#rlly testing my perspective
scatmaan · 1 year
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doodling olav as the dark urge ....
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heartsfortwotpot · 9 months
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got ourselves a REAL snoozer over here.
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cherrysnax · 2 years
i think after i practice the fundamentals for like a week, im gonna dedicate some time to drawing spider-man
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msrandonstuff · 1 year
Now I'm starting to get paranoid that I won't pass ENEM
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pumpkinsy0 · 4 months
I like the idea of Ponyboy being a sneaky little shit and getting Curly a book on horticulture ("Haha, you said whore." -Curly) and Curly being all "why the fuck do I want this?"
Ponyboy says nothing, just smiling as he turns the pages to show one how to grow marijuana and Curly's all "Babe, I'll fucking marry you."
Trial and error, good days, bad ones. It's all worth is cause in eight weeks time Curly has his first sprouts. They are wrapped in a baby blanket under a heat lamp in the shed. The sprouts grow and soon enough he's ready for business. He dubs himself "The Greaser Gardner" cause it's kinda true, but also tuff when he puts it into perspective (it's not cool. Angela told him he sounded like a hick grandpa)
Speaking of names, he names his plants too. "This one is prickles, this one is stabby, that one back there is pluck and this one. . . . . this is Ponybabe. I named it after my wife."
Curly makes 50 bucks a month selling the stuff.
Tim is baffled. Perplexed. Because when the hell did Curly prove he could a.) read, b.) comprehend what he was reading and c.) put what he read and comprehend into action all at once?
i giggled at horticulture too, i am NO better than curly
im ngl i IMMEDIATELY thought of that yrailer park boys episode where ricky and julian were growing weed in that one empty ass trailer, I FORGOT EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED BUT IT WAS THAT EPISODE WHERE THE STRIPPER FUCKING STOLE EVERYTHING😭😭
curly going from “babe ill fucking marry u” to “i named it after my wife” what plot development THIS is what we need to see more of ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽
he only sells stuff from the ponybabe™️ plant to special customers so i like to image he gets really really dramatic talking about that plant, pretending like he’s a wife at sea at the lighthouse waiting for his husband to return from the war
and look rule #1 is “dont get high iff ur own supply” but curlys always like “i gotta test it out before it gets to my customers” (he just rlly wants to get high and doesnt feel like spending money)
i think tims more baffled at the fact that curly is actually able to take care of a living thing without it going to absolute shit, curly is SO heavy handed its not even funny
he likes to spend or give some of his profit to pony, he wouldnt b here without him🙏🏽🙏🏽
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bluedeedeedoop · 5 months
My Thoughts on Tales of the Empire; mostly Barriss (spoilers ahead!)
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Ah hello all, i have had some days or so to think since watching the show and to say it has completely wiped me of my life force would be... pretty accurate tbh. BUT I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED TO POST MY THOUGHTS. will this cover my entire though process that im sTill working through? PROBABLY NOT! my thoughts are very unorganized and very unstable! ANYWAAAAYS.
Now I just gotta say overall, the show itself definitely passed the test. To be completely honest, i wasn't really paying attention to the Morgan parts as i was the Barriss parts, since it was literally what I was looking forward to this entire time.
Though I will say that the first Morgan episode was pretty neat! it was crazy seeing that perspective of the Nightsisters again and god did they make Grievous fucking terrifying. Honestly, bravo to them, it was amazing. I diiiiid end up just.. kinda spacing out the rest of it tho unfortunately cuz i just wanted to see barriss..
Visuals 10000/10. stunning, amazing, phenomenal, gahdamn. the animation was so smooth and fluid and uGHH it was amazing throughout the entire show. Acting amazing as always. BUT GOD I CANT GET OVER HOW AMAZING THE ANIMATION WAS.
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In my opinion, they got her character pretty on the dot. I am SO glad they did. I was rlly rlly worried they were totally butcher her character and make her unrecognizable to all of us but oml they didn't completely disappoint us, she has her morals, SHES STILL A HEALER! Im so happy from that.
Now although i did enjoy it, i do have my own little complaints.
Now okay one i noticed since the trailer and has REALLY been bugging me; where are her hand tattoos??? idk i guess i just wasn't expecting them to just be gone?? they couldn't have just forgotten them.. right? I dunno, but unless someone has a genuine answer for that, imma just keep drawing them on her in the future.
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Alright another thing i've been seeing ppl post about is how come she looked so old at the end? I am also confused on that and i've seen multiple theories. She should only be like 30-35 max right?? Because i'm assuming the last episode took place a the time in Rebels where the inquisitors were after the force sensitive children, and Ahsoka was around that age a the time, so why is Barriss any different?
