#roa scenarios
moostaronce · 4 years
PRISTIN Masterlist
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Pristin reaction to their s/o getting too close with other members
Nayoung (Im Nayoung)
Roa (Kim Minkyung)
 Summer Camp
Yuha (Kang Kyungwon)
Eunwoo (Jung Eunwoo)
Rena (Kang Yebin)
Kyulkyung (Zhou Jieqiong)
Yehana (Kim Yewon)
Sungyeon (Bae Sungyeon)
Xiyeon (Park Junghyeon)
Kyla (Kyla Massie)
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Taller Than You
Idol: Roa (Pristin)
Prompt:  “I’m going to strangle you.” “You’re not tall enou -- where did you get that stepstool?” Pairing: Pristin Roa and Female reader , in which the reader complains that Roa puts a lot of their stuff on the highest shelf, so that the reader can as for Roa’s help. So one day the reader confronts Roa about it.
Writer: Admin Lee
A/N: I refer to Roa as Minkyung throughout the scenario, since pristin is disbanded :( And I’m sorry this one is a little shorter, I’ve been trying to get back in the swing of things, so I though I’d start with something small! But anyways I hope you enjoy! (and i still miss pristin)
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“Dammit, Minkyung! You seriously had to put the pots that I needed on the top shelf?” You half-yelled from the kitchen, clearly frustrated with the fact that Minkyung always seemed to store the most-often used cookware in places you couldn’t reach. Maybe it was time to rethink the whole dishwashing system the two of you had.
“What (Y/N)? I didn’t hear you..” She replied back from your shared room, peeking her head out of the door once she heard you speak. 
“You put the pots up too high, I’m trying to make dinner,” You huffed, knitting your brow together and pulling a frown as Minkyung came to join you in the kitchen. “How come this always happens?” 
“Well, you let me put up the dishes, don’t you? Besides, it’s no trouble for me to help you get stuff down, it’s not your fault you’re a little shorter.” She replied, ruffling your hair before grabbing the pot with ease off of the top shelf. 
“I guess, that doesn’t mean you have to put it where I can’t reach.”
“You’re right, I’ll try to remember next time we’re putting away things, sorry babe,” Minkyung replies, giving you a chaste kiss on your forehead. “Need help with dinner?”
Not even two days later was there another incident where Minkyung had conveniently stored another thing you had needed just out of your reach. It was a little chilly in the apartment, and you had wanted the warmth that your favorite oversized sweatshirt brought you, but upon checking your closet, you had discovered that once again your girlfriend (who was definitely testing you at this point) had put it all the way on the top shelf. Not cool. Though it wasn’t too much of a big deal, because you had spent the remainder of the day wrapped in a comfy blanket, it was time for an intervention. 
When Minkyung finally came home, you were waiting in the living room for her. She walked over, smiling and greeting you as she kissed your cheek. 
“What’ve you been up to all day?” She asked.
“Nothing much.. You know, I was trying to get my sweatshirt earlier because it was a bit cold in here, and someone put it on the top shelf. You know I can’t reach, Minky.” 
The girl in question raised her brows, putting on an innocent expression. “I don’t know who on earth that could’ve been..”
“I’m going to strangle you.”
“You’re not tall enou- where did you get that stepstool?!”
You tackled your girlfriend to the couch behind the two of you, straddling her as you playfully pushed down on her torso, effectively keeping her pinned to the sofa. 
“Just promise me for real you’ll keep things more in my reach from now on.. I might be smaller, but I’m a little stronger than you are, babe.”
“Alright, alright, I promise. Just don’t actually strangle me, ok?”
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You're Overreacting
Pristin Roa x Reader
Fluff slight Angst
Requested: I really love your blog and I'm really sorry about all the Pristin requests I make, but I can't take it. Roa's scenario with her being an over protective older girlfriend.
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It's been ages since you've been on a date with Minkyeong. An actual date. Not one where you two would grab a cup of coffee, and walk each other to the train station, but one where you two had a day where you both were free. The fact that she's always busy, and with your work schedule, they seem to never line up. But today, you finally had that. A break. Something that you and her haven't had in a while. To say that you still get butterflies when you're with her would be an understatement. You feel the whole damn zoo.
You had met up with her at the park where the two of you usually go to. You had walked around the area for a while, talking about how your weeks have been. You sympathized with her when she told you about how hard her practices have been, and how things have been stressful on her end.
“I get it.” You tell her. “I don’t know what it’s like to be an idol, but I’m sure it’s tiring. Hang in there Roro.” The sound of her nickname rolling off your lips, tugs at Minkyeongs heartstrings. For a moment, she glances at you before placing a kiss to your temple. As she does so, you avert your gaze to the ground, cheeks heating up in red. She grins at you before taking your hand in hers, and resting her head atop of yours as you two walk.
“This is nice.” She tells you, her fingers slowly intertwining with yours. Minkyeong walks slower by your side, so your feet are in sync with every step you each make. It’s a small gesture that goes unnoticed, but you find it cute how she takes smaller steps with yours.
You’re about to say something, but as soon as you open your mouth, you feel a raindrop hit the side of your cheek. Minkyeong notices, and stops walking to wipe it away. Another hits you, but this time it's on your shoulder. For a moment, you two glance at each other. Minkyeong holds out her hand, palm up. Another raindrop falls, and soon more start to hit the pavement that the two of you were walking on. In a second it had started pouring. Minkyeong is quick to grab your hand, pulling you closer to her chest. In the process, she took off her jacket and held it above your heads. On instinct, the both of you run for shelter, and you both agree to go to your place since it’s closer.
By the time the two of you get to your apartment, you're both practically drenched from head toe. Minkyeong’s jacket did little to cover the both of you, even though she was mostly trying to cover you. When you get inside, you shake off any excess water by your door before stepping in. Minkyeong shakes off her jacket frantically before hanging it up by the rack beside you. Once she steps in, you close the door behind her. As soon as you turn around, Minkyeong tackles you with one of the kitchen towels she found to dry your hair. You're puzzled how she got it that fast, and are quick to stop her movements by grabbing hold of her wrists.
"What are you doing?" You chuckle.
"You could get sick if you don't dry your hair right away." She moves forward to continue drying your hair, but you stop her movements.
"I have towels in my bathroom. You could have gotten one from there." You tell her.
"The kitchen was closer." You hear her mumble. Before you could say anything else, she silences you by placing the towel above your head. You don’t say anything as you bow your head for her to dry you off. As you look down, you notice the small puddle by her feet, and realize how soaked she is.
“Minkyeong, you’re way more soaked than I am.” You tell her. Minkyeong seems to not hear you as she ruffles your hair a bit. “Minkyeong!”
“Did you hear me? I said you’re soaking wet.” You take the kitchen towel off your head, and look up at your girlfriend who simply stares back at you innocently.
“So?” You cock an eyebrow at her.
“So? You should be worrying about yourself more than me.” Minkyeong only rolls her eyes at your words, before placing the towel back over your head. By now, you’re sure your hair is dried, and you grab her wrists again and look up at her. “Go take a shower and dry up.”
“Go, Minkyeong.” You wave her off with a hand, and Minkyeong hesitates before obeying.
“Fine, but you have to take one as well.”
