#roa fluff
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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it’s you
roa is typing…
night worth while
when it all went wrong
when it all went wrong part 2
gf! roa
can’t you tell?
stop that
leave me?
i don’t love you
i can make you fall for me
0 notes
pandorafairy · 2 years
Secret Cove (Part 5)
Neteyam x Metkayina (oldest daughter of Tonowari, the chief)
Neteyam is 18
Contains: intense scenes, battle, and some Neteyam fluff (ish?)
WARNINGS: Battle with blood, fighting, killing. This is not a light-hearted or easy read. It is emotional so please be aware of that before reading <3
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My throat tightens as my feet carry me toward Neteyam. Don’t think about it, I tell myself. Just think about what’s right in front of you. I refuse to cry, not when the whole clan is gathering, readying to fight. 
Voices float out of Sully's pod. I don’t bother to stop and listen, I run right inside. Lo’ak looks up in shock. Neteyam is helping Tuk, his back turned towards me. 
“Neteyam,” I breathe out, all the emotion I’ve kept bundled up, spills out through my voice. His face whips around and his eyes widen at the sight of me. I don’t react or say hello, I just throw my arms around his neck and pull him into me. His arms circle around me, grasping me in a tight embrace. 
He pulls back and places his hands on both sides of my face. His worried eyes peer into mine as he rubs soothing circles on my face. “What’s wrong?”
I take a deep breath. It’s easier to breathe now that I’m with Neteyam. His calming presence gives me the strength to face all the Sully kids. They look at me in alarm. “My mother’s spirit sister, Roa, she’s been murdered. Her and her calf.” 
Kiri gasps and places her hand over her mouth as Lo’ak’s mouth falls open. Tuk grips Kiri’s hand. Neteyam places his hand on my shoulder comfortingly, his hand tightening on my skin. He knows what the murder of Tulkun means to me. And for it to be my mother’s… “I’m so-”
“There’s more,” I interrupt. “The whole clan wants to go to battle. Jake is out there trying to stop them. We must hurry.” 
Neteyam nods, immediately switching into fight mode. Lo’ak tenses up beside him. “What about Tsireya?” 
“She’s okay. Now, come on,” I reply and grab Neteyam’s hand. His fingers instantly intertwine with mine. We sprint out of the pod. Shouts and hollers crack through the air as we race towards the commotion. All the Sully kids follow behind me, none of them saying anything.
Nerves bubble up in my stomach as the clan comes into view. Neteyam’s hand stays proudly in mine, neither of us caring if the whole clan knows. I look at him, my nervousness and guilt clear on my face. He squeezes my hand and nods slightly as if to say, we’re in it together. My heart swells for a moment, thankful that he is here. 
The moment is quickly gone though. The entire clan is gathered and all of them are screaming battle cries. The tops of my parent’s and Jake’s heads are visible over the crowd. We need to get closer. As if reading my mind, Neteyam turns to his siblings. “Stay here.” 
Jake’s voice carries over the crowd. “The sky people will take everything you love!”
Oh, no. Neteyam and I push into the crowd as they begin to yell angrily at Jake. Neteyam’s shoulders tense up but we keep pushing through the crowd, keeping our hands tightly locked together. 
Someone puts their webbed hand out to stop us from moving forward. Neteyam lets out a low, guttural growl. The person’s eyes widen in alarm before recognizing Neteyam and me. The son of Toruk Makto and the daughter of the Olo’eyktan. They move their arm back instantly and we continue on. 
“You need to tell the Tulkun to leave!” Jake cries as Neteyam and I finally reach the center of the circle. Jake is holding a strange red object that looks like a large pin. My parents stand in the center, my father observes the clan thoughtfully and my mom looks angry. 
She turns to Jake. “They are our brothers and sisters! We will not tell them to leave!”
We move closer to where Jake is standing. Neteyam’s focus is now completely absorbed on the problem in front of him. A few eyes from the clan follow us curiously, noting our conjoined hands. 
“If they stay here, they will die.” Jake yells, desperation curling at the sides of his voice. His fingers are wrapped tightly around the strange red object. 
The clan erupts into battle cries. Aonung and others stick their tongues out, our traditional call to battle. The hairs on my arms stick up. My clan has battle gear on; they are preparing to fight. The crowd continues to yell at Jake as he steps back and stares pleading at my dad. My dad is contemplating what to do, I can tell by the way he rolls his shoulders. 
“Listen to him!” Neteyam yells. The crowd continues to holler, ignoring Neteyam’s request. 
“LISTEN!” I scream with a sharp voice. My father turns to me in surprise before lifting his arms to silence the clan. Everyone stops cheering immediately. I look at Neteyam, his face full of determination, and squeeze his hand. 
A thankful look quickly passes over his face before he continues. “My father knows the sky people. Listen to him! He knows how they are.” 
My father crosses his arms, his eyes catching on our interlocked hands. He stares at Neteyam before looking at Jake. Neytiri twitches from behind Jake as she observes the scene. 
“Look,” Jake begins. He turns so he can face the whole clan. “This is about saving their lives. Isn’t that the most important thing? Saving lives?”
This time the clan is silent. No one hoots or hollers, they all look to my father, waiting for him to speak. My heart pounds in my chest as I pray he will listen to reason. Neteyam watches Jake nervously. I rub my fingers along the back of his hand, letting him know that I am proud of him. 
“Tell the Tulkun,” my dad says. He takes the red object from Jake and lifts it above his head. “Tell them that if they are struck with one of these, that they are marked for death.” 
The clan bursts into activity, people dive into the water while others grab ilus. Relief floods through me and then Joala comes to mind. My spirit sister. I have to warn her. Neteyam’s eyes search through the flurry of people. 
“Nete,” I say. “I have to warn Joala.” 
“I have to find Lo’ak. That skxawng is going to try and tell the outcast.” 
I hate having to say it but I do anyway. “Okay, so we can meet back here after.” 
“Yes.” He nods slowly, clearly not liking the idea either. “We’ll meet back here.”
We separate hands. Mine feels suddenly cold without his holding it. He places his fingers against my cheek and quickly leans in, placing a soft kiss against my lips. My stomach flutters slightly and all the commotion fades away, like it’s just us. We pull back after just a moment, both of us knowing we have things to do. He caresses my cheek once more before taking off and disappearing into the crowd.
I turn, my lips tingling, and dive into the water. My people swim all around me, even small children are in the water, nervously watching their parents swim towards the Tulkun. I catch the eye of one of the kids and sign to them. ‘It will be okay.’
They nod at me and seem to relax. I think once more of Neteyam as I swim off. I hope he finds Lo’ak and all goes smoothly. I’ll see him and his beautiful golden eyes soon. Now, I push all those thoughts out of my mind and call for Joala. 
Finding Joala was more difficult than I thought it would be but I finally found her. She was anxious in the midst of all the chaos and it took some convincing to calm her down and tell her to leave. After a hug and some tears, she finally did. I’d rushed back to the village, searching frantically for Neteyam, my siblings or any of the Sully kids, but they were all gone.
I didn’t start panicking until now. I’m standing in the doorway of my family's pod, my parents staring at me with confused looks. 
“What’s wrong?” My dad asks. 
“I can’t find them,” my voice shakes. A million thoughts race through my mind. Neteyam and my siblings. Where are they? My dad stands up, worrying lines creasing his forehead. My mother opens her mouth to speak when Jake rushes in the doorway, followed by Neytiri. 
“Our kids are under attack. They’re helping a Tulkun.” Jake says quickly, clearly stressed.  Neytiri grips her bow. My mom hisses and grabs her spear. My dad pauses, studying the seriousness of Jake’s face, before calling out to the village. 
“I need a battle group ready. The sky people have come.” 
The village once again bursts into activity. Adults grab their battle weapons and dive into the water. Jake and Neytiri run out of the tent followed by my mom. I grab my knives and spear from next to my cot.
“I don’t think you should come,” my dad says flatly as he picks up his own weapons. 
I stare at him, conveying all of my emotions through my eyes. “It’s Tsireya and Aonung,” I say. “And Neteyam.” My dad tilts his head to the side as I narrow my eyes at him. “I’m going and you cannot stop me.”
He slings his weapons over his shoulder and rushes out of the pod. “Then you better hurry.” 
Payakan is destroying the ship. He’s rolling around, wrecking havoc and giving just enough time for my people to engage. My father gives a battle cry and the entire clan surges forward. I grip my ilu, searching the water’s for Neteyam’s braids. I shove out all my nerves and fear, letting the icy calmness of battle settle into my veins. 
I swim on the outside of the group, watching as my clan begins to engage with the sky people. Where could Neteyam be? I know my sister is onboard but I can’t save her alone. Or could I? The watership is large, at least twenty armed men stand around my sister and the Sully’s. 
Gun shots, cries, and yells fill the air. The battle is really beginning. My people shove their spears into the enemies as they shoot back. I guess I’ll have to try and save Tsireya myself. I take a deep breath and go underwater. 
I swim beneath the waves, far below the commotion. White waves scatter on the surface as people and bullets fly through the water. I focus on keeping my heart rate slow. I’m about fifteen feet from the ship when a hand grips my arm.
I whip around, tightening my grip on my spear to find Neteyam floating beside me on an ilu. My entire body relaxes. He’s safe. My Neteyam is safe. He has a small cut on his arm but other than that he seems fine. He smiles softly at me, letting me know he’s happy to see me too. 
‘Are you ok?’ Neteyam signs. 
I nod and point to the ship above. We both need to get up there and save our siblings. He understands me immediately and motions for me to follow him. We work our way easily through the commotion under the water. I seem to know his every move before he does it like we’re connected and working from the same mind. Even in the midst of battle, I feel so much safer when I’m next to him. 
We reach the edge of the ship where a piece of metal hangs down. We break the surface, I survey the water making sure no attackers are coming as he pulls the metal rail down. Our ilu’s swim off and Neteyam faces me, his eyes intensely focused. 
“You first,” he says as he slips his hands under my arms and hauls me up. I grip the metal railing and begin to climb. “Wait for me at the top,” Neteyam calls over the commotion of battle. “I’ll go over first in case anyone is there.” 
Once I reach the top, I immediately climb over, ignoring his plea to go first. I don’t want to risk him being hurt just for my safety. 
“Don’t!” He yells forcefully as he realizes what I’m doing. 
My feet hit the deck softly, I check both ways. “All clear!” 
Neteyam pulls himself over the ledge and glares at me. “You were supposed to wait.” 
I wink at him, causing him to roll his eyes playfully. He grabs my arm, his hand hot against my skin, and we run down the edge of the ship. Tsireya, Tuk, and Lo’ak are all tied to the outer railing. Neteyam and I begin to sprint the second we see the outlines of their bodies. 
Tsireya sees me and her face breaks into a wide grin. We finally reach them, both of us panting. Neteyam pulls out a knife and cuts Tsireya free. She breaks out of her bonds and instantly throws her arms around me. I pull her tightly against me, feeling the familiar curl of her soft hair. “Sister,” I say. “I’m so glad you’re alright.” 
She pulls back from me, a tear running down her face. “I knew you’d come.” 
“Need some help, mighty warrior?” Neteyam’s voice floats over to us. I fight the urge to scoff at him. Even at times like this, he is teasing his brother. Lo’ak mumbles something back to Neteyam before rolling his eyes. Tuk stands nervously beside us and rubs her sore wrists. Tsireya reaches out to hold her hand. Once Lo’ak is cut free I turn to leave, the girls following behind me. 
“Wait,” Lo’ak’ says. “They’ve got Spider.” 
Neteyam freezes. My heart drops. He looks at me and the girls, an unreadable expression on his face. “We have to leave this ship.” 
“No. We have to go back for him,” Lo’ak pleads.
Neteyam curses under his breath before looking at Lo’ak and nodding. Lo’ak bends down and picks up a gun. Neteyam turns back to us. He rushes up to me and grabs my hands. I begin shaking my head, unsure of what’s happening but knowing it isn’t good. 
“Neteyam, don’t leave.” 
“I’ll see you right after this.” 
“No. Come with us.”
“I can’t.” Neteyam looks back at Lo’ak who’s waving at him to hurry. “I have to do this.” He squeezes my hands once more before looking at Tuk and Tsireya. “Take care of our sisters, ocean girl.” He turns and follows Lo’ak.
“Nete!” I call after him. The wall of calmness I’d felt earlier is cracking. Now that he is gone, I can feel the panic sinking in. 
“Sister?” Tsireya asks cautiously. Tuk looks up at me with big, scared eyes. Their expressions snap me back to reality. 
“Come on.” I say, grabbing both their shoulders and pushing them forward, “We have to get off this ship.” 
Take care of our sisters, ocean girl. 
I wasn’t able to do it. Tuk turned back for Kiri, I tried to stop her. I sent Tsireya away and followed Tuk onto the ship but it was no use. They threw me off and kept her. I panicked, knowing I couldn’t save her alone. I dove back into the water and swam off for help. 
Now, I’m treading water searching for anyone. I don’t see Jake or Neytiri, they must be engaged in their own fight. My heart pounds against my chest and I chew on my lip. This is turning into a disaster. Someone waves at me from a large rock a little ways away. It’s Tsireya. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I swim to her. 
“My sister,” Tsireya exclaims as I climb onto the slick rock. I almost slip on the wetness of the rock but she quickly steadies me with her hand. “Where’s Tuk?”
