#rip us
delusioninabox · 11 days
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Comic #2,534! Kids be like, "How long does it take grown-ups to feel better? Like a minute?"
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bladeoffrontiers · 10 months
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ikemenomegas · 1 day
Trying to romance canon itachi is like playing one of those incredibly stressful otome games where there's a dozen bad endings and only one good ending that mostly involves making choices anyone who hasn't already played a route would never make in that succession.
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blackjackkent · 3 months
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She eyes the strange shifting landscape outside the vessel warily. It is blisteringly hot; her sweat is soaking the thin robes she wears. She considers jumping; it would be a way out, even if a likely fatal one. But she will not give her captors the satisfaction. She wants answers.
And vengeance... comes the implacable thought. They must pay for this pain in my head. I want them to PAY.
She frowns, stalks towards the far door which slides open with a sickeningly wet slurping sound. In the room beyond, she hears the first voice that has spoken to her since she awoke.
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At first she thinks it is the man slumped in the chair talking, but he is slackjawed with agony - not quite dead but nearly so. Another prisoner in this place, but this one horribly mutilated. His brain is exposed, and it wriggles with each word murmured into the boiling air.
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"Yes!" it hisses excitedly at her approach. "You've come to save us from this place. From this place you'll free us--" Its voice undulates and wavers weirdly and she feels a prickle run down her spine.
Narrator: The exposed brain quivers in expectation.
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"Who am I talking to?" she asks uneasily. "A man or a brain?"
"A newborn..." the brain whispers eagerly. "Born new from this husk..."
Narrator: [ARCANA - FAILURE] You know no creature like this - one that is more brain than person.
Of course she doesn't. She knows nothing. Not this creature, not who she is, not anything at all.
The rage-fear churning in her stomach rises in a sudden clear bolt of blinding frustration and revulsion at this vulnerable target, and she lashes out with both hands, sinking them deep into the abomination's fleshy bulk.
Destroy the brain.
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The flesh gives under her hands with extraordinary ease and she feels a cracking pop as she severs some vital nerve. The creature screeches in agony and then falls silent. The man's terrified eyes go blank.
Slowly she withdraws her fingers from the mutilated tissue and shakes the blood from her hands to spatter a vibrant pattern on the floor. A strange sense of satisfaction settles in her gut, and the rage-fear eases a little in response, as if sated. The threat is eliminated, the abomination destroyed.
But her sense of unease only deepens. Because she realizes, as the anger fades, that she didn't know she was going to kill the creature until it was already dead.
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zackcollins · 7 months
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I am become Support 76
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
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silkythewriter · 2 years
Hi! Just saw your requests are open and that you write for BoJack! Could you write some romantic hcs for Flip? I know he's a bad character but he kinda..
🎭romantic Hc for Flip📺
Summary: romantic Hc for Flip!
 category: Angst? I’m not really sure how to describe this one
Fandom: Bojack horse man
Daily song suggestion:
Hi! Thank you for requesting anon! I’m sorry if this isn’t very romantic, since they made him a bad character on purpose so he might not be the best boyfriend material so yea it was a bit hard to make
Also I don’t remember him much so sorry about that 🧑‍🦯
Sorry for spelling/grammar mistakes and if he’s OOC!
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Don’t disagree with him on something, as shown on Ep.1 season 5 he doesn’t really take criticism well and will probably just dismiss you but he is still caring of your your words a bit at least and will take it into consideration but most likely not listen to it
He has a passion for the shows he’s creating so he most likely loves talking about his ideas for it and his brainstorming ideas
Sometimes he spends hours on end just thinking of idea for shows or current shows he’s working on so it kinda concerns you
Sometimes he’ll let you join on set when their filming a movie, you can talk to the crew or actors and just chill out really!
He’s really soft spoken sometimes like he talks low so sometimes you gotta ask him to repeat cause you can’t hear him-
Loves when you praise his works or take his side when one of the actors complain I mean he’s right at the time why wouldn’t you? At least that’s what he likes to think
I feel like he doesn’t do good in social settings other then movie sets cause he cat control what people do or say so you’ll have to do most of the talking most likely
He’s one of those guys who doesn’t trust the government so good luck with that
You probably have to defend the girls in the movie sets even if your a guy non-binary, or a woman your self ( or all whatever pronouns you go with ) because he kinda treats them sucky and he only really listens to you
You guys pull all nighters together while he works on stuff and you just chill or help him with something if he asks
Overall a very interesting character? Not the best but I mean he try’s
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This was an interesting request but fun either way! As I said sorry if it’s not very romantic but I still hope you enjoy!
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tangerinequeen19 · 1 year
louis said i am not only gonna slay i am gonna STEAMROLL 'EM
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paulodybaeeela · 1 year
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I was enjoying B*enzemas missed chances too much.
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redversaillesrose · 2 years
Girl what do you mean episode 2 drops tomorrow I haven’t had time to recover!!!!
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aflamethatneverdies · 2 years
How many times do we have to go through natural disasters due to climate change before things drastically change and everyone treats this as an emergency? Asking for a Me.
ETA: oh, NY Times also reported on it!
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chxrryrose · 2 years
i cannot believe it’s about to be race week… summer break was simultaneously too long and too short
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When you accidentally play a human cover of a song instead of the original
5 dead, 27 injured
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broken-academia · 2 years
accidentally ignoring the mutuals cause i’m looking at how dead shrimp bodies make calcite chalk huh
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mienai-me · 2 years
I still love you. You know that right? I always did, probably always will. Lord knows I was never good at letting things go.
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probablyahazard · 2 years
the squad that gets covid together stays together <33
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