#ritsu manami
kia0-0mn · 2 years
Wallpapers ✿
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suzuki-chiyeko · 2 months
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Warning: flashing images!
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Characters included: Misaki, Akihiko, Hiroki, Nowaki, Shinobu, Miyagi, Isaka, Asahina, Ijuuin, Yuu, Ritsu, Takano, Chiaki, Hatori, Kisa, Yukina, Yokozawa, Kirishima, Haruhiko, Kaoruko, Mizuki, Takahiro, Manami, Aikawa, Mino, An, Chinatsu, Risako, Todo, Sumi, Saeki, Shizukuishi and Erika.
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sunflower-author · 9 months
Hello 😁🤚🏻
I hope you are in good health and have a full spirit 💖
I'm having trouble getting in a writing mood and reading others story always make me happy. I've never really sent request before so this would be my frist, I hope it's not much trouble, and if you can't find inspiration for it, I'll understand if you can't or don't want to do it.
I was hoping you could write a yandere assassination classroom, the entire class of 3-E or just a few like Karma, Nagisa, Itona (anyone really) with a reader that couldn't care less about their yandere nature, and someone blurts out (do to feeling guilty) that they have been stalking them home and had taking some of their stuff (the class thinking reader will get mad) but reader just shrugged and say they already knew and that they need to work on their stalking because she figured them out on day 2. Gender doesn't matter, but if you do gender fluid that be nice if not anything else is good.
If you don't wish to write it, please say no◇
Please have a good day/night. ♡
SO SORRY!! This took much longer than I anticipated for!!
I really hope you like it!! If not please lmk on things I can fix!!!
Also, somehow this was a bit rushed too sorry!
"Hey Ritsu, are you connected?" Tomohito asks, sitting down at a desk beside her.
"Yes, the girls put the cameras in, there are no blind spots," Ritsu answers.
"Wait, no blind spots? Wouldn't that be... I don't know..." Kaede says worried.
"The cameras are only in their living room, we didn't put any cameras in anything else if that was what you were thinking," Tomohito says reassuring Kaede.
"Well we did put some listening devices, in some of the plushies we gave them, isn't that right? Itona?" Rio asks, putting an arm around him. 
"Making them was a bit tricky, but it was a lot easier to make than the cameras," Itona says, playing with his remote car.
"You guys are seriously trying too hard," Karma says, in a mocking tone having his dumb smirk, plastered on his face.
"Really now? and what do you suggest we do differently?" Ryoma asks, clearly annoyed.
"You all a bunch of babies, if you really loved Y/N you'll skip this boring stalking thing, and just take things into your own hands," Karma says, with a statistic smile.
"If we were to do that Y/N would hate us forever," Nagisa counters back.
"Really?, Because I think that if we keep them long enough, they will eventually fall for us, I mean humans are social creatures, needing contact in order to survive, with us being their only contact they will eventually fall for us, right?" Karma says explaining.
"Even if that were to happen, if we keep them isolated they might break, losing themselves then loving us, I don't want that to happen," Nagisa says seriously, looking up at Karma.
"A small price that might be paid," Karma says, shrugging "But if it were just me, they wouldn't break, but now that I am sharing the chances would be higher," he says as if the class were all just a nuisance.
"Guys! Shut Up! Y/N just walked into the building!" Hinata says, panting a bit as she just ran into the room.
With that, the room goes silent...
"Takuya I'm sorry, but I'm busy after school today how about tomorrow?" you say walking in the room. All eyes are on you, ".....Um.. Hey guys?" you say unsurely. 
The tension in the room faded, and they all started talking like nothing happened. It was a bit scary how the mood can change like a flip of a switch. 
"Hey Y/N! What were you talking about with Takuya?" Manami asks, in her usual timid voice.
"Oh just if I was able to hand out at the ramen place later on today, but I'm hanging out with Rinka and Ryunosuke later," you say casually.
"Heh, sorry Takuya but there are already three of us, maybe next time we'll invite you," Rinka says teasingly.
"Hey Y/N,  do you wanna come with me to the teacher's lounge? Korosensei just came back from Germany yesterday," Kaede asks, popping her head out the door. "Sounds fun and good, I'm in," you say excitedly, as you head out the door.