I shake my head, guilt and shame wrapping around my brain. All I was supposed to do was protect her. And I couldn’t do it. “They took her. Kiri and her are on the ship,” my voice comes out strained, barely more than a whisper. 
Tsireya gasps softly before reaching out and tucking a piece of fallen hair behind my ear. “We’ll go back for them once the boys arrive. It’ll be alright” 
I nod at her, wanting to believe her hopeful words. She is right, I will go back for those girls. I will not fail Neteyam. I repeat these words to myself, trying to calm my nerves. Tsireya watches me worriedly.
“Help!” Lo’ak’s voice cuts through the air. I freeze. All my thoughts vanish from my mind. Lo’ak and Aonung are holding onto an ilu, swimming quickly towards us. The sides of my vision begin to darken as I notice a figure lying across Lo’ak’s lap. Who is that? The boys reach the rock. Tsireya and I bend down to help them up. The figure’s head lolls back. Blood is spread across their chest. Their breathing is coming out in ragged spurts. His golden eyes look into mine. I inhale sharply, feeling the world tilt right before me. It’s Neteyam. 
My hands immediately wrap around his body as I help heave him onto the rocks. I can’t think. There’s no way. Neteyam is too good. Too pure. He lays on the rocks, coughing with each breath. I grab his hand and squeeze. His eyes bore into mine, full of pain and fear. 
“Nete,” I whisper. “You’re going to be fine.” 
He doesn’t respond. His hand is limp in mine as he continues to watch me. He coughs again, splaying blood across the rocks. Lo’ak kneels beside me. 
“What’s going on?” Jake asks. Neytiri is right there, her bow in hand and her face in shock. Jake runs up the rock and sits next to Neteyam. He lifts Neteyam off the rock like a doll, and he looks at his back. A bullet has gone through his body, right through his chest. 
A strangled gasp comes out of me. My hands begin to shake violently. Nete. His gaze becomes lazier like it’s harder for him to focus. 
“Put some pressure on him!” Jake says to Lo’ak as Neytiri sinks down to her knees beside her oldest son. 
Lo’ak places his hands on Neteyam’s wound. His eyes swimming with tears and his mouth pressed into a shaking frown. My ears begin to ring. I can’t hear anything other than a high pitched ring. The only thing I can see is Neteyam’s face, caked with dirt and blood. 
He inhales sharply and smiles at me before grunting like the action took a lot of effort and was painful. I start to shake my head. I know exactly why he gave me that smile. He’s telling me it’s okay. He’s trying to comfort me during this time. I squeeze his hand harder but he turns away and faces his parents. I can’t breathe, it’s like all the air in the world is being sucked right out. “Nete, no,” I beg so lightly that no one hears me. 
“I want to go home,” Neteyam says to Jake before coughing. Jake places his hands on Neteyam with a tortured look on his face. 
“We’re going home,” Jake replies. “You’re going home, buddy.” 
Neteyam opens his mouth to say more when a terrible sound escapes his lips. It’s a quiet sound, him breathing out, but the edges of his breath are rough, like it came from the depths of his lungs and is the last breath he has. Then, silence. It’s completely quiet. Neteyam isn’t moving. And he isn’t breathing. 
This isn’t happening. My whole body shakes. Jake closes his eyes. Neytiri stares in disbelief. She crawls forward and takes Neteyam’s bleeding body into her arms. I let go of his hand, feeling the softness of his fingers, the familiar curve of his hand, slip right out of my grasp. Neytiri bends over his face, touching him, trying to find his soul. She leans her head back and lets out a gut-wrenching, grief-stricken moan, one that came from deep within her. A moan only a mourning mother could produce. 
He’s really gone. My body begins to shake violently. My whole head is throbbing, my hands can’t stay still. And I can’t think or hear. I vaguely feel someone place their hands on me. Tsireya. I push her away, unable to understand or process anything. The high pitched thrill fills my senses. I’m going to pass out. Then wake up and this will all be a terrible, terrible dream. 
But I look over and see Neytiri, tears flooding down her face, her mouth open in another tortured scream, and Jake beside her, trying to talk to her. My throat tightens up, so tight I can’t breathe. Lo’ak sits back on his heels, staring down at his bloody hands. Neteyam’s blood. It isn’t a dream. This is real. 
I want to scream but my throat is too tight. Neteyam: so full of life and adventure, always joking, always taking care of his family, never afraid of a new challenge. My first love. My love. I’m choking, choking on grief and terror. I’m drowning in my own thoughts when Jake’s voice infiltrates my brain. 
“Strong heart.” He says to Neytiri.
I pause. The high pitched ringing slowly falls quiet. She said you have a strong heart. 
My heart clenches at the memory. Neytiri stands up with lethal calm and flies off towards the ship. Jake dives into the water, following her. 
My vision becomes more focused as I stare at the ship. I can hear again. Tsireya is trying to talk to Lo’ak and me. My pain turns to rage. Not rage in the yelling and screaming sense, but a rage that makes me calm. A kind of calmness I’ve never felt before. 
I think of Neteyam’s eyes; his intense gaze, his playful one, his loving one. We are good, she makes me happy
I stand up slowly and grab my spear. Tsireya watches me with wide eyes, instantly understanding what I intend to do. 
“I’m leaving. Stay here.” I don’t recognize the sound of my own voice. Flat and unattached. 
Tsireya shakes her head quickly. She jumps to her feet and rushes towards. “Oh, sister, please. Please, don’t.” 
Her pleads tug at my heart. But it isn’t enough. Kiri and Tuk are on that ship. I will not fail Neteyam. Not now. “I will be back.” 
Tsireya keeps shaking her head but doesn’t try to stop me again. I dive off the rock and call for an ilu. 
I’m not scared or nervous. I know what I want to do. And I will do it. I refuse to think of Neteyam’s body and the blood. I will remember him as he was to me. Smirking at me when he teased me. Laughing with his brother. Helping his sister. 
I reach the ship. The night sky looms above me. I wonder where his ikran is. All those nights we spent up there… His voice floats through my mind. Are you scared, ocean girl? 
The ship is creaking. Water is rushing up on all sides. It’s going to sink soon, I don’t have long. Fire spreads along the outer ring of the ship, heating my skin. Jake must have set off an explosion.
I press myself against the metal wall and go closer to the fire. Neytiri’s battle scream pierces the air, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up straight. I start to run, heading towards the sounds of battle.
I reach the clearing and peer over. Neytiri is surrounded by sky people, all of them with guns but she isn’t losing. She’s tearing each person apart bit by bit. Fighting with such lethal grace that I’m awestruck by the terror and beauty of her. 
I close my eyes and breathe in. 
I see Neteyam laughing, such a beautiful sound. My favorite sound. We already broke two rules, what’s a few more?
His bravery and the way his face would change when he defended his family or me. And I would do it again.
My breath hitches and my heart splinters. I see Neteyam’s face in my mind. How the warm fire casted an orange glow onto him. How his eyes were bright with excitement and his voice was filled with dreams. I want to experience everything in the world. And I want to experience it with you.
He won’t get to. We won’t get to. My eyes snap open. A furious rage takes over my breaking heart, muddling out all the sadness. I scream. I let out the loudest battle cry and sprint into the clearing. 
Bullets and cries shoot through the air as I stab my spear into a sky person. They groan and fall down. Neytiri looks at me for a quick moment before continuing to fight. I hardly register what I’m doing, I just move and strike. Move and dodge. Move and kill. 
The sounds of battle fall deaf against my ears. I’m laser focused on each sky person, making my way deeper into the ship. A bullet flies right past my ear. I spin around and shove my spear into the sky person’s chest. Their eyes fill with fright before they fall limp. Perhaps I should feel guilty, but I don’t. The memory of Neteyam’s eyes keeps me going. 
Finally, I see an opening that goes inside the ship. I sprint through it, hearing Neytiri’s screams fade. Tuk and Kiri are tied up against the railing. Tuk’s face brightens when she sees me. 
I rush over to them and kneel down, noticing for the first time all the cuts and dirt that cover my skin. I yank out a knife from my pocket and begin to cut Tuk loose. 
Kiri whips her head towards me at the sound of my knife hitting Tuk’s bonds. “Wait!” Kiri cries panickedly. “It’s a trap!” 
I don’t have time to register her words. A gunshot goes off. The piercing sound echoes through the small space. I fly backwards, a burning pain shoots through the right side of my chest. My knife clatters against the ground uselessly. I land painfully on the metal ground, the breath completely knocked out of me. 
“No!” Tuk screams. 
The pain in my chest is nearly unbearable. I try to sit up but I can’t. The burning sensation spreads through my whole body. I turn my head to the side. Kiri and Tuk stare at me in horror.
“This ain’t who I was lookin’ for.” An unfamiliar voice says. An avatar saunters into my view. I try to turn my head to get a better look but it’s too painful. The avatar walks towards me, I can feel the vibration of his footsteps against the metal floor. I open my mouth to speak but no sound comes out. 
“Guess I’ll have to keep waiting.” The avatar states. He bends down right in front of me so all I can see is his blue face and three long scars against the side of his head. It’s Quaritch. Neteyam told me enough about him. I suck in, using all of my strength, and spit in his face. 
Kiri gasps. Quaritch doesn’t flinch. He just slowly brings his hand to his face and wipes it off. Breathing is becoming more difficult as the seconds pass. The burning in my chest is turning into stone like there’s a heavy weight on me that I can’t get off. 
Quaritch stares at me for a moment before his gaze turns angry. He quickly grabs the sides of my shoulders, yanks me off the ground and throws me far out of the room. The abrupt movement is excruciating. It feels like all the skin in my chest has been ripped open, like a million little knives are stabbing me right in my heart and chest. I hit the ground hard. My head slams into the metal, making my vision go blurry. 
I’ve landed in the clearing where the fighting once was. All the sky people lay dead around me. I can’t move. I try to stand but it feels like all my body parts have stopped taking orders from my brain. I try to breathe but it comes out in thick wheezes, hardly absorbing any air. 
Quaritch talks to the girls from inside the ship. I want to crawl over and help them but I can’t.  My vision is growing darker by the second as I stare at the night sky. I can’t even catch my breath. For the first time since being on the rock, I’m scared. 
Hands fall onto my shoulders. All I see are stars until the person bends their head over mine. It’s Neytiri. Her face is filled with emotion from battle and grief. Her eyes fly frantically across my face and body, assessing the damage. I open my mouth to speak but all that comes out are wheezes. 
“Shhh,” she whispers, her voice rough from fighting. “It’ll be okay, little one.” 
I’m crying. I hadn’t noticed it until now. The tears cover my cheeks in thick, wet droplets. Maybe I’ve been crying this whole time and only just now realized. I shake my head but nothing moves. 
I’m about to panic when a sweet sound fills my ears. Neytiri is singing to me. It’s a song I don’t recognize. Maybe one from the forest. I close my eyes. Maybe she sang this song to Neteyam once. My wheezing is slowing down. My chest isn’t rising and falling with the same vigor as earlier, it’s no longer trying to catch a breath. 
Neytiri’s voice wraps me in a loving, motherly blanket. She rubs her hands along my shoulders, comforting me. My brain struggles to make any thoughts so I focus on her voice. Until my ears start to ring and then suddenly, they just go silent. I open my eyes. Neytiri is still singing but I can’t hear her. I can’t hear anything. 
My chest rises once more. Neytiri’s eyes are the same golden hue as Neteyam’s. I smile at the thought as I let out my last breath. 
The first thing I hear is water. Water rushing down and crashing like some kind of waterfall. I open my eyes, squinting against the sudden brightness. Huge trees sway above me, a vibrant green against the blue sky. Unfamiliar chirps fill my ears, the calls of animals I don’t recognize. 
I sit up slowly. I’m lying in the middle of the forest. Trees and greenery completely surround me. I brush my webbed fingers against the soft ground, feeling the dirt and grass. My hand flies to my chest, remembering the pain I was in. 
There is nothing there but smooth skin. No pain. I inhale slowly. Where am I? 
Splashing comes from where I assume the waterfall is. I can’t see it through the trees but something tells me to go towards the sound. I rise to my feet, testing out my legs, feeling my body. It all feels the same. I take in every sight as I walk, noticing the different plants and animals as the dirt sticks between my toes. 
The greenery suddenly gives away to a small pond where a waterfall cascades down. Green shrubs cover the ground beside the water, full of flowers and vines that hang over various rocks. Small fish swim leisurely in the pond as wildlife chirp happily in the trees. My heart swells at the beautiful view as my eyes focus on the person standing in the center of the pond.
His dark blue back is to me. His braids fall forward as he studies the water, searching for a fish to catch with a spear clasped between his familiar fingers. A smile finds its way onto my lips. He slams the spear down into one of the fish and pulls it out of the water. He examines the fish proudly, his golden eyes full of life. 
“Nete,” I say. “Forest boy.” 
He looks up, his mouth slightly open. He throws his spear to the side, forgetting completely about the fish, and runs up to me. I can’t breathe. I’m too scared this isn’t real. His strong arms encircle me, warmth spreads through my whole body as his scent fills my nose: pine and seawater. It’s Neteyam. 
I cough out a laugh of disbelief and throw my arms around his neck. He squeezes me closer to him like he’s trying to meld us into one person. I reach my hands into his hair and entangle his braids with my fingers, feeling his being. He’s here. 
I don’t let go of him and he keeps his arms around me. We cling to each other with everything we have. All my pain and confusion vanishes. I know where I am. I know what’s happened. We’re with our Great Mother. I inhale deeply, smelling his scent again and feeling his chest against mine. We’re together. 
