#roadrunner bags
Adventure-commuting: Refreshing the Bantam
My Bantam is the nicest bike I own or owned, a custom machine built to my body geometry and specifications almost eight years ago. Everything about all that screams special. And I’ve kept it as my “special” bike over these past eight years. I wanted to set it up as “not a commuter” because I had other bikes to use as commuters and wanted to keep the Bantam for special occasions. And keeping it…
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gothonabikeinla · 6 months
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I got a new bag from RoadRunner bags. First purchase ever and I love it. I needed a new work bag. It’s easier to pack and I don’t have all the extra weight on my rear basket.
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I couldn’t bike this weekend due to the rain. Hopefully this weekend my group ride train trip happens!
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dozydawn · 6 months
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wileys-russo · 9 months
for a potential Ellie Carpenter blurb : maybe some domestic fluff where Ellie is exhausted from all that running around after a match-packed week and reader, her girlfriend, takes care of her.
(Any other details would be up to you)
roadrunner II e.carpenter
you crossed your arms tighter as the airport doors opened and a crisp breeze blew through, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet as you waited patiently.
bundled up in your girlfriends favorite hoodie she'd so kindly forgotten to pack, you definitely didn't hide it, you were engrossed in the smell of her perfume but it just wasn't the same as the real thing and these last two weeks you'd missed her terribly.
coming off the back of five back to back wins in the span of two weeks with lyon ellie had been called up to her national camp for pre world cup friendlies against new zealand.
she'd flown out from france on tuesday night, arrived in australia friday mornning and played the first game sunday afternoon. from the facetimes or phone calls she somehow managed to squeeze in among her action packed schedule you could see the jetlag was affecting her.
you'd never completely understand what she went through to play for club and country of course, whenever you were called back to england for national duty of your own it was a couple of hours on a plane and that was hardly comparable in the slightest.
however you'd warned her time and time again about burn out and listening to what her body was trying to tell her with the insane travel schedule she stuck to throughout the season going continent to continent.
but each time you tried the blonde would only wave you off making a sarcastic joke and often sending your head spinning with a feverish kiss in an attempt to change the subject, though by now you knew her games all too well.
you perked up as a crowd of tired looking passengers burst through the arrival gates standing on the tips of your toe to try and spot your girlfriend, a frown settling into your features as seemingly everyone headed their separate ways and there was no sign of ellie.
"not looking for someone are we?"
you spun around at the thick australian accent, a grin curling into your lips as the blonde stood behind you with a smile of her own. "how the hell did you get behind me? i was looking so carefully!" you laughed as the two of you pulled one another into a bone crushing hug.
"not carefully enough babe, i'm too good at being sneaky im like a ninja!" ellie pinched your sides teasingly as you pulled away with a roll of your eyes, pecking her lips a few times and grabbing her bags, ignoring her calls that she had them.
"shut up and tell me you missed me." you teased, the taller girl sighing dramatically and pausing as if to ponder her next words.
"need i remind darling that i am your ride home and i have the house keys?" you warned jingling them as the two of you made your way out of the airport and toward the car. "missed you so so so much." ellie wrapped her arms around your neck from behind and kissed your cheek repeatedly.
"much better." you complimented with a wink, smacking her hand away as she tried to grab one of the bags off you. "aren't you going to tell me you missed me?" ellie countered with a playful frown as the two of you neared the car.
"mmm but we promised not to lie to one another." you teased, clicking unlock on the car and squealing as ellie attempted to pick you up and spin you around, her bags falling to the floor as she stumbled and nearly dropped you down with them.
"okay! lets not forget you've just flown for two days." you laughed as you shoved her toward the passenger side and quickly loaded her bags into the back. "thats normally my job." the defender pouted as you opened the drivers door and slid inside.
"snooze you lose and you need a good snooze." you smiled softly, leaning over the middle console to kiss her properly and mumbling how much you missed her against her lips, gently grabbing her hands in yours as she tried to grip the back of your need to deepen the kiss.
"i meant it el, home and sleep." you cautioned firmly though not unkindly, the time nearing 8pm anyway. "food, home and sleep?" the australian asked hopefully as you nodded with an amused smile.
"how could i possibly forget that the way to your heart is through your stomach?"
only when you got home after grabbing takeout on the way back, ellie did not want to sleep. "el!" you groaned, dragging your hands down your face as the two of you finished dinner and she insisted on washing up, and then unpacking, and then doing her laundry.
"what? if i do it now then i save myself doing it tomorrow, or you doing it for me!" the blonde replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, the bags under her eyes growing darker and darker with each passing minute.
"ellie, my love." you moved your body to block the exit of your shared bedroom, your face softening as ellie sighed and placed down the basket of washing.
"you're racing around like a roadrunner and you've been on the go for weeks now. we have two days off before we're back to training and you need to rest." you reminded, hands falling to gently clasp her face.
"its nine at night and you've been flying since monday morning, you might feel awake but you look like shit and i can see in your eyes that you are fighting exhaustion. please let me look after you so you're looking after yourself baby." you requested, thumbs tracing the sharp curve of her jaw, bracing as suddenly the tall defender collapsed into you.
"do i really look like shit?" she mumbled into your shoulder making you chuckle, body sagging and melting into yours as you held her tightly and smiled.
"you always look beautiful but today lets just say you look a bit beautifully disheveled." you tangled a hand in her hair and moved to scratch at her scalp as she heavily exhaled and you shifted a little as more of her weight bore into you.
"okay. how about this-" you gently pushed her backward until she was sat on the edge of the bed, her arms moving to wrap around your waist as her head fell to your stomach with a hum.
"-you go and pick a movie, get comfortable. i'll pop your washing on and we can lay down together and watch something until you fall asleep, deal?" you bargained as ellie exhaled heavily but nodded in agreement.
"good." you tilted her head back with your finger and placed a tender kiss to her lips. breaking away you hurried to grab her basket of washing, darting off to the laudry as your girlfriends footsteps made their way toward the living room and you heard the gentle thud of her body slumping into the sofa.
returning a few minutes later you smiled to see her wrapped up in a blanket, blonde hair hidden beneath your favourite hoodie she'd taken with her. "swap." the australian called out as you arrived beside her, sitting up and starting to take it off.
