#robin buckley knows what mike wheeler is HELP
super-nova5045 · 2 years
(I don't have that emoji lol 💔) + angry
“Okay, you have to promise not to get angry, because it’s just a theory – I notice patterns and shit a lot – in fact, it’s just a hypothesis. So take it with a grain of salt. But since Eddie and I were briefly in band together, I’ve met the members of Hellfire Club on more than one occasion, and I already knew Mike because of Starcourt. And I just wanted to say – he felt different, too.”
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myosotisa · 1 year
there are bones in my closet - s.h.
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Steve Harrington x Reader
‖  summary: You can't control what your scars have done to you, but you can control what you're going to do about it and who you're going to trust with them.
‖  tags: hurt/comfort, post season 4 volume 2. contains content referring to anxiety, depression, ptsd, unresolved trauma, and their symptoms. you comforting Steve and Steve comforting you. written all in one sitting and unedited, so sorry if there are mistakes. i'll go back and fix them at some point.
‖  word count: 3.8k
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You both had scars; seen and unseen.
Some of his were physical. Puckered pink and tight scar tissue on either side of his torso, a smaller section on one shoulder. A straight, light line of discoloration across his throat. The special glasses he had to wear and the pills he had to take to keep the migraines at bay.
The rest were less obvious. A tensing of his shoulders whenever something flew by him and he wasn’t expecting it, even if it was as small as a bee. White knuckle grips, and sometimes a full body flinch, at the crack of thunder or flash of lightning. An uneasy feeling that led to irritability when he had to go outside while it was foggy. Wide, panicked eyes when he woke up in the middle of the night with a scream in his throat. His protective nature morphed, shifted, grew into something that could sometimes feel stifling. The anxiety that accompanied the fear behind the protection.
When you first got closer to Steve Harrington, it was easy for you to tell he had ghosts following him wherever he went. You knew because you had them too.
A tendency to jump or freeze at a loud noise or when someone raised their voice. Hints of subtle pain hiding behind your eyes around the holidays, your birthday, when people talked about their family and you forced a smile. How you could go from the life of the party, talking and laughing and helping everyone, and start to go quiet so quickly, sometimes entirely without warning. The way it wasn’t unusual for you to disappear for days at a time, no one knowing you were simply buried in your covers and unable to emerge. And sometimes, even when you were right next to him, right next to anyone, you would still feel so far away.
Steve was haunted by things that had long since died and you were too.
The first time you saw the signs in him was early April 1986.
You’d barely known him then. Both of you had known of each other in school but that was pretty much it – orbited different planets in the same solar system. When you met him again, or for the first time really, at the donation drive at the high school, he wasn’t at all what you remembered. King Steve was wearing a little name tag and folding shirts, pants, towels, and anything else set before him and then organizing it into piles just like one of your colleagues had asked him to.
Although pretty busy trying to wrangle a few other volunteers who seemed to have bitten off more than they could chew when it came to washing the bedding on the cots lining the gym, you couldn’t help but catch glimpses of him. How he had a heated but whispered argument with Robin Buckley from a year behind you, and then smiled like a proud father as she made peanut butter sandwiches. Turned into an absolute mother hen when a curly haired brunette walked by him with a limp, leaving his station to usher him over to a set of chairs and gave him what looked like a finger wag before ruffling the boy's curls. He only went back to folding when an older man, who you recognized as one of the people staying here, came and sat down next to the boy, waving Steve off with a shaky hand.
A few other preteens came by and talked to him, the only one you recognized being Nancy Wheeler’s younger brother Mike. He spoke with all of them with what could only be described as fond annoyance – like how you would talk to a younger sibling or a best friend. It intrigued you, for lack of a better word. An earthquake had shattered Hawkins and here was Steve Harrington: folding an endless number of fabrics that just kept growing, greeting anyone who tried to talk to him with a charming smile, and looking out for a select group of what appeared to be his friends.
After a particularly long conversation with two local moms, you noticed it. The smile was more forced, his responses less enthusiastic, shoulders rolling forward and eyes closing with a deep breath when he thought no one was looking at him.
He looked exhausted. The kind of tired sleeping can’t fix.
When another local came and chatted him up, carrying most of the conversation as Steve replied politely, and then clapped him on the back – he choked. A tightening of his chest, his neck, his eyes squeezing shut as he let out a few coughs. The man looked worried, asking him if he was okay, if he had hurt him. Then brown eyes blinked open wide again and flickered around wildly. His shoulders started to fall and rise faster, a flush creeping up his neck.
Your bleeding heart cracked a bit more as you stepped inbetween the man and him.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt,” you glanced back at the man, who gave a hesitant shrug before making an escape, and you returned to the wild eyes of Steve. “Volunteer coordinator here, do you think you could come help me with something?”
There was water collecting in the corners of his eyes as they glanced from you to the room like he was looking for a way to escape. His voice was slightly hoarse when he tried to respond, “I… I, uh-”
Lightly pressing the tips of your fingers to the clenched fist of his hand, you lowered your voice as quietly as you could. “Just come with me.”
His eyes squeezed shut, a single errant tear sliding down his pink cheek, before he gave a stunted nod.
You could feel eyes on your back as you walked with him off of the floor and into the swinging door of the kitchen.
Struggling with the weight, you pulled open the heavy metal door to the walk in fridge and motioned him inside. He didn’t question it as he stepped in and you followed behind him.
The space was small but not claustrophobic, large wire shelves on either side as the heavy door softly closed behind you. Eyes searching, you landed on a long plank of what looked like frozen pork ribs.
“Hold this please,” was the only thing you said as you thrust it into his hands. His eyebrows were drawn together in confusion but he took the slab, the ice cold object ending up nestled into his chest. Perfect. “Thanks, now just wait here a minute,” you inched past him, both of you having to rotate in order for you to get past without touching each other, “I have to grab one more thing.”
You didn’t. You didn’t need the ribs either. But you opened up the faded white ice chest in the back of the walk in and started digging through it, looking for nothing. Your companion didn’t say a word in the enclosed space, but you could tell the cold was doing its job as his breathing started to slow down. After pretending to dig for another few minutes, you stood up straight again and let the lid fall closed before hopping up to sit on top of it.
Steve was standing there dutifully and holding the frozen meat close to him just as you’d asked. The flush rising up from his chest had been replaced with pink nose and cheeks from the cold, dry air, and his chest rose and fell at a more reasonable rate. The panic in his eyes had abated and the tears blinked away as his head slightly swiveled to look around the metal container you both were in.
“You can put the meat down now if you want.”
He startled a bit, gaze returning to you having not realized you were sitting there watching him. “I’m sorry?”
“I didn’t actually need your help,” you offered plainly, motioning to the pork he was basically hugging. “The cold helps the panic go away.”
His head drops to look over the plastic bundle in his arms. “The…? No, I wasn’t-”
“It’s okay, Steve. You don’t have to explain.”
A few moments passed as Steve’s grip on the meat shifted before he set it back on the shelf you had taken it from. Now free, his arms crossed over his chest and he shifted on his feet slightly. You took your own few moments to slow down, to breathe. To let the cold air recover you as much as it could before you had to go back out there.
Go back to grieving widows and broken families and people suddenly without homes or possessions. People crying, screaming, trying to make sense of something senseless. Some looking out for ways to help, some desperately seeking help no one could reasonably provide. You would keep going until your heart bled dry and then just a little farther, just to go back to your empty apartment and do it again the next day.
But it was what you could do. It was something you could do. A way you could help.
Rescuing Steve Harrington from having a panic attack in a crowded school gym was a way you could help even when you felt like you were falling apart at the seams.
His voice is gentle when he asks, “how did you know…?”
That he was panicking? That the cold would help? That he needed help?
“Guess when you know what it feels like, you know what it looks like.”
He seems to quietly consider your answer as he quietly considers you. Eyes searching, posture guarded, energy unsettled. You want to show a kind smile, open palms, telling him sweet words that will settle him, do the job that you’re supposed to be doing here.
But you’re so exhausted. The kind of tired sleeping can’t fix. And you just need a few more minutes before you put the act back on.
Whatever he was looking for, he seemed to have found it, because his arms fell from his chest, one lowering to rest on his hip as he leaned the opposite shoulder against the shelf beside him.
“Do you, uh, have any other tips and tricks?” He hesitantly asks, his gaze locked on your dirty sneakers.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
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The first time he saw yours was early June 1986.
The two of you had spent a steadily increasing amount of time together as he continued to volunteer to help at the makeshift shelter and you continued coordinating. When it was possible, the two of you would end up on a station together and you’d get a few more clues into what exactly were the skeletons in Steve’s closet. Hushed conversations about a friend in the hospital, about a friend they’d lost, about one they’d gotten back. Stories like you heard every single time you worked, but these felt different. The more you watched, the more you saw the string that tied all of them together. How it wasn’t just Steve looking out for his people, but them looking out for him and each other too.
A group of people that made no sense to be together but bonded in a way that couldn’t have happened peacefully.
Sometimes he would be talking to one of them – one of the preteens, or Robin, or Nancy Wheeler, or Jonathan Byers, or Joyce Byers, or the newly revived Sheriff Hopper – and would nervously glance your way like they didn’t want you to hear. You pretended not to.
If you could have stopped listening, you would have. But you heard and processed everything around you whether you wanted to or not.
Regardless of some of the strange things that floated into your ears, you never said a word about it. Never talked about the scar on his neck, or the scars on his sides you had gotten peeks at when he reached for something up high. Never asked why sometimes his whole body would start to react as if he was in a life or death situation, never questioned what triggered those moments. Never mentioned that when you weren’t working together, you could feel his eyes on you like a hawk, like you were one of the people he looked out for now too.
Never admitted how terrified that made you.
In return, he never asked why you would suddenly disappear for an hour and re-emerge with frozen fingers. Never pressed when you told him you were fine even though you couldn’t say it convincingly. Never forced you to talk when you fell silent or made you feel like you had to act a certain way or fulfill a certain need for him.
He just needed someone. Someone who knew, but didn’t know. Who saw the weight, saw the string that wound tight to him and his friends, saw when the mask started to crack and needed to be whisked away from prying eyes, and didn’t ask to know anymore than that.
You needed someone too. Someone who knew, but didn’t know. Who could see past the performance, see when the shadows drew in tighter and started to choke you, see that you were trying so fucking hard all the time. You needed someone who would understand that you were going to fight tooth and nail against the idea of needing someone – a trapped animal lashing out at anyone who tried to get close because they didn’t know if they were going to set it free or make the killing blow.
You didn’t know Steve could be that person until he proved it.
The day had started off shit. You’d woken up in a haze and debated if this was one of the days that would make you bury your head in the sand and wait for the storm to pass. Your first mistake was deciding to get up and go back to work anyway.
Your second mistake was putting Butter Handy Andy on dish washing duty.
You’d been talking to Vickie McAdams about the supplies you all had available for making dinner tonight when a huge crash came from inside the kitchen. Completely unprepared for a sudden noise that loud, you couldn’t hold in the yelp, couldn’t mask the way your entire body tensed, couldn’t help the way you immediately stopped in the middle of your sentence. Frozen, heart stuttering an uneven rhythm in your chest, the contents of your stomach kicking up, and people were staring. People were staring. Everyone was looking at you and thinking there was something wrong with you and you’re weak and broken.
Sweet, sweet Vickie, with a concerned furrow to her brow and a calm smile, asked, “Hey, are you okay?”
It took 75% of what you had left to put the act back on.
“Yup, just spooked me a little.” You laughed and then she laughed and then it felt like you had saved it, fooled them, protected yourself. It felt like the eyes were off of you.
Well, all except 2.