He pulls back slowly. I retract my hands and place them along the sides of his face. He stares into my eyes, his golden eyes full of love.
“I was so happy to be back home. I saw the trees. I saw the ikran. I saw everything but it didn’t feel right,” he whispers. He reaches his hand out and smoothes my hair down. “But now you’re here.” He leans forward and places his forehead against mine. “And it feels like home.” 
He kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and lean into his embrace. “Now, I’m home,” he says. 
I open my eyes and look into his. My heart brimming with emotion. A million words pass between us, everything we went through; all the pain and anger, all our love and passion. I caress his cheek and he tilts his head further into my hand. 
I’ve never been to the forest before but I know, deep in my soul, that I am home too. I smile with tears filling my eyes. “We’re both home.”
He kisses me. Our lips brush against each other eagerly, expressing all the things we can’t say. His hands flutter against my neck, guiding my face against his. I relax, letting peace take over my whole being. I kiss him back, thanking the Great Mother that we are together. 
After a moment, he pulls back. “Looks like you have some learning to do now, ocean girl.”
“Being Omaticaya can’t be that hard,” I scoff at him playfully. 
He reaches around and flicks my tail. I swat at him. “Hey!”
“That won’t do you much good here,” he smirks at my wide tail. “You’ll be like a baby, not knowing what to do.”
I swat his arm again. “I will not, forest boy.”  
He laughs. The laugh comes deep from within his gut, a hearty laugh that warms my heart and makes me forget all the dark things that lead me here. He stops and looks at me. 
“Good thing you’ll have such a great teacher.” He brushes his shoulder arrogantly. 
I roll my eyes. “Oh, whatever.” 
He laughs again, happiness coating his features as he watches me. An animal chirp floats through the air. A spike of curiosity shots through me. I look at Neteyam and arch my eyebrow before taking off into the forest. 
“Ocean girl!” He calls after me. “Wait up!”
I laugh again, feeling the solid ground beneath my feet and seeing the green leaves from far above me. My new home. I inhale the sweet air as I run deeper into the forest. It reminds me of flying on Nete’s ikran. It feels like freedom and pure peace. 
“Woooo!” I cheer. Birds fly off from a nearby tree but I don’t slow down. 
“Yea!” Neteyam calls in return from behind me. 
We continue running through the trees. Eager to explore our new home. Excited to spend all the time we have together. I smile so hard, my cheeks feel sore. We’ll discover all there is to see in the forest and then we’ll move on. 
I turn back and see Neteyam watching the treetops as he runs behind me. There’s a calmness in his stature, one that I’ve never seen before but it fills me with certainty. We are exactly where we are supposed to be: together.
Funeral scene:
That's it!!! Thank you for all the love and support I've received on Secret Cove.
I know a lot of you guys didn't want Neteyam to die but I had a vision for this piece where ocean girl and forest boy would be together with Eywa (I'm sorry if that's depressing or a bad ending, it's just the idea I had)
ALSO PLEASE SEND SUBMISSIONS! I want to keep writing so let me know what you guys want to read. I'll post some happier Neteyam stuff soon :) Thanks again
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tinalbion · 5 months
Hi!! I am OBSESSED with Rusty Nail atm, so I was wondering how he would react to a wife reader who has really bad anxiety?
Thanks for the amazing content :)
Oh you absolutely can!
I apologize for the EXTREME lateness of this, I fell into the void, I got back into art and I just sorta got taken over by drawing, but I've been craving to write again and I am missing my truck driver man, so let's get right back into it! Anytime you need some Rusty, I am here for you!
Rusty Comforting You When You're Dealing with Anxiety ||
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: None - Comfort, fluff
𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡: 1k
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Rusty tries his best to help you when you're feeling anxious
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© 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐓𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐃𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫!
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Rusty wouldn't have picked up on it right away when you two started seeing each other, he just figured that all people have their quirks, and everyone is different, but the more he pays attention to you, the more he's led to believe it's not just a part of your everyday habits. He kept a watchful eye on you after one particular night when you felt yourself slowly spiraling out of control, and you had simply tried to play it off that you were fine. But Rusty knew you weren't, everything he knew about you said otherwise. 
Anxiety was fickle and yours acted up in any situation, anything could trigger it, and you despised it. One moment you sat there beside Rusty, your eyes fluttering closed as you drifted off, and then your brain would go into overthinking mode, which made you snap your eyes open and stare ahead as you tried your best to calm down. Rusty wasn't well suited nor capable of dealing with ways to calm you, but he learned over time being married to you.
Whether it was something simple like bringing you a warm cup of whatever beverage you preferred to calm your nerves, or he remembered to pick up one of your favorite snacks from the gas station he stopped in, it was always in the back of his mind to think of things that could make you happy, to ease you into comfort. But most times, he would offer himself.
The large man would always practically wrap around your entire body when he held you, and you clung to him and refused to let go as he would sit there with you, making sure you did some deep breaths in through your nose and out of your mouth. He didn't have many words of wisdom to impart upon you, but who needed them when he would speak to you in that low tone you found so soothing? His large hand would caress your back, making sure he spoke to you calmly about anything and everything. 
“Hey now, you're alright, ain't ya?” He would ask you. “You're here, I'm here. I gotchu,” he cooed. “Yer alright, I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
“Promise?” “Course I promise.”
His voice was a source of comfort to you, you were always so attracted to his voice, and you had heard the range from anger to softness. No matter the situation, you focused on that and it grounded you for the most part. You’d curl up into his side, and no matter what you were feeling, his warmth, his largeness, it always enveloped you and made you feel tranquility like nothing else. Once you two had bonded, he fully believed that you would be his forever and vice versa, so he took the ‘in sickness and in health’ vow very seriously. He was quick to anger in some situations, but when it came to you, he had all the patience in the world, and he would do his best to walk you through it.
Whenever you had the attention span to sit down and discuss your anxiety with him, you would tell him things that could help you, and coming from him, it would mean the world to you if he could attempt anything to get you to destress. 
So that’s what he did, and whatever the reason why you were feeling the way you were that day, he’d guide you by your hand and have you sit down either on the sofa or outside on the porch. He knew fresh air helped most days, or if he was out on the road, he’d immediately find a place to pull over so he could walk you through it. No matter what, he wanted to be your source of safety, and if it meant prolonging a job, he’d do it. 
He likes to make sure you’re aware he’s there, whether its placing his massive hand on the small of your back, your thigh, or your knee. He finds it comforting for himself if he physically shows you that he’s there for you. He also hopes that you’re able to understand that this is the way he is when it comes to being there for you. Even if you have to cry to let out your frustrations, he will hold you and let you do whatever it was you needed to do. 
Another thing he took notice of is that you like to steal his undershirts. “They smell like you!” you’d say, pouting if he tried to take it. So he’d give you one of his shirts to wear when you were having a particularly bad day. He slowly but surely became aware of your moods and how they could fluctuate, but he found you to be one of the most precious people on the planet. You accepted him and all of his faults, he’d never deny yours, so he vowed to take care of you. 
Doesn’t matter what time of day it is, if he deems it necessary, he’s going upstairs, running you a bath, and then he’s making you lay down with him just to relax your muscles. You were always tense, always bouncing your leg, or just trying to find busy work whenever you were unable to perform anything, especially that one time you had forgotten about the food cooking on the stovetop. Thankfully, Rusty was home and not out on the job, he was able to save a few of the side dishes before a fire started, but he didn’t blame you for it. Ever since then, he understood that this was something more and he constantly kept an eye on you, took notice of how you spoke to him, and would easily pick up on tone of voice and body language. 
Rusty can understand taking care of someone who offends you, a physical person he can easily dispose of and watch the life drain from their eyes for treating you in such a way. But this? It was a challenge to be sure, but he wasn’t too old of a dog to learn new tricks, and he was trying to make more of an effort since you always went out of your way for him. 
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tinkerbelle05 · 2 years
Characters: Ronal/Tonowari x child!reader
Warning: none just fluff
Summary: Just some fluffy headcanons. Didn’t wanna focus too much on the pregnancy but I can make one if that’s the people’s will
Taglist & Masterlist
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Finding out and telling people
When Ronal found out about you, she was ecstatic and thanked Eywa for her beautiful blessing. She would protect you with her life and make sure you knew you were loved.
She rushed out of the shared Marui she had with her mate (knowing that it would be a bit fuller made her heart swoon) and rushed throughout the village looking for her mate.
When she found him, she made sure to have a passive expression on her face and slowed her movement.
“Ma Tonowari, we need to talk,” she whispers to him. Eventually, they’ll tell the clan but right now, she wants this to stay between the two.
He nods and excuses himself from his previous arrangement.
“What is the problem, Ronal?” He saw that she was vibrating with happiness and had a big, bright smile on her face. Which was very much not Ronal.
She takes a deep breath to ground herself, “I am with child, Tonowari.”
He blinks, then blinks again. Ronal could see the moment when it hits him. He laughs, loud and boisterous. He pulls her close into an embrace and plants kisses on her face.
He puts her down and smiles, “This is…oh thank Eywa.”
Roa was delighted to hear the news and couldn't wait to meet the baby. But Ronal could sense her sadness and gave her some comfort. It was hard for her spirit sister to have a calf.
She leaned her forehead on her spirit sister’s, “Do not fret, my sister. You will be with a child. I just know it.”
For a few weeks, Ronal and Tonowari mutually agreed to keep this little secret to themselves. To have a little something for themselves.
When she a month pregnant, Ronal announced the news to the clan at the communal dinner.
As expected the whole clan was overjoyed at the news. Everyone came up to express congratulations, give gifts, or blessings.
Meeting you
The pregnancy and birth went smoothly and had no complications.
When Tonowari saw you his first thought was that you were just beautiful, it was as simple as that.
Ronal and Tonowari never thought they could love a person this much, yet here they are.
The ceremony welcoming you into the clan was lovely. Their spirit brothers and sisters had returned also which just made the whole thing better.
When Ronal introduced you to Roa, she was happy for her sister. Together they sang songs welcoming you.
“They are just as beautiful as you, Ronal and they have Tonowari’s strong presence,” she complimented the newborn.
“Thank you for your kind words.”
Tonowari held you high above his head and the clan all interlocking with eachother. “(Y/N)!” He yelled out.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” The clan chanted out.
Your birth meant that the Metkayina clan would prosper well into the future. They would be in good hands when your time would come to rule.
Overall, you were loved by your clan and everyone was excited to see the person you would become.
Life with you
Ronal holds you to her chest and sings little lullabies to you every night.
When he’s out and about Tonowari has you in this little baby carrier. Some of the clan members stop him to say hello to you or to gush about how cute you are.
He’s such a soft dad y’all.
Whenever you are crying, he’ll rub circles on your back and hums a little song to you.
It works every single time.
To get you to eat your food, Ronal would say, “Here comes the skimwing..” You would eat whatever was in the spoon, even if you were disgusted by it seconds ago.
When she is working you would be strapped to her chest, similar to Tonowari. If their injury is not too severe, the patient would laugh at your antics.
Tonowari is totally whipped for you and there’s nothing Ronal could do about.
Don’t get me wrong.
You got her wrapped around your tiny chubby finger too.
But she doesn’t want you to be spoiled and lack manners.
As you grow up, you became more curious around your surroundings. Always wanting to wander off into the beach, maybe hangout with the baby ilus in their pens.
You gave your parents multiple heart attacks with your behavior when they thought the absolute worst would come.
But even then…
You would still cry long into the night if you didn't get to sleep with them. You had your own bed in the pod but you liked sleeping with them.
It was just more comforting for you.
“No, they need to sleep on their own,” Ronal protested as Tonowari walked to their bed with you in his arms.
“I know my love, I know. But can't that lesson be taught another night?” He smiles down at you. He turns around and shows her your peaceful face. “How can you say no to this face?”
Ronal only sighs and shakes her head. She had 2 babies, she couldn't believe it.
“Fine, Tonowari. When this comes back to bite you in the butt don't come to look at me.
Taglist: @crabcollectorskykid, @sillydog3-4-5
Like, reblog, or comment if you wish. See ya in the next one, friends.
Also lemme know if you want more of these headcanons, like them growing up, meeting the Sully’s, etc.
Reminder: My asks, suggestions, and requests are all open.
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
╭ ☆ ➛ South park x reader Ꞌꞌ : masterlist
━ warnings / notes ; NSFW will only be written for the post covid versions of these guys and or aged up AU. I might forget to add some stories on here so just lemme know , also heads up my nsfw is shit asf, also for some characters i will outright refuse to write nsfw for, thats why they dont have a nsfw column ♡ :) if you do ask me for a nsfw of those characters your request will be deleted ( this has happened already )
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DOVAHKIIN / NEW KID - ✮ • ━ " . . . "
[ SFW ]
. . .
[ NSFW ]
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STANLY MARSH - ✮ • ━ " Hey babe, y'know i uh love you, right ? "
[ SFW ]
[ gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ first kisses
[ fem reader ] ━ hcs ━ Perfection and her protector
[ fem reader ] ━ hcs ━ periods
[ NSFW ]
. . .