I suppose the one i think makes the most sense is the force healing? I guess it could take a toll on her over the years causing her to look more aged, but still, i'd really prefer an explanation. Also what happened to her hair coverings?? Is that not her culture?? I dunno, again, i really need an explanation. I suppose that maybe her perspective has changed since trying to come to terms with her new life, and her ditching the coverings is a way to free herself from her past? Honestly i have no clue but i just need a lot of things answered.
That's mostly my complaints on it! I just felt things weren't explained enough but to be fair, they only gave her like 3 15-ish min episodes?? I really think they got some explaining to do. Which brings me to my next points.
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I'm like... 98% sure that the "old friend" is Ahsoka that she was talking about. Who else would it be?? Like cmon. And if it is Ahsoka, why did we not get to see anything about the moment of confrontation? or at least more of a mention? I guess they wouldn't rlly wanna rush that scene, and tbh, im glad they didn't. It's not some "we talk for 5 min and everything is fine" type of situation. it'll take time. time to rebuild that trust. time to discuss. YEAH. I've heard many people state how it would be more likely and realistic to see a novelization of that and i agree. I would want it to take time, showing the build of the relationship over time, going on further into the story as we watch their strong bond mend from the trauma it's faced. I'm not saying this as a crazed Barrissoka shipper, i mean it that I would genuinely want to see how that confrontation is handled, as do many others and not just as a ship!! It's been a decade! the fans wanna know!
And my last point.
The more i rewatch it, the more i believe it. the first time around i had my doubts, but something tells me they are NOT done with her character. At least before the stabbing scene anyway. There's too much stuff that's left unanswered for it to just end that way! I dunno man, but Lyn's "i'm going to get you out of here" sounded way too determined for a "im going to move your body out of here" type of thing yk? maybe she could sense she was still alive, just barely hanging in there? I don't think they are done with Barriss Offee, and I wont think so unless we see her corpse being fucking BURIED. Not to mention the UNGODLY amount of parallels of that scene along with them exiting the cave. I've already seen so many point it out. Post-Vader and Ahsoka fight on Malachor?? Back when we all thought Ahsoka may or may not be dead?? sounds familiar hello?? Also a parallel from earlier in the show itself when Barriss saves that unnamed jedi! she HEALS them when they were going to be left there. Something tells me the same fate may happen to Barriss. Idk call me crazy but i will say it again, i don't think they are done with her story.
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Thank you for reading my very unorganized thoughts! this has taken me longer to write than expected because i did not predict this to make me have to step away from making SEVERAL times- but yeah! lmk what yall think! and yes you can be expecting some art here and there! i know i've been slacking- Also lmk if u want me to post my crazed Barrissoka thoughts! because aHa i have them. i have them a lot. send help.
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
hello!! i'd like to request a twisted wonderland matchup if ur still doing them! if not that's totally cool :) feel free to ignore this!!
here's my info!!
i use any pronouns and i'm aroace irl, but i still like fictional characters LOL. my mbti is intp, and my "big three" zodiacs are pisces sun, aries moon, and sagittarius rising.
personality: for how i'd describe myself, i'd definitely say i try my best to be optimistic about things. whenever i ask people if my personality is the sun or the moon, they usually say i'm the sun LOL. i've been told that i have a relaxing voice and that i have a comforting presence. from my perspective, i'm decently quiet and shy and i get pretty nervous talking to new people irl, but once the conversation gets going, i can talk to anyone just fine. i tend to be agreeable, and i think i'm pretty easy to talk to. my friends say i'm a sweet person , but that i also seem to get lost in my thoughts a lot or daydream often. i've also been told by many people that i'm pretty funny, and my humor tends to rely on a mix of my vocabulary and the latest trends. i'm playful and silly by nature, often teasing my friends and goofing around, but i'm also capable of providing genuine advice and comfort to people if they need me to. i like a lot of playful banter in my life. i've also been told that i'm trustworthy and reliable whenever i work with other people. additionally, i'm more detail-oriented, mainly because i like to go in-depth and consider things with logic if i can. but, at the same time, i can be a bit impatient and impulsive if i really want something, but not so much that i do anything too reckless, if that makes sense LOL.
likes: psychology (so much so that i want to pursue a career in it), astrology, history, playing video games (mainly roblox, cookie run kingdom, the persona series, and twst), sweet stuff and candy, watching the sunrise, sleeping / taking naps, cats, listening to music
dislikes: bugs (i'm terrified of them ☹️ just the thought of touching them makes me shudder with fear), dirty rooms, injustice, canned green beans (i gagged last time i ate them 😭), singing in front of other people, dancing (only bcuz i'm really bad at it and it's embarrassing, LOL), overly arrogant people or people who think they're "above" me
hobbies: i spend a lot of my free time on my phone and in my room. i don't go to new places often, but i love to play games with my friends and chat on the phone. occasionally, i'll try out a new makeup look that i find online since i'm somewhat into beauty stuff. i usually spend a couple hours a day on tiktok (my attention span is cooked 🙁), but lately i've been trying to get back into drawing or painting!! i want to utilize a bit more of my creativity instead of just sitting around all day LOL. additionally, i'm a bit of a clean freak, so if a room in my house is getting a bit dusty, i'll dedicate a few hours to cleaning it up and reorganizing.
extra: im super sorry if this ended up being rlly long 😭 tysm for ur time!!
