enigmatic-rain · 2 years
Whats the executive verse? :0
AKDHAKDHK HII ANON I’m sorry this is so late! I have been. so busy. But thank you for asking!! ^^
The Executive ‘Verse is something I’ve been working on for about two years now! It’s a cyberpunk-inspired universe that follows the story of Wolf, a genetic experiment created to help lead a powerful company known as Asteron Industries. It takes place in New Elysium, an artificial city created by the founder of Asteron Industries (and Wolf’s creator). For the most part, though, it explores Wolf’s discovery of her own humanity through her unlikely friendship with RKD (a cyborg with a dark past fighting to bring down Asteron Industries) and RKD’s journey through the dangerous world of New Elysium.
It’s been really fun to write for and I’d love to share more stuff about it if anyone’s interested!! I really appreciate your interest Anon! <3
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rkdvanguard · 2 months
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Stay Tuned for Danger Art - Part II (Part I here)
1- February in the Isle of Wight by John Brett, 1866
2- Still life (primroses, pears and pomegranates) by Henri Fantin-Latour, 1866
3- Young Girl Reading by Jean Honoré Fragonard, 1769
4- Fringed Gentians by John Henry Hill, 1867
5- Irises by Vincent van Gogh, 1890
6- The Road to Castel Gandolfo by Andre Derain, 1921
7- Fruit and Flowers by Paulus Theodorus van Brussel, 1789
8- A Lady Reading a Newspaper by Carl Larsson, 1886
9- By the Cottage Door, Redlynch, Wilts by Helen Allingham, probably late 19th c.
10- Vase with flowers on a marble table, a Chaffinch and grapes near a bird's nest by Cornelis van Spaendonck, 1824
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bantennewscoid-blog · 8 months
Ini 4 Fokus Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Pemkab Tangerang 2024-2026
KAB. TANGERANG – Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Tangerang memfokuskan kepada empat tema pelaksanaan arah pembangunan Kabupaten Tangerang yang tertuang dalam RPD tahun 2024-2026. Arah pembangunan tersebut yakni, peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia, peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan, meningkatkan kualitas tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik, serta meningkatkan pengembangan…
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hikago-fanfics · 1 year
Heaven and Hell
Until now there is no scientific evidence of the existence of heaven & hell, but heaven is an UNDOUBTED belief for those who believe in it. And for those of us who believe in it, no matter how sad and bad our current condition is, belief in the truth of heaven is the CONSOLATION that keeps us to stay alive until we meet our fateful death. 
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These panels are really true. The believers want (or precisely: need) death. But suicide is NEVER be a way to heaven. In fact, suicide is one of the reasons why evil points increase while virtue points stop increasing. So the believers will stay alive, do many good deeds, give their best efforts, and minimize the harm or bad deeds.
One of the peaks of happiness in heaven is meeting and reuniting with loved ones while living for the first time. So people who believe in heaven do NOT STOP until they (themselves only) believe in heaven, but INVITE other people, those closest to them, especially those they love, to believe in it and go there together. Our family, our friends, our colleagues, etc.
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The last I'll say. God did NOT mess around or just kidding when He created heaven and hell. As He did not carelessly at random when creating the earth, the sky, all the creatures, the universe with all natural cause and effect today. Heaven was created to last forever. That's different from a playground that can be damaged and not work. Maybe it's more like the greatest empire and God is the Emperor Himself. Then it's mpossible if heaven is renovated into hell. Both were created together under very different conditions. 
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homedecorfun · 1 year
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garadinervi · 1 year
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From: «Bulletin» 118, Jaap Berghuis, Art & Project, Amsterdam, [June 10 – July 5], 1980 [MoMA, New York, NY. MACBA, Barcelona. RKD – Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis, Den Haag. © Jaap Berghuis]
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acrossthewavesoftime · 4 months
"My compliments to all the family except for Lott[e]."
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Charlotte Philiberthe von Nassau-Beverweerd (1649-1702) (detail); created between 1675 and 1694, though the hairstyle would suggest a date in the 1670s; in the collection of the Rijksmuseum.
For Valentine's day, here's a tale of a romance that did not quite turn out as expected, but left a string of interesting documents.
Let's picture the scene: you're in love. Who do you tell? Well, obviously, you might confide the butterflies in your belly to your best friend, and it just so happens that the lady who's quite turned your head is a distant cousin of his.