“I will after you. Now go.” You tell her again. For a moment, Minkyeong hesitates before walking over to your bathroom. You don’t look her way as you go to grab a mop from the closet to wipe up the drops of water Minkyeong left behind. You follow the trail from your front door, to your kitchen, and sigh. You were already practically dry from head to toe from Minkyeong’s persistence earlier. She had really cleaned you up fast, and you take a mental note of how fast she can be to do things. Whether it be a new song, or a dance she learned within 5 minutes, or the fact that she almost completely dried your dripping wet hair in a matter of seconds, she did things quick.
Once you finish moping up your floor, you go to the kitchen and lean against the counter with your back pressed into the marble tops. Your date with her had barely begun, and the two of you haven't even eaten yet. You glance at the bathroom door, hearing the shower run in the distance, before turning around to your cabinets stocked with food. Maybe she would be happy if you cooked something for her. So you decided to prepare some ramen that you know she loves. But her favorite brand is on the top shelf, and you sigh at the obstacle of climbing up to get it. You could use the stool you had in your closet, but you knew another way around this. It's something you've done before, and you kneel on top of the counter, and reach for the stack of ramen high off the shelf. Just then, Minkyeong comes out from the shower with her hair still partly wet, and gasps once she sees you.
"What are you doing?!" Before you could look back at her, you feel her hands wrap around your hips, and in an instant she lifts you off the counter.
"Chill, I was just getting some ramen." You state, adjusting the shorts you had on. Minkyeong glances at you then up at the ramen.
"You could have just asked me to get it down you know." She goes to grab for the package, and without having to do much, she gets it down in no problem. You can't help but wonder why she's being so excessively protective over you. The hair and now this? You huff in annoyance as you take the package from her.
"I could have gotten it myself." You mumble, tearing open the two packages of ramen. "I've done it countless of times." You say.
"You could have fallen." Is all she replies with. You look at her from the corner of your eye, and see how concerned she looked. The annoyance in your chest seizes, and you chase it away, all because the way she looked at you. You diminish the bubbling ire in the back of your throat, as you add water to a pot.
You cook the ramen in silence, the water boiling as background noise, and Minkyeong standing by you while she scrolls through her phone. You realized how much you missed days like this. When it was just the two of you, and before you didn't have to worry about the world, or busy work schedules. But now that she's debuted in a girl group, you've barely had the time to see her. And it was rare to ever face time her too because she was always busy. Little moments like this when you're with her make you happy. Make you feel safe.
Bringing you out of your thoughts, a splash of the boiling water hits the side of your hand, and you hiss. Minkyeong drops her phone on the counter, and quickly grabs your hand and examines it. She takes the pot off the stove and turns it off. While doing so, she brings you over to the sink to run away the hot stain. You think she's not going to scold you, but she does in the end.
"Don't space out while your cooking." She says sternly. You look up at her with pouted lips.
"Jesus Minkyeong, what's with you?" She was never one to be so strict with you, and it made you uneasy. Sure your mind was somewhere else, but you were paying attention to the ramen. After rubbing over the spot on your hand a couple times, she dries it off with a clean towel. You let her finish before speaking.
“I don’t want you getting hurt. Just let me take over-”
“Why are you acting so...” The rage you had from earlier was taking its toil inside you, and you shut your eyes from going overboard. This is your first date that you had with her in almost months, and you the last thing you wanted to do was fight. Minkyeong watches your expression before arching her eyebrow.
“So what?” There’s a hint of torment in her voice, and she dares you, challenging you to say it. Something snaps in you, and you open your eyes.
“Like an overprotective girlfriend?” It’s not like it’s a bad thing to be a bit overprotective, and you’ve talked to her about this before when she starts acting a bit too vigilant. She was never one to overdo it, yet there was something that flickered inside Minkyeong as she raises her brows at you in bewilderment.
“I’m just trying to look out for you.”
“I know how to handle myself Minkyeong. You’ve seen me climb my counter-tops countless of times. What makes this time any different?” You raise your voice just slightly to get your point across. She takes a step towards you, and you take one back.
“You were wet.” She emphasis. “You could have slipped and fallen.” That was true, but you were almost completely dry by then. You pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration.
“Minkyeong, I was fine.” You tell her.
“I’m older than you, and it’s my job to be a bit overprotective.” Your body tenses at her words, and you snap your head up at her with narrowed eyes. You couldn’t believe the words you just heard her say.
“What?” Minkyeong shifts on the balls of her feet at the tone in your voice. “You did not just say that.” Your words are quiet as you state them in disbelief. You take a few steps back, and Minkyeong realizes what she had said. Her face softens, and she starts to walk towards you, but you hold up your hands for her to stop. You shake your head at her, too upset by the fact that she had said that, and too worked up to speak. Without wanting to continue this conversation, you quickly turn around and walk to your room. You hear her feet follow you, but you shut the door in her face. As you look down, you see the shadow of her presence lingering there for a moment, and there’s a heavy feeling in the air between you two. You want to tell her to leave you alone for a while, but you don’t. Because even if you’re upset, you don’t want her to go. So instead, you slide to the floor, back pressed against the door as you lean your head against it. You’re sure Minkyeong had walked away, but you stay there unmoving anyway.
You sit on your bed with your head in your hands, when you hear a knock on the other side of your door. Before you could say anything, Minkyeong comes in anyway. It’s been half an hour since you spoke to her, and you felt silly that you got upset over the fact that she was being a bit overprotective. But you were more upset by the fact that she played the ‘age difference’ card on you. Just because she was older didn’t mean she had to baby you every time you did something.
The side of your bed dips as Minkyeong sits next to you. You two don’t exchange a glance at each other or say anything. Instead, you stare at her hands in her lap as she fiddles with her fingers.
“I’m sorry.” She finally says. “I was out of line to say that.” You peer your eyes up, and stare at her blankly. You couldn’t really stay mad at her even if you wanted to. At least she’s acknowledging the fact that what she said was out of line, even for her. “I guess I’ve been stressed out lately with my group, and I was acting a bit too over the top.” Her eyes meet yours, and you could see the redness under her bags.
“What you said hurt.” You finally say. Minkyeong turns to you fully, as clears her throat.
“I know.” She’s bracing for whatever you’re going to say to her, because she believes she deserves it.
"But what hurt more is the fact that you think being older than me has something to do with protecting me.” Your words are clear as you speak, and it has Minkyeong waiting with anticipation. “Just because you're older, doesn't mean you have to baby me. I'm your girlfriend Minkyeong, not a child." You tell her. A wave of guilt washes over her, and you can see it in her eyes.
"I know. I'm sorry for overreacting." She tells you. The tone in her voice is pitiful, and it had you feeling sympathetic towards her. You wrap your arms around her neck and pull her into your chest. For a moment, Minkyeong freezes before placing her arms around your waist. She breathes you in, long and hard, and you let out a shaky breath. She can feel your heart with every beat it makes, and she sinks into you, letting you consume her. She missed this, just as much as you did, and you could tell. You two stay like that for a moment longer in each others embrace before you pull away at arms length. Deciding not to let this drag on any further, you change the subject.
"Let's go eat some ramen together, okay?" You look down into her eyes, and it feels like you're looking at a puppy. The corners of her mouth tug upward as she smiles at you.