Takuya waits for your footsteps to become gone before saying "You just want more pictures of Y/N that's the only reason you and Ryunosuke, are taking them out," clearly annoyed.
"Oh whatever, you always like looking at the pictures in the end, just like everyone else," Ryunosuke says rolling his eyes.
"I.. just make sure they're good," Takuya says embarrassed.
"Your talking to the best snippers in class 3-E, we always have good visuals on our target," Rinka says, hearing the pride in her voice.
"I thought you guys said that Rinka and Ryunosuke stopped taking pictures of Y/N?" Manami asks worried.
"I... well... it's complicated," Hiroto says, trying to explain it to her, as he was the one who told Manami that they stopped taking pictures of Y/N.
"He obviously lied to you," Karma says blankly. "Your too empathic, we needed you to stop worrying over Y/N, knowing that you would break, telling them everything... well ruining everything for all of us," Karma says explaining.
"I admit that I'm not the best actor, but you guys didn't have to lie about Y/N, I care about them, just as much as any of you guys, I even made the drugs you asked for," Manami says, as he holds up a bag of different bottles.
"Wait... what drugs?" Nagisa asks, confused and curious.
"You know the the drugs, I made my own chloroform, something that calms the mind, something that weakens muscles, and lastly something that can make them sleepy," Manami says explaining.
"We didn't... Karma!" Nagisa says, angry by the thought Karma would do such a thing.
"So what if I was, I promise I won't do it alright, especially now that you know," Karma says as he puts his hands up.
"Hey guys! We're back," Kaede says, walking through the door. Signaling to everyone that you are nearby, it became a habit sometimes when they talk they become so engaged in the conversation, that they lose track of anything else, including your presence.
"Ah Y/N, just the person I wanted to see," Karma says, with a sweet smile. You know something is up when he smiles like that, just when does he normally smile sweetly?
"Karma... what do you want?" You ask hesitantly, staying cautious. 
"You know, we barely spend time with each other, most of the time you just hang out with everyone else... it seems like your avoiding me," he says hurt, clearly acting.
"Karma you know that's not true, everyone just makes plans with me every single second of the day, you know this, so what's your point?" you ask, wondering what he is trying to say.
"It's just that...don't you think it's a bit odd... that every day you have someone that wants to hang out with you, it's a bit abnormal behavior? Ever noticed how everyone treats you slightly differently? Or the fact that they know small details about you, that you've never shared before? Do you wonder why is that?" Karma says still smiling, but with a mischievous face.
"Karma..." Nagisa says, with a dark look, warning Karma.
"You messed up my plan, I'm just returning the favor," Karma says looking at Nagisa, then turns to you.
"Well, don't you?" Karma says in a smug tone.
"... I wonder why, on my first day of school, Rinka and Ryunosuke were following me home, I wonder why Kotaro somehow knows when I'm going to mess up on things, I wonder why Nagisa has a whole notebook dedicated to me, and lastly I wonder why you act so innocent when you are the worst one out of everyone, do seriously think I don't know that you hurt people that I talk to that is not in this class? And a whole lot more things of you and the rest of the class," You say, calm and collected.
"You knew this whole time?..." Nagisa asks with wide eyes.
"Anyone would have been able to see and know what you all were planning," You say turning to look back at him. (Any normal person would be oblivious to it all)
"Heh, I knew I couldn't fall in love with just any normal person, turns out you truly are unique," Karma says proud that you were conscious of what they were doing.
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 3 Group 13
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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The Entire Your Turn to Die Cast: Sara Chidouin, Joe Tazuna, Keiji Shinogi, Q-taro Burgerberg, Shin Tsukimi, Kai Satou, Gin Ibushi, Kazumi Mishima, Alice Yabusame, Reko Yabusame, Nao Egokoro, Kanna Kizuchi
Class 3-E: Karma Akabane, Yuuma Isogai, Taiga Okajima, Hinata Okano, Manami Okuda, Meg Kataoka, Kaede Kayano, Yukiko Kanzaki, Masayoshi Kimura, Hinano Kurahashi, Nagisa Shiota, Sosuke Sugaya, Tomohito Sugino, Kotaro Takebayashi, Ryuunosuke Chiba, Ryoma Terasaka, Rio Nakamura, Kirara Hazama, Rinka Hayami, Sumire Hara, Yuzuki Fuwa, Hiroto Maehara, Koki Mimura, Takuya Muramatsu, Toka Yada, Taisei Yoshida, Ritsu, Itona Horibe, Karasuma-Sensei, Irina-Sensei, Koro-Sensei
The Entire Your Turn To Die Cast:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
Class 3-E:
They all care about each other so so much and learned from each other in the best ways. The teachers did too of course!