Extra info means extra points to write about no need to apologize!
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Rook Hunt
Rook sees your inner beauty, as he does with most people, right away. The instant he meets you he’s going on about how lovely you look, and how your shyness hides away a vivid personality. 
How does he know these things? Pure instinct. But it’s a refined and usually correct instinct, so make of that what you will. 
He flutters around you day in and day out, asking you questions and testing you reactions to anything and everything. He’s a bit overwhelming at first, but once you really get to know him, he’s a reliable friend and always there to pick you up when you’re feeling down. 
He’s also taken by your interest in psychology. He himself is very observant and notices quite a lot about others that they don’t even know, and so the study of how the mind works fasniates him. If you tell him a factoid or two about psychology, and how you think it applies to one of your classmates or peers, he’ll be thrilled and praise you for your intelligence. 
Once you get close, he’ll often bring out the playful and silly side of you, absolutely taken with your smile and the sound of your laughter. Perhaps it’s then when he realizes that he’s fallen for you.
Rook is a romantic, sure, but he’s also knowledgable about your tastes and preferences. If you’d want a beautiful confession by moonlight, him singing a ballad beneath your window, then you’d get that. If you’d want a small and intimate confession, him gazing into your eyes lovingly, you’d get that. Whatever it was, two things would be certain: it would be terribly romantic, and it would be perfect. 
Whatever hobbies you have, Rook will absolutely be a part of them now. You want to draw? He’ll be your model, or watch you as you create! Playing video games? He’ll be your player 2! Whatever it is, he enjoys it, so long as he gets to be by your side. 
He hides his emotions fairly well from others around him, but when he’s around you, he tends to let you in on some of the smaller or more negative things he feels. It’s here that he appreciates the part of you that gives good advice. 
In turn, he’s always a willing confidant, and absolutely will tell you if you need to take a break from being the school’s therapist. 
He won’t just tell you: he’ll scoop you up and run away with you if needed, laughing like a madman and cuddling you so you wouldn’t be able to escape.
One thing is certain: whatever challenges or trials you face in life, Rook will be there to help you through them. 
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Jay Ferin
"I mean.. just look at her" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "she has a lot of transgirl swag and i love her. jay ferin forever" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "the transest ever. i swear" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "she is a TRANS ALLEGORY YOUR HONOUR. LOOK AT HER. TRANSGENDER SWAG." - Submitted For Secret Fourth Swag "She's so trans coded. I mean, she runs away from her family who expect her to be one thing (navy) and she joins a group where she tests what it's like to be something else (a pirate) but then reverts when her dad shows up. She pretends it meant nothing but then Chip shows her that it's okay to change and to act against her family. So she's living her best trans girl life. Also she has bird imagery which is very trans coded of her. And she was named after her dad so like… Just saying" - Submitted For Transfem Swag "jay jay okg jay. her entire story is so fucking trans coded. i literally can’t oo her wholeee story is so trans coded. like??? she runs away from home and doesn’t tell her family shes joining pirates bc it’s the exact thing they would disapprove of. she first joins them to scope them out and learn their secrets but as time goes longer she realizes these people love her and she loves them and she is a pirate LIKE THEM. and her father appears and literally disowns her for being a pirates like holy shit. and she tries to spare her friends by going back to life where she would be in misery. and and she finds drey, a pirate like her and someone close to her who was also kicked to the curb and she finds comfort in someone like her. and she has to deal with the idea that her dead sister might hate her if Ayva knew jay was a pirate like???? but she’s so dress and happy now and she wouldn’t trade it for the world DO YOU HEAR ME???? becoming a pirate is how jay discovers HERSELF and who she WANTS TO BE!!!! i can’t she is so trans coded i literally can’t. she was so alone but notre she had ppl who UNDERSTAND HER!!!!! also tgirl failgirl swag." - Submitted For Transfem Swag "HER WHOLE STORY COULD BE A ALLEGORY FOR BEING TRANS FR. her father hates pirates, pirating for her has been freedom and helped her seen a new perspective, she gets wings, her journey is og just being a "spy" and then becoming a pirate and sensing the "freedom" in it !! and loving it and being accepeted just as she is her dad even makes a comment abt her being a pirate in 53. shes sooo transcoded ^_^^^^^^^^ to me i love her jay ferin sweep - Submitted For Transfem + Secret Fourth Swag
William Wisp
"cannonly was VERY against his shirt being taken off or taking it off (dipper pines core). emo tguy. His whole feeling dead and becoming a new person through that feels rlly accidental trans writing to me tbh ^·^" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "just look at him" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "guy who is trans in both directions in my brain. sometimes he is transmasc in my brain and sometimes she is transfem in my brain they’re just so !!!??!!!?? trans" - Submitted For Transfem + Transmasc + Secret Fourth Swag "He literally wears like. five layers when Doug tries to take his shirt off. He's the most Transmasc Charlie Slimecicle PC and thats fuckin saying something. Look at this sad little emo man and tell me he is cisgender. You cannot." - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "literally just look at him." - Submitted For Transmasc Swag
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peachjagiya · 5 months
do u think tae and jk have been with other people at any point or do u think they were kind of each others first and last everything? i feel like they were probably kind of on and off in the earlier years when they were still figuring everything out and they probably tried to test out the waters with other people during those breaks if the could but ultimately ended up continuously coming back to eo. but that’s just my theory cuz i cant rlly imagine they’ve never been w ANYONE else other than eo
I read some interesting perspective on this and it was basically exactly that. I can't for the life of me remember the blog but it felt very realistic. If I remember, I will link.