KYLE BROFLOVSKI - ✮ • ━ " Dont worry, i'll stick by your side "
[ SFW ]
[ fem reader ] ━ fluff ━ Jealousy
[ gn reader ] ━ fluff ━ Under the covers
[ gn reader ] ━ fluff ━ Next to be wed
[ gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ first kisses
[ fem reader ] ━ hcs ━ Perfection and her protector
[ fem reader ] ━ hcs ━ periods
[ NSFW ]
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ERIC CARTMAN - ✮ • ━ " Oh! Yeah! Beat them ass ! Thats my bitch ! "
[ SFW ]
[ gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ first kisses
[ fem reader ] ━ hcs ━ Perfection and her protector
[ NSFW ]
[ plus size gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ rabbi / homeless cartman (sfw + nsfw)
KENNETH MCCORMICK - ✮ • ━ " mPHF !! Mfph mmm HMMMMMFF ! "
[ SFW ]
[ gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ first kisses
[ fem reader ] ━ hcs ━ Perfection and her protector
[ NSFW ]
. . .
━ " Im sorry baby ! I cant come out to day, 'm grounded "
[ SFW ]
. . .
[ NSFW ]
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SCOTT MALKINSON - ✮ • ━ " Wow . . . so this is the feeling of being loved "
[ SFW ]
. . .
[ NSFW ]
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CRAIG TUCKER - ✮ • ━ " They're assholes [ name ], i dont want you to be around assholes "
[ SFW ]
[ child gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ parental Creek
[ fem reader ] ━ hcs ━ Perfection and her protector
[ child gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ the little craig
[ NSFW ]
. . .
TWEEK TWEAK - ✮ • ━ " ACK- [ name ] d-dont leave me h- here ! I DONT KNOW T-THESE PEOPLE ! "
[ SFW ]
[ child gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ parental Creek
[ child gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ the little craig
[ NSFW ]
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CLYDE DONOVAN - ✮ • ━ " Here, babe , have my jacket ! "
[ SFW ]
. . .
[ NSFW ]
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JIMMY VALMER - ✮ • ━ " Hey [ name ] why did the chicken cross the r-r-r-roa-r ... why did the chicken cross the r-r-ro-roa ... "
[ SFW ]
[ fem reader ] ━ hcs ━ periods
TIMMY BURCH - ✮ • ━ " TIMMAH ! "
[ SFW ]
. . .
TOLKIEN BLACK - ✮ • ━ " Do you like that thing? I can buy it for you "
[ SFW ]
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[ NSFW ]
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WENDY TESTABURGER - ✮ • ━ " If anyone messes with you, just let me know okay ? "
[ SFW ]
[ gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ just fluff
[ gn reader ] ━ hcs ━ a s/o who likes cute things
[ NSFW ]
. . .
BEBE STEVENS - ✮ • ━ " Ohhh! [ name ] wanna know what i heard in the school's toilets today?! "
[ SFW ]
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[ NSFW ]
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HEIDI TURNER - ✮ • ━ " Thanks for letting me stay over [ name ] , i appreciate it "
[ SFW ]
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[ NSFW ]
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THE OTHER KIDS / ADULTS ( The goths, Pip, parents in divorce times, ect ) - ✮ • ━ " (what do i even put here?) "
[ SFW ]
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[ NSFW ]
. . .
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merryfortune · 1 month
Approach with Caution
August 18th: Free Day 
Title: Approach with Caution
Ship: Nail/Romin
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,270
Tags: Fluff, Confessions, Feelings Realisation, Ambiguous Ending
   As baffling and nonsensical as it was, Nail was of that certain age where he was thinking about the opposite sex. With much regret, of course. He had been so focused, so dedicated but now, he was scribbling love-hearts and names in his notebooks.
   Reflecting upon his life thus far, Nail had always been so lonely, so isolated, and he did not mind that one bit. He had more than enough with his toys, his hobbies, he didn’t need anyone else except for me, myself, and I. He had turned it into a point of pride. He was a human boy who was a machine who was a human boy. So for that facade to crack and for him to accept friendship into his once lonesome life, it was scary to transition from one identity to the next. 
   For that to evolve into fascination with girls, oh, Nail was humiliated. It was embarrassing, there was no other way to describe it. He, of all people, was reduced to a loverboy because of one Kirishima Romin.
   She was fierce and sassy, driven and determined, full of quirks and could prove to be quite unpredictable.
   She was everything that Nail disliked about humanity. The way they malfunctioned and caused dysfunction or mayhem. Romin was hot and cold based on her mood and her mood was based on what she had or hadn’t eaten recently. She got into hijinks all the same as their other friends and was never afraid to spearhead it either. That entropy was discordant like the metal music that she played and Nail disliked it heavily, or so he thought.
   After all, Romin was much more than her faults, varied and eclectic as they were.
   Romin embodied much of its beauty, too. Nail would concede that much, and perhaps even with a small smile on his face due to his crush. She was a well-decorated musician and for good reason, her understanding of the art was nothing less than prodigal given her age. RoaRomin’s music, for quite some time, had been just noise to Nail, bits and pieces that he could unpick like mathematics but ultimately not to his taste.
   Not anymore.
   Now he was scrying the lyrics for hidden meanings. He was linking together the themes and motifs to the instrumentals, keenly aware of Romin’s hand in the mix. Whether she was providing ideas, lyrics, or just her guitar work, it had Nail scrambling like a treasure hunter through the boundless interpretations of music. He felt insane as he made the switch from disinterest to utter obsession.
   All because he pined, he yearned, he… crushed on Kirishima Romin.
   Their interactions were few and far between, often fleeting. Nail was out of school and she still had to play by the bell. But when their paths did bisect, Nail was always amused. A little happier than he might have otherwise been. Seatbastian detected a difference in demeanour but never said anything - thank goodness. Maybe it was because human interaction was good for him, maybe not.
   The crew that Romin belonged to was a cantankerous and often bizarre bunch but hey, he was a part of it too and he was both those things as well. It felt good to belong. To have people he cared about. To have new interests opened up to him.
   He wouldn’t have thought of that alone.
   He would have stared at the walls, at the blank space and knew there was something missing. A puzzle piece that would be required to fill that slot. Unlike with Rush Duels and the Maximum Summon, the glaring obviousness was not apparent to Nail this time.
   How should he approach feelings as frantic as young love?
   Especially when his gratitude ought to begin at friendship, with Yuga, not just Romin but Luke and Gakuto also. Even Roa. They all became quite the ensemble together. Yuga opened that blank space and now, it appeared, music decorated much the same as vibrations decorated sound and paintings decorated space. 
   But the question still remained and the answer eluded him.
   Should Nail be forward? Should his words be heavy as weights and just as blunt: I like you? Or should he take inspiration from the more sleek poets before him. Mathematics and computer sciences were far different a language to that of conveying feelings and poetry. So, perhaps Nail ought to relay to Romin that the moon was beautiful tonight. Though it was daytime when he was scheduled to see her next so that wouldn’t work.
   Not to mention… From his observations… Nail had concluded that Romin was a hard-headed girl. He would have to look into her schooling records more closely to deduce if she knew what a metaphor was or that their usage could be applied outside of music. It genuinely seemed heads or tails for Nail…
   What would make for the best song? That weighed on Nail’s mind, too. They were both creatives but their spirits did not appear kindred when it came to their pursuits. Nail could code all sorts of things in honour of Romin, he could recreate her portrait using HTML as his ink and paintbrush, the rich text editor his canvas but what of her? She needed more than him and his words might just become the head-line lyrics of her next album if he wasn’t careful. He would also appreciate if said lyrics were flattering rather than slandering so that added yet another layer to all the considerations that Nail had to be mindful of.
   With so much to take into account, at the end of all his thought, it was not a true answer which Nail came to as he pondered each word for clarity to carry his feelings but it was an answer. If he wanted to let Romin know he felt, he ought to approach with caution. What if she didn’t feel the same way? What if she did? Either result terrified Nail as he couldn’t predict her outcomes the way he could predict the outcomes of RNG in a Master Duel.
   Either way, the day in which they would cross paths came about before Nail could perfect his speech. His resolve was hardened as he sweated in the sun, arriving earlier than anyone else just so he could hazard some one-one-one time with Romin.
   She waited in the park, in the shade of the tree but the leftward slant of a sunbeam illuminated her regardless. She looked as rock and roll as ever, with tinsel town hair of magenta and greeted him, turning around and her skirt fluttered around the bulk of her ever present guitar case.
   “Hey, what’s up?” Romin asked, she batted her eyelashes at him as she greeted him, her hand thrown up in a casual hello.
   Nail could feel his knees knock and his tongue tie. He had never felt this way before. She was just a tween age girl, there was no reason for Nail to feel as though he were staring down the jaws of a tiger and yet, as friendly as Romin was, he felt as though he were in mortal danger as he heeded his previous revelations. He really ought to approach with caution. Enunciate clearly, be on guard, and allowed for whatever happens, to happen.
   “Yes. Good.” Nail replied. “If you could spare a moment of your time, however, I have something I want to ask you.” His teeth chattered.
   “Yeah, sure, now’s a good time, what do you need?” 
   Nail took a breath and he let his preparations meet his hormones and together, they took over his mouth in confession.
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xjulixred45x · 1 year
Greed x Albina!Reader/Fullmetal Alchemist BROTHERHOOD
Genre: Headcannons
reader: female
Warning: Does Greed count as Warning?, Some discrimination, add some more general things with the gang, fluff. (I specifically use Greed shortly before the events of the Anime😭).
Everybody's wondering how the hell you two ended up together.
You ended up in a certain way in the gang precisely because you were a chimera. A bat specifically, but everything bad about one, that is, photosensitive, you couldn't tolerate the sun, your eyesight was BAD, etc.
But the plus side is that you have great night vision! Which was great for late night heists! It was the first reason they accepted you.
Although of course, you were conquering everyone with your personality faster than they want to admit little by little, well, except Bido, he was at your feet from the beginning.
I'm not going to lie, Greed was physically attracted to you, and also the idea of the "innocent" image falling apart, but he soon realized that maybe...he didn't need that with you??
You were friendly, gentle, but not stupid, and most importantly you cared for everyone even more than yourself. Coming from where he came from, Greed felt strange receiving such warm treatment, not strange bad, but strange unknown.
It was surprisingly easy to figure that out, he just stood there looking like he was seeing something incredible.
In a certain way, he was able to generate a more sincere respect for you, just like how everyone ended up approaching you quickly, like a moth to a light (quite witty). He began to be attracted to you instead of the idea of you.
Still keeping his attitude, he end up developing a second nature, watching over you, because clearly sometimes you wouldn't do it on your own, or you wouldn't notice idiots nearby.
Your appearance was just the icing on the cake in that regard. Everyone in the band did their best to prevent you from going out much during the day, they got items to prevent burns, etc.
But at the same time they were also quite amazed in their own way. Bido, for example, would just stare at you in amazement. Martel and you exchange tips for skin and hair care, Roa when he's bored waiting for others, plays with your hair for a while, etc.
By the time you two get "official" it becomes quite handy. Like, expect to have a hand (or two) up all the time. Especially if it is a public place.
Unfortunately, not all cultures find albinism so pleasant, so on more than one occasion you have had to hear people say horrible things about your condition in the best of cases and objects have been thrown at you calling you a demon in the process. worst of cases.
The gang tries to keep calm and remind you that you are much more human than these people.
And when Greed finds out, well, I just hope those people aren't relatives or something honey, otherwise clear your schedule. You will have to go to several funerals.
He's just like "don't mess with me or my s/o anymore >:)"
The fact that you don't have any kind of evil between what he likes and what worries him.
On the one hand, you are the more down-to-earth of the two of us, can trust your judgment most of the time. appreciate that.
But he's afraid that one day someone will try to take advantage of that to take advantage of your gentle nature.
It's like that meme
Reader: Fidelsticks! This makes me cringe my freathers!
Greed: **sobs** just say "fuck"
Greed: Aren't you tired of being good? Don't you want to ape shit?
Now if you will use your friendly personality to fool someone he would be SO PROUD OF YOU :,,,)
how "my baby is grown" kind of proud.
In general, he wants you to have more malice, but """healthy"" malice or at least give you something in return.
Still, it doesn't discourage your kindness, because, come on, who would be stupid enough to mess with Great Greed's partner?
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundup: Prompts!
Kara no Kyoukai
Kara No Kyoukai ghost hunting.
Smut, nrvnqsr/roa. nrvnqsr's pussy IS toothy
tsukihime yaoi. + arihiko
Gore tw, Arcueid/Ciel disemboweling each other and cuddling above the warm blood and guts? Romance preferred, but platonic works too.
kohaku/arcueid?? i think theyd be an interesting couple. lots of potential for toxic yuri
tsukihime CW adaptation
Smut, arihiko/shiki freaknasty t4t sex with the knife. also tboy frotting.
The Tsukihime Arihiko route.
Kohaku getting sick and Hisui taking care of her
Satsuki as a harem protagonist! (preferably sfw)
Fate/Stay Night
Fsn post heavens feel where Sakura has her own harem with all the girls and housewife shirou. Can be as wholesome or degenerate as you want, i just want to see sakura being loved
Shirou force fem by Caster
SFW Artoria/Cu
Fate stay night CW adaptation
Smut, hakuno pegging gil so hard that he pisses himself
Extra Shinji being happy. Maybe he gets summoned to Chaldea as a pseudoservant and bonds with the rest of the child servants.
Hakunon calming Nero down while she has a panic attack
Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
Prisma illya sickfic
one of the prillya girls commits a madoka style self sacrifice
Prillya trio hugging for warmth in the winter
Astolfo helping a trans girl transition?