"what?" you laughed as she rolled her eyes and huffed, tugging impatiently at the hem of your own hoodie and repeating herself. "alright alright, needy." you teased, tugging off the hoodie and trading with her, both of you pulling the material over your heads.
"this one smells much more like you." ellie mumbled happily, going to lay down again as you stopped her, slipping in behind her into her normal position of the big spoon. "do you want a drink or anything?" you whispered into her hair as she clicked play on the movie.
"no, just a tall glass of you." the australian replied charmingly with a smile, eyes drooping a little as she fought back a yawn. "always the charmer aren't you carpenter." you teased as she settled herself into you, flipping around onto her stomach as her head rested on your chest and her hands dug into the small of your back.
"oh els no come on!" you whined seeing which movie she'd selected, one of her favorites she'd watched to death and back, and one that you despised and she well knew.
"you'll fall asleep like ten minutes in and i'll be stuck." you complained, her hand moving over your mouth the only response you needed. unable to argue with the adorably tired smile sent your way you melted, pressing a kiss to her nose and grinning as she scrunched it up.
"go to sleep angel." you whispered watching as a few minutes in she was fighting to keep her eyes open, one hand sneaking up the back of her hoodie and the other messing with her hair, your nails raking up and down the toned and tanned skin of her back.
"mm that feels nice baby." the australian mumbled, eyes fluttering closed finally as her body relaxed and her breathing evened out. within a couple of minutes you bit your lip to stop from laughing as she let out a small snore, a tell tale sign that she was exhausted and out cold.
but you'd be sure to tease her for it once she was a little better rested tomorrow.
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cinemamind · 11 months
I truly, deeply love the dinosaur animation. It's beautiful, it's creative, it's spooky, it's absolutely gorgeous as an art piece. However, the t-rex near the end makes me laugh every single time. I love him! His big shiny stare. He looks like he wants to ask if I have any kitkats in my bag. He's been following me around the club because he likes my look but is too shy to say anything. Have a good day man <3
Hehehe (>▽<) Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the t-rex!
Just like how a bear can be quite formidable, a bear can also be a total goofball. Nature does not care if it looks silly, and I wanted to depict that with some of the dinos.
For the raptors, I was inspired by the movements of roadrunners and emus. Especially in this video:
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I can totally imagine raptors moving like this, with binks and zoomies.
But as much as I love it, I had to refrain myself a little, because it would've looked super out of place compared to the rest of the dinos.
Maybe someday, tho. Unless someone else feels inspired by these silly floofs ( ͡ ͜ °)
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awfulwriter123 · 11 months
Babysitting (Rhea Ripley x Reader One-shot)
Hey everyone!! Quick thanks again for all the love and support! You guys are awesome ❤️. This idea hit while spending time with my niece earlier this week. Hope you guys enjoy, criticism, tips, blah blah blah you guys know that whole deal. Happy reading everyone!! ❤️❤️
Warning's: None just pure fluff. S/n = Sister's name, sh/n = sister's husband's name, n/n = niece's name
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"Sit Barry!" You told Barry so you could put his and Luna's food bowls down so they can eat, When he finally sat down you put down the food bowl's to which Barry started eating like he hasn't in a week, while Luna just ate slow and calmly unlike her brother.
"I swear your spoiled, the lot of you." You sat down at the kitchen table for a second when you heard your phone ringing, expecting it to be your lovely girlfriend calling to tell you she landed and she should be home soon.
What you didn't expect, was it to be a call from you sister, you couldn't help the confusing smile to break out on your face, that didn't stop you from picking up the phone, could've been a emergency for all you know.
"Hey sis, something wrong?" You asked with slight concern in your voice. "What i can't call my sister and see how she's doing!? haha!" You caught the somewhat nervous laugh at the end of that sentence.
"Is everything okay s/n?" You were now very concerned thinking the worst. "No no no, everything's okay, i just wanted to call and ask a favor, if that's okay?" You breathed a sigh of relief that it was nothing bad, but now you were curious.
"Shoot s/n, what's up?" You heard shuffling on the other line guessing she was moving around or something. "Me and sh/n got some ticket's to a music festival and we wanted to know if you would be okay to watch n/n? mom and dad are going out for their anniversary tonight and you the only other adult who i trust with her honestly."
You let a grin come across your face that would put the grinch to shame, you LOVED your niece and spending time with her was always fantastic, so you didn't even think twice with your answer. "Yeah i can watch her, what time should i expect you guys to come back and get her?" You asked as you got up to tiddy up the house a bit, wasn't messy but you just wanted to be safe.
You heard s/n let out a sigh of relief. "Hopefully we'll be able to get her before midnight, with traffic and stuff its hard to tell. Can i come drop her off say 4:00 or 4:30?"
You looked at the clock 3:34. "Yeah that should be good, see you in a bit sis! Love ya!" "Love ya too, see you in a bit!" You hung up the phone and quickly got to making sure the house was nice and clean for when your niece got here.
~ Time Skip ~
" Hey roadrunner!" You quickly picked up your niece as she ran at you at full speed, it was easy to see why you gave the 2 year old that nickname.
"Hi auntie!!" She practically yelled while repeated kissing your cheek while you were laughing. "Okay! Okay! I get it you love me!" You said and she finally stopped and just put her head in the crook of your neck while giggling.
"Hey y/n!" You looked up to see s/n and her husband looking at you two with smiles on their face's. "Hey guys! How you doing sh/n?" "Im good, just trying to keep track of these two crackhead's" He said as he pointed at your sister and niece, to which he promptly got hit in the arm for by your sister.
"Oh shut up you still love us!" "Damn right!" He replied as he kissed her cheek and you rolled your eyes. "What sis jealous~?" "No, you two are just ridicules with how lovey dovey you are." They both laughed at that.