This is the situation one Hans Willem Bentinck (1649-1709) found himself in during January and February 1675. His crush was Charlotte Philiberthe von Nassau-Beverweerd, a distant relation (their grandfathers were half-brothers) of his closest friend, then-Stadtholder of the United Provinces and future King of England William III (1650-1702).
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William III of Orange and Hans Willem Bentinck; dated to 1676. Collection of Stichting Kasteel Amerongen, via RKD Research.
William interceded on his best friend's behalf, and seems to have taken "Lotte", as he called her, aside when the latter, living with one of her sisters who had married an English noble, paid a visit to the Netherlands.
The Stadtholder, who was friends with Lotte as she was one of the few people who would engage him in some good, old-fashioned banter and, her love for a good joke aside, was an extremely intelligent conversationalist, made her promise to give a reply as to what he should tell his best friend; but that reply never came and so, William, writing to Lotte's brother-in-law, Thomas Butler, the 6th Earl of Ossory (1634-1680), with whom she lived, added a few P.S.-s to his usual (largely political) letters to Ossory:
In late January or early February, William wrote to Ossory:
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(P. S.) I beg of you to tell Lott[e] that, all her cruelty aside, I love her with all my heart, and to reproach her that she has neither written, nor even replied to my letter, as she had promised when we parted. I also hope that she will soon declare herself on that which she had promised me to think on when we parted, for Bentinck is very impatient to know how he stands, which seems very reasonable to me. G.*
(* In case you're wondering why William, or Willem in Dutch, signed as "G.", in his private correspondence: it's the abbreviation of the French equivalent of his name, Guillaume.)
However, it looks like Lotte was still ghosting both Bentinck and William, because he signed another letter to Ossory, datable to February 1675, off as follows:
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My compliments to all the family except for Lott[e]. G.
A third letter to Ossory lastly mentions Lotte in March 1675:
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(P. S.) I beg of you to assure Madame the Countess [of Ossory] of my very humble services, and [Lotte] as well, regardless of my not having any reason to be pleased with her. G.
One imagines that William may have taken his best friend aside and told him to forget about Lotte. Sadly, we have no information on how Lotte reacted to these messages.
If there is anything to be taken from this tale of historical heartbreak, it is that this sort of thing happens. If this Valentine's Day you find yourself unhappy because you're celebrating it alone and rather would not to, remember that you're not alone. Maybe also talk to your best friend, even if they're not a powerful noble in charge of a country.
Oh, and don't be a Lotte and ghost someone with an (romantic) interest in you. Just tell them in polite, but no uncertain terms that you're not into them.
From a historian's perspective, I find it fascinating how the Lotte-letters to Ossory highlight a part of William III's personality that is largely overlooked; posthumously often regarded as a guarded, almost robotically emotionless man, the young William in his early 20s who tries to play cupid for his best friend and adopts a very domestic tone in his missives going so far as to utilise nicknames paints a rather different picture.
Lotte was evidently forgiven, because she became a member of William and Mary's court, and briefly served under Anne as well. She never married, and her motives for doing so have been lost to history.
As for Hans Willem Bentinck, he met a woman called Anne Villiers (1651-1688) two and a half years later: she was, her mother having been the governess of William's bride Princess Mary, the future Mary II, a sort of sisterly figure to the Princess, and the two met through the marriage of their friends/employers. Contrary to William and Mary, for whom love only developed gradually in the aftermath of a fairly traumatic arranged marriage (especially on the then-15-year-old Mary's part), for Anne and Hans Willem Bentinck, their romance was much more organic: they fell in love at their workplace, so to say. To crown their personal happy end, William III stepped in to provide Anne, who was of a respectable family, yet had no fortune to speak of, with a dowry.
For the letters from William to Ossory, see: Japikse, Nicolaas [ed.]: Correspondentie van Willem III en van Hans Willem Bentinck (1927-1935), Vol. II, ii, letters 4, 15 and 16.
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Richard van Bleeck and Coenraet Roepel - Coenraet Roepel (1678-1748), painting a still-life -
oil on canvas, height: 110.5 cm (43.5 in); width: 87.2 cm (34.3 in)
Richard van Bleeck (1670–1733) was a Dutch Golden Age painter.