Your third mistake was stepping in between two men who had started an argument by the missing persons board.
Already running on fumes, you really should’ve thrown in the towel an hour ago. But giving up wasn’t a skill of yours and all that awaited you at home was silence and skeletons, so you kept the engine running. The disagreement had started quietly but quickly escalated into a screaming match in front of everyone in the room. Having forgotten yourself, gotten lost in the role you were playing as a coordinator and a leader, you’d immediately approached and tried to talk them down. Neither paid any attention to you and more people were starting to gather, either to watch or concerned they needed to do something. A baby nearby started to wail and the murmur of the gathering people grew and all the noise continued to grow into a tidal wave that rushed in your ears.
One of the men raised a fist like he was going to throw a punch. You rocketed forward, putting yourself between them with your hands out to try to stop him. And you did – the forward motion of his fist stopped. But then his other hand fisted in the fabric of your shirt near the collar and he tossed you away like you were nothing. You stumbled and then fell, gasping out in pain and shock as your tailbone made contact with the shiny, wooden floor.
The crowd descended then; pulling the two men apart before either of them could come to harm. People rushed for you, throwing out questions of ‘are you hurt?’, ‘what were you thinking?’, ‘are you okay?’ as hands you didn’t know forced you back to your feet. There were so many eyes and so many questions and so many hands and everyone was so close and everything was so loud and you couldn’t see and you couldn’t breathe and you couldn’t move and you couldn’t talk.
You ran.
Pushed your way through the small circle of near strangers that had formed around you and settled into a run toward the swinging kitchen door. Through the door, past where Andy was still dropping pots and pans into soapy water without a care in the world, past the walk in fridge, and out the back doors. The sun was setting but the air was still hot and humid and choking you as you kept fucking running. You didn’t know if anyone followed you, you didn’t even try to look. You just listened to the frantic beat of your heart that told you to keep going or else it would be the end of you.
Your feet carried you to a familiar place that you hadn’t seen in a few years. You ran out of breath and had to stop just as you reached the bleachers along the mile track behind the school. They were coated in shades of orange, making the dusty track beyond them look even older as the sun carried down toward the horizon.
Despite your lungs and legs not being able to run any further, you were still thrumming with adrenaline, muscles tensed, chest tight, heart and mind racing out of control. You couldn’t focus on anything, couldn’t stop, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t get back in control.
A hand lightly tapped your shoulder and you swung.
Steve Harrington dodged your fist like a man who had taken more than his fair share of punches.
“Woah, hey, just me,” he offered calmly, hands coming up in a surrender gesture. The wire rim glasses were a recent addition, only a month or so old. You’d overheard one of his friends joke that maybe if he had taken one less knock to the noggin he wouldn’t need them. Hurt eyes or not, they flickered over you, caught sight of the heaving of your chest, the blood shot eyes, how you panted out between your teeth and arched your back like a cornered animal.
You certainly sounded a bit like one as you barked, “What the fuck do you want, Steve?”
He instinctively stepped back at the venom in your tone, eyes widening slightly in surprise. His mouth opened, closed, opened, and said nothing. The fear in his eyes quickly abated and then his expression fell. Not into one of pity or worry, like you normally expected. No, Steve looked at you like someone who knew, but didn’t know. Someone who understood. And it broke you.
Denim covered knees hit dust as you fell on them hard enough to hurt. You didn’t feel it, the physical pain, too distracted by the agony of your bleeding heart cracking your chest wide open. A sob tore from your throat as you buried your face into your sweaty hands and shook with the force of your tears. Gasping in a few sharp gulps of air as the cries continued to force themselves out of your mouth.
Firm, warm arms circled your shoulders and forced you off your knees and onto your ass and thigh, legs off to one side as your upper body made contact with a solid chest. His grip around you was tight, almost bone crushing, and despite the way you thought it would trigger you more, it was grounding. Something solid, something real, something physical while everything else felt like sand running right through your fingers. Despite the unexpected comfort offered, your sobs continued.
“I’ve got you,” he murmured into your hair, barely audible due to your crying. “You’re safe.”
The word ‘safe’ made your bleeding heart shatter into pieces, another sharp wail leaving you as your nails started to dig into the skin of your face. Almost like he knew, Steve momentarily released one of his arms to force your hands away from your face and press them into his chest, encouraging your fingers to fist in his shirt instead. You obliged subconsciously, hands twisting in his loose t-shirt as you pressed your eyes into his shoulder instead. Satisfied, he returned both arms to his tight circle that held you pressed to him.
You don’t know how long you both sat there on the track behind Hawkins High School. Long enough for the automatic lights to flick on over the field and the sunset to dip into golden reds and purples as night crept closer. Long enough for your ass to fall asleep and for your crying to stop and for your breathing to return to normal and then even longer than that.
He didn’t pull away until you did, and even then it was with reluctance.
Making eye contact for the first time, you didn’t think before the words tumbled out of you. “I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for,” he replied, like it was the simplest thing in the world. Like his shirt wasn’t damp with your tears and he hadn’t followed you out here while you ran like your life depended on it.
Wanting to argue that you had plenty to be sorry for, instead you shifted gears to the part of you that desperately wanted to give some kind of excuse or a reason to what had just occurred. “I swear, I normally don’t-”
“It’s okay,” he interrupted you with a kind smile, one hand giving your knee a soft squeeze before returning to his own lap. “You don’t have to explain.”
The shattered bits of your heart that lay in the wasteland of your chest thumped once, twice.
“Thank you,” it came out of you as barely a whisper.
“I’ve got you,” he repeated, eyes warm and gentle. “I’ve got you and you’ve got me.”
Thumped once, twice beneath the fear.
“I’ve got you and you’ve got me.”
thanks for reading!! if you liked it, please give it a reblog and leave a comment, as they make my day <3
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reareaotaku · 4 months
My Sweet Valentine
Fuck Valentine's Day and every single couple ever! Also I know Valentine's Day has already past smartass. Leave me alone
Summary: How they act 4 Valentine's Day? Characters: Mike Wheeler, Luke Sinclair, Jane 'Eleven' Hopper, Maxine 'Max' Mayfield, Billy Hargrove, Steve 'The Hair' Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley [I was going to do Eddie Munson, but I didn't want to write for him] Tw: None [That I know of]
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Mike Wheeler
He was FREAKING out
He had completely forgotten about Valentine's Day, because it never was important to him, because he never had a partner before
God, he's so fucked
Throws something together last second and hopes you don't notice [You do]
He tries coming up with an excuse but, he doesn't convince you
He tries getting his sister's help, as a last resort, but she makes it harder for him
She starts scolding him for forgetting and complaining about how she couldn't believe they were related
Feels extremely guilty when you give him stuff, stuff he likes. He actually thinks about death right then and there because he knows that he's so getting dumped
Thankfully, you don't dump him [He's thrilled because he doesn't know what he'd do without you], but you do ignore him and give him the cold shoulder for a few days until he makes it up to you
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Lucas Sinclair
He has been preparing for this moment all year
No way was he ending up in the dog house
He goes all out, getting you all that stupid stuff [Teddy bears, chocolate, roses etc]
He even makes a poster that has some stupid basket ball pun asking if you'll be his Valentine
Makes him so giddy when seeing you so happy to receive the gifts
Puffs his chest out in pride, because he did that
He'll be surprised when you pull out some Valentine's stuff for him
He wasn't expecting it and now you have him blushing
"For me?"
"Well, I don't have another boyfriend"
He frowns, but ultimately takes the gifts
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Jane 'Eleven' Hopper
Valentine's Day? What's that?
Pretty clueless on the holiday, but when she learns about it, she falls in love instantly
She thinks it's so cute and wants to do something special with you
"What do couples usually do on Valentine's Day?"
"Well, they do a lot of stuff... You know, there isn't just one thing- You know?"
She hums, but she does in fact not know what you mean, but it's easier for her to pretend she does
"But uh, if there's something in particular you want to do-"
"I want to do it all!" She's quick and blushes because she didn't mean to outburst like that
You giggle, "I love your enthusiasm, but we can't do everything, but we can do most of it"
You both make cards for each other and she enjoys the time she's spending with you
She ends up loving the holiday and excited for next year, because she wants to do everything else that you couldn't do this year
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Maxine 'Max' Mayfield
She does not give a shit about that stupid stuff
If you get her something, cool, but it's not needed
If you want to do something, you'll have to talk to her, otherwise it's just another day to her
She might give you one of those stupid Valentine's Cards, just because she sees all the other couples doing it, but it's not something she thinks about
When she's writing your name on it, she frowns, because what if you don't like it?
She knows you deserve better, so she debates making you a home-made card
^ It does not go well, so she sticks with the store bought card
She also gets you those tiny heart chocolate boxes
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Billy Hargrove
You set yourself up for failure on this one, expecting him to get you something. Like do you even know him?
You'll be lucky if he even acknowledges that it's Valentine's Day
You can get him something and he'll keep it [Probably hides it, so his dad can't find it], but otherwise doesn't say much
He thinks it's cute how you act, but he doesn't understand it. It's just some stupid day and he doesn't see anything important about it
In fact, it just seems like a stupid excuse to spend tons of money for someone you might not even still be with in a month
He treasures the gifts you get him [Believe it or not]
If you make him a card, he keeps it in his nightstand
If you get him a teddy bear, it's either on his bed or in his pillowcase [When he wants it hidden]
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Steve 'The Hair' Harrington
He's quite the romantic and goes all out
He loves Valentine's Day, because he can show you off and show you how much he loves you
He'll ask you to be his Valentine, even if you're already dating
He's so cheesy and makes all kind of puns and jokes
^ It actually gets annoying for you and you have to beg him to stop
Makes you a homecooked meal with wine and shit
After that, he brings you to the couch to watch all your favorite movies
He wants to enjoy your embrace and cuddle with you
[It also gives him an excuse to not spend the night alone]
You'll be so wrapped into each other, nearly about to have a moment when the phone rings and Steve wants to kill whoever is on the other line. When he hears Dustin's voice, he wants to reach through the phone and choke the young man
It's fine though, you tell him, you were still having a good time just being with him
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Nancy Wheeler
Makes you home-made gifts
She wants to give you something that comes from her heart and has true meaning
She doesn't really like storebought stuff
She thinks it means more if you make it, even if it's bad
She wants to spend quality time with you
It doesn't really matter what you're doing, she just wants to be in your presence
It's a very chill day and you don't have to do anything over the top
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Robin Buckley
As a dirt poor woman, she works all year just to buy you something simple
When she finally raised enough money to buy you something nice for Valentine's Day, she was overwhelmed by all the Valentine's Day stuff
What was she supposed to get you? There was so much stuff! What the fuck!?
Pretty much has a panic attack, because she's scared she'll pick the wrong thing
God, why is this so stressful???
She decides to just close her eyes and pick something at random
Is thrilled when you like the gift
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hippielittlemetalhead · 4 months
Never Took The Time (To Forget) part 4.1 : With a Capital 'P'
Part 4.2 (Hey Dingus? Idk, the title for that one is up in the air.) will be up as soon as I have it somewhere I like (doing a different character's pov instead of Hop so it's giving me some trouble). Felt really bad that I hadn't updated in a while and this one was getting longer than I expected and I hadn't even gotten Robin really talking yet so... Happy Valentine's Day?
Part 1 (Hop Fucks Up), Part 2 (Pride and Prejudices: Joyce Edition), Part 3 (One of Us)
Family Video and the Arcade were two of the few businesses still operating after the inter-dimensional earthquakes that had tried tearing their town to pieces. Hop knew the kid who used to run the place for his uncle, Keith, had split town with his folks (said uncle in tow) leaving the store and arcade in the care of whatever employees had been willing to stay on payroll while the world fell apart.