"Where's rhea at anyway, working?" Your sister asked as your niece picked her head up from your neck. "Rhe rhe!?" She said excitedly looking around. To which all you laughed at her eagerness to see her aunti 'Rhe rhe'
"Auntie Rhe rhe ain't home yet roadrunner, she should be here soon tho." Her face quickly lit up in excitement at that. "Okay we gotta get going, here's a bag of stuff, just some clothes and toy's for her to keep herself occupied, call if you need us or if anything happens alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, go have a good time love bird's i got her!" You laughed to them. They quickly said by to n/n and gave her kisses and waved by as they pulled out of the driveway as you walked back into the house with your niece still in your arm's. "Wanna watch monster's inc?" You've never seen anyone nod their head as fast your niece.
~Time Skip~
You sat on the couch sending a video of n/n running around with Barry and Luna to s/n. You didn't know how a 2 year old could have this much energy.
Now your niece was cuddle up into your side out of breath from running around with the dog's and watched the movie that was coming to a close here soon.
You looked at the clock reading 5:17. Rhea should be home any minute now. You didn't think that rhea would be upset that you said yes to watch your niece without asking her first, she said wwe were giving her some time off cause of how hard she was working lately. So you have a few more days together just the two of you.
Just as that thought left your head, the front door opened . The dogs jumping from their spot on the floor, and Barry barking like a madman. N/n quickly got up from her spot against you on the couch to take a quick peek around the corner to see who it was.
"Hey! Easy Barry, watch the nail's dude. God I need y/n to remind me to cut your nail's tomorrow." "Rhe rhe!!" Your niece quickly ran at rhea, effectively latching herself on to her leg's.
"Hey koala!! What are you doing here?" She asked as she unlatched n/n from her legs to pick her up and hold her. "My sister and sh/n wanted to go to a music festival, they didn't have anyone else to watch her, sorry. She have asked you first." You said sheepishly as you rubbed your arm nervously.
Those nervs all disappeared as rhea planted a quick kiss on your lips. "Hey it's alright, I dont mind watching her, don't worry your pretty little head babe." She smiled at you to which you gave one back.
The nice moment was ruined when you heard a low growl and n/n grabbed her stomach. "Hungry!" She said while pointing at her stomach to which you and rhea both laughed at.
"Let me see what i can make for dinner." You turned to walk to the kitchen, but stopped when rhea lightly grabbed your waist to put her front to your back. "Hey it's alright babe, let's just order pizza." N/n quickly threw her arms up in the air yelling. "PIZZA!!!" You chuckled lightly. "Alright alright, pizza it is." Rhea pumped her fist with a quick and quiet "Yesss!" Then her and n/n high fived.
"I can't even with you two." You shook your head while laughing at them, as you left to get you phone to order. "You still love me babe!" She said to as you walked away. "Keep telling yourself that ripley!" You replied, before you turned the corner to head to the living room all you heard was a. "What!?" From rhea, which caused you to giggle lightly.
~Time Skip~
You threw n/n's shirt she got dirty while eat into the laundry, seriously you did not know how a kid can get so messy while eating pizza. After doing that you walked back into the living room to sit on the chair to which Luna immediately sat at your feet as 'Cars" was playing on the tv.
You looked over to the couch to see rhea laying down with n/n on her chest cuddling into her, to which you smiled and took a quick picture. Rhea heard the click of your phone and turned her head to see your phone pointed at her, to which you took another quick photo.
"That's my new home screen." You said while giggling, to which rhea only smiled while gently shaking her head turning back to the movie. N/n laughing and giggling quietly as the movie played.
~Time Skip~
You didn't know how long you closed your eyes for as you yawned to look at your phone, 9:56. You would think that s/n and sh/n would be on their way here soon.
You turned your head to see rhea and n/n in the same position as you saw them last but this time, they are dead asleep. You quietly adn quickly took a quick photo on your phone and you got up and grab the blanket from the back of the couch to put over them so they were extra warm.
Your phone quietly buzzed in your pocket and you pulled it out to see a text from your sister. S/n: 'Be there in 45 minutes to get her. Hope she was good?' You quickly sent her the pictures you took earlier while replying. Y/n: 'She was great.'
~ Last Time Skip (Sorry for all these) ~
When you heard the car pull into the driveway, you quickly picked up n/n's bag, which you packed up for her, and walked over to where rhea and n/n were sleeping on the couch.
You decided to try and get n/n out rhea's arm's without waking her, as she looked like she need the sleep after working so many days in a row.
As you got n/n out of rhea's grasp you saw her flutter open and look at you take n/n from her arms. "Sorry babe, s/n and sh/n are here to pick her up. I didn't wanna wake you."
She sat up while yawing. "It's okay y/n, here i got her." She quickly took n/n back as she walked towards the front door and quietly opened it and you followed her out and saw s/n standing there smiling.
"Hey rhea, sis. Thank you guys so much for watching her." She gently took n/n from rhea's arms and gave her n/n's bag. When you three heard a whine and look towards n/n.
"Hi momma." She cuddled into her mom's neck. "Hey sweetie. Have good time with auntie rhe rhe and y/n?" She asked while rubbing her back.
N/n let out a quiet 'Mhm' while nodding her head. She looked towards you and rhea and asked in her tired voice. "Can i come over again tomorrow?"
You and rhea both laughed lightly, rhea walked up her and gently rubbed her back while asking. "How about make a next weekend, Okay?" N/n excitedly shook her head yea while s/n laughed lightly.
"That's alright with me lemme talk with sh/n and we'll plan it?" "Sound's good!" You replied with a smile on your face. As they pulled out of the driveway you and rhea waved as they drove off.
You two went back into the house and started heading upstair's to your shared bedroom. "I didn;t know you loved babysitting so much rhe rhe~" You lightly teased her as you changed into your pj's.
"Only for that crazy koala." She replied with a smile on her face as she slid into bed, you not too long after her. "I prefer her nickname to be roadrunner." You said with a grin on your face.
"It is too damn late to get into an argument over her nickname, get some sleep." She told you while pulling you into her chest, and you did not have to be told twice.
You thought it was safe to say, that THE Rhea Ripley, The eradicator, LOVED being a babysitter.
