#rock flamenco
sergio-bc · 4 months
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haveyouheardthisband · 3 months
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oohbuggypie · 3 months
"and as he wept, he wept and said, 'Oh, my.. Oh, my.. Would to God I had died for He'"
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this is fully inspired by @goferwashere 's PO!! Monster Hunter AU 🩷 depicted is Don Flamenco in his monster form being held in his last moments by Joe. the writing that describes their fight, Don's death, and Joe's regret are all below the cut as its very long. but WOW i just could not get this idea out of my head . thank u soo much Gofer for the amazing AU and thank u to the whole community for being my courage to be brave and release something a little less cutesie than usual ! 🥹 additional details i rlly want to be known::
-the tattoo on Don' torso is an altered version of that in the regular PO!! universe; the one depicted reads "COLOSSIANS 3:2" :: the verse's meaning is "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things". this is meant to reflect his disdain for humans, and how he views them as lesser
-the stab wound placement is below Don's right pectoral; this is in reflection of Jesus Christ's 5th wound he suffered whilst being crucified. additionally, it is said that what seeped from the wound wasn't only blood, but water as well; i found this very fitting for his character for obvious reasons lol
-the lyrics above the drawing are a condensed / altered version from the choral piece "David's Lamentation", one of my favorite songs ever !
phewph okay writing time ! unfortunately i have never written angst, let alone fighting OR death .. this is also being released about half an hour shy of midnight on bad sleep so proofreading is out of the question.. this is prob a hard read but I STAY CONFIDENT ! here we gooo 🩷::
Don hissed and swung his fist in an aimless direction, hearing the collision's result come in the form of an agonized grunt from the man near him. Blind rage mingled with fear consumed Don's body in a way God himself forbade, yet he continued to batter any flesh that came into contact with his.
Joe's entire being ached, his eye now burning from the knuckles that dug into it just moments ago. He clenched it shut and let the obscurity of his vision drive his instincts to wherever they were necessary. He aimed to return the punch with his own fist plunging to meet Don's stomach, momentarily knocking the air from his lungs. As Don's arms instinctively lowered to gaurd where his sore flesh was struck, Joe snarled and drew his left arm back to slam a fist into Don's cheek. The siren felt a coursing agony not only externally, but through his heart. He knew what would come, yet he continued to bare his teeth. He ripped apart anything which bothered him and felt no haunting ring in his mind. Though this time, he feared that the bells would toll.
Joe took full advantage of the temporary stun he inflicted upon Don and wrapped his hands around the man's throat. Joe kicked Don's ankle in so that he buckled beneath his own weight, dropping them both to meet the floor. Joe felt a shake within his bones, like the structures in his own body didn't want him to do this. He didn't want to. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Yet his body moved now without his mind, pressing his entire weight into the neck of the helpless man below him. Don couldn't stand the desperation that racked his body, and above that distaste, he couldn't bare to look up at the deathly eyes staring into his own. The man who he called a friend held less semblance to a human and now closer to a wraith, some wretched figure distorted by horror. His skin appeared a sickly gray in the darkness of the gym's room, and had his hands always been this coarse and cold? Nonetheless, for the present time Don disregarded the friend he once had and viewed him now as a step above a pet; competition.
Don snarled and thrashed beneath the body of Joe and locked his hands around the arms above. His brain felt like a searing gas within his head, but that lack of consciousness was immediately replaced by instinct. Don slid his hands down to grip Joe's wrists and ripped them outwards with a fell swipe. Joe wasn't spared a second to process the motion before his nose was slammed by Don's forehead. A pained cry was all his voice could manage before his vision flickered black.
When he awoke, only seconds has passed since he blacked out. With a horrified start, Joe began to thrash his arms through the water engulfing him. His legs kicked in the same motion, his left heel slamming into an excruciating pressure seeming to bind his right ankle. The force released as soon as it felt his bruising strike against it. Joe desperately made strokes with his arms upwards, looking for any form of light to signify what differentiated the surface from the bottom. Joe felt a darkness reigning upon him as another figure trailed close behind, its presence growing heavier with each struggling wave of his arms throughout the pool.
Joe's face broke the surface. Without a second to catch his breath, he began scanning the area with bewildered eyes for the nearest edge. His loafers felt like bricks tied to his ankles, and the turtleneck he donned was quickly becoming suffocating. A short distance behind him, a splash breaking the water's tension drove Joe into fight or flight. His arms clawed in front of him with strokes large enough to leave his arms aching the next day, yet that same pain was his drive to reach the edge quicker. He gripped the ledge of the hard floor and hoisted himself above the edge, rushing into a position where his knees and one arm balanced his body upright. With his unoccupied hand, he reached where the bells tolled and the colors sank. Joe frantically patted his pocket for where the knife's sheath bulged.