It was along the lines of there having been flirtation with other relationships. Nothing too serious, maybe some casual dating, physicality, but no actual commitment because ultimately they were drawn to each other too much.
I think that feels likely. Especially if you're facing quite a difficult learning curve where you're growing and maturing. And potentially it's a little bit foolish to date a bandmate - even if it logistically makes a lot of sense - so maybe there's a bit of pressure to not do that?
I agree with you: I don't think it's very likely they've only been with each other since 14 and 16. Crushing on each other, in love, helplessly drawn to each other? Yeah I think that's right.
But never trying to get over it with other people? Only ever being committed to each other? Very sweet, very romantic notion but I'm not sure it's realistic to think they've never had dalliances.
For the record, I don't see J3nnie as one of these despite indicators that she's the most likely candidate. I still think that was just a media play. And JK's tattoo artist? Well I think that was just a very conservative view on an interaction between a man and a woman.
Thanks anon! 💜
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jessamine-rose · 2 years
♡ Chemistry – Author’s Note ♡
(づ ᴗ͈  ˬ ᴗ͈ )づ*.゚ Read Chemistry here!!
ଘ(∩^o^)⊃━☆   Read Magnum Opus here!!
Aakdndknkda thank you to everyone who expressed their love for Dottore’s twisted love story!! It warms my heart knowing that y’all enjoyed my writing and suffered from brainrot  ψ(`∇´)ψ
This post will discuss my characterization of Yandere! Dottore, the science behind his elixir, creative details in the fic, and bonus content. It will also double as my processing session as I recover from Dottore  ꒰✘Д✘◍꒱
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“In the realm of science, love and insanity are closely intertwined mysteries. Disillusioned with the world, you have long forgotten its beauty…until the wise doctor gives you a change of perspective.” (AO3 summary)
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Introduction ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ As of now, Chemistry is my darkest fic. I was originally going to write for Yandere! Dottore x Yandere! Reader until I got inspired by the biochemistry of love. Thus we ended up with a body-horror-esque story about Dottore breaking his darling through science. I found it quite fun to write about a darling who is more needy and obsessive than the yandere~
♡ Assistant! darling is a mix of the common darling tropes for Dottore:: old friend + test subject + fellow scientist + devoted supporter + Akademiya batchmate + Fatui assistant. I wanted to combine those different relationships and I’m quite happy with the final result. Compared to my other yandere fics, Dottore x Assistant’s dynamic has more banter and familiarity.
♡ Once again, say thank you to @diodellet​ for her peer review!! She offered so many helpful comments for Chemistry and Magnum Opus, and my fics wouldn’t be the same without her input Σ੧(❛□❛✿)
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Characters ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ Rip among the Harbingers, Dottore was the most difficult to write for. For his Webttore and Primettore characterizations, I rlly wanted to highlight the differences between his younger and older self. His dialogue alone required the most source-checking for that proper balance of prose and scientific speech :’>
♡ Dottore strikes me as a very sadistic yandere who wants to be entertained in the relationship. His “love” starts out as morbid fascination, and he originally views his darling as an expendable test subject. As his feelings develop, he becomes more averse to harming her but nonetheless remains very cruel and controlling.
♡ Additional notes on Yandere! Dottore~
♡ Assistant’s character is more self-insert-friendly than my other darlings. This is because her breaking point/ Dottore’s methods don’t require any psychoanalysis or detailed backstory, excluding what started her crush on him. Because of her healthy upbringing and prestige as an Akademiya scholar, she is more confident, outspoken, and (academically) intelligent.