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princessesandangels · 2 years
3-E Quirks (All for Assassination)
Karma Akabane – Special Domain (can designate a subset of space around his body as a ‘special domain’ within which he can control the rate at which time passes)
Yuma Isogai - Battalion (can form a psychic link with an unknown number of people who look to him as leader; this psychic link remains active regardless of distance or quirk-cancelling factors applied to anyone but Isogai; the psychic link allows two-way thought and sensory communication, with the amount of information Isogai is able to receive contingent on the active consent of the other person; Isogai’s mind also contains a ‘Hive’ where anyone who he has a psychic link with can communicate with anyone else in the link)
Taiga Okajima - Phase (any object he touches can become permeable for the duration of his contact with it; others can pass through objects that he makes permeable while his quirk is active)
Hinata Okano - Momentum (can multiply the momentum of any physical action she takes or comes into contact with)
Manami Okuda - Poison (can secrete any chemical that she both knows the formula for and has the ingredients for in her body; has the secondary effect of making her entire body immune to any chemical that she knows the formula for, both internally and externally)
Meg Kataoka - Restore (can revert any organism to the state that it was exactly 24 hours previous; the restoration is total, erasing all memories and skills gained in the last 24 hours; works on organisms that have died)
Kaede Kayano - Actress (can alter her physical appearance in any way she desires; she must make and maintain the alterations consciously)
Yukiko Kanzaki - Blaster (can shoot a concentrated lazer blast from her hands; she can use individual fingers as smaller shots and an entire palm to create a larger blast)
Masayoshi Kimura - Speed (upper limit unclear)
Hinano Kurahashi - Zoologist (can communicate with animals)
Nagisa Shiota - Wavelength (can sense and manipulate wavelengths using touch and sound)
Sosuke Sugaya - Paintbrush (can superficially transform the appearance of any physical surface he touches; the effect lasts for a maximum of 12 hours)
Tomohito Sugino - Pitcher (can throw projectiles with massively increased force)
Kotaro Takebayashi - Analysis (an intelligence quirk that works especially well on tactical problems)
Ryunosuke Chiba - Sniper (can aim a projectile with accuracy from up to 1000 meters, provided a clean line of sight)
Ryoma Terasaka - Strength (upper limit unclear)
Rio Nakamura - Weak Point (has a supernatural sense for the optimal line of attack for any target – human or otherwise)
Kirara Hazama - Terror (can create powerful illusions that throw the target into a nightmare, of which she can control the severity)
Rinka Hayami - Trajectory (can cause a projectile to follow any pre-determined trajectory, even defying the laws of physics)
Sumire Hara - Craft (can see all the options for putting together any materials, physical or conceptual, with which she is presented)
Yuzuki Fuwa - Gate (can open up a teleporting gate to anywhere she has a visual on or a visual memory of)
Hiroto Maehara - Flight (can fly, and reach speeds up to Mach 3 – so far)
Koki Mimura - Record (lets him “record” what he observes and then play it back, either in his mind or on any device he hooks up to. He can create the cables necessary for replaying recordings from his hair when needed)
Takuya Muramatsu - Edible (produces a white enzyme powder from his fingertips that can convert almost anything organic into a form that is easily digestible by humans)
Toka Yada - Attentive (can manipulate the attention of anyone within a 20 meter radius, either to focus intensely on something or to make it so they can’t attend to something – and therefore can’t detect it at all)
Taisei Yoshida - Mechakinesis (can control anything that runs on a combustion engine telekinetically)
Ritsu - N/A
Itona Horibe - Technokinesis (can manipulate any electronic hardware telekinetically – specifically, he can control anything through which electricity is passing, with more precision the better a conductor a given object is)
Tadaomi Karasuma – True Potential (can amplify the effect of other’s quirks; the effect is directly proportionate to his desire to protect the target)
Irina Jelavić – Ultimate Desire (can transform herself into what her target desires most in another person; this can be sexual, romantic or platonic and can be a broad physical type or a specific person; her target can be anyone she has seen in the last 24 hours)
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bismuthwisdom · 1 year
Assassination Classroom Magical Girl AU Pt. 4
... it has been a hot minute, hasn't it?