"Okay." With that answer, you grab her hand as you get up, and lead her to the kitchen where you had made ramen earlier.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
i dont love you | kim minkyung
Requested:  Pristin roa scenario based on the song 'I don't love you' by urban zakapa. The reader was dumped by her.But roa still have feelings for the reader.  Bxg
A/N: Based off of “I Dont Love You,” By: Urban Zakapa. I really liked how this turned out so I hope you do too! OH AND THE SONG IS IN ROA’S POV BUT THE REST IS IN YOURS. and its a gender neutral reader 
Admin: Mirae
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What should I say From where to how I drop my head And you look at me That awkward silence
You sighed to yourself, pulling out your phone you looked at the time. 8:10 pm, you were on time. From the minute you entered the shop, the feeling of dread only grow more. It seemed like everyone knew what was about to happen, the aura was so gloomy and depressing. Not even the cashier attempted to put on a fake smile. Looking at Roa you wanted to cry. Her hands were tightly wrapped around the hot coffee cup, she stared at it like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Her right leg was thumping against the ground, clearly, she was nervous. Your eyes stayed on her as you admire her from afar. The way her hair fell in front of her face, how she focused on the coffee and how gorgeous she was.Your feet started to move for her table. You didn't want to go there, you knew what would happen. You purposely stretched the chair against the ground so Roa would look at you. Sitting down you awkwardly stared at her. The minute Roa saw you she wanted to burst into tears. A loud crash from behind the counter caused both you and Roa to look over, your eyes trailed back to her to see her staring at you. Roa’s eyes darted around the room, she didn't know where to look or how to even say hi. You bit your lip and patiently waited for her, you wanted her to be the one to talk first. She dropped her head and went back to staring at the cup.
I don’t love you You probably already know Even if you cry My heart doesn’t hurt
“Y/N” Roa’s broken voice snapped you out of your little trance. You looked over at her, she didn't have any type of expression. Her face was so blank and dull that it almost scared you. “Yes Roa?” you asked while trying to hold back the tears. She opened her mouth to speak but immediately shut it. “I cant find the right words,” Roa mumbled while taking a sip of the coffee. It was far too hot to even swallow but she wanted a reason to not say any more. She couldn't figure out why she was so worried about telling you, you probably already knew. You reached over to rest your hand on hers but she pulled away rather quickly. “It hurts,” you simply said clutching your heart. The tears welled up in your eyes. Roa nodded, she knew why you were crying and she knew what she was about to do to you yet she felt no pain or remorse at all. She felt nothing.
I don’t love you There’s no other reason I don’t want to say the words I’m sorry or forgive me That’s just all
“I don't love you,” Roa said while staring directly into your eyes like she was trying to prove that she wasn't lying. It wasn't her words that hurt but more so the way she said it. How serious and dead she looked. How plain and dull her words were. She wasn't showing you any emotions like she had completely turned them off. You couldn't help but want a reason “Is that all you have to say?” you asked, as angry you tried to make your tone it came out more desperate. “There's no other reason. That's just all I have to say,” Roa started to pack up what things she did have. She stood up and left without looking at you. Once she was out the door you let out a loud sob. You sat there, staring blankly at the table in front of you with tears cascading down your cheeks. “Help,” you whined out, struggling to breathe, you kept gasping for air. Your throat felt completely closed, just like your heart. Almost like they knew they weren't the ones you wanted help from, the people of the shop remained quiet and didn't move an inch.
That’s just all This is how I feel I don’t love you I don’t love you
Roa made sure she was far enough from the shop. Glancing up at the sky Roa whispered “I'm so sorry Y/N,” with tears falling down her cheeks. Throwing herself against the nearest wall Roa slid down, ignoring the newfound pain in her shoulder. “I don't love you,,, I don't love you,” Roa tried to convince herself. The feeling in her gut and the tears running down her cheeks told herself otherwise. She pulled out her phone and checked to see if you had even tried to get ahold of her, she only cried more when she saw no messages. “Please Y/N, message me, run after me, do something. I didn't mean it and if you don't try and get me back, then I can't come back to you.”
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stardestroyer81 · 3 years
When did you first realize that you see Ayala as a sister?
I knew that I had always really liked Ayala as a character ever since I first saw her in Elliana's character reveal trailer— she has a really cute design and I've always kind of considered her a platonic F/O, but not to the same level as I did with Maypul or Elliana. Before we can get into the specifics of the moment I began seeing Ayala as an older sister, I need to touch base two features in Rivals of Aether for context: the milestone system and Rivals of Tether.
In Rivals of Aether, performing 250 KOs as a specific character nets you a milestone reward of some variety; they can range from an alternate character costume to a new stage and— perhaps most interesting of all— new characters to play as! When you reach 250 KOs as Wrastor, for example, you unlock the ability to play as his right-hand man, Bradshaw, who plays exactly the same. Similarly, Elliana's milestone reward allows you to play as Ayala!
As for Rivals of Tether, the long and short of it is that it's a bonus game mode in Rivals of Aether's Definitive Edition that's exactly what it sounds like: a heated game of tetherball with a Rivals of Aether twist. Up to four players can participate in a game, and it's usually split into two teams: a red team and a blue team. It's a lot more fun than it sounds, and it's so fun that I plan on dedicating an entire post to it in the near future since it's SUCH an underrated game mode.
A way that I like to 'connect' with my RoA/LoA F/Os is by teaming up with a CPU of them in a game of Rivals of Tether. I always like to set the F/O I'm playing with alongside the random CPUs to Level 9 so each game gets REALLY heated— and since I play a lot of Rivals, my F/Os and I always end up winning! It’s always such a rush! One night, however, I decided to try out having Ayala on my team for a Tether game since I had recently unlocked her from reaching Elliana’s milestone goal, and it was unquestionably a really fun experience, much like every other RoT game I play.
Though when I got done with that particular game, I began thinking about Ayala quite a bit. I realized that I had plenty of romantic and platonic F/Os, but didn't really have any familial F/Os. And given how much I love Ayala's character (Coupled with the fact that I've always wanted an older sister), I figured it was only right to consider her as my first familial F/O, and ever since, I’ve seen her as my older sister and just love her so much. That’s why when I first began talking about her in a familial F/O sense, I went off about her entirely, because it was just so nice to finally be able to talk about an F/O that I regard as family. I love her so much...
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girlgrouptrash101 · 5 years
Pristin Reaction to Breaking Up with Their S/O and Wanting to Get Back Together
Request: “Pristin reaction to them breaking up with their bf and wanting to get back”
A/N: pledis hate hours are always open
- C
Nayoung never wanted to break up with you in the first place, and it was all because of a stupid fight where you said things that you never meant. She was the one who came to you, and after hearing her sincere apology, you knew there were intense feelings for Nayoung that you couldn’t deny. Nayoung tried to put the past behind you, she didn’t want any more negativity in the relationship.
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Minkyung didn’t want to get back with you, because she knew her members wouldn’t agree, but there were so many feelings for you that she couldn’t get rid of, no matter how hard she tried. She talked to her members, and realising that she still loved you, her members told her to go back to you. Roa did just that, confessing her feelings and asking you out again. Roa would want to do it better this time, and she would.
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Yuha had tried her best to get over you, but it just wasn’t happening for her. She saw you one day backstage at a music show, and she could feel all of her suppressed emotions coming back up. She had to talk to you, so she did. She apologized for everything, explaining how she had been feeling lately. You agreed to meet up with her to talk more before making any decisions, and that was enough for Yuha.