♡ My own name and appearance for Assistant
♡ After the Archon Quest, I had to give the Segments more scenes!! Each clone views/ treats Assistant differently—the older the Segment, the more fondness he feels towards her. Their rivalry was very entertaining haha Dottore get exposed by yourself
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Elixir ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ For the elixir, I was inspired by irl studies on love’s effects on the physical body. The drug’s main purpose was to alter the hypothalamus’s production of “happy hormones,” causing hormone deficiencies and addiction-like symptoms. This is how Assistant’s genuine feelings turned into unhealthy codependency.
♡ As for the other effects, Dottore told the truth when he said that it would rewire the circadian rhythm and improve the immune system. That was inspired by the news story about a Russian scientist who injected himself with ancient bacteria lol. I incorporated the Nilotpala lotus to make it sound scientifically legit and tug at Assistant’s heartstrings bc AAHH ZANDIK MADE SMTH OUT OF HER RESEARCH :’0
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Literary Motifs ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ Science of love – Since we’re talking about Dottore, I couldn’t write his fic without making it all sciencey. It was fun to write about the different scientific terms/ theories related to attraction from chemical hormones to the golden ratio.
♡ Secret – This is an important concept to Assistant, since sharing secrets requires a certain degree of trust and closeness. Given the ambiguity of her relationship with Dottore……yeahhh she values that sign of intimacy. This recurring theme is also kind of ironic, since science is about sharing knowledge.
♡ Godhood – For Magnum Opus, I wanted to incorporate more of Dottore’s canon lore. It was easy to draw a parallel between love and worship since both have themes of euphoria, devotion, and power.
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Chapter Titles ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ Scientific terms – Fun fact, most of my prewriting work came from googling all of those love hormones, physical reactions, etc. I’m pretty sure that I spent more time researching those irl terms over Genshin lore -.-
♡ Research notes – I wanted to provide details on the experiment and show the progression of Dottore’s feelings *cough* his comment on Assistant’s “cute” expression, the use of Assistant’s name *cough* I used Zandik’s Legacy and Eleazar Hospital Notes as my reference.
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Deleted Scenes ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
♡ ii. blood rush originally had a scene where Assistant cuts class to spend time with Dottore at Devantaka Mountain. He was going to visit her classroom and convince her to skip her boring lecture.
♡ The golden ratio scene in viii. vasopressin was originally the moment Assistant begins crushing on Dottore. I transferred that scene to a later stage of their relationship since it felt “too soon” for Dottore to say that. I might recycle that scene as an independent one-shot someday, because his darling falling for the parts of Webttore which aren’t considered scientifically beautiful!!
♡ The first draft of Magnum Opus had a conversation where Dottore compares his Segments to the idea of naturally conceiving a child with his darling. This is another scene which I might post separately one day if I feel like it. All I can say is that I’m never writing anything with family/ children for Dottore.
♡ Read An Experiment in Procreation here!!
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ My Favorite Scenes ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
Assistant’s Special Files
♡ It’s the tension which kills it for me. Dottore’s charming threats, Assistant almost realizing the truth, the obvious red flags, THE KISS WHICH FOLLOWS!! I was worried about how the scene would play out, but it turned out quite nicely compared to the first draft And yes, his darling gets special folder rights.
Kiss scenes + First Time + Somnophilia
♡ I f*cking died writing those scenes. Ofc Dottore’s fic has the most spice. Ofc he is the character who made me write about detailed makeouts and somnophilia for the first time. Ofc I had to highlight the difference between Webttore and Primettore’s kisses. I hate this harness-wearing man with every fiber of my being. And if I didn’t make this headcanon clear enough through the hair-pulling and mutual love bites, I’ll say it here:: He is a switch.