So for today we have a special one: Aguri And Mifuyu!
Interestinf fact is that Mifuyu has some Moon symbolism on her so it's more than fitting. Also experimented with a new background style for this one.
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what do you think would be some of the classes reaction to the whole harem thing? like obv theyre not gonna be mean, as long as nagi and everyone is happy, but also some people reaction would be funny i think
karma would love it, seeing the tiny nagisa he knew from first year now have more people that like him than he knows what to do with, karma would basically have infinite teaseing material at that point.
Or meahara, who probably goes up to nagisa all "how dude? just how? teach me your ways" and poor nagisa who didnt even notice anyone liked him that way for most of the schoolyear is just equally as confused.
.... Well, "mean" is a matter of perspective, isn't it? (❋•‿•❋)
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Karma would have a field day with Nagisa having up to six girlfriends. (❋•‿•❋) He wouldn't sabotage Nagisa by any means, but you know there would be no end to the embarrassment Nagisa suffers... Akari would try to put her foot down for hubby's sake, but would clam up when Karma turns around and embarrasses her, too. Yukiko's politeness would probably be pushed to its limits cuz of Karma's tomfoolery. Fuwa would possibly make it worse with her manga references, if she happens to know any harem manga's... Yada would likely be more successful than Akari in confronting Karma, but... she's easy to get flustered, too.
Rinka and Rio, though? (❋•‿•❋) Well. Payback's a bitch. (❋•‿•❋)(❋•‿•❋)(❋•‿•❋)
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Isogai, Meg, Chiba, and Hara would most likely attempt to be the most mature and accommodating to the.... bizarre dating arrangement. Manami would wanna be supportive, but romance really isn't her forte; and she can feel a bit meek when in the midst of her more vocal classmates. :3 Sugino would be down in the dumps for a while; Nagisa and Yukiko would try getting him hooked up with any baseball-loving girls to get him out of his funk. :3
Takebayashi might try to keep his head down and avoid all this drama. But might get roped in if Kimura, Mimura, Yoshida, Muramatsu, Hazama, Itona, Terasaka, and Maehara start any betting pools about how long this arrangement will last. ...... Or if the arrangement lasts longer than they expect, than side bets on different shenanigans popping up because of how much Nagisa has to juggle with these girls. Kurahashi would take the polygamous relationship as her green light to "share" Mister Karasuma with Professor Bitch. There's no stopping her now~ :3
Maehara and Okajima would probably be among the most annoying - Maehara because he would keep offering Nagisa dating advice, and eventually Nagisa's girlfriends would shut him down hard and fast. ... If not outright put a restraining order on him. (❋•‿•❋) And Okajima... Well, he'd keep trying to get gravure shots or other perverted "opportunities" from them and Nagisa, and he would meet a similar fate to Maehara.
Okano... uh.... (❋•‿•❋);;;;;;;;;; Nagisa might be in trouble for the first little while she realizes what kind of relationship he has with six of her friends.... If she "accidentally" knocked him out with a chair during the Valentine's Day chapters in the manga, Nagisa might be running for his life.... At least until the girls can calm Okano down. Somehow. (❋•‿•❋)
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Ritsu would absolutely be Nagisa's wingwoman. She'd help the girls out, too, but Nagisa tends to doubt himself a lot, and he just doesn't "get" why so many girls like him~... Ritsu would help him be prepared for dates and making up with girlfriends if they're upset for whatever reason. ......... And fortunately or unfortunately (depending on who you ask) Ritsu might get Nagisa thinking about the.... lewd side of this relationship sooner rather than later. (❋•‿•❋);;;;;; Even without trying, Ritsu is very.... flirtatious. (❋•‿•❋);;;
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Karasuma might be a concerned papa bird for a long time. He trusts these kids to look after themselves, but polygamy is very.... unorthodox, and it's very easy for one (or more) of them to get hurt and neglected. Might try to talk them down from this arrangement, but may eventually abide it if they keep at it and work with each other to be happy. Irina would be another wingwoman, coaching the harem on kissing and other intimate acts.... Of course, Nagisa can't afford some of the high class establishments that Irina coaches them about, so she begrudgingly has to lower the bar. (❋•‿•❋) Naturally, she insists they work up to spoiling each other rotten. But deep down, Irina IS looking after these kids in her own way.
