#rip shay
hill-art02 · 4 months
I'm pretty disappointed at HH/HB Fandom right now. Out of all the racist and homophobic tweets on Twitter, they think the tweet about how someone got harass to suicide is worth mass reporting. How would anyone think this type of behavior is okay!?
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helluva-shit-show · 4 months
The incident that occurred with the hellaverse fan known to us as "Shay" is still on my mind, and while I don't wish to interact with the media anymore, I do want to say something to both sides of the hellaverse community, but especially the critical community.
Our words have the power to do the exact same thing that occurred within the shipping communities of the fandom. Please do not forget to be kind while interacting with others. Engaging with any part of the hellaverse community should be a conversation or a respectful debate at most. It should not be a WWE cage fight where you're trying to humiliate your "opponent".
Criticals can get very passionate, I would know, I still am, though I made my choice to walk away. That's not an excuse to talk down to or bully anyone. Try to give people online a little benefit of the doubt. Be patient with people you don't agree with. Don't let your personal pain, irritation, or anger speak for you. If you can't keep things respectful in that moment, walk away from the conversation.
Shay's loss was felt by every part of the fandom. Not necessarily every person within, but you all know there are a lot of people in each sect as heartbroken as you might be feeling right now. Shippers, antis, criticals, regular fans, super fans, no one wanted this.
Nothing can undo what has been done already, but we can choose kindness and patience going forward. We can do that for Shay. Thank you for taking a moment to read this, please keep yourselves safe.
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connor: you know what, shay? why don't you go fuck urself?
shay: (shocked) did i offend you?
haytham: how dare you speak to someone like that? apologise right now.
connor: shay, i sincerely apologise for telling you to go fuck yourself.
shay: it's fine--
connor: what i really meant to say is that my dad can do better and i hate seeing you sit in the chair my mom should be sitting at.
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
Psychoanalyzing my anime boy until I feel something
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thedelucabishops · 9 months
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1x08 // 7x20
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yoonzinoswife · 2 years
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mirrortouchedsea · 2 months
Didnt get into the first zine but we are all manifesting getting into the second one
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mcwexlerscigarette · 1 year
You are all cordially invited to the funeral of my $8 wireless earphones. I will miss the way you randomly switch from English to French to tell me my Bluetooth was connected. I will miss the way you only fell out of my ears during the most inconvenient times such as when I'm passing a broken air vent, shitting on the toilet, or doing dishes. I will miss the way you sometimes refused to connect to my Bluetooth. I will remember you forever. I hope you find peace in this trash can I'm about to throw you in. Goodbye ♥️
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iceicewifey · 5 months
ough, just realized it’s sdc end day… 😭
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waywordhearts · 9 months
— continued from here.
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It shouldn't have surprised Shay that he hadn't backed down. Some days it was considered that Kieran was dumber than a box of rocks and all testosterone. Yet the way he kissed her back, just as pained and hungry, and held her tight against his imposing masculine frame just about shattered what was left of her heart.
There was no chance or time for guilt to settle into her bones at having bruised his body with some physical punishment for the wretched torment he'd inflicted on her because Kieran was daring her to do more damage.
That large hand around her throat threatened loss of control and for marks to display across her fair skin in the aftermath of this natural disaster for days. Crazily, the redhead wanted it more than anything. To feel his grasp tighten and jeopardize her airway.
Shay wanted every bit of the onslaught of his need.
Rough hands and desperate fingers gripped and grasped at the pain he could deliver, they were against each other flushly yet Shay tried to pull him closer. Their kiss was becoming bruising but bitten lips and tender flesh pinched between teeth as they hungrily devoured each other was tomorrow's problem. That coppery taste of crimson only encouraged the carnality of the moment.
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"Take me," affliction and wild passion husked her words as the undercover agent demanded action. It didn't matter where they were, that they were against her Bronco in the side parking lot of the bar he'd just been heaved out of.
Nails dug into flesh, leaving red streaks and crescents in their wake at what was exposed to her. Shay couldn't seem to pull her mouth from his but those hands scraped down his clothed chest and abdomen with no thoughts other than being fucked numb by the man that inflicted the agony to begin with. Her hand pushed into his boxers and wrapped around him as the other unbuttoned her own pants and pushed down at the waistband of them. / @fearhidden
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brittleskyblue · 1 year
Still wanna do Eldritch/Bifrost!Lyf art based on that last part of D2's Presage mission (the part after the boss fight)
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starswallowingsea · 2 months
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Calling it here for now.
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seginbeats · 1 year
◁◁ ▐ ▌ ▷▷ Now playing. . . Starter for @murmursdraconic
Giacomo had been wrapped up in cleaning up one of his new music tracks. With his noise cancelling headphones, it wasn’t difficult for him to get caught up in the world, ignoring everything that was going on around him. Shouting matches between grunts, the soundtrack of a video game being played nearby, and a heated Pokémon battle outside of his window were all largely ignored.
Dusky eyes narrowed with focus— the bass needed to be adjusted in this part of the song—
All of the sudden, something— or someONE, had fallen right through his roof, leaving a huge hole in the ceiling! Dust and debris was kicked up everywhere, leaving Giacomo in a coughing fit. He snatched up his laptop, snapped it shut, and got to his feet.
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“What the hell?!”
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rosykims · 2 years
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ive had her for 3 days and shes already confirmed my sexiest cuntiest girlbossiest oc to date. oh my god
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mirrortouchedsea · 3 months
Feel free to send me asks about your rarepairs. I love hearing about them and your little corkboard and red string justifications for them
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shaylixie · 2 years
It’s the truth
🥺🤍 oh, you.
Also. I finished pubes' fic. Gonna edit it tomorrow and probably have it out.😭
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