#rival Marine
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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A procession of confessions.
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randomminty · 2 months
thoughts on Marnie x Penny ? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha…
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Cute..Romance isnt dead
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shingummyy · 5 months
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Namor week day 3: Alternate Universe
These are the new looks from the new pc game of Marvel☝️
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comicavalcade · 4 months
Screenshots from the Marvel Rivals alpha
Namor character screens:
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Why Silver, Blaze, & Marine should be on a team together
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So this is a post settling a debate I’ve had since I was 7 years old (I am 20 now) as to who would be on Silver’s team. Or rather Silver & Blaze’s team. I’ll be going in detail as to why I believe the trio of Silver, Blaze, and Marine would make for the most logical team formation. Many people online have linked them together, but I’ve decided to go into deeper detail as to why this is the case.
Silver & Blaze SHOULD & WILL be on a team together. The have been depicted as partners in Silver’s debut in Sonic 06, & the two have been aligned together ever since. They have also been teamed together in an official game in Team Sonic Racing (as team Vector). They represent both time & space. They have a sun and moon theme, with Blaze having flame powers like the sun and Silver being the element of the moon, which leads me to believe that they were created to be partnered with each other.
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Another factor that ties Silver & Blaze together is Eggman Nega. The scientist made his debut in Sonic Rush as an inhabitant from Blaze's dimension, but he later reappears in Sonic Rivals and is now from Silver's future. Nega has been rewritten to fit as an antagonist to both Silver & Blaze respectively, linking them together once again. Similarly, in Sonic Rivals, Eggman Nega wants to summon the Ifrit, a fiery monster from another dimension. This boss is derived from Iblis, the volcanic ememy of Silver and Blaze from Sonic 06.
Blaze and Marine would be perfect as teammates. Marine was made to be Blaze’s sidekick similar to Tails with Sonic and Cream with Amy. Marine’s water theme is an obvious play on Blaze’s fire theme.
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Now, each of these characters has a kinetic ability (fire, water, psychic) and are from a distant world not from Sonic’s (future/alt. dimension). As Silver & Marine haven not officially met, Blaze will be the link to tie the three together. Which brings me to my next point.
Blaze will be the leader. Most people would consider Silver to lead because of his popularity, or Marine to fulfill her captain role, but honestly Blaze makes the most sense. She’s the first of three to be created as a Sonic character, she a literal princess meaning she has actual leadership experience, and as stated before, she is the link between Silver and Marine. She has been shown on separate occasions/canons with these two, and she has always been the level-headed half that could calm down the others’ rather naive personalities. Plus, it is shown in Sonic Colors DS (canon) Blaze meets Silver again, but shortly after mentioning Marine. This proves that Blaze knows both Silver & Marine in the same canon, allowing the possibility of the trio meeting in full.
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Blaze will have both her partner & sidekick on her team, Marine will have two mature strong fighters to look up to & given a chance to grow as a character, & Silver…..well he’s been aligned with female characters before anyway. In Sonic 06, the character structure is cued from Sonic Heroes. Sonic’s allies are Tails & Knuckles (from Team Sonic), Shadow’s are Rouge & Omega (from Team Dark), & Silver’s Team, consisting of Amy (who was already on a formed team) & Blaze (who wasn’t). And although Silver isn’t the leader of this team, he could still pose as the face of the group, similar to how Rouge was the leader in the original Sonic Heroes, but the focus was mainly on Shadow (who eventually became the official leader).
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Now for the most important aspect: type placements. Speed, Fly, Power. Who will fill which position? It's easy to say you want three characters together on a team but if they can't meet any of the criteria for any of the roles then it's completely invalid. That being said Silver is most definitely the Fly type member & the only one that can do so. He can levitate with his telekinesis and can carry others. His debut in Sonic 06 has a flight based platforming gameplay similar to Tails and Rouge, and not a Speed based gameplay like Sonic, Shadow or Blaze, who was also playable in Silver’s story. Because of his telekinesis, Silver provides a new spin on the Fly method.
Now onto Blaze. She is an established Speed character in the main games and racing games. Her debut was in Sonic Rush, where she notably matches Sonic's hyper speed. In Sonic 06, her gameplay matches that of Sonic and Shadow who both have Speed type gameplay.
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It could also be argued that Blaze could fit into the Power type role. Along with her fire powers, she is athletic and has great physical strength, being one of the strongest characters in the series. Sonic Runners has categorized Blaze as a Power type, and although Sonic Runners butchered a lot of character types, such as including Silver as a Speed type when his gameplay in Sonic 06 was very much not that, Blaze being a Power type actually has merit.