Coenraet Roepel (1678, The Hague – 1748, The Hague), was an 18th-century fruit and flower still life painter from the Northern Netherlands.
According to Jan van Gool he was an avid gardener and his love of flowers made him become a pupil of Constantijn Netscher so that he could paint the flowers and other plants in his garden. He travelled to Düsseldorf in 1716 and received a gold chain and medal from Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine for his work. He had high hopes of painting more for the elector, but his patron died the same year, so Coenraet returned to the Netherlands. On his return, he became a member of the Confrerie Pictura in 1718 and was very successful in The Hague, receiving as much as 1,000 guilders for a work, but was later eclipsed by the flower painter Jan van Huysum.
According to the RKD he was trained in the Confrerie in the years 1698-1699 and first became a member there in 1711. His pupil was Pieter Terwesten.
The Lazaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid owns a couple of Still lifes, one with fruits and the other a Vase with Flowers, from Roepel.
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jonahmagnus · 9 months
Some Striderlalonde post-game sibling shenanigans headcannons because if I dont post this Im going to explode.
-I think that their really really physically affectionate. Dirk is a tad touch adverse ("tad" he cant have his bare skin touched without warning) but if hes wearing long slevees hes a-okay. Dave is suuuuper touch starved so even though Dirk doesnt really like sudden physical contact he pushes breaks his own boundary for his little bro. Dave doesnt initiate contact AT ALL at tirst but eventually he gets more comfortable with it. I think whenever Dirk is working Dave'll wander over and Dirk will ruffle his hair like an unruly child. Dave will lean on him while standing around like his body just deflated. Paper towel of a man
-Dave really likes getting his hair pet so he'll lean aginst peoples legs and they'll scratch his skull until he either dozes off or gets embarrassed for wanting physical affection and leaves
-They go shopping for food a LOT. Their fridge is always stocked and they always have shelf-stabke stuff around. Their both not great cooks yet but its the principle of the thing you know. None of the striderlalondes can cook actually
-Speaking of the striderlalondes I think that Roxy Really Doesnt Like Sleeping Alone so she will curl up in other peoples beds or sleep in a common area and stuff. I actually think that Dirk's room had a bunk bed and she sleeps on the top bunk sometimes when the Loneliness Demons get to her. Its far enough up that his lamplight is mostly blocked and she can hear him quietly tinkering away as she drifts off to sleep.
-Roxy kisses people on the forhead a LOT. Like a lot a lot. On the crown of the head too. Its just how she is<3
-Rose and Roxy semi-live with them (Rose with Kanaya and Roxy with Jane and Jade the rest of the time) and their always bringing decorations and blankets over and stuff. The Strider house is very Soft I think with blankets everywhere and plush furniture and lights that can be dimmed. So Rose is always bringing them a new scarf or blanket and Roxy sometimes convinces Dave to help her put up fairy lights and LD light strips on the floor so theres always a little bit of light.
-Dirk takes up knitting because of Rose. At first he doesnt tell her because hes embarrassed but when he presents his amateur scarf to her she tears up a little bit. Because he made it for her. And its real shitty but her sibling made something for her. They knit together after that and she teaches him to be Good At It. They have fun together. Their like crotchety old women on a porch
-Dave and Roxy are both sooooo touch starved and both of their siblings are both soooooo touch adverse so these two are always just Hanging Out. Leaning on eachother. Ruffling eachothers hair. Etc. Rose and Dirk are cursed with the "Touch Starved but also Touch Adverse Disease" so they just lollygag around in the same room together and occasionally brush shoulders. Their favorite activity is sitting in a room and being Haters together.
-Speaking of Rose and Dirk they are sooo underrated as a sibling duo. I think they both have the same media taste and special interests. Their both really into shlocky campy comedy horror and bad sitcoms. Their both horse girls. Etc. They love to mock cable television.
-This is unfinished but feel 2 add ur own. Im just saying words. Peace and love. <3
-If you say "siblings dont interact like this" I can tell you for a fact as an older sibling I looove kissing my little brother on the forhead because hes Just A Little Guy. And also they arent real.