Conclusion of the experiment
♡ Unhappy ending time!! From the start, I wanted x. pair bond to be about Dottore testing his darling’s loyalty and revealing his own feelings. My browsing history was full of search results for “how to write a choking scene” rip. Also aaahh Dottore’s messy appearance, bare arms, and soft gaze~
♡ The ending of Magnum Opus turned out much softer than expected. The last research note…….Dottore and Assistant finally doing something unrelated to research…….watching the sunrise together again…….Dottore’s scarf and their banter…….his soft resignment to his feelings!! The experiment is a success <3
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ Dottore x Assistant Playlist ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ
Thanks a lot, Dottore, now these songs are stuck in my head >:T
♡ Doctor by Jack Stauber ft. Sarah
♡ Suki Suki Daisuki by Jun Togawa (Caitlin Myers cover)
♡ Hatsukoisou by FLG4 ft. Flower
♡ Otome Dissection by DECO*27 ft. Hatsune Miku
♡ Rumor by Police Piccadilly ft. GUMI
Once again, thank you for reading Chemistry and Magnum Opus!! I can’t describe how happy I am every time I read your comments, and it is entertaining to see everyone crying over Dottore bc of me. Sweet dreams  ꒰◍ᐡᐤᐡ◍꒱
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deathlonging · 4 months
i've been using computers since i was 2-3 and typing consistently since i was 5 and so it never occurred to me that you have to Learn proper hand placement.... i was never taught typing in a class or even informally i just? got it right at some point i guess??? i truly don't remember ever not typing "correctly" beyond the age of like 8 and i don't know how i figured it out later. it only occurred to me in middle school or whatever when me& other ppl started doing typing tests and they told u about the "correct" placement and i was like yeah??? the way the keyboard Makes you use your hands ergonomically???? and it turns out not everybody sees it that way. Anyway just because i was curious i did a typing test from the perspective of the way you type (index fingers only??) and i got 70 wpm (whereas my regular is around 90-100 wpm)... But i agree that the "right" typing placement is pretty easy to learn once u get into the muscle habit tho i may be biased
omg thats pretty incredible i do think the second i find a way, any way, it clings like a burr regardless of its efficiency or technical accuracy lmao. its truly so contrived and painful the way my hands awkwardly hover over the keyboard only two fingers in use. and wow the typing test difference is pretty crazy......iirc the difference in wpm b/w my brother and i is the same. i rlly look forward to the comfort of a faster speed lol ive got to familiarize myself w it as soon as i can
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soullessjack · 9 months
so uh suncaptor blocked me and although they can’t see it, i do first want to say i am sorry if I’ve upset them or made them feel like they’re being accused of anything. that wasn’t my intent and never is. but I rlly can’t stress enough that the forefront of the problem with their perspective is inherently seeing jack as an infant within canon. like this isn’t an ableism thing, it’s just a factually wrong thing.
Asmodeus says that Jack is new to the world, but not a child.
Jack says twice that he could not be and is not a child.
The only person to ever call Jack a child is Michael, and he explicitly says so to belittle Jack and make him feel weak.
There is plenty of merit in discussing Jack’s limited experience as a factor in his character, but I’ve only ever seen it taken in the vein that he is infantile and therefore a perpetual victim of everything because of it is, which just wrong by the show’s own portrayal. Not only that, but it does it disregard the actual power imbalance he has with TFW, and how that itself so factors into his character. I don’t know how or why it’s brushed off so much, but Jack is literally “the most powerful being in the universe.” He’s regarded as a threat constantly, and repeatedly expresses the very real fear that he might hurt his family or anybody else in a moment of lost control.
I also feel that the idea of his dynamic being considered as exclusively mistreatment by TFW/the other hunters is just. Not true. Like, Dean’s bullshit lasted for two weeks before he got over himself and he canonically never forgave himself for it for the entire two years he got to know Jack better. And again, Jack is the strongest person in the team. Nothing they have can remotely hurt him, and he’s very much aware of it, hence the sunshiny golden boy act. Jack is constantly trying to make himself appear safer. It’s about being liked, of course, but it’s also about being distinctly Not A Threat Because to jack, That’s Why He’s Hated.
when Mrs Butters states that Jack is so powerful Sam and Dean should be afraid of him, he never outwardly refutes that he’s powerful. he only says “but I would never hurt them.” when Michael is monologuing to him about how powerful he’ll become with age, he “doesn’t want to admit that could be possible.” Jack is very painfully aware of his power and what it means for the people around him, and he’s also very aware of their fear when it’s directed at him. He’s felt that fear.
Jack has an interesting and confusing dynamic with TFW from the start: that he must be protected from harm while also being kept from causing harm himself. re this post about his autonomy, and how he wants to be seen as trustworthy and safe, it’s extremely upsetting to Jack when he thinks that dynamic has shifted or changed. he’s blatantly annoyed to have everybody check up on him and look over his shoulder, to give him food tests for his morality; to not really trust him, especially after all he does for them and to belong with them.
I know a LOT of this stuff stems from Jack In The Box and I understand how and why it did and frankly that episode is its own can of worms so ill be as brief as I can and highlight a few things about JITB first:
• re his limited experience being a factor in his character, jack is incredibly naive to the point of it being a fatal flaw, one he cannot afford to have and is very aware of the cost it comes with. he views his naivety as a weakness, as stupidity, and him “sucking when it matters,” and per his need to be Safe and Trustworthy he is always trying to be Smarter and Stronger and Better and More Capable than his flaws or perceived weaknesses. that is one of the horrors of his character, and one which inherently drives him through all of his arcs, especially agreeing to be locked up under false pretenses because, again, HE KNOWS HE IS DANGEROUS AND WANTS TO BE SAFE.
