#roc wall
lionfloss · 2 years
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by Justin Kern
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oldestsoul · 2 years
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Valtteri Bottas & Mika Häkkinen // ROC 2023
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anauro · 2 years
"It makes me wonder if people just imagine characters living in their own homes 🤔"
cut to me trying to imagine regulus living in a very typical ✨️eastern european✨️ home
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You forgot these beauties
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ivettel · 2 years
oh my god theyre in the locker room right now insert everybody remain calm the office dot gif
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milflewis · 2 years
this is why you wear your glasses when you drive
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mangyraccooon · 4 months
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I inflict on you my modern dragodile brainrot
Random thoughts that I didn’t have energy to draw
- this is the only “safe” timeline from the canon event (divorce) ie they never fell out (their best selves)
- croc would’ve killed at rugby (I base pre transition croc off of a American rugby player Ilona Maher, she’s amazing fr)
- dragon is the singer/ front man of the punk rock band revolutionary army or the “revs”
- croc runs baroque works a company that deals with property development
- everyone at baroque works thought croc was a widower for like the longest time (it’s seriously embarrassing)
- croc 100% stares at the billboard whenever he misses his husband is bored
- dragons music is like des rocs mixed with falling in reverse (one day i animate bad girls club)
- they have matching tattoos (for luffy)
While they are both very cool they immediately become massive losers whenever within 10 ft of Luffy
Some examples
Crocodile losing his reading glasses on his head
Dragon shrieking when startled (he had headphones in)
Both running into a solid object while staring at the other; pole, door, car, wall
They have a super solid partnership (mainly because they are ok being on their own, they don’t have to be with each other 24/7) it’s not the classic I need you in my life it’s I don’t need you but I want you in my life.
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bluebudgie · 9 months
gw2 story moments that went way too hard (my personal picks) (non-exhaustive list):
ls2 ending / teaser trailer for HoT
the entirety of HoT idk
final battle against Mordremoth
when rytlock runs into the spike trap in bloodstone fen and goes "ouch"
taimi voice: "jormag is active" [best song in the game plays]
*drops down into a volcano* damn that's a big roc- oh. oh... it's an elder dragon
spirit raven guide in the afterlife
taimi almost SUFFOCATING in scruffy??? bro turn that down one step, that went TOO hard
the entire bug in the system idk just one moment
when joko insults the commander's fashion. best 4th wall breaking diss in the game
"UHHWHAT" (sound of lab equipment breaking) "D-DID YOU SAY CHAK?!"
whatever that raptor fleeing sequence is right after. blish. you kno. i always die during that but i'm sure it's impactful if you don't fall every 2 meters while your party member finishes the instance
grothmar valley existing isn't a story moment but I'll mention it anyway because i can
when drakkar vomited out its soul right in front of the commander
jormag face reveal
Gorrik jailed. not for bioterrorism (this time)
Bioterrrorist Gorrik looking at a whale: "Is that a whale?"
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a love story | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x reader word count: 3.4k words request: nopewarnings: fluuuuuuff and maybe some angst? kinda? this was inspired by a dream i had last night 🫣 a/n: me? actually posting something? no way!
my masterlist 
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(i'm so proud of my boy but honestly wtf did they put in the water during roc they were all INSANE)
the gray clouds looked threatening, they covered the sky completely, leaving the sun nowhere to be found. it was a cold morning, with the crisp air causing the curtains of her bedroom to dance, even if her window was open just a tad bit. she usually loved days like this, being bundled up in a cable knit sweater, watching the raindrops hitting the windows as soft music played in the background, a cup of warm tea in her hands and a good book on her lap. 
but those days were usually accompanied by a warm embrace around her shoulders, a hard chest allowing her to rest her back against it, soft lips grazing her neck, her cheeks and lips. 
today was not one of those days, for he was not with her, but hours and miles away. after years of being with him, she still couldn’t get used to the idea of him being gone. but she couldn’t be selfish, she had to support him and his dreams as much as he did for hers. 
just two more days.
she started her morning as usual. shower, get dressed, light makeup, brush her hair, make breakfast and grab the lunch she made the previous night before leaving her apartment and going to work. 
the small book shop downtown sat peacefully, waiting with its pastel yellow walls for customers to arrive. she ate her breakfast as she sat on the bus on her way there, a simple bagel with cream cheese and jam bought from the farmer’s market. she finished just in time for her to skip down the bus steps and onto the streetwalk. 
she did her usual routine to open the book shop, like picking a quote from a book to write on the chalkboard wall by the kids’ section, checking that everything was in its right place, collecting the flowers from the shop next door, to brighten up the place. she was so lucky she found that spot for her book shop, with a café on one side, a flower shop on the other, it was quite possibly the perfect combination. every so often she’d receive customers with a coffee cup in their hands, looking for a book to enjoy while relaxing from the day. or people looking for a book as a gift, having already bought a bouquet of flowers. 
once the clock turned its hands to tell her it was 9:00 am, she turned the lock on the door and flipped the sign that hung from it, now reading ‘open’. 
it was a quiet morning, the rain started around an hour after opening and just picked up from there, with the winds picking up strength as well. she couldn’t spot a soul out there, the town she called home was a ghost town, everyone much preferred staying home than going out.
she wished she’d done so as well, that rest of the day was probably going to be just as slow as the morning. 
but a few hours after midday, a young couple entered the book shop. they apologized profusely as they dried their shoes on the carpet she’d placed especially for that. 
she smiled at them, waving their worries away as she informed them they could hang their jackets on the coat rack to dry and avoid making a mess. they thanked her, and she noticed how he was the first to reach for his girlfriend’s hand after having to separate to take off their jackets. she watched them walk further into the shop, and she grabbed her phone, opening the music app and changing the preloaded queue, adding a few soft, romantic tunes that fit well with the ambiance of the day, the bookshop, and the couple. songs that reminded her of him. 
book shops had always been a special place for her, she could get lost for hours on end, reading the back cover of paperback books, running her fingers along the hardcover spines, sighing over beautiful covers and sprayed edges. but especially, she loved book shops because that’s where she met him. 
she was in college, longing for ways to escape the real world. books provided just that, a chance to get lost in fictional places, with words that described endless possibilities and worlds where everything was possible. 
the local bookstore was her most frequented place, the owners and workers knew her and trusted her, they knew that the books she took were safe and that she’d take care of them as if they were the most delicate rose petals. 
she sat on a velvet sofa, her favorite. it fit two people, but she always claimed it as hers, and no one ever bothered her. not even on that day, when all the other available seats were taken. she was reading a poetry book. she had a lot on her mind and needed something that was quick to read and kept her mind occupied. she had her legs crossed beneath her, the book on one hand as she rested her head on the other. her eyes scanned the pages quickly, re-reading verses that caught her attention and often writing them down in her own notebook. she never was a fan of writing on books, but did like taking notes and scribbling down her thoughts. 
her quiet peace was interrupted by a tall body standing in front of her. 
“sorry-” she looked up, seeing blue eyes looking down at her. “is this seat taken? all the other chairs are busy and i- i haven’t seen anyone here, so-”
“yeah, it’s okay,” she answered, grabbing her bag and placing it on the floor beneath her.
“thank you,” he smiled at her as he sat, she did the same, returning to her book.
they didn’t speak more that day, he only thanked her again and said goodbye when he was ready to leave. he looked about her age, and she found herself staring at his frame as he left, with his back toward her. 
two days later, he was there again. he had the same book he was reading the previous time, whilst she had already finished her poetry book and was now reading a classic tragedy. the routine was the same, none of them talking, simply sitting next to each other as they read and saying goodbye when it was their time to leave. unfortunately, she couldn’t go the rest of the week because of school work, but finally, after a hard week, she walked through the doors, breathing in the familiar scent of ink and pages. she walked straight to her spot, stopping in her tracks as she saw the same guy sitting there already, his backpack on her side of the sofa. he looked up, a smile on his face.