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Eunwoo would be one to feel the regret almost as soon as she had said the words. She took them back immediately, apologizing profusely and asking you to forgive her. She said she would do anything for you not to break things off for good with her, and she really meant it. Eunwoo swore she’d never get that angry and hurt you again, and she’d do her very best to prove it until you believed her words.
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Rena didn’t know what to do. She knew that when she broke up with you she had no attention of coming right back to you, but god damn, did she miss you. Instead of talking to her members about it, she called you and organized to meet you at a local café. She was mature enough to tell you exactly how she had been feeling, and how much she was missing you. After hearing her out, you decided to give her a second chance, much to Rena’s delight.
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Kyulkyung tried to keep strong and break up with you for good, but only a day later she knew that she couldn’t do it. She sat around and stared at her phone all day, questioning whether to call you or not. She eventually gave in and called you, and you sounded just as upset as she was feeling. She took everything back, all in hopes that you’d take her back. Kyulkyung didn’t think she deserved a second chance but you gave her one anyway, and she wasn’t going to mess it up.
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It was actually Yehana’s members who believed that you two should get back together after you had broken up a couple weeks before. Yehana hadn’t been the same since, and her bubbly, lively energy just wasn’t there. So it was Sungyeon and Eunwoo who had approached you, wondering if you’d ever take Yehana back. You said yes, and Yehana was over the moon when she found out.
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Sungyeon was so upset, she was crying more than she was dry-eyed. Her members had never seen anything like this coming from Sungyeon, and they never wanted to see it again. So they were the ones that contacted you, and it turned out that you were feeling the same. When you finally met up with Sungyeon again you didn’t exchange any words, just running into one another’s arms and not wanting to let go, ever.
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Xiyeon knew she had said some hurtful things when she broke it off with you, but it was all in the heat of the moment and she didn’t mean a single word she said. She tried to stop texting you to fully break it off, but the guilt was killing her. She turned up at your house with a big box of your favourite chocolates and an apology. Xiyeon knew there was a big chance you wouldn’t take her back, but she had to at least apologise for what she said.
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Kyla spent a lot of time thinking about her decision to break up with you, and she spent even more time regretting it. She consulted Nayoung, and her unnie told her to simply follow her heart and take it from there. Kyla called you, apologizing and asking you to meet up with her so she could apologise again. Kyla would spend a lot of time overthinking herself, and if you didn’t want to see her again, she would understand.
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dyna-myght · 5 years
Shadow Echos
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Pairing: none? 
Word Count: 797
The hum of the fan harmonized with the monitors as you leaned back in your chair. The clock dragged on, the ticks becoming agonizing and too far in-between for your liking. Pushing yourself up in your chair, you lean towards the monitor with your hand resting on your chin, your elbow hitting the table. Your half empty, cold coffee trembles for a moment, the brown liquid lapping against the stained sides of the mug. Your warm breath fogs up your vision in the frozen room for just a moment before clearing up to reveal the screen only inches away. Your eyes jump as you clicked through the different cameras, waiting for absolutely nothing to happen. 
“The longer I have to deal with this job, the better the idea of marrying someone for their money sounds,” you tiredly mumble to yourself as you click one more time. 
The screen was in a fuzzy color, the camera so old that you were sure it must be from the 70′s at least. Just as your mind started to wonder why they haven’t replaced it, you saw some movement in the corner of lab 230. Leaning closer, you tried to watch for the movement again, but there was nothing. Your finger was quicker though, and started to click through the cameras. The movement was shown again, this time a little clearer and a lot bigger than you had seen the first time. Looking down at the corner of the monitor, you saw it was in lab 110. 
Your eyes started to grow wide as you shook your head, “that’s only down the hall.” Your voice creepily echoed through within the room as you spoke your thoughts. 
Slowly, you pushed out of your chair, reaching for the flashlight that sat on the corner of the desk. Pressing the button, the light flickered for a moment before becoming still. White fingers now gripping the dark metal, your other hand reaching out to push the door open. 
The hallway was freezing as you stepped out of the small room. The gray walls and checkerboard tiles made you feel as if you were in a hospital and not the research section of the science building. You feet pulled you down the hallway and towards the dreaded room. You started to reach for the frozen handle when you stopped yourself. Shaking your head, you wondered out loud, “why the fuck am I doing this? I do not get paid enough for this.” You pushed away from the door, sense starting to fill your body when there was the sound of glass crashing against the floor. Curiosity and fear threw the door open, the flashlight gripped between your fingers like a bat as your feet carefully stepped within the room. Calling out, you warned, “do not mess with me. I am underpaid, not fed well enough and tired.” 
A shadow whipped across the room, you quickly let your flashlight drop from your grip, rolling across the ground before lighting up the dark corner to reveal a girl with dark green hair and even darker eyes. 
Slowly leaning down to pick up the flashlight, your eyes never leave the girl’s. Quieter now, you ask, “what are you doing here? This building is supposed to be closed.” 
The girl now looks frightened as she rushes past you and out of the room.
You follow her into the hallway, “Wait! Where are you going?” 
She’s down the hall and disappearing around the corner before you could even blink at the sight. Reaching the end of the hall, your eyes scanned the darkness around the corner before your body slumps over. The girls speed overtook your mind as you still continued to wonder how that happened. Then worry started to set in, the girl’s eyes flashing in your mind. Despite their darkness, there was a fear in them. 
Hopeless, you hurry back to your station, flipping through the cameras again. For the rest of the night, you didn’t catch anything on the cameras and there was no sight of the girl.
The clock now started to tick faster and the morning sun was soon shining into the room to reveal a slouched form with deep, dark circles under their eyes. Pressing the mouse one more time, you switched the camera to find nothing once again. 
Tired, drained, and confused, you sluggishly gather your stuff. Dumping the disgusting dark liquid into the unsuspecting trash can, you plop the now empty stained mug back onto the table. Leaving it, you pull your back over your shoulders and make your way out into the still empty halls lit by the early morning sun. 
With your fingers circling around the exit door’s handle, the whisper, “see you tonight, Y/N,” echoes in a high-pitched, almost taunting voice. 
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kpopidolsfashion · 5 years
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godrics · 6 years
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pairing kim minkyung x gender neutral reader
summary 84 + roa. “The key is under the mat.”
genre & theme fluff
warnings none
author’s note im whipped for minkyung
You groan in frustration, almost kicking over one of the nice plants that was around the apartment hall. You stare down at your shoes, your lips pressed together in order not to scream out.
As always, you had forgotten something.
Your damn keys.
Why couldn’t it have been your phone? Your wallet?
Your lips form into a pout as you try to think of a way to get into your apartment, your landlord? No, they were away for a while. Kyungwon had your other key, though . . . But she also wouldn’t be home until tomorrow. Maybe Nayoung would let you stay over for a while . . . No, her sister was over there. Maybe... Your neighbor?
Your head turns to the left, staring at the welcome mat in front of Minkyung’s door. You lightly bite down on your bottom lip before sighing, and got out your phone, knowing she wouldn’t be home at this time.
you [3:32pm] minkyung... do you think i could stay at yours for a while until kyungwon gets back from vacation?
minkyung! [3:35pm] leave your key inside again?
you [3:35pm] maybe,,
minkyung! [3:36pm] lol yes of course you can!!