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r0-boat · 4 months
Did anyone request harpy Rika headcanons? Or just headcanons of whatever hybrid you’d see her as?
Ooh Harpy Rika I love this idea!!
Harpy!Rika headcannons
Sfw cut for length
Rika is a roadrunner Harpy, her wings are smaller than others but she can still fly; a harpy built for the land. You met her on a hike, your house was not too far from the trail one of the many perks about living in the country. Sitting down on a rock opening up your water canteen. You haven't noticed the heart retail you saw her in the corner of your eye sitting down her red eyes watching you closely, she's always seen humans hiking here but she has never seen a human this close before. Judging by the cute shocked look on your face You don't see many hybrids around here either. She leaned in close trying to touch you
Her smile widen when you jumped off your butt. The first thing you noticed was her long tail green matching her hair and ponytail as it wags like a dog. The Harpy had vibrant colors like a male even though she was a female, and she was tall! Easily towering over you as she got closer. She pouted when you stepped back again. The harpy seemed friendly but you had no idea what hybrids are capable of so it was best to mind your distance. And plus hybrids are considered protected, causing any harm to her would net you in big trouble.
So your eyes widened when she grabbed your wrist gently opening your palm to place... A cactus fruit?? Okay now you're confused... Maybe she was just trying to say hello? Her red eyes sparkle when you accept the fruit putting in your pocket. reaching into your bag you give her half of your sandwich. Something you planned on saving for later but you're okay with giving it to her. She seemed extremely happy with her gift.
You had no idea that would lead to her coming to your house everyday scratching upon the door for you to let her in sometimes, somehow she would get in your house and you have no idea how she's doing it. Sometimes you would go out and see her idly sitting on your fence kicking her feet waiting for you, before she would just give you food, occasionally brushing up against you maybe playing with your hair. Only to follow you around for until the day ends. Then you realize what that piece of fruit really meant One day she had run up to you before you could say a word her lips press against the your neck (something she had saw humans doing before so she decided to try it with her new mate)
You let her touch you, investigate the difference between her body and yours. She pinched and played with your cheeks. And then brushed her clawed fingers against your bottom lip. Rika, so why do humans like the kiss? She wanted to kiss your lips just like the humans she would always see do, but you were so skittish around her. She could never do it. But now, since you were letting her touch you... Rika kissed your lips, and you loved it. You had no idea what the make of her now.... You always thought your partner would be another human not a hybrid but. Personally you don't really mind.
She was practically living with you at this point. She came by almost every day, stayed with you all day, and begged to stay the night with you. (which you eventually caved to that, too) And she happily would cuddle you when you go to sleep till the morning.
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puzzled-pegasus · 10 months
If each of the dragon tribes shot commercials
WARNING: A teensy bit of dark humor related to the mistreatment of a disabled dragon (in the SandWing section)
Skywings: *ultra-manly SkyWing roar voice* DO YOU LIKE BLOOD?? Do you like MEAT!? Are you a TRUE SKYWING and NOT A COWARD??? Come to the Meat Shack and prove your SkyWing toughness by trying out the Meat Shack Meat Eater Challenge!!! Find out if you're a TRUE CARNIVORE by downing this huge array of meaty prey in less than an hour! If you prove yourself to be the biggest, baddest predator in the Sky Kingdom, you'll win this LIMITED EDITION BRONZE ARM BAND that says TRUE CARNIVORE on it, and you eat here FREE for a month!!!
SeaWings: *ocean wave sounds* *video shows a SeaWing couple dancing dramtically on the beach*
SeaWing guy: Mariana...there's something about you I can't resist.
SeaWing lady: I'll tell you my secret...it's the new Citrus Breeze perfume by Pearlescent.
*cuts to showing a bottle of the perfume* *soothing SeaWing lady voice* Pearlescent. Be irresistible.
NightWings: *informative sciency NightWing voice* tired of getting your claws messy when handling prey? You catch an animal and tear it open, and after you eat it, they're covered with blood, hair, and animal fluids. Studies show that having animal residue on your claws can easily make you sick! Well, worry no more! *holds up the new invention, a fork* this device can get rid of the hassle! Simply stab your prey with this thing and avoid the messy talons! Order now, and you get an additional one FREE!
SandWings: *mysterious voice* have you ever seen real magic? Bet you've never seen a dragon pull a jackrabbit out of an empty bag! Or a crow fly out of someone's mouth! Do you want to know your future? Or see a dragon tame the formidable dragon bite viper? What about an adorable lion jumping through a hoop? Or gaze upon the incredible display of a real Color Changing RainWing, and the ridiculous Flightless SkyWing! All these things and more can be seen at the Roadrunner Theatre! Watch dragons do the impossible, right before your very eyes! Do you believe in magic? *poof of smoke as the speaking magician dragon disappears*
IceWings: Are you better than everyone else? Of course you are; you're an IceWing. If you are better, you deserve better--you deserve the luxury of being treated at the Windchill Salon. Get your scales and nails shined, buffed, and polished to look like the glimmering diamond you are! Get a massage, to allieviate the stress of being so much cooler than any other dragon! Take your dragonets here to get their ears pierced, too. Get treated like a royal at the Windchill Salon!
RainWings: *chilled out RainWing voice* Hiya! My name's Budgerigar. Do you ever feel lonely, like you could use a companion that will listen to you, and that you can always have with you? A pet might be the right thing for you! I have a collection of animals in my hut that you can choose to have for yourself! I have birds, sloths, cats, nonvenomous snakes, and some tarantulas! Look, the birds even talk! Say hello, Rainbow Bird!
Scarlet macaw: Rainbow bird!
Budgerigar: That's you! Anyway, I hope to see some RainWings or even NightWings in my shop! I can help you choose your perfect companion. But warning to NightWings-if you eat your pet, I won't give you another one ever again. Come to my pet shop!
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
First off, I want to thank you for answering my emergency request, it meant a lot.
Second, I’m still trapped in the airport that might as well be an off brand sea world, I got a runny and stuffy nose, and my period just started.
I have started to document my journey on Snapchat like a off brand, Gen Z, autistic, misanthropic, female David Attenborough where my friends and family are either laughing in hysterics at my pain or are becoming my increasingly concern over myself slowly loosing my sanity.