“you’re back,” he said, grabbing his bag and placing it on the floor, like she’d done for him that very first day. she smiled, unable to stop a light flush to rush to her cheeks as she walked to him.
“yeah, school was being a pain,” she said, dropping down beside him. 
“well, i’m happy to see you again,” he placed a bookmark between the pages he was reading, closing the book to pay attention to her.
“thanks, i missed being here. this place… it’s like a home away from home.”
“i get it, i only found out about this place a week ago and felt an instant connection, and i’m not an avid reader. or, i wasn’t before coming here for the first time.” 
she smiled, nodding her head, that was exactly how she felt.
“i’m mick, by the way,” he offered his hand. she sat up, shaking his hand. she told him her name, and looked down at the book he was reading.
“the great gatsby?” 
“yeah, i saw you reading it last week and… you seemed so lost in the book and the pages, you gasped and your eyes widened every so often… you made me want to read it,” he spoke, hoping he didn’t sound like a creep. but he was an observant person, he noticed things. 
“oh,” was all she said, crossing her legs beneath her, a position she often found herself in, it was comfortable and meant she was at ease. “and what do you think?” she asked, looking down at the way his fingers delicately tapped the cover of the book. 
“it’s really good,” he chuckled, nodding his head to confirm his words. “i’d seen the movie but-”
“it doesn’t compare. it’s a good adaptation but… it’s not the same,” 
“yeah,” he agreed. 
and then he asked her a question, she answered. then she did, and he answered. and the hours passed but neither of them read the books, they got to know each other, talking and laughing and confessing their favorite tropes, books and even discussing their different stands on a controversial topic in one of their favorite books.
before they knew it, the day turned to night and the owners started getting ready to close the shop. she looked around, noticing they were the only two customers there. 
“i’m guessing that’s our cue to leave,” she said, chuckling softly, but didn’t stand up.
“oh- yeah,” he replied, playing with the edges of his book. they both stood up, walking to the exit. she said goodbye to the owners, waving her hand.
“see you tomorrow,” she told them, the words she said every night. “i guess i’ll- see you tomorrow, too,” she smiled.
“yeah, i’d like that.”
“okay. good night,” she said, looking straight at him as she took a step back. 
“good night.” he nodded his head, walking backward too, the other way. 
after that day their afternoons were spent getting wrapped up in sentences, verses, rhymes, the times new roman font, and each other. they’d walk along the shelves, point to books they’d already read, book they recommended to each other, and books they promised to read together. at one point as the days passed, the distance between them disappeared, they now sat side by side, leaning into each other to read from the same book. other times, one of them would read aloud while the other stared at the ceiling, or at the person reading.
the bookstore was witness to their first meeting, the time they exchanged numbers, their first real goodbye… their first kiss.
their first goodbye. he explained that besides books, his biggest passion in life was racing. he explained the extent of his rising career, the stakes and responsibilities that came with it. and how he’d have to leave several weeks of the year. she remained quiet, taking in his words, understanding that his life was so different from hers. their first goodbye included soft smiles, a gentle touch of hands, a hug that neither of them wanted to end, and a tear streaming down her face as she turned her back to him as she walked away. 
their first kiss happened two weeks later. two long weeks he’d been gone, and even though they could count on technology, it wasn’t the same as having him sitting next to her, feeling his warmth and hearing his laugh echoing through the wooden walls of their little nook in the bookshop. mick arrived unannounced, saying hi to the people behind the counter, asking for her. he walked to their spot, seeing her belongings there, but not her. he walked down the long corridor, one shelf after the other, and finally spotted her, leaning against the wall, book covering her face. 
"the great gatsby?" he asked. she dropped the book, looking up at him as a smile broke on her face. 
"you're here!" she got up, leaving the book forgotten on the floor as she flung herself towards him. "how are you? how did it go?" she said as she threw her arms around his neck. he wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her close against him. 
"it was good, but i don't want to talk about that right now," he replied, putting her down, but she still kept her arms on his neck, he kept his hold of her waist. "you're re-reading the great gatsby already?" he raised an eyebrow.
"yeah, i… this was the first book you read because you saw me, and we started talking because of this book. it's… special." 
"that feels so long ago," he said, turning so he had his back against the tall shelf. 
"a month and a half." 
"hmm…" he smiled, "and what have you been up to these past weeks?" he asked. 
"oh! i found the perfect greek mythology retelling, it's about hades and persephone, and all of their struggles, and he loves her so much, it's so beautifully written and-" her rambling was cut short by a pair of soft lips on hers. 
it was soft and slow and tender and so delicate, he moved his lips against hers as if they were a sugar cube that could break with the wrong movement. she was left breathless as he fully circled her middle with his arms, turning them so her back was against the hard wooden shelves. 
their first kiss was perfect. there was no other way to describe it. it was shared in the place that had a special meaning for both of them, they were both eager and devoted to the kiss, not wanting it to end, loving the feeling, the rushing heartbeats and flushing cheeks, the shivers and goosebumps after a particular sensitive touch, it was magical, and no words could ever even begin to describe it. 
they'd try to find poems, verses, lines, paragraphs that could put into words everything they felt at that moment, but nothing could ever come close to fully capture the electrifying energy that surrounded them. 
and five years later, after endless kisses, touches, intimate moments, book after book, their love only grew larger and larger, deeper and deeper, an undeniable and undefiable connection that could overcome everything. 
but sometimes that was easier said than done, and as she stared at the young couple, that reminded her so much of them, she couldn't help but wish he was there. she never said it, she didn't want to make him feel bad, but everytime he walked out the door was hard on her. he was her rock, the one person she could count on to always be there for her. and sometimes all she wanted was him. just his presence made her feel at ease. 
and especially in slow days like this, when her mind was left free to wander and think endlessly, she couldn't help but wish she could just wrap her arms around him and keep him close forever. he was so kind, so gentle with her, everything she longed for in a partner and so much more, traits that only made sense because of him. 
but she powered through it, picking a high fantasy novel to keep her mind busy, building the images on her head and creating the characters she was reading about. every so often her eyes would find the couple, sharing kisses and giggles as they scanned the books. 
maybe that was the magic of bookshops, the chance to escape the real, rainy world outside and be consumed by the endless possibilities the stories inside had to offer. 
once the rain died down, the couple left, they bought a couple of books and she dropped a couple of bookmarks in their bag as a gift. the rest of the day was the same, with only two or three more customers arriving and leaving quickly, not wanting to get caught under the rain once it started again. 
with about an hour left until closing time, she decided it was enough. she highly doubted anyone else was coming anytime soon. so she flipped the sign on the door, locking it as she began to clean up. the playlist had finished playing, and the only sounds were that of her footsteps. 
until a knock on the door startled her. she could only make out a tall body, head covered by the black hood of a jacket, her immediate stranger danger siren went off in her head, but she still approached the door, grabbing the nearest thing she could find as a weapon.
a hardcover copy of les mis.
she unlocked the door, opening it just wide enough for her to peek her head forward.
"sorry, we're closing early because of the weather." she explained, hands clutching the book against her chest.
"really? i wanted to buy that new emily henry book," the man said, looking up at her with a smile on his face.
"mick!" she said, dropping the copy of the french novel and skipping down the few steps leading up to the shop. she wrapped her legs around him, hands over his neck, pulling him close.
"get inside! you're not wearing a jacket," he laughed, walking with her on top of him. "it's nice to see your habit of dropping books when i stop by unannounced hasn't gone away." 
"i've missed you so much," she said, keeping her face buried in his neck. "all day… all i wanted to do was be near you." she mumbled against his skin, feeling him walking with her in his arms.
"i'm here now," he placed her on the counter, beside the cash register, and softly placed his hands on her face, leaning back to look at her. he tilted her chin up, getting lost in her eyes.
"you're here." she whispered, her fingers playing with his hair. "how are you here?" she asked.
"got done early. took a flight. i was going to wait for you at home but… i wanted to see you. i missed you too much." she smiled at his words, feeling butterflies in her stomach as he ticked a strand of hair behind her ear. even after so many years together, he still made her feel like they were falling in love for the first time all over again. 