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........ And if Koro-sensei ever lived past his expiration date, God help Nagisa and his girlfriends. (❋•‿•❋) They think Karma's incorrigible? Well.......... (❋•‿•❋) Koro-sensei will be even more of a Papa Bird than Mister Karasuma. The happiness of seven of his kiddos is on the line, after all.
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fumiko-matsubara · 2 years
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Okay so, here's how it goes:
I'm keeping the poll open for a week so that there'll be enough time to vote.
Aside from the eventual winner, the order I will follow afterwards is gonna start from 2nd most voted to least.
For my previous portrait warm-ups, I had compiled them into a sixfanarts format and posted them on my twitter (@/hwangskoo). The top 6 in this poll will be in the next compilation.
And I'll see you all next week!! 😛
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Date ideas for them <3
(uh this isn't in the usual format and a lot of things were repeated but ye, hope u enjoy and if u have any ideas, u can leave them down and I can add them on :D)
-I feel like yall would go rollor skating, Rio just seems like the type to
-Maybe to a nice quiet little cafe that in more rural areas.
-Maybe yall went to a bookstore.
-Going to buy things for her pet tarantula
-Cat cafe ofc.
-Maybe one with rescue cats
-pet stores maybe? it would probably just be a chill day walking around the mall or smth like that
-Animal cafes, doesn't matter what animal just animal cafes.
-Would go shopping for things for all her pets together :)
-parks/bushwalks maybe?? Something nature themed, maybe the zoo
-Yall definitely went to an arcade
-She won some stuff for you as you watched her defeat everyone that dared oppose her
-Played lots of 2 player games together
-COOKING!!! Just spending time together cooking and making bento
-She would cook food for you as well as teach you how to cook
-Maybe taking a nice stroll at the mall :)
-Probably went somewhere cute, idk where, but it has a lot of cute stuff
-Maybe took you to the filming location she was shooting at.
-Fancy stuff because Kayano is just so <3
Fuwa: (my fav)
-MANGA CAFE!!! or maybe just themed cafes like pokemon ones (went to one in Tokyo, it was amazing)
-Maybe an arcade too
-Maybe to an anime con, she'd probably love that.
-She'd take you to the aquarium (idk but i feel like she would)
-Somewhere that's very chill :)
-Maybe like a movie night with like sweet wholesome movies
-Omg she is so sweet like she'll take you to the nicest places
-She plans out all the stuff and gets so excited over it :)
-To the mall maybe? or even a picnic in the park
Manami: (she's so sweet)
-She'd probably take you somewhere very chilled and relaxed
-walks in the park, cafes and I feel like bookstores/ book cafes.
-If your struggling with science she'd make a study date and help u :|)
-Yall would go somewhere outdoors, like a park or go for a hike
-Ofc if u don't wanna she wouldn't force u
-Movie dates/nights where yall are just snuggled up together watching (insert movie name here) with a bunch of snacks
-Well, basically anything can be turned into a date, just pull out your phone and there she is :) (but for this we're gonna assume she is real and human)
-Just about anywhere, like malls, parks, anywhere
-Maybe some chill time at home watching k-drama/j-drama
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Target by mistsukis2
During their last year of high school, the ex-students from E-class started to be hunted by a group of unknown assassins. With the help of their ex-teachers, they will try to find out why they became the new target.