Lord El-Melloi's Case Files
Smut, age gap, incest, Waver has to marry Reines due to political reasons, on their wedding night waver tries go to sleep hoping this is all a nightmare. It isn't a nightmare, Reines is now his wife and she won't let him sleep for the entire night. Femdom.
Smut, waver + prostate massage
Fate/Grand Order
Merlin forcedfem
Amakusa / Angra, fluff or ship
Would love to see a cutesy thing where Scheherazade and Mandricardo are having sex, and Mandri is trying and failing to be confident as it happens (optional Schez trying and succeeding at being confident)
Sita finally comes to chaldea and reunites with Rama, although not everyone is happy, since Kama really doesn't know how to deal with her paremts
Mebd being too horny to function in the slightest
Georgios/Vritra + bondage, him attempting to help her “atone” for her previous actions.
Smut, Cock worship + one of the Knights of the Round
Edmond Dantes as a vampire; anything with a vampire AU with him turning on the charm with Gudako or Gudao would be amazing :3c hell, even regular Edmond getting a mana transfer via blood drinking would be amazing!
Noncon tw, Kama psychologically tortures Gudako by using her clones and changing their appearances into people Ritsuka loves saying terrible things to her. She also sexually abuses her while at it
Smut, Shuten rooting around Guda guts 3, Massive oni dong boogaloo
Smut, Kagetora/Gudako
Morgan being a good mother fluff?
Raikou finds out Kintoki is dating Shuten and they have a talk
Jalter reacting to the utter lack of porn of her
Smut, noncon, solomon/goetia, teaching that beast a lesson
Caren drugs her father, ties him up and transfroms him in chaldea punching bag, for only 100K QP you get to punch and torture kirei for half an hour
Smut, fgo selfcest orgy
Smut, abercest gangbang
Smut, Archer getting sucked dry by Medb
Sita and Gudao tag-teaming/sandwiching Rama
Smut, FGO Asclepius but its him diagnosing the mc with needing to get dicked down so he does it himself since the mc needs it ASAP
Yu Meiren + Bedivere, where they crossed path when they were both immortals
castoria trying Really hard to convince oberon and guda that yes, the world is in fact ending and yes, that is a bad thing
Skadi/Iri dating after they met from their joint custody of Sitonai
an ill-fitting servant of the writer's choice is put in charge of the Chaldea daycare for a day
Shuten rooting around in Guda guts 2!
Smut, girlcock worship, either Kiara/GUdako or Kama/Gudako with trans girl Gudako
Mori Nagayoshi praised until he's a blushing mess!
Mozart being happy to see his friend Salieri again as servants
continuing on the "BB gets subjected to karmic transformations " train , let give her passionlip sized boobs , but BB doesn't get the giant metal hands to help her keep balance
BB gets tf'd into a inflatable punching bag toy , the kind that when ya give it a strong punch , it gets right back up. BB's fully conscious in that state , & once the transformation is completed, the newly made Bopper Bag is placed in the section of chaldea's gym that is often frequented by the ruler class servants.
Smut, Xu Fu/Yu Meiren
in fgo, kirei doesn't have magic resistance , so gudako could use her command seals to force him to wear a playboy bunny leotard , or model for a sexy fireman calendar. there's endless possibilities when it comes to doing lewd things to yorokobe man with the help of command seals~!
Unethical knifeplay from a Mister Hyde + Blood drinking. Thank you! Dubcon or Noncon is fine!
Shuten and Raiko have been fighting each other more fiercely as of late, so obviously the best way to relieve that tension is for them to have a nice long and relaxing hate-fuck session...that somehow causes more collateral damage than any one of their fights.
Just an AU where everything is the same But Gudao's design concept is a Genderbent Sakura instead of Rin
Morgan has a talk with her family, all of her family, adopted children included, i'm looking at you Lancelot, don't think you can outrun your mother
I would like to see Hephaestion get more attention, she is so cool
Smut, Oberon ovipos… there is so much potential and yet such a lack of it. Make master a seedbed!! 👏
Nobunaga is bored with Chaldea, no challenge, nothing to conquer, until she sees something that catches her eye. A strong warrior, with a monstrous physique, whose only joy was in battle, after getting her eyes in that beast of a man that was Cu Alter, Nobunaga finally was able to set a new goal for herself: She wanted to get into this man's pants!
We get to take a look at medbs life in Chaldea, from her romantic dates, to her one night stands, to her weekly orgy and how she rode her way into literally every servant's heart in Chaldea to the point she has become the de-facto queen of the place, no servant, master or employee is safe from her charms!
Shimousa Kiyohime gets mixed into Proper Human History Kiyohime's spirit origin and she suddenly finds herself Very Attracted To Musashi
hi you know that bit in oberons valentines scene where he implies hes going to ask his caesar for money cause hes his dad in the play hes from yeah its ruining my life can i have some oberon/caesar to alleviate my hysteria about it how far you lean into the incest side of things is your prerogative but i need this its killing me
Smut, hello hello can i get my boy mandricardo some dick please? hes the 30 year old emo boy of all time and mayhaps some dick would relieve his anxiety. not picky about who is providing it can be hektor it can be astolfo it can be roland even now that hes playable just get him some good dick please
Goredolf/Koyanskaya? Can be smut, can be pre canon, post canon, pining, angst, anything you want! I'm just FASCINATED by the fact that this guy almost got murdered by her like three times yet have enough leftover love to hang onto the lipstick she gave him
Smut, Gudao gets tentacle fucked by Hokusai
Smut, Koyan of Light has a dialogue line where she states she wants to assert her dominance over Robin. I think Robin Hood legally has to be pegged by Koyan of Light now
Smut, Enough with the sad Olga Asks! i wanna see my girl getting fucked stupid for once!
anything bartholomew/guda please,, can be either smut or fluff, i just want more content of this pirate man
The reason Morgan hates Artoria is because she was in love with Guinevere and couldn't stand seeing her laying with another woman, much less her own sister. Now they're both in Chaldea and Morgan has 1500 years of suppressed feelings ready to be unleashed
okay , phantom thief amakusa & Mistress C (aka rider carmilla) are both after the same ultra rare artifact at the museuem , But Mistress C double crossed him. while she's taking an audio tour of the museum , Semiramis found the cupboard that amakusa got shoved into.
BB gets tf'd into a Doll Maid enemy & she's getting edged the entire time. if the author so wishes , this can be a fic where BB gets NTRD.
Smut, ishtar , astrea & BB glory wall .
Gray "resents Saber for being the ideal she was molded into" vs Castoria "won't somebody please give Saber a break" FIGHT!
No one in Chaldea seens to be able to cath Skadi's eyes, Medb catches one look at the ice queen and takes the challenge
Begging for anything happy Kirschtaria/Ophelia. Smut absolutely welcome, but will settle for just something with a happy ending.
I need more Dom!Guda. Doesn’t matter who subs.
can i ask for someone to make a john wick pseudoservant? or maybe hes a servant on his own. he's just hanging out with other chaldean servants, i think he'll fit right in
fgo asclepius stars in an episode of house md
Chaldea manages to summon Suguru Geto (up to anyone for whichever part of the timeline he's from), but it's only due to one unlikely catalyst: Fujino
Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime crossover
Kim Dokja gets summoned to Chaldea
Any fandom
Smut, noncon, Hey is reader insert okay, and if yes can I ask for a reader insert about being stuck in a wall and various characters taking advantage of that? I just want multiple servants (or mages! ain't picky) playing with my holes without asking for my consent is that too much to ask
Smut, My prompt is: tfw you lose in a friendly competition and your opponent whip out their dick to shove it in your mouth as a prize.
This anon asks for omegaverse! Specifically, omegaverse with a focus on the worldbuilding. Do omegaverse presentations affect magecraft in any way? Do servants get summoned with the presentation they had in life? What about demi-servants? Or composite servants? or nonhuman servants? How does society (regular & mage one) evolve considering omegaverse is here? I don't need you to answer ALL of these questions (or even specifically THESE questions) but that's what I mean by "focus on the worldbuilding."
Smut, There is an astonishing lack of tentacles or pervy vine stuff anywhere. Caster Cu and Gudako vine sex. Or just write any servant using their tentacles or vine manipulation or anything other creative binding tools on Gudako to fuck her, really!
a cheese burger
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araveninthedarknight · 11 months
Christmas Magic in the air
Christmas Magic in the air
Warnings: Extreme fluff, Mostly out of character Roa faction, Christmas romance fluff, Oc is a trans man (because I am gonna be the representation I wanted when I first started reading fanfics, though its only mentioned once or twice in the story), hopeless romantic fluff. Shitty writing, Also, I am clearly in a Christmas mood (this was written October 16th,2023 but I am posting it November first)
Yamaguchi Magoroku had met Sora Kenji while they were both in Suzuran together; they had secretly dated since the events of the fight against the three school alliance led by Amagai Kohei. Both men had loved each other longer than that, and when they had started their secret romance, they had not expected it to bloom the way it did. You see, Sora Kenji was transgender and he worried that he was going to lose the love of Magoroku very fast once he learned that. When the taller of the two who was 5 '11 found out though it was the opposite of what Kenji had expected. It had made  his high school sweetheart even more overprotective of him, made him want to keep him on a chain attached to him so they wouldn’t have to be apart. For the longest time, they spoke of the dream to move in together once graduating from the Suzuran school, and as the day of graduation skidded upon them like a speeding car, the Roa faction member pulled out two sets of keys, a bright smile on his face as he had secured a small apartment for the two of them. Summer turned to fall, which brought the joys of a cozy and warm home that smelled of Cinnamon and spice incense and a warm dinner. There was always some type of seasonal ambient music playing through the bluetooth speaker of the shorter male’s phone. Kenji was only five foot three and hated how short he was, so he tried to make up for it by doing the cleaning and cooking if Magoroku set out the proper things for it before leaving the house to go help Roa where they now worked together. Fall soon chilled into winter, and on a chilly November night, a fire crackling on the tv while playing Christmas music, two bodies sat snuggled on their couch wrapped in a large blanket, the smaller man sitting to his tall lover’s left, head laying on his chest. He had no clue that one of the reasons the entire Roa faction had been out more was that the once bubble gum popping male had gotten a few extra shifts to buy a gold wedding band with a ruby set into its thicker band. He was just waiting to find a time that felt right to propose. 
“You know, this may sound silly, but I always used to dream of being kissed under mistletoe in the snow at Christmas, and proposed to on christmas eve in the snow fall with like, a beautiful lit tree behind me and my partner. I was told that it was more ‘girly’ by most because it sounds like a romance movie, but I always just found something so romantic about Christmas.” Kenji’s voice is deep but soft, he had a naturally deeper voice than his boyfriend, but they both loved it. 
“ I feel like Christmas is definitely something that I could understand as being romantic. Especially if you are with someone you love.” Magoroku looked down at his darling, the shorter male’s raven hair was styled into a messy shaggy hairstyle with curls, his honey skin was glowing in the dimly light room, the pair had been wanting to start decorating soon, so they had boxes from their second room that they used as a storage room out, getting Christmas ready slowly. He knew when he would propose and how now. The excitement that ran through Magoroku was something that he was sure his darling could hear, his heart racing as he planned away in his head. He wanted it perfect, and he wanted to film it and make it for a part of his home video. He knew he would say yes, they had been talking about wanting to get married since their last year of high school started, and now that it was over, he knew they would take the leap this Christmas.
The tree had been set up, the apartment smelled like baked Christmas cookies and warm dinner, the Christmas tree incense was lit and going in the living room, holiday music playing through the record player speaker, and a candy cane apron was perched over the top of Kenji’s clothing as he baked and cooked for the night ahead. The Roa faction was coming over for a Christmas eve celebration, to open gifts and have dinner, as a group of happy friends before they all went to do their plans for the next day.  Magoroku was out getting the last minute stuff and picking up Mario, and soon the other faction members arrived, carrying gifts to be set under the beaming tree the couple had decorated. The group planned to have different people host each year and the two had volunteered. Everyone was soon gathered around the table laughing, looking back on their school years now that they had been out of it since summer, quickly approaching the one year mark. To Kenji, things felt right, they were warm, happy moments that he had always wanted with friends. Tomorrow, Christmas day, was just for him and his darling Magoroku, but tonight was friends that were like a close family, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. Dinner had been a hit, and now the rather large group was huddled by the tree, the small apartment not bothering any of them as they packed in like a can of sardines. Magoroku had planned with the others to let his present to Kenji be last, it was supposed to snow around 11:30 pm and that was the perfect time to do his plan. The presents were opened, some were more gag gifts with real ones given after to make the mood light, some were very deep and meaningful, and some were just what the other needed. As Mercy gathered all the discarded gift wrapping, Binzo slipped out, supposedly to use the bathroom, but in reality, he was hanging mistletoe from a spot near a lit Christmas tree outside, the cozy neighborhood that the soon to be fiances had settled into being perfect for the occasion. Luckily for him, the spot was only a few buildings down from the duplex that the hosts lived in and he was good friends with the old lady who lived close by. 
“Oh look, it is snowing! We should all take a walk in it and take a group picture.” Bizo pipes after sneaking back inside, a bright smile on his face as he sent a wink to the way of his school friend to inform him the plan was a go. He knew that Roa was hiding the ring in his pocket until the right time, which was now because Kenji was in the kitchen with a Ito and  putting left overs into containers for everyone to take home. 