"how was everything?" she asked, tentatively. she knew that sometimes he wasn't in the mood to talk about his job, he liked leaving racing on the paddock and just enjoy their time together.
"good, talks about next year are going well," he said, squeezing her hips. she smiled, knowing how much he deserved a seat on the f1 grid. 
"i'm happy to hear that. did you get any reading done?" she asked, changing the subject. 
"finished 'little women', started 'circe'."
"ooh, you really want to complete your reading challenge this year, don't you?"
"i only have two books left." he smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
"well done, my love!" she said, kissing his cheek, too. 
"and you? how many books did you finish?"
"night circus and i'm halfway through anna karenina."
"a big book?" he raised his eyebrows. "i'm proud of you, baby."
"thanks," she blushed under his stare, her hands finding his, locking their fingers together. 
her eyes met his, soft smiles painted on their lips, chests rising up and down in sync. he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against hers softly. he rubbed his nose against hers, then placed his lips on top of hers. 
the first kiss after a goodbye was always a special one. there was so much longing, love and pure emotion poured into a reunion kiss, it always brought them back to their very first kiss shared a few moons ago. 
the first kiss after a goodbye always left her breathless after. it was like her body was getting used to having him close again, and no matter how many times they said goodbye and hello, it always felt like the first time. 
"what do you think about going home… turn on the fireplace, make hot cocoa, and read a good book?" he suggested.
"i'd love that," she smiled against his lips, leaning forward once more. "what are you in the mood for?"
"hmm… a love story?" he raised an eyebrow.
she nodded, pushing him back to jump off the counter. she held his hand and led him to the first book that crossed her mind.
"how about a tragic love story?" she said, grabbing a copy of the blue paperback book. "quite possibly the greatest love story," she teased.
"impossible. ours is way better," mick said, grabbing the copy of 'the great gatsby' and holding her hand.
and he was right. 
out of all the stories she'd read, theirs was her favorite one. and the best part was, it wasn't fictional, and more importantly, it didn't have to end. 
-- take a shot each time you read the word 'book'
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grapenamjams · 29 days
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At work I thought about a slightly angsty fic scenario about Togame 🐢 bare with me here as I just dump my thoughts
- A/N: reading this back I jump from using reader and “you” just ignore that. Thanks!
So, reader and Togame got together before he joined Shishitoren. Maybe first meeting when he was working at a festival (no I will not let this perfect meet cute scenario go) point is reader got to know Togame before he changed. Knowing His sweet, shy, caring, laidback side.
Therefore when he joins Shoshitoren Reader watches the Togame they knew slowly change before their own eyes. Turning cold, cocky , violent and cruel towards his fellow gang members.
Reader will still see glimpses of who he was when he was you. Reader Still knows in their heart that he would never hurt them physically and he loves and cherishes reader dearly but his personality still had changed dramatically, to the point reader found it hard to differentiate between his opposing personalities. Bleeding into his personal life. Reader also just couldn’t turn a blind eye to the things he was doing, the pain he was causing to others even though it was deserved at times he would go to extremes.
Naturally this was causing a strain between the two. distance and arguments were frequent in the relationship. Wearing each other thin. Togame knew he was hurting you and it pained him but he was adamant to his promise he made to his friend.
Reader hearing about what happend under the bridge, what Togame had done and the scheduled battle with Bofurin was pretty much the tipping point for reader.
The night before the battle. Reader and Togame had an argument.one of the worst ones yet. Words were said that hit harder than bloody fits ever could. Monster was one of the words that made Togame freeze in his tracks as he followed you into his bedroom watching you grab your things that had slowly started to apear through the years together. Reader regretted the words once they left their mouth but they remain firm. Togame didn’t remember what he said but it was enough to bring tears to his partners eyes and have them make a straight line for the door. He sinks to the floor head thudding against the wall, letting out a curse as he runs his hands through his hair the silence to loud your last words the only thing ringing in his head.
Almost a week goes by since the battle with Bofurin when Togame found himself in readers living room. He wanted to hide, to let you go completely, telling himself that you would be better off without him. Even though he was finally able to drop the facade he had built for his promise. He knows he caused you so much pain. hurt you so many times to able to save what you two had.
But in all his efforts at distance he couldn’t step away and leave things how they ended that night. not before trying to apologize to you for his behavior. He knows he didn’t deserve it, your forgiveness, for you to not remember him only for his worst parts. He knows he treated you horribly, not taking care, cherishing you as he ought had done. as he wanted too. He couldnt handle the thought of you hating him. It tore him up inside to know you thought him a cruel monster at the end of your guys story. And he tells reader all of this.
“That person…that wasn’t who I am. You know me, yeah? I got lost in my own facade I created. I just…” his deep voice falters, tears that were in his eyes begin to drop down. “Your opinion of me matters so much to me, angel. I don’t want you to hate me I don’t want you to leave us thinking I’m a monster. I know I havnt done much to prove otherwise recently… I’m so incredibly sorry for how I hurt you. You didn’t deserve that and I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness but I just…fuck I just wanted to try”
Your heart aches at Seeing him so desperately asking for your forgiveness. Almost as if he wants to get on his knees if you continue to stay silent. (I’m breaking my own heart here yall god T_T)
The relationship had recently become rocky, but at the end of the day you both loved each other. You had always known that his true self was locked away somewhere and you had hoped to see him again. of course it won’t be the exact same, but you knew you would love every version of him never being able to truly hate him. Meaning so much to you. Telling him this, Togame tears fall freely.
“Say it again” he pulls you into him tightly anchoring himself as he shakes with quiet,  sobs. “say that you don’t hate me please”
You hug him back just as fiercely before pulling back to cup his face in your hands. Tearful eyes taking in your face, desperately. “ I don’t hate you I never could. I love you Togame.”
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
Don't know what you mean
Part one of the Roc & Roc Series
Tim Rockford x plus size female reader (Doc)
This fic is for general audiences.
My blog overall is 18+ MDNI
Main Masterlist / Tim Rockford Masterlist / Roc & Doc Series
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: obsessive behavior, Stealing, discussion of stomach contents, food references (did you think I wouldn't?), mentions of crimes
Summary: You know it's wrong, but you haven't stopped taking them for months. He's going to find out one way or another. How are you going to handle it when he figures it out?
Notes: Because 2024 appears to be my year of writing challenges, I decided to use a prompt I saw on @creativepromptsforwriting blog for a weekend game. It was fun using a prompt but at the same time hard? I usually don't use prompts, All my craziness is marinating up there. 😎 I also took this as an opportunity to write Tim Rockford! I've actually wanted to write him for a while, but wasn't sure how. Here we are. Anything about police and Med. examiners I know from TV and for that I apologize in advance.
I got #799 which gave me the following prompt: "Sometimes it was much easier just to steal something than to ask for it." I don't know if I stuck to it or not. 🫢
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As your friend told you the other day when you were grinning about how it’s been three months since you started taking his pens, “You should just tell him you like him. You’re pulling his metaphorical pigtails.” 
She also told you, “that isn’t pride you feel when you do it and see him flustered. Think lower Doc.” 
“You’re thinking lower, in the gutter! It’s just a pen and eventually, I will figure out what restaurant it is. I don’t need to ask him and as good as a homicide detective he is, he still has no idea who took all his pens thus far.”
Your friend calls you a weirdo for taking and keeping this man’s pens. You admit, it’s not something a sane person, let alone what a medical examiner would do. But also, he’s gotta notice eventually right? Then Detective Rockford will be hungry, because murder makes him famished and you can suggest Chinese food. Then you’ll know the name of the damn place because he should be getting all the perks and rewards from whatever little hole in the wall food place this is. It’s been bugging you that you’ve asked others in the bullpen and they don’t know, how can they not know, haven’t they worked with him longer than you have?