He watches as Harrington's (more banged up than never remembers it being) car stops in front of the video store, parked parallel to the curb across at least 3 parking spots, as a wildly gesticulating Robin rolls herself out of the idling vehicle, jabbering loud enough that Hop can hear her voice from down the block. With most cars owned by the folks of Hawkins being commandeered by Owens' government goons to fill the gaps left by lost military vehicles it doesn't much matter but Hop can't help a bit of an eye roll at the kid's audacity.
But then again, he catches himself thinking, Steve was one of the only 'civilians' in-the-know and was well-known for carting around and protecting proven assets to the War Of The Worlds shitshow going on. So was there really an issue if the kid was one of the only cars on the road anyway and because he was even more read-in on the situation than even local law enforcement? If he was not only transporting and protecting people the government had a vested interest in but had proven himself more effective than even Hop and Joyce in wrangling the kids who had basically been saving the world for the last 4 years? If he kept them safe and out of harm's way in the thick of it but also kept them entertained and out from underfoot during the downtime?
Hell, the kid being one of the only employees left at some of the last businesses in town these brats would have any interest in almost guarantees the whole lot of them are continuously stocked in movies, snacks and quarters to distract them from even the most world shaking of calamities.
It hadn't occurred to him until just now what it meant for The Party that Steve and Robin seemed to be the only ones willing to hang around behind the counter at the arcade and sell and rent movies to shell-shocked townsfolk and tight-lipped government goons alike. Fuck, Lucas and Mike were right. He was an asshole.
He's pulled out of the slow spiral of realizing Mike Wheeler of all people had been right about something by Steve hollering one last "Love you, Bobby!" at a grinning and waving Buckley as she flung open the video store door and stumbled inside. He waits for the car and it's driver to round the corner before he gets out of his own government-issued station wagon. Fuck but he missed his truck.
"Welcome to Family Video, I literally just got here so you're gonna have to give me a minute before I can help you."
"I'm uh, I'm not here for a movie." He can tell she recognizes his voice (and it's a little impressive how quickly she clocks him since he's spoken only a couple words anywhere near her maybe twice in his memory. Girl has a good ear) from the way her entire body stills for a split second before whirling back into the hurricane of motion he's come to associate with her.
"Afraid we've only got movies round here, officer. You want any other medium of entertainment I'd suggest the arcade or the distribution yard." She's still not looking at him, hands busy shuffling papers and flipping open VHS cases. "Sorry, guess we'll have to catch up another time."
Hop sighs, running a hand over the short growth he's slowly getting used to again. He'd almost shaved it down again but El had been so happy when she'd realized they were growing out at about the same rate. He couldn't ever say no to her.
"Look, I know you don't like me. And it has been brought to my attention just how much I fucking earned that. But I- I need your help here, to fix it."
The flurry of movement doesn't stop but it's tighter, she's fiddling with something shoved up her shirt sleeve and tapping at the casing of a button connected to a wire leading into her green vest. Bright blue eyes are focused on him and he's almost reminded of the no-nonsense look Nancy Wheeler gets whenever they're faced with the world ending, but the girl in front of him is colder. He has no doubts that where Nancy Wheeler would tear down giants for what she believed is right, Robin Buckley would burn the world if it meant saving her people.
"Fine. He'll be back from his patrol-" He didn't remember assigning a patrol schedule and he's not sure if this is Steve's own initiative or if he's been roped into something by Owens' people. "in about twenty minutes. You have fifteen. Now why should I help you?"
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@steddiemas Day 18 -  Classic Christmas Songs (The First Nöel)
pairing: steddie | word count: 1,924 | rated: G
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It didn’t take too long after the song started for Eddie to want out.
He debated staying, just to listen to Steve sing along to it under his breath while he meticulously weaved strips of dough over a pie with what Eddie thinks is way too huge a mound of blueberries, but even that didn’t help.
Steve’s ‘everyone over for Christmas dinner before Christmas’ idea made Eddie skeptical at first, having literally everyone (the Hendersons, Mrs. Wheeler along with Nancy, Mike, and Holly, The Sinclairs, the Hopper-Byers clan, Gareth and Freak along with Jeff and his mom, the Buckleys (of course), and even he and Wayne) together under one roof seemed like a disaster waiting to happen.
But no.
Everyone got along great, the lot of them snacking on meats and cheeses, stolen candy and cookies that Steve had made over the last couple days, Wayne, Hop, and Claudia are fussing over two whole turkeys and a huge ham, and Joyce, Karen and Lucas are whipping up huge batches of side dishes.
And it doesn’t usually affect him this bad anymore, but that damned song paired with all of their huge chosen family together under one roof like this, warm, happy, healthy…he had to leave. 
He did not want to get emotional in front of them.
The sound of the door sliding on its track breaks Eddie’s reverie. It was longer than he thought it’d take for someone to come looking for him, but he suspects that it was done on purpose.
He doesn’t look back at who decided to grace him with their presence, but immediately knows who it is when a hat gets pushed down onto his head, just a bit too far down.
“You’re not catching a cold on my watch, Munson.”
Eddie pushes the fold of the knit cap off his eyes, “Wasn’t planning on it Steve-o.”
“Coulda fooled me. As if trying to withstand a whole winter in a leather jacket isn’t gonna give you a cold.”
A snort of a laugh escapes Eddie’s lips at Steve’s sarcastic tone. “I have, and no colds yet.”
“Uh huh. Sure.” Steve says, sitting down beside him.  “That’s why you borrowed my old puffer coat last time you were here, right?”
The lone poolside chair not packed away for the season wasn’t his first choice of seating, but it was the only one. Though Steve’s dry heat beside him is already a welcome balance to the cold metal and plastic of the chair.
Eddie’s lips twitch up into a brief smile, “I didn’t want to get mine all wet.”
They fall silent after that, and Eddie fishes his lighter and pack of Marlboro’s out of his pocket, pulling one out of the carton and lighting it up.
He offers one to Steve, but he waves him off.
“So.” Steve says after about half the cigarette was gone.
“Are you alright, Eddie?”
He stays silent, debating whether or not to actually tell Steve what was wrong or just brush it off again.
“Was it something I–we said? Or did?” Eddie caught the slip, and decided he was going to tell him, but Steve continued on, “I know you’re not the biggest fan of Christmas anyway..”
“No, it’s not—” Eddie heaves a sigh, and even he can hear the exasperated relenting in it. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Steve. None of you did.”
He takes a drag and blows out a long stream of steamy breath and smoke. It hits him then, before he even speaks, that he’s being dramatic. Has been being dramatic. What a stupid thing to get emotional about.
“My middle name is Nöel. Like, fully, exactly how it’s supposed to be spelled for the holidays. The two dots over the O and everything. So it’s just me being dramatic; it gets annoying to hear all season.”
At first, Eddie thinks he’s gotten away with it, that Steve’s silence is just satisfied understanding, but just before he’s about to put himself back on the right way to go back inside, Steve speaks again.
“Where’d the name come from?”
Eddie finally looks over at him, taking in the comically mismatched pink My Little Pony scarf (Erica’s) and bright safety green beanie (Robin’s) he’d thrown on before coming out to the patio. “..Huh?”
Eloquent as ever, Munson.
“C’mon man.” Steve says, rolling his eyes fondly and nudging Eddie’s shoulder with his own. “You act like I don’t know you.”
Eddie’s “You don’t.” is automatic.
Steve just scoffs, “You disappeared without a word, man; normally you announce, with wildly different levels of dramatics each time, that you’re going to smoke, or you ‘gotta take a leak’. You didn’t do that this time so naturally that means this was more than just getting annoyed by a Christmas carol.”
Eddie blinks at him. Stunned by the proof that he, Eddie Munson, was one of the people Steve used his almost insane levels of observation on after all. Usually it’s wasted on the kids; Steve’s acute ability to hone in on exactly what each of the party needs at any given time—how Steve has encyclopedic knowledge on each of their favorite snacks, their preferred drinks, games, movies, which blankets they like to steal from the Harringtons’ nearly bottomless linen closet—almost always goes unappreciated. 
“I may not get a lot of things, but I do pay attention to the people I care about.” Steve continues on, voicing Eddie’s thoughts.
“You a mind reader now too, Harrington?”
Steve grins at him, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Nah man, I’m just a damn good babysitter.”
Eddie huffs out another laugh, “Sorry to tell ya this, but I don’t need to be babied or sat.”
He doesn’t say anything more, just waits for Eddie to continue.
“It was my mom.” Eddie finally concedes, “She gave me the name Nöel. So you kinda hit it on the head, there is more to it than just the song.
“Wayne says she chose it because she loved the season, that it was when she felt most at peace no matter what else was going on in her life.”
Steve is quiet beside him, just existing in the space while Eddie finishes off his cigarette.
“And that’s why I get so salty about Christmas. It’s not because she died around this time of year, which doesn’t help of course, it’s because she loved the holiday so much. I mean,” he snorts, “She named me after it after all. So this time of year always felt so wrong without her.”
He stubs the flame under his boot, scrubbing it into the concrete and promising himself he’ll come back for the butt later (he’ll forget). 
The younger man is silent for two more breaths.
“Eddie, I am so sorry..”
All he can do is shrug, “It’s fine Steve, I’m used to that song by now–well, I was.”
“What changed?”
Eddie lets out another steadying breath. “When I was little, down in Tennessee, it was worse because I was little. All the crafts and games and things they did with first and middle names in elementary school y’know?” He sees Steve nod out of the corner of his eye. “The kids down there would sing the damn song at me to make fun of me. After I came up here to live with Wayne it got better…kinda.
“The kids here didn’t know what my middle name was, and Wayne would switch the radio station if that godforsaken song would come on come December, but even then, every time it did come up…it was like a pointed little finger poked into the bruise left behind after mom died.” Eddie says, jabbing the air in front of him with his own finger in a harsh movement before letting his hand drop back down to his lap. “It was starting to get better, hearing my name like that.”
“How so?” Steve’s voice lilts into something eager, but just barely.
Eddie sucks in a deep breath and the cold, dry air burns his nose as he does.
“You.” he states, using all the breath he’d taken in on the one word. 
“Me?” Steve asks in disbelief.
“Ever since I found out that you also think November 1st means Christmas decorations need to be up.” Eddie nods, he wasn’t about to tell him about the soupy gut feeling he’d gotten when he heard Steve singing along to that stupid fuckin’ song. “Annoying, but it was the same when I was little.
“You should see the pictures,” he grins, continuing on, “A little Batman helping mom put up the tree because I didn’t want to take off my costume–even slept in it a couple times, waking up the next morning to hot chocolate, candy canes, and popcorn garlands.”
“That’s adorable.” Steve laughs, and Eddie laughs with him, his chest feeling miles looser than when he first came out here.
They’re silent for a bit, listening to the muffed yells of the kids coming from inside about who knows what.
“I’ll follow Wayne’s example,” Steve says eventually. “I’ll make sure to change the station, won’t sing it any—”
“Nah, no way man. You don’t have to do that. Like I said, it was getting better.”
“Still, I don’t want to make you upset.”
“Don’t worry about it Stevie,” he sniffs, looking over the empty pool, “I like when you sing it.” he admits before he can stop himself. 
Aw fuck.
“You do?”
 “I do.” 
What the fuck are you doing?!
“You do.” Steve states as if he doesn’t believe him.
Eddie nods silently, gulps around the nerves in his throat. “It’s stupid, but it’s like you’re singing about me rather than at me. It’s…nice.”
Steve falls quiet, so he turns to face him again; Steve’s eyes are wide, cheeks red from the cold and otherwise pale.