Roa passed the ring in the black velvet box to his smaller friend and claps him on the back, “Mercy and I will be recording from different angles while Binzo stays up with the mistletoe so its perfect, though it is currently hanging from a post as a marker for where the plan goes into motion at.” The six foot three man whispers, the pride he felt for being apart of this was something that was no surprise of anyone else, because they all considered the shortest male as their brother and friend.
Soon enough, seven pairs of feet made their way to the best light display in the area, a grin laying on the face of Kenji, who held his lover’s hand as they walked in the falling snow, his heart full and his body bundled warm and cozy for this trek. He however felt confusion settle in the depths of his mind as his partner pulled his hand away and settled in a spot that Binzo was clearly perched on. Kenji raised an eyebrow as Ito nodded once, telling the short and perplexed male to go forward. Roa and Mercy pulled out cameras, Kansuke was softly playing music on his phone, just loud enough for the camera to hear, it was soft Christmas music that was all instrumental and sounded extremely romantic. Everyone had a part and suddenly, a feeling burned in the pit of Kenji’s stomach as he realized something, though currently he was unsure of what was in fact going on.
Magoroku grabbed the hands of his soon to be fiance, making sure that neither of them had gloves on for this part before doing so. He made deep eye contact and started speaking in the most love filled voice the other had ever heard. “Baby, we have been together through high and low, the worst of times, the best of times, and even the times that seemed almost like we would be bored if not for each other. We fall more in love every day and spend most nights talking about what the future holds. In November, you told me something important, something I will always remember now as we are here tonight. We planned our future out in high school, and I can’t let a moment slip away with you. I want to make sure that we will be forever one. You said that most found your cheese views on the Christmas eve proposal in the snow and locking it in with a kiss under mistletoe was cheesy, I find it to be the sweetest thing ever. And tonight I want to make that all come true for you. Sora Kenji, the love of my life, the one who brings out the best in me. I love you with all my heart and here I stand tonight to bring your wishes come true, and hopefully if you say yes to the question I am going to ask, I can promise a future of even more of your dreams come true. Will you marry me?”
By now, all seven people had teared up, even Binzo and as Kenji replied, his voice shook and cracked, a smile laced on his face as the Christmas lights cast their glow onto the group through the falling snow, “Y-yes. I will forever say yes to marrying you, Yamaguchi Magoroku.” 
Binzo dropped the fishing wire that held the mistletoe down from the small tree he stood behind on a ladder while the ring slipped onto the newly engaged man’s finger. Magoroku looked up, smiled and kissed his lover’s lips, hands wrapped around the smaller’s waist  as he leaned down to kiss him. 
It was that night that the movie clip for their engagement would be marked off for their wedding, and Christmas dreams came true. Christmas really was a magic time of year.
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ao3feed-superbat · 5 months
Cartoony Kisses
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/XN4vZpV by PartyPirate Clark was kryptonian and being such meant he had invulnerable skin. He couldn’t be stabbed, shot or even scuffed. Which Roa, was a blessing most days and nights when he knew he was always protected and could even shield others from blasts, bombs, bullets, or even knives. Words: 2316, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent Relationships: SuperBat - Relationship, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Clark Kent/Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Clark Kent, idk man, I just got here, Cartoony kisses, Lipstick & Lip Gloss, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/XN4vZpV
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
Pristin reactions
Tumblr media
you hog the duvet while sleeping
they kiss you
you hug them from behind
accidentally hitting the youngest member
their gf wants a kiss
having a mochi maknae
their bf breaking up with them
bf wants them back
bf being close with another member
they realize they like girls
bf dies in carcrash
bf not giving her enough attention
you initiate skinship
confessing to you
bf is a comedian
bf is a foreigner
gf wanting to be a little spoon
taking care of a baby
being an older sister
dating a nerdy guy
bf kisses them first
picnic with pristin
baby au
s.o rolls off the bed while they’re sleeping
s.o is affectionate with another member
pushing s.o/ s.o pushes them off the bed
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Hello! I would like to ask for a few details about New Thing, Overload, and/or Processing?
(No worries if you don't want to for any reason! I hope you're having a good day)
Hi, Moth!!! I hope you are having an amazing day too :)
"New Thing" is a Nicholas fic that is a little directionless at the moment, but full of angst. He's just a bit of a mess, but I'm sure the other adults will be there to help him
"Overload" is a Constance fic exploring more of her psychic abilities and how she manages them. Lots of grumpy inner monologue and kid feelings
"Processing" is another Sticky fic! Actually also set around ROA (But still no real plot spoilers for you, don't worry!), and was the original starting point for "I don't wanna know I'm not capable". But I ended up having two different ideas, so this is a lighter angst and fluff story when the kids are older
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sassyduckqueen · 2 years
A Little Bit of Magic- Lukanette Halloween
Hello guys! It’s been a while but I am back (kind of). I’ve been in a bit of the slump recently. Long story short, personal things going on affected my ability to write but I’m working through them. I can’t promise I’ll be updating ROA straight away but hopefully I’ll get back into the swing of it. Anyway, here’s some spooky lukanette fluff for you that I wrote for Halloween (even if I’m a little late in my country) and the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers​ 500 followers. Congrats on that by the way guys. Proud of ya! Now admittedly I couldn’t find a prompt from the given list that jumped out at me so I went through some of the older prompts that had been used before and ended up picking cursed so here’s what I’ve done with it. I hope you enjoy it and I hope everyone had a good Halloween :D
Marinette licked her lips nervously as she paced outside of the shop she had come to visit. Well, visit wasn't exactly the right term. Actually it kind of was but not because she intended to visit. Well, she did but she was here because she felt like she was running out of options. Recently she had experienced severe bad luck that seemed to get worse each day. At first it wasn't bad like pricking her finger with her needles or losing some fabric that she needed for a commission. Annoying but not bad. However, it began to increase. Briefly misplacing her foot soon turned into her falling down a couple of stairs but it didn't stay like that. Soon she found herself getting more and more injured. Her parents got increasingly worried so they made her go to the doctors, despite being an adult yet despite their tests, they found nothing and then the 'bad' luck took a more mysterious turn. Exploding lights and cars nearly hitting her. Animals began to act weird around her, like cats would hiss and hide from her and dogs would whimper and bark. The accidents also kept increasing so she decided to look into causes for her bad luck. She thought maybe it was an unknown or rare medical thing but the only thing that came up in the search was one thing. She had been cursed. At first, she didn't believe it but then with the fire in the bakery when she was visiting and her best friend breaking her leg for no reason , she realised it might be the only option and if it was, she had to find a way to get rid of it before it killed her and hurt anyone else because that's where it appeared to be going. As to why she had been cursed, she couldn't really think of the reason. Sure, there was her rival Chloe Bourgeois. She was the daughter of the fashion Queen Audrey Bourgeois but her style was to humiliate people. Not voodoo. Plus she liked to take credit. It helped with her queen bee act. It also meant that she wasn’t the person behind the curse but Marinette couldn’t think of anyone else who would want to curse her. She got on with everyone but Chloe in her class so she had no idea who it was or how to break it, which is what led her here. Couffaine Curiosities. Apparently, it was an occult shop so maybe they might have a solution for her. She took a deep breath and pushed open the door, only to proceed to trip and knock into a bookshelf which then began to fall on her. She screamed and covered herself with her arms. 
 “Ezeerf!” A voice shouted, causing the bookshelf and the books to freeze midair. Marinette’s eyes widened as she stared in shock. “Ecalp lufthgir rouy ot nruter,”
 The books and bookshelf moved back into its place, causing her to stare in shock even more before footsteps echoed coming closer to her.
 “Are you ok?” The same voice asked, causing her to look at its owner. She was half expecting him to be an old wise looking man with a long grey beard and starry robes but to her surprise, he looked nothing like Gandalf or Master Yen Sid from Disney. In fact, he was only a couple of years older than herself and had a punk look going on. His hair was black with blue tips, he wore a blue hood, a jagged stone t-shirt and black ripped joggers with awesome looking shoes (she was sure they were customized). His nails were painted black and he wore several bands on his wrist. Her eyes were a sparkling blue that resembled the ocean and he had the kindest smile, causing her to blush. Especially as he extended his hand to her. She carefully placed hers in it and he pulled her to her feet, making her blush even more before he turned over her hand and frowned. “Seems you have quite the curse on you,”
 “Y-You can tell?” She asked, still in awe.
 “Well, I am a witch,” He replied, making her blink before he chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’m a white witch,”
 “A white witch?” She asked, unsure of what he meant.
 “I’m the good kind,” He replied, making her breathe out a sigh of relief that she hadn’t realised she had been holding.
 “Can you get rid of the curse?” She asked but she was unsure if it was a curse. Still, she hoped he could.
 “I can,” He confirmed, nodding. She let out a sigh of relief again.  “I wouldn’t be a very good witch if I couldn’t but it will need a little more than an incarnation. Follow me… and keep hold of my hand. I can keep the effects of the curse at bay,”
 “R-Really?” Marinette asked, blushing a little. He was really cute after all. He nodded and gave her a soft smile before beginning to lead her through the shop before they came to the back of the store. He pulled across a curtain and led her to a table and chairs. “Have a seat,”
 “R-Right,” She nodded, sitting down. He let go of her hand, causing her to feel heavy suddenly. She frowned as he grabbed a bowl before he began to fill it up with plants. “Um… I’m Ma-Ma-Marinette by the way…”
 “Hello, Ma-Ma-Marinette,” He replied, smiling as he looked over at her before he turned away and added more to the bowl. Marinette frowned a little as it felt like he was mocking her. He didn’t seem that way at first but maybe he was. Maybe he couldn’t break her curse and was just playing with her. She looked back over at him, only to see that he was looking at her again. However, his expression had changed. He looked embarrassed and remorseful. “Sorry. I tend to make more sense with music. In fact… cisum s'traeh reh yalp,”
 Once again, Marinette found herself amazed as the soft sound of a guitar began to play, connecting with her on an emotional level. It was as if it was playing what she was feeling inside. She couldn’t help but close her eyes as she listened. Slowly, the melody faded out.
 “Did you enjoy the music?” He asked, making her nod. “I’m glad. Oh… I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Luka,”
 “It’s nice to meet you, Luka,” She smiled, causing him to smile back. “Can I ask how you did the trick with the music?”
 “Magic,” He replied, smiling. “But you’re still not sure,”
 “You're right… but it felt like… me,” She replied as he added another ingredient to the bowl before grabbing something that resembled a tiny club and began to grind the herbs. “Like what I feel,”
 “That’s because it was,” He replied, making her blink. “I’m an empath. I can feel people’s emotions and I use music to help me understand what they need. It’s the song from your heart that I had play. You see music is often simpler than words, Marinette,”
 “Wow,” She replied, amazed. Luka gave her a smile. She was starting to believe
 "Almost done," He replied, continuing to grind the herbs until they were nothing more than a fine dust. 
 "So what are the plants going to do?"
 "They are herbs that are used to break hexes and counter negativity," He replied, looking through the drawers. "The level of your curse is quite powerful so I need more than just the herbs. Did you offend anyone recently?"
 "Not that I can think of," She replied, causing him to frown. "How bad is the curse?"
 "Well, let's just say you probably should have come here sooner but it's a good thing you finally got here," He replied, taking out a jar and placing it on the table before going back to the cupboards. "Whoever cursed you knew exactly what they were doing," 
 "That sounds like it was intentional," Marinette replied, frowning. Why would anyone curse her? She tried to be a good person. Her parents taught her that manners were extremely important and to always help people. She tried to be a good person. She tried so hard. She felt tears fill her eyes but before she could cry, Luka knelt down in front of her.
 "Hey, been cursed doesn't mean that you're a bad person," He stated in a calm voice, gently taking her hand in his. Instantly, she felt calm.
 "But… then why was I cursed?"
 "It could be a number of things," He replied, making her blink. "Envy, Spite or just because they're just a nasty piece of work,"
 Marinette nodded as he gently squeezed her hand before getting up again. She couldn’t explain it but she just knew he could help her and that he was good. 
 "I can also send it back to the caster," He stated, making her blink as he took out some tea light candles.
 "But wouldn't that be a curse itself?"
 "No, it's simply returning the magic from whence it came," He replied, placing the candles in a circle around the jar before he turned on his heel and disappeared farther into the shop. Marinette frowned as her mind searched for a reason as to why she had been cursed. She replayed every interaction she could remember in her mind but nothing made sense. However, Luka returned from wherever he had gone holding another bowl. It was filled with what appeared to be ash that had been pressed down. He placed it on the table and took a seat across from her, adding a metal disc with a handle to it. Marinette watched as he poured the herb dust into it before picking up a brush and dusting it on the disc, shaping it. Once it was shaped, he carefully removed the disc. “This ritual I’m going to do is known as an uncrossing. It will draw out the dark magic that has been placed on you and then I will trap it in that jar. However, an uncrossing can be extremely uncomfortable so please try to relax your mind and don’t be afraid,”
 “O-Ok,” She replied nervously as he took out some matches and lit the candles. “Matches?”
 “Fire magic is not my gift,” He replied with a soft smile, taking out another match. “Are you ready?”
 “As ready as I can be,” She replied, causing him to nod before he lit the match, bringing it to the incense. It briefly caught on fire before it went out, causing smoke to flow. As soon as Marinette smelt its scent, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she began to shake as if having a seizure. The witch boy grabbed the jar as she let out a scream. It felt like her bones were being broken one by one and the pain was unbearable. Tears began to run down her cheeks and blood began to drip from her nose as she shook violently.