Fast forward to one late night of many in your office, writing up reports on your findings and listening to some lo-fi music from your bluetooth speaker. You’re trying to find ways to describe the victim's stomach contents. Bile of course, but noodles, part of a fortune cookie and a few pieces of beef that you could make out. It also had arsenic in it, high levels to where they had clearly been poisoned. Your stomach is growling and you’re just trying to finish this last report before going to get something to eat. Your fingers dance across the keys as you write, wondering if it’s going to be another burger or maybe a taco tonight. Heavy steps echo down the hallway toward your office, you’re familiar with them and have come to welcome them on the frequent late nights.
The trenchcoat is what you see first. It’s not your first time seeing it, but it always made you giggle, his elbow leans on the doorframe as does his hip. He has his glasses on, rare when he’s not reading or editing his murder boards. His broad frame dilled the majority of the doorway as you glanced up from your screen. He threw you a nod as you waved him in, long legs bringing him to one of the two chairs in front of your desk. “Hey Doc, still working?” He relaxed into the chair, leaning a little to his right, his brown eyes scanning your desk. It was actually neat for once. You’d taken the time to clean and organize it after not being able to find a case file. Can’t let that happen again.
“Yeah. I’m surprised you aren’t Rockford. I’m finishing up with the poisoning. There’s nothing specific about the arsenic though. It’s so common it could have come from anywhere. It’s the concentration that’s the kicker. That what you’re here about Columbo?”
“The case always comes first, but I have a different case I’m working on. It’s a subtle one. One that was clearly thought out and took planning. And I’m surprised you know about Columbo, that’s good. I’ll also accept the compliment, like me he had a full head of hair.” Tim explains leaving you curious. You couldn't recall another intersecting active case. The others were fairly straightforward. Blunt force trauma, stabbings, a couple drownings and animal attacks. How people still don’t get to leave bears and coyotes alone is beyond you. “It’s not a homicide. It’s theft. Very petty theft.” He’s rolling his wrist while he explains, almost like he’s hypnotizing you, but your own cough brings you out of it. “I don’t understand what would motivate a person to continually do something so benign but also annoying.” He grins, “You alright there Doc? Want me to get you a bottle of water out of your mini-fridge?” He stands and grabs himself one, offering you one without waiting for your answer. You just nod and cough a bit more, clearing your throat before gulping the water down.
The time has likely come. You’re sure he knows you’ve been taking his pens. So petty, not befitting of a well-adjusted adult, but you’re not are you? Tim reclaims his seat and scoots it back to allow for him to spread his legs to set his elbows on. He learns forward and takes a swig from the bottle. A little of the water gracing his bottom lip to which he licks off. “Thanks Rockford, for the water.” You manage to exhale after holding your breath and sit back in your own chair, trying to move away from him in such a small space. He’s still on the other side of your desk, but he’s too imposing and you feel guilty. 
“You’re welcome Doc. Now, this culprit has been tricky and I honestly didn’t notice at first. I’ve always been pretty absent-minded when it came to pens. I usually use the same one until the thing doesn’t write anymore. But, Stevenson, even though he is a tool, did buy me two sets of black ball-point Sharpie pens. He was a bit of an ass saying I needed those to read my own notes. They can’t be chicken scratch and a thin wisp of a line.” Tim rattled on. You wondered if this is what he did with his suspects, left them dangling while he had them circling and spinning in their heads like you are now. The water bottle crunches in your hand from the pressure you’re putting on it and you set it down, opting to take hold of the armrests of your chair. You had splurged on a wider one for yourself that would accommodate your hips and thighs since you do spend many an hour dictating and typing notes. Rockford’s head cocked to the side as he watched you.
“Tell me why I see those same pens here on your desk in your little cup here and why you’ve been taking them Doc. I know it’s you, I just want to know why. You’re…” Tim paused for a moment, “particular but I didn’t think petty. I also can’t think of anything we've disagreed or had an issue with each other about.” Closing your eyes, you knew this moment would come, it’s so stupid. You’re a grown woman stealing pens, but it was easier than just asking. Your friend had been right, you’ve got too much pride.
“Tim.” You start, you’ve got to sell it. Hard. You lean forward and mimic his body language, elbows on your desk, trying your damnedest to look calm. Your armpits feel hot though. “Your pens are better than mine. I could have went out and bought them myself. I’m not hurting for money, but they were right there. I got one, and I just had to have more of them. They write so smoothly and fit in my hand just right.” You even gestured your hands like you were scribbling on top of a folder. This had to be the end of it right? “I’m sorry I took your pens. I will buy you new ones and work will be a little awkward but it will pass eventually.” You shrugged your shoulders and smiled, trying to reassure him. It would be totally weird working with him now, especially since he’s the lead homicide detective on so many cases, but this is the grave you dug yourself. 
Rockford’s face could have been made of stone. You swear the entire time you spoke he didn’t move. “Hmmm…Thanks for the apology Doc but what is the real reason? Because it was over months and you gave yourself away every time you watched me look for a pen. Even offered me one yourself at times. I kept running through different motives you could have but none of them make any sense.” Tim reached into his coat pocket and removed his handy notebook. Turning to presumably, where said motives are written, and showed you where he had crossed out the following:
Botched case?
Improper conduct?
Evidence misuse?
Autopsy issues?
Stopping by her office without notice?
Talking to her in general?
All were crossed out and you felt that same feeling of pride in your chest and belly. You remembered your friend’s words, “that isn’t pride you feel when you do it and see him flustered. Think lower Doc.” But it was kinda cool to be in the lauded detective’s notebook. He thought about you and looked back on your interactions. As it relates to you stealing his pens, but still thought about you. It’s nice in a twisted way. 
Tim snapped his fingers and put his notebook back, standing up and pressing his palms down on your desk. “This is a really weird game to play, Doc. Do you have some sort of grudge against me? If so, why? If not, then what is it? What’s your goal here?”
You shrink back from his intense stare, eyes boring into you. Gripping onto your armrests again, you just stare at his chest, speaking to it rather than him. It was easier to not see the disappointment on his face as you feel so ashamed. 
“It was easier to lift your pens while I looked in your office for that damn menu! Why don’t you have one?! You eat there at least twice a week, I figured I’d take something and you’d ask me why I’d been in your office and then I could bring it up, but after the first month, it felt really weird and I liked seeing the great Tim Rockford panicking over a pen! I’m crazy, okay?!” As you spoke, Tim grew a shit eating grin that presented itself to you when you finally met his gaze.
“You could have just asked Doc. I don’t have the menu anymore because I memorized the number and address along with the food options. Because I eat there so often.” The low rumble of laughter as he stood to his full height made you cover your face. It was worse than imagined, you might leave in a huff and ignore you except for cases. But this was worse, he is laughing at you. A large hand pats your shoulder, “Doc, you’re hilarious. You’re in your head too much. Next time just ask and stop stealing my damn pens. You are buying those pens you promised me though.”
“You’re not mad Rockford?” You asked, your face felt like an inferno as you still hid it. Tim pulled his hands back and walked around to your side of the desk, leaning on it as he moved your hands. You still couldn’t make eye contact with him again.
“Having my pens stolen isn’t the worst people have done over the years. It is one of the weirdest though. Come on, I was going to go get something to eat. I’ll show you where the Chinese food place is.” Rockford assured you and finished his water before tossing in the trash can. He stood by the door and waited for you to save your work, and put on your coat. You grabbed your bag to follow Tim out.
“I’ll have your pens for you later this week. I promise and I’ll pay for the food tonight.” You offered as Tim held the door open for you, making your way to your own car he stopped walking. 
“Where are you going? I’m not hopping in a pen thief’s car. What might happen to me in there? Thievery could just be the tip of the iceberg with you. We’re taking mine.” He chuckled and you rolled your eyes. 
“You’re going to call me that for a long time aren’t you? And I wouldn’t harm you. I’ve been stealing your pens, that doesn’t translate to murder. Damn Homicide detective.” You mumbled the last sentence. Hopefully he doesn't really think you’d murder him right?