You sigh in relief, throwing your head back as you thank every single deity in the world that Minkyung was your neighbor.
minkyung! [3:36pm] the key is under the mat! :D ill be home at 5
you [3:37pm] minkyung,, i love u so much, thank you!! ill make you dinner as thanks?
You allow yourself in, putting the key back under the mat after you open the door and take off your shoes. Luckily, you’d been in her apartment more than once to know where everything was in her home. You shuffle towards the kitchen, bringing your phone with you
minkyung! [3:39pm] you dont have to but... i would like some!!
you [3:41pm] it’ll be ready by the time you’re home :D
minkyung! [3:46pm] okay!! cant wait :)
A small smile finds its way onto your lips
100 ways to say i love you masterlist
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jejublr · 6 years
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haowritings · 6 years
Roadtrip // Roa
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•Let's be honest, you both would probably eat all of the snacks before you could even start driving again lmao
•"Are we there yet?"
•Spoiler alert, there isn't a specific location.
•Minkyung seems like the type to have made a roadtrip playlist up until the date of the actual trip
•Just imagine her belting out the lyrics of a random song next to you while you're driving
•assuming you know how to drive
•Don't act like you wouldn't join in though
•Regardless if she isn't a rapper, she still killed that verse RIP Y/N
•Like this playlist has music you both love- of course she's going to know EVERY SINGLE LINE
•You actually almost drove off the road because you got way too into THAT one song (A song wasn't mentioned but one came in mind, right?)
•lmfao keep your eyes on the road gdi
•In the next town, you would eat at a resturant and either go exploring or just crash at a hotel for the night
•lol get it- "Crash"
•I'm sorry
•Minkyung probably looked up places to visit in that town while you drove because she sure knew where everything was
•"In google maps we trust"
•"Yeah until google tries to drive us off a cliff"
•you'd have probably already hit the bottom before google recalculates the directions
•but hey, in google maps we trust!
•"Want to sleep in the car?"
•"we already bought the hotel room..."
•"so that's a no?"
•Roa, Honey, Ily but why would you sleep in the car?
•The hotel room was nice and expensive but you guys have a whole week left of the roadtrip
•that's long ass ride
•I'm so sorry. Ignore me
•Oh, expect cheek kisses while you guys are driving (again)
•and hand holding
•Holding your girls hand while you're driving, is BDE but also be careful
•you know what else is BDE? Watching the road when you're driving
•congrats y/n
•I imagine you guys just pulling over and just lay in the backseat with pillows and blankets while Roa's soft™ roadtrip playlist
•Like the og playlist but softer™
•and you would both talk about everything while this soft calming music is playing in the background ugh
•"We should go on another roadtrip"
•"This roadtrip isn't over yet though"
•"After this roadtrip, we should"
•you would joke about being done with driving but you'd be planning the next roadtrip as soon as she brought it up
•Wow I love roadtrips hhhh
•while cuddling in the back seat, you hear Minkyung's soft™ snores, indicating she fell asleep
•Nah, snoring obviously means she's wrestling an alligator pssh
•Anyways, you'd feel like falling asleep too but you know you can't just fall asleep in the car while on the side of the road.
•So, here's BDE Y/N driving to the nearest motel so they & their gf can sleep in a nice comfy bed ♡
•asdfghjkl someone pls make a moodboard of a roadtrip with Roa I'm whipped
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kyulkyungs · 6 years
Nailed It
Character(s): Roa (Kim Minkyung)
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 940
Summary: Although shy, you make sure you can at least look the part before acting the part by getting your nails done often to feel more confident. It seems like not only are beautiful nails seen here, but a beautiful girl by the name of Kim Minkyung.
Request: H-Hi! /waves shyly/ Can I request an au! Imagine with Pristin’s Roa please? Where she’s a nail artist and the (shy fem reader) gets her to do her nails and she keeps coming back every two weeks and tries to work the courage to hang out with her after work hours? Thank you so much! 💕 Also you have a lovely account and your writings are amazing! Fighting author-nim! (^^) - anon (Hello!!! This is super cute and I love this a lot!!! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy! :D)
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“Welcome!” She says when the bell on the door chimes twice upon opening and closing. Minkyung looks up from her current client and smiles. “Hey, welcome back. Here for another manicure?”
You nod, fiddling with the ends of your sleeves as she nods happily and tells you that she’s be right there. You take a seat on the chair nearby that felt so familiar to you. At this point it might as well have your name on a plaque hanging above the chair since you swing by so often.
Minkyung is actually almost done with her client and wraps up, ringing up the total fee for her services. The customer’s nails are beautifully colored and done, there’s some details finely painted on them. She smiles at you and calls you over to get your nails done. You’ve never been disappointed by her work. But beautiful nails aren’t the sole reason you come here.
You sit down at a table and Minkyung walks around after placing one of her hands on your shoulder and smiling so brightly that it reaches her eyes. She asks how you are and you manage to throw out an adequate answer. Minkyung laughs and apologizes for scaring you. You don’t dare to correct her that it’s really because of her close presence are you so choked up.
“So, what’ll it be today? The usual?” She sits across from you. You rub at your now cleared nails and bite your lip, looking at the large array of colors. Noticing your hesitance, she picks up a color and holds it right next to your nails. “This will be a pretty color, hm?”
You nod, not knowing how to reply without squeaking. Minkyung shakes the bottle lightly before opening it. Then she grabs your hand, which feels amazingly warm and soft. You feel the need to move your hand more and smoothen it out over her palm, lightly grasping her warm hand and keeping it in yours.
“So who exactly is it that won’t give a pretty girl like you the attention she deserves?” She teases, delicately coating the first nail.
You flush and look away from her face. Taking a deep breath you manage to answer her. “There’s... not really a person I’m trying to impress. I just like to get my nails done.” Minkyung smiles at you and pats the back of your hand lightly.
“Well I’m so glad you trust us so much to keep coming back so often.” You try not to flinch in response. Is that how it’s coming across? You’re only here for your nails? To be honest... you do admit that that’s how it is. You’ve been trying to work on it. Not only do you actually like your nails looking nice, but there’s a nice looking (in more ways than just personality) girl who you really want to be able to talk to. The only way that ever happens is when you go back to get your nails done. Hey, it’s a work in progress! You’re avidly trying to come up with a way to ask Minkyung to hang out with you... if only that were easier.
“Ah,” she says in realization when seeing your stiffer state. She strokes your hand soothingly and says in an equally soothing voice. “I didn’t mean it like that. Your company is a treasure to have. I’m always surprised that a beautiful girl like you wants her nails done at a small place like this. I mistook you for a celebrity when you first came here.” She admits.
You’re flushing even more now, and that’s not just from not knowing what to say. The compliment warms you entirely and you try to hide a shy smile. She finishes your hand and smiles at you once more. “See! That kind of smile reminds me of the ones you see on the reality shows with the idols. It’s very pretty.”
“Thank you,” you manage to say. You lower your head a little bit and focus on her painting your nails on the other hand. She gets to the last finger and that’s when you start speaking again. “But I don’t really think I’m that pretty. A lot of the idols are prettier than me.”
“That’s not true!” She exclaims. Minkyung is about to grab your hands when she realizes that your nails are being painted and need to try. Instead she decides to cup your cheeks and force you to look into her eyes. There’s a determined look in her eyes and a strong sense of sincerity. “You’re absolutely beautiful. One of the prettiest girls I ever had the pleasure of seeing in person.”