 “Enodnu eb esruc!!” He declared, causing her to let out a scream and throw her head back before a black smoke rushed out. Luka opened the jar, causing it to get sucked into it before he closed the lid and screwed it shut. Marinette flopped forward as she breathed in heavily. Luka put down the jar and moved over to her, gently placed his hands on her. She carefully looked up. “Sorry,”
 “N-No, it’s fine,” She replied, touching her nose. She felt tired and drained but at the same time, she felt better than she had been for a while. “But have you got a tissue?”
 “Of course,” He replied, pulling one out of his sleeve. She let out a little chuckle as he handed it to her. She gently wiped the blood from her nose and the tears from her eyes before looking over at the jar.
 “It really was a curse,” She replied, feeling her strength slowly return. In fact, she felt better than before. “Thank you, Luka,”
 “No worries,” He replied, sitting back down. Marinette frowned as she noticed he looked visibly tired. 
 “Um, are you ok?” She asked, frowning.
 “Oh… sorry,” He mumbled. “Spells on that level are very powerful and take a lot of energy. Especially given how power the curse was too,”
 “Someone really wanted me dead…” She frowned. “Oh god what if they try to harm you?”
 “Even if they did, it wouldn’t work,” He replied, reaching into his pocket and taking out a chocolate bar. He opened it and took a bite out of it, eating it. 
 “How come?”
 “I have protection,” He replied, tapping his silver bracelet. “A protection amulet. Keeps all kinds of evil away,”
 “How much would it be to get one of those?” Marinette asked before gasping. “And the ritual. How much do I owe you for removing the curse? I don’t have a lot of money but surely, I can give you something,”
 “No need for that, Marinette. I don’t charge for my services,” He replied, making her blink. “I don’t need the money,”
 “But surely you should get something,” She replied as he got up and picked up the jar. He walked over to one of the cupboards and placed it inside before closing it before he turned back to her.
 “Helping people is enough for me,” He replied, looking a little better. “Now I should definitely make you a protection amulet as the witch who cursed you will strike again,”
 “Oh that would be wonderful!” She gasped, smiling before she realised that it won’t be ready straight away. Even with his magic. “But what should I do in the meantime? They’ll curse me as soon as they realise, right?”
 “Luckily, I have just the thing,” He replied, getting up and offering his hand to her. She smiled and took it, causing him to pull her to her feet before he led her through the store, revealing it was literally bigger on the inside. She glanced around in amazement as he led her through it. It was filled with all kinds of wonderful things. From balls of lights that danced around to amazing creatures that she was sure belonged in a fairytale. In fact, she saw things that she was certain were from the fairytales. 
 “Are those Cinderella’s shoes?” She asked, glancing at the glass slippers. Luka smiled but didn’t answer. Instead he stopped and picked up a small box.
 “Here,” He stated, holding the box to her. She took it and opened them, revealing a pair of earrings that resembled a ladybug. “These are very special earrings that bring the wearer good luck. They should be able to counter the bad luck curse when the witch recasts it until I can make you the protection charm for you,”
 “Really?” She replied, causing him to nod. “Thank you so much,”
 “No worries, Marinette,” He smiled. “You should probably put them on now though,”
 “Right,” She nodded and placed the box down before taking out her current earrings. She placed them on the table as well then took out the ladybug earrings and put them in. Instantly, she felt warmth surround her. It was like a hug that encouraged her and made feel like she was going to be ok. It reminded her of the feeling she got when she made a new dress. Luka smiled gently at her.
 “They suit you,” He smiled, making her blush. “I do believe I would explain what wiccan and magic was,”
 “I think I have a rough idea now,” She replied. “But I like to learn more,”
 “I’d be more than happy to tell you,” Luka smiled before a light blush came over his cheeks. “Maybe over a coffee?”
 “Are you asking me out on a date?”
 “Would you be interested?” He asked, making her blush. 
 “I would love to,”
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yukio369 · 2 years
It's never too late?!
Chapter 4
You are in a toxic relationship with Bucky. He is overprtecting, you are not allowed to meet ohter men and he just takes advantage of you. - also sexual -
But when you meet your Ex things are about to change.
Warnings: fluff, mentions of violence, tendencies of smut, Bucky is a dick, angst
English is not my first language so please be gentle with me if there are any mistakes aacording to spelling or grammar.
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As Bucky arrives at the tower he glances into his cars mirror. He does look beaten up. Perfect.
He climbs out of his car holding his ribcage. He has definitely been harm quite bad. But with a little rest and the serum he will be ok in a day or two.
But now he has to focus on his mission.
Playing a little drama he slowly walked to the elevator. The team would probably be in the main living room at this time.
As the elevator doors open he rests himself against he wall coughing hard and tries to look extra harmed.
Steve was the first to notice. He had been in the kitchen and was on his way to the rest of the group.
The glas of water falls to the ground and shatters.
Appruptly the other Avengers turn around to see what is going on.
Bucky slowly tries to walk towards them. Stumbling a little. As he does Steve reaches out to carefull steady his best friend.
"What happend to you, mate?", he asks curiously. It has been a while since Bucky had came home all beaten up. To tell the truth. He had not been that harmed since the incident with the prince of Wakanda.
Bucky coughes again before he speaks, his voice weak and rough.
"Loki... Loki got her.. he got y/n.."
The super soldier's speech is interrupted by Natasha and Wanda screaming your name in unison: "y/n?"
"Yes", Bucky nods slowly, "since she had not been at your meeting and I had not heard of her I started to search her... I was able to get her location and was about to got to her as I left.
But then...
I come to this house.
It was all dark and as I tried to sneak inside he just attacked me.
I has no chance to react or to speak to him.
But I was able to see y/n. She looked scared and was chained. I...I...
I had no chance against him. I had no chance of getting to her."
He says lowering his head theatrically hoping the other wouldn't ask to many questions.
"But how did you find her", he hears the red haired assassin ask. Of course she had to be sceptical.
"Haven't you listened?", Steve asks in disbelief, "Loki has kidnapped y/n!! We've got to get her back!"
"But why would he do so?", Tony asks.
"I truly do not know ", Bucky whispers trying to sound like he would be in grief.
Wanda interrupts the upcoming discussion much to Bucky's favor: "right now all of this does not matter. He has y/n. And she seems to be in danger. We have to get her out of this and she will explain what has happened. Bucky where is she? We have to come up with a plan!"
Bucky gives them the adress before Sam helps him to get to the medical centre.
Everything works perfectly.
He just has to make sure that you do not tell them the truth when they get to you. Or the has to make them not believe.
"Loki?" Tony asks still not sure whether he can believe.
"Maybe", Steve shrugs. "He loved her and it did not end well."
"And it would not be the first time he does what he wants", Bruce added carefully.
"Come on. ", Wanda interrupts. "We can think later about why Loki did this."
Tony clears his throat: "So... this is the house Buucky told us about. It is a suburban region and is surrounded by a little forest. Only one roa to get in and out."
"As Bucky told, sneaking inside will not work.", Steve explained.
"But Loki is a powerful enemy. A direct attack will lead to much damage.", Natasha ads.
"What about entering from obove?", Wanda asks.
"We would have to make sure he could not escape through the forest.", Bruce mentioned.
"OK...Sam, Wanda, Vision, Clint and I will be in the forest. Loki will definitely try to escape. He is not crazy enough to fight all of us. Bruce, Steve and Strange, you are going to keep him busy and you", Tony points at Natasha, "You, will take her out. The rest will ensure that the two of you can get away."
"Won't work.", the sorcerer supreme sights. He had not said a word and just listened. 'till now. "Loki's magic is very powerful. Don't take it personal, Banner, Rogers, you would just be im my way. Wanda and I are the only who can keep up with him if he truly is as crazy as Barnes told."
"'Kay", Tony murmurs. He doesn't like it when Stephen wants to chance his plans. Especially when his ideas are better. But now he has to concentrate on getting you back so he swallows his pride and goes for the sorcerer's plan: "Bruce and Steve you will help in the forest. Wanda you help Strange."
"I will get her", a voice announces from behind.
Bucky leans against the wall. "And thank you for your help, guys.", he ads quickly hoping that none of the others would destroy his masterplan.
"Sure, bud", Tony agrees patting the soldier's shoulder, " she is your girl. You should get her."
"So..." Steve interrupts the awkward moment of silence where everybody silently questions what is going on, "it's gonna be a hard mission and we should all rest. See you all at 9 am sharp."
Every one leavs the room trying to prepare for the upcoming mission.
Stephen hurries after Natasha and catches her as they are out of reach for the other to notice. "You do as well believe that what the super soldier told isn't the truth, do you?", he asks seriously.
The widows eyes widen.
"I don't believe him", she finally admits waiting for the man's response.
"Hmh...", he begins still trying to get what of the things he had just heard were true, "You better try to get y/n before him. This is the only way to find out the truth.", he warms and ads murmuring while turning to leave the stunned assassin: "I do not want to get y/n hurt."
As all other Avangers are gone Steve gently rests his hand at his best friends shoulder: "do not worry. We will get her back and everything will be fine.", he tries to encourage Bucky who just gives him a half hearted smile before he leaves to get to his room.
Grinning in the air he whispers: "everything is going exactly to the plan."
Hearing birds from the garden you slowly wake up. You blink against the daylight and try to figure out where you are as you recognise two strong arms wrapped around your middle.
At first you wanted to run but as you take a deep breath you know it. It is not Bucky who lays behind you it is Loki. You would recognise his smell everywhere.
So you relax in his embrace. Finally able to come up with what has happened yesterday and you start to smile. Eventually, there is a little tear of joy running down your cheek as you notice something unfamiliar.
As you are laying tightly against your new boyfriend's body you can feel every single of his toned muscles. EVERY muscle.
So you also do feel the one pressing against you back.
Loki wouldn't? Would he? He never had in your previous relationship?
You are ripped out of your thoughts as he moves slightly in his sleep. His head nuzzling inside the crotch of you neck and his hips gently pushing against your but.
It is unmistakable. He has a morning eraction.
You feel the discomfort creeping inside you.
Would can you do?
If you move he will wake up and will probably be ashamed.
Trying to get back to sleep is not an option neither. The distraction is way to big.
You could...
No. Definitely not. You became a couple just hours before. You should not think that way.
You decide to relax as far as possible and at least pretend to be asleep when he wakes up.
You sigh defeated.
And then. Loki hums and pushes his hips against you again and you can't help but blush as you feel a long forgotten warmth creeping through your body.
You are so lost in your feelings that you have not noticed that Loki has woken up.
It only takes him seconds to see what he did sleeping.
He literally jumped out of bed and held his hands infront of the more then visible bugle in his pants.
You yelp at the loss of contact and turn around to see a shoked and scared Loki.
"I.. I never meant to... I am so sorry...so terribly sorry. ", he finally is able to get out. His cheeks and ears are deep red.
"You...I.. Ehm...I mean...you know...of course...so...eh.", you find yourself speechless. His disshelfed and flustered look. The way he has hold you safe in his arms. The way he just makes you feel. It was all to much.
"I did not want to scare you.", he nearly whispers not able to look into your confused eyes any longer.
As he slowly backed away your heart overpowers your brain and takes control of your body.
You climb out of the bed and approache him never turning your gaze away from his face.
Right in front of him you stop. Loki is still avoiding your eyes.
Trying to comfort him you slowly place one hand on his strong chest. The other cups his face gently and pulls his head to face you.
"You do not have to be sorry. I was not scared."
Loki swallows harshly searching your eyes just to see that you speak the truth. Your smile is soft and your eyes are filled with adoration... and something he can't deziffer right now.
You lightly bite your lower lip before you pull Loki into a kiss.
It is soft at first but turns more and more passionate as the warmth inside you takes over your whole body.
Just as you want to push your tunge into his mouth he breaks the kiss.
He gently cups your face before he rests his forehead against yours. The sights heavily before he speaks: " As much as I'd love to continue this, y/n, I think we should wait. I... I want to make the first time special. "
You can't help but smile at his caring side. You love this man.
You pull him into another kiss. This time a soft and loving one.
As you break the kiss shortly after you whisper: "I love you, Loki."
Loki lets out the breath he had not known he was holding. He was truly enamoured by you.
"And I love you. ", he answers smilingly before he placed a kiss onto of your forehead.
Both of you could have spent eternity into each others embrace but you are harshly interrupted by your stomach rumbling.
Your cheeks turn red immediately. But as you hear Loki chuckle you can relax into his strong chest again.
"I would suggest we get some breakfast ", he said unable to hide his grin and the sparkle in his eyes.
It is nearly half past nine as you finish breakfast.
Loki who just sat in silent watching you eat clears his throat: " Well... how do you feel?"
As you lift your eyes to meet his he blushes slightly. Still ashamed of what he did in sleep.
"Hmmm...", you begin, "I think I am good. I mean I have not been good for quite a while so I should probably say that I feel great. It is still hard to process but I think I finally start to realise that my life changes completely now. And that this is something very positive. It is like a new start... and I own this all to you." You finish smiling brightly.
He can not help but fall in love with you even more seeing you that happy. He smiles back and says: "That sounds great. And if you allow I will help you to create your new life?"
"Loki,", you chuckle: "I have told you that I love you and that I want to be in a relationship. I am staying true to my word. Not just because you saved me and I owe you so much that I possibly never can make this up to you. No. I truly love you. And I want to get to know you better since you have possibly changed in the last years."