“Yes I will, you thieving doctor. Petty crimes often lead to major ones. You know that. Get in, we’re getting some lo mien.” Rockford opened your door and you hopped in, excited to finally taste the Chinese food again. Tim smiled softly at your excitement and started the car, taking off into the night. White take out boxes awaited you both.
Part Two
Pens that fit into Rockford's hand ✍🏼: @sin-djarin @secretelephanttattoo @maggiemayhemnj @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @megamindsecretlair @magpiepills @fhatbhabie @yorksgirl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @rhoorl @laurfilijames @avastrasposts @linzels-blog @frenchiereading @goodwithcheese @pamasaur @morallyinept @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @readingiskeepingmegoing @guelyury @pascalsanctuary @legendary-pink-dot @musings-of-a-rose @clawdee @pedritapascal @sp00kymulderr @grogusmum @alltheglitterandtheroar @agentjackdaniels @pedroshotwifey
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hoperays-song · 1 month
Named Businesses/Brands in the Sing Franchise: Sing 1
In a recent rewatch of the movies, I tried to find all the named businesses and brands that are in the movies for world building sake (minus bands and entertainment acts cause thats a different list). So here is, in semi chronological order, all the ones that appear in the first movie!
The Moon Theatre - The primary location of the first movie and starting location of the second.
State of Calatonia Theatre School - An institute of higher education that appeared on a certificate on Buster's office wall.
State of Calatonia University - An institute of higher education that appeared on a diploma on Buster's office wall.
The Modern Drama Institute - An institute of higher education that appeared on a diploma on Buster's office wall.
Bacapti Transport - A store we see Buster bike past.
Grand Store - A store we see Buster bike past, as well as the gang drive past in the city.
Harry's Bar - Harry's restaurant where Ash and Lance performed.
Franklin School of Music - An institute of higher education that Mike claims to have previously studied at.
Les Calmars - A very formal restaurant that we see numerous times through out the first movie, supposedly French cuisine by Buster speaking French to a waiter as well as the name of the restaurant being in French.
SN Eyewear - A brand advertising on the metro line station Ash and Lance were at.
Repair Services Garage/Garage - It is not clear whether or not the garage run by Johnny's family even uses either name, however, that is the wording printed on the building were a name would be.
Gas Station - It is not clear whether or not the gas station has a different name, however, there isn't one on the building's sign so I'm running with this.
Big Kitchen - The brand name of the stove hood in Meena's kitchen.
Rumble Bag - The brand name on the speed bag we see both Marcus and Johnny using in the first movie.
Laundromat - A business to the left of Ash's first apartment, appears to only use the first floor.
Paradise Hotel - A business to the right of Ash's first apartment.
Moon Car Wash - The car wash that Buster's father owned.
Gummlies - A 24 hour store that Ash's first apartment is over. This name does not match the name on the store's shade covering but the first word of that is illegible, and only "Grocery Store" can be read.
Pop Soda - The brand of soda we see in Ash's first apartment, in the flavour orange. We also see it in the pool house in the same flavour.
SCRUN-EEZ - The type of cereal we see Rosita's kids eating and again at the store.
City Store - The store to the left of Moon Theatre. It appears to sell jewelry.
Wholesale Supply - One of the neighboring warehouses to the garage. There is another one on a different street as well as well as where the gang got arrested.
Linais & Badoil - The brand of piano that Johnny and Mrs. Crawly play in the Moon Theatre.
Dodgson - The brand of speakers in Ash's first apartment.
Roc's - The grocery store that Rosita went to during the movie.
Sliced Potatoes - A brand of chips seen in the grocery store that appears to have around six flavours.
Fruity Light - A cereal we see at the grocery store.
Flaky Wheat - A cereal we see at the grocery store.
Bran Cereals - A cereal we see at the grocery store.
Muesli - A cereal we see at the grocery store.
Colorful Crisp! - A cereal we see at the grocery store.
Corn Flakes - A cereal we see at the grocery store with a fox mascot.
Choco Chuncs - A cereal we see at the grocery store.
Honey Sirop - A cereal we see at the grocery store.
Mixed Cereals - A cereal we see at the grocery store.
Fiber Breakfast - A cereal we see at the grocery store in Rosita's cart.
Cookies Mint - A type of a brand of cookies we see at the grocery store.
Cookies Choco - A type of a brand of cookies we see at the grocery store.
Cookies Strawberry - A type of a brand of cookies we see in Rosita's cart.
Spring Water Sourceful - A brand of spring water at the grocery store in Rosita's cart.
Animal Gazette - The newspaper we see Johnny reading.
Dusty's - An establishment across from the Moon Theatre.
SFJ Bank - The bank Judith works for and owned the theatre for awhile.
Eyewitness News - A news channel we see in both movies.
Calatonia University - An institute of higher education that appeared on the shirt of Eddie's that Buster wears in the pool house.
Parrot Herald - A news paper Buster reads in the pool house and is likely affiliated with the other news channel in the movie due to their paper being used in the ending broadcast.
Blip's Bowling Lounge and Bar - An establishment we see behind the new Moon Car Wash.
The Diga Doo - A restaurant we see behind the new Moon Car Wash.
Tabatha's Market - A market we see behind the new Moon Car Wash that advertises fresh foods.
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
"don't be gentle" + daddy seb during ROC weekend???
ROC was a fever dream to me so I don’t really remember what happened so go with this :) // prompt: “don’t be gentle.” 
Sebastian was exhausted, everything hurts and he was ready to cuddle up to his love. “Baby!” He shouts, walking into the hotel room. “Bathroom!” You shouted back, the door halfway opened. 
He can wear the water running, his first thought was naked wife and to his dismay, you were leaning on the counter, robe on. “Oh,” you tsk, arms opened for him the second you laid eyes on him. 
Seb looked so cold and sleepy and you just wanted to hold him. His head rests on your shoulder, face buried in your neck. Little by little, and with letting go as little as possible, the two of you end up undressed and in the shower. 
He kisses you, his cold hands on his face as he backs you up to the tile wall. “Don’t be gentle,” you mumble against his lips and he smiles, kissing you once again. 
Seb’s arms wrapped around you. His lips on your neck, hands wandering lower by the second.
You turn to face him, kissing him as he picked you up, taking a few careful steps forward.
The steam fogged the glass of the shower door. Your hand gripped his shoulder as Sebastian held you up against the wall.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, one of his arms around you and the other on the wall. You two were standing in a way that the water was falling between the two of you, too lazy to move now that you’re situated.
Seb pushes into you and from that angle, you feel it all. Your head falls onto his shoulder, begging him for more.
“More? You want more? I don’t think you can take it.” He taunts.
“No, no. I can, I promise,” your hands are on his face, your eyes meeting his.
Seb kisses you, thrusting into you once again. Surely if you look down, you’d see the imprint.
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princemick · 2 years
MICKLORE for dummies
here;s part 1 with his racing history
because over roc weekend people seemed to have gotten to know him a lot better so here's a bunch more of mick info that I deem as essential
so under the tab I will add a bunch of stuff that kinda break trough that introverted pr trained wall he has.
this will be broken into facts, quotes, moments and videos.
he speaks, english, german, french and italian but beraly speaks italian and french because he doesnt feel comfortable enough with them
the f-2002 is his favorite of his dads cars
during a lot of 2022's off season he has been dirt racing in the states where he bascially races for as long as the car runs together with gina's bf (x) (x)
apperantly recognizes the italian anthem before the german
can't choose himself for a dream team so his dream team is michael and seb
couldnt choose between lewis and max in 2021 "because theyre both nice to me"
he used to play drums as a kid
his middle name is 'junior'
he is named after Mick Doohan (5x mtotogp champ) who used to live close to Michael who were really good friends and so him and Jack Doohan (f2 driver) have always been and are still close friends.
apperantly introduced himself to kevin when he got back to haas with 'suck my balls'
modified said off road buddy that he does mud racing with so it goes quicker then intended
he seems to have extra clothes with him at all times bc he borrowed an extra pair of pants and shirt to callum for their f2 podium celebration
his dad wanted him to study engineering (also interesting piece of related information: he said he would have become a biologist if not an f1 driver in this video)
he refers to his dog angie as his best friend
in F3 he won 5 races in a row. race 22 til 26 of the 2018 season.
he started doing champions for charity where he organizes a football match every year with a bunch of german sports players
mick denies it but this man has bleached his hair
"a bomb, a knife, a serial killer. I mean that comes all together so.."