“Oh...” you say, and that’s the only thing you can say. You’re stunned speechless and Minkyung realizes what she’s done and takes her hands back quickly.
“Sorry for getting out of hand. Pun not intended.” You laugh a little and tell her that it’s more than alright. You feel more confident with yourself now. Maybe it’s seeing her shy for a little bit or that major boost in your self-image, but you can’t stop yourself from uttering your next words.
“If you like seeing me so much in person, why not do it later? Work ends in another hour, right? I’ll wait for you.”
Seeing the red on Minkyung’s cheeks and a shy but quick nodding of the head makes you smile instead of cringing and forming a blush of your own. She gets back to working on your nails and starts to painting something pretty on the nails to distract herself.
You just scored yourself a date with Kim Minkyung. Nailed it.
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I Still Love You
Pristin Roa x Male!Reader
Fluff and Angst
Requested: Can you do a pristin minkyung imagine where minkyung and her bf have to break up before debut, but they still have feelings on each other and one day they appear on a show together and is paired up as a couple and fans started to get suspicious! BXG! Thanks!
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You don't know why you signed up to be on the hit variety show 'We Got Married', but your group mates encouraged you to do it. So you did. You said you would just to stop your pestering members, but now you're starting to regret it. You don't know who your partner is, and it was nerve wracking. As you held your breath, you stood up to the red door in front of you.
You were at your 'soon to be' wife's door. Of course, where she was isn't where she actually lived, but where the crew wanted her to be instead. You were nervous to say the least, with flowers in your hand and a nervous smile. You turned to the cameraman and looked into the camera with shaky eyes.
"I'm so nervous." You say, voice trembling. You two have been texting each other, anonymously of course, back and fourth for four days. You didn't know who she was, but her personality was somewhat similar to...her. Minkyeong. The girl you once dated and fell in love with. You two had a falling out because you both were going to debut. So you decided to end it because you two wouldn’t have the time to be together, and rookie groups weren’t allowed to date. Shaking the thought away, you look down at your shaking hands, and close your eyes as you take a deep breath.
You find the courage in you to finally knock on the red door. You were dying to know who it was. You waited, and waited, and waited until the door finally opened. The person on the other end slowly creaked it ajar, and your eyes locked with hers. Your mouth drops, and you're sure your soul has left your body at this point. You stare at her with wide eyes, and she does the same.
"Minkyeong?" You whisper her name under your breath. Your grip on the flowers don't withdraw, but instead tighten around them. Minkyeong seems at a loss for words, and so are you. "You...you're-" Minkyeong clears her throat and glances at the cameras pointing at the both of you. You quickly snap out of it, putting on a forced smile. "It's nice to finally meet you. I'm y/n." You hand her the flowers stiffly, but Minkyeong accepts them.
“Roa.” She says. “But you can just call me Minkyeong. Let’s talk to each other formally.” It’s for the sake of the show. You can almost see her begging you with her eyes as if that’s what she’s trying to convey.
“Uh, right.” You clear your throat, and step to the side. With a clenched jaw, you hold out your arm for her. “Shall we go?” Minkyeong seems skeptical at first, but wraps her arm around yours. The familiar warmth of her still has you hanging on by a thread. You’re brought back memories with her when the two of you were together before you both debuted in your groups. It’s already been two years, and you shoved those feelings into a locked box, throwing away the key. But now that you’re seeing her, being with her, is like a dream to you.
“Where are we going?” Snapping you out of your thoughts, you look down at her.
“Oh, right.” Before you came here, you had planned something for the both of you in order to get to know each other. But you already knew her just as much as she knew you, and you were starting to think that it was meaningless. But you worked so hard to reserve a table at this restaurant that had just opened up. You were going to go through with the plans you had set up today, whether either of you liked it or not.
"We have to do an activity at least once a day, and I wanted to take you somewhere where we could get to know each other a bit more." Your jaw clenches at your own words, and you mentally kick yourself.
"Oh, that sounds exciting. What are we going to do?" She asks you. You meet her eyes, and for the first time, you feel your heart skip a beat. Your better judgment abandons you, and your heart controls the blush on your cheeks as you stare into her eyes. For a moment, you grow quirt, but Minkyeong forces you out of your little daze by coughing to get your attention.
"Guess." Is all you say. Minkyeong raises her eyebrows at you, but thinks nonetheless.
"Are we going bowling?" She asks in a hopeful manner. There's a grin on your face as you reply back to her.
You actually didn't plan on going bowling, but the look in her eyes, and the hopefulness in her voice made you believe that that's what she wanted. And from the looks of it, she did.
As you two entered the bowling place, she dashed towards the counter, leaving you and the camera crew behind. You had to jog to catch up to her, and the cameraman followed after you. By the time you got to her, she was already asking for bowling shoes.
"Did you already pay?" You ask her with a huff. She turns to you with a poker face.
"No, I told them my husband will." Your heart clenches at the word 'husband', let alone the grin on her face when she notices your expression. You brush her off, and walk up to the counter where the employee asks for your shoe size.
After you pay, the crew tell you two that they need to set up their cameras before you could bowl. You make your way over to your lane, and look for the right ball to bowl with. You help Minkyeong as she asks for help, and you two wander off for the right ball for her. All of a sudden, she pulls you aside out of sight from the camera crew. She corners you into a tight space, a small corner where the lockers sit near the bathroom. Before you could question her, she talks before you.
"This is only for the show." She tells you. You roll your eyes at her statement.
"I know." You tell her, annoyed that she had to explain it to you. "Did you think that I would have signed up to be on here if I knew I would be paired with you?" Your words hit something in her, and you immediately want to shove them back in.
"So you're not happy to see me?" Her lips tremble, and her voice shakes. Your face softens at the sight of her.
"That's not what I-"
"I get it." She interrupts you. "We can't let our fans know that we...had a thing before our debut. This is strictly for the show. Nothing more." You open your mouth, but close it just as fast. You want to apologize, but the word 'sorry' just won't come out.
"You're right." All you can do is agree with her, but both of your hearts know that's not what either of you want. A second later, one of the crew members call out to tell you that they're done, and you two could start now. Slowly, you're pulled out of the corner, and follow as Minkyeong leads you two back to your bowling lane.
Throughout your daily activity, you and Minkyeong bowled for quite a while. Forcing fake smiles on either of your faces, and pretend laughs going through one ear and out the other. But deep down, you wished it was real. Maybe a part of it was real when she made her first strike, and she wrapped her arms around you out of excitement. The feeling of being in each other’s embrace lingered a bit too long, and you two had to force yourselves away from one another. It’s for the show. You had to remind yourself.
After you went bowling, you went to that restaurant where you reserved a table for the two of you. Of course though, before you could go in, the crew had to set up their cameras, which gave you and Minkyeong a moment to breathe. You two waited outside standing awkwardly next to each other. Throughout your time together, it was all for the sake of the show, to pretend that everything you’ve told each other is the first time hearing about it. But the past weighs heavy on your shoulders, and you have a hard time trying to look at her when it’s just the two of you. But thankfully, you didn’t have to bear the awkward silence anymore as one of the crew members told you that you could go in. One of the employees guide you two to a corner booth, and you sit next to each other.