-Pr*ship dont touch this
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sadsoftserve · 5 months
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 11 months
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Jacob de Villeers, Netherlandish A Panoramic Landscape with a Waterfall, 17th century
This monumental landscape with rolling hills and a waterfall is one of the sole works that can be surely attributed to the Rotterdam landscape painter Jacob de Villeers (cf. the documentation of this painting in the RKD, the Hague, no. 105752). Little is known about de Villeer's life and work, only that he married in 1641 and that he painted two ship's cabins for Prince Frederick Hendrick five years later - proving that he worked for illustrious patrons.
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myhouseidea · 2 years
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Shangri La by RKD Architects
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realcatalina · 9 months
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor with his wife or his sister?
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On RKD's webpage this is labelled as:
Portrait of Ferdinand of Austria (left), portrait of the wife of Ferdinand of Austria (right)
-which would be Anna Jagellonica(Anne of Bohemia and Hungary)
But I wouldn't be so sure it is her. Because the woman is dressed Iberian, has her hair in Iberian style...(Which in theory Anne might have worn as Ferdinand's bride-he was raised in Spain).
But the coat of arms in corner looks suspiciously as of Portugal(not that we should trust it 100%, it can be later addition...)-it certainly is not of house Jagellon nor of Bohemia or Hungary.
So could it be his sister Catherine of Austria, Queen of Portugal?
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I sure hope so because we have so few portraits of her! I know of like 5 portraits of her in total...and in 3 we only suspect it is her...we don't know for sure.
Obviously looking nicer than in portraits much later in her life.
...but you know there are portraits of Charles V which are ugly and pretty too...(despite him not having such nice features.) But perhaps she had some charm as young girl...I'd like to believe that.
I am honestly undecided upon this one...
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Because if it is Indeed Catherine, then I don't think she had that raise upon nose as her grandfather(Emperor Maxmilian), she would have pretty nose.
So how do we explain that raise being in her late portraits?
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One possibility is that she had minor raise on nose(plenty of us do), which was overexegerated in her later portraits. She might have been prettier in life, at least at youth...
Anyway, the diptych is recorded on RKD's webpage as lastly seen in 1911. ...Meaning before WW1 and WW2. Those are not good odds for its survival...
However, RKD's webapge has larger picture of it, it's with watermark. But if you just want to study the costume or admire the features, you can have the look at that HD picture.
And tell me what you think...Anne or Catherine?
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saturniandragon · 1 month
What if: Skyrim but modern and with airports
My work requires me to travel by plane kinda often, that's where this thought started.
IATA codes for main city airports, linking cities and serving inter-province flights:
Whiterun: WTR
Falkreath: FLK
Markarth: MKT
Solitude: SLT
Dawnstar: DST
Winterhold: WNH
Windhelm: WDH
Riften: RFT
Minor settlements airports:
Riverwood: RVD
Rorikstead: RKD
Helgen: HGN
Ivarstead: IVD
Dragon Bridge: DBR
Karthwasten: KST
Kynesgrove: KNV
Shor's Stone: SHN
Raven Rock: RVN
Skaal Village: SKL
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hikago-fanfics · 1 year
Virtue and Evil Points
Ok, so what's wrong about the idea? What counts is NOT ONLY virtue points, but also evil points. Every good deed has different values of virtue points. Every bad deed also has different values of evil points. Virtue points can continue to increase if there are living beings who still benefit from his good deeds. While evil points can be reduced if there are living beings who ask for forgiveness for their bad deeds. 
The injustice that happened in the world will get its retribution. The culprit will get a decrease in virtue points or an increase in evil points. On the other hand, the victim will get an increase in virtue points or a decrease in evil points. So, virtue & evil points can be transferred according to what happened in the world TODAY. 
Those who can calculate virtue & evil points are creatures (you can say they are angels) who are assigned the task to calculate fairly, NOT humans okay. Because humans (their virtue & evil points) are the ones who will be counted. And the calculation is done NOT on the day he still lived in the world, but on the judge day (after the whole universe is destroyed). What determines our final destination is the total (called judge points). 
So judge points = virtue points - evil points. If the judge points are positive, anyone will become an inhabitant of a certain level of heaven. And if the judge points are negative, anyone will become an inhabitant of a certain level of hell as well. 
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Unlike the world courts, which can be fraudulent, the afterlife courts in the judge day are purely based on facts without schemes. The evidence is complete on the side of God and the angels. Every soul will be judged without being wronged. If anyone wronged him, it was himself.
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