Dean was reliving his childhood trauma after decades of living with it and never fully recovering from it; he had every reason to be behaving the way he did. His conflict with Jack is very easily summarized as two insanely unstable guys spiraling and hurting each other in their own grief. And again, he spent two years regretting and unforgiving what he did to Jack early on and making concerted efforts to amend for it as a father/friend/mentor. He’s a better parent than he’s given credit for is what I’ll end with.
The box was never going to keep Jack forever. We already knew he would get out. It’s hard to say this in a way that doesn’t undermine the trauma Jack indefinitely has from it, but it cannot physically hurt him and cannot kill him. Sam and Dean tricking him into it is not a threat or imbalanced abuse (and I cannot stress enough, these are not normal healthy people with normal problems or normal healthy solutions). In fact, the entire scene of him breaking out and leering out at them through smoke with pure hatred in his eyes just shows that he is the one on the other side of the imbalance, not them. Jack is the threat, and the dynamic is tense because of it.
I’m kind of losing myself in the ramble, but what I am trying to say is that
A) Jack is not an infant. Never was one, never will be, and he hates being called one because it’s almost always in the context of belittlement and him being weak/incapable. he shows sexual and romantic interest, he has a love interest, he’s regarded as a young adult by everybody who respects him (so not Michael). he wants to pull his own weight, and resents being considered a burden.
B) Jack is not helpless; he is a nigh-omnipotent demigod with apocalyptic levels of power, especially in the case of mental/emotional instability. He deeply fears hurting his loved ones, and strives to have constant control over himself so that he can be safe for them. The power imbalance only lies in his choice to not hurt them, which he has chosen against in those silly fits of rage that nobody ever acknowledges
B+ ) and he isn’t a helpless victim of child abuse either; for all of their dysfunctions and “I might have to kill you”s (which have always been there pre-jack), TFW2.0 does genuinely love each other as a family and make efforts to be better for each other. They’ve faltered before, but again, they aren’t normal people dealing with normal situations and they do not have the liberty to respond normally or even appropriately.
C) Jack’s lack of experience and knowledge is a very real thing, but it’s more about him constantly trying to make the right decisions and earn peoples’ trust in him that he will make them, as well as avoid making the wrong ones because that consistently leads to him hurting people who don’t deserve it. All of which is wrapped up in a little pink bow as to Jack asserting his autonomy/personhood and arguing for his capability/responsibility at any chance.
I’m not angry and I’m not ever trying to attack anyone. It’s just incredibly frustrating that this specific misconception fumbles the rest of the discussions people have around jack and only ever makes it harder to have them. which in turn is even more frustrating on a personal level because he’s my special interest and I can never not think about him, but there’s hardly anything to engage with on a broader level
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ritz-writes · 10 months
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@celestialcrowley yes! I haven't in awhile, but it was my favorite class in high school. Took it for 3 years :)
Here are three pics I did back in 2018 for an assignment about perspective. the first is my fav
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should i put a water mark on these? probably. but it was back in high school so whatever lmao
i also took 3 tests to get certified in photoshop, illustrator, and indesign, but its long since expired. but i rlly hope to get back into it one day
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musicallygt · 3 months
How would u do AA cast meets GAA cast under rattatorney??
OH OKAY GONNA TRY TO THINK HOW MIXING MY TIME TRAVEL AU AND THE RATATTORNEY AU WOULD GO (things to note for anyone who doesnt know abt it: my time travel au is smth i only now post in theSaveDataTeam server and to friends on discord, due to Reasons i dont rlly share it publicly anymore lol)
(under read more bc this got long lmao)
so first of all, iirc we dont exactly have much on the GAA side of the au, but i want to assume something similar happens with Susato and Ryunosuke like Maya and Phoenix (maybe Susato is playing Ryutaro w Ryunosuke able to help her by giving her a different perspective on cases to help idk). either way, Ryu and Susato end up in modern times like in my time travel au thru some mysterious means and its just like
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except g/t lol. i think at first Maya suggests she and Susato are related bc their circumstances are similar, but then somehow it's learned that Phoenix and Ryunosuke are the ones related (idk how tho bc i dont think borrowers do genealogy lmao. maybe Ema comes back for summer break and does a DNA test or smth.)
similar to my time travel au, bc she thinks its unfair that Phoenix and Ryunosuke get to be related but they don't, Maya asks Susato if she'd like to be adopted as her ancestor, and Susato agrees.