Words: 1697, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma, Kayano Kaede | Yukimura Akari, Isogai Yuuma, Okajima Taiga, Okano Hinata, Okuda Manami, Kataoka Megu, Kanzaki Yukiko, Kimura Masayoshi, Kurahashi Hinano, Sugaya Sousuke, Sugino Tomohito, Takebayashi Koutarou, Chiba Ryuunosuke, Terasaka Ryouma, Nakamura Rio, Hazama Kirara, Hayami Rinka, Hara Sumire, Fuwa Yuzuki, Maehara Hiroto, Mimura Kouki, Muramatsu Takuya, Yada Touka, Yoshida Taisei, Ritsu, Horibe Itona, Irina Jelavić, Karasuma Tadaomi, Asano Gakushuu
Relationships: Akabane Karma/Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma & Shiota Nagisa, Isogai Yuuma/Kataoka Megu, Maehara Hiroto/Okano Hinata, Irina Jelavić/Karasuma Tadaomi, Kanzaki Yukiko/Sugino Tomohito
Additional Tags: Karma X Fem!Nagisa, Female Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma is a Little Shit, Protective Akabane Karma, Cute Shiota Nagisa, Supportive Class 3-E, Protective Class 3-E, Assassins, High School, Post-Korosensei's Death, Fluff, Romance, Eventual Romance, Adventure & Romance, Action/Adventure
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46237558
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Am I going to be enough for you all?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tyzob5T
by Animegurly09
In a world where there are people who perfect their talents, there also people who don't or can't.
But there is also him.
Poor him.
 __________________________ TW:Killing and sensitive topics
A danganronpa x Assassination Classroom AU
Gakushuu is the main focus here. Other characters will also have an important role though.
Words: 1930, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Asano Gakushuu, Akabane Karma, Shiota Nagisa, Korosensei (Assassination Classroom), God of Death (Assassination Classroom), Irina Jelavić, Karasuma Tadaomi, Ritsu (Assassination Classroom), Okuda Manami, Horibe Itona, Terasaka Ryouma, Muramatsu Takuya, Yoshida Taisei, Kayano Kaede | Yukimura Akari, Nakamura Rio, Fuwa Yuzuki, Sugino Tomohito, Mimura Kouki, Hara Sumire, Takabayashi Ikuo, Chiba Ryuunosuke, Hayami Rinka, Yada Touka, Kanzaki Yukiko, Class 3-E (Assassination Classroom), Hazama Kirara, Kimura Masayoshi, Kataoka Megu, Okano Hinata, Kurahashi Hinano, Okajima Taiga, Sakakibara Ren, Asano Gakuhou, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Akabane Karma/Asano Gakushuu, Asano Gakushuu & Class 3-E, Asano Gakushuu & Maehara Hiroto, Asano Gakuhou/Karasuma Tadaomi, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Blood and Gore, Killing, Asano Gakushuu-centric, Asano Gakushuu is Bad at Feelings, Protective Akabane Karma, LGBTQ Character, Plot Twists, Shiota Nagisa Is A Good Friend, Asano Gakuhou's Bad Parenting, Denial of Feelings, Denial, Hidden Talents, Child Abuse, Character Death, Gakushuu is way too intelligent in this, but I swear it has it's reasons
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tyzob5T
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suzuki-chiyeko · 29 days
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Warning: flashing images!
How it works: In 'blank, marry, kill', you get a random prompt for the [blank] and 3 characters to choose from. You must decide which of these characters you want to [blank], which one you'd marry and which one you'd kill. You may only pick each character once. Click and drag an image to see your prompt and characters to choose from. If you're on Google Chrome or on mobile, take screenshots separately or one of the whole set. If you get the same character multiple times or get a [blank] prompt you don't like, feel free to try again!
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Characters included: Misaki, Akihiko, Hiroki, Nowaki, Shinobu, Miyagi, Isaka, Asahina, Ijuuin, Yuu, Ritsu, Takano, Chiaki, Hatori, Kisa, Yukina, Yokozawa, Kirishima, Haruhiko, Kaoruko, Mizuki, Takahiro, Manami, Aikawa, Mino, An, Chinatsu, Risako, Todo, Sumi, Saeki, Shizukuishi and Erika.
