled symbolism, dripping with blood and bitter caramel?
Not only that but the shift in lyrics where the singer wakes up after being buried, witnessing a world they don't know and laughing, that feels immensely fitting for Flor. Her rose-colored glasses finally being ripped away and crushed under heel, showing her just how empty and hollow the world is, filled with people who are going insane or already there, and it would make sense for her to laugh manically at realizing this. Also the repeated image of memories and them being incomplete/pieced together gives me the feeling of puzzle pieces which again, is very Flor to me (she gives me very Stitches Animal Crossing vibes. im sorry. the 'kid playing house in order to cope with the reality of crushing loneliness' feeling is too strong.)
The latter half of the song, where the jester sings "and as such, I have now taken it upon myself / to reinstate the reign of laughter and in health I will return" and "Soon, you will see the world will turn upon it's head again / just you hope that you can see it before you're dead," that seems very Flor to me as well, because after her realization, I can imagine her standing up and vowing to make meaningful change before her own end. She will make a point, she will make people realize how wrong the world is, and she will make them remember her. The "I have now taken it upon myself" feels very Flor as well because for some reason, I feel as though she has a big sense of responsibility? as though she does feel like she's the one who has to make this change?
god fucking damnit this is so long . . . this is a banger song though thanks Kellie haha I hope this fits your desire for dissection of character!!
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thenightling · 7 months
The reality of "Cancel culture" is jus an annoying casual bullying to make people stop talking about various subjects
Last night I posted something that amused me about Spirit Halloween. It was about spirit Halloween now selling adult sized reproduction Ben Cooper Halloween costumes (Popular but very cheap kids Halloween costumes from the 1930s to the early 1990s).
This resulted in someone hijacking my Tumblr post about to give a "Friendly reminder" that we shouldn't buy anything from Spirit Halloween because Spirit Halloween is owned by Spencer's Gifts and "in 2016 Spencer's gifts sold 'Grab America by the p-ssy' shirts and they have yet to apologize!"
I don't care. Yes, it's disgusting that Trump said he could grab a woman by her p-ssy and get away with it. Yes, the shirt was in poor taste but I'm not avoiding a store because it's owned by the same people who own another store that sold a tasteless shirt EIGHT years ago!
I am tired of being told what I should or shouldn't interact with.
I run a Neil Gaiman's The Sandman Facebook group and I was called a TERF apologist and even Transphobe all because I won't ban the mention of J. K. Rowling. She is literally mentioned in episode 11 of The Sandman Netflix series. And Neil Giaman's four part story The Books of Magic is often mistaken as a Harry Potter rip-off even though it was published over seven-years before the first Harry Potter book was published.
Even though my group's very first rule is "No bigotry" I was accused of leaving transphobic content on the group. Someone in "The Trailer Park Pagans are at it Again" group even kept a bunch of posts from transphobes from within my Sandman group from before I could ban them (Most of those troll posts were less than eleven minutes old when screen grabbed) to make it look like I allowed that crap.
When Hocus Pocus 2 was released to Disney+ someone in my group decided to announce that Bette Midler was a transphobe and she "No longer felt safe in the group" if I talked about Hocus Pocus. Like simply mentioning a fictional character Bette Midler played will make her manifest in their bedroom.
I am NOT justifying or "apologizisting" anything Bette Midler has said. Liking those films is not based on the personal lives of the women involved.
I posted an ASMR video by "Jim's ASMR" based on The Sandman and someone felt the need to tell me how "Problematic" he is because he cheated on his wife in real life with other ASMR artists.
I posted a Nostalgia Critic video and get a lecture about how problematic Channel Awesome is (Yes, I know. I know. I saw the manifesto.)
I really like Danny Elfman. Recently there were some awful accusations tied to him from decades ago that I will not defend but thankfully it appears there was no real evidence anyway. But apparently I'm not supposed to listen to my old recordings anymore, even though he's not getting any new money for them. Annoyingly some people have even used his Oingo Boingo song "Little Girls" as "Proof" that he's a sexual predator even though the song was meant to be a call out to shame people in Hollywood who take advantage of underage girls. You're not supposed to like the main character of the song, and he's even caught at the end of the music video version.
I was told Netflix's Castlevania is problematic and I should avoid it because of some misbehavior of the show's writer. I LIKE Castlevania!
I've been told to avoid Tim Burton because he's "racist" even though I've seen him make a conscious effort to be a lot more diverse in his casting.
On Facebook someone tried to scold me for being Wiccan. They lectured me because Wiccans borrow from other religions and there for "Culturally appropriate." Well, name any religion that doesn't do that. I replied with more or less that challenge and got "If you acknowledge the problematic elements of Wiccan why don't you avoid it?"
Because I'm a f--king adult and I don't avoid all things that are "Problematic." All religions borrow from other religions. There's no pure and untainted form of Paganism. It's Neo Paganism for a reason. And most of it was reinvented or cobbled together in the nineteenth century, just slightly older than modern Wicca pieced together from ancient folk beliefs.
Spirit Halloween Spencer's Gifts J. K. Rowling Harry Potter Bette Midler Hocus Pocus Nostalgia Critic Jim's ASMR videos Danny Elfman Castlevania Tim Burton Wicca (My own religion!)
I've reached a point where I'm sick of being told what I should avoid even discussing because it's "Problematic" or offensive. Note: I am NOT justifying sexual abuse or J. K. Rowling's anti-Trans views.
I understand there's a valid reason to avoid some of these things if you have strong convictions about them and that's up to you but I do not appreciate my posts being hijacked to be given a "Friendly reminder" why you shouldn't shop at Spirit Halloween.
"Friendly reminder" YOU don't get to dictate what I talk about or where I shop, or what music I listen to. If it's problematic that's on me. It's not your business. If I want to listen to an ASMR by a man-whore who doesn't know who to be faithful so what? I'm not sleeping with him, I'm listening to his semi-hypnotic insomnia aid videos.
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