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the girls bond. Maya gets Susato addicted to Steel Samurai. but Maya would probably feel almost....... useless compared to Susato. because Susato is a judicial assistant, she understands law so much more than Maya does. hell, she's been reading the law books in the office and actually understands them, but Maya...... she's a spirit medium. and not even a well trained one ever since taking up her fake job as a lawyer. she doesn't feel as capable as Susato.
but Susato would take the time to help her, even if it's just a bit. she wants Maya to succeed and feel proud of herself– she thinks it's impressive how much the young woman has done as someone without any training in law.
meanwhile, Ryunosuke and Phoenix bond over having been found by beans and also learn differences in their borrower cultures with Ryu from early 1900s Japan and Phoenix living in Japanifornia in teh 2010s. Phoenix feels some relief that he's not the first borrower to end up being Seen by a bean, and Ryunosuke is slightly concerned abt the fact it happens again in the future, especially down his bloodline.
anyway Maya finds it more fun to mess with Ryunosuke (who she's dubbed "L'il Grampa Nick") because not only is he a borrower, he's a borrower from the early 1900s. meaning he has no way of knowing if she's telling the truth about what the future is like. Maya would lie a lot about the future to Susato and Ryunosuke and sees just how much she can get away with. (she's able to get away with a lot more with Ryunosuke).
Phoenix has to tell Ryunosuke not to believe half of what Maya says after Ryu calls him a thot bc Maya told him it means thoughtful person.
also idk where to put this in this ramble but i think Susato would def be a lot more careful and gentle w the two borrowers than Maya lmao.
@spirit-small if you'd like to contribute to this since Ratattorney is your au lol
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almoonds · 2 years
why is it with every kkg reread i do, i come to a new realization or perspective about a character or the plotline.... does this mean it rlly does have superb writing or am i only just repeatedly consuming my fave series .
anyway i'm dumping some thoughts for ch 91
i don't think it's quite noticeable with the way the two of them are being promoted, but i see kirari and yumeko as two entirely different people. the manga generally pushes for the two of them to be like two peas in a pod (two kakeguruis) but the way they function are SO different to me.
when mary and ririka revealed to kirari their little side bet, you could see how this lowers kirari's morale. you would notice that she really /does/ want to win in this gamble, she's not playing purely for the sake of it. she literally aims to win this gamble because i can guess that partly, she wants to prove that she can best ririka, and that she wants to be president, more than anyone else. (and you know how kirari gets when she /wants/ something. she ALWAYS expects that she gets it and does everything in her power to get it.)
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if it was yumeko in that chair, it would be an entirely different story. yumeko would actually /want/ for crazy stakes. you could see only a few gambles where yumeko plays to win. (e.g. yumeko v terano, she's playing to win BCS she wants to play against kirari) and yet, even if she plays to win, she still lets her own desires get ahead of her because it thrills her. if yumeko feels like she might lose, she would be thrilled (see image below); likewise, if she fully reads her opponent and gets the gist of their gamble, she would be ecstatic (i.e. the stuco gambles).
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moreover, you don't see kirari looking excited from losing to mary and ririka. she /wants/ to get her way, even if she has to exhaust all her efforts to do it. which moves to my next point.
the tides are all up against kirari. now it absolutely BAFFLES me how amazingly she can turn the tables and psychologically attack her opponents with one single statement.
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in this panel, she literally /enables/ ririka. she reminds her of her roots, and what she was fundamentally founded on. she wants to test how far ririka has gone on without any string attached to her. and look how it catches everyone off guard! it's amazing how kirari can manipulate a person and a situation as effortless as batting an eyelash. (actually reminds me of joker, but that's a thought dump for another time)
but then ultimately, she still loses at that.
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now, another one of mary's cheats is on. she's perfectly confident on beating kirari once again. now look how kirari shatters this newfound confidence
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kirari is psychologically testing her opponent again, this time with mary. she wants to test this world-famous iron willpower that supposedly entrances everyone mary comes across with. she wants to see how far this could reach: whether mary would confidently back out or confidently go all-in. but mary, as evidently it's shown in the entire series, is a human that naturally gets tossed by fear. and what do you do when you can't fully decide on a thing?
you go middle ground
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which throws kirari off. it turns out, mary's iron willpower isn't all that invincible (which i think is just natural for humans like us)
okay now i'll fast forward. ririka (now awaken that she's a momobami by roots) takes advantage of their lil dispute and bites kirari instead, throwing the both of them off guard.
i'll end this long post with a lil appreciation for the mary-ririka duo. it's absolutely brilliant for these two to team up: someone with enormous willpower that can take up anyone she wants to go against (namely momobami kirari), and someone with fundamentally the same cut as the insanity kirari has. mary was right: she can never take on kirari alone simply because she doesn't have the guts to stomach bets with insane risks and insane returns while currently being manipulated by the opponent. ririka, on the other hand, absolutely can. what ririka lacks, however, is the confidence and decisiveness that mary possesses.
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gromzomb · 1 year
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i redrew my fanart of reaver and barry OK
just fixed anatomy and perspective stuff and i made this new brush that i rlly like so i tested it on this drawing :3
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