Now Marine is going to be a tough topic, as she is the only one who actually hasn't had a playable appearance in a game yet. This means that not only are her notable abilities limited, but restricted to dialogue and cutscenes. This makes her the hardest to assign a type to. We at least know she can't fly so that's out of the equation. However, because of her limited showcases, her Speed vs Power argument is not the same as Blaze's. To find a suitable placement for her, we need to lay out what we do know about her.
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Marine is stated to be hyperactive and reckless, two traits of Speed and Power type characters. She has been shown running alongside Sonic in cutscenes and is often seen zipping around in dialogue scenes. She’s also a builder. You don’t just build ships on the regular without having some merit of physical strength. And she has been shown to have some sort of mystical powers at the end of Sonic Rush Adventure. Both placements work for Marine & Blaze, but for this specific team-up I would rather have Blaze as the muscle instead of Marine, who can fit into the Speed type pretty well (as most Sonic characters).
This group stands out among the usual Heroes team format. Marine would be the shortest Speed type, Silver would be the only hedgehog Fly type, and Blaze would be the first female Power type. It's important to note that not all Speed characters are the leaders of their teams, regardless if you put Blaze or Marine in the position.
Now there's many people who don't want Marine to be on Silver & Blaze's team, so I'll go over the common replacement characters I've seen and see why Marine is arguably the better pick.
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Chaos is a popular pick for a power character. He seems to fit in with Silver & Blaze's mystic power theme. Chaos, however, is far too powerful of a god to be on a team with them and I wouldn’t want to separate him & Tikal & vice versa
Mighty is also surprisingly a popular pick. I've seen it explained how Mighty being from the past could juxtapose Silver & Blaze who are from the future, but it just still doesn't seem right. I wouldn’t want to separate him and Ray either, they were planned to be on a team together from the start.
Gamma & Emerl are destroyed for good, and I wouldn't want to just throw in a robot character for a needed Power type. Also, no one from the shows are allowed (Cosmo, Sticks).
Shade is the probably the closest fitting for the group. Her aesthetic and time/space dimensional background match Blaze & Silver's, and she could also fit the Power role very nicely with her combat abilities. If they were to bring Shade back at all, this would be a cool way to do it.
Another important aspect of Sonic Heroes teams are their names. These names will be what the characters label themselves under for majority of their appearances. When deicing a team name, it usually must relate to the leader or at least 2 members. Team Sonic is obviously the team of the main character. Team Dark is a reference to the Dark story in Sonic Adventure 2, which features both Shadow & Rouge (Omega acts as a placeholder for Eggman). Dark could also refer to the edgy serious nature of the team.
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Team Rose is named after Amy Rose, who wants to lead her own team like Sonic (hence the similar naming method). Finally, Team Chaotix is comprised of characters who debuted in Knuckles Chaotix (which is why Mighty isn’t with them). In the case of Silver, Blaze, & Marine, there are a few choices. Most fanmade teams involving Silver tend to lean towards "Team Future", since Silver & Blaze come from the future. It's actually a pretty good flow to the name, but leaves out Marine since she's not from the future. Team Dimension/Team Sol is another popular pick, as it relates to the Sol Dimension (the home of Blaze & Marine). Silver, despite not being from there, has had experience traveling between dimensions as well. Silver also took part in fighting Solaris & Ifrit, two multidimensional beings.
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All in all, these three just look natural together. Many fan works depict these three together and make amazing artwork. The Sonic World fan game has even put them on a team together and they’re awesome in it. If Sonic Heroes 2 were to ever exist I think these guys would make for a fun dynamic, awesome gameplay, and a great story.
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ffcrazy15 · 11 months
MARINER: Wesley.
WESLEY: Beckett.
MARINER: Surprised you made it. Shouldn't you be off time traveling somewhere and being the universe's most special perfect boy?
WESLEY: It's somewhen, actually. And shouldn't you be stealing ships from spacedocks and moving contraband for Riker?
MARINER: *glares*
WESLEY: *glares*
MARINER: *grudging* ...Thanks for coming.
WESLEY: *likewise grudging* It was a lovely ceremony.
BOIMLER: *fanboying in a whisper* Wesley Crusher is in my receiving line, Wesley Crusher is in my receiving line–
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in marvel 'rivals' magneto and wanda make a cerebro and using the help of her magic, magneto gets a glimpse of psylocke, namor, and phoenix.
namor is already a playable character. datamines have confirmed psylocke so this hints that jean will be in the game at some point.
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vizziefizzie · 1 year
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Dooooooooodles! (Bc im currently drowning in a giant school project and this is all i could do rn)
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cerealforkart · 1 year
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Some pirate AU sketches from the last few days because head full
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s10127470 · 21 days
Marvel Rivals Animated Series Concept
I know this sounds odd to say, but I legitimately want to see an animated series based on Marvel Rivals.