"I mean if poeple ask me if I'm mick I usualy just say no. I learned that from my dad."
"can I eat this?" procedes to eat it
"you guys are gonna do pushuupss"
"can I go and pet it?? play fetch??"
"those cars are so shit"
"deutsche, german..WHA??"
"you sure??"
"my dad, my dad, my dad, my dad"
"I just wanna get to my dad"
"beep beep beep"
"I won f2 and f3 for a reason"
"you guys are fucking brilliant, FUCKING BRILLIANT! fucking hell- sorry for all the swearing guys"
"I have a problem with italian bread tbh"
"PTW man, PTW" (pwt means prove them wrong)
"so you have to be smooth, realise that its an old lady and treat it that way, take it easy and enjoy the ride"
"hmm, have you ever driven on the road blindfolded?"
"ah, I was fine" after crashing
"I'm glad it was you I was fighting against"
prema stranger things - where he bascially just shouts his ideas and is loudly jock and himbo coded
The 5 Second Challenge - him having to really quickly talk and think shows how he thinks really well aka himbo
The Taboo Challenge - where he has to explain something without using specific words
Seb And Mick Take On The Formula 1 Tower Challenge! - where Seb and Mick ask eachother questions as they play mega jenga
Mick and Dan at the 2021 russian gp presser - just wholesome
Mick and Sean cook pizza together - him being wholesome and happy and speaking italian
Prema Trivia Challenge - giving ultimate himbo rights
him hugging every haas mechanic after his last race w them
mick post Q2 in Canada
the groundhog video
Some minutes with Cyrus Watches: Mick Schumacher
The Texas Red Hot Sauce Challenge - shows his relationship with gary (his old race engineer) really well
Guess the Flavour: Japanese KitKat Taste Test - shows how weird mick is sometimes
Map The Track - himbo.
Mick celebrates with the team after first F1 points - hes so beloved
Gina and Crorinna's congrats after his first points
okay there's much much more, if you wanna get more into it I reccomend watching more of his prema and haas videos and just keep updated with him over his time at mercedes
dont be afraid to send me asks with questions or anyting!
and special thank you to 2/3 of the pillars of mickblr @acrosstobear and @schumaclerc for helping me out w some micklore and @stoffelvandoornegf for this post
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amenders93 · 2 months
Rocky Busts In
While Molly and Frizzle were beginning to have the time of their life, Rocky, Ginger and the gang were still outside, staring at the barbed-wire fence that surrounded Fun-Land Farms. Our Island Queen Ginger thought long and hard about what to do. She knew they can do it but all they needed was a clever plan. Our Island King Rocky is raring to go; his plan was simple - he's going to go in there and BUST MOLLY OUT! As per usual, Bunty was skeptical about this, asking Rocky how he plans to do just that. The young rooster just replies by simply going in and busting out his daughter. Bunty scoffed at this plan or as she puts it as "just saying what you wish would happen".
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Mac then gives in her input on what that "plan" as well. At this point, even I couldn't follow that input with her thick Scottish accent. But as I figured it out, she's saying that you need to think things through before you do them. However, we all know our Rocky is more of a doer than a thinker. Rocky still can't understand what Mac says sometimes, but yet it's better than in the first film though. However he does comment that whatever Mac said was negative to him. That's when Ginger takes over, showing that she still understands her best friend and assistant, even with that thick accent of hers. Our spunky hen states that they need more details since they only get one shot at this. Hence they need to make sure that every move they make is carefully thought through.
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However, while Ginger was explaining things to Mac, Bunty and Babs, Rocky wasn't really listening. He was sitting on the end of a young sapling that was being tied down by Fowler, carrying a long branch to take along with him. When Ginger sees what her husband is up to, she wonders what on earth is he up to. Rocky tells his wife that sometimes you've just got to take a leap of faith. Our brave rooster turns to his older rooster friend to ready the launch; our old sausage gives a salute. At Rocky's command, Fowler released the tree and it shoots the young rooster upwards before Ginger could even stop her husband. Typical of men, right girls? Always rushing into things without thinking.
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This launch took Rocky back to his Lone-Free Ranger days of shooting out of a cannon. As the others watched from the ground, he whizzed though the air towards the farm. This could actually work! But then Rocky's feet caught the barbed wire at the top of the fence. He dropped his long branch and tumbled forward, slamming face first into the fence. It was electric! OUCH! A very shocked Rocky was blown forwards onto the ground. Immediately, cameras swiveled round and focused on him. Before our island king knew it, a hatch opened up and mechanical moles holding dart guns popped up. Suddenly, they began to shoot at him. DOUBLE OUCH!! Rocky hopped around to avoid the darts, running for the moat and grabbed his dropped branch on the way, thinking he would pole vault over the water. Unfortunately, the branch was nowhere near long enough to reach the other bank and he only got halfway across the water.
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As Rocky slid down the branch, a little group of ducks came swimming towards him. But these were no ordinary ducks though; these were robot ducks with glowing laser eyes. The robot ducks shone red dots on Rocky's body, confusing him until.... they blew him up. TRIPLE OUCH!!! Now Rocky was sailing through the air again and then he landed on the wall of the main building. Exhausted, he looked back at the gang, who were watching him from the other side of the fence and seeing every little bit of his painful entry. You could probably guess that Ginger was the most concerned. After all, this was the rooster she loved with all her heart getting hurt, all just to rescue their beloved child. Rocky gave them all a feeble thumbs-up, then fell backwards. A metal hatch opened up, sucked our island king up and snapped shut. QUARUPLE OUCH!!!! But on the bright side though, at least Rocky is inside. Everyone still watched on with Babs commenting that it went well. Ginger does a face palm at this. My thoughts exactly, Ginger.
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After Rocky's experience, the gang realized that breaking into the farm was going to be a difficult and dangerous operation. Mac, also looking on the bright side, told everyone that thanks to Rocky, now at least they've got the details. Ginger thought this was true but they're going to need some backup. Our island queen thought really hard about this one. Who could help them? They needed someone crafty, someone cunning, someone who was good at sneaking around and finding out stuff. And we all know who we're thinking of.
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Even though Ginger wanted to think of a clever plan that has been carefully thought through to get inside Fun-Lan Farms to rescue Molly, Rocky had another idea in mind - simply just go in there and bust her out. This determined father is willing to go through anything to rescue his beloved daughter. Even if it meant getting electrocuted by an electric fence, being shot at by camera-driven, gun-toting moles, getting blown up by laser-guided, exploding ducks and sucked inside a trash chute. But on the bright side though, he found a way inside and even better, he gave Ginger and the rest of the gang all the details they need of the building's layout and its security strategies. And now all they need is some backup. Let's just hope that Ginger's plan is a lot more clever than Rocky's plan was.
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attendsquoi · 21 days
Thea's Quest ~ Ch. 4
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Chapter 4: Denial
Summary: Thea gets roped into the team’s “mission” to find Kent Nelson, climbs a very real lava rock wall, and has a heart to heart with Wally of all people.
Warnings: Canon typical violence
Word count: 3.1k
“Initiate combat training. 3, 2, 1.” The computer rang out.
The team was gathered in the mission room. There were no assignments for the day, so they were catching up on some training and – in Thea’s case – some much needed rest.
The demigod had just returned from her mentor’s mandatory days off, and was still nursing a few cuts and bruises. It was good to be back. As much as she appreciated Diana sharing her apartment, it was too quiet for Thea. After years of being surrounded by the busiest cabin in camp half blood, Thea felt far more at home in the cave. 
She stood off to the side, chatting with M’gann and Artemis as they watched Superboy and Kaldur spar. Thea couldn’t help but analyze their movements; an old habit from running combat lessons at camp.