“Order whatever you want.” You tell her. Minkyeong scans the menu the waiter gives you two, and you watch her eyes skim through it. The memory of going on dates with her resurface, and you push down the feeling.
“I’ll get this.” She points to one of the items on the list, and the waiter jots it down on their notepad.
“And for you?” They ask you.
“Same.” You say. Minkyeong hands back the menu, and you reach for your drink. This was going to be a long night.
It felt almost too real, too natural that you two had talked and ate dinner together. It felt just like before you two broke up, the feelings you once had were still there for one another. You two talked for what seemed like endless hours about each others groups, and about some personal feelings about being idols. It felt too much like how you used to be, and you had to end things before it got too much. Too real.
When you walked back to the house where the red door sat, the crew had told the two of you that you would be living together til the end of the show. They weren’t going to set any cameras up, and it was just going to be you two alone in the house. You were thankful for that, but still nervous that you were going to be living with her until your time being together was up. Once you entered the house, the two of you immediately split up going into different directions. She went straight towards the bathroom, while you roamed the small house’s rooms. There was two bedrooms, and you were thankful that they weren’t going to make the two of you sleep in the same bed. Although you’re married for the show, you’re not actually together. But you were. The thought strikes you, and your head dips. Yeah, you were.
You chose the smaller bedroom, giving Minkyeong the bigger room. The two of you didn’t exchange any words to each other unless it was about the rooming assortment, and bathroom rules. You didn’t really talk at all like you used too. The camera crew were gone, and the act was now down. You didn’t have to pretend now that the two of you were alone. But you don’t know how to act either, and neither of you know what to say.
When it started getting really late, you both went to bed, exchanging each other a mumbled ‘goodnight’. You couldn’t really sleep, as you kept tossing and turning, replaying the day you had. Tomorrow, you’ll have to put on the act again, and pretend that neither of you had feelings for each other. Then the next day and the next day, and the next. Until your time with each other is up. You sigh as you get up to go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You make your way through the dark and curse when your hip hits the side of the counter. You try not to make any noise, in case you might accidentally wake Minkyeong up. She as always a light sleeper. Once you turn around to go back to your room, you almost drop the glass in your hand.
“Jesus Minkyeong.” You spot her sitting by the windowsill, gazing out into the city. Once your heart calms down, you make your way over to her. You sit across from her, and she doesn't say anything. Her eyes are still glued to the window, and you can't help but stare at her. After all these years, she was sitting right in front of you. What are the odds that you two would be paired up on a show that consists of two idols pretending to be married? But no one knows that you two have a history together. The feelings you both once had for each other were real, and it was soul aching to pretend that this is your first time meeting each other. To everyone else, yes. But to you two, no.
"Take a picture. It lasts longer." She tells you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"What?" She pivots her eyes in your direction before pulling them back to the window.
"You've been staring at me for a god awful long time." There's a hint of humor in her tone, but she tries to hide it with seriousness. But she could never really be serious with you. And neither could you.
"I still have a couple pictures of us when we were together." You admit. She whips her head to look at you, and her eyes widen with surprise.
"You do?" You chuckle lowly at her reaction and nod. Of course you do. How could you throw away the one thing that ever made you truly happy in your life? How could you throw away all those pent up feelings you held in for so long throughout the day? Throughout the years?
"If I'm being honest-" you inhale a sharp breath. "I still think about you. About us." Your words tumble out of you in a messy confession, and Minkyeong only stares back at you with shocked eyes. You can't help but nervously chuckle in this situation. You've had a hard time admitting to yourself that you still had feelings for her, yet here you are spilling your guts.
"I still think about you too." She says. You snap your head up at her, and meet her eyes. God her eyes. "I signed up for this show to get a break from my life honestly. To be able to breathe. Being an idol is difficult, you know that." She says. You do. You do know that, and what it's like to be piled with different choreography’s to remember and so many new songs and comebacks. Of course you knew.
"My members kept persisting me to do this. They knew how stressed I've been lately after our comeback, and told me to sign up, to take a break." You tell her. Minkyeong nods her head as you speak, listening to every detail you say. “I honestly didn’t think we would be paired up together. I didn’t think we would meet like this.”
“What are the odds huh?” She says to you. You grin sheepishly, hiding the fact that you two are finally having a normal conversation. “Since we’re both being honest here, I actually had a really great time with you today. Whether you were pretending or not, I wasn’t. I really enjoyed today.” She whispers her last statement in a hushed tone, and it has your heart aching.
“Part of me wasn’t pretending.” You blurt out. Minkyeong stares back at you pointedly. “I-” You suck in a harsh breath, and let it out slowly. “I’m actually glad that we got paired up to be together.” You say in a shaky manner. As you speak, Minkyeong stares at you, and you have to bring yourself to look away, to not let your feelings get the best of you. “I’d be lying if I said I don’t think about you everyday.” You’re digging yourself a grave and you know it. Speaking from your heart is risky, but you say it anyway.
“I never stopped.” She suddenly says. You lift your head to meet her eyes, and there’s a faint grin on her lips. “Ever since we broke things off, I haven’t been the same since. I miss you like crazy, and I miss all the times we used to hang out together, when we were together. I miss texting you in the middle of the night, and calling you.” She says it in one breath, and you sit there, listening to her confession. There’s a pause in the air, and her next words have you hanging on by a thread. “I still love you.” She says it barely above a whisper, but you hear it, and it has your heart beating loudly in your ears. I still love you. Her words ring in your ears, and you smile brightly.
“I still love you too.” There’s an unspoken moment shared between the two of you, and in a second, her hands are cupping your face, and you’re gripping her hips, and her lips are on yours. It’s sudden, and it’s slow, but you melt against her as her thumb draws small circles against your jaw. You breath her in, swallow the taste of her lips on yours. When she pulls away, you look at each other realizing how badly you needed that. How much you needed each other.
“Stay with me tonight?” She asks in a shaky breath. You grin at her words, and peck her lips lightly.
“Where else would I go?”
The next morning, you two sit on the couch together while watching the newest episode of ‘We Got Married’. You’re surprised how fast they uploaded the video of yesterday, and it showed your activities you two did together. There were moment where you saw yourself spacing out and staring at her like a lover did. There were also moments where you saw Minkyeong staring at you with stars in her eyes. You both shared a glance, already knowing if fans are going to comment on it. Immediately, you both reach for your phones, and open up your social media accounts. Your eyes widen when you see people already talking about.
Do you see the way they look at each other? Is this really their first time meeting?
OMG!! The way y/n looks at roa is all I ever want in a man.
They have good chemistry for two idols meeting for the first time.
You read over all the comments, and you glance up at Minkyeong who’s giving you the same expression.
“What are we going to do? If people start to get suspicious, the truth will come out, and our careers will be on the line.” You tell her. Minkyeong stares at you a beat longer before looking back at her phone, then looking back at you. You watch her close her eyes and you know she’s thinking of what to do. There’s a crease in her eyebrows, and when she opens her eyes, you already know what she’s about to say. You can see it in her eyes. Her eyes could never hold a lie. The two of you will have to continue putting on this act until your time with each other is up. Just for now. You say to yourself. Just for now, and maybe the two of you could meet when this is all over, for real this time. Without having to exchange any words, you nod, already knowing what she’s trying to convey.
There’s a knock at the door, and the mention of one of the staff member names. You both glance at the door, then at each other.