Don arose from the water he resided in just seconds after his former partner. Joe ripped the leather from his pocket and reached into it, gripping the handle as if he was warding death itself away. His knuckles were white with pressure, and his wide eyes locked on the man inches from himself. Don's eyes were sickly and no longer passing as human; the bags beneath them were a bruised purple, and where the whites of his eyes should be were replaced by a glassy blue. His brows dug wrinkles into his forehead like malicious scars upon skin. And the worst of it all was the death-like frown that crumpled his entire facial structure; it drew his eyes in a downward spiral, and his lips curled against his flesh like desperate hands digging into anything for hold.
With his chest exposed and either arms beside him as means to lift himself, Joe raised his blade and drudged it into Don's flesh.
Don's eyes fell like the world's light upon an empty room, and the sharp inhale in his throat thrummed akin to the death rattle. Despite the metal lodged deep within his chest, he managed the strength to drag himself from his home's grasp and to lay on the freezing tile below him. Joe's hands left his mouth as he let out some visceral shout that made cherubs above weep. He scurried across the soaked floor to examine the man before him. Joe slammed himself down upon the floor and struggled to lift him, eventually draping Don's being across his own. Don's arms rested against Joe's bent knees, and his head tilted into his chest with slowing breaths beating against his sweater. The remaining warmth of his breath settling on his own shoulder resembled the comfort of a blanket upon a child's cold body. Joe felt static piercing through his brain and throughout his ears.
He slid his trembling hand to grab the hilt of his blade, yanking it from between Don's ribs with a crumbling expression upon his face. Where the stab wound remained open, Joe rested his hand on its opening and let the blood seep onto his skin. He lowered them to graze the rest of Don's torso, creating an up and down rhythm almost as if to comfort him. He felt a dread in his stomach nothing in his life had ever compared to; he had killed numerous times before this, and for pettier reasons. But the understanding of what he had just done settled upon him like the smothering embrace of a rotting being. Joe lost any remaining thoughts in his mind as small, breaking moans passed the pursing lips of Don.
Don's body felt washed by shades of baby blue. His eyed fixated on an empty and quickly fading horizon. The right side of his body held a sensation that reminded him of familiarity; dripping water and warm waves caressing his flesh. Though this time, the sea seemed to be accompanied by rainfall. Don couldn't muster the strength to look up, let alone turn his head, but he felt warm droplets fall upon his hair. The fog that began swallowing his mind didn't allow him to understand where the water's source was coming from. They dropped rapidly now, dripping enough so that they slid across his own cheeks; they made up for the lack of his own tears. The air that was becoming increasingly hard to keep in his grasp now filled with a tune, a rhythm similar to those he practiced when dancing.
"Je suis désolé, je suis vraiment désolé, oh..."
Don couldn't understand the words, couldn't sing along to the beautiful tune that seemed to hail from Heaven itself. It broke his heart a bit, seeing that one of his greatest attributes was his ethereal singing voice. But the words soothed his soul, and held this wonderous ability to make his eyes feel comfortable closing.
"Oh, mon Dieu... Oh, mon Dieu, pardonne-moi... Pardonne-lui aussi..." Joe heaved, his hands clutching the bloodied skin of Don's torso. His body shook with a might that caused Don's own body to tremor along with his.
Don wished he knew what those words meant. Don wished he could hear the voice sing in his ears forever, let the melody echo throughout the chambers of his fading mind every second of every waking moment. Don's face fell cold, and his body felt as if it was losing its occupation; but fear never crossed his mind when his vision finally began to fade. He loved the hands running up and down his body, loved the warmth cascading against his side, loved the song, he loved this moment. He let his breath soften and slip from his mind's priorities, and now focused on shutting his eyes to rest.
The last thing Don truly felt was the slipping of beads across his collar bones.
Joe removed the rosary from around Don's neck and let its wooden roses slide into a pile inside his unused pocket. He vowed that the blade would make no contact with the necklace.
Joe couldn't and didn't think as he laid the body of his sweet friend down to rest away from his own. He looked once more into the drained yet softened features of Don's face; his lips looked soft against his chin, and his brows no longer furrowed in such a dreadful way. Joe stood for moments, spending minutes staring down at the body now devoid of life on the floor. The worst sight of the entire night was the wound beneath the right side of Don's chest. And even upon staring at it, running his eyes over it again and again, Joe just couldn't think deeper about it.
He turned his back from the death that loomed behind him and exited through the double doors of the room. Joe stalked off into the night, letting the world's air solidify the agonizing tears that stained his cheeks, down to his neck.