Shocked. And not in a good way.
“Just don’t tell any of the other jerks, ‘kay?” Eddie laughs, it comes out strained. “They’d definitely be singing it at me if they found out.”
Steve’s face thaws into something softer at that, his lips twitch like they want to smile. 
“Also, I hardly doubt Henderson’s got nearly as good a voice as you do.”
That finally melts him completely, “Henderson’s actually got some pipes on him.” he laughs softly and knocks his shoulder into Eddie’s. “You should hear his Madonna.”
“Yeah no. No thank you.” Eddie says as he stands, “C’mon Stevie, let’s go back in and eat. It’s time to eat already, right?” He offers him a hand.
Steve takes it and pulls himself up, “After you, Edward Nöel.” he does a sarcastic half-bow, waving Eddie forward.
Eddie scoffs at him, but starts toward the door nevertheless. “That’s not even what Eddie’s short for.”
“Aw, what?! What’s it short for?”
“Nuh uh, I already bared one part of my soul tonight.” (“Aw come on!”) Maybe I’ll tell you after we’ve been friends for another nine months or so.”
Steve laughs as they reach the sliding door. “Lookin’ forward to it, Eds.” 
Eddie’s about to slide it open when Steve suddenly stops him, grabbing his wrist.
“Wait–Eddie, before we go back inside, I wanted to ask you something.”
“Uh, yeah, sure. Shoot.” he turns to face him properly.
Eddie watches Steve’s eyes flicker over his face. They hover somewhere below his nose before coming back up to lock onto his eyes.
“Can I kiss you?’
“C–can you kiss– What?! Why? When—”
Steve stops Eddie's spluttering when he tilts his head back to look above them.
God. Damn. Mistletoe.
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yes, my first name is noelle. why do you ask? no, no, of course i didn't give eddie that middle name just to vent about that damn song... 😳😅
other parts! Pt. 1 (Day 1) | Pt. 2 (Day 2) | Pt. 3 (Day 5) | Pt. 4 (Day 6) | Pt. 5 (Day 7) | Pt. 6 (Day 11) | Pt. 7 (Day 13) | Pt. 8 (Day 18) [YOU ARE HERE] | Pt. 9 (Day 21) | Pt. 10 (Day 25) also on AO3! this year
93 notes · View notes
figthefruitfaeth · 1 year
Robin’s First Date.
| 12:36pm | 
“Wow, okay, I’m not taking advice from Mr. Polo for everyday of the week.”
“Hey, those were a gag gift—”
“Right, a gag gift you spent twenty minutes looking for. I got written up cause you couldn’t wear a Saturday on Tuesday.”
“I’m sorry I have standards.”
“Whatever. Come on—when have I ever steered you wrong? I’m off at 5, plenty of time before your date—”
“No! No. Not that I don’t appreciate it, cause I do and your great and all but...well...our styles don’t exactly mesh.” 
“Right, well that’s cause one of us has eyes and one of us has clashing patterns, so—”
“Oh, and the stripes? They don’t ever—”
“Which is good for you! But I know what the ladies like, Bobbin. I also know what this lady likes. And I know what’s going to get you laid.”
“So are you gonna let me help you or what?”
“I’m calling Eddie.”
“Eddie?! No—”
| 12:57pm |
“Munson Mansion. This is Eddie, trapped in the wine cellar, speaking.”
“Eddie, I need your help.”
“Oh, hey, hi, what’s up?”
“The date’s tonight and I don’t have anything to wear.”
“Not anything, but what I wanted to wear was in the washer before it broke and now it’s not gonna be dry in time and everything else is too bright, or too boring, and I’m getting sweaty and maybe developing a rash which is just perfect, I’m going to show up red and gross and she’s never going to talk to me again. God, maybe I should just cancel—“
“Heeey there, settle down. Breathe, in—out, there you go.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be over in 10.”
| 3:09pm |
“This is the Wheeler Residence. Looks like you’ve just missed us! Feel free to leave a message—“
| 3:33pm |
“Wheeler Residence, this is Karen speaking—“
| 4:17pm |
“This is Hop.”
“Oh. Um. HI Chief Hopper, or, Officer? Uh—“
“Who is this?”
“Robin. Buckley. Sir. Robin Buckley. I’m a friend of Steve’s?”
“Right. Right, uh yeah.”
“Well, he’s not here, so—“
“Right, right, no! I was, uh, calling for Jonathan? Is he—is he around?”
| 4:21pm |
“Jonathan! Hey! Buddy...how’s it going?”
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, totally, why wouldn’t it be? Unless, everything’s not alright with you? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine. Just don’t get a lot of calls from you.”
“Right. Well, you know work. Busy, busy! Ha ha...”
“Okay...did you wanna talk? Or...”
“Yes! I did, I did...OW! Sorry, sorry, banged my knee against something annoying. So...I can’t do this, this was a terrible idea...well, you shouldn’t have encouraged me—”
“Hey, if you’re busy—“
“Sorry, that was..my dad! Yeah, he needs help with the car. Tire busted and he’s not strong enough to lift the wheels so he always asks me, cause you know. Guns of steel and all that. But we should talk more. Yeah! Okay.”
“Yeah. Definitely...”
| 4:55pm |
“Family Video. This is Steve.”
“You need me to—“
“I need you to come over.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. What’s Eddie got you in?”
“Well...it’s creative?”
“Robin doesn’t want to go metal, even though metal clearly wants to go Robin. Hi sweetheart.”
“Hi babe. Rob, this is why you shouldn’t’ve asked him. He has terrible taste—“
“Ugh! You love this!”
“I do. For you. And more specifically, taking if off of you—“
“O.K. gross! Disgusting! Stop! Can we focus on me? I’m in a crisis!”
“Alright, alright. Let me clock out. Don’t let him near your scissors.”
| 6:14pm |
“This is the Wheeler’s, it’s Mike.”
“Mike! Oh, Michael, thank God I thought I was gonna have to hangup on your mom again.”
“Robin? Why are you calling my house? Is someone in trouble?”
“No! Why does everyone keep assuming that? Don’t answer that. Listen, I need your help.”
“What? No, I have a campaign going.”
“It’ll take like two minutes—did he say a campaign?—then you can do whatever—no, don’t—What campaign?”
“What campaign? Unless I’m mistaken, and I rarely am—HA—we don’t have a Hellfire meeting scheduled till Friday. What is this? A mutiny?”
“No! No I promise! It’s just a one-shot, just to get Will back into things, I swear.”
“You swear, huh?”
“On my life! On The Knights of Mystic Fire!”
“Yeah, you better. I’ll let this slide if you help out Robin. No buts! Or Sir Miklan is getting disadvantage on every throw next session.”
“Fine. What do you want?”
“Can you go check and see what Nancy’s wearing?”
“Not like that! Just! We’re, uh, hanging out tonight and she didn’t tell me where we were going and I don’t know if I should bring a jacket, so just go and check, okay?”
“I’m not doing that.”
“What? Why?”
“It’s weird. Here, just talk to her yourself—“
“What—no, Mike—”
| 6:19pm |
“Nancy. Hi.”
“Hi, Robin.”
“I didn’t mean to hang up. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I figured it was an accident or something.”
“Yeah. You know me, love slipping on things and hitting buttons I can’t..unclick..”
“Yeah, I do. It’s really cute.”
“Ah, well, I mean, if you say so. Most people find it annoying, but I mean, if you think—ah, well, thank you. I think your cute too, obviously. Um. I mean, not for that, also obviously, cause I don’t think you’ve tripped on anything in your life, uh, so—“
“Are you nervous?”
“Yeah! Could you tell?”
“I don’t know what to wear. I had an idea, and then it vanished and nothing else in my closet felt right. Steve just kept trying to cinch my jeans cause he said that’s what girls like, and Eddie kept suggesting leather, but I sweat a lot in leather, you know? And then I called Jonathan—“
“You called Jonathan?”
“I know, Steve already chewed me out for that. I didn’t really talk to him anyway, I just didn’t know who else to call—I don’t have a lot of friends. But—I don’t know. The outfit needs to be perfect, cause the girl I’m going on the date with, is perfect. And...I really like her. A lot. Like, makes my head dizzy, a lot.”
“Oh, Robin.”
“That’s not a pitying ‘Robin’ is it?”
“No. It’s a ‘you’re very cute and I’m very excited for this date’ Robin. Look, don’t listen to Steve. I’m pretty sure the jeans are more about him getting to check out his own ass than anyone else, and Eddie’s into whatever everybody else isn’t. Just wear what you feel like. You could pull up in PJ’s and I’d be happy. I don’t want the date to be perfect, I want the date to be us.”
“Naaaancyyy! Oh my god that was so perfectly sweet.”
“Does that help?”
“Yeah, that makes me feel better. Still a little anxious, cause on a practical level I still don’t know what to wear, but I do feel better about the not-knowing.”
“Well...if it helps, I’m wearing purple. So you should wear something green, that way we match.”
“That’s smart. I love green.”
“I know.”
“You know?”
“Yeah, that’s why I wore purple.”
“You were trying to get us to match?! Nancy, do you have a crush on me or something?”
“Well I’m glad to see you’re feeling more confident. Even if it’s at my expense.”
“Ha-ha yeah. Okay, gotta run, I’ve got—oh my god, I’m gonna be late. Okay, I’ll see you at the diner—dressed! Bye, Nance!”
“Bye, Robin.”
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xoxo-sarah · 1 year
I Wanna Be Yours || Part 1
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Series Masterlist | Part 2
↝a/n: my first Robin Series. Set in season 4.
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Wheeler!reader
↝ Warning:slightly proof read. Possible spoilers if you still haven't watched season 4, everything that happens in stranger things, slow burn, Vicky doesn't exist here, not because I don't like her, but because it's easier to write for Robin when she's not madly in love with another chick.
↝⎙ 6.24.23
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Nancy jiggled her keys, annoyed with the mop headed boy. “Mike! Let's go.” She turned, looking at you with an irked expression. “This kid.” She opened the door, walking past you as you put your backpack on.
Mike rolled his eyes, hunching over the toaster, impatiently waiting for the pop tart to pop any second. “Jesus. How am I gonna survive a whole week without you guys?” You grinned as he walked past, handing you one of the warm pop tarts. “Besides you. You're cool.” He whispered before practically jogging to the car, where Nancy sat with her head thrown back in annoyance. You bid your parents goodbye before following him to the car, deciding you didn't have time to argue over who was getting in the front.
“So, Cali, huh?” Nancy glanced at you from the rearview mirror, a small grin making its way onto her lips. You two have tormented him for weeks over him going all the way to California for spring break. You did it more than Nancy though, only because you loved his grossed-out reaction when you'd turn around, acting as if you were making out with someone, hinting at the two.
“Yeah.” Mike grumbled, looking out the window from the passenger seat.
You nodded, not mentioning it for the rest of the car. At least, until you got to school.
“And then there's Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college. So, it's like, do I really wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex?” Steve continued to rant to deaf ears. “I mean, I don't know. Does that make sense to you?” He rubbed his forehead, glancing to his side, where Robin was putting on mascara, solemnly paying attention to the mirror and not to the man who was ranting for the whole car ride. “Robin, are you listening?”
“Uh, yes. I-I'm lis-”
“What did I just say?” Steve threw his hand up, shaking his head, unimpressed.
“Something about sex with…Linda.”
“No! I'm talking about Heidi.”
“Cut me some slack, please!”
Steve bit his cheek before rubbing his forehead again. “Well-”
Robin began to rant, “Your love life is one of labyrinthine complexity. And it is 7:00 in the morning, we have this stupid pep rally and I woke up looking like a total corpse.” She stretched her hands on the sides of her face, surely not looking flattering at all.