What deity did I piss off to earn such a punishment? Can I rectify it my sacrificing my fellow prisoners? Can I sacrifice the crying 4 year old for an arepa con queso, just until I can get a plate of my mom’s lechon and arroz con salchicha?
A cousin of mine with a big ass truck that should require a special license to drive because the thing is that damn big, is gonna try and pick me up, hopefully I don’t get trench’s foot trying to get out of here.
Also I’m just picturing Optimus, Ratchet, and Megatron growing increasingly worried and so turned at receiving multiple snapchats a day of their kid ‘jokingly’ contemplating murdering the other people stuck with her (mostly the ones kicking up a fuss and fighting and occasional the crying children throwing tantrums), cannibalism if only to eat something else besides the shitty food, and other disturbing commentaries in the background of a dark selfie with dark and heavy under eye bags framing half crazy eyes that are red from lack of sleep and crying, a result after being stuck at an airport for four fucking days.
Shoot, I didn't see this one! Sorry about that ^^;
Side note: Okay, is it terrible of me to think that Ratchet and Optimus would have a hard time with Snapchat or social media in general? Optimus was a feral thing that was eventually domesticated by the Librarian Prime (aka Alpha Trion), and Ratchet is Ratchet. He got no time for anything else but keeping the base operational, especially with everyone else breaking his shit.
On the other hand, Megatron would eat it up. He vibes as does Soundwave. Dark/gallows humor along with memes? Sold!
But all three would be really understanding. It's a highly stressful situation of a disaster. Mayhem, chaos, and uncertainty eat away at a person. Let alone a group of people trapped in a finite space. Individuals react to stress in a variety of ways...
Optimus: uses his Leo Cullen holomatter to send words of affection and encouragement, and then responds in a deadpan manner to said questions, like "Don't forget to consider your surroundings for an ambush. Maybe make a trap. Perhaps you shall have better luck than Wile E. Coyote on the Roadrunner."
Ratchet: "I know it's a joke, bit. But no! No, no, no! Do you even know about kuru disease from human consumption of infectious tissue!?!"
Megatron: (sends back a snap that swings tabs between the "Human Cannibalism" Wiki page and Binging with Babish: Clay-Roasted Thigh from Hannibal (feat. You Suck at Cooking)): "I have preparations to consider. You shall tell me if it's bussin."
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opalimagines · 5 months
Welcome to Blue Valley
You arrive in Blue Valley for the first time and meet Yolanda. Takes place during Summer School: Chapter One.
Rick Tyler/gn!reader (He's barely in this one)
Warnings: None
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What did your father want in Blue Valley, Nebraska?
The question had been bugging you all day, ever since he had driven away from your Opal City home that morning. It became even more puzzling when your initial run told you just how small and simple the town was.
Your father had seemed concerned, almost afraid, when he told you he was leaving. What could be so scary about such a little place? You'd have to investigate more before he arrived.
You skidded to a stop in front of a sign that read 'Welcome to Blue Valley, Nebraska', and the lightning from your powers dissipated quickly, leaving you looking like an average teen. This place wasn't like Opal, the existence of a speedster wasn't an open secret. You had to act as normal as possible—the same reason your father had taken his car instead of simply using a shadow portal.
But going slow didn't come so easily to you. It never had.
You took your Walkman out of your bag, clipping it your belt and placing the headphones over your ears. Music could often help a bit with grounding you, leading your Uncle Jack to gift the tape player to you several years ago. The familiar sound of Roadrunner played as you began to walk down Main Street.
After a life spent in Keystone and Opal, Blue Valley felt far too foreign. No skyscrapers, no bustling sidewalks, no heavy traffic. The few passerbys were waving at you. A stranger. It was quiet and calm and very much not your usual speed. And it didn't seem there was much to do besides catching a film—judging from the TWO movie theaters—or eating at one of the few restaurants you'd passed.
When you spotted a place called Roy's Records, you had to really stop yourself from zipping inside and looking around like a kid in a candy store. Things were serious. Something in Blue Valley was worrying The Shade, a man who was never scared of anything. You needed to figure out what.
Well, after you took care of the growling in your stomach. Your high metabolism meant you had to eat often, especially after running halfway across the country. If you went too long without eating, you could pass out. You turned around and walked the few feet back to the diner you'd passed before. It seemed as good an option as any.
As you walked in the door, you turned off the tape and put the headphones around your neck. The restaurant was pretty cute, if you were being honest. It had the classic look of an old-fashioned diner, and it spoke to you as someone who'd had a fondness for old things instilled in them from a young age. And the greasy smell that lingered with the scent of coffee told you you'd be getting all the calories you needed.
"Sit anywhere you like, hon," said one of the waitresses—Maria, her nametag read—as she carried a tray past you. "We'll be right with you."
"Thank you," you replied, sliding into an empty booth.
Maria directed another waitress towards your table. She was about your age and very pretty, with two long, dark braids over her shoulders.
"I'm Yolanda." Usually, she didn't have to say her name, and not because of her nametag. Everyone in town knew who she was. But she didn't recognize you. "Can I get you something to drink while you check out the menu?" She asked as she placed it on the table in front of you.
"Tea would be great. Please." You weren't convinced the tea would be very good, but you were willing to give it a chance.
"I'll be right back."
Yolanda walked away, and it took you only a fraction of a second to look through the menu and find what you wanted, so you waited. Something you were not so good at.
By the time she returned with a cup of tea in hand, you could barely stay still. "Thank you," you said, taking the mug from her hands.
"You're welcome."
Your thanks were premature, because as you took the first sip, you had to hide the disgust on your face. Luckily, it had happened too fast for her to notice.
"So, you're new here, aren't you?" She asked, already knowing the answer.
"Just visiting from Opal City," you said, setting the tea down on the table. "My father's here on business, and I decided to join him." She didn't need to know that he had explicitly asked you not to join him.
"Opal City? You're pretty far from home."