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Like, this literally has all the makings to be adapted!
Plus, it would be pretty cool to see a Marvel video game being adapted into television, which has never been done before.
As for how it would play out.
Essentially, it follows the same plot as the video game, but a little more expanded.
Basically, after Doctor Doom and his 2099 variant caused the Timestream Entanglement, Doctor Strange and The Fantastic Four knew this would have disastrous consequences (given their experience with the multiverse)
It created new worlds out of old ones, which obviously cause pandemonium among the inhabitants.
With the existence now being known by….pretty much everyone in the multiverse, you know damn well that there's gonna be a lot of villains trying to use this knowledge for their own nefarious goals.
So, the five decided to recruit the heroes of their world to help keep the balance of this new universe intact and prevent any villains from making anything worse.
In terms of the art-style, it would essentially be the same as the game, but translated into 2D.
As for the animation, I can think of two studios that could do it.
Flying Bark Studios (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Monkie Kid, Glitch Techs) and Titmouse (Motorcity, Black Dynamite, Ballmastrz 9009).
Also, in terms of the universe our heroes (except for Peni) are from, it's essentially like an ideal version of the 616 universe.
As in, the heroes have actually reached their proper conclusions that people have wanted for years, while still going on their adventures and being heroes.
-The X-Men have actually made progress with human-mutant relations and DIDN'T get genocide'd into oblivion. Nor are they on the verge of extinction every other goddamn week.
-Bruce Banner has finally made peace with The Hulk and is now able to control him. Plus, he's finally with Betty. Yeah, remember her?
And best of all….
-Spider-Man is HAPPILY MARRIED to Mary Jane and is a father now, along with being a goofy but still mature superhero instead of an emotional-stunned man child who gets cucked on a regular basis.
Two of the best elements I could think of for this series are…..
The interactions between the heroes. We've never really had a Marvel cartoon with a cast that big, so it would be cool to see this diverse cast of characters bouncing off each other.
Some of the interactions I could see include….
-Captain America and Namor being brothers-in-arm and often bonding about not quite understanding or even hating modern trends (and rightfully so in some cases).
-Storm and Thor being best friends.
-Iron Man and Peni being friendly rivals.
-Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch being the sorcerer buddies.
-Rocket and Magik being the resident partners in crime and agents of chaos.
-Hulk and Groot being buddies.
-Luna and Star-Lord geeking out over music together.
-Spider-Man being the absolute heart of this team and essentially being everyone's friend.
-Venom and Scarlet Witch flirting with each other (I was kinda split on this one. Originally, I was gonna have SW married to Vision. Since this universe, the Marvel characters actually allows stay in relationships. However, I really like the trend of shipping Venom and SW together. So I figured they'll be an item in this universe. Actually, what other new ships could you see in this universe?).
And best of all….
-Jeff being a good boy
2. The variants the heroes will meet. This would be the Kingdom Hearts of Marvel: you never know who you'll meet next. There would faces from all forms of Marvel media. From the comics, to the cartoons, to the video games, etc. And nobody's off the table. Anyone will get a chance to appear, no matter how beloved or hated they are. However, they will be treated accordingly depending on their reputation. There would also be a lot of original universes to this series as well, in order to help diversify things.
And finally for the voice cast, it's largely the same as the game but with a few exceptions.
Cap would be voiced again by Roger Craig Smith.
Storm would be voiced again by Danielle Nicolet.
Iron Man would be voiced again by Mick Wingert.
And Spidey would be voiced again by the one….the only…..Josh Keaton!
Anyway, that's all I have.
Let me you know what you think about this concept.
I'm planning on doing a pitch bible to give a more-fleshed out version of all this.
And also, what are some variants you would love to see in this series? And if so, what kind of interactions would they have with the heroes?
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weaponxworld15 · 1 month
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"To me, My X-Men!"
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vroomian · 9 months
Oc usopp in a world with Actual Fate By Word of God Oda deciding to see if he does Have A Fate by leaving Syrup at fourteen and traveling the blues all on his own.
If Luffy is destined to have Usopp join his crew — well. Hell have to find Usopp first :)
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paleoblue · 1 year
didja guys miss me??
mb i completely forgot to post anything on this account lol
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comicavalcade · 4 months
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Marvel Rivals Namor gifs
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speedy-dino · 8 months
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my closest photo finish EVER.
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litrally like. less than a nose.
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
hey you can actually see the current results for the sonic channel poll still you just click on "see previous responses" or whatever. marine is winning by 70% right now. sorry if you already figured this out lol
ohhh i didnt realize beacuse i havent actually voted yet. well there are officially no downsides to this way of voting then i guess
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