“Show time.” She says. As Minkeyong gets up to open the door for the crew, you stay seated on the couch, not bothering to get up. You close your eyes shut, and take deep breaths. You have to remind yourself this is all for the show, and that your feelings for each other is still real. You just have to pretend for now. Just for now.
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xxjkmxx · 6 years
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~Roa Christmas Moodboard~
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girlgrouptrash101 · 5 years
Pristin Reaction to Their Crush Talking About Their Diets and Workouts
Request: “please do a pristin reaction to hearing their crush (girl idol) talk about her and her band's diet and how they have to workout a lot for most of the day. thanks!”
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I wasn’t really sure what to write. I hope it’s okay! 💓
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Nayoung listened intently as you asked the question that the interviewer was asking your group, especially since you were the one answering it, and Nayoung could easily listen to you talk all day. She knew how hard diets and workouts were, and yours just seemed exceptionally tough compared to any others she’d heard of. She didn’t know why you had to do so much, she thought you looked perfect just the way you are. And maybe, one day, she’d be able to tell you these thoughts like she always dreamed of doing.
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You were chatting to Rena about how your preparation for your upcoming comeback had been tough, and when Rena saw Roa looking on with a hint of jealousy in her eyes she did her best to include her friend in the conversation. You and Roa ended up chatting about workouts, and what you both usually did to stay fit. This led on to many other topics, and before you even realised, you had agreed to meet up again. Roa thought she was on cloud 9 when you agreed, and Rena watched on, proud of her friend.
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Yuha was known for having a great body, and that was what the Weekly Idol hosts were currently talking about. When they asked your group about diets and such, you took the lead and started talking about what you usually have to do before a comeback. Yuha gasped, upset that you were put through such rigorous conditions when she thought you looked perfect anyway. She was glad no one heard her gasp; that would have been a weird explanation.
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You had newly debuted under Pledis entertainment, and you were practising for your first comeback by yourself in one of the practice rooms. Eunwoo has been really friendly to you as your senior, and she decided to come to check on you. Little did you know, she was being more than just friendly. She came and chatted to you about your new diet, and the results were not to Eunwoo’s satisfaction. Management was being a lot more harsh with you than they ever were with Pristin, and she wasn’t happy, so she told you that she’d go and talk to someone to see why they were doing that to you when your weight was clearly perfect already.
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You were backstage at an awards show, and Rena was happily tucking into the free food they had laid out for idols. Upon seeing you, she beckoned you over and offered you food. She was surprised when you denied, and even more surprised when she heard you were on another, more strict diet. It made Rena unhappy because she believed that you didn’t need to lose any more weight if anything she thought it might be more healthy if you put some on. Rena told you to relax, and she gave you some food anyway, making sure you ate it all up.
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You and Kyulkyung were preparing for a special stage for an upcoming awards show. You were practising in your company this time, and Kyulkyung was walking towards the practice room when she passed your company gym. She saw you struggling and sweating as if you’d been there for a while, and as well as that, you both had to practice for a few hours now. She went in and made you take a break even when you denied. Kyulkyung eventually convinced you to take a break, and when you asked her why she was so concerned, she simply blushed and looked away, claiming that she just didn’t want you to be tired for your practice. In reality, her feelings were a lot deeper, and she never wanted to see you so overworked again.
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Yehana had a big bright smile on her face when it seemed that you were going to be the one answering the question that the interviewer had posed to both your group and Pristin. However, her signature smile faded from her face when she heard your answer. It seemed that you were unhappy about the diets and workouts that you were being made to do, and she wasn’t surprised considering how harsh they seemed. Everyone in your group was perfectly slim and she didn’t see why you were being put through this. She expressed her concern to her unnie afterwards and the agreed (while also teasing her because they knew she cared even more because of her obvious feelings for you).
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Sungyeon and you had been friends since predebut, but she never had the confidence to admit her true feeling for you. You were having your monthly catchup in a local coffee shop when the topic of diets came up in conversation. You told Sungyeon about this new diet you had been on, and Sungyeon’s face captured her exact emotions of sadness, frustration, and empathy. She ended up buying you a big slice of cake - ignoring your protests - and she made sure that you ate up every single bite. She told you that she’d be feeding you up over the next few weeks with a laugh, doing her best to fight the urge to grab you, kiss you, and tell you that you’d be alright.
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Xiyeon watched on with a smile as you eyed the feast that was displayed backstage of the Idol Room set. She teased you a bit, telling you to stop staring at just eat. Her smile disappeared as you told her that you weren’t allowed because your manager was watching and you were supposed to be on a diet. Xiyeon just winked and said, trust me, pulling you into the Pristin dressing room. She returned a minute later with a plate piled high with food, and a grin on her face. You both tucked in, enjoying every bite and getting ever closer by chatting in between stuffing your faces. Xiyeon ended up getting the courage to ask you out, and you obviously agreed, which left Xiyeon feeling like the luckiest girl on the planet.
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Kyla knew the stress of diets, and she had noticed your low morale around the company building lately. After talking to you for a bit and you explained the tough conditions that your management was putting on you, she certainly wasn’t happy about it. As a way of cheering you up, and also scoring the opportunity to go out with you, Kyla offered to take you out to dinner. You agreed and you ended up having a brilliant night. You forgot about all your problems for a while, and left with a full belly, a smile on your face, and a second date with a pretty girl. Who could even dream of asking for more?
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13. Roa x Reader •Jealousy suits you•
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The atmosphere backstage buzzed with excitement as Pristin was finishing their set. Their latest televised performance had been a huge success and crew members were popping out from every corner to complement you on your work with lighting and sound.
The girls started walking off the stage in formation as someone interrupted you from explaining the last few technicalities to your interns. A middle aged man in a navy blue suit and hair dyed a shiny silver stepped uncomfortably close to you, his cinnamon breath hitting your face as he spoke, “I’ve been hearing a lot about the pretty face that just made the performance what it was.” You awkwardly stepped back from the man, turning towards the table behind and fiddling with a piece of equipment. “It was actually the work of dozens of crew members and ten very talented performers that made the performance what it was Sir.” His presence was making you extremely uncomfortable as again he stepped closer to you, “Oh please, everybody knows that without your stunning self the performance would have been a total fiasco.”
You were about to rudely make the man leave when a a pair of soft arms wrapped around your waist, warm lips pressing against the back of your neck. “Come to our changing room babe, the girls want to see you.” Roa’s emphasis on the word babe made the man’s eyes widen, immediately taking a few steps back. To say you were surprised at your girlfriend’s boldness was an understatement as her hand wrapped around your wrist dragging you away from the shocked man, “By the way she is a lot more than just a pretty face you ass.” Roa stopped in front of her dressing room after somehow making her way through all the commotion backstage. Your back was pressed against the wall as one of her hands found its way to your thigh, lightly lifting it so that your center rubbed against her own leg, her other hand pressed against the wall next to your face. A loud moan was suffocated by her tongue entering your mouth. The air felt hot around your bodies as you desperately started grinding against Roa’s leg, her teeth scattering marks along your neck, all the way to your exposed collarbones. The heat between your thighs increased as your girlfriend mumbled against your neck,
She pulled back to admire her work, lust evident in her eyes. “Jealousy suits you Roro.” A teasing look appeared on her face as she poked her tongue at you, quickly making her way inside the dressing room, leaving you standing baffled in the empty hallway.
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