"I love you too, darling.", he confesses to you, "and you owe me nothing. You have probably saved me just the same as I have saved you. You just did not notice."
He takes a deep breath: "I was lost in a world without you. Yeah, maybe I got closer to my family. But I always questioned the meaning of my existence. Especially after my father revealed to me that I was born in Jouthunheim as the son of King Laufey. I questioned so many things when I was lost without you. Now I know that I should have kept you close and that we could have faced this together. That we could be a family up to now. And that you..." he chokes on his own words feeling guilty for what has happened to you.
"Loki...", you place your hand on his cheek gently, "It is not your fault. And it is the past. Let us look into the future, our future. Please." You to felt not strong enough to keep talking about what has happened.
Loki nods holding out his hands to take you into his arms and onto his lap. "Do you want to tell it to someone yet?", he asks excited by the thousand thoughts of your shared future, "I mean do you want your friends to know that we are a cupple now?"
You feel the butterflies in your stomach. But then you realise and look at Loki with horror. "We have to tell them as fast as possible, Lo.", his old nickname falling easily from your lips, "We do not know what Bucky has told them."
Loki's eyes widen in concern. He had not thought about the consequences of letting Bucky get away. And the feeling that something terrible was about to happen creeps inside his head.
A mere second later you can feel something. "Loki...", your voice shaking with fear, "there...there."
"There is someone outside.", he finishes your sentence standing up and his hands start to be surrounded by his magic.
You both look at each other. Knowing there is a hard fight about to start.
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merryfortune · 10 months
The Shadow of Your Success
Written for the 100ships Challenge
Prompt - #86 Shadow
Title: The Shadow of Your Success
Ship: not applicable | Romin/Ushiro
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens
Word Count: 1,406
Rating: T
Tags: Fluff, Slight Angst, Slight Hurt/Comfort, Crushes, Minor or Implied Kirishima Roa/Getta Taira
   Roa and Romin. Romin and Roa. RoaRomin.
   Ugh. It was all about them, them, them!
   No mention of either he or Taira. Nope, none, nada. If he was lucky, he and Taira might get called “those two guys” and at least mentioned in the background but more often than not. They got less than half a sentence each, if they were lucky. They were completely in the shadow of Roa and Romin’s success and it annoyed Ushiro to no end. 
   The band might have been called RoaRomin but Roa and Romin were just the face of it, the beginning of it. The drums and bass guitar were very much not performed by them. The whole band was successful, not just the Kirishima cousin duo. So a little credit where credit was due would be nice.
   His brow furrowed deep as he read the newspaper front page to back page again. Just in case he missed something in regard to the RoaRomin article which was splashed all throughout it. From the blockbuster headline with a full colour photo printed on the top to the back page hocking discounted seats in the nosebleeds. It was all about them. Their music, their singing, their lead guitar skills and nothing with regards to either the bassist or the drummer.
   Ushiro gripped on even tighter to the newspaper, until it scrunched underneath his fingers going white as he hardly contained his frustration. He read through for all the little details but found nothing useful. Just the statistics of the weather and Roa’s favourite food or holidays on sale for seniors or if Romin had a favourite fast food joint. All stuff either irrelevant to him or something he could get if he asked his fellow bandmates. 
   Not even lip service to either him or Taira. Ushiro’s mouth quivered. Frustrated or annoyed didn’t begin to describe, truly, just how shafted he felt not just for himself but for Taira, too. But at least he was memorable, all thunder and lightning! Roa’s bestie! He was just… 
   He was just their friend.
   Ushiro huffed.
   “Hey, you okay?” Romin asked as he gently placed her hand on Ushiro’s shoulder.
   Funnily enough, she startled him.
   His eyes went wide and he had a full shiver response, alarming Romin. She retracted her hand and awkwardly stepped back as Ushiro was sent whirling and she could only watch. 
   Ushiro shuddered as he ripped himself from the pages of the newspaper, all but falling back into the soft middle part of the lounge in the studio where he had been practising… Until vanity had gotten the better of him and he’d seen the newspaper lying about on the provided coffee table.
   He looked up at Romin and she seemed genuinely concerned. Once she had calmed down some from seeing Ushiro Omaeno, of all people, get startled from an unexpected shock.
   “Oh, uh, Romin, yeah, I’m fine.” Ushiro said and he tried to play it off cool.
   He crossed his arms and the newspaper half folded into his armpit because of it. He blew a puff of hair to move his fringe out of most of his face and leaned back only for it to flop back where it started over his forehead, eyes, and nose. Romin watched, unimpressed.
   “You’ve been reading these dumb gossip rags again, haven’t you?” Romin accurately deduced.
   She snatched the newspaper out from underneath the edge of Ushiro’s bony arm. She glanced through it and saw enough when she saw her cousin’s face on no less than three pages. Romin sighed. She tossed it aside and it messily fluttered back down onto the coffee table from where it had been laid initially by Roa, probably.
   “You really shouldn’t pay any mind to these hack journalists, they just want a quick buck and the most eyeballs on their words. They don’t care if it's fair or true, or even accurate.” Romin complained.
   “I know, I know, but…” Ushiro conceded and he leaned forward, elbows on his knees as he stared, glumly, at the floor “it's just… it would be nice… if once in a while someone remembered I - or, uh, Taira - existed.” 
   “We know you exist.” Romin offered with a smile.
   She was so bright, Ushiro couldn’t look her in the eye. They were true and blue and kind. She offered her hand and Ushiro made a point of not taking it, he retreated further under his fluffy mop of black-brown hair. 
   “I’ve been practising the bass for, like, as long as I can remember. I want people to remember that.” Ushiro miserably admitted.
   Romin sighed and put her hand on her hip, she jostled her guitar which was strapped to her back in its bag. “You are the best bassist I know.”
   “I’m the only bassist you know.” Ushiro said.
   “In real life!” Romin clarified, her voice going squeaky as made fists in front of herself. “I know of plenty of bassists and you are my most favourite.”
   “Am not.” Ushiro grunted.
   “Are to!” Romin argued back. “I’ll prove it!”
   She then proceeded to list off all the bassists she knew of and thought were inferior to Ushiro and it was… a surprisingly long list. Filled with grown ups from near and far in the annals of rock music history. Some of them were pretty good, even favourites and idols of Ushiro’s who had inspired him to pick up the bass guitar barely out of toddlerhood. 
   He couldn’t believe it but Ushiro found himself blushing which meant Romin was satisfied. She had done her job to hype him up again. She sat down next to Ushiro and elbowed him in the side playfully, he squirmed and tried to suppress a giggle.
   “Believe me now?” Romin smirked.
   “Maybe.” Ushiro lied quite obviously. 
   “C’mon, you are instrumental to our success, Ushiro, I promise.” Romin said as she readied her own guitar, wordlessly inviting Ushiro into a jam session with her.
   Ushiro straightened up his posture. He leaned over and picked his bass off its stand by the lounge. Romin made more room for them both. She began to play a couple chords, some to check tuning and others because she liked how they sounded. Ushiro mimicked and he could feel his head cool as he got into a better frame of mind rhythmically following along until they actually found themselves in the middle of a song. It was second nature to them both to meld into a familiar melody of one of their hit songs. 
   It was a lot of fun for the two of them to tear up and down those four-chord progression scales. 
   Ushiro felt his heart begin to race. It was a bit sopping wet and embarrassing, after all how many great bands before them had broken up because of members catching feelings for each other but yes. Ushiro had something of a crush on Romin. Only a small one, though. A really small one which didn’t give him insomnia at all.
   Like, sure, he wanted better conditions of fame for not just himself but Taira too but Taira had a leg-up on Ushiro because he came in kind of a pair with Roa. He and Romin didn’t really have that. They weren’t a duo within the quartet. They were just friends. Just bandmates.
   But what if?
   Ushiro had to be careful not to get too far into his own head as these kinds of mushy thoughts made his palms sweat. He didn’t want to slip from the position he held on the neck of his bass as he played it. He really respected Romin for her talent on the lead guitar. He thought she was cute and ferocious and hard-headed at times and a lot of fun to be around.
   Case in point: right now. She was great to play with and did a great job at sticking up for him, too. She looked gorgeous, head-banging in magenta, sweat on her brow, as she practised hard enough to make more than perfect. There were absolutely worse places to be than right beside her, Ushiro thought. 
   Sure, according to these dumb gossip rags, he - and Taira - didn’t exist. They were completely overshadowed by the other half of the band’s success but Ushiro found himself caring less and less. That newspaper could rot for all he cared because he was Romin’s favourite bass guitarist and the band’s success was built on all four of them.
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xjulixred45x · 1 year
¡Quiero hacer una solicitud de fullmetal alchemist! Básicamente unos headcanons de greed con una pareja que es albina(con todo lo que conlleva el albinismo) y básicamente la pura imagen de la inocencia(no de una manera ingenua y estúpida,osea que es una persona que carece de malicia y es genuinamente amable), espero que no te moleste que haga este tipo de pedidos.
¡Sigue con el buen trabajo!
¡No le molesta para nada! Es un poquito corto en comparación con otros trabajos porque esto sería una relación establecida, aquí va.
Greed x Albina!Reader/Fullmetal Alchemist BROTHERHOOD
Género: Headcanons
Lector: femenino
Advertencia:¿Greed cuenta como Advertencia?, Algo de discriminación, añadir algunas cosas mas general con el gang, fluff.(uso especificamente el Greed poco antes de los eventos del Anime😭).
Todos se preguntan cómo diablos ustedes dos terminaron juntos
Terminaste en cierta forma en la pandilla justamente por ser una quimera. Un murciélago especificamente, pero todo lo malo de uno, osea, fotosensible, no podías tolerar el sol, tu vista estaba del asco, etc.
¡Pero el lado positivo es que tienes una gran visión nocturna!¡Lo cual era genial para los atracos nocturnos! Fue la primera razón por la que te aceptaron.
Aunque claro, fuiste conquistando a todos con tu personalidad más rápido de lo que quieren admitir poco a poco, bueno, excepto Bido, el estaba a tus pies desde el inicio.
No voy a mentir, a Greed le atraias físicamente, y también la idea de que la imagen "inocente" se cayera a pedazos, pero pronto se dió cuenta de que a lo mejor...no necesitaba eso contigo??
Eras amigable, gentil, pero no estúpido, y aún más importante te preocupabas por todos incluso más que por ti. Viniendo de dónde vino, Greed se sintió extraño recibiendo un trato tan cálido, no extraño mal, sino extraño desconocido.
Era sorprendentemente fácil darse cuenta de eso, simplemente se quedaba estático en su lugar viendo como estuviera viendo algo increíble.
En cierta forma pudo generar un respeto mas sincero por ti, al igual como todos termino acercándose a ti rápidamente, como una polilla a una luz(bastante ocurrente). Se empezó a sentir atraído hacia ti en vez de la idea de ti.
Aún manteniendo su actitud, termino desarrollando una segunda naturaleza, velar por ti, porque claramente a veces no lo harías por ti cuenta, o no te darías cuenta de los idiotas cerca.
Tu apariencia fue solo la cereza sobre el pastel en ese aspecto. Todos en la banda hicieron todo lo posible para evitar que salieras mucho durante el día, consigueron artículos para evitar las quemaduras,etc.
Pero a la par también ellos quedaron bastante maravillados a su manera. Bido, por ejemplo, simplemente se te quedaría mirando con asombro. Martel y tu intercambian tips para el cuidado de la piel y pelo, Roa cuando está aburrido esperando a los demás juega un rato con tu pelo, etc .
Para cuándo ustedes dos se "oficializan" se vuelve bastante manitas. Tipo, espera tener una mano(o dos) arriba todo el tiempo. Sobretodo si es algún lugar público.
Lamentablemente no a todas las culturas el albinismo les resulta tan agradable, por lo que en más de una ocasion te ha tocado escuchar a la gente decir cosas horribles sobre tu condición en el mejor de los casos y te han lanzado objetos tachandote de demonio en el peor de los casos.
El gang trata de mantener la calma y recordarte que eres mucho más humano que esas personas.
Y cuando Greed se entera, bueno, solo espero que esas personas no sean parientes o algo así cariño, de lo contrario despeja tu agenda. Tendrás que ir a varios funerales.
Simplemente está como "no te metas conmigo o mi s/o nunca más >:)"
El hecho de que no tengas ningún tipo de maldad entre que le gusta y le preocupa.
Por una parte eres quien tiene los pies más en la tierra de los dos, puede confiar en ti juicio la mayoría de las veces. Aprecia eso.
Peeeeero teme que algún día alguien trate de aprovechar eso para sacar ventaja de tu naturaleza gentil.
Está como ese meme de
Greed: ¿No estás cansado de ser bueno?¿No quieres acabar con todos?
Reader: ¡Repampanos!¡Esto me hace estremecer!
Greed: **solloza** solo di "mierda"
Ahora, si usarás tu personalidad amigable para engañar a alguien, estaría TAN ORGULLO DE TI :,,,)
cómo "mi bebé ya creció" tipo de orgulloso.
En general quiere que tengas más malicia, pero malicia """saludable"" o que por lo menos te de algo a cambio.
Aun así, no desalienta tu amabilidad, porque, vamos ¿Quien sería lo suficientemente estúpido para meterse con la pareja de el Gran Greed?
Ahhhhhhh no se concluiiiiiiir
Esto me tomo una eternidaaaaad disculpa
Espero te haya gustado.
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