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Characters I'm
Willing to Write For
Daichi Sawamura
Kōshi Sugawara
Asahi Azumane
Yū Nishinoya
Ryūnoske Tanaka
Chikara Ennoshita
Hisashi Kinoshita
Kazuhito Narita
Tobio Kageyama
Shōyō Hinata
Kei Tsukishima
Akiteru Tsukishima
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Kiyoko Shimizu
Hitoka Yachi
Ittetsu Takeda
Keishin Ukai
Karasuno Girls Team
Yui Michimiya
Mao Aihara
Rinko Sudō
Moe Kikuchi
Manami Aoki
Nozomi Watabe
Chizuru Sasaki
Karasuno Association
Tenma Udai
Makoto Shimada
Yūsuke Takinoue
Natsu Hinata
Saeko Tanaka
Madoka Yachi
Tetsurō Kuroo
Nobuyuki Kai
Morisuke Yaku
Taketora Yamamoto
Kenma Kozume
Shōhei Fukunaga
Sō Inuoka
Tamahiko Teshiro
Lev Haiba
Yūki Shibayama
Nekoma Association
Akane Yamamoto
Alisa Haiba
Aoba Johsai
Tōru Oikawa
Issei Matsukawa
Takahiro Hanamaki
Hajime Iwaizumi
Shigeru Yahaba
Shinji Watari
Yūtarō Kindaichi
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani
Dateku (Date Tech)
Yasushi Kamasaki
Kaname Moniwa
Takehito Sasaya
Takanobu Aone
Kenji Futakuchi
Yutaka Obara
Kanji Kogenagawa
Tarō Onagawa
Jingo Fukiage
Kōsuke Sakunami
Mai Nametsu
Tatsuki Washio
Yamato Sarukui
Kōtarō Bokuto
Keiji Akaashi
Akinori Konoha
Shūichi Anahori
Haruki Komi
Wataru Onaga
Yukie Shirofuku
Kaori Suzumeda
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Eita Semi
Reon Ōhira
Satori Tendō
Tsutomu Goshiki
Kenjirō Shirabu
Taichi Kawanashi
Kai Akura
Hayato Yamagata
Yūshō Sagae
Yūji Terushima
Kazuma Bobata
Takeharu Futamata
Katsumichi Higashiyama
Rintarō Numajiri
Nobuyoshi Īzaka
Arata Tsuchiya
Hana Misaki
Runa Kuribayashi
Suguru Daishō
Yoshiya Takachiho
Kazuma Numai
Kōji Hiroo
Isumi Sakishima
Sō Akama
Akihiko Seguro
Naoyasu Kuguri
Mika Yamaka
Shinsuke Kita
Ren Ōmimi
Aran Ojiro
Hiroshima Ginjima
Atsumu Miya
Rintarō Suna
Osamu Miya
Yūto Kosaku
Heisuke Riseki
Michinari Akagi
MSBY Jackals
Shūgo Meian
Shion Inunaki
Adriah Tomas
Oliver Barnes
Kaito Hashikami
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Kanoka Amonai
Maiko Yonezawa
Motoya Komori
Sachirō Hirugami
Kōrai Hoshiumi
Obey Me
Luke (Only Platonic)
Fruits Basket
Tohru Honda
Arisa Uotani
Saki Hanajima
Kisa (Only Platonic)
Hiro (Only Platonic)
Megumi Hanajima
Kakeru Manabe
Machi Kuragi
Mine Kuramae
Free!! Franchise
Aiichiro Nitori
Akane Kurimiya-Shiina
Asahi Shiina
Ayumu Kunikida
Gou Matsuoka
Haruka Nanase
Hayato Shigino
Hiyori Tono
Ikuya Kirishima
Isuzu Mikoshiba
Katsumi Shigino
Kisumi Shigino
Makoto Tachibana
Miho Amakata
Momotaro Mikoshiba
Nagisa Hazuki
Nao Serizawa
Natsuya Kirishima
Ran & Ren Tachibana (Only Platonic)
Rei Ryugasaki
Rin Matsuoka
Seijuro Mikoshiba
Sousuke Yamazaki
Tsubasa Ryugasaki
Attack on Titan
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Reiner Braun
Ymir Fritz
Levi Ackerman
Historia Reiss
Hange Zoë
Sasha Blouse
Erwin Smith
Jean Kirstein
Connie Springer
Annie Leonhart
Bertholdt Hoover
Marco Bott
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane
Lance McClain
Katie "Pidge" Holt
Princess Allura
Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe
Matthew "Matt" Holt
Prince Lotor
Asra Alnazar
Nadia Satrinava
Julian Devorak (Ilya, Ilyushka)
Portia Devorak
Aisha Alnazar
Salim Alnazar
The Pets/Companions/Familars
Mercedes & Melchior
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 21 Group 101
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Roommates From Season 1: Yoo Eun-Jae, Jung Ye-Eun, Kang Yi-Na, Yoon Jin-Myung & Song Ji-Won
Class 3-E: Karma Akabane, Yuuma Isogai, Taiga Okajima, Hinata Okano, Manami Okuda, Meg Kataoka, Kaede Kayano, Yukiko Kanzaki, Masayoshi Kimura, Hinano Kurahashi, Nagisa Shiota, Sosuke Sugaya, Tomohito Sugino, Kotaro Takebayashi, Ryuunosuke Chiba, Ryoma Terasaka, Rio Nakamura, Kirara Hazama, Rinka Hayami, Sumire Hara, Yuzuki Fuwa, Hiroto Maehara, Koki Mimura, Takuya Muramatsu, Toka Yada, Taisei Yoshida, Ritsu, Itona Horibe, Karasuma-Sensei, Irina-Sensei, Koro-Sensei
Submissions are still open!