“Oh, you're worried about a pep rally? You expect me to believe that?” He glanced over again, his expression showing he absolutely did not believe that, not one bit.
“Yeah? So?”
“So, we both know what this is about. Okay, I'm not buying that bullshit. This is about Y/n.” He had met you a few times, when he was with Nancy and when you guys had to fight some ugly parasite looking monster. You were quick to catch Robin's eye in school, which, in turn, made her turn to Steve and tell him all about this girl. There were a few characteristics that led him to know she fancied you before she even told him your name.
“Absolutely not.” Robin couldn't help the blush that painted her cheeks, moving to do anything with her hands. She began applying lip balm, staring back into the little mirror in the visor.
“Yes it is. You know what else I think?”
“I really don't care-” Steve could go on and on. If you were to ask Robin what he said, she'd surely say blah blah blah with a roll of her eyes.
“I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you're around her. You just gotta be yourself.” He had his hand out, motioning around absentmindedly.
“You're literally quoting me to me. You do realize that, right?”
“Well, maybe you need to listen to yourself. Ever think about that, smarty-pants?” Robin stared at him with a look that could kill. Was she this annoying when she scolded him, telling to get his shit together? "I listened to you and look at me. Boom. Back in business.”
“It's not the same thing, okay?”
Robin made a sound of disagreement at that, not letting him finish that thought. “You ask a girl out and she says no, big deal. Nothing happens. Maybe your ego is a little bruised.” Robin looked at him with false pity, before moving her hands around again. “But I ask out the wrong girl, and BAM! I'm a town pariah.”
Shaking his head, Steve understood where she was coming from, but disagreeing with how she was going about it. “Yeah, okay, I'd buy that, except Y/n is definitely not the wrong girl.”
“We just don't know that do we?”
"She returned Fast Times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds. Do you know who paused Fast times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds?”
“People who like boobies, Robin!”
“Ew! Gross! Don't say boobies!”
“Boobies. It's not a big deal, okay. I like boobies. You like boobies. Y/n likes boobies. Definitely.”
Climbing over the seat after Nancy parked, you patted Mike as he held the car door open. “Use protection at least.” Before he could reply or grumble, you were jogging towards the gym, finding some of your friends in the process.
“Got any plans for spring break?” Chrissy asked, trying to keep in stride with you.
“Not really.” You hadn't made plans, but you'd probably end up staying at one of your friend's house. After walking in, you turned towards her, grinning to ease her nerves. “Have fun. You'll do amazing.” She smiled back, giving you a quick hug before running off.
Turning back to the bleachers, you tried to look for an empty seat, which was becoming harder with the people trampling into the double doors.
Hearing your name being yelled, you looked around, stopping when you saw Steve. He motioned you over, making sure no one sat down beside him.
With the glare he could feel on the side of his head, he'd definitely be getting an earful from Robin.
He held his hand out, helping you step up the stairs with all the people walking around you to take a seat. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” He turned to face Robin, mouthing '53 minutes, 5 seconds'. She rolled her eyes before looking forward.
When everything started, he cheered with you as you not only cheered on your school, but your friends and all the work they put into the moves.
“And of course, I have to give a special shout-out.” Steve glanced over at you when he heard you scoff at Jason Carver.
“What? You don't like Jason?” His words were playful, already knowing you despised him for some reason, hearing it from Robin.
“I don't know. He loves Chrissy and shows it, but he's just a dick to everyone else.”
Jason continued to speak, “Chrissy…" He stared at her as they were the only two in the room. “Chrissy, I love you, babe.”
You made a gagging sound, only loud enough for Steve to hear it.
Jason went on to make another speech. “You know…I think I can speak for all of us when I say it's been a tough year for Hawkins. So much loss. And sometimes I wonder 'how much loss can one community take?' In dark days like this, we need something to believe in. So, last night, when we were down by ten points at half to Christian Academy I looked at my team and I said, think of Jack, think of Melissa, think of Heather, think of Billy.”
Both you and Steve looked down, searching for the red head you had seen climbing the bleachers to sit with your brother and Dustin. You both looked back at each other, taking pity on the poor girl.
Sure, you never got along with Billy. But you would've never wished that kind of death upon anybody, including him. Especially with the way it affected Max. You could tell she felt guilty. It wasn't fair for her; she was just a kid- a good kid at that.
"— Think of our heroic police chief, Jim Hopper. "
“You alright?” Chrissy almost walked past you in the hall, looking a little uneasy.
“Yeah, people died so they could win a basketball game. That's the reason.” You rolled your eyes, grumbling as you glared at the man screaming into the mic. “For a stupid trophy.” Sure, you will still congratulate Lucas if they do, indeed, win the trophy. But to say many people died for that was just ridiculous. Honoring the people who have fallen is different, but that's not what he's doing. Maybe Lucas would play in honor of them, but not Jason.
She blinked a couple of times before trying to smile. “Yeah-yeah. Of course. Just had to go to the counselor. I'm alright.” You slowly nodded, before wrapping an arm around one of hers and walking towards class. She had been acting weird lately. So you made sure to stay close to her, making sure she didn't do anything. “Would you like to do something for spring break?” You brought back the question she asked earlier.
“Like what?”
“I don't know. We could hang at your house-”
“No!” You looked at her, confused by her outburst. “Why would we do that when we have your house?”
“I mean, Mike's not going to be there, so sure.” You gently smiled at her, squeezing her arm affectionately when she stopped by the bathrooms. “I'll talk to you about it later, yeah?” She nodded before pushing the door open.
You began walking towards class, trying to wrap your brain around what was going on with her. She obviously wasn't okay.
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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star1yx · 5 months
Pretty Girl
Two lovers working during summer break while having their own little fun and helping kids sneaking into the movies
♡Steve Harrington x f.reader ♡Small fluff & super short fic ♡Nicknames are used in this story ♡note: first fic
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Summer 1985
If someone told you two years prior that you would be dating Steve “The Hair” Harrington, King Steve, or King of Hawkins High, you would have never believed them without a doubt.
Yet here you are in his embrace as he kept on kissing your neck during your break time. In Scoops Ahoy. It was unbelievable.
Steve wanted you to work with him here during summer break since he would be lonely. And you can’t say no to the man you adore so much. You couldn’t babysit Dustin with him at summer camp anyway. But, Harrington decided to be affectionate with you during the time Robin, a friend of yours, is working at the counter.
Honestly, he changed immensely from how he was with his previous friends Tommy H. and Carol Perkins. He went from a jerk to in your opinion a great babysitter and mother.
He’ll never know you think that of him.
The feeling of his lips on your neck was warm and familiar. It was one of his favorite spots to kiss. If you got a dollar for every time he kissed you, you be pretty rich according to the Party’s definition of ‘rich’.
You wished that the moment would never end. You both have been through a lot in two years. From protecting some kids to being on the verge of death. And yet that’s what created a bond between you two which led to developing feelings and a relationship. You’ve been together for some time now.
“Steve, my break’s about to end…” You said in a low tone so that Robin wouldn’t hear you. It would not be the first time she caught you both red-handed. If your boss ever came to work here, you would have gotten fired alongside him.
“Relax pretty girl, I’ll be done in a second.” Your boyfriend responded with a nickname he gave you. It never failed to make you blush which Steve loved seeing.
Suddenly, the sliding window opened up with the face of Buckley appearing. You both jumped out of each other’s embrace as she let out a small disgusted sound for doing this in here. You still had a few minutes until break was over so Robin shouldn’t be calling you now.
You were flustered and standing behind Steve while he told her “Could’ve warned us first.”
“For your information, I called your names five times Steve, Y/n. Five.” Robin stated unamused which embarrassed you and surprised him for not hearing.
“Anyway, your children are here Dingus and Mrs. Harrington.” She continued teasing you in the last part as you looked at the counter to see Lucas, Max, Mike, and Will. Wheeler rings the bell at the counter continuously waiting for Steve and you to let them in the back.
“Again?” Steve said now his turn to be unamused as he stared at the four teens while leaning onto the counter of the window.
You let out a sigh as you went to the front and welcomed them in as usual. This was a secret between you all to let them get to the movie theater for free. These kids used your job to their advantage. They sure were a lovable pain in the ass.
Your lover went on and opened the back door for them to pass through. He then gave them his usual warning.
“I swear if anyone hears about this-“
“We’re dead.” The members of the Party completed on his behalf which led him to sigh and you chuckling at the interaction.
You and Steve watched as the kids walked away into the mall’s back corridors towards the theater like parents watching their kids leaving the house to go somewhere.
You smiled as you remembered how they looked like 1983 and 1984 compared to now. They grew up fast. To fast. You wished that they had gotten a better childhood. Not one where you had to go defeat some threat to save Hawkins.
This is the least you could do for them.
Steve noticed you in deep thoughts and frowning a bit. He immediately knew what you were thinking about and grabbed your hand reassuring you that everything would be alright.
“There’s no more danger love. We closed the gate. No more Upside Down, Demogorgon, or demo-dog.” He told you as he placed a kiss on your temple making you melt under his touch. This guy never failed to put a smile on your face.
Still charismatic as ever.
Maybe being in grave danger isn’t that bad. After all, you both would have never interacted with each other.
“You think Dustin’s gonna be back soon?” You asked him since you both did miss his presence.
“Maybe,” Steve said while shrugging his shoulders.
“Well, do you think he got a girlfriend during his time in summer camp?” You asked while also expecting a ‘no’. You wouldn’t believe it either anyway. If he did get one, it was probably his imagination.
“Not in a thousand chances,” Steve said also hardly believing the possibility.
You nodded and decided to try something. You planted a small peck on his cheek which caught him off guard. He decided to continue with a kiss on the lips dropping the subject of Dustin while saying “Love you, pretty girl.”
“I love you too Harrington.” You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Y/n! Break’s over so stop kissing each other and get over here!” Robin yelled out loudly for you to hear leading to a chuckle.
“Coming!” You yelled back as you pulled away from your boyfriend’s kiss and dragged him back inside Scoops Ahoy as he made a sad face making you laugh.
God, you wished that you could stay every minute of your life with the man of your life.
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Hello! This is my first fic on Tumblr. It’s a small one so do bear it with me (also feeding my delusional self). I hope you liked it! (Maybe there are a few mistakes here and there, but oh well)
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In case you missed them, here are the next ten works posted from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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It's not a one night stand (if it turns into two) by @annanevermore | Art by @lady-lostmind
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Henry Creel | One | Vecna, Dustin Henderson, Heather Holloway, Jeff, Gareth, Unnamed Freak, Steve Harrington's Father, Samantha Stone, Tommy Hagan
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson/Henry Creel, Steve Harrington/ Samantha Stone, Steve Harrington/Tommy Hagan
Summary: “We should stop,” Eddie continued even as he kept kissing Steve. “Why?” “Ah, you’re not into guys?” His words sounded pretty stupid even to him, Steve’s lips just on his and his tongue in Eddie’s mouth, and his body still pressed to his thigh. “Maybe you are?” Eddie said, feeling increasingly stupider. Steve glanced over, gaze trailing down to Eddie’s lips. “What do you think?” “I think you’re pretty drunk and I should let you sober up.” Steve seemed to be assessing him but didn’t respond. After a couple of seconds, he straightened his clothes and stood up, leaning down to hold Eddie’s jaw for a moment and placing a last, gentle kiss on his lips. “See you around, Munson.” Or: Eddie signed up for the “TatCon” tour very much despite the sales pitch of convention reps Steve and Robin - and absolutely NOT because of Harrington’s flirting. It’s the biggest tattoo convention in the U.S. so it’s good for business, that’s all. When Steve continues to hit on Eddie, he’s still not interested. At all. The guy has an exceedingly straight reputation, and Eddie is not going there. But Steve is a persistent man when he knows what he wants.