END !! thanks 4 reading if u did and thank u 2 anybody who sees this !! now im gonna go ahead and pass out it's 11:45 PM and im sick 🩷
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thenebulaweasle · 1 month
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Big ol sketchdump
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beatleswings · 3 months
Headcanon: One of Don’s favorite bands is Hombres G (known for hits like “Devuélveme a mi chica”, “Venezia”, “Te Quiero”, and many others). He should be lucky that Carmen is a huge Hombres G fangirl. One day he surprises her with tickets to go see them in concert.
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Yesterday (november 11) all 16 participants of Benidorm Fest 2024 were revealed - the songs will be revealed on december 14th. I wanted to make this post talking about all the possible representants of Spain in ESC 2024, as a little intro to them and how their songs might sound like. As always, everything will be below the cut :)
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Arturo Almarcha Corella, better known as Almácor (Villena, 26) is an urban artist that started his career in 2019. He has released an EP since then, and has collabed with artists like Henry Mendez or Chimbabala. This year he was nominated in the Best New Urban Artist in the Los 40 Music Awards. His most popular song is DE TO', and his last released song is Pop Tech.
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Angy Fernández (Palma, 33) is a LEGEND and our very own emo princess, she's an icon. Her leap to fame was being the runner up in the first edition of Spanish X Factor, in 2007, but she became a phenomenon when she starred in iconic teen drama Física o Química (2008-2011) as Paula Blasco. She also released various albums and songs, like the hit and iconic emo bop Sola en el silencio. After the show she has appeared in various TV programs like Tu Cara Me Suena, and has continued making music as well as acting in theatre, cinema and TV shows. Her last released song is Dualidad.
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Jorge de la Cruz Correa, better known as Dellacruz (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) is a Canarian urban pop singer that started his own singing career in 2019 after ample experience as a songwriter; he has written songs for artists such as Sergio Dalma, Xuso Jones, or Dvicio, among many others. His most known song is La Trama, whereas his last released song is Tocamos Cielo.
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Jorge González González (Madrid, 35) first rose to fame after competing in OT 2006, and he since has been in two Spanish preselections for ESC 2009 and 2014. He has also participated in The Voice and in Tu Cara Me Suena, where he won in the 2020 edition. His most famous song is Por Besarte, and his last released song is Agüita.
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Lérica is a duo composed of Tony Mateo (San Fernando, 29) and Juan Carlos Arauzo formed in 2015 that sings pop infused flamenco and urban music, and have collabed with very big artists like Belinda, Gente de Zona, Abraham Mateo (brother of Tony Mateo), Cali y el Dandee or Juan Magán. They have 14 platinum albums and 9 golden ones, and are right now the most listened to Spanish duo in terms of streams. Their most famous song is Flamenkito, and their latest released song is Un Rato pa Siempre.
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Mantra is a pop band made out of Carlos Marco (Alacant, 31), Paula Pérez and Charly Weinberg (Madrid, 25), born in 2020 when the three friends decided to start a project together. All three have been in the music industry for a long time; Carlos Marcos is the most-known of them, as he was part of the boyband Auryn (alongside Spain's representant in ESC 2021, Blas Cantó), who participated in the ESC 2011 preselection. They have an up-beat and positive attitude in their songs, and have released their first album in 2023. Their most popular song is No Te Esperaba, and their latest single is ¿Te Acuerdas o No?.
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María Peláe (Málaga, 33) is an icon and a flamenco singer known for her witty and ironic lyrics, with a modern spin on traditional sounds. She started her career in 2016 after studying Anthropology and Social Work in university, and so her songs usually have a social message. In fact, in 2023 she was awarded the Rainbow Award by the Ministry of Equality for her work in the LGBTQ+ scene. A song I really recommend of hers regarding this is La Niña, a very fun song about wlws (also the music video is soooo). She has released two albums - the second of which won an Odeón to Best Flamenco Album, and has participated in various TV shows like Tu Cara Me Suena. Her most popular song is Por si te vas, and her latest single is Letra Menúa.
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MARLENA is an indie pop duo composed by Ana Legazpi (voice) and Carolina Moyano (guitar) that formed a band in 2017 when they decided to participate in X Factor Italy. They became friends with Damiano and Victoria from Maneskin, and decided to name themselves after one of their songs, Torna a Casa, where the name Marlena appears. They even sing some of Maneskin's song in their concerts. In 2021 they were nominated for Best New Artist or Group in the Los 40 Music Awards, and have collabed with Nil Moliner, La Pegatina or Despistados. I listen to their song bailamorena at least once a week (i wish i was joking), tho their most popular song is Me Sabe Mal. Their latest released song is Red Flags.
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Miss Caffeina, formed by Alberto Jiménez (voice), Sergio Sastre (guitar and keyboard) and Antonio Poza (bass) is definitely the biggest name this edition. They are a staple in the indie rock scene since their inception in 2006, and are especially staples in music festivals all over the country and abroad. They have realeased three albums and an EP, and their most known song is the modern classic Mira Cómo Vuelo, with over 13 m views on youtube. Their last released single is Para toda la vida.