The Roommates From Season 1:
IM SORRY BUT IF I STARTED TO TALK ABT THEM I WOULD NEVER STOP LIKE EVER (i'm submitting the ones from season 1 because i felt like they had a closer relationship than the ones from season 2) also their names are not in the same order as the photo. oops.
Class 3-E:
They all care about each other so so much and learned from each other in the best ways. The teachers did too of course!
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ao3feed-izch · 2 months
What your saying is that you want us to capture a ton of quirkless middle schoolers that were hypnotized by an alien who blew up the moon?
by NightBeam_The_Nightwing
Words: 4228, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma, Midoriya Izuku, Irina Jelavić, Karasuma Tadaomi, Kayano Kaede | Yukimura Akari, Iida Tenya, Class 3-E (Assassination Classroom), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Asui Tsuyu, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Okuda Manami, Horibe Itona, Ritsu (Assassination Classroom)
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma & Shiota Nagisa, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Kayano Kaede | Yukimura Akari/Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma/Okuda Manami
Additional Tags: Assassin Shiota Nagisa, killing as therapy, that should be a tag, class 1-A agged up by a year, class 3-E agged down by a year, Class 3-E getting a reasonable power-up, Class 3-E as Family (Assassination Classroom), class 3-E as assassins, Assassin Akabane Karma, class 3-E as the villains, Trauma, Shiota Nagisa Needs a Hug, Class 3-E Has Quirks, but they have useless quirls, I hate deku plz don't hate me
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57338578
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Assassins at U.A.
Assassins at U.A. by hearthana
The members of Class 3-E began to stir one by one, slowly coming to the realization that something was very wrong. This world that was not their own - but a world of heroes and quirks.
Karasuma and Aizawa are so done.
Izuku is confused.
Irina wants to be noticed.
Karma and Nakamura are lunatics.
Class 1-A want how these kids are so strong.
And Nagisa just wants to go home.)
Words: 6374, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Assassination Classroom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma, Class 3-E, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Karasuma Tadaomi, Irina Jelavić, Okuda Manami, Sugino Tomohito, Terasaka Ryouma, Kayano Kaede | Yukimura Akari, Kanzaki Yukiko, Isogai Yuuma, Maehara Hiroto, Hara Sumire, Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Kurahashi Hinano, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Nakamura Rio, Chiba Ryuunosuke, Horibe Itona, Ritsu, Hayami Rinka, Okano Hinata
Relationships: Akabane Karma/Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma & Shiota Nagisa, Midoriya Izuku & Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma & Kanzaki Yukiko & Kayano Kaede & Okuda Manami & Shiota Nagisa & Sugino Tomohito, Korosensei/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Akabane Karma, Nakamura Rio & Sugino Tomohito, Akabane Karma & Nakamura Rio, Irina Jelavić/Karasuma Tadaomi, Irina Jelavić & Karasuma Tadaomi, Class 3-E & Karasuma Tadaomi
Additional Tags: Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Alternate Universe, Akabane Karma is a Little Shit, Shiota Nagisa Needs a Hug, Nakamura Rio is a Little Shit, Parental Karasuma Tadaomi, Parental Irina Jelavić, Abused Shiota Nagisa, Crack Treated Seriously, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Assassination, Crossover, Crossover Pairings
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45144640
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