“Kaldur’s, uh, nice – don’t you think.” Artemis said as Thea tuned back into their conversation. “Handsome, commanding. You should totally ask him out.” The girl suggested to M'gann.
Thea couldn’t help but smile to herself about both of her friends’ not-so-subtle crushes on Superboy. 
“He’s like a big brother to me.” M’gann denied.
“Oh, but you know who would make the cutest couple?” Thea said, jumping into the conversation. “You and Wally.” The demigod said, teasing Artemis.
She laughed at the way Artemis wrinkled her nose.
“Yes, yes! You’re so full of passion, and he’s so full of…” M’gann trailed off.
“Of it?” Artemis suggested, causing the three of them to laugh.
“Failed: Aqualad.” The computerized voice announced.
Thea looked over to see Superboy helping Kaldur off the ground.
“Black Canary taught me that.” He said, proud.
Thea was happy for Superboy, enjoying seeing her team, along with herself, make progress with Canary’s training.
Thea’s head turned as Wally ran by her, looking over to see where Red Tornado had entered the cave.
“Do you have a mission for us?” The speedster asked as Red Tornado walked into the room.
“Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility.” Red Tornado replied.
“Yeah, well, the Batman's with the Robin, doing the dynamic-duo thing in Gotham.” Wally said. “But you're headed somewhere, right? Hot date? Or a mission?”
“If we can be of help.” Kaldur pacified.
“Oh, we don’t need to.” Thea interrupted, weary from her week.
Her wishes went ignored as Tornado pulled up an image on the cave’s computer.
“This is Kent Nelson, a friend. He is 106 years old.” Tornado began.
“Guy doesn't look a day over 90.” Wally whispered to Artemis.
“And he has been missing for 23 days. Kent was a charter member of the Justice Society, the precursor to your mentors' Justice League.” Tornado said.
Kaldur’s eyes widened in realization. “Of course. Nelson was Earth's sorcerer supreme. He was Dr. Fate.” He exclaimed.
Wally rolled his eyes. “Pfft. More like Doctor Fake.” 
Kaldur turned to Thea as Wally continued talking.
“If you are tired, or injured, you do not need to join us on this impromptu outing. It is not an official mission, and you are under no obligation to go – especially if you need rest.” He said.
Thea’s posture softened.
“Guy knows advanced science and "Dumbledore’s" it up to scare bad guys and impress babes.” She heard Wally continue.
Thea’s eyes narrowed.
“I appreciate it, but I’ll be fine. There’s no way I’m about to let Wally get proved wrong without me.” She whispered to Kaldur.
He smiled back at her.
“Kent may simply be on one of his walkabouts, but he is caretaker to the Helmet of Fate, the source of the doctor's mystic might, and it is unwise to leave such power unguarded.” Tornado added.
“He's like the great sorcerer priests and priestesses of Mars. I would be honored to help find him.” M’gann replied.
“Me too!” Wally blurted, sticking his hand in the air. “So honored I can barely stand it. Magic rocks.” 
Thea rolled her eyes.
“Take this. Red Tornado said to Kaldur. “It is the key to the Tower of Fate.”
“What are the chances we'd both so admire the mystic arts?” Wally asked M’gann as she piloted the bioship to the team’s destination.
Thea could tell Artemis was equally annoyed with his dishonesty. Her eyebrows raised when she saw the girl smirk.
“So, Wally, when did you first realize your honest affinity for sorcery?” Artemis needled.
Unfortunately, he took it in stride.
“Well, I don't like to brag, but before I became Kid Flash, I seriously considered becoming a wizard myself.” He said, without looking away from M’gann.
“We've reached Tornado's coordinates, but…” The Martian began, not paying Wally any attention.
“Nothing's there.” Superboy finished for her.
“Take us down.” Kaldur ordered.
Once they got off the bioship, the team started to inspect the empty field where they had arrived.
“Nothing.” Wally said, skidding to a stop after having run around the perimeter. “This isn't simple camouflage.”
“So, what do you think? Adaptive micro-optoelectronics combined with phase-shifting?” Artemis asked.
“Absolutely… not!” Wally caught himself. “Clearly mystic powers are at work here.”
Thea paused, stepping around them. “Mystic powers” were largely out of her understanding, but the concealment reminded her of the nature of the mist. She closed her eyes and thought back to Chiron’s training. The mist is malleable. She pictured pushing apart a lead curtain.
She opened her eyes, raised her right hand and snapped. 
The sound echoed across the field. Nothing happened. But that’s when Thea felt it; almost like a hum, some sort of noise or vibration coming from the very ground they stood on.
“That energy… there’s something here.” She insisted, turning back to the team.
They seemed largely confused, not understanding what the girl had just done.
Kaldur looked down at the key.
“A test of faith.” He said to himself. “Stand behind me.” He said, raising his head.
Kaldur walked a few paces forward, and Thea stepped out of the way, following his instructions. He put his hand forward, as if he was inserting the key into a lock, then he turned his wrist. There was a click. A door appeared, open, as if it was inviting them inside. The team followed Kaldur through the threshold.
As soon as the last of them entered, the door closed behind them by itself. Then it disappeared.
“Uh, where'd the door go?” Superboy asked.
Suddenly a hologram of an old man – Thea recognized him as Kent Nelson  –  appeared.
“Greetings. You have entered with a key, but the tower does not recognize you.” The mirage spoke. “Please state your purpose and intent.”
“We are true believers, here to find Dr. Fate.” Wally announced.
Thea thought she saw the image frown before dissipating. Then the floor started to creak, before suddenly it collapsed beneath their feet.
Thea screamed but, thanks to her demigod impulses, reacted fast. As quickly as she could, Thea drew her dagger and thrust it into the rocky wall of the chasm. She lodged it there, dangling. As she looked down, she saw a pit of lava beneath them. 
“Those were my favorite boots. This Nelson guy better be worth it.” She heard Superboy say from the edge of the lava.
Acting on instinct, she moved her legs to find footholds. 
“Okay, you’re fine. It’s just the lava rock wall at camp, you can climb out.” She mumbled to herself.
Soon enough, she found notches to rest her feet and started hoisting herself up. Gripping the handle of her dagger in one hand, she stretched the other arm, curling her fingers around the rocky grips. Slowly but surely, she started climbing up and out.
“Having trouble maintaining altitude.” M’gann stammered as she tried to levitate her and Wally above the lava, but they were gradually sinking. “I'm so hot.”
“You certainly are.” Wally said.
“Wally!” Artemis chastised. 
“Hey, inches above sizzling death, I'm entitled to speak my mind.” He defended.
“My physiology, and M'gann's, are susceptible to extreme heat.” Kaldur announced. He was clinging to Artemis – at less risk of falling than M’gann, but certainly still suffering.
“We must climb out quickly.” He implored.
Thea had just about reached the top, but her arms burned from the exertion. She was still not fully recovered.
“I’m about there.” She called, turning her shoulders to face the team. “But I don’t know if I’ll have the strength to pull myself out, much less the rest of you. And I don’t know how I am going to get to you in the first place.” She said.
“Hello, M'gann. We never truly answered the question.” M’gann realized. “Red Tornado sent us to see if Mr. Nelson and the helmet were safe.” She shouted out above them.
Suddenly, the heat stopped. 
Thea sighed in relief, stopping a moment, still clutching her dagger and the top ledge of the pit to catch her breath.
“Can you get down?” Kaldur called from below her.
Thea looked down, seeing her friends gathered on a platform where the lava had been. 
“I could climb down, but it might take me a minute.” She called back.
Suddenly, an arrow shot by her face, lodging itself in the rock beside her. Artemis had sent a grappling rope to aid her.
“Thanks!” Thea said, grabbing the wire before unlodging her dagger from the rock and sliding down.
When she fell to the platform, Kaldur was kneeling on the ground. 
“This platform, it should be red-hot, but it is cool to the touch.” He said.
“Don't worry, Megalicious, I gotcha.” Wally said to M’gann as they landed.