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Nebulossa is an electropop band formed by María Bas (voice) and Mark Dasousa (producer, synths). They debuted in 2021, and define their formula as MPYMS (A lot of Pop and a lot of Synths), basing their music on the sounds an rhythms of the 80s. Their most popular song is GLAM, and their latest song is 1N84.
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Noan (Zarautz, 25) is a pop-rock indie artist that debuted in 2020. He has collabed with zzoilo or El Sueño de Morfeo, and I personally really enjoy his collab with Paula Koops, Odio que te Quiero. His most popular song is ME MATA(S), and his latest song is Zero (which is a cover btw).
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Quique Niza (Madrid, 20) is a musical theatre actor who has been performing all of his life; some of his notable roles are Kurt von Trapp in The Sound of Music, and Danny Zuko in Grease (I saw him live here, and he's incredible!). He has also appeared in some TV shows, like UPA Next and Días Mejores. He has only released one song so far, Ardo.
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Roger Padrós (Polinyà, 26) is a Catalan singer and piano player that first rose to fame as a participant in The Voice. He has since released an EP and an album, with songs both in Spanish and Catalan (he has confirmed his song for Benidorm Fest will be in Catalan). He is also the resident musician of Casa Batlló, in Barcelona. His most popular song is Digue'm, and his latest song is El Buit.
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Sofia Coll i Benito (Barcelona, 24) is a singer, actress, and dancer who rose to fame as a participant of The Voice Kids when she was 14, although she didn't release music until 2019, with songs that mixed Spanish and English. She was one of the protagonist of the TV show Bany Compartit (I watched the first episode while writing this, it's really fun and I really recommend it! Episodes are around 10 minutes long, and you can find all of them in RTVE Play and Youtube; they're in catalan, but there's Spanish subs available), and she was one of the dancers in Rosalía's mv for Fucking Money Man. Finally, she participated in the Catalan music contest Eufòria this year, ending up 4th. Her most popular song is Tú Mente y Yo Corazón, and her latest song is Génesis: Alive.
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Pedro Hernández, better known as st. Pedro (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) is an urban artist, rising to fame due to The Voice, where he participated in 2017. Through the program he met Juanes, his musical godfather. He has know collabed with Alizzz in Miami, where he lives now. His most known song is Cerca del Sol, and his latest song is No es lo que toca.
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Yoly Saa (Pontevedra) is a Galician singer-songwriter singing in Spanish that has been making music since 2020, although she has also composed for other artists such as Luz Casal o Malú. She has released an EP and a full album, and participated in Dúos Increíbles in 2022. Her most popular song is Todo contigo, and her latest song is Mal de altura.
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victormalonso · 1 year
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tash-scout · 7 months
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Playlist additions from last couple weeks
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albums-log · 20 days
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itzybitzyritzzy · 5 months
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Flamenco Dancer character for a Client on Twitter! Birds are hard but they loved it! want soomething like this? my comms are open!
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arrozaurus · 10 months
people that where obsessed with ska some years ago and in the present would be delighted to know that it was a big thing in spain from like the 90s to the end of 2000s
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sergio-bc · 6 months
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haveyouheardthisband · 6 months
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singeratlarge · 4 months
SONG OF THE WEEK: “Love That’s Here to Stay”https://johnnyjblairsingeratlarge.bandcamp.com/track/love-thats-here-to-stay-3 —This song came to me as I was taking a break from a cruise ship gig, disembarking on the Caribbean Island of Eleuthera. I ventured away from the tourist-y area to walk on a long, quiet highway. Then I came across an abandoned church, now a hurricane-blasted shell. There was something calmly defiant and timeless about that setting, and that informed this song. The title refracts on the George & Ira Gershwin song, "Love is Here to Stay." From there my lyrics draw from public conversations I overheard about how some people rose above their problems + a C.S. Lewis essay ("...evil cannot stand alone in the blaze of a glorious light”).
The music is a flamenco-glam rock groove built on a re-working of the bass line from "The Model" by Kraftwerk. On a cosmic jukebox, this song would playlist between T. Rex, David Bowie, Mick Ronson, and tango legend Carlos Gardel. Listen & download here: https://johnnyjblairsingeratlarge.bandcamp.com/track/love-thats-here-to-stay-3
#gershwin #Eleuthera #glamrock #flamencorock #Caribbean #artrock #DavidBowie #MickRonson #Kraftwerk #TRex #MarcBolan #TheModel #CSLewis #CarlosGardel #JohnnyJBlair #singersongwriter #singeratlarge
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shamanluna-radio-prog · 4 months
Una de las mejores de ellos dioses Triana
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just-a-bit-quirky · 9 months
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