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Stop Insisting That I'm Not A Lost Cause by @slippy-slip | Art by logiedraws
Rating: Teens and Up
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Dusin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Summary: Steve finds something has changed since their last run in with the Upside Down, he’s not the only one. He’s not handling it so well but that doesn’t mean he’ll accept help easily.
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Good Puppy by @marsetta | Art by @feralsteddie
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson
Summary: Weird Russian drugs turned Steve and Robin into werewolves. Crazy Upside Down bats messed with Eddie. Steve goes into the Upside Down by himself to find Eddie’s body and gets more than he bargained for. Warnings: Eddie thinks it’s non/dub con but Steve is into it almost immediately. Kinda rough themes.
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End of Beginning by @artaxlivs | Art by @alduade-art
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Will Byers, Eddie Munson, Steve Harrinton, Eleven, Nancy wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Barbara Holland, Joyce Byers, Jim Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair
Relationship(s): Will & Eddie, Steve/Eddie
Summary: Eddie’s not an idiot. He knows how this goes, he’s been playing Dungeons and Dragons since its creation. He knows exactly what happens when a disembodied voice promises you things while you’re in the fugue state of death.
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Stardust by @entanglednow | Art by @imfinereallyy
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Argyle
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Summary: Steve is starting to feel like his life is just one disaster after another. He didn't mean to make friends with Eddie Munson along the way, but for some reason he's always there, and if anyone knows how to get up again after being knocked down then it's him.
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Pas de Deux by @malikat24601 | Art by @glitterfang
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Argyle, Maxine Mayfield, Background Nancy Wheeler, Background Jonathan Byers, Background Corroded Coffin, Background The Party, Background Dmitri Antinov, Background Alexei, Background Eddie Munson's Parents, Original Characters, Jonathan Reeves (Center Stage), Juliette Simone (Center Stage)
Relationship(s): Eddie Munson / Steve Harrington
Summary: Pas de deux, /ˌpä də ˈdə/ noun: In ballet, a pas de deux is a dance duet in which two dancers perform ballet steps together. *** Eddie "the Freak" Munson and "King" Steve Harrington were irrevocably bound by dance, shared family and a genuine, unexpected, happy accident of a friendship for which Eddie was grateful every single day. Even if Eddie was also desperately, laughably, head over heels in love with him. *** A Steddie Ballet AU
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Come and Get Me by @lorifloragolina | Art by WaldosAkimbo
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions of Violence
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson
Relationship(s): Steve/Billy/Eddie
Summary: “Forgive me father, for I have sinned”. Steve is new in town and is troubled by a stranger provoking him from the window. Billy works hard in the garden on his knees and is delighted to express his love for the Father. Eddie celebrates the biggest love everyday and helps people reach their "targets".
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You're the One Who Disappears by @house-of-chant | Art by @marsetta
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Character(s): The Party, Billy, Robin, Eddie, Hopper, Joyce, Benny, Neil Hargrove, Susan Hargrove
Relationship(s): Max/Lucas, Jonathan/Nancy, Jim Hopper/Benny Hammond; (background) Mike/Eleven, Robin/Barb, Steve/Eddie
Summary: This isn’t the first time Max Hargrove has gone missing. It’s not even the first time this year. But this time, she’s not the only one. Bob Newby is found dead in his diner. Chrissy Cunningham disappears, leaving behind only a bloodstained jacket. Newspaper employees stop coming home. Joyce Maldonado (formerly Byers, although she’d appreciate you not bringing that up) is the busiest she’s been since her ex-husband took the kids to California; Chrissy's best friend Robin Buckley is on a quest to find out who murdered her friend; Max’s best friend Jane Hopper enlists a psychic boy to help her look; and Susan Hargrove breaks out the Ouija board in search of her daughter. Roleswap AU.
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Hell Hound by @madaboutmunson | Art by Droolovacoco
Rating: General Audiences
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Barbara "Barb" Holland, Wayne Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Corroded Coffin (Stranger Things), Gareth (Stranger Things), Jeff (Stranger Things), Doug (Stranger Things), Eddie Munson's Battle Vest - Character
Relationship(s): Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson, Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson & Eddie Munson, Gareth & Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin & Eddie Munson, Barbara "Barb" Holland & Eddie Munson
When Eddie Munson died, he didn't expect to wake up. And when he did wake up he definitely didn't expect to be strapped to some sci-fi hospital bed. And when the door opened he didn't expect to see Barbara Holland version 2.0. And he definitely didn't expect her to tell him, he was now a dog, and worse still that it was all his own fault.
Eddie's dying wish got him in this mess, and now he has to make Hawkins love him in order to return to his human form, or so he thinks.
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The Major Lift by @ghostdeb | Art by @sunflowerharrington
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Dustin Henderson (background), Max Mayfield (background), Wayne Munson (background), Jim Hopper (background)
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson; Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham; Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson & Chrissy Cunningham
Summary: Steve is home to visit Robin after the regular MLB season and Robin drags him along to be her wingman at the new coffee shop where the object of her affection works. Eddie and Chrissy own the coffee shop. Cue smitten kittens.
Stay tuned for more incredible works from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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I'm sorry for posting random crap, but these scenes just keep popping up in my head and I need to focus on my job, so off to my Tumblr you float, you insufferably distracting scenes.
The Fruity Four picking up the phone in their shared house (because I can't be persuaded that these four wouldn't adopt the Fruity Four name as a great shared joke instead of a Wheeler-Buckley-Munson-Harrington household):
Nancy: Hello, this is Nancy Wheeler speaking, how may I help?
Robin: Hello, this is the Fruity Four residence, Robin speaking, and before you ask to speak to someone, let me just inform you that Nancy is editing her latest article and will probably shoot anyone who knocks on her door, including me which is okay, you know, I'm an understanding woman, but it's also slightly concerning and I have plans for the rest of my life so I'd rather not do that, also Eddie was practicing his guitar and now it's eerily quiet and Steve is nowhere to be found and I'm absolutely NOT coming anywhere near that room so you might want to leave a message and a number, it might be answered sometime between two hours and three days, let me just get a pencil...hello?
Eddie: *flat voice* You have reached the Fruity Four services. For Journalism advice, press one. For Satanic worship, press two...
Steve: *immediately after picking up the phone without even hearing the caller's voice* Hi Dustin. Yes, I know it's you. Why? Because this is about right after you usually finish your call with Suzie, you always call me...yeah, I know you didn't realize. Go on, ask away, what is it this time, appropriate anniversary gift or something? Yeah. I'll give you a few tips but I need to keep it quick, Max usually calls to complain about Mike around four so I need to keep the line clear.
Steve: *picks up the phone*
Caller: Hello, I'd like to speak to the man of the house.
Steve: *locks eyes with Eddie*
Bonus Argyle: Duuuuude...it rings. Cool. Can you do it again, Ms or Mr Caller? I'll hang up now so do your thing. Test away!
Jonathan: Argyle, we connected the phone a month ago, you need to stop doing that!
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
Clueless Steddie AU where Steve is Cher. His dad is a big hot shot lawyer who isn’t around much and can be pretty mean at times. He cheated on Mrs. Harrington with Eddie’s mom. Mr. Harrington felt guilty about it when both Steve’s mom died and Eddie’s abandoned him so he had to go live with his uncle, so he started financially supporting Eddie.
Even though Wayne didn’t want to take any kind of charity, Eddie of course vows to take this rich douchebag for all he’s worth. He butts heads with Steve at every turn because Steve’s figured out what Eddie is up to. Eddie doesn’t expect to care about Steve or feel bad about his dad basically leaving him alone in that big mansion.
Eddie holds onto the idea that Steve is a stuck up brat who’s self obsessed, even as he sees Steve helping others. He watches Steve (and Robin) get their gym teacher Jim Hopper and their art teacher Joyce Byers together. He knows that Steve is responsible for helping Will find his confidence and the dnd kids having a place to play when everyone thought they were playing a devils game. His blanket of protection has extended to people like Robin Buckley, the local lesbian who never gets bullied, even though she’s a little weird and a lot loud about her relationship with Nancy Wheeler. In fact, they all seem to be at the top of the social pyramid.
Still, Steve and Eddie don’t see eye to eye. When Jonathan Byers shows an interest in Argyle, Steve makes it known he can do better than the local skateboarding pothead, even though Argyle is the nicest guy on the planet. Eddie takes personal offense to the connotations behind the sentiment and sides with Argyle, inviting Jonathan over to console him and tell him the exact opposite.
It backfires in Eddie’s face when Jonathan blows up at Steve and tells him to stay out of his personal life because they’re not even real friends. Steve gets quiet after that, keeping to himself and hanging out less with his friends, outside of Robin. The house seems even emptier, even though Steve’s there more. He tries dating a few people that never come home with him at the end of the night.
Eddie watches him in the halls, eyes following Robin and Nancy, Mike and Will, Lucas and Max, and Jonathan and Argyle (once they do eventually get together). He always has this pained wistful look that never gets easier to look at head on. Eddie knows how much Steve craves intimacy. It’s written all over his face.
And yeah, Steve has some flaws, but he doesn’t understand why these people keep turning Steve down. He takes care of the people he loves, even to his own detriment. He’s kind, but with a fun mean girl streak that’s more entertaining than harmful to anyone. Every time Eddie sees Steve, he’s tempted to run his fingers through his soft hair. Eddie’s pretty sure Steve spends hours grooming himself to look as perfect as he does every day.
Meanwhile, Steve thinks there’s something wrong with him. At the end of Steve’s most recent failed date, Eddie was of course staying in their mansion while Wayne was working night shifts and came down the stairs at the exact moment Steve was coming home, like he was waiting for the opportunity to make fun of Steve.
They’ve gotten closer over the past few months, less biting remarks and more time watching dumb cartoons or mtv on the couch. Steve had to call Eddie for help once, when his phone died and his car was stolen. Eddie had left band practice to come pick Steve up in the middle of nowhere, much to the chagrin of his band mates. He hadn’t heard the end of it from Gareth about being the knight in shining armor rescuing the little rich boy. Eddie sticks up for Steve when Mr. Harrington’s coworkers bash Steve’s intelligence and tell him he’ll never be as smart as his father. 
Still, Steve’s surprised when Eddie meets him halfway on the stairs to talk about the failed date. Some guy called him a pretty face with nothing going on upstairs and tried to get into his pants without a thought to how his words affected Steve. Eddie reassured Steve he wasn’t an idiot and listed off all the nice things Steve had done for others recently. He didn’t realize Eddie was even paying him any attention, let alone committing those moments to memory. Eddie starts ranting about how dumb all these people Steve’s dated are and how Steve deserves better. So Steve leans over and kisses Eddie, pulling away to tell him he’s someone better. 
Also posted on twitter.
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eskawrites · 1 year
Karen Wheeler gets Vecna’d.
She’s been a target since summer of 1985, since a shadow whispered to Billy Hargrove, shut her up, kill her, bring her to me.
And oh, what a target she is. So miserable with her perfect life. Already reaching for the bottle, grasping for any escape, however dangerous it is. Drowning in the guilt that she regrets her choices, regrets her family, regrets her children. Maybe if she didn’t, maybe if she could just be happy with her life, she could be a better mother. And maybe, if she was just a better mother, she could protect her kids from the danger that always seems to lurk in Hawkins.
So Karen starts getting headaches. She attributes it to the stress of sending Mike across the country, of figuring out what to do with Holly during spring break, of worrying about Nancy, wearing her Emerson shirt and standing with one foot out the door already.