"Tell me about it." You looked down at the menu again, pretending as if you hadn't already read the thing front to back. "Um, may I get this breakfast platter here? Three of them, please. And two orders of strawberry french toast."
Yolanda's eyes nearly bugged out as she abruptly stopped writing the order. "Did you just say three platters? And two french toasts? Do you have more people coming?"
"No, only me." So much for acting normal. And you hadn't even ordered as much as you usually would. "I'm just...really hungry."
"Okay..." She finished writing your order on the pad, unsure whether you were screwing with her or not. She'd seen Mike eat before, so she knew a teenager could put that much away if they put their mind to it. "I'll get that put in for you."
"Thanks, Yolanda."
If you thought the wait for tea was bad, waiting for all that food to be cooked was even worse. When you ate out in Opal, you'd go to places that got their food out pretty quickly, or you went with your father, who had always been good at helping you cope with how slow the world could be.
The bell above the door rang, and you turned your head to see three more people entering. All your age and all just as pretty as Yolanda. But one stood out to you more than the others, a tall boy with brown hair. He had a sort of sadness about him that his two companions didn't.
Yolanda greeted them and took them to a table, seeming much less awkward as she talked to them. They must have been her friends then. It was rude to eavesdrop on what they were saying, you knew that, but you were bored and wanted to live vicariously. Besides, it wasn't like you'd be in Blue Valley for long anyway.
It didn't take long for you to catch their names. Courtney, Beth, and Rick.
They talked about it being the last day of school and how some of them would be starting summer school. You hadn't thought about it being the end of the school year for most, considering you hadn't been to one since you were in kindergarten. Your father had you privately tutored, which you knew you were lucky for when it came to your education, but part of you had always longed to go to a real school and have friends. To be somewhat normal.
You sighed as you turned your attention away from them and put your headphones back on to help pass the time. You just wanted to eat and do your more thorough check of Blue Valley. Then, if you didn't find anything, wait for your father to arrive and try to force him to let you help.
A few songs later, both Yolanda and Maria came over carrying trays and placed several dishes on the table in front of you. Right away, you noticed that she had mixed up your order—blueberry french toast instead of strawberry—but you were too hungry and in a rush to say anything. "Thank you, I appreciate it."
Yolanda left your table again to check on others, and when she came back a few minutes later to see if you needed anything, you were long gone. Every plate was clean of food and stacked neatly, and next to the dishes was a big bill with a note attached
Keep the change!
Who can eat that much food that fast? And who signs a note with a lightning bolt?
Yolanda glanced out the window for any sign of you and found none.
One thing was for sure, there was something very odd about you.
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Jason Stackhouse x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Halloween event
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“Oh! (Y/N)!” your older neighbour called as you unlocked your door. She had a box of treats in her hand. Homemade sweets from the look of it. 
She managed to hustle down her garden path and round to your door faster than you’d ever seen her move before. “I wanted to make sure to give you these. For the holiday. I know Stackhouse eats a lot. You’ll be able to get a taste first.” She said and went back to her house.
Heading inside Jason was at the door like the roadrunner. “What you get?” He asked. He was shirtless, still damp from the shower. He was supposed to be helping Sam Merlotte and Sookie couldn't make her shift and Arlene couldn’t make her shift due to her kids feeling sick. He must have been in the middle of getting ready. 
“Urm. homemade toffee. Looks like some ghost-shaped sandwiches and a few toffee apples.” you said as you pulled the corner of the box and peeked in. 
"How come you got all the nice candy? Trade with me!" Jason insisted. You pulled a face and moved the box out of his reach until he sat down in one of the armchairs.
“Because people love me. Why what’d you get?” You asked.
“Hoyt’s Mom just gave me a load of Fig Newtons and that girl she’s trying to hook Hoyt up with gave me muffins but they were all fruit cakes.” Jason grumbled.
“Ew. Well. I suppose I could spare some.” you said and opened the box as you set it on the kitchen counter. “Are you still going to help out at Merlots?” You asked as you handed him one of the ghostly sandwiches.
“Yeah. Oh. Arlene’s kids are still sick. Tara’s been asking around for some people to go to her house and take some candy. Arlene’s pretty upset they can’t trick or treat so Tara wants people to give candy out to them from their house.” Jason muttered through a mouthful.
“We’re going to go to Arlene’s to let their kids reverse trick or treat?” You asked and he shrugged.
“I doubt I’ll be able to get up there in time but I told Tara I’d ask you. Sookie is hoping she can drop by but she’s not sure as she’s heading out of town.” He went on, getting a glass of water as he spoke. 
“Well If I can borrow your truck I’ll take Tara up. There’s a massive holiday sale at the mall and I have an insane amount of coupons that Sookie was supposed to help me with. I’ll see if Tara and Arlene need anything. Oh, can you grab the list Hoyt left on the fridge?” You called the last part out as you went to your room to change out of your work uniform. Jason agreed to you taking his truck as long as you picked him up when he was done and let him borrow your Halloween costume from the year before as people at the bar were dressing up. You dropped Jason off and headed inside Merlots with him.
“Evening (Y/N)!” Lafayette called from the kitchen. You gave him a cheery wave and went to find Tara. She’d been given several bags of sweets as well as care packages from a few people. She’d also managed to collect more coupons and even Lafayette had a few sheets in his apron that he handed over.
“So we’re going to be one of those assholes that buys the whole store out with fifty trolleys?” Tara asked as you said goodbye to Jason.
“Hell yeah! We’re going to get so much stuff.” You said and she laughed.
Jason tags:
@stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @alexxavicry @daughterofthenight117 @supernatural-wolfie @alwaysadreamingoptimist @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @littlefreakingfangirl @thebookisbtr @gillybear17 @Kaitieskidmore1 @prettyplant0
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dozydawn · 4 months
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aecho-again · 2 years
For the OC Ask Game: 1, 12, 19, 29, 32, 46
1. Your first OC ever?
Katherine Cool (lmao XD) aka. Kaycee
She was my Mary Sue Self-Insert character my kindergarten self built an entire universe around so that she and her family and friends could travel through the multiverse and hop into any and every show, movie, book, etc. they wanted. She was originally a Lazy Town OC (second lmao), but I later turned her into a time traveler from the future. And the future was this absolutely ludicrous Star Wars parody story about a delivery service that makes deliveries to the good and the bad guys. She even had several revamps and so much character development over five years that she turned into a really good OC now that I think about it. I... don't know what happened to her later and why she became irrelevant.
12. Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot.
(in alphabetical order)
Atrocity (acatpiestuff)
Crash Koozebane (beetle3000_1)
Drillburst (cuppajj)
Eva (by someone not on tumblr)
Kayleer (cryophase)
Magnum Opus (night-gem-shit)
Mazačka / Grease (ryuki_draws)
Roadrunner (geminiofpluto)
Starhawk (dimorphodon)
Steamsight (he's yours)
Tachyon (messengerofmechs)
Warden (ultirex)
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
That has to be Helios. He is my emotional punching bag, my poor little son, my personal outlet for writer's rage, my sweetest, purest baby boy, the most fucked up character in his story, a pathetic rat that doesn't know how to survive on its own and who also doesn't want to survive in the first place, a selfless, self-sacrificing doormat who would give up his meaningless life to save someone who has tried to kill him many times in the past but has also given him a compliment once, the one who has been used and discarded as if he were a drone so many times in his life he thinks it's the norm, the one who has learned to love without ever being loved back... until Nightjet and Ironwing entered his life and showed him that, in the end, he doesn't need to suffer alone.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they're going?
Acidsplicer would do it for the thrills. She has zero hesitation to put herself in danger to sate her curiosity, but she also doesn't believe in ghosts. Her only reason for the visit is to get new inspiration for her art projects and other hobbies.
32. Which one of your OCs would be most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
I'd love to say Monochromator and Exopulse, because they've had to investigate a haunted creepy research ship once and survived, but they're not really horror game protagonist material. Maybe Mono is slightly more suited for the role than Exo, because he knows how to keep calm in stressful situations.
Otherwise, Triator would be the perfect protagonist if we talked about reverse horror games à la Carrion. He is the cosmic horror himself (an ancient being which was one of the Four Harbingers of the Apocalypse in ancient times).
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Haha, yeah. My best friend told me so just two days ago when I told her about the side story with Sparkattack, Mono, Exo, Azimuth, Venator and Triator. Today we even joked about Triator's cannibalistic tendencies and she repeated how all of them need therapy, so um, yeah.
Thank you for asking! I love to write about them so much!
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 2 years
Blood but no Bloodshed
Blood but no bloodshed by Your Average Roadrunner
After being captured by Vlad King, Himiko begins to think that she's been caught. And as she begins to spiral in her padded cell a man with four bags of blood attached to his belt walked in.
Que, Sekijiro Kan, the man who reached out.
Words: 3070, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Toga Himiko, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King
Relationships: Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King & Toga Himiko
Additional Tags: Toga Himiko is Not a Villain, Toga Himiko Redemption, Hero Toga Himiko, Adopted Toga Himiko, sorta, you know, Yeah just sorta, Parental Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King Adopts Toga Himiko, AGAIN SORTA ITS MORE OF A WAR BUT ANYWAYS
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45012019
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legion1227 · 2 years
Every album I listened to in 2022: Ranked!
132. Yeat- Lyfe  (1/5)          (Terrible) 131. Yung Lean- Stardust (1/5) 130. NLE Choppa- Me vs Me (1.5/5)       (Awful) 129. Swedish House Mafia- Paradise Again (1.5/5) 128. Pi'erre Bourne- Good Movie (1.5/5) 127. Jack Harlow- Come Home, The Kids Miss You   (1.5/5) 126. Avril Lavigne- Love Sux  (2/5)     (Bad/Not Good) 125. RZA Presents: Bobby Digital and the Pit of Snakes (2/5) 124. Skylar Grey- Skylar Grey   (2/5) 123. Nickelback- Get Rollin   (2/5) 122. Arcade Fire- We    (2/5) 121. Jack White- Entering Heaven Alive    (2/5) 120. Panic! At the Disco- Viva Las Vengeance   (2/5) 119. 070 Shake- You can't Kill Me   (2/5) 118. Chris Brown- Breezy    (2/5) 117. Kelly Clarkson- Kellyoke   (2/5) 116. Skillet- Dominion    (2/5) 115. Jack White- Fear of the Dawn  (2/5) 114. Diplo- Diplo   (2/5) 113. Red Hot Chili Peppers- Unlimited Love   (2/5) 112. Snoop Dogg- From Tha Streets 2 Tha Suites   (2/5) 111. Weezer- SZNZ: Spring   (2/5) 110. Three Days Grace- Explosions   (2/5) 109. King Von- What it means to be a king   (2/5) 108. John Legend- LEGEND      (2.5/5)   (Fine) 107. Train- AM Gold        (2.5/5) 106. Death Cab for Cutie- Asphalt Meadows   (2.5/5) 105. Lil Baby- It's Only Me    (2.5/5) 104. Bbno$- Bag or Die   (2.5/5) 103. DJ Khaled- God Did   (2.5/5) 102. Calvin Harris- Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 2  (2.5/5) 101. Drake- Honestly, Nevermind     (2.5/5) 100. Future- I NEVER LIKED YOU  (2.5/5) 99. Youngboy- The Last Slimeto   (2.5/5) 98. The Game- Drillmatic   (2.5/5) 97. Lil Durk- 7220    2.5/5) 96. Dead South- Easy Listening for Jerks pt. 2  (2.5/5) 95. Allison Wonderland- Loner   (3/5)   (Okay) 94. Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Cool it Down   (3/5) 93. Steve Aoki- Hiroquest: Genesis   (3/5) 92. Roddy Ricch- Feed Tha Streets 3  (3/5) 91. 5 Seconds of Summer- 5SOSS5  (3/5) 90. Tove Lo- Dirt Femme   (3/5) 89. Simple Plan- Harder Than it Looks   (3/5) 88. BROCKHAMPTON- The Family  (3/5) 87. Sean Paul- Scorcha   (3/5) 86. Taylor Swift- Midnight  (3/5) 85. SZA- SOS   (3/5) 84. Mitski- Laurel Hell   (3/5) 83. Arctic Monkeys- The Car   (3/5) 82. Lumineers- Brightside   (3/5) 81. Burna Boy- Love, Damini   (3/5) 80. IDK- Simple  (3/5) 79. Quavo & Takeoff- Only Built for Infinity Links  (3/5) 78. Joji- Smithereens   (3/5) 77. 2 Chainz- Dope Don't Sell Itself  (3/5) 76. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie- Me vs Myself  (3/5) 75. Ne-yo- Self Explanatory   (3/5) 74. Ozzy Osbourne- Patient Number 9 73. Red Hot Chili Peppers- Return of the Dream Canteen (3/5) 72. Yungblud- Yungblud    (3/5) 71. Blackbear- In Loving Memory  (3/5) 70. Michael Buble- Higher  (3/5) 69. The Weeknd- Dawn FM   (3/5) 68. Ari Lennox- age-sex/location  ( 3/5) 67. RuPaul- Mamru  (3.5/5)     (Good) 66. Snoop Dogg- BODR   (3.5/5) 65. Weezer- Van Weezer  (3.5/5) 64. Shinedown- Planet Zero   (3.5/5) 63. Goo Goo Dolls- Chaos in Bloom   (3.5/5) 62. Kehlani- Blue Water Road  (3.5/5) 61. Christina Perri- A Lighter Shade of Blue  (3.5/5) 60. Rex Orange County- Who Cares?   (3.5/5) 59. The 1975- Being Funny in a Foreign Language  (3.5/5) 58. K-Solo- Tell The World My Name   (3.5/5) 57. Maggie Rogers- Surrender  (3.5/5) 56. Carly Rae Jepsen- The Loneliest Time (3.5/5) 55. Palaye Royale- Fever Dream  (3.5/5) 54. Muse- Will of the People   (3.5/5) 53. Metro Boomin- Heroes & Villains  (3.5/5) 52. Harry Styles- Harry's House  (3.5/5) 51. Brent Faiyaz- Wasteland   (3.5/5) 50. Yung Gravy- Marvelous   (3.5/5) 49. Demi Lovato- HOLY FVCK  (3.5/5) 48. Billy Idol- The Cage   (3.5/5) 47. G Herbo- Survivor's Remorse  (3.5/5) 46. Beyonce- Renaissance   (3.5/5) 45. Ella Mai- Heart on My Sleeve  (3.5/5) 44. Willow- <COPINGMECHANISM>  (3.5/5) 43. Nas- King's Disease 3  (3.5/5) 42. Westside Gunn- Peace Fly God  (3.5/5) 41. Vince Staples- RAMONA PARK BROKE MY HEART  (3.5/5) 40. Korn- Requiem  (3.5/5) 39. Camilia Cabello- Familia  (3.5/5) 38. AWOLNATION- My Echo, My Shadow, My Covers, & Me  (3.5/5) 37. BROCKHAMPTON- Roadrunner: New Light, New Machine (3.5/5) 36. Marian Hill- Why can't we just pretend?  (3.5/5) 35. Sasha Alex Sloan- I Blame The World  (3.5/5) 34. Scorpions- Rock Believer  (3.5/5) 33. T.I.- Dime Trap  (3.5/5) 32. Mary J. Blige- Good Morning Gorgeous  (3.5/5) 31. Fivio Foreign- B.I.B.L.E  (3.5/5) 30. Bastille- Give Me The Future  (4/5)   (Great) 29. Logic- Vinyl Days  (4/5) 28. Charli XCX- Crash  (4/5) 27. Weezer- SZNZ: Summer  (4/5) 26. Lizzo- Special  (4/5) 25. Drake & 21 Savage- Her Loss  (4/5) 24. Lady of Rage- Necessary Roughness (4/5) 23. Florence and The Machine- Dance Fever   (4/5) 22. Westside Gunn- 10  (4/5) 21. Marina- Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land  (4/5) 20. Wiz Khalifa, Big KRIT, & Girl Talk- Full Court Press  (4/5) 19. Phife Dawg- Forever  (4/5) 18. Conway The Machine- God Don't Make Mistakes  (4/5) 17. Cordae- From a Bird's Eye View  (4/5) 16. Alter Bridge- Pawn & Kings  (4/5) 15. Halestorm- Back From The Dead  (4/5) 14. Joey Badass- 2000  (4/5) 13. Pusha T- It's Almost Dry  (4/5) 12. Conway The Machine- Greetings Earthlings  (4/5) 11. Lil Wayne- Sorry 4 The Wait  (4/5) 10. Killer Mike- R.A.P Music  (4/5) 9. Naughty By Nature- Naughty By Nature  (4/5) 8. J.I.D.- The Forever Story  (4.5/5)   (Amazing) 7. Sabaton- The War to End All Wars  (4.5/5) 6. Black Thought- Cheat Codes  (4.5/5) 5. Lupe Fiasco- Drill Music in Zion  (4.5/5) 4. Benny The Butcher- Tana Talk 4  (4.5/5) 3. Kendrick Lamar- Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers  (4.5/5) 2. Dead South- Easy Listening for Jerks pt. 1  (5/5)  (Perfect) 1. Czarface & MF DOOM- Super What?  (5/5)
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echoes-lost · 2 years
Draw prompt
What Pokemon ugly sweater would baby v and momma v wear?
What would ugly sweaters be like in borderlands? Zer0 and fl4k would have meme sweaters? Tiny Tina would have an explody kaboom themed sweater?
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I want Fl4k with a santa hat, and like his big coat in red with white trim, his skag in a matching hat dragging a big bag of presents.
Zer0 having like binary code carols on his sweater, pixel snowflakes on his face-screen.
Tiny Tina offering Handsome jack a badly wrapped bomb with the lit wick sticking out, Coyote & Roadrunner style.
Krieg offers Maya a hand-knit sweater. It's has circular saw-blade patterns and blood stains on it.
Gaige builds a big mecha reindeer.
Amara using her phase arms to decorate the christmas tree.
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