“Enough!” Artemis yelled. “Your little impress-M'gann-at-all-costs game nearly got us all barbecued!”
“When did this become my fault?” Wally asked, incredulous. 
“When you lied to that whatever-it-was and called yourself a true believer!” Artemis accused.
Thea moved forward, resting a hand on her shoulder.
“Breathe.” She instructed her friend, calm and quiet, though she couldn’t deny her own anger at Wally.
“Wally, you don't believe?” M’gann asked, startled.
Wally floundered for a moment.
“Fine. Fine! I lied about believing in magic. But magic is the real lie. A major load.” He declared.
“Wally, I studied for a year at the Conservatory of Sorcery in Atlantis. The mystic arts created the skin-icons that power my water-bearers.” Kaldur said.
“My whole world relies on some conception of magic, or at least a godly power beyond understanding.” Thea added.
“Dude, you ever hear of bioelectricity? And what power would that be, Thea? You don’t seem to have any!” Wally said sarcastically. “Hey, in primitive cultures, fire was once considered magical too. Today, it's all a bunch of tricks.”
Thea bristled.
“Oh, you did not just call us primitive.” She warned.
“You're pretty close-minded for a guy who can break the sound barrier in his sneakers.” Artemis accused.
“That's science!” Wally insisted. “I recreated Flash's laboratory experiment and here I am. Everything can be explained by science.” 
“Let us test that theory.” Kaldur said, leaning down to open a hatch in the platform.
“Wait, the back draft from the lava will roast us alive!” Wally yelled, panicked.
“Huh.” Thea said.
“It's snow.”
The team clambered through the doorway, into an expansive, wintery scene.
“Do you ever get tired of being wrong?” Artemis asked smugly.
“Well? Ever hear of string theory? We're in a pocket dimension.” Wally said.
“Ugh!” Artemis exclaimed.
They saw something glowing ahead of them.
“What's that?” Artemis asked, walking toward it.
“Ooh, maybe it's Nelson's magic wand.” Wally mocked, speeding ahead to join her.
“I got it.” They both spoke in tandem. “Unh. I can't let go.”
Suddenly, the cane lifted into the air, carrying Artemis and Wally with it.
“Whoa!” They both yelled before disappearing in a burst of light.
“I don't understand Wally.” M’gann spoke as the remaining four members of the team trekked through the snow. “It's almost like he needs to believe the impossible can't happen.” She said.
“Wally uses his understanding of science to control what he cannot comprehend. Acknowledging the existence of magic would be to relinquish the last vestige of that control.” Kaldur explained. 
They continued on in silence, with Superboy and M’gann pulling ahead to walk in front. Thea didn’t mind the snow, but she hated the wind, and she certainly wasn’t prepared for the weather. Kaldur noticed her angry shivering. Without saying anything, he shrugged off his jacket and set it around her shoulders. Thea glanced up at him in surprise.
“Wally’s attitude toward things he can’t explain may come from a place of insecurity and fear, but that does not justify it.” Kaldur began. 
“I hope you did not feel distressed by what he said. It is true that we do not have a good grasp on what your powers are, but even if you did not have them at all – you are obviously a skilled warrior, and we know that you’re an incredible teammate. He should not have been that disrespectful.” He insisted.
Thea did not shift her gaze from the path ahead, but Kaldur felt her step closer to him.
“Thank you.” She said.
As they continued on, Thea ended up walking next to M’gann for a while, letting the boys lead the way.
“I – I promise I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t help but hear a little of what Kaldur said, and I just need you to know that we all value you – as a teammate and as a friend.” M’gann said. “Even Wally, he just… doesn’t always show it.” She cringed.
Thea smiled at her.
“Thanks, M’gann. I’m okay. I mean, I wouldn’t believe half the things that I know to be true if I hadn’t seen them for myself.” Thea responded quietly, tone sincere.
Then, just ahead of them, the group saw a doorway. Through it, Thea thought she could make out her friends' voices. None of them spoke, but they all ran toward the door.
“Ugh!” Superboy and Kaldur groaned as they fell through, the ground shifting from below their feet to their sides as they entered some M.C.Escher-esque room of staircases. 
Fortunately for Thea, she had been standing next to M’gann who grabbed her arm and levitated the two of them to the ground. Thea nodded to the Martian in thanks, but there was no time to talk before they scattered, trying to avoid the blasts coming from Abra Kadabra. Out of the corner of her eye, Thea saw Wally and Kent Nelson disappear into a bell.
Great. There they go. She thought to herself.
Once again, Thea realized too late how severely she was lacking in long range attack and defense gear.
I really need to get a shield. She thought, as she was caught by some sort of electric field, falling to the ground in pain.
The agony felt like it lasted forever. She couldn’t think straight, couldn’t even reach to grab for her weapons. While not severely injured, her scratches and bruises started to ache; Thea’s whole body shook with distress. She could hear her cries mixing with her teammates. Vaguely, she was aware of Klarion the witch boy standing over her, looking down at her with some confusion, before vanishing. 
Finally, the pain eased. Thea rolled herself onto her elbows, looking up in time to see Abra in his underpants disappear and Wally reappear with the helmet of fate. Looking around, she realized that Kent Nelson was nowhere to be found. But as Kaldur offered her a hand and she stood up, Thea was just glad all her friends were alright.
The team returned to the cave, weary but in one piece. Thea noticed how Wally seemed more somber on the flight back – not that the rest of the team was very talkative either. Everyone was pretty exhausted. Even so, Wally may not have known Kent Nelson for very long, but it never felt good to lose someone on the job. 
As everyone disbanded, Thea decided she needed a cup of tea before she did anything else. She went into the kitchen and put on the kettle, leaning against the counter as she waited for the water to boil. Slowly, she let her body ease, rolling her shoulders, closing her eyes, and tilting her head back.
She heard voices down the hall – Artemis and Wally, presumably in the souvenir room where they were putting the helmet of fate – but she couldn’t make out what they were saying. She listened as they stopped talking and as footsteps echoed down the hall, nearing the kitchen. 
Thea looked over to see Artemis, staring at her with a smirk.
“What’s that look for?” Thea questioned as she turned to the cabinets, pulling out a tea bag.
“I know I was teasing M’gann earlier, but it looks like I guessed the wrong girl.” Artemis replied.
“What are you talking about?” Thea asked.
“You’re wearing Kaldur’s jacket.” Artemis observed smugly.
Thea’s eyes widened, glancing down. It was true. She had forgotten she was even wearing it. Quickly, the girl shrugged it off, tossing it on a kitchen stool. 
“We were in the snow a lot longer than you were. My uniform is a toga – he was just being nice.” Thea defended, not meeting Artemis’ eye.
“Whatever you say.” Artemis sing-songed back, waltzing out of the kitchen. 
Thea heard the zeta tube announce Artemis’ departure, then startled back to attention when the kettle began to whistle. She was pulling out a mug and pouring her tea when she heard someone else walk into the kitchen. 
“Ahem.” Wally softly cleared his throat.
Thea turned to look over at the boy. He held his hands behind his back sheepishly.
“I just – I wanted to apologize.” He said.
Thea raised her eyebrows, giving him a gentle but expectant look.
“I was angry earlier. But not at you. And I took it out on you – and that was bad.” Wally said.
Thea’s face softened.
“I… I was hurt by what you said. But not because you’re wrong.” Thea said, letting out a deep sigh.
“Being a demigod, there are ways in which I’m more “powerful” than most mortals. I have quick instincts, I can read Greek, I can see things you can’t. But for the past five years, so has everyone around me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt powerful.” She confessed.
Wally winced before frowning.
“Thea, you climbed out of a lava pit hours ago. M’gann can fly, I have superspeed, Superboy is the strongest guy around – none of us could do that. You’re insanely powerful. And– and I’m sorry I made you feel otherwise.”
“I accept your apology. Thank you, Wally.” Thea said with a smile.
The boy perked up immediately.
“You betcha, beautiful! I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said, speeding out of the room before zetaing home.
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