It’s easy to forget about it in the chaos of everything happening after the championship game. And it makes sense that everyone else is too distracted to notice that something is wrong.
Meanwhile, the Hawkins gang saves Max and immediately decides to figure out who the next victim will be. They gear up with walkmans and cassettes and scribbled out lists of everyone’s favorite songs. Nancy feels herself pulled in all directions—trying to keep Max safe, putting on a brave face for the rest of the kids, coming up with plans to keep the group moving, worrying about Mike and Will and El and Jonathan half a country away, reconnecting with Steve while trying not to break his heart again, and fighting this increasingly overwhelming draw she feels toward Robin Buckley of all people. It’s too much for one person to deal with, but she’ll never admit that. What choice does she have but to keep going?
Until a police car pulls up at wherever the group is hiding out now, scaring everyone half to death. But the sheriff only asks for Nancy with a weary expression. “Your mother’s been acting strange. I don’t know what’s going on with you kids, or anyone else in this town for that matter, but your father’s no help and she seemed rattled enough we don’t really want to leave her on her own.”
Nancy presses for more information, tries to get details, but she already knows. Before the others piece it together, before Max realizes even, Nancy knows.
God. She doesn’t even know her mother’s favorite song.
They split the party, half of them going with Eddie to hide out at Steve’s house, but Nancy, Max, Robin, and Lucas head back to the Wheeler’s.
Cue trauma and shenanigans from there, like Ted really being no help at all, and Holly not knowing much but knowing that everything is wrong, and Karen barely even looking at Nancy no matter what she says or does. Robin searching the entire house for something that seems like it could be Karen’s favorite song, trying to get answers out of Ted and earning herself a place on his bad side as she does, bumping into Holly and awkwardly trying to make her feel better by asking for her help finding the right song. Max and Lucas hovering awkwardly, but Max refuses to leave because if Vecna strikes maybe she can help, and Lucas refuses to leave because it’s Max, he’s always going to be there for her. The rest of the kids staying in touch with walkies and trying desperately to get a hold of Mike back in California.
And maybe Nancy still has her vision, but this time Vecna taunts her with her mother, the final victim, standing right in front of her and she can’t do anything to help her. And Nancy has known she’s cursed, that she poisons everything she touches, since that stupid party back in 1983, but it has never been so paralyzing as it is right now.
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staygoldwriting · 2 years
Candy Grams
Summary: Valentine’s Day is coming up, and Eddie isn’t buying into it 
Warnings: fake gagging, pouty Eddie, mentions of Lord of the Rings characters; otherwise, it’s my usual fluff :)
Word count: ~1.5k
A/N: The reader is in high school, a member of Hellfire, and 18! This also avoids the ST4 plotline because we need happiness, haha! I hope you enjoy this fic 🤗
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As the cheerleaders and their sporty boyfriends kissed and cuddled with each other in the lunchroom, Eddie made fake gagging noises.
“Valentine’s Day,” he groaned. “The worst day of the year. And it’s not even here yet!” he yelled, spreading his arms. 
“Yeah, if it’s this bad today, think how bad it’ll be on Friday,” Mike tried to add. Eddie glared at him, making Mike double over and concentrate on his sandwich. 
“I know Valentine’s Day is a drag, Eddie, but maybe you’ll be surprised this year!” Dustin tried to encourage. “It’s also a good day to show love to your friends--”
More groans from Eddie.
“Or, subjects?” Dustin shrugged. Eddie chuckled in spite of himself.
“Oh, Henderson, the spell of love truly has a tight grip on you,” he squinted, landing a heavy hand on Dustin’s shoulder. “I feel bad for you.”
“Suzie’s great, and I think one day, you’ll find your Suzie! Just wait!” 
“Ugh, Dustin, why are you talking about Suzie again?” you complained as you arrived at the table. You sat next to him, taking his extra chocolate milk. “This is payment,” you said, waving it in front of him.
“I’ll accept,” he smiled. “And we were just talking about Valentine’s Day and how Eddie’s going to find his own Suzie one day.”
“Eddie, why not celebrate your friends?” you asked, taking a bite of your sandwich. “That’s what I do every year.”
“I don’t have any friends,” Eddie pouted. You reached across Dustin to poke Eddie.
“Hey! I’m your friend,” you said seriously. 
“Yeah yeah,” Eddie sighed. 
He looked in the opposite direction, not wanting to meet your eyes. Your posture sunk, and you poked at your macaroni. Dustin saw you and nudged you a bit, making you smile, but you still felt sad. You always wanted to share your love with others, especially Eddie, but he always pushed you away. You didn’t know why, but it never stopped you before. Maybe it was time you ought to stop.
“I’m gonna go,” you said slowly. “I have to talk to Mrs. Jacobs about something.”
You got up quietly as Dustin opened his mouth to protest, but you held a silent hand up. He cocked his head to the side in sadness as you shook your head, telling him not to worry. Gathering your lunch, you walked towards the cafeteria doors.
You looked to see Chrissy Cunningham bob in your direction, a chipper and cheery smile across her face. You stopped, smiling at her.
“Hi, Chrissy. What’s up?”
“Well, I wanted to say hi and ask if you’re okay cuz you kinda look glum,” she said and you nodded, crinkling your nose. She clicked her tongue and gave you a hug, which you accepted. As she pulled away, she reached into her backpack to grab a little clipboard.
“The other thing I wanted to mention is that I’m helping sell candy grams for this year’s student government Valentine’s Day fundraiser. Do you wanna buy any?”
“Um, yeah, sure,” you smiled softly.
“Okay, great! Just let me know who you want to send one to and if you want to add a message. They’re only a dollar.” 
“Sounds good!” you said as you pulled out a ten dollar bill. “I usually buy for the whole Hellfire Club… can you send one to Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, and Lucas Sinclair, freshman class? And then one to Gareth Williams, Sebastian Brown, and Jeff Thompson in senior class, and all of them with the message, ‘Happy Valentine’s Day, my favorite freak’? It’s an inside joke,” you explained as Chrissy laughed awkwardly.
“I understand!” she chirped. “Anyone else?”
“Well, you of course,” you smiled brightly, and Chrissy returned it. 
“Aw, thank you!” she said. 
“Oh! And Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley, please. Can you write ‘You’re my favorite Wheeler’ on Nancy’s and ‘I go buck wild for you’ on Robin’s?”
“Haha, sure!” Chrissy giggled. “Looks like you have one dollar left! Do you want one for Eddie?”
You looked over at Eddie, who was still pouting. You looked back at Chrissy, who saw your lovesick look and quietly nodded. She touched your arm lightly.
“Get back to me.”
Valentine’s Day had finally come, and as you arrived at school, you saw extravagant displays of love (and unfortunately, PDA). Walking through the halls, your eyes were drawn to shiny heart balloons and pink streamers, and the couples who had obviously been waiting for this day forever. 
Classes proceeded as normal. The teachers weren’t big fans of the theatrics, so Valentine exchanges happened only at the beginning of class. No candy could be consumed, and definitely no couples could sit and stare at each other instead of doing their work. As the day dragged on, the couples became sappier, and you were exhausted. You were at least looking forward to lunch with the anti-romantic Eddie. You didn’t want any more frills.
As you walked into the cafeteria, the boys waved you over. Their smiling faces made you feel happy, remembering how much you love celebrating this day with your friends. You sat down between Dustin and Eddie, and the former pulled a little pink bag out of his backpack.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N!” he beamed, handing you the gift.
“Aw, Dustin! Thank you so much,” you said, giving him a hug. You opened the bag to see a handmade card, some fresh cookies, no doubt made by Mrs. Henderson, and a little teddy bear holding a heart with “You’re my bear-st friend!” embroidered on it. 
“I hope you like it,” he said. “My mom made snickerdoodles for everyone.”
“It’s all amazing, thanks again Dustin,” you smiled. 
You looked over at Eddie, who was quietly eating one of his cookies. You nudged him with your elbow. 
“Hey,” you said quietly.
“Hey,” he breathed quickly, bouncing his knee.
“You okay?” you asked, concerned. “Today’s a lot, I know.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he said, turning away from you. 
The same sinking feeling you had on Monday returned. You were thinking about leaving, but, as if on cue, Chrissy floated in, smiling brightly. She had a gaggle of cheerleaders behind her, all with baskets full of candy grams.
“Candy gram delivery!” she sang, holding up her basket.
The cheerleaders split up and began distributing the candy grams. Most of them went by table, their baskets likely organized by cliques. Chrissy skipped over to your table.
“Hi you guys!” she beamed. “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
All of the boys except Eddie, who just nodded in her general direction, smiled and wished Chrissy a Happy Valentine’s Day. You gave her a small hug and a card you made her.
“Thanks, Y/N! Okay, here we go,” she said, going through her basket. 
“Gareth, here you go, and Lucas you have two! Sebastian and Jeff, here you go, Mike you have five!” she giggled as Mike read a mix of “love, Mom” and “love, Nancy” on his, along with your candy gram. 
“Dustin, you have the record! A Miss Suzie Bingham sent you ten via air mail,” she smiled, dumping a pile in front of him, “and one from Y/N.”
“How did she know?” Dustin asked to no one in particular, then turned to you with a knowing look. You winked at him, and he smiled widely.
“Thanks, Y/N!”
“Of course, you know I believe in love, sometimes,” you chuckled, hugging him.
“Y/N, you have four,” Chrissy said, handing you a candy gram from herself, Robin, Nancy, and Lucas, all with sweet messages. 
“Thanks, Lucas,” you smiled, which he returned. “Thanks, Chrissy!” 
Chrissy giggled. “Thank you for mine! Oh! Wait a minute!” she said, reaching into her basket. “Looks like you have one more,” she smirked. 
She handed you the last candy gram.
To Y/N, the Arwen to my Aragorn.
Your breath hitched as Chrissy looked in her basket again, handing one last candy gram to Eddie. As she turned to walk away, she winked dramatically and flipped her hair, traveling to the next table.
Eddie shoved the candy gram into his bag, face reddening.
“Aren’t you going to look to see who it’s from?” Mike asked.
“I know it’s from Y/N,” he grumbled. “Same message as the rest of yours,” he sighed, pushing his tray away.
“It’s not,” you said quietly, making him look at you. 
“You didn’t send me a candy gram?”
“No, I did. It’s not the same message though,” you said, looking into his eyes. “Read it. Please.”
He reached back in and grabbed the candy gram, looking at the message. 
To Eddie, my Evenstar.
He touched the message lightly with his fingers and breathed deeply. You felt your heartbeat quicken. He set it down and reached for your hand, but then hesitated, reaching for your face instead and cupping your cheek, kissing you softly on the lips. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, now looking sad. “I… I didn’t think you felt the same way. That’s why I was so bitter. Chrissy wasn’t even supposed to give you the candy gram, I told her to scrap it. Now I guess I know why she didn’t,” he chuckled. You smiled and leaned in to kiss him again.
“I’m glad she did. Will you be my Valentine?”
“Absolutely, my queen.”
✨ I hope you enjoyed this little story!
Taglist: @alphashadows @tillkummer @mlle-ayka @fanficfanatic204 @gttrgrrl @klaine-92 @aurumbelis @onlyangel-444 @beep-beep-sherlock @morishitoshi @onceuponathreetwoone @toomanybandstocare @underthebatcape @steves-robin @zeldaknight @fieldofsecretss @prettyinpunk85​ @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires @thatonecurlygirl​ @luvthatlovestolove @loliakeoghan23 @dearelliewrites @mslunawinchester​ @efvyqrs​ @simonsbluee​ @inkedaztec​ @dumplinshee​
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gay-little-bitch · 1 year
Personal Lies pt 1
Pt2 pt3 pt4 Pt5
Note: To any new readers, the first 4 chapters are pretty bad but I will re-write those at some point and I promise it gets better.
"Steve Harrington was one of the newest indie artists in 2023 who gained some popularity in the genre when he released his first album titled 'The King.' The album was a dedication to someone he had a crush on in high school. He was the school's resident freak who nobody wanted, while Steve was in the popular crowd and he was of course quite the sex symbol.
The first single he released was called 'Personal Lies' which he used to express how he felt when he first fell for this anonymous boy. The order he released the songs showcases how he felt over time and why he was crushing after 'the freak.' This leads to the question 'is this love still there?' Steve will neither confirm nor deny this but revealed he still wishes the boy remembered him.
Will he find this boy? Will crushes bloom?"
Steve's Pov:
"Oh my god Robs." Steve scoffs "Are you seeing this shit?!" He turns his phone over to Robin to show her a TikTok page dedicated to finding his mystery boy. She can barely contain the giggle that slips past her lips. "Babes your face is like bright red, you look like a tomato. It's okay~ they're just trying to help." Steve gets up from his seat to aggressively bring his and his roommate's dishes to the sink.
"How did they find all of that out about me though?!" Steve reads the information on the TikTok. "For 20 years Steve lived in a small place in Indiana called Hawkins. Steve went to Hawkins Middle school and Hawkins high. He used to be best friends with a kid named Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins, who are dating. Steve's new friends consist of Nancy Wheeler (his ex-girlfriend), her brother Mike Wheeler, Will Byers (Mike's boyfriend), and his brother Jonathan Byers. Steve seems to be very close with Dustin Henderson, Max Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Erica Sinclair, Argyle (last name unknown), Jane Hopper, and his roommate/best friend Robin Buckley."
"Like who told them?!" Steve takes a deep breath and looks at Robin. He seems calm but decides to start rambling. "I just don't understand why I can't just live my lonely single life without people butting in??? Eddie probably doesn't even remember me and even if he did he's probably not even gay or he just hates me. Did you know I was a dick to him in school? I didn't mean to be a dick I just really wanted some. Specifically hi-"
Robin slaps a hand over her best friend's mouth. "Steve...? Stop." He lets out a sad sounding sigh. "If you don't want to find him, we don't have to but I think it would be the perfect idea to make you feel something again. After me and Nance started dating you seemed so sad. You need someone to love Stevie."
"Yeah whatever" Robin mutters something about calling Gareth (Eddie's bestfriend since high school) and without anymore words they continue their movie.
2 days later
The smell of eggs and bacon fills the room of a sleeping Steve. His headache has no signs of going away but he regretfully gets out of bed. The first thing he sees when he opens the door is Robin, who has 2 glasses of her hangover cure. "Here Steve!" He hesitates before taking it. Robin usually doesn't let him use her cure and tells him to 'make it himself.' "Is it drugged?" Steve smells the gross looking slurry. It doesn't smell half bad.
"No dumbass it's not drugged. Didn't you see the news?" Steve gives her a questioning look, waiting for her to respond. "You are on the billboard hot 100!"
Steve slams his glass down on the counter hoping it doesn't break. "Holy shit Robs are you fucking serious?!" "Dead."
Steve starts freaking out. "What if Eddie sees and knows it's about him?!" Robin giggles. "He doesn't really listen to your type of music I don't think. I don't think he knows. He's not even on social media as far as I know. You'll be okay Stevie. Why don't you want him to know that it's about him?"
He downs his drink and goes to put it in the sink. "What if he still thinks i'm an asshole and wants nothing to do with me? I don't wanna risk it ya' know?" Robin rolls her eyes at Steve's stupidity and grabs her phone.
Robin's Pov:
Last night Robin decided to text Gareth and see if he's still in contact with Eddie and if he'd heard Steve's new album. Good news, he was still best friends with Eddie. Bad news, Gareth hates Steve and refuses to listen. Robin refuses to give up and she invites him for an early lunch at the coffee shop a few blocks away, and with some negotiation he agrees.
Gareth walks into the shop wearing a ripped mesh shirt, an iron maden shirt, and dark blue baggy jeans. His hair is longer and the ends are colored red. He looks so much different from high school.
"Gareth!!" Robin swings out her arms for a hug. He cautiously accepts and they sit down at the table next to the window. "So why did you invite me here? I know it wasn't just to have a coffee." Robin feels her smile grow. "Did you know Steve has a crush on Eddie?" Gareth freezes and has a confused but amused look on his face.
"Eddie has a crush on Steve... He literally wrote his newest album about his crush in high school." Robin slaps the table and gets looks from the other customers. "Steve did the same thing!! We need to set them up!" Gareth looks intrigued so she keeps going.
"Steve's fans have been trying to figure out who the mystery boy is and I bet your guys' fans are probably doing the same thing. So what if we let them keep guessing for a little while longer and then we hook them up!" His face lights up and he grabs his phone. "I have to go but I just send you my Instagram and the band's Instagram. Let's hope this plan works."
They say their goodbyes and right when Robin gets in her car she checks his Instagram.
Corroded Coffin: 4.5 Million Followers
Eddie Munson: 3.7 Million Followers
"Holy Shit."
Notes: Hope you liked the first part! I'm really happy with the outcome of my post inspiring this<;33333 I used @little-gae-shit idea for the album name "The King" and I used @maya-custodios-dionach idea for the Gareth and Robin thing. Idk how many parts this will be but I'm excited to continue to write. I suck at writing to lets hope this is okay :/
read on ao3
@down-sizing-redux , @gay-stranger-things , @satan-is-obsessed , @this-is-moony-lovegood , @impeachy , @maraudersfavoritewhore , @robinbuckleymybeloved
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medusapelagia · 2 months
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Title: Second Chances Mixtape Word Count: 49.000 Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Rating: Mature Pairing(s): Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, The Party (Stranger Things), Nancy Wheeler, Argyle (Stranger Things), Jonathan Byers, Henry Creel | One | Vecna, Original Characters, Wayne Munson, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Terry Ives, Martin Brenner, Becky Ives, Scott Clarke Tags: Pre-Relationship, Guns, POV Alternating, Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Feelings, Abusive Parents, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Past Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Presumed Dead, Child Neglect, Blood and Violence, Gun Violence, Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Found Family, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Hospitals, Blood and Injury, not too graphicif you have seen season 4 you know what I’m talking about, Reverse Big Bang Challenge
Summary: It's 1986 and the plan to kill Vecna was a disaster: Vecna escaped, Hawkins was devasted by an earthquake and Eddie Munson is dead. Or so they presume.
“The cassette player broke.” Lucas whispers after hours of silence. “I couldn’t… I couldn’t help her. I was right there, but I couldn’t help her.” Steve holds him tighter, he has no words of comfort for him and he knows exactly how he feels. How hard is he judging himself, how he is playing the entire movie of the night in his head trying to find the point in time where he could have fixed everything. Steve knows all of that because he and Lucas are so similar and he is doing the very same thing, thinking about Eddie. Only…. Only Steve has another thought that doesn’t let him breathe: did he really hate him? Steve can’t deny that he was jealous of Dustin’s new cool friend but… did he let them risk their lives because he was jealous?
Beta Readers: @soaringornithopter and @house-of-chant Art link and credit: art 1, art 2 by @maikaartwork Fic link and credit: fic by @medusapelagia
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anonymouslyel · 2 years
eddie who is so open with his affection and appreciation to everyone about what they do for him.
dustin offers his house for a d&d session and eddie's like "i love you, hendersen. do you know that?"
robin pays for a dvd rent one time and eddie goes "if we weren't you know, i'd marry you. thanks, buckley."
nancy gifts him some metal trinkets from some store near her college and eddie kisses her head, saying "you are a dream girl, nancy wheeler! i'd fight buckley for your hand," with a teasing nudge to robin
lucas and max randomly gives him some patches for his new vest and he hugs the teens tightly saying, "you two are the most adorable couple in all of hawkins!"
el finally caved in and made eddie float at least five inch above the ground with her mind and he praises eleven so hard saying "that is the most metal thing ever! ozzy could never!" while smiling wide and patting el's head
mike and will gifts him dice (the one eddie has been talking about every end of a campaign) and eddie dramatically wipes an imaginary tear, before kissing the head of the teens so affectionately (will smiles so wide while mike pushes him away but eddie knows mike is just shy)
steve sees that and wants to be hugged and kissed and praised like that (he's already done with realization and panicking with the help of robin and nancy). so he does everything that could elicit that kind of reaction from eddie.
he tried so hard to curate music that, aside from what eddie usually listens to, eddie would like. that took him probably three weeks with the help of, surprisingly, argyle, and, not surprisingly, jonathan.
all that got him was a "this is very thoughtful, steve. i'll ket you know what i think after i listen to it" with a sincere smile.
(steve didnt know how big eddie's smile is as he went home that night. wayne had noticed and was so curious about what (or who) put that big smile on his nephew but eddie only said a friend made him a mixtape. steve doesnt know how eddie had to bite his tongue to stop hinself from kissing steve harrington in the middle of the school's parking lot.)
steve didnt give up and buys some patches too. he wants to be hugged that tight too.
this time steve was graced with a tight hold in the arm bc apparently steve bought him a metallica patch. "you said you basically listened to them only for a week," steve said.
(eddie rewarded himself that night for only grasping steve's arm instead of hugging and twirling the other man in front of the hellfire club members by buying a pizza for him and wayne)
steve tries to go for the kiss on the temple with a sincere praise by learning how to play the first verse of master of puppets. he was blindsided when eddie literally tears up because "no one had ever exerted that much effort for me."
it's steve who pulls eddie to his side in a hug, careful of eddie's guitar, and pressed a closed lip kiss on eddie's temple, saying "i'll learn the whole song for you, eddie."
(eddie couldnt help himself as he tells what steve did to wayne that night. wayne went "this harrington kid played guitar for you?" "that's what i've been telling you wayne!" and wayne knows how important playing the guitar is for eddie so he nods and said, "let me meet him sometime,")
steve doesnt know what happened because it seemed like they went two steps backward. steve gave eddie a leather jacket. at first, he thought eddie didn't like the idea of someone buying him something expensive. so steve reassured him by saying "that's mine, munson. mom gave it to last year but its not my style so i only wore it once to show her it fits."
(but inside eddie's panicking so much because for him, this is the equivalent of some jock giving their girl their letterman jacket. but for eddie, he loves leather jackets more. and the love of hi life is giving one to him)
eddie lets himself hug steve, one arm on the waist and the other on the shoulder. "thanks, stevie. i'll take care of this," he said before ruffling steve's hair. he waits for the usual teasing irritation about not to ruin his hair but none of that happens. instead, steve is giving him a look that eddie's been the subject of this past few months. a look that eddie's been giving to steve too when the other is not looking at him.
(steve replays the sensation of eddie's warm hugs at night and decides that he wants to be hugged like that for a long, long time.)
at some point of him just giving eddie gifts or doing something for eddie, steve realizes that more than loud and obvious show of affection that eddie do to others, steve prefers the soft "thanks, stevie", the cheery "you are the best, harrington", the teasing "i'll take you up on that offer, big boy"
so whenever eddie profess his eternal love for dustin, or his everlasting gratefulness for robin and nancy, or his untamed affection to lucas and max, or his loveable teasing to mike and will, or his brotherly affection to el, steve smiles because eddie has his own way to show and tell all of those that is reserved for steve only
(the way this went in my mind:
someone: does something nice for eddie
eddie: please marry me
steve: does something nice for eddie
eddie: thanks, steve
steve, irritated: why arent you asking me to marry you!?)
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